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Q1. (a) Write classification and properties of cast iron. (b) Explain the properties and uses of Stainless steel. Or (a) Explain the Rockwell hardness test. (b) What is Eutectic, Hypo-eutectic, and Hyper-eutectic? (c) Draw and explain the cooling curve for pure iron Q2. (a) What is Bourdon pressure gauge? Explain it. (b) List the various types of Errors and explain any one of it. (c) Describe any one method of temperature measurement. Or (a) Describe the main part of lathe machine with neat sketch. Also explain the working principal of a lathe and list the various operations performed on it. (b) Briefly explain the Sin-bar Q3. (a) A fluid 300 m long has a slop of 1 in 100 and taper from 1 m diameter at the high end to 0.5 m at the low end Quantity of water flowing is 5400 liters/min. If the pressure at the high end is 70 Kpa. Find the pressure at the low end. (b) How turbines are classified? Explain Pelton wheel turbine. Or (a) Differentiate between the following:(i) Laminar flow & Turbulent flow. (ii) Reciprocating pump & Centrifugal Pump. (b) State and prove Bernoullis equation.

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(7) (5) (8) (7) (6) (7)

(14) (6) (10)

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Q4. A boiler is equipped with a chimney height. The flue gases which pass through (20) the chimney is at temperature of 228 oC, where as the atmospheric temperature is 21oC, If the air flow is 18 Kg/KG of fule burnt. Find:(i)The theoretical draught produced in mm of water and in height of hot gases column. (ii) Velocity of flue gases if 50% of theoretical draught is lost. Or

(a) Explain Vapour Absorption Cycle with neat diagram. Also write Its merits/demerits over VCC. (b) Explain Cochran boiler in detail with neat sketch. Q5. (a) Compare between S.I engines & C.I Engines (b) Explain the working of 4-Stroke Diesel Engine (c) A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 20 and cut-off takes place at 5% of the stroke. Find the air standard efficiency. Assume = 1.4 Or (a) An air standard Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 6. The temperature at the start of compression process is 25 C and the pressure is 1 bar. If the maximum temperature of the cycle is 1150 C, calculate:(i) The heat supplied per Kg of air. (ii) Net work done per Kg of air. (iii) Thermal efficiency of cycle. Assume Y = 1.4, Cv = .0778KJ/Kg.K of air. (b) Explain Carnot cycle and derive an expression for efficiency of Carnot cycle.

(10) (10) (5) (7) (8)



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