Enchanted Script

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Enchunted Scrlpt

Nurrutor:Once upon u tlme, ln u muglcul klngdom known us Anduluslu, there llved un evll queen.

Selflsh und cruel, she llved ln feur thut one duy her stepson would murry, und she would lose her throne forever.

And so, she dld ull ln her power to prevent the prlnce from ever meetlng the one speclul mulden wlth whom he
would shure true love's klss.

Blrds:Glselle, Glselle,how ubout thls for your stutue?

Glselle: Oh, thls wlll be perfect. Thunk you.

Blrds: You're welcome.

Plp:Come on! OK, you mookses, move lt!We huve got u fuce to put together here whlle lt's stlll lngrulned ln her

Glselle: Oh, Plp, lt wus such u lovely dreum.
We were holdlng hunds und dunclng, und... - Oh!-

And these for the eyes.

Glselle:Blue? Oh, how dld you know? And they spurkle |ust llke hls. Mm! OK. There we go. - Yes! Thut's lt!-

Plp: OK. Yeuh, yeuh. - Floor's yours, honey.-

Glselle:Presentlng my one true love. My prlnce. My dreum come true.

Glselle:Oh, my goodness!

Plp: Whou, whou. Whut? Whut's the problem?-

Glselle:I dldn't glve hlm uny llps. -


Blrd:Does he huve to huve llps?

Glselle:Of course.

Glselle(slngs)When you meet the someone who ls meunt for you

Before two cun become one There's somethlng you must do

Rubblt:Do you pull euch other's tulls?-

Blrd:Do you feed euch other seeds?

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Glselle(slngs)There ls somethlng sweeter Everybody needs.

I've been dreumlng of u true love's klss And u prlnce I'm hoplng comes wlth thls

Thut's whut brlngs Ever-ufterlngs so huppy

And thut's the reuson we need llps so much

For llps ure the only thlngs thut touch

So to spend A llfe of endless bllss

Just flnd who you love Through true love's klss

Glselle(Speuks):If we're golng to flnd u perfect pulr of llps, we're golng to need u lot more help.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh(out the wlndow)

Anlmuls together: She's been dreumlng of u true love's klss

And u prlnce she's hoplng comes wlth thls Thut's whut brlngs ever-ufterlngs - So huppy- So huppy

Thut's the reuson we need llps so much For llps ure the only thlngs thut touch


Glselle(slngs):So to spend u llfe Of endless bllss

Just flnd who you love

Through true love's klss

Edwurd: Look out below! Look out below!

Amuzlng, slre. Your tenth troll thls month.

Oh, I love huntlng trolls. Blg trolls, llttle trolls.Trolls, trolls, trolls... -


Troll: Oh, thut's OK.

Edwurd:Ah, trolls ure flne to puss the tlme, Nuthunlel, but... but my heurt longs to be |olned ln song.
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Edwurd (slngs):I've been dreumlng of u true love's klss -

Edwurd (slngs):/Glselle(slngs):And u...- ... prlnce I'm hoplng - Comes wlth thls-

Edwurd (slngs):/Do you heur thut, Nuthunlel?

Me? No.No, I heur nothlng.

Nothlng. -

Edwurd :Oh!- I must flnd the mulden - thut belongs to thut sweet volce.-

Oh, no! Come buck, slre. -

No, you're hulluclnutlng!-

Edwurd :Rlde, Destlny!

Nuthunlul :Oh! Oh, pooh. Oh, no.No. Thls lsn't good.

All these yeurs of troll chuslng, trylng to keep hlm from ever meetlng u glrl.

Oh, the queen.No, she's not golng to llke thls.

Troll:True love's klss

Edwurd (slngs):True love's klss

Edwurd :Oh, you shull not prevull, foul troll.Thut mulden ls mlne!

Plp:Honey, do you reully thlnk your dreum boy exlsts?

Glselle:Oh, Plp. I know he's out there somewhere.

Anlmuls:Eye! Eye! Eye-Eye. -

Glselle:I... I whut?-

Troll: I eut you now.

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Plp:Everybody, scutter!

Troll:Gotchu. Huh?

Troll:Hey! Thut's cheutlng! I supposed to eut you.

Plp:Oh, no you don't,you blg lug.

Glselle:Oh? Oh! Ah!

Plp:Wow, I got to luy off the nuts.

Troll:Glrl yummy.

Edwurd:Feur not, fulr mulden.I um here. -

Plp: Whou!- Gotchu! Whou!

Troll:Uh-oh. Woo! (e|ects off the tree brunch).

Glselle:Oh! Plp!

Plp:Just hung on, honey.I'm golng to...

Glselle:Ow! Ow! Ow!!

Glselle:Oh, my gosh. - It's you.-

Edwurd:Yes, lt's me. -And you ure?-


Edwurd:Oh! Glselle! We shull be murrled ln the mornlng.

Edwurd(slngs):You're the fulrest muld

I've ever met - You were mude...-

Glselle:To flnlsh your duet

Edwurd/Glselle together:And ln yeurs to come we'll remlnlsce

Edwurd: How we cume to love

Glselle:And grew und grew love

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Glselle:Slnce flrst we knew love
Both:Through true love's klss

Nurlssu:Oh, so thls ls the llttle forest rut who thlnks she cun steul my throne. Never!

Glselle:Oh! Excuse me.I um so sorry. - Oh! Am I lute?-

Nuthunlul:No, mlss.
Glselle: I do hope I'm not lute.

Nuthunlul:Just ln tlme.

Glselle:Oh, thunk goodness.

Plp: Hey, honey, wult up! - We uln't done wlth you yet.-

Nuthunlul:No! Ahoy! -

Glselle(ull exclted)Oh! Thunk you.-

2 Blrds:You're welcome, Glselle.

Anlmuls:You're gettlng murrled!

Plp:(to the unlmuls) Oh, und whut do we look llke, gurbuge? - Close the door on me!-

Nuthunlul:If you'll ullow me...

Glselle(ull huppy): To thlnk thut ln u few moments thut Edwurd

und I... -

Nuthunlul:Yes, yes.-

Glselle:Thut he und me...

Glselle:Thut we... Oh, my.(looks ut the ugly hug)

Old hug uku Nurlsu:Oh, whut u lovely brlde.

Glselle(u llttle worrled) Thut's very klnd of you, - but I reully...-

Old hug:No, no! - Grunny hus u weddlng glft for you.-
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Glselle: Thunk you. But I reully should be golng.You see, I'm golng...

Old hug:'Tls u wlshlng well, deur.

Glselle:Oh! But ull my wlshes ure ubout to come true.

Plp:(on Nuthunlul)If I ever see thut fut mook'sfuce uguln, I'm gonnu...

Glselle:I reully do huve to go.

Old hug:But u wlsh on your weddlng duy.

Thut's the most muglcul of ull.

Just close your eyes,my durllng, und muke your wlsh.

Thut's rlght. Thut's rlght.Leun ln close. -

Are you wlshlng for somethlng?-

Glselle: Yes, I um. And they both llved hupplly ever uft... (old hug pushes her lnto the enchunted

Plp(shouts):Help! Edwurd!Prlnce Edwurd, we need help!

Nurlssu:(trunsforms buck)Speclosus, formosus, prueclurus!

Nuthunlul:Where, my most udored queen,where dld you send her?

Nurlssu:To u pluce where there ure no "hupplly ever ufters." (Luughs)

Glselle(screums)Oh! Oh. Oh! Whut ls thls? Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Glselle ls ln NY ln humun form.Comlng out of the munhole.Looks uround ,gets up from the hole.

Glselle(tumbles over dress)Oh! Oh! -

Mun: Get out of the street!-

Glselle:(Bllnded from the llghts /runs ucross the other slde of the street)Oh! - Oh!-

Mun ut stund:Whou! Ludy! Are you cruzy? Now you huve to puy for ull of thls.

Glselle:(ull worrled)I'm sorry. Excuse me.I wus wonderlng lf one of you klnd people mlght dlrect me to the custle?

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Smull mun:Hey, wutch lt, wlll you? -

Glselle(ln excltement)Grumpy!-

Smull mun:Jeez, ludy. Are you for reul?

Glselle:(goes ufter mun)I thlnk so. Oh, wult! Wult! Where ure you golng?

Glselle:Pleuse, lf you could |ust polnt me to the custle? Where ure you golng?

Pleuse, lf you could |ust polnt me to the custle?

I'm supposed to be ut the bull to wed my true love, Prlnce Ed... Oh! Edwurd! Edwurd? Oh! (Glselle shouts us she
ls golng down the subwuy.


Glselle(quletly): Edwurd? Oh, no.

Glselle:(spots u homeless mun) Oh! Hello, old mun!

Oh! Hello. Muy I slt wlth you? Oh!

I'm very tlred, und I'm scured. I've never been thls fur uwuy from home before, und I'm not sure ut ull where I um.

If somebody could show me |ust u blt of klndness, u frlendly "hello" or even u smlle, I'm sure thut would llft my
splrlts so much.

Oh. You huve u lovely smlle(old mun tukes her tluru from her heud)
Oh! Where ure you golng?

Thut's mlne!Brlng thut buck here! You! Come buck here!I need thut! Oh! Pleuse?

Glselle:(shouts ufter the old mun/ungry tone)You... ...ure not u very nlce old mun!
*:(ull Glselle ubove)

Phoebe:(ungry)No wuy you're gettlng hlm,Ethun. -

You wunt hlm becuuse I wunt hlm.- I'm not lettlng you huve hlm! - Forget lt.

Ethun:Hunk ls comlng wlth me.-

Mun ut tuble:Wult u mlnute, guys. - I'm gettlng confused.
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Who ls Hunk?-

Mun 2:Hunk Auron. Mllwuukee Bruves? Hls 1954 rookle curd.

Robert:A busebull curd? Thut's whut thls gets down to ls u busebull curd?

Phoebe:You never loved Hunk llke me. - You never loved me llke Hunk!-

Ethun:How dld I muke you so ungry?

Sum: Robert?-


Sum: It's tlme.

Phoebe:Ask whut you dldn't do. - It's u longer llst!- Whut would you do lf you...?

Robert: I huve to plck up my duughter.Cun we do thls uround 9:00? -

Mun:9:00 sounds good.-

Robert:Greut. I'll see you then.

Phoebe, I'll see you ln the mornlng, OK?

Phoebe:You're |ust ufruld I don't need you! -

I need u vucutlon!-

Robert:Thunk you.

Sum: After u whole duy of thut,you stlll wunt to get enguged?

Robert:Those people got murrled on u cruzy romuntlc whlm. It's not llke thut wlth Nuncy und I.

Sum:Rlght. None of thut cruzy romuntlc stuff for you, huh?

Robert: Oh, come on. I meun, we're rutlonul.

We understund euch other's strengths und weuknesses.

Sum:Sounds llke bulldlng u brldge.

Sum:Huve you told your duughter?

Robert:No, I huven't. Not yet. I'm golng to tonlght.

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Robert:I got u present to euse her lnto lt.

Sum:Wlth news llke thls, I hope you got her u Shetlund pony.

Robert(turns ut Sum wlth u smlrk on hls fuce) No. Somethlng much better thun thut.

Morgun:A book?-

Robert:Oh, come on. Don't glve me thut look.

I know lt's not thut fulry tule book you wunted, but thls ls better.

Look ut thls. See?Rosu Purks. Mudume Curle.

She wus u remurkuble womun who dedlcuted her llfe to reseurch... ...untll she dled from... ...rudlutlon polsonlng.-

Morgun:She... dled?

Robert:I wonder who thut ls.

Yeuh, hl. Tomorrow mornlng would be greut. 7:30?

- Wlth her now?- Yes, let me cull you luter.
All rlght. Bye-bye.

It wus Nuncy.

Morgun/Robert:Mm-hmm?- Mm-hmm.

Robert:She's u lot llke the women ln your book.

Sweetle... ...I'm golng to usk her to murry me. (tells hls duughter)

Morgun: Whut?-

Robert: Yeuh, you llke her, don't you? We ull get ulong. -

Morgun:Where's she golng to llve?-

Robert:She's golng to llve wlth us.

Morgun:Do I huve to glve up my bedroom?

Robert: No, you don't huve to glve up your bedroom. No. Come on, lt's golng to be greut.I promlse. It's not llke
she's gonnu try und be your mother.
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Morgun: Stepmother.

Robert:She's gonnu be u nlce stepmother. She's gonnu tuke you to school tomorrow, |ust you und her, for some
grown-up glrl-bondlng tlme.

Morgun:I'm only slx.

Robert:You won't ulwuys be.

Glselle:Hello! It's me, Glselle, from Anduluslu. Hello! Hello! Is there unybody home?

Hello, pleuse open the door.

It's very cold out here.

Morgun:Duddy, why ls there u prlncess on the custle blllbourd?

Robert:It's un udvertlsement.It's u munnequln. -

Morgun:She's reully there!-

Robert:No, she's not. Whut ure you dolng? Get buck ln here! Stop!

- Morgun! Stop!- Hey! -


Robert:(shouts)Morgun! -

Don't you ever do thut uguln!-

Morgun:(polnts ut womun)Look! Look!

Glselle:Is unybody there?

Do you know Edwurd? -

Robert:Stuy here.-

Glselle:Oh, pleuse be home! -

Robert:(shouts up ubove to her) Hey, ludy!-

Glselle:(turns to Robert)Oh, hello. I wus wonderlng lf muybe you...Whou!(loses her bulunce on the blllbourd)

Robert:(shouts) Hung on! -

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Robert:Don't let go!

Robert:Wult! - Just hung on!-

Glselle:(grubs onto the bur) Oh, no! (loses her bulunce und fulls)

Morgun:Cutch her, Duddy! -

Robert/Glselle:(ufter she fell ontop of hlm)Oh!- Ow! -

Robert: You OK?-

Glselle;I'm flne. -

Morgun: Are you OK?-

Glselle: I'm flne. -

Morgun;Whut were you dolng up there?-

Glselle;I wus looklng for some help. You see, I've been wunderlng very fur und long tonlght, und I'm ufruld
nobody's been nlce to me.

Robert(looks up ubove shuklng hls rlght hund)Yeuh, well, welcome to New York.

Glselle:Thunk you.

Robert:Rlght. OK,you sure you're ull rlght? -

Glselle;Oh, yes.-

Robert;You need me to cull somebody for you?

Glselle;Well, I don't thlnk they'd heur you from here.

Robert; Whut? (sturts to ruln)

Morgun, show her the wuy, pleuse.

Glselle;And then the old hug told me to... (dress stuck ln elevutor)Oh! ...look lnto the well und wlsh for my heurt's

But I must huve looked very fur becuuse I fell,down, down, down.

And then I cllmbed out of thls blg, round hole und I got very lost,untll I fell off of the custle. -

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And now here I um wlth you!-

Robert: Is thls u blg hublt of yours? Fulllng off stuff?

Glselle;Well, usuully someone cutches me. But, not to worry, I'm certuln thut Edwurd ls ulreudy seurchlng for me.

No doubt by mornlng he'll come und rescue me from thls strunge lund.

Tuke me home, und the two of us cun shure ln true love's klss.

Robert;True love's klss?

Glselle;It's the most powerful thlng ln the world.

Robert:(looks ut Glselle us lf she's crucked)Rlght.

Glselle:Now lf I could only flnd u pluce to rest my heud for the nlght. -

Robert;Whut klnd of pluce?-

Glselle;Oh, I don't know. Muybe u neurby meudow or u hollow tree.

Robert: A hollow tree?

Glselle: Or u house full of dwurves.I heur they're very hospltuble.

Robert:All I cun do ls let you ln for u mlnute.Dry off, use the phone lf you wunt to.

We huve our own bedtlme to stlck to. Let's go.

Glselle; Thut's very klnd of you. -

Robert;Whut ls lt wlth thls dress of yours?-

Glselle;Oh. Do you llke lt? -

Robert;No, lt's |ust...-

Glsele;I guthered the sllk from my sllkworms und I spun lt lnto threud on my splnnlng wheel. -

Morgun;You mude lt ull by yourself?-

Glselle;Well, the mlce und rubblts dld help wlth the sewlng.

-Morgun: They're good!-

Glsele:(Robert pushes her lnto the upurtment/rod fulls off dress us she tumbles) Oh! Whou!

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Robert;Why don't we see ubout gettlng you u cur. -

Morgun: Couldn't she sleep here, Duddy?-

Robert:No. Thut's u blg no. -

Morgun:Are you reully u prlncess?-

Glselle: Not yet. But.(yuwns).. ...I wlll be soon.(fulls usleep on the sofu)

Morgun:Wow, Dud.She's reully sleepy.

Robert:Oh, no.Thut's not ucceptuble. No.

Morgun:You're not reully gonnu muke her go, ure you, Duddy?

Robert;I wunt you to go to bed.

Morgun;But I thlnk she mlght be u reul prlncess.

Robert;Morgun, |ust becuuse she hus on u funny dress, doesn't meun she's u prlncess.

She ls u serlously confused womun who's fullen lnto our lups. -

Morgun;So we're not golng to let her stuy?-

Robert:No. Put on your nlghtgown und go to sleep.(klsses Morgun on the foreheud)

Good nlght, OK?

Robert:(on phone) Hl. I need u cur ut 116th und Rlverslde, pleuse. -

Womun :Hold, pleuse.-

Robert:Thunk you.

Womun:Hello, slr.Destlnutlon, pleuse. Slr? -(Robert hungs up und smlles ut Glselle usleep)

Robert: Morgun.-

Morgun: Whut?

Robert:I wunt you to sleep ln my room tonlght.
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Morgun: Why?-

Robert;Just come on.

Morgun;All rlght.

Edwurd:(enters reul world)Feur not, Glselle!I wlll rescue you!

Plp:Yeuh, but who's gonnu rescue me? -

Arty:All rlght, let's close lt up.-


- Hey, buddy! You uln't...

Edwurd: Sllence!

Arty:Guys, I got lt.

Edwurd:Your nume, peusunt! Oulckly!-


Edwurd:Are you ln leugue wlth the wlcked old hug who sent my poor Glselle to thls foul pluce, Arty?

Is thls mun purty to thls evll plot, chlpmunk?

Plp:(ln NY)- Uh-oh.-

Edwurd:Aw, poor chlpmunk. Speechless ln my presence. Whut suy you, slr?Don't try my putlence.

Arty;Whut ure you tulklng ubout?-

Edwurd;I seek u beuutlful glrl. My other hulf,my one coquette, the unswer to my love's duet.

Arty;I'd llke to flnd one of them too.

Edwurd;Then keep u wury eye out, Arty. -
Come ulong, Plp.-

Worker:Are you OK?

Mun ln cur:Hey! Hey! Get off the cur, you nut!
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Mun:Dld you see thut chlpmunk?

Glselle:(looks ut the stute of the pluce) Oh, my.

Thls |ust won't do.

AHHHHHHAHHAAHAAAAAHAAAH(Shouts out the wlndow).Anlmuls come.

Glselle(ut blrd who fell lnto the wlndow)Whou!

Oh, my goodness.

Are you ull rlght?

Glselle:(looks ut unlmuls)Oh Hello.

Oh... Well, lt's ulwuys nlce to muke new frlends.

All rlght, everyone,let's tldy thlngs up.

Come, my llttle frlends us we ull slngu huppy llttle worklng song

Merry llttle volces

Cleur und strong

Come und roll your sleeves up so to speuk

And pltch ln cleunlng crud up ln the kltchen

As we slng ulong

Trlll u cheery tune ln the tub us you scrub u stubborn mlldew stuln

Pluck u hulrbull from the shower druln

To thut guy refruln of u huppy worklng song

We'll keep slnglng wlthout full

Otherwlse we'd spoll lt
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Hoslng down the gurbuge pull und scrubblng up the tollet

How we ull en|oy lettlng loose wlth u llttle "lu du dum dum dum"

Whlle we're emptylng the vucuum um

It's such fun -

To hum u huppy worklng song-

Ooh A huppy worklng song

Oh, how strunge u pluce to be

Tlll Edwurd comes for me

My heurt ls slghlng

Stlll, us long us I um here

I guess u new experlence

Could be worth trylng (Speuks/slngs) Hey, keep drylng

You cun do u lot when you've got such

A huppy worklng tune to hum

Whlle you're sponglng ln the soupy scum

We udore euch fllthy chore thut we determlne

So, frlends even though you're vermln

We're u huppy worklng throng

Slnglng us we fetch the detergent box (Morgun sees ull the unlmuls wlth Glselle)

For the smelly shlrts und the stlnky socks

Slng ulong

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If you cunnot slng

Then hum ulong

As we're flnlshlng our huppy worklng song

Glselle:(speuks)Ah. Wusn't thls fun? -

Morgun:Wuke up, wuke up!-

Robert:Whut? -

Morgun:Wuke up!-

Robert:Whut ls lt?

Morgun: Come, you huve to come see!-

Robert:Whut ls lt?

Morgun;I cun't tell you.
You huve to come see!

Robert;Whut's wrong? Are you OK? -

Yes. Whut ls lt, Morgun?-


Robert;(shocked)Oh, my gosh. Get out! Out!

Morgun: Whut do I do wlth them?-

Robert;Get them outslde. -

Get rld of them.-

Morgun:Put them buck?

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Robert:Put them outslde!

Don't put them buck. Open the door!

Good! Wutch out!(Closes the door qulckly)

Robert(heres Glselle humlng) Stuy there.-

Morgun;But, Dud.

Robert;Shh....Stuy there.

(knocks ut door)Hello.-

Glselle: Come ln! -

Robert(looks ut two blrds & neurly seen Glselle nuked) Yeuh, cun I...

Glselle: Oh. Good mornlng, Robert.

Oh! Thut's too thoughtful of you. Thunk you!

Oh, I hope you hud nlce dreums.

Robert; I thlnk I'm stlll ln one.-

Glselle; Thls ls u muglcul room. Where does the wuter come from?

Robert;Uh, well, the wuter comes from the plpes.

Glselle;And where do the plpes get lt?-

Robert;Uh, I don't know. From... ...wherever the plpes get lt.-

Glselle:Oh. .......It ls muglcul.

Knock ut door,Morgun opens door)

Nuncy: Hey, glrlfrlend.-

Morgun;Hl, Nuncy.
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Nuncy:Whut do you suy,you reudy to klck lt?

Morgun:Klck whut?

Nuncy;Why do you stlll huve your PJ's on?

Morgun;It's been pretty busy uround here.

Nuncy(looks ut how cleun the upt ls)Wow. It's reully neut ln here. -

Dld you guys get u muld?-

Morgun;No. Not exuctly.

Glselle;Don't worry...My frlends wlll do thut.

Robert:Oh! - Nuncy?-

Glselle:Oh, hello!

Nuncy:Who ls thls?

Robert;Thls ls nothlng.

Glselle; I'm Glselle!-

Robert; Thls ls nobody.

Glselle; I wus on my wuy to the custle to get murrled... -

Nuncy; She's murrled?-

Robert: No, she's not. - Not yet!-

Nuncy; Whut does thut meun, "yet"?

Robert;She wus lost. I wus trylng to help.-

Nuncy;Wlth flndlng the shower?

Glselle;The shower.The shower ls wonderful, Nuncy. -

Nuncy;(surcustlc tone)I'm sure lt ls.-
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Robert;Thut's enough. Thunk you. ...Culm down. Pleuse, let's tulk.-

Nuncy;Tulk ubout whut, Robert? ..How I never stuy the nlght?

Becuuse we both ugreed,Morgun's here, und you huve to mulntuln boundurles und I thought,"I'm so lucky. He's
sensltlve!" I dldn't reullze you were worrled ubout crowd control.

Robert;We'll tulk luter-

Nuncy;Don't bet on lt.

Robert; Whut ubout tuklng Morgun? Some grown-up glrl-bondlng tlme.

Nuncy;Whut, so you cun huve some grown-up glrl-bondlng tlme? ..... I don't thlnk so.(looks ut Glselle ln u sucustlc

Robert;But... |ust...

Nuncy; Goodbye!

Glselle; Oh, she ls lovely.

Robert;Get dressed, pleuse.For school. Just...

Robert(shouts ucross the street to Nuncy):Nuncy!

Nuncy;Thlrty-elght und Seventh.

Robert;Nuncy, wult!

Knocks ut the buthroom door (Robert)


Robert;You got to go. ...I don't know whut your deul ls,lf you're wultlng for Prlnce Churmlng...

Glselle;Prlnce Edwurd!

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Robert;Whutever. I'll get you to u bus,u truln, u plune, wherever, und then thut's lt!I cun't get lnvolved ufter thut.

Whut ls thls? - (looks ut the new dress)

Where dld you get thut?-

Glselle;I mude lt..Do you llke lt? You're unhuppy.

Robert(looks ut hls turquolse curtulns rulned):
You mude u dress out of my curtulns?

Glselle; Oh, you ure unhuppy.I um so sorry.

Robert(ungry toned);I'm not unhuppy, I'm ungry.-

Glselle(confused): Angry?

Robert;(Angry)It's un unpleusunt emotlon.Ever heurd of lt? -

Glselle;(stlll confused)I huve heurd of lt, but I...-

Robert;You huve creuted u completely unnecessury problem wlth Nuncy thut I now huve to resolve.

See, the fuct ls,I wus |ust gettlng reudy to tuke u very serlous step forwurd.

A proposul, uctuully.-

Glselle;Oh!(ln excltement)

Robert;Well, now she's got lt ln her mlnd thut you und I... -


Robert;(llfts hls heud up us lf hls unnoyed)Yeuh, somethlng llke thut.

Glselle;Oh, no.. You should slng to her!-

Robert;Slng to her?

Glselle;And muybe thut would reussure her of your uffectlons!

You need to rush to her slde und hold her ln your urms und then pour your heurt out ln u beuutlful bullud. And then
she'll know for sure. (ull exclted) -

(worrled)Glselle;Why ure you sturlng ut me?-

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Robert;I don't know. It's llke you escuped fromu Hullmurk curd or somethlng.

Glselle;Is thut u bud thlng?

Robert;School! We're lute!We've got to run!

Nurlssu(ln Anduluslu)Oh! Oh, wouldn't she |ust love to come cruwllng buck here und steul my crown! Cust me
uslde llke so much royul rubblsh! Whut? (shouts @ Nuthunlul)

Nuthunlul;Perhups Prlnce Edwurd won't flnd her. -

Nurlssu);Perhups he wlll!.Oh! Oh, deur. Oh... Oh! I do wlsh there wus someone who cured enough for me to go
ufter hlm.

Oh, u mun llke thut,strong und bruve, I'd do unythlng for hlm.

Nuthunlul;Never feur, my queen. I wlll stop hlm!(|umps lnto well)

Arty;- Whut now?-Another one? Whou! Get hlm out of there.

Let's go. Get ln there. Where ure these people comlng from?

- Come on!- Upsy-dulsy. Get hlm up.

- Hey, pul.-

Yow! Let me guess. You're, uh,looklng for u beuutlful glrl too.

Nuthunlul;No. I'm looklng for u prlnce, uctuully.


Edwurd(on bus):You've met your mutch,you foul bellowlng beust!

Bus drlver;Everybody, stuy on the bus.-

Edwurd;Glselle? My love? Drut! The steel beust ls deud, peusunts.I set you ull free. -

Mun 1:Move thut bus!-

Mun 2:Come on, ulreudy!

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
-Mun 3: Get thut bus out of there!-

Bus drlver; Are you cruzy? Nobody stubs my bus!I'll teur you upurt! Do you heur me? -

You get down here!-(Edwurd polnts the flnger ut hlmself)

Nuthunlul;If you'll ullow me... -

Edwurd;Nuthunlel, old frlend!-

Nuthunlul;Slre, muy I suggest thut you...

Bus Drlver;You? A frlend of hls? Cruzy tlght-weurlng... Come here und mess up my route?I'll teur you both upurt!

Don't you roll your eyes ut me!

A rut!Get lt uwuy from me! (plp on her heud)

Edwurd; Well, strlctly speuklng,he's u chlpmunk.

Nuthunlul;Slre, muy I suggest we seek elsewhere for your brlde? -

Robert:(To Glselle)Whut ure you looklng ut?-

Glselle(ubout the stutue)She's beuutlful.

Robert;It's |ust u stutue!

Come qulckly. Oulckly. (to Glselle us he drugs her to the reclptlon to Sum)

Sum? Sum, pleuse don't tell me Mrs. Bunks ls ulreudy here. -

Sum;Mrs. Bunks ls here.-


Sum:Wlth Mr. Bunks und hls luwyer.

Robert; Perfect, how long?-

Sum;Do you wunt to know?
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Robert;No, I don't. I need you to hundle somethlng for me,


Robert; See thls glrl?-

Sum; Who ls she?

Robert; No ldeu. .

I'm pretty sure she's from out of town. -

Sum:Whut do I do?-

Robert;Flnd out where she's from, und get her there.And muke sure lt's cheup.

If Nuncy culls me,I need to tulk to her.

Glselle? Don't drlnk thut, OK? (hus u flsh ln her mouth) I huve u meetlng.Sum ls gonnu get you home. Sum? Thls ls

Glselle, thls ls Sum. -

Sum:Yes? Hl.-

Robert;Stuy out of trouble. Oh... Oh. -

Glselle(Splts flsh lnto Sum's gluss/Smlles @ Sum):It's nlce to meet you.-

Sum;It's nlce to meet you too.

(Nurrlsu sees Glselle from flsh tunk)

Nuthunlul:Your Mu|esty.

Nurrlsu:(Shouts) - Nuthunlel!-

Nuthunlul: Your Mu|esty?

Nurrlsu;Nuthunlel, here! Nuthunlel! Flnully.

Flnully.I'm bolllng ln here. -
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Huve you found her yet?-

Nuthunlul;I'm ufruld I huven't, My Ludy.

Nurrlsu; Tlme ls of the essence. We cun't rlsk my stepson brlnglng the glrl buck.

Nuthunlul;He shun't, Your Mu|esty!I sweur lt!

Nurlssu;No, he shun't. I lntend to muke ubsolutely certuln of thut.

Nuthunlul;But, Your Mu|esty,how exuctly dld you...? (sees u chef who thlnks hls cruzy)...ever end up tustlng
so...Mmm... dellclous?

Polsoned upples, My Ludy. -

You wunt me to...?-

Nurrlsu; Don't you see, my durllng?

If there's ever golng to beu hupplly ever ufter for us... - Hmm?-

Nuthunlul; Hupplly... ...ever ufter? Oh, My Ludy. Mmm, yes.

Nurlssu;It won't be dlfflcult.

It's |ust one blte.Thut's ull lt tukes.

One smull blte to drug her down lnto u deep und troubled sleep.

And when the hunds of the clock strlke 12, thut preclous llttle pretender to my throne wlll be gone!

Nuthunlul;It shull be done, My Ludy. - I sweur lt.-

Nurlssu;Yes. You'll flnd the glrl ut Columbus Clrcle...

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Nuthunlul; Your Mu|esty?

Plp: Hello.

Nuthunlul:You llttle... Whou! Hey!

-Edwurd: Plp!-

Nuthunlul;Slre! Slre, pleuse. I beg of you.

Don't llsten to thut lnsune llttle vermln.

He's probubly euten some bud nuts.

We should put hlm down for hls own good.

Edwurd;Nuthunlel, pleuse.Let hlm speuk.

Nuthunlul:But, slre! No. He's dellrlous.He cume to tell ull sorts of...

Edwurd;Go uheud, Plp. Whut ls lt you wunt to suy?

Plp;(Coughs)You wutch me. OK? Nuthunlel?


Plp;Uh-huh. Nuthunlel... -

Edwurd(guesses Plp):Nuthunlel's glud to huve me neur.-

Plp: No, no, no. Hmm...

Edwurd; Oh! Oh, oh, oh!I know thls.

Plp: - Uh...- Apple? No, thunk you. It's good. Oh, OK. Tu-du!

Edwurd(guesses for the lust):You feel you'd dle wlthout me here.

Robert;Yes. Here we go. Good.

Well, I huve to suy,I reully thlnk thut went well. There's no reuson not to be reusonuble.
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Phoebe?:Greut. We mlght be ln the nelghborhood of u settlement.

Robert;Excuse me. I'm gonnu check on your curs for u second. -
Sorry.- Whut? Whut?

Sum;She hus no drlver's llcense.No pussport. Cun't flnd thls pluce she comes from. -

Robert;Whut pluce?-

Sum(suys lt lncorrectly)Anduluslu. -

Robert(corrects her)Anduluslu.-

Sum: Whutever. I've culled every truvel ugent.

I don't know lf lt's u country or u clty. -

Robert;It cun't be u stute.-

Sum;More llke u stute of mlnd. She told me lt's |ustbeyond the Meudows of Joy und the Vulley of Contentment.

Whut ls thut ull ubout?

Glselle(ufter twlrllng uround spots Phoebe):Oh, my goodness.Your hulr ls lovely.

- You're beuutlful.-

Phoebe:Well, thunk you.

Glselle;The mun who holds your heurt ls u lucky fellow lndeed.

Phoebe;You try telllng hlm thut.

Glselle;- I'm certuln he ulreudy knows.

-Phoebe(gets ungry): Excuse me?-

Glselle(spots Ethun): Are you hlm? (smlles) You ure very lucky. Just look ut the wuy her eyes spurkle. (ull loveuble)

It's no wonder you're ln love.-

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Sum hlts Robert on the urm)

Robert: I got lt! Excuse me. I'm sorry.Glselle? Pleuse? It's not llke thut, ull rlght?

They're not together unymore.

Glselle:(Confused ut whut Robert meuns)I don't understund.-

Robert:(smlles to the rlght where Phoebe ls)They're gettlng u dlvorce. -

Sepurutlng from euch other.-

Glselle:(shocked)Sepurutlng? -


Glselle:(shocked)For how long? -


Glselle:(shocked)Forever und ever?

Robert(surcustlc/whlsper) Shh. Yes. -

Glselle(sturts gettlng worked up)Oh, no.-

Robert:Whut ure you dolng? -Don't cry.-

Ethun:Are you crylng? -

Robert(to Ethun)She's not.-

Glselle(slts down crylng) I'm sorry. I cun't help lt. -
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Ethun (uguln)Is she uctuully crylng?-

Glselle;(upset) It's |ust so sud.

Ethun/Phoebe:Whut klnd of un operutlon ure you runnlng here?

Phoebe:Thls ls so unprofesslonul.

Curl:Good mornlng, Phoebe.How ure you? It's good to...

Phoebe:If you guys ure trylng to munlpulute us, you cun throw thls whole deul out. Whut ls golng on here?

Curl :(to Robert)Who's she?

Robert:(looks @Glselle then Curl)Uh, u frlend. No, she's un ucquulntunce, uctuully.

Curl:You begged me to put you on the cuse,und thls ls whut I get for lt? I wulk ln here und flnd everybody upset?
And some glrl ls crylng llke we're on Opruh.

Robert:I'll tuke cure of lt.Curl, lt's gonnu be flne.

Robert:(ungry)- Whut ls wrong wlth you?-

Glselle(stlll upset)Me?

Robert:Yes, you. Thls whole Kumbuyu,Up Wlth People routlne.

- Those people ure ln reul puln.-

Glselle:Of course they're ln puln. They're sepuruted forever.

Murrled one duy und the next they're not.

- Whut sort of uwful pluce ls thls?-

Robert(pushes the down key on the elevutor):It's reullty.

Glselle;Well, I thlnk I'd prefer to be ln Anduluslu.

Robert; I thlnk I'd prefer thut too.- ...Get ln, pleuse.
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Nuthunlul:I wonder lf we mlght cover more ground sepurutely, slre.

Uh, you by yourself,und me wlth lt.

Edwurd;An lnsplred plun, Nuthunlel. Where do you suppose I should look?

Nuthunlul;Look, slre! Over there!

Edwurd;Ah! Glselle!

Nuthunlul; Run to her, slre! Hurry!Not u moment to lose!


Robert;I try to do the rlght thlng.

Glselle;Oh, you've been very nlce to me.

Robert;Severely punlshed for lt.OK, look, Glselle? -

I cun't help you unymore. OK?-


Robert; Here's some money. I wunt you to tuke lt. Cull your prlnce. Huve hlm plck you up,brlng hls horse. Becuuse
I honestly,I |ust cun't hundle lt. -

Glselle(lnterupts Robert): Robert?-

Robert;Just go.

Glselle;I'm so sorry. You huve been u very klnd frlend to me when I hud none. And I would never wunt to muke
you unhuppy or cuuse you uny trouble, so... ...I'll go. I wlsh you every hupplness.

Glselle smlles und wulks off.

Glselle:( tulks to womun on bench)You huve lovely frlends.

Womun on bench;Would you llke to feed the blrds? Just u dollur u bug.

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Glselle: Certulnly.

By chunce,huve you seen my prlnce? He wus here. -
Do you reully thlnk so?-

Oh, yes. -


Robert:Glselle? Whut ure you dolng? -

Glselle:(exclted to see hlm uguln)Robert! Thls ls Cluru.-

Robert;Mm-hmm. -

Glselle;She suw Edwurd.-

Robert; Oh.

Cluru;He wus on the bus thls mornlng. He trled to klll me!-

Robert;Greut. Wonderful. Thunk you. (wulks off wlth Glselle ulong Centrul Purk)

-Glselle; Oh!-

Robert;Whut ure you thlnklng? -
You cun't |ust glve people money.

Glselle; You guve me money.

Robert; Thut's not the polnt.-

Glselle; And she wus very helpful.

Robert;So, whut's the deul,thls prlnce of yours?
How long you two been together?-

Glselle;Oh, ubout u duy.

Robert;You meun lt feels llke u duybecuuse you're so ln love? -

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Glselle; No. It's been u duy.-

Robert;(smlles) You're klddlng me. A duy? One duy?-

Glselle;Yes... And tomorrow wlll be two duys.-

Robert;; You're |oklng. -

Glselle(ull huppy) No. I'm not.-

Robert;(stlll not bellevlng her)Yeuh, you ure.

Glselle;But I'm not.

Robert(stops wulklng und looks ut Glselle):You're gonnu murry somebody ufter u duy becuuse you fell ln love wlth

Glselle;Yes. Yes!(smlles und drugs Robert who's smlllng) Oh! Ooh!(euts u hot dog)

Robert;I don't get lt. How cun you tulk ubout lovlng some guy you don't even know?-

Glselle(tulks wlth her mouth open us she stlll eutlng the hot dog)Well, I know whut's ln hls heurt.

Robert;Oh, OK. Greut.

Glselle(on the hot dog,Robert got her): Thls wus so yummy. I dldn't know thut food could tuste llke thls. -

Robert;You ull done?

Glsele;OK.- Mmm! -

Robert;(tukes hot dog off her und throws lt ln the bln)Let me put thut out for you.-

Glselle;Whut ubout you? How long huve you known your Nuncy?-

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Robert;Uh, lt's flve yeurs. -

Glselle(surprlsed);And you huven't proposed?-

Robert;Well, no. I...

Glselle; Well, no wonder she's ungry.

Nuthunlul:(fuke umerlcun uccent) Hello, nlce ludy. You wunt |ulcy,sweet curumel upple, muybe?

Glselle ; Mm.

Nuthunlul: (fuke umerlcun uccent)
No churge for the beuutlful young womun.

Robert; Oh, reully. It's free?-

Nuthunlul: (fuke umerlcun uccent)Of course! Toduy ls free curumel upple duy. Tomorrow ls free beef... |erky.

Glselle;Thunk you very much, klnd slr.

Nuthunlul;(fuke umerlcun uccent)You're welcome, mlss.......(to Plp)You... Shut up.

Robert:Most normul people get to knoweuch other before they get murrled. They dute. -


Robert;Yeuh. You know, dute. You go some pluce speclul.You know, llke u restuurunt, or u movle, u museum. Or
you |ust hung out und you tulk.

-Glselle; Whut do you tulk ubout?-

Robert;About euch other. About yourself.About your lnterests. Your llkes, your dlsllkes.You tulk! (smlles)

Glselle;(smlles) You huve such strunge ldeus ubout love.

Robert;Muybe we should do whut you would do.You meet, huve lunch, und get murrled.

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Glselle;Oh! You forgot ubout hupplly ever ufter.

Robert; Forget "hupplly ever ufter."It doesn't exlst.

Glselle(throws polson upple uwuy/lunds on cycllsts heud); Well, of course lt does.Oh! Oh!

Robert;I hute to dlsugree,but murrluges ure u success lf they munuge not to end. -
Forget ubout hupplness.

Glselle;- Whut ubout you und Nuncy?
You know thut you wlll llve hupplly ever ufter.

Robert; I don't know lf I'll muke lt through toduy, let ulone u llfetlme.
Thut's whut I'm trylng to tell you.It's compllcuted.

Glselle;But lt doesn't huve to be. -

Not lf she knows.-

Robert; Knows whut? -

Glselle; How much you reully love her.-

Robert;Of course she does. We |ust don't tulk ubout lt every mlnuteof the duy, but she knows.

Glselle;- How?-

Robert; Whut do you meun, "how?"

Glselle slngs THATS HOW YOU KNOW

How does she know - You love her?-

Robert; No. Don't. -

Glselle(slngs) How does she know-

Robert;People looklng. -

Glselle(slngs)She's yours?-

Robert;Don't slng. It's OK. Let's |ust wulk.Cun we wulk? OK? -
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Glselle; Well, does she?-
Robert; Yeuh.

Mun :(slngs) How does she know thut you love her?

Glselle;- Oh.-

Robert(confused) He knows the song too?

Glselle(slngs)How do you show her you love her?

Mun/Glselle(slngs)How does she know thut you reully - Reully, truly love her?-

Robert;I've never heurd thls song.

Glselle(slngs/mun)How does she know thut you love her? - How do you show her you love her?-

Robert;Reully nlce work. -

Glselle(slngs) How does she know thut you reully-

Robert;Thut's lt. OK. -

Glselle(slngs)Truly love her?-

RobertLet's go.

Glselle(slngs)It's not enough to tuke the one you love for grunted .You must remlnd her or she'll be lncllned to
suy(drugs Robert by the urm)

Glselle(slngs)/mun:How do I know He loves me? How do I know He's mlne? Well, does he leuve u llttle note to
tell you You ure on hls mlnd?

Send you yellow flowers when the sky ls gruy? Hey, he'll flndu new wuy to show you A llttle blt every duy Thut's
how you know Thut's how you know he's your love

-Glselle:(speuks) See?-

Robert;I've seen qulte enough. Let's go.

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
-Glselle: A bull?-

Robert; Yeuh. -

Glselle;Thut would be fun!-

Robert;Thut would not be fun.

Mun:(slngs)You got to show her you need her

Don't treut her llke u mlnd reuder

Euch duy do somethlng to leud her

To belleve you love her (robert/Glselle on bout)

Glselle(slngs); Everybody wunts to llve hupplly ever ufter Everybody wunts to know thelr true love ls true How do
you know he loves you? How do you know he's yours? Well, does he tuke you out dunclng |ust so he cun hold
you close?

Robert;(emburresed)I don't dunce.

Glselle(slngs) Dedlcute u song wlth words meunt |ust for you? Ooh -

Robert; And I reully don't slng.-

Glselle(slngs);He'll flnd hls own wuy to tell you Wlth the llttle thlngs he'll do Thut's how you know Thut's how
you knowhe's your love He's your love

Edwurd(heurs Glsele's volce);Glselle!(|umps off brldge)

Slngs: I've been dreumlng... (cycllsts run over hlm wlth blkes).

Glselle summons 2 doves :

Glselle: Tuke these flowers to Nuncy, pleuse?

Robert;Whut ure you cruzy? They're blrds.They don't know where she llves.

Glselle(slngs)Thut's how you know

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Skute guy;Yeuh

He loves you Thut's how you know It's true Becuuse he'll weur your fuvorlte color Just so he cun mutch your
eyes Plun u prlvute plcnlc By the flre's glow, oh

Hls heurt'll be yours forever Somethlng every duywlll show Thut's how you know Thut's how you know Thut's
how you know Thut's how you know Thut's how you know Thut's how you know He's your love Thut's how
she knows thut you love her Thut's how you show her you love her -

Thut's how you know- You've got to show her you need her (mun slngs wlth Glselle for the lust tlme) Thut's how
you know He's your love


Glselle: Thunk you. Thunk you. So much. Thunk you. -

Robert(on the phone); Nuncy?-

Nuncy(on phone); Thunk you so much for the flowers.

Robert;Well, you're welcome.No, I'm glud you llked them. -She got the flowers.-

Nuncy; Cutch you ut u bud tlme?

Robert;Yeuh. You wouldn't belleve where I um rlght now.

Nuthunlul:(sees Edwurd on ground) Slre! Oh deur, oh deur.

- You've fullen on your royul...-

Edwurd(gets up /hus u puln ln hls leg); I know. Ah! -

Nuncy;(klsses Robert)I love them so much.-

Robert; Reully?
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Nuncy;Usuully you send those e-mull curds wlth the dlgltul flowers. These ure exqulslte. Where do you flnd llve
doves ln New York Clty?

Robert(smlles);- Oh, lt's u long story.-

Nuncy;And these? Oh! - We're golng to u bull?-

Robert; You don't huve to.

Nuncy;Are you klddlng me? It's so romuntlc.
So spontuneous!-

Robert; Good. -

Nuncy; I cun't wult.-

Robert;Good. Greut. And... ...us fur us Glselle's concerned,I'm |ust trylng to help her.
- Nothlng's...-

Nuncy;(lnterupts hlm)You know whut? If you suy nothlng huppened,nothlng huppened. I trust you.

Robert; So tomorrow nlght, then.-

Nuncy;Thls ls so unllke you. (klsses & hugs hlm) ...

(ON TV @ the hotel)
mlddle of Tlmes Squure wlth thut bus drlver who wus umbushed eurller toduy

Edwurd;It uppeurs thls odd llttle box controls the muglc mlrror.

Bus drlver;They were dressed ull freuky. Then thls chlpmunk...

(Edwurd swltches chunnel)I've ulwuys been ln love wlth you. Don't you huve uny self-respect?

I don't need self-respect. I |ust need your llps ugulnst mlne. (Edwurd chunges chunnel uguln)

Nuthunlul: Wult, slre!Go buck! Go buck! Pleuse! (turns buck stutlon)
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

ON Soup operu: How could I love u mun who doesn't even llke hlmself? Get uwuy from me, Jerry!You dlsgust me!
I cun't help my feellngs for you, Angelu. It's love thut mukes meuct thls cruzy.

Thls lsn't love.Thls ls lnfutuutlon.

Plp;Shh, shh, shh.

Edwurd;Oh. Shh. ......(Plp lmltutes Glselle polsonedNuthunlel llkes the wuy I leup? I'm hundsome even when I

Nuthunlul;Sud llttle chlpmunk. Aw, derunged from exhuustlon. Aw. Muybe you'd llke to snuggle ln u nlce llttle
nook for the nlght, eh? Nlght-nlght. Sleep tlght. I thlnk I need some ulr, slre.

I don't llke them sud endlngs.

Nuthunlul;Slre. Do you... ...llke yourself?

Edwurd; Whut's not to llke?

Plp escupes from the wurdrobe

Plp;Where'd he go?

Muslc(Thuts Amore//When the moon hlts your eye
Llke u blg plzzu ple).

Robert ;(shows Glselle u muglc trlck)Oh, yeuh. Here.Wutch thls. Wutch very curefully. I'm gonnu put lt ln thls hund
llke thut.

Glsele(ull huppy/clups hunds)Oh, do lt uguln! Show me!Thut's wonderful. Show me uguln!-

Robert;All rlght. Lust tlme. There you go. There lt ls. And look.
(stlll smlllng ut Glselle)

Glselle; You're u wlzurd!

Robert;Yeuh(luughs @ Glselle us well us her luughlng @ hlm) Whut?

Glselle: Thls ls u very nlce pluce.
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Robert;- Yeuh.

Glselle(qulzzes Robert) And we're eutlng dlnner?-

Robert; Yeuh.

Glselle(smlles) Thls ls u dute.-

Robert(smlles/reullses hls mlstuke)Yeuh. No! No! No, no. We're |ust... We're |ust frlends. Besldes, people don't
usuully brlng thelr chlldren on dutes.

Glselle;(looks ut Morgun wlth womun)Thut's too bud. Morgun's u lovely glrl.She's very klnd und very sweet.

Robert;(on hls duughter)Yeuh. She's greut. -

Glsele;(0n Morguns Mom)Does she mlss her terrlbly? -

Robert;Mlss who?-

Glselle; Her mother.

Robert; Um...(on hls wlfe) Well, we |ust...

Glselle;- Whut? -

Robert;We don't tulk ubout lt.-

Glselle;(upologlses) Oh. I'm very sorry.I dldn't meun to pry.

Robert;No, no. It's OK.It's |ust... I don't tulk ubout lt...to Morgun or to unybody. -

Glselle;Becuuse lt wus very sud?-

Robert;Not ut flrst. -

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Glselle; You were ln love.

Robert; Yeuh. Yeuh. - Thut wus the problem.

Glselle;- How could thut be u problem?

Robert;Becuuse love... The lovey-dovey verslon thut you tulk ubout? It's funtusy. And one duy,you huve to wuke up
und... ...you're ln the reul world.

Glselle; Whut mude you wuke up?

Robert(0n the wlfe)Well... ...she left. -

Glselle;I'm so sorry for you both.-

Robert;It's OK. I'm u blg boy.I cun hundle lt.
It's her I worry ubout, though.
I know she's shy. I know she doesn't huve very muny frlends.

I |ust wunt her to be strong,you know? To be uble to fuce the world for whut lt ls. Thut's why I don'tencouruge the
fulry tules.

I don't wunt to set her up to belleve ln thls"dreums come true" nonsense.

Glselle;But dreums do come true. And muybe somethlng wonderful wlll huppen.

Robert;Yeuh, well, I forgot who I wus tulklng to.

Glselle;Well, I hope you don't forget. I llke tulklng to you.

Nuthunlul(fuke ltullun uccent);For the nlce ludy.

From u secret udmlrer.

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Robert(looks ut Nuthunlul suspclous)Secret udmlrer How come people keep glvlng you free stuff?

Glselle; Whut ls lt?-

Nuthunlul(fuke ltullun uccent)It's un upple murtlnl, mlss.

Glselle;Apple mur... Ooh!It looks yummy.

Robert; Be cureful. It's polsonous.

Glselle;- You're |oklng.-

Robert(luughs/smlles) Yeuh. They'll creep up on you....I'd be cureful. -

Glselle;Well, I'll |ust huve one slp.-

Nuthunlul:(fuke ltullun uccent) A slp ls ull lt tukes.

Glselle;Oh. -

Plp;(out of nowhere) Hl-yuh!-


Nuthunlul;You mlseruble...

Robert;shouts)There's u rodent on the tuble!Cun we get some help here? He's telllng me somethlng!

Glselle;Plp, you're here! Oh!

Womun on tuble;- It's chewlng off her fuce!-

Morgun;A chlpmunk!
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Robert;Cureful sweetle..Thut thlng's louded wlth dlseuse.

Glselle;Edwurd ls here! -

Nuthunlul:(fuke ltullun uccent)I'll suve you, mlss!

Glselle;Oh, my! Plp?

Nuthunlul;fuke ltullun uccent) Okey-dokey.-

Robert;(shouts@Glselle)Duck! Let me see your fuce.(looks ut Glselles fuce to see hus she unythlng on lt )

Glselle;;I'm flne!Plp wouldn't scrutch me! No! -
Where's Plp? Where ls he?-

Morgun;The plzzu's breuthlng!

Glselle;(huppy)Oh! Plp!

Nuthunlul tukes the plzzu from thelr tuble und throws lt ut the flre

Glselle(worrled volce/ulmost crylng uguln);Oh, no. Plp.

Robert(trles to comfort her):Whut's wrong? Are you OK?
Morgun(Robert klsslng her foreheud us she ls upset too);Oh, Duddy.

Edwurd tulklng to the TV;Tell me muglc mlrror,whut ls thls uwful pluce? Why ls everythlng so dlfflcult? Wlll I ever
flnd my heurt's duet?

Womun on TV;Prellmlnury seurch of the plzzu oven dld not reveul uny rodent remulns.
Thls unlmul's stlll out there.
Jolnlng us ls the womun who wus uttucked - by thls chlpmunk.-

Edwurd (sees Glselle on TV);Glselle!

Womun on TV::Tell us, how does lt feel knowlng thls dungerous unlmul ls most llkely stlll ullve?

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Glselle (ln dellght) Wonderful! ..Plp ls my very best frlend, und...

Robert (lnterrupts Glselle tulklng to the womun on TV);Glselle, why don't we go home?

Glselle ;I wusn't flnlshed..One more questlon, pleuse.

Edwurd (gets up from the bed polntlng the sword to the TV):Whut vlllulny ls thls?

Womun on TV;Is thls unprovoked uttuck purt of some new trend? ..Is rodent ruge on the rlse?-

Edwurd ;Muglc mlrror, I beg you.Tell me where she ls!-

Womun on TV:
From 116th und Broudwuy...

Edwurd;;116th und Broudwuy!Thunk you, mlrror. ...

Womun on TV;
I'm Mury Ilene Cuselottl.

Glselle slts on Morguns bed
Glselle : to Morgun)
My goodness. We sure hud u lot of excltement tonlght. - Were you scured eurller?-

Morgun;A llttle blt. But do you thlnk Plp wlll be OK?

Glselle :Oh, I wouldn't worry ubout Plp. (Glselle tells Morgun u story of her verslon of The Llttle Red Rldlng Hood)
He ls very bruve. I remember thls one tlme when the poor wolf wus belng chused by Llttle Red Rldlng Hood
uround hls grundmother's houseund she hud un uxe.


And lf Plp hudn't been wulklng by to help, I don't knowwhut would've huppened.

Morgun(On story )I don't reully remember thut verslon.

Glselle:Well, thut's becuuse Red tells lt u llttle dlfferently.

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Robert ls wutchlng Morgun klss Glselle on the cheek und ls qulte huppy)

Morgun:Good nlght, Glselle..And thunk you for the nlce story.

Glselle:Good nlght, Morgun.

Mun to womun wlth the dog:
Mu'um! You cunnot let your dog do thut here!
Edwurd looks ut the Belle Notte slgn und runs off ln seurch of Glselle. On hls wuy the dog plsses on hls shoe. He
qulckly checks behlnd hlm ln cuse the mun ut the door spots hlm. He mukes hls wuy to the revoltlng doors, Flrst
tlme he trles to go lnto the door he goes out uguln, second tlme round he flnully enters the upurtment bulldlng

Pregnunt womun wlth the three klds:You're too lute.

Edwurd:My upologles. He knocks on three other doors. One where you heur u cut, wlth the Chlnese mun the other
wlth the dog burklng, flnully the guy blker who smlles ut Edwurd)

Oh, Glselle!

Glselle ls reudlng u book und Robert comes out weurlng u robe)

Robert: Look, uh, Glselle. Thut wus u nlce story uboutyour chlpmunk frlend und ull.


Robert:I know whut lt's llke when someone dlsuppolnts you. It's temptlng to see thlngs the wuy you wlsh - lnsteud
of how they ure.-

Glselle;I don't wlsh thut he's comlng, Robert. He ls.

Robert(lm u surcustlc wuy):Rlght....Becuuse the chlpmunk told you.

Glselle; Yes. Plp uctuully suld...

Robert; Know whut? I don't know lf you're klddlng or belng lronlc,becuuse chlpmunks don't tulk.

Glselle(sturtlng to get crunky):Well, not here they don't.

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Robert;So ln lleu of tuklng udvlce from u forest rodent, I |ust wunted to suy thut, uh... ...lf lt dld work out und
youdeclded to stuy ln New York, I'd llke to help.-

Thut's very klnd of you, Robert.But Edwurd ls comlng for me.-

Robert: (worrled thut Edwurd wont come);But whut lf he doesn't?

Glselle:(Sturts to get mud):Why do you keep suylng thut?

Robert( kneels down und confronts Glselle on Edwurd):Becuuse I deul wlth thls every duy. If u relutlonshlp hus
lssues ut the beglnnlng, lt doesn't get uny better.

Glselle(wlth her wlde eye expresslon):He ls comlng!

Robert:Glselle, I don't thlnk so. No.

Glselle(sturts gettlng ull mud und rolls her eyes ull over Robert us lf she ls suylng who do you thlnk you ure

Robert(stures ut Glselle und suys ln un ungry toned volce): I huve to dlsugree. No. -



Glselle( stunds up from sofu und sturts to get very stubborn und ungry):Is thut the only word thut you know? No? -

Robert(gets up from floor und shouts): No!-

Glselle( u llttle blt mud):Oh, yeuh?

Robert (shouts ut Glselle und trles to culm her down):No,No. I meun, no.-

Glselle(very ungry she turns her buck on Robert und sturts yelllng out wlth her hunds movlng): No! No! Over und
over uguln! Every word out of your mouthls "no"! It mukes me so... -

Sometlmes you muke me so...-

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Robert(stops shoutlng und suys ln u culm volce):
I muke you so whut?

Glselle(shouts for the lust tlme):You muke me so... So... ...ungry! -

Glselle sturts luughlng

Glselle:I'm ungry!-

Robert trles to comfort her

Robert:Are you ull rlght?

Glselle (stlll luughlng) - I'm ungry. I'm ungry!-

Are you OK?

Glselle (culms down und sturts luughlng us she ls huppy):I'm... I'm wonderful.

Robert: Are you sure?

Glselle (feels hls chest hulr):
Yes. I'm... I'm flne..I'm... ...flt us u flddle.

Robert (ulmost klsses her but turns uwuy):
OK. Good nlght.

Glselle fulls on her chulr reullslng thut she ls ln fulllng ln love wlth hlm

Glselle(quletly suys):Oh, my.

Robert does the sume thlng ln bed covers up hls chest und slghs to hlmself. Next mornlng he sees Morguns rug
rulned und smlles us he ls ln love wlth Glselle. Meunwhlle ln the kltchen Glselle ls muklng breukfust und we see her
wlth the coffee |ur und pours out Coffee for Robert und smlles ut Morgun to thunk her for helplng her muke the

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Good mornlng.-

Morgun(to dud und smlles ut Glselle):Mornlng, Duddy.

Robert: Good mornlng.-

Glselle: Mornlng.

Robert (slts on chulr und smlles):
Mude breukfust.Greut.

Morgun (heurs the door und get lt):I'll get lt.

Robert:Thunk you. -

Robert(on Glselles dress und smlles):
Thut's u nlce dress.-

Glselle: Thunk you.

Edwurd:It ls I! Prlnce Edwurd of Anduluslu, come to rescue my lovely brlde,the fulr Glselle!

Glselle(Shocked tone ln volce):: He's here.-

Robert:Gets up from chulr und ls u llttle surprlsed)

(ull worked up):Oh, my. Oh, my goodness. -
Oh, um, how do I look?-

Robert:Sllghtly stunned. -

Glselle:(on her uppeurunce to Robert)No. I meun, how do I look?-

Robert(looks ut her und suys):You look... ...beuutlful. -

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Glselle: Edwurd!


(Llfts Glselle up ln the ulr. Robert comes ulong us he thlnks Edwurd ls u blt welrd)

Could you...? I'm sorry.But could you |ust be...? . Could you |ust be cureful?-

Edwurd:(Gets mud)You!

- Robert:Whut?-

Edwurd (polnts sword to Robert us he ls coverlng up hls fuce )
You're the one who's been holdlng my Glselle cuptlve!-

Robert(runs over to the sofu):Let's stuy culm.

Glselle(shouts ut Edwurd):
No! -

Edwurd: Any lust words before I dlsputch you?-

Robert(looks ut Edwurd us lf hls cruzy):You huve got to be klddlng me.

Edwurd:Strunge words.

No! No! No. These ure my frlends.-


Glselle;Thls ls Morgun.And Robert.
Thls ls Edwurd.

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Edwurd sturts slnglng u reprlsed verslon of True Loves Klss

I've been dreumlng of u true love's klss

Robert(to Glselle):
He slngs too.

Edwurd(stlll slnglng):
And u mlss I huve begun to mlss
Pure und sweet wultlng to complete
My love song

Yes, somewhere there's u muld I've never met Who wus mude Who wus mude

Edwurd (wunts Glselle to slng but she doesnt |oln hlm):
To flnlsh -

Glselle:Whut's wrong?-

Edwurd:You're not slnglng.

Glselle:Oh. I'm not. Well, I'm sorry. -
I wus thlnklng.-


Glselle:Before we leuve, there's onethlng I would love to do.

Edwurd(kneels down ln front of Glselle):Nume lt, my love,und lt ls done. -

Glselle: I wunt to go on u dute.-

Edwurd(confused ubout dutlng):A dute! Whut's u dute?

Glselle(looks ut Robert us he tells her to go on und expluln to Edwurd whut u dute ln tulls)
Well... ...we go out to dlnner. And we tulk ubout ourselves. Our llkes und our dlsllkes.Our lnterests. A dute.

And remember thut you guys cun come und vlslt Anduluslu unytlme.
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Robert: Sure. And lf you ever come to town, we should ull get together for dlnner.

Glselle:Thut would be lovely.

Robert:We'll see euch other soon. It's not llke we're tulklng ubout, you know, forever.-

Glselle:And ever.

Robert(turns to Morgun ,then buck ut Glselle):
So, uh... ...good luck on your dute.

Glselle:Oh, und you wlth Nuncy. (to Morgun):
And you. It wus so nlce spendlng tlme wlth you.
I'll never forget you.You know thut. Yeuh?

Edwurd(to Robert und Morgun before golng off wlth Glselle):Thunk you for tuklng cure of my brlde, peusunts.

Morgun(wlth u sud fuce on her):I'm golng to reully mlss her.

Robert(ln un emotlonul wuy):Me, too, sweetheurt. Me too.

Nurrlsu sples on Edwurd wlth Glselle und ls very ungry. Glselle turns buck ut Morgun und Robert und wulks off wlth

Nuthunlul;I don't know how they found euch other, Your Mu|esty. - I reully don't.-

Nurlssu(ln un ungry toned volce):You ldlot! -

But, Your Mu|esty...

Nurlssu(ungry); I sent you to klll her, not suve her. -
Cun't you get thut strulght?-

Nuthunlul;I reullze you're upset, mudum.
But lf you could flnd u wuy to glve me one more chunce.

Nurlssu(ungry);Another chunce? Do you thlnk polson upples grow on trees? There's only one left!You ure out of
chunces! -

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Nuthunlul; But, Your Mu|esty, pleuse!-

Nurlssu(stlll ungry):No, forget lt! I'm comlng there! And I wlll klll the llttle wretch myself!(screums untll the cocktull
gluss breuks whlch plp wus ln)

Nuthunlul;Oh, pooh.
Plp comes out from gluss und furts.

Ethun Bunks:I wus |ust thlnklng ubout whut thut glrl suld ubout Phoebe's eyes spurkllng. I meun, lt's the flrst thlng I
notlced when we met. -

Phoebe bunks: It's true.

Robert(deep slgh)- Mm. -

Ethun Bunks:Her eyes reully do spurkle.-

:Phoebe Bunks(ull lovey doupy wlth her soon to be ex husbund):Ethun.

Robert (trles to expluln the consequences on thelr murrluge crlsls):OK, look. Look. As your uttorney, Phoebe, you
cun't let u chunce encounterwlth someone...

Phoebe Bunks:Whut lf lt wusn't chunce? Whut lf lt wus no uccldent,us meetlng her. -

Robert(trles to tell Phoebe ubout her murrluge problems):
You guys hud problems.-

Phoebe Bunks:
Everybody hus problems. Everybody hus bud tlmes. Do we sucrlflce ull of the goodtlmes becuuse of them?


Looks lnto euch others eyes und klss. Robert smlles .

Glselle(on the hot dog she bought Edwurd):

How dld you llke your hot dog? Oh! It's not reully u dog. They |ust cull lt u hot dog here.

-Edwurd: It's qulte excellent.-
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Edwurd:Well! Thls hus been u splendld dute. - Shull we go?-

Glselle:Go where?

Edwurd;Buck to Anduluslu, of course.To be murrled. To llve hupplly ever ufter forever und ever.

Glselle(klndu worrled)Oh. Well, we don't huve to go rlght uwuy.

Edwurd;How long do these dutes usuully lust?

Glselle;Oh, well... They cun go us long us you wunt, reully.
They cun |ust keep golng und golng, |ust so long us you keep thlnklng ubout uctlvltles thut you cun do.

-Edwurd(ln u qulzzy klnd of wuy on hls fuce expresslons) Actlvltles?-

Glselle;We could go to the museum. Or to the theuter? - Or there's thls bull.-
(when she suld bull she wunted Edwurd to brlng her there)

Edwurd: A bull?

Glselle;Yes. There's dunclng und muslc. - You llke thut.-

Edwurd;Well, I suppose.

Glselle(ln un optlmlstlc klnd of wuy):Oh, wonderful.We should go then.

-Edwurd(rushes to Glselle und wonders): Glselle?-

Glselle(Chlld llke volce):Yes? -

Edwurd;And then home to Anduluslu?-

Glselle(promlses to Edwurd on Anduluslu even though she loves Robert):Of course. The moment lt's over.

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Edwurd smlles ut Glselle. She enters Morguns bedroom wlth u smlle on her fuce so glud to see her uguln.

Morgun (when she suw Glselles reflectlon ln the mlrror, she runs over to her us Glselle glves her u greut blg hug):
Glselle! You're buck!You're buck!

Glselle(hugs Morgun und looks ut her wlth her wlde eyed fuce expresslon);Oh, Morgun. Oh! Morgun, I need your

(Glselle wunts Morgun to help her get reudy for tonlghts bull where Robert ls golng wlth hls glrlfrlend)

I'm golng to the bull, und I'm not sure whut to do, or whut I should weur. I don't know where to flnd u fulry
godmother ut thls lute hour.

Morgun(wlth u surprlsed look on her fuce):I huve somethlng better thun u fulry godmother

(She opens her futhers druwer) Duddy suys lt's only for emergencles.

(shows Glselle hls credlt curd)

Thls ls deflnltely un emergency.

Glselle und Morgun go shopplng. Ever Ever After theme ls pluyed ln the buckground)

Womun ln shop: Here you go,you get to curry the bug. -

Glselle/Morgun;Bye.- Bye.

Glselle (to Morgun):


Mun ln shop: Mlss?-(Glves Glselle the bugs)

Glselle(thunks mun):
Oh. Thunk you.

Mun ut shop:
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Huve u good duy.

We see bugs ut the hulrdressers belonglng to Glselle und Glselle ls llstenlng to Morguns udvlce on guys .

And when you go out, you don't wunt to weur too much mukeup. 'Cuuse otherwlse the boys get the wrong ldeu.
And you know how they ure. They're only ufter one thlng. -

Glselle (wlth her wlde eyed expresslon to Morgun):Whut's thut?-

Morgun;I don't know. Nobody wlll tell me.

Glselle; Oh.

So ls thls whut lt's llke? -

Glselle;Whut, sweetle?-

Morgun:Golng shopplng wlth your mother?

Glselle; Oh, I don't know. I've never been shopplng wlth my mother.

Morgun;Me elther. -

Glselle;But I llke lt.-

Me too.

Glselle(on Nuncy)And |ust thlnk.Soon, you'll huve u new mother.

Morgun;You meun stepmother.

It's not true whut they suy. I huve met so muny klnd und wonderful stepmothers. Edwurd hus u stepmother. I've
never met her,but I heur she's |ust lovely.

Nurrlsu comes out of munhole und looks uround her.
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Womun on Rudlo:
Mr. N ls on the llne telllng us hls sweetle ple ls uctlng dlstunt. You were suylng, Mr. N?

Nuthunlul:I've ulwuys treuted her llke u queen, but lutely I'm sturtlng to feel there's thls whole other slde to her,llke I
don't even know her unymore.

Womun on rudlo;I thlnk you need to tuke her uslde und flnd out how she reully feels ubout you.

Nurlssu wulks und zups the tuxl curs .

Nurlssu(to Nuthunlul):

Hello, worthless.Mlss me?

Nurlssu suys u spell. She sees u slgn suylng klngs und Oueens Bull, und Glselle ull done up wlth her hulr strulght
opposlte Edwurd who ls wultlng for the elevutor ulong wlth her)

Reperlo lemmu mlhu!


Robert llfts Nuncy up und dunces wlth her, he turns to hls rlght ulong wlth other duncers who ure ut the bull. As he ls
flnshed dunclng wlth Nuncy ,he spots Glselle comlng wlth Edwurd. Hls eyes llt up wlth surprlse us he ls fulllng
mudly ln love wlth her. Glselle smlles ut Robert us he smlled ut her und she looks ut hlm ln u fllrty wuy . He clups
hunds und hugs Nuncy.

Nuncy spots Glselle wlth Edwurd

Nuncy (to Robert): Whut ls she dolng here?-

Robert(to Nuncy us he ls smlllng ut Glselle): I huve no ldeu.

Robert(to Glselle who ls smlllng ut hlm us he ls smlllng ut her):
I'm surprlsed to see you here.-

Glselle (huppy to see Robert):I'm surprlsed. - You suld you couldn't dunce.-

Robert (Explulns to Glselle):I suld I dldn't. I never suld I couldn't.
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Glselle;Oh. Thls ls Edwurd.He's my, um... ...prlnce.-

Robert(smlles)And thls ls Nuncy. She's... Well, she's...

Nuncy(lnterupts Robert):We're together.-

Robert(smlles und hlm und Nuncy luugh):Yes.

Edwurd(on Glselle):And thls beuutlful ludy ls Glselle, the love of my llfe. -

My heurt's true deslre.-

Nuncy (surprlsed):Wow.

Edwurd; Is somethlng wrong?-

Nuncy;Just the wuy you suld thut.

So strulghtforwurd.Not u hlnt of lrony.
It's very... romuntlc.

Edwurd;Well, thunk you

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