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HyperWorks Tip/Trick 592


Application version:
6.0 and later

Computer hardware:
All supported

Computer operating systems:

All supported Windows and UNIX

Categories: Subcategories
Other: View and select in HyperMesh

Quick method for selecting faces of complex solid element parts in order to define loads and contact surfaces on them.

Topic details:
In HyperMesh, to define loads or contact surfaces on solid elements, you need to select the desired faces of the solid elements. To select faces, define at least one solid element face by selecting three nodes on the face. HyperMesh then uses the defined face(s) (having the three selected nodes) and the break angle specification to identify all of the free faces attached to the defined face(s). The tip is that you can define multiple faces at once (select three nodes on multiple solid element faces), rather than just a single face. This feature, in combination with the break angle, can help you select all of the desired faces of a complex part at once, saving you time. The following is an example use case for this functionality. The contactsurfs panel, solid faces subpanel (shown below) is used to create contact surfaces. The nodes on face option is used to select the desired faces of solid elements on which to define the contact surface.

contactsurfs panel, solid faces sub-panel

Altair Engineering 2004

Page 1
Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering.

In the figure below, the left part shows seven defined faces (seven sets of three nodes). The right part shows the resulting contact surface (when create was clicked). The break angle was set to 30.

Define multiple faces at once by selecting three nodes each on multiple faces

Altair HyperWorks Technical Support Group (init)

Date this entry was last reviewed:

April 2004

Altair Engineering 2004

Page 2
Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering.

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