Thomas Paine

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1) According to the Iirst paragraph, who will "shrink Irom the service oI his

country"? Summer soldier and sunshine patriots will 'shrink Irom the service
oI his country.
2) What will the people who do not shrink Irom service deserve? The people
who do not shrink Irom the service deserve the love and gratitude oI man.
3) According to the Iirst paragraph, what has Britain declared? That they have
the right to tax us and also to bind us in all cases whatsoever.
4) According to the Iinal paragraph, what will a person "whose heart is Iirm"
pursue "unto death"? A person 'whose heart is Iirm pursues his principles
'unto death.
5) What opinion oI oIIensive wars does Paine express in the Iinal paragraph?
The opinion oI oIIensive wars that Paine expresses in the Iinal paragraph is
that he thinks it is murder but yet iI it someone comes to threaten him he
doesn`t want to suIIer Irom it.
6) What does Paine mean when he reIers to "the summer soldier" and "the
sunshine patriot"? Paine means when he reIers to 'the summer soldier and
'the sunshine patriot that they weren`t there the whole war that they deserted
the war once it started to get colder or when
7) What is the point oI Paine's story about the tavern keeper at Amboy? The
point oI Paine`s story about the tavern keeper at Amboy is that the man
doesn`t want to end the war in their day rather than in child`s day.
8) Name two emotions to which Paine appeals in his essay. admiration and
9) How might a colonist who had remained loyal to the British react to Paine's
argument? getting upset because iust because they stayed loyal doesn`t mean
that they actually enioy the power that the British have over them, some oI
them probably stayed loyal only to stay alive.
10)Paine uses the aphorism "the harder the conIlict, the more glorious the
triumph" to express his belieI that hardships Iaced by the American Iorces
during the war will make their eventual victory more meaningIul. Find one
more aphorism used in Paine's essay and explain the point he is making with
it. I love the man that can smile in trouble.

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