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Mexico Research Paper

Mexico is located on the continent of North America. It is surrounded by water on two sides. The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea are to the east of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean is to its west. Mexico is also neighbored be three countries. Guatemala and Belize are on Mexicos southern border and the United States of America is on its northern border. Mexico has a population of over one hundred three million people. Approximately fiftythree million of Mexicos population is female and fifty million is male. Approximately fifty percent of Mexicos population live in the fifty-five large metropolitan areas of the country. The 0-9 year old range is the largest demographic group of Mexicos population. The Mexican annual population growth rate is one percent, with a birth rate of twenty births for every thousand people. Mexicos overall mortality rate is five deaths for every one thousand people, but Mexicos infant mortality rate is eighteen deaths for every child born. Mexicos average life expectancy is seventy six years old. Mexico is a very religious country, with ninety percent of the population being Roman Catholic, six percent being Protestant, and four percent being other. Mexico has a federal republic form of government, similar to the of the United States of America. A federal republic is a federation of independent states with a representative form of national governance. Mexicos form of currency is the peso and its official language is Spanish. However, other languages are used in Mexico such as Latin American Spanish and English. Mexicos capital and major city is Mexico City. Mexico City is the oldest capital city in the Americas. There are approximately nineteen million people living within Mexico City, making it the second largest metropolitan in the Americas and the third largest metropolitan area in the world. A very unique fact about Mexico City is that it was originally built on Lake Texcoco. The lake was

drained starting the seventeenth century and none of its waters remain. Mexico City now rests on the former lakes heavily saturated clay. The soft base is collapsing and is sinking at a rate of six to eight inches a year. Parts of Mexico City have sunk as much as nine meters in some areas. Mexico is a very patriotic nation which celebrates several national holidays, including Mexican Independence Day and Cinco de Mayo. Mexican Independence Day recognizes and celebrates its independence from Spain on September 16, 1810. This is the day that Miguel Hidalgo delivered El Grito de Dolores, and announced the Mexican revolt against Spanish rule. Each year on the night of September 15, the President of Mexico rings the bell of the National Palace in Mexico City, and he repeats a cry of patriotism. This event draws up to half a million spectators each year. Also, the National Military Parade starts and proceeds through Mexico City. Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of the Mexican Army over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862, during the French invasion of Mexico. In Mexico City, all the young men, who serve in military services, pledge allegiance to the Mexican national flag and the institutions that it represents and all citizens celebrate with food, music and dancing. Mexico has many industries. The main industries are food and beverages, tobacco, chemicals, iron and steel, petroleum, mining, textiles, clothing, motor vehicles, consumer durables, and tourism. Surprisingly, Mexico (not Switzerland) was the first country to introduce chocolate to the world. Mexico has many national symbols, including its flower, bird, sport and tree. The national flower is the dahlia, which comes in a variety of striking warm colors and various shapes, sizes and petals. The national bird is the Crested Caracara, which is in the falcon family but is not as fast and agile. It is sometimes referred to as the Mexican Eagle. The national sport is football, more

commonly known in the United States of America as soccer. Finally, the national tree is the ahuehuete, which is also known as the Mexican cypress tree. These trees grow to enormous sizes and live to a great age. The most famous Mexican cypress tree is the Tree of Tule which is two hundred feet around and three thousand years old. The three colors of Mexicos flag have a lot of significance for the country and its citizens. The green represents hope and victory. The white stands for purity of Mexican ideals. The red brings to mind the bloodshed by the nations heroes. For my project, Im going to draw a drawing from Jose Manuel Merello. The drawing is called Caballito Andaluz, and I will be doing the drawing it on a ten inch by ten inch canvas.

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