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Memory Verse: James 5:16 "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that

you may be healed. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much"

Hosea 7

Compare Hosea 7:8 with Revelation 3:14-19. What was the sin of Ephraim? What does God desire for us from these

scriptures? What steps can we take to not fall into that trap?

What comparisons can you find in Hosea 7:9, and Judges 16:20? How did both lose their strength? How were they


In this chapter there are two different scriptures that are repeated. What are they? How do they apply to you


Birthday Blessings to our Pastor , and our Worship Leader. Please pray for them daily. as God Leads you. Fred and Caroline are opening up their home for Movies (Madagascar 1 & 2) On Saturday Afternoon 2:00pm ( June 18, 2011) Bring snacks, drinks, dish to share with pizza. =0) Any questions just give them a call or e-mail. Time to get serious in our walk.. Jesus is coming family!

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