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7E Acids and alkalis

Year 7

Answer the following questions. Q1. What is a chemical with a pH less than 7 called?


What is a chemical with a pH more than 7 called?


What is a chemical with a pH of 7 called?


What shows whether something is alkali or acid?


What is a liquid with a solid dissolved in it called?


What do you call it when substances chemically combine?


What is the scientific way of writing down a chemical reaction called?


What is a dangerous substance that dissolves other materials called?


What is a corrosive alkali is called?

Q10. Name a yellow citrus fruit?

Q11. Name an acid found in grapefruits and oranges?

Q12. What acid do you put on your chips together with salt?

Q13. What common chemical removes colour or stains from cloth?

7E Acids and alkalis

Year 7

Q14. Name a red and blue indicator?

Q15. What is the most common solvent called?

Q17. What acid is in a lead-acid car battery?

Objective questions 1: Lemon juice is tested for its pH using indicator paper, what is its pH ? A. pH 7 B. pH 1 C. pH 3 D. pH 14 2: An A. B. C. D. example of a strong alkali is? Vinegar Hydrochloric acid Water Caustic soda

3: When you add equal amounts of the same strength acid to an alkali you get ? A. Evaporation B. Diffusion C. Neutralisation D. Condensation 4: How does an antacid like Rennieor Bisodol works? A. It helps digestion B. It destroy germs C. It neutralises stomach acid D. It speeds up alkalis

Answer the following questions.

7E Acids and alkalis

Year 7

Place the right word or words to complete the sentence:

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