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achievement something that somebody has succee ded in doing, usually with effort

2 prestigious inspiring respect and admir ation having high status

3 honour used as a form of address to di gnitaries such as judges and mayors ()

4 social relating to the way in which peo

ple in groups behave and interact

5 resolution the process of resolving so mething such as a problem or dispute

6 sibling brothers and sisters

7 companionship the company of friends and the relationship that exists betwee n them

8 proposal a suggestion or intention, esp ecially one put forward formally or offi cially

9 protect to prevent somebody or somet hing from being harmed or damaged () 10 hunter a person or animal that hunts b irds or animals for food or sport

11 snare a trap for small animals that ope rates like a noose

12 fuel-efficient the ability to make the be st use of the fuel being used

13 policy a programme of actions adopte d by a person, group, or government

14 greenhouse gas a gas that contributes

to the warming of the Earth's atmosph ere

15 emission the act or process of letting s omething out or giving something out

1 industry organized economic activity c onnected with the production

2 pollute to make something impure or u nclean

3 install to put machinery or equipment i nto place and make it ready for use

4 traumatic extremely distressing, fright ening, or shocking

5 symptom an indication of a disease or other disorder

6 depression a state of unhappiness and hopelessness

7 debilitate to sap the strength or energ y of somebody or something

8 resume a curriculum vitae

9 volunteerism the practice of using volu nteer workers

10 generate to produce or originate a for m of energy through a process

11 specialize concentrate on and become expert in a particular subject or skill ()

12 efficiency the ability to do something well or achieve a desired result

13 automaker a manufacturer of motor ve hicles

14 feud a bitter prolonged violent quarrel or state of hostility

15 gallon equivalent to 3.79 liters ()

evolve to deve lop grad ually ,

from a simpl e to com plex () 2 outwit to use cunning or trickery to get an advantage over something () a doctor who is trained to perform medical operations to trip when walking or running

3 surgeon

4 stumble

a person who works in a practition profession, especially medicine er (/) all the people who work workforce for a particular organisation

7 tong

to curl the hair with curling tongs

8 inspire

to give somebody the desire, confidence or enthusiasm

weapons and other ammuniti explosive devices or substances on to run or move very quickly and lightly

10 skitter

11 weave

to spin a spider's web ()


medical services aimed healthcar at maintaining good health e

13 carriage

a four-wheeled horsedrawn private passenger vehicle a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control

14 rage


the branch of medicine paediatri concerned with children c


low body temperature caused by prolonged exposure to cold travel exploration undertaken to discover what a place is like crisis a time of great danger, difficulty

4 splendid

excellent; very good extreme suffering, especially mental suffering ( )

5 torment

to make contaminat a substance or place e dirty or no longer pure

7 vomit

to bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth covered with a thin hard layer of something

8 encrusted

impassable impossible to travel on or through / dissolve to fade away gradually and disappear



a set of mechanise moving parts in a machine that performs a task decade a period of ten years e.g. 1990 1999 ( )



Involving catastrophi or causing sudden c great damage or suffering cascade a small waterfall or series of waterfalls the equipment and systems that keep places clean


15 sanitation

extra to obtain ct something from a source, usually by separating it 2 suspend to stop something or make something ineffective / a person who makes a public protest a situation in which people shout and make a lot of noise

3 protester

4 uproar

5 doom

death or destruction; any terrible event that you cannot avoid

to make compressibility something smaller by applying pressure compensate to counterbalance a force or quality a document that lists the contract terms not safe or protected

8 policy

9 insecure

10 emotional

connected with people's feelings

11 immigration

the control point at an airport, seaport, or border

12 simulate

to reproduce the essential features of something very wicked; very unpleasant somebody who coordinates communication strange, mysterious or frightening

13 villainous

14 liaison

15 weird


to stop something or make something ineffective / immigration the control point at an airport, seaport, or border a person who makes a public protest

3 protester

4 liaison

somebody who coordinates communication a document that lists the contract terms not safe or protected

5 policy

6 insecure

7 weird

strange, mysterious or frightening a situation in which people shout and make a lot of noise very wicked; very unpleasant

8 uproar

9 villainous

10 emotional

connected with people's feelings

11 extract

to obtain something from a source, usually by separating it


to make compressibilit something smaller by applying pressure y to reproduce the essential features of something to counterbalance a force or quality

13 simulate

14 compensate

15 doom

death or destruction; any terrible event that you cannot avoid

allowanc an amount of e money that is given to somebody regularly 2 slogan a word or phrase that is easy to remember a large written or printed notice that is put in a public place

3 placard

4 disrupt

to make it difficult for something to continue normally

an event that may contingency or may not happen

6 ridiculous

very silly or unreasonable

7 confiscate

to officially take something away from somebody to count something again, especially votes

8 recount

9 hypothesis

guesses and ideas that are not based on certain knowledge the condition of being grossly fat or overweight

10 obesity


a brief, clever, epigrammat and usually memorable ic statement () () blot a stain or spot caused by a drop of liquid to say that something that somebody else has said is wrong not predictable, regular, or consistent


13 contradict

14 erratic

15 exquisite

extremely beautiful or carefully made


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