Tugasan 1 10points

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No.Matrik : PPG/41064/11 Program : PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK

Ten points why Malaysian Students are weak in English

1. The students were influenced by their mother tongue when communication. 2. The students dont have confidence to use the language worrying they might make mistake in the process. 3. Teacher to come out with attractive and fun methods of teaching, resulting the students lost their interest to learn. 4. Less reading to enhance English. 5. Lack of support from parents, peers, teachers and community. 6. Many non-options teachers are trusted to teach the language. 7. Most students are unconscious of the importance of the language as the main international language. 8. The failure to enjoy the joyful side of the language. 9. Many students come from non-English background family or community where English is not widely used or spoken in their daily life. 10. Many students do not have encouraging attitudes towards learning the language.

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