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Eight Semester Electronics Engineering Subject: Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers UNIT-I: Introduction to 16 bit microprocessor, 8086/8088 CPU architecture, Memory organization and interfacing. Addressing modes, Instruction set, programming examples, pseudo opcodes, Assembler Directives. (13) UNIT-II: Interfacing of peripheral 8255, 8253 and 8251. Interfacing ADC & DAC, Stepper Motor, Serial Communication standard RS232, I2C Bus. (10) UNIT-III: Architecture, organisation, operation and interfacing of 8259, ICWs, OCWs and cascading. 8279 keyboard display mode, sensor matrix mode, command words and programming. DTMF Transreceiver (Mittel 8880), RTC DS 1307, EEPROM. (10) UNIT-IV: 8086/8088 maximum mode, 8087 Architecture, 80386 Architecture real and protected modes.8257 DMA controller, organization and control words. (08) UNIT-V: Introduction to 8051 family architecture, pin diagram, operation, ports, addressing modes, internal & external memory, SFRs- flags, organization, counters and timers, serial communication. (09) UNIT VI: 8051 instruction set, interrupts, programming exercises for interfaced with keyboard, LED matrix, time delays, serial communication. (10) Text Books: 1. Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals, A.K.Ray and K.M.Bhurchandi (TMH) 2. Programming and Interfacing of 8086/8088, D.V.Hall (TMH) 3. The 8051Microcontroller, Kenneth Ayala (Thomson) Reference Books: 1. Intel Reference Manual 2. Microcontrollers, Peatman, Mc Graw Hill 3. Microcontrollers 8051, M. Mazzidi

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