Watch & Know Some - Islamic Info

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Pharaoh and Prophet Muses

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Maurice Bucaille was born to a French parent and, like his family, he grew up a Christian. When he ended his secondary education, he joined Faculty of Medicine, France University He excelled at medicine until he obtained a BSc degree and worked hard until he rose to fame, becoming the most renowned and cleverest surgeon ever in modern France, but a story happened to change his life completely.

He was trying to discover how this pharaoh died

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late at night, he concluded his final analyses. The remains of the salt
stuck in his body was a shining evidence that he had drowned and that his body was retrived from the sea swiftly after he drowned; it was also obvious that they rushed to mummify his body so that his body would remain intact!!

But Maurice Bucaille puzzled over a question:

How did this body- to the exclusion of other mummified bodies of other ancient Egyptians- remain that intact although it was recovered from the sea?" He asked himself. Maurice Bucaille was busy conducting a final report while thinking as to whether the pharaoh's body was recovered from the sea and mummified immediately after he drowned. But one of his company whispered in his ear, saying" There is no need to rush about this issue, since the Muslims say that this pharaoh did drown". At first he didnt believe this ????????

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ALLAH SWT said " So today We will (safely) deliver you with your body that you may be a sign to the ones succeeding you; and surely many among mankind are indeed heedless of Our signs. (Yunus, ayah 92).

) (

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that the Muslims' Qu'ran in which they believe narrates the story that says he drowned and that his body remained intact even after he drowned. He got more surprised and kept on asking" Where did the Muslims' Qu'ran quote these data from while the mummy was not discovered until 1898 AD, i.e. about 100 years only, given that the Qu'ran has been

recited by Muslims for over 1400 years,

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All prophets in Quran





Jesus Mohammad

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Who is the true GOD? Allah say in the Quran He is God (Allah), the one; God (ALLAH), the Eternal, He begets not, nor is He begotten: and there is none like unto Him.

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Islam Means submission to the will of

the one true GOD ( ALLAH)
Muslim is one who submits to the will of the one true GOD (ALLAH) The glorious QURAN is the final word of the one true GOD (ALLAH) Revealed to prophet Muhammad. MUHAMMAD is the last prophet of the one true GOD (ALLAH) Sent to all mankind (may allahs blessings and Peace be upon him ) and he was sent by same message of all Messengers which is worship the one God, the creator

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Some of Islam manners

When see each other !!! SALUTION Cause ALLAH ordered Muslims to do that . Salamo Alaykom, peace upon you Also visiting eachother in a regular basis not only occasions

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The Five Pillars; Basics of Islam:

1-Shahadah ( the testimony) 2- Salat, (prayer) 3- Zakat, (obligatory charity) 4- Sawm, (fasting) 5-Hajj, (pilgrimage)

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1-Shahadah ( the testimony )

I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of ALLAH.

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2-What we are doing before praying ???

Inhaled 3 times Mouthwashes 3 times. Wash your face 3 times.

1 Wash your hand 3 times .

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4 3Wash your hands to the elbows 3 times

Scanning head 1 time. 6 Wash leg to ankle.

5 Survey ears 1 time.

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We are praying 5 times a day, our direction to MAAKA

Performing the prayers preordained by Allah (five prayers performed daily at dawn, noon, midafternoon, sunset and evening).
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1- Useful for pregnant

women to pray

You shouldnt go to play gem You are playing sports 5 times a day at least Unless you want more It activates blood circulation that helps babies in the womb, transfer electro magnetic waves and electric charges Of the brain to earth, moves all skeleton

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3-Sawm (Fasting)

Sawm is refraining from all intake of Food and liquid, and from having sex with ones spouse during A certain of time ( from dawn until sunset)

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4- Zakat (obligatory charity)

The mandatory giving Of a certain amount of ones wealth To the poor and needy. Alms giving purifies us from greed and miserliness.

For every 100 p we pay 2.50 once in the year Didnt you think about the zero benefit Islamic financial system?

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5- El Hajj, (Pilgrimage)
America America

Europe Europe

Asia Asia

Africa Africa

Australia Australia

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Hajj (pilgrimage) is the annual pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah is an obligation once in Muslim life time for those who are physically and financially able to perform it .

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El kabaa has been placed for the first time by Prophet Adam, Prophet Seth, then Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael

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Is it by chance that everything in the universe is rotating around a centre? this is in Quraan !!!

[V33/Ch21] And he (Allah) Created the night and day, sun and moon and everything is traveling in its orbit 1429 years ago.
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