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NJ Tea Party Coalition:http://www.njteapartycoalition.org


Call your Congressman and Senators tell them you wont allow Goldman Sachs to take away your propert y rights! Propert y Rights are under attack NJ Tea Part y Coalition has learned Goldman Sachs is leaning on the Obama Administration to nationalize propert y law and provide legal cover to MERS, whose business model clouded title on 60 million American homes. The Bill, HR 3808, is known as the Inters tate Recognition of Notarizations Act. It requires federal and state courts to recognize any notarization that is lawful in the state where the notary is licensed. Sounds benign, doesnt it? But in fact it is a deadl y weapon aimed at American home owners that will abrogate 400 years of propert y rights. How?
Property law is based on state law. HR3808 nationalizes title registry and eliminates the vital role County Clerks and Registrar of Deeds have in the protection of American private property. It violates the rule of law and erodes Constitutional protection afforded to all American property-owners. MERS is the energizer bunny for mortgage fraud. It was created to feed the MBS maw. In doing so, MERS separated the Promissory Note from the Deed, clouding title on upwards of 80 million homes since 1997. HR3808 provides legal cover to all the bad actors who created, implemented and covered up the fraud. Homeowners who were damaged by these acts will be denied civil remedies. MERS played a key role in the illegal seizure of private property by allowing financial institutions to sue delinquent home-owners and foreclose in its name. As such, MERS Directors and Member institutions are liable for civil and criminal penalties in the illegal seizure of private property. HR3808 will eliminate all legal options afforded to Americans in the pursuit of justice. HR3808 will make it impossible for investors, who were sold nothing more than large pools of unsecured debt, to seek relief in the courts. Pension funds and institutional investors have been fleeced if HR3808 passes, they will never be made whole.

About HR3808:
The bill passed the House under a suspension of the rules in April 2010 and was passed in a unanimous vote by the Senate in October 2010. It was a secret voice vote, so we are unable to determine the identit y of incumbent Congressmen who bought into the Too Big to Fail mantra. When the Left caught wind of the move, they p ressured Obama to veto the Bill. HR3808 is Obamas onl y pocket veto.

About MERS
MERS, the brainchild of Angelo Mozil o of Countrywide fame, is an electronic registry that was designed to replace the paper recording of Deeds at the Count y C lerk Offices. It resembles a giant electronic Excel spreadsheet that acts as the depository of information to track the purchase and sale of mortgages in the secondary MBS market . Its business model violates settled state propert y law. Since 1997, MERS clouded title on upwards of 80 million homes by separating the Promissory Note from the Deed and turni ng the mortgage into a securit y that was sold to investors worldwide. This action breaks the chain of title and clouds ownership. This results in the value of the propert y plunging, since it can onl y be sold to cash buyers. Title companies will refuse to insure these properties, so mortgages are not a viable option for buyers.

About NJ Tea Party Coalition

Ordinary citizens can do extra -ordinary things. NJTPC members are engaged in the fight for freedom and restoration of American core principles, expressed so eloquentl y in the Founding documents. NJTPC members have fidelit y to the U.S. Constitution and believe our rights come from God, not from government.
Please visit : NJTPC to view our S ystemic Mortgage Fraud presentation :

Please watch: WNBC-TV segment based on NJTPC Report :

http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Count y -Clerks-Seek-Millions-From-MortgageGiant-117559673.html
Please email : To request an interview email pr@njteapart ycoalition.org

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