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Employment of People

with Disability (PWD)

What do Employers Expect?

A Summary of a Case Study Report about Policy Implementation Evaluation
of the Employment Programme for People with disabilities at Desert Group

Desert Group is a national organization established in Dubai in 1988
and has currently around 3400 employees. It constitutes a number
of companies that provide service-related and landscape oriented
This study was initiated by the Community Development Authority as
there was a need to investigate the status of PWD in the workforce
within the UAE. The study was a result of collaborated efforts between
CDA, the British University in Dubai and Desert Group. This case study
report was conducted by Ms. Nadera Alborno, a Doctorate student at
the British University in Dubai.
The study was conducted to examine the initiative carried out by
Desert Group in 2006, in compliance with the federal law No.29/2006
to protect the rights of people with special needs which was amended

in December 2009 to protect the rights of people with disabilities, by

gradually employing 41 workers with varying physical and intellectual
disabilities, based on the organizations belief and commitment to
corporate social responsibility. Since then, Desert Group has been
successful in providing sustainable employment for people with
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the inclusion of people
with disabilities in the work force by examining both the benefits and
liabilities of providing people with disabilities equal opportunities of
employment. The researcher evaluated the employment program for
people with disabilities in Desert Group.

The methodology of this study is qualitative, based on social
constructivist paradigm in which the intent is not to generalize to
a population, but to develop an in depth exploration of a central
phenomenon. Many methods were used to collect the needed
information including interviews with all stakeholders, observation of
people with disabilities in the workplace, document analysis using
papers provided by the organization such as statistics and reports,
government and federal reports, international documents, related
articles, Desert Group website and BUiDs ethical code of conduct.

Findings & Discussion

According to the head of the special needs department, the program
had a high retention rate of 88%, where only five employees resigned
out of 41 employed since the program commenced in 2006 which in
effect reduced the cost of staff turnover.
Special attention is given to adjusting the work environment to
encourage higher productivity and positive behavior such as:
The working environment has been inspected by civil defense officers
and experts from CDA.
Reducing the working hours in the summer with the option
of a fully paid 2 months holiday is given in the summer
Special chairs have been allocated for the soil potting team
to ease the physical stress related to the job
Techniques and modified equipments have been devised
Absence is allowed for rehabilitation and treatment
First aid training workshops are offered
Shading the area of soil potting and stacking

Overcoming barriers in
the work environment
In order to improve productivity, independence and self-determination
to create a better working environment, it was necessary to overcome
the psychological, behavioral and professional barriers between
people with disabilities and the work environment.
Psychological Aspect:
Employees were valued and respected which resulted in higher
self-esteem and self-confidence.
Employees trust was reinforced through providing an open door
policy with the management allowing them to voice their opinions
and needs.
Incentives such as adequate remuneration, professional
development and recreational and social programs resulted in
empowerment and positive attitude, hence a friendly working
Job satisfaction was clear during participating observations, were
gardeners stated many reasons for their desire to come to work.
Behavioral Aspect:
Daily monitoring behavioral forms which act as an incentive
for good behavior.
Personal sessions to reinforce positive behavior.
Daily and monthly incentive programs such as employee

of the month.
Recreational and sports program.
Instilling Islamic values.
Effective communication system with the parents/ guardians.



It has been observed that employees were polite and courteous
and self-disciplined
Job instructions were accepted and adhered to with no problems
and there was a fair amount of participation and cooperation
amongst the group which resulted in a competitive, high spirited
yet supportive working environment
High attendance rates have been noted from the daily attendance
record, which was also confirmed by the gardeners who stated
that coming to work is better than being at home, especially that
they are earning their own money
There was an obvious sense of pride about their jobs.
Their self-efficacy and work ethics are evident in their accuracy,
commitment and loyalty
The resulting social impact of the program internally has been quite
positive. According to the production research manager, watching
the people with disabilities working so hard and observing
their commitment is very inspiring to all the staff around them.
Furthermore, it has increased the sense of pride and loyalty as a
result of appreciating that the company is fulfilling its duty towards
God and society

Desert Group has laid out the first important foundation steps for
committing to equal employment opportunities by instilling the vision
of employment for all and as a result created a corporate culture of
acceptance and respect for the diversity of abilities.
How to succeed in employing people with disabilities:
The success of the program can be attributed to the following points
which can be considered as requirements for any organization aspiring
to start an equal opportunities employment program:
Leadership vision and an initial investment.
Qualified management and supervision teams that are totally
committed to the leaderships vision.
Implementing a disability awareness program within the company
to ensure that employees will not be isolated or marginalized.
Environment adjustment, such as physical adjustments,
transportation, flexible working hours, flexible job requirements,
health and safety training and accessible information depending
on disabilities.
Seeking external support. For example, utilizing the services of an
employment support agency.









( )Stakeholders


5 41 2006














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