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Time: 3 Hours Answer the following questions: 1. a. Briefly bring out the functions of the four divisions of COBOL.
b. What is the significance of PICTURE clauses? Give examples. c. Explain the syntax and use of MULTIPLY and DIVIDE verbs. OR 2. a. Describe the structure of a COBOL program with the help of an illustrative example. What are COBOL reserved words? OR b. How are the following verbs used in COBOL: OPEN, CLOSE, READ and WRITE? c. Define Identifier. What are the rules for forming identifiers? OR (10) (05) (05) (10) (05) (05)

Max.Marks: 100

(10) b. Write the syntax for subtract statement. Give an example. (05) c. List any five figurative constants. (05) OR 4. a. Give an example for declaring two dimensional array. (05) b. Write the syntax for Divide statement? Give an example. (05) c. What are the paragraphs and sections in the ENVIRONMENT DIVISIONS? Show sample entries. OR (10) (10) b. What are the uses of level numbers? Give examples. (10) OR 6. a. Writ a COBOL program to print a temperature conversion table from oC to o F from 0oC to 100oC in steps of 2oC with appropriate column headings. (10) b. Write a COBOL program to illustrate the use of conditional and sequence control verbs. (10) OR 7. a. Explain the COBOL SORT and MERGE features (10) b. Write a COBOL Program to create a sequential file. (10) OR 8. a. Explain all arithmetic statements available in COBOL with examples. (15) b .Explain all edited picture clauses (05) OR 9 a. How are tables handled in COBOL? Write a COBOL program to create a two dimensional table in a problem of your choice. (10) b. Discuss the organization and features of a Direct Access file through a sample program. (10) OR 10. a. Write notes on the following: (i) JUSTIFIED and CORRESPONDING options. (ii) String manipulation in COBOL.

3. a. Explain the various types of Move statements.

5. a. Explain the various types of Move statements.


b. Explain the functions of following statements in COBOL by giving one example each: I. MOVE II. RENAME III. COMPUTE IV. REDEFINES (10)

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