Control Charts

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Type of CC Quality parameter being controlled

CC for variables (measured data) The measured value of a quality variable (X) in samples drawn from the process output. X-bar = mean of all the values of the variable (X) in a sample. R = range of variation in the values of the variable (X) within a sample ie, the highest value minus the lowest value.

CC for attributes (counted data) Defectives in lots of output When the sample size vary from lot to lot The Proportion of defective items in a lot, (p) ie, p = no. of defective items in a sample that sample size. p - Chart: UCL p 3 3 LCL LCL Mean When the sample size is constant from lot to lot. The number of defective items in a lot, (np) ie, np = no. of defective items in a sample n p - Chart : UCL np 3 3 Mean c LCL 3 The no. of defects on a single item of (c) c = no. of defects on one single piece of output

The charts To construct a CC we need three control values of the CC viz, the mean and two control limits (UCL & LCL). There is a procedure to compute these three values using principles of statistics. Mean values of the CC

UCL = D.R bar R Chart - R bar Mean LCL = D .R bar UCL A. R Mean A. R

c- Chart: UCL 3 Mean

X X- Chart LCL R X

= R / no. of samples = X / no. of samples

p mean fraction of defective items in all the samples, i.e no. of defective items in all the samples / no. of items in all the samples. n - mean sample size ie, size of all the samples / no of samples taken A target value fixed mean value.

np mean no. of defective items rejected in one sample , i.e., no. of defective items in all the samples / no. of samples taken

c - mean no. of defects in one piece, i.e., no. of defects in all the pieces / no. of pieces inspected

by the management may also be adopted as the

Formulae to compute control limits, UCL & LCL Utility of CC Type of frequency distribution

Statistical tables give values for D, D & A. these. R-bar is multiplied by


p (1 -

(np) =

np(1 -


When the value of a sample is plotted on the CC, if it falls outside the two control limits (UCL & LCL) or if a few consecutive samples show certain trend, then the process may be under the influence of some special cause. It needs to be investigated and eliminated. Normal Binomial, but approximated to Poisson Poisson

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