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Your Majesty, The Reconsideration of Mr Brian Souter on Her Majestys Honours List I am writing as a representative of the students of the

University of Edinburgh in regards to the news that the entrepreneur Brian Souter is to be formally recognised in Her Majestys Honours List. There is no denying that Mr Souters accomplishments in business are vast. However, as Her Majestys Honours List strives to reflect the greatest of what our country is, I believe we are in danger of illustrating the worst. As Her Majesty may know, in 2000 Mr Souter attempted to privately fund a biased and undemocratic referendum in Scotland which aimed to maintain Clause 28 banning local authorities from teaching young people about the realities of homosexuality. The referendum was rightly shunned, and its lack of political momentum was I believe a reflection of how much social progress our society had made. In a world of inequality, I believe that the people of the United Kingdom look to Her Majesty for guidance, and examples of what our society should be. As a representative of many members of the lesbian and gay community, I simply do not see such greatness in Mr Souter. Honouring Mr Souter would only give legitimacy to the privatisation of our democracy and institutionalisation of inequality - further isolating many of the people I am proud to represent. I urge Her Majesty to reflect on the decision to Honour Mr Brian Souter on Her List. Yours truly,

Matthew McPherson President of Edinburgh University Students Association

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