Her Love in Me

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Her Love In Me

Ricardo Sal LaRosa

I This wretched lost soul A penniless poet A wanderer in outer space Has come home to her arms An enduring innocence Her blind faith in me Makes me humble and cry of unknown joy Tender she is When she grabs my arm with hers Sincerely Lovingly Lovable girl I tell her That she is made of sweetness and honeydew She smiles a shy smile And just stares at me Gazing at me with those patient glorious eyes of hers Not knowing that she is the protagonist of these verses Not knowing that she is my happiness Not knowing that her touch is my only peace On this forsaken planet we called Earth I Blessed infinitely by her A poet in love A broken-hearted man No more! And she is my Muse My inspiration My justice rendered My love! Her voice Raspy with eternal softness Girlishly And always sweet
XV Juno MMXI - Ricardo Sal LaRosa - Long Island, New York

Sashay are her movements For she knows I am watching her Knowing that I cannot resist her teasing Knowing that I am falling in love with her! This earthling creature Fair skin as is the color of pureness Brunette hairs of sparkling life in her Not ashamed To shown her love to me in public! I Am strengthen by her presence In my life In this incarnation In this clam before a storm In her dwells my heart! Sweet, sweet girl With colorful ribbons in your hairs With that radiant smile claming my restless spirit With love in your eyes for me! A rose in your hair The one that I stole from a garden Because I could not afford one And knowing that She did not judge me She cried a few tears saying to me, Ive never received a rose of love until today See her standing next to me Smiling Touching me This is love! As I feel her kiss beyond my lips and penetrating into my soul My love! My love! My love!

XV Juno MMXI - Ricardo Sal LaRosa - Long Island, New York

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