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MYP Personal Project

MYP - Personal Project Proposal Sheet

What is your goal with this project? In other words, what do you expect to have completed by the end of the project (describe the form that your personal project will take an original work of art, a written piece of work, a piece of literary fiction, an original science experiment, an invention, or an event)? The final product will most likely be a short video, as this is the best way to display the concept of my project. The general concept is combining music with visual art, so that they enhance each other. The music and visual art in the video will be closely related. As an example, in the video, a music track could be played, while on the video you visually see art that relates to the mood, pitch, and tempo of the music. What is the purpose of the project? In other words, why have you chosen this project? The purpose will be to display the power of music and visual art together, either to promote an idea/though or to show how they can enhance one another to create an interesting video or presentation. What has inspired you to do this project? I play the guitar and am greatly interested in the structure and strength of music, and how it can affect people.

How will your chosen AOI shape the personal project? How will you explore the area of interaction within the project? The AOI: Human ingenuity relates to how humans think, thus the affect that music and visual has on humans relates to this. Also, music and visual art is created by human creativity and expression. The project may also involve research about the way the human brain interprets music and processes it, and attempting to manipulate the way it functions to strengthen the affect that the video has on people. Why is this area fundamental to your project? It is fundamental because it displays two human creations, how they enhance each other, and how they affect the human mind. However, it may also address a second AOI in the future, as a meaning can be added to the video, thus possibly involving another AOI. For example, if the video has a story related to the dangers of certain environmental hazards, the AOI will be: Human ingenuity and Environments .

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