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For Immediate Release: June 8, 2011

Contact: Chris Ventura (614) 466-4895

Dovilla Announces House Passage of Constitutional Modernization Bill

COLUMBUS State Representative Mike Dovilla (R-Berea) has announced passage by the Ohio House of Representatives of House Bill 188, legislation that would establish the Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission to conduct a comprehensive review of the Ohio Constitution. The commission would be responsible for conducting an in-depth review of Ohio s highestgoverning document, promoting an exchange of experiences and dialogue, considering problems inherent to the process of amending the Constitution, and issuing recommendations to the General Assembly on substantive constitutional amendments. I am proud to join Speaker Batchelder by cosponsoring this important legislation to authorize a commission to review the Ohio Constitution, said Dovilla. The Constitutional Modernization Commission will provide a bipartisan review of the Constitution and provide recommendations for ensuring our state s charter document continues to serve the needs of representative democracy for all citizens of the Buckeye State. According to the Ohio Constitution, the question of whether or not to hold a constitutional convention must be decided by the voters every 20 years. In 1972, the 108th General Assembly established the Constitutional Revision Commission to study the content and structure of the Ohio Constitution. Based on the model of the previous commission, the Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission will explore possible reforms and better prepare Ohio for the challenges and opportunities that arise in the next 20 years. The commission will be composed of 32 members 12 bipartisan members of the General Assembly and 20 additional appointees. Members will serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred while engaging in the performance of official duties. House Bill 188 passed by a vote of 96-1 and will now move to the Ohio Senate for further consideration. -30-

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