Touch Screen Chain Men Hair Salon Project Proposal

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BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology





This project aims to develop a customer interface web application for men salon to assist in the increase of customer patronage and loyalty. The current system in use fails to meet the clients needs for this topic area, due to their generic approach and poor level of usability. The artefact produced during this project is aimed at h elping to establish a good salon -customer relationship and empowering customers with knowledge of how much time to wait before receiving treatment.


Technology has improved lots of businesses today. Evidence is seen in the banking sector where a credit/debit card can be used to perform transactions from the comfort of ones home. The Airline has also experienced technological advancement in many areas, an example being online reserv ation of tickets. Technology has also improved smaller businesses like salons. For example, online appointments can be made by customers to receive treatment. Some salons even use high -tech equipments like the facial bed which controls leg, back, tilt, height adjustments and mechanically regulated time blower.

Problem Statement Outline of the environment and problem to be solved The Clients are owners of mens hair salons in where they perform similar functions usually available in womens salon and much more, for example, damp out and finish. Clipper cut grade 1-4 all over, hair art, colouring, traditional beard trim, shaving, luxury wet shave. There are lots of customers but stylists find it hard to determine who is next in line for service, and information about the customer is not taken like his hair style and products bought. It is important for stylists to know the past details of customers to promote good

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BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology



customer service and continuity if he wants same style. Customers also need to be aware of promotion for better patronage. Problems Identified

Inability to determine the customer next in line for treatment/ service Inability to track customers details No record of past details of customer No record of products sold


T o manage the queue To allow customers a rough waiting time app roximately 20 minutes To record customer details creating customer service/ loyalty To build a database of customers for marketing purposes To record notes for each customer and products bought Book keeping system Hardware (touch screen that interacts with customer displaying approximate waiting time including an accept or join the queue buttons)

Stock control system Salons daily/weekly/monthly/annual takings Individuals daily/weekly/monthly/annual takings Commission for each stylist daily/weekly/month ly/annual takings


Project deliverables
Web application with HCI (Human Computer Interaction) Customer user interface for chain of men salons

Mandatory Prototype 1- Manage the queue Prototype 2- Allow customers a rough waiting time approximately 20mins Prototype 3- Record names creating customer loyalty Prototype 4- Record notes for each customer

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BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology



Prototype 5- Build a database of customers for marketing purposes Prototype 6- Demonstration of the connection between the door system and the reception system Prototype 7- Notes will be shown of customers who did different things with their hair once their names up as being next. Summary-Representation of what the touch screen would look like.

Optional (In View of time) Prototype 1- Touch screen hardware Prototype 2- Book keeping Prototype 3- SMS reminders Project Constraints a. Health fear of falling sick b. Time weary of not meeting the deadline c. Resource unavailability of some resources might prove crucial d. Cost funds might be required to get more resources

Project approach 1. Requirement Analysis 2. Specification 3. Architecture 4. Design 5. Implementation 6. Testing 7. Deployment 8. Maintenance Facilities and resource Library, Supervisor and the Internet, I might also need some money for going out in search of information which I do not think the school would provide this.

No constraints to their availability.

I hope funds would be available from me when I need it.

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BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology



Log of risks 1. Time constraint 2. Loss of Project 3. Health factor 4. Loss of work resulting fro m system crash 5. No face-to-face contact with client 6. Scope- fear of software not meeting the desired quality

Back-up Plan Time: I will create a series of tasks using Gantt chart and work hard to achieve them at the specified timing. Loss of project: I will endeavour to back up my work each day. Health factor: I will endeavour to include lots of vegetables and fruits in my diet, rest well and visit the gym for fitness. However, if I eventually fall ill and need some time out for recovery, I will allocate t asks to allow me work a little extra so I would be able to meet up the deadline. System Crash: My back-up plan includes storing my work in an external storage device. Truly, seeing my client face -to-face would be really challenging but with contact details handy, I can always reach him electronically or via mobile. Some software does not meet the desired quality but I will continue to liaise with the client as I carry on with the work so in the end, I would have satisfied the client and produce a good artef act. At the end of each working day, I must review my log of risks and back -up plans. At the conclusion of the days task, I will conclude only after going through my log of risks and review my backup as well.


PROJECT SPECIFICATION 1. Requirement gathering: To get information from different source 2. Requirement specification: From the information I get, I can then put together needed requirements for the client.

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BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology



3. Requirements elicitation: Considering the requests of the us ers, I need to know what they require from the application and what they expect the application to accomplish. 4. Requirement Analysis: Once the clients needs has been identified and that of the end user been known, a structured analysis of these would be d one after modelling the requirements. 5. Requirements specification: Requirements once elicited, m odelled and analyzed would be documented in clear unambiguous terms. 6. Requirements Management: This is a comprehensive process that would include all aspects of software requirement analysis and additionally ensures verification, validation and traceability requirements. Specifications With all the requirements well analysed, I should be able to know what the software would be made of and the software development tool I can use to effectively design the software.

Architecture 1. At this point, I should be able to make a conceptual design of the flow of application making up the software. 2. Identify the different pages and how they link.

Design I would be having an interface design and a database design. Interface design: This is the part visible to the end user, with the help of the architecture, this would be smoothly. Database: Of course, the database design would precede the interface design. With the specifications and architecture in place, it is hoped that design follows immediately.

Implementation This is time for the actual coding or programming. At this point, there is great need to make sure that the interface interacts well with the database and every aspect of the coding is progressive.

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BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology



Testing Software cannot be complete without good testing; the following testing processes would be done, 1. Unit testing: This is testing the minimal software component, or module to verify that the detailed desig n for the unit has been correctly implemented. 2. Integration testing: This exposes defects in the interfaces and interaction between integrated components, correspondence with the architectural design until the software works properly as a system. 3. System testing: The completely integrated system would be tested to verify that it meets its requirements. Deployments The system is now ready for use and would be made available to the client but as the case is, would be presented to my supervisor. Gantt Chat Below show the Gantt chat that I will use in the process of my project process.

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BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology



Legal, ethical, professional, social issues

My project does not have any professional, social, legal or professional issues that may impose constraint.

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BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

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