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Khomanani Primary School

Minutes of the meeting held on the 13th of April 2011 Time : 13h30 Venue: Room 12 Members present: All members were present Agenda 1. Opening and welcome 2. .Apologies 3. Minutes 4. Matters arising 5. Reports Term Reports Trip Reports GPLS Reports 1. AOB 2. Closure 1. Opening Ms F.Rikhotso opened the meeting with a prayer and welcomed everybody to the 4th grade meeting. 2. Apologies No apologies 3. Minutes The secretary moved the minutes as a true reflection and it was seconded by V.Khosa. 4. Matters arising

Class visit was not done for grade R. It will be done according to the year plan. Letters were not sent out to grade R to inform them that those who are not going to Pretoria ZOO must not come to school.

5. Reports Term reports was read by Ms Masilane. Every member was given a copy of the report .

GPLS Report was done by Ms Tlakola ( everything that was done during the training ) Trip Report was done by Ms Masilane the trip was very successfully. Grade R workshop Report it was reported by Ms T.Mabasa 6. AOB The following items needs to be purchase from the LTSM

iesel Wax crayons for grade R Stamps Chain and lock for grade R

Ms Rikhotso thank everyone for attending and for their commitment.. 7. Closure Ms Nkuna closed the meeting with a prayer at 14h30

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