Watch Log 6-13-11night

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Date: 06/13/2011
TO: General Staff and C.I.U

FROM: Lt.Tom Lesser SHIFT HOURS: MAJOR CRIMES: ARRESTS: 1745 Hours TO: 0600 Hours

OTHER INFORMATION: 110613-1818-01 Assault at 8111 Bud Henderson Rd. Officers responded to this address and were advised by a white male that he was assaulted by his partner. The other white male suspect was not on scene. The caller stated that he was slapped and kicked in the face by the suspect. No visible injuries were noticed and the caller refused medic. Report was taken and the warrant process was explained. 110613-2024-01 Damage to Property at 16023 Hallaton Dr. (McAuley Swim Club) Unknown suspect spay painted graffiti on the wooden shed that the garbage cans are stored in. It does not appear to be gang related. The caller did not know when this took place. 110614-0349-01 Possible Missing Person at 8601 Flanagan Ct. Caller advised that her husband went to Chilis near I-85 with a male janitor from work for the janitors birthday. When she woke up and noticed that her husband still was not home she decided to call the police. The subject that is missing is a Brett Williams. The restaurant was checked; hospitals, intake and the wife checked their bank activity. Also Brett will not answer his cell phone. There is a history of domestic violence at the residence. At the time of this report this call was still being investigated.

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