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Storyboard- multimedia : Rubric Rubric

Teacher Name: Liz and Alex

Student Name: CATEGORY Content 4

________________________________________ 3 2 1 Less than half of the content is in the students\' own words and/or is relevant to the questions.

All content is in the Almost all content is in the At least half of the content is students\' own words and is students\' own words and is in the students\' own words relevant to the questions. relevant to the questions. and is relevant to the questions.

Clarity and Neatness

the blog is easy to read and all elements are clearly written. Another student could easily summarize the content of the blog.

the blog is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn. Another student could fairly easily summarize the blog.

the blog is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. Another student could not easily summarize the blog and is confused about some of the content.

the blog is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. Another student could not summarize the blog without asking questions.

Required Elements

The blog included all required elements, and expands slightly on the topic by completely answers the questions, and adding additional elements.

The blog included all required elements from the assignment and completely answers the questions.

The blog is missing one element from the assignment.

The blog is missing numerous elements.

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