Awaited Imam 1

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The Awaited Imm

Mahd ()

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Minhaj-ul-Quran Publications
Lah ore, Pakistan

Copyr ight 2003 by Minh aj- ul-Quran Intern ationa l, L ahore, Pak istan . All r ights re serve d. No pa rt of this book may be use d or rep ro duce d in any manner wh atsoev er witho ut pr ior p erm ission, exc ept in ca se of brief quotation s e m bo die d in cr itica l artic le s an d rev ie ws. Re se arch Assistant s: Prof Iftikha r A. Sh eikh, Ja we d I qba l, M . Faroo q Ran a Wor d pro ce sse d By : Ba sir Ah ma d, M. Faroo q Rana T he entir e in come o f a ll o f Dr M uhamm a d T ahir- ulQa dr is books, re cor de d a udio/v ideo ca ssettes & CD s of h is lecture s/a ddre sse s, is de dicate d on his beh alf to M inha j- ul-Qur an Intern ationa l.

P re se nte d By: Far id-e- Millat Re sear ch In stit ute 366-M , Mo del T o wn, Lahor e, 54700, Pakistan. www. m inh ajbook s. com Publishe d by: M inha j- ul-Qur an P ublicat ions 365-M , Mo del T o wn, Lahor e-54700, Pak istan. (+92-42-5168514 , 5169111-3 Fax : +92-42-5168184 www. m inh aj. biz E-m ail:

Printe d in Pak istan by M inha j- ul-Qur an Printin g Pre ss.

Co ntents
P reface
Se ction 1 1 15

Imm M ahd () is t he true Imm and is from the family of F timah ()

Se ction 2

The D ay of J udgment w ill not arrive before the caliphate of Imm M ahd ()
Se ction 3


Imm M ahd () and Economic J ust ice

Section 4

22 25 29 32 37

Imm M ahd () and the Saints

Se ction 5

Imm M ahd () as A llhs Caliph

Section 6

Imm M ahd () and Is lamic D ominance

Section 7

Economic Prosperity and F air Distribution of Wealt h

Section 8

Imm M ahd () will be w elcomed w ith Open Arms



T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Se ction 9

P rophet s and Imm M ahd

Se ction 10

46 52

O bedience of Imm M ahd () w ill be Compulsory

Se ction 11

Circumst ances Surrounding Imm M ahds A rrival

Se ction 12


Imam M ahd () as t he Last Caliph G loss ary Bibliography Index t o H adth and Athar (A rabic) Index t o H adth and Athar (English) G eneral Index

57 65 69 75 79 83

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T oday is 18 Dh ul-h ijjah ,1 th e day wh en the Prophet () st aye d at Gh a dr Kh um after h is ret urn from Ha jjat-ulwa d 2 to Me dina. Surro un de d by the Comp anion s (), he de clare d while ra isin g the han d of Al a l-M urta d () :

Wh oev e r ha s me a s his maste r Al is h is maste r. T his wa s the dec lar ation o f Al s spirit ua l sove reignty an d it s uncon ditiona l a cc eptance is bin din g on be liever s till the Day of Judgem ent. It clear ly prov es that anyone who den ie s Als spir itual sover eignty in fact denie s the Prophet s sp ir itual sover eignty. T his most h um ble fo llo wer of the Prophet ( ) fe lt that some peop le deny this r ea lity partly o ut o f ignor anc e an d p artly o ut of pr ejudice , wh ich is sp rea din g unne ce ssary ten sion an d disun ity in the M uslim comm unity. Un der the c irc umstan ce s I tho ught it nec e ssary to wr ite t wo pamph let s on the issue of sover eignty an d lea der ship : one title d a s Th e Ghad r Dec la ration an d the othe r title d The A wa ited Imm Mahd (). T he fo rmer is de sign e d to
1. 2. t he t wel ft h m ont h i n t he Is l am i c cal endar, and the month of t he pi l gri m age t o M akkah t he l ast or farewell pi lgri m age of the Prophet M uham m ad () t he year (10AH /632A D ) before he l eft for his eternal hom e. 1

T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

c lar ify the stat us of Al () a s the op ener of the sp ir itua l sover eignty an d the latter is de sign e d to descr ibe the st atus of Im m M ah d ( ), the se al of sp ir itua l sover eignty. T he m ain p urpo se is to r emove the do ubts that have gathere d aro un d the issue an d to m ake the M uslim s a war e of the rea lity. T he sp ir itual sover eignty of Al an d M ah d ( ) a re p rove d by the a uthentic had th- book s of Ah l- us- Sunn ah wa l- Jam ah, in the form of contin uo us tr a dition s, (that is, the re is un interr upte d ev iden ce to en dor se th e so un dne ss o f the tr a dition s). In the f ir st p amphlet I h ave inc lude d 51 tra dition s wh ich a re f ull a uthentic ate d an d ref eren ce d. T he rea son for this n um be r is that this ye ar I h ave complete d 51 ye ars of my lif e. T herefor e, in or de r to ga in ble ssin gs I hav e h um bly use d th is r elat ionsh ip a s wa slah ( interme diation ) in the pr esence of Al (), so th at this me a gre ef fort is a cc epted. ( mn) In this p refa ce I want to c lar ify the thre e type s of le ga cy ( inher itance ) han de d do wn by the Ho ly Prophet ( ): i. T he sp irit ua l inher itanc e of un apparent suc ce ssion (sp ir itual khilfah ). ii. T he politic al inh eritan ce of extern al ca liph ate. iii. T he gen era l inher itance of r eligio us ca liph ate. T he fir st form of inher itance wa s giv en to the mem ber s of the Prophets fam ily . T he secon d form of inh eritan ce wa s given to the r ightly- guide d ca liph s. T he thir d form of inhe ritanc e wa s giv en to other Compan ion s an d the Succe ssor s (). T he unapp arent succ e ssion is that fo unta inhe a d of Prophet M uh amma d s suc ce ssion which not on ly saf e guar de d sp irit ua l ach ievem ents an d hidden ble ssin gs of I slam , but also intro duce d the Umm ah to sp ir itua l sover eignty, sa intly r ank of qu tb an d refo rmation thro ugh wh ich the Umm ah ben efite d sp ir itually. T he externa l c aliphate is that fo untainh ea d of Prophet M uhamma ds succ e ssion wh ich le d to the

. . .

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pr actic al domin anc e of I slam a s we ll a s it s e sta blishment a s a pra ctic al sy stem . T his le a d to gov ernan ce an d st a bility of the Prophet s d n. It p ave d the way for the c reation of dif fer ent I slamic state s an d pr actically introduce d the sha rah o f Prophet M uhamma d () a s a wo rld sy stem. T he gen era l c aliphate is the fo untainh ea d of Prophet M uh amma d s succ e ssion wh ich promote d the I slam ic tea chin gs an d prove d the importanc e o f r ighteo us dee ds in the M uslim comm unity. It not on ly he lpe d in the pr eservation of kno wle dge an d p iety amon g th e Ummah but a lso in the spr ea d an d prop a gation of I slam ic mora lity. T he three types of c aliphate m ay be summe d up a s: i. Suc c e ssion of sp ir itual sov ere ignty. ii. Ca liph ate of gov ernan ce. iii. Ca liph ate of guidan ce. Sh h Wa l Allh ( , ) a gre at scho lar of the In dian Subc ontinent, h as comm ente d on th is div ision of Prophet s inh er itance in the follo win g wo r ds:

, , , , , , .
P eople who ha ve rec eived th e P roph et s inhe ritanc e a re o f three kind s: Th e first k ind is of tho se who rece iv ed wisdom, p ie ty

T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

and inne r enlightenment from h im. Th e se a re the membe rs o f his family and o the r spe cific p ersona litie s. The se cond g roup is o f those who rec eived th e inhe ritanc e o f e xterna l enlightenment from him in the form of v irtuou sne ss, and gu idance . Th e se a re his sen io r Companion s, eg the fou r ca liph s and the ten Companion s who re ceived the great n e ws (of parad ise from the P rophe t Muhammad ( )). The third g roup is o f those who rec eived ind ividua l b le ssing s from h im in the fo rm o f kno wledg e and piety. Th ese a re the peop le who we re ste eped in the v irtu e o f h sn ( se lfle ssne ss), like Ana s and Ab Hu ray rah ( , ) and the peop le who came late r. Th e th ree fo rms of inhe ritanc e o we their o rig in to th e finality of me ssenge rship .1 It may be note d that this division is ba se d on conv enience an d sp ec ia l stat us whe rea s e ach c ate gory of inher itance share s th e qua litie s of other inher itance s of the Prophet (). Ea ch c atego ry ha s, in som e sh ape or form, a re lation sh ip with the other. v In govern ance , Ab Bakr a s- Siddq ( ) wa s the imme diate dep uty of the Prophet ( ). v In sp ir ituality an d sainthoo d Al al- M urta d () wa s h is dir ectly appointe d dep uty. v In guidanc e a ll o f his Compan ions an d Ca liph s () we re his imme diate dep utie s. As a re sult, after the f ina lity of proph ethood, thr ee hor izon s we re set up in or der to fa cilitate the eterna l contin uity of the Proph ets () ble ssin g: i. T he first hor izon is for the politic al inher itanc e of the Prophet ( ).
1. S hh W al Al l h, at -T af h mt -ul -i l hi yyah (2: 8).

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T he secon d hor izon is for the spir itual inh eritan ce of the Prophet () . iii. T he th ir d horizon is for the e duc ationa l an d pr actic al inh eritan ce of the Prophet ( ). T he po litica l inh er itance of the Prophet () wa s kno wn a s kh il fah rsh idah (the r ightly- guide d c aliphate) . T he sp ir itua l inh er itance of the Prophet () wa s kno wn a s wilyah ( spir itual sover eignty) an d immah ( sp irit ua l lea der ship) . T he e ducation al an d pr actica l inh er itance of the Prophet () cam e to be kno wn a s guidanc e an d hone sty. T herefor e, the f ir st r ec ipient of po litica l inh eritan ce wa s Ab Bakr a s- Siddq ( ), the f ir st r ec ipient of spirit ua l inh er itance wa s Al a l-M urta d (), an d the f irst r ecip ient s of e ducation al an d pra ctic al inher itanc e we re the Comp anion s (). So all of th em wer e imme diate c aliph s (h ea ds o f the ir p artic ular c ate gorie s). T her e is no form of contr a dict ion or r iva lry bet ween the three . T he se con d important po int to be noted is that the tr ue st atus of the thr ee dif fer s with re gar ds to var io us issue s, such a s: 1. Externa l c aliphate is the po lit ica l off ic e of Islam . T he un appar ent ca liphate is exc lusiv ely a spirit ua l off ice . 2. T h e externa l ca liph ate is an e le ctive an d con sultative p roce ss. T he unapp arent ca liph ate is an inher ent an d se lect ive act. 3. T he externa l c aliph is e le cted by the p eople . T he unapp arent ca liph is se lecte d by Go d. 4. T he po litica l c aliph is e lecte d. T he spir itual ca liph is sele cte d. 5. T h is is the re ason that the fir st ca liph Ab Bakr a sSiddq () wa s e le cte d on the ba sis o f Um ar Fr q s () p roposal an d the con sensus of the majo rity of the p ublic . But the e le ction of the fir st Imm of sp ir itua l


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

sover eignty Al al- M urta d () re quir e d ne ither any bo dy s propo sal nor a con sen sus. 6. Demo cracy wa s to be der ive d from the ca liph ate, wh ich is why the Proph et ( ) did not anno unc e who will be the c aliph after h im. Spir it ual le a der sh ip wa s an act of a ssignm ent; there fore, the Proph et ( ) de clare d it in the va lley of Gha dr Kh um. 7. T h e Prophet ( ) le ft the e le ction of th e c aliph to the will of the peop le , but the spir it ual lea der ( wal) wa s se lecte d by himself by the will o f Allh. 8. Exte rna l ca liph ate is e sta blishe d to pe rfect the wo rldly sy stem. Sp ir itual lea der ship is e sta blishe d to bea utify it with the he aven ly ch arm an d gra ce. 9. Ca liphate m ake s men just. Sp ir itual lea de rsh ip m ake s them p erfe ct. 10. Ca liphate is conf ine d to the floor (e arth). Sp ir itual le a der sh ip exten ds to the T hrone (of Allh). 11. Ca liphate is in effe ctive witho ut off ic ia lly tak in g off ic e. Sp ir itual lea der ship is ef fectiv e even without takin g off ice . 12. T h is is p ro ba bly th e re ason why c aliphate wa s entr uste d to the Ummah, an d Sp ir itual lea der sh ip wa s entr uste d to the fam ily of the Prophet ( ). T herefor e, ther e is no e scap in g (room for th e den ia l of ) political lea dersh ip ( khilfah ; c aliphate) nor of sp ir itua l sover eignty (wilyah). T he dire ct c aliphate of Ab Bakr as- Siddq () wa s e sta blishe d with the con sensus of the Comp anion s () an d is cate gor ica lly proven by history. T he direct sp ir itual sov ere ignty of Al a lM urta d () wa s anno unc e d by the Prophet ( ) himself an d is cate gor ica lly p roven by muta wtir ( un broken cha in of)

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tra dition s. T he proof of the ca liph ate is the con sensus of the Co mpanion s () an d the proof of sp irit ua l sove re ignty ( wilyah) is the dec lar ation of the Prophet () . One who denie s the ca liph ate in fa ct den ie s h istory an d con sensus, an d on e who den ie s the sp irit ua l sov ere ignty ( wilyah) den ie s the Prophet s dec la ration. T here fore, both the ca liphate an d the sp ir itua l lea dersh ip a re ine sc apa ble rea litie s. Wh at is ur gently ne e de d is a c le ar un der stan din g of the r eality of the t wo in stitut ions in or de r to pr esent conform ity r ather than diff eren ce ( cla sh) bet we en the t wo . It sho uld be un der stood that just a s the externa l c aliphate starte d with the right ly- guide d ca liph s an d its ble ssin gs wer e pa sse d on to the r ighteo us an d just r uler s, sim ilar ly the unapp arent c aliphate ( sp irit ua l sover eignty) st arte d with Al a l-M urta d () an d it s ble ssin gs we re pa sse d on to the me m ber s of the Prophet s fam ily an d pe rfecte d sa ints of the Umm ah. By mean s of the de claration ( who ever ha s m e a s his ma ster Al is h is ma ster) an d ( Al is yo ur sp ir itual le a der after me ) the Prophet ( ) p ublic ly dec lar e d Al () a s the op ener of sp ir itua l sover eignty. Sh h Wal Allh ( ) in the chapter of wilyah say s:

1. .
In th is Ummah th e first pe rson to open the doo r o f spiritua l sov e re ignty ( wily ah) is A l a l- Murtad (1.)


S hh W al Al l h, at -T af h mt -ul -i l hi yyah (1: 103).

T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

2. .
The sec re t of th e sp iritual sove reign ty ( wilyah ) of the Lead e r (A l )wa s pa ssed down to h is ch ild ren.1

3. .
The re fo re, the re is no t a sing le sa int in the Ummah who is no t d ire ctly or ind ire ctly link ed to the family o f A l () ( to a tta in spiritua l leade rship ).2

4. , , .
The first pe rson in the P roph et s Ummah who open ed the gate o f se lf-denia l in ( the most supe rio r and po we rful catego ry o f) spiritua l so ve re ign ty and who took the first step on to this eleva ted spot is Al ( . ) Tha t is why d ifferent o rde rs ( sa l sil) of sp irituality re turn to h im.3 5. Sh h W al Allh ( ) write s: No w who soever rec eiv e s wilyah ( sp irit ua l sov ere ignty) from the Ho ly Prophet M uh amma d ( ), it is e ither r ece ive d thro ugh a re lation sh ip with Al
1. 2. 3. S hh W al Al l h, at -T af h mt -ul -i l hi yyah (1: 103). S hh W al Al l h, at -T af h mt -ul -i l hi yyah (1: 104). S hh W al Al l h, Hamat (p. 60).

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a l-M urtad () or a r elation ship with the Chief Help er ( Gh a wth- ul-A zam) Jlan ( . ) No one c an gain wilyah ( sp irit ua l sov ere ignty) by bypa ssin g this pro ce ss.1 It sho uld be note d that the relation ship with the Chief Help er ( Gha wth- ul-Azam ) is in f act a chapte r an d a r ay of the r elation ship with Al al- M urta d ( ). Sh h I sm l Dih la w h a s c lar if ie d this po int: Al al- M urta d () a lso ha s super ior ity in a sin gle dimen sion over Ab Bakr a s- Siddq () an d Umar Fr q (). T his sup erior ity lie s, f ir stly, in the gr eater n um be r of his fo llo wer s. Se con dly , all c ate gorie s of wilyah ( sp ir itua l sover eignty) fro m his day till the en d of tim e ar e only po ssible thro ugh h im. He ha s a say in the k in gdom of the kin gs an d the lea der ship of the le a der s an d this is not h idden f rom those who ar e f amiliar with the wo rld of an ge ls Mo st sp ir itua l ch ain s a re direct ly deriv e d from Al a l-M urta d (). So , on the Day o f Judgement, Als army includin g follo wer s of h igh stat us an d great r ep utation, will o utnum ber an d o utsh ine other s to be a so urc e of won der fo r a ll the spe ctators. 2 Spirit ua l sove re ignty ( wil yah), within the Prophet M uh amma d s () Umm ah, who se fo unta inhea d is Al a l-M urtad (), is dire ctly sh are d by Ftim ah, Ha ssan an d Husse in () an d then through them it wa s pa sse d do wn to the t we lve Imm s ( spirit ua l lea de rs) , the la st lea der be in g Im m Mah d ( ). Just a s Al a l-M urta d ( ) is the

1. 2.

S hh W al Al l h, Hamat (p. 62). S hh Is m l Di hl aw , Si r t mus t aq m (p. 67).


) T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd (

open er of spir itual sove re ignty, Imm M ah d ( ) is the .se al o f spir itual sov ere ignty T he wor ds of Sh aykh M uja ddid Alf T hn Ahma d ) approp riately h igh light the ( Sa rh an d :po int

: , , : , , , , ,

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And the re is anothe r way clo se to spiritua l sov ereign ty and th is is th e way o f a ll ca tego rie s of sa ints o f all leve ls. The pa th o f mysticism (ta sa wwuf) sp rings from this path and it also in volv e s the sta tu s o f se lf-d enia l. In te rmedia tion is p ro ven in this p roc ess b ecau se A l al- Mu rtad ( ) is the founta inhead of from which the Sha ykh s o f those on this path gain a ll their ble ssing s. And th is grand office is re se rv ed for him. On this pa th, th e fee t o f th e Ho ly P rophe t ( ) a re on A ls head wh erea s F timah, Ha ssan and Hu sse in () share this statu s with him. I b elie ve that he enjo yed this po sition ev en be fore his ph ysica l b irth, a s he did a fte r it. Who soev e r ha s rec eived the d ivin e ble ssing s and guidan ce on this pa th, ha s rece iv ed it through h im, be cau se he is c lo se st to th e last po in t on th is path and the c entre of this spo t be long s to h im. And when A ls p eriod ended , the g rand office wa s passed down to Ha ssan and Husse in ( .) Th en it wa s passed do wn to the twe lv e Imms in th e co rre ct o rde r one by on e, the la st of whom will b e Imm Mahd (). Who soe ve r re ce ived guidan ce in their life and afte r the ir dea th, rec eived it th rough th e se sa ints. The se Imms a re


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

the sou rce of a ll b le ssing fo r e ven the h igh rank ing sain ts ( such as qut ubs and n uja b be cau se the y a re th e c entre of all sp iritua l ac tivity ) and no one can survive without a link with the h eadquarte rs.1 Sh aykh Ahma d Sarh an d ( ) be lieve s that Im m Mah d ( ) will sh are spir it ual sove reignty ( wilyah ) with Al a l-M urta d (). T he gist of the disc ussion is that the Proph ets de claration at Gha dr Kh um p rove d forev er that Al s spirit ua l sov ere ignty is in fact the Prophet M uh amma d s spirit ua l sove re ignty. As the door of prophethoo d wa s c lo se d after th e Ho ly Proph et () , Allh () ha s op ene d ne w aven ues for the contin uation of the Proph ets ble ssin gs till th e Day of Judgement. Som e were blesse d by an extern al stat us wh ilst other s by an interna l status. T he h idden aven ue is kno wn a s sp irit ua l sove reignty an d Al a l-M urtad () wa s its f ir st Imm . T hen this cha in of sover eignty wa s pa sse d do wn to the Prophet s fam ily an d f ina lly to the t we lve Im ms. Beside s the t welv e Imm s there ar e thousan ds of othe r pio us in div idua ls who r each e d the stat us of sainthoo d. T hey h ave h eld high rank s of sainthoo d ( such a s gha wth, qu tub) an d hav e enlightene d the liv e s of million s of peop le thro ugh the intern al light of wilyah , takin g th em o ut of ignoran ce an d a stray . Yet all of th em ga ine d th eir spir itual st atus f rom the sp ir itua l sover eignty of Al a l-M urta d (), be it directly or in dir ectly. No one wa s se lf- suff icient an d in depen dent from th e wilyah of Al a l-M urtad ( ) an d th is cha in will contin ue up to the Day o f Judgement until the app ear ance of the la st Im m ( sp irit ua l le a der ) an d the c entre of sp ir itua l lea de rsh ip. He will be Imm M uh amma d M ah d ( ), the t we lfth Im m an d the last c aliph. In his pe rson , the exte rnal an d the un apparent c aliphate s wh ich r an par alle l to e ach other will come to gether. He will be the sp ir itual a s well a s the po litica l
1. S haykh Ahm ad S arhand , Makt bt (9: 173#123).

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inher itor, an d h e will be the la st pe rson to ho ld the office s of kh il fah an d wilyah . Anyone who denies I mm Mah d ( ) will deny both the externa l an d unappa rent form s of I slam. T his will be the climax of the expo sure an d disc losure of the Prophet M uhamm a d s ble ssin g. T his is due to the f act that, he will be nam e d M uhamm a d an d he will also r esem ble the Ho ly Prophet ( ) in mora l exce llenc e. So the wor ld sho uld kno w that this Imm is the r ec ipient of both the externa l an d intern al inher itanc e o f the Proph ets ble ssin gs. T hat is why th e Prophet ( ) said, Anyone who den ie s M ah d will be a disbeliev er. At that time, he will be th e fo c us of all saints on earth, an d, bein g the lea der o f Proph et M uh amma d s Umm ah, proph et s ( ) will offer his pr ayer beh in d him an d in this way , he will anno unc e h is lea der sh ip to the who le wo rld. So we sho uld r ea lize that Al al-M urta d ( ) an d M ah d ( ) o f the e arth an d h eaven s the father an d the son ar e both Allh s fr ien ds an d the Proph ets inher itors. It is therefor e comp ulsory on ev ery be liever to a ckno wle dge their exc eptiona l status. M ay Allh () giv e us the a bility to ga in ble ssin gs from the se fo unta inhe a ds of wilyah . (m n! with the interme diation o f the L ea de r of the Proph ets ( )). M uhammad Ta hir- ul-Qad ri On e of the servant s of Proph ets ( ) Fa mily

T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


Secti on 1

Imm Mahd ( ) is the true Imm and is from the family of Ftimah ()
1. : :
Sa d ibn M usayya b r elate s that he h ear d Umm Sa lamah ( ) say: I h ear d the M essen ger of Allh ( ) m ention Mah d. He said: y es, M ah d is th e T ruth (that is, his appear anc e is tr ue an d immin ent) an d h e will be from the fam ily o f Ftimah .1

. , : ,

2. , : : :
Ana s ibn M lik () na rrate s: I he ar d the M essen ger of Allh () say : we, the childr en of Abd- ul-M uttalib, will be the ch ief s of the p eople of Par a dise , that is, my se lf, Ham zah, Al, Ja far, Ha ssan , Husse in an d M ah d. 2

3. , :

. , :

1. 2.

Related by Hkim in al-Mustadrak (4:557 # 8671), while Dhahab kept silent about it. Ibn Mjah narrated it in as-Sunan, b. of fitan (turmoils) 4:455 (#4087); Hkim, al-Mustadrak (3:211 # 4940); Mizz, Tuhfat-ulashrf bi-marifat-il-atrf (1:86 # 195); and Hind in Kanz-ulumml (12:97 # 34162).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Umm Salamah ( ) say s that Allh s M essen ger () ment ione d Mah d ( an d h e sa id:) he will be from the children of Ftim ah.1

4. ,

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ish ah ( ) re late s that the Prophet sa id: M ah d will be f rom my children who will f ight (to e sta blish) my sunnah a s I fo ught a ccor din g to the div ine r evelation. 2

5. , : , : : , . , : ! : , . , , ,
Sulaymn ibn Ha bb say s that he he ar d Ab Um mah () narr ate: T he Me ssen ge r of Allh said: ther e will be pe ac e bet ween yo u an d Ro me fo ur time s an d the fo urth tim e the lea de r of the Roman s will be a pe rson belon gin g to the ch ildr en of Her ac lius. T his p ea ce will la st seven contin uo us y ear s. A man from Abd a l-Qays, M usta wr id
1. 2. Hkim related it in al-Mustadrak (4:557 # 8672); and Suyt in alHw lil-fatw (2:74). Ibn Hammd narrat ed it in al-Fitan (1:371#1092); and Suyt copied it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:74).

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ibn Khay ln, a ske d the Me ssen ger o f Allh : who will be the Imm of the M uslim s at that time ? He ( ) r eplie d: that pe rson will be from (my) ch ildr en an d he will be forty ye ar s o ld. His f ac e will be br ight like a star an d there will be a black bea uty spot on his r ight che ek, an d he will be dre sse d in t wo cotton go wn s an d it will seem a s tho ugh h e is exa ctly like one of the Ch ildren of I sra el. He will r ule for t en ye ar s, discov er tre asure s fro m ben eath the e arth an d con quer the c itie s r ule d by the po lytheists. 1

6. ,
Abdullh ibn M as d ( ) h a s r elated it from the Proph et : he sa id: T he n ame of Mah d will be M uhamm a d.2

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1. 2.

Tabarn narrated it in al-Mujam-ul -kabr (8:101#7495), Musnadush-shmiyyn (2:410#1600); and Haytham in Majma-uz-zawid (7:318,319). Related by Suyt in al-Hw lil-fataw (2:73).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Secti on 2

The Day of Judgment will not arrive be fore the caliphate of Imm M ahd ()
7. , : :
Related by Abdullh ibn Ma s d ( ) that the Me ssen ger o f Allh sa id: the wor ld will not se ize to exist until someon e from my fam ily be come s the k in g of Ara bia whose nam e will be the same a s my n ame ( ie M uhamm a d).1

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8. , : ,

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Abdullh ibn M as d ( ) narr ate s that the Prophet said: one of my ch ildren will be the caliph an d his n ame will be the same as min e.

Tirmidh narrated it in al-Jmi-us-sahh, chapters of fitan (turmoils) 4:85 (#2230); Ab Dwd, as-Sunan, b.of Mahd, 4:87 (#4282); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (1:376, 377, 430, 448); Ibn Hibbn, as-Sahh (13:284 # 5954; 15:237 # 6824); Ibn Ab Shaybah, al-Musannaf (15:198); Bazzr, al-Musnad (5:204 #1803); Hkim, al-Mustadrak (4:488 # 8364); Tabarn, alMujam-ul-kabr (10:131, 133-137 # 10208, 10213-10230), alMujam-us-saghr (2:290 # 1181); Ab Nuaym, Hilyat-ul-awliy wa tabaqt-ul-asfiy (5:75); Khatb Baghdd, Trkh Baghdad (4:388); and Mizz in Tuhfat-ul-ashrf bi-marifat-il-atrf (7:23 # 9208).

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sim sa id: Ab S lih r elate d to us: Na rrate d by Ab Hurayr ah () : even if only one day rem ain s befor e the en d of the world, Allh will len gthen the day to the extent that that per son ( ie Mah d) be come s the ca liph .1

9. , :
Umm Sa lam ah ( ) say s: I hea r d the M essen ger of Allh say: M ah d will be from my f amily an d he will be f rom the ch ildren of Ftimh .2

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01. , : , : . : : . ,

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Ab Na dr ah narr ates that we we re with J bir ibn Abdullh ( ) when h e sa id: T hat time is ne ar wh en ne ither dinar s nor gra in will be bro ught to the nativ e s of Syr ia. We a ske d: who will impose this r estr iction? J bir () sa id: T he Rom ans. T hen he kept
1. Tirmidh graded it Hassan (fair) sahh (sound) in al-Jmi-ussahh, (chapters of fitan (turmoils) 4:85 (#2231); Ibn Mjah, asSunan, b. of jihd (holy war) 3:354 (#2779); Ibn Hibbn, as-Sahh (13:283 #5953); and Mizz in Tuhfat-ul-ashrf bi-marifat-il-atrf (9:428 #12810). Ab Dwd related it in as-Sunan, b. of Mahd, 4:88 (#4284); Ibn Mjah, as-Sunan, b. of fitan (turmoils) 4:454 (#4086); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (12:264#38662); and Suyt in ad-Durr-ulmanthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (6:58).


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quiet for a wh ile an d sa id: Allh s Me ssen ger ha s sa id that a Ca liph (ie M ah d) will appea r in th e la st day s of my Ummah an d h e will give we alth in va st quantitie s witho ut keep in g a reco r d of it. Jur ayr, the sub-narr ator, sa id: I a ske d Ab Na drah an d Ab Al : in yo ur op inion is Um ar ibn Abd- ul Az z, the Ca liph m entione d in the had th ? T hey rep lie d: No (this Caliph will be someon e othe r than Uma r ibn Abd- ul- Az z ).1

11. , : : , .
Nar rate d by Ab Sad Kh udr () that the M essen ger of Allh said: T he Day of Judgm ent will not com e until the e arth is fille d with tyranny, explo itation an d r e bellion. Later, a pe rson (M ah d) will be born from amon g my ch ildr en who will f ill the ea rth with justice an d e quity. (It me ans that the Day of Judgm ent will not come be fore the appe aran ce of th e Ca liph Mah d) as it wa s f ille d with tyranny an d re bellion .2



Muslim narrated it in as-Sahh, b. of fitan wa ashrt-us-sah (turmoils and the conditions of the Last Hour) 4:2234 (67/2913); and Bayhaq in Dalil-un-nubuwwah (6:330, 331). Ahmad bin Hambal narrated it briefly in al-Musnad (3:38, 333). Hkim graded it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Bukhr and Muslim in his al-Mustadrak (4:557 # 8669), while Dhahab confirmed it. Ahmad narrated it in al-Musnad (3:36); Ibn Hibbn, as-Sahh (15:236 # 6823); and Ab Yal in al-Musnad (2:274 #987). Haytham transmitted it in Mawrid-uz-zamn (6:132 # 1880) with a sound chain of transmission.

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21. , : , : , . , .

Ab Sad Kh udr () narr ate s that the Me ssen ger of Allh sa id: Mah d will be from my fam ily, his no se will be po inte d an d high an d h is fo rehe a d will be bright an d sh inin g. He will f ill the e arth with justice an d e quity, just as ( be fore it) it ha d been fille d with tyranny an d tran sgre ssion. T he Prophet ( ) said, he will live for , then h e stretch e d o ut h is left (h an d), t wo fo ref in ger s an d th um b of his r ight han d an d jo ine d the thre e (mean in g M ah d will live for eight ye ar s).1

31. , . ,

, :
Al () ha s r elate d it from the Prophet () : he sa id: If on ly on e day wa s to rem ain for th is wor ld to st ay in tact ( Allh will len gthen th e day an d) a p er son, ( calle d Mah d) from my fam ily , will be born who will f ill the wo rld with justice an d e quity just a s ( be fore h im) it ha d been fille d with tyranny an d oppre ssion.2

1. 2.

Haytham copied it in Majma-uz -zawid (7:313, 314) also, and declared the men of Ahmad and Ab Yal thiqah (trustworthy). Hkim graded it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Muslim in al-Mustadrak (4:557 # 8670). Ab Dwd related it in as-Sunan, b. of Mahd, 4:87 (#4283); Ibn Ab Shaybah, al-Musannaf (7:513 # 37648); Hind, Kanz-ul-

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Secti on 3

Imm Mahd ( ) and Economic Justice

41. , : : , . : ,
Ab Sad Kh udr () narr ate s that the Me ssen ger of Allh sa id: Mah d will be from m e (ie from my f amily), his fa ce will be br ight an d shin in g an d his no se will be po inte d an d h igh. He will f ill the e arth with justice an d fa irne ss just a s before him it wa s f ille d with tyranny an d opp re ssion. ( Me anin g that befor e the ca liphate of M ah d, ty ranny an d exp lo itation sha ll re ign suprem e in the wo rld an d the re will not be the slightest trac e of justice an d e quity.)1

51. , : : , , ,
Ab Sad Kh udr () narr ate s that the Me ssen ger of Allh sa id: (Ne ar to the en d of tim e) the earth will be f ille d with tyranny an d oppre ssion an d a pe rson will be
umml (14:267 # 38676); and Suyt in ad-Durr-ul-manthr fittafsr bil-mathr (6:58). Ahmad bin Hambal related it with a little bit difference of words in al-Musnad (1:99). Ab Dwd narrated it in as-Sunan, b. of Mahd, 4:88 (#4285); Khatb Tabrz, Mishkt-ul-masbh, b. of fitan (turmoils) 3:171 (#5454); and Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:58).


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born from amon g my ch ildren, an d he will r ule as Caliph for sev en or n ine ye ar s. (Durin g h is ca liph ate) he will f ill the earth with justice an d fa irne ss just a s it wa s prev io usly f ille d with tyranny an d injustice. 1

61. , : ) , ( , , , , , , ,
Ab Sa d Kh udr ( ) say s that the Me ssen ger of Allh mention e d a gr eat te st that will f ace this Ummah. A time will come when oppre ssion will be at such a pe ak that there will not be any ref uge for any M uslim. T hen Allh will r aise someon e from amon gst my ch ildren who will ref ill the earth with justic e an d fa irne ss just a s it wa s f ille d with tyranny an d oppr e ssion befor e it. All those livin g in the h eaven s an d e arth will be ple a se d with h im. T he e arth will pro duc e as m uch a s possible, an d Allh will po ur do wn torrent ial ra in f rom the sky. Mah d will liv e in this e ra (of pro sper ity, e quity an d just ice) for sev en, e ight or n ine y ear s. Pro spe rity will be on such a h igh that the peop le at the tim e will wish that on ly if tho se


Related by Ahmad bin Hambal in al-Musnad (3:70). Hkim graded it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Muslim in al-Mustadrak (4:558 # 8674), while Dhahab kept quiet about it.

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who ha d pa sse d befo re them an d exp erienc e d m isery an d oppr ession were alive .1

71. :

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Nar rate d by Abdullh ibn M a s d ( ) that M essen ger o f Allh sa id: if th ere wa s on ly on e night left for this world to stay in ta ct, Allh will len gthen it until a mem ber of my fam ily becom es the r uler who se nam e will be the same as my n ame an d the nam e of his f ather will be the sam e a s the nam e of my f ather. He will f ill the world with justic e an d f airne ss just a s it wa s f ille d with tyranny an d explo itation. He will distribute thin gs e qually amon g the peop le an d Allh will also fill the he arts o f the Umm ah with content. He will r ule for seven or n ine ye ars. T hen a fter the ca liph ate of Mah d, ther e will be a total en d to goo dne ss ( an d v irtue).2

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Hkim narrated it in al-Mustadrak (4:465 # 8438); Azd, al-Jmi (11:371); Ibn Hammd, al-Fitan (1:359 # 1041); Dn, as-Sunanul-wridah fil-fitan (5:1049 # 563, 564); and Khatb Tabrz in Mishkt-ul-masbh, b. of fitan (turmoils) 3:171 (#5457). Suyt narrated it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:64); Tabarn, alMujam-ul-kabr (10:133, 135 # 10216, 10224); Dn, as-Sunanul-wridah fil-fitan (5:1055 # 572); Haytham, Mawrid-uzzamn (6:129 # 1877); and Hind in Kanz-ul-umml (14:269 # 38683). Haytham also narrated it through Ab Hurayarah () in Mawrid-uz-zamn (6:128 # 1876). Suyt narrated it with a di fference of words at another place in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:58).

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Section 4

Imm Mahd ( ) and the Saints

81. , : :
Umm Sa lamah ( ) n arrate s that M essen ger of Allh sa id: P eople exact ly e qual in n um be r to the Compan ion s of Ba dr (ie 313) will tak e the oath of a lle gianc e on the han d of a pe rson from my Ummah (M ah d) bet ween the Black Ston e an d the Station of I br hm (maqm Ib rhm). Later on, the saint s o f I ra q an d the abd l ( Substit ute s) of Syria will also com e to him (to give the o ath of a lle gianc e).1

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1. Hkim narrated it in al-Mustadrak (4:431 # 8328); Ibn Ab Shaybah, al-Musannaf (7:460 # 37223); Tabarn, al-Mujam-ulkabr (23:296, 390 # 656, 930); Manw, Fayd-ul-qadr (6:277); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (4:271, 272 # 38696); and Suyt in adDurr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (5:241).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

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Nar rate d by Umm Salamah ( ,) the wife of the Prophet ( ), who says that the Me ssen ger of Allh ( ) sa id: at the de ath o f a Caliph there will be a differ enc e of op inion ( bet we en the M uslim s of Me dina ove r the e le ction of the n e w Ca liph). One pe rson (that is, M ah d, r ea lisin g that the peop le might elect h im as the c aliph) will leav e Me dina for Makk ah. Some of the r esident s of Makk ah ( who will reco gn iz e him a s Mah d) will com e to him, an d br in g him o ut (of h is hom e) a ga inst h is will; they will tak e the o ath (o f ca liph ate) on h is han d bet ween the Bla ck Stone an d the Station of I brh m (maqm Ibrh m). (Wh en the n e ws of his ca liph ate will spre a d), an army will set o ut fro m Syria to wa ge war on h im ( but befor e rea chin g him) it will be p ushe d do wn into the (tree le ss) gro un d at Bay d bet ween M akkah an d M e din a. T he abd l ( Substit utes) of Sy ria an d the Sa ints of Ir a q will take the oath o f caliphate on his han d. L ater, a Quray sh (that is, Sufyn ) per son, whose materna l r elat ive s will be from the Ka lb tr ibe, will sen d an a rme d for ce a ga in st them. T hey will p reva il over the inva din g a rmy an d this will be the Battle o f Ka lb. One who ( doe s not tak e p art in the Battle of Ka lb) ha s noth in g to do with the booty will be in lo ss. (After this con que st) the Caliph M h d will gen ero usly donate wea lth amon g the peop le an d make th em fo llo w th e sunnah of the ir Prophet . I slam will be f ully e sta blishe d on ea rth (ie Islam will be dom inant an d a ccepte d all over the world) . Mah d will r ema in ( as Ca liph ) for sev en y ear s, then h e will die, an d the M uslim s will atten d his f uner al.
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Ab D wd said: som e tran sm itted from Hishm nine year s an d som e seven y ear s. 1

02. , :

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Umm Sala mah ( ) re late s: she hear d the M essen ger of Allh s say: ther e will be diff eren ce of op inion over the de ath of the c aliph (ie diff eren ce on who sho uld be appointe d a s the next Ca liph . On see in g this) a p er son from th e tr ibe o f H shim (fe arin g he may be se lecte d to take the bur den o f the Caliphate) will le ave for M akkah from Me dina. Som e p eople will come an d t ake h im o ut of his ho use a lthough h e will r e sist it. T hen they

, , , ,

Ab Dwd narrated it in as-Sunan, b. of Mahd, 4:89 (#4286); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (6:316); Abd-ur-Razzq, alMusannaf (11:371 # 20769); Ibn Ab Shaybah, al-Musamaf (7:460 # 37219); Ab Yal, al-Musnad (12:369 # 6940); Tabarn, alMujam-ul-kabr (23:390 # 931); Dn, as-Sunan-ul-wridah filfitan (5:1083, 1084 # 595); Haytham, Mawrid-uz-zamn (6:133 # 1881); Khatb Tabrz, Mishkt-ul-masbh, b. of fitan (turmoils) 3:171 (#5456); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (14:265 # 38668); Suyt, ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (6:58); and Ibn Askir in Trkh Dimashq al-kabr (1:215, 216).

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will take the oath (of ca liphate ) on his h an d bet we en the Black Ston e an d the Station of I brh m (maqm Ib rhm). ( On h ear in g the n e ws of their alle gianc e) an a rmy will set o ut to war ds them from Syr ia but it will be cr ushe d into the gro un d a s it r each es Bay d ( a p la in bet we en Makk ah an d M e din a). After this, the saints of Ir a q an d the abd l ( Subst itute s) of Sy ria will ca ll on him . T hen a ( Sufyn ) pe rson will come from Sy ria, h is m aterna l r elative s be lon gin g to th e Ka lb tribe, h e will de spatch his army to wa ge war on him. Allh will def eat them, r e sultin g in them fa cin g a cata strophe. T his is the Battle o f Ka lb. So anyon e who ( doe s not take part in the Battle of Kalb an d a s a re sult) doe s not share in the booty, will be in lo ss. T hen the ca liph Mah d will discover tr ea sure s an d distr ibute them genero usly ( amon g the people). I slam will be f ully e sta blishe d on e arth. Peop le will live ( in this state of pro sper ity an d comfo rt) for seven or n ine ye ar s (that is, peop le will live in pe ace an d co mfort until the death of M h d) .1

12. , :
Al () re late s that the Me ssen ger o f Allh sa id: Mah d will be from my fam ily . Allh will t urn h im ove rnight into a r ighteo us per son (that is, thro ugh His guidanc e, He will ra ise h im to the high e st leve ls of sa inthood) .2
1. Tabarn related it in al-Mujam-ul-awsat (2:90 # 1175), alMujam-ul-kabr (23:390 # 930); Ab Dwd, as-Sunan, b. of Mahd, 4:89 (#4287); Ibn Hibbn, as-Sahh (15:158, 159 # 6757); Hkim, al-Mustadrak (4:431 # 8328); Azd, al-Jmi (11:371); and Haytham in Mawrid-uz-zamn (6:133 # 1881). Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:315) that Tabarn related it in al-Awsat and its men are those of (sahh) sound hadth. Ibn Mjah rel ated this Hassan (fair) hadth in as-Sunan, b. of fitan (turmoils) 4:454 (#4085); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (1:84); Bazzr, al-Musnad (2:243 # 644); Ab Yal, al-Musnad (1:359 #

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Secti on 5

Imm Mahd ( ) as Allhs Caliph

22. , : : , , , , :

. ,

T hawbn () narr ate s that the Me ssen ger of Allh sa id: T hre e per son s will wa ge war nea r yo ur trea sur e. All thr ee will be son s of the ca liph an d yet this trea sur e will not be tran sf erre d to anyone of them . T hen black f la gs will appea r fro m the ea st an d they will wa ge wa r on yo u with such inten sity that no nat ion ha d wa ge d wa r with such a ggre ssion befor e. (T ha wbn ( ) say s:) then the M e ssen ger of Allh sa id som ethin g ( wh ich I co uld not rem em ber .) T hen the Prophet () said: when yo u p eople see h im, yo u sho uld take the oath of a lle gian ce on his han d ev en if yo u hav e to come dr a ggin g on sno w. In de e d h e will be the Ca liph of Allh, Mah d.1
465); Ibn Ab Shaybah, al-Musannaf (7:513 # 37644); Daylam, al-Firdaws (4:222# 6669); and Suyt in ad-Durr-ul-manthr fittafsr bil-mathr (6:58). Ibn Mjah narrated it in as-Sunan, b. of fitan (turmoils) 4:453 (#4084) with a sound chain of transmission and its men are trustworthy. Ahmad bin Hambal related it in al-Musnad (5:277); Ruyn, al-Musnad (1:417#637); Dn, as-Sunan-ul-wridah fil-fitan (5:1032 # 548); Daylam, al-Firdaws, (2:323#3740); Kinn, Misbh-uz-zujjah (4:204, 205 # 2440); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (14:263 # 38658); Suyt, ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-


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Ne cessary

I bn Ha jar Asqaln comm ents in Fa th-ul-b r (13 :78, 79) wh ile quotin g this tra dition: If the trea sur e mention e d in this tra dition is the one ref erre d to by Ab Huray rah ( ) in this tra dit ion:

Clarifi cation :

T he Me ssen ger of Allh () sa id: T he t ime is n ear when the r iver E uph rate s (hav in g drie d up) will reve al a tre asure of gold. 1 T hen th is tra dition c le arly in dicate s that the se ev ents will o cc ur at the time of M ah ds appe aran ce.

32. , : , : , , , , .


mathr (6:58); and Bayhaq in Dalil-un-nubuwwah (6:515, 516). Hkim graded it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Bukhr and Muslim in al-Mustadrak (4:463, 464 # 8432), while Dhahab confirmed it. Hkim also narrated it with some different words at another place in al-Mustadrak (4:502#8531). Bukhr narrated it in as-Sahh, b. of fitan (turmoils) 6:2605 (#6702); Muslim, as-Sahh, b. of fitan wa ashrt-us-sah (turmoils and the conditions of the Last Hour) 4:2219 (#30/2894); Tirmidh, al-Jmi-us-sahh, chapters of sifat-ul-jannah (the description of Paradise) 4:326 (#2569); Ab Dwd, as-Sunan, book of malhim, 4:98 (#4313); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (5:139, 140); Ibn Hibbn, as-Sahh (15:87,88#6693,6694); Baghaw, Sharh-us-sunnah (15:34#4239); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (14:203#38398); Suyt, ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (6:61); and Ibn Askir in Trkh Dimashq al-kabr (7:234).

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Nar rate d by Hudh ayfah () that the Me ssen ger of Allh said: M ah d will be from my fam ily . His comp lex ion will be of an Ara b an d a physic al str ucture of the children of Israe l. T her e will be a bea uty spot on his r ight che ek. His app ear ance will be simila r to a lumino us st ar. He will fill the e arth with justic e just a s it wa s f ille d ( before h im) with injustice. T hose in the earth an d the he aven s will be plea se d with h is ca liph ate. T he bir ds in the sk ie s will also be plea se d.1

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Ab Sad Kh udr () r elates fro m the Prophet that he sa id: Near to the en d of tim e, a Ca liph (Mah d) will com e who will give the ir due r ights to the peop le witho ut re cor din g it (ie witho ut k eepin g a r ecor d of who ha s rec eiv e d wh at).2

1. 2.

Suyt related it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:66); Daylam, al-Firdaws (4:221#6667); and Ajlawn in Kashf-ul-khif wa muzl-ul-ilbs (2:381#2661). Suyt narrated it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:64); Ibn Ab Shaybah, al-Musannaf (7:513 # 37640); Daylam, al-Firdaws (5:501 # 8918); Ibn Hammd, al-Fitan (1:357 # 1032); and Suyt in adDurr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (6:58).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Section 6

Imm Mahd () and Islamic Dominance 52. , , : : , , : , , , : ! ! , , , : : : : .

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Ab T ufay l r elates from M uh amma d ibn Hanaf iyyah that he said: We we re sitting in th e comp any of Al () that a p er son a ske d him a bo ut M ah d. Al () (p lea santly) sa id: go a way. T hen , co untin g seven on his han d, he sa id: M ah d will appe ar in the la st day s an d (the dom inanc e of non-re ligio us for ce s will be at such a leve l that) anyone m entionin g the n ame of Allh will be kille d. ( At the tim e o f Mah d s appe aran ce) Allh will gather a pa rty aro un d h im, just as the separ ate piec es of c lo ud a re joine d to gether an d Allh will c reate love (an d unity) amon g th em. T hey will n either fe ar anyone nor will they unne ce ssar ily favo ur anyone (m ean in g that they de al with ev ery bo dy e qua lly). T he peop le who will gather ro un d the c aliph will n um ber the Companion s who h a d tak en part in the battle of Ba dr (that is, 313). T h is party will have a

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spe cia l super ior ity which was not po sse sse d by anyone be fore them no r will anyon e po sse ss it after them. T he n um be r o f the p eople in this party will be the same a s the Compan ion s of T lt who ha d cro sse d th e ( Jor dan) cana l in the comp any of T lt. Ab T uf ayl say s that M uhamm a d ibn Hanaf iyyah a sk e d the a udienc e: Do yo u inten d to jo in th is party? I sa id: ye s. He sa id, po intin g to war d the t wo p illars (of Ka bah ): T he appe aran ce o f c aliph Mah d will tak e p la ce bet ween them. At this, Ab T uf ayl said: By Go d! I shall not leave them durin g my whole life . (T he n arr ator says) : a ccor din gly , the death of Ab T uf ayl took p la ce in M akkah. 1

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Al a l-Hill ( ) n arrate s that the Prophet sa id to Ftim ah ( : ) I swear by the One who ha s sent me with the T ruth! Sure ly, the Mah d of this Um mah will be from amon g (the ch ildr en o f) the se t wo, that is, Ha ssan an d Hussein . At a t ime when the wor ld will be subje ct to ch ao s an d tur moil, roa ds will be c ut off an d peop le will attack one another, no e lder ly will sho w lov e to the
1. Hkim graded it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Bukhr and Muslim in al-Mustadrak (4:554 # 8659), while Dhahab confirmed it.

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yo un ge r an d no yo un gster will re spe ct the elderly , then Allh will sen d a pe rson from amon g the se t wo who will con quer the fort s of disbelief an d open clo se d h earts. He will e stablish I sla m in th e last days of the Ummah a s I hav e e sta blishe d it in the ear ly day s (o f this Umm ah). He will fill th e earth with justic e just a s it was form erly f ille d with tyranny an d per se c ution. 1

72. , : , , , , .,
Ab Sa d Kh udr ( ) h as nar rate d: I hea r d the M essen ger of Allh say: A per son will appea r from my fam ily who will pre ach my sunnah. Allh will po ur do wn ra in for h im from the sk ie s an d the earth will disclo se (an d thro w o ut) its tr ea sure s for h im. T he earth will be f ille d with justice an d f airn ess be ca use of him just a s it wa s f ille d be fore h an d with tyranny an d per se c ution. He will r ule th is Umm ah fo r sev en ye ar s an d he will de scen d at the Ho ly Ho use ( Bayt- ul- M uqa ddas) .2

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1. 2. Suyt narrated it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:66,67); Tabarn, alMujam-ul-kabr (3:57, 58 # 2675), al-Mujam-ul-awsat (7:276, 277 # 6536); and Haytham in Majma-uz-zawid (9:165). Suyut transmitted it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:62); Tabarn, alMujam-ul-awsat (2:47# 1079); and Haytham in Majma-uzzawid (7:317).

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Ab Hur ayrah () ha s na rrate d: My be love d Ab a lQ sim sa id to me : T he Day of Judgement will not com e until a p er son appe ar s from my fam ily who will con front the peop le until they t urn to the tr uth. I said: Ho w lon g will he r ule for ? He said: Fiv e an d t wo (y ear s). 1

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Nar rate d by J bir ibn Abdullh ( ) that M essen ger of Allh ( ) sa id: T here will be a c aliph in my Umm ah who will genero usly distribute wea lth without ke epin g a re cor d of it. An d I swear by the One who contro ls my life! Certa inly th at the dom inanc e (of I slam)


Suyt narrated it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:62); Ab Yal, alMusnad (12:19 # 6665); and Asqaln in al-Matlib-ul-liyah (4:343 #4554). Haytham says in Majma-uz-zawid (7:315) that Ab Yal narrated it and Ab Zurah decl ared the sub-narrator, Marj bin Rij, trustworthy, while Ibn Mun weakened him, and its other men are trustworthy.

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will r eturn (that is, I slam will r ec aptur e it s lo st glo ry an d r etriev e it s status dur in g h is re ign). 1


Hkim graded it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Muslim in al-Mustadrak (4:454 # 8400), while Dhahab kept quiet about it. Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:316) that B azzr had related it, and its men are those of (sahh) sound hadth. Ibn Hammd narrated it in al-Fitan (1:362 # 1055); Suyt, ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (6:56); and B ayhaq in Dalil-un-nubuwwah (6:330,331). Muslim related it with di fferent words in as-Sahh, b. of fitan wa ashrt-us-sah (turmoils and conditions of the Last Hour) 4:2234 (#67/2913); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (3:317); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (14:263 # 38659); and Ibn Kathr in al-Bidyah wan-nihyah (4:599; 10:44).

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Section 7

Economic Pros perity and Fair Distribution of We alth

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Ab Sad Kh udr () ha s narr ate d that the M essen ger of Allh ( ) sa id: Mah d will be bo rn dur in g the la st day s of my Ummah . Allh will po ur do wn h eavy r ain durin g his ca liphate an d the e arth will gro w it s pro duce in a bun dance , an d h e will distr ibute thin gs e qually amon g the peop le. Dur in g his reign there will be p lenty of cattle an d th e Ummah will be he ld in great e stee m. (After becom in g the caliph) he will liv e for seven or eight y ear s.1

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1. Hkim graded it sahh (sound) in al-Mustadrak (4:558 # 8673), while Dhahab confirmed it. Hind transmitted it in Kanz-ul-umml (14:273 # 38700); and Albn in Silsilat-ul-ahdth-is-sahhah (2:336 # 711).

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Ab Sad Kh udr () ha s narr ate d that the M essen ger o f Allh ( ) sa id: I am givin g yo u the goo d ne ws of the co min g of Mah d who will be sent do wn at a tim e wh en my Ummah will fa ll prey to disp utes an d chao s. He will f ill the earth with justic e an d f airne ss just a s it wa s fille d ( befor e him) with oppre ssion an d per se c ution. T hose in the e arth an d h eaven s will be ple a se d with h im. He will distribute thin gs e qua lly amon g the peop le ( ie he will not discrim inate a gain st anyon e). Allh ( durin g his c aliphate) will fill the hea rts o f my Umm ah with gen ero sity. He will prov ide justic e to a ll ( witho ut any discrim inat ion or pref eren ce). He will ask h is anno unc er to anno unc e that if anyone re quir e d anythin g (they sho uld com e to Mah d. On he ar in g this anno un cement) no one from amon g the M uslim s ex cept on e p er son will stan d up. M ah d will a sk h im to go to the tre asur er an d tell h im that M ah d h as o r der e d yo u to give me som e goo ds. (T he man will go to the tr ea surer ), the tre a sure will say to him : take a s m uch a s yo u want. He will take (a s m uch a s he wishe s) an d will come o ut of th e trea sury . He will, at that moment, be a sh ame d (of his act) an d ( will say to him se lf) , am I the gr ee die st per son in M uhamma ds Ummah, or he will say to h im se lf that wh ich is eno ugh for other s is not eno ugh for me . ( Fe elin g guilty of his act) he will want to ret urn
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the goo ds but it will not be tak en back . He will be told that, onc e we have given som ethin g we do not tak e it ba ck. So Mah d will live for sev en, eight o r nin e y ear s with this justice an d fa irne ss an d distribution of we alth. T hen after h is ( death) ther e will be no goo dne ss ( comforta ble lif e) for the liv in g to en joy.1

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Ab Huray rah () h a s na rrate d that the M e ssen ger of Allh ( ) sa id wh ile m entionin g Mah d: At min im um, the duration of the ca liph ate of M ah d will be sev en ye ar s. It c an a lso be e ight o r nin e year s. He will fill the earth with justic e an d f airn e ss just as it wa s f ille d with tyranny an d oppre ssion befor e it. 2

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33. , : . : !
Nar rate d by J bir ibn Abdullh ( ) that the M essen ger of Allh ( ) sa id: T here will be a caliph in my Um mah who will genero usly distribute wealth witho ut k eep in g a r ecor d of it. An d I swe ar by the One
1. Ahmad bin Hambal relat ed it in al-Musnad (3:37, 52); and Suyt in ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (6:57). Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:313,314) that Tirmidh had narrated it briefly, while Ahmad copied it through his chain of transmission, and Ab Yal also narrated it briefly and the men of Ahmad and Ab Yal are trustworthy. Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:316) that Bazzr had narrated it, and his men are trustworthy.


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who controls my life! Certa inly , the dom inan ce (of I slam) will r eturn (that is, I slam will r ec aptur e it s lo st glo ry an d r etriev e it s status dur in g h is re ign). 1

43. , : , , , , : , , : ! .
Ab Hurayr ah () ha s relate d that the Me ssen ger of Allh ( ) sa id: ther e will be Mah d in my Ummah . If (the dur ation of his caliphate is a) short (per io d) then it will be seven y ear s, other wise, it will be e ight or n ine ye ar s. T he pro spe rity of my Umm ah will be at such a h igh, the lik es of which not exper ien ce d by it in the pa st. Ra in will po ur do wn from the sky ( a s nee de d), the earth will gro w a s m uch crop a s po ssible an d there will be no shorta ge of we alth. A p er son will stan d an d say: O Mah d! Give me somethin g. M ah d will say him : tak e it yo ur se lf (fro m the trea sury ac cor din g to yo ur de sire s). 2


Hkim graded it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Muslim in al-Mustadrak (4:454 # 8400), while Dhahab kept quiet about it. Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:316) that B azzr had related it, and its men are those of (sahh) sound hadth. Ibn Hammd narrated it in al-Fitan (1:362 # 1055); Suyt, ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (6:56); and B ayhaq in Dalil-un-nubuwwah (6:330,331). Muslim related it with di fferent words in as-Sahh, b. of fitan wa ashrt-us-sah (turmoils and conditions of the Last Hour) 4:2234 (#67/2913); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (3:317); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (14:263 # 38659); and Ibn Kathr in al-Bidyah wan-nihyah (4:599; 10:44). Tabarn related it in al-Mujam-ul-awsat (6:193 # 5402).

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53. , : , , , , , , . : ! . :
Ab Sad Kh udr ( ) h a s re late d that the M essen ger of Allh () said: T here will be Mah d in my Ummah who will be th e c aliph for at lea st seven year s, other wise for n ine y ear s. My Um mah will be so pro spero us in his pe rio d that it wo uld not have exper ien ce d such p rosp erity be fore it. T he ea rth will gro w every form of crop an d ho ld ba ck nothin g. Durin g this p erio d goo ds will be in such a h igh quantity as a h eap of gr ain on th e thre sh in g f loor. So meone will stan d up an d say: O Mah d! Give me somethin g. He will say : T ake (a s m uch yo u like ).1

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Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:317) that Tabarn narrated it in al-Awsat and his men are trustworthy. Ibn Mjah narrat ed this Hassan (fai r) hadth in as-Sunan, b. of fitan (turmoils) 4:453 (#4083); Ibn Ab Shaybah, al-Musannaf (7:512, 513 # 37638); Hkim, al-Mustadrak (4:558 # 8675); Dn, as-Sunan-ul-wridah fil-fitan (5:1035, 1036 # 550); and Ibn Kathr in al-Bidyah wan-nihyah (10:37).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Ab Sa d Kh udr () narr ates: W e a sk e d the Prophet ( ) a bo ut happen in gs a fter h im. We a ske d him : What will h appen after yo u? He sa id: T here will be Mah d in my Ummah who will r ule for fiv e, o r seven or n ine , (the na rrator is do ubtful a bo ut the corr ect per io d). I a ske d: wh at is meant by this figur e? He sa id: (this f igure m ean s) ye ar s. He said: (his p erio d will be a pe rio d of ble ssin g an d pro sper ity.) A p er son will com e over to him an d a sk him : O M ah d! Give m e someth in g, give me som ethin g. So M ah d will giv e h im a s m any goo ds a s h e will be a ble to c arry. 1


Tirmidh related this Hassan (fai r) hadth in al-Jmi-us-sahh, chapters of fitan (turmoils) 4:86 (#2232); Ahmad bin Hambal, alMusnad (3:21, 22); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (14:262 # 38654); and Ibn Kathr in al-Bidyah wan-nihyah (10:37).

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Section 8

Imm Mahd ( ) will be welcomed with Open Arms

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(T he famo us tab i ( Suc ce ssor)) M ujh id h as na rrate d that a Comp anion sa id: (T he ca liph) M ah d will appe ar a fter the m ur der of Naf s Zak iyyah . When Naf s Z akiyy ah is m ur der e d, those in the heav en s an d the earth will be an gry with the m ur derer s. Later, the p eople will com e to Mah d an d br in g him ( with gr eat pomp an d sho w) a s the br ide is carr ie d to her groom on we ddin g night. He will fill th e e arth with e quity an d justice . ( Durin g his c aliphate) the ea rth will gro w it s crop s as the sk ie s po ur do wn p lenty o f rain . Dur in g h is r ule my Ummah will be ble sse d with so many favo ur s that it ha s nev er been ble sse d before. 1 Ne ce ssary Clarification: A m an kno wn as Naf s Z akiyy ah wa s M uhamma d ibn Abdullh ibn Husse in ibn Al ibn Ab T lib who r evolte d a gain st Abbasid c aliph M an sr in 145 AH an d wa s ma rtyre d. T he tra dit ion do es not r efer to h im. He re Naf s Z akiyy ah stan ds for some other sa int who will come befor e Imm Mah d.
1. Related by Ibn Ab Shaybah in al-Musannaf (7:514 # 37653).

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Ab Huray rah () h a s na rrate d that the M e ssen ger of Allh said: ther e will be Mah d in my Ummah who will r ule fo r sev en y ear s if the pe rio d is short, other wise for eight or nine yea rs. Dur in g M ah d s p er io d, my Ummah will be so p rosp ero us that it will not h ave exp erienc e d such pro sper ity before it. T he sky will po ur do wn tor rential rain an d the ea rth will y ield it s entire pro duce. Goo ds will be ly in g like a he ap of gra in s on the thre shin g f loor. One man will stan d up an d say: O Mah d: give m e somethin g. So he will say: t ake ( a s m uch a s yo u like ).1

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Narr ated by Al () , he sa id: I sa id (to the Prophet ( )) : O M e ssen ger of Allh ( !) W ill
1. Tabarn related it in al-Mujam-ul-awsat (6:193 # 5402). Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:317) that Tabarn narrated it in al-Awsat and his men are trustworthy.

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M ah d be from us, the fam ily of M uh amma d or from other s? He said: no, but h e will be from amon g us, Allh will re-e sta blish I slam thro ugh h im as he did so ( in the be ginnin g) through us. T he se peop le will be re sc ue d from m ischief thro ugh us (Mah d) a s they h ave been save d from po lytheism. An d thro ugh o ur mean s (M ah d) Allh will c reate lov e in their he arts after the h atre d of m isch ief a s He cre ate d love in the ir hea rts after the hatre d of po lytheism. An d thro ugh o ur me ans peop le will be come brother ly amon gst e ach othe r after th e r iva lry of t urmo ils a s they have done so in I slam after the riv alry of po lytheism." 1


Suyt narrated it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:61); Tabarn, alMujam-ul-awsat (1:136 # 157); Ibn Hammd, al-Fitan (1:370, 371 # 1089, 1090); and Haytham in Majma-uz -zawid (7:316, 317).

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Secti on 9

Prophet s and Imm M ahd

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Ab Huray rah () h a s na rrate d that the M e ssen ger of Allh said: what will be the state (o f yo ur joy ) at the time wh en s ibn Mary am will descen d (from the he aven s) an d yo ur Imm will be f rom amon g yo u.1 Ex planation: It me ans that s ( ), at the t ime of descent, will o ffer h is pray er s in con gr e gation but he himself will not be the Imm but a mem ber of the Um mah, that is, c aliph M ah d. Acco r din gly, I bn Ha jar Asqaln with refe renc e to Ab a lHa ssan burr s Manq ib a sh-Shfi wr ite s: the re a re contin uo us tr a dition s in its support an d s will offe r one praye r beh in d c aliph M ah d.2

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1. Bukhr related it in as-Sahh, b. of ambiy (prophets) 3:1272 (#3265); Muslim, as-Sahh, b. of mn (faith) 1:136 (#155); Ibn Hibbn, as-Sahh (15:213#6802); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (2:336); Abd-ur-Razzq, al-Musannaf (11:400#20841); Ibn Mundah, al-mn (1:516 # 415, 416); Ab Awnah, al-Musnad (1:99#315); Baghaw, Sharh-us -sunnah (15:82#4277); Asqaln, Fath-ul-br (6:491), al-Isbah f tamyz-is-sahbah (4:766), Taghlq-ut-talq (4:40); Qurtub, al-Jmi li-ahkm-il-Qurn (4:101; 16:106); Ibn Kathr, Tafsr-ul-Qurn al-azm (1:578); and Suyt in ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-ma thr (2:242). Asqaln, Fath-ul-br (6:493, 494).


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Nar rate d by I bn Jurayh : Ab Z ubayr r eporte d to me : He he ar d J bir ibn Abdullh ( ) say in g: I he ar d the M e ssen ger of Allh ( ) sayin g: A section of my peop le will not cea se f ightin g for the T ruth suc ce ssf ully till the Day of Re surr ection. He said: s ibn M aryam wo uld then de sc en d an d the le a der of the M uslim s will say : come an d le a d us in pray er, but he will say : No, som e amon gst yo u are le a der s over other s. T his is th e hono ur from Allh for this n ation (ie proph et s ( ) will de cline the off er of le a din g the pr ayer due to the h igh status given by Allh to this Umm ah).1

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Muslim narrated it in as-Sahh, b. of mn (faith) 1:137 (#156); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (3:345,384); Ibn Hibbn, as-Sahh (15:231,232#6819); Ab Yal, al-Musnad (4:59#2078); Ibn Mundah, al-mn (1:517#418); Ibn Jrd, al-Muntaq (1:257 #1031); Ab Awnah, al-Musnad (1:99 # 317); and Bayhaq in as-Sunan-al-kubr (9:180).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

J bir ibn Abdullh ( ) narr ates that the M essen ger of Allh () sa id: wh en I slam (ie the state of the Ummah) becom e s weak, Da jj l will appea r an d a fter givin g details a bo ut Da jjl h e sa id: After some tim e, s ibn Ma ryam will de scen d (from the heav en) an d in the mo rnin g (that is, at pre - da wn ) h e will c all o ut: O peop le! What is stoppin g yo u f rom f ightin g with th is evil pr etender (Dajj l)? Peop le will say: h e appea rs to be a supern atur al cr eation (jinn), but a s they will move for war d they will see s . T hen it will be time for pr ayer, so their lea der will say: O Allhs Sp irit: come fo r war d (an d lea d the pray er). He will say : Your I mm sho uld lea d yo u (an d at that time the Im m will be M ah d) . Wh en the peop le will f inish the ir Da wn p rayer , they will le ave ( un der the lea der ship of s ) to f ight Dajj l. When s will se e the L iar (Dajj l), he ( ie Dajj l, o ut of fe ar) will start me ltin g a s sa lt melt s in water.1

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Ahmad bin Hambal related it in al-Musnad (3:367,368); Haytham, Majma-uz-zawid (7:343,344); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (14:325, 326#38819); and Suyt in ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bilmathr (2:242,243). Hkim gradid it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Muslim in al-Mustadrak (4:530#8613).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


Ab Ummah Bhil () ha s re late d (a lon g tra dition) from the Me ssen ge r o f Allh in which a f ema le Compan ion Umm Shar k bint Ab a l- Akar ( ) said: O M essen ger o f Allh (!) Wher e will the Ara bs be at that time, ( why will the Ara bs not come o ut in support of the Ummah )? T he M essen ger of Allh said: the Ara bs will be in sma ll n um ber, an d mo st o f these will be in the Sacr e d Ho use an d the ir Im m will be a high ly p io us p er son (n ame d Mah d). When their Im m will co me for war d for Da wn pr ayer, at that tim e s will de sc en d (f rom the heav en). T he Imm will r etreat an d give way to h im so that s can lea d people in the pray er. s p la cin g h is h an d bet we en the Imm s sho ulder s will say : step for war d an d le a d the pray er be ca use the iqmah was sa id fo r yo u. T hen the ir Imm (M ah d) will lea d the pray er. 1

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Uthmn ibn Ab a l- s () dir ectly n arrate s that the M essen ger of Allh sa id: prophet s ibn Ma ryam will de scen d (from th e h eaven ) at the t ime of Da wn pray er ( fajr) an d the lea de r of the peop le will re quest him : O Allh s Sp ir it! ( Com e for war d an d) lea d us in pr ayer . s will say : yo u are the peop le of M uh amma d s Umm ah. So me amon gst yo u ar e le a der s ov er other s. So move


Related by Ibn Mjah in as-Sunan, b. of fitan (turmoils) 4:446,447 (#4077).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

for war d an d lea d us in praye r. T he lea der of the M uslim s will come for war d an d lea d the p rayer .1

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Abdullh ibn Amr () says that s will de scen d after M ah d an d will o ffer (on e) pr ayer beh in d h im.2

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Ab Sad Kh udr () narr ate s that the Me ssen ger of Allh sa id: ther e will be a per son from this Ummah an d s ibn M aryam ( ) will pr ay beh in d h im.3

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Hudhayf ah ( ) r elate s th at the M essen ger o f Allh sa id: When M ah d will appe ar s ibn M aryam will de scen d an d it will seem a s tho ugh water is droppin g from
1. Hkim narrated it in al-Mustadrak (4:478#8473); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (4:217); and Tabarn in al-Mujam-ul-kabr (9:60#8392). Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:342,343) that Ahmad and Tabarn had related it and the men of Ahmad were those of sound hadth. Ibn Hammd narrat ed it in al-Fitan (1:373#1103); and Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:78). Ibn Qayyim transmitted it in al-Manr-ul-munf (1:147 # 337); and Suyt copied it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:64).

2. 3.

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


h is h air. At that tim e Mah d, a ddr e ssin g him , will say : p lea se come for war d an d le a d the peop le in pray er. Prophet s will say : the iqmah wa s sa id for yo u; there fore, yo u will lea d the pr ayer. Ac cor din gly, s will off er this pr ayer beh in d a m an from my f amily (M ah d).1

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I bn Srn r elates that (Imm ) Mah d will be from this Ummah an d will le a d s ibn Mary am ( ) in pr ayer. 2

1. 2.

Related by Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:81). Ibn Ab Shaybah narrated it in al-Musannaf (7:513#37649); and Ibn Hammd in al-Fitan (1:373#1107).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Secti on 10

Obedience of Imm Mahd ( ) will be Compulsory

, : .49 : : ! , , .
Shah r ibn Ha wsha b () n arrate s that the M essen ger of Allh () said: In (the month of) M uh arra m, an anno un cer will ca ll o ut from the heav en: be ware ! Sure ly, ( be inform e d that) such a pe rson h as be en cho sen by Allh, so listen to h im an d o bey him dur in g the ye ar of upro ar an d turmo il.1

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J bir ibn Abdullh ( ) narr ates that the M essen ger of Allh () said: whoeve r den ie s (the com in g of ) Dajj l, h as sure ly comm itted disbe lief, an d who ever denie s (the com in g of) Mah d ha s ( also) comm itte d disbelief. 2

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1. 2.

Ibn Hammd related it in al-Fitan (1:226,338#630,980); and Suyt copied it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:76). Related by Suyut in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:83).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


Abdullh ibn Uma r ( ) n arr ates that the M essen ger of Allh () said: Mah d will come an d the re will be a t ur ban on h is hea d. T here will be an anno unc er who will pro claim : this is M ah d, Allh s c aliph, so fo llo w an d o bey h im. 1


Suyt transmitted it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:61); Tabarn, Musnad ash-shmiyyn (2:71#937); and Dayl am in al-Firdaws (5:510#8920).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Secti on 11

Circumstances Surrounding Imm M ahds Arrival

: .52 ,
Related by Sulaymn ibn s ( :) I wa s informe d that the Ark of the Covenant will eme r ge from T a bar iyyah Sea thro ugh the efforts of Imm Mah d. It will be p lac e d befor e him at the Sa cre d Ho use. When the Je ws will se e this (Ark) , a ll of them except a f e w will em bra ce I slam. 1

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Ka b () h a s nar rate d: A comet with a br ight tail will app ear from th e e a st befor e the appe aran ce of Imm M ah d. 2

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Sha rk () ha s re late d: I wa s inform e d that befor e the app ear ance of M ah d there will be lun ar ec lipse t wic e in the month of Rama dn.1

1. 2.

Ibn Hammad transmitted it in al-Fitan (1:360#1050); and Suyt copied it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:83). Suyt transmitted it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:82); and Ibn Hammd in al-Fitan (1:229#642).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


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Al () said: when the anno unce r will anno un ce that the tr uth is in the fam ily of M uh amma d , at that t ime ev eryone will be talk in g a bo ut M ah d s a rriv al an d his love will be f e d into them ( in such a mann er) that they will ta lk of nothin g e lse but h im.2

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Ab Jala d () n arrate s: a disr uption will ar ise wh ich will be fo llo we d by anothe r disr uption. T he fir st will be r elate d to the se con d disr uption a s the lac e is jo ine d to its wh ip (me anin g they will be c lo se ly r elate d, either the se con d will imm e diate ly fo llo w the fir st o r their content will be similar ). T hen ther e will be the ( disr uption of) swor ds. It will be fo llo we d by another disr uption in wh ich a ll for bidden th in gs will be dec lar e d pe rmissible . T hen the c aliphate will come a bo ut, thro ugh the be st per son amon gst the peop le. If will come a bo ut wh ilst he is sittin g at hom e.3

1. 2. 3.

Suyt transmitted it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:82); and Ibn Hammd in al-Fitan (1:229#642). Suyt transmitted it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:68); and Ibn Hammd in al-Fitan (1:334#965). Ibn Ab Shaybah narrated it in al-Musannaf (7:531#37754); and Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:65).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

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Abdullh ibn Amr () n arrate s: peop le will pe rform the p ilgr ima ge together an d will gather at Ar aft without the Im m. So at M in dur in g the ir de sc ent a r evolt will po unc e upon the m like a do g ( due to wh ich) th e tribe s will po unc e on on e another . T hey will k ill one another until the v alley be gin s to flo w with in bloo d. (In this worr ie d st ate) they will go to the be st p er son a mon gst them to seek h is ref uge while he will be cry in g with h is fa ce to uch in g the kabah a s (the narr ator say s) I am lookin g at h is te ar s. So th ey will re quest h im: plea se come! We want to take an oath of loya lty on yo ur han d. He will say: it is very sa d that yo u have broken so m any promises an d hav e she d so m uch bloo d. So, un willin gly, he will a cc ept their o ath. So wh en yo u fin d th at per son, yo u sho uld t ake the oath on his han d bec a use he will be Mah d on e arth a s we ll a s Mah d in the he aven s. 1


Hkim narrated it in al-Mustadrak (4:503,504#8537); Ibn Hammd, al-Fitan (1:227, 341, 342 # 632, 987); Dn, as-Sunanul-wridah fil-fitan (5:1044, 1045 # 560); and Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:76).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


Secti on 12

Imam Mahd ( ) as the Last Caliph

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It is narr ate d by J bir ibn Sam urah () : I h ear d the M essen ger o f Allh say : I slam will rema in e sta blishe d until t we lve ca liph s h ave r ule d over yo u. T he Ummah will be un ite d on all of them . T hen I hear d the Prophet say (som ethin g) wh ich I co uld not un der stan d. I a ske d my f ather: wh at is he sayin g? He told m e that he h a d sa id: a ll (the t we lve c aliph s) will be from the Qur ay sh.1

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J bir ibn Sam urah () ha s na rrate d that he he ar d the M essen ger o f Allh say : I slam will rem ain do minant until t welv e ca liph s hav e p a sse d. J bir () sa id: ( at this) peop le sa id ( lo udly:) Allh is the greate st an d it bec ame
1. Ab Dwd narrated it in as-Sunan, b. of Mahd, 4:86 (#4279); Asqaln, Fath-ul-br (13:212); and Bayhaq in Dalil-unnubuwwah (6:520). Ahmad bin Hambal transmitted it with different words in alMusnad (5:93, 92, 98).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

no isy a ll aro un d. T hen the Prophet sa id so methin g quietly. I a ske d my father : O father! What did h e say? (My f ather told me :) he said, All those (t welv e ca liph s) will be from the Qur ay sh.1 Im am Suy t comments on Ab D wd s na rration in a l-H w lil-fa t w (2 :85) :

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Ab D wd ha s devote d a chapter to Imm M ah d in his book a s-Sunan (4 :86). In the be ginnin g of the ch apter a nar ration of J bir ibn Sa m ur ah () is given . T he M essen ger of Allh said: unt il t welv e ca liphs h ave p asse d, on who m th is Ummah will un ite. Ac cor din g to another tra dition, this dn will r ema in do minant till the t welv e ca liphs h ave p asse d an d all of them will be from the Qur ay sh.


Ab Dwd narrated it in as-Sunan, b. of Mahd, 4:86 (#4280, 4281); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (5:93, 97, 98, 101); and Asqaln in Fath-ul-br (13:211). Muslim related it with some different words in as-Sahh, b. of imrah (emritage) 3:1453 (#7/1821).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


In this ch apter Ab D wd ha s r eferr e d to the op inion of scho la rs who be lieve that Imm Mah d is one of those t we lve caliph s. T he conc lusion Suy t ha s dra wn from this is that Im m Mah d will be the t we lfth an d la st Im m on this e arth.1 Ab D wd, after intro ducin g the chapter with the se t wo tra dition s, h as in clude d the fo llo win g narr ation:

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Nar rate d by Umm Salamah ( ) that she he ar d the M e ssen ger of Allh () say in g: M ah d will be from my fa mily an d from the children of Ftim ah.2 Befo re it he ha s de scribe d the tra dition which say s that ev en if on ly one day r ema ins in the arr iva l of the Day of Judgment, Allh will sen d a per son (na me d Mah d) from the Prophet s f amily who will f ill the earth with justice an d fa irne ss just a s it was forme rly fille d with tyranny an d a ffect ion.

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Ab Sa d () ha s narr ate d that the Prophet sa id: In the last day s when so many disr uption s will app ear , at that tim e ther e will be a per son ca lle d Mah d. His contr ibution s will be (ve ry) p lea sant. 3
1. 2. Suyt, al-Hw lil-fatw (2:85). Related by Ab Dwd in as-Sunan, b. of Mahd, 4:88 (#4284). Ibn Hammd transmitted it in as-Sunan-ul-wridah fil-fitan (5:1057, 1061 # 575, 581). Dhahab graded it marf (traceable) in Mzn-ul -itidl fi naqd-ir-rijl (3:126). Related by Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:63).


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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

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Z uhr ha s na rrate d: when Sufyn s (a rmy) an d M ah d s army will f ac e e ach other fo r battle, on th at day a vo ice will be h ear d fro m the sky: be ware! Sure ly, the fr ien ds of (Im m) M ah d are the fr ien ds of Allh . An d Asm bint Um ay s sa id: the sign of that day will be that a han d will be se en h an gin g f rom the sky wh ich (a ll) the peop le will see .1

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Narr ated by Al () , he sa id: I sa id (to the Prophet ( )) : O M e ssen ger of Allh ( !) W ill M ah d be from us, the fam ily of M uh amma d or from other s? He said: no, but h e will be from amon g us, Allh will re-e sta blish I slam thro ugh h im as he did so ( in the be ginnin g) thro ugh us, an d the se peop le will be re sc ue d from mischie f thro ugh us ( Mah d) as th ey h ave been save d from polythe ism . An d thro ugh o ur mean s (Mah d) Allh will cr eate lov e in their he arts a fter the hatr e d of m ischief
1. Related by Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:76).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


a s He cr eate d lov e in their h eart s after the hatre d of po lytheism. An d thro ugh o ur me ans peop le will be come brother ly amon gst e ach othe r after th e r iva lry of t urmo ils a s they have done so in I slam after the riv alry of po lytheism." 1

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Arth h as narr ate d that a pe rson (Mah d) will appe ar from the Proph ets fam ily who will fight in the c ity of Rome an d h e will be the la st le a der (Imm ) of M uh amma d s Umm ah. Da jjl will appe ar in his t ime an d in his tim e a lso s will de scen d (from the he aven) .2 Imam Suy t in a l-H w lil-fa t w (2 :80) after listin g the sign s of th e arr ival of Imm Mah d, comm ents:

" " ., ,
All these signs wh ich I have summar ise d from the book al-F itan by Nu aym ibn Hamm d who wa s a hfiz (of hadth) an d on e of th e tea cher s of Imm Bukh r.



Suyt narrated it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:61); Tabarn, alMujam-ul-awsat (1:136 # 157); Ibn Hammd, al-Fitan (1:370, 371 # 1089, 1090); and Haytham in Majma-uz -zawid (7:316, 317). Ibn Hammd narrated it in al-Fitan (1:402,408#1214,1234); and Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:80).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

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J bir ibn Abdullh ( ) narr ates that the Prophet said: In my Ummah, soon, there will be a c aliph who will distribute goo ds gen ero usly without ke epin g a r ecor d of who ha s r ece ive d what. 1

46. , , : . : !
Nar rate d by J bir ibn Abdullh ( ) that the M essen ger of Allh ( ) sa id: T here will be a caliph in my Um mah who will genero usly distribute wealth witho ut k eep in g a r ecor d of it. An d I swe ar by the One who controls my life! Certa inly that the dom inan ce (of I slam) will r eturn (that is, I slam will r ecapt ure its lost glory an d retrieve its stat us dur in g his re ign).2
1. 2. Related by Suyt in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:60, 61). Hkim graded it sahh (sound) according to the conditions of Muslim in al-Mustadrak (4:454 # 8400), while Dhahab kept quiet about it. Haytham said in Majma-uz-zawid (7:316) that B azzr had related it, and its men are those of (sahh) sound hadth. Ibn Hammd narrated it in al-Fitan (1:362 # 1055); Suyt, ad-Durr-ul-manthr fit-tafsr bil-mathr (6:56); and B ayhaq in Dalil-un-nubuwwah (6:330,331). Muslim related it with di fferent words in as-Sahh, b. of fitan wa ashrt-us-sah (turmoils and conditions of the Last Hour) 4:2234 (#67/2913); Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (3:317); Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (14:263 # 38659); and Ibn Kathr in al-Bidyah wan-nihyah (4:599; 10:44).

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T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )


56. :

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Nar rate d by Abdullh ibn M a s d ( ) that M essen ger o f Allh sa id: if th ere wa s on ly on e night left for this world to stay in ta ct, Allh will len gthen it until a mem ber of my fam ily becom es the r uler who se nam e will be the same as my n ame an d the nam e of his f ather will be the sam e a s the nam e of my f ather. He will f ill the world with justic e an d f airne ss just a s it wa s f ille d with tyranny an d explo itation. He will distribute thin gs e qually amon g the people an d Allh will also fill the ir he arts with content. He will r ule for sev en or nin e ye ar s. T hen a fter the ca liph ate of Mah d, ther e will be a total en d to goo dne ss ( an d virtue ).1

. ,

Suyt narrated it in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:64); Tabarn, alMujam-ul-kabr (10:133, 135 # 10216, 10224); Dn, as-Sunanul-wridah fil-fitan (5:1055 # 572); Haytham, Mawrid-uzzamn (6:129 # 1877); and Hind in Kanz-ul-umml (14:269 # 38683). Haytham also narrated it through Ab Hurayarah (rt a) in Mawrid-uz-zamn (6:128 # 1876). Suyt narrated it with a di fference of words at another place in al-Hw lil-fatw (2:58).

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rad iya llhu anhu Allh be plea se d with h im: use d a fter the na me of Comp anion of the Prophet ( ).

: radiyallhu anh Allh be p lea se d with

he r: use d a fter the n ame of a f ema le Comp anion of the Prophet ( ).

: rad iya llhu anhum Allh be ple a se d

with all of them : use d after the nam es of mor e than t wo ma le Co mpanion s o f the Prophet ( ).

: radiya llhu anhum Allh is ple a se d

with both of them; use d after the name s of t wo Compan ion s of the Proph et (), irre sp ectiv e of the ir gen der.

ala yh-is- sa lm ( May Allh sho wer His) pea ce on h im: use d a fter the n ame of Allh s m e ssen ger , prophet an d an ge l.

: ala yhim-a s- salm (M ay Allh sho wer

His) p ea ce on both of them: use d after the n ame s of t wo me ssen ger s, proph ets an d an gels.

sallallhu alayh i wa lih wa sa llam Allh ble ss an d sen d pea ce on h im an d h is ch ildren : use d afte r the nam e of the La st M essen ger of Allh ( ).

abdl: pl. of badal. lit. Substit ute s. A per son by whom

Allh contin ue s the wor ld in existenc e as mention e d in the tra dition s. T heir n um ber is seventy, of whom fo rty liv e in Sy ria an d thirty e lse wh ere. Wh en one die s another take s h is place , be in g appo inte d by Allh .


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

athar: p l. th r. lit. re latin g. Gener ally use d for a

na rration r elate d from one of the Compan ions, rather than from the Prophet ( ), which is kno wn a s hadth.

cali ph ate : khilfah . T his is the po litica l sy stem of I slam,

it s h ea d the ca liph /kha lfah is the succ e ssor of the Prophet ( ) in this r e gar d.

dn: it is an Ar a bic wor d use d for I slam. It is mo re

spe cif ic ia lly use d for the re ligion an d rev ea le d book s of the prophets an d the me ssen ger s. It is a comp rehen sive term cove rin g not only re ligio us pr actice s an d r ituals but a lso app lie s to all a sp ects of lif e an d prov ide s guidan ce for it. While madhab (re ligion) is r e stricte d to man s spirit ua l life an d dea ls with its r elation ship with Go d a lone .

din ar: an an cient go ld coin. fajr: da wn or e arly morn in g be fore sunr ise ; morn in g
pr ayer.

ghawth: lit. on e to whom we can cry for h elp . A

me diator ; a title given to a sa int of the h ighe st or der .

h adth : p l. ahdth. lit. tra dition. T he say in gs, pr actice

an d approv e d tra dit ions of the Prophet M uh amma d () .

h fiz : lit. a guar dian or protector. (1) on e o f the name s of

Go d, a l-Hfiz. (2) a governor , guar dian of the M akkan temp le. (3) one who ha s memo riz e d the whole of the Qurn. (4) one who h a s memo rize d on e h un dr e d tho usan d tra dition s.

h asan: a hadth, na rrate d by a re lia ble ch ain of n arr ators

tho ugh not r each in g the gr a de o f sahh ( so un d) hadth, but r ecor ds a comp lete cha in of nar rators up to the Prophet ( ).

Imm: (1) on e who lea ds p eople in pr ayer s; (2) an

em inent I slam ic scho la r; (3 ) spir itual lea der of the M uslim s. T her e will be tota l of t welv e such Im m s, the f ir st bein g Imm Al () an d the la st Imm Mah d ( ).

Gl os s ar y


iqmah : a ca ll sim ilar to the adhn (the c all to p raye r),

sa id imme diately befor e a con gr e gationa l pr ayer .

s (): nam e o f Allah s pen ultimate m essen ger, Je sus.

He will come do wn from the he aven s durin g the time of Im m M ah d ().

kabah: a c ube- shap e d buildin g at the centre of a lM asjid- ul- Har m (the gre at mo sque at M akkah) to war ds wh ich a ll M uslims fa ce in pray er. It is a lso kno wn a s the Ho use of Allah.

maqm Ibrh m: th e stone at Makkah with in the

bo un da ry of al- Ma sjid- ul-Harm , wh ich ha s the impre ssion of the footprint s of th e Prophet I brh m ( ). T his is the stone on which I br hm () stood wh ile he an d h is son, the Prophet Ism l ( ), were buildin g the ka bah.

Maryam: the mother of p rophet s ; M ary. sah h: so un d. A had th with an un brok en chain of
na rrator s ran gin g f rom the Prophet M uh amma d () an d app roach in g an er a thro ugh re lia ble narr ators without be in g shdh (o dd) or mualla l (f a ulty) in bet ween the t wo c ross relater s.

sh arah : lit. roa d. It is a le ga l sy stem of a nation ba se d

on the rev elation of their p rophet/m essen ger. T he last sha rah is that of I slam that r eplace s a ll pr evio us sha rah s.

s pi ritual leade rshi p: immah. T his status will be he ld

by t we lve Imm s, the f ir st of wh ich was Al al- M urta d ( ), an d the la st Imm Mah d () .

s pi ritual sove reignty: wil yah; sainthoo d. A spe cia l

spirit ua l stat us wh ich ra ise s the per son a bove that of norm al peop le. T her e are var io us leve ls an d gra des of wilyah such a s gha wth, qu tb, etc.

su nnah : pl. sunan. lit. the path, way o r a form, the

c ustomary pra ctic e of a p er son or a gro up of peop le. It ha s


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

com e to ref er almo st ex clusive ly to the le ga l way o r way s, or ders, statement s an d act s of wor sh ip, etc., o f the Prophet M uh amma d () wh ich hav e become th e mo dels to be fo llo we d by M uslim s.

tbi: so meone who h as met a Comp anion o f the Ho ly

Prophet ( ) in the state of mn (fa ith) an d die d as a be liever .

The Holy Qu rn . Abd- ur- Ra zz q, Ab Bakr, Sann (126-211/744 -826), a l-Mu sanna f, Kar ach i, Pak istan: a l-Ma jlis- ul-ilm , 1 st e d. 1390/1970 . Ab Awnah , Ya qb ibn Ish q ibn I brh m ibn Zay d (230-316 /845-928), al- Mu snad, Be ir ut, Le banon: 1 st e d. 1998. Ab D wd, Sulaym n ibn Ash ath ibn I sh q ibn Bash r Sijistn (202-275 /817-889), as-Sunan, Be ir ut, L e banon : Dr- ul-Fikr, 1414 /1994. Ab Nuaym , Ahm a d ibn Abdullh Asbahn (336430 /948-1038), Hilyat-ul-a wliy wa tabaqt-u la sfiy , Beir ut, L e banon : Dr- ul-k it b-il- ara b, 3 rd e d. 1400 /1980. Ab Ya l, Ahm a d ibn Al (210-307 /825-919) , a lMusnad , Dama sc us, Syr ia : D r- ul-mam n lit-t urth, 1 s t e d. 1404/1984 . Ah ma d ibn Ham bal, I bn M uh amma d (164-241/780 -855), a l-Mu snad, Beir ut, L e banon : a l-Makta b- ul-I slm , 2 nd e d. 1398/1978 . Ajla wn, Ab a l-Fid I sm l ibn M uham ma d ibn Abdul-H d (1087-1162/1676-1749 ), Ka shf-u l- khif wa muzl-ul- ilb s, Beir ut, L e banon : M u assisat- ur-r islah, 4 th e d. 1405/1985. Albn , M uhamm a d N sir- ud-Dn (1333-1420/1914 -1999), S ilsila t-ul-ahd th-is- sah hah, Be ir ut, Le banon : a lM akta b- ul- Islm , 4 th e d. 1405 /1985.



T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Asqaln, I bn Hajar Ahm a d ibn Al (773-852 /13721449), Fa th-ul-br, Lahor e, Pak istan: Dr n ash r-ilk ut ub-il-I slmiyy ah, 1401 /1981. l al-I sbah f tamyz-is- sahbah, Beir ut, Le banon : Dr- ul-jl, 1 s t e d. 1412/1992 . l a l- Mat lib-ul- liyah, M akkah, Sa udi Ar a bia : Abb s Ah ma d al- B z, n . d. Az d, Mam ar ibn R shid (95-153 /713-770) , a l- Jmi, Be ir ut, L e banon : a l-M aktab- ul- Islam i, 2 nd e d. 1403 AH . Baghaw, Ab Muhammad Husayn ibn Masd (436-516/10441122), Sha rh-u s- sunnah, Beirut, Lebanon: al-Maktab-ulIslm, 2 nd ed. 1403/1983. Bayh a q, Ahma d ibn Husayn (384-458 /994-1066), Dalilun-nubuwwah, Beirut, Lebanon: Dr-ul-kutub-il-ilmiyyah, 1 st ed. 1405/1985. l a s-Sunan-ul-kub r, M ultan, Pak istan: Na shr- ussunnah, n. d. Ba zz r, Ab Bakr Ahma d ibn Am r (210-292/825 -905), a l-Mu snad, Beir ut, Le banon: 1 st e d. 1409 AH . Bukhr, Muhammad ibn Isml (194-256/810-870), as-Sahh, Damascus, Syria: Dr-ul-qalam, 1 st ed. 1401/1981. Dn, Ab Amr Uthmn ibn Sad ibn Uthmn ibn Sa d ibn Um ar M uqr (371-444/981 -1052), a s-Sunan-u lw ridah fil-fitan , Riya dh, Sa udi Ara b: D r- ul- sim ah, 1 s t e d. 1416. Daylam, Ab Sh uj Shr a wayh (445-509 /1053-1115) , a lF irdaws, Beir ut, L e banon : D r- ul-k ut ub- il- ilmiyy ah, 1 s t e d. 1986. Dh aha b, M uhamm a d ibn Ahm a d ibn Uthmn (673748 /1274-1348), Mzn-u l-i tidl f naqd-ir- rij l, Be ir ut, Le banon : Dr- ul-k utub- il-ilm iyyah, 1 s t e d. 1995. Hkim , Ab Abdullh M uhamm a d ibn Abdullh (321405 /933-1014), a l- Mustad rak, Beir ut, L e banon : Drul-k utub- il-ilm iyyah, 1 st e d. 1411 /1990. l al- Mu stad ra k, Makk ah, Sa udi Ar a bia: Dr- ul- b z, n. d.

Bibliogr aphy


Haytham, Al ibn Ab Bakr (735-807/1335 -1405), Majma-u z- za wid , Cairo, E gypt: Dr - ur-r iyn litt urth, 1407 /1987. l Maw rid-u z- zamn, Beir ut, Le banon : Dr- ulk ut ub-il- ilm iyyah , n. d. Hin d, Al- ud- Dn Al a l-M uttaq ( d.975 AH ), Kan z-u lumml, Be ir ut, Le banon : M ua ssisat- ur -ris lah , 2 nd e d. 1407/1986 . I bn Ab Sh ay bah, Ab Bak r Abdullh ibn M uh amma d (159-235 /776-850), al- Mu sannaf, Riya dh , Sa udi Ara b: M akta bat- ur-r ush d, 1 st e d. 1409 AH . I bn Askir , Ab al-Q sim Al ibn Ha san (499-571 /11051176), T rikh Dimashq a l-kab r, gener ally kno wn a s Trkh Ibn A skr, Be ir ut, L e banon : Dr ihy -itt urth a l- ara b, 1 s t e d. 1421 /2001. I bn Hamm d, Ab Abdullh Nu aym ( d. 229 /884), a lF itan , Ca iro, E gypt : M aktabat- ut-ta whd, 1 st e d. 1412. I bn Hibbn , M uh amma d (270-354 /884-965) , a s-Sah h, Be ir ut, Le banon : M u assisat- ur-r islah, 2 nd e d. 1414 /1993. I bn Jr d, Ab M uh amma d Abdullh ibn Al ( d. 307 / 919), a l-Mun taq, Be ir ut, L e banon : M ua ssisat-ulk itb ath-tha qf iyyah , 1 st e d. 1408/1988. I bn Kathr , Ab al- Fid I sm l ibn Uma r (701774 /1301-1373), al-Bid yah wan-n ihyah , Be ir ut, L e banon : Dr- ul-fik r, 1419 /1998. l Ta fsr-u l-Qu rn a l-a zm, Be ir ut, Le banon: Dr- ulma rif ah, 1400 /1980. I bn M jah, Ab Abdullah M uhamm a d ibn Yazd Qaz wn (209-273 /824-887), Sunan, Be ir ut, L e banon : Dr- ulk ut ub-il- ilm iyyah , 1 st e d. 1419/1998. I bn M un dah, Ab Abdullh M uh amma d ibn I sh q ibn Yahy (310 -395/922-1005 ), al-mn, Beir ut, Le banon : M u a ssisat- ur-r is lah, 2 nd e d. 1406 AH . Ibn Qayyim, Ab Abdullh Muhammad al-Jawziyyah (691751/1292-1350), al- Man r-u l-munf, Ha la b, Sy ria : M akta b- ul- matbt-il-I slm , 2 nd e d. 1403 AH .


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Kh atb Ba gh d d, Ab Bakr Ahm a d ibn Al, (392463 /1002-1071), T rkh Baghdad, Be ir ut, Le banon : Dr- ul-kit b-il-a ra b, n. d. Khatb T abrz, Muhammad ibn Abdullh, Mishkt-ul-masbh, Beirut, Lebanon: Dr-ul-fikr, 1st ed. 1411/1991. Kinn , A hma d ibn Ab Bakr ibn I sm l (762-840 AH ), Misbh-u z- zuj jah, Beir ut, Le banon : 2 nd e d. 1403 AH . M an w, Abd- ur- Ra wf, Fa yd-u l-qadr, E gypt: Makta batut-tujjriyy ah al-k ubr , 1356 AH . M iz z, Ysuf ibn Abd- ur -Rahmn (654-742/1256 -1341), Tuhfa t-ul-ash r f b i-marifa t- il-a trf, Be ir ut, Le banon : a l-M akta b- ul-I sl m, 2 nd e d. 1403/1983 . Muslim, Ibn-ul-Hajjj Qushayr (206-261/821-875), as-Sahh, Beirut, Lebanon: Dr Ihy-it-turth-il-arab, n.d. M uja ddid Alf T hn, Shaykh Ahm a d Sarhan d (9711034 /1564-1624), Mak tbt Imam Rabbn, Lahor e, Pak istan : Nr Co., n. d. Qurtub, Ab Abdullh, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (284-380/897990), al-Jmi li-ahkm-il-Qurn, Cairo, Egypt: Dr-ushshab, 2nd ed. 1372 AH . Ruyn , Ab Bakr M uh amma d ibn Hr n ( d. 307 AH ) , a lMusnad , Cairo , E gypt: M ua ssisah Cor do ba, 1 s t e d. 1416 AH . Sh h I sma l Dihla w, (1193-1246 /1779-1831), S ir t mustaqm. Sh h Wa l Allh M uha ddith Dih la w (1114-1174 /17031762), Hamat, Hy der a ba d, P akistan: Aca de my Shh Wa l Allh M uha ddith Dihla w, n . d. l at-Ta fhmt-u l- ilh iy yah, Hy dera ba d, Pak istan: Aca demy Shh W al Allh M uha ddith Dihla w, 1387 /1967. Suy t , Ja l l- ud-Dn Abd- ur- Rahm n (849-911 /14451505), ad -Du rr-ul-manthr fit- tafsr bil-math r, Be ir ut, L e banon : Dr- ul-mar if ah, n. d. l a l-H wi lil- fat w, Faisala ba d, Pakistan: M akta bah Nriyy ah Ridwiyy ah, n. d.

Bibliogr aphy


T a bar n, Sulaymn ibn Ahma d (260-360 /873-971), a lMujam-u l-a wsa t, Cairo , E gypt: D r- ul-h aram ayn, 1415 AH . l a l- Mujam-u l-kab r, Mosul, Ira q: Mat ba at-uzz uh r- il-ha dthah , 2 nd e d. 1404 /1983. l a l- Mu jam-us- saghr, Beir ut, Le banon: al- Makta bul-I slami, 1 st e d. 1405/1985. l Mu snad-ush -shmiyy n, Beir ut, Le banon : M ua ssisat - ur- ris lah , 1 st e d. 1405/1984. T irm idh, Ab s M uh amma d ibn s (210-279 /825892), a l-Jmi-us-sah h, Be ir ut, Le banon: Dr- ulgha r b-il-I slm, 2 nd e d. 1998.

Index to Hadth and Athar

. . : . . . . . . . . , . , . .

06 73 55 71 34 06 14 93 45 45 55 22 61


) T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd (

26 7 25 94 64 06 ,44 81 64 02 43 32 85 ,75 85 75 ,36 ,42 81 12 25

. . . . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . . , .

80\F:\Books\Boo ks-by-Q I\ENGLISH BOOKS\_Awaited Ima m (Fina l)\Final Boo kIndex-Arabic (75-78).doc

)Index to Hadth and Athar (Arabic


7 ,1 05 05 03 95 ,91 15 82 12 22 51 51 84 61 51 23 33 52 65

. . . , . . . . , . , . . , . . . . , , : . ! . . .


) T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd (

74 25 16 43 13 73 45 92 72 ,52 95 91 14 44 ,04 ,26 ,93 ,53 05 81 03

. . . . , . . . . , . . . , . , . . . . .

80\F:\Books\Boo ks-by-Q I\ENGLISH BOOKS\_Awaited Ima m (Fina l)\Final Boo kIndex-Arabic (75-78).doc

Index to Hadth and Athar

Englis h
A com et with a bright ta il will app ear from the ea st. A disr uption will ar ise which will be fo llo we d by another disr uption. A per son will appe ar f rom my f amily who will p rea ch A per son, Mah d, will appe ar fro m the Prophet s fa mily. A section of my p eople will not c ea se f ightin g for the T ruth. A time will com e wh en the intensity of oppr ession. Al is yo ur spir it ua l lea de r. At m inim um the dur ation of the ca liph ate of M ah d. At the death of a Ca liph there will be a differ enc e of op inion . Ev en if only one day rem ain s befor e the en d of the wor ld. He will be from the ch ildren of Ftimah. s will de scen d after Mah d an d will off er. I am givin g yo u the goo d n e ws of the com in g of Mah d. I swea r by the One who ha s sent me with the T ruth! I wa s inform e d that befor e the app ear anc e of M ah d. I wa s inform e d that the Ark of the Coven ant 54 55 34 61 47 22 7 39 26 19 16 50 38 33 54 54


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

will emer ge. If only on e day wa s to rema in for this wor ld to stay in tact. If there wa s on ly one night left for th is wor ld to stay in tact. In (the month of) M uh arr am, an anno un cer will ca ll o ut. In my Umm ah soon there will be a ca liph who will distr ibute. In the last days when so many disr uption s app ear . I slam will rem ain dom inant until t we lve c aliph s I slam will rem ain e stablish e d until t we lve c aliph s. M ah d will app ear after the m ur der o f Naf s Z akiyy ah. M ah d will app ear in the la st day s. M ah d will be bo rn dur in g the la st day s of my Ummah. M ah d will be from m e. M ah d will be from my children . M ah d will be from my fam ily. M ah d will be from my p ro geny. M ah d will be from this Ummah an d will lea d s M ah d will com e an d there will be a tur ban on h is he a d. Near to the en d of time, a Caliph (M ah d) will come. No , but he will be from amon g us. On e of my ch ildr en will be the ca liph. Peop le exactly e qua l in n um ber to the Compan ion s of Ba dr. Peop le will perform the pilgr ima ge together. Prophet s ibn Mary am will de scen d. T hat time is ne ar wh en ne ither dinar s no r

21 24, 63 52 62 59 57 57 43 32 37 22 16 19 21, 28, 31, 59 51 53 22, 31 60 18 25 56 49, 50 19

F:\Books\Boo ks-by-Q I\ENGLISH BOOKS\_Awaited Ima m (Fina l)\Final Book\09-Index-Englis h (79-82).doc

Index to Hadth and Athar (English)


gr ain. T he Ar a bs will be in small n um ber. T he Day of Judgement will not com e until a pe rson . T he Day of Judgm ent will not come until the e arth is f ille d with tyranny. T he e arth will be fille d with tyranny an d oppr ession. T he nam e of Mah d will be M uha mma d. T he sign o f that day will be that a han d will be seen. T he time is n ear when the riv er E uph rate s. T he wor ld will not seize to ex ist unt il someon e from my fam ily. T here will be a c aliph in my Ummah who will genero usly. T here will be a pe rson from this Ummah an d s T here will be diff eren ce of opin ion ove r the de ath of the caliph. T here will be Mah d in my Um mah. T here will be p ea ce bet ween yo u an d Rom e fo ur time s. T his dn will r ema in domin ant till the t welv e c aliph s T hree p er son s will wa ge wa r ne ar yo ur trea sur e. Unt il t welv e c aliph s hav e pa sse d on whom this Ummah will unite. We , the ch ildren of Abd- ul-M uttalib. What will be the state (of yo ur joy) at the tim e wh en s When Islam (ie the state of the Umm ah) be come s weak . When Mah d will appea r. When Sufy n s (a rmy) an d Mah d s a rmy will fac e e ach other .

49 35 20 22 17 60 30 18 35, 39, 62 50 27 40, 41, 42, 44 16 58 29 58 15 46 48 50 60


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

When the anno unc er will anno unc e. Whoev er den ie s (the com in g of) Da jjl, ha s sure ly committe d disbelief . Whoev er ha s me as his m aster . Ye s, M ah d is the T r uth.

55 52 1, 7 50

F:\Books\Boo ks-by-Q I\ENGLISH BOOKS\_Awaited Ima m (Fina l)\Final Book\09-Index-Englis h (79-82).doc

General Index
abd l, 25, 26, 28 Abdullh ibn Amr ( ), 50, 56 Abdullh ibn M a s d (36 ,42 ,81 ,71 ,) Abdullh ibn Umar (35 , ) Abd- ul- M uttalib (), 15 Ab Al , 20 Ab Bakr as- Siddq (), 4, 5, 6, 9 Abu a l-Hasan burr, 46 Ab Hur ayrah (), 4 , 30, 35 , 39, 40 , 44, 46 Ab Jala d () , 55 Ab Na drah, 19, 20 Ab Sa d Kh udr (), 20, 21, 22, 23, 31 , 34, 37, 38 , 41, 42, 50, 59 Ab Slih, 19 Ab T ufay l, 32, 33 Ab Um mah Bh il (), 16 , 49 Ah ma d Sarh an d, see M uja ddid Alf T hn Ah l- us- Sunnah wa l- Jam ah, 2 ishah (61 , ) Al a l-M urta d (), 1, 2, 4 , 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 , 21, 28, 32, 44, 55, 60 Al a l- Hil l (), 33 An a s ibn M lik (), 4, 15 Artt, 61 sim, 19 Asm bint Umay s, 60 Ba dr , 32 battle of, 26 , 28, 32


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Bay d, 26 , 28 Black Stone, 25 , 28 Ca liph , 5, 6, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27 , 29 , 31, 32, 33, 35, 39, 43, 53, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63 Ca liph ate, 2 , 5, 6, 7, 18 , 24, 26, 27 , 28, 37, 38, 39 , 40, 55 Compan ion s, 2, 4, 5 con sensus, 5 Dajj l, 48 , 52, 61 Day of Judgement, 1, 20, 35, 46, 59 Democr acy, 6 E le ction, 5 E uphr ates, 30 Ftim ah (95 ,33 ,91 ,61 ,51 ,11 ,) Fin ality of me ssen ger ship, 4 gen era l inher itance , 2 Gh a dr Kh um , 1, 6 Gh a wth- ul-A zam, 9 Hamz ah () , 15 Ha ssan () , 11, 15 , 33 H shim, 27 Hera clius, 16 Ho ly Ho use ( Bayt- ul-M uqa dda s), 34 Hudh ayfah (), 31, 50 Husse in ( ), 11, 15, 33 I bn Jur ayh, 47 Im m, 5 , 11, 12, 13, 18, 22 , 25, 43, 46, 48, 49 , 54, 56, 59, 60, 61 immah, see spir itual Le a der ship interme diation, 2, 11 iqmah, 49, 51 Ir a q, 25 s ibn Mary am (15 , 05 ,94 , 84 ,74 , 64 ,) I slamic dom inan ce, 32 , 35, 40 , 45, 57 , 60 Jaf ar ( ), 15 J bir ibn Abdullh (,84 ,64 ,93 ,53 ,91 , ) 62

37, 43,



General Index


J bir ibn Sam ur ah (), 57, 58 Jurayr , 20 ka bah, 33, 56 Kalb, 26, 28 , 54 tribe, 26, 28 kh il fah, see ca liph ate M ah d (), 2 , 11, 12 , 13, 15 , 16, 17 , 18, 19 , 20, 21 , 22, 23, 24, 25 , 26, 28, 29, 30 , 31, 32, 33 , 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 , 45, 46, 48, 49 , 50, 51, 52 , 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61 M akkah, 26, 27, 33 M e din a, 1, 26, 27 M in, 56 M uh amma d ibn Hana fiyy ah, 32, 33 M ujh id, 43 M uja ddid Alf T hn , 10 M usta wrid ibn Khay ln, 16 muta watir, 6 Naf s Z akiyy ah, 43 po litica l inh eritan ce, 2, 4 Quray sh, 26 , 57, 58 Quray sh, 26 Ram a dn, 54 Rome , 16 Sa d ibn M usayy a b, 15 Sh h W al Allh M uh a ddith Dih la w, 3, 7, 12 Sh h I sm l Dih la w, 9 Sh ahr ibn Ha wsh a b () , 52 spirit ua l inh eritan ce, 2, 4 spirit ua l lea dersh ip, 5, 6, 8 spirit ua l sover eignty, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 St ation of I brh m, 25, 26, 28 Suf yn , 26, 28 Suf yn s (army) , 26, 60 Sula ymn ibn s (45 , ) Sula ymn ibn Ha bb, 16 Suc c e ssor s, 2


T he Aw ait ed Imm Mahd ( )

Sy ria, 19, 25, 28 T lt, 33 tasa wwu f, 11 T ha wbn (), 29 Umar F r uq () , 5, 9 Umar ibn Abd- ul-Azz, 20 Umm Salamah (95 ,72 , 62 ,52 , 91 ,61 , 51 ,) Umm Sh ar k bint Ab al-Ak ar (94 ,) Ummah, 2 , 20, 23 , 24, 25, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38 , 40, 41 , 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 58, 61, 62 Uthmn ibn Ab a l- s (), 49 wa slah, se e interme diation wal, 6 wilyah , see sp ir itual sov ere ignty Z uhr , 60

Authors Arabic and English Books

Arabic Books
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a t-Ta ssa wa r-ul- Islm li- tab at- il-basha riy yah Nahj-ut- ta rbiyyat-il-ijtimiyyah fil- Qurn a t-Ta ssa wa r-ut- ta sh r lil-hukm-il-I slm Fa lsafa t-ul-ijtihd wal-lim-ul-mu sir a l-Ja rmah fil- fiqh- il-Islm Minh j-ul-khu tbt lil- dayn wa l- jumut Qa w id-u l-iq tisd fil- Islm a l-Iqtisd-ul-arba w wan-n izm-u l-misr fil- Islm

Englis h Books
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I rfn-ul-Qu rn (pa rt-1) S ra t-u r-Ra s l, vo l.1 The Ghadr Dec la ration B esee ching fo r Help (I stighthah) I slamic Conc ept of Inte rmed iation (T a wassul) R eal Islamic Faith and the P rophets Sta tu re Gree ting s and Sa luta tions on th e P rophe t ( ) Sp iritua lism and Magne tism I slamic Ph ilo soph y of Human Life I slam in Va rious Pe rspe ctive s I slam and Ch ristianity I slam and Criminality Qu rn ic Con cep t o f Human Gu idanc e I slamic Conc ept of Human Na tu re Div ine Plea sure

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Qu rn ic Philo sophy o f B enevo len ce (Ih sn) I slam and Freedom of Human Will I slamic P enal Sy stem and its Ph ilo sophy I slamic Conc ept of La w Ph ilo sophy of Ijtihd and th e Mode rn Wo rld Qu rn ic Ba sis o f Con stitu tiona l Theo ry I slam Th e S tate Re lig ion Lega l Chara cte r of I slamic Punishmen ts Lega l Stru ctu re o f I slamic Punishments Cla ssifica tion o f I slamic Punishments I slamic Ph ilo soph y of Punishmen ts I slamic Conc ept of Crime Qu rn on Creation and Expan sion of Unive rse Crea tion and Evo lution o f th e Unive rse Crea tion o f Man I slam on preven tion of Hea rt Disea se s

The Author
D R. T A HI R -U L-Q AD RI is i n need of no introducti on to thos e affi li at ed to t he many fi el ds, whi ch he has m as t ered duri ng a s m all peri od of t im e. He is the founding l eader of M i nhaj-ul Quran Int ernat ional (MQ I ), whi ch i s bas ed i n over 80 countri es of t he worl d. It s m ain aims are working for global peace and hum an rights, revivi ng Is l ami c values, t eachi ngs and tradit ions and s t riving for t he unit y of t he Umm ah t hrough a s oci al, educati onal and polit i cal st ruggl e. As Dr. T ahi r-ul -Qadri is pres ent ing the t rue peaceful m ess age of Is l am pure from i nnovations added int o i t and i nt ernal and ext ernal politi cal i nfl uences, his work, m es s age and call are accept ed wit h open arm s. The m ai n reasons bei ng t hat he has port rayed Is l am as a t ruly moderat e fai th i n i ts origi nal form, free from any form of extremis m, fanati cis m and t errori sm. As part of hi s vast s t ruggl e for equalit y, equit y and equal hum an ri ghts for all, he has writt en over t wo hundred and fi ft y books on all ki nds of m odern, rel igi ous, s pi rit ual and s ecul ar is sues in Engl is h, Urdu and Arabi c. Dr. T ahir-ul -Qadri i s accept ed as one of t he hi ghest authoriti es in t he worl d on Isl am, Isl am and the W est, Isl am and S ci ence and m any ot her s ubj ects, whi ch is why he has delivered thous ands of l ectures i n i nt ernat ional conferences, uni versit i es and insti tut ions all over the world on all t ypes of i ss ues. Alt hough he i s a s chol ar and a reli gi ous l eader for whom t here i s no m at ch, his educati onal, s oci al and poli ti cal effort s have als o penet rat ed s oci et y. He is l eading a peaceful m ovem ent i n P akis t an t o liberat e t he poor from the corrupt ruling eli te, whi ch has ruled t he count ry over t he l as t hal f century. He is l eading t his revolt by get ti ng the poor and downtrodden s egm ents of s oci et y behind him. In doi ng s o he form ed hi s own polit ical party i n 1989 by t he nam e of Pakist an Awami T ehreek (P akist an Popul ar M ovem ent ), which has been carrying out t his s truggl e in t he politi cal and

el ect oral arenas. Unli ke any other reli gi ous or poli ti cal personalit y, Dr. T ahi r-ul -Qadri and his mi ssi on have at tract ed peopl e from varyi ng s ects and religions. He and his organis ati on are the sol e hope for i nt er-s ect and int erfai th peace, harmony and unit y. His i mm ens e achievem ents in the fi el d of education and wel fare have been i nt ernati onal ly recogni s ed by the m any int ernati onal awards he has received. In a growi ng int ernati onal atm os phere of ant i-Isl ami sm, pol iti cal confli ct s bet ween W est ern and M usl im count ri es and t he dis t ance bet ween t he W es t and Isl am s eem ing to be i ncreasi ng, Dr. T ahi r-ul -Qadri is t he one m an who can bri dge t he gap bet ween t he W est and Isl am. Not onl y can he sol ve the probl ems of t he Musli m worl d but i n doi ng s o he will al so s ol ve the probl ems faced by W est ern nati ons. If you wish to l earn m ore about hi m and hi s organi s ati on or woul d l ike to join his peaceful movem ent t hen do not hesi t at e t o cont act us on the cont act det ai ls given bel ow:

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri
B orn : PhD: MQ I: PAT: B ooks: L ectu res : F eb. 19, 1951 in Jhang, P akis tan F rom Punj ab Universit y, P aki st an in 1986. F ounded Mi nhaj -ul -Quran Int ernat ional i n 1981. F ounded the poli ti cal party, P akist an Awam i T ehreek (PA T ) in 1989. Over 250 publ ished. Over 5000 avai l abl e on Vi deo/ Audi o cas s ett es and VC Ds.

Minhaj-ul-Q uran Inte rnational (MQ I) :

365-M, M odel Town, Lahore, P akist an P hone: 0092-42-111-140-140 F ax: 0092-42-5168184 htt p:// www.mi nhaj. org htt p:// www.pat. Em ail : t ehreek@minhaj. org

Dire cto rate of Fo reign Affairs MQ I:

T el: 0092-42-5171404, F ax: 0092-42-5169114, Em ail : dfa@mi nhaj. org

Dr. Tahir-ul-Q adri:

Em ail : qadri@minhaj. org

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