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Which of these have you heard about?

Yes Inox PVR Fun Others (mention name)


How would you rate each one of these on the following parameters on a scale of 1 to 5. 1:Excellent, 2: Good, 3: Satisfactory, 4: Could be better, 5: Poor Family Value for Facilities for Quality of Overall entertainme money me foodcourt experience nt Inox PVR Fun Cinemax Others (mention name)

How related do you think each one of these words are to the multiplexes listed below? Rate each word for each cinema on a scale of 1 to 5 1:Closely related, 2:Good match, 3: Maybe, 4: Difficult, 5:Not at all Good Aggressive Premium Indian Good entertainer service experience Inox PVR Fun Cinemax Others (mention name)

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