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The argument: key words

I Pop

stars: style of living once the prerogative (prawo, przywilej) only of Royalty. to greet them everywhere. 3 Transported by Rolls-Royces, helicopters, executive aeroplanes. 4 Permanent entourage (wita, otoczenie): managers, press agents, bodyguards. 5 Comings and goings recorded in press; pop stars are news. 6 Enjoy privileges of Royalty; share inconveniences. 7 No unscheduled appearances; must be shielded (ochroniony, oddzielony) from adoring crowds. 8 Not private individuals; public property; astronomical rewards for this sacrifice. 9 Why not? Society always rewards top entertainers. 10 E.g. the legendary days of Hollywood; stars: fame, wealth, adulation (pochlebstwo). I I Today even greater: one gramophone record may earn more than a film. 12 Fierce (zawzity) competition: Top of the Pops (lista przebojw). Rewards colossal. 13People moan, envious (zazdrosny,zawistny) of successes and rewards of others. 14 Most famous stars: tip of iceberg; hundreds struggling. 15 Compare man in steady job; no big rewards: security. 16 Would-be star: great risks; few reach the top; many fail. 17 Rewards for success: very high; the essence of private enterprise.
2 Crowds

The counter-argument: key words

I Rewards

of pop stars make nonsense of sense of values in society. stars: a frivolous (bezsensowny, bahy) contribution to society; what they offer is wholly unnecessary. 3 Compare essential services: e.g. a surgeon saving people's lives: poor rewards by comparison( porwnanie, zestawienie). 4 Pop stars style of living outrageous (oburzajcy, skandaliczny): so much poverty (ubstwo) in the world. 5 Big reputations are often artificially created. 7 'Public image' of pop stars: the work of promoters (organizator, sponsor). 8 Many lack real talent, even a knowledge of music; succeed in spite of this. 9 Pop stars exert (wywiera) undesirable influence in society. 10 E.g. mass hysteria among young people. 1 I Create fashions: way of life, style of dress, etc., considered (postrzegany)as ideal. 12 Pop music often associated with sub-culture: e.g, drug-taking and movements against the best interests of society. 13 Pop stars never use wealth and power to exert good influence. 14 Personal profit the sole (jedyny, wyczny) motive.
2 Pop

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