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Richrd, Rcz

Richrd, Rcz



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el ne hidd hogy ms nincs csak ez itt s ha led t rtsd meg rintsd meg mint az rvny rinti magt plj fel lted itt egy zenit a mindenit ragadd el magad kell legyl a belsd, mindened az rvnyrl beszl zavarodottan kopottan padldon si dogma koppan a tudomny htrl nyugodtan meghajol

lest you trust nothin there is nothin just this is here and when you live through understand stand under and catch like eddy current tuoch on itself go up yourself youre entity herein singular zenith by gosh predate it have to be yourself any thing your pector give voice to the air-roll on your disconcerted dilapidated floor ancient tenet tats science serenely beats a retreat and beats a yield

a technolgia megtri, trli szellemed ostoba gravitci-szoba sima teleptia prs tisztnlts lidrces el-idzet s mgis a pszichokinzis az igazi tzis-telen flelem az j ismerstl

technology fault and dry your mind inept-dunce gravity-room slight clairvoyance steamy discernment nightmarish bring back the idea pszichokinesis the real thesis-less fear of a new cognition block

mshol ha vagy testeden kvl vgl elmd beleszdl a tr az id mi a helyzet lelked ms tapasztalatot szerzett mondjk furcsa szerzet ember halom id rlmalom sokan mennek t falakon fel feladom feladatom hastjuk karddal a fld all a padl laza szvett hirdetjk a hastst flbe szts menekvs a vilgszvetbe s lsimts

if you were elsewhere like body-outer terminally your mind reels space and time status report your soul won new observation told strange-queer cove human heap time-grinder mill numbers get through walls upwards i surrend challenge we slash with sword from dirt floor slack weave we sound slashing ear-instigating flee to the world-wave and anti-aliasing

ms tudat nyit j utat mutat j utat tudat utat mr valsgosabb tr-id kutat kutat lyukat beszl knjaidba az rvnyl szembe szl

another sense new path opens new paths pretend sense-path it's more realistic space-time well search vortical headwind talks a socket for your pang

lomban indul felbred elmd ledobva sszes kelmd msodpercekre kvl llsz harmadpercekre visszatallsz erre tantanak kik kvl alszanak nincs mi hat elragad a valsgnak vge errl szl a kilpk beszde

starts in a dream your mind rouses throw off your all fabric stand outside for seconds find your way back for triconds this is your curricula who sleeps out helpless wrest the real ends ring out from sing of stepouters

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