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Hakeem Tariq Mehmood Chughtai

(English Translation)


There are a few prerequisites for these wazaif to be effective and successful:
Perform an act with firm belief. Doubt & uncertainty makes the act go waste.
Perform an act with concentration. Supplications offered with lack of
concentration dissipate midway.
Earn legitimate livelihood, haraam (prohibited) sustenance relinquishes the
impact of an act.
Perform every act for the sake of Allah alone. Success is bound to the
consent of the Creator.
Pay heed to the faraidh (pl. fardh: compulsory acts), those who do not offer
salaah and other faraidh, their acts remain fruitless.
Abstain from prohibited acts. Adopting such practices that Shariah has
declared haraam (prohibited) harms spirituality and the act does not prove to
be effective.
Ensure the correct pronunciation of words. Meanings of words change if they
are pronounced incorrectly.
Ensure taharah (cleanliness and purity); keep yourself clean, your clothes and
the place clean.
Perform an act with humbleness, humility and modesty.



Compiled by
Hakeem Mohammad Tariq Mehmood
Ubqari Majzoobi Chughtai (Gold Medalist)

Permanent address: (for writing letters & meeting in person)
78/3 Qurtaba Chowk, Mozang Chungi, United Bakery street, Jail Road Lahore
Tel: +92(42) 375 52384

E En ng gl li is sh h T Tr ra an ns sl la at ti io on n
b by y
B Bi in nt t e e M Ma ah hm mo oo od d

T Tw wo o p pr ri ic ce el le es ss s t tr re ea as su ur re es s
Readers! There are five verses of the Holy Quran and a dua (supplication), a total of six things that
have unseen spiritual effectiveness, the affirmation of which is evident from the following
experiences, observations and incidents. I have been given permission to recite this from certain
awliya (pl. of wali, pious people close to Allah ). On their behalf and my own, permission to recite
it is granted to all readers.
In todays technological era where there is a state of chaos and agony, everyone is in effort to
resolve his issues and on the other side, if someones financial conditions are stable or better as
compared others in the society, nobody can tolerate this fact. People try to let down such a person
by revealing envy, spite, hatred, disgust and even turn towards black magic. If the following two
priceless treasures i.e. the collection of five Quranic verses and a supplication are recited by anyone
after the fardh (obligatory) salaah, he can acquire the following virtues and benefits.
Please bear in mind that the more care, respect and concentration with which one recites this, he
will get benefits and virtues accordingly because Allah treats his servant according to what he
expects from Allah , therefore, the more complete, firm belief faith on Allah , the more
benefits and virtues can be gained.
Benefits & Virtues of the first treasure
Before reading the following six supplications, first recite durood shareef and then

after every fardh (obligatory) salaah:
Surah Fatihah (Chapter 1)
Ayat ul Kursi (Chapter 3, Surah Baqarah, Verse 255)
Verse 18-19 (Chapter 3, Surah Aali-Imran)
Verse 26-27 (Chapter 3, Surah Al e Imran)
Verse 128-129 (Chapter 11, Surah Tawbah)
Hadhrat Abu Dardas supplication
(Book Asma wa safaat lil Bahiqi Pg 125, with reference to Hayat us Sahaba (Arabic) volume
3, Pg 69)
These duas will appear in detail from pages 12 to 14


A great wazifa
Hadhrat Abu Ayub Ansari narrates that when Surah Fatihah, Ayat ul Kursi, Shahidallah and
Allahumma Maalikal Mulk were revealed; they clung to the Throne of Allah and said:
Are You going to reveal us to such people who are full of sins? Allah replied:
By the oath of My Grandeur and Magnificence, whosoever recites you after every fardh
(obligatory) salaah, We will forgive them and We will grant them a place in Jannat ul Firdous
(Highest rank of Paradise) and We will look at them 70 times daily with gaze of Mercy, and We will
fulfill 70 of their needs, the least of which is forgiveness. In some narrations, it is mentioned that
the reader of the wazifa will be given victory over his enemies. (Ruhul Maani; Vol. 3, pg 106)
Virtues of
Allama Sakhavi (RA) narrates from Abu Bakr bin Mohammad (RA) that he was with Hadhrat Abu
Bakr bin Mu`jahid when Shaykh ul Mashaikh Hadhrat Shibli (RA) came in. Hadhrat Abu Bakr bin
Mujahid stood up to welcome Hadhrat Shibli (RA) and hugged and kissed his forehead. Upon
witnessing this, Allama Sakhavi (RA) asked Hadhrat Abu Bakr bin Mujahid why he had accorded
such a warm welcome to Hadhrat Shibli (RA) when most of the learned scholars of Baghdad did not
think so highly of Hadhrat Shibli (RA). Hadhrat Abu Bakr bin Mujahid replied that he had done
precisely what he had seen the Beloved Prophet do.
Hadhrat Abu Bakr bin Mujahid went on to say that in his dream he saw Hadhrat Shibli (RA) at the
august court of the Beloved Prophet . The Beloved Prophet stood up and kissed the forehead
of Hadhrat Shibli (RA) and upon my insistence, the Beloved Prophet remarked after every
prayer, Hadhrat Shibli (RA) recites

until the end of the Surah. In one narration it is

cited that whenever Hadhrat Shibli (RA) offers the obligatory salaah, he recites this verse till the end.
Abu Bakr (RA) narrates that after this dream when Hadhrat Shibli (RA) arrived, on asking Hadhrat
Shibli (RA) about the durood he recites after salaah, Hazrat Shibli (RA) acknowledged reciting these
particular two verses on a regular basis.
Another person has narrated a similar type of occurrence. Abu Al Qasim Khazzaf (RA) narrates that
once Hadhrat Shibli (RA) went to Abu Bakr bin Mujahids (RA) masjid. On seeing him enter, Abu
Bakr (RA) stood up. This incidence got well-known among Abu Bakrs (RA) students. They asked
their teacher that he had not shown such gesture when the governor came but when Hadhrat Shibli
(RA) entered; he had accorded him a warm welcome by standing up. Abu Bakr (RA) replied that
why should I not have embraced such a person for whom the Beloved Prophet had done so?

After this, Abu Bakr (RA) narrated his dream and exclaimed, Last night I saw the Beloved Prophet
in my dream and He said to me that a jannati (a person on whom Paradise has become
obligatory) will come to you tomorrow, when he comes treat him with respect.
Abu Bakr (RA) goes on to narrate that a day or two after this incident occurred, I once again saw
the Beloved Prophet in my dream and He said to me, O Abu Bakr! May Allah honour and
give you respect in the same way as you treated a jannati.
Abu Bakr (RA) narrates that he asked the Beloved Prophet that why this special honour and
respect for Shibli? The Beloved Prophet replied that Shibli recites the verse

every obligatory salaah, five times a day and he has been doing so since 80 (eighty) years.
Fazail e durood shareef (cited from qaul e badee)
When those who were struggling with financial problems and unemployment recited these six
supplications with regularity and firm belief after every obligatory salaah, phenomenal benefits
were observed.
A person used to work in a mill in Lahore on Sheikhupura road. He was on a very good
designation. Due to some argument with the mill owners, he was fired from his job. For a
certain period of time, he survived on the savings he had accumulated, but till when could
he have done so? His savings came to an end and he was forced to take loans for his
survival. A time came when people stopped lending him money. During this time, he
struggled to find a job but was unsuccessful in doing so. Finally, in Lahore, he was told to
recite these six supplications and since he was in a state of distress, he started reciting them
with regularity. Allah showered him with His Blessings and his conditions progressed.
Today, the same person is once again living a comfortable and prosperous life.

A police officer was suspended for taking bribes. He struggled hard to get his position back
but since the senior officer was strict to his word, he failed to succeed. The police officer
was introduced to me by some other person. He was extremely distressed and distraught,
family and friends had left him. His temperament reflected simplicity and humility now.
After making him vow to earn legitimate livelihood, I advised him to recite these six
supplications after every obligatory salaah. I met this person after a few months; he had
resumed his job and was content.

A long time back, a young man was settled in America and he was a holder of the green
card. Due to an error on his part, the government confiscated his green card and he was
fired from his job. For some time he stayed back in America and then went to Pakistan. He
was a resident of Mardan. As the Pakistani rupee does not have value as compared to the

American dollar, similar was the thought of this young man. He setup two businesses in
Pakistan, but all in vain and faced losses worth millions. When he was told to recite these
six supplications, he recited them regularly. I met him after a certain time period and he
explained that by the grace of Allah , his problem had been resolved and that he was
content and satisfied.

There was a person who was a transporter. He had rented out three vans. By Allahs
will, two vans encountered accidents in succession one after the other. A single van was
insufficient to fulfill the expenses of the family and his employees. Finally, he sold this van
and used the amount to repair the other two vans but the situation got worse day by day
until it was not even manageable to get these two vans fully repaired. The transporter was
indulged in loans with every passing day. He struggled hard but his struggle only increased
the pain. Finally when this humble person advised him to read this wazifa (six
supplications) and he started to recite it with regularity and concentration, his problems
gradually started coming to an end by the grace of the Almighty Allah

This humble person met a man who was unemployed since a long time and was alone
responsible for his nine children. Then he was poor, he had two bhighas (land area
conversion unit equivalent to 1 acre approx.) of land that somewhat helped him to earn
livelihood. He made a mistake when he acted upon someones advice to sell out his lands
and start a good business. It was written in his fate and he did it. Since he was
inexperienced in business he joined hands with an experienced partner but his partner
deceived him and the business eventually faced failure. He was extremely distressed. This
humble person told him to recite all six supplications with regularity. He did so regularly. I
was myself astounded to see how Allah bestowed His benevolence upon him.

In such times where unemployment is prevalent and degrees have no value, bribery and
nepotism are on the rise. In such circumstances when I asked unemployed people to recite
two priceless treasures, surprisingly, means from the unseen emerged and Allah
bestowed His benevolence to an extent that is beyond imagination.

A young man met me in Quetta. After the dars (Islamic lecture), he narrated his biography.
He explained that his father was a peon in the department of irrigation and since the past
two years he is leading a retired life. We are two brothers and three sisters and I am the
eldest. In the state of poverty, my father desired that I should acquire higher education. I
have completed my M.Sc. in Physics. As my fathers job has terminated, my family is now
hand to mouth. I have struggled a lot to find a job, I did manage to get hold of one or two
jobs but was insufficient for me and my fathers pension is not sufficient to run all

household expenses. This humble person advised him to recite the six supplications after
every obligatory salaah and priceless treasure 2 (details will be given later on in the book)
as much as possible. Approximately after a years time I received a letter from the same
person that he managed to find a good job within a private organization and circumstances

A doctor complained that he first tried to start his own clinic. He was a very intelligent and
knowledgeable physician but when he transferred his clinic to another location, he faced
failure. I advised him to recite the six supplications and also told him to recite priceless
treasure 2 at all times. Allah bestowed him immensely with His blessings and bounties.

A person narrated his dream and he explained that he had seen a very devout elderly
person and that he had endorsed the accomplishments of a Dervish. He went on to
emphasize that these supplications should be recited with immense concentration and that
these six supplications are similar to six seas. The more you read them; you will earn the
pearls of wonder. After reading these six seas, never fall prey to doubt or suspicion because
he who desires to reach to the heights of wisdom, he should never abandon these six

A person narrated his dream as follows: I see six water springs and every spring has one of
the six supplications written on it. Water is rushing out from each spring to form a canal. I
am feeling very sick and ill. I hear a voice from the unknown who tells me to drink the
water of these springs and what you will attain and benefit from it, is beyond your
imagination. The person went on to say that in his dream he drank the water. The water
was so sweet and lush that I cannot describe. When I woke up, I could feel the sweetness of
the water in my mouth.

A woman narrated her dream. She mentioned that she had been reciting this wazifa since
the past 11 years and had seen many dreams in this context. She went on to describe one of
her dreams:
I see a huge palace that is completely white but there is no door to enter it. I get tired trying
to find an entrance to it. Suddenly, I have a feeling from within that I usually recite six
supplications after every obligatory salaah, so why not recite them in this difficult time? I
recited these six supplications. Just as I had finished reading them, six doors leading to the
palace, appeared. A few people were standing at each door to welcome. I entered the door
that was closest to me and asked, what is this? They replied that it is the wonder of the
supplications you recite after every obligatory salaah and I woke up after this.


A person from Gujrat narrated his own personal experience: I married off my daughter to a
person out of my family. Matters could not be settled and after one and a half year the
marriage ended in divorce. Those people became my enemies and on several occasions
there were murderous attempts on us. They actually wanted to murder me and my
daughter. According to your instructions, I started to recite these six supplications and since
then till today all their attempts failed in fact their attempts turned against them. They
suffered immensely from physical and material losses and finally abandoned enmity against

A person narrated one of his incidents: I used to be poor. I had a smooth running business
by the blessings of Allah . My relatives and friends turned against me. Once, I was sitting
with a pious aamil (A person who is responsible for spiritual healing). According to his
calculation, he told me that I was under the spell of ominous magic and evil talismans. He
gave me a few talismans and something to read. I started to read those things; they were
beneficial but only to a certain extent and the benefit I had gained was not permanent. After
this, I visited another aamil but my problems persisted. I lost my memory because of the
people who envied me and their evil talismans. My business suffered loss. My house became
home to agitation, frustration and illness. As per you advice, when I started to recite these
six supplications, Alhamdollilah, by the grace and blessings of Allah Almighty , all the
effects of black magic and talismans vanished.

Dear readers! This wazifa is immaculate and comprehensive for all types of ominous magic,
enchantments and evil talismans. Believe me, in my 14 years experience, this wazifa has solved the
problems of not only hundreds but thousands of people, whose lives were made desolate by vicious
bewitchers and enchanters.

Many people shared their experiences and explained that they get attracted to nazar-e-bad (the evil
eye) and because of this; they are indulged in various types of ailments, misfortunes and miseries.
Ever since they started to recite this wazifa, the evil eye has warded off. When this wazifa was
recited and then dum (to blow slightly) on several children who had the evil eye, they regained their
health. A student of F.A complained that, I get struck by the evil eye very easily and because of this
my academics have suffered a downfall. When he was told to read this wazifa, his problem was

A person narrated an incident of himself saying: I was taken to the suburbs of Sindh on
basis of enmity. They fed me food which contained deadly poison; every bite I was taking
was inviting me to death. I ate the food, sat in the car and started my journey. I had hardly
travelled for half an hour when I started to feel dizzy and nauseated. I parked the car beside

a locality and vomited as a result of which all the poisonous food came out. An experienced
compounder cum doctor, who was present at the location saw my condition and exclaimed
that I had been given poison and it was so fatal that he had never seen a person survive. In
short, after suffering discomfort for a day and taking light medication, I was in the best of
health and I have firm belief that this all due to the blessings of reciting the six
supplications after every obligatory salaah.

A female patient approached me. She started to cry and told me that her husband no longer
loves her, always argues with her and has illicit relations with other women. She mentioned
that she had tried many talismans in this regard. This humble person told her to recite these
six supplications and priceless treasure 2 at all times as much as possible. By the grace of
Almighty Allah her problem was solved and her life became peaceful.

A person got married and it had just been 28 days. He was a very pious and devoted person.
He was troubled because for two weeks they had enjoyed a pleasant husband-wife
relationship but in the third week, their relation suffered disputes and conflicts although
apparently, there was no distinct reason for all this to happen. This person was extremely
distressed. His wife moved to her parents house as a result of this disturbance. This humble
person told him to recite these two wazaif. His problem was resolved by the grace of Allah

I have observed and experimented that incurable diseases have been cured by the recitation of these
six supplications and priceless treasure 2 such that the human mind gets astounded. When
distressed and incurable patients read this wazifa with concentration and intentness, Allah
blessed them with the best of health from His hidden treasures.

A patient was undergoing treatment for bone marrow cancer at the Lahore Cancer
Hospital, but he was not recovering. This humble person advised him to recite these two
wazaif and continue his treatment alongside. The patient was incurable but got cured after
this advice. In a short time period, he was completely healthy.

Similarly, there was a patient who had completely lost his memory and doctors had
declared that he was suffering from the fatal disease of schizophrenia. When he recited
these wazaif, Allah blessed him with the best of health and vigor.

A well known landlord narrated that his crops were subject to destruction and invasion by
pests. This humble person advised him to use medicinal sprays in conjunction with two
other sprays of water, one on which the six supplications were to be recited 40 times and

40 times recitation of priceless treasure 2 on the other. The person did as he was told and
succeeded in controlling the crops from further destruction. The crop production was
remarkable. In one of his farms, every week, he recited the wazifa on water and used only
this water spray and not the medicinal spray for his crops and it is a fact that he had a
record produce and people were astound. But friends! This is all subject to firm belief. The
more belief, the more benefit.
Dear readers! In a nutshell, the benefits that have been explained is the essence of fourteen years
experience that this humble person has not only read himself but also advised others to do so.
Peoples experiences and observations are boundless and the rewards and benefits of this wazifa are
endless. This humble person knows about numerous such incidents that a separate book can be
written explaining them. Here, I have only quoted a few incidents in concise form.


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In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful
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Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. The All-Merciful, the Very Merciful. The Master
of the Day of Requital. You alone do we worship, and from You alone do we seek help. Take us on
the straight path. The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not of those who
have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray. (Surah Fatihah)

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Allah: There is no God but He, the Living, the All-Sustaining. Neither dozing overtakes Him nor
sleep. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. Who can intercede with
Him without His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them; while they
encompass nothing of His knowledge, except what He wills. His Kursi (Chair) extends to the
Heavens and to the Earth, and it does not weary Him to look after them. He is the All-High, the
Supreme. (Ayat ul Kursi)

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Allah bears witness that there is no God but He - and (so do) the angels and the men of knowledge -
being the One who maintains equity. There is no God but He, the Mighty, the Wise (18). Truly, the
(recognized) religion in the sight of Allah is Islam . Those who have been given the Book did not
differ (among themselves) until after the knowledge had come to them, (and all this) due to envy
against each other. Whoever denies the verses of Allah, then, Allah is swift at reckoning (19)
(Surah Ale Imran, Verse 18-19)

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Say: O Allah, O Lord of the Kingdom, You give kingdom to whom You will, and take kingdom away
from whom You will; and You bestow honor on whom You will, and bring disgrace to whom You
will. In your hand lies the betterment (of everyone). You are surely powerful over everything. (24)
You make the night enter into the day, and make the day enter into the night; and You bring the
living out from the dead, and bring the dead out from the living, and You give to whom You will
beyond measure. (25) (Surah Ale Imran, Verse 24-25)

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Surely, there has come to you, from your midst, a Messenger who feels it very hard on him if you
face a hardship, who is very anxious for your welfare, and for the believers he is very kind, very
merciful (128). So, if they turn away, say (O Messenger,) Enough for me is Allah. There is no god
but He. In Him I have placed my trust, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne. (129)
(Surah Tawbah, Verse 128-129)

Oh Allah, You are my Lord. There is nothing worthy of worship except You. I place all of my trust
and reliance in You and You are the Lord of the Noble Throne. Whatever Allah wishes takes place,
and whatever He does not desire, does not occur, and there is no power and no strength except in
Allah, The Exalted, The Mighty. I know that Allah is Powerful over all things and that Allah has
knowledge of all things. Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of my nafs and from the evil of
every creeping crawling creature. You are master over them. Verily, You are Lord of the Straight
(Supplication of Hadhrat Abu Darda for Protection)


Priceless Treasure 2

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Dear Readers! This wazifa should be recited in the state of wudhu (ablution) while sitting, standing,
walking but it can also be recited if you are not in the state of ablution. The following incident is
being quoted for its validation:
An elderly pious person narrates that once I was intensely dominated by heart distress and fear. I
left for Makkah Mukarramah in a state of disturbance without any means of transport and food
provisions. I continued my journey in this way without food and water for three days. On the
fourth day, I feared my death due to intense thirst and had no idea where to find a shady tree in the
jungle under which I could have rested. I entrusted myself to Allah and sat down in such a way
that my face was towards the direction of the Kaaba. I fell asleep and in my dream I saw a person
who extended his hand towards me and said, Come, give me your hand. I extended my hand, he
shook it and exclaimed, I bring you good news that you would perform Hajj - the holy pilgrimage
in the best of health and would also visit the Blessed Prophets masjid.. I replied, May Allah
shower His blessings upon you, who are you? He answered, I am Khidhar. I asked him to pray for
me. He directed me to recite the following supplication thrice:
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
O One Who is compassionate with His creation, O One who has complete knowledge of
His creation, O One who has complete awareness of His creation! Treat us with gentleness
O Compassionate, O All-Knowing, O All-Aware!

He then exclaimed that this is a bounty that will benefit you forever. Whenever you encounter any
difficulty or calamity, just recite these words and all difficulties and calamities will come to an end.
After saying this, he disappeared.
I heard a voice calling out to me, O Sheikh! O Sheikh! I awoke from my sleep after hearing his
voice and saw that the person calling out to me was seated on a camel. He asked me if I had seen a
young man with such and such appearance. I replied that I had not seen anyone. He went on to say
that it had been seven days since one of his men left home and they had been informed that he was
on his way to perform Hajj- the holy pilgrimage.

He then asked me where I planned to go. I replied wherever Allah takes me. He made the camel
to sit down and dismounted it. He took out two white pieces of bread that had halwa (a sweet) in the
middle and a container of water and gave them to me. I drank the water and ate some bread that
was sufficient for me. He then made me sit on the camel behind him. We travelled for two nights
and a day and found the caravan. He asked the people of the caravan about the young man, to
discover that he was already a part of the caravan.
He left me there and went to search for the young man. A while later, he returned to me with the
young man and said to him, Son! It is because of the blessings of this man (pointing towards me)
that Allah has made my search for you easy. I left them to themselves and joined the caravan.
Once again the same man met me, gave me a folded paper, kissed my hands and left. When I looked
into it there were five gold coins. Using this amount, I paid for the rent of the camel, arranged for
food and drink, performed pilgrimage and then went to Madinah. I visited the masjid of the Blessed
Prophet and the grave of Hadhrat Ibrahim Khalil Ullah. Whenever I used to encounter any
difficulty or calamity, I would recite the supplication that was given to me by Hadhrat Khidhar. I
admire his virtue and generosity and am grateful to Allah for this blessing.
(Reference: Roz Ar Riyyaheen)

When those people who were constantly under depressions, surrounded by problems from all sides
and faced failures in every step of life, recited three tasbeehat (pl. tasbeeh) of this wazifa morning
and evening and excessively while sitting and standing, surprisingly astounding observations were

The remarkable observations of readers after reciting two priceless treasures
The popularity of two priceless treasures has spread worldwide. Several people have personally
printed these booklets and distributed them and it is unknown how many thousands of people have
taken benefit and are still doing so from this wazifa and are solving their problems and difficulties
by the grace and blessings of Allah. So readers, a few of the latest testimonials we have received are
being mentioned here and it is hoped that these evidences and observations would be the rationale
behind the intensification of ones faith and actions.
A serving Colonel in the army greeted me with affection. After introducing himself he told
me that he got hold of the booklet, Two priceless treasures from somewhere and had briefly
read it. He went on to say that after reading it, I had felt that it was something astounding
and then read it in detail and started to recite priceless treasure 1 after every obligatory
salaah and priceless treasure 2 while sitting and standing, frequently. I experienced that my
unsolved issues that had not been solved since years started to unwind and difficulties

started to settle down. I had a car that I wanted to sell for quite some time but it was not
being sold. Later on, customers approached me and finally it was sold out. My son required
a motorcycle to go to college and I was in search of a second hand motorcycle at a
reasonable price and finally I succeeded in buying one according to my budget. I then
started to distribute, Two priceless treasures to other army officers from masjid Al-Falah
building, Mall Road, Lahore. Whosoever read it once was eventually enthralled and now
the situation is that I have bought many booklets and distributed them to other army
officers. I have witnessed the problems of those people who suffered from worldly
problems, difficulties and hardships, being solved. and heard the same from them
Now some people complain to me to get them more booklets of Two priceless treasures since
the copies I had given to them have either been taken by some friend of theirs or their wives
have further handed them over to women suffering from hardships. In this way many
people have gained benefit and problems have been resolved. The Colonel further
expressed that I am surprised to know how people have forgotten about such an eminent
wazifa, despite the fact that they are suffering from hardships and problems, why dont
they recite priceless treasure 2 frequently while standing, sitting and walking. This is my
experience as well as the experience of many others that the problems of those who recited
priceless treasure 2 at all times, were resolved. The Colonel while stating his observations
described a noteworthy point that the level of concentration, attention and belief that one
recited the wazifa with, he gained benefit from it accordingly because the benefit of this is
associated with confidence and firm belief. He also mentioned that if a person is reciting
this wazifa with uncertainty and disbelief, he would not gain any benefit from it although
he is reciting it. That is why I request all readers to recite this wazifa with utmost
confidence, concentration and attention and not to think of some other wazifa, or start
another wazifa advised by someone else or even start a new wazifa everyday or even recite
many wazaif at a time. The only way to completely benefit from Two priceless treasures is
to recite priceless treasure 1 after every obligatory salaah and priceless treasure 2 as much
as possible while sitting, standing and walking at all times. He went on to say that whenever
I had recited this wazifa with concentration, attention and devotion, I saw heaven on earth.

Once, during a discussion with a Qari, (a person who recites the Qur'an with the proper
rules of recitation) whom I knew personally as well, mentioned that his daughter was
suffering from some problem. He narrated:
I took my daughter to an aamil and he gave me a talisman along with Two priceless
treasures. I was surprised that he had printed booklets of Two priceless treasures. I asked
him, Do you know Hakeem sahab? He replied, My brother visited Hakeem sahabs city
and he brought back this booklet. I read it and enlightened my patients as well. I

experienced that my patients were gaining much benefit from it; I managed to get more
booklets printed and started to distribute them among people. He went on to say that he
had managed to print six editions of the booklet and distributed them, each edition
consisting of no less than 2000-2500 booklets. In reply to my question the aamil said, I
highly commend the outcomes and benefits of this wazifa, for the reason that I give this
booklet in addition to talismans and also emphasize my patients to read it. It is due to this
that my patients have recovered rapidly and their problems have been solved swiftly. The
aamil also mentioned that more than 100 booklets have been given out to Sharif Medical
City Hospital and that the patients recited it and recovered.
There were people who aspired to go abroad but were faced with difficulties, hardships and
obstacles in every step of life. When they recited priceless treasure 1 after every obligatory
salaah and priceless treasure 2 frequently as much as possible, their problems were
resolved. They encountered no trouble travelling abroad and reached their destination.

There were such students who came to me complaining about failing in examinations and
their parents used to criticize about the lack of concentration of their children towards
studies. They were faced with academic failures, when they recited Two priceless treasures,
their academic performance improved considerably and they reached to the heights of

I was approached by such families who were extremely worried due to their daughters
proposals. I advised them to read, Two priceless treasures and by the grace and blessings of
Allah , their issues were resolved and Allah blessed them with compatible matches
from His hidden treasures.

Some people were troubled since ages due to their businesses, their agony was increasing
with every passing day and problems were getting more complicated, when they read Two
priceless treasures with concentration, attention and belief, their problems started to resolve
gradually and finally all obstacles were removed.

A person met me in Sargodha and narrated his incident: I was under the influence of jinn,
and I had taken advice from you over the telephone. You advised me to read, Two priceless
treasures and I started to do so. Earlier, the jinn who used to appear in front of me were
healthy and energetic and now after starting this wazifa they appear frail and lame. This
humble person replied that it seems that you have been reciting this less number of times. I
then told him to recite Two priceless treasures according to a special method. (This special
method is described on pg 22)


A woman narrated her biography that she had been under the influence of jinn since
childhood and that she had started to read Two priceless treasures on someones advice. She
went on to say that when I started to read Two priceless treasures, the jinn came in front of
me and stopped me from doing so and caused me pain therefore, I stopped reading it. I told
the woman that the reason why the jinn told you to stop reading is because he gets afflicted
with pain; therefore do not abandon the recitation of Two priceless treasures. I further
advised her to read it according to a special method.

A friend of mine shared his experiences saying that there are numerous benefits of reading,
Two priceless treasures especially in the situation where tensions and conflicts existed
between the husband and wife and indifferences between spouses ignited a fire that took
over the entire household. When they started to read Two priceless treasures, their relation
eventually became peaceful and serene. This is not only the case with a single couple rather
problems of numerous people have been resolved.

A person from Karachi complained that his son was feeble-minded. He was hopeful about
his sons bright future but his son was lacking in academics despite his continuous efforts. I
advised him to recite priceless treasure 1 and do dum (blow over) meethi misri (crystallized
sugar lumps). I told him to do this act daily for a period of 120 days. He did so, his sons
intellect was highly improved and he was no longer feeble-minded.

The principal of a private school narrated that he had instructed the students of senior
classes to recite, Two priceless treasures after the assembly and then begin their academic
syllabus. He went on to say that I have been implementing this practice since quite some
time and I have experienced that my schools academic performance is improved as
compared to other private schools and the intellectual abilities of students have enhanced.

I received a letter from a female teacher in Lala Musa through regular mail in which she
had expressed her crisis in detail. I advised her to read Two priceless treasures. She sent me
her complete address on a reply envelope with a stamp of Rs.10 and in this way she was
sent a copy of Two priceless treasures, free of cost. Her dilemma was that her husband had
left her and had relations with another woman and her home was devastated. She wanted
her relationship to settle down with courtesy and esteem. When she mentioned Two
priceless treasures to her colleagues at school, a teacher replied that her brother had sent
her a wazifa from Saudi Arabia and many tension-stricken people have experienced and
taken benefit from it. The next day her colleague brought the wazifa she mentioned the day
earlier, and when they compared it with Two priceless treasures, it was exactly the same.

Her colleague mentioned that her brother had sent this wazifa to her and had told her that
those people who recited it found a solution to their problems and many people in Saudi
Arabia are reading this wazifa and have ordered it from Pakistan. She explained that her
brother advised her that the benefit of the wazifa depends upon the confidence and belief
you recite it with, the stronger the belief, more prompt the benefit.

A person named Shakeel from Jahaniyaan (District Khanewal) met me. He had been reading
Two priceless treasures since a long time but had a desire to meet me in person. He said that
it is due to these wazaif that a revolution has taken place in my spiritual life such as
Concentration in salaah, meditation in dhikr (an act of remembering Allah ), practicing
taqwa (fear of Allah ) and day by day progress in other acts as well. He went on to say
that I am amazed where you have got this phenomenal wazifa from.

During a journey, I once met an extremely pious and elderly pious aalim (a person who has
acquired the true knowledge of Islam) from Jhawariyan (District Sargodha). Two priceless
treasures came up under our discussion and he said that the whole day his son preaches
deen (Islamic way of life) and Allah is raising him, he is getting sustenance, people ask
him where do you get wealth from? And he replies that if you also read these wazaif with
the same belief, confidence and conviction that I do, Allah will raise you in the same

A young man who used to regularly read, Two priceless treasures narrated that he went to
Denmark to pursue his higher education and he went on to say, I experienced that
whenever I had to appear in an interview or a face-to-face question session, I never faced
any sort of difficulty. I always had inner satisfaction, contentment and firm belief rather I
replied to the questions with immense belief and confidence and succeeded.

Another person narrated that it is my practice to read this wazifa whenever I need to seek
help from someone elder to me. Allah makes ways easy for me by the blessings of this

The noteworthy point is that numerous people have narrated that they have seen the
popularity of Two priceless treasures in hospitals and have seen patients and their family
reading it. Experience witnesses that those patients who read it with regularity, recovered
rapidly by the grace of Allah


I sent Two priceless treasures to a prisoner in Bahawalpur central jail. Sometime later, I
received a letter from him asking for more booklets. I sent him a big bundle through some
special source and forgot about it. A short time later, I received several letters and met some
person face to face. The information that he gave, amazed me. He was jailed in three
different prisons within Pakistan and told me that during his extensive imprisonment in
jail, prisoners used to recite Two priceless treasures, even the police guards on duty used to
do so and he witnessed this act in all jails.

One noteworthy point regarding Two priceless treasures is apparent that it has been read by
and still being read by numerous women. I am mentioning only two incidents narrated by
women about the benefits, incidents and observations of this wazifa.

A woman narrated: I had been feeling unwell and helpless since quite some time. I
underwent various treatments but to no avail. Someone told me that this may be due to
black magic. She went on to say that I never really believed in black magic. I managed to
get hold of Two priceless treasures from somewhere and started to read it as much as
possible. I read it for about 11 months. The amazing fact was that those people who had
actually used the black magic confessed their sin and they further added that the magic I
had used was far greater than the magic they had used. I explained to them that I hadnt
done any sort of magic, I simply read Two priceless treasures and it is due to the blessings of
this that your magic has turned back on you.

A woman narrated her incident. She said that at times my household items would be
scattered all over the house, fire used to emerge from the trunk where I had kept my clothes
and beds used to catch fire. I started to read Two priceless treasures as much as possible in
fact, all family members started to read it in all rooms of the house and blow on water and
sprinkle the water on the walls of the house. By doing this, all problems were resolved and
the jinn refrain from their mischief.


A special approach to read Two Priceless Treasures
Readers! If you want to get the most benefit out of Two priceless treasures then recite: Priceless
treasure 1 in the morning and evening (or only once a day) 21 times with 11 time durood shareef
before starting it and after ending it. Recite priceless treasure 2 at least 313 times and there is no
limit to the maximum times it can be recited.
A person complained that his neighbor was creating problems for him and using illegal
means to try and accuse him. I advised him to read Two priceless treasures. He met me after
sometime and explained that his neighbor has put an end to his abusive language and now
greets me with affection.

Someone who I knew used to run a motor battery business. His income was not sufficient to
bear the burden of his family. Besides the fact that he was following an economical lifestyle,
his problems were increasing day after day. In such circumstances, he was reading various
wazaif and using talismans. Some thought it was black magic, others mentioned evil
talismans and yet a few people believed it to be the mischief of jinn. Finally when he met
me, I advised him to read Two priceless treasures. By the grace and blessings of Allah , his
conditions were improved.

Besides patients with physical illnesses, I also accommodate numerous patients with
spiritual illnesses who visit me for talismans etc. It is my experience that whenever I
advised, Two priceless treasures to such patients and they had read it with full
concentration, they were showered by Allahs blessings. I have been experiencing the
blessings of this wazifa since ages. I have seen desolated homes turn into peaceful ones and
devastated people become inhabited.

An MNA (Member of National Assembly) came to me for spiritual treatment. I did dum on
him, gave him a few talismans and asked him to read Two priceless treasures with
regularity. Since he was disturbed and was dejected from everywhere, he listened
attentively to what I had to say and started to do as advised. His circumstances started to
improve day by day.

A Major once had an argument with a Colonel. Their relationship kept on degrading
argument after argument. The Majors job was at stake. He met me and I advised him to
read priceless treasure 2 as much as possible. He read it with full concentration, belief and
attention. The matter was resolved and the case was declared in favor of the Major.


During a meeting with a student of Hadhrat Maulana Tariq Jamil (Damat Barakatahum)
who had come from the United States of America to Pakistan to acquire religious education
asked me to tell him a wazifa to end the weaknesses of his past life and something to make
his religious life further blessed. I just told him to read one of Asma-ul-Husna (The beautiful
names of Allah ). I met him after approximately one and a half years time and totally
had forgotten about him. He went on to explain that I had started to read what you had
advised and amazing things started to occur. I started to feel that during discussion with a
person, he is being dishonest and that he has committed some sort of sin even adultery. I
experienced noor (bright light) in my salaah. I stopped reading the wazifa because I sensed
that the weaknesses of Muslims might despise me. I advised him to continue reading it
using a different method due to which only the inner self becomes pure and radiant and the
external state of a person is not revealed.
A remarkable incident by the blessings of priceless treasure 2
A pious man narrated that he had taken a loan from someone and despite the fact of his
efforts, he was not able to pay back the amount and day by day he was being burdened by
the increasing amount of interest. He went on to say that the situation reached to such an
extent that I had to sell my house. My family members and I read priceless treasure 2
almost 125,000 times and we experienced some benefit. We again repeated this act the
same number of times and continued with this practice seven times. The more we recited it,
the more problems were resolved and our complexities started coming to an end. We were
amazed how we got rid of this problem and how Allah solved our issues.

A family was troubled due to the fact that they were not receiving any marriage proposals.
They had put in all their efforts but to no avail. All family members read the wazifa
125,000 times together. (Please keep in mind that it should be recited by those who are
sincere and sympathetic who have sincerity, concentration, meditation and purity within
them. These qualities cannot be present in those people who expect to be given a certain
amount in cash or provisions and rations in return. Besides, there would be no benefit of
this act since the actual benefit is sincerity and performing an act for Allah alone). They
had only recited 5 sets each of 125,000 and their problems concerning marriage proposals
were resolved.

Similarly, a person used to reside in Al-Ain, Dubai. He struggled to find employment but
was unsuccessful. He was heavily in debt. All friends and relatives had left him to his own
self. He started reading priceless treasure 2 and had only completed 3 sets each of 125,000
when Allah opened upon him the doors of His Mercy and Blessings from the unseen.


Readers! By the grace of Allah , reading 3, 5 or a maximum of 7 sets of this wazifa is the key to
all types of problems. It does take time and effort however all problems are solved for lifetime.

The four accepted practices of two priceless treasures
After the observations of millions of people and consistent experiences, these four accepted
practices combined is a gem saturated with extreme effectiveness and spiritual treasures. It is an
invigorating message for disaster-stricken people and patients with fatal ailments, a ray of Mercy
from Allah for the unemployed and underprivileged, a credible treatment for those under the
influence of jinn and black magic, astounding pearls for the aspirants of Asma ul Husna (the
beautiful names of Allah SWT), a ray of hope for the release of criminals from prison, a medicament
for the oppressed and dejected, an enlightenment for those who have obstacles in marriage
proposals and an illumination for all.
The first practice
Read the wazifa, blow on water and give it to drink to those who are under the influence of black
magic, jinn and the evil eye, even to disobedient children. The wazifa can also be recited over sugar,
dissolved in water or milk and then given to drink. Similarly, it can be used where domestic
disputes exist. Recite the wazifa and blow around all four walls of the house (imagining its safety
and surroundings).
The second practice
Take saffron (in its pure form) and dip in rose water. Write priceless treasures 1 & 2 on paper using
this mixture (as ink) 5, 7 or 21 times. Placing this paper in water is extremely effective for
patients, disobedient children, people with mutual disagreements and domestic disputes, and people
under the influence of the evil eye, black magic or jinn. Surprisingly, its effectiveness is guaranteed
and is among the day to day activities of innumerable people.
The third practice
Distributing this booklet also resolves difficulties, tensions, physical & spiritual problems, domestic
issues. The more people recite it, the more widespread would be the sadqa-e-jarya (continuous
reward or charity) of the person distributing it and who knows that a person reads it with such
passion and belief that his act gets accepted and the person who became the source of giving the
wazifa to him, Allah accepts his act and resolves his problems whether physical or spiritual.
Nevertheless, this method is a means to widespread a masnoon act (An act from the Blessed Prophets
Sunnah) and to widespread a masnoon act itself is of great reward. They can be distributed in
different quantities (such as 313, 786, 1100, 2100, 3300 and even more) at hospitals, prisons,
railway stations, bus stops, super stores and at masaajid (pl. of masjid) after the Friday prayer. While

distributing the booklets, please bear in mind that care, value and respect are adhered to. This
booklet can be distributed in small towns and metropolitan cities and it would be further
advantageous to distribute the booklets to those places where they are not readily available. You
may print the booklets yourselves or else purchase them from Al-Falah Building, Lahore at the
actual price without any profit. If you opt to print the booklet yourselves, please do not modify the
original contents of the booklet in any way.
The fourth practice
Write down priceless treasure 1 once, priceless treasure 2 either 7 or 21 times with black or blue
ink on paper. This act should be done after the fajr salaah (morning prayer). Take some flour
equivalent to one chappati (bread), knead the dough and place the paper inside it. Put it any river,
stream, spring, well, large pond or sea. While writing the wazifa, keep in mind that you are writing
a request to Allah stating your difficulties and problems and the same thought while putting it
in water as Hadhrat Omer put a letter into the River Nile. Repeat this procedure consecutively
for 7, 21, 40 or 90 days and if by chance a day is skipped, repeat the procedure from scratch. This
act is a certified secret for difficulties and worries and any type of problem.
Please keep an essential thing in mind that whenever you start a wazifa, do it with punctuality and
regularity. Abandoning a wazifa and starting a second one or abandoning the second to start the
third will never prove to be beneficial rather losses have been witnessed in such cases.

Allah takes accountability for all sorrows of those who recite Durood
Shareef abundantly in this world and the Hereafter
I am enlightening all my special and common friends with a concise yet comprehensive durood:

Regarding durood, Imam Abdul Wahab Al Sharani (RA) narrates that the Blessed Prophet said:
Whosoever recites this durood, he has opened the 70 doors of Allahs Mercy upon himself and
Allah will place the love for him in others hearts. So, the only person to be spiteful to him will
be the one who is deceitful
Imam Abdul Wahab Al Sharani (RA) further narrates that our shaykh, Sayyedi Ali Khawas (RA) has
said that before this hadith, there is a saying of the Blessed Prophet in which He has said
that, He amongst you will be the most closest to me, who, whenever takes my name, sends durood
on me
Reference: Shaykh Muhammad Yousaf bin Ismail Nabhani (Arabic),
Printed in Beirut, 1309 Hijri, Pg. 237

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