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AIM: To design and implement an autonomous planimeter that can measure and display the area of any given irregular polygon.


Sensors Sensors Signal Signal conditioning conditioning circuit circuit

Stepper Stepper motor motor driver driver Controller Controller and area and area computation computation Stepper Stepper motor motor driver driver

Left Stepper Left Stepper motor motor Right Stepper Right Stepper motor motor

Display unit Display unit

DESCRIPTION: A Planimeter is an instrument basically in civil engineering applications. When it is drafted around a given figure, it displays the area of that figure. But in practice we have to manually draft it over the figure which is vulnerable to human errors. Here we have attempted to design an autonomous Planimeter. As the name suggests, our planimeter traces the figure by itself and displays the area of the same at the end of it. Since its autonomous the human errors are highly reduced. It is basically a line following robot, which traces the figure in form of black line on white surface. As it does so, it measures the length of each side, the angle by which it turns and thus works out the co-ordinates of each vertex. Then the area is found out using area under the line method.

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