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SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Sep 15 10:41:33 2010 (c) Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation.

All rights reserved. ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Connected to: Oracle8 Personal Edition Release - Production PL/SQL Release - Production SQL> create table mobile(sno integer constraint mo primary key,mo_name varchar2( 20),mo_modelno numbe r(20)); Table created. SQL> desc mobile; Name Null? ------------------------------- -------SNO NOT NULL MO_NAME MO_MODELNO Type ---NUMBER(38) VARCHAR2(20) NUMBER(20)

SQL> create table mobile1(sno integer references mobile1(sno),cus_add varchar2(5 0)); create table mobile1(sno integer references mobile1(sno),cus_add varchar2(50)) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list SQL> create table mobile1(sno integer constraint mob references mobile1(sno),cus _add varchar2(50)); create table mobile1(sno integer constraint mob references mobile1(sno),cus_add varchar2(50)) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list SQL> create table mobile1(sno integer constraint mob references mobile(sno),cus_ add varchar2(50)); Table created. SQL> desc mobile1; Name Null? ------------------------------- -------SNO CUS_ADD Type ---NUMBER(38) VARCHAR2(50)

SQL> alter table mobile1 modify constraint mob not null; alter table mobile1 modify constraint mob not null * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: invalid column name

SQL> alter table mobile1 modify(sno integer constraint mob not null); alter table mobile1 modify(sno integer constraint mob not null) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint SQL> alter table mobile1 modify(sno integer constraint mob1 not null); Table altered. SQL> desc mobile1; Name Null? ------------------------------- -------SNO NOT NULL CUS_ADD Type ---NUMBER(38) VARCHAR2(50)

SQL> create table book(book_no number(10) constraint bo unique key,book_name var char2(30)); create table book(book_no number(10) constraint bo unique key,book_name varchar2 (30)) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis SQL> create table book(book_no number(10) constraint bo unique,book_name varchar 2(30)); Table created. SQL> desc book; Name Null? ------------------------------- -------BOOK_NO BOOK_NAME Type ---NUMBER(10) VARCHAR2(30)

SQL> alter table book(book_no number(10) constraint bo1 not null); alter table book(book_no number(10) constraint bo1 not null) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option SQL> alter table book modify(book_no number(10) constraint bo1 not null); Table altered. SQL> desc book; Name Null? ------------------------------- -------BOOK_NO NOT NULL BOOK_NAME Type ---NUMBER(10) VARCHAR2(30)

SQL> create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(50) constraint i che ck ice_rate>50 and i ce_rate<100); create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(50) constraint i check ic e_rate>50 and ice_ra

* ERROR at line 1: ORA-01727: numeric precision specifier is out of range (1 to 38) SQL> create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(20) constraint i che ck ice_rate>50 and i ce_rate<100); create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(20) constraint i check ic e_rate>50 and ice_ra * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00906: missing left parenthesis SQL> create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(20) constraint i che ck ice_rate>50 and i ce_rate<100)); create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(20) constraint i check ic e_rate>50 and ice_ra * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00906: missing left parenthesis SQL> create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(20) constraint i ch eck(ice_rate>50 and ice_rate<100)); create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(20) constraint i check(i ce_rate>50 and ice_r * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint SQL> create table ice(ice_name varchar2(20),ice_rate number(20) constraint ic c heck(ice_rate>50 and ice_rate<100)); Table created. SQL> alter table iceL(ice_rate number(20) constraint ice1 not null); alter table iceL(ice_rate number(20) constraint ice1 not null) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option SQL> alter table ice modify(ice_rate number(20) constraint ice1 not null); Table altered. SQL> desc ice; Name Null? ------------------------------- -------ICE_NAME ICE_RATE NOT NULL Type ---VARCHAR2(20) NUMBER(20)

SQL> insert into ice values('&ice_name','&ice_rate'); Enter value for ice_name: ARUN ICE

Enter value for old 1: insert new 1: insert insert into ice

ice_rate: 50 into ice values('&ice_name','&ice_rate') into ice values('ARUN ICE','50') values('ARUN ICE','50') *

ERROR at line 1: ORA-02290: check constraint (SCOTT.IC) violated SQL> / Enter value for Enter value for old 1: insert new 1: insert 1 row created. SQL> alter table ice add(phone_no number(10) constraint ph not null check(phone_ no>=10 and phone_no> 2 SQL> alter table ice add(phone_no number(10) constraint ph not null check(phone_ no>=10 and phone_no< 2 SQL> create table com(phone_no number(20) constraint co not noll check(phone_no> 1111111111 and phone _no<9999999999)); create table com(phone_no number(20) constraint co not noll check(phone_no>11111 11111 and phone_no<9 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00908: missing NULL keyword SQL> create table com(phone_no number(20) constraint co not null check(phone_no> 1111111111 and phone _no<9999999999)); Table created. SQL> desc com; Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---PHONE_NO NOT NULL NUMBER(20) SQL> insert into com values('&phone_no'); Enter value for phone_no: 1234567890 old 1: insert into com values('&phone_no') new 1: insert into com values('1234567890') 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for old 1: insert new 1: insert insert into com ERROR at line 1: phone_no: 123 into com values('&phone_no') into com values('123') values('123') *

ice_name: VENNILA ICE ice_rate: 55 into ice values('&ice_name','&ice_rate') into ice values('VENNILA ICE','55')

ORA-02290: check constraint (SCOTT.SYS_C00721) violated

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