Impact 5

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99-CON-DYN/M0098 Februari 2001 5

Note that (2.18.3) gives the maximum for the external load; dynamic effects within the structure still need to be considered. Note further that simple upperbounds also may be obtained if the structure and or the object behaves plastic: Fc = min[Fys, Fyo] where Fys = yield force of the structure and Fyo = yield force of the object; the duration of this load is t = mvc/Fc. Based on formulation (2.18.3) the distribution function for the load Fc can be found:
P{Fc < X} = 1 - exp{- n P[ v c (xy) km > X] f s (y) dxdydt}


vc (xy) = object velocity at impact, given initial failure at point (x,y) For small probabilities:
P{Fc > X} = P f (T) = nT P[ v c km > X] f s (y) dydx

(2.18. 5)

For the designation of the variables, see clause

2.18.2 Impact from vehicles Distribution of impact force

Consider a structural element in the vicinity of a road or track. Impact will occur if some vehicle, travelling over the track, leaves its intended course at some critical place with sufficient speed (see Figure 2.18.2).

Q v0 d r b

Figure 2.18.2:

A vehicle leaves the intended course at point Q with velocity v0 and angle a. A structural element at distance r is hit with velocity vr.

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