July Prayer Letter

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Ju l y - A u g u s t

B a p t i s t
First Service First Sunday School
We have started with the series WE BELIEVE teaching through our Articles of Faith.

First Visitation

First Kids Club

Each Sunday at 11am we meet at the DoubleTree Hotel. We have averaged forty through the rst month.

We are excited that some of our own church family have seen the need for reaching souls and are visiting with us.

Childrens Church has begun and we continue to cast a vision for the growth of this ministry.


Over 400 volunteers came from all over the East Coast to help distribute invitations...thank you
Ephesians 3:20a Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.. We thank the Lord for a strong and healthy start to Legacy Baptist Church. Grand Opening started with over ninety in attendance, forty-two of those were visitors from the area and two adults accepted Christ. We have a wide variety of folk attending faithfully with varying spiritual needs. We started one on one discipleship this past week and will start weekly Bible Studies as the Lord leads. We have a handful that faithfully lend a hand for set up, others are seeing there is room for them to serve and we thank the Lord for their interest. The core that is with us now are the same that came to our Get Acquainted meetings and several have not missed a service. We have seen visitors weekly and have been amazed at Gods goodness to us. To God Be The Glory!
Mike, Ter!, Jen"e, & Nic Clark
724.621.6785 legacyofpa.com

Simply the Gospel

Our hearts desire is to clearly and plainly preach and teach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our church motto is LIFTING CHRIST ~ LOVING OTHERS We are thrilled that the Lord has found us faithful to serve Him in Pittsburgh. Thank you for your nancial and prayer support enabling us to serve the Lord in Pittsburgh.

aboutlegacy@gmail.com Mission Board: www.bimi.org

Sending Church: www.gbcsc.com

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