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Local Local Development Framework Update June 2011
This newsletter provides a short update of recent progress and forthcoming work: Core Strategy The Draft Core Strategy was published for consultation earlier this year. Since then the Council has been busy analysing the high level of consultation responses received and seeking further technical responses to issues raised. Summaries of these responses will be reported to the Councils Cabinet meeting on 15 June Further supporting evidence being added to the Councils website includes the following documents: a review of demographic projections for West Oxfordshire (GLA) housing land supply update a review of affordable housing viability (Three Dragons) a green infrastructure study As there is a considerable amount of new material available since the earlier consultation, comments will be invited by the end of July on: documents received in response to consultation from agents/prospective developers seeking a strategic allocation of land in the Carterton area, and new documents published by the Council. The Councils on-line consultation system will continue to be used to present further consultation documents and events. If you have not already done so, please register your details at to receive email notification as the Core Strategy progresses. Next Steps: Following the period for further comment during June/July, we aim to take all consultation responses into account as the Core Strategy is finalised ready for consideration by the Council in October. At the end of the year the Core Strategy will be published for the necessary statutory consultation before submission to the Government ready for public examination in front of a Planning Inspector. Adoption is unlikely before late 2012.

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