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maxservers should be = (10 * <# of disk accessed concurrently>) / # cpu maxreqs (= a multiple of 4096) should be > 4 * #disks * queue_depth

maxservers = 10 * 140 / 8 => 175 maxreqs = 4 * 140 * 20 = > 11200 select inst_id, GROUP_NUMBER,DISK_NUMBER,NAME,MOUNT_STATUS,HEADER_STATUS,MODE_ST ATUS,STATE,TOTAL_MB,FREE_MB,PATH from gV$ASM_DISK where mount_status='CLOSED' minserver : - Oracle recommends an initial value equal to the number of CPUs on the system or 10, whichever is lower.

max : maxservers = 10 * 140 / 8 => 175 Oracle Database Administrator's Reference 10g Release 2 (10.2) for UNIX-Based Operating Systems Part Number B15658-07

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