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Unit 1

Ensure = makes sure Allow/Enable = permits Prevents = stop useful End-users Enhance Core Connecting - joining Transported - carried Raise Lift Support hold something firmly Attached - Fixed Ascend Climb up Descend Climb down Powered provided with energy Controlled - Driven Shallow To withstand To propel Bolt A puncture Drive Belt It lasts up Furthermore Sheave Smooth The flat Crowned Thick Hoist way Sealed Bearing Long Lasting Dramatically Owners Valuable Convenient Come up Obviously Litter Anchor Hollow Garbage R&D Garantir Autoriser/Permettre Empecher Utile utilisateur Ammiliorer Principale Raccordement Transporter, porter Isser, lever Soutein attach Gravir, monter Descendre, tomber Propulser Control Peu profond Resister Propulser Boulon Crevaison Courroie Ca dure jusqu De plus Poulie Lisse Recouvert Cage dascenseur Scell, etanche Roulement Durable Spectaculaire Propritaire Prcieux, de valeur Pratique, commode Monter Evident dtritus Ancre Creux Ordures Bureau dtudes

Unit 2

Rubber Lead Timber Stainless Sorted Iron Scrap Jars scarcity Brass Melting Ore Allows Insulation Hardwood Softwood Ironmongery Plane off Tyres crumbs whole Tin Rust To lead Exaust systems Exotic Non-hazardous Merely Pads

Gomme Plomb Bois de construction Inoxydable Tri Fer Matriaux Pot Raret Laiton Fonder Minerai Alliage Isolation Bois dur (chne) Bois moux (rsineux) Quincaillerie Aplatir Pneus Miettes Entier Etain Rouill Mener Echappement Rare Dangereux Simplement Plaquettes

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