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Registration is open beginning today with forms on the hall table with online registration also starting today.

We ask that you please register if possible this Sunday or next Sunday so we can get the crafts and supplies ordered. It would also be helpful if the adults would sign the sheet in the hall also so we have an approximate number for the pizza on the 26th. Thanks in advance!!! Farmers Tailgate Market There will be a Tailgate Market in the BHL parking lot this summer on Tuesday afternoons from 3 - 6 PM. This is a food only market and will be a place for local producers to sell their products. The market will be open from May 31st September 6th. For more information on this market, please contact Sue Mickey.

SUNDAY - June 19th, 2011 Our Presence, Gifts, and Service

SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 AM EXODUS 8 - AL TAPIO TEACHING JUNE 26TH EXODUS 10 - JUNE TAPIO TEACHING MORNING WORSHIP - 11:00 AM MONDAY, JUNE 20TH-22ND PASTOR ON VISITATIONS AND SETTING UP FOR VBS OFFICE BY APPOINTMENT MOUNTAIN LAUREL 4-H - 6:30 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22ND CHOIR PRACTICE (MENS CHOIR) 4:00 PM THURSDAY, JUNE 23RD BIBLE STUDY - 7:00 PM VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2011 Vacation Bible School will begin on Sunday, June 26th following a pizza party and continue through Thursday, June 30th. We will also have a closing time during worship on Sunday, July 3rd. Our Holy Land Adventure will be in Nazareth this year with classes for children and adults. For those who would like to help, there are a few more places open for crafts and Rev. Johnson could use some help on decorations just flag down the pastor after worship. Currently, we have Dixie Tipton and Elizabeth Hamrick teaching the children and Rev. John and Linda Gatewood teaching the adults.

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