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Games in the Classroom Find Someone Unique Adapted from the game Find someone who Skill Content

Level Main goal : Speaking : Grammar Point on Reported Speech (Introduction/warm-up) : Upper Intermediate : The main goal of applying the previous activity is to introduce the grammar point implicitly. Thus, the teacher can reinforce it and teach it clearly afterwards.

Pre-speaking The teacher makes students think about their uniqueness: something they like to be good at, something they enjoy doing or something they do that is different from the rest. While Speaking Students receive a piece of paper with a chart on it where a name and quality must be written. For this blanks to be filled, students must stand up and ask every classmate they can in order to know their uniqueness. They can write about the 5 most interesting characteristics they found. The chart has the intention to introduce reported speech: FIND SOMEONE UNIQUE Find your classmates uniqueness and write down the 5 most interesting for you e.g.: Miss Lara said that she likes to eat mixed onions and sugar for breakfast every day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _____________ said that s/he _________________________________________ _____________ said that s/he _________________________________________ _____________ said that s/he _________________________________________ _____________ said that s/he _________________________________________ _____________ said that s/he _________________________________________

After Speaking The teacher estimates the amount of time for the while section depending on how many students s/he has. After the charts have been filled out by the class, the teacher asks them to

seat in a semicircle. The purpose of this part of the activity is for them to share their notes about what called their attention the most and to encourage speaking by making them feel comfortable with their pairs.

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