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Photoshop 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Tools Add Shape Subtract Shape Decrease Brush Size Increase Brush Size Decrease Brush Softness by 25% Increase Brush Hardness by 25% Previous Brush Next Brush First Brush Last Brush Tool Opacity 10% 100% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 10% 100% Path Component Selection Tool Paintbrush Tool Crop Tool Default Colors Eraser Tool Gradient Tool Hand Tool Eyedropper Tool Healing Brush / Patch Tool Slice Tool Lasso Tool Marquee Tool Notes Tool Dodge / Burn / Sponge Tool Pen Tool Standard / Quick Mask Mode Blur / Sharpen / Smudge Tool Clone Stamp Tool Type Tool Shape Tool Move Tool Magic Wand Tool Switch Colors History Brush Tool Zoom Tool Cycle Path Comp. / Direct Selection Toggle Paintbrush / Pencil Tools Cycle Eraser Tools Toggle Gradient / Paint Bucket Tools Cycle Eyedropper / Sampler / Measure Toggle Healing Brush / Patch Tool Toggle Slice / Slice Select Tools Cycle Lasso Tools Toggle Rect. / Elliptical Marquee Toggle Notes / Audio Annotation Tools Cycle Dodge / Burn / Sponge Tools Toggle Pen / Freeform Pen Tools Cycle Blur / Sharpen / Smudge Tools Toggle Clone / Pattern Stamp Tools Cycle Shape / Line Tools Toggle History / Art History Brush Miscellaneous Help Accept Operation Cancel Operation Next Document Previous Document F1 Return / Enter Ctrl+. / Esc Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab + [ ] Shift+ [ Shift+ ] < > Shift+ < Shift+ > 10 Shift+1 0 A B C D E G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Shift+A Shift+B Shift+E Shift+G Shift+ I Shift+J Shift+K Shift+L Shift+M Shift+N Shift+O Shift+P Shift+R Shift+S Shift+U Shift+Y Channels Load Composite as Selection Load Layer Mask as Selection Load Selection Channel 1 9 Select Channel 1 9 Select Composite Channel Select Layer Mask (Channel) Toggle Channel / Rubylith View Toggle Layer Mask as Rubylith Ctrl+Alt+ ~ Ctrl+Alt+ \ Ctrl+Alt+1 9 Ctrl+1 9 Ctrl+ ~ Ctrl+ \ ~ \ Editing Copy Copy Merged Cut Duplicate Free Transform Duplicate Transform Again Extract Fade Last Filter / Adjustment Fill Dialog Fill from History Fill from History & Preserve Trans. Fill w/ Background & Preserve Trans. Fill w/ Foreground & Preserve Trans. Fill with Background Color Fill with Foreground Color Free Transform Last Filter Last Filter Dialog Box Liquify Pattern Maker Paste Paste Into Selection Paste Outside Step Backward in History Step Forward in History Transform Again Undo Ctrl+C Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+X Ctrl+Alt+T Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T Ctrl+Alt+X Ctrl+Shift+F Shift+Backspace Ctrl+Alt+Backspace Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Backspace Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Alt+Shift+Backspace Ctrl+Backspace Alt+Backspace Ctrl+T Ctrl+F Ctrl+Alt+F Ctrl+Shift+X Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X Ctrl+V Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V Ctrl+Alt+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl+Z Color Adjustment Auto Color Auto Contrast Auto Levels Proof Colors (CMYK Preview) Color Balance Color Balance (with Last Settings) Curves Curves (with Last Settings) Desaturate Gamut Warning Hue / Saturation Hue / Saturation (with Last Settings) Invert Levels Levels (with Last Settings) Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Y Ctrl+B Ctrl+Alt+B Ctrl+M Ctrl+Alt+M Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+Y Ctrl+U Ctrl+Alt+U Ctrl+ I Ctrl+L Ctrl+Alt+L Cancel Type Changes Commit Type Changes Esc Ctrl+Return / Enter File Close Close All Color Settings File Browser New Document New Document (with Last Settings) Next Document Open Open As Page Setup Preferences Preferences (Last Used) Previous Document Print Print One Copy Print Options Quit Revert Save Save As Save As (Copy) Save for Web Ctrl+W / Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+K Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+N Ctrl+Alt+N Ctrl+Shift+Tab Ctrl+O Ctrl+Alt+O Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+K Ctrl+Alt+K Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+P Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P Ctrl+Alt+P Ctrl+Q F12 Ctrl+S Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Alt+S Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S Type Align Left Align Right Center Text Change Kerning by 100/1000em Change Kerning by 20/1000em Decrease / Increase Baseline by 10pt Decrease / Increase Baseline by 2pt Decrease / Increase Leading by 10pt Decrease / Increase Leading by 2pt Decrease / Increase Type Size by 10pt Decrease / Increase Type Size by 2pt Justify Paragraph (Force Last Line) Justify Paragraph (Left Align Last Line) Move Cursor One Word Left or Right Move Cursor to End of Line Move Cursor to End of Story Move Cursor to Start of Line Move Cursor to Start of Story Move to Previous / Next Paragraph Select One Character to Left or Right Select One Line (to end) Up or Down Select One Line Up or Down Select One Word to Left or Right Select Type to End of Line Select Type to End of Story Select Type to Start of Line Select Type to Start of Story Set Horizontal Scale to 100% Set Leading to Auto Set Tracking to 0 Set Vertical Scale to 100% Show / Hide Type Toggle Hyphenation On / Off Toggle Single / Every-Line Composer Toggle Small Caps On / Off Toggle Strikethrough On / Off Toggle Subscript On / Off Toggle Superscript On / Off Toggle Underlining On / Off Toggle Uppercase On / Off Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Alt+ , Alt+ , Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ , Alt+Shift+ , Ctrl+Alt+ , Alt+ , Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ <, > Ctrl+Shift+ <, > Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+J Ctrl+ , End Ctrl+End Home Ctrl+Home Ctrl+ , Shift+ , Ctrl+Shift+ , Shift+ , Ctrl+Shift+ , Shift+End Ctrl+Shift+End Shift+Home Ctrl+Shift+Home Ctrl+Shift+X Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+Q Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X Ctrl+H Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+ / Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ + Ctrl+Shift+ + Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+K Blending Modes Cycle Blending Modes Backward Cycle Blending Modes Forward Behind Clear Color Color Burn Color Dodge Darken Difference Dissolve Exclusion Hard Light Hue Lighten Linear Burn Linear Dodge Linear Light Luminosity Multiply Normal Overlay Pin Light Saturation Screen Soft Light Threshold / Normal Vivid Light Pass Through (Layer Sets) Desaturate (Sponge Tool) Saturate (Sponge Tool) Highlights (Dodge & Burn Tools) Midtones (Dodge & Burn Tools) Shadows (Dodge & Burn Tools) Shift+ Shift+ + Alt+Shift+Q Alt+Shift+R Alt+Shift+C Alt+Shift+B Alt+Shift+D Alt+Shift+K Alt+Shift+E Alt+Shift+ I Alt+Shift+X Alt+Shift+H Alt+Shift+U Alt+Shift+G Alt+Shift+A Alt+Shift+W Alt+Shift+J Alt+Shift+Y Alt+Shift+M Alt+Shift+N Alt+Shift+O Alt+Shift+Z Alt+Shift+T Alt+Shift+S Alt+Shift+F Alt+Shift+L Alt+Shift+V Alt+Shift+P Alt+Shift+D Alt+Shift+S Alt+Shift+H Alt+Shift+M Alt+Shift+S Comments: Trevor Morris ( ) Website: GFX

Layers Ascend through Layers Bring Layer to Front Descend though Layers Group with Previous Layer Opacity 10% 100% Layer via Copy Layer via Copy (with Dialog Box) Layer via Cut Layer via Cut (with Dialog Box) Merge Down (Linked / Grouped) Merge Visible Merge Visible to Active Layer Move Layer Down Move Layer Up New Layer New Layer (without Dialog Box) Preserve Transparency Select Bottom Layer Select Top Layer Send Layer to Back Stamp Down Stamp Visible Ungroup Layers Alt+ ] Ctrl+Shift+ ] Alt+ [ Ctrl+G 10 Ctrl+J Ctrl+Alt+J Ctrl+Shift+J Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J Ctrl+E Ctrl+Shift+E Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E Ctrl+ [ Ctrl+ ] Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N / Alt+Shift+ [ Alt+Shift+ ] Ctrl+Shift+ [ Ctrl+Alt+E Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E Ctrl+Shift+G

Selections Delete Selection Deselect (Drop) Feather Selection Invert Selection Move Duplicate of Selection 10px Move Duplicate of Selection 1px Move Selection (while creating) Move Selection 10px Move Selection 1px Move Selection Area 10px Move Selection Area 1px Reselect Select All Views Apply Zoom & Keep Box Active Cycle Screen Modes Fit to Screen Lock / Unlock Guides Move View to Bottom Right Move View to Top Left Scroll View Down One Page Scroll View Down 10px Scroll View Left One Page Scroll View Left 10px Scroll View Right One Page Scroll View Right 10px Scroll View Up One Page Scroll View Up 10px Show / Hide Extras Show / Hide Grid Show / Hide Guides Show / Hide Menubar Show / Hide Rulers Show / Hide Target Path Snap On / Off Toggle Hand Tool Toggle Zoom In Toggle Zoom Out View Actual Pixels Zoom In Zoom In & Resize Window Zoom Out Zoom Out & Resize Window Palettes Show / Hide Actions Palette Show / Hide All Palettes Show / Hide Brushes Palette Show / Hide Color Palette Show / Hide Info Palette Show / Hide Layers Palette Show / Hide Tool Bar & Palettes Show Options / Brushes Palette F9 Tab F5 F6 F8 F7 Shift+Tab Return Shift+Return F Ctrl+0 Ctrl+Alt+ ; End Home PageDown Shift+PageDown Ctrl+PageUp Ctrl+Shift+PageUp Ctrl+PageDown Ctrl+Shift+PageDown PageUp Shift+PageUp Ctrl+H Ctrl+ ' Ctrl+ ; Shift+F Ctrl+R Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+ ; Space Ctrl+Space Alt+Space Ctrl+Alt+0 Ctrl+ + Ctrl+Alt+ + Ctrl+ Ctrl+Alt+ Backspace Ctrl+D Ctrl+Alt+D Ctrl+Shift+ I Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ , , , Ctrl+Alt+ , , , Space Ctrl+Shift+ , , , Ctrl+ , , , Shift+ , , , , , , Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+A

( )

Concept Credits: Steven ( ) Version: 05/05/02

Photoshop 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M + ; ' [ ] <(,) >(.) / \ ~ Backspace Return Space Tab Home End PageUp PageDown Decrease Brush Size Increase Brush Size Previous Brush Next Brush Toggle Preserve Transparency Toggle Layer Mask as Rubylith Toggle Channel / Rubylith View Delete Selection Show Options / Brushes Palette Hand Tool / Drag Selection Show / Hide Toolbar & Palettes Move Selection Area 1px Up Move Selection Area 1px Down Move Selection Area 1px Left Move Selection Area 1px Right Move View to Top Left Move View to Bottom Right Scroll View Up Scroll View Down Select Layer Mask (Channel) Select Composite Channel Fill with Background Color Commit Changes Toggle Zoom In Next Document Move Selection 1px Up Move Selection 1px Down Move Selection 1px Left Move Selection 1px Right Cursor to Start of Story (Type) Cursor to End of Story (Type) Scroll View Left Scroll View Right Duplicate Selection 1px Up Duplicate Selection 1px Down Duplicate Selection 1px Left Duplicate Selection 1px Right Previous Document Move Selection 10px Up Move Selection 10px Down Move Selection 10px Left Move Selection 10px Right Select Type to Start of Story (Type) Select Type to End of Story (Type) Scroll View Left 10px Scroll View Right 10px Toggle Zoom Out Next Application (Windows) Increase Leading 2pt (Type Mode) Decrease Leading 2pt (Type Mode) Decrease Kerning by 20/1000em Increase Kerning by 20/1000em Show / Hide All Palettes Move Selection Area 10px Up Move Selection Area 10px Down Move Selection Area 10px Left Move Selection Area 10px Right Select Type to Start of Line Select Type to End of Line Scroll View Up 10px Scroll View Down 10px Previous Application (Windows) Increase Baseline 2pt (Type Mode) Decrease Baseline 2pt (Type Mode) Duplicate Selection 10px Up Duplicate Selection 10px Down Duplicate Selection 10px Left Duplicate Selection 10px Right Load Layer Mask as Selection Load Composite as Selection Fill from History Fill w/ Background & Preserve Trans. Fill with Foreground Color Fill Dialog Apply Zoom & Keep Box Active Fill w/ Foreground & Preserve Trans. Fill from History & Preserve Trans. Cancel Operation Move Layer Down Move Layer Up Layer / Tool Opacity 10% Layer / Tool Opacity 20% Layer / Tool Opacity 30% Layer / Tool Opacity 40% Layer / Tool Opacity 50% Layer / Tool Opacity 60% Layer / Tool Opacity 70% Layer / Tool Opacity 80% Layer / Tool Opacity 90% Layer / Tool Opacity 100% Standard / Quick Mask Mode Magic Wand Tool Eraser Tool Blur / Sharpen / Smudge Tool Type Tool History Brush Tool Shape Tool Eyedropper Tool Dodge / Burn / Sponge Tool Pen Tool Path Component Selection Tool Clone Stamp Tool Default Colors (Full) Screen Modes Gradient Tool Hand (Pan) Tool Healing Brush / Patch Tool Slice Tool Lasso Tool Zoom Tool Switch Colors Crop Tool Move Tool Paintbrush Tool Notes Tool Marquee Tool Add Shape Subtract Shape Select Channel 1 Select Channel 2 Select Channel 3 Select Channel 4 Select Channel 5 Select Channel 6 Select Channel 7 Select Channel 8 Select Channel 9 Fit to Screen Quit Close Merge Down (Linked / Grouped) Show / Hide Rulers Free Transform Proof Colors (CMYK Preview) Hue / Saturation Invert Open Print Select All Save Deselect (Drop) Last Filter Group with Previous Show / Hide Extras New Layer via Copy Preferences Levels Undo Cut Copy Paste Color Balance New Document Curves Zoom In Zoom Out Show / Hide Guides Color Balance (with Last Settings) New Document (with Last Settings) Curves (with Last Settings) Zoom In & Resize Window Zoom Out & Resize Window Lock / Unlock Guides Show / Hide Grid Send Layer to Back Bring Layer to Front Decrease Type Size by 2pt Increase Type Size by 2pt Toggle Strikethrough (Type Mode) Descend through Layers Ascend through Layers Decrease Brush Softness by 25% Increase Brush Hardness by 25% First Brush Last Brush Select Bottom Layer Select Top Layer Decrease Type Size by 10pt Increase Type Size by 10pt Toggle Snap On / Off New Layer via Copy (w/ Dialog Box) Preferences Panel (Last Used) Levels (with Last Settings) Step Back in History Extract Save As (Copy) Feather Selection Last Filter Dialog Box Save As Reselect Fade (Last Filter / Adjustment) Ungroup Layers Show / Hide Target Path New Layer via Cut Color Settings Auto Levels Step Forward in History Liquify Copy Merged Paste Into Selection Auto Color New Layer (with Dialog Box) Jump to ImageReady Toggle Superscript (Type Mode) View Menu Toggle Paintbrush / Pencil Tools Toggle Notes / Audio Annotations Rectangular / Elliptical Marquee Cycle Blending Modes Forward Cycle Blending Modes Backward Layer Menu Help Menu Toggle Healing Brush / Patch Tool Toggle Slice / Slice Select Tools Cycle Lasso Tools File Menu Show / Hide Menu Bar Toggle Gradient / Paint Bucket Select Menu Open As Print Options Hue / Saturation (with Last Settings) Duplicate Free Transform Stamp Down Ctrl+Alt Load Selection Channel 1 Load Selection Channel 2 Load Selection Channel 3 Load Selection Channel 4 Load Selection Channel 5 Load Selection Channel 6 Load Selection Channel 7 Load Selection Channel 8 Load Selection Channel 9 View Actual Pixels Set Tracking to 0 (Type Mode) Close All Documents Merge Visible Align Right (Type Mode) Transform Again Gamut Warning Desaturate Invert Selection File Browser Page Setup Image Menu Filter Menu Toggle Art / History Brush Tools Cycle Shape / Line Tools Eyedropper / Sampler / Measure Cycle Dodge / Burn / Sponge Toggle Pen / Freeform Pen Tools Path Component / Direct Selection Toggle Clone / Pattern Stamp Window Menu Edit Menu Cycle Eraser Tools Cycle Blur / Sharpen / Smudge Ctrl+Shift Alt Shift Flow / Airbrush Opacity 10% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 20% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 30% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 40% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 50% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 60% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 70% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 80% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 90% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 100% Behind Blending Mode Linear Dodge Blending Mode Difference Blending Mode Clear Blending Mode Saturation Blending Mode Luminosity Blending Mode Hue Blending Mode Dissolve Blending Mode Overlay Blending Mode Pass Through Blend Mode (Sets) Linear Burn Blending Mode Screen / Saturate / Shadows Color Dodge / Desaturate Soft Light Blending Mode Lighten Blending Mode Hard Light / Highlights Linear Light Blending Mode Darken Blending Mode Threshold Blending Mode Pin Light Blending Mode Exclusion Blending Mode Color Blending Mode Vivid Light Blending Mode Color Burn Blending Mode Normal Blending Mode Multiply / Midtones Toggle Subscript (Type Mode) New Layer (without Dialog Box) Paste Behind Selection Pattern Maker Auto Contrast Toggle Hyphenation (Type Mode) New Layer via Cut (w/ Dialog Box) Print One Copy Set Leading to Auto (Type Mode) Save for Web Duplicate Transform Again Stamp Visible Alt+Shift Ctrl+Alt+Shift

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