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LEGISLATIVE BRANCH GOVERNMENT OF SAN ANDREAS Committee: Bill No: Principal Author: Seat two.

Hugo Bea Delegation:

Title of Bill: An Act to reduce the crime rates in west Los Santos. (Specific laws and rights in certain areas to prevent crime) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Preamble: Whereas there has been a significant increase of street crimes in the year 2011, which the rates documents, has resulted in hundreds of murders, robberies, shootouts, kidnappings, gang activity and increased the amount of illegal weapons and drugs on the streets of Los Santos. The statistics show a massive amount of frighten citizens living in Los Santos due to the rising crime, which have never been seen before. This also have an impact on the tax money since the LSPD, FBI and NOOSE use a lot of their resource on crime cases. Therefore, will this bill come into force with the goal of the criminals would be hit financially so they can no longer supply themselves with such illegal weapons and drugs. SECTION 1: This act may be cited as, Specific laws and rights in certain areas to prevent crime SECTION 2: LEO's have full free right to inspect((Visitation/frisk)) and detain citizens who they believe are in the position of anything illegal or is about to perform an illegal act. This protects the LEO's in breaking the Constitutional rights. SECTION 3: However SECTION 2 is only valid in signed areas 1. El Corona 2. Market including All Saints. 3. Flint county Bridge. ((Map: ((Suggest Los Santos east areas also gets included)) SECTION 4: LEOs have the right to confiscate everything illegal they find during the visitation, and at last fine or even arrest the citizen due the illegal level. SECTION 6: This bill shall go into effect into work with seat two (Eat Los Santos) and lasts 1 month, until a renewal.

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