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(Name of Project)

by (Name of First Writer)

(Based on, If Any)

Revisions by (Names of Subsequent Writers, in Order of Work Performed)

Current Revisions by (Current Writer, date)

Name Address Phone

SCENE 1- WAKING UP - DAY JOSHUA wakes up stranded in a desert. Quickly, he looks down and sees a number lapelled onto his grey shirt. He notices "detainee "JOSHUA" 0385." Still dazed, he wipes sand off his face and looks around him. The desert is almost entirely flat, with strange rocks piled around. Then, covering his eyes from the Sun, Joshua looks with an irritated face towards it. JOSHUA Ugh, I need shade. JOSHUA looks to the enormous pile of rocks and sees a small cavern. JOSHUA (CONTD) That'll have to do. JOSHUA starts heading to it. SCENE 2- DISCOVERY - DAY JOSHUA climbs up to the small cavern. He notices a small rock formation resembling a teddy bear. Wandering over to it, he tries to find somewhere comfortable to sit and notices an actual teddy bear on the floor. Puzzled, he goes over to it and picks it up. He raises his head in a flashback. SCENE 3- flashback SCENE 4- Revelation - DAY What the-? JOSHUA

With a puzzled look on his face. JOSHUA gingerly puts down the teddy bear. JOSHUA (CONTD) Who...who were they? JOSHUA tries to pick up the teddy bear again, but the same memory starts to happen. JOSHUA throws down the bear after a couple of seconds. He then looks around, trying to find something to hold it with. He spots a grocery bag and grabs it. JOSHUA (CONTD) Thank God for littering.


2. CONTINUED: JOSHUA carefully scoops up the bear, careful not to let it touch him. JOSHUA then walks outside the cave and looks around, he starts climbing down. CUT TO: SCENE 5- DEPRIVATION JOSHUA is obviously tired, sweating profusely and staggering in his step. Eventually, he falls to his knees. The bag toppling over next to him. He starts reaching for it and realizes two objects half buried. A dented can of soda and a used water bottle lay on the ground. Gasping desperately, JOSHUA reaches for the water bottle. A scrap of a memory starts though, stopping him. SCENE 6- THE FIRST INKLING SCENE 7- INSTIGATION Dropping the bottle of water, JOSHUA puts it in the bag. JOSHUA It's another one? I wonder if the soda can is the same? I have to know what happened... JOSHUA grabs the soda can, experiencing the rest of the memory. SCENE 8- SHOCK SCENE 9- A DROP OF BLOOD JOSHUA drops the can into bag, looking disgusted at it. JOSHUA What the hell happened there? Who did this? I...I gotta find out what's going on. JOSHUA stands up with renewed vigor, and exits scene right towards the distance. CUT TO: SCENE 10- FALLING GRACE As JOSHUA walks through the desert, he notices a strange speck. The desert is all light brown, but there is one dark speck among the vast desert.


3. CONTINUED: With a puzzled look on his face, JOSHUA secures the bag over his shoulder and walks over to it. Upon arriving, he sees it's a dark rock lying on the desert, as if thrown. Cocking his head, JOSHUA says. JOSHUA What's a rock like this doing out in the desert? JOSHUA reaches to the rock, and another memory strikes him. SCENE 11- CRASH SCENE 12- LOOK THROUGH THE PEBBLES JOSHUA suddenly scoops up the rock. JOSHUA I'm getting closer. This must have taken place before the water bottle though. I'm going to have to sort these out. But there's gotta be more to this first... Looking up, JOSHUA heads out off screen right. SCENE 13 - PAINT THE TAINT JOSHUA is walking into camera stage left. He sees some shade by a rock and sits down. Exhaling deeply, he looks around this area, keeping the bag close to him. JOSHUA Ugh, why is this happening to me? What did I ever do? Are there even PEOPLE in this place?! OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT from JOSHUA as he look in the distance. A mirage happens, fooling JOSHUA into thinking there's a crowd of people. Clutching his bag, he scrambles up, stumbling desperately. JOSHUA (CONTD) PEOPLE! agh, Help me! Please! The mirage disappears, leaving JOSHUA dumbfounded. Defeated, JOSHUA falls to his knees. He looks over in his peripheral and sees a dented spray can. JOSHUA (CONTD) Could this be another part from whatever happened? (MORE)


4. CONTINUED: JOSHUA (CONTD) I...I-let's look 'ole Joshua. Maybe this can show us whoever did this.

JOSHUA snatches the spray can, anticipating the end. SCENE 14 - DISAPPOINTMENT SCENE 15 - WELL WHAT NOW? JOSHUA puts the spray can down. JOSHUA ...well...that was... messed up. There's still some gaps in this thing though. I guess there must be some more. JOSHUA looks up again, looking for some. ANYONE. He eventually walks off stage. SCENE 16 - BURNING AWAY LIES JOSHUA spies a town in the distance, excitedly, he runs to it. Upon getting closer though, he sees the ruins. JOSHUA WHAT?! This place is burnt?! The first place I find?! (JOSHUA kicks the ground in frustration, then looks up) What am I supposed to do now?! JOSHUA looks down, and sees an identical spray can. Looking in his bag to make sure, then walks up to it. JOSHUA (CONTD) Maybe...Maybe this place has more answers? He picks up the can, expecting a memory. Nothing happens though. After a second, he open his eyes and sets it down. JOSHUA (CONTD) Maybe it's something else in this place. It looks a lot like the gas station. JOSHUA looks around, trying to pick out something from the rubble that hold the memory.


5. CONTINUED: He exits the gas station eventually and sees a burnt plank standing in the center of the ground. JOSHUA (CONTD) Wha-what the-? (JOSHUA looks around, seeing if there was anyone) That wasn't there before.. JOSHUA suspiciously eyes it, walking around it. Then he reaches out a finger. Touching it. A memory snaps into his vision. SCENE 17 - FLAMES SCENE 18 - REFLECTION UPON RECENT EVENTS JOSHUA pulls away from the plank, sweating. Feeling the heat from the memory the wood holds. JOSHUA I...I can't take this with me. There's probably food in this place. I'll just set up here. JOSHUA hangs the bag on the tree, dumping out the contents first. I might as well try and figure out the order of this. See how everything went down. Show montage of shots as JOSHUA tries to align the items in the right order. Eventually, they're all done. And he looks up. JOSHUA (CONTD) There's gotta be something else though. Just SOMETHING showing this guy's face. WHO is he? JOSHUA looks around, and focuses on a mirror. It's cracked and dented. JOSHUA (CONTD) Maybe that can show me... JOSHUA walks over to the mirror, picking it up. The memory flashes SCENE 19 - TWO FACED

6. SCENE 20 - SUPPRESSED JOSHUA throws down the mirror in shock, cracking it more. JOSHUA What? It''s ME?! I couldn't have done this! Why would I--why would I ever?! (Joshua sits down in shock, panting in worry, he looks at his hands in disgust) I...I killed someone. wh---why? Why would I do that? I...this must be why I'm here. Some kind of..punishment, I guess. But- why this? Who put me heA bag envelopes JOSHUA'S head. Turning everything black. He hears a voice. VOICE The package is secure. Relocating to cell 2281. Cell 1832 is used up. No further information can be obtained. Knock out prisoner #4581 and commence the wipe. CUT TO BLACK

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