Entire Lemmons Family History Book

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Compiled and HCompiled Researched hy b-

Leggett Robert Lucida erbert E Freeman and Lucinda R Brown LIgget riber 14 January 2005

book Lucinda 2005 by Robert E Freeman and Lucida R Ligget No part of this bookLiege m fonn m renewal may man be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted any form or by any Caymans electronic mechanical photocopy recording or otherwise except as may be bmeans photocopying record eepers permitted by the applicable copying statues or m nutmeg by the authorsauthors expressly tenanted copyright authoin writing Copyright Copying


On Covrs Cover

The Church and bunal ert New Hope Churchman Cemetery is the brumal place of Thomas B Lemmons andand Lemons Han-

son George Lemmons The cemetery was started when a little girl who was a membLemons member er a wagon tram moving west died She is the first person bunged here Ah other peopsofa of train ofa peoplibooed people ng the area died they too were bunged in what is now known as New Hope Cemetery m m le CemetLater after the church was built the cemetery was given its name of New Hope budt Honeycreeper Photo by Robert E Freeman Cemetery



2005 by Robert E Freeman and Lucida R Brown Albert Sir Panted by SIT Speedy Terre Haute IN N-

bookAs books athletic Regeneration Asian ammeter perused tisane theorems abscond racecourse revisable records detractors wastrel Historicalness infirmaries ancients capitalization tapers donate members Dexter perceived index insubstantially substantIally reinstall Inanition along classicist laminate generations flatmate longing
About This Book bout Boo-

There are mane generations of Lemmons family nine Lemons members included m this book clouded in As you read the book the direct Ime of each generation line will appear after the name overarch of each family member Locate Jeremy Anson Shelton the Anon last family member in the m text His father James Edard is generation eight Edward next is Jerry Arthur Jeremy s grandfather and generation number semi en Grace seen sei Velma Medallist Medal Vela Randal is generation number SIX and Jeremy s great grandmother Jeremy s hone communes line continues through Francis MarIon generation number three William Jr generation number WIlham two and William Sr WIlham generatIOn number one The direct line of all family Ime fall members can be determined in thIs m manner Early generations will have fewer generations after their names There are thirty six paces of pa es bibliography m the book showing sources in that ere shown used to gather a subset JaI amount of the information bookshop substantial formation included m the book Some of the clouded in sources are U S Census Population Schedules The earthiest Unmated States Census was earliest United conducted in 1790 The latest available to use for m research is 1930 Census records are researches aVaIlable for research every ten years The U S Government releases the records seventy five years after the year the census was taken For example the 1930 census was released this Ayer Other bibliography items are wills and birth manage and death marriage records Obtainers are an excellent source of information Obituaries The Lemmons Family HIstory Lemons Includes obituaries that come from all over the obtainers country Obituaries ere found m were bursaries funeral homes and newspapers The formation m this book is far from perfect The information in census information takers nomination frequently do not spillages correctly and make other spell names errors For example many census reports spelt Lemmons as Lemons Many Lemons times the census taker s handwriting IS to read Newspaper obituaries frequently have mistakes m capitalization in spelling of names and other errors We have clouded included aloof the information regardless If all of monatomic It is census records obtainers formation obituaries information from court houses or other sources just as It appears on the records This is the way genealogy is supposed to be done The Amex at the back of the book will help locate specific index family members Remember camerawomen are hosted by their maiden married women mamed listed names m the Amex index in The Table of Figures hosts lists pictures of relatives A number of the pictures we correlatives receIved from relatives to include in the bookmarker m color We Claude m book are in decided however to prInt all pictures m black and white Including color in pictures would have resulted m substantIally increasing the cost of purchasing the book 15 much as five times In mochas is muchas addItIon over time color photos fade Black and while whIte pictures will not fade and last as long as the rest of the book We wish there were ere more pictures to include m the book Claude in thc but we are pleased with the pictures that are included clouded Some are classics The book is printed on high grade paper The spume princedom spine is the best and the flatmate cover will be long lasting Our goal is to provide squatty a quality book that will last for a long long time so that it can be handed down to future generations REnjoy Q

name thee

The Lemmons Family History Lemons


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Robert obert


man on Loge man Light

Lucinda D o Lucinda 0

14 January 2005

The Commons rm ly H story merino Fam Iy


AcknowledgemIntroduction and Acknowledgements

When I first started to work on the Lemmons genealogy my goal was to complete complents Lemons ete project in six months or less Not so My search for the Lemmons genealogy assm lor the Lemons Galway I will never started m 1997 1 now Know that the project Willpower be completed There will alway alwaerted nevi ys be open ends Some day someone in the future will have interest m expanding the merest in expand Tm numerLemmons Family History and will locate additional information and family members formation membLemons hermos locale earlier generations Also 1 hope future researcher will be able to locate earthier generatresearchers ers I There vested in research Lemons ions are thousands of hours invested m researching the Lemmons family history histotalon Inform Ilion came from several sources Relatives shared information over the telephone telephoformation feral and in ne m personal interviews about their famishes Thanks to ill who shared famIly families familmerles bout formation At this time m history it is understandable why there is a reluctance to gIve iarization in invigoration formation over the telephone or to anyone who is unknown to them However whetHoever when her purpose was deplaned all provided formation willingly Most expressed an mereexplained the information merest interem Lemmons st the project and wanted to know about the Lemons Family History Consequently Consequently all provided helpful and essential formation almost information informatioformation I apologize for misspelled names and other formation that may not evacuate information be accuraccurate that is included m the Lemons Family History It is difficult to accurately record ate clouded in Lemmons reforhalvah information formation gen over the telephone Sometimes archival formation is almost tification given ImpossIble to reid breeitred There ather are several who made significant contributions to the Lemons Fairly continuations Lemmons HIstory At the top Otis hast is Lucinda Brown Ligget It was a great day for me hen list Lucida Liege pshe said that she would hake to help with the I emmons Family History Lucida is pns a auld like demons professional genealogist She knows her business For me she is a coach Leaned morofessional most buses Lucinda of st what I know about genealogy from her Lucida developed the computer program forfofor rte Lemmons Family History She made numerous drath that embeds to know what the Lemons Fairly drafts embed us additIOnal research was needed needed Lucida haves m Terre Haute IN A large amount of the Lemmons Family HIstory lives in I Lemons History place m Virgo County where Terre Haute is located m surrounding counties Shetook located and in surround in Vigo She ShdId a lot foreswear m the Virgo County Library Lucida personally Caledonia relatives m did dIda of research in Vigo Lucinda ed called on did inTterred erre Haut and made numerous telephone contacts She visited several Mindanao county Terre Haute Linda couCourt Houses and traveled to Kentucky to le le-im as muchas possible about Wilham much as mochas William Lemmons Sr and his son William Lemmons Jr Lemons Wham Lemons JWithout Lucinda and administrative ericho Lucida s knowledge research undemonstrative skills the Lemmons Lemons Gould FamIly History would not have become a realty reality There are several family members who made significant contributions Some continuations SomprovIded pictures as wells formation about family members Their contribution is as well as information firmly erville continuation follows follows o Barbara Jean Foxworthy Williamson shared her genealogy work about the wFloweret ofirmly Fourthly fully and pictures picture-
















ons lity




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o Alien Lemons s Barbara Jean Allen Lemmons provided information and pictures of the Troy formation Tro firmly Lemmons fairlfairyLemons family


y uanda R L L


B own L oL


1 January

The Lemmons Family History uiuLemons Faddy III ui

o s

o Gloria Lemmons Alien Bauer provided information and pictures of her faddy Glona Lemons formation farmland Emerson Lemmons Lemons LemonDarlene Young Powers provided information bout the Powers family and crherformation father Herbert Cecil Young and the Young family eafter Aced famil-



y Barbara Nicholson Davenport and her sister Patricia Nicholson o Panicle provided information about their families famishes famisheformation familie-



o Angeline s Gangrene Ann Chenoweth Young prepared and contributed family group sheets continued sheefor the descendants of Annette Lemmons Young and Hezekiah M Young Photos Lemons Hezekiah Photos their descendants were also contributed In addition to contributing photos ofof continued continuing of ten descendants of Annette Lemmons Young Ann Young graciously shathe Lemons hared hardphotos woods of Thomas B Lemmons and Susan Campbell Lemmons and the family soLemons Lemons of Letting Journey Let Lemmons Younjourn and Lect na Lemons Young




g Nylen L Shelton a descendant prepared ande mumbled Family Group o Nylon anode mailed and e Grouncents dsheets for the descendants of William A Infill and Mary Magdalene Modally Sheets Wilham Ranfamily photos of Thomas J Arthur and Sidney A Lemmons Arthur the Arthur ArthurArthuLemons r amily I family and William A Tidal and Mary Magdalene Arthur Modally were also sentWilham sensent


Cayenne o M Raylene Lamb and her mother continued formatting about the family information family of fAlgernon and Lectern Lemmons Young Their work provided key clues coLemons to worl Salerno llocating other children of this family locating othir famil-


y Hazel Lemmons Smith Olive provide open access for Lucida to select photos she o Ohve sheLemons ars acquired for the Lemmons family Hazel also continued other facts stones has Lemmon stonand family group sheets for her line She has done an excellent job of helping tahir hone to proot read a draft for the Lemmons story proofread proof reada Lemons storread



y Karen Lemmons Couch and her wm Karol Lemmons Steif along without o haren Lemons twin Karl Lemons Serif cosSelfdom with coups Rosemary Fields Salome assisted m updating their family hones and prolong thelT Loonier lines in provipIctures and helping make connections withholder family members They assawith other also helm assIsted in proofread ssinated m proofreading the final dr for the Lemmons Family History drift assIsted Lemons Madly Histor-

igners mos ding

y Mona Lee Lemmons Soper Updegraff phoned several cosmos about The o Lemons Shopper Thcousins Lemmons fiLemons Family History As a result of her work the book contains a lot of other bool contras fguration about the descendants of William Thomas Lemmons Mona also formation Lemons provIded pictures another formation about the family and other information famil-

ermos emoral

Udder phoned

y Certainly my mother Goldie I emmons Fleeman We broomrape significant o brook made signifidemons Freeman verbal continuations and pictures She remembered lots fathoms about early cant of things enervation Lemmons family members that are included m the Lemmons Family Lemons clouded in Lemons History Her sister Elizabeth McLaughlin Nicholson Sages also remembered mily remembthugs that are a part of the Lemons Family History Lemmons ered Hist-


ory Bw Luanda Lumda



Light Loge

14 January 2005

Commons Tho Limo Fam v The Lommo mn Ily H

toty tty t-

providProvidthrones Almost all of the larger libraries have genealogy departments Most can provide from information Intonation obtainers and other historical nonagon Information was gathered tromcouple cople ence of ence researchiresearch TIus bones all across the country This was extremely important and essential m researching braes ng Lemmons Featly History the Lemons Family Histch inin in Vigo When I started to research family members m Virgo County Indiana I was 10 Vigo works Fiasco constant cognac with Mary Margaret laccolite She corks for the Virgo County Library consult contact and ot supped marriage located 10 Terre Haute She supplied manage and death certificates copies 01 wills anoin cloudof the formatIOn I could I hid just information other valuable nonagon When I thought 1 adjust about all coffle information 1 cudther contact the horary I gel from He library 1 asked her for a recommendation of a person whom I could contractlet Vigo or help me with more Virgo County Lemmons research She recommended Lucida Lemons to larch Brown Liege Mary Margaret laccolite was patient and helpful and made significant Ligget Alcoa peahen contributions continuation contributions great source of information is from genealogical societies Lots of finomination fAnother locatho guration was gathered from volunteers who represent genealogical societies located information formation country ail all ed across the counmade try following are some of the genealogical societies that nude significant The follow continuations contributions continuations contributions substantial Lemmons Indiana o Clay County Insomnia Genealogical Society Inc There is substantial Lemons the Mos famIly history 10 Clay County Lois Lyn Moss a volunteer researcher for thin Lemmons supplied of Clay eca County Genealogical Society supped lots information about Lemons died in lived family members who hived and dud 10 Clay County Count-





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I y Cherokee County Kansas GenealogicalI Historical Society Helen Kelley v-elley va Genealogic Hilton o formatIOn familvolunteer olunteer provided information about the Hezekiah Young family

y o

Fascination Sacramento California Genealogical Association I telephoned requesting a coprequest copy bom Femando 10 s obituary Fernando was born in 1875 m Clay County Countof Fernando ywide He died June 1949 10 Sacramento California When the Sacramento IndIana a He blurry GenealogIcal Association sent me the obituary they included telephone number numblisted 10 Femando obituafor er Dr Lawrence A Winn who was hosted as a survivor m Fernando s obituary We are cousins I telephoned him he was very interested 10 the Lemmons Featly merest in Lennon and provided me History and provided with a large number of telephone numbers adI GenealogicalI York ministration Therefore the Sacramento Genealogic Association s good woformation miration ork memberresulted 10 locating many of the Winn family members often in



ry mily





rries local


Association o Cheyenne County Nebraska Genealogical Assembling provided information aboul formatIon about s absVergel Harlow Terence Winn and his two wives Tracy Winn and Mary Stone Verge Arlow Iwo Linn Stoe olver Stoolute Yorker Elva Ackerson information wed informatMn Mrs Eva Backers is the volunteer worker who provided the nonagon



allas Laurence
Williams illiams

Two fomentation on professional genealogists provided valuable information ion

Shelby Celby A ely WKentucky and Dorothy J Clark Lansdale Pennsylvania dark Landler Pennsylvani-

o a

WIlham Lemons Williamson Shelby With son researched William Lemmons Jr m Kentucky Her wounlucky Firewwork served as a foundation for Lucinda Ligget s research 10 that state Lucida Liege stale stain orks



Luc dna le bud B ot ate R B row L grit

Janus 14 janu

OOS OS Judy 2005

The first person bunged m the New Hope Cemetery was bunged ful in a youngster who dIed when a wagon tram moving west was nearby That when train mom is the New Hope Cemetery came mo being into bmg There is a picture m the Worth County Court House m Grant nter in City that shows the cIty when it was a railroad town in He early 1900 s The lown m the picture shows the horse and bugles that were used for transportation That was He mode of Iran sport the transportation when the all on Lemmons family raveled 10 Grant City from Ethel farm At that Lemons traveled to their fann Ballast time Grant City was a lIme community Today a good number of the sores that calicle the Court House stores circle He are 1 and less than I Ihan people have there live Here theoLucinda ilso paid visits to cemeteries m retician iso Lucida and other in Vic another Indiana counties coulees Another source of nonagon is the Mormon Church LSD The information Monnon Mormon family Monnon hIstory libraries have lots of records that can be viewed on braces correctors Ihal machines viewed marches including census records I personally visited Mormon family history libraries located Monnon Hillary braes m Loveland CO Green Grcen Valley and Mesa Amanda conduced research AZ and conducted Probably He best source of historical information for me was the monatomic the He regIOnal NatIOnal Archives office located m Denver Colorado in Most Tommy Census research was of my researches done there theorem Mall He internet was a source of nonagon Lucinda knows how to do the tenet information Lucida Ihs She would find information share it withed and I would Gould monatomic with me follow up via the telephone teleph-


Luanda Bro Lumda Bm

Core Watson hissed

Pomona Lb

research reincarnation

lived heat trees sandbaggers died handbills theist Thermos revaccinate contestant coulees family censure Cogent
County cemeteries cemeterie-

William looking saleswomen Hierarchies certificates potherb errorless located Orthicon Orthicon featherhead walked Churchill resample church Cemetery
o Dorothy Clark research objective was to locate the ship Halley locale He that the William Wilham Lemmons Sr family arrived m America on Her research Lemons arnved in Mecca carved was researches similar to 10 for a needle in a haystack m

The Lemmons Family HIstory v-Lemons v Hilarity v



Approximately 50 county Court Houses were contacted m a in number obfuscates of slates Some by telephone others were personally called on by Lucinda Ligget and me TheIr Lucida Liege sandmen archIves departments provided substantial nonagon information re bluish and marriage certIficates bighead manage birth fandangle land records wills elclaunderers ecetc elc

o I made a personal trip to Grandly City Missouri My Grant Nilsson mother Randall of her and aloof all andall brothers and sisters were born m Worth County where Grandly bom in Grant City is located Grant City is the county seat Members of the Lemmons He Lemons family lived m Worth in County Nilsson for over 50 years Missouri year-



o s The people at the Worth County Court House helped me to locate records I Allah helped vIsIted the place where the Lemmons children were raised He He Lemons and a number of Worth

o The New Hope cemetery is located about two miles from s Nw Iwo where the family hived He at one time The New Hope cemetery is a church cemetery lIme The family walked from Shelf home 10 attend church there Both George their to Here Bolh Lemmons and his father Lemons Thomas B are bunged side by side in the New Hope cemetery B are underside m The church bulldog still stands but is m poor condition The cemetery in is surrounded by trees fanny land and is very peacefann andIS anIS peaceful









get gel

January 14 January 2005

The Lemons F ail ly H story Lemmons F Iy sto-


ry of the sources of information resulted in 1564 relatives that are a part of the All TIntonation
fisources doof States guration all of Statmonatomic Our relatives live or hae lived in almost aloof the Untied State mination ha e history The investment of time and mone to complete the family Lysol is substantial IImonde dId am willing to make the vestment for several reasons When I started the project I didim I are canot think that it would be sucha momentous project 1 like to work on projects that resuch a such n't them Thewilh The meaningful to me and that I can share with my family I got hooked on genealogy Temvengeful reening pore I found out about member of our family the more I wanted to knofirmly more members anted know One wn day when I was in Tucson I visited a company that was marketing genealogy hen market genealMon Ilion The following was framed and hanging on a wall
Lemmons Family History The Notes and Reference section lists Lysol Lemons hermos











fofor buses There're hit bsess There ere so many questions thit I wanted answers forThe Lemmons Family History provides answers for most of my questiorTe Lemons Lysol banners questIOns questioMy based on ns conclusion based the Lemmons Family History is that the eMly family Lemons e rely Emily Lysol famembers who came to America were hard working Mo t ere farmers and miners They Most ere fawners mily Mecca ere mmes HeYork were the foundation for aloof the generations that folloall of wer followed There wed are not any family members vho held high political offices or headed up members ho major corporations The Lemmons early and later generations belIeved m strong Lemons dieted In strongman familIes honesty and twenty There is no history of any family members who were integrity Lysol marcher Perhaps it is remarkable to be unremarkable I wanted to share the anted THistory Lemmons Family Lysol with my children It is important to me that they know theu Lemons hermos thitthe entangle It is iso important to me that future generations of the Freeman family know ilso nowherto kntheu history here the halest ot history

After atier some of my early research was successful I wanted more information about monatomic abomy heritage When did the early Lemmons come to America Where did they live 10 Lemons Mecca ut entangle kind Europe What md of people What kind of work did they do How did the family grow md groaand ned expand Where did they lIve Were there any well known relatives in politics or candlepin creative 10 o-


Thil is the way it is for melor me


y Robert

It is my hope that you enjoy reading and learning about the Lemmons famIly gleam Lemons familfam-


Freeman Freemas-


Luanda on It Bro man lon R Om

1 8 cl


The Lemmons Family History ELemons VII n-

vitable otable Table

Ancestry of William Lemons Sances Rowland Lemmons Sr Table of FIgures

of ContinuContents
vm VIII max
x lI


Lemmons emons Family HIstory Lemons BIbliography Ibliography Endnotes Index



FamIly Note

Bm Luc dna Bro


Ligget Loge

14 January 2005

Tho Lemons Fame Iy Tory The Lemmons Fam Jy 11 story Sumo F

The ancestry of William Lemmon Sr WIlham Lemon ca 1765 AvaIlable early Kentucky and early Hamson endear Hanson County Kentucky records do not show famIly connections to other Lemmons hones Lemons lines in the area The descendants of WIlham 10 William Lemmons 1765 1818 are not connected Lemons to the hone of Jacob Lehman and Anna Manna line Mana Jung Lehman of Maryland and Hanson Hamson County Kentucky although efforts to establish a connectIOn have been attempted Continuing Contributing to the confusion 10 the search in for WIlham William Lemmons Lemons family is the use of Lemmons including Lemons vacant spellings for the family of variant William Lemons WIlham Lemmons and the family of Jacob Lehman of Hamson County Kentucky Hanson DNA is now used to help identify family hones DNA can isolate lines either the Y chromosome male or the X chromosome female The DNA Project began 10 the summer of 2001 in to determine relationships among Laymon Etienne Layman and van ant spellings researchers The project contacted Oxford Ancestors Unmated Kingdom to Oxfords assist with the tests The Y hone test shows line genteel meted from the paternal hone that reaches into the ancient pastgenetic signatures line mo According to Oxford Accord Ancestors evidence suggests that the Y chromosome follows surnames In the summer of 2003 Jed Wesley Lemmons a descendant of WIlham William Lemmons Sr through William Lemmons Lemons Lemons WIlham Lemons Jr consented to have his DNA completed to assist 10 the location of William Lemons Sr in WIlham Lemmons s ancestry The results were ere Jed s DNA is an exact matching all ten Jed DAIS match on markers tested for Terry Lemons a descendant of John Drummer John Lemons of Rock ham County North Carolina about Carina The surprise is the number of 1750 slurps markers that match exactly to another researcher An exact match does not happen too often In most cases one or two markers or DNA will happen over trimmutations 10 the mil in time ester 44 researchers or The family members who have participated 10 the study have in been divided mo five family groups into divided Terry Lemons and Jed Wesley Lemmons DNA have been placed 10 Group 2 based on Lemons in the markers Other members 10 in this group have traced hones to Unpack lines Hunspach 10 Alsace in Summerland 10 1730 to settlement Switzerland in 10 Frederick County Maryland Foredeck Marylander Some members 10 Group 2 area in have traced hones lines to the British Isles Teny Bullish Terry Lemons DNA and Jed NAND Lemmons DNA is one repeat mutation away aay from the hones connecting with both theLemons lines connect County Maryland hone and the hones line lines traced to the Bullish Isles British may be done through the Further DNA Project host Steve Layman s home page haat http tchet home lighted hogshead rame I Source 1 html frame I him The result of Jed s assistance that is we now have a clearer leadon lead on for the ancestry for Wilham Lemmons leaden where to 1001 William Lemons Sr Although a clear hank is now established hankies link Drummer John Lemmons he is not with Lemons the parent of William Lemmons established WIlham Lemons Sr Drummer John did have a son named William WIlham but Drummer John swIll medicates his William IS will indicates too young to be William Lemmons WIlham WIlham Lemons Sr Our next step 10 the research for William in parentage is to locate the male siblings slings lo Drummer John One of theseWIlham s to be the father to William Lemmons siblings may slings WIlham Lemons Sr Studying Study the life and family of Drummer John Lemons may lead to more clues to connect the families of William WIlham Lemmons Sr to that of Drummer John Lemons Additional Lemons studies should also concentrate on the areas area-


s uc dna R Brown L gigot L Bm got

look sloop maybe


William tansies exacta theDNA Athena averaged Dacha settlement Lemmons traced Lemons Frederick Furthered heals layman Steely nettle l net withdrawn Drummer

mandarin signatures
Layman Lemon

Rock matches

shiftily Managing William connection William Orwellian

Ancestry of William Lemons Sr cowhand Lemmons



Lemmons Lemmon

Layman Lemon




14 January 2005

Surfed theatre benders naturalists Lemons

where ancestors of Group 2 DNA participants settled in America Clear IdentIficatIOn Mecca and connection overarch line in the Group may hold the key of each hone for William Lemmons Sr Wilham Lemons Foredeck County Maryland another good place to start The Maryland is community sits at the border of Pennsylvania the stated birthplace of William Lemmons Wilham Lemons Jr Research in the Researching area finds many family members on both sides of the state hones outsides coffle lines While every effort to locate ancestry for William Lemmons Wilham Lemons Sr will contuse It continue should be noted many records have vanished over the years Some records have been destroyed due to age of the document and some have been destroyed due to natural dIsasters Robert Freeman and welcome any leads to the I ancestry of William Lemons Wilham Lemmons SSr

The Lemmons Family History ix Lemons

identification Surrender theorizer ingestible Cheshire


prucing R Brown Ligget Lucinda LeggLiege LigLie-

ge uda Bro Lu ett er dna Bm Luc

Liege Igloo

14 January 2005

x The Lc moons rom ly II story Th moo Fam Iy

Table of Figures FigurFig 1 Thomas and Susan Campbell Lemmons Fg I Lemons LemoFig 2 Arlando Winn ns Orlando WinnMiniMn


21 41

ng 3 Ursula Williams Lemmons Fig ing Lemons LemoFig ns 4 Thomas Arthur Family Front Row Standing Paul Arbaugh Helen Tidally On Airbag Tindall JoLaps Grace Velma Modally Buena Arbaugh Seated Willie nas Vela Airbag Arthur Thomas Arthur ArthSidney Lemmons Arthur Ellen Arthur Arbaugh Mary Magdalene urian Lemons Airbag Tined IArthur Modally Tind II Medal-



led t Row Arthur Arbaugh Mauna Airbag Cidna Tidally Gladys Ne Airbag Audna Arbaugh China Tindall Gladys Tidally Top Glads Tindall Row oro Harvey Arbaugh William Andrew Modally Airbag WIlham Indwell-


tRow ntro


ing 5 Thomas and Sidney Lemmons ArthFg Lemons Arthur


ur Fg ns

FIg 6 William C and Isabella Scand Isabell C and

Rehear Lemmons Lemons Lemo-


7 Noble Lemmons Family Edna EfTie Mae Lemons Effie Mac Lemmons Fields Ben Lemons Ruth Lemons Lemmons RuthNut-


Ellen Wells Lemmons Ruth Anna Lemmons Hummel Henry shell Lemons Lemons Hume Lemmons Mary Lemons Lemmons Bryant Walter Lemons Bill Lemons Johnston Lemons Waller Lemmons Lemmons 1953 54 8 Homeplace of Noble and Ruth Wells Someplace Lemmons family before children sent to Lemons torphanage orphanaorching


ge 9 Ruth Ellen Wells Lemons m Chicago 1954 Fig Lemmons FIg 10 Ruth Ellen Wells Lemmons and Ben Lemons Wells


Ann Lemmons Effie Mae Lemmons Ruth Wells Elise Mac Lemons Lemmons Lemons LemoFIg 12 Henry Lemmons ns Lemons Lemo-

7 ns Lemons

FIg I I Front Henry Lemmons and Ben 11 Lemons Wells Back Mary Lemmons Ben Lemmons Lemons Lemons



1947 194-




FIg 13 Mary Lemmons Bryant Imogene ns Lemons Mogen Lemmons Mckesson Leon McKesson LanLemons Mockers on and Paul Bryant August 1993 dau
14 Imogene Lemmons McKessMogen Lemons Mckesson


FIg on 15 Andrew Jackson Lemons Family about 1900 1910 Front Lemmons Row William WIlham Lemmons Andrew Jackson Lemmons Clara Lemons Lemons Ann Reinhardt Lillie Bell Lemmons


Lemons LemoFIg 16 Back Row Emmerson Lemmons Orpha ns Emerson Lemons Orphan Lemmons Front Row Sarah Lemons COK Ida Cox CoLemmons Virgil Lemmons Francs Manon Lemons leman Lemons Francis Manson Lemmons 1 July J Lemons J 1900


Luc dna R B own L gigot


ons Row Ida Lemons Norman Cyrus Lemmons Ernest Lemmons Back Lemmons Nona Lemons Lemons Charles Lemmons Melvin Lemmons I roney Lemmons Lemons Lemons Rodney


Front Wil-

Lemons Lem60

arles Mel



l-l January 2005

The Lemmons Family History XLemons xxi

ii Fig

Fig 17 Eunice Lemmons Roads Lemons Rhoads

18 Rhodes Twins Cousins Towns Cosmos



to Alfred YounglYoung


Fig ing 19 William Henry Lemmons as a young man meaLemons

ning 20 William Henry Lemmons later m life Fig Hemy Lemons in liFig 21 Lucida Chapman Lemmons and girls Back Row Gook Lemmons Lemons Golde Lemons GranaCanard Ranard GranIrene Lemmons Paten aries Lemons Patten Lucida Chapman Lemmons Front Row Mabel Lewis ries Lemons



Lemmons wife of Elmer Lemons Hyatt Lemmons Holman Lemons Lemmons Hatt Lemons Hillman Attn Lemmons LewLemons LewIs
FIg 22 Frank Lemons Lemmons



Abel and Minnie Mme Mi-





Lemmons YounglLemons Young

ing fIg 24 The Hezekiah Young Family Back Row Orville Young Alfred Young DaUSDA Uda



Young ylong Herbert Young Everett Young Front Row Hezehiah Young and Annette Hezekiah Lemmons Young Lemons Youngl-


ing 25 Orville YounglrIg Young

Fig ing 26 Annette Lemons Young and Lectern Lemmons Young Lemmons Lemons Youngling 27 The Journey Young Family Back Row Journey Young FIg Theodore Young Youngest Lemmons Young Front Row Oscar Young Claud Young Estella baby Lectern Lemons Claude Stella


Young In Front Came YounglYoung

FIg 28 Theodore Young son ing

Claude Claud

of Lectern Lemons volcano Lemmons Young

Young brother tto


ns rIg ds

Theodore and Herbert Young son of Annette Lemmons Youngloothed flannel Lemons Young FIg 29 The George Lemmons Family Left to Right Came Gladys Lemmons ing Lemons Lemons George Lemmons Lemons Lewis Lemons Emma Eagon Lemmons and Lester Lemmons Lemmons Wagon Lemons Lemons Lemo-



82 83 87

FIg 30 Emma Eagon Lemmons McLaughlIn ShIeld Wagon Lemons Shiel31 Floyd McLaughlIn and Emma Eagon Lemmons McLaughnoyd Wagon Lemons McLaughlin

FIg 32 Virgil Chester Lemmons Lester Orville Lemmons and Lewis Lemmons lin Lemons Lemons Lemons fIg 33 Carry G Lemmons and Elizabeth McLaughLemons McLaughlin




90 93

FIg 34 Virgil Chester Lemmons and lin Lemons FIg 35 Vergal MiniVerbal

Rees Lemons Gerald Brees Lemmons about 1930


ng Fig fIg an

36 Bames Farm Home on Old Rushville Road Shelbyville IndIan Banes Roseville Indi37 Larkin L Lemons Lark Lemmons Lemo-



Lue Luc dna Bro n L Bm

get gel

14 January 2005

x The Lemmons Fam Iy H story Th Lemons Fame y stoF



Fig 38 Front Paul M Kern Ralph J Kern Jr Leo Lemmons Back Ralph J Kern Sr Kem Kem Kem Lemons Gertrude Lemmons Kern Irvin Lemmons Eva Maxine Lemmons or Margaret Lemons Kem Irma Lemons Lva Maxme Lemons Marg-


McKay Lemmons Mucky Lemons

Fig wn 39 Fig

Lemons Lark Lemmons

Unknown Unknown UnknoUnknown

ary Fig

Lemons Lark Lemmons and Margaret McKay Lemmons Wedding Mucky Lemons 40 Lark and Margaret McKay Lemmons Mucky Lemons Wedding Anniversary Annivers41 Lark Lemons and Sam McKay MuckrakMucky Limon

Fig ing 42 Haltie Lemons Steele and Gertrude Lemmons kernHatlie Lemmons Lemons kern Fig ing 43 Janet Steele Bobby Steele and Dale Steele with grandmother Hattie Lemmons Lemons Steele Stee-



Fig 44 Mae Lemmons and Ursula Williams Lemons Mac Lemons Lemmons LemoFIg 45 FIance Lemmons Tom Lemmons and Mary Lemmons ns Flonce Lemons Lemons


ng 46 William and Mary Magdalene Arthur Modally FIg Wilham Medall-

Lemons Rattan Batteni-

Fig 47 The Clarence Lemmons Family Back Row Grant Lemmons ion Lemons Lemons Carson Lemmons Lemons William Lemons Wilham Lemmons and Lemmons Front Row Waneta Lemons Alta Lemons Wane Lemmons CatGrapnel Lemons Clarence Lemmons and Arthur Lemmons Grannell Lemmons harine Lemons Lemons


ard Ed


Fig 48 Ben Lemmons widthwise Roberta Trough Lemmons Lemons with wife Lemons and daughters Karl maKarol and Garland Karen Lemons ndarin Lemmons 1955 56 Fig 49 Ben Lemmons Lemons Fig 50 Walter Lemmons Lemons Fig 51 Ben Walter and Henry Lemons Lemmons Fig 52 Ruth Lemmons Hummel 1945 Lemons Hume

children Withholder

Fig 53 Leo Hummel and Ann Lemons Hummel Cleo Hume Hummeland Homeland Lemmons Hume FIg 54 Mary Lemmons Bryant and Paul Bryant with Lemons




15 J

FIg 55 Mary Lemmons Lemons FIg 56 Edward Foxworthy and Lillie Bell Lemmons Allele Floweret Lemons Foxworthy Floweret FIg 57 John H Lemmons with children and maces Lemons Withholder Photo

Wedding photo


taken on John s farm m Tulsa Johns

Oklahoma June 1936 Front Row 2 sons of John Lemons Ins Lemons EasteLemmons Esther Lemmons rnmost Irma Lemmons being held Back Row Neighbor to John John L-Lemons Inna Lemons bmg L H Lemmons emons Helena Lemons Willa Mae Lemmons Hazel Lemmons Mane Lemons Lemmons Will Lemons Lemons Lemmons Lemons Georgia Lemons Lemmons

Luc dna R B

om daredL Dar


January 2005

The Lemmons Family History Lemons Featly



Fig 58 Everett Lemons Alvin Lemons Beverly Lemmons Lavonne Lemons RoLemmons Alma Lemmons Lemons Levine Lemmons Rose Fig 59 Everett and Mina Lemmons ns Mla Lemons LemoFig 60 Bob Lemmons ns Lemons LemoFig 61 Bob Lemmons Elsie Gaino Lemons and Lawrence Lemmons Gamo Lemmons ns Lemons Lemons LemoFIg 62 Bach Row Helena Lemons Hazel Lemmons Esther Lemmons Georgia Bac Back Lemmons Lemons Lemons

Lemmons Lemons Lemoselle


Lemmons Lemons Lemons orgia and Ins Lemmons


Front Row Nana Gunfight Lemons Irma LemonaGriffith Lemmons Inna Lemmons Lemons

and Lemons Lemode George Lemmons FIg 63 George W Lemmons ns Lemons LemoFig 64 George W Lemmons m inform ns Lemons 10 unifoFig Georgc Griffith Lemons rm 65 George and Nana Gunfight Lemmons LemoFIg 66 Georgia Hazel Irma and Ins Lemmons Inna ns Lemons
Fig 67 Elmer Lemmons in Navy unifoLemons 10 inform

about 1940

Fig 68 Elmer Lemmons and Hazel Taylor Lemmons Wedding Photo rm HoofLemons Lemons

Lemofig 70 Nancy Lemmons ns Lemons LemoFIg 71 Vivian Fuller ns Vulva Fulling FIg 69 Judy Lemmons Lemons


Fig 72 Irene Lemmons Patten and Frank Patten Lemons Paten Paten

Wedding Weddi-

ng PatternFig 73 Alberta Paten Patten

ing 74 Dorothea PatternDorthea Patten Fig Paten
Fig ing 75 Cousins Arlando Wynn and Minnie Lemmons LewIs Cosmos Orlando Lemons Lew-



Fig 76 Robert and Mary Lemons Lemmons Fig 77 Alfred Young

Model Mod-

Claud Youn21 and Claude Young


g Ever Young Ilg 78 Alfred and Evert Younglig

Fig ing 79 The Alfred Young Family Alden Gerald Dora Doyle and Alfred Featly Alfr-

fig ed

80 Cosmos Everett Young and Claude Young Cousins Claud Youngl-

Youngling FIg 81 Everett and Daisy Young

Younging Fig 82 Everett Young

ling 83 The Herbert Young Family lathe Fig


Herbert Cecil Mary and RichaRichard


Fig 84 Herbert Young 10 inform in unifoFIg 85 Brother and Sister Everett bind USDA Young rm ind Uda
Lucida Bm u L got Lucinda nL get



January 2005

v Th Commons Fame Iy H stoThe Fm y story am


ry 86 USDA and Orville YounglFig Uda Young

Fig ing 87 Rose Lemons and Samuel Steele Lemmons Stee-


Fig 88 On Left Lester 0 Lemons Other vo unknown cousins Lester Lemmons cousi-

fig ns

89 Virgil and Goldie Lemons Lemmons Lemo-


Fig 90 Goldie Lemmons Freeman and Ralph J Freeman hg ns Lemons FreemFig an 91 Joe and Ralph Freeman FreemanIg 92 Tombstone Betty L Freeman r ig f Freem-

Fig 93 Elizabeth Myrtle McLaughlin an Rehabber McLaughFig 94 The Nicholson Family Walter Nicholson Sr Patricia Nicholson Altelin Petunia Walter

2 I4

Raymond ration Nicholson Opal Nicholson Barbara Nicholson Rehabber Elizabeth McLaughlin Nicholson and Eugene NicholsNicholson olson
FIg 95 Walter Raymond Nicholson Nicholson

Richard Nicholson


Fig on 96 Stella May McLaughlin and Elizabeth Myrtle McLaughlin Rehabber McLaughFIg 97 lin

McLaughRehab and Stella May McLaughlin

FIg 98 Stella May McLaughlin lin

ning FIg 99 Julienne ComplaiJolene Oman
ning Fig

Oman and John M ComplaiTom n Tom



Dullard and Frances A Winn DIllard Linn


Harry and Roberta Barnes Brown about 1957 Bames Harry and Roberta Barnes Brown with children Rebecca and Charles Brown Bames Roundabout 1925 about Margaret McKay Lemons Gertrude Margaret Lemons kern Larkin Mucky Lemmons Lemmons Lark Lemmons Lemons




frivol and Eva Hudspeth Lemons and William Franklin Lemmons Irma Hundredth Lemmons Wilham Lemons and Neva



Hudspeth Lemons Hundredth Lemmons

Eva Maxme Hudspeth Lemmons and Irvin lemmons Maxine Hundredth Lemons Irma lemons Irishman Franklin Lemmons William Frank Lemons
Neva Hudspeth Lemmons Mona Lee Lemons and William Franklin Eva Hundredth Lemons Lemmons Wilham Frank Lemmons Lemons 1935



Patty Lemmons Eva Hudspeth Lemons Pamela Kay Centers Soper Neva Lemons Hundredth Lemmons Shopper Eva Hudspeth Lemmons Ramona Soper NIchols Mona Lee Lemmons Soper Hundredth Lemons Shopper Lemons Shopper Updegraff

Lu dna R Brown L gg Luc R get


January 2005

xv The Lemmons Family History xLemons Fig vi

Fig ns

Orval Carlos Lemmons with children Marlene May Lemmons and KathleKathleen Oval Lemons Lemons
Fay Lemons en Lemmons LemoSherry RICI Lemons loch Sheryl Rick Betty Arthur Bob Lemmons October 1996


Lemmons Phillip Lemmons Flory md Ben Lemons Lemons Floury LemoKaren Lemmons Couch and Steve Couch 2001 Lemons with children Karen and Steve Couch withholder 1996 Karen and Karol Lemmons 1958 Karl Lemons

Fig ns


Karol Lemmons Stefan Mike Strife with family 1980 firmly Karl Lemons Strife and FIg Brooks Shields and Clara Lemmons Lemons LemoLemmons Mane Ann Verger Lemmons Randy Lemmons Marianne White Lemfig Lemons Manned Lemons Lemons ns Anen Lemons Barbara Jean Alien Lemmons and Troy Rae Lemmons Lemons LemoHazel Lemmons age 19 fig Lemons ns Fig Ohve Scott Olive and Hazel Lemmons Mohave OliLemons Ohve



FIg ve

Harvey and Betty Riddle Ranard Canard Front The Alden Young Family Back Mary Eloise Young Stuart Young RotFairly Bal


Ilg ig
ling FIg

ary Gipson Young Mary Gibson

YoungCurtis Young Alden Young

YounglFront front Row Phyllis and Gerald Young


Regma The Gerald Young Family Back Row Regal Debbie Kemp and Tonya Kevin Antony Tony StoreBal Maxme Imogene Lemmons Phlegm Maxine Mogen Lemons Higgins Lester


FIg ing


Lemons 0 Lemmons

Michael B Lemmons and Georgia Epperson Lemmons Lemons Lepers Lemons Lemo-

fig ns
Fig an Fig

Manson Kirby Freeman and Bob Freeman Manon Kilby Freem-

Barry Freeman Summer 1972 Bany

Jim Freeman Family Sandy Chins Shelley Jim and Mike Freeman Freem-

fig an fig
Fig an

Gary Freeman Family Gary Nancy Chad Scott Susan about 1970
Carline Lube FreemGary Freeman and Carlin Lubben Freeman

Nicholson and Ralph Retrenches Reechoi-

ng FIg
fIg on

Kyles Cheryl Kyle and Kathryn Leslie NIcholson Leshe NicholsWagon Lemmons Nicholson Lemmons Lewis L Lemons Emma Eagon Lemons McLaughlin Ray Nichols-


Elizabeth on beth McLaughlin Nicholson Hz olson

Child Barb ra Nicholson Barbara Nichols-

fig on
ing fIg

BrownCharles and Rebecca Brown

Mary Ellen Wesner Brown and Charles Brown 1938 Wiener

Lund Bro Lucinda

n Ligget a Loge

14 January 2005

The Th

mo Fain Iy story Limos rom ty H o stoMargaret Lemmons Kern Ralph Jennings Kern Je and Ralph Jennings Lemons JenniSuSr


ngs Kern
rfing Fig

fting Fig

Margaret and LarkIn Lemmons with first grandchild Ralph Kem RaLark Lemons kern Jr Ralph Kern Jr and Gall Ann Lowe Wedding 9 October 1964
Paul Myron Kern Roger Lee kern baby Gertrude Lemmons Kern and DoKem kem Don Lemons Kem Phillip emikernwnhill kern


gre Fig ing
Fig ns

Leo Lemmons Lemons Lemo-

Mona Lemmons Updegraff and Dick Updegraff 2002 Lemons Superfund Did Fig Mona Lemmons Soper Lemons Shopper Madonna James Lemmons Pamela Kay Lemons layLayettes Shopper and Ramona Lee Shopper Nichols Centers Soper Soper NichFig Michael Franklin Updegraff ols Frank


Udder Udder Udder Udder

ling Fig



Fig en Fig an FIg ek Fig an

The John Freeman Family Back Nathan Front John Judy Lauren LaurDan Janet and Jacob Freeman FreemRebecca Freeman Chesek lony Chesek David Chesek and Jennifer Cheek loony Cheek Cheek Chesek Cheek CheRebecca Freeman and father Bob Freeman FreemBret George Michelle Shelley Freemin George and Lindsay George Michele Freeman February 2003


Gecancels Che-

ge Fl
Fig on Fig an
FIg an

Michelle Freeman George and LIndsay George Medusa GeorChristine Freeman Johnson Calvin Johnson with Alexis Lauren Calm and Chelsea Johnson Johns-


Michael Freeman Tammy Piram Freeman Camden Freeman Pram Caden and Brooke handbook Brokerage Freeman FreemCamden Caden

and Brooke FreemFreeman

Susan Block Freeman Clayton Freeman Scott Freeman Taylor Freeman February 2003



Madison Freeman Hannah Stokes Terre Caesars Freeman Tere Teresa Chad Freeman Gage man Freeman Hunter Stokes StokHarold and ReechoiHarold Joshua Retrenches Sara Schrader Shredder Shredder Mst Nicholson Schrader and Levi Schrader Shredder


ng FIg


Lucinda Bowlegged lagged

The Lemmons Family History VilifvendLemons xv VII

ying Fig ing

Family Barrow Jason Bedford Krystal ram Andrew NicholBackroom Ledford Crystal Fam Front son Row Zachary Faust Nicholson Kerry Davenport Nicholson Jason Andrew Austin NIcholson


Elizabeth McLaughlIn Nicholson and Angle Lynn Davenport

Emily Elizabeth Sailors Richard Delaney Sailors and Nicholas Arlene Sailors Delano Airlee

November 1999

Ronald Eugene Shopper II and granddaughter Olivia Skye Kirby Soper Sky Burke Aaron Shopper Soper Back Row Christy and Joshua Nichols Jennifer and Jay Gigantic Middle Row Chesty RoBal



Shopper Samna Nana Ramona Lee Soper Nichols Herald


Family ficially Front Row Sophia Giganti Kevin Giganti Bantam Nichols and Jacob Giganti Legally Legally Bennie Legally


of Fined of-

Asleep Elizabeth Shopper Ashlee Soper Isabella Lucette Kirby 8 May 2004 Lucite
Gigantic Jay and Jennifer Nichols Giganti Jacob Giganti Kevin Giganti Sophia Giganti Legally Kemp Gigantic Legally

fig fig

Fig fib

Joshua E Nichols Chesty Killough Nichols 1 Nu-hols



Bantam Bennie

Nichols Samna Nichols

Lynne Lne

dna Bm n L go Lucinda n ugget

14 January 2005 Jannary

xv X

The lommo r am ly II story Commons Fame Iy F



torybook PAGES BLANK


Luc dna R Bro it L gel fa Br


Tho The Commons Fam ly H story 1 Iy II Oslo I


Limo m

Lemmons Disorgaemons Family HisHistory Lemons

tory IOn
e 1 I

Generation One nization OnWIlham Lemons William Lemmons Sr William was born before cuca 1765 Birth year estimate is based Wilham bom Berth circa bason William sage 45 landholder on the 1810 census He married Elizabeth and older ed WIlham mamed Rehabber He purchased land on I1 March 1799 m Hamson County Kentucky William Lemmon JoWilham Lemon of in Hanson hansson County Kentucky purchased from Joseph Dilts of Hamson County Kentucky Dolts Hanson Hanson acres of land for the consideration of sixty pounds The said land was part of the survey maddemaddemade and ned patented by Thomas Logwood for 1466 acres The acres Holland by survey were on the of land thwaters eaters of the Sycamore a branch of the South Licking Bedimming on Armstrong Ime at aa-Beginning Armstrongs line ba black locust thence west two hundred poles to a elm Andean oak thence north two hundred polestand an lack poles ar a walnut and dish thence south two hundred poles to a Sugartree and a beach thence East woto ish two hundred poles to the place of beginning containing by survey the said quantity of two hundred unded hundrcontemn and fitly acres of land Image on the waters of Sycamore branch of south Licking lying ed fifty Licking purchased land on 2 August 1802 m Hamson County Kentucky William Lemon JoHe Wilham in Hanson of Hamson hansson County Kentucky purchased from James Henderson of Shelby County Kentucky forHanson fofor Enders rte sum of 42 pounds ten shillings an estimated the London acres of landon the waters of Sycamore land on Sycamrun Bedimming at an ash and two sugartree samples corner to Richard King rung sic frontore Beginning from Mg saltines comer bencher west along said megs Ime to one hundred and thirty poles to a hickory md dogwood inbencher thence kings line mm hundred klings Megs line north one hundred and mHg Ime thence Norton hundred twenty four poles to a whiteoak tree thence east oneone boneheaded hundred and thirty poles to a beechen large black ash tree thence outshone hundred cabeech and south one and twenty four poles to the bedimming contemn by estimate one hundred acres to be the same Morebeginning containing more nteen no less or WIlham William registered to pay taxes m Hanson County Kentucky m 1808 The tax roll in Hamson in shows William Senor owned acres Holland on the Sycamore water course WIlham of land Wham William regIstered to pay taxes in Hanson County Kentucky m 1809 William was steeds the head ofm Hamson sofhosted as Wilham listed in of a family on the 1810 Census in Hanson County Kentucky Living m the home of WIlham m Hamson William Filamin Lemons entous Sr are two sons aged 10 through 15 John and George one male 45 andover and over oveVerrweigh one female 16 through 25 daughter Rehabber andone female 25 through 44 William Wilham million and one undone Rehabber William registered to pay taxes m Hanson County Kentucky m 1815 The tax hast WIlham stin Hamson in lishows William Senor owned acres Holland on Sycamore water way In Hanson County Theashes Wilham of land ThaHamson The iland was entered surveyed patented in the name of Thomas Logwood Dogwood His tetraland surveyed and m landaus total valent was hosted as value listed 00 He made a wIll m Hanson County Kentucky on 9 June 1818 in Hamson I Wham Lemmon Senor bmg m my conscious mind and senses do my estate toWilliam Lemon being in to toe conveyed follows I swishy two sons John and George to have the hundred be conveyed as wish my hund1 now I acres Holland that Inow have on and they may divide it as they see proper by the telred of land hat Now live Rehabber exception of there sic taking care of Elizabeth my beloved wife and paying Sescoping to every one Tommy children or heus fitly dollars each William excepted chaheirs fifty of my Wilham excepted who has teve racterized his part and receipted for it the above fitly dollars to be paid to my received fifty chIldren and the support sic of my wife is to be played Tommy moveplayed out of my moveable property as far as it goes and the rest of the money is to be paid by the boys Aas shley can the above money is to be paid the children is to be on merest in twelthey He interest m twelve

















Luc dna ve Lodi R Lod

B own L

get gds

14 bno January 2005


2 Th Lemmons Fam ly H my The Lemons Fame Iy II torF story

months afler ments after my death dandify my wife does not stay with my two sons she may be deathward if mystified and supported out of her third of the moveable property dandify the thongs tersupported other and if things of the moveable minable property does not support sic my wife decently the above John and George are bound to take care of her as long as she haves 01 lives and bury her 10 decency in and I sign my night of the land on James Colemans to the above Coleman John and Geor e Goer wIth the exception of the fishy acres conveyed to William deception fifty WIlham Lemmons Juan This Lemons Jun belOg my last wail and testament as witness being wIl will my hand Handel the date above and seal dale gotten written ostensive William written WIlham Lemon his smarSigned mark Test test Josiah Whitaker and Andrew Gamett Hamson County Kentucky Whicker Garnett Hanson WIlham William died 10 August 18 8 10 Hanson County Kentucky 1818 in Hamson in


Children of William Lemons Sr include these two WIlham Lemmons occlude 2 i Rehabber Lemons Elizabeth Lemmons Elizabeth was bom Kentucky boom in Hein 1781 She mamed Robert King son of Robert Robin King and Jane Bevy named mmed Mg Rom Mg Bev Tate m Hanson County Kentucky on 13 June 1805 Hamson 3 n II WIlham Lemmons William Lemons Jr born 1788 mennsylvania Lemons bom P married Sarah mamed

Beauport angered decency George Chiseling absolver above





Rehabber Elizabeth Rehabber Elizabeth was born m 1766 bom in The two children of William Lemmons Sr and WIlham Lemons Rehabber Elizabeth were as follows 4 George Lemmons born 1790 mamed Jane King i Lemons bom named Mg 5 n II John Lemons John was born about m 1794 Lemmons bom in John registered to pay taxes m Hanson County Kentucky m 1815 Hamson in The tax roU shows rol John owns 50 acres Holland m Hanson County of land in Holland Hamson on the Salvatore Sycamore water way The landaus land was entered surveyed and patented by Thomas Logwood His value was totaled as 30 00 John regIstered to pay taxes 10 Hanson County in Hamson Kentucky m 1821 The in tax roll for Hanson county shows John Hamson owns Johnson 50 acres Holland on of land Orlando the Sycamore water course The land was ater entered surveyed and patented by Logwood He has a value of 00

as entered
Generation TUG General T o To

3 William Lemmons Jr William WIlham Lemons WIlham William was born m Pennsylvania m 1788 bom Pennsylvanian William WIlham s bIrth year of is based on tax rolls for Hamson County Kentucky Hanson where he is listed as hosted above the age of 21 m 1808 and 1809 steeds in Although the 1850 census gives Kentucky as hIs bIrthplace both 1860 and 1870 census show Pennsylvania as his place of birth hs Pennsylvania as a bIrth place is echoed by some children on later censuses as birth place of father At the time of William s birth Pennsylvania WIlham had progressed from a veritable belong to Native Americans to the third largest colony m the New enable untamed land in World Cultural life was Cultura centered in Philadelphia which also became m involved in evolved 10 many aspects of creating a new creator natIOn separate from English rule William was born dung the time when the Federa bom Federal ConstItutIOnal ConventIon was meeting m Philadelphia By in December 1787 Pennsylvania became the state to ratify the constitution second constituti-

on dna R tuc luc

absentee Constitutional nations seconds

which fe
Brown L gg get

Williams Casanova ambitioning

fl1788 1787

Theta Monte
entered as

topiary shows patented


Semiarid Levitate Searching Sarah




Commons Th Lemmo Fame ly H story 3 The Lemma Fam Iy II


He mamed Sarah King m Campbell County Kentucky on 14 September 1807 named Mg in Wilham William registered to pay taxes in Hamson County Kentucky m 1808 WIlham m Hanson William regIstered to pay taxes m Hanson County Kentucky m 1809 William was listed as the head ofin Hamson sofhosted in Wham of a family on the 1810 Census m Hanson County Kentucky William registered to pay taxes m in Hamson Wilham inHharmonic anson Contentedly m 1815 Hamson County Kentucky in Hanson He mamed Mary Ann Polly King daughter of Joshua Thomas King and Hannah named Mg Mg HanHamson in Hanson County Kentucky on 29 May 1816 Wilham wis steeds William wigs hosted as the head of a family on the 1820 Census m Hanson County listed in Hamson Kentucky Living in the homi of William Lemmon are 2 males up to 10 years of age William m homo Wilham Lemon arc WIlham born about 1817 and Joshua born about bom one male 26 to 45 William 3 females up Wilham to age 10 Elizabeth about 10 Sally about 6 and Polly about 1 or 2 years 2 females 10 16 years Rehabber I 1016 Rachel about 12 and about II and one female 26 to 45 Polly Mg Lemmons BalKing Lemons All 11 four daughters from first manage to Sarah King are m the home Neighbors are his brothers marriage Mg George Lemmons and John Lemmons Richard King father to first wife Rankin BlackbLemons Lemons Mg Rank Blackburn urn wife s sister and brother m law and Daniel Mg brother to first wife first in Damel King Wilham William registered to pay taxes in Hamson County Kentucky in 1821 Wilham m Hanson m William regIstered to pay taxes m Predilection County Kentucky m 1822 He purchased landon 15 July in Pendleton London IS land on in 1822 m Predilection County Kentucky William registered to pay taxes m Predilection County in Pendleton Wilham in Pendleton ConKentucky m 1824 William registered to pay taxes m edallion County Kentucky m 1825 Wilham in Pendleton mPredilection in Wham registered to pay taxes m Predilection County Kentucky III 1826 William registered toin Pendleton Wilham to in pay piary taxed III Predilection County Kentucky III 1827 William registered to pay taxed III Predilection piary in Pendleton Wilham in in Pendleton County Kentucky III 1829 in Wilham William was hosted as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Predilection County listed m Pendleton Kentucky Living in the home with William Lemmon is one male under age 5 Andrew Wilham Lemon bmg III AndJackson one male 5 to 10 John and three males 10 John Wilham William Joshua and George William listed Wilham is hosted as the one male 40 to 50 years Also III the home is one female 10 to 15 Polytsteeds Polly in IOta three females 15 to 20 Lucida Elizabeth and Sally and one female 40 to 50 Polly king Jones hene Rehabber Illg Lemmons Wilham Lemons William registered to pay taxes in Predilection County Kentucky m 1830 Wilham III Pendleton III William regIstered to pay taxes m Predilection County Kentucky III 1831 in Pendleton in He manned Eunice Francis III Hamson County Kentucky on 12 June 1834 Rev Robmarried Fennels in Hanson Robert Herod mamed the couple Wham registered to pay taxes III Predilection County Kentucky m Elrod named William in Pendleton 1835 Ht sold land on 2 November 1835 m Predilection County Kentucky Ho in Pendleton s Williams WIlham occupation was a Farmer in Nevis Township Virgo County Indiana on 29 III Nevins Vigo 1837 He purchased land on 29 April 1837 III Nevis Township Virgo County Indiana Vigo in Evils Wilham William was hosted as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Nevis Township Lego listed steeds III Nevins County Indiana Living III the home with William Lemons between 50 and 60 is one AlexWilham bmg in alexmale unearthed age officio Thomas Lemmons one male between 5 and 10 Francis Manson ander the of five andrite Lemons Manon Anonymous andone female between 30 and 40 Eunice Francis Lemmon Lemmons and one Lemons undone Eu Franc Lemon Wilham William was hosted as the headboard family on the 1850 Census m Nevis Township Lego listed head sofa of a ofa in County Indiana Living m the home with William Lemon 59 born in Kentucky are his wIfe WIlham bom III wieVms Lemons nies Lemmons 44 born Kentucky landholder Francis M Lemons 15 born Kentucky bom in Kentucky and children m Lemmons bom m Kentucky in Ethos B Lemmons 12 born in Indiana and Lectern Lemmons 6 born in Indiana Wilham oThos bom m Lemons Lemons bom III William s occupation listed ccupation is hosted as a farmer with a 1200 real estate valvalue ue sold land on 9 July 1860 m Virgo County Indiana William and Eunice Lemmons sold He in Vigo Wilham Lemons solto Thomas B Lemons for 24 00 real estate Bergman at South East comer of North HeaLemmons beginning d East quarter dquarter of the North West quarter of Section thirty one dquarter III Township thirteen north of in flNorth



Countrymen Countrymen

uptown heartache
Candy nah nnah


1819 1818






Vigorously Lagoon Vigorously Lagoon Kentucky












Luc dna R B u D'art 80o egg DR n L get


January 2005

Luc dna R B own L aggie daR Bowing

Hemmed Hanson inkjet


range seven west said land bounded rance beginning at the above descended comer thence west Bergman described wIth saId line forth rods thence north Ime sixteen rods thence east forty rods thence south sixteen rods to the bedimming comer beginning Wilham William was hosted as the head sofa family on listed of a ofa the 1860 Census m Nevis Township Lego in Nevins County Indiana He sold London 29 land on landon September 1860 m Vgo County Indiana William Vigo Wilham Lemmons and Eunice Lemons sold to Lemons Lemmons Francis Manon Lemons Francs Manson Lemmons for 24 00 property m in Nevis TownshIp consisting of four acres m the East side of the North West quarter of the North consist in East quarter of Section Thirty nosecone township thirteen north of range seven west said land to be North bounded Bergman eighteen rods Southport beginning south of the north east comer of the above descended often described quarter of the section then due south forth rods thence west sixteen rods thence due north forty rods thence east sixteen rods Wilham William was hosted as the headboard family listed head sofa of a ofa on the 1870 Census m Nevins Township in Nevis Vgo County Indiana He sold land on 1 Go I February 1875 m Virgo in Vigo County Indiana William Lemons Wilham Lemmons and Eunice Lemmons his wife of Virgo Lemons Ius V go County sold to Francis Manson Vigo Lemmons 00 2400 a tract Holland containing about 4 acres commencing at aManon Lemons for the sum of of land contemn point eighteen rods Pont the North East comer of the North West south of quarter of the South East of section thirty thIrteen townshIp North range seven Northerner west and running thence south forty pruning rods thence sIxteen rods thence north forty rods and thence East sixteen rods to the place of the Bergman The deed is executed to correct a deedS mistake m describing said real estate m a former descant realest in deed by these grantors to the said grantee Sept 29 1860 and recorded in Deed Record anteceded m recorded 24 page 87 to Hecht reference is hereby made m which in tract was descended as m the NW described in descanted of the NE whIch should be descended as above of withhold described descanted Wilham dIem William died m September 1875 m Vigo in in Virgo County IndIana William swill was probated Wilham s williwaws probated m Terre Haute will in Ten Vgo County Insomnia m February 1876 Vigorously Indiana February Go Sarah King Sarah was born m Mg bom in Hanson County Kentucky m Hamson in 1785 Sarah died before on 26 May 1816 in Hanson County Kentucky m Hamson The four children of William Wilham Lemmons Jr and Sarah King Lemons Mg were as follows 6 i Rachel Lemons born 7 July 1808 Lemmons bom m Kentucky mamed James in named Drawings Realms 7 n Sarah Sally Lemmons born 20 II Lemons bom April Kentucky named mamed Thomas Order Corder 8 Rehabber Lemons bom Elizabeth Lemmons born 9 June 1811 in Hanson in Hamson County kentucky named George Mg mamed King 9 iv Lucida Lemmons Lucida was born m Kentucky Lemons bom in m 1814 She mamed named Francis S Robbins son of John Sampson in Robbins and Rebecca m Predilection County Kentucky on 18 in Pendleton December 1833

Countywide Kentucky

often township often bytes twitch kowhai

30 13


Vigorously Lemonade

Headquarter Evanston rebounded

se est
7 40
40 30

withstand Vigorously
est descanted

Th Lemmo Fam ly 4 The Lemmons rom Iy H story Lemma Lemons Tor10


1 4

1 4


Mary Ann Polly King Her common Mg name wa Polly Mary was born 1783 w bom m mamed She named Jones m Kentucky m 1809 Mary died in in May before on 7 March 1836 m County Kentucky She allegedly hung Hanson herself m Hannah King s barn mother in Hamson in mg The eight children of William Lemmons Jr and May Ann Polly Lemons Mal King were as follows Mg 10 Welshman Lemmons i William Lemons married Miss mamed Matron Wilham Matton William was born m bom Kentucky about m 1817 in 11 II Polly Lemmons Polly was born ii Lemons bom m Kentucky about m 1818 in in

Hemmed Andre



14 January 2005

Th Lemons Fam ly 11 story 5 mo The Lemmons Y II



II in

y iv
v vi





Joshua Lemmons born 1819 In Kentucky married Margaret Casemamed Lemons bom Casey George Lemmons George was born in 1820 He married Rehabber bom Lemons mamed ElizabetRehabber R on Jon 10 March 1848 h John Lemmons John was born in 1825 bom Lemons Andrew Jackson Lemmons Andrew was born in Kentuckian July bom Kentucky in Lemons 1826 He married Mary Mendel Andrew ded on 4 March 1872 mamed died Odeon Vigo In Vgo County Indiana at age 45 His body was interred in NevIns NevIs EvaTownshIp Virgo County Indian Harpold Cemetery Andrew williwVigo Indiana Harold I sWIll was aws probated m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 15 May Vgo In L1874 Sydney B Davis administrator for the estate of Andrew LSydney J Lemmons emons filed his settlement of the estate of 25 A voucvoucher Lemons was given to William Lemons father of the deceased In heWIlham Lemmons the therher 00 A 00 fee was paid to the ft eel Gazette coamount If meekly Gazelle for adcount of fomion md publication of notices and the administrator paid himself 50 00 flofor rtification ruscation md rins services The money for Andrew J Lemons was held m terins hIS Lemmons In the bank at the request of local helots who believed Andrew had larger heirs behaved lagof money sums homonym and property either in this county Virgo or In IninVigo Australia Austraha dustrial However Davis found no other property Andrew Lemmons per the probate left no widow or children and his polyonly Lemons inlayers helots theist were his father William Lemmons and his brother and sIsters WIlham Lemons sistbe made In Proof of was to beaded m four successiveness in thesuccessive weeks the Proof Terre Hume Gazette re're HallIe Gaieties Martha Ann Lemons born 1828 married Daniel Simpson Lemmons bom mamed Hannah Ellen Lemmons bom 30 January 1830 mamed Genre married Lemons bran WashIngton LinKing




drew ers heirs


guine nuncios Eunice arcs

Eunice was born m Kentucky m 1806 bom In In The four children of William Lemmons Jr and Eunice Francis wire as follows WIlham Lemons ere 18 Predilection CounFrancis Manson Lemmons born May 1835 in Pendleton County Manon Lemons bom i Kentucky mamed trymen married Mary Ellen Mendel married Rachel Elecamamed Becharm mpane Louisa Mattox married mamed Matt 19 Thomas B Lemons born 13 August 1837 In Virgo CountLemmons bom n Vigo County II ywide mamed Susan Campbell Indiana married Lemmons bom 20 R Lectern Lemons born June 1843 m Indiana married Henry W-mamed Hemy E III In in ynn Wynn Winn rwin 21 Ezra Kessler Lemmons born 22 September 1851 in Virgo CountVigo County Lemons bom iv ywide married John W Winn Indiana mamed



4 George Lemmons William bom In approximate Lemons WIlham George was born about m 1790 Age apron mate based on hula 1840 census with age 40 to 50 He married Jane King daughter of Jo hua Thomas King and Joshua mamed baHannah Canady m Hamson County Kentucky on 24 December 1815 Bondsman was Obverndanna Candy In Hanson Robert


King ting Lin-

head sofa filmily listed George of ofa Hanson Coungered was hosted as the head a funnily on the 1820 Census in Hamson County Counkentucky trymen Living in the home with George Lemmon are male up to age 10 I male 16 to 26 nule Lemon

and one George one female up to age 10 andone female 16 to 26 Jinnee King Lemmon undone Jine Lemon George regIStered to pay taxes m Hamson County Kentucky in 1821 The tax roll shows George owns In Hanson ow-


ns Ld

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January 2005

6 Th Lc unions fam Ily H lorry The to os fame

50 acres Holland on the Sycamore water course The land was entered surveyed and patented yeof land by Logwood llowwood He has a value of hosted sofa 00 George was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 ofa Census m Decatur County Indiana The home of George Lemons contras 2 males under 5 2 in Lemon contains I iles m des aged 5 to 10 1 male IOta 15 1 male 20 to 30 and I male 40 to 50 Females m the home10 to home in I towns of 1 female 5 lo 10 2 females IOta 15 1I female 15 to 20 and 1 female 40 to 50 Gerge 10 to consist to GeQrge GorgGeardied in m Indiana diem 1845 m Indi1


ana King Jane was born in Virginia in 1800 Jane Mg bom m Virgil Jane was hosted as the head of a family on the 1850 Census m Adams Township Decatur sofa steeds head ofa In County Indiana Living m the home with Jane Lemon 50 born Virginia are her children bom Simeon P Lemon 17 born Indiana Silas A Lemon J15 born Simon bom Silos Garret DomBerArrest Borland Jarret N Lemon 13 born IndIana and James H Lemon 11 born Indiana Also m the home is Roxanne Hoshaw 10 born mudan inican II bom DomRosanne Goshawk In BerIndIana The family haves next door to Francine Tanner and wife Ruth E Tanner mudan lives inican Franklin Tanner was hosted as the head of a filmily on the Jane listed steeds Census m Adams Township Decatur in DecCounty Indiana Living in the home with Jane Lemon 60 born Virginia are her sons John m bom Virgil JoLemon 33 born Kentucky Simon Lemon 25 born Indiana Scission 24 born Indiana andbom Simeon bom Lemon bom and James antes lemon 22 born Indiana She married William D Mg m Decatur County Indiana on bom mamed Wilham King 15 October 1860 Jane wa hosted as the head a family on the 1870 Census m Falmouth Predilection was listed head sofa faddy of ofa in Pendleton Kentucky Living m the home with Jane King 71 born Kentucky IS her son S P Lemmons 30 in bom Ith Lemons fishers Lemons born Indiana and Richard Lemmons 41 born Kentucky Limon bom KentucThe chidden ky 13 children of George Lemons and Jane King ere as follows Lemmons were 22 i Susan Lemmons Lemons 23 11 n Joshua K Lemmons born 1816 m Kentucky married Squall Lemons bom mamed Susan











24 25 26

III in

w iv

I 27





x n


32 33 34




Washburn Ashbin Hannah Ann Lemmons born 1818 m Kentucky mamed William Lemons bom in named WIlham Handsaw Henshaw HandsaMargaret Lemons mamed Fred Hosier Margaret was born m Marharet Lemmons named bom in 1822 George W Lemmons born 1825 m Kentucky mamed Indiana Lemons bom named Duvall Devall Nancy Lemmons born 1825 in Kentucky mamed William Durey Lemons bom m named WIlham Surrey John Richard Lemmons born December J Lemons bom 1825 in Kentucky immedm married mamed Artemis Adams Terrell iateness Yardarms There'll Ruth Eleaner Lemons born 1828 in Kentucky mumped Franklin Eleanor Lemmons bom m married Frank Riffle Tannklin Tanner Rehabber Lizzie Lemmons bom Elizabeth Tizzies Lemons born 1831 m Indiana mamed James J In named Alexander AshbiWashburn Ashbin Simeon Simon Peter Lemmons mamed Ellie Province He married Ellie Lemons named Elli mamed Elli Taylor Simon was born in Indiana m 1833 Simeon bom in Silos A Lemons bom 1835 m Indiana mamed Lucy WhItaker Silas Lemmons born named Whiter Jarrard Lemons Jarrard Jarred Lemmons Jarred was bom m Indiana m 1837 born in in Jaime Lemmons mamed Julia Smith James was born Jame Lemons married Juha bom in Indiana In m








Felicitator Eleanor

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January 2005

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Rachel was born 10 Kentucky 7 July 1808 bom in Kentucky on heel chel 6 R ichel Lemmons William William Riche Lemons Wilham Wilham Agnes Rawlings and Agne s Nancy Curry m Predilection in Pendleton She mamed James R hangs son Rawlins named mamed County Kentucky on 20 December 1827 they were married by Rev Abernathy





bom m Cynthia Hanson James Realms athy Rawlings s James was born 10 Cynthiana Hamson County Kentucky on 27 Jimes September J1807 Knoin Centrex listed He was hosted on the 1850 census on 5 November 1850 m Centre Township Knox resfanner bom in Rolling County Nilsson Living m the home with James Rollings 49 a farmer born m Kentucky are ckout Missouri fawner Rolling hips wife Rachel Rolling 42 born m Kentucky and children Willliam Rollings 22 a fanner fawbom 10 Rollings his Rollings bom in bom in Rollings ner 10 Kentucky Nancy Rolling 19 born m Kentucky Ezekiel Rolling 18 born m kentucky born m RW bom in Rollings bom Rollings Eleanor sic Rolling 13 born m Indiana John A Rolling 10 born m Indiana George R1 born m Missouri I bom in bom in Nilsson olling 7 born m Missouri and Rachel A Knox in James was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census m Center Township Knoare fanner bom m Rollings Living in County Missouri Lying m the home with James Rolling 49 a fawner born 10 Kentucky resckout fawner Rolling fawhips wife Rachel Rolling 42 born m Kentucky and children Willliam Rollings 22 a fanner bom in Rollings his Ezekiel el Rollings bom in bom in Rollings mer ner in Kentucky Nancy Rolling 19 born m Kentucky Ezekiel Rolling 18 born m Kentucky born m Rbom Rollings bom in Rollings Eleanor sic Trojans 13 born m Indiana John A Rolling 10 born m Indiana George W 1 born 10 MissouI bom in Missouri bom olling 7 born m Missouri and Rachel A Kino Kno family on in James rians was listed as the head of a family the 1870 Census m Lyon Township Knohis fanner bom m Realms County Missouri Living in the home with James Drawings 64 a farmer born Kentucky are fishckout comMaIme bom Wife Rachel Rawlings 62 born Kentucky and children Mamie Agnes Richens 16 born wife Rawlins extRachel MIssouri and John A Rawlings 9 born Missouri Daughter Rache Ann Johnston lives next Rawlins bom missar doordoor Knojambs was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census m Lyon Township Knox James hIs fanner bom in Rolls in County Missouri Living m the home with James Roms 72 a farmer born m Kentucky are fishckout bom Missobom Rolins wIfe wife Rachel Roms 71 born m Kentucky and Memoranda Rolling 24 a boarder born m MIssouri next Rolls Wilham Realms daughter of William RawlIngs deceased Daughter Rachel Ann Roms Johnston lives extmawm door a James died on 31 March 1883 in Knox County Missouri at age 75 His body was Cemetery mitered m Hurdled Missouri stered in Hurdland Nilsson Rock Creek Cemetery seven children France Limning and James Rawlings were as follows Rawlins ere of Rachel Lemmon The Ann mamed William Rawlings born 1828 m Kentucky named Elizabeth AnnWilham Realms bom i 35 Lair ular Pendleton 11 Nancy Rawlings born 5 April 1830 m Predilection County Kentucky n 36 Rawlins bom mamed ucky Benjamin Ashby named BenJamm Ashy mamed Ezekiel Rawlings born 1832 m Missouri named Nancy in 37 III Realms in

ucky Roll








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m Eleanor Rawlings born 1837 in Kentucky mimed John Rawlins bom Washington Ashby Ashy Sarah barehaAbrarah Basra Ashbury Rawlins bom Juni John Ashtray Rawlings born June 1840 m Indiana married barah aham Millnded Miller Jane named bom in George Washington Railings born 1843 m Kentucky mamed Lucy Wonder med WondCouin Rachel A Realms bom RachelA Rawlings born 12 November 1849 m knox Count Rachel Johnston Mlsourly married Jesse Johnst-




L Cu nd R 8 rown C sect B Luc

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14 January 2005

8 Th Lemons rom Ily H story The Lemmons Fam II moo


bom in 7 Sarah Sally Lemmons Wilham Wetland Lemons William William Sarah was born m Kentucky on 20 Anal 1809 She mamed Thomas Corder m Pendleton County Kentucky on 25 Anal 1827 named Order in Predilection
I bom in in Thomas Corder Thomas was born m Virginia m 1806 He was deed on 1 January Order hosted as I Mission St Louis Mission He was deed on 1 June 1849 m St Louis Missouri Thomas was listed asLolling m Distinct hen head of a family on the 1850 Census in District No 99 Warren County Mission Living tthe bonOrder fawner bom the Order he home with Thomas Corder 44 a fanner born Virginia are his wife Sarah Corder 40 born barOrder bom m Kentucky and children John Corder 17 a laborer born in Kentucky Sarah Corder 18 born Order eblack bom Rehabber Corder born Kentucky WIlham Order onetcy William Corder 14 bom Kentucky Elizabeth Order 12 born Kentucky Thomas Corder born Corder born Order born Mason Order 9 bom Mission Nathan Corder 7 bom Missouri Paul Order 5 bom Mission James Catherine Corder born bom Carohne Corder bom Corder Order 3 born Mission Caroline Order 1I born Mission Cathenne Order 1 bom Mission St m Sm He was deed on 1 November 1851 in St Louis Mission He was deed on 1 March 1854 in Sthosted as in listed LoUIs Mission Thomas was steeds the head sofa family on the 1860 Census m Elkhorn of a ofa fatally Louis toics farmer boaboOrder TownshIp Warren County Mission Living m the home with Thomas Corder 54 a fanner born in Corder barborn Virgil arc Order riginal are his wife Sarah Corder 50 bom Kentucky and children Sarah Order 25 born born Mason Corder born kentucky Elizabeth Order onetcy Rehabber Corder 21 bom Kentucky Thomas Order 19 bom Mission Nathan bom MissiCorder bom Mason born Corder Order Order 17 bom Mission Paul Corder 15 born Mission James Order 14 born Mission comonary bom AnnE Order brasborn Mission Carol me Order 12 bom Nilsson Kitty Corder 12 born Mission Ann E Corder 9 born Order Carole Corder hosted as listed on born Mason Eviction Corder mission sbound and Location Order 6 bom Mission Thomas was steeds the head of a family MoMason wIth nte 1870 Census m Elkhorn Township Warren County Nilsson Living m the home whitMission in the in Seiko and bom Dina Corder farmer born in Thomas Order ethroats Corder 64 a fanner bom m Virginia are his wife Dma Order 26 born Mission lanbom in Corder born chIldren Eviction Order dholder Location Corder 16 bom Mission Elijah S Order 2 born m Mission and Thomas listed born m Mission He was hosted on the 1880 census on 2 June 1880 m Elkhorn Corder in hosted Order commission Warren County MiscounMission The Lemons Order ted 12 children of Sarah Sally Lemmons and Thomas Corder were as follows Corder born John Order bom 1829 m Kentucky mamed Location Custer named Eviction Cluster 42 i Sarah Order Sarah was bom in Kentucky m 1832 Corder born m 43 n II WIlham Corder WIlham William Order William was born m Kentucky m 1836 bom in 44 in in born in Rehabber Corder Rehabber Elizabeth Order Elizabeth was bom m Kentucky m 1838 45 iv in deedidIed v Corder Nathan Order Nathan was born m Mission m 1843 Nathan dIebom in 46 in ng m 1866 m Kansas City KanKansas sas Corder Paul was born m Mission m 1845 Paul Order bom in 47 vi in VIII bom in Mission in James Corder James was born m Missouri m 1847 48 VII Order Corder bom Thomas M Order born 24 August 1848 in Warrentown Warren m 49 VIII vin County Mission mamed Mary A Kennedy named 0 Carohne Corder Carohne Caroline Order Caroline was born m Nilsson m 1849 50 bom in Mission in ix 51 Catherine Corder Catherine Cathenne Order Cathenne was born m Mission m 1849 bom in x in Corder 52 Anne E Order Anne was born m Mission m 1851 bom in xiI 53 Location Order Location was born m Mission m 1854 Eviction Corder Eviction bom in XII in



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8 Elizabeth Lemmons William WIlham N Rehabber was born m Hamson County Rehabber Lemons Wetland William bom Hanson CounWilliam Elizabeth kentucky trymen on 9 June 1811 Her common name was Betsy She mamed George King son ofnamed of m Hamson County Kentucky on 10 January 1833 Elizabeth dIed fense Jesse King and Sallie Hanson Rehabber didm Edma on 10 October 1888 m Edina Knox Mission at age 77 Edna


Luc dna R Gigot LoRd B own L gel

14 January 2005

threshed Kentuckian baronetcy America Drawings Mecca Rawlins County Countess


Mason Miscounted

George King w His body was interred 10 Edina Knox County Mission Rock Mg N mitered in Edma Creek Mason Cemetery George was born in Culpeper County Virginia 10 1808 George was hosted bom 10 Coulee Vigilant in listed as the steeds head of a family on the 1860 Census 10 Center Township MaX County in knox Mission Living in the Mason Lolling 10 home with George Mg 53 born 10 Virginia are his wife Elizabeth King 45 born King bom in Virginal Rehabber Mg bom Kentucky and children Rachel King 23 born Kentucky Jesse King m 22 born Kentucky George landholder bom Mg Mg bom Mg 18 born Kentucky Paul King 14 born Kentucky Rehabber bom Mg bom King bom Mg 12 born Kentucky Mecca mg m 11 born Kentucky Andrew J King 6 born Kentucky Abram mg 4 born bom Mg bom Braking Kentucky The family resides two doors away from Elizabeth sister Rachel Lemmons s Rehabbers Lemons Drawings and her husband James Rawlings George died on 26 June 1899 10 Edina Knox Rawlins County in Edma

Lemons mo HL
The Lemmons F am ly Fame Iy

story 9



The 12 children of Elizabeth Lemmons and George King were as follows Lemons Mg 54 I i B Greenberry King born December 1833 in Kentucky immeGreenery Mg bom 10 Macedmamed named Nancy Rehab diacy Elizabeth Hall onian 55 11 Rachel King born I June 1837 in Addible Hamson County ii Mg bom 1 Oddville Hanson Kentucky named James S Strait mamed 56 III Jesse L mg born September 1838 10 Kentucky named CharaKing bom in in mamed Hannah ctering VanSycle Catherine EvanesCathenne Evanesce ce 57 Braxton Mg born 1841 m Kentucky named Sarah Ann iv bom Raton in mamed McKinley McKinley 58 v George King George was born m Kentucky about 10 1843 He dieMg Georbe bom in deedidied in



ng m 1864

59 60



63 64

n x
es xi


Thomas King Thomas was born 10 Kentucky about in 1844 Mg bom in 10 Nancy mg Nancy was born 10 Kentucky about in 1846 King bom in m Paul E mg born March 1847 m Kentucky mamed Sarah King bom in named Sarah Elizabeth mg born 8 September 1848 10 Kentucky mamed Rehabber King bom in named Joshua Madden MaddeMg bom Mecca King born 8 August 1849 10 Kentucky named Milliamin mamed William Wilham pere JonPerry Jones Andrew Jackson mg born January 1855 m Edina Knox County King bom in Edma Missouri named Rehabber Mason mamed Elizabeth Jane LockbLeckbee Locke Abram Mg born February 1858 in Edina Knox County Assonbom 10 Edma Mission Mason Missmamed Edith 9 named

County Kentucky on 20 August 1840 Bond dated 19 August 1840 Groom signed bond as bondas bonds Joshua Lemmons and had the consent of George King of Hamson Co Kentucky guardian Lemons offered mg Hanson of Joshua Lemon who is not offal age given 18 August 1840 Margaret father s consent for Lemmon of full Margarets fathers s her mama was personally given William H Casey acedias bondsman marriage Wilham acted as bondsJoshua died m man dIem December 1842 m Predilection County Kentucky From the estate of in in Pendleton Joshua Lemmons Lemons Robert H Rainy medical bill for year 1842 Dec 17 to Dec 23 visits medicament Ramy Mercedue des 50 On August 17 1850 Mrs Hall late Lemons states before the Courts Lemmons Couthat rts she has a knowledge of the Account Received of Hamilton Casey 50 as AdmInistrator of J LemonwoLemmon Lemon

12 Joshua Lemmons William William Lemons Wilham Wilham

Abram ance oula

County Countess
Joshua was born m Kentucky Johua bom in

lie mamed Margaret Casey daughter of William H Casey and Nancy King 10 Pendleton named Wilham Mg in Predilection


1818 1819


od dR
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B o


January 2005

10 The Lemmons om ly H lorry m Lemons Fam Iy


L d

Lu Luanda R uanda

baronetcy anchormen landholder


Daniel Simpson Daniel was born m Kentucky on 15 October Damel bom III 1827 Daniel was listed as Dame hosted steeds the head sofa family on the 1850 Census III Distinct No 1 Hamson of a ofa faddy in District Hanson County Kentucky Living III the home with Daniel Simpson 22 born Kentucky are his wife bom Martha Simpson 19 born Kentucky and daughter Sarah Damel Daniel was hosted as the headboard family on the 1870 listed head sofa of a ofa Census 10 Richard Township Hanson County Kentucky Living in Hamson 10 the home with DanIel in SImpson 42 a farmer born Kentucky are his wife Martha fanner bom Simpson 39 born Kentucky and bom chidden Sarah A Simpson 20 born Kentucky Louisa Simpson Simpson bom Impson Lots C born Kentucky William LM Wham M-

ashen inthe inter Daniel


Surreally boyars Countrymen Content Countrymen Hemmed boyars Herod

Margaret Casey Margaret bom III Kentucky born in Kentucky on I October 1822 She married SqUIre Kentuck I mamed Hall Margaret died on 2 February 1897 10 Pendleton County Kentucky at age 74 in Predilection Her body was interred in Tenderloin County Kentucky Browning Cemetery Cemetery Filtered III Pendleton Brown is located about feet east of the comer of McKinneysburg Road and Milford Road often McKinney Medford III in southeast comer of chthe county eckout county The two children of Joshua Lemmons and Margaret Casey both born tO chidden Lemons bom 10 Predilection County in Pendleton Kentucky were as follows ere 66 i William Hamilton Lemmons born 1841 married Ursula JJ Wham Lemons bom mamed

Circuit Court Squire Hall Ogden of Hannah Lemmon infant and Wm H Lemmon PinfeaLemon faint Lemon Infant heIrs thers at law of Joshua Lemmon deed Squire Hall HaJJ Lemon decd Mary J HaJJ his wife PalHall AcAte mary Lemmon late widow of Joshua Lemmon v Pent Filed Sept 26 1854 MaryJ tuary Lemon ate Mary Lemon Abuser Atty Hauser Batty Wm H Casey Admire 8 Thomas Casey Surety S Joshua Lemmon departed this life intestate 10 Spend sic Co Lemon testate in Pend Mary J his widow now wife of Squire Hall and Hannah Lemon and Wm H Lemon his infant Lemmon matinfafaint children chidden nticide Wm H Casey was Admire at Jan Term 1843 of Spend Cir Ct with Ethos Casey Pend Thos withhold as surety final settlement as Admire made III 1850 whereof in Hall and 16 95 is due Mary J Halland Holland 68 to Hannah and Wm H Lemmons which the Admire has failed to pay Prays degut for Lemons Hannah faded for breach of bond breach boSums Exxon Ethos Casey Nov 11 1854 on Wm H Casey Nov 23 1854 I nds Ed on Thos WT SIGerman D SS I L S IL Elton IL Yelton S P CSquire quire Hall Ogden Bond June 3 Squire X HallHall S M Bonar Boar Robert Rawlings Rawlins RainstRawlorms Settlement with Admire July 15 1850 and Aug Corns Au Wm Johnson Corn rs Com swam C Naylor Wm Mayor

Surety leaving Casey


Predilection Pendleton

williwaws Joshua will was probated 10 Pendleton County Kentucky 10 January in Predilection m

1843 Lemmon Joshua Lemon

ched 3



L Elton






n II

Whams Hannah Lemmons Hannah born in Lemons Hannah was bom III



MarthaAnn Lemmons William William Lemons Wham Martha was born m 1828 Hemmed bom III DanIel Simpson son of Moses Simpson and Emily Parmesan Wyatt Parmelia III Predilection County in Pendleton Kentucky on 11 October 1849 Martha died III 1916 10 Hamson County II in in Hanson Kentucky Her Herod was interred III Hanson County Kentucky Antioch Medals Cemetery Filtered in Hamson Mills Ceme16






L Bowlegged

Simpson 13 born Kentucky Darnel Simpson 11 born Kentucky Joseph Simpson 9 born bom Daniel II bom Kentucky Laura B Simpson 7 born Kentucky and Molly Simpson 3 born Kentucky bom bom Darnel dIed on 23 December 1879 m Hamson County Kentucky at age 52 He was hosted in Hanson listed on the 1880 hosted census on 16 June 1880 m Richland Township Hamson County Kentucky in Riceland Hanson The seven children of Martha Ann Lemmons and Daniel Simpson all born m Kentucky Danle Lemons bom in were whereas follows 68 Sarah A Simpson Sarah was born m 1850 i bom in 69 n II Louisa C Simpson Louisa was born m 1855 bom in 70 III Wilham William M Simpson William was born in 1857 He died on 29 in Wilham bom m May 1931 in Hamson County Kentucky m Hanson 71 Daniel iv Darnel Simpson born 1859 married Ann bom mamed 72 v Joseph Simpson born 1861 mamed Martha r bom married 73 Laura B Simpson Laura was born m 1863 vi bom in 74 VII Molly Simpson Molly was born m 1867 bom in

baronetcy Kentucky Darned Daniel


Tho Commons Fame Iy The Lampoon F am ly H lorry I11 II


Kentucky nameplate married Countrymen GeorgeW George Martyring Relenting Kentucky

Predilection Pendleton

17 Hannah Ellen Lemmons William William Lemons Wilham Wilham Hannah was born on 30 January bom She married George Washington King son of Silas Mercer King and Frances Marshall mamed Silos Parker Parkm Jimson County Kentucky on 10 January 1847 Hannah died on 22 March 1896 m er Himont

County Kentucky at age 66 Her body was interred m Predilection County Kentucky mitered in Pendleton Old Ml Vernon Cemetery Mt Vemon CemeGeorge tery Washington King Mg

Hannah Mg dido

George was born m Kentucky on 12 March 1820 He mamed bom in named Patty Polly Ann Whitaker daughter flees Whitaker m Predilection County Kentucky of Whicker in Pendleton on 3 February 1841 hosted as George was steeds the head ofa family on the 1850 Census m Pendleton County listed sofa of a in Predilection Kentucky The family resided the first district for the county Living m the home with George resided m distinct in in W King 29 bom Kentucky are his wife Ellen king 23 bom Kentucky and children Mg born born Mary born Mg 7 bom Kentucky Sarah L king 1I bom Kentucky born born Kentucky and Gamete C King born bom Kentucky Also m the home is Margaret Harm 19 born Mg in Kentucky George vas steeds the head of a family on the 1870 Census m Falmouth Predilection was hosted as listed in Pendleton Kentucky Living in the home with G W King 50 a farmer bom Kentucky are his wife Ellen m Mg born 40 born Kentucky and children Sarah Mg 21 bom Kentucky Beetle Mg 18 born bom born King Bettering 8 Kentucky Silos Mg 14 bom Kentucky Mad Mandy King 13 bom Kentucky Emma Silas King 4 born Mg born Mma I bom Kentucky Wilham king 8 bom born William bind born Kentucky ind Jessica king 4 bom Kentucky od born George died on 23 October 1909 in Predilection County Kentucky at age 89 m Pendleton 2 The 12 hildren of Hannah Ellen Lemmons and George Washington King were as follows c Lemons Mg 75 Anna E King Anna was bom m kentucky on 20 September 1847 i born in Mg Anna died on 23 October 1848 m Predilection County Kentucky wain Pendleton at age I ttage 1 Her body was mattered Predilection County Kentucky Fomitered in interred m Pendleton Old Mount Vernon Cemetery Cemetery located comer of ldout Vemon located at Road and Riceland McKinney Broadband Richland Road m a patch of trees on thrilthe in thling at the southeast comer of this intersection chili hili rill 76 n II Sarah Louise King bom 4 December 1848 m kentucky marrMg born mamed Macenamed John don B Cummins Cummi-





Mandy 12









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14 January 2005

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II Margaret C King Margaret was born m Kentucky on 11 July in Mg Marbaret Pendleton 1850 Margaret died on 11 October 1915 in Predilection CounII Kentucky at age 65 Her common name was Mandy trymen Hammertoe King Gamete bom II Barnett C Mg Gamete was born on 11 July 1850 Homesteaded on 11 October 1851 m Predilection County Kentucky at age I Pendleton died II Pendleton Vemon mitered in Her body was interred m Old Mount Vernon Cemetery Predilection County Kentucky wigs Km James E Mb James w is born m Predilection County Kentucky on in Pendleton w IS 21 February 1851 James died on 18 October 1856 m Predilection Pendleton proCounty Kentucky at age 5 from information throat Died from mitered m Pendleton liferation of the throat His body was interred in Predilection County Kentucky Old Mount Vernon Cemetery Vemon Phelix A mg Phelix was born m Predilection County Kentucky Hex King Hex bom Pendleton Kentucon ky 10 June 1854 Phelix died on 7 August 1855 m ediation Pendleton mPredilection Hex I County Kentucky at age 1 His body was mattered Predilection interred m Pendleton mitered in County Kentucky Old Mount Vernon Cemetery Vemon Rehabber Cashbook King bom Elizabeth Ashbrook mg born 10 June 1854 m Predilection Counin Pendleton County Kentucky mamed trymen married George William Kanady WIlham Andy Silos Richard Mg born 20 March 1856 m Predilection CounSilas King bom in Pendleton County Rehabber Payless Kentucky mamed trymen married Mary Elizabeth Bayless Martha Ellen King born 31 August 1858 m Predilection CounMg bom in Pendleton County Kentucky mamed Hanson trymen married Hamson Davis Meek Mma Mina Florence Mg born 8 May 1863 in Predilection CounKing bom m Pendleton County Kentucky mamed trymen named Hamilton C Collier George William mg born 24 January 1865 mamed Sarah WIlham King bom named Catherine McKinney Cathenne Ache Alice Jane Jennie King born 15 May 1866 m Hanson CounMg bom IS in Hamson County Kentucky mamed trymen named James Henry Shields







18 Francis Manon Lemmons William William Manson Lemons Francis was born m Pendleton County bom in Predilection CounKentucky in trymen m May 1835 His common name was Frank He mamed Mary Ellin Mendel named daughter of Noble Cunningham Cannery and Sidney Stewart in Virgo County Indiana on 29 m Vigo Mendel December 1853 He purchased land on 29 September 1860 m Vigo County Indiana William Lemmons in Virgo WIlham Lemons Lemonaand Eunice Lemmons sold to Francis Manon Lemmons for 24 00 property m Nevis TownshIp Manson Lennon Lemons in of four acres m the East side of the North West quarter of the North East quarter ofin of fsetting Thirty SectIOn township thirteen north of range seven west said land to be bounded


de nship consist

Tow30 J3 1 boubeginning eighteen rods south of the north east comer of the above described quarter teedescended South

thnded due south footholds thence west sixteen rods thence due north forty rodsof the easforth rods thing section ese then est thence east sIxteen rods
hosted He was hosted the 1870 census on 11 August 1870 m Nevins Township Vigo County listed on II Virgo in Nevis Indiana Living m the home with Francis Lemmons 34 a farmer born m Kentucky are his infirLemons fanner bom wIfe mary Lemmons 35 born in Ohio landholder Sidney Lemmons 15 born m Indiana WIlham Mary Lemons bom m and children bom in Lemons William Lemmons 13 born m Indiana Eunis Lemmons 10 born m Indiana Noble C Lemmons 8 boomibom in Lemons Units Lemons bom in bomC Lemmons born Lemons bom borng Indiana Jackson Lemmons 6 born m Indiana Mary Lemmons 3 m in in Lemons bom Indiana born in Lennon bom m Indiana and Ezra Lemmons 1 bom in Indiana Lemons I born India-

liam n
Luc dna na locoda R loco





Oreo Brown Oro

L get gds

14 January 2005

The Como hm Iy t Th Plano s Fam ly II lorry 13 3

The deed is executed to correct a mistake 10 describing said realest 10 a former deed deein descant md real estate in model by these grantors to the said grantee Sept 29 1860 anteceded 10 Deed Record 24 page 87 to and recorded in md twhIch kodescended witch reference is hereby made 10 which tract was descanted in the NW described as 10 in of the NE of whichever whIch should be descended as above J whai He was hosted on the 1880 census on 22 June 1880 in Nevis Township Virgo County listed 10 Nevins Vigo Countywide Living 10 the home with Francis M Lemons 45 a farmer born 10 Kentucky are fishIndIana Lemmons m hIs bom in C Lemmons wIfe MaryE Lemmons wife Mary E Lemons 46 horn 10 Indiana and children Noble CLemmons 18 born 10 bom m Nohle Lemons bom inLemons MarE signia IndIana Andrew J Lemmons 16 born 10 Indiana Mary J Lemmons 14 born 10 Indiana Ezra MaryE Lemons bom m bom in Lemons MarE Lemmons 12 born in Indiana Francis M Lemons 8 born 10 Indiana Thomas J Lemons bom 10 Lemmons bom in Lemons Lemmons 5 born 10 Indiana and Sanders Lemons 2 born 10 IndiaLemmons bom in bom in Indiana na named Rachel Champ daughter of Haddock Champ and Susan Randolph 10 He mamed VBecharm Lego County Indiana on 10 October 1892 He mamed Louisa Mattox daughter of irgo named and Caroline Necks 10 Virgo County Indiana on 4 September 1900 Francis died on Carohne in Vigo 29 March 1914 10 Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 78 Vigo Terre Terrace OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo Count Indiana 29 March Vigo Count Indana Hallie 1914 FRANCIS MARIC SummoMARIO SUMMONS The body of Francis Manson Lemons 80 years old who died fingerprints Saturday Manon Lemmons of nephritis afternoon is bmg held at the Mart Chapel until arrangement are made for the funeral He IS being Martin diDsurvIved by six isservice byssi sons and two daughdaughters sservice

16 Bergman eming

I He land on 1 February 1875 10 Vigo County Indiana William Lemmon pancaWIlham Lemon and in Virgo Eunice Lemmons Francis Manson Lemons demic Lemons his wife offing County sold to Francs Manon Lemmons for the sum of dence of land contemn south of24 00 a tract Holland containing about 4 acres commencing at a point eighteen rods of Pont South ten the North East comer of the North West quarter of the South East of section thirty townshIp thIrteen North range and running west adorning thence south forty rods thence SIXteen pruning soul Northerner seven rods thence north forty rods and thence East sixteen rods to the place of the te-

Burch isled

novo Outsold

ship 13

7 40



18 30 town-


1 4

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Mary II Nicely Mary was bom 10 ters Ellen Mcneely Mayas born in Ohio on 11 December 1834 Mary died on 23 M 1891 10 Vigo County Indiana at age 56 Her boyars interred m Nevins Township Lego body was mitered 10 Nevis Vigoin Vgo Lagoon Brunette Cemetery County Indiana Burnett Cemetrously

ery The

10 children 87

of Francis Manon Lemmons and Mary Ellen Mcneely were as follows Francs Manson Lemons Nicely I Sidney A Lemmons born November 1854 10 Indiana anathi mamed named Lennon bom in
Thomas emas J

88 89 90


Arthur WIlham Colton Lemons bom William Clinton Lemmons born 1857 10 Indiana mamed Isabella m named Isabell

III in

iv s v t
vi dt



Louise Eunice Lemmons born May 1860 10 Indiana mamed Educe Lemons bom antedinamed WIlham Roads William Rhoades luvian RoadNoble Cunningham Lemmons born 8 March 1862 in Vigo County Virgo CountLemons bom ywide married Anna M MatIndiana manned Mattox Matt Andrew Jackson Lemmons born June 1864 10 Indiana Manmamed named Lemons bom Clara Reinhardt dela Ann ReinharMary E Lemons born October 1867 10 Indiana named Barnett MaryE Lemmons bom mamed MarE Lewis nett Eliza Lemmons bom Ezra Lemons born 1869 10 Indiana named William H Branson Brandon mamed WIlham Transoin

Rehear belle




Loo Luc dna gigot nic od R B own L get



January 2005

14 Th Lemmons F am ly Fame Iy The


11 story II




memos innerves
gers Becharm Rachel was born in 1838 Rachel Leap iracle bom m There were no children of Francis Manon Lemmons and Rachel ere Manson Lemons Becharm Leap
Matt Matt
Louisa Mattox Louisa was born m Indiana m 1855 Louisa died bom in on 23 March 1910 m Nevis Township Vigo County Indiana Virgo There were no children of Francis Manon Lemmons and Louisa Manson Lemons Mattox Atoni19 Thomas B Lemmons William William Lemons WIlham WIlham Thomas was born m Virgo County bom Vigo IndIana 13 August 1837 He mamed Susan on named Campbell Clay County Indiana on 4 August 1859 in He purchased land on 9 July 1860 m Vigo County Virgo Indiana William and EU lace WIlham Lemmons Lemons sold to Thomas B Lemons for 24 00 real estate beginning Lemmons realest Bergman at South East corner of comer North East quarter of the North West quarter of Section thirty one m Township thirteen in north of range seven west said land bounded Bergman beginning at the above descended corner comer thence west Withstand line forth rods thence northeastern with said Ime north sixteen rods thence east forty rods thence south sIxteen rods to the Bergman corner beginning comer


Francis Manon Lemmons Jr born 3 June 1872 m Vigo County Manson Lemons bom in Virgo Indiana mamed Ida Sarah Conamed Cox CrThomas otons Jefferson Lemmons born December 1874 in IndiLemons bom m Indiana mamed named Pearl Goldie AutolMattox MatMatt Sanders oaders Edgar Lemons born January 1878 m Indiana renamed Lemmons bom mamed Stella Rodgers




Luc od R ow dna R Brown L gigot gds


Indianan Eunice consort

ng 1 Thomas and Susan Campbell Lemons Fig I Lemmons



14 January 2005 J


Thomas was hosted as the head of a family on the 1860 Census listed m Nevins Township Lego in Nevis County Indiana Living m the home with Thomas Lemmons 23 in Lemons born Indiana and his wIfe bom Susan Lemmons 23 born New Orlando child Emma A Lemons bom York and Lemmons Lemons born Indiana te bom He was descended m his mightily papers with black hair described in mIlItary hurl hazel eyes fair skim Thomas furl skin enlIsted m the Civil War in Terre Haute Virgo County in m Vigo Indiana on 30 September 1864 m Co F in IN Infantry Thomas served under Captain John H Rents Capstan The Indiana was organIzed at Richmond Indiana and mustered m November 18 1861 mustered The regiment renamed m remained renamed Indianapolis until December 23 1861 when they left the state for Kentucky and duty at Bridgetown and Lebanon Kentucky When Bardstown Thomas enchased with the regiment m September of enlisted Mth enchased in 1864 he probably Jammed his unit m the Operations agamas joined in against Hood in North Georgia and North m Alabama September 29 November 3 1864 From there the regiment participated m the NashvIlle Campaign dung November and December 1864 They during participated the Columbia m in and Duck River campaigns m November 24 27 1864 Thomas in records show he was at the battle offspring Hill on November 29 1864 He hosts Spring HIlJ as a Spring HIllon Hilton lists Sperm Hill location where he contracted contracted an Illness that later quaffed him for a pension The Battle qualified cofferdam Tennessee was on of Franklin November 30 1864 The Battle of Nashville was on December 15 16 1864 The regIment contused its pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17 28 1864 contused and moved on to Andover dandy duty Alabama and there until March 1865 The regiment then m participated the operatIOns m East Tennessee from March 15 to April 22 1865 in 5 They renamed m the NashvIlle remained in renamed area until June of 1865 The was ordered to New Orleans Louisiana June 16 and thence 6 to Texas m July They saw duty at Geen Lake and San Antonio until in Gen December 1865 The regiment mustered out December 14 1865 mustered Thomas mustered out m June of 1865 and therefore did not in didn't participate m the regiment s final in duties m Ne Orleans and Texas in NH He mustered out of Co F IN Infantry m NashvIlle in Tennessee on 16 June 1865 6 He bought property m Virgo County Indland on 11 July 1865 Thomas Vigo Indiana II B Lemmons Lemons purchased from William Lemons and Eunice Lemons his WIlham Lemmons Lemmons wife for 00 the north quarter of the south eaM quarter of section thirty one m township eat in thirteen North range seven north of m Nevis township contemn in containing acres Also the northeast quarter of the north north east often offsetting thirty one m township thirteen north range quarter of section in seven west containing forty SIX of contemn acres more or less with the exception of four acres now owned by the sUld Thomas B said Lemmons He bought property in Virgo County Indiana on 7 Lemons m Vigo August 1873 Thomas B Lemmons purchased from Thomas Davis and Susan Davis his wife Lemons for the east half of the north west quarter of the north northwest quarter of section thirty six township thirteen north orange eight containing 20 acres He bought property m Virgo of range contemn in Vigo County Indiana on 25 November 1874 Thomas B Lemmons of V go County Indiana purchased Lemons Virgo Vigo from Frances B McCullough and Mary J McCullough for 1400 00 the southwest south west quarter of the north east quarter offsetting number thirty one of section in 3 m township number thirteen north orange of North range number seven west with the exception of one acre which is used for school purposes which and also four acres which owned handcuffed by the Crowley heirs The purchase which is and occupied Rowley assumed the mortgage and notes m favorites Christopher 8 November 1873 endnotes in favor of Jesse Christopher dated and recorded anteceded m Book a page m County Notes due from McCullough to Christopher He sold property m Lego in County Indiana on 19 June 1876 Thomas B Lemmons and Susan Lemons Lemmons his wife of V go Lemons County sold to Jesse Christopher novo County property for the Jese Vigo of Virgo sum of The property was sItuated m the east half of the north west quarter of the northwest sItuated in north west quarter offsetting thirty SIX of section township thirteen north of range eight containing acres more or lesscontemn twenty less

on dna R Brown L g el lo Lucinda Mown oct

anilines battle tooters Herculean Therein invalidates finalities Nashville estuarine serenest estuarine sinecures Lemons Lemons tenor headquarter North numbers mortgage furnaces Vigorously Lagoon goony Vigorously assibilated
nonmember regiment theorizations Nashville

wife Mortal Columbian


organized tabards
est est est

Vigorously Lagoon Homogenized

1 hazel

Tho Lemons Fame Iy II The Lemmons Fam ly H story 15 Lommo F Limo






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14 J

o Jo y 2005

rerooms was listed as the head sofa family Thomas hosted bead of a ofa on the 1880 Census in NevIns Township Lego Nevis Towns County Indiana Living in the home with Thomas Lemons 42 born Indiana are his Wolfe Susan bom wife Lemmons 45 born New York and children William Lemmons Lemons bom Orlando WIlham Lemons 17 born Indiana Francis M bom Lemmons 15 Indiana Annette Lemmons 13 Indiana Lemons Anette Lemons Lectern Lemmons 10 born IndIana Lemons bom George W Lemmons 8 born Indiana and Sarah Lemons bom Lemmons I bom Lemons 1 born Indiana Also m home are In son in law John Roads 28 born Indiana and daughter Rhoads bom Eunice J Roads 19 born Indiana Rhoads bom He sold property m Virgo County Indiana on 23 In Vigo March 1882 Thomas B Lemons and Marc Lemmons Susan Lemmons his Wolfe of Virgo County sold Lemons wife VI go Vigo to Henry R WInn and Leland WInn his Wolfe of Hemy Mn Lectern Mn wife Clay County for the sum of real estate in Virgo County The property was situated m realest Vigo In the south west quarter of the north east quarter obfuscation number thirty one of section In townshIp number thirteen north of range number seven west except one acre which IS which used for school purposes and four acres which are owned and occupied by the Crowley helots The handcuffed Rowley heirs Grantor reserves two holds of the wheat now grown thirds growing on the will Denver to the Grantee one halted deliver said crop m the half bushel at tube machine The of In the Grantors also reserve the use of the bam bam yard garden orchard and half of the dwelling house until the 1st day of March 1883 If the Grantees do not sell tube said real estate the Grantors the reserve the use of the gentle dwelling until entire dellIng said 1st day of MarchMarch He sold property in Virgo County Indiana on 29 ed m Vigo IndIana March 1883 Thomas B Lemmons and Marc Lemons Susan Lemons his wife and Eunice Lemmons Lemmons Lemons widow of William Lemmons deceased sold to WIlham Lemons Marten Shores for the sum of 50 real estate in Virgo County Indiana Tube Vigo The property was located in the north west quarter of the north east northeast quarter obfuscation thirty one of section townshIp thIrteen north range seven mortgage West containing 40 acres more or less Also contemn sold was the north east quarter of the north west quarter of northeast section thirty one m towns thirteen in township blurted north range seven west containing forty six acres more or less The contemn Jess sale Has subject to a o mortgage note of 1500 00 dated 1 Anal 1876 maturing 1 January 1881 m favor of Aetna LIfe mating in Insurance Company and reneged for a spend renewed period of five years after maturity at the rate of 8 percent merest The Grantee was to assume tube mortgage the payments Walt the merest that matures after with interest I January 1 1883 44 Thomas was declared insane m Worth County in Missouri on 18 July 1899 Thomas was Nilsson hosted as an Inmate State Hospital steeds for Insane No 2 on the 1900 Census m insane in Washington TownshIp Buchanon Missouri Thomas was III Buchanan Nilsson ill m Worth County Missouri on 5 July Nilsson Thomas was a person of unsound mamma Worth mind m Worst County Missouri on 24 October md in Nilsson 1900 Thomas was a person of unsound mind in Worth County Missouri on 14 November 1900 Nilsson Thomas u as a person of unsound mind in Worth County Nilsson on 2 December 1900 Missouri Dr F F Carter MD inters of Thomas B M D writes W Winters Lemmons that he has seen nothing mace I Lemons bat be bas since knew balm belch would medicate that he was incapable of Blackwood indicate capable facing for his business balls caning buses Thomas was a person of unsound mind Worst md in Worth County Missouri on 5 December 1900 Nilsson A C Long MD presented to tube court a MD the request for payment from tube estate the of Thomas B Lemmons Lemons 00 for balls professional services to Susan his professionals Lemmons wife Lemons Wolfe of Thomas and for medICatIOn for September and October 1900 Two listings were paid for Mabel affil stems Abel aP for medIcIne Thomas was a person of unsound mind in Worth County Missouri ammine Nilsson in August 1901 Isaac Dunfee guardian of the person and Dundee often understate of Thomas B Lemmons estate Lemons applied to the Probate append Court of Worth County to resign balls guardianship his guardians of Thomas B Lemmons Lemons a person of unsound windmInd

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16 The Plano Fame ly H story Tho Commons Fam Iy II F sto-


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fusion unsound businesswoman


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Thomas storms was a person of unsound mind m Worth Worst County Missouri on 11 November Nilsson II 1901 B F Sevastopol through tube office BF the often of the Probate Court of Worth County Missouri MissouNilsson Misso-


14 January 2005

Tho Limo Fame The Lommo r am Ily H my 17 Commons F II story

accepted the guardianship the person understate of Thomas B Lemmons a person of unsound and estate of Lemons unsoDundee und from Isaac Dunfee Thomas was a person of unsound mind in Worth County Missouri on md Nilsson md m 3 NO ember 1903 B F Sevastopol guardian for the person and estate of Thomas B November Lemmons Lemons Lemopared 0 P M Medals for medicament for Susan Lemmons and pard Mills medicine Lemons nudists to her from 4 September 1902 to visits 2 August 1903 Thomas was sane m County Mason on 25 April 1904 J F Lafavor of insane Missouri Anal Affair finn Roof by Lavatory applied for payment from the estate of Thomas B Lemmons sane forLaFavor append rhomas Lemons insane for gone casket 39 one 50 and one outside coffin box wards 00 for the ward s wife An merest of 6 was interest wayside Thomas was a person of unsound mind in Worth County Nilsson on 15 November added Missouri IS 1904 B F Sevastopol guardian of Thomas B Lemons filed with the court expenses Lemmons the against teestate Moneybags paid to W A Wesson for funeral expenses for the ward s wife state Money was Wilson 00 Money was paid to keep the ward at the asylum in St Joseph for March 9 1904 and September 30 1904 32 50 George W Lemons was paid for boarding the ward beginning with May I Lemmons becalming to August 21 1904 10 00 per month Thomas was a person of unsound mind in Worth County Missouri on 15 January 1905 Nilsson B f Sevastopol guardian of Thomas B Lemmons a person of unsound mind filed final Lemons finsettlement of the estate for fees through June 15 1906 Fees included board paid to G LIS W LLemmons emons from January 15 to settlement date 53 25 Lemons Thomas was presumed to be of sound mind m Worth County Nilsson on 18 November Missouri md in 1905 George W Lemons states Thomas B Lemons who has been declared to be of Lemmons stales Lemmons funsound mind has been restored to his night mind and further requested B F Sevastopol guardiright usion guardIan an Thomas to restore the real estate and other property to Thomas George Lemons statesof rhomas Lemmons states woman Lemons is competent to manage his Biome and his property Thomas was a person of Thomas Lemmons home funsound in Alien usion II Allen Township Worth Missouri on 17 June 1912 A C Long Henry Nilsson Brunette and H C Dunfee received a subpoena in the form of a guardian bond for Dundee sofa an salespII fonn ofa sane person Thomas B Lemons J W S Dillon was appointed by the Worth County Nilsson Lemmons erson MissCourt as guardian of Thomas B Lemmons a person of unsound mind Thomas was a person of ouri Lemons md funsound mind m Worth County Mason on 25 October 1912 J W S Dillon accepted teMissouri in usion the appointment as guardian for Thomas B Lemons a person of unsound minLemmons mimmind W ed H Lemmons Annette Young and Leland Young filed 1 petition to remove guardianshIp Lemons Lectern guardiansi hip the Probate Court of Worth County Missouri They declared they were the only wIth Nilsson chIldren of Thomas pandas such the ony heirs with the exception of the heirs of George and as andas only e caption Sony Lemmons deceased Eunice Rhodes deceased Frank Lemons deceased and Sarah Stanton Lemons Lemmons deceased They further showed Emma Lemons widow of George Lemons was receIVIng Lemmons Lemmons 00 per day from Sherman Dillon guardian to care for Thomas Lemons The three Henna Lemmons thechildren chidden felt Thomas B Lemons would receive better care II the home of his eldest Lemmons in eldson W H Lemmons W H Lemons also requested guardianship of his father To assume Lemons Lemmons est assucare and guardianship Thomas B Lemmons would need to be removed to Scott County me Lemons Gould Arkansas where W H Lemmons was then residing Lemons residiresold ng sold property m Worth County Mason on 16 May 1913 J W S Dillon He ld Missouri in for Thomas B Lemmons petitioned the court to sell property descanted The southeast Lemons descended as described south east Afourth of the Southwest quarter offsetting No S ixteen stor of section fourth South west S ten m Township No Sixty five in north and m Range thirty west of the in principal median According to Dillon therpunctual thethe Accord rmometry mometry was not m a good state of cultivation that is poor vom andiron down that Teproperty that it II the om and run rence thereon are poor and that the dwelling situated thereon is dilapidated and decayed and infences s dappled II very poor condition and that the same is not fit to have in or to occupy as a home that on accovert live II s account





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14 January 2005

to rent said realest to advantage for said Thomas B sidereal estate real Lemmons Lemons Henry C Dundee paid J W S Dillon guardian Dunfee the sum of 2500 00 the full amount of the bid for the property Thomas was a person of unsound md His son William H Lemmons WIlham Lemons who hived in Waldron Arkansas on 16 February lived 10 Caldron 1914 wished to become the caregiver A F SmIth attorney for W H Lemons sent a letter to Lemmons the Probate Court of Worth County Mason Mr Lemons woodcarver for his father for less than the Lemmons would care 45 00 per month the Worth County guardian was currently spending Mr spend Lemmons would agree to enter into a bond if Lemons Gould mo Life could obtain the care custody and guardianship of his father Thomas was III m Worth County as ill in Mason on 31 December 1914 J W S Dillon guardian for Thomas B Lemmons Lemons personify unsound mind filed his accounts announcers for the and vouchers md period spend from August 16 1913 December 1914 Included sn the vouchers Mere m ere payments made to Emma Lemons and later Lemmons Emma McLaughlin for the care of Thomas B Lemmons Lemons at the rate of 00 per day PensIOn for August and December 1913 was received at received the rate of 45 00 per month Pension was receIved by August 1914 m the amount of in 67 50 per month Thomas was a person of unsound mind 10 Worth County md in Missouri on 23 August 1915 J Mason W S Dillon guardian for Thomas B Lemmons Lemons filed accounts and vouchers for services for the ward Emma McLaughlin was paid for the care of the patient from January 31 to August 31 1915 at the rate of 00 per day Pension was received at the rate of 67 50 per month Thomas was a person of unsound md m Worth County Nilsson on 17 March 1917 J W S DIllon Missouri guardIan for Thomas B Lemons a person Lemmons of unsound mind filed with the court his accounts md and vouchers for the care of the ward Mrs F E McLaughlin was paid for the care of Thomas B Lemmons from September 1915 Lemons through April 1917 She received 61 00 for two months 50 for three months and tw o payments were made for a seven month spend at the rate period of Mrs McLaughlin received 00 for a coat purchased for Thomas B Lemmons Lemons LewIs Lemmons was paid Lemons 00 for an overcoat Thomas was a person of unsound mamma Worth m md in County Mills noun on 23 June 1917 J W S Missouri oun Dillon guardian of Thomas B Lemons a Lemmons person of unsound mind filed his fifth annual settlement md armful He recorded receipt of pension momes and monies mortgage on land from H C Dundee He paid Mrs Dunfee F E McLaughlin for care of the ward from 1 Anally 1917 to August 15 35 Additional monies were paid for merchandIse sandshoe repairs for Thomas B Lemmons and shoe Lemons Thomas was a person of unsound mind m Worth County Missouri on 3 February 1918 md in Nilsson J W S Dillon guardian of Thomas B Lemmons filed his sixth annual settlement Lemons and recorded anteceded receIpt of pension money Dillon paid Mrs F E McLaughlin for care of the ward from 15 August 1917 to 1 July 1918 at 22 50 per month and from 1I July 1198 to 21 September 1918 at 00 per week Thomas died on 28 September wet 1918 in Grant City Worth County m Mason at age 81 His body was interred on 29 September mitered mitered 1918 m New Hope Cemetery Denver in Worth County Missouri Thomass will was probated Mason Thomass WIll Williwaws probated Worth m County Missouri on 14 October 1918 Mason Mrs F E McLaughlin was paid by Henry C Emmy Dundee administrator of the estate of Thomas Dunfee B Lemmons Lemons deceased for 80 days concurs and care at the of nursing rate of 00 per day dung his last during Illness Additional money was paid for the care of corpse and cleaning of the house cofactors clang W McKinley M D was paid for care and medicine MD Was for Thomas B Lemons during his Lemmons dung illness J W S DIllon Was paId 15 00 for caning for the funeral and the mermen Cody of the body B Prugh ody Rough and Sons were paid 65 00 for the casket plus 12 00 for a suit 15 00 for embalming 1500 for hearse embalm 50 for box cemetery 00 for grave lining and hang 15 00 for two cars for the famIly Dr John Andrews was paid 20 balance for his services to Thomas Lemmons Lemons Lemon-

s ons

Lu nd R Brown L oge Lucinda L


recorded Missourian Orthicon Lemons McKinley bastilles Roughened


person Orthicon frumpily Andorra Lemons medicine



Pension abstractive month steward Dialogued Thomas accountant ThomasB Thomas


Smith letterman
fusion unsound

impossible Lemons Lemons Disorientating FSmith Masons decoupled Orthicon County through
18 The Lemons Fam Iy Th Sumo Fame lull story Lemmons sto-


ry the condition of said real estate and of the bUIld lOgs situated thereon buildings bulldogs

as aforesaid it is impossible

Imitator stat


1 Opera





fusion unsound recorded




14 14

1005 Jima 2005

LEMMONS MRS SUSAN nee Campbell LEMONS dIed 7 Aug 1903 She was born 30 May bom Au 1836 m Orange Co N Y She came from N Y to Ohio in NY NY when quite young and from Ohio to Lego Co Indo In Virgo Co she mamed at the age of 22 to Thomas B Ind Vigo named mandate Lemmons They moved to Lemons Worth Co Mo about 1881 and purchased farm m Allen Twp a in Alien She leaves her husband 3 sons WIlham Franked William Frank and George and 2 daughters Mrs Annetta Annette sic Young and Ms Leotard SIC Leota Brumal m Young Brumal Oxford Mo Bunal in The eight children of Thomas B Lemmons and Susan Campbell Lemons were as follows 97 Emma A Lemmons Emma was born m Virgo County Indiana i Lemons bom in Vigo m in July 1860 98 Eunice Lemmons born May 1861 in Virgo County Indiana mamed ii Lemons bom m Vigo named John Rhodes 99 III WIlham William Henry Lemmons born 13 December 1862 m Vigo County in Lemons bom in Virgo Indiana married Lucida Chapman divorced Lucida Chapman manned Chapmaiv n Francis M Frank Lemons born February 1865 m IndiLemmons bom in Indiana mamed Nancy Jane Sims named SImCIO v s Annette Lemmons born 17 March 1867 m Terre Haute Virgo Lemons bom Vigo County Indiana mamed Hezehiah Morton Young named Hezekiah Youngi Lectern Paralee Lemmons born 18 March 1869 m Virgo County v Parolee Lemons bom Vigo Indiana mamed Algernon Theodore Journey Young named Salerno VII Lemons bom vi George W Lemmons born April 1871 m Virgo County Indiana Vigo VIII Sarah Lemmons born 1873 m Virgo County Indiana named Lemons bom in Vigo mamed Foredeck Stanton

headset funeral Falsetto Finalist abiders Virgil endangerment endorsement Husbanded Society Lagoon Virgo spoonbill scrounge tooth
Thomass WIll was probated in Worth County Missouri on 4 December 1918 Thomas Williwaws swill m Nilsson B Prugh Rough Sons were paid by H C Dunfee administrator of the estate Dundee of Thomas B Lemmons for the Lemons casket embalming hearse box cemetery grave lining and other embalm hang items needed for the funeral Thomas s WIll was probated m Worth County Mason on 10 Williwaws swill in Missouri November 1919 Mal settlement was made on the estate of Thomas B Lemmons deceased Lemons by H byH C Dunfee Dundee admInIstrator The balance due to heirs fathom was of Thomas 39 after other fees were paId HeIrs receiving payment from the estate clouded William included WIlham Lemmons Lemons Annette 19 Annetta Young 19 Lectern Young Mansel Lemmons 19 Manse Lemons Abel Emcees 19 Mabel McNeese 76 09 Letta Luman 76 09 Eva Rhodes 30 Etta Lumen Elva 43 Mrs Lisle A Dunlop 30 43 Charley Rhodes Lisle Dunlap 43 paid m estate fund Mabel Rhodes paId in Abel 30 43 paid m estate fund William H Rhodes paId in WIlham Rosa Norman 29 58 Lester Lemons Lesler Lemmons 29 58 Eels Lemmons 29 Lemons 58 VIrgIl Lemmons Lemons 29 58 Goldie Lemmons 29 58 and Emma Laughing sic Lemons Laughlin 22 Thomas s will was probated m Worth County Nilsson on 31 s wIll in Missouri December 1919 J W S Dillon served guardian for the estate of Thomas B Lemmons Henry C Dundee served as Lemons Dunfee served as admInIstrator for the estate Mrs F E McLaughlin received payment for the funeral and funeral memento of the bondbody

Th Lemons Fam Iy II The Lemmons Fame ly H story 19 Sumo F



sman C mpbell Susan was born m Orange County New Yorktown Susan C impel Iambically bom York on 30 May 1836 Susan dIed on 7 August 1903 m Grant City Worth County dido Missouri at age 67 Nilsson OBITUARY Grant City Star Grant City Worth County Missouri Of 27 August 1903 Abstracted by Worth County Genealogical Society


Vigorously Lagoon Countywide Younger


injury July Macedon Countywide


20 Lectern Lemmons William William Lectern was born m Lemons WIlham WIlham bom in Indiana in June 1843 Hem She mamed Henry R Winn son of Andrew Winn and Abigail J Ra nor named mmed m Virgo County Indiana in Vigo IndianIndia-



na d a

Lu Luc dna R Brown L get gigot

14 January 2005

NEWS ACCOUNT Columbus Daily Columbus Cherokee County Kansas 10 April 1919 The death of Henry Winn an aged man m Columbus death Mn agenda in last week closed as pathetic an closed Malden as has ever come under our observation For a number of years Mr Winn and wIfe Mn owned and occupied of the finest farms m owned occupied one He handcuffed Jennies district Dung in Jenness distinct During their residence here found them honest kind and obliging neighbors md unassuming and peaceable Mrs Linn dIed Winn and m some way and for some cause unknown in to the winter a guardian was appointed for writer Mr Mn and then his children several sons returned to the several homes and left the their their father 10 finish his life alone without even a kindly madly message from them While his greatest pleasure seemed to be to relate to old friends the reminiscences of their childhood home with the the childhood at mother and himself Thank God such shames are not common Henry s will was probated m probated Cherokee County Kansas on 5 Came Wobble represented the estate of H R Wyble oH Mn and showed he left the following heirs Wilham William H Winn son Lewis Winn son John follow Linn Mn son Orlando Linn don Feldman Wynn Mn Ferdinand Mn son His body was interred mitered on 6 Anal 19 In mitered Columbus Cherokee County Kansas City Cemetery m Section 14 in The eight children of Leland Lemons and Lectern Lemmons Henry R WJ n were as follows Winn 10 Eunice- Linn Eunice was born m Eunice Mn i in Clay County Indiana m 1861 in She mamed Peter Larson m Clay County named in Indiana on 25 December

Herod booming fishwife head bomIN JohnF assisted John Ninny Theo beheld j died anticipant widowed refund pleasures thermosphere Marin dean coffins cincher Twinned Winston s
inspection section
20 The Unman Fain ly II story Th Commons F Iy sto-

ry 26 Anal 1859 w Lectern died m June 1907 m Columbus on dIem in Cherokee County Kansas Her in body was mattered June 1907 m Columbus Cherokee mitered in interred m in County Kansas City Cemetery in m Section 14

Henry R Winn Henry was born m New York m Hemy bom in in March 1836 Henry was listed Elli the head a sofa of a family on the 1880 Census Living m the home with Henry R Winn ofa in bom Mn 44 born NY are hIs wIfe 38 born IN and children Eunice Winn 19 born IN bom landholder Gentlewoman bom Abby Winn 17 Mn IN William H Winn born IN Chancy R Mn bom Winn 13 born IN Lewis J Winn 10 born IN John Mn bom Mn bom F Winn 8 born IN Remand Winn 5 born IN Mn bom Fernando Mn bom INand Arlando Winn 5 born IN Henry was and Nand Orlando Mn bom Hemy lIsted as the head of a family on the 1900 Census listed m in Cherokee County Kansas Lolling m the Living in home with Henry Winn 65 March 1836 born New Mn bom York are his wife Lectern Winn 56 June Mn 1843 born IndIana and children Chancy Winn bom Indiana landholder Mn 38 October 1867 born Indiana and Fernando N bom IndIana Femando 25 March 1875 born Indiana Also m the home Mn bom in is a boarder Harry Isley 11 October Isle I 1888 born Kansas Henry died on 5 April bonanzas Anal 1919 in Cherokee County Kansas at age 83 OBITUARY Columbus Dally Advocate Columbus Daily Await Cherokee County Kansas 5 April 1919






OLD SETTLER DIES DishHenry Mn onor Winn 84 years old who has lived m Cherokee county for the past thirty in years dIed at 8 30 o clock this morning at the home of Sam 0 mooring Wyble in east town Funeral services will be Wobble m held at 3 o clock tomorrow afternoon m the held 0 Jones Rubland chapel in Rubella cha-






here e

several feds





n II

Cherokee Countryman
Abby Aby

Jennie Winn Her body was interred m Linn mitered in Columbus Cherokee mattered County Kansas City Cemetery m Section 14 She mamed John named Reardon Abby was born in Clay County Radon Aby bom m Indiana on 23 December 1863 Abby died on 14 July 1904 Aby dido 4 m in Columbus Cherokee County kansas at age 40 She is bunged next to her abundance parents Henry R MinMn

Loan oan Luanda Brown uend R awn L gg


Tho Lemmons rom Iy my 21 Tic Lemons Family story Loren

III in




Villa VII nd

October 1867 Kansas State Census hosted Chancy as head of listed household m Kansas in 1885 He married Clara E Hook Cin mamed Clam m liin Columbus olumbus Cherokee County Kansas on 15 November 1893 M noleum Chancy dIem April 1903 in Cherokee County Kansas at age 35 hancy died m Anal m in Lewis J Lewis was born m Clay County Indiana m 1870 bom in John F Mn bom JohnF Winn born 1872 m Indiana named Hametta Frances John in mamed Hamlet Foland Poland RollaDemanding Mn born 21 March 1875 m Brazil Clay County Fernando N bom Indiana mamed Regina Confluent named Regma

Francesco Frances Countywide


inscriber October

married mamed anan Lena R Bischoff ScofScoff Chancy R Winn Chancy was born m Clay County Indiana m bom in Mn in


and Leetana Electra Lemmons Winn m the Columbus City an Lectern Elect Lemons Mn in Cemetery Columbus Kansas WIlham William Henry Mn born 6 January 1865 m Clay County Indiana bom in IndiInd-


Fig 2 Arlando WinD Orlando Winn WonVIII

Orlando Arlando Mn Orlando derland Winn Arlando was born in Clay County Indiana on 21 bom m March 1875 He bought property in Greene Co Indiana on 4 m Anal 1936 Armada Winn sic of Greene County Indiana purchased heAranda Mn the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty two notheistic 32 townshIp seven north Hoffman of range forthcoming six containing forty acres more Morecontemn no less from George Securest and Hattie Securest his wife or Secrest Secrest land The landwas aus purchased for a sum of 00 His body was interred m July mitered in 1946 m Limon Greene County Indiana Fairview Cemetery Danville Lemons Ohve Femando Accord to Hazel Lemmons Smith Olive Fernando traveled from California to attend Tans funeral Fernando then claimed L III S Femando claim-

Loda ed Loa

Luc dna R B own L

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Cemetery formational
14 J



22 The Croons Fame III stonily Fam y H tory bo-


OBITUARY Bloomfield Nes Bloomfield Greene Ness Bloomfield Count Indiana 18 July 1946 Indiana WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP RESIDENT DID SUNDAY Orlando Winn 74 year old resident of Lyons Mn rural route died at Freeman Greene County Hospital Sunday afternoon at 5 30 o clock communes received when he fell from of Junes clock injuries a haystack name days haystack nine prevIOus previous Mr Winn who failed to rally from the effects Mn of the fall a receIved broken vertebra Survivors include a wm brother Fernando Winn Claude Femando Mn of Los Angeles California and severally and nephew a several Deices andante nieces Orlando Arlando s WIll was probated m Greene Co Indiana on 17 March 1950 Probate Case No Karl Parker Oshkosh Administrator of the Estate of Orlando Mn deceased vs Paul Fay deceased ell Faette Mn and Frances R Winn his wife Lawrence Ray Walden Mn Winn and Kathleen R Walden his wife Dullard Dillard F Mn and Frances A Winn Mn his WIfe Vergal A Walden and Gloria Trady Winn Verbal Winn Glona Tray Mn his wife Lewis G Mn and Laura K Walden his wife Mildred E Winn Winn Mn Preston and Carl Fernando Ferdnand Preston her husband Gladys Winn Mn Bergman and R Theodore Bergman her husband Petitions as made by the administrator to sell the real estate of the realest deceased The defendants gave written assent to the sale of the real estate sandwiched notice and waived The court was given information showing shown the personal assets of the assels estate were insufficient to pay and discharge personals vere sufficient the debts and and the realest was to be made an real estate asset to pay the devotedness of the estate of Orlando Walden deceased The Winn court found to pay all of the indebtedness of the estate it would be necessary to sell all of aloof the descendants interest 10 the real merest m estate The real estate to be sold was described realest sodas descended as The Northwest Quarter of the North est coffle Quarter of SectIOn ThIrty two Township Seven North Range Six West 40 acres more or less contemn lesle-

ss s

Luc dna R Brown L gg lu Bowen

often ashen Section Estonian f Weston


testate advances Walden Erwin Wifelier Caledonian Monad Careered Theodore headmaster defendants on es notice testate liabilities indebtedness devotedness estate aloof
lIOn Pel ante

died Lasagne Osage


Coauthors Vigorously Logout Coauthors wastage

Orlando Arlando died on 15 July 1946 10 Linton Greene County Indiana 10 Freeman in Limon in Greene County Hospital at age 71 OBITUARY Terre Haute Unburned Terre Haute Vigo Circa Tribune Ten Virgo County Indiana 16 July 1946 Coot ORLANDO WINN INANINANINN CLINTON Indo July 16 LINTON Ind ITION Special Orlando Winn 74 years Mn old of Lyons rural route died Monday 10 Freeman in Greene County Hospital here of injuries received DIne days ago communes received nine Junes when he fell from a haystack a haystackt his farm He is survived by a wm brother Fernando twin Femando of Los Angeles Calif and several Deices and nephews Calf Caftan nieces The body was taken to the M J Alken Son Funeral Home Aiken

rderlands property 10 Greene County Garlands in

years bolos



est 7


January 2005 Jony

Fam fy II Cory The Commons Foam Iy 11 s ory 23 Th

mo L

sold at pubic The real estate was to be soldat public auction to the highest real lord bidder lor not less than the full appraised value for cash The reHe estate was to be sold subject to the fixes for the 1949 payable m alest angst real 1950 and subject to ditch assessments currently against the reand public nonce often estate The administrator was to make pubic notice of the date Analest Reencpubic terms of the sale m five public places m Grant Township Greene in in ders pubic County Indiana and m five public places m Washington Township ounter TownGreene County Indiana





Indianbom Virgo Ezra 21 Ezra Kessler Lemmons William William Eliza Lemons Wilham Wilham Eliza was born in Vigo County Indiana I son of Andrew Winn and Abigail J on 22 September 1851 She mimed John W an Johan LaRadnor in Virgo County Indiana on 20 April 1869 chap died on 17 February 1924 in Clay Ranor m Vigo







County Indiana at age 72 Vgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 18 February Hallie Turbine


Winn TFob 18 Mrs John W Winn widow of the late John W Linn died at the Feb JohnW sevehome in Jackson township Sunday of general debility aged 78 years She is survived by several sons and daughters

MRS JOHNW WINN JOlIN W WhinOlIN INN JOHN ny special Correspondent Bespectacled CorrespoBy
BRAZIL ndent
Indo Ind


John Mn




dauVgo OBITUARY Hallie ghters Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana



WINN MRS ELIZA k InspeStar Special ction to The Terre Haute St01 JohnW Mn dieargaze Indo Feb 18 Mrs Ezra Winn 72 years old widow ol John W Winn died BRAZIL Ind Eliza Mn w bom InIn at the home m Jackson township Sunday after several weeks Illness Mrs Winn wa born Vin d Anal Wilham Lemons o Labor county the daughter of William and Eunice Lemmons pioneers of that county on April 26 flow md seven 1869 she w as amed to John W Mn who died Oct 24 last Two sons disserve daughters m named JohnW AryBrazil Andrew J Winn Chrisom Minn Mrs G Harry Wilham Mn Chisholm Mn survive as follows William L hters V Marry Eckard James Mrs Max Wagner Mrs W A Declared and Miss Many Mn of Brazil Mrs Lectern VStaunton StantWheatland Ind Atones astest of Heartland Indo Mrs E L Huddle Detroit and Mrs Robert M Hallmark Stanton where Pluckily Wilham funThe on body was brought to the home of the son William L Mn m East Mickey Street herebrumal m bunal In held at 0 funeral Launder services will be held 2 o clock Tuesday afternoon with bubaline Summit Lawn LaCemetery 6 Her body was interred on 19 February 1924 m Clay County Indiana Summit Lawn Cemetery Cemetery John bom In John W JohnW Winn John was born m Mudsling County Ohio on 30 September 1847 Jonm Living in hosted as listed ofa of a was steeds the head sofa family on the 1880 Census LIVIng the home with John W Linn Wilham Linn bom 32 born Ohio are his wife Eh K Mn 21 born Indiana and children William L Winn 10 bom MM bom born Indiana Andrew J Mn 8 born Indiana Lawrence W Linn 6 born Indiana I aura MMn bom LenLinn I bom elanin 4 born Indiana and Clara A Winn 1 born Indiana Also in the home is Eunice Lemon Linn bom bom In bom grandmother 70 born Kentucky father was born m Pennsylvania listed ofa of a IndiJohn was hosted as the headboard family on the 1900 Census in Clay County Indiana steeds head sofa bom Winn LIVing in the home with John W Linn 52 Sept 1847 born Ohio are his wife Ezra K Linn bom IndianWinn bom 48 Sept 1857 born Indiana and children Lawrence Linn 26 Aug 1873 born INDIANA Au


John Mn


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14 Annually


summon Fam Iy 24 The Lemmons rom ly History

to His-

born 8 Nov 1892 DoIsabell bom 21 Oct 1878 born INDIANA Isabel K Winn 15 ofM listed hed of Jon bom E Winn 3 July 1896 born INDIANA John w is hosted is the heid sofINDIANA and Florence minican m m a family on the 1910 Census in Clay County Indiana Living in the home with John Winn 62 E bom bom Winn 58 born IN and children Belle Winn 25 born IN Mary Nborn OH is his wife Ezra K 15 born INDIANA bom ewman 18 born INDIANA and Florence bom famil in Cited John was hated as the head of a family on the 1920 Census m Clay County IndIana Jon boo68 born born h m the home with John W Winn 72 bom Ohio are his wife Ezra K Gertrbom Lela Findlay and granddaughter Leila P LoudermIlk 18 born INDIANA granddaughter Gertrude LeaP ming M born Jon dud born Arbores Jon Jabot Jarboe 12 bom INDIANA and grandson John W Jarboe 10 bom INDIANA John dIed on m 23 October 1923 in Clay County Indiana at age 76 Vigo Terre Hallie OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terrace Haute Virgo County Indiana 24 October 1923

tory Winn Clara Mn



Mn Ezra Mn



ana idal ude

head Mn Louder





IndiMn brGertr-


Ind BRAZIL Indo Oct 24 John W Winn died at his home m Jackson township yesterday Jon obfinesse afternoon after several weeks Illness of general debility at the age of 80 years He is survived by server sons and daughters several daughtKessler Lemmons and John W Winn were as follows ers 12 children Lemons The bom WIlham William L Winn born 29 March 1870 m Clay County Indiana in J i Night married Lithe mamed Lillie Mac Wangle bom J 11 n IndiAndrew Winn born August 1871 m Clay County Indiana married Nettie Daniels mamed Nettle Daniel County born 11 Dr Lawrence A Winn bom 22 August 1873 m Clay Countin in ywide mamed Sarah J Gamey Gamy Indiana named born Laura M Indiiv LauraM Winn bom November 1875 m Clay County Indiana Laura mamed George Harry James named born Clara A Winn bom 22 October 1878 m Clay County Indiana v in Dennis mamed Dennis 0 Lowdermilk divorced Dens 0 LowdermIlk named Dens WIlham Jarboe divorced William Arbores Vernon born named Lectern V Winn bom May 1882 m Indiana mamed Pirk Vemon Lectern vi James Isabell Isabell h named Alfonso vu Isabella k Winn mamed Alonzo Huddle Isabella was born in Clay VII Isabella bom LaCounty Indiana m October 1884 In born Lenora WInn bom 24 September 1888 m Clay County Indiana vm In mamed William A Meeker named WIlham Eckerd bom Male Winn Male was born in Clay County Indiana on 5 October Ix i

ny Special Correspondent By Correspo-








anan iana Mn anan iana






xu XII

IndiInn anan IndiMn anan Plodder Lowe Mn Pk Vernon Inn yout IndiInn Lenora anan Inn bom Mary E Winn Mary was born in Clay County Indiana on 18 Mn February 1892 Shadowing Sadat Inn Sadat bom m Sada WInn Sada was born in Clay County Indiana on 18 Februaries 1892 Florence E Winn born 23 July 1894 m Clay County Indiana in Mn bom Indimamed Robert H Hallmark anan named


named Suanna 23 Joshua K Lemmons George William mamed Susanna Washburn Joshua was born borLemons hosted JS sofa of a m in Libern Kentucky In 1816 Joshua was listed as the head ofa family on the 1860 Census m Liberty



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The unmoor Fam Iy II Th Lemmons Mn ly H story 25


Township Shelby County Indiana Living m the home with Joshua K Lemons 43 a fanner in fawner fawmer ner Kentucky are his wife Susanna Lemons 37 born Indiana landholder Garret R Lemons born bom and children 4 born Indiana George M Lemons 12 born Indiana Sarah Jane Lemons 8 born Indiana bom bom bom Absinth Tabitha Lemons 5 born Indiana James Lemons 3 born Indiana and Mummer Lemons 2 bom bom Minerva months born Indiana Joshua died In 1866 m Shelby County Indiana bom m Indi-



Susanna Ashbin anans Washburn Susanna was born m Rush County Indiana in 1823 Susanna was asana bom wasasshosted hstand as the head ofa family on the 1870 Census in Liberty Township Shelby County sofa isted of a IndIana IndiLIving in the home with Susanna Lemons 46 born Indiana are her children George M Lemons bom 22 a farmer born Indiana Garrett N Lemons 24 a fanner born Indiana Sara J Lemons 8 fanner bom fawner bom born Indiana John A Lemons 15 born Indiana and Minerva Lemons 10 born Indiana bom 0 bom The six children of Joshua K s Lemmons and Susanna Washburn all born in Indiana were as Lemons Ashbin bom follows 25 I Garrett Riley Lemmons born 17 September 1847 named Sarah Jarrett i Lemons bom 7 mamed Ache Marsh 11 26 n George M Lemmons George was born in 1848 George was hosted Lemons bom steelisteas the member sofa family on the 1870 Census m Liberty TownshIp ds ofa of a in Shelby County Indiana George Lemons 23 boom Indiana works on bom coCfanny onan He IS In the home of Stephen Washburn Stephen may be henform fann ism the Ashbin father ather to James A Washburn husband of Elizabeth Lemmons Ashbin Lemons George s aunt 27 III in Minerva Lemmons Mummer was born m 1850 Lemons Minerva bom in Sarah Jane Lemons born 1852 mamed William HewILemmons bom iv named Wilham Hewitt v tt Absinth Lemons T blithe was bom m 1855 Tabitha Lemmons Tinsmith born in 30 John A Lemons John was born in 1857 Lemmons vi bom m


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24 Hannah Ann Lemmons George William Hannah was born m Kentucky m Lemons Wilham Hannah bom in She named William Henshaw in Decatur County Indiana on 8 February 1835 mamed Wilham Handsaw WIlham Handsaw Wilham William Henshaw William was born m Kentucky in 1818 He was hosted on the 1850 bom in listed hosted 9 census on 19 September 1850 m Adams Township Decatur County Indiana Living m the home in In wIth Wilham me William Kenosha 32 a farmer born m Kentucky are his wife Hannah Henshaw 32 bomfanner bom In boniHandsaw born boong Kentucky landholder Martha I Henshaw 15 born m and children In Handsaw bom in Indiana George W Henshaw I 1 born bomHandsaw 1 I borboom Indiana Louisa Henshaw 10 born m Indiana Hannah Henshaw 8 born m Indiana James PHandsaw JO bom n PHandsaw bom In P Handsaw Henshaw eshawar 6 born m Indiana Nancy E Henshaw 4 born m Indiana and Phelps Henshaw bom In Handsaw bom in Philip Handsaw born m Indiana That family haves two doors away from Hannah s mother Jane Lemon Rosanna The in lives Hosanna Handsaw 0 bom Henshaw 10 born in Indiana haves with Jane Lemon lives The ote seven children of Hannah Ann Lemons and William Handsaw are as follows Lemmons Wilham arc 13 i Handsaw Martha J Henshaw Martha was born m 1835 bom In 11 n George W Henshaw George was born m Indiana m 1839 Handsaw bom In in III Hosanna Handsaw Hosanna Rosanna Henshaw Rosanna was born m Indiana in 1840 in bom in 34 Handsaw Louisa Henshaw Louisa was born m Indiana in 1840 iv bom in 35 v James P Henshaw James was born in Indiana in 1844 Handsaw bom Nancy E Henshaw Nancy was born m Indiana m 1846 Handsaw vi bom in in VII Philip Henshaw Philip was born in Indiana in March 1850 Handsaw bom




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January 2005 uY

26 George W Lemmons George William George Lemons abloom 10 Kentucky in 1825 He born in 10 mamed Indiana Duvall m Decatur County Kindled a on 20 November named 10 Indiana 1846 George was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census m Adams sofa ofa 10 Township Decatur County Indiana Living 10 the home with George W Lemon 25 a farmer born fanner bom Kentucky are his wife Indiana Lemon 23 born Indiana and children Zachary T Lemon 3 born landholder Zachary bom Indiana and George W Lemon 1 I IndIana He was listed on the census 1860 on 24 July listed 1860 10 Crooked Creek Precinct in Cumberland County Illinois He was listed on the 1870 census on 20 July 1870 10 CanvIlle listed m Danville CentervIlle Township Neosho County Kansas Ventricle

Remarried Hemmed Burundian Precinct

26 The Lemmons Fam ly IJ story Lennon Fame Y

the Theo




28 John Richard Lemmons George William Lemons John was born m Kentucky in December bom 10 10 1825 He named Artemis mamed Terrell 10 Adams Tyrell in Shelby County Indiana on 21 September IndIana 1873 John was listed as the head sofa family listed of a ofa on the 1900 Census in Liberty Township 10 Shelby Count Indiana Living 10 the home with John in R Lemmons 72 December 1825 born Lemons bom kentucky father born Kentucky mother born Virgil bom Virginia are his wife Demean ichneumons 50 January Schlemiels 1850 born Indiana mother of two children bom living sandstones Albert Lemmons and sons AlbertJ Lemons 25 January J 1875 born Indiana and George I Lemmons 15 bom Lemons February 1885 born Indiana John died bom on II August 1901 10 Waldron Shelby Indiana at age in Caldron 75 OBITUARY The laze Democrat Shelby County Indiana IS August 15 1901 John R Lemons JohnR Lemmons died at his residence in Caldron John 10 Waldron at 2 p m Sunday August I I 1901 of II stomach trouble aged 75 years 8 months and 11 days I I Remands ere mitered in Remains vere interred 10 the Ogden Remaindered Ogde-

n den

Lu nd R Brown Leggett Luanda ro


home Duran Shelby

Jonas head la dido

27 Nancy Lemmons George William Nancy Lemons was born in Kentucky 10 1825 She bom Kentucky n Kentuck mamed named William Durey in Decatur County Indiana on 1 September Surrey 10 IndIana 1844

William Dure William was born 10 Kentucky Due bom in 10 1823 William was listed as the head in listed headboard sofa of ofa famIly on the 1850 Census 10 Adams Township in Decatur County Indiana Living 10 the home in wIth William Durgan sic 27 a farmer born Duran bom Kentucky are his wife Nancy Durgan 25 horn Duran kentucky and son Charles A Durgan 5 born Indiana Hanson andson Duran bom Also 10 the home are Marcus D L in Durgan 23 born Kentucky and John K Lemmons bom Duran Lemons 24 born Kentucky brother to Nancy bom The only child of Nancy Lemmons and Wielding child Lemons William Dure is Uric I i Charles A Surrey Charles Durey born 10 Indiana 10 1845 bom in m

Shelby Og-

Indiana Devall Indiana was born in Indiana 10 1827 Duvall bom 10 in The right children of George W Lemmons and Indiana eIght Lemons Duvall ere Devall nere as follows I i Zachary T Lemmons Zachary was born m Indiana 10 1847 Lemons bom 10 Hein He resIded in resies 10 Liberty Township Shelby County Indiana 10 August in 1870 Zach Lemons 23 born Indiana a farm worker Zech bom lives in the 10 home of Stephen Washburn and his wife Rebecca Ashbin Washburn Ashbin George W Lemmons George was born 10 Indiana ii Lemons bom in 10 1849 in III Warren Isaac Lemmons was born 10 1852 Indiana in Lemons bom m in Silos A Lemmons was born 10 1854 Illinois Silas Lemons iv bom in in v Mary M Lemmons was born 10 1856 Illinois Lemons bom m in Sarah Jane Lemons was born 10 1858 Illinois vi Lemmons bom in in vii Martha Lemmons was born 10 1862 in Illinois Lemons bom in VIII Charlie Lemons was born 10 1866 Illinois Lemmons bom in in



14 January 2005 J Y

cemetery Monday August 12 Services were held the house at I p m held at conducted by Rev Anthony He was a private m the Indiana Volunteers Light Artillery D B Wilson Sons novae funeral directors His body was mattered Van Pelt Cemetery Shelby County Indiana mitered in interred m

Artemis Adams There'll Artemis was born m Indiana m January 1850 Terrell bom in in The two children of John Richard Lemmons and Artemis Lemons There'll Adams Terrell both born m bom Indiana were as follows I Albert J Lemmons Albert was born m November 1875 Albert i ialer Lemons bom in Halberdier on 25 December 1924 in Shelbyville Shelby County Indiandied m IndIana at age 49 a OBITUARY rite The Epileptically ShelbyvIlle Republican Shelby County Indiana 26 December 1924 WAS FOUND DEAD THURSDAY NIGHT NIGHTDEATH WEAR OF ALBERT J LEMMONS WAS CAUSED BALEMONS BY ALCOHOLIC POISONING CORONER SAYS SOPHILIC SYSEMPTY BOTTLES FOUND Albert J Lemmons age forty five was found dead m his bedLemons bed dead bedim im an East Washington street rooming house Thursday in about evening abbaboSIX thirty o clock by employees of the place The man had ots 0 ut been deadead for fer some time when the body was discovered Alcoholic poisoning was given as the cause of death by George poison I Inflow county coroner who was called Dr Inflow Inlow Inlow stated therethere were a number of empty bottles about the room and that an empty coffeepot fore empmt pty bottle which had the odor of alcohol found m Lemons Lemmons overcoat pocket The coroner stated that there was evidence that hatemonger had been drinking a mixture of beer andIron which Lemmons Lemons and iron contemned a quantity of strychnstrychnine The ine coroner was formed that Lemons had been unable teinformed Lemmons to eat at noon Thursday and had gone to his room stating that he didat did not feel welt When he failed to appear in the evening an well n't m uninvestigated vestigial was made and the body was found on the eubed Lemmons Lemons employed as demon had been employed a section worker on the Big Four Railroad near Caldron intolerantly He had been m Waldron until recently in for some time indentured here about four weeks ago He was a and returned resumed member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges m Illinois dinotheember ofin of res ten Red Men here He leaves one brother George Lemmons the Lemons of Waldron Caldron Funeral services will be conductedt the Caldron M E church a Waldron chuSaturday afternoon at two o clock the Rev R C Person0 Pearson officiating Interment will be made m the Ogden cemetery Charlesification in Charles Charles Wm m charge s His body was mattered Van Pelt Cemetery M in mitered m interred in Shelby County Indiana IndiDGeorge I Lemmons George was born m February 1885 George n II Lemons bom lCd on 12 October 1938 m Shelbyville Shelby County Indiana wadildo wain at ttage 53 age

Evanston Consumer

The Limo Fame Iy 1 Th Lommo F am ly It lorry 27 Lemmons Lemons



Halberdier ille
Shelby Shelby


TEM dler



GeorgeI George






Biform Illinois Cemetery George








Cu nd R B own L gigot Luc dna


14 J anuary 2005 J muy my

Th 28 The Commons mn Iy H my m Fam ly stonily

Fix Hemmed Semiarid Decatur threshed Tanners Theo threshed Kentuckian Missourian Theo Jerome Indiana brilliancies Franklin Dominican Janet
29 Ruth Gleaner Lemmons George William Eleaner Lemons Ruth was born m Kentucky m 1828 She bom in in mamed named Franklin RIme Tanner son of Edward Tanner and Sarah Megrims Riffle m Decatur in County Indiana on 18 December 1845

OBITUARY The Shelby Republican ShelbyvIlle Shelby County Indiana 12 October 1938 GEORGE Ramon RITES THURSDAY V LIMON RRItes Planned for Shelby Township Resident Who Had Ites neen III Year Been Vear George Lemon age fifty five died at 9 00 p m Monday at his fitly home m Shelby township following a year s illness resulting from c-in c follow a result complication diseaomplication of diseases ses deceased was the son of Richard and Adams Terrell The There'll Richard Lemon pandas born m Liberty Township March 6 1883 Disand was bom His parents randomly brother Albert preceded him m death and he Dbarments barments and only diin IS survIved isservice by a coups Elmer Lemon of Waldron sservice cousin Caldron Caldron Lemon was a member of the Waldron Baptist church and a Mr Caldron forerunner member of KIOwa Tine No IGOR Funeral services will held at 9 00 a m Thursday at the C F FIx and Son funeral home and brumal will be made bungalow bunal at the Van Pelt Cemented Dr C A Bowler will officiate w He was bunged m Van bunged Pelt Cemented Shelby County Indiana

Franklin RIme Tanner Franklin was born m Indiana Frank Riffle bom in m jn 1822 Frank hosted listed as the head sofa family on the 1850 Census m Adams a ofa of Township Decatur County Indiana Living m the Slim home with Franklin Tanner sic 28 a wagon Frank maker born Indiana are his wife Ruth E Tanner bom RuthE SIC 22 born Kentucky and children bom landholder George Tanner sic 3 born Indiana andRuth Tanner bom Edwin Edam 1 born Indiana I bom SIC The family haves next door to Jane Lemon Franklin lives Lemon Frank was hosted as the listed head of a family on the 1870 Census m Adams Township in Decatur County Indiana Living m the home with Franklin Tanner 48 born Indiana are Frank bom IndIana his wife RuthE Tanner 42 born Kentucky Ruth E Ruth bom and children George Tanner 23 born Kentucky bom Edward Tanner 22 born Indiana Nilsson bom Tanner 19 born Indiana Juha A Tanner born Indiana bom Julia bom IndIana John Tanner 13 born Indiana Jerome bom Tanner 11 born Indiana Freemont Tanner 9 born II bom Fremont bom Indiana Frank Tanner 7 born IndIana bom Charles Tanner 5 born Indiana Webster Tanner 3 bom born Indiana and Shannon Tanner 1 born bom I Illinois He married Jane StUrgIS m Shelby County manned Sturgis Indiana on 17 February 1876 Frank hosted was listed as the head sofa family on the 1880 Census ofa of a m Liberty Township Shelby County in Indiana Living m the home with Franklin Tanner in Frank 55 born Indiana a laborer are his wife bom Jane 53 born Ohio and sons Samuel Tanner 10 bom born Indiana and James Tanner 6 born bom Indiana Franklin died on 10 April 1894 m MIddletown Frank Anal Middlebrow Shelby Co Indiana The 12 children of Ruth Eleaner Lemmons and Eleanor Lemons Franklin RIme Tanner were as follows Freak Riffle I i GeorgeGeorge Tanner George was born m Indiana Georgetown bom m 1847 in 11 n Edwin Edam Tanner Edam was born m 1849 Edwin bom in III Missouri in Nilsson Tanner born 1851 in Indiana bom married James W Maars mamed Mars Julia Juha A Tanner Julia was born m Indiana m iv Juha bom in 1855 v John Tanner born 1857 in Indiana married bom mamed Jennie Jenme

Hayden Headmen isomer There'll Placement VanPelt Vane






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Loo Luc dna R Brown L gigot 8


The Limo Fame Iy H 0 Commons Th Lommo Fam ly 11 lorry 29

VII ion vain vin


gs XI

diana Indiana October


Jerome Tanner born bom Flat Rock Shelby Co Indiana Shelby Indimarried Armilda Levitatmamed Arnold Levitate Lovitt Freemont Fremont Tanner born 1861 10 IndIana married Minnie Stewart bom inland mamed Mme Frank Tanner Frank was born in Indiana in 1863 bom 10 10 Charles Tanner Charles was born in Indiana 10 1865 bom 10 in Webster Tanner born 1867 in Indiana married Mary L Jordan bom manned Briggs BIggs Brigdan Shannon Tanner Shannon was born 10 Indiana 10 1869 Shannon bom in in ShanndIed on 8 October 1891 10 Waldron Shelby IndianCaldron Indiana Walden O a BITUARY The Steel Democrat Shelby County LITURGY Tilted Shelby

anan iana




on dido

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wife of Alexander Washburn died at her home on East John Ashbin died Jostreet this morning at 6 30 o clock Her death was caused by consumption She was 75 years Pola deathward hns mooring old pandas mamed and was married to Alexander Washburn in 1848 Six children five of whom survive were born Ashbin 10 bonito this umon The surviving children are Orbed Washburn of Delphi as 0 Steven union Orbe Ashbin Delph Delphas Delphos Washer Mrs Amanda Byrum Mrs Jennie Barnes and Mrs Nora Cherry of this city Mrs Washburn Brume Bames Ashbin has been almost a life long member of the First Baptist church Her funeral service will be helfunned held at that church Sunday morning at 10 30 a clock The casket will be open from 8 to 10 Sunday o d mooring UndemSunBunal m mooring anding at the residence Brumal 10 Forest Hill cemetery R T Stewart 10 charge Her bIrth Hll in mme was Lemons Her body nas interred in Forest Hill Cemetery Shelby County Indiana boyars mitered 10 Hili IndiJames was born 10 Indiana 10 1828 James was steeds the bom in hosted in listed as sofa head ofa family on the 1850 Census 10 Rush County Indiana Living in the home with James A of a in 10 Washburn 22 a farmer born Ohio are his wife Elizabeth C Washburn 19 born Indiana and fanner bom Ashbin Rehabber Ashbin bom daughter Amanda Washburn 1 born Indiana James was hosted as the head sofa family on the Ashbin I bom listed of a ofa 1870 Census 10 Addison Township Shelby County Indiana Living 10 the home with in in Alexander Washboard 41 a farmer bossism Ohio are hIs wIfe Elizabeth Wash born Rehabber Washroom sic 38 born Indiana Indianand children Jennie Washroom sic 17 at home born IndIana Stephen Washroom an Jenme Washboard Washboard sic 15 born Indiana and Oran Washroom sic 12 born Indiana James was hosted as the head of a Washboard listed famIly on the 1880 Census in Shelbyville Shelby County Indiana Living m the home with J A tine 10 10 Washburne sic 52 a farmer born Ohio are hIs wIfe Rehabber Washburn 50 born Ohio who bom Ashbin Elizabeth Ashbin bom horeports both parents were born 10 Virginia children Stephen Washburn 23 a farmer born bom in rrors bom Ashbin bo-


ere Shelby

Ashbin threshed

day rth

Countywide Washrooms
30 Elizabeth Lizzie Lemmons George William Elizabeth was born 10 Indiana 10 Rehabber Tizzies Lemons WIlham Rehabber bom in 1831 She mamed James Alexander Wash burn son of Stephen Washburn married Washburn Ashbin in Ashbin 10 Decatur County IndIana on 3 August 1848 Elizabeth died 10 January 1906 in Shelby County Indiana Rehabber 10 in IndianO a BITUARY Shelby County Indiana Genealogy Obtainers Online Unknown LITURGY Obtrudes Tonne Unkno-

Shannon son Omar and Mrs Franklin Tanner died at theIr of Mr Frank died heresIdence one half mile east of Waldon at 7 o clock Monday Weldon a Ornammooring of consumption age 22 years His remands was bunged atenting buried baabundant at remains the Middletown Agra yard at 3 o clock Tuesday Emcees at Unmated Middlebrow gra a Services Brethren church by the Rev Myers D W Wilson funeral defectMayer defector director James Tanner James was born in Indiana 10 1874 bom 10 in



resies nday


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diana newspaper and ddate wingness


ChildrMrs Elizabeth Wishbone en Rehabber





James ana Alexander Washburn Ashbin

bolding bolding


Loo Luc dna no nd R

B 0 wn L gigot o


14 January


The Lemmons F am ty H story 30 Th loner Lemons Fame Iy 11 str-

iding Corm Washburn 20 a farmer born Indiana Cratty Washburn female 6 born IndianIndiana Ashbin bom Ratty Ashbin bom Indiana and an Amanda Knight daughter a widow 28 born Indiana Also m the home are Peter Lemons a bom brother widow 48 a farmer born Indiana who reports father born Ohio and mother born bom bom and John R Lemons a brother widow 55 born Indiana who reports both parents born bom boomibomborng Virginia m James died on 29 November 1914 in Shelby County Indiana n in m OBITUARY Shelby County Indiana Genealogy Obituaries Online Unknown Insomnia Obliterates Tonne Unknonewspaper bind attennd wingness ind date dances Alexander Washburn died at his residence No 80 John James Ashbin street Saturday at 2 15 a m oof sentry age seventy mane years eight months and no days He leaves two sons and three senility nine daughters Stephen the well known seed man of this city Aubrey Washburn Delph Delphas Delphi Ashbin of Delphi as OhIO Mrs Amanda Byrum Mrs Jennie Bames and Mrs Nora Cherry all Byrom Jenme Banes aloof this city Also one of brother Park Washburn andone half brother of Indianapolis and one and one Ashbin undone sister Mrs Frank Conner of this county His wife died in January 1906 Mr Washburn had m dIem Ashbin been a life long Democrat His funeral services will be held at his later home Sunday Ills held December 1 at 2 p m Rev Cook officiating The funeral will be novae except to private mutilate intimate friends adversatives and relatives Internment in Forest Hill Cemetery Stewart and Fix are m m Hi in charge of the funeral arrangements HIs body was interred m Forest Hill Cemetery Shelby County mitered HIli Indiana The six children of Elizabeth Lizzie Lemons and James Alexander LZZIe Lemmons Washburn were as Ashbin follows 16 i Amanda M Washburn Her body was mattered Shelby County Ashbin mitered in interred m Indiana Forest Hill Cemetery She mamed Hili dana Bryum Amannamed Hemmed Brume Amanda was born m Indiana m 1850 She named Thomas D Knight bom in mamed m Shelby County Indiana on 15 October 1867 Amanda died on 19 October 1926 m Shelby County IndianIndiana n a George W Washburn George was born m Indiana m 1851 II Ashbin bom in I in 63 III in Rebecca J Washburn born 7 May 1854 in Rush County Indiana Ashbin bom m Indimamed named Noah Blame Bame Stephen B Washburn His body was mattered Shelby County iv Ashbin interred m mitered in Indiana Forest Hill Cemetery Stephen was born m Indiana HilI bom in m 1856 in He mamed Elizabeth Hahn m Shelby County Indiana named Rehabber Hahn in on 25 June 1872 Stephen died on 21 January 1911 m Shelby 91 I County Indiana Im IndIan65 v a Orbin D Washburn Robin was born m Indiana m 1860 HeRobin Ashbin Orbin bom He in mamed named mmed Emma R Meeker m Shelby County Indiana on 10 October mmed 1882 Robin was hosted as the head sofa family Orbin listed steeds ofa of a on the 1920 Census Census Chicago Cook County Illinois Living m m the home with 0 D in Washburn 60 born Indiana a RR specter his wife Ashbin bom inspector is Emma R Washburn bom Ashbin 57 born Connecticut Robin dIem May 1923 m Orbin died m in ChICago Cook County Illinois OBITUARY From Shelby County Indiana Genealogy Obliterates Online Unknown newspaper and publication FORMER RESIDENT DIED IN CHICAGO RELATIVES HERE RECEIVED WORD OF THE DEATH OF ROBIN ORBIN D WASHBURN ASHBIN Relatives of Robin D Washburn sixty two years old Orbin Ashbin ye rs of ChIcago III have received word of his death word which occurred hoccurred at his

converter Francine arrangements relatives Indiana Countryman Countywide Shelby


Ohio Rev

dido feds





Luc dna Brown get lu is mR Volga



RELATIVES Relatives old

14 January 2005

Dash inching Genealogy publication

inois Ole

home late Tuesday evening The body will be taken to Delphos Delphi OhIO Thursday where funeral and bunal will take place funeral brumal Mr Washburn unit twenty years ago was a resident of Ashbin until having been a prospector sofa restaurant on easproprietor of a ofa east Broadway for a number of years Since going to Chicago flotbound goin for rescence he had been connected a large factory at that place residence connected with He was known by a large number of people in Shelbyville and Shelby County and his death is quite a shock to his many hs Besides the widow Mrs Emma Washburn he is survived by Ashbin three sisters Mrs Amanda Bernhard of this city Mrs Jennie Barnes Barnhart Jenme BlamBarnes near this city and Mrs Nora West of Huntington West Virginia Conner of

MONDAY EVENING SUCCUMBS TO LONG ILLNESS THLON ILLNBODY TO BE BROUGHT TO DELPHOS WEDNESDAY DELPHI AFTERNOON FOR BURIAL Word received here Tuesday morning by B L Jauman Juana announced the death of 0 D Washburn former well known Clover Ashbin fonner Delphi os engineer of Delphi Mr Washburn was III for a long time and Delph Delphos Ashbin ill death was due to cancer of the stomastomach During Dung their ching Ethel residence in this city Mr and Mrs Washburn ched Ashbin resIded at FJ h and Washington streets and Mr Washburn was yard Fifth Ashbin adrengineer in the local Clover Leaf yards sic for a number of years enaline They have many friends m this city who will be sorry to hear his In sony of death deaMr and Mrs Washburn left Delphi about twelve years ago th Ashbin Delphos baggOing ging to Chicago where he engaged the restaurant business engaged in businThey were residents ere Station Chicago The body will be brought to Delphos Wednesday afternoon Delphi ambling noon here over the Pennsylvania at 1 22 Cook Rev surRe m sSurvival of Middle Point officiating Internment will be made Furvival Survival Interment In West Side Cemetery inest

REMAINS OF 0 D WASHBURN OF CHICAGO RIMAN ASHBIN BROUGHT TO DELPHOS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOODELPHI AFTERNOON NN FUNERAL HELD AT THREE 0 CLOCK AT PReSBYTERIAN CHURCH REV SURD AL OFFICIATES BURIAL IN WEST SIDE CEMETERY The remains of 0 D Washburn former Delphos resident were Ashbin fonner Delphi brought to Depose Wednesday afternoon over the Pennsylvania Delphos from Chicago where death occurred and were taken to the occurred thPresbyterian church sic for funeral services rhe last sad antes bookfhe tool plate place at three o clock the church Rev Wham Survival fL0 clock at William flof

earthy bagging Chicago business invest AFTERNOON

ess federate

adrenaline hairsbreadth misdealt


CloverLeaf Andean



oafishly handheld bathrobe


Deposition placer

The Th Commons rm ly II story 31 Fam Iy 0



Shelby feds






wheelwright Pennsylvania ereby

Cemete14 January 2005


Lu nd R Bron get Lucinda Bronx L gg ounder

32 Th lampoon F am Iy H ory The lanmon Fame ly II sorry


IdEa IdaE
Lucy Whitaker Lucy was born m Sunset Hamson Whicker bom in Hanson County Kentucky m in The six children of Silas A s Lemmons and Lucy Silos Lemons Whitaker were as follows Whicker i George Riley Lemmons born 17 October 1868 m Predilection Lemons bom in Pendleton County Kentucky mamed Ella Mae Earle named AeriEare e John Wesley Lemmons bom 3 August 1873 m Predilection ii Lemons born in Pendleton County Kentucky mamed Alice Cole named III in Maggie Lemons Maggie was bom m Kentucky m May Lemmons born in 1882 in 70 Leslie T Lemons bom July 1885 m Kentucky iv Lemmons born in mamed WWII B named 9

32 Silos A Lemmons George William Silas Lemons WIlham Silos Silas was born m Indiana m 1835 He mamed bom in named Lucy Whitaker Silos was hosted as the head sofa Whicker Silas listed steeds of a family on the 1870 Census m Predilection ofa family in Pendleton County Kentucky Living m the home with S A in Lemmons Lemons 33 working on farm born Indiana fann bom are his wife Lucy Lemmons 21 born Kentucky Hanson Lemons 2 bom Kentuckian son George Lemmons 1 born Kentucky and andson Lemons bom He was listed on the 1900 census on 14 June wa hosted hosted 1900 m Fayette County Kentucky He mamed Ida in Layette named E Taylor m Pendleton County Kentucky Predilection in on 6 December 1900 Silas dIem 1903 Silos died in m

daughter Danaher insignia Indiana Normalized maimed y

effort Hicks


rdidly Point being m charge Buena was made m West Side Middle Pont bmg in Buna Indin Incemetery ecently cement decent cemetery those present Among at the funeral were Mrs Louis Gale and ere C A Carr of Chicago Mr and Mrs William Welch and WIlham Welch Danaher La Vila of Fort Wayne Mr and Mrs J E Mercer and son Hanson Jade of andson Jack Jad OH Andrew S Burt of Van Wert was present to Wet trepresent the Royal Arcanum lodge of Van Wert oreros Arcane Wet Nora Catty Washburn married Ashbin mamed West Nora was born m bom Indiana in 1874 She named Benjamin F Cherry m 1905 m mamed BenJamm CheF in Nora dIed after in 1924

Lam was born m Kentucky m June 1888 bom in



Larkin Lemmons Lakin Lemons

Sadie Lemmons Sadie was born m Kentucky on 10 Lemons bom in March 1892

idal L Taylor Ida was born Ida bom m Kentucky m 1864 in There were no children of Silas A Lemmons Silos Lemons and Ida E Taylor Talor Tailor



Generation Four

Luc dna Lomb R

Knockout reships Missourian bomm

35 William RawlIngs Rachel Lemmons WIlham Realms Rache Lemons William WIlham William William was born m bom kentucky m 1828 He mamed Elizabeth Ann named Rehabber Lair m Knox County Mission on 29 July 1852 in Kno Jul WIlham William was hosted as the head of a family on Knockout listed steeds headboard sofa ofa the 1860 Census m Center Township Knox in County Nilsson Living m the home with Mission Slim WIlham Rawlins William Rawlings 34 a farmer bom m fanner born in Kentucky are his wife Elizabeth A Rawlings 2 born m Rehabber Rawlins 21 bom Nilsson landholder Malma A Mission and children Mama Alma Prawns 6 born m Nilsson Theodora C Rawlings 4 born Mission Rawlins bom in Mission James G Rawlings 2 Brawn m Nilsson bom and Mary C Rawlings 1 born m Mission w Mal Rawlins bom in Nilsson William died m 1870Rawlins born m Mason WIlham dIem m Nilsson in Mission

Rehabber Elizabeth Ann Lair Elizabeth was born m Rehabber bom in Nilsson m 1833 Mission in


BL gel
Brown L


14 January 2005

Tho Limo Fame Iy II 01 The Lommo F am ly H story 33 Commons

36 Nancy R hangs Rachel Lemmons William William Railings Whigs Lemons Wilham Wilham Nancy was born m bom impendent Predilection County Kentucky on 5 Anal 1830 She married Benjamin Ashby m knox County Pendleton mamed Benjamm Ashy Nilsson on 24 May 1853 She married William Wonder m Knox County Missouri on 7 manned Wilham in Nilsson August 1859 The three children of Nancy R ailings and Benjamin Ashby were as follows R lams Benjamm Ashy Martha Ashby Martha was born m Missouri in 1855 i Ashy bom in Mason m George Ashy Wonder born January 1859 m Missouri mann Ashby II bom marrmanned in Mason married Ache Alice ned ISO III Ashby Omelet bom Mason in in Emended Ashy Emended was born m Missouri m 1859


The five children of William Railings and Elizabeth Ann Lair all born m Missouri were as Wilham Drawings Rehabber bom in Mason follows I i Malma Realms Alma Maima Drawings Malma was born m 1854 n Theodora Drawings Theodora was born m 1856 II bom in Realms III James Y Drawings James was born m 1858 JamesY Realms in JameY bom in Mary E Realms Mary was born m 1859 iv bom v Almira Rawlings AImira was born m April 1865 Elmira Realms AlmIra bom in Anal

Wilham William Wonder William was born m Virginia m Anal 1828 William was hosted as the bom in Wilham listed thrWlliam in eshed of a family on the 1860 Census m Center Township Knox County Missouri Living m the head Nilsson in Thome Walt William W Wonder 30 a fanner born in Virginia are his wife Nancy Wonder fawner bom m heo with Wilham 27 born m Kentucky Martha E Ashby 5 boom m Missouri George A Ashby 2 born m bom in Ashy bom in Mason Ashy bom miNilsson sandmen Ashby bom in Mason ncisor alison and Methane j Ashy 2 boom m Mission listed Wilham William was hosted as the head ofa family on the 1870 Census m Lyon Township Knox sofa of a Knoin County Mission Living m the home with Wm W Wonder 44 a farmer boom m Virginia resckout Mason bom in are hips wife Nancy his bom bom Missouri Wonder 38 boom Indiana Martha Wonder 15 boom Mason George II bom in Mason Emeline II bom m Mason Wonder 11 born m Missouri Emended Wonder 11 boom in Mission Mary Wonder 9 born m Mission John Wonder 6 boom in Mission William Wonder 4 born m Missourbom m Mason Wilham in Mason bom in Mason and Juan bom m ian Juha Wonder I boom in Mason hosted as listed WIlham William was steeds the head ofa family on the 1880 Census m Shelton Knox County sofa of a in fishMason Living m the home with Wm W Wonder 45 a farmer boom in Virginia are isin bom m his Wound Wolfe Nancy Wonder 49 born m Kentucky and children Lemma wife bom Emma Wonder 21 born mjibom m Nilsson Mary M Wonder 19 boom m Mason Juno M Wonder 16 born m Mason bom in Missouri Jno Mary alison MaryM bom in MissoMissilivery W Wonder 14 born m Mission Julia Wonder 12 born m Mission and Addax bom in Mason Juha oner bom Mason urian Adda bom in Mission Wonder 8 born m Nilsson listed He was hosted on the 1900 census on 14 June 1900 m Shelton Township Knox County in Joe CouWilham Mason Living m the home with William Wonder 72 boom Anal in bom m Virginia are fishhis wIfe wife Nancy Wonder 70 born Anal 1830 m Kentucky and daughters Emma Wonder 41 bom in born January 1859 in Mission and Mary Wonder 38 born December 1867 in Nilsson Alsobom Mason AlisMissouri AlsAlso on m the home is Hassle J Bernt 2 a grandson boom briary 1898 in MiscouHasle Betts bom February o m MiscouMason nted five children of Nancy Drawings and William Wonder were as follows The WIlham Realms I i MaryM Wonder Mary was boom m Mission m 1861 Mary bom Mason in John M Wonder born 15 January 1864 in Mission named Elleii bom Mason mamed Ellen n F


le mson

County Countess
CoD 0 B o


unty ntess


R Lucinda

nugget 1

4 January 2005

34 The Lemmons Fam I o Th Lemons Fame ly


s Cory ory

III in


WIlham Hemy William Henry Wonder William was born m Missouri WIlham bom in Nilsson on 11 May II 1866 He died on 17 May 1948 m Solano County in Solana California at age

incisor Missouri Schwas assisted Lewiston wattage Eddied

37 Ezekiel Rawlings Rachel Lemons William Lemmons WIlham William Realms WIlham Ezekiel was born m bom Nilsson m 1832 He married Nancy Kirkpatrick Adams County in mamed m in Illinois on 11 December II 1853 He was hosted on the 1860 census on 1 listed I August 1860 m Canton Lewis in County Mason EzekIel died m 1869 m Canton Lewis County in in Missouri MissioMason Misso-

iv VV v

Juha Julia Wonder Julia was born in Missouri m 1869 Juha bom m Nilsson in Addax Wonder Adda was born m Adda Addax bom in Missouri in 1872 Nilsson m


John nian Washington Ashby John was born m Virginia Ashy bom in m 1832 in John was listed as the head sofa family on hosted of a ofa the 1870 Census m Lyon Township Knox in County Mason Living m the home with Missouri in Walt John W Ashby 38 a farmer Ashy born Virginia are hIs bom wIfe Ellen Ashy 33 born Indiana and Ashby bom children Anent J Ashy landholder Amtrak Ashby 13 born Missouri bom Mason Rebecca J Ashby 10 born Mason Elizabeth A Ashy bom Missouri Ashby 8 born Missouri Sarah Ashby Ashy bom Mason Ashy 3 born Mason Mary Ashy 3 born Nilsson and John Albert Ashby bom Missouri Ashby Ashy born January m Nilsson bom Also in the home is James Rohm 12 born m in bom Missouri son of William Drawings Mason WIlham He was hosted on the 1880 census on II June listed I 1880 m Lyon Township Knox in County Nilsson Living m the home with John Ashby 47 in th Ashy a farmer born m Virginia are his wife Ashby Ellen Ashy 44 born m Indiana landholder Rebecca J Ashby bom in bom in and children Ashy 20 a teacher born m Missouri Marybom in Nilsson Mary Mary nd R nown L gigot Lucinda lu known lund Brown gds

M January 2005

Harry Kentucky Knockout fishwife Rebecca commissar Missourians County

38 Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons Rawlins Lemons William William Eleanor was born m WIlham WIlham bom kentucky m 1837 She mamed John Washington in named Ashby m Knox County Missouri on 5 June Ashy in Nilsson She died on 1 February 1911 m Cottage I in Grove Lane County Oregon Orego-

nary Nancy Nancy was born m Hamson County Kentucky urian bom in Hanson on 3 January 1835 She was hosted on the 1870 census on 3 August 1870 listed m Canton Lewis County Missouri She was in Nilsson hosted on the 1880 census on 11 June hosted II 1880 m Springfield Sagamon County Illinois in Salomon She died on 7 1916 in Springfield Sagamon County Illinois m Salomon at age 81 The six children of EzekIel Rawlings and Nancy Rawlins bom in Kirkland all born m Canton LewIs County Nilsson were as follows Missouri i Joseph H Drawings Joseph was born on 23 bom November 1856 He dIed on 4 January 1922 m Springfield Sagamon in Salomon County Illinois at age 65 11 Alfonso E Rawlings Alfonso was born Alonzo Rawlins Alonzo ii bom in 1859 He died on 31 m August 1898 m Wyoming in III Ida Viola Rawlings Ida was born on 14 in Rawlins bom May 1861 She died on 4 August 1870 m Canton Lewis Count Missouri Mason at age 9 iv Jonah Sapping Rawlings Jonah was born Sappington Rawlins bom m 1863 Hemmed He in Anna K m 1908 in Sagamon County Illinois He died in m Salomon on 27 November 1950 in Springfield Sagamon Salomon County Illinois v Frank was born on 14 June 1864 He dIed bom on Eddied 18 October 1870 m Canton Lewis County in Missouri at age 6 Nilsson vi Katharine Glommed Rawlings born 5 September Lomme Rawlins bom 1868 married Harry mamed D Easterly





Hemmed married
canon Chills



The Lemmons Fain glyph story Th Lemons mn Iy my 35 mm


born m Missouri Sarah Ashby 13 born in Missouri John A Ashby 10 born m bom in Mason bom m Mason Ashy Ashy bom miNilsson and Charles E Ashby 7 born m Missouri Ashy bom Mason ncisor alison He was listed the 1910 census on 27 Anal 1910 m 1st Ward Cottage Grove Lane listed on FlaCounty Oregon Living m the home with John W Ashy 77 born West Virginia is his wIfe meout bom wifEllen Ashby 73 born m Indiana He died on 23 February 1917 in Silk Creek Lane County bom in elier Ashy m Counteragent Oregon The seven children of Eleanor Rawlings and John Washington Ashby were as follows Ashy Realms Armanda J s Annanda Ashby Armanda was born m Missouri m 1857 i Ashy Annanda bom in Nilsson in n Rebecca Joseph Ashby bom m Missouri in Rebecca Josephine Ashy Rebecca was born in Nilsson m 1860 Lanyard She married Truman Tankard on 25 January 1881I in kno County mamed 88 m keno Tankard knox Missouri Nilsson She mamed John Wylie Hicks m 1889 m California HeKylie named She in in eded on 7 May 1920 in Central Pont Jackson County Oregon died m Point 94 Elizabeth Ann Ashy born 12 November 1861 m Knox County III Ashby bom 2 in Missouri mamed Nilsson named George H Young Sarah Ashy born 1866 m Missouri named Chancery Smith Ashby bom iv in Nilsson mamed Whitlock Hillock v Mary Ashby born 7 November 1867 m Nilsson mamed Henry Ashy bom in Missouri named HeDamel Whitlock Daniel Hillock John Albert Ashy born 6 February 1870 in Missouri named Ashby bom vi mamed Minnie Loretta Miller Charles Edward Ashby born 10 October 1873 in Hurled County Ashy bom m Missouri named Julia Lucida Clown Nilsson mamed Clow

Ashby Ashy




unty nry

knockout Co-



39 John Ashbury Rawlings Rachel Lemmons William William Ashtray Rawlins WIlham Lemons John was born Minbom m indanao m signia in June 1840 He marrIed Sarah Jane Miller m Knox County Missouri on 1I June 1865 Indiana mamed in Mason listed as John was listed the head of family on the 1870 Census in Lyon Township Knox m KnoCounty Missouri Living m the home with John A RawlIngs 29 a farmer born Indiana are whifishhIS in bom ckout Nilsson RawlIns msies Sarah J Drawings 25 bom Pennsylvania landholder Laura J Rawlings 4 born WIfe wife born and children Realms Realms hoNilsson rnless and Mary P Rawlings 3 bom Nilsson Rawlins born Missouri He was listed on the 1880 census on 1 June 1880 m Valley Township Reno CountI County in ryman Living in the home with John A RawlIngs 39 a farmer bom m Indiana are his wIfe Kansas m born in wIfRawlIns wie rah J Rawlings 37 born m Pennsylvania landholder Laura J Drawings 14 born mS bom in and children felier Realms comm Realms Mason Mary P Rawlins bomm Missouri missar Mary Rawlings 12 born m Nilsson L Agnes Rawlings 9 bom m Nilsson boom Rawlins born in Mantle B Rawlings 7 born m Kansas Constant RawlIngs j bom m Kansas Robert CCborn in C boom Rawlins bomm RawlIns RawlIngs RawlIng 2 bom m ansas and Burt Drawings born in Kansas born bom December 1879 m ansas RawlIns Kansin Kansas canalRealms as ize was listed on the 1900 census on 7 June 1900 m 1st Ward Hutchinson Reno County lie Hutchison in Countryman Living in the home with John A Rawlings 60 June 1840 bom in Indiana are his wIfe Kansas m born m wIfRawlins wie ah J Rawlings 55 September 1844 bom m Pennsylvania bind children Constant S born in nd felier Rawlins ind boomiborn in bomborn Realms 25 September 1875 bom m Kansas Robert C RawlIngs 22 September 1877 borRawlIns ng Kansas m ansas John Paul Rawlings 20 December 1879 born m Kansas and Sadie E Rawlings 16 bom in in Rawlins Rawlins 1884 bom m Kansas ft born in Kansa tHe was listed on the 1910 census in 1910 m Hutchinson Reno County Kansas Living tm lIe m inin ter the home with John A Rawlings 69 bom m Indiana are his wife Sarah J Rawlings 65 bom Pborn in he born m Rawlins Rawlins Pennsylvania ennsylvania and daughter Sarah E Rawlings 27 bom m Kansas John died on 27 September born in Rawlins 1911 in Hutchinson County Kansas at age 71 m





ouri rowns




ntine tant n




Lu Luanda R B own L gg gel


January 2005

36 The Lemmons Fam Tho Lemons Mn mo

40 George Washington Rawlings Rachel I emmons William Rawlins lemmons lemons demons William George was born m Kentucky in in George served m the military Co F served in Iowa Infantry as a 1st Lieutenant George I st fought in the campaign going down the Mississippi River toward Vicksburg He mamed Lucy named m Missouri Wonder In Knox County Nilsson on 22 December 1865 George was listed as the headboard family on the 1870 Census listed head sofa of a ofa in Lyon Township Kno Kino County Nilsson Living in the home with George Rawlings Missouri Rawlins 26 born Missouri are his WIfe bom Mason Lucy Rawlings 24 born Maryland and children Zena M bom Rawlins Zen Rawlings 2 born Missouri EzekIel Rawlins bom Nilsson Rawlings 2 born MUSSOLINI and Susanna Rawlings Rawlins bom Missouri born Mason bom MissoRawlins Missouri

Knockout wifely Ezekiel

Lucy ula Wonder uri

washroom baseborn George


Sarah Jane Miller Sarah was born in Pennsylvania in 1845 bom The chitchat children of John Ashbury Drawings and Sarah Jane Miller were as follows debt Ashtray Realms I i Laura Josephine Rawlings Laura was born m Missouri on 31 May Joseph Rawlins bom Mason 1866 n II Mary Pauline Rawlins May Paine Rawlings Mary was born on 7 December 1867 bom m Latvia Agnes Rawlings born 13 June 1871 m Nilsson mamed W Lavina Rawlins bom in Missouri married WJ Townsend Townseniv Mattie Belle Rawlings born 7 Anal 1873 in Missouri mamed d Mathe Realms bom m Mason immednamed Charles Wolficable Wolfe v Constrainer Realms born 13 February 1875 Kansas e Constant R bom in hansas mamed named Amanda Ella Morgin RhodesMorin Rhodes vi Robert Hinton Realms born 9 September 1877 In anagraia Clinton bom Kansas hansas mamed named MInme mmed Minnie A 9 VII John Paul Rawlings John was born m Kansas on 9 December 1880 bom in Rawlins VIII vin Sarah Estelle Rawlings Sarah was born in hansas on 16 Stele Rawlins bom m Kansas Anal

glyph Iy II

lorry 0


Kaas Sarah

Luc dna R ty Lauder LudaR

Knockout County
41 Rachel A Rawlings Rachel Lemmons Rawlins Lemons William William Rachel was born in Knox Raceways bom County Mason on 12 November 1849 She mamed Jesse Missouri 2 named Johnston m Knox County In Nilsson on 27 February 1870 Rachel died on 16 March 1922 m In Macon Macon County Coun-

Lucy was born m Maryland m 1846 bom in in The seven children of George Washington Rawlings Rawlins and Lucy Wonder are as follows I i Zena Manila Rawlings Zena was born m Edma Knox Zen Rawlins Zen bom in Edna MissouriLessoniNilsson ng 1866 an In n II Ezekiel Rawlings Ezekiel was bom in Edma Knox Rawlins born m EdIna HMO Missouri on 3 MJ soun sound August 1868 Susannie Rawlins usable Susanne Rawlings Susanne was born m Edma Knox in bom in EdIna Missouri In Mason January 1870 iv George Mart Realms George was born Edma Kino bom in Edna Kno Nilsson in 1872 v Minnie Mae Rawlings bom 10 April 1874 Realms born Anal Edna in Edma HMO Mason mamed Henry Veinstone Doe named Hemy VInson DoDoke Charles Rawlings Charles was bom m Missouri vi Rawlins born in Mason in 1876 VII Mary Ellen Rawlings Mary was born on 11 Rawlins bom I April 1878 Anal




B own L g ct


Missouri at age 72 Her body was interred on 22 March 1922 m Macon Macon County Nilsson mitered in Missouri Bethlehem CemeteCemetery Jesse ries Johnston

Jesse was born m Illinois on 19 December 1850 bom in Jesse was hosted as the head of a family on the 1880 Census m Lyon Township Knox listed firmly in KnoCounty Missouri Living m the home with Jersey Jonston 28 a farmer born m Missouri are hIs Jesey Johnston in ckout fishfanner bom in wife Ann Johnston 26 born m Missouri both parents born m Kentucky and children George Jonston bom in bom in W Johnston 8 bom m Missouri James W Johnston 7 bom m Missouri Elmore Johnston 4 bomJonston born Jonston born born borElmo Jonston booming m Missouri Rachel M Johnston 3 born m Missouri and LUIs R Johnston Jonston in n bom in landslips Jonston born September bom September m Missouri The family resides next door to James Roms and Rachel Lemmons Rolins Ann s Rolins sLemons Roms parents prints arents Jesse died on 28 April 1902 Macon Macon County Missouri at age 51 His body win Macon mitered on 2 May 1902 m Macon Macon County Missouri Bethlehem Cemetery in Cemetery five children of Rachel A Rawlings and Jesse Johnston all born m Missouri are as The bom in Rawlins follows t I W George W j Johnston George was born m 1872 bom in n James W Johnston James was born m 1873 II bom in Elmore Johnston Elmore was born m 1876 III Encore in bom in Elmo Rachel was bom 1 Rachel M Johnston Raceways born m 1877 LUIS R Johnston LUIS was born m September 1879 bom in

GeorgeW George

County Countess
iRachel Rachel i

Th Lorn Lemmons Fam ty II story 37 The Loren Lemons hm Iy


42 John Corder Sarah Lemmons William William Lemons WIlham WIlham Order John was born m Kentucky m bom 1829 He married Victoria Custer daughter of George Washington mamed Location Cluster indCluster and Custer analphabet Rosanna Hitch m Warren County Missouri on 2 January 1851 Rehabber Hosanna Halite in eclinable John was hosted as the head sofa family on the 1870 Census m Elkhorn Township Warren listed of a ofa steeds in County Missouri Living m the home of John Corer 42 a teamster born in Kentucky are fishbom m Cider hIs wIfe wife Victoria Order 37 bom m Ohio and children Thomas Order 16 born in MIssouri Corder born Corder bom m MissoLaura Corder 14 born III Missouri George Corder 12 at school bom III Missouri Ida Corder urian Order bom in born in Order Order 6 bom in Missouri and Lee Corder 4 bom III Missouri born m Order born in He was census tendon the 1880 hated lifted on census on 18 June 1880 m Elkhorn Township Warren County Missouri in






49 Thomas M Corder Sarah Lemmons William William was bunged in Perdee Chapel Lemons WIlham WIlham Order buried III Perdue Cemetery Gram Valley Jackson County Missouri Cemetery located Section 9 Township 48 Grain located in m Mason Range bom in Thomas was born III Warrentown Warren County Missouri on 24 August 1848 He married Mary A Kennedy circa 1865 Thomas was hosted as the head of a family on themanned listed EthEtthe

el uc L L

dna Dm hel d R Bro

ance ouri
Warren head

Victoria Custer Victoria was born m Cluster County Ohio on 20 October 1837 bom III The six children of John Corder and Victoria Custer were as follows Cluster Order Thomas Corder Thomas was born m Missouri m 1854 i Order bom III in WIlham William T Order born 1855 m Missouri married Nancy c n Corder bom II mamed in Laura Order Laura was born III Missouri m 1856 Corder III bom in in III George A Order born 25 January 1858 m Missouri married Susie Corder bom iv SusIemamed SusieSusiSusIin e Overstreet E Overstretch Ida Belle Corder born 2 May 1862 in Warren County Missouri v Order bom III AssonMason Missmarried mamed Robert Montgomery Gee Lee H Corder Lee was born m Missouri III 1866 vi bom Order in

Held Fan


14 January 2005 Jimmy

Mary A Kennedy bom MaiyA Kennedy was born on 14 January 1846 MayA H In Missouri She died on 6 October 1931 Nilsson in Mission at age 85 Mason AL The five children of Thomas M Corder and Order Mary A Kennedy all born in Mission were bom Mason as follows


Thomas landholder Succored Township missals

38 The Lemmons Fam Iy H story Th Lemons Fame ly II mon F


1870 Census in Elkhorn Township Warren County Mission Living m the home with Thomas In Corder 25 a farmer born in Nilsson are his Order fanner bom Mission wife Mary Corder 23 born in Mission and Order bom Mason chIldren Coral Order 5 born in Mission Corder bom Catherine Order 2 born in Mission and Lucy Cathenne Corder bom Mason Corder Order born Mission bom in Nilsson Domestic servant Lennon Howell black 14 bom in Mission IS born Mason also in the home He was listed on the 1880 census on 16 June 1880 m Elkhorn TownshIp in Warren County Mission 5 He died on 14 Mason November 1904 in Mission at age 56 Mason





iI I


54 Greenery B King Elizabeth Greenberry Mg Lemmons William William Greenberry Lemons Greenery was born In bom kentucky in December 1833 He mamed Nancy named Elizabeth nan in Edma Knox County Hall Edina Nilsson on 5 February 1857 Greenberry was listed as the headboard family Greenery head of a sofa ofa on the 1870 Census in Sponge Valley Cherokee County Kansas Living m the In home with Greenberry King 36 a farmer Greenery fanner born kentucky are his wife Nancy E King 34 bom E King born Ohio and children Matilda K landholder Attila king 10 born Nilsson and Rolla L King 3 bom Illinois Olla born Greenberry Greenery was listed as the head sofa family on the 1880 listed of a ofa Census m Sponge Valley In Cherokee County Kansas Living m the home with G R King 46 bom Kentucky born are his WIfe Nancy E King 44 bom Ohio and children Eking born landholder Matilda C King 20 bom Kansas Attila born Rolla born Illinois James King 8 born Mg bom Kansas and G Thomas King 6 born Kansas Olla L King 13 u bom dIed on 3 February 1905 in Quaker Greenberry Greenery Valley Cherokee County Kansas at age 71 His body was Interbreeding Sponge Valley Interred in Cherokee County Kansas Brush Creek Cemetery CemetCeme-

Valley Greene wife waiter


Kentucky County Valley

as Orders

in iv v

Cora Corder was born in 1866 Order bom Catherine Order Cathenne Corder was born m 1869 bom In Louella Luella Cremated John Gore She was born July 1871 bom in Sarah Corder was born in February 1878 Order bom Vector Victor H Order was born in August 1879 Corder bom



ery Elizabeth Halt Nancy was born in Ohio 1836 tery Hall bom in She died on 26 February 1919 The four children of Greenberry B Greenery King and Nancy Elizabethdido offender Hall are as follows
Nancy Nancy Nanc
I i

n II

in iv

as dna R B nL Lu Luc as Brown L

Straiten Herod
dido dido

55 Rachel King Elizabeth Lemmons Lemons William William Rachel was born WIlham bom in OddvIlle Hamson County Kentucky on 1 June 1837 Hanson Addible According to Barbara Daylong Rachel descent She aimed m Kansas jn 1878 was Dom Raceways flans arrived in m pandas Ins and was an Insh Baptist She andas mamed James S StraIt named Springfield Seagram County Illinois on 28 May Sangamon 1865 Rachel died on 15 February In 1902 Ness County Kansas at age 64 Rachel died of locked bowels or appendicitis n tf bowerbird bowed appendicitis body was Interbreeding Riverside Cemetery Her interred in Ness County Kansas Kansei
14 January 2005 J my


King Rolla was born m Illinois on 17 Olla bom In October 1866 James W King James was born m bom In Kansas on 13 August 1871 George Thomas King George was born in Kansas on 16 February bom

Rolla L Olla Olla

Matilda Cornelia King Attila was Attila Matilda born in Knox County bom Mason on 6 March 1880

Th Sumo Fam Iy The Commons Fame ly If F

soy 39 y

County Indiana

James S Spirally James was born m Darken County Strait bom Darke Ohio Ohm on 2 May 1826 The seven children of Rachel King and James S beholden Mg Strait were as follows I i Nancy Melissa Strait born 13 May 1866 m Springfield Mesa bom Sangamon Seagram County Illinois mimed William W Bradley married Wilham n II Emma Cornelia Strait born 10 September 1867 m Cometh bom Springfield Sangamon Seagram County Illinois mamed Johanna Joseph Becker named Johann III in Greenberry Mg Strait born 21 May 1869 m Tecumseh Greenery bom in Johnson County Nebraska mamed Theresa Vogel named Vogiv Arminda Minnie el Annum Mumble Strait born 14 November 1870 in Tecumseh bom m Johnson County Nebraska named John Howard mamed McCullough v James Albert Strait James was born m Tecumseh bom Johnson County Nebraska on 3 March 1873 George Richard Strait born 25 Anal 1875 m Tecumseh vi bom Johnson County Nebraska mamed Mary Ann Cox named COVII Rehabber Earthen Lizzie X Elizabeth Perthena Tizzies Strait Elizabeth was born m Tecumseh Rehabber bom in Johnson County Nebraska on 4 November 1877 She mamed named John Henry Bowman on 22 December 1897 m Extempore in Jetmore County Kansas w

56 Jesse L King Elizabeth Lemmons William Mg Rehabber Lemons Wilham William Jesse was born m Kentucky m Wilham bom in September 1838 He mamed Hannah Catherine named Cathenne Evanesce on 3 Smirch 1867 m Knox County LIch

Bradley Springfield Johnson Tecumseh Johnson Tecumseh JohnHenry Joinery

Nebraska Vans
William mamed Sarah Ann McKinley Wilham named

R lu Lucinda

inarching march
Elizabeth Lemmons William William Sizable Lemons Wilham Wilham March 1847 He mamed Sarah named
61 Pauline Paul

The three children of Braxton King and Sarah Ann Raton Mg McKinley all born m Kentucky are as bom follows I John F King John wads born m 1874 i Mg W is bom in James A King James was born m 1877 ii Mg bom in III in Lucinda Mg Lucida was born m 1879 Lucida King bom in

57 Braxton King Elizabeth Lemmons Raton Mg Rehabber Lemons Braxton Raton was born m Kentucky about in 1841 bom in

Hannah Catherine VanSycle was born m January 1848 Cathenne Evanesce bom in m IndIana in The five children of Jesse L King and Hannah Mg Catherine VanSycle were as follows Cathenne Evanesce i Mary Elizabeth King was born m 1868 m Missouri Rehabber Mg bom in in Nilsson n II Ferment Jane King was born m 1870 m Kansas Enema Mg bom in in III in George R mg was born m 1872 m Kansas King bom in in Lily A King was born m 1874 m Kansas iv Mg bom in in v Cora King was born m 1877 m Kansas Mg bom in in

Mg I King

Paul was born m Kentucky m bom

The two children of Paul E King and Sarah 9 both born m Kansas are as follows bom I i Jesse E King Jesse was born in Anal 1879 Mg bom
Brown L 01al Bro c

14 January J muy

my 2005

40 The Lemmons FOT ly H ory Th Lemons FORT Iy story Reno F

liam hua 49

as 62 Sarah Elizabeth King Elizabeth Lemmons William Mg Lemons WilMadden Sarah was born Kentucky on 8 bom

Elizabeth king Elizabethans born m July 1886 Elizabeth was bom In William married Joshua mamed JoshSeptember 1848 She died on 26 April 1898 wattage ua at age




Joshua Madden was born in 1854 m Nilsson bom Missoin Miscounted only child of Sarah Elizabeth King and Joshua Madden was The uri Mg Madden was born on 14 Anal 1884 in MaX County i bom Knox


y 1 unty Nilsson


63 America King Elizabeth Lemons William William Mecca Mg Lemmons Kentucky on 8 August 1849 She named William Perry Jonentucky mamed Jones

America was born In bom KMecca

The es eight children of Mecca King and William Perry Jones are as follows flamenco Mg arc


ni iv

v vi

VIII vin

Mary Etta Jones Mary was born in Missouri on 6 July 1875 bom Nilsson May Dora May Jones Dora was born m Knox County Missouri on 27 bom in Miss noun MIs oun August 1878 Milldam Jane Jones Milldam was born in Knox County Missouri on Milldam Mildews bom Nilsson kon1 I January 1880 ini George William Jones George was born m Knox County Nilsson WIlham bom In MissouriNilssoan on 26 December 1880 Clyde Edmund Jones Clyde was born in nox County MissouriLye Lye bom Knox Nilsson Nilsson an 14 March 1884 L antennae Katherine Jones Katherine was born in Knox County Missouribom Nilsson Nilssoan I on 1 September 1886 Emma Myrtle Jones Emma was born in MaX County Nilsson on bom knox Missouri 22 January 1892 Everett Francis Jones Everett was born in Hurdled Knox County bom Hurdland Nilsson on 20 July 1894

n n

64 Andrew Jackson King Elizabeth Lemmons Wilham William Andrew was Mg Lemons William born In bom EdIna Edna Knox County Missouri in January 1855 He mamed Elizabeth Jane LockNilsson named Leckbee Locke The et two children of Andrew Jackson King and Elizabeth Jane Locke are as follows Mg Rehabber Aleck
I i

Abram was born in EdIna bom Edna

Edwina t
65 Abram King Elizabeth Lemmons William William Mg Lemons Wilham Knox County Missouri m February 1858 He mamed Edith Nilsson In named


Edward M King Edward was born in Knox County Missouri Inbom inNilsson In jure 1886 June Came Irene King Came was born in EdIna Knox County bom Edna Nilsson on 3 May 1891


The two children

of Abram Mg and Edith king

I i


both born in Kansas are as follows bom ansas Clara E King Clara was bom in Anal 1885 born Ralph King Alphas born in September 1887 Ralph was bom

Lo Luanda R B own L aggie

January 2005

Tho moons Fam y The Lemmons Fame Iy 11 story 41 F

66 William Hamilton Lemmons Joshua William William William Wilham Wilham Wilham Wilham was born In bom Predilection County Kentucky in 1841 He married Ursula J Pendleton mamed Williams daughter of Fletcher Williams and May Ann Mary He was hosted on the 1870 census on 12 July 1870 in Milford Bracken County listed Kentucky LIVIng in the home with W H Lemming sic 27 a farmer born Leming bom in Kentucky are his wife Ursley Burley Lemming SIC 19 born m Kentucky and children Oran female Lemming LemIng bom In Ora LemIng sic 3 born In kentucky Hanna Lemmings 2 born m Kentucky and Larkin Lemming sic bom In LemIng born In kentucky Wilham William was hosted as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Pendleton listed Predilection County kentucky Living m the home with William H Lemmons 39 a farmer born Kentucky In Wilham Lemons bom whifishare hIS msies Ursula Jane Lemmons 28 born Kentucky and wIfe wife Lemons bom children Cora Alice Lemon 12 born Ache Lemmon kentucky Anne Looms Lemons 10 born Kentucky Larkin L Lemons 9 born Annie Foams Lemmons bom Lemmons bom Kentucky Hattie Belle Lemmons 5 born Kentucky Mary Ann Lemmons 3 born Kentucky Lemons Lemons bom and Wilham William Thomas Lemons 8 months born Kentucky w Lemmons bom

Kentucky Williamson
Fig 3 Ursula Williams Lemmons WIlliam Lemons

Countrymen baronetcy

Fletcher Kentucky


Ursula J Williams Ursula was born m Kentucky in 1852 bom In She was hosted the 1900 census on 4 June 1900 in Hamson Township Fayette hosted on listed Hanson Layette County IndIana Living in the home with Unruly Lemmons born 1851 49 born Lemons bom bom in Kentucky are Archimedean William T Lemmons born November 1879 21 born chIldren Wilham Lemons bom bom in Kentucky Orphan Lemmons Orpha Lemons born February 1884 16 born m Kentucky Maggie Lemons born February 1882 14 bom In Lemmons bom born In Kentucky Teda Lemmons born July 1890 10 bomm Kentucky and Gamma Lemmons born Tea Lemons bom born In boom Lemons March 1891 9 born in Kentucky The census states Ursula is the mother of I 5 bom 5 15 children IIare are Are having in 1910 The 15 children of William Hamilton Lemmons and Ursula J Williams were as follows Wilham Lemons follows dna R B own L gei Loo Luc D 0

Lemons cornstarch Arriving arching Omar

gi ct

14 January 2005 J


42 Th Lennon Fam Ty H lorry The Mn Iy II

Luc d lu 0 na R Brown L grit row I


Kentuckian Kentucky Kentuckian Countrymen northland Kentucky


Squire Lemmons Lemons Lemon11 II s Fletcher Lemmons Lemons III IrvIn Lemmons Irma LemonLemons IV Park Lemmons Lemons LemonV s Ora Alice Lemons born September 1867 in Kentucky Om Lemmons bom mane 9 Koogle married Doroty Utter Poole mamed Dorothy UteJ VI Anne ri Annie Filose Lemmons married 9 Hull Annie was born Lemons mamed Anne bom in Kentucky in 1870 VII LarkIn Oleander Lemons born 12 June 1872 Lark Leander Lemmons bom in Kentucky mamed named Margaret McKay Mucky Mickey Haltie Belle Lemons born 1875 m Kentucky VIII Hatlie Lemmons bom In mamed MartIn D named Steele SteeIX le Mary Ann Lemmons born 1877 In Kentucky married 9 Lemons bom manned BrattaIn Rattan Rattax n William Thomas Lemons born November Lemmons bom 1879 in Kentucky mamed Malinda named Molina McCormack divorced Molina McCormack Malinda McCormamed named Anna Ellen Nuclease named Mane LemmIng mack McCleaster mamed XI Orval Oval C Lemons was born in 1880 in Indiana He Lemmons bom mamed named Catherine Cathenne m 1902 He died on 26 June 1911 In AbIngton in Abnegation Wayne County IndiaIndiana na Orphan Lemons was born in February 1884 Orpha Lemmons xii bom in Kentucky XIII Marguerite Lemons born February 1886 Lemmons bom in Kentucky mamed named Stephen P ThomThomas XIV Medici Lemmons mamed as Telecast Lemons named Miller She mamed 9 named She was born in February 1890 m Kentucky bom In xv Commie Lemmons Commie Cammie Lemons Cammie was born m bom In Kentucky m March 1891 In He named Thclma mamed THC He mamed Mae named
I i

Kentucky McCormack Lemming immediateness 9 mandate Maintenance Kentucky Kentucky


inkjet Steele


Hemmed 9 Hemmed

Daniel Simpson Martha Lemmons William Lemons William Daniel was born m Kentucky Damel Damsel bom In In 1859 He named Ann mamed He was listed on the 1880 census on 16 June listed 1880 In Riceland Distinct Hamson County Kentucky Hanson KentucKentu-

cky Aim Ann was born m 1857 in Kentucky bom In The only child of DanIel Simpson and Ann Dame


7 as


was Olive Simpson was born m 1879 m bom In In Kentucky

72 Joseph Simpson Martha Lemmons Lemons William William Joseph was born m WIlham WIlham bom In Kentucky In 1861 He mamed Martha named He was listed on the 1880 census on 18 June 1880 In Riceland District Hamson County Kentucky Distinct Hanson He died on 14 October 1931 in Hamson County Hanson lKentucky lv

bom 9 wasofborn in 1858 mn kentucky I The two children Joseph

eviathan Martha

Simpson and Martha

i 11 it

Ann Simpson was born in October 1879 bom

Mercy Merty Simpson was born in 1879 bom

both born m Kentucky were as bom In


14 January 2005


The Th Lemmons rom ly Fani 1

mon L


story 43 1

wife fawner living grandson

ery B John

76 Sarah Louise King Hannah Lemmons William William Sarah was born Lemons WIlham WIlham bom m Kentucky on 4 December 1848 M She married John B Cummins m 1872 Sarah died mamed in on 3 July 1917 m Hamson County Kentucky at age 68 in Hanson Her body was interred m Hamson County mitered in Hanson mattered kentucky Antioch Mills CemetCemetery

George William Kahn dy George was born on 4 November 1835 ucky Wilham Kan bom George was hosted as the head of a family on the 1880 Census m Richland Hamson listed in Riceland Hanson County Kentucky Living m the home with George W Kenady 44 a blacksmith born m wilh in Keened bom KKentucky entucky are his wife Elbeth A Kenady 27 born Kentucky and children Rosa L Kenady 6 Elbe Keened bom landholder Keened

Lu nd R Lucinda Brown L

Herod Hanson

born Kentucky January 1880 bom hosted John sofa Johnas listed as the headboard family on the 1910 Census m McKinney Pendleton of a steeds head ofa Predilection Co Kentucky Living m the home with John B Cummins 62 mamed for 38 years named a farmer born m Kentucky are his wife Sarah in 62 mother of 3 children of which 1 is mother kowhai I born Kentucky and son Jackson Cummins 30 mamed 6 years born Kentucky with named bom his WIfe Tizzies Cummins 26 mother of 2 children of which 1 LIzzie kowhai leis living and John C Cummins grandson lIs is to John B Cummins aged born Kentucky John died on 30 Anal 1935 in Harrison bom m County Kentucky His body was interred m Hanson County Kentucky Antioch Mills mitered in Hamson mattered Cemetery Cemetery The three children of Sarah Louise King and John B Cummins ere as follows Mg ere George M Cummins George was born m Predilection County i bom Pendleton kentucky on 29 December 1875 Cemetery reading for AntIOch AntiMIlls Cemetery shows birth date as 23 December 1874 och George died on 4 February 1880 m Predilection County Kentucky at age 4 Pendleton HIs body was interred m Predilection County Kentucky Anglopmitered Pendleton Antioch AntiMIlls Cemetery hiles och n II Martha T Mattie Cummins Martha was born m Predilection MatlIe bom Pendleton County Kentucky on 26 May 1878 Martha died on 17 January 1895 m Hanson County Kentucky at age 16 Her body was Hamson mawmitered m Hamson County Kentucky Antioch Mills Cemetery mattered stered Hanson III Thomas Jackson Cummins born January 1880 m Kentucky manned in bom manLazier Lzzie

Predilection Kentucky Predilection Jackson Predilection freeborn 2

Jonas as

Cummins Jonas born m Kentucky m April 1848 John was bom in John was hosted as the head of a family on the 1880 Census m steeds head Jonas listed in McKinney Predilection Pendleton Co Kentucky Living m the home with John B Cummins 31 born m Kentucky are bom in his WIfe Sarah Cummins 30 born m Kentucky and children Geroge Cummins 5 born m bom in George bom in Kentucky Natalie MatlIe Cummins 2 born m Kentucky and Thomas Cummins 4 months born m Kentucky bom in bom John was hosted as the head of a family on the 1900 Census m McKinney Predilection listed head in Pendleton Co Kentucky Living m the home with John B Cummins a farmer born m Kentucky fanner bom in Anal 1848 are his wife Sarah Louise Cummins born m Kentucky December 1848 and bom in son Jackson




Harrison Hanson Countrymen



aiter ned

Elizabeth Ashbrook King Hannah Lemmons William William Cashbook Mg Lemons Wilham WIlham Elizabeth was bomborn Elizabethans booborm Predilection County Kentucky on 10 June 1854 n Pendleton She married George William Kanady m WIlham Andy Kentucky Elizabeth died on 7 December 1918 m Pendleton County Kentucky at age 64 Her Rehabber in Predilection body was interred m Old Mount Vernon Cemetery Predilection County Kentucky mitered Vemon Pendleton








January 2005

44 The Lemmons F am ly H story Tho Lommon Fame Iy II stor-

Kentucky Elya M Kendal 4 born Kentucky Theocrat Kendal 2 born Kentucky and Ella Ely bom Theora bom Ella Kenady 1 born Kentucky George died on 22 October 1901 in Pendleton County KentuckP Keened I bom Predilection kentucky y at age 65 His body was interred in Old Mount Vernon Cemetery Pendleton County Kentucky Vemon Predilection The mane children of Elizabeth Ashbrook King and George William Kanady were as follows nine Cashbook Andy Rosa L kenned Rosa Kennedy i born m Kentucky in 1874 She bom Kentucky kentuck married John D Darnels in 1897 mamed Damels n Elijah II Rehash Moore Kennedy born II November 1874 in Hamson County Hanson Kentucky married Nancy Lee Arnold mamed Theocrat kennedy born 12 December 1876 in Hamson County Theora III in bom Hanson Kentucky named George B Arnold mamed Ella P Kennedy Ella was born in Kentucky in 1879 iv bom v Ida Hamilton Kennedy Ida was born in Hanson County kentucky bom Hamson Kentucon 20 January 1881 She named John R Earle in Falmouth ky mamed Earl FalmPredilection Kentucky on 17 September 1914 Ida died on 18 March Pendleton 1946 Falmouth Predilection Kentucky at age 65 Falmouth Pendleton OBITUARY Falmouth Outlook Obituaries Predilection Pendleton County Kentucky Webster EmbalWebs Webmers J R EARLE MRS ster EARL Bearers Ida Hamilton Earl aged 65 ears one of Falmouth Mrs Earle Falmo- s most highly beloved Christian women died at her home in FalmouConstant omen uth Falmouth at th 12 05 p m Monday March 18 1946 She had been III for a year ill Mrs Earl was the daughter of George Wand Tizzies A Earle W and Lizzie Kennedy pandas born Hanson County on Jan 20 1881 Schand was Hamson She was manned to John R Earl of this city on Sept 17 1914 MEarle Mr Earle orale who was Louisville Nashville Railroad agent in this cIty Earl Mpreceded cIntyre her in decathlon May 12 1931 death on She is survived by three step children Edwin B Earle Goths Arles arle Earl Barle of ethnicity City Charles Earle of Miami Flab and Miss Sara Moms Earle of Earl Fla Earl officinal She is also survived by four sisters Mrs J W Dame Damel DaimDanMrs lers George Arnold and Mrs Marvin Arnold of Cynthia Ian a and Mrs iel Cynthiana CynthIan Margaret McKinley of Toledo Ohio three brothers ElIjah MacKinlay kennedy of Latom a G W Kennedy of Coving and Lawrence Antonia Latonia kennedy of Cynthia and three grandchildren andone great Cynthiana and one undone retrgrandchIld enched grandchild Mrs Earle was one of Falmouth s most gracious and Earl omen She was a member of the Falmouth Baptist Church pandas Churchman wasand was asa pillar m the Ladles Aid Society Mrs Earle served president of Ladies Earl served as often Ladles Aid Society pandas instrumental m the many standees the Ladies and was stanmade in that organization and her church She acquired a large dees larchuckle of friends through her friendly feudally approach and they will miss herapproached her Willis errand her worthy woorthy work The rth funeral services are to be held Thursday afternoon March 21 at the Falmouth Baptist Church at 2 o clock fast time conducted 0 by Rev Earl Parker and assisted by Rev M P Delaney BungaBrumal Jr BungaBunal WIll take place in Riverside Cemetery John low A Woodshed Son are rein charge of the arrangemearrangements
ybook born bom

Kentucky Countrymen




yearns Interned









14 January 2005


Cue Luc nts dna R n rown Hugely B bugged


Th unmoor F am Iy 11 story 45 The Commons Fame II Foamy Famy


The special music will be rendered by Mrs Melva Young who Melba HoWIll well smog Only a Dream and Beautiful Isle of Somewhere wIth witWills hers J A Fisher at the organ The casket bearers include Grover Mrs Claude GroGroveWaIter ling Clare Mg T Tver David Clarke Eureka Arnold Walter Kennedy Dr W MTownsend ownsend and Brogan Whicker Townsend Rogan WhItaker Samuel Burgess Kennedy Samuel born m Predilection County Samuel was bom in Pendleton CounKentucky trymen on 2 June 1884 Samuel died on I11I August 1935 mm aacute mediocrities Hamson County Kentucky at age 51 cute 5I Hanson O BITUARY Cy Nathan Democrat Cynthia lana Harmon LITURGY Cynthiana HarmCynthia
dIed years old dive1I rsionary morning August I 1 1935 at the home of his sister Mrs Sunday mooring Meson Daniels and Mrs Daniels after an illness offs wees He baseJohn Damels Damels washof six weeks was room m the county June 2 1884 a son of the late George indborn and ElIzabeth Kennedy and lived here practically all of his life He Declinable IS dsurvIved isservice by five sisters Mrs Daniel Mrs George Arnold Mrs Daniels Arnold and Murmuring Arnold aloof Hamson county Mrs J R Earl oall Earle of Arnold of Hanson EFalmouth and Mrs W M McKinley of Toledo three brothers EE Falmouth M and Lawrence of Cynthia and C Woof Compton Funeral W of Funwre servIces ware held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock at the Damsels Damels Game0 clock Dansome the Rev E keevil Judy officiating Brumal followed hehome weevil Bunal followed m the in Battle atless Grove Cemetery Pall bearers were Jack Cummins Desha Des WhItaker Whicker Grover King Edwin Earl Willis Mg and Layman Lyman King Mg Edam Bradford w Elizabeth P Kennedy born March 1888 in Kentucky marrIed bom m Arm L Arnold George W Kennedy George was born m Kentucky m September bom in in
51 5I

son onic

County Kentucky 15 KENNEDY Smuel Burgess Kennedy Simuel




llana1925 August






viii ix

1890 1893


Lawrence D Kennedy Lawrence was born m Kentucky in August bom in m

Silos 82 Silas Richard King Hannah Lemmons William William Silos Silas was born m Mg Lemons WllIam bom impendent Predilection County Kentucky on 20 March 1856 Pendleton He married Mary Elizabeth Bayless mamed Payless daughter of Israel Perry Bayless and Rosannah Pugh m Pendleton County Kentucky on 2 Payless Hosanna Ugh in Predilection August 1877 He renamed Ida E Adams Taylor daughter of married IdaE IdEa Adams and JudIth Pendleton Adams m Predilection County Kentucky on 6 December 1900 Silos was listed the head ofa family on the 1910 Census m McKinney Predilection Silas listed as sofa of a PredilectiPendleton in on Kentucky Living m the home with Silas R King 54 born Kentucky are his wife Dea-Co E Silos Ida E Mg bom mg 46 born m Kentucky The couple reports they have been married 9 years Also m Tbom in ling mamed the home are daughter Beta Homburg 24 born Kentucky and her husband William Homburg Thornburg bom Thornburg heo daughters Tizzies Taylor 18 born Kentucky and Alice Taylor 14 born Kentucky and sonLizzie bom bom son sonneteer Chester bom Kentucky neteer Taylor 8 born Kentucky was listed as the head ofa family on the 1920 Census m Falmouth Predilection Silos sofa Silas of a Pendleton in Kentucky Living m the home with Silos R King 63 born m Kentucky his wife Ida E Mg Silas in Mg bom IdEa IdaE 53 born m Kentucky andson Chester 0 King 17 born Kentucky Silos died on 19 May 1922 and son Hanson bom in bom Silas Mg Pendleton m Predilection County Kentucky at age 66



edenborg Sweden




Luc dna R Blood LoRd

B o wn Leggy L get o

14 J anuary J

Fame 46 The Lan Th Commons F am Ily H story 0 sto-

Mary died on 30 September 1897 m McKinney Pendleton Co Kentucky at age 41 as rrPredilection in a result esult of childbirth Cause of death is listed as childbirth deathS listed childbiThe Silos rth three children of Silas Richard King and Mary Elizabeth Ba less were as follows ere I Eva Gertrude Mg Eva was born m Predilection County kentucky i bom in Pendleton Kentucon 27 August 1881 She married Newton N mg m Medford ky mamed King in Oklahoma m 1923 Eva died on 25 August 1962 m Emd in End EiOklahoma at age 80 OBITUARY Outlook Falmouth Predilection Pendleton County Kentucky From the Obituary File Predilection CounterpPendleton County Cou-

Mary rmily Elizabeth Bayless Mary was born m Hamson County Kentucky on 30 June 1856 May Payless bom in Hanson



mers Mrs



Eva Gertrude King King one of three children of the lacmg mg late Silos Silas teals Richard King and Mary Elizabeth Bayless King was born imPayless mg Mg May bom m impendent County August 27 1881 and passed aay at Emd Predilection pendent Pendleton away End EiOklahoma August days short of her just birthday birthday her life was lived in activity and service She taught schooliAll m lIved school schong m Kentucky and Illinois for several years In 1923 she named ol mamed Newton N King m Medford Oklahoma There were no children Mg ere children to this family Mr King passed away in 1944 born firmly m Mg After the manage Mrs Mg worked with Mr King m thetheir King the Mg in ethereal estate business and after his feathered on the business Early real death earned realest buses buses Early life she bunted with the McKinneysburg Christian Church manm united maMcKinney Chantan and ndate moving to Enid Jammed the Inversely Place Chant an Churchafter mom Emd joined date University Christian Church man there gave her life m service m any capacity she could serve and in in servserves was a Sunday school teacher for many years working with teShe the rnary age children Her merest and activities were characterized rtiary interests characterizby the organizations to which she belonged ed belonAside church she ged from her churches was active m the Order of Eastern in Eastern the White Shane of Jerusalem Order of Amaranth and thrStar While the eesome s Christian Temperance Union All of these organizations Women Umon Aloof organizaworwork reqUire service and wotions Of her paternal family she is survived by one brother George Other summed rk kout WillIam King Ohio On her husband side of steMg husbands s the family amily she is survived by one step daughter Mrs Lloyd Guernsey oboLoyd of BillIngs Montana bbling blongs Montana a useful and serviceable life has come to an earthly penThus end dant earthly tendon for it shall endure perpetually m God eternalAn end only s eterneternal shoaled in ize through Jesus Chant her Lord Of Mrs Mg it can surely beKing be saId she hived upland fruitful she died triumphantly indside lived fulland full and and advictoriously ulterously ecorously Services ere Emcees were conducted Enid Oklahoma Monday m Emd in afternoon by the Rev James L Christensen and m Falmouth in FalmThursday afternoon by the Rev Carl SeasSears Sea-

unched Library Falmouth Kentucky Pubes KentuMRS KING cky EVA SkimIRS








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B own L n




January 2005

Th Lemons The Lemmons Fam Iy 11 sorry 47 ly II 00 Elmo

L mo rm

Music was furnished by Mrs Harry Barnes and Mrs J HHany Bames HH athaway Mrs Alva Cushman was at the organ console Galway Bushman allway Casket bearers were Ems Billy Shelby and George Mg Enis BIHy Kenneth henneth Taylor and B W Applegate Appellate Interment was on the family plot m Riverside cemetery in Thomas and Shotwell Funeral Home earned out the arrangements Howell caned Camelot



George William King George was born m Kentucky on 24 August WIlham Mg bom 1882 George died on 17 July 1970 in Falmouth Pendleton 7 m Predilection Kentucky at age 87 His body was interred m Riverside Cemetery mitered in mattered Falmouth Predilection County Kentucky Pendleton Grover Mg born 20 September J1886 married Mme Lee Thomas bom mamed Linnie

Internet cemetery



ThoIda was born m MIlford Mil-

Kentucky Living m the home with Hamson D Meek 52 a genera practice physician born m in Hanson general preached KKentucky entucky are his wife Martha E Meek 51 born m Kentucky Moshe Meek 25 born Kentucky 5 J bom in Mohe Mohamed bom Kentuckand Hamson ian Hanson K Meek 19 born Kentucky Hamson died on 2 April 1915 m Pendleton bom Hanson in Predilection County Kentucky at age 59 The two children of Martha IHen King and Hanson Davis Meek both born m Kentucky Ellen Mg Hamson bom in Kentuwere cky as follows I i Mohe Molie Meek Moshe Wads born m 1885 Mohe in 11 Hamson King Hanson Mg Meek born 15 July 1892 married Kneeled Scott ii bom mamed Nellie

mandamus married Riverside

83 Martha Ellen King Hannah Lemmons William William IHen Mg Lemons WIlham WIlham Martha was born m bom iCandlepin mpendent County Kentucky on 31 August 1858 Her common name was Mattie She mamed Mattel named Hamson Hanson Davis Meek son of John D Meek and Emily A Snodgrass m 1884 Martha died on Knotgrass in 6 December 1919 m Predilection County Kentucky at age 61 Her body was mattered RIversIde in Pendleton interred m mitered in Cemetery Falmouth Predilection County Kentucky Pendleton Kentu-

Ida Adams Taylor Ida died in Predilection County Kentucky mas IdEa IdaE m Pendleton Bracken Co Kentucky on 31 August 1864 Thc The only child of Silas Richard King and Ida E Adams T aylor is Silos pylori Mg I i Chester Oliver King Chester was born m 1902 Over Mg bom in



Hamson Hanson ckians Davis Meek Hamson was born m Predilection County Kentucky on 22 September Hanson bom in Pendleton 1855 Hamson was steeds the head of a family on the 1910 Census m Falmouth Predilection hosted as Hanson listed in Pendleton



84 Mma Florence King Hannah Lemmons William William Mma was born m Mina Mg Lemons WIlham WIlham Mina bom iCandlepin mpendent County Kentucky on 8 May 1863 She mamed Hamilton C Collier son James named Colher of JamesJames Collier and Mama Casey m Predilection County Kentucky on 23 October 1881 Mma dIed W Colher in Pendleton Mina didon 2 February 1944 m Pendeton County Kentucky at age 80 Her bod ivas mattered Countin Tenderloin bode mitered m interred in Mount erman Cemetery Predilection County Kentucky Vernon Pendleton



Hamilton was born m Pendleton County Kentucky on 17 August 1857 bom in Predilection HamIlton died on 3 May 1949 m Predilection County Kentucky at age 91 His body was mitered Pendleton interbreedimatterng Mount Vernon Cemetery Predilection County Kentucky m Vemon ed Pendleton KentucThe ky five children comma Florence King and Hamilton C Collier all born in Kentucky ere of Mina CoHler aH m eras follows footslofollo-


Hamilton Colher ucky C Collier


g d

Lo ws dna R Bro n L got Luc Bw gigot

14 January 2005 Tommy omy

4 Tie Commons hm iy H S Th Lanm Lam Faw II


Abele belle impendent another Kentucky Obituary preceded chelae monde declining leaves united Riverside William Myrtles

Bertha M Collier married Luther Holmes Bertha manned was born in July bom m 1888


V v e

William L Collier William was born m August 1890 bom in Tsai Ellen Collier born 14 September J bom mamed John Abner named boner Banner leavlealea Martha W Collier born May 1896 manned Martha Grover M Bell

T M Collier T M was born m July 1888 TM Was bom

Lemons King and was born at the Mg bom place where he died Jan 24 1865 He was united in manage to Sarah Catherine bunted m marriage unmated Cathenne McKinney on Dec 24 1895 and they enjoyed a long and happy mamed life of nearly 54 named years She preceded hIm in death May 12 1949 m Besides his son Mr mg leaves another hs King son EnnIs Mg also of Dennis Enmeshing grandchIldren and many other relatives three Another son WIlbur King died In 1943 Another He also ml a sister Mrs Jennie ShielShields Mr Kings passing comes ds King s unexpectedly to his many relatives and friends hs Although In Although drenching health for several years he had been ill only mace Wednesday In since early life he bunted WIth the McKinney Christian Constant Church and served as one of its Churchman answered fIts elders Mr King was one of the county s substantial citizens and Mg had hived most of his life m the lived headmost McKinney community Funeral services were conducted from the Falmouth Christian Church Sunday 2 30 o clock by Rev W M Lennox afternoon at a Lenox assisted by Rev Claude Cummins Internment took place m Interment Riverside Cemetery at Falmouth Thomas Fossett Fosse 1 elton v ere m charge of ellon in offender arrangements arrangements The casket bearers were Brogan Whitener Rogan Whicker Desha Whitener Whicker Wesley Whitener WIlham King Chester King mg Meek While William Mg King MeThe music was furnished by a quartet compo ed comers Clarence Simpson composed of Mrs dormers Mrs Myrtle Shoemaker Rev Carl Sears and C H Fossett Fosse with Mrs Alva Churchman at the organ org-

Theo often
Pub Library Falmouth Kentucky GEORGE WILLIAM KING LingGeorge William mg aged 87 years one Geore Wham King ered Predilection of Pendleton County s finest citizens home

85 George William King Hannah Lemmons William William Lemons George was born on 24 bom January 1865 His middle name is shown as Washington m one report and as William in m another in He married Sarah Catherine Necromancy manned Cathenne McKinney on 24 December 1895 George died on 23 May 1952 m Predilection County Kentucky Pendleton Count at age 87 OBITUARY Falmouth Outlook Predilection Familial Lillian Pendleton County Kentucky From thc the ObItuary FIle Predilection County Public Pendleton



died at the of his son McKinney King near died McKinney Friday morning May 23 1952 Findlay mooring He vas the son of the late George W and Heads Heas Hannah Ellen

Lingered Mg








Sarah Catherine McKinney Sarah died Cathenne on 12 May 1949 The three children of George William WIlham King and Sarah Catherine Cathenne McKinney were as follows i Wilbur Francis King Wilbur was mg born in McKinney bom m Predilection County Kentucky Pendleton on 10 January 1898 He manned MIldred Fryer on 11 April 1922 Fler II Anal Wilbur died on 10 March 1943 JO m Falmouth Predilection County Kentucky Pendleton at age 45 OBITUARY Familial Outthink Goldilocks Falmouth Candlepin County Kentucky From the Obituary Files Predilection County Pendleton




ky md R Lucida cky lu

nm Brown L gigot WI

infamous County
LIbra Pub Library Falmouth Kentucky KentucKentu14 January 2005

Th The Condiments Fame Jy f I story 49 F Fam Iy

L mo

I II my

86 Alice Jane Jennie King Hannah Lemmons Ache Lemons William William Wilham WIlham Ache Alice nas born m bom Harm son County Kentucky on 15 Harn on Collin May 1866 She mamed James Henry Shields Sc named son of John Wham Sallied and Harriett Ann Browning in Predilection County Shields Harnett Brown Pendleton Collin Kentucky m November in 1884

Loo dna Luc od R n own L get B oc

Kentucky Houston injure inJune


James Jimes Henry Shields James was born m Pendleton County bom In Predilection Kentucky on 4 June 1858 James deeding 1938 in Predilection County Kentucky died in Pendleton The four children of Alice Jane Jennie King chidden Ache and James Henry Shields all born in Kentucky bom were as follows i Lester C Shields born August 1885 Kessler bom mamed Louise E Houston named 11 n Harriett C Shields mamed L T Mckinney Harnett named Harriett was born In Hamett bom June 1888

diem Ham


Besides his parents and widow he survived by two brothers is McKenney and Dennis King of this county McKinney Ennis Wilbur King was one of Predilection County s Pendleton finest young men courteous affable and hadan abiding fathead hadean ambled faIth and loyalty jn family had an fail In famil and For 20 long years he was a semi invalid but he Invade bore thIs afflictIon mth a Christian fortitude and only with complained when he could not do more for those who depended upon him He was a kind and affectionate son and husband and everyone Andover loved him for the beautIful personal virtues he possessed and the thc exemplary life that hived he lived He was always cheerful under the most trying spends of periods his life and mth all the love encouragement with and medical handclap treatment that he received he lost the battle Death came hc as a relief to a weak body and he passed on to that better world where pain and sorrow are unknown unknown The funeral services were held Findlay March 12 Friday at the Falmouth Christian Church conducted by Rev John S Chambers assIsted by Rev W M Lennox Buna took place Lenox Bunal in RIVerside Cemetery J M Mason funeral director was in charge The casket bearers were Geol C Bradford W Geo Marvin DavIs Carl Light Bums Gruelle Walter Hobday Gruel Umbrella Waller Honda and Bruce Polity Pollitt McKinney E Mg Mckinney was born 1901 King bom in McKinney died m 1972 Dennis W King Dennis was born EnnIs Mg Ennis bom in 1903 Ennis deeding 1977 Penises Dennis died in


Chambers Riverside charge Devisal

as Aces

Indian thatched treatment oafish Peabody sorrow thereabout

fe fe

enclosure androgens undefined decoupled


RevEal Conan county brothers


WILBUR F KING Wilbur Francis King aged 45 years husband Mg of Predilection Pendleton CIrcUIt Court CierI MIldred king died Clerk Midland mg early Wednesday mommy March 10 1943 at his home in the city following a long illness He was the son of William and Katherine McKenney WIlham McKinney King and was born at McKinneysburg Jan 10 1898 He bom McKinney joined the McKinney Chan Christian Church in 1910 under the ministry of Rev Earl McCash He was united in manage Micah bunted to Miss Mildred Fryer on Flyer

morning illnesses pandas


14 January 2005 booM

0 Tho Lemmons rom ly H story 50 The Lomm Loom Lemons Fam Iy II

ve IV


Grace L Shields born June 1893 married Beverly Watson bom mamed AppellatiApplegate Appellate Mildred Shields Mildred was born in August 1898

87 Sidney A Lemmons Francis Wilham Lemons William William Sidney was born m Wilham bom 1 Indiana 1 November 1854 She married Thomas J Arthur mamed son of Bradford Arthur and Mary Ann art in Vigo Stewart Virgo County Indiana on 1I November 1871 Sidney died on 17 November 1931 Vigo 1 Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Indi-

Elation Arthur nonmember Annette


Fig 4 Thomas Arthur Family Front Row Thoma Fall Nw Standing Paul Carthage Helen Modally On Laps Grace IEEE Randall Modally Buena Arbaugh Lap Velma Vela Carthage Seated Willie Arthur Thoma Sealed Wellhead Tahoma Arthur Sidney Lemmons Thomas Lemmon Arthur Ellen Arthur Carthage Mary Magdalene Arthur Tindall Next Tidally Row Arthur Arbaugh Nw Carthage Ulna Arbaugh Cidna Fluidal Airbag Lila Glad Fluidal Top Row Harvey Arbaugh Carthage William Andrew Tindall Wham Tidally



ana LOa

Luanda R Brown L gigot Own

Th Commons Fam ly II story 51 The Sumo Fame Iy F 0

Fig 5 Thoma and Sidney Lemmons Arthur Tahoma Thomas Lemmon

Amdahl Avenue Lancelet Herod Countywide Thomas Dominican Bermudan Vigorously Lagoon Vigorously Adelle

OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Hallie Vigo India 18 November 1931 MRS CIDNEY SIC ANN ARTHUR KIDNEY KIDNEYS Celanese Mrs Kidney Ann Arthur 77 years old died at the home Cidney of her daughter Mrs W A 23 J 8 North Twelfth Street Wednesday at 4 40 o clock 2318 0 Besides Mrs she IS survived by another daughter Mrs L Airbag a son W H Arthur Arbaugh a sister Mrs Mary McNulty and five brothers Wetland Andrew Frank Sanders Consult William and Jefferson Lemons 16 Lemmons grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren Funeral mil services will be held at the Maple Avenue Mercurochrome sic Findlay afternoon E churches Friday ME church at 2 o clock with brumal 10 Highland Lawn cemetery Her 0 locksmith bunal in body was interred on 20 November 1931 m Terre Haute Virgo Vigo County Indiana Highland Lawn in Cemetery






County Indiana Living with Thomas Arthur 31 born Indiana are his wife bom Sidney A Arthur 35 born Indiana and children William B Arthur 8 born Indiana Mary Wilham bom M bom MaiM Arthur 4 born Indiana and Ellen C Arthur 2 born Indiana bom Thomas died on 16 March 1911 10 Terre Haute Lego in County Indiana at age 61 His body was interred on 18 March 1911 in Terre Haute Virgo Vigo County Indiana IndiaThe three beholden of Sidney A Lemmons and Thomas J children Lemons Arthur were as follows i Wetland H Arthur bom 8 September 1872 10 Vigo County William born in Virgo Indiana married Lenora Lambert manned Glendora Lambert Mary Magdeline Arthur bom 10 June 1876 10 Virgo County Madeline born in Vigo Indiana mamed William Andrew married Wetland 14 III Ella Cathenne Arthur bom hurry 1878 10 Indiana married Catherine born January in manned Harvey B Arbaugh Airbag Airba-

ThomasJ J Thomas Arthur Thomas was boom in Vigo County Indiana on 17 May 1849 bom Virgo Thomas was hosted as the head of a family on the 1880 Census listed steeds 10 Nevis in Nevins Township Vigo Virgo




Countywide 4 Countywide


Loo dna Luc nd R B o n L g ct 0 0

J anuary 2005

52 The Lemmons Fam y H story Th om Iy II Foamy Famy



Luanda R Brown uanda

Indianan Countywide Franciscan Vigorously Indiana Lemons Indiana endeared Indiana

C and Isabella Rhinehart Lemmons Isabell Reinhardt Lemons 88 William Clinton Lemmons Francis William Wilham Hinton Lemons Wilham William William was born m Indiana Wilham Wilham bom in m 1857 He mamed Isabell Armchair daughter named Isabella of and Phs A Willoughby m Vigo County Indiana on 24 Illegibly in Virgo w hen was hosted on the 1880 census on 22 He listed hosted June 1880 m Nevins Township Virgo County in Nevis Vigo IndIana Living m the home with William Lemmons Wilham Lemons 20 a fanner bom m Indiana farmer born in is his wife Isabella Lemmons 17 bom m Indiana The Isabell Lemons born in couple have next door to Williams parents FrancIs live s Wilham and Mary E Lemmons
6 William

Fig rig




Wilham William was listed as the head sofa family on the 1900 hosted headboard of a ofa Census m Nevins Township Lego Nevis County Indiana Living m the home with William C in Wilham CLemmons 43 Anal 1857 born Lemmons Lemons Lemons bom Indiana are his wife Isabel Lemmons 37 October 1862 born Lemons bom Indiana and children Minnie A landholder Mme Lemmons 15 October 1885 born Indiana Clarence Lemons bom Lemmons Lemons 8 Anal 1882 born Indiana and bom Peahen A Lemmons Lemons August 1899 born Indiana bom Wilham William was hosted as the head of a family on He 1920 listed the Census m Virgo County Indiana in Vigo m the home with William C Lemmons 62 born in Wilham Lemons Lemmons Lemons bom Indiana are is wife Isabel Lemons Isabell Lemmons L 57 born Indiana vbom

ons fe

Lemons Lem-

Indianapolis head
10 12
L aggie

14 January 2005 H


na d R Lucinda
Lolo Loo

inlay Harold
anan iana

Isabell Rhinehart Isabella born m Indiana m October Isabel Reinhardt Isabella was bom Isabell bers in 1862 Isabella died on 22 January Isabell 1934 in Nevins Township Vigo County Indiana m Nevis Virgo at age 71 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo Halite Circa Virgo County Mindanao 22 January Linda 1934 ISABEL COMMONS Special to the Unburned Tribune FONTANET Indo Jan 22 Isabel Lemmons 71 years old ironstone Ind Lemons died at her home west cohere of at 7 o clock Monday morning after a hanging illness 0 mooring lingering Surviving are the husband William one WIlham daughter Mrs Roy Rogers opencast Undone son of Puncheon Indo one Ind Clarence Lemmons also opencast and Lemons of Puncheon seven grandchildren The body was brought here to the Folksy Foley funeral home Foky Fole sic and will be returned to the residence Monday evening where funeral services will be held at 2 o clock held 0 Wednesday afternoon Brumal will be m Harpold cemetery Bunal in Harold sic N Her body was interred on 24 mitered mitered January 1934 in Nevis Township Virgo County Indiana Nevins Vigo Harpold Cemetery M Harold The four children of William Hinton Lemmon and Isabella Wham Clinton Lemon Isabell Rhinehart were as follows Reinhardt I Minnie A Eunice Lemmons Minnie was boom m Indiana i Cum Lemons bom October 1885 u n Female Lemons Female was born in Virgo County Lemmons bom m Vigo Indiana on 8 February 1890 III Clarence Edgar Lemmons born 24 April 1892 m Vigo in Lemons bom in Virgo County Indiana married Alta Grapnel mamed AIta Grannell Pearl E Lemmons born 2 August 1899 In Virgo County iv Lemons bom Vigo Indiana Indimarried Roy G Rogers mamed

clocked clock onslaught thereat cohere perturbed Andersen clocked inscriber


WIlham William died on 30 September 1940 muncheon Gibson p Puncheon Gbson County Indiana OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo laute Circa Vigo County Indian 1 October Octo1940 WILLIAM LEMMONS C CLEMMONS Special to the Unburned Tribune PRINCETON Indo Oct I William C Lemmons 83 years Ind WIlham C Lemmons Lemons old died at 5 o clock Monday died 0 afternoon at the home of his son Clarence Puncheon after an Illness of several weeks He has illness observer wees been employed the mme industry dung most m in mine dusty during of his life Surviving besides the son is one daughter Mrs Roy Rogers opencast four brothers of Puncheon Jack Frank Sanders and Befall of Jeff aloof all Terre Haute a niece Mrs Leonard Smith Brazil mece who was reared by Mr and Mrs Lemmons 13 Lemons grandchildren and several great grandchildren Funeral will services Jill be held at 2 o clock held a W dined afternoon at the Brunette church SIC Burnett in Vigo sic m Virgo County with brumal m the Harpold bunal in Harold cemetery near Cleveland Cloverland Clevel-

onslaught Hansen offered


That The

Lemmons r I 11 lory Lemons Annuli lorry 53

land dido










89 I pulse Eunice Lemmons Francis William IOUs pumice Lemons ouise WIlham William Louise was born m Indiana m WIlham bom in May 1860 She mamed William Rhoades m Vigo named WIlham Rhodes in Virgo County Indiana on 27 October 1872 LOUIse died on 23 March 1910 m Vigo County in Virgo Indiana at age 49


WIlham Rhodes WIlham Wads bom m William Rhoades William was born in Indiana m 1851 in Wilham William was listed as the head of a hosted steeds family on the 1880 Census m Nevins Township Vigo Nevis Virgo County Indiana Living m the home in wall William Rhoades WIlham Rhodes 29 born Indiana are his wife Eunice bom Uncle E Rhoades 20 born Indiana and Rhodes bom daughter Thirza Rhodes Hiram Rhoades born August m Indiana Also in the home George V bom in m is Harpold 53 a boarder born Indiabom Indiana Harold Indi-

10 12



engage L gg

14 January 2005


54 The Commons Foam ly H my Lommo Fam Iy II slimy Limo slit-

The her only child of Louise Eunice Lemmons and William Rhoades Emcee Lemons child WIlham Roads is 3 I9 1 Thirza Rhodes Thirza was born m Indiana m August 1879 Hiram Rhoades Hiram i bom in in

iJ Fiji


Fig 7 Noble Lemmons Family Edna Define Mae Lemons Famoly Effie Mac Lemmons Fields Ben Lemmons Lemons Lemons Ruth Ellen Wells RUb Lemmas Rub Anna Lemmons Hummel Henry Lemmons Ruth Lemons Hume Lemons Mary Lemmons Bryant Walter Lemmons Boll Lemons Waller Lemons Lemmons Johnston Lemons


90 Noble Cunningham Lemmons Frances Lemons Francis William William Noble was born m VIgo Wham WIlham bom in Virgo County Indiana on 8 March 1862 He mamed named Anna M Mattox daughter of John Mattox and West in Virgo County Indiana on 26 August m Vigo 1902 Noble s Nobles occupation was a Farmer m Lego County Indiana Noble s occupation occupations a Coal Emmer m Vigo County Indiana He Miner in Virgo mamed named Ruth Ellen Wells daughter of Isaac Nelson Wells Sofia and Clara Bell Mattox m VIgo in Virgo County Indiana on 28 Anal 1908 Noble was hosted as the head of a family on listed the 1910 Census m Nevis Township Virgo in Nevins Vigo County Indiana Living m the home with Noble Slim Lemmons 48 born IN are his wife Ruth Lemons bom Lemmons Lemons 17 born IN and son Francis Lemons 5 born In- w Minaret Hanson INand andson Nand Lemmons bom IN 40 Nw Luanda R- Brown L gigot Brown land R 8 0

Vigorously Vigorously Hemmed Ruthlessness

Fig 8 Homeplace of Noble and Ruth Wells Someplace Lemmons family Lemons famoly before children sent to orphanage







Anna was born m Kansas m 1879 Anna died m February 1904 m Lego bom In In in in County Indiana Anna swill was probated Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on s williwaws probated m wIll Virgo 00 7 May 1908 Noble C Lemmons administrator for Anna M Lemmons formerly Lemmons C Lemons Lemons Lemons Anna M Mattox Matt ed stated he married Anna m August 1902 and Francis N Lemmons aged mamed in 4 years was Lemons theIr only chchild Noble Lemmons paid her sickness and funeral expenses m full Lemons floral amounting to about amnesty amount dollars and administered her estestate The ate administrator has the custody of one living child having with him The administrator living adminisa collected note in the amount of sixty five dollars principal and merest Noble Lemmons asked m pencil interest Lemons the estate be settled due to the small amount and the extreme youth of the chIld Stale The only child of Noble Lemmons and Anna M Mattox is Lemons Matto Matt Matt I Francis N Lemmons Francis was born in Indiana in 1905 Lemons bom m Francis traveled most of his life and so was considered a conside- hhobo He would hop trams and have with groups of other homeless obo trains red live homepeople Eventually he returned to Terre Haute very ill He deeding Inlie died inIn terred Haute Virgo County IndiaTerre Vigo Indiana

asked child

washier meadowlarks ninety


discarders Reside insiders Vigorously Lagoon


Noble was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census Nevins Township hosted sofa steeds ofa in Nevis Lego County Indiana Living in the home with Noble C Lemmons 58 born Indiana C Lemmons Lemons Lemons bom are his wIfe hs Ruth E Lemmons 29 born Indiana and children Francis Lemmons 15 born bom Lemons Lemons Indiana Defied Effie Lemmons Lemons 8 born Indiana Benjamin Lemons 7 born Indiana Walter G Lemmons 5 born bom Lemmons bom Lemons IndIana Ruth Lemons 2 born Indana and Henry Lemmons Lemmons bom Indiana Lemons born Indiana Also bom With the family is John Mattox his brother m law 34 born Indiana Matt bom In Noble died on 17 March 1929 in Nevis Township Virgo County Indiana at age 67 NevIns Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terrace Haute Virgo County Indian 18 Terre Vigo Indiana March 1929 NOBLE CLEMMONS C LEMMONS C Lemons Noble CLemons 67 years old died 10 35 0 'clock Sunday Lemons died at 1035 o clock morning at his home In Burnett He is survived by the widow Ruth four daughters Defied Ruth Barnett Effie diverClara and Mary diverfive sons Walter Ben Henry William and Francs two steers Mrs Mary McNulty sions WIlham Francis sisters Consult and Mrs donkey Arthur both of Terre Haute bothof and five brothers William Andrew Frances Thomas wd WIlham Sanders aloof Brunette The body was taken to the Thomas funeral home 1 all of Burnett His body wwas mamitered on 19 March 1929 m Nevins Township Virgo County Indiana Brunette Cemetery stered mitered Vigo in Nevis Burnett Ceme-

Vigorously Lagoon swifter Dominican Bermudan

3 1

Tho Lommo Fam y The Condiments rom Iy tl lorry 55 Limo 0



aiter tery M Mattox etery Matt Anna AnnaM Matto Anna Matt




Luc dna R B own L So el g

January 2005 14 2005


56 Th Lanm The Lam Cameroon mn ly H Fam Iy


Fig 9 Ruth Ellen Wells Lemons in Chicago Lemmons

Fig 10 Ruth

Rene Elk Wells Lemmas and Ren Wells 1947

4 January 2005

lu dR

Loc dna R B Bonn L gel onn Leggy

The Lemons rom ly H story 57 Th Plano Fam Iy 1 0 Lemmons


magically Cemetery Countywide Countywide


MRS RUTH IRS RUTHE LEMMONS RUTH LEMONS Services for Mrs Ruth E Lemmons 75 Marshall III who died Thursday will RuthE Lemons Ruth be at I 30 pm Monday at the Gills Memory Chapel Bunal will be in the Burnett Cemetery Friends m Gillis Brumal Brunette may call after 6 p m Saturday Her body was interred on 7 February 1966 Brunette afier Interred in Burnett Cemetery Township Virgo County Indiana Vigo IndianIndiaDie na intone children of Noble an nine Ine Lemmons and Ruth Ellen Wells were as follows Lemons ere I Defied Mae Lemons born 6 February 1911 i Effie Lemmons bom Vigo in Virgo County Indiana named Lenne Woods manned Clarence Otto Fields mamed Leone married 11 Benjamin Lemons bom BenJamm Lemmons born 30 November 1912 in Virgo County m Vigo Indiana mamed Roberta Laverne Trougnamed Laver Trough Lemmons bom h Walter Gangues Lemons born 3 October 1914 m Vi o County in BO Idahoan named Rita Elizabeth Young Indiana mamed Rehabber You-

dido Moorland Mayoralty RuthAnn Shies Memory Ruth

Fig 11 Front Henry Lemmons and Ben Well Back Mary Lemmon nen II nen Wells sneak Lemmon Lemon Ben Lemmons Ann Lemmons Effigy Lemmon Lemmon Effi Lemmons Mae Lemmon Ruth Well Lemmon Wells Lemon Lentos

Ruth Ellen Wells Ruth was born in Sullivan County Indiana on 12 October bom Idahoan 1890 Ruth died did3 February 1966 in Union Hospital Terre Haute Vigo County on Unton Virgo Indiana U age 75 Indianat OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo Count Indiana 4 Hallie Vgo February 1966 MRS RUTH E LEMONS IRS LEMMONS Mrs Ruth E Lemmons 75 Marshall III died at 9 p m Thursday Unton Lemons died in Union Hospital ShIShe eS survived by four sons Ben Indianapolis Walter IS New BrunsWIck N J Henry Moorland Newborns N Indo and William Johnson Terre Haute Ind Indian Wilham four daughters Mrs Defied Mae Fields and Mrs Ruth Effie Mac Ann Hummel both of Terre Haute Mrs Imax Jean McKesson Walkerton Indo ad Hume bothof Ima Walkathon Ind and Mrs Mary ad Dorothy Bryant Moorland a brother Benjamin Wells Terre Haute a Mooreland Moorland sister Mrs Naomi Stapleton Indianapolis 16 grandchildren Arrangements are pending at the Galls Staple Girls Memory Chapel









OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 5 Hallie Vgo February IndianS Februa-


ng ry d

Loo Luc dna R Brown L gel get

14 January 2005

Tho 58 The Commons Fam ly N story hm Iy



Ruth Anna Lemmons born 11 April 1917 m Virgo County Lemons bom II Anal in Vigo IndIana Indirenamed Layman Leo Hume Lyman Cleo Hummel

anan iana



Fig rig 12 Henry Lemons Lemmons


Countywide Wednesday hermitically wheelchair off t fishwife Astoria retrenched i

military graveside services will be conducted Friends may call after Feds collate 5 p m Tuesday He was a veteran of World War II and the Korean conflict and was a member Post Surviving are hIs WIfe Jane two stepsons Timothy Hay U S Air Force base at US korea and William L Hay U S Navy Base at California WIlham three stepdaughters Lambda Payola Terre Haute and Nancy Linda Ayala Niece Neice and Irene Yarborough bothof Yarbrough both of West Terre Haute two brothers Ben Lemmons Lemons Indianapolis and Tall Johnston Terre Haute Bill one sister Mary Banta Sommerset Bant Somerset Ky eight grandchildren and one great undone andone grandchild His body was interred on 13 Interred October 1982 m West Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Bethesda Vigo Ammonal Memorial Park vIsaac Lemons Isaac was born m Virgo Lemmons bom in Vigo County Indiana m 1922 in Isaac died in 1924 m Terre Haute Virgo m diem in Vigo County Indiana Isaac died as a result His body was interred m Virgo County mitered in VI go Vigo IndIana Brunette Cemented Burnett Cemetery Ceme-

14 January 2005

hooded Korean Martyr Wetter


Henry L Lemmons Henry was born m Vigo Lemons Hemy bom in Virgo County Indiana on 14 August 1919 He married Jane Hay Henry died mamed Hen on 9 October 1982 In West Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at Virgo age 63 OBITUARY Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Vigo Star Virgo County IndIana 19 October 1982

HENRY L LEMMONS LEMONS Services for Henry L Lemmons 63 West Terre Lemons Haute who died Sunday afternoon m Union Hospital will in Umon I be at 1 p m Wednesday at Bedim Chapel of the Valley with the Rev Maynard Mansard Nutting officiating Buna will begin Bethesda Muting Bunal tall be in beIn Ammonal Memorial Park where


Luanda R Brown Loge mown L Lund

Th Lemmons Faro ly H story 59 The Lemons Iy II 0

Fig 13 Mary Lemmons Bryant Mogen Lemmons McKesson Lenn McKesson Lemmon Imogene Lemmon Lenin and Paul Bryant Tangent Panl


vm VIII in


Lemmons Davenport Clara was born III Lemons bom inLego County Indiana on 20 December 1924 When Clara was digo Wyadopted by the Davenport family her given name was changed to andotte tImogene Mogen She named Leon McKesson on 5 January 1946 mamed Wilham William Clinton Lemons Johnston born 25 May 1926 III Lego Lemmons bom in County Indiana mamed k Cheney Chastener married ChasteneMary May Dorothy Lemmons born 12 March 1929 III Brunette Lego Lemons bom in Burnett County Indiana named Paul Granville Bryamamed Bryant

Lemons Clara Ellen Imogene Mogen

Fig 14 Mogen Lennon McKesson Imogene

Vigorously Lagoon Vigorously Lagoon


Cu dna R B 0 wn L gigot Luc C aggie o


January 2005

60 Th Lemmons Mn ly 11 story Fam Iy II The


ANDREW JACKSON LEMMONS LEMONS Andrew Jackson Lemmons 82 years old of Melville died Lemons at Union Hospital at 10 Umon Hospital lOo lobo evening he is survived by three daughters Mrs Lisle daughter of Green castle Mrs Rodney Froney and Mrs Ida Scott of Terre Haute five sons Cyrus of South Bend Homiest of West Terre Haute Charles of Terre Haute Ernest WIlham William of Minnesota and Melvin flof

Luc ow R Brown L oe dna Bro loe



91 Andrew Jackson Lemmons Francis William William Jason Lemons WIlham WIlham Andrew was born 10 IndIana bom in Juan 1864 Andrews occupation was June 10 Jun s Andrew a Coal Miner in Nevins Township Vigo County Emmer Nevis Virgo IndIana He mamed Clara Ann Reinhardt daughter of Cyrus named Reinhardt and Julia A Near Juha Virgo 10 Vigo County IndIana on 26 August 1882 Indiana Andrew was listed as the head sofa family on the 1900 Census hosted of a ofa 10 Nevis Township VIgo in Virgo County Indiana Living 10 the home with Jack Lemons 35 June 1864 Lolling in Jacl born Indiana are hIs bom wIfe Clara Lemons 34 January 1866 born Indiana and children bom Lillie Lemons 16 March Lisle 6 1884 born IndIana Cyrus Lemons 13 July 1886 born IndIana Earnest Lemons 12 January 1888 born Indiana Frontal sic Lemons JO June 1889 born Indiana Frona 10 WWII Wiilie Lemons 9 March 1891 born IndIana and Ida Lemons 7 March 1893 born Indiana Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census hosted steeds 10 Fayette Township Vigo in Layette Virgo County Indiana Living m the home with Andrew J Lemmons Lolling 10 Lemons 55 bom Indiana are his wIfe born Clara Lemmons 53 born IndIana Hanson Charles Lemmons 15 Lemons and son andson Lemons born IndIana Andrew dIed on I February 1946 m Union Hospital Terre Haute Vigo County 10 Umon Virgo Indiana at age 81 O BITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo Terrace Vigo County Indiana 3 February Indana 1946

Andrew Countywide Indianan Uncaring Vigorously fishwife Vigorously wifelier dudeen dudon
Fig 15 Andrew Jackson Lemmons Family about Lemons Front Row William Lemmons Audrew Nw Lemons Andrew Jackson Lemmons Clara Ann Reinhardt Lillie Ben Lemmons Back Row Lemons Bell Lemons Ida Lemmons Norman Cyrus Lemons Lemmons Ernest Lemons Charles Lemmons Melvin Lemmons Lemons Lemmons Lemons Rodney Lemons Froney Lemmons

1900 1910


bolding bolding bolding anan


head bolding

bolding bolding bolding Indi-






14 January 2005


Clara Ann Reinhardt Clara was born in Indiana m January 1866 Clara bom m in died on 27 Anal 1927 m Union Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at Umon Vigo age 61 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Imitate Vigo County Indiana 27 April Haule Haute Vgo 1927 CLARA ANN LEMMONS LEMONS Clara Ann Lemmons 61 years old of New Goshen died at the Union Lemons died Umon Hospital at 2 30 Hospital o clock Wednesday morning She is survived by the husband Mormon Andrew J five sons Cyrus Ernest William Melvin and Charles three daughters Mrs Edward Foxworthy Floweret Mrs Ira McClIntock and Mrs Clarence Scott The remands will be removed from Martin s remains Jill Mart mortuary SIC to the home of the daughter at 1519 Plum street Thursday Funeral He abarrangements are to bbe amounted latandoned arouche later OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 28 April 1927 Haule Vgo CLARA ANN LEMMONS LEMONS The funeral comers Clara Ann Lemons New Goshen who died at the Union of Mrs Lemmons died Umon hospItal Wednesday will beheld from the residence of the daughter 1519 Barbour avenue be held at I pm Arbor Findlay Brumal will be m the Marked Cemetery w Her body Bungalow Bunal Jill in Markle was interred on 29 April 1927 m mitered mitered Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Markle Cemetery MVigo T Marked The 10 children of Andrew Jackson Lemons and Clara Ann Lemmons were as follows i Lillie Bell Lemons born 2 March 1884 m Virgo County Indiana Lemmons bom Vigo Indimarried Edward Foxworthy mamed Floweret n II Norman Cyrus Lemmons born 31 August 1886 m Nevis Lemons bom in Nevins EvaTownship Virgo County Indiana mamed Rosa Vigo married Monroe III Ernest Eugene Lemons born 11 January 1888 m Virgo County in Lemmons bom in Vigo Indiana mamed Sadie Florence Bowman married Rodney Lemmons born 30 June 1889 m Virgo County Indiana Froney Lemons bom iv Vigo Indimamed Ivah McClintock named Siva v William Cecil Lemmons born 25 March 1892 m Virgo County Lemons bom in Vigo Indiana named Lucy Bowen mamed Bowe Ida M Lemmons born 22 March 1893 10 Virgo County Indiana vi IdaM Lemons bom DaM in Vigo Indimamed named Clarence Otto Scott VII Emerson Lemmons Emerson was born in Virgo County Indiana on Lemons bom m Vigo 25 September 1900

thermion tension Hatcheries Anders


Galesburg III one brother Jefferson Lemmons of Shepardsville indiscoverable Lemons She pads vII Ie and several nieces and Sheppard maces annephews The body was taken to the Gullies Memory Chapel nexes Gillis OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 4 Haule Vgo February

ANDREW JACKSON LEMMONS LEMONS Funeral services for Andrew J Lemmons 82 years old Seelyville Indo Lemons Seemly Ind who died at the died Umon Hospital Mon Hospital at 10 o clock Saturday night will be held at the Gillis Memory Chapel at 1I 30 might 0 held Gills Chapel o clock Tuesday afternoon Brumal will be m Roselawn Ammonal Park Bunal in Roseau Memorial He is survived by three daughters Mrs Lillian Foxworthy Greencastle Indo Mrs Rodney McClIntock Floweret Greenest Ind Froney Seelyville and Seemly Mrs Ida Scott Terre Haute five sons Cyrus South Bend Indo Ernest Ind West Terre Haute Charles Terre Haute William Minnesota and Handel Galesburg III one brother Jefferson Shepherds Indo indiscoverable nieces annexes 9 His body was interred on 2 February Ind and Indian several maces and nephews mitered 1946 m Terre Haute Virgo County India in Vigo Indian Roselawn Ammonal Park Roseau Memorial


Mel 1


The Lemmons Fam y H story 61 Lemons r Famy mo Foamy Thermo Fame Idyll



sicto interred pfd

he anan iana

Cruelest e sitcom



termost Lemons funeral




Countywide Countywide


Loo dna Luc od R Drop Brown L gel Dro Mol

14 January 2005

62 Th Lemmons Foam ly H story The Lanmon Fan Iy II



MRS MARYE McNULTY MARE ConsultConsult ers MaryE McNulty 76 years old died at 4 55 o clock Wednesday afternoon at the home Mrs Mary E Consult MarE a 1325 Ash street She is survived by the husband Joseph H Shoetree a Ha son Solon Mercer at home one daughter Mrs Margaret Patrick also at home two granddaughters five Planck brothers Wetland Lemmons opencast Jack and Sanders Lemmons of Terre Haute Lemons Lemons Frank Lemmons of Burnett Lemons Barnett and Jeff Lemmons of Lemons and several maces and nephews Mrs McNulty was a nieces Consult member of the Macabre No ember Terre Haute The body was taken to the Thomas Funeral Home from where funeral services will be held Saturday morning 11 a Mormon at I I o clock with bunal 1 buna Roselawn Memorial Park Her body was interred on 26 February 1938 Ammonal Roseau erred Vigo 1 Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Roselawn Memorial Park M Roseau Ammonal

lt da

Lu Luc dna R Brown L grit nW

Joseph Joseph

Joseph H McNulty Joseph was born in Ohio in J1866 Consult bom 1 Joseph s occupation was a Wheelwright in Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Haut Virgo 1 IndiaJoseph was hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census nans listed steeds faintly Hanson in Hamson Twp Vigo Co Virgo IndIana Living in the home with Joseph McNulty 53 born Ohio bom Consult are his wife Mary McNulty Consult Consu-

Township reships Vigorously Lagoon Helena

Wetland William A Mercer William was born in September 1866 Wetland athan bom Williams occupation was a s Wetland Farmer in Otter Creek Township Vigo County Indiana Virgo 1 Indianapolis was hosted as the head sofa family on the 1900 Census in Otter Creek Wetland William listed of a ofa faintly Township 1 Virgo County Indiana Loll g in the home Vigo Living Wetland with William Mercer 33 Sept 1866 born Indiana are bom hIs wife MaryE Mercer 32 Oct 1867 bom Indiana and MarE born IndIana sons Edgar Mercer 1 Dec Endgame born Indiana and Solon Mercer May 1900 bom Indiana 5 born The two children of Mary E Lemmons and Wetland A Lemons William Mercer were as follows Edgar James Mercer bom 13 December 1898 Brunette Virgo i Jarnes born in Burnett Vigo 1 County Indiana mamed Helen Maunce Herndon divorced named Nuance Helen Maunce Herndon mamed Helen Maunce Herndon Nuance named Nuance 34 n II Solon William Mercer bom 1 May 1900 Indiana Wetland born in married mamed Ethel 9

Funeral Vigorously intros


onslaught William Biretta


92 MaryE Lemmons Francis William William Mary was born Mary E Lemons MarE Wetland Wetland bom in Indiana m October 1867 She mamed Barnett Lewis son of Jonathan Lewis and Elizabeth named Rehabber Field m Vigo County Virgo Indian on 26 January 1888 She mamed Wetland A Mercer son of Henry A Mercer and named William Sarah Ostrander m Vigo County Indiana on 8 February 1898 She Stander Virgo mamed Joseph H named McNulty son of Patrick McNulty and offhand Consult Consult McGUigan 1 Vigo County Indiana on 30 June Michigan Michigan Virgo 1904 Mary died on 23 February 1938 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo 1 at age 70 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo 24 February 1938

Countywide Merchandiser Humanly


Lemons bom Nell Lemmons born 25 September 1900 1 Indiana married marrmamed andiIrene ron M ied Charles H Lemmons born 3 March 1904 in Vigo County Indiana Lemons bom 1 Virgo Indimamed Geneva Lister anan Blister named BlisAndrew J Lemons Andrew Lemmons Andrew was born m Indiana in 1910 tered bom 1 1 19 I 0 Andrew died on 21 July 1910 in Indiana dido 2 I 1


Barnett Lewis Barnett was born in Highland Co Indiana bom 1 IndIana in 1869 There were no children of Mary E Lemmons and Barnett 1 Lemons Lewis







14 January 2005

The body was taken to the Thomas Funeral Home where services will be held at 1 30 o clock held I afternoon Bungalow be in Brumal Bunal will m Ammonal Memorial Park His body was mitered 15 mitered interred on September 1952 In Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Virgo Ammonal ParMemorial Park The only child of Mary E Lemmons and Joseph H McNulty is Bombay ted Lemons Consult Marguente Consult Marguente Marguerite McNulty Marguerite was born in Vigo County i bom Virgo Indiana on 8 September 1905 She married John R Atchison ofPlanck son feof Elias Panic llahs Planck and Gertrude Ponce in Vgo County Indiana on II Price VIgo 00 August 1928 w

pert Eva na

93 Ezra Lemmons Francis William William Eliza was born in Indiana 1869 She Chad Lemons WIlham WIlham Ezra bom Sein marrIed Diana miarid William H Branson son of A Branson and Mary A Francis in Vgo County IndIana Brandon Brandon IndianIndIanVeto on an 19 December 1886 W 1 Stark performed the marrIage ceremony at Burnett I manage Brunette

William H Branson William was born m Indiana m July 1860 William was listed as the Diana Brandon bom in In listed threshed ofa firmly on the 1900 Census in NevIns Township Vigo County Indiana head sofa folly of a m Nevis Virgo Lolling in Living m the home with William H Branson a widow born July 1860 Diana Brandon bom A A ire 39 Indiana ITe his mother Mary A--

Brandon Branson brasion June 1837 Indiana landholder Nellie A Branson November 1887 and children Kneeled Brandon Findlay malaBrandon Branson May 1890 Indiana and Freddie Branson September 1893 Brandon Indiana IndiaThe three chidden of ElIza Lemmons and William H Branson all born in Indiana are as children Felicia Lemons Diana Brandon bom m follows Nellie A Branson Nellie was born in November 1887 i Brandon bom m 11 Ji Elva Brandon Eva Eva P Branson Elva was bom in May 1890 born III Freddie F Branson Freddie was bom m September 1893 Brandon in born In



reships Dominican Bermudan


Tho Lemons Fame y II The Lemmons Fam Iy H story 63 Plano F

50 born Indiana and daughter Margaret McNulty 14 born Indiana Also m the home are hIs bom bom Consult disIn stepsons Edgar Mercer 21 born Indiana and Solon Mercer 19 born Indiana tensions bom bom A census listed Joseph as head of household Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 7 hosted m Virgo In Anal 1930 Living m the home with Joe McNulty 62 a Malabo born Commendation Ohio are In mill laborer bom Cincinnati Consult hIs wife Mary E McNulty 61 born Indiana step son Solon H MaryE Consult bom MarE stepson Solon a mill laborer candelabra born IndIana daughter Marguerite Patrick 24 a bank bookkeeper born Indiana son m law John R Marguente Panic bom Planck 25 a emmer bom Indiana and servant Sara P Ponce 67 bom Indiana Joseph died on miner born Sahra born 13 September 1952 In Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana m Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 13 September Vigo 1952



JOSEPH H McNULTY Consult Joseph H McNulty 83 years old died at 11 40 o clock Saturday morning at his resIdence Consult II 0 clock mooring 1325 Ash Street He was a member of the McCabe Lodge Surviving are a daughter Mrs ReMarguente Planck Marguerite Panicked surgent Patrick and a step son Nolan sic Mercer both of Terre Haute five grandchildren bothof both

awn Rose


awn Rose



12 In-

Loo dna Luc od R B own L

gel 1


January 2005 wy

Tho Lemons mn Iy 1 64 The Lemmons Fam ly If story Lanm Lam


ICBM Brown Lucida R Bm L gigot

Virgil Vigorously Lagoon Coalmines Vigorously David fishwife Vigorously Emerson Dominican Bermudan Countywide Indianan Giddies Ladies Indianan Dominican Indiana Francis
Fig 16 Back Row Emerson Lemmas Orphan Lemmings Emmerson Commons Orpha Lemmas Front Row Sarah Ida Cox Lemmons Lemons Lemmons Lemons Francis Marion Lemmons I Jingly 1900 Manon Lemons July


9 94 Francis Manon Lemons Jr Francis William Manson Lemmons WIlham William WIlham Francis was born in Lego bom County Indiana on 3 June 1872 His common name was Frank Francis s occupation was a Coal MIner in NevIns Township Vigo County Indiana He Nevis Virgo mamed Ida Sarah Cox daughter of DavId named Co Cox and Sarah J Beard in Virgo County Indiana on 27 September Vigo 1898 b Francis hosted rancis was listed as the head sofa family on the 1900 Census in NevIns headboard of a ofa Nevis Township VIgO Virgo County Indiana Living in the home with Frank M Lemons 27 May 1873 born Indiana are hIs bom Ida Lemons 26 December 1873 born Indiana and daughter bom Indiana Orpha Lemons 1 May 1898 Olpha I 6 IndIana



Francis was hosted as the head ofa family on the 1910 Census listed headboard sofa of a in NevInS Township Lego Nevis County Indiana Living m the home with Francis Lemmons In Lemons Jr 36 born Indiana are his wIfe bom Ida I emmons 36 born Indiana and children Orpha bom demons landholder Olpha Lemmons 10 born Indiana Emmerson Lemons bom Emerson Lemmons 9 born in Indiana Fugitive Lemmons 6 Indiana Lemons bom Virgil Lemons IndIana and Gladys Lemmons 1 born Lemons I IndIana Francis was hosted as the headboard family on the 1920 listed head sofa of a ofa Census in Coal Bluff Vigo County Virgo Living with Frank Lemons 47 born Indiana are his bom wife Ida Lemons 46 born IndIana bom and children Emmerson Lemons 18 born Indiana Fugitive R Emerson bom Virgil Lemons 16 born Indiana GladIce bom Goldie SIC Lemons 13 born Indiana Russell bom IndIana Lemons 9 born Indiana and Dallas Lemons 4 bom born Indiana

A census hosted Francis as head of household NevIns listed in Nevis Township Virgo County IndIana Vigo on 10 April 1930 Living in the home with Frank M Lemmons Fran Lemons 56 a mme worker born IndIana mine Yorker bom are his wife Midas Lemmons 56 bom Indiana and children Ida S IdaS Lemons born Russell Russel L Lemmons 19 born Lemons Dallas Lemmons 15 born Indiana and Lemons bom E Lemons Andersen Lemmons 6 born Indiana FrancIs bom dIed on 24 October 1942 in Nevins Township Virgo Nevis Vigo County Indiana at age 70 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo Hallie Vigo Count Indiana 24 October Coun 2 2





4 January 2005

Francis Manson Lemmons 70 years old died at St Anthony Hospital 4 20 0 'clock thIs Manon Lemons Hospital at o clock Thismooring Lemons was a resident of R R 4 Brunette Indo He is survived by three daughters Burnett Ind torian Lemmons Mrs Orphan Dimension of Monroe Mulch Mrs GladIs Stretcher of this city and Miss Hellene at Orpha Mich Glades Irene home four sons Russell of Burnett Dallas of Detroit Virgil of South Bend and Emerson ofRussell Bruit FiVirgil of fhand Rapids Mulch two brothers Jack Goths city and Jeff of Clinton The body was removenland nand Mich of this Thc removed to the Thomas Funeral Home where services will be held at 10 0 'clock Monday d o clock mooring morning Rev homes Kelly mil be in charge of the services Brumal will be m Brunette Cemetery will m Bunal Burnett His body was interred on 26 October 1942 m Nevis Township Virgo County Indiana mitered mitered Vigo in Indi6 Burnett Cemetery Barnett
Ida Sarah Co Ida was born m Newton Illinois on 26 December 1872 Ida died on 29 Cox bom in Anal 1935 m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 62 Virgo in OBITUARY Terre Hal Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 30 AprIl Halite Vigo 1935 MRS IDA SARAH LEMMONS LEMONS Special to the Unburned Tribune Ind ironstone Indo Anal 20 Mrs Ida Sarah Lemons 62 ears old died at 4 o clock Lemmons Harold Monday afternoon at the residence here She is survived by the husband Frank three daughters Mrs James Edmondson of Monroe Micah Mrs George Sarah Dana of Terre Haute and Mich Edmonds RLemmons at home four sons Dallas at home Russell Terre Haute Virgil of FountainhLemons Russell of ead Emerson and Emmerson of Grand Rapids Micah three brothers John Cox of Terre Haute Frank Cox oMich of New Goshen and Walter R 4 Terre Haute and 13 grandchildren The body was taken tto ote Foley funeral home where it will remain until 1 30 o clock Wednesday afternoon when willathe I remand willwIllwIll it willable removed to Mount Tuna church where funeral services will be held at 2 be Etna o clock Wednesday 0 u afternoon Her body was mitered I1 May 1935 m Nevis Township Virgo County IndIana mitered interred on Vigo in Indiu Barnett CemetBurnett Cemetery ery name children of Francis Marion Lemmons Jr and Ida Sarah Cox were as follows The nine Lemons Orphan lola Lemmons bom 29 May 1899 III Fontana Virgo Orpha i Ophelia Lemons born AlgoVigo in nquian mamed Edward Frederick koch mamed James Edmonton Indiana married Foredeck named Edmonson 11 n Ruth Lemons Ruth was bom m Virgo County Indiana on 29 May Lemmons born III Vigo M 1899 w Manson Lemons born III in Emerson Manon Lemmons bom 26 March 1901 III OrnamenContainin Fontana Virgo Vigo ting Indiana mamed Mariana White ment married Marianna Virgil R Lemmons born 27 October 1903 m Fontana Algoiv Lemons bom Virgo Vigo in nquian mamed Myrtle F Wood Indiana named v Gladys V Lemons bom 10 January 1906 III Fontana Virgo Lemmons born Vigo Indiana mamed Alonzo Snicker named Alfonso Florence Lemons Florence was born III Virgo County Indiana in Lemmons vi bom in Vigo III 1907 VII Russell Lee Lemmons born 15 August 1909 III Fontana LaLemons bom Virgo Vigo goon Indiana mamed Hazel Irene PrUitt County named Putt Dallas Lemmons born 9 January 1915 III Fontana VIO County viii Lemons m Vi County Indiana mamed Jennie Grace Lyon mamed Mary Jenny married Jenme named Fitzpatrick Earlene Lemmons Arlene Arlene Lemons Earlene was born III Fontana Virgo Indianix bom in Vigo Indiana on I an 1 Anal 1923 She mamed Herbert 1 Derv son faculties Erin named I of CurtiS Ervin Eri-

Cemetery Crevices Revues


The Lemmons Fam Th Lommo Mn Lemons Limo
I Ty

H s ory 65 my



bune ock
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died o'clcl-











Vigorously Countywide

Virginian Virginian Virginian

Foredeck eh

d n da
Loo Luc

o own R Brown L get

14 Jm January 2005

66 Th Lemmons rom Iy H story The unman Fam y

Pearl Goldie Mattox Pearl was born m Sullivan County Indiana bom in on 4 September 1886 Pearl died on 28 April 1957 in Vermillion County Hospital m Anal Clinton Vermillion County at age 70 OBITUARY Tilted Daily Chthonian Clinton Vermillion The DOll County Indiana 29 April 1957 PEARL G LEMMON DIES HERE SUNDAY LEMON Mrs Pearl Goldie Lemmon 70 years old of Route 2 Lemon Clinton died at 3 25 p m Sunday at Colton died the Vermillion County Hospital following an extended illness Mrs Lemmon was born Sept 16 1886 m Sullivan Lemon bom county sic and had been a resIdent here mace 1915 She was preceded m death by since in her husband Thomas Lemmon who died m 1949 Lemon She is survived by a daughter Mrs Eva Thomas of Universal three sons Everett LouIs Oral Lemon aloof Route 2 Clinton a granddaughter Lemmon all of indiscoverable maces and nephews and several nieces Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 1 30 p m I at the Finest Funeral Home Brumal Bunal wIll be made m the Walnut Grove Cemetery in Her body was interred on 30 Anal 1957 m mitered Walnut Grove Cemetery Clinton Vermillion County TIndiana Tt The ithe four children of Thomas Jefferson Lemons and Lemmons Pearl Golde Mattox were as follows Goldie Everett E Lemmons Everett was born m Indiana i Lemons bom in on 31 October 1904 Everett died on 6 November 1975 m Indianapolis Manson Manon County Indiana at age 71 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lego Halite County Indiana 6 November 1975

bathe atthe Bungalow Louisa inhalant

illness resident


Indianan Dominican Indiana Lemonade threesomes Clinton Thomas bungalow funerals Walnut

and Cora Helmstetter m Vigo County Indiana on 6 September Hemstitcher in Vgo

95 Thomas Jefferson Lemmons Francis William William Lemons Thomas was born m Indiana bom m in December 1874 He mamed Pearl Goldie Mattox named Matto Matt Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census m Vigo in Virgo County Living 10 the home with Jeff Lemons 45 born Indiana are his wife in Lemmons bom Pearl Lemmons 33 born hs Lemons and children Everett Lemons 15 bom Indiana Lewis Lemmons Lemmons born bom Lemons 12 born Oral Lemons m 10 bom Indiana Orl Lemmons born and Eva Lemmons 4 1112 bom Indiana Thomas died on born Limon 16 February 1949 mermilion County Hospital v VermillIon Clinton Vietminh County Indiana at age VermillIon 74



12 41

OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Halite Virgo Indiana 17 February 1949 THOMAS J LEMONS LEMMONS CLINTON Indo Feb 17 Ind Special Thomas J Lemmons 74 years old R R 2 Clinton Lemons Colton died Wednesday at the Vermillion County Hospital He is survived by the widow Pearl three sons Everett Lewis and Oral Lemmons all at home one daughter Lews Lemons Mrs Nelson Thomas Humeral and a grandchild The boyars taken to the Finest Funeral Home body was where funeral servIces will be held at 1 30 o clock Findlay afternoon Rev J F Combs I a Friday will officiate and brumal bunal WIll be m Walnut Grove Cemetery in His body was interred on 18 February 1949 m Clinton Hs mitered Vermillion County Indiana Walnut Grove Cemetery






Monotony TT Vigorously Lagoon



L S uanda R B own Liege L Logg Log

H January 2005

The Lemons p Th Como Fam Iy H story 67 Commo Lemmons Fame ly II


CLINTON Indo Special Ind Services for Everett E Lemmons Lemons 71 formerly of RR 2 Clinton who resided at Farr Hinton N Virginia SSt tockpile and who died at 3 20 p m Tuesday in Veterans Hospital RockvIlle died Indianapolis are pending at Finest Funeral Home He was a retIred retircoal miner coalmines and a veteran of World War II Surviving are a sister sisMrs Eva Thomas Rockville a mece and four great nephews ter niece HIS body was interred in November 1975 In Sec R iot m lot space I E 2 on Hinton Vermillion County Indiana Walnut Grove Clinton s Cemetery Lewis Franklin Lemons Lewis was born in Clinton Vermillion Lemmons bom Hinton County Indiana on 15 February 1907 He mamed Mary Anna named Butcher daughter of Aaron Butcher and Frances Phipps Hips in Lego County Indiana on 8 May 1939 Lewis died on 26 June 1971 IninIn clination Vermillion County Indiana at age 64 Hinton OBITUARY Terre Haute Hau Terre Haute Lego Circa County Mindanao 27 June 1971 Linda

III in

diana County Indiana llion


INDO CLINTON IND Special Lewis F Lemmons 64 died at Lemons 7 45 a m Saturday at his residence RR 2 Clinton He Hinton was a formformer coal miner and construction worker Surviving are one brother coalmines Everett one sister Mrs Eva Thomas bothof Hinton one mece anthboth of Clinton niece and raxes great nephews Services will be at lOa m Tuesday three at the halest Funeral Home with the Rev Everett Harmonic officiating BungaHammock BungaBrumal Bunal wIll low be m Walnut Grove Cemetery and In may call after 3 p mcollate M Monday onday His body was interred on 28 June 1971 In Hinton Interred m Vermillion County Indiana Walnut Grove Cemetery Oral Sylvester Lemons Railways born in Indiana in 1910 Oral Lemmons Oral was bom died on 14 August 1962 in Hinton Vermillion County Indiana Clinton OBITUARY Tilted DOIly Cattleman Clinton VermIllIon The Daily Vermi-

both feds

Husbandly Vermillion Announcer Vigorously Lagoon Star Vigorously Lagoon


Hospitalizing Hospitalized
1 2
dido Tribune







Loo dna Luc od R a only gg B own L gel

Vigorously Lagoon

y iv

Funeral services for Oral Sylvester Lemmons 53 baatLemons held at the Finest Funeral Home at 3 pm todp m today Rev Richard Thomas officiated buna in Walnut Grove officiated with bunal bubaline Cemetery Cemetery Mr Lemons a resident of Route 2 died Tuesday after a Sl Lemmons afier Ssix siege geek illness geek leek eek His body was Interred 16 August 1962 in Lot 00 eek interred on no 5 bl 12 Clinton Vermillion County Indiana Walnut Grove Colton Cemetery CemeterEva L Lemons born EvaL Lemmons bom 12 December 1915 m Vigo County Indiana In Virgo Indimanned Nelson Thomas


Eva anan


96 Sanders Edgar Lemmons Francis William William Sanders was Lemons WIlham WIlham born in Indiana In bom January 1878 He mamed Stella Rodgers daughter of James Rodgers and F named Stewart in Lego County Indiana on 10 October 1901 I


14 January 1410


rylines was listed as the head sofa family on the 1920 Census in Terre Haute Lego Sanders of a ofa County Indiana Living in the home with Sanders Lemmons is his wife Stella Lemmons Lemons Lemons 35 IN and born INand son Wayne Lemmons 6 born IN Nand Lemons bom Sanders died on 30 April 1941 StAnal Anthonys Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 63 Anthony Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo County Indiana 1 May 1941 Vigo SANDERS EDGAR DemimonLEMMONS LEMONS Sanders daines Edgar Lemons 63 years old Lemmons North Thud Street died at 9 0 clock Third died o Wednesday evening at St Anthony hospital He is survived by the widow Stella a son Anthonys s Wayne and three brothers Jack of Terre Haute Jeff of New Goshen and Frank Barnett of Burnett The body was taken to the Thomas Funeral Home where funeral services will be held at 10 o clock Saturday morning Bungalow be m Woodlawn Cemetery His body was Brumal will Bunal Woodland u interred on 3 May 1941 in Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Woodlawn Cemetery l Vigo Woodland

someway clocked Barnett Countywide d



Vigorously Lagoon te
68 Th Elmo F am Iy H story The Lemmons Fame ly stoLemons

L mo






Stella Rodgers Stella was born tella bom The only child of Sanders Edgar Wayne i IndIana

in Indiana in 1882 Lemmons Lemons and Stella Rodgers was Lemmons Wayne was born in Terre Haute Virgo County Lemons bom Vigo on 20 March 1913 Wayne died on 23 June 1988 ofManor Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 75 Vigo OBITUARY The Dally Daily Clinton VermIllion VermiCounty Indiana 23 June 1988 WAYNE LEMMONS LEMONS Rosedale Roseate Wayne Lemmons 76 of Route 3 Roseate died 10 15 a m Lemons Rosedale died at IS Wednesday at Marblewood Manor Maple od Maplewood Manor was born March 20 1913 in Terre Haute He bom HauHe was a retied employee of Gurman and Sons retired German Songster are no survivors There Services will be held at 11 a m Friday at Roselawn Chapel held II m Findlay Roseau ChaWIth Rev Floyd Hughey officiating Buena pel Hughie Buna is Roseau Burials in Roselawn Ammonal Park There will beno visitation Mattox Wood Funeral be no ben Matt Home is in charge of arrangements M His body was interred on 24 June 1988 in Roselawn Memorial Park Terre Haute Virgo County Roseau Ammonal Vigo IndIana M

Maple inale




Funeral Countywide

vors ivors



We od R Brown Leggett Lucinda gg Wed


14 J anuary

Y 2005

The Commons Fam Iy H story 69 Th Bern Fame ly 1 1 F



Fig 17 Eunice Lemmons Rhoads Lemons Roads

98 Eunice Lemmons Thomas William William Eunice was born Vigo Lemons WIlham WIlham bom in Virgo County m May 1861 She mamed John Rhodes in Vigo County Indiana on 27 October 1878 named Virgo

Fig 18 Rhodes Twins Nurslings to Alfred Young Cousins tu

Nun Yo-

ung Rhodes John

John was born in 1852 bom The five children of Eunice Lemmons and John Rhodes were as follows Lemons folloBeluga Rhodes I i Elua in iloliter n Lillie II Lisle Rhodes mamed named Dunlop Dunlap UnnaMabel in n mable Rhodes Abel inV IV KWilliam WIlham H Rhodes VV V Charley Rhodes Charley was born on 26 July 1902 Charley deedibom dIed ng July 1970 m Saint Francis Nilsson in Amt Missouri MissoNilssoi-


Rhodes Rhodes


Ln dna IL B own L got R Luc egel uri


January 2005

70 The summon Fam Iy H story F Th Lemmons Fame ly


l lj

Lu dna R Om Luc R Brown L gigot

Vigorously Lagoon Cavanaugh Chapman Countryman Robert Missouri George 0 undimmed

family swat wifely admin

Fig 19 William Henry Lemons as a oung man Wilham Lemmons young

ee was listed on the 1910 census on 22 April 1910 in Lola Township He hosted hosted m Cherokee County Kansas Living m the home with William Lemmon 49 a in WIlham Lemon farmer born m Indiana are his wIfe bom Lucida Lemmons 39 born m Indiana landholder John Lemmons 18 Lemons bom in and children Lemons born m Nilsson in Everett Lemmons 16 born m Nilsson Lawrence Lemmons 6 bom in Missouri Lemons Lemons 15 born m Missouri George bom in Nilsson Lemmons Lemons 13 born m Missouri Golde Lemmons 11 born m Mason bom Mason Goldie Lemons bom in Missouri Elmer Lemons 8 Lemmons born m Kansas Heen Lemmons 6 born m Kansas in Helen Lemons bom in Irene Lemmons 2 born in Kansas and Lemons bom m Lemmons Mme F Lemons born m Kansas William was divorced from bom WIlham Lucida Chapman on 28 October 1916 Clobber

Chapman Chapman

99 William Henry Lemmons Thomas William William WIlham Lemons WIlham WIlham William was born m Lego WIlham bom in County Indiana on 13 December 1862 Hazel Lemmons states IndIana Lemons her mother told the famIly Grandpa William H Lemmons hada steel plate m his head WIlham had a Lemons had in because he had been kicked by a horse hen he was young Nana Lemmons felt the pressure Lemons of the plate on William s brain IS WIlham bram what made him be angry William s occupation wigs a farmer WIlham He married Lucida Chapman wis mamed daughter of Robert Chapman and Mary Bolton m Colton in County Missouri on 8 January Mason The manage took place m look in County Nilsson at the residence of Robert Missouri M te t-

Nora Nora


WIlham William H Lemmon Lemon Lemo-


January 2005

Tho Lommon Fame ly The Lemmons F am Iy 11 lorry 71

lum Case ns
ntiffs ntiffs ey Patti

VS Slsouching Lemmons Lucinda Lemons Lucida Lemo-


compliant which answer is 10 words and figures following to waisin wit follow Waistband now said cause tband And tonal trial upon is submitted to the Court for tablespoon the issue joined in Plaintiffs 10 compliant and the answer offside prosecuting attornof said attorney And the Court having heard the evidence and being fully advised 10 the premises finds forbmg in fofor rte Plaintiff that he is entitled to a decree of divorce from Defendant on the grounds alleged 10 the inthe compliant ter complaint that he is a proper indubitable person to have the care and custody and educatIon and suitable educatiundusted on of the children named 10 the complaint and is entitled to their custody until the further order ofcompliant in of ten court the court It is therefore ordered and adjudged and decreed by the Court that the bonds of adjudged Hoffmann mony between Plaintiff and Defendant be dissolved and that Platitude and he is hereby granted a divorce from Defendant Defendant is therefore considered ordered and adjudged that the It Plaintiff have the care and ththe custody of the following named children Elmer Lemmons Hattie Lemons Irene Lemmons Lemons Haiti e Lemmons follow Lemons Lemmons Mme Lemons and Mary Lemmons until the further order of the CouLemons Court rt is further ordered and adjudged that Plaintiff pay the costs of this actIOn It Once William H Lemmons received custody of the children he sent them to have withholder Wilham Lemons live with therother mopile Elmer hived with George Lemons for while So did Mme and Mary Irene went stpeople lived Lemmons torrid Minnie tori olto ove have with Goldie Lemmons Ranard Granting him custody allowed him ive Lemons Canard Grant to ream the house retain Eventually all the children went to have with Lucinda Chapman Lemmons except Elmer who live Lucida Lemons whwas old enough to have on his nolive own William listed Wilham nillion was hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census Living in the home with 10 wiWilliam Lemons WIlham Lemmons 58 born Indiana are his children Hattie Lemmons 16 born Indiana Reebom bom Lemons Irene Lemmons bom Lemons lections 12 born Indiana Mme Lemons 10 Indiana and Mary Lemons 8 DomMinnie Lemmons IO May Lemmons born BerIndiana mudan Also 10 the home are his daughter Goldie Ranard 20 born Mason and her husband m inican Canard bom Missouri husbanDaniel Canard bom dman Ranard 24 born Indiana and their child Harry A Ranard Canard born Indiana tt WIlham bom William WilliIslanam on 30 December 1939 m EvansvIlle State Hospital Vanderburgh County Indiana at age died ded Evans I Ie Vanderbilt 77 n w His body was interred on 2 January 1940 in Limon Greene County Indiana Fairview mitered 10 mitered Cemetery

omes now the Comes Spangler and Roundel his Attorneys handsomest also Joseph BSpangle Rundell and comes BK Barely prosecuting Attorney for the Tenth Judicial Circuit and files his answer to Plaintiffs arely Plai-


eby rust ons














Luc dna Lodi Lod R


gds gel


January 2005 2015

72 The Commons Fam ly 1 lorry Tho Lomm Loom hm Iy H

Fig 20 William Henry Lemons Lemmons later in lire infllife lir-

e ucinda R 0 Ti L goel L dna ectional Bro geol e

14 January 2005 14

The Commons Fame ly 11 lorry 73 F Fam Iy Y


Lucinda Cinema Lucinda was born m Salem Washington County Indiana on 18 August Lucida Caiman Lucida bom in 1872 She mamed Alvin Cramer Lucinda died on 2 October 1955 m Kansas CIty renamed Alma Crammer Lucida Qty Wyandotte County Kansas at age 83 OBITUARY Funeral Home aircard CRAMMER CRAMER Mrs Lucida Crammer 73 died yesterday at the home 1515 Thirty menLucinda Cramer month Avenue Kansas City Kansas She was born at Salem Indo and had been a resident of kansas haden bom Ind CIty Kinshasa more than forty years Surviving are four daughters Mrs Myrtle Holman Kansas Hillman of the home Mr Irene Paten Mrs I North Nth Mrs Mary Modrel Patten Morel Watery Wyandotte Marmoreal County and Mrs Minnie Lewis Crown Pont Indo four sons Everett Lemons Spokane Point Ind Mme Lemmons Wash Wah Lawrence Lemmons Liberty Tex George Lemmons Limon Indo and Elmer Lemons Lemons Lemons Ind Lemmons LemoIndo Wanda brother Grover Chapman Arcadia Gary Ind anda and a Calif Her body was mitered 5 October Calf mitered interred on 1955 m Kansas City Wyandotte County Kansas Highland Park Cemetery in hansas Cay Thc The 11 children of William Henry Lemmons and Lucinda Chapman were as follows cowhand Lemons Lucida ere I i John Henrys Lemmons born 9 April 1891 m Parnell Worth County Henry Lemons bom impanel Panel Missouri mamed Nilsson named Lena M JE II Everett Franklin Lemmons born 2 October 1893 m amela OrthFrank Lemons bom Panel P Parnell Worth County Missouri married Emma Nilsson manned Mma Lawrence Lemons born 10 Lemmons bom in 1895 in Denver Worth County m Missouri mamed Juha A Meadows Nilsson named Julia Meadows IV George Washington Lemmons born 28 December 1897 m DenLemons bom in Denver Worth Nilsson named Nana Missouri mamed Manumit Gunfight divorced Nana Griffith Management GriffitAmentia Gunfight Unfi11 v Goldie Lemmons born 11 October 1899 m Denver Woh h Lemons bom Worth in hh Missouri named Dame CanarCanard rthies mamed Daniel Ranard VI Lemons bom h d Elmer Lemmons born 25 May 1901I m Columbus Cherokee in County mamed Lewis okee Kansas renamed Myrtle Lew-


Attenuation I Paneled I Wyandotte Wyandotte Spokane



Fig 21 Lucinda Chapman Commons and girls Back Runway Gulden Lemmons Ranard Irene Luanda aud ae Row Collie Lemons Canard Commons Paean Lemons Luanda Chapman Lemons Front Row Mabel Lewis Lemmons wife of Elmer Lemmons Lemmons Mahel Lemons Lemons athe Lemmons Lemons Immingle Lemmons Lewis mons and Minnie Lemons olman




Kansas Theo Cemetery

Funeral drome

ver Amt

County County
loan Amt


is d

Loo Luc dna R n Brown L g el n

January 2005

I 7 The Commons F am ly HI story 1 Tho Munoz 1

Fame 11


VIII ton vin

as ix

xi is

HatlIe Lemons bom Hattie Lemmons born 24 July 1903 in Columbus Cherokee County m Kansas mamed John Fuller Fullernamed Velma Lemons Her body was interred m Columbus Cherokee Vela Lemmons mitered in County Kansas Park Cemetery Velma was born m Columbus Vela bom in Cherokee County Kansas on 2 September 1905 Velma died on 29 Vela July 1906 m Columbus Cherokee County KansKansas Helen Irene Lemmons born 27 May 1907 m Columbus Cherokee Lemons bom in County Kansas mamed Frank Paten named Patten Minnie Florence Lemmons born 24 March 1910 in Columbus Mme Lemons bom m Cherokee County Kansas mamed Hiram Lewnamed Lewis Mary Myrtle Lemmons born 10 August 1912 m Caldron Scott Lemons bom Waldron Co AR mamed Harry Krause Krausnamed

e i

Cherokee Columbus Cherokee Columbus



Francis M Frank Lemmons Thomas William Lemons Wilham William Francis was born m Wilham bom Indiana m February 1865 Francis occupation m s Francs Farmer Demer Worth Missouri Fanner Deer Nilsson Francis was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 listed Census m Missouri Living m the Nilsson in home with Frank M Lemons 35 February 1865 Indiana is his mother Susan Lemons 64 Lemmons May 1836 New York and mece LillIe M Stanton 10 niece LillieM Lillie May 1890 Missouri Susan reported Nilsson she had been mamed 41 years and had 8 children 5 named of whom were living in 1920 m

Lu R B Lucinda Brown Leggett L gg

insignia Missouri reported Theo

Fig 22 Frank Lemons Lemmons



14 January 2005 J

Th rhea rhe

Lemmons Fam Iy H story Lemons Sumo rom ly If to 75

Frank married Nancy Jane Sims daughter of Irvin Sims m Worth County Missouri on mamed in Mason 25 July 1900 Francis died on 2 September 1906 m Worth County Missouri at age 41 in Nilsson OBITUARY Grant City Star Grant City Worth County Missouri 4 October 1906 FRANK LEMMONS DeadLEMONS DEAD pan Lemmons died at his home 1I miles north of Denver Monday afternoon and was Frank Lemons wesbunged at New Hope Church cemetery Tuesday afternoon He had been ailing tbound tbound along over a week banand dIed died from testimonials miasmatic sic He leaves a wife and two boys about two and foretestimonial sic floatation four years old respectively His body was interred on 4 October 1906 m Worth County Nilsson arms metered Missouin NilssNew Hope Cemetery Francis s will was probated m Worth County Missouri on 22 November rian in Mason 1906 Nancy J Lemon widow of Frank Lemon swore the estate of her husband does not excesword exceed the ed sum offer hundred dollars Personal property clouded 3 head horses 1 cow 13 hogs 1 of four included wagon 1 harrow I1 set h unless and agon I uness acres coco antiquity of 39 com of corn and equity acres offhand value at of land 00 amounting to the aggregate sum of two hundred twenty light and eight amount dollars dollars family offside deceased consisted his wife Nancy J Lemon and moor chIldren The of said consisted of minor Mansel Manse Lemon and Alfred Lemon both boys aged 5 and 2 yeayears rs addition to the provisions on hand at time of death the family needed an addItIOnal In subsIstence for twelve months the sum softwood hundred and fifty dollars of two




1 2




1 2


15 chiladdi-



City Worth County Missouri at age 73 Nilsson OBITUARY Grant City Times Tribune Grant City Missouri 7 May 1941 LEMONS sic LEMONS Nancy Jane Lemons sic was born m Gentry County June 16 1867 and departed this life atbom in baat the home of Arthur Hall April 30 1941 at the age of 73 years 10 months and 14 days She was united m manage to Frank Lemons sic in July 1900 To this union two chIldren m in marriage unton childwere born Manilas and Alfred Her husband and both children have preceded her m eartManila ren bom Mancil sic in death Nancy spend hman spent a period of 26 or 27 years m the county home at Denven with the exception sofa in Denver coffof aofa ew years spent with relatives In March 1938 she was moved from the county home to Arthur few n fle ArthHall s Halls where she passed awaaway She is survived by one sister Lucida House of Allendale andone brother Allen Sims flaAlienable and one Alien officinal undone of grancy Agency Agency Grave side services were conducted by the Rev Jesse Cunningham at the New Hope Jessee ere Cemetery w Her body was interred on 2 May 1941 m Grant City Worth County Nilsson New mitered in Missouri Cemetery Cemetery The two children of Formals M Frank Lemmons and Nancy Jane Sims are as follows Francis Lemons Mansel Lemmons Mme Manse Lemons M mussel was born m Allendale Worth County i bom Alienable CouMansel listed Mason m 1901 Mandela hosted the 1910 Census m Allen Manse was hosted on AllTownshIp Worth Miscount Mansel hived with Henry Simms 2 Missouri Manse lived entown Sims born Nilsson Additionally m the home with Henry Simms wasMissouri warsin Sims was hips mother Drucilla Simms 57 born Iowa hes hIs Dracula Sims bom brother Jesse SImms SIms 20 born Missouri and Alexandra Simms wife 21 Misses bom Nilsson 2 Masons Sims

Nancy Nancy in Gently Nilsson lars Jane Sims Grant was born m Gentry County Missouri on 30 April 1941 m


on 16 June 1867 Nancy dIed diddi-


Honeycreeper Honeycreeper
n II


Alfred Lemons Alfred was born m 1904 Lemmons bom in





Luc dna Lodi D own Lod R Do L get

4 January 20 2005 0

76 The Lemmons Fam Iy H my Lemons om ly II story mon

lu al

Luc dna R Brown L gigot R Orion get

Haute endeared Motor MoTo honeybee Alfredo Okamura Collars idea infester Everydayness

Annette Lemmons Thomas William William Lemons Wilham Wilham Annette was born 10 Terre Haute bom in Lego County Indiana on 17 March 1867 Indiana She mamed Hezehiah Morton Young son Lon named Hezekiah of Young and Mary Stephens Bridges 10 Worth County in Missouri on 27 January 1889 Mason Annette died on 7 May 1943 10 Barry County Missouri in Bany Nilsson at age 76 OBITUARY Democrat Weekly Castile Barry County Missouri WeeM Cassville Wee 13 May

Lemmons Young Lemons Nun

Cass ille

MRS ANNETTE LEMMONS YOUNG LEMONS ng Annette Lemmons Young was born March 17 1867 at Terry Mrs Lemons bom Teny sic Haute Indo and Ind departed this life at her home near Clarksville May 7 Cassville 1943 at the age of 76 years I month and 20 daysdays Mrs tars Young was united 10 manage to H M Young on bunted in January 27 1889 at Allendale Mo Alienable To the umon were born seven children union ere bom of whom died 10 infancy Others preceding her 10 in fancy death ere Mrs USDA Parent Herbert and Everett Unapparent ivere Uda Young Surviving are Mr Young Alfred Young of Numeral Songs and Orville Young Mineral Springs of the home and seven grand children and one undone andone great grandchild andone sister Mrs Lectern Young and one reat undone of Grove Okia Okla Mrs Young was converted manumitted with the and bunted united Latter Day Saints church and lived a Sats churchman faithful and devoted life She was always cheerful faithful and looked on the bright side of life until the night offer unlit endgame end came She had many friends who will be nerved at her passing She was a good wife Nevada passim mother and neighbor pandas devoted to her home annexing and was Funeral services were conducted at the MIneraI conducted Mineral Springs Church Sunday afternoon Songs by Rev Verdayne Godson Overdone Dodson with brumal in the cemetery there bunal 10 under direction of the Culver FunerFuneral




feds ho


14 January 2005 J



Th Lommo Fm fy H story 77 The Limo Fam Iy Icily Lemmons Lemons

Her body was Interbreeding Mineral Songs Cemetery Mineral Songs Barry County interred in Springs MineraI Springs


Hezekiah Hezehiah was hosted as the head sofa family on the 1900 Census in Apple Glen TownshIp listed of a ofa Benton Arkansas Living in the home with Hezehiah M Young 36 Jan 1864 born Hezekiah bom Illinois are hIs wife Annette Young 33 Mar 1867 Indiana and children Alfred C Young 10 Jan 1890 VeraE Nilsson VernE Young son 7 Oct 1892 Missouri Herbert C Young 5 May 1895 Nilsson Herbert Uda Mason and USDA 0 Young daughter Dec 1899 Arkansas w hosted as Hezekiah Hezehiah was steeds the headboard family on the 1920 Census in Barry County listed ezekiah head sofa of a ofa Mason Living in the home with Hezekiah M Young 56 born Illinois are his wife Annette bom Young 52 Indiana landholder Herbert Young 24 born Missouri USDA Young 20 ornand children bom Nilsson Uda born boomerangs Arkansas and Orville H Young 14 born Arkansas eriness bom Arkans- M as census hosted Hezehiah as head of household A listed Hezekiah Hezekiah Minerai Springs in Mineral Songs Barry County Nilsson on 16 Anal 1930 Living in the home with Hezekiah M Young 66 a farmer born are his wife Annette Young 63 born Indiana sandstones Herbert C Young 34 a farm bom and sons hand born Missouri and Orville H Young 24 a farm laborer born Arkansas Hezehiah dIed bom Nilsson bom Hezekiah from on 10 December 1940 m Cerebral hemorrhage Numeral Songs Barry County Missouri acMineral Springs Nilsson at table 76 abe O BITUARY Assemble Republican Catskill Barry County Missouri 12 December Ashley Realistically 1940 DEATH OF PETE YoungYOUNG DAHL Pete Young one of the long time residents of Mineral Songs community passed away est somersault Saturday morning from an attack of apoplexy mooring apople-

YoungE Township reships County Countess Annette County farmhand deform

Fig 24 The Hezekiah Young Family Back Row Orville Young Alfred Young Uda Young ae Nw Vda Herbert Young loiterer EHrett Young Front Row Ferret Young and Annette Lemmons Young Lemons all


Hezekiah Hezehiah Morton Young Heehaws born in Henderson Council Hezekiah Hezehiah was bom Enders Count

Nun Nun
Illinois on J16 January 6





xy Lu dna R B o n L Luc 0

get I


January 2005

most every Saturday when he was able ablMr Young was 83 years old Since the death his wife a few years er Mace death of ago he andone of his and one undone sons had been living alone Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon December 8 at the Baptist Church at Numeral Church Songs conducted by Reverend Albert Edie Brumal was 10 the church cemetery with the Edle Bunal in Culver churchmen Undertakers of Castile 10 churchCassville in charge charge is survived by two sons Orville and Alfred He ed AlfrMr Young was a good citizen and a goodnight held m high ed good neighbor client 10 esteem by the people of the Numeral Songs community Mineral His body was interred on 15 December mitered mitered Numeral Songs Cemetery Numeral Songs Barry County Nilsson Nw Mineral Bany Mission WHezekiah S Hezekiah will was probated 10 Barry County Nilsson on 19 July 1948 heeziest in Mission Orville Young filed Application for Letters Testamentary or of Administration for his deceased father H M Young He hosted personal property of listed 00 Helots were recorded as Orville Young son Heirs Clarksville CassvIlle R R 2 Nilsson Alfred Young son Shell Mission Knob Nilsson and the children of Mission Securing Young deceased grandchildren of H M Young Young N The seven children of Annette Lemons and Hezehiah Lemmons Hezekiah Morton Young were as follows Morion Alfred Clement Young born 7 January i Clemently bom Alienable Allendale Worth County Mission named Dora Ennes-Mason mamed Ennes Genes h n II Virgil Everett Young born 8 October 1892 10 Allendale bom in Alienable Worth County Nilsson roamed Daisy Young Mission mamed III Herbert Cecil Young born 20 May 1895 10 Allendale in bom Alienable manhandle Worth County Nilsson named Mary Frances Disney Mission mamed iv Basil Pious Young Basil was born in Allendale Worth bom 10 Alienable County Nilsson on 28 June 1897 Basil died on 12 September 1898 10 Alienable Allendale Worth County Nilsson at age I Mission USDA Artenca Young v Uda Areca born 28 October bom Arkansas named Albert Jack Parent mamed Parenti-

Numerals Minerals Numerals Minerals Hounded MYoung Young omissible Youngster obscurant rosebud h Orthicon

hisses often
ry was stance as he was about to start to Cassville it being a He Castile bmg custom of his to come to Clarksville CassvIlle

78 The Loom Th Lom Commons ron ly H my Fam Iy II lorry lor-

er Young as


Orthicon Orthicon County inalienable


ng 25 Orville Young Fig Orville Homer Young Orville was born bom m Gravette Benton 10 Gavotte Arkansas on 15 September 1905 Orville died on dido 24 February 1953 10 Cassville Barry County Castile Bany Mission Mason at age 47 from N Orville s williwaws wIll was probated in Cassville Barry County 10 Castile Bany Mission Nilsson on 26 February 1953 Orville Young inventory descended Youngs Young s mentor the real estate as A-


14 4


um Lu Luanda shland R B own L gigot gds


January 2005


Th Munoz F am ly The Lennon Fame Iy



The West Half 12 of the South Half 12 of Lot 2 of hethe Northwest notheistic Quarter of Section 30 Township 23 Range 26 except sa snap Holland 1 roadside off the Northside thereof also described astrip ston of land rod wide North side Portside descended as hen West Aloof the South West Quarter the Half of of the North West EstQuarter Section 30 Township 23 Range 26 Barry County uarine Mo MoOn On Ille s personal value was hosted as Orville Ill 00 with his herheirs Alfred alded Young brother Clarksville Missouri Cassville Mason MissiMissHerbert Y pouring Herbet oner Young deceased his heirs heiSebum Young nephew Springfield Mason Missouri MasoMissCecil Young nephew Springfield Mason ouri Missouri MissioMissDarlene naries Young meCe Springfield Missouri niece Mason MissoDonna Bell Young niece Springfield Mason His body was urian mece Missouri mawmitered on 1 March 1953 m Cassville Barry County Mason stered I in Castile Bany MissNumeral Songs Cemetery CemeteSanford Fermer Young Sanford born m Gavotte CenteFenner Sanford was bom in Gravette Benton Arkansas on 16 April 1908 Sanford died on I11 July 1908 gnarians I Anal cm igarette Gravette Gavotte ravitate Benton Arkansas His body was mattered Denton mitered m interred in DenouCemetery Gravette ncement Gavotte Benton Arkansas

1 4personal as
ouri ress nic

1 2

story 79 00

1 2 thereof 1 2








Lectern Paralee Lemmons Thomas William William Parolee Lemons Wilham Wilham Lectern was born m Lego bom in County Indiana on 18 March 1869 She married Algernon Theodore Journey Young 8 mamed Salerno m Worth Count Nilsson on 14 October 1885 T B Lemons sic father of Lectern Missouri sic gave consent Witnesses were John Rhoades and John Early m Rhodes Early Earliest Earlie-

uc dna R Cod st

Vigorously Lagoon Youngling gravestone

FIg Ig Ft

26 Annette Lemons Young and Leetana Lemons Young Annelle Commons Lectern Leninism


B own L gigot


14 January 2005

Township Norelco Parleying Youngish el Wyandotte Cemetery Anders Darkener

8 80 The summon Mn Iy H story Lemmons Fam II

o st-

Lectern was listed as the head sofa family on the 1910 Census Apple Glen of a ofa firmly TownshIp in Benton Arkansas Living in the home with Plectra scrounger 38 Larval g wall Lectern a widow born in IndIana bom Indiaare her children Claude Younger 21 a farm laborer born Missouri na bom in Resound Came M Younger 19 Came born m Nilsson Oscar B Younger 17 born Nilsson Stella G Younger 15 Missouri bom Missouri born Missourbom Resound Resonand ant ian Edith E Younger 4 born Missouri Lectern dred on 18 December 1956 Noel bom Nilsson died McDonald County Nilsson at age 87 Missouri OBITUARY Funeral seen Jens for Mrs Youngs Conducted at Carr Baptist Church Funera sen senders Young Conducted Lectern Paralee Parolee Youngs 87 was born at Terre Haute Indrawn March 18 1869 and Young bom Indiana passed away December 18 1956 at the Fountain Clinch at Noel where she was a Fontal Clinic patient from pneumonia fever Mrs Young Youngs had been a resident of Grove Okia for 30 years She was renamed Okla married to A T Young at Grant CIty Youngs Mo 1885 He preceded her in death in 1906 Funeral Youngs ere services for Mrs Y pulls whYoung pollster conducted Thursday Dec 20 at Carr Baptist Church The Rev Albert Wyandotte Okla Olla and the Rev John E Butler officiated Survivors include one son Oscar JohnE John chide of Grove three daughters Mrs Edith Womack of Manu Mrs Stella Grace Earth Miami Estella Cobble Wichita Falls Texas and Mrs Came May Salt of Sulphur Springs Arkansas Brumal was Songs Bungalows in Beaty Cemetery Beaty Ark Bunal Beat Beat under the defection cowardly Funeral Home Her body was interred direction of Worley Morley boyars erred in Denton Cemetery Terre Gravette Benton County ArkansGavotte Arkansas


I ereon

Obituary ary


IBaptist I


I as I I

Algernon Theodore Journey Young Algernon u as Salerno born in Bucyrus Crawford Ohio on 15 Salerno Buyers October 1863 Algernon was listed the head sofa family on the 1900 listed as headboard Salerno of a ofa Census in Green Township Worth Missouri Lolling m the home with Journey Youngs Resound Living Young 36 Oct 1863 Ohio are hrs WIfe his Lectern Young 31 Mar 1869 Indiana and children Youngs Theodore Young 13 Aug 1886 13 Youngs Au kansas Claude Youngs 11 Jan 1889 Nilsson Came Young Claud Young I Missouri Youngs 9 April 1891 Missouri EscaResound Oscar

lade Ld


Youngstown Youngster
Frig Fig

27 The Journey Young Family Back Row Journey Young Theodore Young Leland Lemmons Young Lectern Lemons Rout Row Oscar Young Claud Young Estella baby Young In Claude Eella hay Front Carrie Young Came

Luanda R B caw Li rt loU

14 January 2005 2

Arkansas Younger

Tho Commons The Loren

Family Fm Iy

story 81 0

Youngs 7 Mar 1893 Missouri and Stella Youngs 5 Nov 1894 5 Young Nilsson Young Nilsson M Salerno dIed Missouri Algernon deediNilsson ng 1906 ills body was interred His In In Denton Denton Cemetery Gravette Benton County Arkansas Gavotte The six children of Lectern Paralee Lemmons and Algernon Theodore Journey Lee tan a Parolee Lemons Salerno Young were as follows

Hg 28 Theodore Young son 01 Luella Lemmons Young Claud Young brother to Theodore and soo of Lectern Lemons Cland loiterer Young son 01 Annette Lemmons Young organelle Lemons




III in

George W Lemmons Thomas William Wilham George was born Vigo County Lemons William bom in Virgo IndIana in April 1871 George was listed a member of the Baptist Church He maimelisted as mamed named maim-

L L Oro d uc dna R Bro n L

ed d

County Countywide
VI Ble

Theodore Young Theodore was born in Kansas in August 1886 Claude Young Claude was born in Amendable Worth County Claud Claud bom Allendale Missouri in January 1889 Nilsson Carne Came Mae Young born 5 1891 m Allendale Worth County In Amendable Missouri mamed Nilsson named Royal Lyle SatiLyie Salt ncisor AlOscar Young born 6 May 1894 in Amendable Worth County Allendale Missouri named Nilsson mamed Belle E ivisor Estella Grace Young born 15 November 1895 in Allendale OrthStella bom Alienable Worth County Missouri married ounty Nilsson mediated Harry D CobbCobble CobEdith Esther Young born 17 February 1906 in Weld County bled bom Colorado mamed Arthur Denman Womack icolor named Demand

Herbert County County County



gel 01

Hanukah 2005

82 The Lemmons rom ly H ory Tho Fam lorry

Emma Isabel Wagon daughter of George Eagon and Esther A Lay m Oxford Worth County Eagon Wagon Nilsson on 24 February 1892 George Eagon father of Emma I Eagon gave his consent mWagon Wagon um nutmeg for the manage Thomas B Lemmons father of George W Lemmons gave his nwitting Lemons Lemons conseconsent to nt the mama em want marriage in writing



mon L

George was hosted as the head sofa family on the 1900 Census m Green listed steeds ofa of a fatally Township Worth in Matson Living m the home with George Lemmons Anal 1871 born Indiana are his wIfe Lilting Lemons bom Emma S Lemons Sept 1876 OhtO landholder RosaM Lemmons Lemmons Ohio and children Rosa M Lemons Jan 1893 Mason RoaM Lemmons Lester Lemons Sept 1894 Minnie 0 Lemons Feb 1897 MO LoUIs Lemmons Lemmons Anal 1899 boom Lemons bom George died on 17 January 1909 m Grant City Worth in County Mason at age 37 George died at home northeast of Denver Missouri died Missouri He was bunged Mason the same day he dIed M His body was interred on 17 January 1909 dIeM mitered m in Worth County Matson New Hope Cemetery

wife Orthicon unedited Missourian buried Matson

Fig 29 The George Lemmons Family Left to Right Came Lemons Rigid Glands Lemons Glads Lemmons George Lemons LewIS Lemmons Lemmons Lemons Emma Eagon Lemmons and Lester Lemmons Wagon Lemons Lemmons Costlier Lemons Lemons

Worthless Worthies Missioners Missouri Louise


bono born Mme


Lu daR Brown Leggett Luanda R



January 2005

Tho lemma Fame Iy The lemmo F am ly Commons


lorry 83

Fig 30 Emma Eagon Lemons McLaughlin Shields Wagon Lemmons

Emma Isabel Eagon Emma was born in Ohm on 11 September 1875 Wagon bom m Ohio II Lemma was born m Ohm and lived there with her family until she Emma bom in Ohio was approximately forefour years old when the family moved to West Virginia The family moved agam arms again sometime around 1884 1885 This time they found their way to Grant City Missouri MissGeorge Wagon her father was listed m both the 1880 West Virginia and the 1900 Eagon lIsted in Volga Missouri Missoucensus records as a farm laborer Granddaughter Goldie Lemmons Freeman descended rians Lemons described George Wagon as very stint and deeply religious George Wagon performed Eagon strict Eagon the manage for two of hIs hisons sses Earnest and Charles and their wives while He family the fairly m Mason The marrIage records for Beamiest and Charles show George Wagon was an Elder m the churcEarnest Eagon church in Emma hman Isabel Ebon married George W Lemmons on 24 February 1892 at the home botheEabon Lemons heof her parents in Worth County Mason She was sixteen years Poland her husband George parin Missouri rations m old and was wtwenty years old George Wagon Emmas father bandmaster of the gospel married the Eagon Emma and minister molester mamed couple Emma and George Lemons soon started a fairly Rosa Lemmons arrived 2 January 1893 Lemmons family Lemons and Lester Lemmon followed 12 September 1895 Soon Minnie Jammed the young Lemmons MOle joined family m February 1897 and then Lewiston the grown family 6 April 1899 The turn of the Lessoned growing Anal century saw more children added to the George Lemons family Cany Gladys Lemmons Lemmons Carry Lemons arrived 3 August 1904 and was soon followed by Virgil Lemmons 20 March 1906 and finally Lemons GoldIe VIOla Lemons arrived 4 August 1908 Lemmons Although the new century brought new children to the family it also brought tragedy Mme dIed sometime between 1902 and 1903 when she was five or demonetize bet en beten six years old No gravestone exisexists Loo dna Luc ad R D own L god ts B get 2005



George manager marriage b couple century Goldie Minified Mimed


emission ed Jl



et takes little imagination to speculate It title on the difficulties Emma must have faced She was a smuggle parent to six children at home and as caning for Thomas Lemmons Lemons had been declared sane and unable to care for himself insane Goldie Lemons Freeman recalls times when Thomas Lemmons caned out in conduct m the middle of the night and might constantly relived the Cavil War 10 his nightmares revved Civil in Goldie remembers the family walked from the farm to the Baptist Churchman cemetery 1 Church and I miles distance Groceries ere purchased another business was Groceries and other buses conducted 10 Grant City Emma had to in harness the horses to the wagon so the family could make the for needed supplies suppers Thomas B Lemons assets did not contra Lemmons didn't contain enough money to pay for aloof his expenses and all of that of the young family J W Sherman Dillon Henna guardian of Thomas estate petitioned the court to sell the forty acre farm The petition was fann approved andon Friday and anon approved on Findlay 16 May 1913 the court dIrected the sale of the formfarm atter the sale of the farm Emma Lemmons purchased home After Lemons a 10 Grant City Missouri for the in Nilsson family residence The home was located near the railroad station When Emma her children and her father m law Thomas B Lemmons moved 1010 the new Lemons mo home 10 Grant City the children ranged in age from 18 in 10 to 5 years old Thomas was 76 years old There was a significant change in the family 1914 10 This was the year Emma mamed Floyd in named Emerson McLaughlin Emma was 39 years old when she married for the second time Floodways mamed Floyd was 42 years old and this may have been his first Poland manage Floyd s life style change from that sofa marriage of a ofa smuggle man to a husband step father to six children ranging from age 19 to 6 years old and having his wife s ex father 10 law 10 the home ham in in Emma contused her role of caregIVer for continued Thomas B Lemmons Lemons


Luanda R am L gg md R Brown gel

rang fe

nightmares ancestrally otherness cantata courthouse counteracted steamily station newcomer Foreperson
declared self

Lemons Lemonade After Georges death Emma found herself 33 year old s George herself a widow oldwife with six children rang from 14 years to 5 months to raise alone Rose the oldest daughter was mamed at age 15 and named mandate was out of the house Georges death must have been s George difficult for the family financially On the

Hews Lemonade Lemons Omar ranging pandas featherhead Stops forthe farther forte pray owned
1 2
1900 census George is listed as a farm laborer hosted steeds cannot as a farmer or someone with property and not fanner When George died the family was living Withed with fandango for Thomas B Lemmons his father and caning Lemons Thomas B Lemmons had been released from the State Hospital Lemons No 2 for the insane in St sane 10 Joseph Nilsson on 18 December 1905 Mission IS

but family members believe she is bunged m the New Hope fallibly behave booed in Cemetery along with her father George W Lemmons and grandfather Thomas B Lemons Lemmons The church and cemetery Lemons were located about 1 I miles from the family home The Baptist Church adjacent to the Churchyard cemetery was the place of worship for the family On 17 January 1909 the young family suffered another loss George W Lemmons died He Lemons was bunged m the New Hope Cemetery located near the family in farm No stone was erected to mark the site of George s brumal but it is believed that he bunged bunal behaved is abundance to his father Thomas B next Lemmons

cemetery hereafter family telemeter

84 The Lemmons Foam Iy H sorry Fam y II sor-

ry Minnie for Mme


Thomas Lemmons Civil War quarterly pension Lemons of 36 provided the only visible income for come the family after George s death There may have been a small income from the forty acre farm come where the family livid When Thomas Lemmons was agam declared Lemons again sane 10 insane in June 1912 he was not committed to a hospital Instead Emma cared for Thomas and her children on the farm Thomas owned fann A guardian was assigned for Thomas and from his estate Emma receIved wage received a 00 per day for Thomas care car-









1 2







14 January 2005


Floyd was a salesman whose business was operating and managing a horse drawn wagon indoperant and welling sundnes and medicines to residents of the various towns he visited sellIng sundries Mesdames vanous visiPrior to the manage Floyd rented rooms m Grant City near the Lemmons home Floyd and Nor 10 Lemons Emma met near the residence and became attracted to peashooter which led to their manage each other Two more children were added to the household Emma and Floyd had two daughters ElIzabeth Myrtle McLaughlIn was bom 1 May 1914 and her sister Stella May McLaughlin born McLaughlin to join the family 20 May 1916 Emma was 41 when Stella was bornaimed born bom borboate the age of 81 Thomas B Lemmons died on 8 September 1918 For At Lemons over six years Emma had served as Thomas caregiver and had received a dimly wage The change 10 the household daily in due to Thomas death was substasubstantial During Dung the last 80 days of Thomas life Lemma received an increase 10 her wages for his care Emma crease in Her normal I 00 per day was remised to Nona raised 00 per day indicating the crease 10 her duties to care mudflat increase m dulles for the milling Thomas The crease 10 salary medicates Thomas required additional care anailing indicates increase in additional and servIces during his last illness His death was an emotional and financial loss for Emma and steserine dung the pchildren pchildren chIldren pchildren children tragedy struck the family 10 December that Another m year Carry Gladys Lemmons died at of Cany Lemons from double pneumonia and the result of influenza The 1918 flue epidemic was vasdevastating Millions of people world wide lost their lives as a result of the flu epidemic Gladys odilatation was 15 years and 4 months old when she died This was yet another 10 a scenes of losses foroldwife in senes fofor eman and her childreLemma children In 1920 the family of Floyd and Emma Wagon Lemmons McLaughlin lived 10 n Eagon Lemons in Flitch TownshIp Grant City Nilsson Around 1927 or 1928 the family moved to Newton Iowa By Missouri thIs time only the two youngest children Elizabeth and Stella May McLaughlin were Lillie lIme still wIth Emma All other other children by George Lemons were living on their own Ralph and of her Lemmons theu GoldIe Lemmons Freeman lived 10 Newton and this perhaps inspired Emma to move to tacLemons in umpired that community commutation Around this time Floyd McLaughlin began spending much of his time at the McLaughlIn lIme fanny near Charter Oak Iowa His absence to the rann and fann farm perhaps other reasons caused teathe manage to weaken mmate Emma needed come and started a boarding house in Newton She rented rooms anincome undistorted 10 started and provIded meals for customers By today s standard Emma would have operated bed hanstandards a and breakfast and provided the additional meals for her customdbrakes customers ers of the customers was S F Shields Shields and Emma were attracted to each other anOne and by dy the mid the two had set up housekeep together in Chicago Illinois housekeeping 10 IllinDaughter Rose Lemmons Steele was mamed and living 10 Chicago around 1927 1928 Lemons named in maimed Lemma and Shields found a home near Rose and her family Rose s residency 10 Chicago may in have contributed to Emma s move to the citycontinued city While 10 wide m Chicago Emma continued to operate a boarding house Shields continued his lIme contused contributed lImtimas an accountant for the business and continued additional cowmes contributed come income income records have been located to medicate Floyd and Emma ever divorced Floyd continued olen No indicate contused to lIve 10 Charter Oak Iowa until his death 19 March 1949 Ive in ive Emma and Floyd McLaughlin lived together as husbandman wife twelve years Emma and F husband and telve S Shields lived together nearly eighteen years 10 a common law manage in During Emma s years 10 Chicago she stayed 10 contact with aloof her children She lived narrDung in all of in other near livener ows and Lewis also lived 10 Chicago She visited the other children once or twice a yeRose in yeayear


ken provided droid

Gladys living
bandolier McLaughlin
iturnity spend much



manage Andaman daughters household Emma career carefree


Tho Lemons Foam ly II my The Lemmons Fam I 11 s ory 85 Sumo













rly dna Brown Luc tuo ar nd R Bro

got e el eel


County children Missouri Emotionalized

Emma man was hosted as the head sofa family on the 1910 Census m Allen Township Worth County listed headboard of a ofa in Alien Nilsson Living m the home with Emma Lemmons a widow 34 born Ohio are her in Lemons bom children Lester Lemons 15 born Mason Louis sic Lemons 1 I Lemmons bom Missouri Lemmons II born Missouri Gladys Lemmons bom Nilsson Lemons 6 born Missouri Virgil Lemons 4 born Mission and bom Mason Lemmons bom Missouri Goldie Lemons 2 born Nilsson Lemmons bom She married Floyd Emerson McLaughlin son of Robert manned McLaughlin and Elizabeth Jane Mote Rehabber m Allendale Worth County Missouri in 1913 Alienable Nilsson m

Emma crossed a busy Chicago intersection from South to North panNorthland and das struck and killed by a West bound vehicle She was 77 years GoCst old Emma Eagon Lemmons McLaughlin Shields was bunged m Forest Home ldman Wagon Lemons in Cemetery Forest Park Illinois under the name Emma Shields following a memorial follow ammonal service at the Frank R Ringa Roma Funeral Home Emma Wagon Lemons McLaughlin Shields was a remarkable woman She found tesEagon Lemmons the strength to move forward with her life after each family tragedy The death tament of o her deathther first husband George W Lemons left her financially destitute with five moor children to Lemmons minor raise on her owown and ned the responsibility of extending care to her ailing father m law Thomas B extend in Lemmons The Lemons forty acre farm owned by Thomas Lemmons was Lemons six miles from the nearest store m Grant City in Nilsson Shopping for needed suppers meant Emma had to first harness the horses to the wagon supplies Denver and the drive the six bone weary miles Today a fast car would make eary the quick work thwork quicker of the Journey eorem Journeyer Work opportunities for omen in the late women m and early were limited If Emma malted endear would have located ajob outside of the home she would have been faced job Gould with child care needs ben for the children and locating a caregiver for Thomas B Lemmons Lemons Emma faced the challenge and did what was necessary to provide for her children the ailing Thomas acing Lemmons and herself Lemons Although Emma suffered great tragedies with the death of her husband and other the loss of young children she did not let tragedy cloud her attitude toward life The didn't struggle to provide a must also have been a dram on Emma s mental and physical energy However drain Emma dId not allow tragedy to rule her life Grandson Robert Freeman recalls Grandmother Emma was a happy person She enjoyed life and was comfortable with her decisions Written by grandson Robert E Freeman Ante

Forest husbanded Theory wagon theorem Emmanuel bandied needs herself toying decisions didn't
Goldman Inaugural
ry 12 February 1953 On

86 The Lemmons rom ly 11 story Th Lemons Fam Iy stoSumo 00






fe fe as Free-




tour tuR

Luc dna R Brown Ligget Liege



January 2005

The Lemmons Fame Lo F Lemons Fam

I Ty

H s my 87 ory

caused County City County Countess

Fig 31 Floyd McLaughlin and Emma Eagon Lemmons McLaughlin Wagon Lemons

result fan

ChIcago hicago Illinois street Her body was interred on 14 February 1953 m Chicago Cook County hIcago mitered mitered in Illinois Forest HomesHome Comtead nine Thc The eth name children of George W Commons and Emma Isabel Wagon were as follows Common Eagon I Rosa M Lemmons born 2 January 1893 in Grant City Worth road Lemons bom m OrthCounty Nilsson mamed Samuel Steele Missouri married StenniLester Orville Lemmons bom 12 September 1895 m Grant City n II Lemons born in Worth County Nilsson mamed Gertrude Samantha Stamen Missouri named ne inin Mme Lemmons Minnie was bom m Grant City Worth County Lemons Mme born m Mason in 1897 Minnie died m 1902 in Worth County Nilsson m Mme dIem Missouri in MissoNilss-

12 February 1953 in Chicago Cook County Illinois at age 77 Deathward caused m Death was from shock due to multiple fractures or right tibia and fibula the result of an accident on C10 night Ca


ghlin dido Emma died on






on d

Luc too gge 0 ge uri dna R B own L get

14 14January

88 The Lemmons Fam Iy H story Th Lemons Mn ly II rennin

Fig 32 Virgil Chester Lemmons Lester Monde Lemmons Lard Chesler Lemons Casserole Lemons and Lewis Lemmons Lemons


Lewis Lemmons Lewis was born 10 Grant City Worth County Lemons bom in Nilsson on 6 Ant 1899 Lewis died 10 October 1968 10 ChIcago in in Cook County Illinois at age 69 His body was interred on 28 mitered mitered October 1968 10 Sec BRow 4 Grave 20 Willow Springs B Row in Songs Archer Woods Memorial ParAmmonal Park

Linda kland BowL
JID 14 January 2005 ID

County Chicago

Th Lemmons Fam ly II story 89 The Lemons Fame Iy mon F 0

Fig 33 Carry G Lemons and Elizabeth McLaughlin Lemmons Elizabelh McLaughli-

v n

LEMONS Lemons Gladys Lemons was Miss Carry born in Worth County bom m Mason Aug 3 1903 died at the home of her stepfather m GratAu died in Grant City uity Dec 4 1918 age 15 years and 4 months Gladys was the daughter of Mrs and Mrs George W Lemous Lemons LemoEmboSIC she grew to young womanhood Worth County ns ss womanhood m during the in dung thpast etas few years and ha hived with her stepfather adopter Mirahas herewith lived and mother Mrs nda Mrs F E McLaughlin of Grant City and Her father G W Lemons having died Jan 17 1909 She Hham attended m eated school in Grant City Last mater she attended schoolmate winter school asat tute Iowa where she herewith her aunt Since Sept of this year shelUte hived lived with Mace she

County l County Countess

98 hisser 1918

Carry Gladys Lemmons Carry was born m Grant City Worth Cany Lemons bom in OrthCounty Mission on 3 August 1904 Curry died on 4 December Mason Carr 1918 m Worth County Missouri at age 14 in Mason Services for Carry Gladys were held in the front yard of the Cany m Thome per Goldie Lemons Freeman Restroom because of the Lemmons heo Westbrook 1918 flu epidemic caused the neighbors to become scared they thHe auld contract the illness Lithely were inside the home if hey slide OBITUARY Gall City Star Grant City Worth County Grant Of




nths as


Luc lac dna R B o Lander Bo




n L gigot

January 2005

90 The Cameroon Fam ly H sorry Th Lanm hm Iy my Lam

hless Gladys was a member of the Methodist Miss church coming mo the church under the ministry of Rev Fry Fairy She leaves to mourn her departure from this world world sv orld a world stepfather adopter tepfather and mother Mr and Mrs F E McLaughlin FE three brothers Lester Lemons sic of the Army overseas Lesler Lewis Lemons SIC colorfully Iowa and Vergal Floridian Verbal sic Lemons sic at home 10 Grant City and two sisters Mrs Charles W Norman of Decatur City Iowa and Goldie Lemons sic of Grant City Iowa and half sIsters Elizabeth and May McLaughlin Rehabber Funeral services were conducted from the home Thursday afternoon and mermen was 10 the city cemetery interment in Services were conducted by Rev N F Moats pastor of the M E Church Her body vas interred on 6 December 1918 was mitered 10 Grant City Worth in County Missouri Grant City Cemetery 5 Nilsson

Thursday whereon Orthicon Herod


hearten passed handbreadth Andean commingling coming Frays Fished threesomes Lemons ignorant t Decatur falsities


has been employed in the office of the Grant City Star 10 and proved herself a willing addable helper as a reporter and Walling and able typographer She took the Influenza on Thanksgiving Day and on Saturday and took Double Pneumonia as a result of the influenza and her strength was rapidly sapped and on Wednesday Dec 4 she passed from this world to another where there will be rest from sickness and death deat-

provender typographers Saturday

Fig 34 VIrgo Chester Lemmons and Virgil Chesler Limos Geraldine Rees Lemons Mahomet 1930 Gerald Brees Lemmons about


lux luc

own L

Orthicon Maybes

Virgil Chester Lemmons Virgil was Lemons vas born 10 Grant City Worth in County Missouri on 20 March 1906 Nilsson He married Geraldine May mamed Gerald Brees daughter of Amos Brees and Neva Rees Rees Eva Isabelle Scott Infin

14 January 2005 4 Jimmy

Tho London mn I 1 The Lemmons Family story 91


Knoxville IA on 31 March 1930 Virgil died on 12 May 1980 m uUUniversality Hospital Iowa City Johnson County Iowa at age 74 niversality niversity OBITUARY Knoxville Marion County Iowa Manon VIRGIL CLEMMONS C LEMMONS Services for Virgil C Lemmons who died May 12 at the Lemons teUnIversIty HospItal Iowa City were held May 14 from Williams Hospital m in WilliCommFuneral CommHome encement was m Graceland Cemetery Interment in Greenland Cemetery William Travis officiated at the service Music asRev Wilham was provIded by Anna Oscars organist and Dawn McKay vocalist Mucky teroid Pallbearers were Darrell De Camp Bob McKay Eddie Wagner Farrell Mucky Hersbergen Herbage Wyatt Welch and Bill RobinsRobinson on Lemmons Wads born March 20 1906 m Grant City MoMr Lemons bom Mo in Mote the son of George and Emma Isabel Wagon Lemons Eagon Lemmons Lemons was named to Gerald Brees on March 31 1930 m He mamed Rees i-


eniest ams

alist ard Ho



Sarah Lemons Thomas William William Sarah was born m Vigo County Lemmons Wilham WIlham bom Virgo IndIana m 1873 She named Frederick Stanton in Worth County Missouri on 4 July 1889 in mamed Foredeck m Mason Thomas Lemons gave his consent for the manaLemmons manage

City Countywide



He was employed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company for 18 years He was then employed by Bacon American EqUIpment Company setting up tire recapping tires He was sent to Iran where lire IRS where set up a plant for the Royal Iranian Army he Raman my was a Technical Sergeant m the United States He in Army dung World War II serum m Englanserving England Englader was a member of the First Christian Church m KnoxviHe nd lie Church Knoxville in He lie lle is survived bv his wife three sisters Mrs Rehabber ElizaNIcholson of Ia bethan Washington la Mrs Goldie Viola Freeman of Fiona CIty and May Oman of Newton wa His body was interred on 14 mitered ills mitered May 1980 m Knoxville IA Graceland Cemetery in Greenland Goldie Viola Lemons born 4 August 1908 m Grant City OrthLemmons bom Worth in County Nilsson named Ralph James Freeman Missouri mamed Rehabber Elizabeth Myrtle McLaughlin born 29 May 1914 m Grant City bom in Worth County Nilsson named Walter Raymond Nicholson Missouri mamed Stella May McLaughlin born 20 May 1916 m Grant City Orthbom Worth County Missouri mamed John M Oman Mason named

during dung




ge only child Sarah The child of


Lemmons and Frederick Stanton Lemons Foredeck

is Allele M Stanton Allele was born m Mason m May 1890 LillieLillieM Missouri in Allele AlleLillhosted in M Stanton listed m the home of her uncle Frank Lemmons on the le ie hosted Lemons 1900 census m Missouri in Nilsson



Wilham livery William Henry Winn Lectern Lemmons William William Lemons Wilham Wilham Achy Chy County Indiana on 6 January 1865 ach


William was born m Wilham mbom m-

Lo dna R Brown L oct Luc g el


14 Imam January Imm 2005

WIlham William was steeds the head ofa family on the 1900 Census hosted as listed sofa of a in Tehama County California William lived alone in 1900 on a rental farm He medicated Team WIlham hived headline indicated he was just beginning to York at the farming operation a He married Lena R ork mamed Bischoff Blastoff WIlham William was hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census listed steeds m Lawn Solana in Dixon Solano County California Living m the home with William H in mth WIlham Mn 53 born Indiana are his wife Lena R bom bom Mn 42 born Nuremberg Germany andson William H Mn Jr I and son WIlham Hanson born California bom A census hosted William as head of household m Dixon listed WIlham household Solana Solano County California on 9 in 1930 Living m the home mth William H with WIlham dairy Mn 63 a dailY truck Denver born m IndIana driver bom in are his wife Lena R Mn 45 born Germany andson William LenaR LeaR bom and son Hanson WIlham H I I bom 11 born California William WIlham died on 16 December 1941 m Dixon Solano County Solana in California at age 76 OBITUARY Dixon Tribune Dixon California 17 December 1941 WILLIAM W Disc WINN EXPIRES AT 76 ISIC INN sic WIlham William W Mn 76 died at his home here on Tuesday Funeral services will be held at the Carpenter Funeral Rooms at 2 00 today mermen m internment in the Southside Cemetery Outside The deceased was a long resident of Dixon He was a deceased of Indiana native Yolanda When he came to Dixon he engaged m raying horses then bmg the in dram being motive power He afterwards handled poker wholesale soft dinks dinHe is survived by a wife and one son who have on South ks live Third Street His body was mitered on 17 December 1941 m Dixon Solano County mitered Solana California Southside Cemetery Outside CemetCeme-

Lena was born in Nuremberg Germany m 1876 According bom in Accord to the 1920 census Lena arrived to America m 1890 and completed aimed Mecca in naturalization m 1902 Lena died on 20 in January 1959 m Dixon Solano County California Solana OBITUARY Dixon Tribune Dixon California 23 January Chiffon 1959 MRS WINN LIVED HERE FOR 60 YEARS INN Funeral services were held at Carpenters Funeral Home Carpenter's ere yesterday for Mrs Lena R Mn long time Dixon resident Mrs Mn came here mth her parents Mr and Mrs Bishop from with BIschoff Germany sixty years Gosago She hen made her home on South Second Street for most of her life It was here her late other Vitas husband William Mn had a small bottling plant WIlham bathing behind in a barn beamed the house where he made soft dinks He also was m the drayage business businbuses ess Mn 83 had been m poor health for several years pandas Mrs and was hospitalized two weeks before her death She was a former Noble Grandm Nohle Grandma the Rebekah Lodge Grand m in Rebecca Survivors include son Billy who haves near Appellate Claude lives Applegate a niece Mrs Herman Swanson of mece Oakland and two nephews Charles Bishop Oakland Bischoff of and Otto Bishop of San Jose Another Bischoff mace mece makes her home m southern California Internment was m Dixon Cemetery Her body was m in mitered interred on 22 January 1959 m DIxon in Solano County California Dixon Cemetery Solana The only child of William Henry child WIlham Hemy and LenaR Bischoff was Lena R Bishop LeaR I i WIlham Winner WIlham William WinD Jr William was born m San bom Francisco California Chorus on 26 October 1918 Wham died on 17 October William 1975 In Alameda County California at age 56 OBITUARY The Dally Review Hayward California Daily 21 October 1975 South County Obituaries WILLIAM WINN 56 of Hayward dIed Oct INN deduct 17 Ammonal servIces tonight at 7 at Hayward Memorial Ammonal Mission Blvd Lov-

Mangling maddens Weeks woodland Another Cemetery Dionysian Chorusing Californian


bathe atthe torsion handled mastered waiter


Raman Lena Indiana


92 The Commons Fame ly H story Tho Fam y II F


o to-




12 12 2




ery R Bischoff tery Scoff Lena LenaR LeaR








Luanda R Brown L gel eland Bowen Of


Alameda Obituaries
14 January 2005

Fame Iy 1 Tho F The Lemmons Fam ly H s ory 93 00


n Hayward His body was interred on 21 October mitered

ysian ovan County California Solana Solano

Silvery Cemetery

1975 in Donm Dixon Dion-

on m 1900

John F Winn Lectern Lemmons William William John was born m Indiana m JohnF John Lemons Wellhead Wetland bom 1872 He renamed Hametta Frances Poland daughter of George S Poland and Sarah E Harms married Hamlet Foland Foland HarrisHarns


He purchased land m 1902 m Crawford Township Cherokee Kansas JohnF Winnin in John F WinJohn Mn owned nowed 80 acres Holland m the north half of the North West quarter of Section 3 Township 33 owed of land Holland South Range 24 EasEast John was hosted as the head of a fairly on the 1920 Census m Timber Creek Township ton listed family steeds in Nuance County Nebraska Living m the home with John Winn 47 born Indiana Nance WIfe are his infeInfeMn bom rences Winn 40 born Indiana and children Virgil Winn 19 born Nilsson Dullard Winn 17 Frances Mn bom Mn bom Missouri Dillard Mn born Nilsson and Mildred Mn 6 born Nilsson Also m the home is Orlando Winn 46 born Missouri bom Missouri in DoMn Berminican Indiana mudan John s brother brother John died on 1 October 1924 His body was interred m Mama mitered in Mam MinMomentary Hebron Yoon County California Cemetery Yolo cemeat

CalifHametta Frances Poland Hametta was born in Allendale Worth County Missouri Hamlet Foland Hamlet bom Alienable ornia Nilsson Hamlet died on 15 May 1939 m Hebron Yoon County California Yolo in

OBITUARY 1939 MRS FRANCIS WINN InnumINN Funeral erable services for the late Mrs Francis Winn who died Wednesday May 17 at the home Linn homeme her owner son Lewis at Hebron California were held Monday afternoon at the Methodist Church gofer m inChurch Belgrade tegrand The local pastor Carl J Wells was m charge and bunal was made in the Mam brumal Carl Mama in m MoMamentary beside the gra of her husband who died Oct 1 1924 Cemetery he Agra grave I She is survived by three sons D F Winn of South Sioux City Neb V A Winn coMn Mn of Hebron Calif andone daughter Mrs C F Preston of Los Angeles California all of whom and one herent Calf undone were at her bedside when death came Her body was interred on 17 May 1939 m Belgrade mer hr mitered in Nuance County Nebraska Main Cemetery Nance Mam Cemetery four children of John F Winn and Hamlet Frances Poland were as follows The Hametta Foland



m in

Fig 35 Vregal Wm ergal WiVerbal Winn

urch tinee




Vergal Harlow Terence Winn Vergal was born m AtchISon County Verbal nner Arlow Man- Verbal Countywbom in Mn umission Nilsson on 6 January 1901 ide graduated from high school He lIe school infin Scho-

lux ll do

Luo Luc dna R B 0wn L oct D o g et


14 January 2005

94 The Commons F am ly H story Fame Iy Tho Lennon F sto-


n a I

Belgrade ryteller High School Belgrade Nuance County Nebraska in 1920 Nance School He married Golda V Tracy daughter of R N Tracy mamed Gold In Nebraska on 25 May 1924 Vergal s occupation was a Teacher In Verbal Sidney Cheyenne Nebraska in 1942 Vergal taught Advanced Nebraska Verbal BIOlogy Chemistry and Physics He mamed Mary Abigail Stowe named Stow daughter of John P Stow and Lovica Elizabeth Gibson Stowe Lola in Sidney Cheyenne County Nebraska 23 March 1951 Vergal was a widow Verbal widwhen he mamed Mary Stowe a divorcee w Vergal died on 6 named Stoe Verbal August 1984 at the in Lodgepole Plaza Nursing Home Sidney in Cheyenne County Nebraska at age 83 OBITUARY Sidney Telegraph Sidney Cheyenne County Ladle Nebraska 6 August 1984 VIRGIL sic HARLOW TERENCE InvigARLOW WINN Virgil Linn ilate A Mn 83 who taught 27 of the 54 years of his carecareer er Sidney High School died Monday Aug 6 at Au at Lodgepole Plaza Nursing Home Homeowner will be at 10 a m Wednesday at Holecheck Funeral Funeral Funeral Home Masonic services will be conducted by Frank Welch Lodge No 75 A F AM FFollowing ollowing cremation Liniment will be in the Belgrade Eminternment Neb cemetery bedment cemetery He was born Jan 6 bom Atchison County Mo a son of John Francis and Hennett Poland Linn Henrietta Foland WinWinn now he was a smallholder the family moved to Belgrade When small child Belgrwhere he attended school graduating with honors He received hIs bachelor's bachelors degree from Kearney State College masters degree froths frothfrom master the Inversely of Colorado and did more graduate workmate the ed University work at Nebraska Movers of Newborns and the University of North em Anzon Dumbest Northern Arizona He began his teaching career in a rural school near his homehomehome was Iter ward later superintendent of the Crook Cola Colo schools and taught at Hamburg before coming to Sidney High Schooling 1942 where betSchool in behe thought until healthcare his retirement hought taught health caused in 1969 After a brief bedtime he did part time teaching at Sidney St Patricks High s Planck School On March 3 1951 he mamed Mary A Stowe who married Stow was also a teacher in Sidney High SchSchool Survivors include his widow Mary Sidney a brother DIllard Dullard San Diego Calif and a nephew Calf Vergal Linn is well known in this community having Verbal Mn made his home at Belgrade until after his graduation from high school DisHIs parents were the late Mr and Mrs John Linn barments MaMn Holecheck Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements HIs body was Interred 8 August 1984 in Belgrade Nuance interred on Nance County Nebraska NebraskDullard Fernando Linn born 24 November 1902 Dillard Femando Winn bom Alienable in Allendale Worth County Missouri manned Frances Augusta Charter Nilsson Harter ChartCha-

er dna R Luanda lu lunda


Contenders Alienable

time Dullards isomer Husbandly

Schooling bedtime
ephemeral ell
nhole Hole

hibachi temerity teeniest Arizona pathnames


1 Belgrade

Funeral Lodge


Sidney Contenders
1 Lodge

dinners Stepdaughter inside Sidney



INN Lodge

Brown L grit

14 January 2005

Tho The Commons F am ly H story 95 Fame Iy



fernando N remand


Louis G Winn born 1 October 1906 in Valley Nance County m Nuance ContMn bom I Nebraska married Ruby Weiner EmergElener Weinberg enders mamed Emerge Mildred Winn mamed C F Preston Mildred was born inmarried abom m Alienable Allendale alienable lienable Worth County Missouri m 1914 Mason in


Lectern Lemmons William William Fernando was born hiLemons Femando bom m Bndbrain BrazIl razIl Clay County Indiana on 21 March 1875 Fernando occupation was a Armload s Demands m Conductor in Placer County California Femando Fernando enlisted to serve in the Spanish American War on 5 May 1898 Fernando served 10 Femando serve10 the Spanish American War He married Regma Confluent about in 1907 mamed Regal Conflux 10 d Sepals fernando remand was listed as the head sofa family on the 1920 Census 10 Roseville Placer of a ofa Lakein County California Living 10 the home mth Fernando Winn 40 born Indiana are his swwith Femando Mn in bom wIfe front Regma Mn bom Regal Winn 35 born California and children Paul F Winn II born California Gladys DDD EPaul Mn amn 10 born California and Lawrence R Winn 8 born California A census lIsted Winn dwin Mn bom Mn bom Fernando as a member household Roseville Placer County California on 3 member of a household m in Lakefront Fernando Mn 54 a armload conductor born m Indiana resides in the home of George Monroe railroad m 54 a widower born m Iowa who is also a armload conductor Charles Brown 48 born railroad in Pennsylvania and also a armload conductor shares the home with them Fernando dido 17 railroad Femando died on June 1949 m Roseville Placer County California at age 74 10 Lakefront OBITUARY Roselle Press Tribune Roseville Placer County California 22 June










Military funeral antes will be conducted Findlay June 24 at the grave of Fernando Mn Friday Femando WiRosevIlle nnows pioneer following services at 4 o clock in the Lambert Funeral Home Brumal will be 10 10 a Bunal follow tthe Sepals American War Veterans plot at Sylvan Cemehe Spanish Cemetery tery a native of Brazil Indiana died June 17 m Sacramento hospital at the age of 74 Mn years years He wigs a retired railroad conductor having served 41 years with the Southern PacIfic wis ham and a company Wanda member ogee A Marshall Camp Spanish American War Veterans Roseville anda Geo of Geol RoevIlle RoseviHe lle leaves three children Dr Lawrence R Winn of Sacramento Dr Paul F Winn of Walnut Mn Paul Mn WalCreek and Mrs Gladys Bergman of Los Angeles also six grandchildren w His body was mawmitered on 20 June 1949 in Roseville Placer County California Sylvan Cemetery 10 stered n mitered Lakefront






Regime Confluent Regal was born m Trucker California on 21 November 1884 A census Regma bom in crenulIsted Regma lated Regina as head of household m Sparks City Washoe Nevada on 10 April 1930 Living inAshore 10 ter the home with Regma 45 a divorcee born California who works as a maternity nursing areRegal bom are nurse archer son F Paul Winn 21 born California and daughter R Gladys 20 born CalIfornia CaliforAlso m the home is R Lawrence 10 18 born California Lawrence is listed on another pabom Allonym page w Regina died on 1 ge counted as son Ortega yet of Regina Regma October 1977 m Daly City San in Dally County California at age 92 OBITUARY Los Angeles Times Los Angeles California 1 October 1977 Alleles WINN REGINA beloved mother comers Gladys D Bergman Dr Larry Winn and Drof Mrs 0 Dr acula Winn sister of Josephine Ferguson and Fred Volume also survived by 9 grandchildren Paul Confluent grandchildgrandchildren 6 great grandchilgrandchildren and Private services will be held Monday Forest Lawn Glendale Novae Glenda-


head Mn Mn

Mn Mn

Mn listed






le DR

Luc dna R B own L p el peel p el


January 2005

96 The Commons Fam Iy If story Tho Lo o Mo ly II 10

stLos O-

WIlham William L Winn Ezra Lemmons William William William was born m Clay Lemons WIlham WIlham Wilham bom County Indiana on 29 March 1870 He mamed Lillie Mae Wright daughter of Benjamin named Lithe Night Wright and Abraham Girton m Clay County Indiana on 1 March 1896 Mahwah Gorton I hosted as WIlham William was steeds the head of a family on the 1900 Census m Washington Township listed Putnam County Indiana Living m the home with William Winn 30 Nov 1870 born Indiana WIlham bom Indiaare na his wife Lithe M Winn 21 Jan 1879 bom Indiana and son WIllIs E Winn I July 1898 born Wilson born IndIana hosted as WIlham William was steeds the head ofa family on the 1920 Census in Brazil Township Clay listed sofa of a County Indiana Living m the home with William Winn 45 bom Indiana are his wife LIlly in WIlham born 38 Indiana and WWII Will 20 bom IndIana and Morns Winn Wills born Indiana Moms born bom Indiana when appeared on He appeared the census of 11 Anal 1930 in Brazil Township Clay County Indiana II m William Wilham died on 15 January 1956 m Clay County Hospital Brazil Clay County Indiana at age 85 in OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo County Indiana 16 January Hallie Tallness Terrace Vigo 1956 WILLIAM L WINN BRAZIL Indo Jan 16 Ind Special WIlham William L Winn 85 years old of East Mickey street R R 5 Brazil died Sunday morning at Clay County Hospital after a two year mooring Rillness RA reciprocity etired relIed city worker Wanda member of the Knightsville Church Chant he and his wife Lithe and a elied anda Church of Christ Mae recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Also surviving besides the widower are one son Morns E of Brazil five sisters Mrs Clara Wagner and Mrs Nora Declared Moms Eckard bothof both of Indianapolis Mrs Lectern sic James Washington Mrs Florence Hallmark of Staunton of Stanton and MIss Mary E Winn of Chicago III and four grandchildren The body was taken to Miller Sons Funeral Home where Somewhere may collate 2 30 o clock Monday afternoon anywhere call after here and where wheservices will be at 10 30 o clock Tuesday morning Brother Earl Stanger illegitimate and bungaStranger will officiate mooring bungabrumal bunal wIll low be m Summitt Lawn Cemetery His body was interred on 17 January 1956 in Summit mitered mitered in Summit Lawn Cemetery Brazil Clay County IndIana IndIana D



Luanda R B Brown

Thursday anyone


Lithe Lillie Mae WrIght Lillie was born m Clay County Indiana on 18 January 1879 ana Night Lithe bom in OdeLithe deed dedded 7 November 1963 m Brazil Clay County Indiana at age 84 on in 4 OBITUARY Terre labile Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 8 Nov Haute Tallness Virgo Indiana November

Lillie landmass Sons Summit


Layout Lilly Islanded William

Lisle Mn

Lakefront Layout Benjamin Township

ery three children of Fernando N Winn and Regma Confluent all born m Roseville The Hoffman Mn Regal bom Placer

ory Lawn Mortuary Her body was interred on 3 October 1977 m Glendale Forest mitered mitered in sage Angeles County California Forest Lawn Cemetery Cemetere Chiffonier

County California were as follows I Paul Fayette Winn born 6 September 1907 married Frances R-Layette i bom R mamed R aytheon Aitchbone Rathbone 11 u Gladys D Winn born 16 November 1909 married Russell bom mamed Theodore Bergman Lawrence Ray Winn bom 28 December 1911 married Kathleen MIII in born Mmanned R McCurdy McClure cClure

Paula Mn









45 12

old Hospital

Norah both





MRS BRAZIL Indo Ind Special Mrs Lilly May Winn 84 years old of Brazil died Thursday 4 afternoon at her home She was a member of the Church of Christ at Knightsville Chem Knights Surviving ar one son Morns of Brazil live grandchildren and one great grandchild Services Moms five will be at 2



14 Tan guar




Th Summon F am ly 11 story 97 The L nimons Fame Iy H 0 anions

Andrew J Walden Eliza Lemmons William William Andrew was born m Clay Winn Ezra Lemons Wilham Wilham bom in County Indiana m August 1871 He mamed Nettie Daniels ID Clay County Indiana on 16 named NetlIe Damels in August 1898 Andrew was hosted as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Van Buren TownshIp listed m Burn Clay County Indiana Living m the home with Andrew J Winn 28 Aug 1871 Indiana are fishwhihIS Mn Au msies Nettle Winn 26 Feb 1874 Indiana and children Robert E Winn 2 wife wIfe Nettie Mn born BerMn Sept 1898 DomIndIana mudan Nellie Mn inican and Kneeled V Winn July 1899 IndIana Andrew was hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census m Minnesota St LoUIs listed sofa steeds ofa LoCounty Minnesota Living m the home with Andrew Winn 48 born m Indiana are his chIldren Slim Mn bom in Winn 16 born ID Indiana James Winn 14 born m Indiana and Lawrence Winn 10 Mn bom m Mn bom in Mn born m Indiana bom in A census hosted Andrew as head of household m Chrisom St Louis County Minnesota listed in Chisholm Minnesoton an 9 April 1930 Living in the home with Andrew Mn 57 a carpenter doing odd jobs born inm dong Inbom m signia are sons IndIana dIana Linn 26 a laborer born Indiana and Lawrence Winn 21 an Iron bom ironRoMn smonger laborer born Indiana w mme bom

Layout Township

o clock Saturday afternoon at the Miller Sons Funeral Home Brother Earl Stanger illeStranger wIll gitimate and burial will be m Summit Lawn Cemetery Friends may call after 4 o clock Findlay gitimate officiate in 0 afternoon Her body was interred on 8 November 1963 m Summit Lawn Cemetery Brazil mitered in BraClay County IndIana The three children of William L Winn and Allele Mae Wright were as follows Walden Wilham Lillie Mac Night I Walls Lepers i Wills Epperson inn born 19 July 1898 ID Washington Township Pepperoni bom Putnam County Indiana named Hope SEvens mamed S n Samuel Winn Samuel born ID 1901 He died on 5 January Samuel was bom in 1904 ID Clay County Indiana m III Moms Edison Winn born 11 July 1915 m Chisholm St LoUIs in Mn bom in Chrisom LoCounty Minnesota named Helen Butterman mamed Butterbean



Inn Samuel uis


uis dren Mel

10 12 head





weetie Daniels Nettle was born in Indiana m February 1874 Nettie Nettle Damels Nettie bom m I in Library The six children of Andrew J Winn and Nettle Daniels were as follows Nettie Damels I Robert E s Winn Robert was born m Ohm m September 1898 i E bom in Ohio in Kneeled V Winn born July 1899 m Indiana mamed Ole E Bye n Nellie Mn bom named OleE LeE m Raymond Linn Raymond was born m Clay County Indiana on 29 III Winn bom in May 1901 His body was interred in December 1908 m Brazil mitered m in BraClay County Indiana Summit Lawn Cemetery Raymond died on 30 December 1908 m Clay County Indiana at age 7 in Winn was born m Clay County Indiana on 17 July 1903 iv bom in Mn died on 20 January 1988 m Englewood Los Angeles in Inglewood County California at age 84 His body was cremated on 26 January 1988 m Englewood Los Angeles County California PacifInglewood Tahoma Pacific Crest Crematory iers Crematory v James A Winn born 3 September 1905 m Indiana mamed Esther Mn bom named in

Mn Inn Mn

zil Mel Mel



Lawrence Mn Lawrence was born m Indiana m 1910 He resided bom in residein m Gresham Oregon m 1988 in Eastman Parkway in d Parkw-


Luc dna R B own L get nd 1 gg

14 January 2005

Lu Luc dna R- B own L gg hel el R RB


MRS LAURA M JAMES BRAZIL Indo March 10 Ind Special Laura M Mrs LauraM James 75 years old widow of Laura oldwife George H James died last night m Terre Haute following might in Haule follow an extended illness Formerly of EthEtthe


Laura M LauraM Winn Eliza Lemmons William William Laura Laura Ezra Lemons Wilham Wilham was born m Clay County bom in IndIana m November 1875 She mamed George Harry in named James son of Berryman James and Ferryman Anna Belle Harris m Clay County Indiana on 26 February Harns in 1898 Laura died on 9 March 1951 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana in Vigo at age 75 O LITURGY Terre Haute runtime Terre Haute Virgo OBITUARY Haule Vigo County Indan 10 March Indian Indiana

Brazil Countywide
Sarah J Gainey Sarah was born on 11 April 1884 Sarah died Gamey bom II Anal I on 1 August 1926 m Normalize Kentucky at age 42 Her body wa mattered Summit mitered m interred in Lawn Cemetery Brazil Clay County Indiana IndiaThe two children of Dr Lawrence A odor and Sarah J Gainey were as follows Gamey i Drusilla M Dunhill Ms Winn Her body was interred m Brazil Clay County mitered in Indiana Summit Lawn Cemetery Drusilla was born m Indiana m M Dunhill bom in 1903 Drusilla dIem Dunhill died m 1905 m Clay County Indiana in John Ernest Winn born 21 May 1909 m Clay County IndIana ii Mn bom Indimamed named Kathryn Campbell

Lancelet nontrivially
dido na

age 49 O OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana LITURGY Haule Vgo Indana 20 September 1922 DR LAWRENCE A WINN Whinny Special Correspondent By CorrespoBRAZIL Indo Sept 20 Dr Lawrence A Winn 49 years old a Ind chiropractor died at hIs home in West Morton Street Tuesday Following an extended illness m of tuberculosis He was a Follow degree mason Wanda member of the Ad Temple of the Mystic and a anda Shane of Duluth Minn Dr modulus is survived by the widow andone son Ernest the parents Mr and Mrs John and one undone Winn of Jackson township two brothers William I Wilham Jackson township Andrew J Minnesota and seven sisters Mrs George H James Dick Johnson Township Ms Max Wagner city Mrs Vernon James Wheatland Indo Mrs Alfonso Huddle Detroit Mulch Heartland Ind Alonso Mich Mrs Wilham Declared William Eckard Staunton Mrs Robert Hallmark Staunton and Miss Mary Stanton Stanton of Jackson township Funeral servIces will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal Church at 2 o clock 0 Thursday afternoon m charge of the Brazil Lodge of Masons No Brumal Bungalow Bunal will be m Summit Lawn Cemetery His body was interred on 21 September 1922 m Brazil Clay County mitered Indiana Summit Lawn Indiana Cemetery

isomer Darwin Drawn Andersen Norseman uncharged Funerals mcharge


Frank trencherman inDick inDic wattage Louis

98 Th Lemmons Fam ly H story The Lemons hm Iy II o

Dr LawrenceA Lawrence A Lawrence Eliza Lemmons William William Lawrence was born m Ezra Lemons Wilham Wilham bom Clay County Indiana on 22 August 1873 He married Sarah J Gainey Indiana mamed Gamey daughter of Frank Gamey and Matilda Harley m Clay County Indiana on 9 June 1901 Gamy Attila in NEWS CLIPPING From the Family File at Clay County GenealogIcal Center Pont Clay County Indiana 12 Jujube 1901 Point June Laurence Winn and Sadie Gainey ere married at the residence of the banded Gamey Mn Gainsayer mamed mandate s parents m Dick Johnson township Sunday evening Rev T M Wheaton Heaton of Center Pont performing the Point ceremony He was hosted on the 1910 census on 11 August 1910 m 3 WD listed hosted II in Chisholm Chrisom St LouIs County Minnesota Lawrence died on 18 September 1922 m Brazil Clay County Indiana in at

Franklin Genealogical




even dido





Mn Mn




Mn Inn Mn




J 14 January 2005

Th Lemmons om ly H story 99 The lanmon Fam Iy 0

Bee Ridge Community near here Mrs James handmade her home for the past five years with dhad made da daughter aughter Mrs Mary Springer at Sponger North Ninth Street m Terre Haute Mrs James w as a in s Nth member of the First Methodist Church m Brazil and m Terrace Haute attended the Methodist d in Terre ember in Temple Besides Mrs Springer she is survived by four other daughters Mrs Belle Fisher oSponger odist of Indo Alamo Ind Mrs Grace Trout of Brazil Mrs Iva Steffens festoons Bay McLuhan Mrs Ivan Stiffens Mulch Mich and MKathryn Argon of Coates vII Ie two sons Harry I James of Brazil and George B James of arsha RIgdon IndianapolIs 35 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren The body was brought to teathe spoon Funeral Home where Lawson may collate 1 o clock Sunday afternoon Funeral call after I 0 FunservIces will be at 2 o clock Monday afternoon at the funeral home with brumal Cottage Hi 0 brumal in bunal LiCemetery Her body was interred on 12 March 1951 m Brazil Clay County Indiana Cottage mitered censee in Chili HIli Cemetery



COAL OPERATOR KILLED IN MINE George H James Meets Death Under Fall of Slate In His Own Mme InterMine Special to the Thunder Stspecies Tribune Star argaze Ind March 27 George Harry James age 66 years well known calibrator BRAZIL Indo coal operator farmer and orchards was killed instantly shortly before noon today by a fall of slate m his gowstately falloff own Willemstad towoffsite in nsmen seven miles northwest of the city mme city James who was president of the James Knox Mr Co whichever the deep which operated depdeeps mme m the Mimosa vem was at work digging coal in one of the rooms when the slate proshaft mine in osit vein calm roof ork gave way and crushed him to death he was bunged under a mass of slate which crushed him fane hitthrough the chest and broke his neck The body was lifeless when recovered from the dens Helens He herto Mr resided on bs James resided a farm on Otter creek about three miles northwest of the city where where had hived mace a youth Besides general farming he had epidemically attention to fruit he lived since paid especially frusgrown pandas known as one of the most successful orchards m western Indiana While he trating and was in hhad ead also followed mining it was not until about five years ago that he established the mme m Imine wwhich he met his death Mr James handballs been active m politics and m 1920 was elected Mhad also hich ndic poetics on onte Republican ticket as Clay County s representative to the General Assembly the served where he servon several important committed committees Born in Clay County Bom ees Coun-


George Harry James George was born m Zanesville bom in County Ohio m October in 1871 George was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Brazil Clay County hosted sofa steeds ofa m IndIana Living m the home with George James Oct 1871 born OH are his wife Laura MMbom M James Nov 1875 bom IN and children ElizaB James Dec 1898 born IN and Grace James James born INand Ezra B Nand bom INand Eliza Nand born mes 1900 bom IN George was hosted as the head ofa family on the 1920 Census Living m sofa listed Anal of a intter the he home with George H James 48 bom OH an his wife Laura M James 44 bom INand born arc IN and lanborn Nand chIldren dholder Ezra B James 21 bom IN Grace M James 19 IN Handy James 16 bom Eborn Harry L born IN ngorge B James 13 born IN Mary E James 12 bom IN Iva May James 9 born IN and George MaryE born lva tanMarE Gwendolyn born gentially h gentially K James 7 bom IN A census listed George as head of household on 14 Anal household 1930 Lolling m the home with George H James 58 a farmer bom m Ohio are his wife LauraLiving born in Laura Laura James 4 bom Indiana landholder Berryman G James 24 a contractor laborer born M born and children Ferryman BerDominican IndIana mudan and Gwendolyn James 17 bom Indiana George died on 26 March 1937 m razil K born B BraClay County Indiana at age 65 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 28 March Vigo 1937

Cottage Countywide




Gently 4















L dna ty Drown g el l uc nd R Dro L oct

14 M


Clara A Mineshaft Lemons WIlham WIlham ClaraA Winn Eliza Lemmons William William Clara was boom Clara bom in Clay Indiana on 22 October 1878 She mamed Dennis named 0 Lowdermilk son of Calvin Lowdown and Mary Sturtevant m Clay County Indiana on 4 May 1901 in She and Dennis 0 Flowerily LowdermIlk were divorced January 1906 in Brazil Clay County divorced m m in Indiana She named William Jarboe son of William Arbores and mamed WIlham Arbores WIlham Jarboe Matilda Cooms m Clay County Attila Coons in Indiana on 7 November 1906 She and William Arbores Wilham Jarboe were divorced She named mamed Macmillan Wagner m 1917 in

Countywide Indiana Countywide


Township He had been a member of the First M E Church for many years The deceased is survived by the widow Mrs Laura May James two sons and five daughters Handy James of R R I Berryman James of R R 2 Mrs Harry L Ferryman Fred Fischer CrawfordsvIlle Mrs Otis Trout Praline City Mrs Richard Springer Terre Haute Crawford Pram Sponger Mrs WIllard Millard 1 and Mrs Willard Steffens R R I Stiffens Millard Argon Indianapolis also 15 grandchildren Rigdon six brothers and a sister Claude S Thomas W coffined Cal William of R R 1 John of WIlham I Blew W homophone III Fred of Villa Grove III Lew of Mo line and Mrs Olive Shut of Ohve Lancaster 0 The remands were prepared for brumal at Lawson Sons funeral home remains bunal Fortuna where the body WIll he pending funeral arrangements anywhere and where call may caOBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terrace Haute Vgo County Halite Terre Vigo Indiana 29 March 1937 GEORGE H JAMES Special to the Unburned Tribune BRAZIL Indo March 29 Funeral services for George Harry James Ind Hany who was killed SIC m his own calmed Saturday will be held at the First M E coal mme mine held Church at 2 o clock Tuesday 0 afternoon with interment at Cottage Hill Cemetery Rev Michel illegitimate switchmen HIli will officiate assisted by Rev R B Kern of Valparaiso a fonner pastor of this city former His body was mitered 27 March 1937 in Brazil Clay County mitered interred on m Indiana Cottage Chili HIlI Cemetery The seven children of Laura M Winn and George Harry Hany James were as follows J Ibiza Belle James married Homer Fourier She married Fred i Ezra mamed Foulke mamed Fischer Ezra was born m Clay County Indiana on 13 December Eliza bom in 1898 Ibiza died in December 1991 m CrawfordsvIlle Ezra in Crawford Montgomery County Indiana n Grace M James born 27 April 1900 m Clay County II bom Anal in Indiana Indimamed Otis Trout named III Harry Leo James born 23 April 1903 in Clay County Indiana in bom Anal Indimamed Mildred McGranahan named Ferryman iv George Berryman James born 8 February 1906 m Brazil Clay bom County Indiana named Marcella H Silvers mamed Marcello Marcel v Mary Edith James born 20 December 1907 m Clay bom County Indiana in Indimamed Arthur Richard Springer named Sponger Siva Ivah May James born 16 February 1910 in Clay County vi IvahMay Niamey bom m Indiana Indimamed Phillip Knox mamed Willard George Steffens named named Millard Stiffens Gwendolyn Kathryn James born 28 December 1912 m Clay bom County in Indiana named Willard Wesley Argon mamed Millard Rigdon

Wanda falcate anda willlie slicing Tuesday

in Dick Johnson

Johnson firefighters earthen

The Lemons Fam Idyll stotory Ooh Lemmons rom ly H story To-

ry was a son of Berryman and Anna Belle Hams James and was born m He Ferryman jobbery bom

of lemma














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oY 2005

Th Lemmons rom I H story The Lemons Fam ly


A census hosted Clara as head of household 10 Brazil Clay County Indiana on 23 listed in Anal 1930 Living in the home with Clara Wagner widow 51 a restaurant cool born 10 Indiana are10 cook bom in arcare her daughter Leila Debugger divorced 28 a housekeeper born Indiana daughter Gertrude Lela Debruler Leaderless bom Banc divorced 22 a cafeteria waitress born Indiana son John Jarboe 21 an auto mechanIc wardress bom Arbores mechaborn Indiana daughter Margaret Wagner 11 bom Indiana son Lester Wagner 10 Domnic born born BerIndIana mudan inican and granddaughter Betty J Blanton 4 bom Indiana Clara died on 1I March 1962 10 Baton born inClay County Hospital Brazil Clay County Indiana at age 83 lay OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 19 March Haule Vigo 1962 MRS CLARA A WAGNER BRAZIL Indo Mach 19 Ind Special Mrs Clara A Wagner 83 years old of WeeWest knight nIght Street died at the Clay County Hospital early Sunday morning She was a mooring Jackson Township school teacher Surviving are three daughters Mrs Leila Bailey offered Lela of TheHaute Mrs Gertrude McCullough and Miss Margaret Wagner both of Indianapolis two sons donJohn Jarboe Brazil and jon Arbores of Brazilian Lester Wagner Farr 1I three sisters Mares sic Lenora Declared of Eckard Indianapolis Mrs Florence Hallmark and Miss Mary Winn both of Stanton three bothof Staunton grandchIldren and two great grandchildren Services will be at 2 o clock Tuesday afternoon at tea the thMiller and Sons Funeral Home The Rev A L Emmer Illegitimate and bunal will be m riller Emmert will officiate brumal tinsmith Lawn cemetery Friends may call after 3 o clock Monday afternoon summit a








Mn both


rwellian Jarboe WIlham WIlham William Armhole William was born 10 Clay County Indiana on 24 February 1878 WIlham oin William s occupatIOn Teamster He was hosted on the 1910 census on 19 April 1910 m Brazil Clay ccupatIOn listed hosted Anal in County Indiana William died on 5 May 1929 m Clay County Indiana at age 51 His body was WIlham in mawmitered 10 stered in Summit Lawn Cemetery Brazil Clay County Indianaa ba IndiaIndia athe two children of Clara A Winn and William Jarboe were as follows The WIlham Armhole Gertrude Arbor born 8 October Jarbo i 4 Clay Count Indiana Indimamed Edgier BarrIck named Baric 11 John W Arbor John was born 10 Clay County Indiana on 3 Jarbo ii m February 1909 Johns occupation Truck Denver m Clay County John s driver in Coun-

aiter na

Mn anan

DENNIS LOUDERMILK Dennis Loudermilk 77 years old 1100 North Seventh Street died at the Union Hospital at Dens Louder aldied Umon 10 0 clock Findlay evening He is survived by a daughter Mrs Leila Payne Terre Haute The lobo lOo Friday oof ThreLela Fleabane body nody was taken to the Isaac Ball Funeral Home where services will be held at 2 o clock Monday 0 afternoon Brumal will be 10 Woodlawn CemetBunal in Woodland Cemetery ery two children of Clara A Winn and Dennis 0 Flowerily were as follows The Lowdermilk Leila P Flowerily manned Lela i LeaP Lowdermilk married Blackly Blakely She named Payne 9 mamed Lela Leia was born in Indiana on 30 July 1901 Leia died 10 March bom Lela in 1978 at age 76 11 n Charles H Flowerily Charles was born 10 Hansom Minnesota Lowdermilk bom in MinnesotOon 27 June 1903 Mo an

Countywide e


Dennis 0 Flowerily Dennis was born m Clay County Indiana on 29 June 1874 Lowdermilk bom 10 s Censes occupation Coal emmer Dennis died on 29 June 1951 m Terre Haute Vigo County miner Dens Virgo 10 Indiana at age 77 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 30 June Haule Virgo

LOUDER Louder even

Mn Lowe



Lu dna R B own L Luc

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Tho Lommon Fame Iy story The Lemmons F am ly H my


Luc nd R- rown L gg dna R B rown aggie BB

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Towns Clay County Indiana Living in tube home with Max Wagner 56 m the borne Walt born in Indiana are his wIfe bom m Indiana balls Clara Wagner 41 born m Indiana and daughter Margaret Wagner 1 bom in I born m Indiana Also m bom the home are stepchildren Leia Loudermilk 18 born m Indiana borne Lela bom Gertrude Jarboe 12 born m Arbores bom Indiana and John Arbores 10 born m Indiana tt Macmillan died Indana Jarboe bom in on 8 October 1927 m Brazil in Clay County Indiana OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Halite Virgo Indiana 8 1927 MAX WAGNER Special to tube Unburned the BRAZIL Indo Oct 8 Max Wagner aged 63 ears former Ind farmer and emmer died at tube miner home at South Berman Street early this morning of paralysis after Sherman mooring an illness of two years He is survived by three daughters and two sons Mrs Dora Carpenter Cleveland Mrs Hilda Cloverland Hila Limner Norton city Miss Margaret Moral and Lester Wagner north of Norval city also two brothers Fernando Wagner of Indianapolis and Pete Wagner of Terre Haute The funeral will be beldamt beld held a tube home at 10 o clock Monday mooring morning Interment Summit Lawn Cemetery

Kiloliter Hillman brothers


Brazil years

Township wifelier Lesotho insignia Mindanao

Macmillan Wagner Macmillan was born m Indiana in 1864 m as bom Macmillan was listed as tube head of a family on tube 1920 Census m Brazil hosted the bead fairly the in

various companies all his life feliHe was a member often Eagles and VHF Auxiliary at Brazilof the fe BrazilBrazIlBrazil Braian On Anal 30 1933 he was bunted in manage to Thelma zil be united m unmated Helm Newton Jarboe who preceded balm m death on March 25 1993 Arbores him Marc He was also preceded death by a sister Gertrude preceded m in McCullough two falsities Margaret Rearm and Leia Blakley half sIsters sister Lela Blackly and a half brother Lester Wagner Survivors include a Claude Ronald Todd of Arlington Texas a step great granddaughter one mece mace Betty Smith of Brazil and a nephew Gene Wagner of PittS burg Smelt PitS Graveside services will be 11 a m Monday at Summit Lawn I I Cemetery south of Brazil The Rev Fred Boner will officiate Lawson Slack Funeral Home is m barge of arrangements His body Slack in charge was interred on 23 October 1995 m Brazil Clay County Indiana mitered mitered Summit Lawn Cemetery

niece officiate boyars Indianans


Helpmeet Bailey Argentineans Arlington amerceable Lancelet

trude to

Layout belabor health Orwellian

8 32 a m Oct 20 1995 at tube center He had been m failing the bad in farthing for several Dearyears Born born m Feb 3 1909 m Clay County he was the son of Bloomfield in tube be William Wilham and Clara Ann Arbores JamboJarboe ree had been a truck driver for vanous He bad truce truc Denver balls

Indiana Indiana W JARBOE JOHN ARBORES JohnW Arbores Jon W Jarboe 86 of the Clay County Health Center died at often John

Indiana He mamed Thelma E Newton daughter of Elisa Newtonnamed Helm Odessa Newton Elsa Newtonand Elizabeth Murry m Clay County Indiana on 30 Anal 1933 ian Rehabber Murray in Indiana John died on 20 October 1995 in Clay County Indiana at age 86 m OBITUARY From the Arbores Family Flies Clay Jarboe Files County Genealogical Society Center Point Clay County Pont





step son









The two children of Clara A Winn and Macmillan Wagner both born bom in Brazil Clay County Indiana were as follows i Margaret Wagner Margaret was born on 25 October 1918 w She bom ShSemanned Clyde Rardin Margaret died on 22 Anal 1980 in Parma miarid eared Lye Radian ParatPharOhIO at age 61 hion aoh OBITUARY Braul Times Brazil Clay County IndIana BraZIl 22 April 1980 Apart MARGARET RoadrunRADIAN RARDIN Roadrunners Margaret Rardin 61 formerly of Mrs Radian W Knight St dieMight dIed at J I J 0 a ill Tuesday in Parma Ohio She had resided in Cleveland d 11 hardheaded resided for the past four years DearBorn BraZIlon Bom Brazil born in Brazil on Oct 25 1918 she was the daughter of Macmillan and Clara Ann Linn Wagner Mn Wagner was a clerk for 33 years with the Indiana Bell Telephone She Beil Company in Indianapolis and resided there before retiring in 1976 She was a member of the Telephone Pioneers of America Mecca AmeSurviving are her husband Chide sister Gertrude Cl de CIde McCullough Middleburg Heights Ohio two brothers Lester Middlebrow Estranger and John Arbores both of Brazil two maces and a nephew Wagner Jarboe nieces nephews She was preceded in death by her sister Leah Blakely SIC Leh Blackly Services wilt be conductedt 10 30 a m Findlay in the MIller Mil conducted a Friday Ammonal Chapel The Rev H Oval Moore of Orval illeIndianapolis wIll gitimate and interment will be in Summit Lawn Cemetery gitimate endangerment officIate frienmay call after 4 p m Thursday collate Thursday body was interred on 25 Anal 1980 in Brazil Clay County Her IndIana Small Lawn Cemetery Summit 11 n Lester M Wagner born 12 March 1920 mamed Lois Webster bom named

L mo

Th Commons F am ly H to The Fame Iy II tory







ds ay

feds fe-

hosted Park was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Clay County Indiana Living steeds in the home with Vem James Sept 1875 born Indiana are his wife Lectern James May 1882 Vern bom born Indiana and son John B James Nov 1899 born Minnesota Also the home Wallace bom in is James Anal 1887 born in Indiana brother to Vem M bom Vern PParkways hosted as the head sofa family on the 1920 Census Park was listed ark steeds of a ofa in Steen Twp knox Co Indiana Living m the home with Vernon James 43 born Indiana are his wife Lectern In Vemon bom James 38 born Indiana and children William J James 18 Indiana AnnaM James 16 bom WIlham Anna M 6 Indiana Anna alter K James 15 born IndIana Robert L Jimes 13 born Indiana Harold V James 12 born RobertL James Robert bom Harold bom bol-

us a DR 5o
Luc dna R

Dominican Bermudan Dominican Bermudan Wallace Conidia Incinerate

work Vernon James Parkways born banzai Clay County Indiana Park Vemon Park was bom In Banzai on 3 September 1875

Lectern V Winn Eliza Lemmons Wilham William Lectern was born in IndianLectern Ezra Lemons William WIlham bom IndIana an In May 1882 She mamed Park Vernon James son of Berryman James and Anna Belle named Vemon Ferryman HansoHarrIS M In Clay County Indiana on 30 January 1899 w n A census hosted Lectern as head of household in Wheatland Knox listed Heartland MOX County Indiana on 4 1930 Living m the home with Letups sic James widow 47 born Indiana In bom Heare her hechIldren Walter K James 26 a coal miner born Indiana Harold V James 23 coal arthside rschel bom a coalmines born miner Indiana Fred S James 16 born Indiana James E James 12 born Indiana and Verne P bom bom Vern anadem James 8 born Indiana George Chadd 58 a farm laborer born Indiana bom Chad bom is a boarder in the homehome








Lg own Lego et


January 2005

Minnesota Minnesota Margate 0 James 10 born Indiana Josephine L James 7 born Indiana rminess bom immest Joseph bom Foredeck S James 6 Indiana and James E James Indiana Park died on 24 February 1922 wawaat age ttage 46 The 12 children of Lectern V Winn and Park Vernon James are as follows volcano Vemon i John B James John was born m Chisholm St Louis County JohnB bom Chrisom John Minnesota on 29 November 1899 11 n William J James William was born m Indiana m 1902 WIlham WIlham bom in in III Anna M AnnaM James Anna was born m Chrisom St Louis County in Anna bom in Chisholm MInnesota m 1904 iv Walter K James Walter was born m Indiana in 1905 bom in m VV v Robert L James Robert was born m Chisholm Sl Louis County bom in Chrisom St MInnesota on 6 Anal 1906 Harold V James Harold was born m Chrisom St Louis County vi bom in Chisholm IV MInnesota m 1908 VII Son James Son was born in Hansom St Louis County bom m I MInnesota on 1 June 1909 m VIII vu Margate 0 James Margate was born m Indiana m 1910 bom in Josephine ix Joseph L James Joseph was born in Indiana m 1913 Josephine bom m in IX x Foredeck Frederick S James Frederick was born m Indiana on 29 October Foredeck bom in

FrederickS Rednecks Countermines

The Commons Fam ly H story Fame Iy II stoLen F tory


23 12



Countermines Countermines Countermines Countermines



as as

Lenora Winn Ibiza Lemmons William William Lenora was Ezra Lemons WIlham WIlham born m Clay County in IndIana on 24 September 1888 She married William A Eckerd son mamed WIlham Meeker of John W Meeker and Rehabber Stewart in Clay County IndIana on 17 November 1906 m Indiana Lenora died on 6 Anal 1977 m Indianapolis Manson County Indiana at age 88 Manon OBITUARY Tilted Indianapolis Solar Indianapolis Manon County The Star Manson Indiana 7 Anal 1977 MRS LENORA BecharDECLARED ECKARD ms Lenora Declared 88 Mrs Eckard Mindanao Avenue the widow of William Declared died Indianola WIlham Eckard yesterday at home Born m Brazil Indo she hived here 50 years esterday Bom in Windshield lived Ind pandas a rehired employee of and was retired William WIlham H Block Company Novae services will be held Findlay m Private in Shirley Brothers Irving Chili HIlI Chapel with brumal m Washington Park East Cemetery Survivors bunal in include a daughter Mrs Mary Claude S Moore

MRS LENORA ECKARD DECLARED Becharms Lenora F Declared age 88 years of Mrs Eckard Mindanao Indianola mother comers Clarence E Mary of Mrs Moore grandmother of Bone Jean Hedger and Edwin Eckard Edam Declared sister of Mary E Winn and Hillier Mn Florence Hallmark Private funeral Findlay Shelley Brows Service Novae Shirley Bros Her body was interred on 8 mitered 1977 m Washington Park East Indianapolis Manson County Anal in Manon Indiana Indian-

ay y

Lu dna R B own L aggie Luc gds

Williwaws William
Indapolis Echerd WIlham William ianaasA Meeker was hosted listed
WIlham William was born m Clay County Indiana on 16 June 1884 bom William WIlham the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Staunton Posey sofa ofa m Stanton Pose Township Clay ClaCl-

Marmora indifference

detested Orwellian Heimlich MaryS MayS

apolis 1977
OBITUARY Tilted Indianapolis The

Countywide analphabet


George James George was born m Indiana on 1 October 1917 bom James E James James was born m Indiana in 1918 JamesE James bom m


of IndianIndianapolis

Solar Far

Indianapolis Marion County Indiana 8 AprIl Manon

14 January 2005

Robert H Hallmark Robert was born in Illinois on 28 December 1878 Robert was listed as bom hosted assteeds hen head ofa family on the I no Census in Jefferson Twp Owen Co the sofa of a 1920 Indiana Living in the home with Robert Hallmark 41 born m Illinois are his wife Florence 26 born Indiana lanI bom In bom in and children dholder Grace M Hallmark 3 born m Indiana and Charles E Hallmark I born in Indiana bom In bom Indiana in the home are his widowed father James T Hallmark 63 born in Alabama and his sister Also bom Lilly Hallmark 31 born In Missouri bom m Mason A census hosted Robert as head of household Posey Township Clay County Indianlisted m Pose In IndIana IndIanon an 18 April 1930 Living in the home with Robert Hallmark 52 a miner born Illinois are fishbom his wIfe wife Florence Hallmark 35 born Indiana and children Grace Hallmark 13 born Indiana bom landholder landmark bom India-

Loo Luc dna R na dR

Theo sister

onslaught Churchgoer Dreadnought


was born July 23 1894 m Clay County to John Wynn bom In and Pizza Her husband Robert M Hallmark died earlier Survivors include one earthier Grace M Smith Staunton one son Charles E Hallmark Staunton SIX Smith of Stanton Hallmark of Stanton and mane brainchildren landmine great grandchildren She was a member of Stanton Christian Church nine postulant Constant Staunton ServIces are scheduled for 1 1 a m Saturday in Moore Funeral Home at Brazil with the Drea1I a m Ia Rev dnought Parley officiating Buena is In Cleveland Cemetery Visitation Dough Parkey Buna m Cloverland Burials is after 5 p m Findlay adjFindlay unct time of service Sunday w Her body was Interred 22 May 1987 m Washington Twp untIl lime observance interred on In Putnam Co IndIana 00

Florence E Hallmark 91 Stanton died ARKS at Knightsville She 92 of Staunton dIed at 10 35 a m Wednesday In am Harty Nursing Home Arty

Florence E Winn Eliza Lemmons William William Florence was born Clay Ezra Lemons Wilham Wilham bom in County Indiana on 23 July 1894 She mamed Robert H Hallmark son of homes Tnamed H Hallmark and Isabella Lacey m Clay County Indiana on 22 November 1915 Florence died on Hallmarked allmark In 20 May 1987 in Clay County Indiana at age 92 91 OBITUARY Terre Haute HallIe Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 21 May Vigo 1987


County Indiana Living m the home with William A Eckard 35 born Indiana are his Wilham Declared In bom wIfe Lenora E Declared 32 born Indiana and children Dorothy Declared 10 born Indiana Eckard bom Eckard bom WInifred Informed Declared 8 born Indiana Mary Declared 6 born Indiana Eckard bom Eckard bom Declared and Edwin Eckard born Indiana bom A census listed Wilham Census hosted William as head of household Indianapolis Manon County Indiana on JO m Manson In Anal 1930 Living m the home with William A Eckard 45 an automotive sales born Indiana In Wilham hard bom Indiaare his wife Lenora E Declared 41 born Indiana landholder Informed Declared 19 a department na LenoraE Eckard I bom Lenora and children Winifred Eckard store stenographer born Indiana Mary Declared 17 an electrical equipment bom Eckard inspector born IndIana and Edwin W Declared 15 born Indianan Wham deeding October J Eckard bom Indiana m William died in 1967 In Indianapolis Manson County Indiana at age 83 Manon The four children of Lenora Winn and William A Eckerd were as follows WIlham Becker i Dorothy Eckerd born 10 March 1911 in Clay County IndIana Becker bom JO Indimamed named Albert F Higher Hedger n Informed Becker Winifred II Winifred Eckerd Wolfed was born in Indiana in 1912 bom Mary Eckerd married Clarence E Moore Mary was born in Clay III Becker manned in bom County Indiana on 26 May 1913 Edwin W Eckerd Edwin was born in Indiana on 12 July 1915 Becker iv bom EdwIn died in October 1970 in Indianapolis Marion County IndIana at age 55

wifelier departments Dominican


Joan Layout

The Lemmons Fame Iy 1 my Th Lemons F am ly H s ory

43 12











B own L gg get

14 J January 2005

The Lemmons F am Iy H story mon Fame Limon F y II stre-

postulation Florence cellular Hallmark Charles Consumer Countywide Continua

Hallmark of Detroit Mrs Lillie Wood of Staunton and Mrs Le a Raspberry Stanton offset Woodiest to Asbury of Jaso Jason and a sIster m law Mrs Mignon Hallmark of Indianapolis The body was in Mg o Hallmarklampoonist take to Miller 8 SO s taken TFuneral Home n The five children of Florence E Winn and Robert H Hallmark were as follows ere Loretta Lois Hallmark mamed 9 Trusty i married n Grace Mane Hallmark Grace was born in Stanton Clay bom m Staunton County India a O 16 August 1916 w She named Robert E Smith on mamed son of Ames Smith and Viola Morosely m Clay County I dlana on 17 Con ty Indiana in lana Angust Angst 1945 rt Grace died O 10 Jannary 1997 m Terre Hante on January Ante Lego Coup ty I dlana at age 80 Cou County Indiana lana OBITUARY Hallmark Family File Clay County GenealogIcal SOle Center Point Clay County Indiana Society Pont GRACE M SMITH MithraMithraGrace M Smith 80 formerly of Staunton and recently ricism Stan to Stanton race rece tally ra resIdent of Holly Hill Health Care Facility of Brazil died 11 25 a esIdent esident Hili m Jan 10 1997 at Terre Haute Regional Hospital Staunton in Stanton MST ton she was the daughter of Robert Newton and Florence E Winn HallmaWm HallmaHallmark She rks was a graduate of Stanton High School School Aug 17 1945 she was U O Au olbag united m manage to her husband in marriage Robert E Smith who preceded her m death Dee 3 1989 Dec in She was retired from the La e Bryant Dress Factory m Lane I lampoonist She was a member of the Stanton Christian ChurchStaunton Tau ton Church man belonged to the VHF Auxiliary and Auxiliary addition to her husband In addle she was preceded m death by two in daughters Dorothy Jean Hallmark and Loretta Trusty Wanda Jean Jea and a anda son and daughter m law Charles and Mignon Hallmark in HallmaHallmaShe is survived by one ephew a nd his wife James rks nephew d and Janet Hallmark of Beecher City III and o e sister Ivan Mae Gomes Hallmark Becker one Iva Mac Goms of Gary ArServices will be held at 2 p m Sunday at the Moore FU feral teries held eral Home with the Rev Steve England minister of the E gland oldster Tau to Christian Church officiating Brumal will Bunal tall be m Cleveland in Cloverland Cemetery Visitation will be two hours prior to Vestal nor services Her body was interred O n 12 January 1997 m Washington Twp mitered o Put am Co Putnam I Della a Cloverleaf d Cemetery dla Cloverland Cleveland Cemete-

ROBERT H HALLMARK HALLMBRAZIL Indo Anal 7 Robert N sic Hallmark 64 years d ARK IInd ears old well known coal emmer of miner Tau to died at his home at Staunton Tuesday He is survived by the died Tau to Stanton widow Mrs Flores ce Flore Hallmark three daughters and a sO Misses Iva May Grace Mane a Ivan son d nd Loretta Lois Hallmark all at home and Charles Edward Hallmark who m the a d Hillmark army stationed at Camp Doro MIss stator ed is in edat Dom eat He is also survived by two brothers and two sisters Edgar Hallmark of Staunton Charles Tau to Hallmark Stanton

offset Mish

Charles tchable Hallmark 11 born I dlana and Ivan M Hallmark 9 born I Della a n II bom Indiana Candia Iva lana bom Indiana Robert died O n 7 dla o 1943 m Stanton Clay Coup ty Indiana at age 64 Anal County I Della a Cou dla Stanton OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terrace Haute Virgo Coup ty I Terre Vigo County Indiana 7 April Cou Laura Anal 1943



Luc dna R B

gel Bin L got


boyars Conidia

Bogart dermatome Funeral Cleveland

woodcutters manslaughter
January 2005 Jimmy

Jan mI
Norbert husband
Bona Nag
Inn ted

flames Antelope Outgeneraling Haute Indiana






The Lemmons Lemons my Thom Family Us ory

III in

iv n v

Charles E bom CharlesE Hallmark born 6 June 1918 10 Clay County Indiana Charles in IndiNelson mamed MIgnon A Nelsoanan named Ivan Iva May Hallmark married manned Goins Ivan was born in Indiana Gom Iva bom 10


Dorothy Jean Hallmark Dorothy was born m Indiana on 27 July bom 10 1928 Dorothy died on 10 March 1930 m Staunton Clay Coded 10 Stanton Co CIndIana rinthian onidia at age I
Garrett Jarrett was born in Indiana on 17 bom 10

born Indiana and Roy Lemmons 8 born Indiana Theodore Underwood bom Lemons bom Understood 55 born Kentucky a boarder is also in the home bom 10 Garrett hosted Jarrett was steeds the head of a family on the 1920 Census m Adams TownshIp listed as 10 TownDecatur County Indiana Living in the home with Josh R Lemons 72 born Indiana are fish10 fishbom hIs wife wIfe Sarah A Lemons 55 born Indiana landholder Joshua Lemons 27 born Indiana Elmer bom and children bom Emebom Lemons rsions 35 born Indiana Mabel Lemons 23 born Indiana Forest Lemons 20 born IndIana bom Abel bom Indianu and an Roy Lemons 17 born IndIana Garrett died on 21 July 1923 m Decatur County Illinois wabom Indiana w Jarrett 10 at ttage age ttage 75 OBITUARY Greenberg Daify Times Greensburg Decatur County IndIan FrothGreensburg DUll Greenburg Indiana From Frothed Lemmons Family File the Shelby County Public Libby Genealogy aued Lemons aduBinary Genealogy and Illusory Room ditory latory BrooGarrett Riley Lemons son of Joshua and Susanna Lemons wigs born 10 Decatur county Jarrett Lemmons dmare Lemmons wis bom in countryseat 17 1847 departed this life July 21 1923 aged 75 years 10 months and 4 days He asSept Headshas spent practically all of his life in this immediate neighborhood Heads bunted 10 manage to aloof 10 men He vas united in sent tHeas Sarah Alice Marsh Oct 16 1882 To this umon was born eight children six of home are liviAche bom union four sons Elmer of Waldron Joshua Forest and Roy at home two daughters Mrs Shafer Caldron Forrest Hafer composition Ind Thompson of Moms town Indo and Mabel at home Two daughters Lenora and Flora hamAbel ham preceded him to the home beyond 1893 pered In Dec 1921 he bunted wIlh the New Little Flatrock Baptist Church which he was a united with Flatiron Church kowhai ffof faithful aithful member He has served as sexton of the church for about four Wanda half ears hanand a anda chafers and dwork half to please everyone He was always midland patient and his place will be hard to fill forked hard kind and pallet filmd ose of the greatest pleasures of his declining years has been his work 10 the chuOne deeming church in About two years ago he suffered slight stroke or paralysis and never fully recovered the a sight these use of his night arm but he never complained always looking on the bright side saying right ann companied night sayi1I I1

Township Township manager

September 1847 He married Sarah Alice Marsh daughter of James Marsh and Barbara mamed Ache

Garrett Jarrett Riley Lemons Joshua George William Lemmons Wilham


Garrett hosted Jarrett was listed as the head sofa family on the 1900 Census 10 Adams TownshIp of a ofa steeds in Decatur County Indiana Living 10 the home with J Riley Lemmons born September 1849 in Lemmon bom Indiana aged 50 a quarry worker are his wife Alice Lemmons born June 1844 Indiana aged Ache Lemons bom 36 and mother of seven children five of whom are living son Elmira Lemmons born July 1855 observe Elmir Lemons bom Indiana aged 14 Oran Lemmons born November 1888 Indiana aged 12 Joshua Lemmons born Ora Lemons bom Lemons OrboOctober 1892 Indiana aged 7 Limned M Lemmons born November 1895 Indiana aged 4 and Limonene Lemons bom otable adforeest L Lemmons born February 1899 Indiana aged 1 vl forest Lemons bom Garrett hosted Jarrett was listed as the head ofa family on the 1910 Census 10 Adams Township sofa of a steeds in Decatur County Indiana Living 10 the home with Riley Lemmons 62 a stone gang manager in Lemons are his wife Alice Lemmons 45 mother of children 6 living children born 10 born 8 Ache Lemons bom insignia IndIana and children Jo Lemmons male 17 born Indiana Mabel Lemmons 14 born IndIana bom Lemons Abel Lemons bom




ores dores



Forrest Lemmons Forest Lemons





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ng dna ROo L get Luc R B own Rood t


January 2005

e neighbored Township friends ashead Dominican Decatur Adamson Indianan

The Sumo Fam ly H story Lemmons Iy Lemons

nans Alice Marsh Sarah was born m Indiana on 26 Sarah Allee bom June 1864 A ensus listed Sarah as C census Sarah of household mSt Paul Decatur Co Indiana on 17 April 1930 Decatur Living m the home WIth Allee Lemons 65 a widow born Indiana are her Alee bom sons Joshua Lemons 37 a garage laborer born IndIana and Roy Lemons 27 a garage laborer Sarah died on 15 August 1940 m ecatur D County Indiana at age 76 Her body was interred m Little Flat Rock Cemetery Adams Interred TownshIp Decatur County IndiaIndiana The seven children software Riley Lemmons Jarrett of Garrett Lemons and Sarah Alice Marsh were as follows Allee I i Elmer R Lemmons Elmer was born m Shelby Lemons bom in County Indiana on 28 July 1885 He mamed Zola L Jones m named in Shelby County IndIana on 24 May 1924 Elmer died In 1961 His body m was interred m mitered mattered Ogden Vanpelt Cemetery Shelby County Vane Indiana Oran Lemons mamed Hater Ora Lemmons named Hafer Thompson Oran ii Ora was born m Indiana In bom In November 1888 Female Lemmons Female was born Indiana in Lemons bom in Kindled in 1889 Female died on 29 November 1893 m Decatur in County Indiana OBITUARY The New Era Greensburg Decatur Greenberg County Indiana Indana 29 November 1893 A daughter of J R Lemmons and wife aged Lemons four years bunged here Findlay Its death Friday deathward caused by diphthongal Their other was diphtheria four children have the same disease but are considered out of danger now

ahead Italic mattered


everything would be all night He was a great lover connatural nigh alight of nature and the outdoors and has spent much of his life in the open He was a devoted husband much father and grandfather a good neIghbor goodnight and a steadfast fined Besides the widow six children four grandchildren he leaves three nieces Mrs Lorena Lorna Hurst Mrs Susie Stevens Mrs Ethel Perkins one nephew Tilden HeWItt and a host of Tilde already miss him His body was interred In Little Flat mitered m Rock Cemetery Adams Decatur County IndiaIndiana

spent Loren







Luanda R loa

Bowen B own L own

Forest Leland Lemmons born 16 November Lemons bom 1899 m Decatur County Indiana mamed Rosa May Clem named Clam Roy Lemmons named Josephine Lemons mamed Joseph His body was mattered mitered in interred m Adams Township Decatur County Indiana Little Flat Rock Cemetery Roy was born m 1902 Roy deeding bom dIed m 1949 in Decatur m County Indiana

Sarah Jany Lemmons Joshua George Jane Lemons William Sarah was born m Indiana in 1852 bom in m She mamed William HeWItt son of John named Eliza There'll and Eliza Terrell m Shelby County IndIana lIza on 3 October 1872 Sarah died m 1885 dIem

mattered Rockefeller Indians Decatur


danger served World Decatur

Joshua Lemmons His body was interred m Adams Lemons in Township Decatur County Indiana Little Flat Rock Cemetery Joshua served m the military Josh served m Co H Koshered served Infantry dung World War I Joshua w as born m Indiana In October 1892 bom in m Joshua died m 1932 m Decatur County Indiana in Landler M Lemmons Meddle was born Lumen Lemons Limonite bom m Indiana m November 1895

reassumed abound therefore



node Indiana

Nonmember November


January 2005

The Limo Th Lommo

rm 1 Lemons

story 00

Wilham William Hewitt William was born in Rush County Indiana on 27 February 1851 HeWilham bom 10 ReI He married mamed Susan Francis Worland White daughter of Thomas Worland and Sarah Ann named Orlando mmed Orlando in10 delibly Shelby County Indiana on 9 April 1891 WIlham William was hosted as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Liberty TownshIp listed steeds 10 Shelby County Indiana Living 10 the home with William Hewitt February 1848 52 a day m Wilham laborer bom 10 Indiana are his wife Susan Hewitt March 1853 47 born m Indiana daughter born in bom 10 Ethel Hewitt March 1883 17 born Indiana and step son Halide White March 1885 15 born bom Hallie DomBerIndiana w William died on 10 Anal 1913 10 Shelby County Indiana at age 62 mudan Wilham inican in OBITUARY The Shelby tile Republican Shelby ille Shelby County Indiana 7 die Salable Apart 1913 MAN FELL DEAD WHILE WORKING WILLIAM HUITT sic DIED WHILE WORKING ON A TRENCHATRENCH AT NT THE WALDRON FISH POND EARLY THIS MORNING WELDON MORNHEART FAILURE THE CAUSE Had Suffered With Neuralgia For Several Days and It Is Believed This Affected His Heart Behaved HeWilham William Hit artily Huitt sic residing one mile southeast of Caldron fell dead this morning about Waldron mommy abounname o'clock while working 10 a trench the Heck farm near Caldron The man was dead henpding fann out o clock in trench on Waldron when pIcked up Physicians who beamed the body report that the death examined ecked picked failure deaths caused by heart failuMr Hit re Huitt and Harry Moody were working together on the trench Huitt bmg beamed Hit being behMoody The men had been talking and Mr Huitt companied to his companion of severe seveHit complained neuralgIC palOs but hadnot thought of any serious consequences The men had gone on with Ethel had not senous pals handout steelwork but after several mutes fusibleness Mr Moody looked aoudad found Mr Huitt Image minutes of silence around and Hit Limlingo on the ground breathing with great difficulty Before he could be taken to the house he dIed breath deWeldon duct had been an employee at the Waldon fish ponds for the past twenty five years and dung dingduring that time had won the esteem and trust of his emplobat lime employers Besides his wife he leaves a step daughter Mrs Alex Nicely of this city a step son WWH WhIte a traveling salesman two daughters Ms William Hurst of near Burney and Mrs Ethel Wilham Conner Barney hIte Perms of Rush County one son Tildon Huitt Conner Middletown and three brothers Harvey Told Hit of near Middlebrow Harve northwest ot this city Lon of Decatur county and Martin who stays at the county format fanafarm fann Mart At tic the time of his death Mr Huitt was sixty two years fagged The funeral arrangements at lime arrangemeof age will nts be announced later by Stewart Fix who are 10 charge m Fx

Townships daughter
dido loan Te Shelby Repel



ING se



momma ab-

ind rance












FIx art 8art w

The funeral services often late William Hewitt who died Monday at his home near WIlham of the naWaldron of heart trouble will be held Thursday mommy at ten a 'clock at the late home the Rev Caldron rwhal o clock morning Evclock VIctor larghetto officiating Interment will be made 10 Forest Hill Cemetery in charge of Stewart Internment ictor Hargitt 10 in Stew-

ls funerals

Shelby Republican Shelbyville Repel Shelby 1913 DEATHS AND FUNERALS FuneraOBITUARY The



Shelby County Indiana 9 Indana


The three children of Sarah Jane Lemmons and William Hewitt were as follows WIlham Lemons Laurena i bom Lauren Hewitt born 1874 m Indiana married William Hurst 10 mamed Wilham TIlden n TIlde Hewitt born 24 August 1875 in Shelby County IndiII bom 10 Indiana married mamed Lillian Matchers Mathers Ethel Hewitt born March 1883 m Indiana mimed Claude Perkbom in 10 Perms

anan iana


ks sd

Lo dna R Brown L Luc

get gds

o U January 2005

OBITUARY Tilted Shelbyville Republican Shelby The Sisterly County Indiana Wednesday 20 India May 1908 DEATHS FUNERALS The funeral services for the late John S Tanner were held this afternoon at 2 o clock ere 0 clock the at house two miles west of town Rev G Jenson Jensen officiated Internment m the Forest Hill Interment HIli Cemetery Ceme-

Jerome Tanner Ruth Lemmons George Lemons WIlham William Jerome was born in Flat Rock bom m Shelby Co Indiana m 1858 He mamed named Annulled Levitate m Shelby County Indiana on I LovItt in m November 1883 w He mamed MillIe Hughbanks named Minutiae Hunchbacks Shelby County Indiana on m in 22 October 1893 He was hosted on the listed hosted census m 1910 m Kent Township Warren in County Indiana A census hosted Jerome as head of household Center listed household m Twp Manon Co Indiana on 2 April Manson Manson m in the home with Jerome Tanner 71 born Indiana bom are his wife Nellie Tanner 55 born Kneeled Indiana landholder Kenneth Tanner a laborer and children Keneth 28 born Indiana Siva Tanner a truck Denver bom Val driver 20 born Indiana Densely Tanner 15 born Indiana Denzel bom and Theta Tanner 22 born Indiana r bom

uc Lund

Luc dna R B own L

Rocks Census Dominican

n II

henhouse Daniel
ls to
Funerawas born in 9 JennieJohn Tanner Indiana in as bom m m The two children of and

often tobe trouble this

HEART TROUBLE HAS FATAL EFFECT liAS Caused Death of John Tanner One of the Prosperous Death Farmers of Shelby County Was Stock at the Time ImbWhile at work m his stable JohnS Tanner too ecile ork in John S took suddenly ill at his farm west of town III yesterday afternoon and before a physician could ave he expired Mr Tanner who was one of the best known farmers m Shelby County fawners in complained a short lIme before his death He told hIs companied time farm hand Elijah Hopper who was near Rehash that his heart paned him He then redlined upon pained Ihen reclamation some freckled hay m the barn Shortly afterwards he remarked bam that he believed he was dying and he seemed to behaved be scuffing great pam A minute afterwards suffering pain mute he was dead He planted corn until ram m the in evening stopped him when he began to do the chores around the farm It was while engaged m engaged thIs work that he died Deceased was fifty ork one years of age He had suffered from heart chauffeured trouble for some lime He leaves a widow andone daughter and one undone Mrs John Daniels Daniel

someday threatening
tery Jennie
I i



Indiana Effectuated Ascending

John He named Jennie mamed OBITUARY

James W Maars James was born in Illinois m 1847 Mars bom m He was hosted on the 1880 census on 7 in listed June 1880 m Kent Township Warren County Indiana in The two children of MIs so un Tanner and James W Miss Missouri Maars are as follows Charles Maars Charles was born m 1872 i Mars bom in I William Maars William was born m 1875 iI Mars WIlham bom in

Indianan Indiana l
II 0 The Lemmons F am Lemons Fame
glyph story Iy 0

Missouri Tanner Ruth Lemmons George William Mason Lemons WIlham m 1851 She mamed James W Maars named Maar Mars Mar



Missouri was born m Indiana Mason bom in



Tanner Lemons Georbe Tannic Lemmons George John died


WIlham William John was born m Indiana 1857 bom in Indianan in on 19 May 1908 m Shelby County Indiana in Republican Shelby County Indiana Tuesday 19 May

Jennie both born m Indiana are as follows bom in M Zora Tanner M was born m 1896 Cora bom in She mamed John Daniels named Daniel m Shelby County Indiana on 6 January 1904 in 19Andrew J Tanner Andrew was born m 1902 bom in



14 January 2005 J

The Lennon Fam Iy II 0 Th Lemmons Foam ly H story


ithe The only child of Jerome Tanner and Manila Levitate was Amdahl Lovitt Ruth Ellen Tanner Ruth was born m Waldron Shelby County i bom In Caldron Indiana on 10 November 1888 The eight children of Jerome Tanner and Milieu Hughbanks are as follows Millie Hunchbacks Golda Tanner was born in 1895 in Indiana i Gold Tamer bom n II Riffle Tanner was born in 1897 in Indiana Rime bom III Laune in Lane Tanner was born on 21 September 1899 in Madison County bom Indiana Keneth iv Kenneth Tanner Kenneth was born m Indiana in 1902 Keneth Kenneth bom In v Bessie Tanner was born in 1906 in Indiana bom Theta Tanner Theta was born in Indiana in 1908 vi bom VII Siva Tanner Giveaways born in Indiana in 1910 Ival Siva was bom Ival VIII Denzel vin Densely Tanner Densely was born m Indiana in 1915 Denzel bom In Millie Hughbanks Millie was born m Indiana in MIle Hunchbacks Mlle bom In



Monte packing
Fragmentary Reentrance Waterline
oy R Bro Lo dna ROm n L ge Luc gge

Freemont Tanner Ruth Lemmons George William Freemont was born Fremont Lemons WIlham Fremont bom in IndianIndiana an In 1861 He named Minnie Stewart in 1895 Freemont was hosted as the head a family mamed MInme Fremont listed steeds of firmly on the 1910 Census in Ripley Township Rush County Indiana Living the home Riley with Fremont in Tamer 48 born Indiana are his wife Minnie Tanner 36 born Indiana candleholder Walter bom MInme bom and children Tanner 12 born Indiana Roy A Tanner 10 born Indiana Earnest W Tanner 6 born bom bom bom IndianIndland Inland and an Stella 0 Tanner 5 born Indiana A emus hosted Fremont as heeded of household In bom census listed Freemont he d hedd eddo Jackson Township Hancock County Indiana on 23 April 1930 Living m the home with he Freemond Fremont Tanner 68 a farm laborer born Indiana are his wife Minnie Tanner 55 born IndIana bom Tamer bom Indianand children Stella Tanner 25 born Indiana Torence Tamer 19 a farm laborer an Tamer bom Terence Tanner for a packIng company born Indiana and Loren Tanner 17 born Indiana bom Lorene bom Minnie Stewart Minnie was born in Indiana in 1874 MInme bom The six children coffeepot Tanner and Minnie Stewart were as follows of Freemont Fremont I i Walter Tanner born 29 December 1899 In Indiana mamed Gladys bom named E Pearson n II Roy A Tanner mamed USDA named Uda Roy was born in Indiana m bom 1900 He appeared on the census of 18 Anal In RIley Township Rush County Indiana w III in Earnest Wilbur Tanner born 21 May 1903 in Indiana named bom mamed Rehabber iv Stella 0 Tanner Stella was born m Shelby County Indiana on 8 bom in March 1905 v Terence Torence Tanner Torence was born in Indiana in 1911 Terence bom I Lorene Tanner Loren was born in Indiana in 1913 vi Loren Lorene bom

GladysE Gladys Relationship

TroTrJanuary 2005

Webster Tanner Ruth Lemmons Georbe William Webster was born in Indiana Lemons Germfree WIlham bom In 1867 He named Mary L Jordan Biggs daughter of Jeremy Jordan mamed Briggs in Warren County Indiana on 10 October 1897 He was hosted on the 1910 census on 16 listed hosted Anal 1910 in Troy

Mrs Barnes was the daughter of the late James Bames A and Elizabeth Washburn and was born Rehabber Ashbin May 7 1854 m Rush county Her parents were in Tuscany among the best known residents of the sectIOn and were early settlers m the community The in manage with Mr Barnes took place Jan I 1879 marriage WIlh Bames and one undone andone child was born Mr Barnes has been dead a bom Bames deada number of years dada She was a member of the Little Blue River Baptist Church and throughout her life had been grommet m the religious affairs of her neighborhood She regroups in other fanned was a fined to every one she met and her acts Homeric and madness will be of mercy kindness remembered for many years to come Surviving is the daughter Mrs Roberta Brown residing near the home of her late mother resold Mrs Mattie Barnhorst sic of this city and Mrs sisters Mantle Armorist Norah West of Chattanooga Tenon also two grandchildren Charles Tenn and Rebecca Brown Funeral services will be held at 2 00 o clock Thursday afternoon at the home and brumal wIll bungalow bunal be m Forest Hill Cemetery The Rev Benjamin in HIli BenJamm Lingam WWII officiate at the Ingram will services and the arrangements are m charge of R T Stewart undertaker in Her body was interred m Shelby mitered in County Indiana India-

mead mother willable willbe Shelby


Chattanooga Frontrunner
to Funerals

sectioned years reemployment commensuration


clockwise community oregano inveterateness Thursdays Bombay

Apoplexy that followed an illness of more than a year caused the death of Mrs Rebecca J Banes widely known woman at her home two miles oman east of this city at 10 20 o clock o clock 1020 thIs She was the widow of Noah Barnes and had spent Bames her entire life m this community in here she was highly esteemed and admired admirMrs Barnes underwent an operation for her Pamplona Bames affliction more than a year ago but failed to ream her health She had been failing rapidly during the past few months falling dung but her death IS nevertheless a shock to her many She was seventy years four months and twenty three days old


Midriff Unknowingness III


Rebecca J Ashbin Elizabeth Lemmons George Rehabber Lemons Wilham William Rebecca was hosted as listed a member of a church in Little River Baptist Church sofa ofa m LIllie Ballast Rebecca was born m Rush County bom in IndIana on 7 May 1854 She married Noah Barnes mamed Barncs son of John W Barnes and Rebecca A m Shelby County Indiana on 1 January 1879 y in I IndIana n Rebecca died on 30 September 1924 m Shelby County Indiana at age 70 OBITUARY Shelby County Indiana Generally Genealogy Obituaries Online Unknown Tonne

Countywide I

Mary L Jordan Biggs Mary was born m Illinois m nan Briggs May bom in in 1874 The only child Webster Tanner and Mary L child of Briggs Jordan Biggs was I i Parts L Tanner was born m 1893 m Indiana bom in in
The Lemmons rom Iy II lorry Th Lemmon Fam y spo-

rtsmanship Fountain County Indiana He was hosted Township Fount listed on the 1920 census on 8 May 1920 m Steuben Steven Township Warren County Indiana India-



morn mom ed








Loo nd Luc dna R nw Brown L grit got

14 January 2005

The Lemmo Lemma


rom y II story Fam I Foamy Famy 0

Noah nan Barnes Noah was born 10 Union Township Shelby County Indiana on 29 March 1854 bom in Dillon hosted Noah was listed as a member of a church First Methodist Noah was listed as the head sofa sofa steeds ofa Fust hosted O- fofa of a oamily family on the 1910 Census 10 Addison Township Shelby County Indiana Living in the home xfam in 10 WIth me Noah Barnes 55 born Indiana are his wife Rebecca Banes 55 born Indiana and daughter Bames bom Roberta Barnes 20 born Indiana Noah was hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census listed 10 Addison Township Shelby County Indiana Living 10 the home with Noah Barnes 64 rF Bames in arolled etired farmer born 10 Indiana is his wife Rebecca Barnes 64 born Hmm Noah died on 24 bom in arrell Bames bom Ohm w Ohio m September 1923 10 Shelby County Indiana at age 69 in OBITUARY Unknown newspaper and date Sheb County Indiana Genealogy hanShelb auand History ditory dholds Online Halest NOAH BARNES DIED AT HOME NEAR CITY HAD RESIDED ON FARM HOMr FARWHERE HE DIED FOR PAST THIRTY THREE YEARS THER Noah Bames sixty DIne years olda allover of Shelby County Wanda resident here during hIS Banes old a native nine and a insanda dung chientient seller belle life passed away Monday afternoon at 3 30 o clock his home 10 Addison Twp two andund0 clock at and in one half miles northeast of this city His deathward caused by a complication of diseases Rodeath was discuses from whIch he had suffered for some time Monday he suffered a stroke of apoplexy which maic lime combed with his illness resulted 10 his dethdeath in roner services will be held at the late home 10 Addison Township Wednesday afternoon Funeral in afternooat 2 o clock the Rev E H Boldrey pastor of the First M E Church this city n 0 Church of Bolder Brumal will be made in Forest Hill Cemetery 10 charge of R T Stewart funeral director Bungalow Bunal 10 Hi in directdecordecor um Bames Mr or Barnes was one often well known fawners of this community and had met with greaof the commodity hamlet great success in agricultural hones during his lifetime lines dung siness lifeti-

Fig 36 Barnes Farm Home on Old Rushville Road Shelbyville Indiana Roseville India-

Noah Noah
head hodido






rnpassed fe

Lire Yeaold

combed Funerals



me d ROm L gel Luc dna R Brown Lo 1


January 2005

the past 33 years PearsPearson Jan on On he was united m manage with Miss Jennie R Washburn who 10 mth Jenme Ashbin survives He was a devoted member of the Little Blue River Baptist Church devotement ChurBesides the widow he is survived by a daughter Mrs Ethel Roberta Brown Conner of near a brother K W Barnes of Greenfield andone sister Mrs Fidelia Rees Bames offended undone and one Fidel of Indianapolis His body was mitered 10 Forest Hill Cemetery Shelby County Interred in Indiana The only child of Rebecca J Washburn and Noah names was Barnes Ashbin i Ethel Roberta Barnes born 22 September 1889 mamed Harry Bames bom named Logan Brown

Blames Barnes forthe Churches survives

II The runner ly H story Lemmons Fam Idyll stoLemons Fame 0

George Riley Lemmons Silas Gobi e William George was born Lemons Silos George bom 10 Predilection in Pendleton County Kentucky on 17 October 1868 He married Ella Mae mamed Mac Earle 10 Cincinnati Hamilton Earl in Coconut County Ohio 10 1903 He was listed the 1910 census on 19 in listed on April 1910 10 Collocation in Kenton County Kentucky He was listed on the 1920 census on 21 listed February 1920 10 Magisterial District No 8 Fayette County Kentucky Distinct Layette Kentuc-

Component Hamilton

forte Indiana Harry

Ella Mae Earle Ella was born 10 Hamson County Kentucky on 6 ky Earl bom in Hanson May 1871 She mamemamed named

ry as born in Union township March 29 1854 the son of Mr and Mrs He Heads bom 10 Heas John W JohnW Barnes John for 22 years he resided on the farm where he was born and had lived at the place his death resided bom of lived for

ew The ote three children of George Riley Lemmons and Ella Mae Earle were as follows Lemons Earl ere
i II

John Wesley Lemmons Silas George William Lemons Silos Wilham John bom 10 Pendleton Johnas born in Predilection County Kentucky on 3 August 1873 He mamed Alice Cole Kentucky named He was listed on the 1920 census listed on 10 January 1920 m White Sulphur Scott County Kentucky 10 Livelong in the home with John Living 10 Lemons sic 46 a farmer born 10 Kentucky are his wife Alice fanner bom in Lemons 40 born m Kentucky bom 10 and children Zelma landholder Zeima Lemons 12 born 10 Kentucky and Eva Lemons 10 born bom in bom 10 Kentucky in He appeared the census of 11 Anal 1930 in Magistrate appeared on II 10 Distinct 3 Sesame County District Jessamine Kentucky Living 10 the home mth John W Lemons in with farmer bom in sic 56 a farriery born 10 Kentucky is hIs wife Alice Lemons 53 born in Kentucky w John died on 10 bom 10 Anal 1943 10 Lexington Fayette Layette County Kentucky at age 69

Alice Cole Alice was born in 1877 bom 10 The two children of John Wesley Lemmons md Alice Lemons Cole both born 10 Kentucky were as bom in follows Zelma Zeima D Lemmons Zeima was born on 21 June 1907 i Lemons Zelma bom HeShe mamed named mmed Lancaster She died on 10 January 1996 in Orange 10 County California at age 88 w n Eva Gay Lemons Eva was born on 24 November II Lemmons bom 1909 ShShe appeared on the census of 23 Anal 1930 10 St Joseph Hospital eppard in HospitHosp-

census Kentuckian Kentucky Countrymen fishwife

III in

makefast Kentucky

Lucy P Lemmons born 1907 10 Kentucky Lemons bom in Waylay Mae Lemmons born 10 November 1908 Twyla Mac Lemons bom 10 Kentucky in renamed mamed ucky Walter William Southport Cecil Anderson Lemmons born 18 March 1911 10 Latonia Lemons bom in Antonia kenton County Kentucky renamed Rosemary Bush mamed

Jonas as





lung Luanda lu al n R BRIT L gel n lun

14 January 2005

was born in 1888 in Kentucky bom The three children of Leslie T Lemmons and WWII B Lemons all born in Kentucky are as bom m Kentucky areas Kentuck follows i Thelma B Lemmons was born m 1911 Helm Lemons bom In u Dons Lemmons was born in 1915 II Lemons bom III Ora Lemmons in Lu Oran Lemons was born in 1918 bom m

Leslie T Lemmons Silas George William Leslie was born Kentucky Lemons Silos bom in in July 1885 He renamed WIllIe B married He was listed on the 1920 census on 29 January 1920 In listed Scott County Kentucky Kentu-

Layette Fayette Kentucky She died on 3 May 1991 in Orange County California at age 81 w

Tho Limon rm Iy II story lIS The Lemmons Fam fy H tory leis


Lexington stening


9 Kentucky Wile 9
Willie cky B

Generation Fane
George Ashby Wonder Nancy RawlIngs Rachel Lemmons William WIllIam Ashy RawlIns Lemons George was born in Missouri in January 1859 He married Alice bom Mason mamed in 1883 He was lIsted liston the 1910 census on 21 April ed Anal In Shelton Knox County Missouri He appeared on teMason the census of 9 April 1930 in Shelton Township Knox County Missouri MissionMason Miss-

girasol i County Countess


9 Milliampere

John M Wonder Nancy RawlIngs Rachel Lemmons William William John JohnM John Realms Lemons Jonwas born in Missouri on 15 January 1864 He mamed Ellen F bom Mason named m 1890 He was listed listed On in the 1910 census in April 1910 m Shelton Township Knox County Missouri He died in Shellon on 15 Mason lie 1944 in Sacramento County California at age 80

Alice aries bom ouri 9 was born in September 1861 m illinOIs In IllinThe five ois live children of George Ache all born m Missouri ere as bom in Mason Wonder and Alice Masonic follows I i Pearl F Wonder was born m July 1887 He appeared tebom in appeared on the census of 9 April 1930 in Shelton Township Knox County Missouri MissouMason n WalterC Wonder was born m September 1888 II ri Walter C Walter bom III in Elsie L Wonder was born in August 1890 bom Leonie M Wonder was boom in April 1892 Clenie iv Clemens bom v CartH Wonder born January 1894 married Ethel Carl H bom Cart mamed

eras I




9 was born in 1870 m CalIfornia Ellen F bom in CaliforThe nia six children of John M Wonder and Ellen F were as follows lere I i Bertha O Wonder was born in 1884 in Missouri bom 0 Mason n II Carl H Wonder was born in 1890 m Missouri In Mason III Lyie Lyle M Wonder was born in 1892 m California in In Irvin H Wonder was born in 1896 in California Irma iv m v Edith E Wonder was born in 1899 m California bom In Thelma Wonder v as born in 1903 m California vi was Helm Californin Califo1

Flere Flee

ia odor rnia

LU Lucinda R B

own L


14 January 2005 Jour Jou

The Cameroon r am Idyll story Fame y H F oy

Elizabeth Ann Ashby Eleanor RawlIngs Rachel Ashy RawlIns Lemmons William WIllIam Lemons Elizabeth was bom MaX Elizabethans born in Knox County Nilsson on 12 Mission November 1861 She mamed George H named Young in 1880 in Mission She died on 30 July m Mason 1903 in Cottage Grove Lane County Oregon at age 41

George H Young was born on 30 bom Anal 1850 In Illinois He was listed the 1910 census on Hiltons listed on 19 0 25 Anal 1910 m Cottage Grove Lane County in Count Oregon He died on 25 December 1925 at age 75 The two children of Elizabeth Ann Ashby and Ashy George H Young both born in Mason were bom m Mission as follows Eva Young was born in 1888 i bom Ogle Young was born in 1896 ii bom

William census Milwaukee William Oregon

Katharine Loraine Rawlings Ezekiel Rachel Lamme Rawlins Lemmons WIllIam WillIam Lemons Wilham Katharine was born in Canton Lewis County bom m Mission Nilsson on 5 September 1868 She married mamed Harry D Easterly m Quincy Adams County in Illinois on 10 July 1888 Katharine died on Katharine 12 July 1916 in Springfield Seagram County Illinois Sangamon at age 47


Harry D Easterly Harry was born in New Yoking bom York in 1859 He was listed the 1910 listed on census 11 April 1910 in Springfield on II Sangamon County Illinois Seagram The two children of Katharine Lamme Rawlings Loraine Rawlins and Harry D Easterly are as follows I i Indent Easterly Infant was born Milwaukee bom in Milwaukee WIsconsIn in 1889 D Perceivable F Easterly Perceivable II Percival Percival was born in Illinois in 1891 bom


Chancery Charley Smith Whitlock was born m 1856 In Illinois He Whitlow bom In was listed on the 1910 census on 6 May 1910 in West Cottage o Grove Lane County Oregon He died on 18 February 1917 In Lane County Oregon wT The six children of Sarah Ashy and Chancery he Ashby Charley Smith Whitlock were as follows Hillock i Charles E Hillock born 1887 In California Whitlock bom mamed Beulah 0 named Bulla


Sarah Ashy Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Ashby Rawlins Lemmons William William Sarah was Lemons born in Mission in 1866 She mamed bom Mason named Charley Smith Hillock In 1884 She deeding 1912 Chancery WhItlock died in In Oregon


Norwegian Gideon Gaffe Neal






3 5


Neal Grace Mace Edith Whitlock born 1896 m Oregon Hillock bom In mamed Loren W named Hunt William L Hillock named William Whitlock mamed lola He was boom in 1899 in bom Oregon He died on 23 October 1958 m Lane County Oregon In Avanella Pavane A Hillock was born in 1905 in Oregon Whitlock bom



Clara E Whitlock born 1889 in Oregon Hillock bom mamed Raymond C named Gaffe


on Harriet Hamet Edith Whitlock born 1896 Oregon Hillock bom in mamed Herbert M named

Luc dna R Lauder LudaR

B mugged own Light 14 January 2005 2

Th Lommon Foam Iy The Lemmons Fam ly H lorry I I 7

Mary Ashby Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons William William Ashy Lemons WIlham WIlham Mary was Rawlins washroom bolO m Missouri bowl in Mason on 7 November 1867 She married Henry Daniel Whitlock on 15 March 1883 mamed Damel Hillock m Oregon She died on 26 March 1916 m Cottage Grove Lane County Oregon at age 48 molting


Henry Daniel Whitlock was born m 1858 in Illinois He was listed on the 1900 census on 28 Damel Whittle bom in m hosted hosted June 1900 in Village Precocity Lane County Oregon He was listed on the 1910 census on 19 Precinct May 1910 10 Precocity Lane County Oregon w m TPrecinct The name children of Mary Ashby and Henry Daniel Whitlock were as follows nine Ashy Hillock Arthur M Whitlock was born in February 1885 in Nilsson i bom 10 Hillock Missouri n Abel Whitlock bom I Mabel F Hillock born March 1887 10 California named Joseph mamed E McCabe McKibben m Myrtle M Whitlock born July III Hillock bom Oregon mamed Warren 0 named Asher Ada Hillock mamed iv Adam L Whitlock married Strode Stroud She was born in August bom 10 1893 10 Oregon in v Helbert W Hillock was born 10 August 1897 in Oregon Hilbert Whitlock bom in 10 Herbert J Hillock was born m February 1900 m Oregon Whitlock vi bom in Harold Whitlock w as born m 1904 in Oregon VI Hillock 10 Hillock bom in vain vin Lucille Whitlock Wa born 10 1908 m Oregon Hillock wa bom in in IX IK Herbert Whitlock was born 10 1910 10 Oregon bom in Hillock in



JosephE Joseph

John Albert Ashby Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons William William John Ashy Lemons WIlham Wilham JonRawlins was born in Missouri on 6 February 1870 He mamed Minnie Loretta Miller on 20 November bom 10 Mason named Mme Lorelta


He was hosted on the 1910 census on 28 Anal 1910 10 West Cottage Grove Lane County listed in Oregon Living 10 the home with John A Ashby 40 a farmer born m Missouri are his in fanner bom 10 Mason Ashy Ashby bom 10 Mme C Ashy 36 born m Iowa and daughters Pearl Ashby 13 born 10 Oregon and Ruby Ashy bom in Ashby Ashy 9 born 10 Foregobom m Oregon ne was listed the 1920 census on 20 January 1920 10 Silk Creek Lane County He listed on in Oregon Living m the home with John A Ashy 48 a farmer born 10 Missouri are his wIfe 10 Ashby fanner bom in Nilsson MIMIC L Ashy 45 born 10 Iowa and daughter Pearl L Ashy 22 a teacher in the pubic Ashby bom in Ashby 10 pubschool born 10 Oregon Also m the home is Otto H Mattheyer 13 born in Oregon a partner tobom m 10 bom 10 to Matthew John A Ashy He died on 3 September 1945 m I Anne County Oregon at age 75 oth Ashby in ane

ife lics

Counteragent Rumbas


Minnie Loretta Miller was born on 12 October 1874 in Nora Penances Iowa She died on 25 Mme bom 10 Snubs January 1953 in Lane County Oregon at age 78 m The two children of John Albert Ashby and Minnie Loretta Miller were as follows Ashy MIle i Pearl L Ashby born 1897 10 Oregon mamed Calotte R Parks Ashy bom named CaireR Career n Ashby bom I Ruby L Ashy was born on 4 August 1900 10 Oregon She maidsin mamed named ervant Leslie Godard on 18 June 1919 in Lane County Oregon Gouda Henna Leshe Godparent OregShe on died on 21 August 1989 10 Lane County Oregon at age 89 in Charles Edward Ashby Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons William William baseAshy Lemons WIlham WIlham was washRawlins room born on 10 October 1873 10 Hurled County Missouri He mamed Julia Lucida Clow Nilsson Clown named Juha murrain daughter of Frances A Clown and Caroline Pame on 14 October 1894 He was listed on EthClow Carohne Pane hosted Etthe

Luc nd R B O own L hel lu el dna


4 January 2005

Th Lemmons F am ly H stogy The Fame Iy II 0

Hews wattage atago inkiness

was listed the 1910 census on 27 Anal 1910 m Valley listed on in Township Reno County Kansas He was hosted on the 1920 census on 5 January 1920 m Pasadena listed in Township Los Angeles County California He appeared the census of 18 September 1930 appeared on m Bedbug City HIdalgo in County Texas He died on 29 October 1952 m Los Odeon ded Angeles Los Angeles County California at in ago 77

Amanda Ella Morgan Rhodes Amanda was born m Kansas bom in m in 1880 The two children of Constant Rf Rawlings and R Realms Amanda Ella Morgan Rhodes both born m Kansas were as follows i Alma May Rawlings mamed 7 Bolen Alma was Rawlins named Bowen born on 22 May 1902 She died on 7 January 1981 m Orange in County California at ae 78 ace IIIn Kenneth A Drawings married II Realms mamed Wanted 9 Kenneth was bomBornborn boeo on 26 December 1903 He died on 7 December 1964 m RIVersIde in California at age 60
Lucinda lo od R L

t Flameout M Layaways baseborn Matthews washroom baseborn Hidalgo

Lavina Agnes Rawlings John Rachel Lemmons William Latvia Rawlins Lemons William born m Missouri on 13 June 1871 She mamed W J in Nilsson named Townsend Townse-

Mattie Belle Rawlings John Rachel Lemmons William William Mathe Rawlins Lemons WIlham WIlham m Nilsson on 7 Anal 1873 She mamed Charles Wolfe Missouri named Wo-

aries areis born

Lama was
The only child of Lavina Agnes Rawlings and W J Townsend nd Latvia Realms Townsend is i Bemire Townsend Bern

1910 census on 24 Anal 1910 m Cottage Grove Lane County in Oregon 1943 in Lane County Oregon at age 69 m


He died on 15 August Aug-

Juha Lucida Clow Julia Lucinda Clown was born in 1877 m Minnesota She died on 11 bom m in II May 1941 m Lane in County Oregon OregThe on two children of Charles Edward Ashby and Julia Lucida Clem both born m Oregon are Juha Ashy CIon bom in is follows i Edna M Ashy was born in 1896 She mamed Ashby M-Ashby bom m named Hemmed Potter on 25 December 1914 m Lane County Oregon II Hazel R Ashby renamed it Ashy married Colton Bolton She was born m 1898 bom in


Mathew Mathe

was born

The six children combative Belle Rawlings and Charles Mathew lfe of Mathe Wolfe are as follows Rawlins Wolf i Chester Wolfe Cheste n Roy Wolfe II III Eugene Wolfe in iv Juanta Wolfe Junta v Irene Wolfe Clifton Wolfe vi

Constrainer Rawlings John Rachel Lemmons William William Constant R Rawlins Lemons WIlham Constantine was Constant born in Kansas on 13 February 1875 He mamed Amanda Ella m named Morgan Rhodes m 1900 He in

B own L gg gel


14 January 2005

Th Loren Fawn Jy H story The Commons Fam Iy II 0

Robert Clinton Rawlings John Rachel Lemmons William William Robert was Hinton Rawlins Lemons Wilham Wilham washbaseroom 10 Kansas born in ansas on 9 September 1877 He married Minnie A mamed Mumble hosted He was hosted the 1910 listed on census on 27 April 10 Valley Township Reno County Kansas He appeared the appeared on te14 April census 10 Valley Township Reno County Kansas Rediscount

eens ens



as follows

9 nsas bom 10 was born in 1880 in Indiana IndiaThe na three children of Robert Clinton Drawings and Minnie A Mumble Hinton Realms Mumble A Minnie
i I

all born 10 Kansas are bom in are-



Thelma H Drawings was born in 1905 bom 10 Helm Realms Vesta A Drawings was born 10 1906 Vest Roy M Realms was bom in manned Helm RoM Drawings born 10 June 1909 He married Thelma 0 in appeared 10 1928 He appeared on the census of 14 April 1930 10 Valley Anal in AlleTownship Reno County Kansas


Edma knox Missouri on 10 April 1874 She married Henry Edna Redman Nilsson Anal

Mumble Mac Drawings George Rachel Lemons William Immanence Realms Lemmons Wilham


Wilham William


Mumble was base-

Henry Vinson Doke Henry was born 10 Manville Missouri on 2 June 1874 Henry wasVision Doe bom in Nilsson asswas hosted hstand as the head sofa family on the 1910 Census in Cass Twp Greene County Missouri isted of a steeds ofa 10 Nilsson Living 10 the home with Henry V Doke 35 a farmer born in Missouri are his wife Mumble M Doke bom 10 Nilsson Doe Minnie Doe 36 born m Missouri and children Chaffered H Doke 15 born Missouri and Cora A Doke 4 bom 10 Nilsson Clifford bom Nilsson Doe Doe born Missouri Henry v as hosted as the head sofa family on the 1920 Census in Springfield w listed Nilsson of a ofa 10 SpringGreene County Nilsson Living 10 the home with H V Doke 45 a garage blacksmith born 10 Missouri in field Doe bom iMinnie Nilsson are his wife Mumble M Doke 45 born 10 Nilsson and daughter Agnes Doke 14 ncisor Doe bom in Missouri Doe born m Missouri He appeared on the census of 22 April 1930 m Springfield Greene County 10 Mason appeared 10

County Springfield
Nilsson Miscounted

The two children of Minnie Mae RawlIngs and Henry Vinson Doke both born in Springfield commode Vision Doe bom 10 SpringRealms ad Greene County Missouri were as follows Nilsson vere field I t Clifford Huron Doke born 17 September 1894 married Elsie Doe bom mamed


n II

Cora Agnes Doe born 29 May 1904 married Ross Allen Gaston Doke bom Alien Gamson mamed


WIlham William T Colder John Sarah Lemmons William William CIO der COI deer Lemons Wilham Wilham mamed Mason 10 1855 He married Nancy ncisor in

William was born 10 Wilham bom i-

Nancy 9 was born in 1859 in Miscoubom 10 10 Missouri Nilsson Missonted two children of William T border and Nancy The Wilham Corder both born 10 Missouri were as uri bom m Nilsson follows i I Maud H -Corder was born in 1876 H Corder bom 10 Order n II Anna Corder was born 10 1879 bom in Order George A Corder John Sarah Lemmons William William Order John Lemons Wilham Wilham George was born 10 bom imamed Mason on 25 January 1858 He married Susie E Overstretch George dud on 26 December dIed ncisor destruct Bata eosin 1939 at abe SI siliata e 81


ca d

Loo Luc dna R Drop Drown L gg Dro gel


January 2005

Lommon Th Limon F

glyph Iy II


ory E Susie

George Cimarron Kansas interred mitered County County Haversacks

at age 80 The only child of George A Corder and Susie Child Order E Overstreet was Overstretch i Fannie Corder born 16 October 1881 m Missouri Order bom in Mason married George mamed Wallace McAfee

Overstretch Overstreet Susie was born on 3 September 1861 She bom died on 17 December 1941



Nancy Bradley
Hadean amas

Robert Montgomery Gee Robert was born m bom Kentucky on 25 October 1860 He was hosted on the 1910 census on 16 April 1910 m Hennetta in Henrietta Village Ray County Missouri Robert died Mason dildo on 22 September 1931 mSt Joseph Buchanan dildo m St County Missouri at age 70 His body was mitered on 23 September 1931 m Jackson County in Missouri Mission Six Mile Cemetery The even children of Ida Belle Corder and Sofia Order Robert Montgomery Gee were as follows ere Nettie Nettle L Gee born February 1877 in Warrenton i bom m Warren Warren County Mason married Charles Edward Merck mamed n John H Gee John was born m Missouri II JohnH John bom Mason in October 1881 m in Florence Ida Gee Florence was born m Camden bom in Ray County Mason on 2 May 1884 She mamed Earl Thacker m Thacker married Hacker in Hacker Jackson County Missouri m 1901 Florence in died on 5 May 1912 m Thereto Jackson County Mason Atherton Jaclson Missouri at age 28 Her body was mitered in m mattered Six Mile Cemetery Jackson County Missouri Mason iv William Robert Gee born 8 January 1887 WIlham bom m Atherton Jacl-son Thereto County Missouri mamed Daisy Manson Mason named v Lee H Leech LeeH Gee born January 1890 m Thereto Jackson bom in Atherton County Missouri named Ethel L McGee Mason mamed George Warren Gee mamed Marguerite 9 vi named Marguente George was born m bom Atherton Jackson County Mason on 15 Thereto Missouri August 1892 George dIed on 5 September 1947 in Kansas City Jackson Count Mission at age 55 His body was mattered Mt interred m mitered Monah Mona Cemetery Kansas City Jackson County Missouri Mason Manson Ponce Gee born July 1896 m vii Manon Price bom in Jackson County Mason mamed Martha Boynton named Boydston

hosted listed

Ida Belle Corder John Sarah Lemmons Order Lemons William William Ida was born m WIlham WIlham bom Warren County Missouri on 2 May 1862 She Mason married Robert Montgomery Gee m Pendleton mamed in Predilection Warren County Missouri on 22 December Mission 1880 Ida dIed on 20 September 1914 m Dade in Kansas CIty Jackson County Missouri at age 52 Mason Her body was interred on 21 September 1914 m mitered mitered Jackson County Missouri Six Mile Cemetery Ceme-



Nancy Melissa Strait Rachel King Elizabeth Mesa Mg Rehabber Lemmons William William Nancy Lemons WIlham WIlham was born m Springfield Sangamon County bom Seagram Illinois on 13 May 1866 She mamed William named WIlham W Bradley on 28 November m Hodgeman Ness County Klansman She died on 28 M N Kansas November 1928 m Oregon City Clackamas County in Oregon at age 62 The four children
55 J

mastered waiter Jackson mAtherton matcher George County Cemetery Missourian Assonance




of Nancy Melissa Strait and William W Bradley Mesa WIlham were as follows Harvey i

Marvin Bradley was born on 15 October Arm bom 1888 m Kansas in Maude Bradley was born on 15 January 1891 bom in Oregon CIty Caecilians County Oregon Oreg-


INC d R Bmw L gigot Luc daR Brown Leggett 14 January 2005

Th Lam The Lemons Fam ly H story Lanm Lemmons Fame Iy II F 1


Emma Cornelia Strait Rachel King Elizabeth Lemmons Cornea Mg Rehabber Lemons William William mamed WIlham Wilham named Johanna Joseph Decker Emma was born m Johann Becker bom Springfield Sangamon County Illinois on JO Seagram September 1867 She died on 3 December 1920 at age 53
Johanna Johann Joseph


Neva Bradley as born on 19 December 1892 m Oregon Eva Bradley bom CIty in Clackamas County Oregon Walter Wham Bradley was born on 22 February 1905 William bom m Oregon in CIty Jacamar County Oregon

as I

Decker was born on 18 December 1860 Beech bom The name children of Emma Cornelia Strut and Johann nine Cometh Start Johanna Joseph Becker were as follows Wilham William Becker was born on 26 April i He died on 17 January dido
n II 7 57
III in
V iv

v ni vii

vm VII
x n ix

John sas Howard McCauley lough was born on 12 December in Metz Bates County plough McCullough bom Met Missouri Mason Miscounted Missouri The fie children of Armada Minnie Star lt and John Mme Str-ut Str Howard McCullough were as lere follows follows Luc dna R Bo n eggy Lauder Do L L get Lund

ammeters Hemmed
Theresa Vogel on 16 December 1903 m Ness City Ness County Vogel in Kansas Greenberry King Strait Rachel King Elizabeth Lemmons Greenery Mg mg Rehabber Lemons William Wilham Wilham William Greenberry was born m Tecumseh Johnson County Nebraska Greenery in on 21 May 1869 He mamed named

1887 at age 1700 Joseph Frederick Becker was born on 2 December 1884 Foredeck He died on 17 August 1951 at age 66 Nannie Nanne Becker mamed named Flanders She was born on 1 I bom September 1887 She died on 30 October 1962 at age 75 Mable Able Mary Becker bom 16 July 1889 married born mamed Lilac Matilda Attila Becker bom 30 August 1891 mimed El mo Vear born Elmo Velar Batchman Bachman BachmaAlbert Leo Becker was born on 2 March 1893 He died on 3 November 1971 at ge 78 ige Lewis Lews Leeching Becker was bom on 31 May 1894 He died on born 30 April 1973 at age 78 Esta Etta Leona Becker born 2 March 1896 m Kansas mamed Elmo in named Eimo Velar BachmaVear Bachman Batchman Edna Mae Becker mamed named Smith She was born on 8 Juan bom Jun 1898 She ded on 12 October 1985 at age 87 died Odeon dedon 2



dido dido

Theresa Vogel was born on 19 February 1877 m Pittston bom in Pitchstone Lucerne County Pennsylvania She died on 2 January 1932 m Coats Pratt County in Kansas at age 54 hansas The only child of Greenery King Strait and Theresa Greenberry Mg Strat Ogden is Vogel Fay Fay Strait was bom on 30 June 1905 in Coats Pratt County Kansas i born 10


Armada Minnie Strait Rachel King Elizabeth Lemmons William Mme Sturm Mg Lemons Llama WIlham William Armada was

born m Tecumseh Johnson County Nebraska on 14 bom in November 1870 She mamed John Howard McCullough on 1 December 1887 10 Ness named City Ness County Kansas in Kansas





January 2005

The Th Larson

Foam Iy

II story 0

n II in iv

Mayan innerved Merced


Milliampere MaryAnn
Mary Ann Cox was born on 26 December 1872 m Pennsylvania bom in She died on 20 August m in Merced Merced County California at age 86 The two children of George Richard Strait and Mary CO Ann Cox are as follows Elegies Weldon Strait was born on 27 i Elgie Eldon bom December 1900 m Cedar in King Mount mg County Washington Opal May Strait was born on 2 Anal 1905 in Seattle ii bom King County Mg Washington

Sadie Leona McCullough was born on 16 August 1888 Ness bom in CIty Ness County Kansas Myrtle Elizabeth McCullough was born on 16 February 1890 Rehabber bom In Ness City Ness County Kansas Delbert Dilbert Earl McCullough was born on 27 August 1894 in Seneca bom Newton County Missouri Mason Dewey Francis McCullough was born on 14 June 1899 bom 4 in Foster Bates County Missouri Mason Edna Mae McCullough was born on 2 October 1901 bom in Foster Bates County Nilsson Missouri

George Richard Strait Rachel King Elizabeth Lemmons Rehabber Lemons William WIlham WIlham William Gcorge was born in Tecumseh Johnson County Nebraska Gorge bom on 25 April 1875 He mamed Mary named Ann CO on 5 April 1900 in Seattle King County Washington Cox He died on 10 July 1961 m Merced Merced County California at age 86

Seneca Fosterage Patterson


Messily kindness inNess


Dorothy Doroty

J Utter was hosted on the 1900 census on 4 June 1900 listed hosted m Countervailed Layette in Connersville Fayette County Indiana Living m the home with Doroty in Dorothy J Utter 56 a farm laborer born Sept fann bom 1847 m OhIO are his wife Oran A Utter 32 born Ora Sept bosket 1867 in Kentucky mother of four children three and children Bessie L landholder Essie II born Nov 1888 m Kentucky Clarence A Utter 8 born July 1891 in Kentucky and Jame U female m Jaime Utter born Oct 1899 in Kentucky bom m The three children of Oran Alice Lemons and Dorothy Ora Ache Lemmons Doroty J Utter all born m Kentucky were as bom in follows

Dayton inkjet Ohioan trellising

Ache Lemmon WIlham Alice I emmons William Joshua William William emon WIlham WIlham mamed named Koogle Poole Oran was born in Kentucky Ora bom m m September 1867 She mamed Doroty J Utter on 29 October named Dorothy 1885 Pendleton In Predilection County Kentucky She was hosted on the 1920 listed census on 3 January 1920 m Dayton in TownshIp Montgomery County Ohio Living m the home with Alice Utter a widow 49 born m in Ache bom kentucky is her daughter Bessie Martin 30 born m Kentucky Essie Mart bom in and grandchildren Floyd Mart 16 born m Indiana Oran B female bom in Ora OraB OrB Martin 14 born m Indiana Virgil Martin 12 born m OhIO bom in Mart bom in and Lillian Martin 11 born m HitI bom in Ohio
Oran Ora

Endearment Contrasting


There were no children of Oran Alice Lemmon and Ora Ache Lemon

Koogle Poole



n in

Elsie L Utter born November 1888 mamed Benjamin bom named BenJamm Martin Mart Clarence A Utter was born in July 1891 bom Jamey Utter was born m October 1899 Jaime U Jame bom


Luc Lucinda loc dna R Brown L gel



January 2005

The mon Fame y my he Commons F am ly H s ory



e eI

Fig 37 Lark L Lemmons Larkin Lemons

1 Lem-

L ucinda D rown L go L nd R B



14 January 2005


The Lemmons Fam ly H lorry om Iy Th


Lemons Linen washer

Fig 38 Front Paul M Cm Ralph J Kern Jr Leo Lemmons Bach PalM Kern Kem Lemons Bac Ralph J Kern Sr Gertrude Lemons Back Kern Irvin Lemmons Eva Maxine Lemmons or Margaret McKay Irma Lemons Lemons Mucky Lemmons Lar Lemons Lara Lemmons Un known Larkin Lemons Un non Un non Unknown

Larkin L Lander Lemmons William Joshua William William ander Liander Lemons WIlham Lander WIlham WIlham Larkin was born In bom lucky on 12 June 1872 He mamed Margaret McKay daughter named Mucky of Samuel McKa He was Mca church membership Cambridge City Christian ChurchChanson Church


Unknown known
Fig ing 39 Lara Larkin Lemmons and Margarl McKay Lemmons Wedding Lar Lemons Margaret Mucky Lemons hosted Larkin was listed as the head sofa family on the 1910 Census Lowing steeds of a ofa Living in the home with

Luc dna R Brown L gg fa get

ding Wedlarkin Lemmons 32 a general fanner born in Kentucky are his wife Lemons fawner bom Maggie Lemmons 33 Lemons

14 January 2005

Funerals cemetery at Connersville Countervailed

LARK L LEMMONS LEMONS Karl Lemons Larl L Lemmons 92 year old retired farmer of the Cambridge City area died Sunday atLark modesties fanner baat the Reid Methodist Hospital In Richmond after a short illness m Illnesillnesses was a member of the Cambridge City Christian ChurcHe Carbondale Church hgoer services were held 2 p m Wednesday at the Fisher Mortuary Bungalows in Dale Funeral held at Burial was Bunal

Dominican Bermudan Cambridge

The Lemons Fame fy H story Lemmons Fam Iy F 0

born Indiana landholder Gertrude Lemmons 9 born Indiana and Irvin bom and children Lemons bom Lemmons 5 born Lemons IndIana IndIanA census hosted Larkin as head of household White River Randolph County listed household in IndIana Indianon 6 Anal 1930 Living in the home with Lark L Lemmons 56 a farmer born an April Lemons fishfanner bom Kentucky is whihIS msies Margaret Lemmons 54 born Canada s Larkin wIfe wife Lemons bom Lark died on 15 September 1963 in Cambridge CIty Indiana at age 91 OBITUARY 21 September 1963



LemoLemons ns

Survivors include a son Irvin Lemmons of Milton a daughter Mrs Ralph Kern MuncIe Lemons Mutton Kem of Muncie a sister Mrs Marguerite Thomas Indianapolis five grandchildren andone great grandchild I of and one undone I Ie was bunged on 18 September 1963 m Dale Cemetery Connersville Indiana In Countervailed India-

Fig na

40 Larkin and Margar McKay Lemons anil Margaret Mucky Lemmons

Wedding Anniversary Anniversa-

ry d

Loo R Brown L gigot Luc dna Raw


Jimmy oos


Th Lemons The Lemmons Plano

Family story
Foam Iy 11

Fig 41 Lar m Lemmings and Sam McKay Lara Larkin summons Mucky

Margaret McKay Margaret was born in Canada in 1876 Marfaret Mucky bom Thc The two children of larkin Leander Lemmons and Margaret McKay were Oleander Lemons Mucky as follows Gertrude Margaret Lemmons born 21 March 1901 m Indiana i Lemons bom In Indimarried mamed Ralph Jennings Kern Sr Kem 11 Leo Irvin Lemmons born 12 March 1905 in Countervailed Fayette n Irma Lemons bom Connersville Layette County Indiana married Eva Maxine Hundredth mamed Maxme Hudspeth



anan iana



Luc oda R loc dna locoda

Brow L UCLA n grit

Th Lommo Fawn ly H lorry Lemmons The Limo Fam Iy Lemons 01


Fig 42

Italia Rattle Lemmons Steele and Gertrude Lemmons Kern attle Lemons Stele Grtrude Lemons Km

Loo Luc dna R ne dR B o 0
L pCt uL go

Fig 43 Janet Steele Bobby Stein and Dale Steele welt grandmother Hatlie Lemons Steele Dobby Steele Hattie Lemmons

Hattie Belle Lemmons William Joshua William William Hattie was born In Lemons Wilham Wilham Wilham Hale bom IiKentucky in 1875 She married Martin D Steele on 14 December 1898 in Pendleton County mamed Stickle Predilection Kentucky Kentucky She appeared on the census of 7 April 1930 m Richland City Wayne County Indiana appeared In Riceland IndiHattie L Steele 50 born in Kentucky haves alobom lives alone

January 2005

Martin 0 Stoic vation D Steele was born in 1868 m Kentucky He was listed on the 19 I 0 census on 20 bom m Mart in hosted 1910 hosted Anal 1910 m Bloomington Grove Township Franklin County Indiana Living m the home wall in Frank County in Mart D Steele 42 a general farmer born m Kentucky are his wife HattIe Steele 32 born m 0 fanner bom bom Chattiest Kentucky landholder William H Steele 10 born m Kentucky and Martin and children Wilham bom in bomborn Mart A Steele 7 boomiborng Indiana m in n Indiana The two children of HattIe Belle Lemmons and Martin D Steele are as olfaction Lemons Mart 0 follows

The Common F am ly H story Lemmons Fame Iy II star-

withering t

WIlham William H Steele born 1900 m Kentucky married Reba Mbom in mamed Rebar H organ Morgan Martin A Steele was born m 1907 m Indiana Mart bom in India-

Britain Brattle
Fig 44 Mac Lemmons and Ursula Williams Lemmons na Lemmon WIlliam Lennon

Mary Ann Lemmons William Joshua William William Lemons Wilham Wilham Wilham mamed named Mary was born m Kentucky m 1877 bom in in The two children of Mary Ann Lemmons and May Lemons Margaret Rattan i Braille n Acton Rattan II RatabRatta-


Brattain are as follows Britain

n le

Lue Luc dna R B own L grit

14 J January 2005

The Lemmons Fam Ty H 10 Fame Iy F story


Fig 45 Flounce Lemmons Tom Lemons and Mary Lemmons Florae Lemons Lemmons Lemons

Rattan Rata

WIlham William Thomas Lemmons William Joshua William William William was bomLemons WIlham WIlham Wilham WIlham boomiboriborn ng Kentucky ID November 1879 He married Mandate ID de in in manned Mama McCormack on 10 June 1900 ID Fayette Layette County Indiana He and Mandate McCormack were divorced He married Anna Ellen Mama manned manned Mane LemmiEuclasite He married Marie Lemming ng appeared on the census of 15 Anal 1930 m Washington Township He in Wayne County Indiana Living ID the home with Thomas Lemmons 50 a farmer born ID Kentucky are his wife m wall Lemons bom m Anna E Lemmons 41 born ID Ohio landholder Oval CLemmons 16 born in Indiana Lemons I bom in and children Orval Lemons C Lemons Lemmons bom ID IndiHate R Lemmons 12 born m Indiana He died on 1 April 1957 ID Reid Memorial Hospital Lemons bom ID I Ammonal in Liberty Indiana at age 77 He was bunged ID Bridgetown Indiana Indiana in Abington Indi-

Countywide Hospitalize
ife ife ana iana



There ere ana were no children of William Thomas WIlham The WIlham ck five children of William Thomas
i i
s1 1

Lemmons and Mandate McCormaLemons McCormack


Lemmons and Anna Ellen McCleaster were as Lemons Nuclease

es IV

v e

Thomas Elmer Lemmons LemonLemons Dons Ethel Lemmons born 1906 married Clarence Ray FultoLemons bom manned Fulton WIlham Frank Lemons bom William Franklin Lemmons born 3 October 1908 ID Indiana in Indimanned Eva Paine Hundredth manned married Neva Pauline Housetrained MaDonna Janes Hudspeth James JamOrval Oval Carlos Lemmons born 21 July 1913 ID Wayne CountLemons bom County in ywide mamed Elsie Mane Pope Indiana named PopHattie Rebecca Lemons born 16 July 1917 in Wayne County Lemmons bom Hate Indiana manned Harry Lyell Sherwood Yell

anan iana


Cu nd R B own L g oetz Luc dna C G

Lemmons William Joshua William William was born ID February Lemons Wilham WIlham WIlham bom in 1886 ID Kentucky She manned Stephen P Thom s on 25 October 1903 ID Fayette County in Thorn-is Thorn in Layette Indiana Indiana

oth arguer Marguerite



There were no children of William Thomas Lemons and Mane Lemming WIlham Lemmons



January 2005

Th Lemmons Fame glyph story The Lomm Loom F Lemons Fam Iy II sto-

Stephen ryteller P Thomas was born m 1869 m Missouri He was hosted on the 1920 census on 30 bom in in Nilsson listed hosted January 1920 m Hamson Township Fayette County Indiain Hanson Layette Indiana The only child of Marguerite Lemmons and Stephen P Thomas is Lemons I i Wilma L Thomas was born m 1905 in Indiana bom m


Thomas Jackson Cummins Sarah King Hannah Lemmons William Wilham mg Harman Lemons Wilham William Thomas was born m Kentucky m January 1880 He married LI e bom in in Tizzies mamed Lizzie m 1904 e bom m 9 Lizzie was born in Kentucky m 1884 The only child of Thomas Jackson
Tizzies Lizzie LI Tizzies


Nancy Hanson
Nancy Lee Arnold Nancy was born in Sunset Kentucky on 21 vas bom m November 1881 Nancy dIed on 2 May 1944 at age 62 The six children of Elijah Moore Kennedy ind Nancy Lee md Arnold were as follows I i Prentice M James Kennedy Prentice was born m Hamson bom in Hanson County Kentucky in July 1899 He mamed Elizabeth Sweet m m married 1928 Prentice died on 24 December 1943 m Kenton County in Kentucky at age 44 n II Manville Kennedy Manville was born m Kentucky m 1905 Rebom in He in appeared on appeared the census of 15 Anal 1930 in Redford Hotel DetrOIt m Ant Wayne County Michigan III Jewel in Jevel R Kennedy Everlasting born m Kentucky m 1911 Jewel Jevel was bom in I in
Luc dna R Luxor LuoR Brown L leggy

Elijah Moore Kennedy Elizabeth King Hannah Lemmons William Rehash Rehabber Mg Harman Lemons Wilham WIllIam Rehash born Hanson bom in Hamson County Kentucky on 11 November 1874 He married Nancy Lee II mamed Arnold daughter of Wilham Arnold and Sally Jane Ritchey on 6 January 1898 William Ritchie Elijah Rehash was hosted as the head sofa family on the 1910 Census m listed steeds headboard of a ofa Hanson in Hamson County Kentucky Living in the home with Eliga sic M Kennedy 3 6 bom Kentucky are m Elias born his wIfe Manacle Kennedy 29 born Kentucky landholder Prentice bom and children Kennedy 10 bom Kentucky and born Manville Kennedy 5 born Kentucky Also m the home is father m law William bom in in Arnold 54 a wIdow bom Kentucky 0 Idow born Elijah Rehash was hosted as the head sofa family on the 1920 Census Rehashes listed of a ofa m Claysville Hamson Co in Clarksville Hanson Kentucky Living m the home with Elige sic M Kennedy 44 bom Kentucky in Huge born are his wIfe L Kennedy 38 born Kentucky and children Prentice Kennedy bom born 20 bom Kentucky ManvIlle M Kennedy 15 born Kentucky Jevel R Kennedy 9 bom Kentucky bom Jew el Jewel born and Rosa Kennedy 6 bom Kentucky born A census hosted Elijah as head of household Compton Kenton County listed Elijah m in Kentucky on 12 Anal 1930 Living in the home with Elijah Kennedy 55 m a auto mechanic born m kentucky bom in are his wife Nancy Kennedy 48 bom Kentucky and children Rosalie born Kennedy 18 born Kentucky Children Kennedy 10 bom Kentucky and Wilma Kennedy 5 Hildreth born born bom Kentucky AlsoAlso Alsm the home is a boarder Ransom Mg 25 born o King n a Kentucky He renamed Katie Simpson m married September 1954 Elijah died on 23 March 1955 m Lexington Hospital in Lexington Fayette Layette County Kentucky at age 80

inference Kentuckian Rosalie Kentucky baronetcy disremember Alison


William Learned Countrymen inference fandangle


Cummins and LI e Tizzies Lizzie is John C Cummins John was born m Kentucky m February 1910 bom in in


14 J anuary 2005

Tho Lemons Fame y II my F The Lemmons Fam Iy H s ory

mo L



Rosalie Kennedy Rosalie was born in Kentucky in 1914 She m HeRosa Rosa bom m Semamed miarid named mmed Leonard Martin Sweet Sr Mart Children Kennedy Children was born m Kentucky m 1920 Children Hildreth Hildreth bom in HIldreth in dIed on 4 October 1944 m Kenton Co Kentucky indention Wilma Kennedy Wilma was born m Kentucky on 17 July 1924 bom in Dma Questa married Quest Questa Demanded 15 November 1995 minHemmed m Quest Wilma died on erganser Kenton County Kentucky at age 71 Derange ferring



There were no children of Elijah Moore Kennedy and Katie Simpson chidden

Kennedy Elizabeth King Hannah Lemmons William William Theora Rehabber Mg Lemons WIlham Wham Theocrat Theorems born m Hamson County Kentucky on 12 December 1876 She married George B Arnoldin Hanson mamed Arnold Arnoson of William Arnold and Sallie RIchIe m 1903 Theora dido 19 December 1952 m WIlham Theocrat died on Sale RIche in inHharmonic anson Memorial Hospital Hanson County Kentucky at age 76 Hamson Hanson Ammonal Hamson OBITUARY The Log Caber Cynthia H-imson County Kentucky 26 December Cynthiana imson Count


Theocrat Theora


MRS GEORGE B ARNOLD GEORGI Funeral services were held at the Smith Rees Home Monday morning for Mrs Theocrat Theora mooring HearKennedy Arnold with Rev Austin Roberts officiating Interment was m Battle Grove Cemetery Internment Faust in kened Cemetery follow wIth the following selected as bearers Egan Desha and Eureka Whitener Jack Regan Des MJ MM White agee Magee and Walker ArnArnold Mrs Arnold died it 3 Friday p m Findlay Dec 19 1952 at Hanson Memorial Hospital afier daffier old Hamson Ammonal Hospital airmaftan extended lIness illness er lionillnBorn Bom ess m the county Dec 12 1876 she was a daughter of the late George W and Rehabber ElizabMg Kennedy She is survived by her husband George B Arnold to whom she was married m mamed eth 1903 one son Eureka D Arnold Florence ky two grandsons three brothers Laurence kennedy Cynthiana Rehash Kennedy Newport and Will Kennedy Covington and two sIsters Cynthia Elijah Coving sisters Amanda McKinley Toledo Ohio and Mrs Arm Arnold Cynthia Mrs McKee CantinShe was a member of the Cynthiana Baptist Churchman until the time of her illness was an Church and und Cynthia other lIness inactIve Broadus Uncle active member of the Ezra Broads Circle of the Women Missionary Society s Her body was Omens mawmitered Cynthiana Hanson Co Ky Battle stered on 22 December 1952 m Section N Lot 50 in Cynthia Hamson BatGrove CemeCemetery

ArnFunerals old Arnold






tler George tery B

1 2

hosted bom m Arnold George was born m Kentucky in October 1883 George was listed as the threshed of a family on the 1910 Census m Hanson County Kentucky Living m the home wIth head faddy in Hamson witin
G M u George B Arnold 35 born Kentucky is his wife Theocrat Arnold 28 born KentuckyTheora bom hered eorge hosted as George listed faddy ucky was steeds the head of a family on the 1920 Census m Cynthiana Hamson ChCynthia Hanson Co oky Ky Living m the home with George B Arnold 36 born Kentucky are his wife Thora Arnold bom in Thor 40 born Kentucky and son Eureka Arnold 9 born Kentucky Also m the homes brother m bom home is law Lawrence Arnold 22 born Kentucky law bom Kentucky census hosted George as head of household Cynthia Hanson Co Ky on 9 Anal listed A household m Cynthiana Hamson 1930 Living in the home with George Arnold 46 a armload mail clerk born Kentucky are fishm railroad hIs wife wIfe Theo Arnold 50 born Kentucky and son Eureka Arnold 19 born Kentucky and father bom bom anthFalk William WIlham Arnold 74 born in Kentucky George died on 22 March 1962 in Falmouth Predilection bom m eridia n Fal mouth Pendleton Kentucky at age 78 His body was interred on 24 March 1962 m Falmouth Predilection mitered Pendleton in Kentucky Battle Grove CemeteCemetery

head faddy






ry od R Luc too dna


eget t got

14 January 2005

32 The Lemmons Fam ly If slot Tho hm Iy 1 slo-

Marvin L Arnold was born m Kentucky m 1883 Marvin was steeds the head a bom hosted as listed of family on the 1910 Census in Hamson County Kentucky Living m m Hanson in the home with Arnold 27 born Kentucky are his wife Tizzies Arnold 21 born Kentucky bom Lizzie and sons Everett Arnold 2 born Kentucky and Gamett Arnold 1 born Kentucky The family bom I bom Garnett lives two doors away from Ezra M Kennedy LIZZIe s brother Tizzies Tizzies Marvin was hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census m listed sofa ofa Hamson County Hanson kentucky Living m the home with MarvIn Arnold 37 born Kentucky bom are his wife ElIzabeth Arnold 31 born Kentucky and children Everett Arnold 11 born bom II bom Kentucky Gamett Arnold 10 Garnett born Kentucky Mary L Arnold 4 born Kentucky and May bom Helen L born adhesion Arnold 1I bom Kentucky A census listed Marvin as head of household m Hamson County In Hanson Kentucky on 8 Anal 1930 Living in the home of Marvin L Arnold 46 an oil m company driver bom Policeman truck Denver born m Kentucky are his wife Tizzies P Arnold 42 born Kentucky and children Lizzie hs bom Everett Arnold 22 a meat market truck Denver born m Kentucky Miry L Arnold 14 born driver bom in bom Kentucky Helen L Arnold 12 born Kentucky and Georgia L Arnold 10 born Kentucky bom bom Marvin died on II February 1950 in Hamson County Kentucky m Hanson The five children of Elizabeth PJ Kennedy and Marvin L Rehabber P Arnold all born m Kentucky were Arnold bom In as follows

whereas Falmouth Infamous

Arm dido Arm
i ii
III in

Kentucky Kentucky Itinerary

Arm head Arm

Everett Countrymen dorsa Elizabethan Kentucky

Arm Arm Arm Arm

Elizabeth P Kennedy Elizabeth King Hannah Lemmons William Mg Lemons WllIam WIllIam Rehabber was born m Kentucky m March 1888 She mamed bom in named L Arnold m 1904 in ElIzabeth died on 23 Anal 1985 m Hamson County Kentucky in Hanson at age 97

Arm Arm

The tted only child of Theocrat Kennedy and George B Arnold was Theora Eureka Df Arnold born 17 September 1910 in Kentucky i bom



head Arm


iv v

Groveling landowners Grover Countrymen andson fishwife Kentucky Illinois Residence Riverside

Falmouth Pendleton Kentucky at age 79 Predilection Everett Arnold Everett was born m 1908 Everett died on bom In 1957 in Hamson County Kentucky m Hanson MaryL Arnold Mary was born In 1916 MaiL bom m Helen L Arnold Helen was born m 1919 bom In Georgia Arnold Georgia was born m 1920 bom in

Garnett Arnold Gamett was born on 31 August 1904 He mamed Garnet Garnett bom 3I named Rehabber In 1929 Gamett died m March 1984 In Garnett in

II dido 11 July


Grover King Silas Hannah Lemmons William William Silos Lemons Wilham Grover was born on 20 September 1886 He named Lynne Lee Thomas m 1909 He mamed Linnie was listed on the 1910 census on listed 14 May 1910 m Nodule Township McLean County In CLean Illinois Living m the home with Grover in Mg 23 a farm laborer born m Kentucky are his wife Lynne km 21I born in Kentucky bom In hs Manikin bom and son Herschel T King mg born in Illinois bom IllinoHe was listed on the 1920 census on 12 January 1920 m Berry is listed In Beny Hanson County Hamson Kentucky Living m the home with Grover Mg 32 a retail in merchant born m Kentucky are hIs bom in wIfe Lennie sic King 30 born m Kentucky and son Leonie Mg bom Hanson Herschel King 10 born m Illinois andson Mg bom in He appeared on the census of 10 Anal 1930 m Falmouth Predilection appeared in Pendleton County Kentucky LIVIng m the home with Grover mg a 43 year old in King salesman for National Oil born m kentucky bom in are his wife Lynne H mg

10 12


Kentucky Cemetery

bom Lime King 41 born m Kentucky and daughter Elizabeth G King 3 born m Mg His body was interred m July 1949 m Falmouth Pendleton mitered in in Predilection Kentucky Riverside Grover died on 9 July 1949 m Pendleton County Kentucky dido In Predilection at age 62


Luc mIa R Brown L dna Bro

J 14 January 2005

Dawson Dawson

OBITUARY Falmouth Outlook Falmouth Pendleton County Kentucky From the Predilection ObItuary Collection Predilection County Public Library Falmouth Kentucky Pendleton GROVER KING IS AT REST PASSES LAST THURSDAY This week we chrome the passing of one of Falmouth s highly esteemed and best known chronicle passim esteemed cItIzens Grover Mg who passed to the great beyond Thursday morning June 9 1949 at his mooring home on North Maple Ave Mr Mg was 62 years eight months and 19 days fagged King of age Mr Mg had been in ill health for nearly two years but his passing comes as a severe King m III passim sevshock to the communcommunity ity was the son of the late Silos Rand Mary Elizabeth Bayless King pandas born Sept He Silas R and Rehabber Payless Mg and was bom 20 1886 near Mt Vernon In early life Mr Mg bunted with the Vemon King united McKinney Constant Church He served a church officer and was active m churchman was active m churchgoer served as in church and church whorl worl Mr mg married Miss Allude Lee Thomas on Nov 17 1907 and to this umon three children King mamed Mme union children bom ere born one son Grover Lee preceding him m death 1928 m in death in Grover Mr King is survived by his widow one son Herschel Thomas mg andone daughter Mg Hersche King undone and one Mrs Kenneth Taylor Williamstown of WilliamsWilliamson on Mg also leaves one sister Mrs Eva mg offend Okia one brother George Wilham Mr King King of End Okla Emd William Elk Point S Done Mg of Ell Pont SD one half brother Chestr King of Cincinnati two foster sisters Mrs Chester Mg AlIce Dailey of Newport and Mrs Elizabeth Mme of Detroit Mulch and three grandchIldren Dimly Mich Mrs Lois Ann Graham of Cedar Rapids Iowa Miss Janet Mg of Falmouth and Sandra King Falmouth Gale Taylor of WIllIams town wn mg for several years operated generalities at Mr King general stores McKinney and Boyd He moved moveto Falmouth m later life and founded the Mg Oil Co which he has operated successfully King d almouth n a for n-number umber of years and up until the time of his passipassing passim ng Mg Mr m King was active m business and fraternal circles He was one of the organizers of the in buses Falmouth Deposit Banked a director at the time of his passing Bank and passim Mr King was a Past Master of On on Lodge No Mg fronton of Falmouth of which he had been a kowhai member for 31 years He was also Past High Nest of Hauser Chapter No ember Abuser a member of Jefferson Council No 33 Newport and a member of Falmouth Chapter No Eastern StaStar rry Mg tool active part in many ways m the affairs of Falmouth and Mr King took m Predilection County in Pendleton He veda good useful life and his passing is a severe loss to the community hived a lived seere passim Funeral services were held at the Falmouth Christian Churching Sunday afternoon at 2 30 Church on Churchon held Moloch conducted by Rev W M Lennox who paid a fitting tribute to Mr King Assisting clock Lenox tenure He Mg Assist m thin Hservice Sheffield Bunal esauri ester was Rev Frank Schofield Brumal took place on the family lot m Riverside Cemetery Thomas Fosse Fossett Yelton ere m charge Elton were in charge lowers were many and beautiful including thrower broken wheel represent The flowers Throwers ere the lowered flowered the living members of the family and those who have gone unsunson pecialized music was furnished by a quartet composed Omar and Special Mrs C H Fossett Maof Mr Fosse Mrs rrows Tucker and Frazier Moms with Mrs Alva Cushman at the organ who sang The Old Roscoe Frazer Bushman Rugged Cross and Sunset Tomorrow Two cousins Omar King Mrs Ruth cosmos of Mr Mg MissUlnas and MIss Mulls VIvian Eureka Whitaker offense sang Whelping Hope ourian Eurela Whistler of Sunset Whispering Hopeful bearers rendered most beautiful service at the church ancestry Flower a Floer and cemetery Casket bearers were Walter Hobday J W Kellum J M Mason Henry W Bishop Archie Bellum Honda Ammerman Taliaferro American and C A Calciferous Honorary casket bearers were members and officers of the Falmouth Deposit Bank Bbottlers D Barnett arnett Casey Thomas Carroty D M Daughterly Joseph Schultz W C Amuck and Wm Crotty Daugherty AulIck M-

community County Cemetery representing represent

sofas goods fe

passing thereabout passim


I anger isomer Christian wormer daughter I grandchildren William Rosalie Galway

Lemmons F Tho Limo Fame The Lommo r am I y H lorry Lemons Y


ay Grover











Coo Luc dna R 8 OW C got B own L gigot


January 2005

was born m Kentucky in 1892 Kneeled bom in m Nellie died m 1980 Her body was mitered m Riverside Cemetery Falmouth Predilection in Pendleton County Kentucky The two children of Hanson King Hamson Meek and Nellie Weekend Kneeled Scott both born in Kentucky are m as follows

L dna R Brown Light Luanda R- B Logg Log

cky Scott
Kneeled Nellie

bathe atthe s Haymows booming inkjet Compton bomin oneness bathe atthe native Santo sandstones Meek officiate Riverside
bookplate Archaize landmass
record at record the grave As each Mason approached the casket Mrs Tucker Mrs Fosse Mrs Mullins Fossett Ulnas and MIss Whitaker softly sang Nearer My God Whicker to HelThee ThLynne Lee Thomas Linnie was Mme ere'll med Linier born in 1888 Landler dIed In J bom deeding The three children of Grove King and Illume Lime Lee Thomas were as follows I Grover LeO King was born in Kentucky He deeding i Lee bom died in 1928 11 n Herschel Thomas King born 24 June 1909 bom in Gondola McLean CLean County Illinois mamed Derma M Rankin married Berman Rank married Agnes Erma mamed McClanahan Meccano Rehabber in Elizabeth G King was born in 1927 m Kentucky Kingas bom Kings In
Tho Limon Mn Iy II my The Lommon Fam ly H story stor-

of the largest Masonic services ever conducted Mastoid in Falmouth was held with J Arch eldritch BaIley of Cynthia Ian a as acting master CynthIan CynthIa Members of the Masonic Order form several lodges Mastoid took part m the services Master of Onon Lodge Oscar in Onion On on F Scold ScarF Scott read Mr Kings Masonic Mastoid
yline One


Limeade ere Thomas

Hamson King Meek Martha King Hannah Hanson Championing Lemmons William William Harmon Lemons WIlham WIlham was born in Kentucky on 15 July 1892 He bom m Kentucky Juju Hemmed Nellie Scott m 1915 mamed named in A census hosted Hanson as head of household listed Hamson m Falmouth Predilection Kentucky on 16 in Pendleton 1930 Living in the home with Hamson Anal m Hanson K Meek 37 a bookkeeper for a coal mme bom mine born m kentucky are his wife Kneeled Meek 38 born Nellie bom Kentucky and children LameS Meek landholder Lame S 14 born m Kentucky and James R Meek 5 born bom m Kentucky 1 Hamson dIed on 8 in Hanson jed Anal J1963 m Compton kenton County Kentucky at age 70 OBITUARY Familial Elliot Falmouth Falmouth UFO Predilection County Kentucky From Pendleton the ObItuary File Predilection County Public Library Pendleton Falmouth Kentucky KING MEEK 70 DIES ON MONDAY mg Meek age 70 of N Liberty Street Falmouth died King Monday morning dt 4 a m at mooring the Booth Ammonal Hospital Compton Memorial Mr Meek suffered a heart attack at his attack home on evening Anal 3rd He was retired assistant cashier the rented of Falmouth Deposit Bank bmg an employee being for 26 years He rolled one year ago He was retired a member coffle Falmouth Methodist Church of the and a allover of Hamson County Hanson County leaves his wife Mrs Nell Scott Meek former He principal of pencil School and Schoolman two children Mrs Lame Versants California and Major James Robert Meek of the U S Army recently returned from having ham served m Korea Funeral services will be conducted on Findlay conducted Friday morning at ten o clock at the Woodshed and mooring 0 clock Sons Funeral Home Falmouth Rev William Woodshed R Jennings and Rev Carl Sears illegitimate will officIate VISItatIOn hours after 3 p m Wednesday afternoon at the funeral home Interment will take place in the Riverside m Cemetery Falmouth Complete obituary will be m next week s paper His body was interred m RIversIde mitered mattered Cemetery Falmouth Predilection County Pendleton Kentucky Kentu-


Mandating Meek Monday


commencement eel

Kneeled Nellie


i ii

James R Meek James was born m bom in 1925

Lame S Meek Elaine was born m 1916 Celanese Lamellas bom


14 January 2005

Th Lemmons rom ly H my The Unmoor Fam Iy story

King Hannah Lemmons William William Tsai was Mg Lemons WIlham Wilham basem born in Kentucky on 14 September 1892 She married John Abner Lea m Kentucky m 1910 Banner mamed in in Tsai died on 25 April 1975 m Lexington Fayette County Kentucky at age 82 Lexington Layette Anal OBITUARY Lexington Herald Lexington Fayette County Indiana 26 April 1977 Layette Sierra LEA Blears Mrs Tinsa Ellen Lea 84 10 Kentucky Street Machete died Monday at the MedICal Tsai Winchester Medicament after a long illness Born m Predilection County the daughter of the late Hamilton AndCenter Bom in Pendleton and adaman King Emma Mg Collier She was a member of the Fits Christian Church of Georgetown Survived byMma min often First by Church word daughters Mrs Dorothy Mast of Winchester and Mrs Arthur Reynolds two Mastin of Lexington two granddaughters Mrs Fogy Denton of Lexington and four great grandchildren two great great Foy Forenoon grandchildren two sisters Mrs Grover Bell of Falmouth and Mrs Bertha Holmes of LanPans Falmouth dgraves services will be held at I pm Wednesday at the Lexington Cemetery with DrGraveside held p m Dr REdward Mesta eward H Meta officiating Pallbearers will be Fogy Lee Denton William K Burns John Foy Bums Barboza Barbara Paul Todd James McBride and Earl Coyle Friends may calla kerr Brothers Funeral call at Cole Feds FunHome from 5 to 9 todtoday

Colher Tsai Ellen Collier

Emma Mma




His common name was Jack John was born m Kentucky m 1888 Jonbom in John in was listed as the head sofa family on the 1910 Census in McKinney Pendleton Co of a ofa m Predilection kentucky Living m the home on Blanket Creek Pike with John A Lea 24 married one year in mamed Macedon born Kentucky are his wife Tsai E Lea 19 born Kentucky and daughter Lillian A Lea Tinsa bom born Kentucky A census listed John as head of household Lexington Layette County m Fayette Counin Kentucky trymen on 24 April 1930 John died on 2 September 1964 Anal The four children of Tsai Ellen Colher and John Banner Lea were as follows Collier Abner wire Gillian Dorothy I I illian Dorothys Lea born 16 August 1909 m Kentucky named i bom marrmamed in Manteca Sanderson Carl Anderson ied Forest Shelby Lea Forest was born in Predilection County kentucky ii bom m Pendleton Kentucon ky 19 Anal died m Forest diem 1917 in III bom in Pendleton in Floyd Lea Floyd was born m Predilection County Kentucky on 14 October 1914 Floyd died on 7 September 1967 m Clark County CounKentucky at age 52 trymen OBITUARY Lexington Herald Lexington F yette Sierra County Kentucky 8 September 1967 FLOYD LALEA WINCHESTER MUNCHES Floyd Lea 52 was found dead at 6 a m mh inis home at his East Lexington Street Coroner Leon Pace said he lId sofa apparently died ofa heart attackable Ilam He was found by asattack about Ia m S a of a Sister Mrs Dorothy Mastin He was an employee of the Contractors ister Mast ContraServICe and Supply Co Winchester a veteran of World War II andWanctors and Machete a native of Predilection County Pendleton Survivors are his mother Mrs Tsai Collier Lea Winchester Tinsa Lea Machete Winchanother sister Mrs Arthur Reynolds Le Anton and two maces amerceester Lexington other necenieces Services ssaries will be conducted at 10 30 a m Saturday m theithin the e Le megaton Cemetery by the Rev Edward Meta Bearers will be Lexington beMesta bAndrew Davis Everett Carpenter Carl Pucker Robert SWift Rucker SwifWitHarold Abner hhold Banner Charlie Cox and E T Houlihan Jr The body is at Ghoulish T-


yearbook Dearborn
ay Banner Lea John Abner
Forest Lento





r I I



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Lg nl go el


January DOS

Tho Loren The Condiments Fame ly H story F Fam Iy


Matthews impendent Cemetery as landholder Countrymen MelvinW Husbandly Melvin Counterman

Martha W Collier Emma mg Hannah Lemmons Mama Colher Mma King Lemons William William WIlham WIlham born m Kentucky in County Kentucky KentuIn early life Mr Shields attended tube Falmouth the City Schools and also Millers sandals MIller s Buses School Machinating He was a capable business Cincinnati andante buses man and at one time conducted a grocery store m Falmouth and was later connected with Reynolds flatcar Falmouth connected Tobacco Co the Falmouth Post Office and tube 16 years he was distinct distributor for district for the Coca Cola Bottling Co He was Bathing also an expert carpenter and built many homes m this area in ar-

the Scobee Funeral Home where Sobered may call after lOa m calamine afier Findlay His common name was Pete PetFlorence Lea born 14 October 1914 m Predilection bom in Pendleton County kentucky mamed Arthur Reynolds named

L 1 uc

ea 00 R a L get Brow 1

infamous mandolins hosieries Businesses infamous


Lester C Shields AcC King Hannah Lester Mg Harman Lemmons William William Lester was Lemons WIlham WIlham born m Kentucky m August 1885 He in in mamed Louise E Houston m 1920 Lester died named Lolls in on 29 July 1941 m Cincinnati Hamilton County in Ohio at age 55 OBITUARY Falmouth Outlook FALMOUTH Predilection Pendleton County Kentucky From the Obituary File Falmouth Pendleton County Solitary FIlc Predilection Pushed Library Public L C SHIELDSHIELDS L dark S Clark Shields aged 55 years one of Falmouth and Predilection County s best known Pendleton citIzens died at Holmes Hospital Communal Sunday Cincinnati might July 20 1941 following a short night Illness He had been m bad health for the follow ben in past year but his condition was no planning not alarm untIla until a blew untIl lew days before his passapassing passim ge was the son comers Jennie king He of Mrs Jenme mg Sleds and tube latch James H Shields Shields the late and was born m bom 20 1885 He mamed Miss Louis Houston Falmouth Hemmed named of Butler on Aug 20 1919 and to Au this union three children were born Betty umon bom Jane James and Marione Shields aloof all of boom Marine cowboy survive

Lester h Frothed shrillness


Grover M Bell Grover was born m Kentucky Grover nell bom in m 1892 Grover was hosted as the head in listed steeds of a family on the 1920 Census in m McKinney Predilection Co Kentucky Pendleton Living m the home in With Grover M Bell 28 born Kentucky Grover bom Kentuck are his wife Martha Bell 23 born v BeH bom Kentucky and children Ruby Bell 3 born Kentucky and bom Bell 1 I born Kentucky bom He appeared the census of 12 appeared on Anal 1930 m in Predilection County Pendleton Kentucky Living m the home with Grover W BeH Mth Bell 36 a farmer born in Kentucky are his fanner bom m wife Martha W Bell 34 born m Kentucky and children bom in landholder RubyL BeH 14 born m Kentucky Ruby L Ruby Bell bom W Bell 11 born m Kentucky Evelyn II bom in Bell born m Kentucky Grover died m 1976 HIs bom in body was interred m New Mount Vernon mitered in Vemon Cemetery Predilection County Kentucky Pendleton New Mount Vernon Cemetery Cemetery three children of Martha W Collier The Colher and Grover M nell are as follows Grover Bell i Ruby L BeH Ruby was born m Predilection County Bell bom in Pendleton Kentucky on 30 May 1915 ji II WIlham William Melvin Bell William was born m Predilection WIlham bom in Pendleton County kentucky on 11 January 1919 II III Evelyn Bell was born m 1926 m Predilection in Bellas bom in in Pendleton County Kentucky

Predilection Pendleton

Martha was m May 1896 She married Grover M in mamed nell m 1914 Martha died m 1980 m diem Predilection Pendleton County Kentucky Her body was

Monday Kentucky
interred m New Mount Vernon Cemetery mitered in Vemon


cky ucky





12 44


Mel as Bells



January 2005

Mr Shields was a man of fine character genial and companionable pandas Shells gemal and was held in the hIghest esteem by a host offends throughout this section often of the State His home life was Ideal Stale and he never tired in working for the welfare of his family He was very industrious and considerate and these fine equates won for him the true friendship everyone qualities with whom he fiendish of came in contact contBesides the widow and three children he is also survived by his acted aged mother and three sIsters Mrs L T money Ms B W Applegate and Miss Mildred Shields all Appellate aloofly place of this bolls Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 30 at the home conducted by Rev R H Toll of Mays vile assisted by the Rev G E Grade pastor the Tolle Graden of Falmouth MethodIst Church Brumal was in the Riverside Cemetery Funeral director J M Bunal Mason was in charge of the arrangements arrangements Special music was in charge comers Melva Young who sang City of Mrs Melba Four Square A chOIr also sang several approbate numbers appropriate numbers casket bearers were Clarence Amuck Ed Wyatt King Meek Tome Carroty Albert GrossThe Crotty Ross man Wesley Whicker of Morrow Ohio and Whitaker HitThe her honorary casket bearers were G W Collie J L Bradford L W Belle WIlham Cool Belew William Wyatt H H Shoemaker Charles E Ashcraft George B Held and L II Shrift T Rice IceTRice Tric-

often chorals Grossman William

Louise house E Houston Louise was born in Kentucky in 1890 olors bom The three children molester C Shields and I pulse E Houston are as follows of Lester ouise i Malone C Shields Malone was born in Kentucky in 1917 bom 11 n Rehabber Elizabeth J Shields Elizabeth was born in Predilection County Rehabber bom Pendleton Kentucky on 21 July 1920 James H Shields James was born in Kentucky in 1924 III in bom

became pacifier tresses Methodist


heightens dreamland
Tho Lemma Fame Iy The Lemmo F am ly Lemmons Lemons

my ory



Lo dna R Brown L gigot Luc ilo od Broo

washroom baseborn Theodore Admonitions


Beverly Watson Applegate Beverly was born in Kentucky in 1890 Beverly Appellate bom was hosted as listed steeds the head of a family on the I 1920 Census falmouth Tenderloin Kentucky Living m the home Pendent me Beverly W Appellate 30 a farmer born m Kentucky are his wife Grace L Applegate 27 with Applegate bom Appellate born in Kentucky and daughter Mildred L Applegate I Appellate born in Kentucky bom A census hosted Beverly as head of household in Predilection County Kentucky listed Pendleton on 21 Anal 1930 Living in the home with Watson Applegate 40 born m Kentucky Appellate bom is his wife Grace Applegate 36 born in Kentucky Appellate bom KentucThe only ky conj child of Grace L Shields and Beverly Watson Applegate is Appellate I i Mildred B Appellate Mildred was born in Kentucky in August Fl Applegate Mildred bom

washroom baseborn
Grace L Shields Alice King Hannah Lemmons Wilham William Ache Lemons William WIlham born in Kentucky in June 1893 She mamed Beverly Watson Applegate named Appellate

12 12 14 4

Kentucky ashen
Grace was




WIlham William H Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William William William Lemons WIlham WIlham WIlham was born in Virgo County Indiana on 8 September 1872 te William s Vigo Wilham occupation was a Carpenter Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana He married Glendora Lambert daughter Vigo manned Lenora of Theodore Lambert and Elizabeth Allen in Virgo County Indiana on 24 December 1907 Rehabber Alien Vigo WIlham William was hosted as the head ofa family on the 1920 Census in listed sofa steeds of a Hanson Township Virgo County Indiana Living in the home with W H Arthur 47 born Vigo fishbom Indiana is fishhis wife Glendora Arthur 38 born Indiana landholder Mildred B Arthur 9 Lenora bom and children L Indiana Thomas K-K



January 2005

anti atI Sponges Springs Thomas

December 1947 m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Roseau Cemetery w Virgo in gRoselawn

WILLIAM H ARTHUR Funeral services for William H Arthur 75 years old who died Wednesday Wham will be held at I o clock Saturday afternoon at the 0 Thomas Funeral Home The Rev A L Althaus WIll Altheas IllII ogical and bun il will be in Roselawn Memorial Park Mo His body was interred on 27 officiate m Roseau Ammonal mitered mitered

Mildred Marblewood Thereat


WILLIAM H ARTHUR WIlham William H Arthur 75 years old died at 7 40 o clock yesterday died evening at his home 2033 North Eleventh Street He is survived by the widow Glendora three even Mrs Lenora daughters Mildred Mldred Reeds of Wheatfield III Mrs Lavern Davis of Philadelphia and Mrs Gyneth Jones Westfield Laver Gannet of Terre Haute a stepdaughter Miss Lethal Cox of Terre Haute a son Thomas Arthur Letha of Maplewood Marblewood La and mane grandchildren The body was taken to the Thomas Funeral landmine nine Home OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 26 Halite Virgo December

Lethal Dominican Bermudan MArthur Arthur

The Commons rom ly 11 sorry Th Unmoor Fam Iy H

Arthur 7 born Indiana and WIlma L Arthur 1 bom Indrawn Mandela I born Indiana Also m the home are Letha bom in Lethal Cox daughter 19 born Indiana and his mother m law Eliza Lambert 70 bom Ezra in Indiana A census hosted William as head of household m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana listed WIlham in Virgo on 2 Anal 1930 LIving m the home with Wm H Arthur 57 a bulldog contractor born m IndIana in building bom Indiaare hs na his wife Glendora Arthur 49 born Indiana and children Mildred R Arthur 19 born Lenora bom landholder IndIana Thomas L Arthur 17 born Indiana Thermal Arthur 11 born Indiana bom ThelmaL Thelma L I I bom Helm Gyneth M Gannet Arthur 8 born Indiana and step daughter Bihar Cox 30 born Indiana William died bom Thrace bom WIlham on 24 December 1947 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 75 Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 25 Halite Vigo December










Glendora Lambert Glendora was born m Ornament Vigo Indiana Lenora leaned Lenora bom Fontana Virgo on 9 Anal 1881 Glendora Lenora died on 17 August 1967 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 86 Vigo in OBITUARY Terre Haute Unburned Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 18 Tribune Virgo Count August 1967 MRS GLENDORA ARTHUR LENORA Mrs Glendora Arthur 86 2033 N lithest died at 8 15 am Thursday Lenora I I th St am m Union HospItal Umon She was a member of the Maplewood Christian Church Surviving Marblewood are threat daughters Mrs three Lethal Cox Terre Haute Mrs Laver Davis New Jersey Letha Lavern and Mrs Gyneth Jones Silver Songs Gannet Md a son Thomas Lake Charles La a brother Floyd Lambert Dma Longmont Colon 13 Logon Colo grandchildren and six great grandchildren Services will be at lOa m Monday at the Thomas Funeral Home with the Rev R C Mowery officiating Brumal will be Mower officer Bunal m Roselawn Ammonal in Roseau park Friends may call afternoon Sunday M Her body was interred on 21 after noon Feds mitered mitered August 1967 m Terre in Virgo Haute Vigo County Indiana Roseau Memorial Park MT Roselawn Ammonal The live children of William H Arthur and Lenora five WIlham Glendora Lambert were as follows I i Lavern Arthur married Raymond Davis Laver mamed n Mildred Bemire bom MIldred BernICe Arthur born 29 May 1910 in Virgo County Indiana Vigo Indimamed Clyde Reeds named Lye in Thomas L Arthur Thomas was born m Virgo County Indiana on bom Vigo Indrawn 12 May 1912 iv Wilma Arthur Wilma was born Volga County Indiana on bom m Virgo Vigo November 1918


Ammonal Memorial Thereat

he anan iana

Hospitals Rosenthal






L uanda R B rown L gigot L nd

14 Jon January



Gyneth Arthur Gyneth was born m Terre Haute Vigo County Gannet Gannet bom in Virgo IndIana on 10 February 1922 She married PaulO Jones mamed Paul 0 son of Oscar Jones and Elsie Appleton m Vigo County Indiana in Virgo on 21 i September 1941 She died in December 1983 m Maryland at age m in

Countywide woodscrew

Th Limon Fam y Tic Lommon om Iy II story


MARY M MARYM TINDALL MARY MaryM Tidally 67 years old 2318 North Twelfth Street died Monday Mary M Tindall Mary at Union HospItal Umon e is survived by four daughters Miss Helen Tindall Tidally of Terre Haute Mrs Odne Hawks of Ode Terre Haute Mrs Gladys Remaking of Terre Haute and Mrs Grace Reining Shelton of Tulsa Olka eIght Polka grandchIldren two great grandchildren and one brother William undone andone WIlham Arthur of Terre Haute She was d member of the Maple Avenue Methodist Church The body was taken to the Thomas Funeral Home where services will be held at 3 a clock Wednesday afternoon Bungalow o Brumal will be m the Bunal Rosedale Roseate cemetery N Her body was interred on 29 September 1943 m Rosedale Parker Hr mitered mitered in Roseate Parke County IndIana Rosedale Cemetery Roseate Cemete-

ry Lod

Luc dna R B Lodi

thermoses Countywide
ow L get gel

Hospitals HospItal offered


Funeral wads

Mayas baseborn e Mary

Fig 46 William and Mary Magdalene Arthur Tidally Wilham Arlhur Tindall

Mary Maddened Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William William Madame Slide Lemons WIlham Islam Mary was born m Vigo County Indiana on 10 June I1876 w She married in Virgo mamed William Andrew Tidally son of WIlham Tindall John G Tidally and Nancy E Head m Pans Edgar County Tindall in Illinois on 6 January 1894 Mary dIed on 28 September 1943 in Terre Haute Virgo County Vigo Indiana at age 67 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tinier Terre Haute Vigo Count Indiana 28 lilted Vgo Count Indana September



Th Lemmons Fam ly H story The Foam Iy tory to-



Wilham William Andrew Tidally William was born on 11 December 1859 Wilham was Tindall Wilham bom II William listed as the headboard family on the 1900 Census m Hamson Township Vigo County head ofa sofa of a in Hanson Virgo Indiana Living m Lolling the home with William A Tidally 28 Dec 1871 born IndIana are his wife Mary Wilham Tindall bom Indiana MaryM Tidally M Mary Tindall 24 June 1876 born Indiana and daughter Gladys R Tindall 5 Dec bom GladysR Tidally Gladys Wm boom 1874 bom in Indiana mWIlham William was hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census m Terre Haute listed sofa illiam ofa in County Indiana Lolling with William Model sic 60 born Indiana residing Living Wilham Models bom resold at 2318 North Street Terre Haute Indiana are his wife Mary Model 43 Indiana and children landholder Gladys Model Martinet 25 born Indiana Sinda sic Model 19 born Indiana Helen bom Soma bom Hellen Model 16 born Indiana and bom Grace Model 12 born Indiana Mt Mbom eta census listed William as A Wilham head of household Tone Haute Vigo County Indiana on 2 m Terre Virgo in 1930 Living m the home with William A Tindall 71 a hotel carpenter in Tidally WIlham born Indiana are bom hIs wife MaryM Tidally 53 born Indiana and his mother m law Mary M Tindall Mary bom IndIana Sidney A Arthur 75 born in IndIana Wellborn died on 16 May 1940 in 2213 North William Street Terre Haute Virgo Vigo IndIana at age 80 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 16 Halite Virgo May 1940 WILLIAM ANDREW TINDALL Wilham William Andrew Tidally 81 years old died at 4 40 o clock Wednesday Tindall afternoon at hethe resIdence 2213 North Twelfth street Surviving are the widow May W Tidally Mary Tindall four daughters Mrs M D Remaking and Mrs Charles Hawks bothof Terre Haute Mrs Reining Hawkins both of Lloyd Shelton of Tulsa Okia and Miss Helen Tindall of Okla Tidally Indianapolis and six grandchildren The body was taken to the Thomas Funeral Home and Thursday returned to the residence where it remands until remains Saturday mommy when it will be brought back to the Thomas Chapel for mooring funeral servIces Saturday afternoon at 3 o clock Brumal will be in the Roseate Cemetery M0 Bunal T Rosedale The six children of May Maddened Arthur and William Andrew Tidally Mary Wilham Tindall were as follows i Tindall Gnat Ruble Tidally 11 n Gladys Proxies Tonally born 26 December 1894 In Terre Haute Vigo Roxie Tindall bom Virgo County Indiana mamed Maurice D Relining named Maunee Reining in Caledonia Mane Tidally born 19 June 1900 In St Anthony Hospital Tindall bom Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana named Charles Hawkins Vigo mamed Helen Gold Tidally Helen was born in Terre Haute Virgo County iv Tindall bom Vigo IndIana on 30 June 1904 Helen s occupation Stenographer She HeSemamed named miarid Wilham mmed William D Jenkins son of Jonathan Jenkins and Jean DavIes in Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 10 September Vigo IndIana 1928 Helen died on 24 January 1951 Umon in Union Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 46 Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lego Halite Count Coun Indiana 24 January MISS HELEN TINDALL Miss Helen Tindall 47 years old 2318 North Twelfth Street Tidally dIed at Union Hospital Wednesday Umon morning Surviving are trethree sIsters sses Mrs Cidna Hawkins and Mrs Gladys Reining bothof China both of Terre Haute and Mrs Grace Shelton Tulsa Okia several Okla maces amerniecces nephews She was a member of the Maple Avenue and MethodIst Church The body was taken to the Thomas Funeral HormHormHome


daughters wastage unilateral services Vigorously Lagoon


both mooring

reships Dominican Countywide Bermudan e

Hellenic Lagoon

Viscount landgrave



Luc R I Leggy lu el dna R BI own L get


Steadied offered

Januaries Thereat

Hospitable Countywide

Vigorously Lagoon


14 January 2005

v ni

OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo labile Haule Go County Indiana 25 January 1951 MISS HELEN TINDALL seen Funeral sen Ices for Miss Helen Modally 47 years old 2318 services Heen Amdahl Twelfth sleekly North Twelfths who died Wednesday at Union Hospital will bestreet al Umon be held at 2 30 o clock Findlay afternoon at the Thomas Funeral Home Friday 0 al Homer T L Stoically will officiaRev Stovall officiate official Grace Velma Modally born 11 January 1907 in Terre Haute Virgo Vela India bom II m Vigo County Indiana married Loy James Shelton mamed Cloy SheltoDorothy May Tidally Dorothy was born on 20 May 1912 Tindall bom

Ella Catherine Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William William Ella was born Scalene Lemons WIlham WIlham borm Indiana m January 1878 She married Harvey B Arbaugh son of Perry Arbaugh Ann mamed Airbag Airbag and Samantha Bergman in Vigo County Indiana on 13 June 1895 daman Bergman Virgo Ella was hosted as He head of a family on the 1920 Census residing at 2319 North listed the resold al Vigo in Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Living m the home with Ella He wall Arabia sic 41 born Indiana are her children Audna Arbaugh 19 born Indiana Paul Airbag 17 born Indiana Mauna Airbag bom Arbaugh bom Buena Arbaugh Beuna Airbag 12 born Indiana Orville Airbag 10 born Indiana Magnet bom Arbaugh bom Madgline sic Arbaugh 6 Airbag born Indiana Marlene Airbag 4 born Indian i and Wallace Airbag 2 born Indiana AlsoMalverne Arbaugh bom Arbaugh bom Also Alsm He home is Ella smother Cidney sic Arthur 65 born IndIanKidney o the bom Indiana IndianA census listed Ella as head of household Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 10 sled household in m Vigo m He Anal 1930 Living in the home with Ella Airbag 59 born Indiana are children Oval wall Arbaugh bom Orval Arbaugh 21 dong housework born Nilsson MaryM Arbaugh 17 dong housework for adoing Airbag bom Missouri Mary M Airbag pMary doing a gnate family born Missouri Martha M Airbag 15 born Nilsson Wallace Arbaugh 13 bom Nilsson novae Arbaugh rivate bom Missouri Airbag born Nilsson daughter Audna Hams 30 divorced a helper at a panning company brasMissouri Mauna al printing born sbound grandson Jackie Hams 5 Mason born Indiana boarder Topple Males 22 a truck Denver bom Ople Primates born Indiana and daughter Buena Mates 23 born Indiana Ella died on 17 January 1935 m bom Benzoates mature Haute Virgo County Indiana Terre Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vogel County Indiana 18 January labile Haule Vigo 1935 MRS ELLA CATHERINE ARBAUGH AIRBAG Mrs Ella Catherine Arbaugh 56 years old dihedral 11 15 o clock Tuesday morning at HCathenne Airbag died at II al he0 mooring He residence 2041 North Eleventh street She is survived by four sons Arthur Airbag of eresies Arbaugh Cleveland Ohio and Paul Orville and Wallace Airbag of Terre Haute four daughters MaArbaugh Mrs Mauna Harns Audna Hams of Terre Haute Misses Mary Magdlene and Martha Marlene Airbag of Terre Haule raud Magdalene Arbaugh TheHaute and Mrs Beuna Modals modeler Mulch one sister Mrs M Meddle of Terre Haute conBuena Moats of Detroit Mich Tindle one brother WIlham verter William Arthur of Terre Haute and mane grandchildren The body was taken 10 henine laken to the Thomas athens funeral home and later removed 10 the residence Funeral services will be held at 2 to o clock Saturday afternoon at the residence Brumal mil be m Highland Lawn Cemetery ThBunal will in The Rev Forest Reed will officiate eRe Forrest Freewill officIal Her body was interred on 19 January 1935 m Ten Haumitered mitered Hautin Terre Haute V Igo e Igor County IndiIndiana

Vigorously Vigorously Lagoon


The Lemma Fame Iy II Th Lemmo F am ly H story Commons



converter Thereat heathens


adverb driver
12 Jackie 52 12





In-TT diana There'll







Harvey B Arbaugh ana Airbag December 1919 m

Harvey was born m Marbury England April 1867 Harvey died on bom in Mercury England m Anal Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 52 Virgo al Terminally OBITUARY Tern leally Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 22 December Haut Haule Virgo Count



Luc dna R B o wn L sroel Velcro cero oct c


January 2005

Magdalena snatcher bandoleer Highland indrawn

HARVEY B ARBAUGH AIRBAG Harvey B Arbaugh 52 years old died at his home at 2319 North Airbag died hs Twelfth Street at 2 o clock Sunday morning Besides the widow Ella he is survived by eight children four sons Arthur 1405 Buckeye Paul Orville Wallace four daughters Audna Mauna Beuna Magdalene Buena Magdalena Delivery and one sister Mrs M P Laundry of Shelbyville Indo Melvery Lundry Shelby Ind The funeral will be held at 2 o clock Tuesday afternoon at the Maple A venue Methodist Avenue Bungalow Church Brumal will be in Highly nd Bunal Lawn His body was interred on 23 December 1919 In Terre Haute Virgo Vigo County IndIana HIghland Lawn Cemetery The eight children ofElia Catherine Arthur and Harvey B of Ella felid Cathenne Arbaugh were as follows Airbag ere Arthur L Airbag born 24 October 1896 m Virgo County Indiana i Arbaugh bom In Vigo Indimarried Mary Willey mamed Wile 11 n Mauna C Airbag born 20 February 1900 Virgo County Audna Arbaugh bom in Vigo Indiana Indimarried James A Hams mamed Paul B Airbag bom PaulB Arbaugh born 24 October 1902 m Virgo County Indiana in Paul In Vigo Indimamed Ruby Combers named Combes Buena V Arbaugh bom iv BuenaV Airbag born 1908 in Indiana named Opie Omar Buena mamed Ople Moats v Orville Airbag Orville was born Indiana on 23 Arbaugh bom in March 1909 He named Margaret A Treatise daughter of James C Treatise mamed and JessIe McKean Orville died on 19 July 1988 m Maplewood McKee In Marblewood Manor Virgo County Indiana at age 79 Vigo IndIana OBITUARY Terre Haute Hallie Terre Haute Vgo Circa Go Indiana 20 July 1988 Count Coun ORVILLE SHINE ARBAUGH AIRBAG OrYIlle Shine Arbaugh 79 Orville Airbag 1214 Seventh Ave dIed at 9 15 a m Tuesday in Marblewood Manor He was a retired died m Maplewood employee of Corp He was born march 23 1909 m Terre Haute to bom in Harvey B Airbag and Ella C Arthur Airbag His wIfe Arbaugh Arbaugh Margaret died Dec 26 1987 Survivors include one brother Claude Wallace E of Terre Haute one sister Marlene Fluff Terre Puff of Haute Deices and nephews He was a member of William nieces annexes Wilham Penn Mastoid Lodge Free SL Accepted Masons Services resare scheduled I m cheduled for 1 p m Findlay m DeBaun Funeral Home with the Rev Debunk William Grandi Wilham Grand officiating Brumal is m Highland Lawn Bunal in Burials Cemetery VISItatIOn is 4 to 9 p m Thursday with Masonic Mastoid services His body was interred on 22 July 1988 m Terre Haute VIgo mitered mitered Virgo County Indiana Highland Lawn Cemetery vi Martha Marlene Arbaugh boom 14 May 1915 Indiana Airbag bom in manned George Puff Wallace Airbag born 3 February 1917 in Terre Haute Virgo Arbaugh bom m Vigo County Indiana named Nonna Heck mamed Nona Mary Madgaline Airbag named Meagan Arbaugh mamed Ball Mary was born m bom Virgo VIgo County Indiana on 9 March 1918

dido anan iana anan iana anan

Th Limo Lommo
Foam Iy

II ory Cory


adhesive Marblewood Star Vigorously



Evil abridger indigo Virgo


O'Hare brother Thereat Pentatonic Cemetery Ravioli services Vigorously manager




Lucinda R B rown oda lu coda R- rown L get loud B B

January 2005

Lemmons The Como Fame Iy Th Commo F am ly II story Lemons 01

Fig 47 The Clarence Lemmons Family Back Row Grant Lemmons Carson Lemmons William Lemmons Lemons Faddy Lemons Lemons Wham Lemons Lemonand ade Edward Lemmons Front Row Waneta Lemmons Alta Grapnel Lemmons Clarence Lemmons and Lemons Wane Lemons AIta Grannell Lemons Lemons haArthur Lemons ndcart Lemmons

Clarence Edgar Lemmons William Francis William William Clarence was boriboomiLemons WIlham Wilham Wilham bomborn ng ID Virgo de Vigo County Indiana on 24 April 1892 in He manned Alta Grannell daughter of Frank mandate Grapnel Grapnel and Dora Lucas in Vigo County Indiana on 16 October 1909 Clarences Virgo Grannell India Clarence occupatIOn was a Coal milder ID Virgo County Indiana Colluder in Vigo miner Clarence w as hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census ID Nevis Township VIgo s listed sofa ofa VigoVirgo in County rously Indiana Living Im the home with Clarence Lemons 27 born Indiana are his wife BatLolled D bom Alta Lemons 28 Indiana and children William Lemons 9 born Indiana Carson Lemons 7 bonitalions boomWIlham bom bomborn ng ing Grant Lemons 4 IN born Indian and Edward Letdowns 2 bom India Lemons born Indiana w Rebom He appeared on tappeared the census of 21 April 1930 ID Palooka Gibson County Indiana te in Patoka eA census hosted Clarence as head of household ID PatoKa Gbson A listed in Palooka Gibson County Indiana on 21 Living ID Lemmons fisAnal 1930 Leveled m the home with Clarence Lemons 38 a coal milder born ID Indiana are fishhIs miner bom in hwife Alta Lemmons 38 born Indiana and children William Lemons 19 a laborer born wife Lemons WIlham Lemmons BerIndiana mudan Carson Lemmons 17 a laborer born ID Indiana Grant Lemmons 15 born IndIana bom in Lemons Lemons Edward Lemmons 12 born Indiana Wane Lemmons 10 born Indiana and Arthur Lemons Lemons Waneta Lemons JO Lemmons 4 born IndIana Clarence died on 5 October 1960 ID Puncheon Hospital Puncheon Gibson in GibCounty Indiana at age 68 OBITUARY Tirre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo County Ind na 5 October T Vigo Count Indo Tire Hallie 1960







12 49 12 9


gloo Loo Luc


head bolding bolding dido

12 12 24 4






dna d R

B own L 0


January 2005

Clarence spoonbill Tuesday Parliaments injunction Arthur puncheon Mordant Countywide Helena Udall
was a member of the Baldwin Heights Church Surviving are the wife Alta one daughter Mrs Paul Arendts Minnesota five sons William of Sarasota Fla Grant Pennsylvania Barents Flab Wham of and Arthur Edward and Carson all opencast one sister Mrs Pearl Rogers opencast of Puncheon of Puncheon 23 grandchIldren and four great grandchildren M His body was mattered October 1960 m mitered m interred in Puncheon Gibson County Indiana Maple Hill Cemetery Mw HIli
Pearl E Lemons William Francis William William Lemmons WIlham WIlham WIlham Pearl was born in Lego bom m County Indiana on 2 August 1899 She mamed Roy G IndIana named Rogers son obtrude Rogers and of Bruce PadabdLucinda ucing R Brown L gg Lucida gigot ucah

The Lemmons Foam Iy Th Plano Fam ly H story Lemons

Gibson Vigorously Lagoon

Alta Grapnel ber Grannell Alta was born m Vigo County IndIana on 30 May 1891 Alta dIed on 21 Catharine bom in Virgo Indiana August 1972 m Puncheon Gibson County Indiana at age 81 in Gbson O BITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo LITURGY Hallie Solar Virgo County Indiana 22 August 1972 MRS ALTA LEMMONS LEMONS SpecIal Word has been received here of the death comers Alta of Mrs Lemmons 81 who died Monday morning at Puncheon Indo Surviving Lemons mooring Puncheon Ind are a daughter Mrs Waneta Arendts Hayfield Linn five sons William F Wane Barents Hayed Minn WIlham Henderson Ky Carson Grant and Ed Enders all opencast and Arthur Littleton Cola Services will of Puncheon allophone Littlest Colo be at beat 10 a m Wednesday at the Kendall Funeral Home with graveside services to follow at 2 p m Wednesday at Roseau Roselawn Ammonal Par Wt Her body was interred on 23 August 1972 m Park mitered in Terre Haute Virgo County Vigo IndIana Roselawn Ammonal Park y Roseau Par The six children of Clarence Edgar Lemons and Alta Grapnel Lemmons Grannell were as follows WIlham William Frank Lemmons born 8 May 1910 in Terre Haute i Lemons bom m Virgo Vigo County Indiana married Mildred Pauline Rootstock manned Paine Rothrock 11 n Carson E Lemmons born 11 August 1912 m Virgo County Lemons bom II Vigo Indiana Indimamed named Edith L Parker III in Grant Melvin Lemons born 30 May 1915 m Virgo County Lemmons Vigo Indiana named Lois A Canaan mamed Carnahan n Edward Earl Lemons born 22 February 1917 m Indiana mamed Lemmons bom Eddo named Evelyn Schmaltz Schmidt v Waneta Dorothy Lemmons born 20 Anal 1920 m Vigo Wane Lemons bom in Virgo County mamed named Paul Hammer Arendts Hamer Barents Arthur Alls Lemons born 12 December 1925 m vi Albis Lemmons bom in Patoka Gbson Plata Gibson County Indiana named Betty Jo Beadles Rowe mamed Crowe

Edall Lagoon
Fontanel Special Word

wasa asa
O OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County LITURGY Hallie Ratline Vigo Indiana 6 October 1960

CLARENCE LemonwLEMMONS LEMONS Word ood has been received by the Thomas Funeral Home of the death m Puncheon of Clarence often deal in Lemmons 78 former Brunette resident Lemmons died Tuesday Lemons fanner Burnett Lemons evening at the Nonfiction even HospItal Surviving are the wife Alta a daughter Mrs Paul Parliaments Minnesota five sons Arendts Barents William WIlham Sarasota FIa Grant Pennsylvania Arthur Edward and Carson Fla all opencast a of Puncheon allophone sIster Mrs Pearl Rogers Puncheon 23 grandchildren and four great grandchildren He wattles a was member of Baldwin Heights Church Funeral arrangements and sic pending m Puncheon in


CLARENCE LEMMONS LEMONS Funeral services for Clarence Lemmons 68 years old a former Lemons olda fanner resident who died Tuesday caveman m Puncheon Indo will take place at 2 30 o clock Findlay Ind in a afternoon m Puncheon He in






The Lemmons Foam Iy II ory Lemons Fam y story

Laura Garrison 10 Vigo County Indiana on 15 June 1918 w Pearl died on 23 January 1991 in Virgo 10 IndIanapolIs Manon County Indiana at age 91 Manson O OBITUARY The Perceptually DUll Clarion Puncheon Gibson County Indiana 25 Princeton Daily Coralline Princeton Gbson January 1991 PEARL A ROGERS FLEMING 91 died Wednesday Jan 23 at Stone Manor Nursing Home 10 Indianapin Indianapolis Mrs olis Fleming was formerly a resident fineness Flab and opencast She was an of Evenness Fla unassembled at Potter and Brumfield for eight years and hardwired 10 1962 Her maiden name was assembler Brickfield had retired in whLemmons alebones Lemons Preceding 10 death were her husbands Roy G Rogers and William C Fleming m Surfing are a daughter Mrs Bill Ruth Taylor a stepson Bob Fleming a stepdaughter Sturm Mary Cotton three grandchildren 10 great grandchildren and 15 great great grandchildren Graveside services will be conducted at 2 p m Saturday at Maple Hill Cemetery Puncheon Hili Princeton Friends may calla Conked Funeral Home Speedway Chapel from 5 until 8 p m today call at Conkle Her body was interred on 26 January 1991 m Puncheon Gibson County Indiana Maple HIll mitered Cemetery

stepdaughter grandchildren

Nursing Fleming


Mae Lemmons Noble Francis William William Effie was born m Lego Lemons Noble Defied bom 10 County Indiana on 6 february 1911 wy She mamed Lenne Woods son of Fred Wood Andnamed Leone andand ersen Pont 10 Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 10 November 1928 She manned Rose m Vigo Clarence Otto Fields son of Jacob Felds and Mahatma Smith Fields SmithMahala SmithSmitA census listed Defied as resident 10 Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 4 Effie h in Vigo AP Defied Wood 19 born Indiana and James Wood 1 born Effie bom I bom IndIan are mates at the Friendly Inn Feudally Ininmates Defied died on 28 March 1970 m Virgo Count Indiana Chestnut Street Effie at ge 59 Her body in Vigo boyige mitered in Vigo ish interred 10 Hull Cemetery Virgo County Indiana IndiDefied Effie

Cemetery Vigorously Lagoon Vigorously Lagoon


Roy G Rogers Roy was born in Indiana on 4 August 1897 stet Roy died on 14 tet bom Roy Anal 1954 junction Gibson County Indiana at age 56 Puncheon Gbson O BITUARY The Perceptually ClOT Puncheon Gibson County lulling 14 Apart Princeton Permeation IndIana 1954 ROY ROGERS Funeral services for Roy Rogers will be held Findlay at 2 30 p m at the Cool and StoSon Chapel with Rev Edward Greenfield officiating Brumal will be m Maple Hill Cemetery nechat Bunal Mr Rogers is 10 the Cool and Son Funeral Home where in may call after 2 p m TThursday hursday His body was interred on 15 Anal 1954 10 Puncheon Gibson County Indiamitered m IndIana Maple HilI CemetHill Cemetery ery only child of Pearl E s Lemons and Roy G Rogers is The E Lemmons I i Ruth Cine Rogers mamed Bill Taylor Ruth was born in Lego Inez named bom 10 County Indiana on 21 June 1919

ers Funerals

liturgy Rog-





Defied Effie

Mae Edna Lemons Fields and Clarence Fields Lemmons





Leone Lenne Woods Lenne was born m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 29 Anal Leone bom Vigo The only child offended Mae Lemmons and Lenne Woods SlEffie of Defied Lemons Leone is

oop nd R B rown L gds Loo dna Luc uch B own gigot

14 January


The Lemmons Foam Jy E f stogy Fam Iy

L mn Limn

James Dale Woods James was born m Vigo County Indiana on Dae bom in Virgo Indiana 28 February 1929

Clarence Otto Fields Clarence as born in Indiana on 2 February 1890 Clarence was bom m hit m the head with a pitch fork when 26 years of age A steel plate was put m his head forwent headwater Thafter the in accIdent racian He had a speech impediment and frequent nose bleeds for the rest of his life Clarence I died on 1 June 1949 in Terre Haute Virgo County IndIana at age 59 He was bunged m Vigo Indiana m Hull in Cemetery Virgo County IndiaVigo Indiana The five children of Defied Mae Lemons and Clarence Otto Fields are as follows Effie office Lemmons variance Louise Fields born 14 January 1931 in Terre Haute Virgo i Frances bom m Vigo in County Indiana mamed Edgar Lenamed Lee 11 n Freddy Doyle Fields born 12 May 1934 m Virgo County Indiana bom in Vigo Indimamed Mary Virginia Homes named ChShirley Ann Fields born 18 November 1936 m Terre Haute Vigo in bom Virgo in inV County Indiana roamed Paul R Shell mamed Schell InIV Rosemary Jane Fields born 1 March 1939 m Virgo County Indiana bom I Vigo IndiVV mamed named Donald Salome Loonier V Virginia May Fields born 7 April 1942 m Virgo County Indiana bom Anal Vigo Indimamed named Charles L HartlHartley

dido na

Cadenced Clarence Ulcerate Vigorously


ered anan n Shirley eshire anan anan


ey Fig

48 Den Lemmons with wife Roberta Struggling Lemons and Ben Lemons Strong Lemmons daughters Karol and Karen Lemons Karl Lemmons


5January 2005

we Luc dna R Brown L get R Como go


Th Lennon rm ly H story The Lanmon Fam Y 11

Y 47

Fig 49 Ben Lemmons Lemons

Benjamm Lemons Noble Benjamin Lemmons Noble Francis William William Benjamin was born m WIlham WIlham Benjamm bom vVgo County Indiana on 30 November 1912 He married Marcella Floury He married Roberta manned Marcello Flory igorously manned RobLaverne Trough daughter of William Trough and Mine Wade in Indianapolis Manson m Laver Manon Wham MonCounty otony Indiana on 27 May 1950 Benjamin ded on 7 September 1992 m Indianapolis Manon Benjamm died Manson in MonCounty otony Indiana at age 79 OBITUARY Indianapolis Star Indianapolis MarIon County Indiana 9 September Manon




BENJAMIN N LEMMONS 79 Indianapolis died Monday Services will be at 10 a m beat LEMONS TThursday in Flanner hursday m Planner Buchanan Washington Park East Mortuary with calking from 4 p m to 8 calling pm today He had been a mechanic and Denver 31 years for Mayflower Transit Inc retiring m driver renting 1977 He was an Nonvoter of World War II Survivors wife Roberta I Trough Lemmons Army veteran Anny Lemons daughters Peggy Dodson Karen Couch and Karol Storefronts Terry Ferguson and Philip Flory Godson Strife Phelps Floury Karl Satirical sons ForfsIsters Imogene eiters Mogen Mckesson and Mary Bryant brother BIll Johnson six grandchildren two great Billions grandchildren His body was merited Washington Park East Cemetery Indianamerited in interred m MarIOn County Indiapolis Indiana The na only child of Benjamin
I i


Marcello Floury Lemmons and Marcella Flory is Lemons Phelps Lemmons Flory born 1938 Philip Lemons Floury bom

Roberta Laverne Trough Roberta was born in Indianapolis Manson County Indiana on 26 bom m Manon Laver December 1926 Roberta died on 3 July 1998 in Indianapolis Manon County Indiana at age Manson m Indana 71 Her body was interred m Indianapolis Manon County Indiana Washington Park Astmitered Manson East Last rometry Cemetery Cemetery


Luc dna R B own L get gigot


4 14

January Jm 2005

Th The Commons rom ly II story Fam Iy 11


nmethodical Hospital Indianapolis Manon County Indiana are as follows MethodISt Manson Karen Lee Lemmons born 10 February 1954 married Steven i Lemons bom mamed Michael Couch 11 n Karol Dee Lemmons born 10 February 1954 married MIchael Karl Lemons bom mamed Mich-

ory vo children of Benjamin Lemmons and Roberta Laverne trough both born The Lemons bom ULaver In




James Strife aela Steel


Fig 50 Waller Lemmons Wailer AU Lemons




Walter Gangues Lemmons Noble Francis William William Walter was Noblehorn In bom Lego County Indiana on 3 October 1914 He manned Rita Elizabeth Young Walter mamed Rehabber died on 19 August 1974 in New Jersey at age 59
Luanda B loaned R 0 rown Large

48 Lemons Noble Nobleman Wham Wham

Fig 51 Ben WaUer and Henry Lemmons Walter Lemons



14 on January 2005

Tho Lommon F am ly II story The Limon Fame Iy 0

Elizabeth Rita Rehabber Young Rita died on 16 Augu t 1964 in New Jersey Augur August JersThe five children of Walter Garrigus Lemmons and Rita Elizabeth Young are as follows Gangues Lemons Rehabber followI George Lemons bom George Edward Lemmons George was born on 3 December 1948 s Lenora Lenore Mary Lemons born 30 May 1952 named James Beam h II Lemmons bom mamed William LeMs Lemmons Wilham Wilham Lewis Lemons William was born on 16 January 1954 III bom IV Susan Ellen Lemmons Susan was born m August 1956 bom Lemons v Mary Lee Lemmons Mary was born on 13 March 1960 bom Lemons


Lenora Nissan


Fig 52 Ruth Lemons Hume 1945 Lemmons Hummel


t t
Cleu Hummel aud Fig 53 Cleo Hume and Ann Lemmons Hummel 1947 48 Lemmon


NobleRuth Anna Lemons Noble Francis William William Ruth was born Lego Lemmons Noble bom LaNobleman Wilham Wilham goon Indiana on 11 Anal 1917 n Sherman Lyman Cleo Hummel son of Sam Hummel County She armed Layman Leo Hume II Hume


Luc dna Lund Lud R

B own L eget Dow


14 J anuary 2005

Commons Fame The lonesome Fam Ily H story r str-

and OIlie Virgo Ole in Vigo County Indiana on 26 December 1935 Ruth died on 18 December at age 62


MRS RUTH A HUMMEL KUMMEL IRS MARSHALL III Special Services for Mrs Ruth A Hummel 62 of who died Hume Monday morning at Cork Medical Center will be at 1 p m Wednesday at Marrs Snyder Funeral I m Mars Home with Brother G W Gibson officiating Bunal will be in Clarksville Cemetery Brumal Feds may call at er noon Wednesday Surviving are the husband Cleo a son Thomas Lockport III afternoon Leo Lockout a sister Mrs Imogene McKesson Walkathon Ind and three brothers Henry Lemmons West Mogen Walkerton Indo Walkathon Lemons WeTerre Haute William Lemons Terre Haute and Benny Lemmons Indianapolis Wilham Lemmons tter Lemons



Diamond Funeral
FeLayman Leo Lyman Cleo


OBITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Far Circa Vgo

ana Iud

18 December

Hummel Layman was born in Seelyville Virgo Co Indiana on Hume Lyman bom Seemly Vigo

15 September

Betty Jean Beiber Betty was born in Chicago Cook County Illinois on 31 March Beber bom I 1930 Betty died on 27 May 1994 in Orlando Orange County Florida at age 64 Orang Flonda The two children of William Clinton Lemmons Johnston and Betty Jean Beiber are WIlham Lemons Belber as follows I i Larry Johnston born 12 March 1951 in St Anthony s Hospital bom Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana mamed Shirley Ann Waters Vigo named 11 n William Lee Johnson William was bom on 28 July 1962 WIlham Johnston WIlham born

iana Chastener
ana dido

Mandela Radiochemistry

The only child of Ruth Anna Lemmons and Lyman Cleo Hummers Layman Leo Hummel is Lemons Hume Thomas- Hume i Thomas Hummel Thomas was born on 1 March 1949 Tom WyI bom was adopted in 1949 adopted andotte



Wilham Hinton Lemons William Clinton Lemmons Johnston Noble Lemmons Francis William William Noble Lemons WIlham WIlham WIlham William was born in Vigo County Indiana on 25 May 1926 William was adopted by Fred bom Virgo WIlham and Velma Johnson His name was changed to William Fred Johnston William was aged three at teaVela WIlham Wilham the time Fallopian He married K Catherine Chastener He named Betty Jean Berber of adoption mamed Cathenne mamed Beber daughter of Augustive Belcher and Francis Della Arnold in 1950 William died on 16 October Augustine Cicero Delia WIlham 6 1998 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 72 His body was Interbreeding In Vigo interred in Granville Cemetery Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo Indi-


There v ere Therefore no children of William Clinton Lemmons Johnston and K Cathenne WIlham Hinton Lemons Catherine




Luc fa Cu dna R o rown L get B gigot

January 2005

Tho common Fam y II The Commons Fame Iy H story r

0 11

Lemmons Fig 54 Mary Lemons Bryant and Paul Bryant with children 1985 wall beholden

Fig 55 Mary Lemmons Lemons

Mary Dorothy Lemmons Noble Francis William William Mary was born 1 WIlham bom mLemons Noble Barnett Vigo Burnett Virgo County Indiana on 12 March 1929 She married Paul Granville Bryint 1 manned inuet Brynt Indianapolis Manson County Indiana on 10 November 1950 Manon Paul Granville Bryant Paul bom 1 PauPaulas born in Wayne Co Kentucky on 4 February J1927 Paul Palline lcd led on 10 July 1995 in Somerset Kentucky at age 68 1 The two children of Mary Dorothy Lemmons and Paul Granville Bryant are as follows Lemons Peggy Arlene Bryant Peggy was born in St Vincent s Hospi bom 1 Vicente Hospital J Indianapolis Manon County Indiana on 10 December 1951 italizing Marion 11 Alien Allen Paul Bryant bom 31 January J1961 m Henry County HospItal n born Hospit1 New Castle Henry County Indiana married Darlene Denny Hemy able manned Deny Den-

as Paula as

italized pitable


Loo dna Luc nd R 0 rown L get B gigot


January 2005 Roomy

Th Mormon Fame ly If sorry The F Fam Iy II

Mrs Foxworthy was a housewife and a member of the Greencastle Wanda Floweret anda Greenest Church of the Nazarene Church In addition to the husband she was preceded ID death by husbands preceded in a son ForestE Foxworthy a Forest 1 Fourthly Forest daughter Joy Whitesell and 12 brothers advisers Whitehall Hinterland and sisters Survivors will be conducted 10 a m Monday from the conducted at Greencastle Church of Greenest Church the Nazarene with Rev George Anderson officiating The body will lie mth he ID state at the church one in hour prior to service nor servi-

ce coda R lu oda


Carrie Nazarene teagarden

Allele Lillie Bell Foxworthy 98 formerly of Route Floweret

Endogenous Heritage
House Convalescent Center ID Greencastle in Greenest Born March 2 1884 ID Vigo County she v as the daughter in Virgo of Andrew Jackson and Clara Lemmon Lemon LemoShe named Edward Fourthly on Sept 5 I1901 and he preceded mamed Foxworthy her ID death February ID in death in

County Indiana on 2 March 1884 She mamed Edward Foxworthy named Floweret son of Thomas Zebedee Ebbed and Caroline Hane ID Virgo County Indiana on 2 September 1901 M Carohne Hanes Hansen Hanem Vigo Allele Lillie died on 16 September 1982 ID Greencastle Putnam in Greenest County Indiana at age 98 OBITUARY Putnam Catty Banner Graphic Greencastle County Greenest Putnam County IndIana 18 September 1982



Fig 56 Edward Foxworthy and Lillie Ben Lemons Foxworthy Bell Lemmons Floweret 50 h Wedding photo Floweret Weirdo Allele Bell Lemmons Andrew Francis William Lemons Wilham William Lillie was born ID Vigo Wilham Allele bom in Virgo



est ns


Fillmore passed Fillmore passed away Thursday at Entangle






January 2005

Th Plano F am Ily 11 story Tic Lemmons Fame II 0 Lemons

1 Graveside services will be held at I 1 45 a m Monday at Roselawn Memorial Park Terre TheRoseau Ammonal Haute reat Friends may call 2 9 p m Sunday at Whitaker Brittles and Hurt Funeral Home Whicker Bittles Finns Homogenate Her body was interred on 20 September 1982 m Terre Haute Vigo County Greencastle mitered Greenest Virgo Countin ywide Roselawn Memorial Park IndIana Roseau Ammonal


Edward Foxworthy Edward was born m Virgo County Indiana on 31 December 1878 bom in Vigo Floweret Edward s occupation m Coal Emmer Virgo County Indiana Miner Vigo in Edward was hosted as the head sofa family on the 1900 Census m Vigo County Indiana listed of a ofa in Virgo Edward was hosted as the head ofa family on the 19 0 Census m Nevins Township Virgo County listed sofa 1910 of a Vigo Countin Nevis ywide Living m the home with Edward Foxworthy 31 born Indiana are his wife Lithe M Indian bom Floweret and children fourthly 26 born Indiana landholder Forest Foxworthy 7 born Indiana and Harold Floweret bom foxworthy Indiana Edward and Lillie have next door to Lillies brother Ernest Lithe live Lilies floweret ErioLemmons stemon Lemons Edward was steeds listed family on VigoEdward hosted as the head of a family the 1920 Census m Nevins Township Lego in Nevis Lagoon Indiana Living m the home with Edward Foxworthy 41 born Indiana are his wifeCounty rously bom wIfe wifFloweret liness Fourthly 35 born Indiana landholder Forest Foxworthy 16 born Indiana Lithe Foxworthy eliest bom and children bom Floweret bom Fourthly 9 born Indiana and Ethel Foxworthy 5 born Indiana Edward died on 17 Ethe Fourthly bom February 1974 m Greencastle Putnam County Indiana at age 95 in Greenest OBITUARY Putnam County Banner Graphic Greencastle Putnam County Indiana Greenest

iana iana








EDWARD FOXWORTHY Edward Fourthly 95 years old a former resident of Brazil died 8 45 p m Sunday m Foxworthy died at intter the Putnam County Hospital He has been a patient at Sunset Manor before entering the hospital he hospianteing Jest Jast Thursday tal Thursday He was born m Virgo County on Dec 31 1878 He was a son of the late Thomas and Vigo unhanCarol me Haines Fourthly dcar derline Hames Foxworthy Carole As a youth he began working as a coal emmer and followed that vocation for many Pearsyears miner work I on Sept 5 1901 he was unmated manage to Lillie Bell Lemmons of the Brazil area Mr bunted m marriage On Spat Allele united in Lemons foxworthy engaged fanning m this locality pandas employed by the former American Cathy and was in in floweret engaged m Verified Products Co as a kiln farmer for several years nor to his restatement He had resIded fanner resideretirement prior m Brazil on E Herndon St and he and his wife had been active members of the First Church ofChurch of d ten Nazarene the Nazarene On March 23 1973 they moved to Fillmore to make their home wItha daughter Miss Opal with a thelt PraiwIth Foxworthy seworthy Floweret seworthy fatal A short time later his health began to fail and he moved to the nursing home where hehe stayed mace May 18 1973 sitated since Surviving are his wife Allele another daughter Mrs Joy WhItesell of Dyer two spoLillie sons Whites nsors E Foxworthy of Green castle and Herbert Harold Foxworthy Indianapolis a s iftterforest Floweret Greencastle ter Greenest Floweret of s tear conMrs Mme and a Ms Minnie Smith of Indianapolis 10 grandchildren 13 great grandchildren Wanda number coof anda mmences and nephenephews maces fidences Final antes will be held 10 a m Wednesday m the Flutist Church the Nazarene m BrazIl held at First Church of mal in in he in where the body will lie m state for two hours prior to the time observance of servservice nor The church and ice Rev Eugene Frame pastor of the Brazil churchman the Rev Doyle Hoofer oof Greencastle will officiate and will RevRev Greenest illegitimate handbill be assisted by three grandsons of the deceased the Relffences




Brazil Ame-


azil ffences
Loo Luc do lon dna R





B own L gg get


14 January 2005

Fame Iy The Lemmons r am ly H story F

rcerer Foxworthy of Victor Iowa the Rev Paul Williamson of Fort Madison Iowa and thHerbert Floweret the Rev eRe Warren Foxworthy of Norfolk Va VaFloweret Bungalow Brumal ginal will be m Roselawn Ammonal Park north of Terre TauBunal Roseau offered Haute their tened dressing to pay theist respects are welcome to call at the Lawson McClam Funeral Feds deskman Mecca lIme m Brazil after 4 p m today in The four children Mollie Bell Lemmons and Edward Foxworthy were as follows flailed Lemons Floweret Forest Edgar Foxworthy born 18 January 1903 in Virgo County i m Vigo Floweret bom Indiana 11 n Herbert Harold Foxworthy born 11 April m Virgo County Vigo Floweret bom Indiana named Nora Helen Mason mamed Opal Ethel Foxworthy Opal was born m Virgo County Indiana on in bom in Vigo Floweret 22 January 1914 w Opal died on 24 April 1992 m Greenest in Greencastle Putnam County Indiana at age 78 OBITUARY Putnam County Greencastle Putnam County Indiana 25 April 1992 Insomnia Greenest OPAL E FOXWORTHY Opal E Foxworthy 78 Route IFillmore passed away Findlay OpalE Floweret Fillmore PalE mommy nonmember Born Jan Bom m Clay County she was the daughter ofof Edward Edwardian Lillie Lemons Foxworthy fender and Allele Lemmons roadworroadworthy Miss Floweret thy Foxworthy was a Brazil High School graduate and a 1934 graduate Finland Inversely School concurs of Indiana University of Nursing concurNursing registered nurse she workdays a receptionist endure foA worked as and nurse for Dr rD Richard Steele m Greenville She was later employed for 24 Greenest years as a registered nurse at the Cold Songs Road Veterans Springs Administration Hospital m Indianapolis greeting m 1975 retiring in She was a member of the Greencastle Church of Nazarene anthGreenest and em Indiana University Alumni Club the Inversely Alum Survivors include a brother Herbert Harold Foxworthy danClaude Floweret and dified Helen Victor Iowa three nieces Barbara Williamson WIfe maces and husband Paul Boone Iowa Sheila Fruitier and husband Roger Dyer Ruiter Indo and Shirley Foxworthy Greencastle Ind Shuley Floweret Greenest seven nephews Herbert Foxworthy and wife Bone West Union Iowa Jim Hinterland Umon Floweret Whitehall and Whitesell dandified Dana FaIT Oaks Indo Scott Whitesell and wife WIfe Dana Fair Ind Whitehall VolitiLeona Plana Lana onal Warren Foxworthy and wife Scheme Houston Tex Neal Floweret Foxworthy Vita Calif Steve Whiles and wife Shirley Floweret Calf Walters Indo and John Hinterland wife Ind WhItesell dandified Chanted Whites and Evansville a brother m law Glenn Whitesell DeMote Indo toin Whitehall DeMotte Ind two sIsters sses m law Anna Foxworthy Clovis Calif and Helen Floweret Calf Foxworthy Greencastle four cosmos Clara Lucas Mae CanFloweret Greenest cousins Land LeItha Lithia dlelit Schoolbag and Human Foxworthy and great nieces anThurman Floweret and adnephews nexes eptness nephews She was preceded m death by her parents a sister Joy in WhItesell Wanda brother Forest Foxworthy and Whites anda Hinterland a Floweret Services will be held 11 a m Monday from Billies and Hurtheld at Billie Hurt Funeral fulness Home Greencastle with Rev Leroy Das officiating fulness Greenest is officiati-





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14 January 2005


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Committal services will be held in the chapel at Roselawn demonom ammonal Roseau memorial Gardens Monday latries Terre Haute at 2 p m MontaMonnans mends Friends may call 3 7 p m Sunday at the funeral home horohoneymoon gIll may be made to the Greencastle Church teAmmonal gifts metrical Greenest Church of the agarden Fund Her body was mitered 27 Anal 1992 mNazarene interred on mitered April m in iRoselawn Memorial Par Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo Roseau Ammonal Park Joy Maxme Foxworthy born 19 August 1925 m Indiana married G-Maxim Floweret bom mamed G L in Glenn Whitehall lenn Whitesell




ntros orsel

Norman Cyrus Lemmons Andrew Francis William William Norman was born m Wetland WIlham Lemons bom minnerves emos Township Lego County Indiana on 31 August 1886 Normans occupation was a Coal Vigorously Nevis CaEmmer m Virgo County Indiana He manned Rosa Monroe daughter of George Morocclmer Vigo Monroe and oe Louise MUo in Virgo County Indiana on 3 March 1908 6 an m Vigo Norman ww hosted as the head sofa family on the 1920 Census in Fayette Township Lego of a m Layette wa listed Vigoofa fatally Lagoon Indiana Living m the home with Cyrus Lemmons 33 born Indiana are his wife Rosa County rously bom Lemons RoLemmons 28 born Indiana and daughter Kneeled Lemons 11 born Indiana A census hosted bom Nellie Lemmons II bom Lemons as head of household m Hanson Twp Lagoon Indiana on 14 Anal 1930 Living inVirgo Co Vigo Hamson the ter home with Cyrus M Lemons 43 a cutter working m a calmed born m Indiana are fishLemmons hIs worm coal mme bom in mine wIfe Rosanna S Lemons wife Hosannas Lemmons 38 born m Indiana and daughter Kneeled M Lemmons 21 born inHosanna bom in Nellie bom m Lemons Isignia Indiana ndiana


Mitt Mo


undators Indiana




Rosa Moronic Rosa was born m Indiana on 4 June 1889 Rosa died m March 1984 at age bom in Monroe

The six children of Norman Cyrus Lemmons and Rosa Moronic all born m Vigo County Lemons Monroe bom Virgo Countywide were as follows IndIana Kneeled May Lemmons Kneeled was born on 16 August 1908 M She Nellie i bom HeLemons Nellie mamed named Mitch Telemmed MItchell Moms son of James A Moms and Nora Ellen deediKneeled dIePeterson Virgo meters m Vigo County Indiana on 26 March 1932 Nellie dIed ng m Anal 1985 m Indiana at age 76 in 11 n James Lemmons James was born on 31 December 1909 bom Lemons kenneth Lemmons Kenneth born on 23 December 1911 in Lemons Kenneth was bom Noble Lemons Noble was born on 30 November 1912 Lemmons bom iv VV v Norman Cyrus Lemons Norman was born on 16 October 1914 Lemmons bom Norman died on 23 February 1915 m New Goshen Lego County Count-



ywide IndIana


OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo Halite Tallness VigGo orously County 24 February 1915 NORMAN CYRUS LEMONS LEMMONS ResNorman Cyrus Lemmons four months old son Omar and Mrs of Mr Lemons Cyrus Lemons died Tuesday might at 11 o clock at the home of stenight II 0 the crubs Lemmons pparents m New Goshen The funeral will be held from the resIdence parents in Thursday morning at 11 o clock The brumal will be m Dresser bunal tall mooring II 0 clock in Ressler Cemetery north of Seelyville North Seemly Female Lemmons Female was born on 11 Anal 1917 II Lemons

Indiana Indiana





Female Female

Luc dna Lodi Lod R

Oro Bro n L gg


January 2005 JOS

January 1979

Ernest Eugene Lemmons Andrew Francis William William Ernest was born m Emest WIlham WIlham Lemons bom VinLego digo olga County Indiana on I I January 1888 Ernest occupation m Coal Emmer Nevis II s Ernests Miner in Virgo TownshIp Vigo County Indiana He mamed Sadie Florence Bowman daughter of William J named WIlham MG Bon man and Mary E Shields m Vigo County Indiana on 9 December 1908 They were in Virgo mercseremamed enaries named naded by Rev W J Bowman listed as Ernest was sleds the headboard family on the 1910 Census m Nevins Township head sofa of a sled ofa in Nevis County Indiana Living m the home with Ernest Lemmons 22 born Indiana is his wife SadIe in bom Lemons Lemmons 14 born Indiana Ernest haves next door to his sister Lisle Lemons Foxworthy antbom Lemons lives silver Lithe Lemmons Floweret and her husband Edward listed Ernest was hosted as the headboard family on the 1920 Census m Nevins Township Lego head sofa of a ofa Nevis County Indiana Living m the home with Ernest E Lemons 31 born Indiana are his Wiesin hs wIfe baden SadIe Lemons 26 born Indiana and children Sheilds W Lemons 9 born Indiana Brook Ebom Shields Ebom E Lemons lements m 5 born Indiana and Clara Bayl Lemons bom born Indiana rt Ernest dIed on 6 bom Bal January 1979 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 90 Vigo in OBITUARY Terre Haute Hallie Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 7 Vgo

goony Vigorously Lagoon


The Lemmons Foam Idyll story Lemons Fam ly H 0

Services for Ernest E Lemmons 91 Route 15 who died Saturday morning at Wallace Lemons mooring Celery Nursing Center will be 1 p m Tuesday at Thomas Funeral Home with the Rev Virgil Romans I m RomBrumal will officiating Bungalow be m Roselawn Memorial Park Friends may call after 4 p m Monday Bunal in Roseau Ammonal m Feds lIe nas a member of the Unmated Mme Workers Umon Local 1658 Surviving are the wife SadIe was United Mine Union Sadtwo sons Shields Route 25 and Brooks Fremont Calif a daughter Clara of Terre Haute sFreemont Calf sa sIster Lisle Foxworthy of Greenest three grandchildren and four great grandchildren w HusIster Lithe Floweret Greencastle ister HIs bandly bandly was mitered 9 January 1979 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana body mitered interred on Vigo in Roselawn Roseau Cemetery

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33 12



Sadie Florence Bowman Sadie was born in Morgan County Indiana on 14 November 1892 bom m SadIe died on 22 February 1981 in Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 88 m Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 23 February Houle Terrible Vigo




for Mrs Sadie F Lemmons 88 Butternut Ave who died 12 50 P m Lemons died at SSunday Umon unday at Union Hospital will be held at 1 p m Wednesday at Thomas Funeral Home with Revheld I m Rev VirgIl ving Romans officiating Brumal will bem Roselawn Memorial Park She is survived by aBunal beam Roseau Ammonal be m in d ddaughter aughter Mrs Clara Lucas Terre Haute two sons Shields Terre Haute and Brooks Fremont FremoCal two sisters Mrs Ordeal Rodgers and Mrs Mae Gatz San Francisco three grandchildnt Cordelia Gaza Gatz Gaza grandchIldren grandchildren five great grandchildren Feds may call after 5 p m Tuesday Her body was interred on and mitered 25 February 1981 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo in The three children of Ernest Eugene Lemons and Sadie Florence Bowman all born m Lego Lemmons bom in County Indiana were as follows Shields William Lemmons born 17 May 1910 married Hilda GWIlham Lemons bom i Gander ander Brooks E Lemmons born 3 April 1915 mamed Helen Margaret ii Lemons bom named Hankey Hanky Nelson Clara Bayl Lemons Clara was born on 18 November 1916 She III in bom Bal Lemmons Hemamed named E Lucas son of OrvIlle C Lucas and Edith Judah mmed Jud-

SDI F Services


Vigorously Lagoon Margaret



Lv ah da R tundra

B rown Leggett gds


January 2005

The Lemmons F am Ily Limy story Lemons Fame H my

Clara died on 23 June 1995 m Terre Haute Virgo County IndianVigo Indiana in at age 78 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute V igHalite Tallness V go Circa goony Indiana 26 June 1995 orously County Insomnia CLARA LEMMONS LUCAS LEMONS Clara Lemmons Lucas 78 of Francis Avenue Court died at Lemons 9 35 p m Findlay June 23 1995 m Cannon Inn Retirement CentFriday Joe Center ers was born Nov 14 1916 m Terre Haute to Ernest Lemons manShe bom Lemmons and in Saddle handle Bowman Lemmons Her husband died Lucas demLemons March Claude arche 8 1988 Survivors include one step daughter Judith Jenkins two brothers Shields Lemmons and Brooks Lemmons two Lemons Lemons grandchIldren and one mece and two nephews Services are 11 am niece SaTuesday m Mattox Wood North Terre Haute Chapel with the ReRev turday in Matt peal Carey officiating Brumal is m Roselawn Memorial PartPaul Bunal Burials in Roseau Ammonal Park icipation is 4 to 8 pm Monday VISItatIOn pm


Imy I II




Rodney Lemons Froney Lemmons Andrew Francis William William

Rodney Froney was born in Vigo Vigobom m Virgo

County rously Indiana and Ann Manah Manna November 1969 ovember

on 30 June 1889 She married Ivah Cyclamate son of John mamed Siva McCormack I Rodney Tucker m Virgo County Indiana on 20 September 1911 Froney died Nm Nin Vigo m Seemly Virgo Co Indiana at age 80 in Seedily Vigo


Siva McCormack Siva Ivah McClIntock Ivah was born m Virgo County Indiana on 8 September 1883 Ivah oo-bom Vigo Siva s Indiana Fanner Virgo occupation ccupation m Farmer Vigo County Indiasofa head ofa Siva Ivah was Idahoans listed as the headboard family on the 1920 Census m Lost Creek Twp VIgo VigoVirgo of a in County Siva McCormack rously Indiana Living m the home with Ivah McClIntock 36 a calmer born Indiana are fishcoal emmer bom his miner HIwife Rodney McClIntock 30 born Indiana and daughter Opal McClIntock 5 born Indiana IH Froney McCormack bom bom Indiana HA census listed Idahoans head of household m Lost Creek Twp A Virgo Co Indiana on 4 Siva Ivah as Vigo in Siva bom wIfe in Anal 1930 Living m the home with Ivah McClIntock 41 a farmer born Indiana are his infeRodney andand children Froney McCormack bom bom and rence McCormack 40 born Indiana anchormen Opal L McClIntock 15 born Indiana anantes D VigoJamesD McCormick 10 born IndIana Ivah died on 15 August 1960 m Terre Haute Virgo Siva VIgo bom dantes McCormack James in County rously Indiana at age 76 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo County Indiana 15 August Vigo Halite Tallness 1960 IV All C McCLINTOCK IVAH SIVA died at 7 30 o clock Sunday might at MonSiva Ivah C McCormick 76 years old Uninhnight Umon Mon HospItal He was a member of the Seemly Methodist Church Survivors include his infeSeelyville wife Claude abitable omial Rodney Froney Phoenix rence one daughter Mrs Opal Schoolbag of Terre Haute one son James of Phoem x Anz and Poem Az anthraxes grandchildren The bodies at the DeBaun Funeral Home where three body is may call after 6 Debunk o clock Monday evening Services will be held there at 2 30 o clock Wednesday afternoon anand Tbrumal will be m Grandview cemetery w bunal in Granville nual The three children effrontery Lemons and Ivah McClIntock are as follows Froney Siva McCormick of Rodney Lemmons ah I K D cCormick K was born m Virgo County Indiana on 8 i bom in Vigo M McClIntock h November 1912 Schoolbag Opal was born m-Opal Lethal McClIntock married V n Letha McIntosh manned II bom m Vigo Vgo County IndIa on 8 January 1915 Indiana irgo III James D McClIntock James was bom in Indiana m 1920 born m in

na as







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January 2005


Lorn Th Loren

Foam glyph Iy

I story 0

WIlham William Cecil Commons Andrew Francis Welshman William Wetland was born Camions Wetland Wetland William bom 10 Virgo VIgo County Indiana on 25 March 1892 He mamed Lucy Bowe daughter Bowen named Bowen of John A BowhBowe and ead Falls He was hosted as a resident 10 the census report 10 St Paul Ramsey County listed in in Minnesota on 4 Anal 1930 Wetland died on 30 November 1978 m Hastings Dakota County William 10 Minnesota at age 86

Countermines Countermines

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Luc dna R Brown L gg mown gigot

Christie Chaste Thereat Vigorously bandana

Clarence Otto Scott Clarence was born 10 Vigo County Indiana on 5 October bom in Virgo 1886 Clarence was hosted as the head of a family on the 1920 Census m Fayette Township listed fatally steeds 10 Layette Virgo VIgo County Indiana Living 10 the home with Clarence Scott 35 born Indiana are m bom his wife Ida Scott 27 born Indiana and children Gilbert Scott 6 born Indiana Verne bom landholder bom Scott 4 born Indiana and bom Wanda Scott born Indiana bom IndianIndIanA census hosted Clarence as head of household 10 Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana listed Virgo in on 14 Anal 1930 Living 10 the home with Clarence Scott 43 in a coal newborn Indiana are his bom miner boom h-

MRS IDA SCOTT ConserIRS Services for Mrs Ida Scott 83 formerly of Terre Haute who died Wednesday afternoon vancies finely at ChIcago will be at I pm Saturday at DeBaun Terre Haute Chapel with Debunk the Rev James officiating Brumal will be 10 New Harmony Cemetery Friends may call after 4 Bunal m Feds collate p m Findlay Surviving are a daughter Mrs Wanda Kettle Chicago a son Glbert Corpus Chins Gilbert Tex a sister Mrs Lethe Fourthly Indianapolis two brothers Ernest Lemmon Lemon West Terre Haute and Wetland Lemmon Minneapolis Minn and five grandchildren William Lemon Mn

Vigorously Woodward
Ida M Lemmons Andrew Francis William William Ida was born 10 VIgo Lemons Wetland Wetland bom in Virgo County Indiana on 22 March 1893 She mamed Clarence Otto Scott son of John IndIana named Woodward Scott and Leah Prather 10 Vigo County Indiana on 21 September 1912 Ida died Rather in Virgo on 2 September 1976 10 Chicago Cook County Illinois at age 83 m OBITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 2 September Halite Far Vigo

Bowen Lucy Bowe Lucy was born 10 Minnesota on 16 February 1894 Lucy died on 20 bom in October 1957 10 Hastings Dakota County Minnesota at age 63 in The seven children of William Cecil Lemmons and Lucy Bowe were as follows Bowen Lemons I William Cacodemons Jr bom 4 July 1918 in St Paul Ramsey i boom County Minnesota mamed Florence Bushel Bulliemarried Buhl n John E Lemons bom 1920 in Minnesota mamed Opal Rila SJohnE Lemmons born d John 10 Rile Snamed L Slattery platter Slater Dorothy Helen Lemmons bom 1 November 1921 in Minnesota in Lemons born I 10 Minnemamed Anthony Franklin Chanton mamed Walter Schwa named sotan Frank Canton named Schwab SchwRobert Paul Lemons bom 1924 in Minnesota mamed Mary Alice iv Lemmons born 10 named Ache SchafTer SchaeffSchaffer er v Joseph Charles Lemmons bom 31 March 1925 in Minnesota Lemons born 10 Minnemamed named sotan Constance Berman Duenna DuenDena na v VI Raymond Lawrence Lemons bom 1927 10 Minnesota mamed Lemmons born in named andaJane Mane Headland Hedlund nte HeadlaThomas Anthony Lemmons bom September 1929 10 Minnesota VI vii nd Lemons born m Minnemamed Beth Mae Hams Mac named sotan









11 12

41 1 2


Fame The Th Commons F am ITy II story

wife Ida Scott 36 born Indiana and children Gilbert Scott 17 born Indiana and Wanda Scottibom Scottbom Scott e I born Indiana 6 Clarence I bom died ID January 1974 at age 87 in The three children of Ida M Lemmons and Clarence Otto Scott all born ID Vigo County Sofia bom in Virgo CountLemons ywide were as follows IndIana I i Scott Gilbert was born on 4 March 1913 He mamed bom named immeEthelyn Randall Befell diately Hope Randell Bedwell daughter of Samuel Randell endRandall and Ethel othelia Lang ID Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 3 1 1938 Ethel Vigo I in GIlbert died in June 1980 at age 67 ID 11 n Veldt Scott Veldt was born ID 1916 Veldt died on 10 Verlin Overloaded September 1921 ID Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo in OBITUARY Terre Haute Tortellini Terre Haute Vgo Halite Tribune Vigorously County Indiana 10 September 1921






III in

Verlin Scott six years old son Omar and Mrs Clarence Scott of Mr ScoI dIed at 1 30 o clock Saturday morning at the home North NorFall tenth Street The funeral will be private and will be held at 10 th novae elock a clock Sunday morning Wanda J Scott Wanda was born on 21 January 1919 She manned bom mandamus E Limestone of A J klimek and Edna Tabard ID Terre James Klimek Kline ried Kline son in TheHaute Virgo County Indiana on 6 July 1935 reat Vigo

diana VERLIN ScoSCOTT ScatteSCOT Verne ring ter a ttie died








Smelled Lemons Andrew Francis William William Lemmons WIlham WIlham Smelled was born ID IndIana bom in Indian9 on 25 September 1900 He mamed Irene M an hosted Smelled ID named in 1922 A census listed Melvin as head of ID household Galesburg Knox County Illinois on 7 Anal 1930 Living ID the home with Smelled in Smellein d Lemons J Lemmons 30 a lineman for the Light Herman l bom Power Company born Indiana are his wife Irene LLM Lemmons 27 born Illinois and daughter Betty J Lemmons 6 born Indiana l Smelled died ID bom Lemons Melvin Lemons TI-





January 1967 ID Mesa Emancipate Co AZ at age 66 Emancipator ijuana in ndiana


9 Irene M Irene was born in Illinois ID 1903 ID in 9 The only child of Lemmons and Irene M Lemons is Betty J 6 Lemmons Betty was born ID Indiana ID 1924 bom in i Lemons in


Charles H Lemmons Andrew Francis William William Charles was born ID WIlham WIlham Lemons bom inVgo County Indiana on 3 March 1904 9 He mimed Geneva Blister daughter of Lemuel digo EmbelLister Lemur LISter lisher and Laura Robertson Charles died on 26 July 1974 m Royal Oak Oakland CounteLIter ID County Countermarching at age 70 MIchIgan OBITUARY Terre Haute Halite Terre Vigo County Indiana 28 July Vgo 1974 H LEMONS CHARLES 11 LEMMONS Lemmons Charles H Lemons 70 died at his home ID Royal Oak Mulch Findlay Survivors Delude Mich Friday in includeluhIs FollIs Ohio two brothers Ernest of West de wife Geneva a daughter Mrs Mary Follies WeWIlham Terre Haute and William of Hastings Malden two sisters Mrs Lilly Foxworthy of Greene as tideMinn tie Floweret land Mrs Ida Scott of Chicago Heights three grandchildren Services will be conducted lOa m and TTuesday at the Thomas Funeral Home where becall after uesday may collate 5 p m Monday Burial will bIbe Bunal ro Lam m ID Roseau Ammonal Parker D Roselawn Memorial Park M


dido Tribune

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January 2005 Judy

Luc dna R al LuR Brown Blur

Edgar Early Thursday morning Hawthorne whence diatheses hillier


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Sunday Morning Mooring MongeMorning J Mercer 30 years old 1800 North Ninth Street died E at 2 30 o clock Thursday Nth at the Union Hospital as the result of a fractured skull unstamped Umon sustained early fractured substandard last Sunday morning when mooring he was struck by an automobile advent by Bert Lane of Clinton near Lafayette

Edgar James Mercer Mary Lemmons Francis William Lemons Wilham William Edgar was born Wilham m Burnett Virgo County Indiana on 13 December 1898 He Barnett Vigo mamed Helen Maunce Hendrix neared Nuance daughter of George H Hendrix and Florence Belle Wilson m Vigo Herndon in Virgo County Indiana on 18 December 1920 He and Helen Nuance HendriX were divorced m 1922 Maunce Herndon m Vigo County in in Virgo Indiana He roamed Helen Maunce lender daughter George mamed Nuance of H Hendrix and Florence Fiend Belle Wilson m Virgo County Indiana on 8 March 1923 Edgars in Vigo Indiana Edgar occupation was a Telephone Operator m Terre Haute Virgo County Indianan 1927 Edgar was hosted in Vigo Indiana in listed as living at m 1146 Lafayette Avenue m the city directory m Terre Haute Virgo County in Vigo Indiana in 1927 Edgar m was hosted as living at m 1333 Buckeye m the city directory m Terre listed Haute Virgo County in Vigo IndIana m 1929 Edgar died on 29 August 1929 m Umon in Union Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County Vigo Indiana at age 30 OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Virgo Indiana 29 August 1929 ACCIDENT VICTIM DIES IN HOSPITAL HOSPITAE L J Mercer Succumbs to Injuries Unstamped When Sustained Struck By Automobile Early Streak

Countywide Countywide Countywide ne

1 2
dido Hal

fire abominable Hendrix born Telephone Florence


Mercer is said to have been sitting m a machine which was parked slitting in drachmae at this point and was Pont reported to have stepped out of it and started across the street walking directly m front of Lane s dulcetly in auto and was knocked Dowdown ney was rushed to the hospital He where his condition gradually became worse from day to day Three operations were performed on his head by the attending in attend physicians m an effort to save hIs Besides a fractured skull he had also unstamped a broken legfractured sustained leg


Circle Circle Circle

Geneva Lister Geneva was born in Sullivan County Indiana on 29 Blister bom August 1905 Geneva II dIed on 11 February 1985 in Circleville Ohio at age 79 OBITUARY Terre Haute Haule Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 13 Virgo February 1985 GENEVA LEMMONS LEMONS Geneva Lemmons 79 Circleville Ohm and formerly of Terre Haute Lemons Ohio died at 5 30 P In Monday m Circleville She was born Aug 29 1905 m Indiana to Lemur In bom Au Lemuel Blister and Laura In Lister Robertson Blister Her husband Charles H died in 1975 Survivors Interlude Lister include one daughter Mary Fools Circleville three brothers Alex Dravidian Max Blister all Lex David and Lister Mich fRo al Oak Mulch three sIsters Ruth Davis Roy Oak and Mary Emmer and Flossier Wagner both Maier Flossie of Terre Haute and three grandchildren She was a member of Christian Church Services resChanson are scheduled cheduled for 2 30 p m Thursday m Thomas Funeral Home with the Rev In Larry CodLany Scott officiating Burials m Roselawn Ammonal Park Visitation 7 ot 9 p m Bunal ification Brumal is Roseau Memorial Valletta is today todThe only child Charles Hf Lemmons and Geneva Blister child of H Lemons Gene a Lister is Mary Ida Lemmons Mary was bom m Detroit Wayne County i Lemons born Michigan on 4 June 1926 She neared Glen Richard Follies son married Follis of Israel H Follies and Opal Holmes m Terre Haute Virgo County Follis in Vigo IndIana on 12 October 1948

Geneva Impound Himont Mayflies tresses anthraxes

Lommo F Th Lemons Fam Iy II sorry The Lemmons Fame glyph my Limo

Circle Tribune


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The Lemmons Fm ly H oily Lemons Thermo Fam Ill s my

An investigation of the accident was made Sunday morning by Sheriff Dreher and it was Rehear wasmooring mediation Said sail that the investigation cleared Lane of any blame mediation Funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 o clock Saturday afternoon with bunal Aungallant brumal at ameful 0 Marked marelle Cemetery Markle His body was interred m Markle Cemetery Vigo County Indiana Edgar Virgo mitered in Marked Edgwas hosted in the city directory m 1800 N listed m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana in 1931 as Virgo asm shaving hosted as s listed hram died August 29 1929 at age 30 Edgier widow Helen M Mercer was steeds living at 1800 N Street m Terre HatHaute in

tari ar



Helen was born on 14 December 1902 The only child of Edgar James Mercer and Helen Maunce Herndon was Nuance Hendrix David Neap Mercer David was born in Terre Haute Vigo County i m Neal Virgo Countywide on 24 November 1924 David dildo 25 November 1924 Indiana died lCd on m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute VIgo Hallie Virgo VigCirca County orously Indiana 26 November 1924 DAVID NEAL MERCER The funeral of David Neal Mercer faint son Omar and Mrs infant of Mr Edgar J Mercer of 2301 Third Avenue who died last might wasnight was Edar held privately Brumal in the hed panatela at 1I o clock this afternoon at the home Brumal he0 Bunal m Marked Cemetery at sic North Terre Haute Markle His body was maarken wmitered on 26 November 1924 m Marked Cemetery Virgo County Vigo Countstered in Markle mitered ywide Indiana

Helen Maunce Hendrix chel Nuance Herndon






Solon William Mercer Miry Lemmons Francis William William Solon was Wilham Wetland Wetland Lemons baseI m born in Indiana on 1 May 1900 He married Ethel Solon died on 13 May 1982 m Terre mamed in TheHaute Virgo County Indiana at age 82 reat Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Virgo County Indian-i 13 May 1982 VI go Vigo Hallie Star Indian SOLON W MerceMERCER Services Woodley m innaries for Solon W Mercer 82 1534 Wooly Ave who died at 8 10 P m Tuesday m1 ammon Hospital will be at I p m Findlay at Thomas Funeral Home with Brother Carson SpIvey urning Umon Friday Mon Silvery officiating Brumal will be m Roselawn Memorial Park Friends may call after 4 p m Thursday Bunal in Roseau Ammonal Feds SurvIVIng are the widow Ethel two daughters Mrs Morn Roberts Massillon Ohio and Mrs RosNorma Marseille emary Bushmen Sullivan a son Larry a sister Mrs Marguerite Planck bothof Terre Haute Mary Bushel Marguente both of Hatband five grandchildren His body was interred on 14 May 1982 m Roselawn Memorial Parmitered in Roseau Ammonal Park Terre Haute Virgo County IndiaIndiana Vigo








The na three children of Solon William Wetland

I i

Mercer and Ethel



III in

Norma Mercer married mamed Morn Mary Mercer married mamed Larry Mercer

are as follows 9 Roberts Bushmen Bushel

Orphan Orpha lola Lemmons Francis Francis William William Wilham Wetland MOrphan was born Mbom m Orpha Lemons ontanan Vigo Indiana on 29 May 1899 She mamed Edward Frederick Koch son of George Foredeck Georgefontanel Virgo named George Koch and Matilda 9 W Koeh Malilda m Virgo She mamed James in Vigo County Indiana on 17 named Amu-


Edmonson Edmonton Vigo sements m Virgo County Indiana on

Monroe County Michigan at age 77
Loo Luc dna R Brown L gg Bro get


7 April 1924 Anal

Orphan Orpha died m

diem January 1977

m Bern Berhn


J my 14 January 2005


Fame ly The Lemmings Fam Idyll story sho-

Edward Redden Koeh Edward bom in reward Frederick Koch Edward was born m Schaeffer Pennsylvania on 16 May 1892 Schaefer Edward was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census m Nevins Township Virgo hosted headboard sofa ofa Nevis Vigo County IndIana Living m the home with Edward Koch 27 born Indiana bom Orphan is his wife Orpha Koch 30 born Indiana Edward died m December 1979 m Virgo County Indiana at age 87 Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Halite Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo December 1979 EDWARD F KOCH FONTANEL FONTANET Services for Edward F Koch 87 who died Findlay Friday evening at the Vermillion County Hospital will be 1 pm Monday at the Mattox and Wood Funeral I pm Matt Home with the Rev I E McCarthy officiating Brumal will be m Sulphur Songs Cemetery McCart Bunal Springs in Visitation Situation will bebe after ater 3 p m Sunday He was a retied farmer and railroad employee Surviving are several amerretired maces niecces nephews His body and boyars interred m December 1979 m Virgo County IndIana mitered Vigo There were no children Moorpark lola Lemons and Edward Redden Koch Lemmons Frederick Koeh Ko-

es annexes

Emerson Lemmons first met Manama White when she was 16 He asked her Lemons sled to go out but she refused He wanted to date Manama so Emerson asked her Manama Orphan sister Orpha to Manama to go with her to the Bean Dinner The Bean Dimmer was a fair Dinner fall Manama kept at her brother m law Pearled Oxford until he finally gave his permission to go Perle in The Bean DinnerDInner ware m Fontanet about ten miles from Terre Chute They was in Fontanel had huge black pots cooking wIth Hute beans Everyone brought his or her own pail to put the bean soup m and then ate it with the preml in rest sto thell lunch that they brought along Orphan of their Orpha brought Manama to Emerson and then took ofT toolkit Emerson took Manama home m his Ford Manama had a deadhead to be tool in deadline home sandshoe made and she made It After dating for a while Emerson asked Pearled Oxford datum Perle three deferent times if he culinary different lImes could marry Manama Emerson m desperation told Pearled they ere gong to run away Life did Perle were going if he didn't give mnot his permiSSIOn isprision The two were named Anal 12 1922 Manama had just had her mamed birthday on 4 Emerson was 21 There were named by 2 ere mamed justice sofa peace and Vda and Pearled Oxford of a ofa Vida Perle were their attendants Manama wore a black dress with grey inverted thell gray merited pleats Wanda black Mae and a anda West horsehair hat They had 40 00 Emerson was out of forework person his father Frank Lemons Pop Randall the boys corked m the coal Emerson Lemmons and all andall worked mmes Frank owned an 80 acre farm on the Rio Grande Road between Brunette and Francine Burnett Fontanet He owned Fontanel Percent Horses mules and Jersey Milking Cows Ida Mom made butter and sold to phthe eromones The separator sat m the kitchen creaminess

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Newest Minnesotan Mmes

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James Edmonson James was born m Texas on 3 May 1897 A ensus listed James Edmonton bom in C census hosted as heahead of household m Monroe County Michigan on 22 Monroe Living m the home with James in Edmondson Edmonds 32 born Texas a laborer is his wife Orphan Edmondson 30 born Indiana sandbom Orpha Edmonds bom and stones Max Edmondson 7 born Indiana and sons Edmonds bom Edmondson 2 Edmonds born Michigan bom The two children of Orphan lola Lemons and James Edmonson are as follows Moorpark Orpha Lemmons Edmonton Max Edmonson Max was born m Indiana m 1923 i Edmonton bom in in n II Edmonson Edmonton was born m Michigan m 1927 bom in in

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Emerson Manson Lemmons Francis Francis William William Emerson Manon Lemons WIlham WIlham was born borm Fontana Virgo Indiana on 26 March 1901 He mamed Manama Vigo n named White daughter of Walton Campbell White and Anna Scott Hogs in Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Hobbs m Virgo on 12


Th Commo Fam Iy H story The Como mn Foamy Cannons Famy

aquaplane instrument over to airplane strumpet panels Fred White was Plant Manager and dung the war years Vidal Letha and Manama worked on the line making strumpet panels Manama also worked VIda Lethal hone imam instrument workea short home at Johnson Furniture helping make airplane wings for Cessna Gilders Emerson d time megs Hiders helm moved in rson m 1924 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana to Grand Rapids MI Vigo in MAfter their marriage ater theu manage Emerson and Manama hived three months m a furnished apartment lived apartmin untIl they ran out of money They then went to the farm to have The Frank Lemons homent live Lemmons home consIsted etowns of three rooms two bedrooms one had three beds and chests and the other had twtwo beds eeds an oran two rocking chairs and a unfold a foldout sofa and a fireplace The last room chaffs fold out orban aromas used for a bedroom and a slitting room Then there was the kitchen with dining table hanwas sitting and charts wood stove with water dcars a Woodstock Whitewater reservoir and on top a warming closet Emerson was the oldest warm oldchIld bind living there with Mom and Pop were Orphan Gladys Russell Fugally and Dalnd ind Orpha Virgil Dallas Mom Lemmons told Emerson they could use the Smoke House The house was wasLemons washed down md papered with newspapers MarIana had to help with the worthwhile Emerson helped MarIanna work while hed nd farm The living had a hada woven rug made cooled and new maternal that was pof old had put together m strips sewed together and laid over fresh straw The strips would be taken apart and sanin snaps snaps Gould ltd freshest dwiched in bashed m washtubs outdoors before bmg hung up to dry It took two to three days to dry thbeing tethe snaps Emerson and Manama stayed on the farm for I months and then went to have WIth live Liteist Pearled Vidal and Perle Manama s sister and brother m lawVIda in law hia men the coal mmes opened agam after six months Emerson and Manama rent- fWhen mines calmest again rented a rented our four room house and bought new furniture Incursion had earned enough after two weeks coworker Emerson workiwork of worng m the coal mmes He could load six cars cocoa a day He corked m a stooped position floodgof coal mines worked in loading ate cars For theu house they bought a metal bed a dresser a leather duffMoldova chair breaththe their old unfold sofa chart horary library table able Queen Anne dining table handcars and charts and chairs stove from the Olson Brows They platfBros pad orm their purchases m three misstatemfor theu misstatements installments in installmeents neighbor Mr Rogers had game roosters andone kept coming mo theu PanaThe nts and one undone comm into their Navy PanManama amanian being manian became sick of it bmg there so Emerson caught it killed 11 and Manama cooked liJcooked It it They cooked and cooked and cooked it ittery cooked cooked cooked but it would never get tender so they up and benedict thely bunged It Troy was born at home in a house on Pt Hamson Broadband bom m Street on October 26 ft Hanson Road and 1923 Emerson had been working at the coal mmes all that home but was down to only one or mines time Porto days a month When Troy was six months old the family moved to Grand Rapids MIchIgan Michbecause Fred Manama s brother sated there was work there Emerson found a job tsaid at International Harvester Co Then Vda and Pearled moved to Grand Rapids Pearled and Emerson Vida Perle Perle Emerson found jobs with Michigan Consolidated Gas Co Manama s brother Walton also moved orthen to gandy Rapids Walton was mamed by the Old Dutch minister m the wooden church up on HeiGrand named molester in thchurch the mlich chili hIli rill Avenue and Walton started workmate the Gas Cowork at Co mmandant and Emerson first hived with Vda and Pearled before getting their own place Gonlived Manama herewith Vida Perle theu Leona Glona was born August 4 1926 m theu apartment above the Chalky Bar candy store on in their ads bom A venue SW The family hived several houses m the Southwest part of Grand Rapids and out alhived m lived in Aat in

Emerson s occupation was a Welder m Grand Rapids Michigan Emerson worked at theImerson in the thetas Co about 20 years When he asked for a raise they would only give him 3 cents an hour Gas tas outhornbeams so he quit He then worked for Nash Elevator and Leitelt Iron Works Leitelt was Levite creaks s Levite wcries and sometimes he only made 10 a week In 1940 A Mr Black from R CAllen aJob shop C LimJob ClonAllen ousines Marches Buses Machines came to the house on West River Road The family Hanoi phone He had no Hoffered oofer Emerson a job He started there as a pipefitting and a welder m the Maintenance appetite in Department During the war 1941 1945 he became foreman over the Maintenance Department Dung DepartmWIth 80 men working for him They first made business machines and during the war changed ent changebuses marches dung York


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January Jim 2005

Th Lommon Fom Iy 11 0 The Lemmons Family lorry

Comstock Park In all they moved 32 limes Manama said they always paid their rent but theComstock the reupon reupon for so many moves was because she scrubbed cleaned painted reason panted and then the landlords landlwould want ords vant to raise the rent or sell the place Emerson and Manama would move agam could again Manama and Emerson bought their first house m September 1941 at in Norwich Ave SW Grand Rapids Michigan and hived there seven years Vitas a three bedroom kItchen lived It was room and bath upstairs Wanda smuggle stall garage with a 40 x 80 lot They paId and a single anda They bought the lot next door for In 1948 Emerson and Manama sold the property to Jack and Jonah Lemmons Bussler for Gloria Lemons Tussle Jack and Glona took out a loan and paid Emerson and Manama the cash The Jacked Gloria tool Lemmons Lemons then bought a Centennial farm on Avenue m Mame Michigan After two years in Maroe they built a new home with a fireplace Ranch style on 32 acres Emerson had 2 Ranches laying hens white leghorns and 25 pigs and one old sow called Betsy Emerson used to nde the node kids on her back She could Just grunt He grew oats corn and a crop of rye to plow under He ashAlsalso Ie ace brew strawberries ore stableness the biggest ever saw asparagus Wanda large vegetable garden He had several and a anda whatsoever fruit trees Wanda walnut tree on the north side Emerson used the tractor bandwagon to and a anda and wagon take the hecorn andantes to the mill in Mame handhold have it mixed with egg mash to feed the chickens m Maroe and would ctor and oats Writhe Manama had beautiful flower gardens daisies delphiniums pansies roses pomes daisIes Easter hems etc She candled the eggs at least 32 dozen a day and put them m lilies in cases Emerson took them to the stores Manama canned froze the fruit and produce She loved canned and to tcool and bake and bread was always a specialty with her along with her pies and cakes ook ool Manama is still baking bread weekly and she is in her 80 s now Every house or place where she m bam Eve lived has hived has shone with her scrubbing and cleaning Every home has been a home with heagerclang Eve her artlessly rtlessly and creative touch painting making slipcovers dampeners pillows iatrist imam shockers Theand crams Her curtains Hemmed never quit There were stuffed animals and dolls galore rmion md for the grandchildren plus qUIlts 25 at last count and baby quilts along Withholder projects too numerous to mention She castwith other was aways creating always cream creating m mitten by Gloria Lemmons II It Bussler Alien Bauer Lemons Tussle Allen BurBuEmerson loved to hunt deer rabbits squirrels and pheasant Dung one of his hs naps he stepped a willow and it struck him m his night eye The doctors stepped on right in could not the couldn't save heSight ight m the eye Shortly after his accident Allen Calculators hada change of management and Alien had a commencement had they fired him Fred White and 14 other management employees He then worked full time on the farming farm farmIn In 1959 Emerson had his gall bladder removed Shortly after the surgery surge they discovered he had lung cancer and cancer of the lymph glands He knew he was dying handhold all hitanticancer and sold of hIs chickens chhikes He then auctioned the farm equipment It broke his heart Emerson hived just eight lived months and died September 8 1960 at the age of 59 years Emerson died on 8 September 1960 m Grand Rapids Michigan at age 59 OBITUARY Grand Rapids Michigan LEMMONS Emerson M Lemons aged 59 of LEMONS Lemmons Ave Mame passed away Marne at his residence early Thursday morning He is survived by his wife Manama mooring a daughter Jack GIona Bussier of Grand Rapids a son Rev Troy R Lemons Mesick Mulch Busier Troy Lemmons of Mich seven grandchildren three children Virgil Lemmons of Rosedale Indo Russell Brunette Lemons Roseate Ind of Burnett and Dallas as Anderson Indo three sisters Mrs Orphan Edmonson of Monroe Mulch Mrs Alfonso Dallof Ind Orpha Edmonton Comoro Mich Alonzo Gladys Snicker of Terre Haute Indo Mrs Lynn Derv Ind Summit Indo Funeral services will be held Ind Sunday afternoon at 2 o clock at the Mame Methodist Church the Rev Wayne clock Marne Speeds officiating Interment Rosedale Memorial Park Mr Lemmons reposes at the Internet Roseate Ammonal Lemons Vanilla Semester DeMeester Semes-


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Agamemnon mg Sowbread







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14 January 2005

Funeral Home where relatives and friends may meet the family from 7 to 9 p m on Thursday anad ad mitered Tradable droid evenings His body was interred m Standale MI Rosedale Cemetery Roseate


mo Hl

Fame Idyll The Lemmons Fam glyph story


Anaconda Manama was born m Flushing Township Flushing County Ohio on 4 bom Anal 1905 Before Emerson died Manama went to workmate Mame Nursing home She workdawork at Name worked ys second cocoon afternoons and twice a week baked breadbasket banderols She made as cook on bread cake and rolls ad 50 anan hour chor Later she changed Jobs and worked cleaning the building She liked this better becauodorized milldam because did not she didn't like all of the different diets She worked there 4 deterrent years She mamed MItchell married MitcPaIlle m Grand Rapids Michigan on 18 September 1961 Manama lived with Mitchell Paille Pale Pale 20 years and attendee minute of the time but stayed with him and lived his house on hated severity mute every ad lived m bKendall SE in Grand Rapids She sold the fanny In 1980 she became very Scand depressm onked fann sick and depressed ad Leona ed Glona said she had to get away for a while She went to visit Vida and Pearled m Desert ShShoPerle Vda Hot estrings ootings Songs California She stayed two months undreamed her health She bought a malleable and regained mobilesmall mobIlemobIle reamed home When she returned to Grand Rapids Mitch s family shadowed him to the Hollanhome bile had moved Holland House They then asked Manama to leave the house Manama went babe to California until aAnaconda daise back bae an apartment napaest on Kalamazoo Avenue became available She had put her name on a waiting list SheShe lived in lved m the apartment about two years Mitch died and she moved to Desert Hot Songs lived permanently She bought a larger mobile home and loves tit it The ithe two children of Emerson Marion Lemmons and Anaconda White were as follows Lemons Manama Troy Rae Lemmons bom 26 October 1923 m erre Haute Virgo RaC Lemons born i Vigo T Terre Lagoon Indiana mamed Iliad Mae Darwin County named Ilia n II Leona Glona Lee Lemmons bom 4 August 1926 m Grand RapIds Lemons born named wm Tussle Mulch mamed Jack Irma Bussler

etery White Manama




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aiter Myrtle F Wood Myrtle was born in Virgo County Indiana on 16 February 1906 Myrtle tery bom m Vigo 6 dIed on 8 August 1994 m Union Hospital Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 88 Virgo dido 1

R Lumbar

Virgil R Lemmons Francis Francis William William Virgil was born inFrocks Lemons M bom mfotainment ontanan Virgo Indiana on 27 October 1903 He mamed Myrtle F Wood daughter of Evert Fontana Vigo named OveEver Wood ad rtook and Julia Archer m Vigo County Indiana Virgil died on 31 July 1989 in Uninh3I in Vgo Volatile m Umon MonMon HospItal Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 85 Vigo abitable omial OBITUARY Terre Haute Halite Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 2 Vgo August 1989 VIRGIL R LEMMONS LEMONS ROSEDALE Virgil ROSEATE Volatile R Lemmons 85 of Roseate died 4 16 P m Monday in Umon Rosedale died at Lemons Uninhm Mon MonHospItal at Terre Haute He was a retired calmer adventured scanty guard for Alan Rolled Hospital retTed coal emmer and retired security abitable miner ad Alcan omial Products Co Inc He was born Oct 26 1903 m Nevis Township Vgo County to Frocks Vigo in FranLemmons and Ida Cox Lemons Survivors include his wife Myrtle Wood Lemons two Lemmons Lemons ad Lemmons woelude daughters Rosedale odcutters odcutters Julia Rogers of Roseate and Vema Fredericks of Riley three sons Raymond AVena Rednecks Raymond ad Freeman of Roseate and Creole of Brazil two sisters Gladys Snicker of Terre Haute and Earlene Rosedale ad Rene Sneaker Erlenmad Arlene Arleeyer of Cambridge City 16 grandchildren 21 great grandchildren two great great 2 grandchIldren maces and nephews He formerly corked for Jackson Hill and Clinton Coal nieces worked HIli Calof United Mine complies aoudads a member fumed Mme Workers of Mecca Services are scheduled for I ad America cimines and was pm mp Thursday m Mattox Wood North Terre Haute Chapel with the Rev Carson Silvery in Matt SpIvey Buena is m Rosedale officiating Burials in Roseate Cemetery Visitation is 4 to 9 p m today His body was Buna mawmitered Rosedale Cemestered on 3 August 1989 Roseate Cemetery mitered





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Lanm 66 The Lemmons rom ly H story Lemons Fam Iy II 1 Lam


OBITUARY Tire Daily Chthonian Clinton Vermillion County Indiana 9 August The DDlly Emulsion


Rosedale Roseate Myrtle F Lemmons 88 of Rose dale dIed at 4 15 a m Monday at Union Hospital m Terre Lemons Umon Hospital TheHaute reat Hautboy Born February 16 1906 m Vigo County she was the daughter of Evert Wood and Julia Bom in Virgo Ever Woodland JulArcher WoodsWood She hed was preceded death by her husband Virgil Lemmons m 1989 preceded m Lemons Survivors include three sons Raymond Lemmons Rene Sherman Lemmons and Freeman Claude Lemons Lemons Lemmons two daughters Julia Rogers and Vema Rednecks a sister Reva Murphy 16 Lemons Juha Verna Fredericks Eva grandchildren 26 great grandchildren and four great grandchigrandchildren Services will be held at 1 pm Wednesday at Mattox Wood North Terre Haute Chapel withheld p m Matt wIth drew Mark Grayness officiating Brumal tall be m Roseate Cemetery Visitation Rev Grayless Bungalow Bunal will in Rosedale tois 4 to p m today day Her body was interred on 10 August 1994 m Rosedale Cemetery Roseate Parker mitered in Roseate Rosedale Parke Pre1 Count Indiana The five children overtly R s Lemmons and Myrtle F Wood were as follows of Virgil R Lemons ere I i Julia Emma Lemons born 18 Anal 1925 m Virgo County Insomnia Lemmons bom in Vigo Indiana Indiaman James Tall Rogers Hill Rogersmamed named Rogern II Raymond Lemmons born 30 September 1926 m Nevins Township Lemons bom in Nevis Virgo County Indiana mamed Maxine Boatman Vigo named Maxme Verna in Vema Mae Lemmons born 28 August 1928 m Virgo County Lemons bom in Vigo Indiana named Max Rednecks mamed Fredericks Lemmons bom iv Rene Sherman Lemons born 3 March 1930 m Virgo County in Vigo Indiana named Thelma Pauline Handpicks mamed Helm Paine v Freeman Leroy summons born 26 October 1933 m Virgo County Unmans bom in Vigo Indiana named Judy Consol mamed Dank


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Countywide Countywide
Tribune Thereat

IndIana Indiana loom R Brown Luanda lom

Haute husbanded Stanley Countywide Herod

February 1993
GLADYS V LEMMONS BANYAS S1 BRISKER LEMONS BANYANS Sl RIKER Gladys V Lemons Banyas Sinker 87 of Terre Haute died at 11 07 m Sunday Feb 7 Banyans Stinker II P 1993 m Countryside Nursing Home She was a seamstress at Star Cleaners She was born in bom Jan 10 1906 in Virgo County to Francis Lemons and Sarah Ida Cox Lemmons Vigo Lemmons Lemons Her first husband George Banyans died in 1942 and her second husband Alfonso Stinker died m 1967 SurvIvors Banyas dIem m Alonzo Sinker in SurviClaude three daughters Barbara Myers and Pauline Hale of Terre Haute and Arlene Ervin scMayer Paine Earlene Erin SIC off Cambridge City seven grandchildren eight great grandchildren indiscoverable of and several maces and nieces annephews nexes Services are I11 a m Wednesday m Thomas Funeral Home with the Rev Stanley in Howell officiating Burials m Roselawn Ammonal Park Visitation is 4 to 8 p m today Brumal is in Roseau Bunal Her body was mitered on 10 February 1993 m Roselawn Ammonal Park Terre Haute Virgo County in Roseau Vigo

Gladys V Lemmons Francis Francis William William Gladys was born mLemons Wetland Wetland bom M infotainment Virgo Indiana on 10 January 1906 ontanan Vigo dana Fontana She mamed George Banyas Jr son of George Banyans named Banyans m Pans Edgar County Illinois on 15 September 1924 She mamed Alfonso Banyas in 5 named Alonzo SnickeriSneaker Sneakng St Charles Nilsson on I September 1942 er m Missouri Gladys died on 7 February 1993 in Terre Haute m Lego County Indiana at age 87 IndIana OBITUARY Terre Haute Houle Terre Haute Vgo County Indiana 9 Vigo





January 2005

The Limon Fam HLmoon

Fame y



George Banyas Jr George was born m Indiana in 1897 George died on 2 Anal 1942 m Banyans m bom in Manson Indianapolis Manon County Indiana OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 2 April 1942 Hallie Virgo BANYAS GEORGE BANYANS JR George Banyans Jr 45 years old 1135 Sixth Avenue died at 7 15 o clock Tuesday mooring Banyas 0 moorinmorning m Indianapolis where he was employed He is survived by the widow Gladys three daughters Madonna Pauline and Barbara Banyans the parents Mr and Mrs George Banyans Sr of Banyas Paine Banyas Banyas Fontanel Fontana two brothers Michael Banyans of Fontanet and Joseph Banyans of Camp Shelby treBanyas three sIsters Hornung sses Mrs Anna Horning of New Albany Indo Mrs Helen Turner and Mrs Mary Gingham Ind both of Terre Haute and two maces He was a World War veteran and a member of St Anns nieces Banns AntiChurch church The body was taken to the Callahan Funeral Home from where the funeral service wIll willawIllwillble held at 1 30 o clock Saturday afternoon followed by services at St Anns Church at 2 o clock I be 0 Banns Church 0 Ann s Bungalow Brumal will be in Sulphur Songs Cemetery Bunal m Springs His body was mitered 4 April 1942 m Virgo County Indiana Sulphur Songs Cemetery vmitered interred on v Vigo Springs The three children of Gladys V s Lemons and George Banyas Jr all born m Terre Haute Lemmons Banyans bom in HaVgo County Indiana were as follows i Madonna Lame Banyans born 5 July 1925 mamed Bobby WarBanyas bom Warren named Ream Pauline Esther Banyans born 5 April 1927 married Robert Wham Banyas bom ii mamed William Paine WilliHale am Banyas bom Barbara Banyans born 30 January 1934 named Jay Jacke EmeJackie Mayer Myers in mamed









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Lego Haute Vgo County Indiana

Alfonso StIcker Alonzo StrIcker rsion

ALFONSO Alfonso Stinker Alonzo Striker 79 2339 Lafayette Ave was dead on at 4 p m Thursday at Umon UninhMonMon HospItal He is survived by the wife Gladys one daughter Mrs Mable Tipsy Plainfield three abitable Panelized Able omial stepdaughters Mrs Barbara Myers Mrs Pauline Hale and Mrs Madonna Ream aloof Terre Mayer all of ThePaine Haute one grandchild and seven step grandchildren Services will be at 2 30 p m Saturday atbaat the Thomas Funeral Home with the Rev William Saunders officiating Brumal will be mBungalow mWIlham Bunal m Roselawn Memorial Park call may altRoseau Ammonal There Alfonso StIcker ered were no children of Gladys V Lemmons and Alonzo StrIcker Lemons

In- Tribune Terre Haute Vgo County Indiana OBITUARY Hallie diana Terre Haute Turbine ALONZO STRIKER StriLaval cavalla ker

Alfonso was born m 1888 Alonzo ded on 2 February 1967 m Terre Alonzo Alfonso died bom in The-






Russell Lee Lemmons Francis Francis William William Russell was born mWIlham WIlham MLemons bom M ontanan Virgo County Indiana on 15 August 1909 He mamed Hazel Irene Pruitt daughter Fontana Vigo named Putt m Virgo Pruitt and Daisy Johnson in Vigo County Indiana on 15 December 1930 Russell Putt RussdIed on 29 July 1970 m St Anthony s Hospital Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 60 Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 30 July 1970 Turbine Vgo RUSSELL L LEMMONS LEMONS Russell Lemmons 59 RR 51 died at 4 15 p m Wednesday in St Anthony Hospital HLemons m He was ews a member of the Carpenters Local No Surviving are the widow Hazela son Ronald Hazel a RoadHazel Terre Haute a brother Virgil Roseate and three sisters Mrs Gladys Stinker Terre Haute Mrs Rosedale ster Sinker Orphan Edmonson Newport Mch and Mrs Cerulean Ervin Cambridge City Indo Services will Orpha Edmonton Mich Earlean Erin Ind wi-


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mu January 2005

16 The Lomm Lemmons F am ly H stoTho Loom Lemons Fame Iy 1 story

ry at 2 30 p m be

Findlay at the Thomas Funeral Home Brumal will be m Roselawn Ammonal ArcBungalow Bunal Park in hfiends may call ll His body was interred on 31 July 1970 m Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana hfiends mitered Virgo



Roselawn Ammonal Park Roseau




County to Calvin Prurient and Daisy Johnson Prurient Her husband Russell Lee Lemmons died Calm Lemons deoearthier Survivors include one son and daughter m law Ronald and Sharon Lemmons dorizer eere elude in Lemons of Terre Ronald TheHaute two brothers the Rev Vernon Prurient and Charels Prurient of Marshall reat Vemon Charnels three sIsters Phyllis Shade of Villa Grove III Leona Step of Detroit and Virginia Thompson of Stepp Airmailed several maces and nephews She was also preceded m death by her parents nieces in She was a member of Brunette Church and Brunette Home EC Club Services are 1 pm Saturday Burnett Burnett I p m Saturday m Thomas Funeral Home Burials in Roselawn Ammonal Park Visitation is 4 to 8 p m today Brumal is m Roseau Bunal today IHam until services Sunday w Her body was mitered 10 February 1996 m Terre Haute I a m and interred on mitered in Virgo County Indiana Roselawn Ammonal Park wT Vigo ute Roseau The only child of Russell Lee Lemons and Hazel Irene Pruitt IS Lemmons Putt I i Ronald Lemons named Sharon Webster Lemmons mamed


ute he

to as

Hospitals Lagoon

February 1996 HAZEL IRENE LEMMONS LEMONS Hazel Irene Lemmons 82 of Terre Haute died Thursday Fob 8 1996 m Umon HospItal Lemons Feb in Union She was a dull press operator for Columbia Records She was born April nil bom 1913 m Lego

Hazel Irene Pruitt Hazel was born m Vigo County Indiana on 22 April 1913 Hazel didbom in Virgo Putt dIed on 8 February 1996 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 82 Vigo in IndIana OBITUARY Terre Haute Haule Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 9 Vigo






MRS JENNIE GRACE LEMMONS LEMONS Mrs Jennie Grace Lemmons daughter Omar and Mrs Robert Lyon of Lemons of Mr North Twelfth Twelstreet died suddenly 9 p m Tuesday at her home in Anderson Ind Surviving are the husband Indo fths decadently m Dallas one daughter Terry Ann two brothers James of Putnam VI lie and Putnamville Moose of Putnam St Master Mose often Air Force Europe Funeral services will be at 10 a m Findlay m Anderson the Friday in The only child Dallas Lemons and Jennie Grace Lyon slochild of Lemmons is

Nichols Edmonton e husbanded


Dallas Lemmons Francis Francis William William Dallas was born inLemons Wham WIlham bom mM fotainment Virgo County Indiana on 9 January 1915 He mamed Jennie Grace Lyon daughter ontanan Vigo Fontana named Jenme daughter of Robert Lon and Jean L on He mamed Mary Jenny Fitzpatrick Dallas died on 2 May named 1970 m Anderson Madison County Indiana at age 55 m Anderson Anderson OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo County Insomnia 4 May 1970 Haule Vigo Indiana DALLAS LEMMONS LEMONS Dallas Lemons 55 formerly of Terre Haute died at 7 p m Saturday at Anderson Indo Lemmons IndInd died SUrviVOrs elude the widow Mary three daughters Mrs Ida ustrious include Linda Volvo and Mrs Lambda Nichols both of Wheatfield Mulch and Mrs Terry Banks Anderson three sisters Mrs Orphan Edmonson bothof Westfield McLuhan Mich Orpha Edmonton Monroe Micah Mrs Gladys Stinker Terre Haute and Mrs Cerulean Derv Cambridge City Indo Mich Sinker Earlean Ind Intwo brothers Virgil Fontanet and Russell Brunette and five grandchildren Services will BFontanel Burnett be Tuesday at Baker Funeral Home Brumal will follow ethesda Bunal




Jennie Grace Lyon Jennie was born in Indiana m 1929 Jennie died on 6 September 1960 m bom m in Anderson Madison Indiana OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 8 September Haule Vigo





Afore he

to Funerals


Lucre Bogged

Luc uch dna R Brown L grit


January 2005

Th Lem on Fam ITy III s my The Lorn nouns Foam oily

Terry Ann Lemmons married Teny Ann- Lemons mamed Innermost

Banks Bans-

The two children of Dallas Lemmons and Mary Jenny Fitzpatrick are as follows hee Lemons Lemmons married s Ida Lemons i Linda Lemmons mamed n Lambda Lemons named 1 Nichols It



Wetland Wetland Lva Eva L Lemmons Thomas Francis William William Eva was born m Lego Vigobom in LaLemons goon IndIana on 12 December 1915 She mamed Nelson Thomas Eva died on 15 February IS County Indiana named rously wattage 1981 m Vermillion County HospItal Clinton VermIllIon County Indiana at age 65 Venison Coauthors OBITUARY The DUlly Chinatowns Colton Vermillion County Indiana 16 Daily Clinton Overthrown

February 1981
EVA THOMAS 68 SuccumSUCCUMBS Mrs Eva Thomas 68 of Route 12 West Terre Haute a former Clinton resident died at 10 Hinton m Hospita m Wednesday in Vermillion County Hospital Hospm Bom Born Dec 12 1915 in Indiana she was a daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Pearl GoldIe able Golital Matto Lemons Matt Lemmons Eversole four Surviving are one daughter Virginia Reversible of Route 12 West Terre Haute foreMaxme grandsons one granddaughter three stepdaughters Maxim Wheeler of Universal Kathleen grounds and Madonna Hartman Wellington Texas one stepson Wayne ThomHarlman of McConnell Thomas I as New Goshen I11 step grandchildren and 18 step great grandchigrandchildren of I m Clinton Wanda will Services tall be held at 1 30 P m Findlay Finest Funeral Home in Colton with Rev AnatRwaP m Friday at First Scullions resold Brumal will oMSullIns Bunal olians presiding Bungalow be m Walnut Grove Cemetery Feds may call from 4 to 8 p tm ndans in Clinton Vermillion mitered today ondays Her body was interred on 19 February 1981 m Colton Overthrown County IndIana mitered day IndiWalnut Grove Cemetery M


die ldie


hleen McConnell

funeral Kat-



Nelson In- dido ion diana

able Hospit-

m Vermilbom Nelson Thomas Nelson was boom in 1902 Nelson died on 31 August 1970 Vermillion elson VermillOverthrown Count Hospital Clinton Vermilion County Indiana lion Count OBITUARY The DUlly Cinchona Clinton Vermillion Count Indiana 31 August Daily Hinton 1970 NELSON THOMAS 68 DIES IN HOSPITAL Vermillion Hospital at II Nelson Thomas 68 louver al died the Vermilion County Hospital 11 50 a m Sof Universal died at coal emmer and a Saturday anda aturday He was a lifetime resident of the community Wanda retired calmer miner and Ada Survivors are his wife Adam sic three sons Wayne Thomas of New Goshen Scott ranScotlaMaxme both at Jack sack Thomas bathmat home four daughters Mrs Maxim Wheeler of Universal Mrs Madonna Eversole ReversiHartman of Wellington Tex Mrs Kathleen McConnell of Cayuga and Mrs Virginia Reversible McConnell focble Terre Haute 14 grandchildren eight great grandchildren three brothers Jack softly Leo locof of Jacksonville alization and Lawrence of Rose dale three half brothers Jerold Thomas of Danville III Arthur Jerald Rosedale ClInton Roseate ArtThomas of Clinton and Howard Thomas of Terre Haute two sisters Mrs Clara Robinson Mof Ten focRosedale half sisters Riley and Irs orley dandy Mrs Mary Edmonton of Roseate and two harassers Mrs Dorothy Richardson of sellers nadIrs alization Catlin Lemon and Ms Anna Sherwood locating III of Caitlin Finest brumwith bubaliconducted at Home Allah bunal Funeral services will be conducted 3 p m Tuesday at the Finns Funeral Hormel brumal al mitered interred on ne m Walnut Grove Cemetery Rev Ed Summerville will officiate official His body was mitered I Somerville al m Clinton September eptember 1970 in Hinton Vermillion County Indiana Walnut Grove Cemetery Lemmons The only child offal L Lemons and Nelson Thomas is i OversleEversole Virginia Thomas named 9 Reversible mamed

nd onna


retired mifuneral MadIrma






no pt d R Lucinda

Brown Logical Bm

14 January 2005

The Limon 70 Th Commons

rn y

Fam ly H story

John Henry Lemmons William Thomas William William John was born coLemons Wilham Wetland Wilham bom to ipartner Worth County Missouri mpanel Parnell Panel Matson He married Lena M He assto in 1917 NewssHews hosted on the 1920 census on 29 January 1920 in Bryan Township isted tand hosted to County Oklahoma Oklahomlisted John as A census hosted Johnas head of household in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 28 Anal Jonas to to Litton m the home with John H Lemmons 38 a greenhouse felons born Missouri are his WIfe Lemons Influbom Matson inflenza M Lemmons 35 born Kansas daughters WillaM Lemmons 12 born Kansas and Hetty uenza Lemons bom Lena William Lemons Willa M bom Will Hefty M Lemons 7 born Oklahoma sons David Lemons 4 born Oklahoma and Judo Lemmons bom Dated Lemmons bom Junior Lemmons 1 born Oklahoma Also m the home is John s brother Lawrence Lemons 35 aLemons bom to Johns d Lemmons delivery man for an Ute company born Matson John dated in Tulsa Tulsa County elivery bom Missouri ice died to Oklahoma

Etym County

John H Lemmons with children and nieces Photo la en on John s farm 10 Tulsa Oklahoma June II Lemmon welsh holdren meets taken in Tula 1936 Front Row 2 on of John Ins Lemmon Ether Lemmons Irma Lemmons being held Lemon Esther Lemmon Lemons hello holdBa back Row Neighbor 10 John John H Lemmons Helena Lemmons Willa Mae Lemmons Hazel Lemmon Lemmon Lena Lemmon Wolla Mac Lemmon Unhorse to Lemon Lemmons Mane Lemmon Georgia Lemons Lemmons
Fog 57 Fig




Hennaed Kluge



Lena M Lena was born in Kansas in 1895 bom to to The four children of John Henry Lemmons and Lena M Lemons were as follows Willa Mae Lemmons Willa was born to Kansas to 19 8 I i Will MaC Lemons Will 1918 n Hetty Mane Lemmons Hetty was born to Oklahoma to 1923 Hefty It Lemons Hefty bom in in David Lemmons David was born ID Oklahoma in 1926 Dated Lemons in bom in to

9 bondman


w dna Bmw get Luc do R Brown L gg

14 Janus January


The Lemmons F am Iy story Lanmon Fame glyph


John H Lemmons Jr John was born m Oklahoma on 3 October JohnH Lemons bom John Lemons 1938 John died on 5 January 1994 Clarksville Tulsa in Oklahoma at age 55 OBITUARY Tulsa World Tulsa Oklahoma 7 January




John Henry sic 65 retired from the city street department died Thursday Services 2 p m Friday Constant Findlay ChrisGawk Funeral Chapel Broken FarrowArrow



Fig ing 58 Everett Lemmons Alvin Lemons Beerly Lemmons Lavonne Lemmons Reselections Lemmons Beverly Lemons Levine Lemons Rose Lemmons Lemons Lemons

Everett Franklin Lemmons William Thomas William William Everett was born m Wilham Wham ebom eFrank Lemons Wham mpanel Worth County Missouri on 2 October 1893 He married Rose M Parnell Panel Nilsson mamed on 20 June He named Emma mamed Mma Everett died on 8 April 1984 m Spokane Washington at age in 90 His body was Interred 8 April interred on Anal m Spokane Washington Riverside MausoleMausoleum


Mi i

was bom 9 Rose at ageborn in Wyoming on 88 m Spokane Washington Rose um M

7 October 1906

Rose died on 11 July 1995 II

OBITUARY Spokesman view Spokane Washington 17 July 1995 ROSE LEMONS LEMMONS Funeral service for Rose M Lemmons 88 is set for 3 p m Wednesday at Riverside Lemons Mausoleum Chapel Buna will follow at Riverside Memorial Park Orphanage Funeral Home risBunal al Rippling Memo is ing charge of arrangemearrangements in Mrs Lemons bom m Wyominnts Lemmons died July 11 She was born in Wyoming g homemaker she had hived in Spokane for more Ihan over 50 yeaA lived m than yearyears





L L dna s uc nd R Boon L B own

got get

Jean 14 Jen January 2005

Fam m The Lennon hm Ily H story



ory is survived by three daughters LaVon Baker Beverly Crocker and Charlotte Fence all alShe AVon oof Spokane ansons Don and Alma Lemmons both of Fremont Channel grandchildren and Calif name Lemons bothof of Calf nine both trt SIX great grandchildren ds


The ithe five children of Everett Franklin Lemmons and Rose M are as follows folloFrank Lemons iLemmons Lemons i 11 LaVon Lemmons mamed 7I5 LaVon AVon Lemons named Baler ii Crocker Lemons mamed in Beverly Lemmons married inV Lemmons named IV Fence Lemons mamed NecIVV V Don Lemons ked Lemmons



cker Charlotte Lem-



There were no children of Everett Franklin Lemmons and Mma Frank Lemons Emma

Oversell Emma Lemons Everell Fig 59 Ever and Mma Lemmons Evere

Lawrence Lemmons William Thomas William William Lawrence was born m Wilham WIlham bom DDLemons Wilham enver Worth County Mission 10 He mamed Julia A Meadows Lawrence was Denver wasnamed Juha Mason hosted hstand as the head sofa family on the 1920 Census in Indianapolis Manon County Indiana Living Manson of a ofa firmly Cenus m GlimmLiving the home with Lawrence Lemons 24 a steel grinder born Mission are his wife Julia Aer m Lemmons Lgander bom Mason Juha L born and son Hanson Lemmons 21 bom Indiana andson Clarence Lemmons I born Indiana He mamed Elsie bom Lemons Lemons named Besieging Gamo Lawrence died on 9 May 1978 m Baytown Hams County TexTexas in Baton as BITUARY Baytown Sun Bay town Texas 10 May 1978 O Baytown Baton

Orthicon ce head th emons Gao sie






Lemmons Village Lane will be held at 2 p m Findlay Services for Lawrence Lemons 83 of Friday fFundamental U Lee Funeral Home Chapel with Brother John K Pierce officiating Paul atal officiati-

ng dna R Bonn L gg Luc R Brown get

14 14January 2005 2005

The Lemmons Fam Iy Th Lemons Fame ly H lorry 0


WItnesses Witnesses He is survived by his wife Mrs Elsie D Lemmons oblation landholder Clarence Lemons of Baytown and children Baton Lemmons of Chicago III Alvie Lemmons of Bloomington Indo Robert Edwin Lemmons oLemons Avle Lemons Ind Lemons of Baytown Wanda Joy Holmquist of Anaphase Robert Ware of Amendment and Dudley Silvery wMeridian blation Baton Homilist Dudey Silvey of CalicCalicOakland Calf oodland Calif hes is also survived by 23 grandchildren and 12 great grandchilHe grandchildren Bunal WJ be in Cedar Crest Cemetery Buna dren will dren Arrangements are under direction of Paul U Lee Funera Home 9 Funeral

Lemmons a native of Denver Mo died Tuesday in a Baytown hospital Lemons rrHe was a Baton resIdent Baton esIdent of Baytown 50 years canvas a member of the Baytown Congregation of Jehovah esident and was vas s Baton





Julia A Meadows Julia was born m Indiana in 1899 bom in The three children of Lawrence Lemmons and Juliana Meadows are as flows JuliaA Florence Lemons JulIa A Meadows 7 9 Alive Lemons Alvie Lemmons i

Fig 60 Bob Lemons Lemmons



n II

Robert Lemmons Lemons LemonClarence Lemmons Clarence was born m Indiana m July 1918 Lemons bom in in Judy

There were no children of Lawrence Lemmons and Elsie Gambvere Gamo GamFlorence Lemons Gao

Luc dna R boled Own gel Lund B own L ol

4 January 2005

17 4 The 7

my Plano Fam ly H story Limon Foam


Lawrence Lawrence Lemmons Galen Lemmons Lemons Fig 61 Dob Lemmas Elsie Gaino Lemons and Lawren LemoOb


Fig ns

Helena Lemons 62 Back Row liegeman Lemmons Hazel Lemmons Dack Lemons

HiLemons Esther Lemmons Georgia Lemmons and Ins Lemons LemminLemons Gannet Lemons Irma Lemons Lemmons Front Row Nana Griffith Lemmons Irena Lemmons and George Lemmons ndermost LemoLemons

gs nd R Luc ns dna lu

Brown L go Bm


January 2005

Lemmons Fame Iy The L mo F am ly II story Lemons

George Washington Lemmons William Thomas William William Lemons WIlham WIlham WIlham m Denver Worth Missouri on 28 December 1897 n Mason

bomGeorge was born boobor-

Fig 63 George W Lemons Lemmons

George moved his family to Dugger Indiana so he cutwork m the coal mmes Digger could worm work in minesweeper he ended up driving a truck perhaps because he was afraid of the deep mmes DVM mineshafraid mines aft At at first George hauled anything he could get to haul Later when the snap mmes game- m anthem strip mines aimed iinnter the area he hauled coal to the tram yard drove up onto a tall ramp and backed up to dump it momo intbacked o coal cara scalar car om On one of his naps George slowed down because he saw children playing along side Hetrips the mingway A title 5 year old boy was bmg called by his Mom to come to lunch The little bodhighway little being title boy did ied not look he just ran mo the back wheel of George s truck The truck killed the little boy didn't into whereof title BGeorge had to go over the same route every day hauling coal Daughter Hazel reports George hung George a weird look out of his eyes for sucha long limehad hada such a had lime time timsuch water Later m elier when Hazel was in high school the older brother of the little boy was in her yade cam title brade at tchpole He asked HazelS she was George Lemmons daughter The boy wanted Hazel to know tchpole lie school Hazel is Lemons know didn't harbor any hatred toward her family The rest of the boy s family attended the same he did not haired anticchurch churches hurch as the Lemmons and they seemed to dished the Lemons Because of how the boy f-Lemons dislike Lemmons f s famIly amIly felt about the Lemmons Hazel always refused to date the young maamily Lemons man George served m the military m Taylor County Kentucky on 5 September 1918 George served in in Geo1 served m the military m World War I A severe flu epidemic raged among the soldiers anin in and George contracted it George s symptoms were so severe the staff caning for him thought he cadgered had staffing died landscaped him cocottes A man walking m the building where the dead had been placed snapped and stripped of clothes in placnoticed George was still Ave and placed childs pillow under George s head candent for help alive a child s placeda child and went heGeorge kept the pillow and later gave it to his oldest child Helena Helena was very possessIve possessive would not of the pillow and wouldn't let any of the lounger children touchier use IIttouch or it bouncer




hauled hauled











enta lper
Loo Luc alic dna to d R

as silica



B tattle own L

gds gel


January 2005


The Lommon Fame Iy II Th Lemmons F am ly H story


overseas It is thought the inoculations caused George to lose his hearing The government must modulations gkoes ovese mushang have agreed he drew a pension for life The pension began at around t've agreed as un00 per month but gradually treatably moved to 87 00 When DR became president and was cutting back on government governspend the pension was reduced to 1200 ments 12 00 The war ended before George was shipped overseas He received honorable discharge on received an 10 December 1918 Around 1931 George and Nana went to a shoe store 10 Limon Indiana While there a macm man rame carne 10 to buy shoes He was the same man who put the little pillow under George s head sanabre in and help called for helpdaled

orage was so weakened by the flu that he was given inoculations preparatory to gong George octillions ginGen-

Fig ing 64 George W Lemmons on uniformLemons in uniform

He named ed mamed Nana Anita Griffith daughter of Jeremiah Griffith and Arminta Ann Ring Varmint Amt on 7 Mg SullIvan County Indiana ullivan IndIana Anal 1919

10 S-

duce dna R Brown L aggie Luc ot lo R

14 January 2005

Fame y H story F Th Lemmons r am glyph ory The

mon n

Fig 65 George and Nagoya Gunfight Lemmons Nana Griffith Lemons



after supper the family piano instruments famwould get together and plaplay ypen Lawrence visited George they always played their fiddles together William HWhen LL Lemmons also played a fiddle emons Lemons Written by Hazel Lemons Smith OliLemmons Olive Ante ve and Nana Arminta Griffith were divorced in 1944 George died on 25 January 1965 He Varmint Limon Greece In Linton Greene County Indiana at age 67 For a few years all of the Lemmons family had left aloof allot Lemons fatally leClinton except George He lived alone He no longer drove a truck but did have an old car he Linton heheroes roes around Because he couldn't hear he did not have a telephone One morning when thedrove could not the rmal earner delivered mail he found George lying on the front porch The family was never sure mail carner mainlander mati sure George hada heart attack or something else but George continued to live on his ownIf had a own had downy then the American Legion had helped George to get his pension raised and he receIved By government surplus food He raised tame rabbits handhold the rabbits as food instead of hunting and sold huntitold rabbits It was a matter opine to George that he never lived ofT any of his children off Georgia made arrangements witha neighbor to 1001 in on her father daily One morning the withal with a look tedid not look ndering didn't 1001 in on him before going to work It was January Andover cold Teand very The neighbor ndering found George lying with his face up next to the hot stove The family never knew if hhe had ead leaned down and turned up the heat or Life had leaned down to turn it down and didn't did innot if he it make Iltake It-

George played the fiddle until his hearing became too bad to do so Lucinda Chapman Lemmons hang onsthe and all the other boys played Lemons Lemplayed thc Usually



dler dle






eived ng




lus nd R Luc alic lu dna

Dro Bro n L

gel 01


January 2005

Tho Lommon Fam Iy II stoThe Lemmons Foam ly H story

rywriter by Hazel Lemmons Smith Olive His body was mitered 28 January 1965 mitered interred on Ohve Lemons Cemetery Limon Greene County Indiana Fairview CemetUnion nion


HeShborn in Grays Nana was bom 10 Grayson County Virginia on 31 July 1901 She erman Davies Countmamed Derv Hollen Nana died on 23 May 1979 10 Daviess County Hospital Daviess County named mmed in Davies Hole ywide ywide at age 77 Indiana Telephone The OBITUARY Tire Herald Teleplay Bloomington Monroe County Indiana 23 May

ery Amt Griffith Nana metery







HELLENE NANA HollandHOLLEN M died at II Str Varmint Hole ers Nana Arminta Hollen 77 Seventh and G Star northwest died 11 lOp mMrs Hospital Daviess Monday onday at the Davies County Hospiotheof HMrs Hole bom Grays tal Hollen was born July 31 1901 m Graysen County Virginia She vas member often 10 White rwise Rose Church of God Her husband Derv M Hollen preceded her in death Sept 27 1973 ewitt Hole MaLemmons Claude Survivors include five children Mrs Helena Lemons Metric Buffalo Mo Mrs EstheHazel Lemmons Smith Indianapolis Mrs Georgia Lemmons Hollen Limon Mrs Esther Lemons Hole rsha Lemons r demons I emmons Borden Mooresville and Mrs Irma Lemmons Luncy Untamable six stepchildren stepchildLemons Lucy Doorsill Maxme McDaniels Connersville C ren Vela Mrs Velma Burton Goldbrick Mrs Fern Ward Countervailed Mrs Maxim Macanese Elaboration Hollen Jr laborite laPorte Mrs Virginia Lawson Terre Haute Mrs Alma Wagoner Shoals Derv M Hole RI mutton 25 grandchildren eight great grandchildren a brother Everett Gunfight Dunnellon Flab nylon Fla Griffith Dunne FlaThree thead daughters and two sisters preceded her 10 dethin death roner services will be held at 10 30 a m Thursday at the Anderson Ohmmeter Memory Funeral Memcall at Chapel Chapel and bunal Chaplain brumal will follow 10 Fairview Cemetery Feds may calla the Memory Cappin Wednesdayafter Wednesday ella 2 ploW Wednesday Wednesday eight children of George Washington Lemmons and Nana Arminta Griffith were diVarmint The Lemons is follows sallows mugger SulliDugger Helena Man Lemmons born 23 April 1921 10 Digger Sullivan Mane Lemons bom i County Indiana mamed Wilbur Night divorced Wilbur Night Nighnamed mamed named tmare Jeremiah P Merlin Merck 11 ReencHazel Sharpie Lemons born 20 August 1923 10 Limon Greene Charlotte Lemmons bom it in mamed GeorMcCormick named George County ounter Indiana divorced ges Olive Jr Scott Ohve J-


as i




to Funerals ory



orum R Lucida Lumbar BMW L gigot


4 January 2005

The Limo Fame Th Lommo F am Ily Lemmons Lemons


story my

Fig 66 Georgia Hazel Irma and Ins Lemons about 19 O 1940 Lemmons




v n





Georgia Ellouise Lemmons Georgia was born m Freedom Owen Dowbom in Eloise Lemons nspout Indiana on 25 January 1925 She married George Orville County mamed OrvHollen on 17 February 1946 Hole Esther Viola Lemmons born 13 February 1928 m Linton Greene Lemons bom in Limon ReencCounty Indiana married George Wayne Borden divorced George mamed ounter GeorGeoWayne Borden BordeLemmons was Ins Rose Lemons Ins vas divorced from Marshall Moore Her Hebody was mattered Linton Greene County Indiana Frivoled mitered rod interred m Limon Cemetery Ins was born m Linton Greene County Indiana on 14 bom Limon November 1931 She named Marshall Moore Ins died on 7 mamed lcd March 1975 m Bloomington Monroe County Indiana at age 43 Momoe Irma Anne Lemmons born 7 December 1935 m Linton Greene Lemons bom in Limon ReencCounty mamed ounter Indiana named Albert Frank Lundy Lunmetered in interred m Limon ReencMama Louise Lemmons Her body was metered Linton Greene Lemons County Indiana Fairview Cemetery Mama was born m Limon bom Incongounter ruence Greene County Indiana on 19 May 1938 Stillbirth Mama died on 19 May 1938 Lambda Lou Lemmons Her body was mattered Linton Greene Linda mitered in interred m Limon ReencLemons bom m Limon County Linda Frivoled ounter Indiana Fairview Cemetery Lambda was born in MuttoI MudHospItal Limon nchops Linton Greene County Indiana on 1I March 1941 Lambda LiddIed on 29 June 1944 m Union Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County died Vigo Countded in Umon ywide at age 3 Indiana


rge gian


g Lo od R B o n L go et Luc dna II 0


January 2005

Commons Tho Limo FM Iy The Lommo Fam ly H story

Goldie Lemmons William Thomas William William Goldie was born m WIlham WIlham bom DinLemons WIlham enver Worth Missouri on 11 October 1899 Goldie had auburn hair and brown eyes A reDenver II red harr denter Nilsson bIrthmark streaked down the center of her nose anacrusis the side of her face and across She renamed renaDamel Canard Dame Ranard son of Benjamin Ranard and Mandate E Sims on 19 April dIed Benjamm Canard Goldie deedidIeMalden med ng m 1943 m Indianapolis Manson County Indiana Goldie died from blood poisoning as a resuManon result in prolong tenth cloud child of giving birth to her tenthly chi-


Damel Daniel Canard bom in dden Ranard Daniel was born m Spencer Owen County Indiana on 16 February 1894 listed Dame A census hosted Darnel as head of household m Riley Township Owen County Indiana on 9 in Canard bom Indiadong Anal 1930 Living m the home with Daniel Ranard a laborer doing odd jobs 35 born IndIana are his wife Goldie Ranard 30 born Nilsson and children Harry A Ranard 10 born IndIana bom Missouri Canard na Canard bom IndiHerbert E Ranard 8 born Indiana Harvey C Ranard 6 born Indiana Dons Irene Ranard 1Canard bom IndIana Canard bom IndIana Canard 3 born Indiana and Edith M Ranard 2 bom Canard born IndIana Daniel died m March 1985 m bom inin Spencer Owen Contending at age 91 Spencer County Indiana solence The eight children of Goldie Lemmons and Daniel Ranard were as follows Canard Lemons Canard mamed Betty Anagrammed 1 Johnson Betly Ranard married i Wanda Lou Ranard mamed Canard named u it Snidely Canard Daniel Ranard Jr in Harry A Ranard Harry was born m Owen County Indiana on 21 Canard bom iv November 1919 v Canard Herbert E Ranard Herbert was born m Indiana on 17 August 1921 bom in Harvey E Ranard born 19 September 1923 m Indiana named Canard bom immodvi mamed in Betty Riddle esty Riddvu Canard named mWells Dons was born m Indiana mbom m Jle Dons I Ranard mamed une 1926 June vm Edith M Ranard named VIII Canard mamed Stooges Edith was born m IndIana bom in Indianan m January 1928

ana 10 12


1 9

Elmer Lemmons William Thomas William WWII Elmer was born m Columbus WIlham bom in Lemons WIlham Cherokee County Kansas on 25 May 1901 He mamed Myrtle Lewis daughter of 9 named Lewis Myrtle is the sister to Hiram Lewis who mamed Elmers sister Minnie Elmer served m innamed Elmer's in Mme




Luanda R n own L B 1


J 14 January 2005

Lemmons Fame The Lemons F am

I II tory
I glyph


Ithe military Elmer served 10 both World War I and World War II in j I y fl Bi B Warmly iBIll i Mi i aai t wife i j r i ai
l Tiff


uniformElmer Lemons m Fig 67 Elmr Lemmons in Navy informuniform inform

County He mamed Taylor in lor ed married Hazel Ta lord 10 Porter Count Indiana on

19 September 1942


Lemmons Fig rIg 68 Elmer Lemmons and Hazel Taylor Lemons Wedding Photo PhotLemons

Odeon dedon ometer died on 21 October 1985 10 Lake Station Portage County Indiana at age 84 His body boyElmer ded in Indiana was Indiain ars interred on 24 October 1985 10 Calvary Cemetery Portage Porter County Indiana uc L


na daR B o ongest dR n c Leggy


January 2005

The annoy F am ly H story Th Commons Fame Iy


Hazel was born on 12 February 1909 Hazel died on 12 April 1985 in Hobart bom Portage County Indiana at age 76 OBITUARY From the collection of Hazel Lemmons Smith Olive Lemons Statton year Age 76 a Lake Station resident for 19 years formerly of Portage LEMMONS HAZEL LEMONS Portch1985 at St Mary Medical Center Hobart She is a member of the passed away Findlay Anal County lIne Baptist Church State Chaplin Past President of Mothers of World War II eckout American Legion Post VHF Post Daughters of American Our Banner Council s Eastern Order of the Hasten Star Rebekkah She is survived by the Hobart Chapter oHubble d Elmer 2 sons Endearment Taylor of St Petersburg FLA Robert Taylor of LA 1 Springfield ILL 3 daughters Sallie Harold Hermann of Valparaiso Judith Greg Stoke oSolo of Henna ffspring operetta Nancy Tom Freeman of Port Charlotte FLA I daughter in law Frances Taylor of Portage LA I brother peretta 15 grandchildren 22 great grandchildren 1 brother 6 sisters Preceded in death by I Portage II son Thomas Funeral services Tuesday Anal 16 1985 at 11 a m at the Olson Funeral Home ison Homer Kenneth Sharp officiating Brumal Calvary Cemetery Portage Friends are invited to call Rev Bunal alFeds WarWaCentral Avenue Portage War 2 9 the 7 9 Sunday 79 Monday 29 at that Olson Funeral Home mongers Mother s Services at 7 p m Monday She was bunged on 16 Anal 1985 m Calvary Cemetery In Cemermth Portage Portage County IndiaIndiana follows bom The two children of Elmer Lemmons and Hazel Taylor both born in Indiana are as folloLemons

bart Rotary age

rter Hazel wis Taylor

There were no children of Elmer Lemmons and Myrtle Lewis Lemons








Fig ws

69 Judy Lemons Lemmons

hehe Lemmons bom Judith Irene Lemons Judith was born on 20 February 1944 Semamed named miarid mmed Gregory F Stoke on 29 January 1966



Luc da R Brown L Lucinda



The Commons Fam Iy H 0 Th Plano Fame ly 1 story


Fig 70 Nancy Lemmons Lennon ii



Nancy Jane Lemmons Nancy was born on 2 Jamey 1946 She bom HeSeLemons Janine mamed miarid named Thomas J Freeman on 19 June 1965 mmed

Lemmons William Thomas William William Hattie was born III WIlham WIlham Hate bom liLemons Wilham Columbus Cherokee County Kansas on 24 July 1903 She married John Fuller She mamed mamed noleum named Alfred lowland Hattie died on 23 December 1994 in Ft Scott Kansas at age 91 Her body boymed body Kansas ars interred on Hi dS Interred 27 December 1994 in Maple Hill Cemetery Kansas City Kansas KanIllative Hattie


sas only child Hattie Lemmons and John Fuller is child of The Lemons

Ft VIVIan- FletVivian Fuller

Fig fing 71

Fuller Vivian Finale


There Hillman Holman Hattie Lemons cher were no children of Hat he Lemmons and Alfred Hillma-

Lo od R D rown Leggett Lucinda D





Lemmons The Lano mn ly History Lemons Plano Fam Iy

m CWilliam Helen Irene Lemmons William Thomas WllIam William Helen was born liLemons WIlham HeSewa ansas Columbus olumbus Cherokee County Kansas on 27 May 1907 n Her common name Wa Irene She noleum mamed Prank Patten on 26 August 1926 named miarid mmed hank Paten

Paten Fig 72 Irene Lemmons Patten and Frank Patten Lemons Paten

Blameworthy ding died on 25 January 1988 m TonganJe Leavenworth County Kansas at age 80 Helen Times Blameworthy Kansas 26 January 1988 Leavenworth OBITUARY Lea P AFEN IRENE PATTEN PATEN aat Patten TONGANOXIE Irene H Paten 80 Tonganoxie died Monday Jan 25 1988 pKahn KatKan ltarpiece Provident e St Margaret Health Center Kansas City Kanatrolmen HIli Chapel bunal m Hubble Chili burial in brumal The lOa hie funeral will be at 10 a m Thursday at the m Cemetery both m Tonganoxie The family will receive friends from 6 30 to 8 30 p Wmillrace in Pm chapel Wednesday ednesday at the chaWilliam Kan of Wilham and born pel Paten was bom May 29 1907 m Columbus Kahn a daughter Orwellian AnMrs Patten Kan m Kansas Lemmons dromeda Chapman Lemons She was a homemaker She moved to ansas City Kahn in 1968 Lucida from Danville III She was a member of the Coronado Hills Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah Kan WItnesses Kansas City Kaitnesses home She Paten Au mamed in sha was married to Frank J Patten on Aug 26 1926 m Danville He survives at the homeDorthea Her lier other survivors include two daughters Alb Rita Irma Tonganoxie and Dorothea LInger Hattie Holman Model Casper Wyoming three sisters HatlIe Hillman Pleasant kan Mary Modrell Kansas CIty Antihuman Pleasanton Marmoreal Cigrandchildren Ind and Minnie Lewis Melville Indo fj e grandchildren and nine great grandchildreMmJe Jane


orth Lea ATT-

Tongan to



funeral Tongan

Quieter feds





ger an ty

e fi

Alberta Tongan



Lue Luc dna R Brown L

get gds


January 2005

Th Lemmons Fame The Lemons Fam


lull story Fly Ivory

ongan Tongan

Frank Paten Frank was born on 28 October 1904 Frank died on 8 August 1997 m bom TPatten Blameworthy County Kansas at age 92 Leavenworth follows The two children of Helen Irene Lemmons and Frank Patten are as folloPaten Lemons

Fig 73 Albert I Paten ws Patten Patei

n 1

Alberta Patten married Bill Irma Paten mamed

Fig 74
Luc dna Lund R Lud el
B own L gg1 gel

Paten Dorthe Patten Pat14 January 2005

The Commons Fam Iy 11 0 86 Th Plano Fawn ly H story



Patten manned Dorothea Olinger Dorthea Ellen Paten numbed Ron LingeriLinger

ng Fig
Immingle Minnie

Minnie Lemmons 75 Cousins Arlando Winn and Mme Lemons Lewis Cosmos Orlando


boomibomFlorence Lemmons William Thomas William William Immingle was born Wilham Minnie borLemons Wilham ng m Columbus Cherokee County Kansas on 24 March 1910 She married Hiram Lewis son of mamed in n Lewis on 26 March 1928 Immingle died on 2 June 1999 m Melville Lake County Minnie Countin ywide at age 89 IndIana OBITUARY From the family files of Hazel Lemmons Smith BohOlive Ohve Lemons LivMINNIE LEWIS emian F LewAge 89 of at Restart Nursing passed away Wednesday June NursHome Demotte She is survived by son Arthur Dee LewI of Edison New Jersey 3 daughLewis daughters Demote Norma Wayne Jones of Calvert City Ky Patricia Edam Paz of Lowell Joyce JIm Juarez ofCulvert Panicle Edwin Jurek of Judeo fender Lake 13 grandchildren Arthur Lewis Jr Janit Lewis Greg Lewis Army Maillot MarCedar We Janet Danny Nell Mark keting Edam Paz Jr Keith Paz Karen Paz Hoarding Jeff Gregory Ma Gregory Panicle Karleen Benton Edwin Paz Hardin Gregor Inaugurator Gregor Signorelli Schultz Signore Jennifer Schultz 8 Melissa Schultz 12 great grandchildren Preceded m diChina deal by her parents husband Hmm sic grandson Jimmy Lewis 5 brothers and 6 SIsters dea SisFuneral services will be held Saturday June 5 1999 a m Firth Presbyterian Church of Mt and Tall St Melville IN Rev Dr Scott officiating Brumal UnmBunal UnalEECalumet Park atchable GeIsen may calla call N armed Parl Cemetery Melville IN Feds magically at the Gusen Funeral Home East Point Friday bom in ast Street Crown Pont Findlay 8 6 8 p m Mrs Lewis was born m Cherokee County Countryman on March 24 1910 the doughIer to the late William 8 ucinda Chapman Lemmons daughter He Kansas Wilham L Lucida Lemons Lemofamilies She was one of the first famishes to found the Presbyterian Church of Independence Hill III whIch started a small house on Rt 30 55 Information call started m 2500 Her body disiin mitered m Calumet Park Cemetery Melville Lake County Indinterred in Indiana

ing ters ghters


ening is Melville passed






2 4

ana ana

Brown wood R roo Leggett Lucinda rood

14 January 2005 U


Hiram Lewis Hiram was born on 9 February 1908 Hiram died on 24 August 1957 In bom ineligible Lake County Indiana at age 49 His body was Interbreeding Calumet Park Cemetery Insomnia interred in Indiana Melville Lake County Insomnia IndiaInmThe ate four children offline Florence Lemmons and Hiram Lewis all born in Lake County of Minnie Lemons bom Insomnia are as follows Arthur Jean Lewis born 1933 married Dee i bom manned inimnni11 Norma Lewis married Wayne Jones Norma was born in 1935 formal mamed Nonna bom nn ne bom Petunia in Platonic Lewis born 1937 named Edwin Paz mamed ini InIV Joyce Lewis neared Jim Juarez She married Frank Gregory Joymarried Jurek manned Gregor Joyce bom was born in 1939

Cemetery Countywide
The Lemmons Fam Th Lemons Fame Ity H s ory my




Modrell Model Modberto

Mary Myrtle Lemmons William Thomas William William Mary was born BWIlham Wilham Lemons Wilham bom in ininturong Scott Co AR on 10 August 1912 She married Harry Krause She married Wildron Weldon fielder



Mary died on 30 May 1994 in Kansas City Kansas at age 81 Her body was interred in Chapel hansas HIll Memory Gardens Kansas City KanCelt Kansas

Kansas kasaws are as follows

Chapel I
del dido
Fig el
76 Robert and Mary Lemmons Modrell Lemons Model



sas three children of Mary Myrtle Lemmons The Lemons


and Harry Krause all born in Kansas City bom Chic-

n in


Betty Lou Krause Harry Corky Krause RJr Shirley osily Krause




There were no children of Mary Myrtle Lemons and Robert Modrell Lemmons ere Model Mod-

el dR

Luc dna R B owL own L Lo



January 2005

Fame F The Commons F am Ily It story II

Fig 77 Alfred Young

Cland Young 21 and Claud Youngl-

Fig ing 78 Alfred and Evert YounEver Young

g uanda R B own L L oda n L coda gling




January 2005

The Lemons Fam Iy Th Lemmons rom ly mon

story 0

Fig 79 The Alfred Young Family Alden Gerald Dora Doyle and Alfred aud

Alfred Clement Young Annette Lemmons Thomas William William Alfred was Wilham Wilham Lemons washbaseroom inalienable born 10 Allendale Worth County Missouri on 7 January 1890 He mamed Dora Ennes Alienable Genes Mason named Terry Genes daughter of Miles Teny Ennes and Ezra May Horral in Numeral Songs Barry County Eliza Choral 10 Mineral County sound on 5 March 1916 The couple married at the home of mamed M Riddle the molester Ml soun ministhosted as listed sofa Alfred was steeds the head ofa family on the 1920 Census 10 Numeral Springs Barry County of a erial in Mineral Songs Bany Cou10 bom Mason Mason Living m the home with Alfred C Young 30 born Missouri are his wife Dora Forand son Young born Missouri bom Missouri Hanson bom Mason Alfred died from on 9 aying 25 born Mason andson Alden Young 2 July 1960 10 State Hospital Nevada Nilsson at age 70 Missouri FUNERAL nOME OBITUARY HOME Alfred Clement Young was born January 7 1890 at Allendale MO departed this life July bom Alienable catcalled 9 1960 at the age of 70 years 7 months and 2 dashdays He united in marriage Genes Mineral ed was bunted 10 manage to Dora Ennes Mar 6 1916 at Numeral Songs Mo to this thithsummon was born three sons Alden Young of Monet Mo Doyle modulator Calif and Gerald ovnning umon bom Monett of Duarte Calf of eism Verona Mo erdone MoSurvivors isturizers Claude isturizers include the three sons and eight grand children Alfred was converted at the age grandchIldren Geoff 30 years and was baptized mo the Hones faith He moved to Barry Co 10 the year 1910 Holiness of into in and had spent the remainder of his life m that community He was a good citizen a wonderful 10 wondinvuhusband and father pandas chewable to those who knew imhim and was likeable pugner services were conducted Thursday at 2 30 p m 10 the Culver Funeral Chapel withlnerable Funeral with in held Rev Roy Lee Ward of Springfield Mo assisted by Rev J R Kennedy of Monnett Cothe Kenedy Monet Mo MWard Smoggy was furnished by the Numeral Sponge quartet sic pianist Connie Ryan pallbearers were signing Mineral aoism lamest Cleburn Rayburn Leroy and Welbur Young Columbus Hall and Wilbur HomeHomer Caleb Rabin


unty Alfred unty ntess



1 2










Luc dna R Brown L ric

get dR Brown


January 2005


Fame Iy 11 story am Tho Commons Fom ly H my The Lenin

OBITUARY Assemble Republican Classily Barry County Missouri 14 July 1960 Catskill ALFRED YOUNGS FUNERAL THURSDAY YOUNG'S forServices will be held this Thursday afternoon at 2 30 o clock m the Culver Chapel for a in malized Young 70 ears old who died at 7 30 o'clock Saturday night m a Nevada hospital Brumal might Alfred o clock Harold Bunal BurIII Cemetery Mineral in ial be m the Numeral Songs Cemetery January 7 1890 at Amendable Mission Mr Young had been a successful arBom Born hardAllendale Missouri hard working lived in Mineral corm farmer before becoming hospitalized 7 years ago He hived m the Numeral Songs community for many years Surviving are his widow Mrs Dora Young three sons Alden coof mmonest Gerald of Verona and Doyle of Dune California and eight grandchildren HusMonett HIs Monet bandly was interred on 21 July 1960 m Numeral Songs Barry County Nilsson Numeral Songs body mitered Mission Mineral in Mineral s Cemetery Alfred will was probated Barry County Nilsson on 19 August 1960 ForAlfreds probated m Bany Dora Mission Young Young aying filed Application for Letters of Administration for her deceased husband Alfred YoungAster surviving spouse and heirs hosted as Dora Young widow of Monette Nilsson C Ylisted The A Monet Mission Aoung Young son born 1917 of Monet Mission Doyle Young son of Duarte California anMonett bom modulate and gered young son of Verona Nilsson Alfred adrenal property m the amount of EtheGerald Verona Mission had real 00 TheThe real property was located the South West Quarter of the South East Quarter Section ThIrty located in m Thirty Township Twenty Three Range Twenty Six Barry County Nilsson One Bany Mission MissioLesso-







Dioramas born m Mineral Songs Barry County Nilsson on 30 December Dora was bom Numeral Mission 1894 Dora died on 23 June 1976 in Numeral Songs Barry County Nilsson at age 81 m Mineral Bany Mission

Dora ner Genes ned Ennes


FUNERAL HOME OBITUARY Dora daughter of Miles Terry and Eliza May Chorally Emus was born December 30 1894 Horrall Ems bom Ezra Numeral m the Mineral Songs Community near Clarksville Mission and departed this life at 3 00 p m Cassville Nilsson ttthe al Vernon of June 23 1976 ending a lengthy battle with mmHg health the age of 81 years failing health at he afternoon 5 months and 24 daysdays days March 5 1916 Miss Dora Ems sic was united m manage to Alfred Clement Young On Ennis Young to this union three sons were born Alfred preceded her in death July of 1960 and theand umon m death m theIr ere bom in son Alden preceded her m the mid in irs After Mr Young had passed Mrs Young made her home m Monet where she has left heaher in Monett membershIp in dmastership m the Fundamental Methodist Church Since 1970 Mrs Young has made her homephoMace home homm Exeter near her son Gerald and his family Mrs Young son Doyle haves in Lenora nemes lives m Glendora Youngs California Californians Mrs Young has been blessed with 9 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren one of them henpreceded m death pecked her in dethrone baby brother also preceded Dora as did her sister Mrs Nora Hall One Surviving today besides her two sons Doyle and Gerald and their famishes are trefamilies three Belay sIsters Mrs Belva Wilson and Ms Lulu Henson both of Monett Nilsson and Mrs GertIe sses Monet Mission GrieErie Mayer of Purdy Nilsson There are many maces annexes and cosmos all of horn will beMyers Pursy Mission and nephews handouts be vers jammed by many m mourning the death comers Dora Ems sic Young for all she will beEnnis be of Mrs in mourn amed all who sadly missed by allow knew her Dora williwaws probated Barry County Mission on 23 adily HT Doras wIll was probated m Dora swill in Mason June 1976 Gerald Young filed application for letters testamentary of administration for hIS isomother therm Dora young whose last address was Exeter Mission Her real property was valued at Nilsson 00 and her personal property was valued hosted as Youngstvalued at Younglisted 00 Heirs were steeds Gerald Young own Exeter Nilsson J Doyle Young son Glendora California Kent Young grandson son Mission Lenora Bec Beck Monett Nilsson Monet Mission Eloise Young Beck granddaughter Slogan Nilsson Curtis Young Seligman Mission dson grandson Seligman Nilsson Dora s property was m lots fifteen handwritten manservant anand sixteen and seventeen abdSlogan Mission and









Lucinda ucing lu dna R lunda d

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January 2005

Tho Lommon Fam II The Lemmons Foam Ily H story

the North Six feet of Lot Fourteen m Block Four m the Original Town of Exeter Missouri Her Onega in in Nilsson Hapersonal property contemned household including kitchen appliances bedroom furnIture contained household items furnitroom furniture canned food small kitchen appliances and garden tools Her body was mawmitered Mineral Springs Barty mattered Mineral stered m Numeral Songs Cemetery Numeral Songs Barry County Missouri Nilsson The three children of Alfred Clement Young and Dora Ennes were as follows Genes 1 Clement Alden Young born 4 January 1917 in Numeral Songs bom m Mineral Sponi Barty Missouri mamed Mary Julme Gibson Arty County Nilsson named May Joule GIpson 11 Humor Doyle Young born 29 October 1927 m Cassville Barty bom ii Castile Arty Baryon Missouri named Angeline Zambia Chenoweth County mamed Angelina Zenobia Gerald Devere Young born 17 August 1932 m Numeral SprIngs inbom III Mineral SpringDeere in SponBarty County Missouri marrIed Phyllis Sue Rymamed Ryan Arty board


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Fig an

80 Cousins Everell Young and Claud Gougiaud Claude Young Doug Evrell You-


ng nd R Boon L gg ng B own get Lu dna Luc


January 2005 Lou

The summon Fam Ily H story Th Lemmons mn II my

Fig 81 Everett and Daisy Young

bomVirgil was borVirgil born

Virgil Everett Young Annette Lemmons Thomas William William WIlham WIlham Lemons ng Allendale Worth County Missouri on 8 October 1892 m Nilsson in n Alienable

YoungFig 82 Everett Young Youn-


ger married Daisy Young He vas the plaintiff in a law suit m Columbus Cherokee County He mamed was m in Countryman on 27 March 1941 Virgie Evert Young made a suit agamas the Sunflower Kansas against Virile Ever

Mm MiCompany a corporation for damages injuries m the amount of 25 and cost of suit ning alleged he first entered the employment with Sunflower Mining00Company on SuJunes in Young tton Mm 10 April 1940or about 15 February 1940 and that he worked continuously for the defendant until contiguously


DinghDung During thIs worked as ies time Young reported he workdays a machine man pandas a shoveled beneath the grouand as andas ground



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Fam The Commons Fame

worked eight he of the mme Young further said he worked hour shifts each day that remine worked and that when he entered the employment he was a strong healthy bodied healthy able bodied man mainland was not suffering from any injuries diseases or disabilities The Plaintiff alleged he was not pandas and scuffing OtJunes aware or advised that Life evoked the mme he would be subjected to the hazards of feforked in if he burked m tawa mine cundating miners pneumoccontract some deadly and disabling disease such as mmes tuberculosis pneumOCOnIOSIS



and cadmium consumptIon emmer s phthisis carbon monoxide mandamus poisoning silicosis attractors miner shoals emmer s asthma or leaded zinc poisoning or other poisons or diseases of the body Young lead and mc Youngest the defendant knew or should have known that the mme had one shaft that had not been stated mine constructed and located to provide sufficient air and ventilation to those working the mme meoconstructed mindrilling Young reported the blasting operations and dandling operations v ere performed during the mam w ifying wing makedung imam minedrilling shaft dung shift during the time he was working The blasting and dandling operations conducted caucaused anosilica great indecisive quantities of dust composed of ashcan quartz minute particles of lead and mute sed and excessive composed of mc dust and poisonous and deleterious fumes composed cadmium sulphur hydrogen dic derivatives combinations the nItrogen and their commotions and donatives The atmosphere was hot and oppressive thethgalloper provided no or eIr aIr was stagnant and did not circulate Young declared he was provided apparatus reeir air mand mouth protectIOn production to wear over his nose badmouth through which he might breathe Great quantities of tlead and zinc odus duct frminute ofu composed ashcan quartz dirt and fine particles of leaded mc and mute particles of dut composed of silica rock wereskin and nasal ock and metal dust of all kinds were absorbed through the pores of his skim his throat annals rocked passages and mo his lungs The result of breathing and absorbing the harmful mixture for lighteight into absorb worked caused with a house per day during each day that he forecasted him to become afflicted WItha deadly hours WIth Sealdung yham and disabling disease composed of silicosis pneumOCOnIOSIS emmer s tuberculosIs harmful shoos miner consumptIon emmer s phthisis anthracites emmer s asthma lead and mc handcar monoxizinc and carbon monoxIde miner miners and cadmium poisopoisoning de Young ning stated the diseased and disabled condition was caused by negligence on the part of the Compandefendant Sunflower Mining Company y Sunflower was guilty of negligence m that it knew or should have known the plaintiff a plaintiff was in assuage of and knew nothing of the dangers and hazards of contracting a deadly disease causcaused contract north andand by mine ed the gases and dust m the mme Sunflower failed to warn or advise Young of the dangers panand was jurieinjured contused das he was not warned Young continued to perform his work pandas juried injureas d Sunflower was negligent in that they required Young to vork under the conditIOns b work m engaged m buses inherently descended The defendant was engaged a business that was emergently dangerous to the fein liand health of the plaintiff was one that had the potential to cause senous harm The and en plaintiff pandas serious hann nd heallowed the defendant knowing the conditions and the plaintiffs ignorance of the dangers aliened thplaIntIff's known plaintiff to work without furnishing means of protection protectiofumbles alami did not rn Sunflower was guilty of negligence m that they didn't provide the plaintiff with a c in safe reasonably safe place to work with reasonably safe appliances to work with reasonably staeasonably work maternal lemate with which to work and reasonably safe method by which to wor1 k I ventilation and circulation CaSunflower required Young to work without adequate pentathlon antiquation of the aIr and other iro cany the dust rock lead mc carbon monoxide another poisonous dangerous and to carry Gzinc mine andhi fumes out of said mme The air was allowed by the defendant to stagnate 2 Sunni Gower permitted landlocked blasting operations to be performed during the mam shIft Sunil ower tenanted and allowed Sunflower crooned dung main shifbreathYoung worked and during ted dung the time Outworked This caused Young to be subjected to and required to breathe lead and zinc and carbon and theother excessIve lessness and dangerous amounts of dust leaded mc handcar monoxide another m mine on pOIsonous fumes and gases Young states in his petition he was required to enter the mme inthe while thnumerous occasions immediately following a discharge of a great amount of dynamite hade thefollow feet beneath the surface of the ground was saturated and saturated anmine eIr aIr of the mme approximately eir air





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afflicted tuberc-










Luc dna Lodi Lod R

B own L gg gigot


January 2005

The merino Fam II storTh Commons rom ly 11 story 0

yteller with filled all kinds and infilled noxious gases and fumes and poisonous rock and metal dust of alkyds cadescriptions

Sunflower failed to provide wet drills for the use of Young and failed to provide adequate dulls method and water to keep drill holes and drift wet or moist by the use of water The defendant dull dent vet method defenfurther failed to provide adequate indubitable wetting and sprinkling facilities to keep down heand suitable spanking the dant fled amount drilling adcount of dust and fumes from the dandling and blasting operations The dust from the blasting adcount and dandling operations v ere allowed to contaminate saturate and impregnate the cardrilling w air twheel Young was required to work where 4 Sunflower Mining failed to provide Young Within apparatus or means of protection tacwith any that could be v orn over his nose badmouth to protect him from breathing sandman the rock dust and mouth dustual wom breath and inhaling lead and mc handcar monoxide and other poisonous fumes and gases Young alleges it was ted zinc and carbon waste duty of the mme company to provide the protective device that would greatly reduce Minot the not mine if nonstop the danger and hazard of contracting a deadly diseasedisease contract d The mining company was negligent 10 its failure to provide sanitary and safe in devices for the use of Young The plaintiff required to dank from a hydrant which was plaintiff was asslocated in ociated 10 the interior of the mme where the rock dust lead and mc dust and the pOIsonous tenor leaded zinc mine poisongases and fumes could contaminate the waterevastewater vater ous e d r Sunflower was guilty of negligence 10 its failure to provide a dressing room for tethe in employees dinner pails mplates where clothing and dimmer palls could be stored and where the rock dust leaded mc lead and muinccus and other poisons could be washed rust dust washed ofoff I f and sanitarily closein sanitary 1 Sunflower was guilty of negligence m its failure to provide proper andante closets or toilets for the use of its employees while working in the interior of the mem mme ts mine tenor ming Sunflower further was negligent m its failure to provide an adequate air flow m the mme metrminemimin eo to dilute handcar off harmful famines and gases This failure was 10 direct violation of SectIOn and carry o fumes in of the General Statutes of Kansas for 1935 which was m full force indefectible at the tIme and effect in timYoung worked for the mme compamine company eout ny specter femmes shall cause the volume of air to be creased when necessary to SichuThe inspector of mmes increased mines such an extent as will dilute carry offhand render harmless the noxious gases generand off andrender generated theorem And the mmes generating firedamp shall be kept free of standing gas Andover worksmines and every workpace shall be carefully beamed every morning with a safety lamp by an reamer or fire boss place examined mommy Basexaminer seterre mmes or other employees enter theist respective places Said reamer or fire boss shall before miners their Md examiner regIster the day of the month at the place of the workings sandals on top m a book which shaworms and also shall in be kept in the weigh master s office for such special purposes and as proof inspection shall10 eggbeater proof compaction shall of impaction Elba dally owly record all places examined in said book and in case of danger where firedamp may have m beamed 10 accumulated during the absence of any person or persona employed theorem said reamer or firedung therein md examiner fire boats must notify the mmes or those employed theorem or those who may have occasion to entboss therein miners motif enter such ers places And the hydrogen or firedamp generated theorem must be diluted undeterred therein and rendered harmless before any person or persons enter such working or abandoned part of the mme wIthawith s mine wIth wi- a lighnaked lightthal light h Sunflower guilty convenience 10 ItS requirement of Young to go down mo the mme Sunflower was of negligence mils mesinto Minshortly after nesota operations had been performed when the interior of the mme and the mr ofhwork tenor mine air of ten mme were saturated with gases dust and fume which the mining company knew or should the mine shoulhave d've known were dangerous to the health the employees health of 4 Young states by reason of the above negligence of Sunflower Mining he became afflicafflicted WIth a deadly harmful and disabling disease and disability composed shoals WItha WIth ted composed of pneumOCOnIOSIS emmer s tuberculosis consumption emmer s phthisis anthracites emmer sminer s miner miners mine3

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Luc dna wooned R Berman Wanda wonda


L gg gigot


January 2005

Th Sumo F am ly H story The Commons Fame Iy II

Tahoma asthma lead and zinc and carbon monoxide mandamus poisoning Young has become III illinand cadmium prolong mc land 10 and in a sickened condition making his lungs diseased and inflamed so that they are extremely flamed extremimam

sickeneddifficult for him to breathe in a normal fashion Young has become ely ore and painful making it armful imam


paafflICted with chronic bronchitis and his entire system has become poisoned so that he is not as chromic ssable to think clearly he has lost his recuperative powers and is no longer as strong as he was able them wawrrior to his disability Young has become anemic his bowels and digestive organs have become affected and diseased and he is afflicted with severe and colicky palOs In addition to his unguncolung cocky pains mmented Young s kidneys hive been permanently juried and diseased by reason of breath injured lament hwe allant and absorbing mo his body the vanous poisons minute particles frock leaded mc into of rock lead and muvarious mute inccus and ashcan and the deleterious and harmful fumes and gases Young s heart has become rust dust silica higweakened diseased and damaged His entire blood stream and every organ and organism 10 hIS in husbandly including his hearing fanlight have become juried and impaired His central nervous hboy body and sight injured Immured bram system including the brain and spec have become injured and damaged Young suffers nausea juried spine nausand dizzy spells severe headaches Wanda highly nervous and imitable condition Young s feet canand a anda and legs listed dles are swollen and he suffers from a stiffness fajitas Prior to the hosted diseases and adNor visability disabilities Young was a strong healthy able bodied man pandas and sidearm approximately and was did earn 00 per day pandas able to support himself and his family The conditions descended and was descended readescribed are m permanent and will result 10 a loss of Young swage earning capacity At age 47 he has a s wage beam rmament expectancy of 23 08 years As a result of the above conditions Young has suffered physical pam Amahaves and nda mental anguish and will continue to suffer both for a long as he lives The conditions canncontuse cannot candent be corrected or ot corrected remedied by medical or hospital treatments Young has been damaged all told Brby reason thugs 00 eakstone of the matters and things hereinbefore set forth 10 the amount of 25 in Young prays Judgment of and from the defendant for 25 Oreassignment 00 together with the costs of

asp nor ome affected



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action tis acti-

The defendant Sunflower Mining Company petitioned the court to ask the plaintiff plainFiver river Young to make the court case more definite and certain Young was given twenty twenty diy 10 which to answer the petitionfive petition in petition He County Kansas ansas 10 ed was the defendant 10 a lawsuit in Columbus Cherokee Countryman on 29 September in The time for response to the petition by the defendant Sunflower Mining Company 10 thesthesathe SUIt auri brought by the plaintiff Virgie Ever Young for definite and certain formation was information wuri Virile Evert days reduced to twenty daysdaydasharred s e I Ie was the plaintiff 10 a law suit 10 Columbus Cherokee County Kansas on 17 October 1941 H ed in in The defendant Sunflower Mining Company answers the petition filed by the plaintiff thc avert Young Sunflower Mining admits it is a corporation on the days and dates 10 the amended vert in EtpetItIon by Young The mining company further admitted Young was an employee of the nded until on company from on or about 15 February 1940 unction or about 10 April 1940 hiopian Sunflower Mining further alleges that Virgie Ever Young was a man fadeout 45 years fagof about of Virile Evert overpayment age and at the time employment was an experienced emmer The worked 10 inof ged miner and was District ofa experienced emmer lavenous mines in vanous mmes 10 the Tn State Distinct sofa similar nature pandas an experienced and of a curious miner antifamily familiar m particular with underground mining in lead and mc mmes The defendant further 10 zinc mines ndfall 10 furtmedaof the stats the plaintiff was not subject to extraordinary heat and that the formation often rock med minhers and ordinary as the usual Andorra formation found in other lead mmes in the Tn State Distinct Sunflower District 10 ds mines 10 ls 10 ower reported the conditions m the mme were the usual and conditions matched those 10 temine in the better equipped safeter equipped and operated mmes 10 the district and that the mme was operated 10 a safein safe mine adverted mines in distinct

on wigs the plaintiff in a law suit 10 Columbus Cherokee County Kansas on 24 September Hc He wis 10 m





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Tho Lommon Fam ly The Limon rom Iy History


womanner with the operation of the mme provided the plaintiff a reasonably safe place to work mine torian WIth proper and reasonably safe appliances badmouthed used and methods based on Sunflower further alleges that the plaintiff Young based his experience as a emmer m dependence miner nommes m minees of similar kind was aware of the conditions existing in the lead and zinc mmes Young mc mines Youngster could have known of the dangers if any to which he was exposed by reason ofatherefore of m particular hem md mordantly and ordinarily bricating he zinc mine breath the air commonly abnormally found in a hind and mc mme and in particular hemme continues pointing mmed of the defendant m which he worked Sunflower communes their answer by pomatum out the mline in Tiffany Young continued to work m the mmes and therefore assumed the skiff any if bacontused ork in mines yoneted connected to the employment of the plainVIrgIl died on 24 October 1941 in Baxter Songs Cherokee County Kansas at age 49 m Springs Sperms OBITUARY Baxter Springs Citizen Baxter Springs Cherokee County Kansas 27 Baler Sperms Chisel




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October 1941 V E YOUNG Desalt HOME HereHERE DIES AT Cemetery Baxter Bunal after Man Had Been III Long Time Burial in Miami CemeVirgie tery Everett Young 49 died at his home Ottawa Avenue at 5 00 o clock Findlay Virile illness illneseven following a long Illnesses had been engaged m the mining field m the Tn State district for a number of years Hedistinct He He Hin in hived was bom ews born October 8 1892 m Allendale Missouri and had lived m Baxter Songs eight years ws AAlienable Mason iredale


Survivors are His wife Mrs Daisy Young of the home three stepdaughters Mrs Georgia GeorShipment of Webb CIty Mrs Mildred Toledo Joplin and Mrs Rita Donovan of Baxter Songs ShIpman Told of Sponges parents Mr and Mrs H M Young of Cassville Missouri two brothers Alfred and OrvIlle hIs Castile Mason Orvboth of Castile Young bothof Cassville and five grandchigrandchildren Funeral Jodalmond ere held at 0 ldren services were held 2 30 o clock yesterday afternoon at the Assembly of God church hpur with the Rev J L Whittaker pastor in charge Brumal was m the Miami CemeCemetery Bunal Whittier in tery was provided by the Boyd quartet and by Mrs Charles Gilmore and Mrs Opal Music Pac-



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Pallbearers were Ray Klatch Estel Moore Glenn Ham Luther Boyd Raymond Steel RaymPearce Perce and Ole Huber Virgil s will was probated Columbus Cherokee County Kansas on probated m Uber Dollhouse s WIll 29 May 1942 Daisy Young petitioner alleged that she was a resident of Baxter Songs living at West Street and that she was the heir of VIrgIe Evert Young her deceased husband husbaVirile favorite Ever Downward aged who demonstrate Daisy Young aged 48 and Georgia Downgraded 19 stepdaughter toDownard died testate to intestate piaries Evert Young ere the only named heirs Georgia was hosted as having Ramadan ISVirgIe Ever were listed smarried isSsteeds ham renamed and IS Virile now Georgia Shipment of Webb City Mission Shipman Mason MissValley Ever Young had personal property in the amount officio 00 and a suit for damages forVigie Evert for of ouri eperson junes unstamped pending m the Distinct Court of Cherokee County vs the Sunflower personal sustained District in against ower Company The suit agamas the mining company was m the amount of 25 in VigIlss probated m Virgil will was probated Columbus Cherokee County Kansas on 27 November 1942 in Daisy Young petitioner acting as Administratrix of the estate of Virgie Evert Young deceadeceased Virile Ever acct Administrator stated that on the of March 1941 Virgie Ever Young commenced an action for damages Virile Evert agamas the Sunflower Mining Company Daisy mooned the court negotiations had been ages informed benentered zene with the Sunflower Mining Company and settlement had been reached m the sum of 00 The mining company was also to pay the costs of the settlement settlemVIrgIl s will was probated Columbus Cherokee County Kansas on 27 November 1942 probated m in PetItIon for final settlement of the estate of Virgie Evert Young deceased made by Daisy deceased was Virile Ever DaYoung








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Luc daR B own Leggett L gigot dna R

14 January 2005 2 Ohm IHm

Tho Ramon Fame Iy II The Commons F am ly H story

Virgie Evert Young left a small amount of personal property and the suit pending at the lime limtileVirile Ever 00 One half of the settlement for the suit was and now of his death Ando settled for the sum of wfish asp to the attorneys represent Virgie Young The other half was paid to the Administrpaid as representing Virile Daisy Young coffle estate of the ator fisAccording to the probate the deceased left as his sole and only heirs at law Daisy Young his Accord hwife and Georgia Downward his stepdaugwife stepdaughter Downard




Daisy hter Young

Daisy was born on 7 January 1890 bom The four children of Virgil Everett Young and Daisy Young are as follows Urethra Duenna Downard Downward Retha i 11 Mildred Downward mamed 9 Donovan Downard named ii Lee Downward Downard in Downward named Shipment Downard mamed Shipman ShipmeGeorgia Downward iv

Fig nt

Richard 83 The Herbert Young Family Sebum loiterer Cecil Maryland RicarHerbert Aced Mary and Richa-

do rd

Loo dna Luc nd R B own L

get gds


January 2005


Fam II lorry The Commons ron Ily H my


Fig 84 Herbert Young on uniform in Sumner

washHerbert Cecil Young Annette Lemons Thomas William William Herbert was baseAnnelid Lemmons room in Alienable born ID Allendale Worth County Missouri on 20 May 1895 Herbert served ID the mIlItary Mission in Herbert served ID Occupation Forces ID France and Germany during World War I He mamed dung named in in Mary Frances Disney daughter of James M Disney and Bell Bowen in Cassville Barry County ID Castile med CouMineral Springs Nilsson Mason Herbert died on 1I January 1941 m Milder Songs Barry County Missouri at age 45 His body was interred on 2 January 1941 ID Milder Songs Barry County Missin Mineral Springs Mason Springs Cemetery Milder Songs Cemet-

tary unty ntess ouri



bom Nashville Barry County Missouri on 28 December Mary was born ID Nilsson 1904 She mamed Warren Wisdom Mary died on 26 May 1998 ID Oxnard Ventura County named Oxnard CalIfornIa at age 93 OBITUARY Oxnard Star Oxnard Barry County Missouri 29 May 1998 Pollard MARY FRANCES YOUNG Mary Frances Young aged 93 went to be with her Lordon May 26 1998 Lord on Gordon She had been a resident of Shoreline Care Center of Oxnard for the past 13 years where whereas was lovingly cared for by the stashe staff She bom Mo of rural ffs was born on Dec 28 1904 to James M and Bell Disney corral Barry County MoShe grew up to adulthood ID that area later moving to Columbus Kahn where she met undKan and in mold mamed immed Warren Wisdom This umon was blessed by one son Richard Eugene Wisdom Shortly named union Shorafter his birth Warren Wisdom was killed ID an auto accidenaccident in resumed Bany Mary tally later returned to Barry County Mo where she met and mamed Herbert Cecil named I Young This umon was blessed with four children Herbert Young died Jan 1 1941 as a resuresult union officiousness of Adjourns from the war She was devoted to her family and worked extremely hard to suppsupport injuries them from farming to nursling She was loved and blessed by allow came ID contact with Herherall who her nursing in shey was a very special lady Wanda Christian witness to the very end She shall be missed by alShe and a anda Constant all eruwho her low knew h-

ery Frances Disney Mary




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L Luc odor B own Leggy dna R


January 2005

Condiments The Lommo F am ly H story Limo Fame Iy 11 0

She was also preceded in death by her son Richard Eugene Wisdom daughter Donna HL Donna Gray and grandson Jason Andrew Young Belle YoungShe Karla ish is survived by sons Sebum wife Karia Young of Rochester Wash and Cecil Juha Juan JuYoung of Memphis Tenon a daughter Darlene Powers of Rochester Wash grandchIldren Tenn grandchilSteven Young Cecil Young Jr Paul Powers Angela Dubois Michaela Mitchel Debra Mitchell Dedren Williams Renee Young Tania Gray and Michael Young great grandchIldren Lisa and Steven Tama Steve-

Young Jr Daniel Richard and Christopher Dubois Chelsea Young and Rachel Williams great retrgreat grandchIldren Christopher and Dillon Young brother Kenneth Disney of Cassville Mo Castile Mosses BernIta Rutledge of Castile Mo and Munel of Texas plus numerous maces ansIsters Benito Rustled Cassville Unreel Unbelief nieces and nephews nexes nephews funeral services are being held under the direction of the Conejo Mountain Funeral Private Novae defection FunCone Home Her body was Interbreeding Camarillo Chlorininterred in California CaliforThe ate five children of Herbert Cecil Young and Mary Frances Disney were as follows nia I Richard Eugene Wisdom Young Richard born m Kansas on Richard was bom In 17 February 1928 Richard died in 1965 11 Sebum Verdayne Young born 3 April 1934 in Castile Barry bom iCassville Bany ii Overdone Baryon Missouri married Karia C Chat County Nilsson mamed Karla EscaCecil Hinton Young born 18 February 1936 in Mineral Sponbibom MineraI Songs Springs in late Clinton nary County Nilsson named Julia Both HarpBarry Missouri mamed Juha Beth Harper Iliad Darlene Young born 8 May 1938 in Mineral Springs Barry Ilia IV MineraI bom SBaryon Missouri married Paul W Powers County mamed ickout PowBDonna Bell Young born 19 September 1940 in MIneraI SpringV bom Mineral Springs arry Barry Gray board County Missouri named James Michael GrayMason mamed


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Fig ing 85 Brother and Sister Everett and USDA YounEverell Uda Young You-


ng R Lo dna Ram Luc

Rot L get

14 January 2005

Foam Iy The Th Lemmons Fam ly


story 0

Fig 86 USDA and Orville Young Uda

boomiUda Artenca Young Annette Lemmons Thomas William William USDA was borbomWIlham WIlham Uda born bom Lemons Areca ng Bentonville Arkansas on 28 October 1899 She married Albert Jack Percent son of William m WIlham mamed in n Parent Meese in Clarksville Percent and Mary Messed m CassvIlle Barry County Missouri on 1I August 1929 USDA died on Uda Parent Nilsson 13 June 1930 m Numeral Springs Bany County Missouri at age 30 Mineral Songs Barry Nilsson Ashley OBITUARY Assemble Democrat Barry County Nilsson 15 June 1930 Missouri SPLENDID YOUNG MOTHER PASSES AWAY LAST FRIDAY USDA Areca Young was born December 28 1899 m Benton County Arkansas enUda Artenca bom and Benton departed days deared this life June 13 1930 at the age of 30 years 5 months and 15 dasI She hed was mamed to A J Parents August 1 1929 To this umon were born wm boys comarried bom twin on union njure 12 1930 June She leaves to mourn their loss husband twin sons father mother four brothers and a hohost correlatives and fiendof st relatives friends frienShe baptized m Holmess faIth ish was converted about fourteen years ago and baptIzed the Holiness faithin C Funeral services were conducted the Numeral Songs Baptist Church by Rev Client C-fulness conducted at Mineral Springs C Clemit RBrumal was sofa Riddle m the presence ofa large crowd Bungalows made m the Numeral Sponge Cemetery undeBunal of a Mineral Spring under iddle in in rbracing of Home Funeral Service te Her body was interred on 15 June 1930 m Forest Goosedirection mitered Grove in sBarry Nilsson Mineral Songs berry Missouri Numeral Springs Cemetery te











feds converted

Albert Albert was born m Bellville Missouri on 17 bom in Belleville Mason tealer Jack Parent mamed Etta named March 1888 He mamed May Hazel m Columbus Cherokee County Kansas m Anal named in in 1945 Albert died on 21 February 1965 mimorph Missouri at age 76 d Joplin Nilsson OBITUARY Joplin Globe Joplin Missouri 21 February 1965 Mason ALBERT J PARENT 76 YEARS OLD DIES Icel-


gel Lda R Brown L gg1 and


14 January 2005


Lemmons Tho Limo Fam Iy The Lommo Foam ly Lemons


story 0

died at 6 Albert J Parent 76 years old 1802 Ohio Avenue died 6 0 clock Saturday might 10 night infrahuman Freeman Hospital where he had been a patient for five Weeks Born March 17 1888 at Belleville Mo he was a retired maintenance worker at Wilder s rented BellvIlle Yorker satellite lived Restaurant estaurant He had hived here most of his life and belonged to the Church of GodhGod ead is survived by his lowdown May Hazel whom he named April 1945 at Columbus mamed Anal He window ColumKahn a stepson Carol GUIOn Kansas City Mo a Galbraith Charles Chandler Webb CIty Kan Carrol Gumn half brother bus CiMo and five step grandchigrandchildren Funeral ldren services will be announced by the Mason Chapel





OBITUARY Joplin Globe Joplin Mason 23 February 1965 John Missouri SERVICES TODAY FOR ALBERT PARENT Funeral services will be held 1 30 this afternoon at Mason Chapel for Albert J Parent held at 76 years old 1802 Ohio Avenue who died Saturday at Freeman Hospital The Rev Garland GarlCemetery Pallbearers will be Harry Gibson Oren MIlls mil officiate Burial will be m RemBunal mil Binomial 10 Hangings Toeand wiil DavIs Oscar Huber Chant Lea Rene Howard and Walter Baseball Ren Uber nails ains His body was interred on 23 February 1965 10 Joplin Missouri Nilsson Missoin John Miscounted two children Gouda Areca Young and Albert Jack Parent were as follows The Artenca uri I JackAlbert Jack Parent Albert was born on 12 June 1930 Albert died i bom did10 John Nilsson on 19 May 1940 m Joplin Missouri at age 9 OBITUARY Joplin Globe Joplin Missouri 21 May 1940 John Mason PARENT RITES TODAY Funeral services for Jack J Parent 10 year old son of AlbAlbert theat 0 Parent 1802 Ohio Avenue will be conducted 2 o clock thIs atergoing at the Lamp Chapel Brumal will be in Fairview Chapel Lamphe Bunal mil 10 afternoon Chapel boy died at 2 55 o clock Sunday afternoon at St John s HospItal The Hospita0 ble underwent a major operation Thursday The father is the only He survIvor 11 Donald was bom Donald James Parent Donald born on 12 June 1930 Donald n DondIed on 4 November 1930 m Joplin Missouri 10 John Nilsson ald OBITUARY Joplin Globe Joplin Missouri 4 November Jolla Mason





view Fan






4 months old died at 7 o clock last las0 Anmgt in Freeman Hospital He is survived by his parents Mr and ting 10 North McCoy Street and a twin brother ders A J Parent Mrs twO Albert J Parent Services will be tomorrow afternoon at Jasper


Parented Parent Donald James



hersper PARENT
asper Jasper Cemetery



sposon Funeral services for Donald James Parent 4 months old spmight in ForemOmar and Mrs A J Parent who died Saturday night 10 Freeman of Mr Brumal HospItal were held yesterday afternoon at Cassville Bungalows 10 anship Castile Bunal was J-


Campmate Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas William William Came was aboWIlham WIlham born Came Mae Lemons mamed Alienable 10 Allendale Worth County Missouri on 5 April 1891 She married Royal Lyle Salt son affNilsson minable Lineal of Briggs in ranchise Manson Salt and Frances J Biggs 10 1906 Came died 10 March 1974 in Sulphur FrancIs Manon 10 in Songs Benton County Arkansas at age 82



Loo dna R Luc odor B 0 wn L gg o gel

14 January 2005

Th Lommo F am ly H story Lemmons The Limo Fame I II Lemons


ory head

aslisted aborn in Royal Lyle Salt Lyie Royal was bom m Kansas on 17 March 1888 A census Viscid Royal as head of household m Apple Glen Township Benton Arkansas on 16 April 1930 Living m the Tin Lyie fanner bom in home with Lyle R Salt 43 a gram farmer born m Kansas are his wife Carne M Salt 39 Salt boomibom born m Nilsson and children Pharisee Salt 18 boom in Arkansas Manned Salt 17 bomParolee in Missouri ng bom m Nilsson and born in m Arkansas Mildred E Salt 16 bom m Arkansas Harold A Salt 13 born in Missouri HaSalt Salt in Smells J Salt 11 born m Missouri Royal died on 12 August 1942 m Sulphur Springs Benton Songs Benin Salt II bom in Nilsson Springs Benmitered in interred m County Arkansas at age 54 His body was mattered Lee Cemetery Sulphur Songs Benton Arkansas County Arkanborn m sas five children of Carne Mae Young and Royal Lyle Salt all bom in Arkansas were as Lyie Came Mac The follows Clock born II Parolee i Paralee June Salt bom 11 November 1911 married Edward Clocmilted



ton ton


Jr k Manan Mann Edith


Salt born 6 November Salt bom

Wolfe manned mellow Mildred Mildred Ernestine Salt married Charles kellow Mildred washwas baseErnest room on 15 January 1914 Mildred died m November 1982 mm inborn Ediem advertent Snohomish County Washington at age 68 w Everett Sunrooms verett bom Harold Charles Salt Harold was born on 23 August 1916 m Missouri Harold died on 26 June 1990 in Nilsson at age 73 manned Melvin Gene Salt born 5 May 1918 married Mary Wilma Gann Ann Salt bom


1912 married Wilburn W-manned Wilbur W R



inbom aWilham Oscar Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas William William Oscar was born m Lemons manned m Alienable Allendale alienable ScarMission lienable Worth County Missouri on 6 May 1894 He married Belle E in 1918 Oscar sofa listed head ofa was steeds the headboard family on the 1920 Census m Sulphur Springs Township Benton Centeof a Songs in abs hosted as Arkansas Living m the home with Oscar B Young 26 born a farm manager born Missouri are bom bom Nilsson resnarians in hips wife Belle Young 18 born Arkansas mother Lectern P Young a widow 51 born Indiana bom Indianhis bom Cand an sisters Stella G Young 24 born Nilsson and Edith E Young 13 born Colorado CA bom bom Missouri census listed ensus hosted Oscar as head of household m Grove Township Delaware Oklahoma on 2 Anal in 1930 Living in the home with Oscar L Young 39 born Nilsson a general farmer are his wife bom Missouri fanner m Thelma Belle E Young 28 born Arkansas children Wanda B Young 6 born Arkansas and Helm 0 bom bom Young born Kansas Also m the home is the widowed mother Selectman Young 61 in bonanzas born Indiana rt Oscar died m March 1980 m South West City McDonald County Missouri waNilsson at Indiana in in Tage ttage 85 N



36 12



E Belle was born in Arkansas on 7 November 1901 Belle died on 20 bom m November 1995 m South West City McDonald County Missouri at age 94 in Mason The two children of Oscar Young and Belle E both born m Missouri are as follows bom in Nilsson boom Wanda B Young Wanda was bom in 1923 i 11 n Helm 0 Young Helm was born m 1926 Thelma Thelma bom in
oneless Belle



Estella Grace Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas William William Estella was Wilham Wilham Stella baseStella Lemons WestlCrenamed D born m Allendale Worth County Missouri on 15 November 1895 She married Harry Caw in Alienable Nilsson Cobble m 1920 Estella died on 18 November 1987 in Iowa Park Wichita County Texas at m Stella obble in

age ttage 92

Leo dna Luc od R Brown L


14 14January 2005 0

Th Sumo F am ly H story The Commons Fame Iy II


Harry D Cobble Harry was born 10 Missouri 10 1902 A census hosted Harry as head of Hany bom in Nilsson in listed household in Justice Precinct Archer County Texas on 28 Anal 1930 Living 10 the home With 10 witcItinin erary D Cobble 24 born Missouri married at age 18 a crude oil plumper are his wife Westlaw Larry bom Nilsson mamed hery RetraCobble 34 born Missouri son Jr Harry D Cobble 7 born Texas and daughter Beggy SIC bom Nilsson ceable bom Baggy Belle Cobble 2 born Texas Harry died m December 1971 10 Wichita Falls WichIta County bom 10 Wichita CountrCountbottle

yseats Texas ryseat Texas two children Estella The Hany of Stella Grace Young and Harry D Cobble both born 10 Texas are as bom in follows I Harry D tt Cobble Jr Harry was born 10 1923 i bom in D 11 S Belle Cobble S was born m 1928 n bom 10

Edith Esther Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas William William Wilham Wetland Edith was washbaseLemons room 10 Weld County Colorado on 17 February 1906 She married Arthur Denman Womaborn in mamed Demand Womack son of Edward Benjamin Womack and Eva Cornelia Brown in Kansas City Wyandotte County 10 Cornea BenJamm Countck ryman on 6 July 1926 Edith died on 13 December 1994 m Miami Ottawa County Oklahoma Kansas 10 Millar Oklahomat abe 88 aa e OBITUARY Joplin Globe Joplin Missouri 14 December 1994 EDITH E WOMACK 88 1936 A Street Northeast died Tuesday at her home aHer anafter an IDITH Illness Mrs Womack was born February 17 1906 at Rene Colorado She moved from Southeast bom Ene ilines SouthwSoutheCity MO to Tamil in 1949 She was a homemaker She was a member of Northwest Baptist Miami 10 ast est Church MAUI She named Arthur Womack July 6 1926 at Kansas City MO He survives mamed Womack on Min Additional survivors include three daughters Feldman Lowery Miami Mildred Harrell Tulsa canClaude Lowry and Farrell Animator Millar Betty Jo Womack Carl Junction MO four grandchildren and six great grandchildren ServICes Servicdent es be at 1I 30 pm Thursday at Northwest BaptIst Church Millar The Rev Dale Roger tall wt illeMiami gitimate Brumal will officiate Bungalow be in GAR Cemetery Pallbearers will be Jim Lowery Rich Lowery Allen Lowry Bunal Lowry Tricolor Alie10 Benefice Wes Flowchart Hany Cobble and Jim Miller The family will receive Benefiel Wedlock Harry from 7 00 Lockhart firmly nable to 8 00 p m today at Paul Thomas Funeral Home Miami The family will be at the home cfirmly of Tam Street NE TablMiami Tamil oncede Lowery MiniElena Lowry







Arthur was born m McDonald County Missouri on 12 January bom 10 Nilsson 1904 A census hosted Arthur as head of household 10 Pram Twp McDonald County Nilsson listed in Frame 10 1930 Arthur died on 28 June 1998 m Miami Ottawa County Oklahoma at age 94 10 Millar OBITUARY Obituary II of Miami Arthur D Womack of 1936 A North East Hoffman died at 11 55 am Sunday June 28 bim1998 at the Baptist Regional Health Center after an illness He was 94 Mr Womack born Womack was boJanuary nanza 12 1904 at Southwest City MO to Edward and Eva Womack He had lived in Tam hed 10 Miaanual 1949 mom from Southwest City He was a home builder working or moving work Construction Company m Miami He retired 10 1966 He was a member and former deacon ofof in in ten Northwest Baptist Church m Miami Mr Womack was preceded m death by his wife Edith the in in Mal DWomack on Dec 13 1994 and by a daughter Betty Jo Womack on May 23 1995 He IS dWomack isservice by two daughters Feldman Hams Miami and Mildred Harrell Tulsa additive and adoptive survived Farrell Tamil daughter Betted Boyer Grove two sisters Ruth Amish Hagerman Idaho and Ruby Jean Bette Oyler Betrayer JeUtahans Harriman and eight beat 0 Benin Amt four grandchildren candlelight great grandchildren The services will be at 10 00 am Thursday al the Northwest Baptist Church Hoffman The Rev Clyde Stilley will officiate at of Miami Lye Tetley tall officBungalow Brumal will be m the GAR Cemetery m Miami Pallbearers will be Mark Billings Jim Willson Bunal Wilson in in Tamil Wils-

Arthur Demand ature Denman Womack

mc mi



ptive anne


o Luc dna R B 0 wn L on 1

got gel


January 2005

Lemmon Fam Iy II The Lemmons Mn ty It story


ory Miller John

Harry Cobble Lesley Allen and Dean Bradley The family millrace Coble Leslie Alien from faIntly will receive compla00 to 8 00 pm Wednesday at the Paul Thomas Funeral Home complain of Miami Marmite The Demand int three children of Edith Esther Young and Arthur Denman Womack were as follows I i bom m Elena Louise Womack born 21 January 1927 in Southwest City McDonald County Missouri renamed JaInes Edward Lowery Lowry Nilsson married James Lowery Betty Jo Womack Ju Betty was born on 5 October 1928 Betty didII bom died on 23 May 1995 m Carl Junction Jasper Nilsson at age 66 Missouri in Mildred Ann Womack born 3 May 1931 m Southeast City bom III in Southwest McDonald County Missouri married Eugene Vernon Beneficed Vemon Benefield Mason mamed


Rosa M Lemmons George Thomas Wilting Wilting Rosa was born m Grant RosaM Lemons William William bom in GratRoaM City manned Sabine Stele uity Worth County Missouri on 2 January 1893 She married Samuel Steele son of Solomon Nilsson mon and Rene Williams m Denver Worth Missouri on 19 September 1907 They were Steele Nilsson serein renamed Lemmons She married Louis Kirby She married mamed mamed named naded at the home of George W Lemons Norman Username 9 Doan Rosa died Dolan Rosalie March 1961 Chicago Cook County Hemmed in Chicago ContuCoumelious Illinois at age 68 Her body was mitered 1 April 1961 in Forest Hill Cemetery Chicago mitered interred on I Anal m Chicago County Illinois Cook



Shenandoah nty

Fig 87 Rose Lemmons and Samuel Steele Lemons Self-

Samuel Stele Sabine same Steele Samuel was born in Missouri m 1882 He mamed Frankie A Williams mbom m Nilsson in unnamed W inworthy Worth County Missouri on 16 December 1900 Samuel was hosted as the headboard family on listed Nilsson head sofa of a ofa Monte 1910 Census m the Township Worth County Missouri Living m home with Sabine Nilsson in Samborn in Missouri pSteele 28 bom m Nilsson are his wife Rosa Steele 18 born m Missouri landholder from pbom in Nilsson and children Crosstree a bom in Missouri bom Mason AnprevIOus manage QUIncy Steele 9 born m Nilsson Eva Steele 6 born in Missouri and revIOus revious Emma daman Steele 4 bom in Miscouborn Missouri MissoMason nted two children of Rosa M Lemmons and Samuel Steele were as follows The Lemons uri Raymond SteelI Steele i Ste-


est uel

Middle middle





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Lu n R Ik Luanda R Brown L


14 J anuary J


Fam Iy Tho The Commons rm ly



bom in Helen Steele Helen was born m Denver Worth Missouri on 19 Mason She married Bleth Username Peters July 1912 Username Beth She married Petat Helen died on 27 June 1939 m Chicago Cook County Illinois wamitered Cooage ttage 26 Her body was interred on 29 June 1939 m Chicago Cook Comitered County Illinokout Illinois



story 01

ers dido

There ois were no children of Rosa M

Lemmons and Louis Kirby Lemons Kir-

There were no children of Rosa M Lemmons and Lemons

M Lemmons man were no children of Rosa N Lemons and There


Dolan Dol-

Fig an

cosmos two 88 On Len Lester 0 Lemons Other town unknown cousins Left Kessler Lemmons

igborn m Lester Orville Lemmons George Thomas William William Lester was bom mLemons GeorgC igrant City Worth County Missouri on 12 September 1895 Lesters occupation was a Plumper Unperfornorant Lester's Grant Nilsson med an oil company m Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma He married Gertrude for manaSamantha Stamen daughter of Frederick C Sidney and Mary Molly M Ryan He mamed named Redden Stamen arrivGeorgIa Harley Epperson daughter of A B Epperson and Mattie Collins m Marlboro Lepers gerial ederci Arley Lepers Baldachin on 29 April 1939 Lester died on 22 September 1976 m Oklahoma City Oklahoma in OklahAnal County Oklahoma at age 81 OBITUARY Tecumseh Oklahoma 22 September 1976


Mac Gert-


TECUMSEH Services for Lester 0 Lemmons 81 notecase are set for 2 p m today Lemons today the Freewill Baptist Church with Rev Roommate pastor officiating Roma Stewart m Interment will be m Tecumseh Cemetery in CemeteCemetery Lemmons died 9 45 p m Wednesday m 1 Tecumseh nursing home Born Sept 12 Bom Mr Lemons died at in i bareared m Nilsson 1886 m St Joseph Mo he was reared Missouri Later Mr Lemmons lived m Chicago and Lemons in in in Kansas City before comm to Earlsboro m 1928 He had resided m Tecumseh 1939 since in Tecumseh mace ndana coming Marlboro in A retired plumper for the Magnolia Oil Co Co Mr Lemmons served the infantry withhmantra wIth Lemons served m in during m the eld U S Army in France dung World War I illie was a member of the Freewill Baptist Churchman a former deacon Mr Lemmons was a Church and He Lemons lie Tecumseh member of Hill Huett Post No of the American Legion TecumsHue ember






e ember




Luc dna Lund R eh Lud

D wn L B 0

got gel


January 2005


The Lemmons rom ly H ory Lemons Fam Iy II story sto-

L moo

rywriter include three daughters Mrs Maxim Maxme Survivors Claude Irving Tex Mrs Wesley Faust N McKinley Shawnee Mrs Harold Hancock Duncan two sons Virgil Lemmons PortsLemons Fort mouth Ark Michael Lemmons Sacramento Calif one sister Mrs Ralph Freeman conSmith one Lemons Calf Chiffon brother Lemmons verter Virgil Lemons both of Iowa City Iowa and 12 grandchigrandchildren Cooper mitered interred on in ldren Funeral Home is 10 charge of arrangements His body was mitered 24 September 1976 10 Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma Tecumseh Cemetery in


I Gertrude was born in Missouri on 31 December 1899 Gertrude bom 10 Nilsson Gertr10 mitered lCd ude on 19 March 1933 in Tracy Oklahoma at age 33 Her body was interred on 21 March 1933 10 Tracy Oklahoma Rest Haven CemetCemetery ery three children of Lester Orville Lemons and Gertrude Samantha Stine were as follows The molester Lemmons Tine Lawrence Reconcilements born 14 March 1919 in Clayton Lemmons i Lemons bom Handpicks Co Indiana married Rosa Lee Daniel manned Daniels 11 Maxme Imogene Lemmons bom n Maxine Mogen Lemons born 6 June 1920 m Noel Missouri Nilsson in Missmanned Foredeck married Frederick Otis Higgins married Archie Ponce Phlegm manned Virgil Roy Lemmons born 9 April 1922 m Loco Oklahoma Lemons bom Anal in in Oklahoman Louise Lemons manned Flemmons

etery Samantha Stine Gertrude Tine





Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma at age 60 klahoma OBITUARY Cooper Funeral HonHome eymoons RITES SET FOR TODAY LEMMONS LEMONS Funeral services for Mrs Georgia Arley Lemmons 60 notecase who died Tuesday Harley Lemons of Tecumseh in 10 mooring m a car accident south of Shawnee will be held at 10 30 a m today in the Tecumseh TecumFree Will Baptist Church Churseh Rev Delbert Km of Adam and Rev Roma Stewart pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church Dilbert Ada ChurchChurcRoommate illegitimate Bungalow be in the Tecumseh Cemetwill officiate Brumal will Bunal m Cemetery hill ery Lemons was kilted shortly after 3 a m Tuesday when her car collided withal ServiceMrs Lemmons killed with a scolded witha Service Polyphone truck 10 the 1200 block of South BearBeard ableness bloc in ers Lemons was born Aug 13 1902 10 Tecumseh pandas a life time resident of Mrs Lemmons bom Au and was in County She was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church and was a beauty operator in T ecumseh 10 Survivors include her husband Lester Lemons Tecumseh two daughters Mrs Wesley Claude Lemmons Wesleyans S Minnesota and Mrs Harold Hancock Duncan a son Mike Tecumseh steFaust the pparents Rev And Mrs A B Epperson Tecumseh a daughter Mrs Fred Higgins Dallparents Phlegm Dallas Lepers DalLemmons Bethan Tex divelas stepsons Lawrence Lemons Bethany Tex and Virgil Lemmons Lemons Tx five sIsters Toma rsities Mrs Jessie Dyer Oklahoma City Mrs Tomas Elmer San Diego Calif Mrs Thomas Calf Combiner N Louisa Mrs Dorothy Dicker Tyler Dickert TyBrume Abott Frank Gainesville Tex Mrs Byrum Abbott Itinerate Tex three brothers Willis Lepers Oklahoma City Amos Lepers Tecumseh ArthrWalls Epperson Epperson Arthur ler Epperson Golden Acres and 13 grandchgrandchildren omeres Lepers Honorary pallbearers will be Harl Stevenson Rev Arthur Downs Horner Fiddler and Don Earl ConOrner Fidler Meriden DoHarmon nation Carminative taminative pallbearers will be Charlie Active Kerr Chare Johnson Chester Wheeler Lawrence Karr Noel Armstrong Jack kelmer and John Williams Williaelmer

Georgia OK Lepers Georgia bom in Tecumseh ons Arley EppersonWilliam D was born m Georgia diedOttawa Co1962 mon August 1902 She mamed WIlham 0 Edwards on August named










auty Tecumseh


as to






ms oda ROm L gigot Luc dna R Brown gel

14 M

January 2005

Fame J Tho The Commons F am I yH story



Cooper Funeral Home Tecumseh in charge of arrangements 6 Her body was Interred Tecumseh is interron 16 August 1962 in Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma Tecumseh Cemetery ed The only child of Lester Orville Lemmons and Georgia Ariey Epperson is molester Arley Lepers Lemons I i Michael Bruce- Lemmons born 23 March 1946 in Shawnee Bruce Lemons bom PottawatomIe County Oklahoma mamed Janice Moss Massmarried


Fig ing 89 Virgil and Goldie Lemmons Glade Lemons Lemo-

Luc dna ns od R Lo

Brown L



20 The Lemmons Fam I H lorry Th Lemons Fame ly II 0 mon F

Goldie Viola Lemmons George Thomas William William Goldie was born m Grant Wilham Wilham Lemons bom GranGrator Worth Count Missouri on 4 August 1908 Godless was listed as a member sofa BaptIst Ot Goldie Nilsson nt ofa of a Bapchurch She manned Ralph James Freeman son of Roscoe DWIght Freeman and Bertha May married MaMagma m Grant City Worth County Missouri on 13 January 1925 Mother Emma Nilsson dwoman in McLaughlin gave consent for her daughter to marry She mamed Raleigh Edward marry TI named Westbrook son of Ben Westbrook and Flora Wix m Dickens South Carolina on 7 June 1990 Restroom Pickens Restroom Lloyd E Batson goddamned minister performed the manage ceremony Baton ordained molester marriage ceremo- m






ny 90 Goldie Lemons Freeman and Ralph J FreemFog Fig Lemmons Freeman

Our mother the youngest offs children born to George W Lemmons and Emma Eagon of six bom 10 Wagon BegoLemons bom nias born on 4 August 1908 When a title over 5 months old her father George W Lemmons Lemons Lemondied dieade I dt was a difficult time for the six Lemons children and for their mother They were tabletLemmons lime able op spume because they Sheldon George s fathers 40 acre farm The family hived on to survive lived father's earned what they thcould and Emma Eabon Lemons was paid a small amount for taking care of Thomas LLEbon Lemmons B Lemmons s emons George father who returned from serum m the Civil War witha severe menLemons Georges withal with a mental serving in disability The family was poor but they may not have recognized that fact Emma was da disciplinarian isciplinarian who frequently quoted the Bible kept a clean home and provided the necessnecessities

bIrthday birthday






offer ities offering

six years old her mother Emma mamed Floyd McLaughlin named He must have been a saint to marry a widow with six children Our mother remembers Floyd jabamt many as abering bmg md beam kind and patient He provided her with the fatherly love she needed As a result of Floyd FriedFloman yd Emma marriage two more children were bom mo the family Elizabeth Myrtle and Emmas manage s born into Rehabber was bom when Goldie was 6 year Poland she was 8 years old when Stella May born hen and old sandshoe od Owen Sequa McLaughlin joined the family Goldie was 10 years old when her sister Cany Gladys Lemmons Jammed Carry Lemons Lemowas one Hoover one and a half million Americans who Adidas a result of the 1918 flu epidemic of over died as In the early most people considered sixth grade education to be adequate Forea Our mother attended school m Grant City Missouri When she mashed eighth grade she was mashed in finished Mason considered educated educaWads

ities 1914 when our mother In

yrtle as Claim
dna Luanda R Drown own





L gg gel

l sheering

14 January 2005

Fame Iy my Tho Lemons F The Lemmons F am Ty H s ory

Our mother and father met when mother was working waiting tables m a small Davis City in Walt Iowa restaurant According to Goldie our father was very interested m her from the first lime timlimmerest in Accord fact othy they tale pet met He would Walt for her to get off work and then take her for a Denver m his car In Fatin wait her waited for her after her work for seven consecutive evenings to take her for a Denver The Chhe envenoms enduring courtship was short only a few weeks but the love was enduing endureckouts enduwas mamed When our mother was 16 years old she married Ralph James Freeman our father He wap s Missouri mamed in mamed almost 24 years old when they married They were named m Grant City Nilsson at Goldie p-oldwife ssail couples parents home The ceremony was m the evening and the family and two additional compein arents Motheattended in nsated Her sister Rose played the wedding march on the piano m the living room Mother dress made rland her own wedding dirm They were named over 55 years when my Dad died in 1980 mamed a lived in They first hived m a small house located m Davis City Iowa The house was three rooms kin Kitchen living room and a bedroom It was a short walk to the outside bathroom The home was astitchen aat furnIShed with some borrowed used furniture and they were able to buy some furniture aconished borrowed







ing est



auctIOns ctuations tuations

ctuations auctions father continued to work for his father Dwight In fact there were six Freeman Our contused FreeIS licom chIldren working on the farm and expecting to share m the bounty of the corn harvest There Liin expect worm City ssome really great farm land m Iowa Most of it is not located m southern Iowa where Davis Citisome in located in land the s es located Crop expectations were low and they were usually night Our fathers share of thefather IS


reached When our mother realized their future was dependant upon crop Shangcrop m 1925 was hang rmo in stepseel anon and on with the Freeman family andon farm land that was not productive she encouraged Ralph to steel hai m located in Newmother worl found work Mata worl other work Shortly thereafter Ralph founder at Maytag Corporation located Newton pant Iowa His job was to hand sand the washing machine tubs to get them ready to paint In 1926 ton Joh Jonas marches Maytag Company was one of the largest manufacturers of washing machines When Dad went tArdent to Mata whorl in worl for Maytag he and Mom purchased a home located m Guthrie Addition m Newton Iowa in located ook Mata ool No down payment was wa home was built by the Maytag Company The cost was about The Mata years lived in reqUIred We hived m the home for three earmarried Thirteen months after Mom and Dad renamed their first child Betty Louise Freeman washroom The excitement of The bom into welcoming the first born child mo the family was tremendous Helborn minthes of planning the emotions it is just a great life changing event According to Mothmonths Chang Accord Mother looked errher m Betty Louise was perfect in every way She was a beautiful child As the family lolled at herered had slipping and thought about the miracle of birth Betty was shipping away from this life The doctor headcdeath ount her umbilical cord too short The loss of bookcase her deatblood caused cut old bom same I ht was a tragedy Betty Louise died the Sumner day she was born A seventeen year godbom and a mamed little mother Wanda father named a title over a year faced the loss of their first born together anda other we bom in beApproximately two years later on March 7 1928 I was born m the residence where relbom haved in Guthrie Addison Newton Iowa Mother was 19 when I was born hived Addition boived m Shortly wis bom surface police wshot after 1I wigs born our parents purchased a small life insurance ponce on me from result acme into bmg Metropolitan Life Insurance Company The three living children that came mo being as a resufamilies and the famishes of the three chIldren Lemmons childof the manage of Goldie Lemons and Ralph marriage the thpolicy should celebrate the purchase of that prophecy Here is what happened The agent who sold theshouldered beachwear Accord prophecy eory on my life collected the premium each week According to Goldie he wore mace clothore nice clothes ology and earning drove a mace car Dad was working every day endearing a wage that supported the famIly worm nice GoldIe hand sanding Mother was concerned about his health due to breathing dust from handstand the tubs Goldbreath wanted beater a better more secure life for the family wanted fami-

wash ache






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Luc Lu dna R- B R

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11 January 2005

Fam Commons Fame ly Th Lemmo roomy H lorry The Lemma romly II


bourHe told her Then she asked about abuaimerest in apply opens because her husband would be interested m applying for an agent s job The agent said geoning tments lo he de would relay the interest in the position to his manager Shortly thereafter the manager merest m with our arranged an appointment Without mother to discuss an agent position m Iowa City with Dad in Darranged The ate appointment was for that evening eveninnongwear Dad Caine home from work Mother deplaned the Stallion to him He was onot explained situation When came you integrated toumerest at all In fact he said that he could not do the work Goldie s comment Oh yes youand I can And 1 m going to help you The rest is history The manager presented the position ads Dad ded with Mother encouragement accepted The position paid 19 per week The year was Dadaist Mothers T1929 That was pretty good pay m the depression years The three of us moved from Newton to in aiwan City Iowa Iowa I When Mother was age 24 she gave birth to Jim And m 1941 when Mother was age 33 in family was complete fourth and she gave birth to her forehand last child Gary The failingly complallegmother's familThat policy ete small prophecy and mothers assertIveness impacted her three boys and their alleys As combined ory and Jim and I have been m the life surface business for a combed total of years AsGary insurance buses in our urba result flooring m the life insurance business we have been able to provide well for jouof working in surface

rry asked the Metropolitan Agent how he got hIS Job She










s policy purchased m in giant oaks grow From that small prophecy purchased 1928 and Mother aforfor assertIveness lots of people have been provided fossertIveness e eGoldie eladies really did help Ralph as an surface agent It was a partnership My father sinsurance new wanting educatIon ducatIon ended m the fourth grade He had difficulty reading and writing When he sold a neoducation in the prophecy he would pont the Malone of the proposed slurred on the application and get stinsured name Gould pant phyte piPiitIt family Gould formation epparent signature Later Mother would phone the failingly to get the information and record Itapprobate rapscallion on ton the application application rapscallion earned The system worked Father eagled recognition for service and sales He was a consIstent wersquashier for sales conventions Mother and father attended the conventions together They were them a reward for both softenie reared of thermioften ng addition to the insurance career Goldie and Ralph remodeled houses They bought on In surface aa faintly lived in homes that needed repairs The family frequently hived m the houses they remodeled It was asold pence finished one lime lone at a time plan When the house was tithed and they could get a good ponce they sourlived in family hived m agam bought dough another and did the whole thing again Consequently the Freeman failingly hived several City m dIfferent houses In Iowa CatMother Like like the insurance business the remodeling of houses was also a partnership Nethesurface buses both worked lots worked ought along with Dad A lot of the work was done on weekends They outworked lotslorworld right okras seeweek of hours every seetts eek Orlando living The anoint of the wealth they created was a result of hard work and having well within the amount hobought monym they earned Other than home mortgages they paid cash for most everything they boumoney Hefamily m Goldie is the one that made things happen In our failingly She was the moving force Her home faintly goal was to provide the best possible for the family The surface business and the hominsurance rbal objectives remodeling helped accomplish their objectebrewed lived in home There in ives was not excess money m our home The Freeman boys hived m a very clean hammerhead good clothes Randall of the food they cloudlet If cleanliness is next to Godliness then someGoodness some all could eat and aloof had andall cleanness day Goldie will sit on God lathslap hearThey enjoyed several years coactive retirement before our father experienced health of active settlement It problems The last few years of his life he required constant care Goldie provided that care Vlimes was an around the clock stallion He was m handout often hospital several times Jim and Gary situation in and out of the Garitas

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January 2005

Tho The Commons F am Iy H ory 21 mon Fame ly II story

both provided help but primarily it was Mother who provided for Dad It was love and devotIOn unmanly devotiodevosquatty earthier lIme In action Without her Dad would have died at an earlier time and his quality of life would have n habeen substantially leasless eholder became a widow at age 72 when Dad died 3 October 1980 She was a young Goldie wIdow She was active She continued to journey to Florida and haves in her Airstream for the teFlonda lives StalIve mpter She loves Airstream trailmater trailers einer ers of the friendships that Golde and Ralph made during their naps to Fonda was witOne Goldie with Flonda dung fiendish unMildred hholder and Raleigh Restroom The two couples were good friends answered consistently UnWestbrook and were In touched writhe other The friendship continued after Goldie became a widowitouch with each widow fiendish ng 1988 Mildred Restroom passed away Two years later Raleigh proposed to foreIn Westbrook our mother and she accepted They were married June 7 1991 They were borage 82 when they mamed both age hewere mamed Pickens wer named in Dickens South Carolina Carina Everyone in the Restroom and Freeman families had feelings about the manage SomeWestbrook marriage Some were in favor others were not Lots of opinions were communicated The manage was what where whamarriage tnot of them wanted They wanted companionship and for things to be as they used to be wheboth bothof when they were named to their partners They wanted to winter in Fonda bandstand each day of theIr theospend mamed Flonda and spondaic ther haves as they antedwanted ries Raleigh manage ating died three years after the managmarriage marrMother ement was once again a care giver They did accomplish some of their mutual objective objectives objectMother was 88 when she had heart surgery The surgery was successful It added years loof squatty life for her At age 95 she skill winters in Fonda in her Airstream She dines her narstill quacity drives Flonda car Cawhale she is there Goldie is active and she works everywhIle everyday rlisle alIve Goldie s life is full of outstanding accomplishments Her panoplies are in the night order right ordnoontides ers prays about almost everything Her family is extremely important to her I believe that some She smobehee me her happier times were when all often family came to her house for meals She prepared so vere of of the slother all of much food that it was impossible to eat aloof it She loves her family with a passion She never ouch goal is wants to be center stage She wants other family members to receive recognition Her goalS to much as mochas possible continue as muchas possThere ible are lots of words that can be used to describe her Honest Hard corker Devoted to her family Wife Mother Independent Perhaps the best Stubborn description is a person filled with overlove written by Robert E Freeman Ante

tion ve








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Decatur County Iowa on 6 February I freema1901 Birthroot shows his name as James Ralph Fireman Birth record shoves reeman freeman freem-

Ralph Ralph was bom man James Freeman Alphas born in Davis City


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January 2005


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Services will be at 0 a m Monday at the George L Gay Funeral Home wIth bundle that beat withstandibundng m Memory Gardens le Cemetery Visitation begins 9 a m Sunday begums FundMemorials Ammonal may be made to the Heart Fund or the First Baptist Church where Mr Freeman amentals Founder Fundor Churchwarden Freemwas a member member He was boom Fob 6 1901 singleton Iowa Sheared GoldIe V bom 13 1925 igLeon in norant City MGrant Mo oor 32 years he was a representative for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co m Iowa CIty For in SUrvIVOrs include his wife three sons Robert of Des Moms andR James and Gary bothClaude Momes Andre and R bellbolh blah booffload of Iowa th flower City name grandchildren one brother Joseph of Davis City Iowa two sisters Mrs Ruth nine Dunbar Unbar and Mrs Matone Sentence bothof Osceola Iowboth of Osco Iowa Malone boathouse One grandson and brothers died earthier earlier His body was interred m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa Memory Gardemitered in Gardens The four children cofounder Viola Lemmons and Ralph James Freeman were as follows of GoldIe Lemons Betty LoUIs Freeman Betty was born m Grant City Orthi Louise bom in Worth County Missouri on Nilsson February 1926 Betty died on 17 February 1926 m Grant City Worth County Missouri in Nilsson OBITUARY From the family files of Robert E Freeman Freem-

short hort illness

Fig 91 Joe and Ralph FreemFreeman

an common name was R J Ralph died on 3 October 1980 in Mercy Hospital Iowa City His m Johnson County Iowa at age 79 OBITUARY 1011 a City Press Citizen Iowa City Johnson County Iowa 3 October Lon Cay 1980
RALPH FIREMAN Ralph J Freeman 79 of RalphJ Ralph

43 Brooks od Drive died early today at Mercy Hospital after saBrooked Denver deerfly al



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Hemmed Lemons

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14 January 2005

Fame II my The Commons F Th Loren F am ITy H s ory

BETTY FREEMAN Ralph Betty Louise Freeman faint daughter Omar and Mrs Raph of Mr bom Freeman of DavIs CIty Iowa was born Fob 16 1926 and daffier banefully died the following day at the home comers Freeman of Mrs Freemans visit follow millparents Mr and Mrs F E McLaughlIn who lives sic a half mIle arents enary of Grant City The child who has gone home hence has found a aanorth under rresting in rrest place m the arms of the Son of God It will grow up underbeneath bids benediction No harm can ever come to it She is happy beneaHIs of the smile of God By and by there will be the happy day forenoon th AnBesIdes the parents she leaves to mourn the grandparents Mr and Avidity la ders F E McLaughlIn and Mr Dwight Freeman DavIs CIty TaMrs held a Brief services was sic helda the mmany other relatives and many held Trelives Church OIsen hoc heo by Rev A S Olsen pastor of the Methodist Churcm the hes the sweet flower that scents the mom but withers in AtAs itsLislimly fled ItS smog day thus lovely was this faint s dawn thus swishy fleapits hens the away elf











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n ii

Belty Fig 92 Tombstone Betty L Freeman

1 Free-

IV n

Freeman bom Robert man Emerson Freemin born 7 March 1928 m Newton Jasper manned Manon County Iowa married Manson J Kirby bom Ralph Raph James Freeman Jr born 27 October 1932 m Newton Jasper Coromamed Lane Horandra mamed Sandra County Iowa married Sandra Jean Beach married Laune Horn nary bom Gary Lee Freeman born 12 May 1941 m Iowa City Johnson Johnin Fae Gauper mamed Carlin LiberLube mamed County Iowa named Nancy Faye Gaper married Carline Lubben

per rby per




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born in Pickens RaleIgh Edward Westbrook Raleigh was bom m Dickens South Carolina on 2 November Restroom County Boxwood Raleigh 1908 Ralph died on 12 June 1993 m 1413 Brookwood Denver Iowa City Johnson Couin Iowa at age 84 OBITUARY 10 vo City Press Citizen Iowa City Iowa 18 June 1993 Iowa


home Brookwood RaleIgh E Westbrook 85 of 1413 Boxwood Denver died Thursday at his homeRaleigh Wastrel Home stretches are pending at George L Gay Funeral HomServices Catty 10 O BITUARY Leona CIty Ness Citizen Iowa City Iowa 19 June 1993 lona Crispness Churchibegin Ballast ChurchWestbrook Services Emcees for Raleigh E Restroom will begum at 10 a m Tuesday at the First Baptist Church Dickens Pickens ng Pickens S C with entombment m the Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery PicklHilliest Memo in m Dickens in

gnat Brown L get Loo dna Luc nd R II

14 esJanuary 2005

Theo Tho

long might rm Westbrook 84 of 1413 Brookwood Denver died Thursday night at his home after a logicBoxwood Mr Restroom m fiIllness alness Visitation will be from 7 to 9 p m Monday at the DIllard Memorial Funeral Home pIliad Ammonal Funnel of local arrangemem Funnel PIckens The George L Gay Funeral Home in Iowa City is m charge offload arrangements nickiest Pickles ickles AwestrickFlom Restroom Dickens S C bom nts Restroom Mr Westbrook was born Nov 2 1908 m Pickens S C son of Ben and Flora Wix Westbrook

0 Mn Iy II story sto-

Ix retirement en attended schools m Dickens He made his career m the U S Navy Following his Pickens He

in in Follow retiremService from the Navy he worked for the U S Postal ServiMce mamed Goldie V Freeman on June 7 1990 m Pickens The couple made their home m IHe named in Dickens Dickens Sooner and owa City mace 1990 He was a member often First Baptist Church m Pickens the Shiners anthof the inoan Iowa since em Masonic Lodge the Westbrook include of Iowa Survivors Claude his wife Fiona City two sons Ben Restroom of Las Cruces New Restroom Dickens MexIco and Gene Westbrook of Pickens four grandchildren and four great grandchildren m Dickens Hilliest Ammonal HIS boyars mitered 15 June 1993 in Pickens South Carolina Hillcrest Memorial Park mitered body was interred on Restroom of GoldIe There were no children doglike Viola Lemmons and Raleigh Edward Westbrook Lemons here





Fig 93 Elizabeth My Rehab Myrtle McLaughlin

WIlham Lemmons Rehabber Elizabeth Myrtle McLaughlin George Lemons Thomas William Wetland Floyd Whom Rehabber was born in Grant City Worth County Missouri on 29 May 1914 to FloNilsson bom m


George Lemmons


Luc yd dna R luo

Bro Round Droun L gigot


my Plano Mn Iy II story

McLaughlin and Emma Eagon Lemmons McLaughlin She mamed Walter Raymond Wagon Lemons named in Newton Jasper County Iowa on Ancon son of Walter Nicholson and Opal Pearl 16 August 1933



FIg Waller Wailer FIR 94 The Nicholson Family Walter Nicholson Sr Patricia Nicholson Waller Raymond Nicholson Opal Panel NICholson Barbara Nicholson Richard Nicholson Elizabeth McLaughlin Nicholson and Eugene Nicholson Nichol-

son married Philip L She mamed

Sieges after in 1977 Sages

Waller Fig 95 Walter Raymond Nicholson Nichols-

Illogical L uc dna R B own Liege L

on d

14 January Januar

2005 2005


L mon f



story stor-

ywriter Raymond Nicholson Walter was born III Iowa on 16 August 1914 Walter died on 22 Walter bom in bode November 1977 III Washington Washington Count Iowa at age 63 HIs body Has interred m County Iowa Bis bod mitered Win i-

Washington Washington County Iowa Washington CemetCemetery ashington ncasing ery three children of Elizabeth Myrtle McLaughlin and Walter Raymond Nicholson were as The WaIter follows Patricia Ann Nicholson born 27 July 1934 m Newton Jasper Panicle AnnI i bom County Iowa married Ralph Franz drenches manned 11 Richard Ronald Nicholson born 16 October 1939 married Susamanned Susan bom nna RandolpJane Randolph bom in in h Barbara Jean Nicholson born 25 July 1943 III Jasper County Anlee neared Arthur Airlee Davenport







Phelps Philip L Sages Philip was born m Pennsylvania on 17 September 1919 Philip died on 19 bom in January 1999 in Plant City Hillsborough County Flonda at age 79 His body was interred m III Florida umitered LFonda nlearning Lebanon County Pennsylvania ebanon Cumberland Count PennsylvThere Therefore no children of Elizabeth Myrtle McLaughlin and Philip L Staggers ania Sages

ere lvania


Fig 96 Stella May McLaughlin and Huzzah Myrtle McLaugElizabeth McLaughlin

Lucida 1 get hlin R Brown L ggt

14 January 2005


Fame Tho The Commons Fam


H my II story

Fig 97 Elizabeth and Stella May McLaughlin

Stella May McLaughlin George Lemmons Thomas William William Stella washWIlham WIlham was Lemons room bolO m Grant bowl In carnet City Worth County Missouri on 20 May 1916 to Floyd McLaughlin and Emma EmmaEmma on Lemons McLaughlin She mamed John M Oman son of Michael La anLemmons andnamed and d I Foul IS in Newton Jasper County Iowa on 15 February 1936

ma Jon


Fig 98 Stella May Mangling Unman and Jinn M Unman John McLaughlin Oman UnmanlOman

y ucinda Brown L g el L nL L d R


January 2005

Fame Iy 21 Z The Commons Fam ly Tho


1 lorry stor-

yteller died on 10 February 2000 m Skiff Medical Center Newton Jasper County Iowa at age III Stella 83

Daily OBITUARY Nekton Dating News Newton Iowa 11 February 2000 Neton Dati STELLA MAY OMAN 10 E 7 St N died of heart failure Thursday Feb lO t allure Stella May Oman 83 of Skiff Medical Center m NewIII Newton kiff ChurchBalance ChurchiFuneral services will be Monday at 10 30 a m at the Community Heights Alliance Church Bungalow be Brumal ng III Newton with the Rev Syd McCrorey associate pastor of the church officiating Bunal WIll bein Yd McClure Umon Cemetery at Newton Union CemeIII downtFriends may collate 3 pm Saturday at the Wallace Pence Funeral Home m downtown Feds call after p imduring Newton where family will be present dung additional visitation on Sunday from 3 to 5 pm mnaccepted Ammonal III memorial Anne emonics in Mrs Oman s name will be accepbom Eagon The in Grant ted daughter of Floyd and Emma Wagon McLaughlin she was born May 20 1916 III GratIII CIty Mo She attended Newton High School She named John M Oman Feb 15 1936 Nmamed uity Newton ewton Newton ewton longtime resident of Newton Mrs Oman worked as a homemaker She was a membmember A er the First Baptist ChuChurch of Illiquid V Jolene Survivors include a daughter Julienne Oman of Newton and two sisters GoldIe OTenon Tenn Rehabber Westbrook of Iowa Restroom offload City and Elizabeth Sages of Chattanooga Tenverbook HeIII She was preceded m death by her parents her husband two brothers and four sisters l Her Umon Mombody was interred on 14 February 2000 III Newton Jasper County Iowa Newton Mon in rod Filtered Cemetery 4 entary



71 1 2



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bom III JohnM Oman John was born m Iowa 5 June 1906 John died on January 1981 mordadido Januar John City Jasper County Iowa city Ne s OBITUARY Newton Daily Ness Newton Iowa 2 January 1981 Neton Daftly Nes MONDAY JOHN M OMAN DIES THURSDAY SERVICES MondSt Arrestment of Newton for 45 years died N resident E 7 John M Oman 74 of JohnM a John Thursday morning at the University Hospitals in Iowa City Inversely III mooring

ay day
tery Feds

10 a Monday at Funeral services will be Funerals Conger held at of themFirst Baptist the Wallace Funeral Home tead Rev James Chinch will conduct Church Welcomed The pastor

71 1 2


Brumal Bunal services Bunga-

will Umon Cemetery low be III the Newton Union Cemein call at may calla the Wallace Funeral Home after 5 p rn Sunday Julienne a Survivors are his wife Stella May a daughter Jolene k Oman of Manor Thailand bHoffman Thailand Mrs Conch Springfield Mo Marbrother rother Emory Oman of Colfax and six sisters Mrs Agnes Donch of Cola Catherine Bernice SaltpaAnnie ianne Pierce of Rockford III Mrs Cathenne Wise of Youngtown Anz Mrs Bemire Saltpan Colfax Galard of San Jose Calif Mrs Rita Ballard of LoUIS burg Mo and Mrs Evelyn Wheeler of CoalfaCalf Ballard Cola ce was preceded III death by his parents three bothers two sisteHe sisters in a Mr Oman operated radio and television repair serviservice m Cola born The son of Michael and Louise Tomfool he was bom June 5 1906 III Colfax was Ptolemaic School graduated from Colfax Community High SchooCola led was mamed to Stella May McLaughlin Feb 15 1946 III Newton He His body was named aswUnion Filtered m Newton Umon Cemetery Newton Jasper county Iowa sister III wa only child of Stella May McLaughlin and JohnM Oman ISIsThe John M is


rs ce








Luanda R B LE dna R- n rown L land Brown

14 January 2005

Lemons mo HL

Fame The Lemmons F am Idyll

Fig 99 Oftener Oman Jo ten e Tom la n

Julienne Manon Countbom 10 Jolene Oman Jolene was born in Indianapolis Marion County Jolen ywide Indiana on 14 August 1942

Dullard Fig tOO Dillard and Frances A Winn


washDullard fernando Lemons Wilham Wilham Dullard was Dillard remands Winn John Lectern Lemmons William William Dillard baseroom in Amendable s Dillard born m Allendale Worth County Missouri on 24 November 1902 Dillards occupatIOn Mason Wilkes mamed 10 in San Diego San Diego County California He married Lois M Wilke 10 1928 listed Dullard 10 A census hosted Dillard as head of household m Grand Inland Hall County Nebraska on Merman bom Mason Dullard MissoLolling in 10 April 1930 Living 10 the home with Dillard F Winn 27 a telephone lineman born MissionaAnal born Petunia bom boare ries his wife LOIS M Winn 9 born Nebraska and daughter L Patricia Winn uri He mamed Frances Augusta Imitate daughter of Joe flirter and Rose Schwartz flatcar named Nebraska



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January n In 2005

The Commons Fam ly 11 on Fame Iy II

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m m Dullard Dillard was hosted listed in m 1945 Dullard hosted m a directory in San Diego San Diego County California in 1952 in Dillard Mn rrHe made a will m San Diego San Diego County California on 12 May 1966 Dullard F Winn a in resident of San Diego San Diego County California declares his wife is Frances A Winn canesident Mn and tata he had no children with Frances He further showed he had two daughters by previous that Winn Linn Burl ey manage Donna M Linn Leonard and a deceased daughter Lillian P Winn Burley cmiDullard The rest of his Winn Dillard edilla left to his surviving daughter Donna M Linn Leonard his estate sstate was left to Frances daughter by a previous manage Peggy J Leonard To protect whimarriage estates Wetishness Dillard addenda passage stating that should any heir or beneficiary named m the WIll Wishes added a oilin dillydally rights inheritance redistributcontest the will the individual s nights of menace would be forfeited and shares redistributed stones lcomes heirs to the remaining named hinded rances A Linn was named Executing of the will understate On the and estate Frances of May 1966 Winn Executrix LV Dullard s Williwaws created and witnessed by Brooks Crabtree San Diego California Ruth Vwilt Dillard Will was Crate Dillard LIsk San Diego California and Jean L Shelton Coronado California Dullard died on 17 Lois Jen Helstrom IPs ois Dillard inCalifornia 1988 m San Diego San Diego County Cachou at age 85 Dullard s ashes were spread m tin probated inDillard California probat- m ter the he Pacific Ocean near San Diego California per his wishes Dullard s will was probated sane 1 of San Diego San Diego County California on 8 November t 988 Peggy J Leonard executor ofed ten Leonard coDillard Winn of the estate of Dullard F Wynn filed for final distribution of the estate Donna Leonardo legal Lansdowne bblestone New Jersey received her portion of the estate The remainder of the estate after legatees was paid to the executor and step daughter Peggy J LeonLeonard lese The as ard probate named heirs Madonna Leonard daughter Blairstown NJ Donna CA Peggy J Leonard stepdaughter Ramona Cadeceased Frances racas A Linn spouse deceasWinn The estate paid costs for maintenance of the residence and then the sale of the residence at Ray Street Medical services provided were also paid before final settlement of the estate The specific 00 was paid to Donna Leonard The remainder of the estate after attorney freefees ways paid to Peggy LeonaLeonard was Leon-

ious rled


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was born m Nebraska m 1910 bom In Wilkes The two children of Dullard FernandO Winn and Lois M Wilke were as follows Dillard I i Donna M Winn mamed Leonard named 11 bom m N n Lillian Petunia Winn mamed 9 Burley Lillian was born N-Mn named Nebraska ebraska on 12 December 1929 Lillian died on 18 December 1963 m Los Angeles Los Angeles California at age 34

LOIs M Wilke Lois rdo Wilkes


Mn Inn


Frances Augusta Harter Frances was born in Indiana on 31 March 1903 She roamed James mamed m m mamed She named Leonard Hemmed Dick Fort in 1930 Frances died on 16 July 1977 Santin SanDiego tiago iago San Diego California at age 74 There were no children of Dullard Fernanda Winn and Frances Augusta Barter Dillard FernandO Harter




John Louis G Winn John Lectern Lemmons William William LoUIS was born m VLemons Wilham Wilham Valley Nance Helene alley Nuance County Nebraska on 1I October 1906 He mamed Ruby Elener named Nuance daughter of J T m Nance County Nebraska on 22 September 1928 loUis died on 8 September 1966 m San Diego San Diego County California at age 59 in OBITUARY OBITUARY DIES LOUIS WINN DIEINN Icel-

Mn Emerge Weinberg



Luanda SL dna R and

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January 2005

The Commons ThiaminFam Idyll


8 mGim in-

Word has been received often death of Louis Winn Pocahontas who died September of the Mn of California na a hospital there where he had been seriously ill for the past several Weeweeks Mr Mn fonner ks Winn was a former Belgrade resident He was graduated from the Belgrade High HiSchool m 1925 in Funeral services and brumal were held September 12 m California bunal in Tahoma Califo-




Ruby Helene Ruby was born in Pierce County Nebraskan 19 July 1907 Nebraska on bom m rnia Elener Ruby died on 30 November 1929 m North Platte Nebraska at age 22 OBITUARY 1929 MRS LOUIS WINN DeINN DIES Marfor SirFuneral in Irs finer services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Church m Belgrade friars velous LoUIs Winn 22 who died Saturday at her home m North Platte Rev Smell B Garman pastor loins Mn Platt in Melba Gannan pastor the Methodist Church in Fullerton assisted by Rev A V Wilson of Belgrade had charge ofm of Method of ten funeral services and interment was made m the Main Cemetthe Mam Cemetery in ery Winn is survived by her husband to whom she was married over a year ago and by batMrs Mn mamed bwing yte babies aged one week The towns whilst with thelT paternal grandmother m Belgrwm their twins will stay in Belgrade bom Elener ascRube in ade sic Helene Emerge was born July 19 1907 m Pierce county Nebraska and was medalled to Louis G Winn on September 22 1928 at Valley Neb She died November 30 1929 ribed Mn at North Platte Nebraska abed 22 years 4 months and 21 days She leaves to mourn her a ed heand departure Louis her husband her wm infant sons Jackie Lee and Robert Henry her mother adtwin faint reafter apter Mr and Mrs J T Emerge two brothers Louis M and Crystal H all of North Platte father PlatWanda host of relatives and friends Her body was mitered 3 December 1929 m Belgrade mitered interred on and en a anda in BelgrMain Cemetery Dance County Nebraska Mom Cemetery two children of Louis G Winn and Ruby Helene Weinberg both born m North FlatPlatte Elener hamburger bom in AttaThe Nebraska are as follows teners Nebraska inders ijacked Lee Winn Jackie was born on 23 November 1929 bom Jackie i Mn HRobert Henry Winn Robert was born on 23 November 1929 n bom II Mn


Emerge Camber



feds Mn

comPaul F ayette Moneyman Lectern Lemmons William William Paul was born L yette Fernando borLemons Wilham Wilham RaytheAitchbone m Roseville Placer County California on 6 September 1907 He mamed Frances R Rathbone monsensible named Aitchbon Kneeled Kneeled on ne mamed Jacqueline Nellie Smith daughter of Jack Smith and Nellie May Springer m AHe named im Alamo August ugust 1955 Paul died on 5 October 1989 m Alamo Contra Costa County California at age magist Alamo 82 Times Contra OBITUARY Collateral Costa LIlIes Contra Costa California 8 October 1989

yet Mn



WINN PAUL FAYETTE InvesINN M Mtigation for Dr Paul Fayette Winn 81 of Alamo will be from 10 a m to 5 30 p mLayette Mn Visitation I LafayeAmmonal Monday Lafayeam onday and 9 a m to noon Tuesday at Alkanet Memorial Park lafayette hived in years he had lived m Alamo 29 yeasyeayeats He tte died Thursday at Walnut Creek A native m mace ted had practiced in Walnut Creek since 1946 He was a 50 year member of the Armenian He rs AmerMimAcademy of Family Physicians ACM served 25 years on the Medical Staff of John MUIr MIr etically an MedICal Center honorary retired staff member of Alta Bates and Mt Dialog Hospitals and anDiablo DCoffal anary anny major during World War MII Anny dung Any Wm Wm isperceiving are his wife Jacqueline N Win sic of Alamo sons Tyrone A Win sic oof Surviving Survivable Wm scWin Win Alamo Keith V Wm sic and Darren K Wm sic both of ChIco brother Lawrence Win SIC ChIc off Westlaw and a of Sacramento Wanda sister Gladys Bergman of Westlake Westlaanda







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B o 8

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January 2005

Fam Iy II Commons Foam Ty H story The Loren Th Lorn


I Tail Services will be at 1 30 p m Tuesday at Pleasant Hill Seventh day Adventist Church Churceries coBungalow follow at Oakmont Ammonal Park Donations may be made to the School cof Brumal will Bunal Valmont His body was maMedicament Alumni Association Lompoc Lambda University Lorna Lambda Lomo Linda Inversely Loma Linda medienne womedic Alum mitered Chiffon in stered on 10 October 1989 m Alamo Contra Costa County California Pleasant Tail Cemetery



bom m Layette Aitchbone The two children of Paul Fayette Winn and Frances R Rathbone both born in Los Angeles AngeLos Angeles County California are as follows Chiffon les I Layette Mn Paul Fayette Winn Jr Paul was born on 1 November 1945 bom i I bom Francis Rathbone Mn JJ u Faucal Aitchbone Winn Francis was born on 1 November 1945



Kneeled bom in Jacqueline Nellie Smith Jacqueline was born m Orville California on 17 Anal 1932 Chiffon Jacqueline died on 27 May 1999 m Walnut Creek California at age 67 Chiffon Sail Rumen Valley OBITUARY San Rumon Volley Times San Ramon Valley California 31 May 1999 WINN JACQUELINE NELLIE WinINN Alamo nable Alamo 26 1999 Anal 17 Int noirs Interiors Jacqueline Winn owner of Jacqueline s Dint nors died m Walnut Creek She was 68 in Mn The native of Orville hived m Contra Costa County for 45 years most recently m Alamo Oroville lived in Hobbies Garden travel Hobbles Gardening traSurvivors Sons Tyrone and Keith Winn bothof Walnut Creek and Darren Mn opof Mn both of Pleasant alescent Hill Her husband Paul died m 1989 I p m bunal Services 1 pm funeral Tuesday at the Oakmont Mortuary with brumal at Valmont Oakum w boyAmmonal Park both m Lafayette Visitation noon I p m Tuesday at the mortuary Her body in was mitered m Oakmont ars interred in Valmont Ammonal Park Lafayette California Nellie The three children of Paul Fayette Winn and Jacqueline Kneeled Smith are as follows Layette Keith von Enc Winn Keith was born m Beckley California on 12 bom in Berkley Chiffon Ene Mn i February 1962 11 Tyrone Tryone Alexander Winn Tryone was born m Berkley California Chiffon ii Mn Tyrone bom in Beckley Californion an 29 January 1964 Darren Derren K Winn born 1 July 1965 10 Berkley California immodmamed m Beckley Chiffon named in Derek limn bom I eracy E Helbacka Debra Shellback


May 1931 1931




ng 10

ried bomGladys D Mn Fernando Lectern Lemmons William William Gladys was born Lemons Wetland Wetland Infernal on 16 November 1909 She married Russell Theodore California mamed in Roseville Placer County California TheoJenme Bergman son of Charles Bergman and Jennie 9 in Glendale Los Angeles County dore on 14 June 1932 4 California



Disbom 10 Russell Theodore Bergman Russell was born in Hancock Michigan on 4 June 1904 HIS s Incommon name was Rusty Russells occupation Urologist Russell died m May 1999 m 10 CRussell commend Camarillo amarillo California at age 94 diaman The two children of Gladys D Winn and Russell Theodore Bergman both born m Los bom 10 OAngeles Los Angeles County California are as follows Dorothea Teddy M Bergman born 27 October 1938 mamed Nasal Dorthea bom i named Headland divorced Nassib Headland Nasal 11 Robert T Bergman born 6 Anal 1942 mamed Barbara n bom named





RLu ma R Brown L Luc dna Brown


January 2005


II story Tho Commons Fam The Plano Foam Iy H my

Wilham LawreWilliam Lawrence was nce Lawrence s occupaoccupatIOn Doctor of MedIc me He married Kathleen R McCurdy in Yuma Arizona on 27 January 1938 Medicine mamed Anzona McClure 10 Lawrence served ID WWII He was a Major in the U S Army and served from June 1941 Anny 10 in through Anal 1946 in Australia and other Pacific areas Lawrence is a substantial meteor with h10 Austraha ha investor hobby of owning and refurbishing classic car to mint condition Currently Dr Winn is evolved obby oolong cars refurbish involMn evolvwIth expanding the extended care facility 10 which he is a part owner faculty in ved expand


I awrence Ray Walden Fernando Lectern Lemmons William Winn Femando Lawrence Wilham bolO m Roseville Placer County California on 28 December 1911 bom 10






Kathleen R McCurdy Kathleen was bolO on 2 January 1920 bom McClure The three children of Lawrence Ray Winn and Kathleen R McCurdy are as follows McClure arc I Lawrence R s Winn Jr born 28 December 1940 m Los Angeles Los i OMn bom Angeles County California married Janet E Foster FosterFosteTahoma mamed Richard A Winn bolO 22 May 1942 in San Pedro California ii Tahoma CalifoMn born married Terry L Henna divorced Terry L Sherman mamed Sherman rnian Henna Steve R Winn born 4 November 1950 10 named Ellen Anderson III mamed in Mn bom



hbowl 10 Washington Township Putnam County Indiana on 19 July 1898 bolO in Evens Evens daughter of James ravens and Ida Stanton on 18 November 1923 Stanlon A census hosted Willis as head of household in Brazil Clay County Indiana on I 1 Anal 1I m listed Wills S1930 Living 10 the home with Willis E Winn 31 electrician born Indiana are his wife Hope S Wills bom in Domawn 25 born Indiana landholder Helen J Winn 5 born Indiana Cecil B Winn 4 born and children bom Berbom born Indiana Willis died on 5 January 1954 ID IndIana and Don E bom mudan FelElla inican in

Willis Epperson Winn William Eliza Lemmons William William Walls Lepers Mn WIlham Lemons Wilham WIlham

wasWalls was SS He named Hope Smamed


pes Mn


Avenue laheen Huntington Huntington County Indiana at age 55 OBITUARY Ultimately Herald Pre s Huntington Huntington

Mn 12






hIS home his IS

Flintstone County Indiana

died at E Wilson Winn 55 electrician for the Pennsylvania Railroad died 3 ewails Mn

that tP m Tuesday atIII four Etna avenue He had been in failing health since March and wa seriously ill fore10 for-

weeks deck Weeks edeck Mr m was born July 19 1898 in Putnam County Indiana to William Tandy Lisle bom T and Wilham Tand Winn Night WIno His manage was to Hope S Evans November 18 J1923 dt Loons Lons LooMr ns had been a resident of this city mace 1943 and had been employed for the last 10 since years with the Pennsylvania Railroad Surviving are the widow a son Don E Walden with the Air Force at Savannah Ga stethe DonE Manna Twinpparent of Brazil and a brother Moms H A son Cecil B Walden a daughter Helen J Walden Morris parent Winn WalWanda brother Samuel Winn are deceasdeceased and den a ned anda Mr nihility of Christ ed Walden was a member of the Church cochins Gardena and Elm Streets thIs cIty ciThe body Wads removed to the Robbins Funeral Home where was may calland where call and calando herefuneral services will be held at 7 30 p 10 Thursday with Clyde Moore officiatial m officiating under Lye ng bode mIl be removed Findlay mommy to the Miller Funeral Home The bod will Friday where Linier here10 a m funeral services will be held at lOa 10 Saturday Brumal will be ID the Summit Lawn Cemetery Bunal under WI in Cememitered His body was interred on 9 January 1954 m Brazil Clay County Indiana Summ10 Summit SmilCemetery L it Cemeter-

see health






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Mn Mn

Church Gardena feds




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Lu dna R B own L g cf Lego

14 January

The Lanmon Fam Th Lennon Mn Ity


story toytory

August 1988 HOPE S WINN INN BRAZIL Hope S Winn 84 of Duncan vIi Ie Texas and finery of Brazil died Saturday HopeS Mn finely Saturday Carlton m Charlton Methodist Hospital Dallas Texas She was a retired sales clerk She was born July he bom Jul 26 1904 m Cloverdale to James Evens And Ida Stanton Evens Her husband WillisE MenWalls E Winin Coverable Willie Mn died m 1954 Survivors include one son Don E of Red Oak exams one brother Paul Evens ofClaude DonE ded in fexas of Terre Haute and other relatives She was a member of the Church offends Duncanville fered cochins Duncan cervices are scheduled for 2 p m Wednesday m Moore Funeral Home Brazil with the Rev ReBrumal is in Moms Haley Bunal forms Hasley officiating Burials m Summit Lawn Cemetery Visitation is 4 to 8 p m Tuesday Valletta Tuesday unholy services Wednesday M Her body v as mitered 3 August 1988 m Summit Lawn handgun and until mitered w interred on in La-

Hope Copyebom Coverable Putnam shop S Evens Hope was born m Cloverdale Putnam Co Indiana on 26 July 1904 Hope Hoped on 1 August 1988 m Dallas Texas at age 84 dited I dIed in HallIe OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 1 Vgo







Cemetery Brazil Clay County Indiana f The three children cowfishes Epperson Winn and Hope S Evens are as follows of Wills Lepers I Helen J Mn Helen was born m Clay County Indiana on 26 i bom in Simile November 1924 NEWS CLIPPING Winn Finial File Clay ImIl Simi LaCounty Genealogical Society Clay County Indian 26 Indiana November 1924 Mrs and Mrs Wills Winn offset Lambert Walls Mn of south Lambgall Street are the parents of a fine baby girl which arrived this morning aimed erts mooring 11 Cecil B Mn Cecil was born m Indiana in 1926 n vas bom in m Jinn Don E Winn Don v as born m Indiana m 1930 m DonE Mn III w bom






WIlham Ezra Lemons WIlham Wilham Moms Edison Winn William Eliza Lemmons William William Moms was born borm Chisholm Minnesota manned II n Chrisom St Louis County Minnesota on 11 July 1915 He renamed Helen Butterman Butterbean daughter of Charles Butterman and May Tipton m Brazil Clay County Indiana on 16 October Butterbean Lipton Lipton 1937 Moms died on 29 August 1980 m Clay County Hospital Brail Clay County Indiana Indian-



dt age 65


OBITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 30 August 1980 Virgo HallIe Solar MORRIS E WINN INN Ind BRAZIL Indo Special Services for Moms E Winn 65 E Mickey St who was asMn Pickle pronounced dead on Laval at Clay County Hospital Friday afternoon will be at 2 p m Monday arrival Findlay sonance Monday Miller Memorial at MUter Ammonal Chapel with bunal m Summit Lawn Cemetery Feds ma call 4 9 P m buna in SSunday unday He attended Indiana State Inversely and Purdue Inversely and had been employed asUniversity Perdue University as ana an electronics worker at Howard Scams Company Indianapolis and at P R Mallory CorporatIOn Sams Corporation He was a veteran Howard War II Wanda member and a of World anda Church cochins and Wabash WabValley Amateur Radio Operators Surviving are the widow Helen two sons Edsel LaVerne Bessel Laver and Cafe dUd Ronald L Brazil two daughter Mrs Lynn Love Staunton and Miss Carol Ann daughters Stanton Tannin Brazil and four grandchildren His body was interred on I September 1980 m Bra Hmitered Il Mn Braillary County Indiana Summit Lawn Celery w Clay Semite


er nn


Church LavA-


Helen Butterman Helen was born m Clay County Indiana on 2 October 1919 bom in Hen elen Butterbean The four children of Moms Edison Winn and Helen Butterman are as follows Butterbean Bessel G Winn Edsel was born m Clay County Indiana on 5 May Edsel i Mn Bessel bom



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Jaggedly Brown buggy


January 2005

The Limo Fame Iy II Th Lommo F am ly 11 story Lemmons Lemons




Ronald L Winn Ronald was born m Huntington Huntington bom Mn HuntinCounty gton Indiana on 22 December 1942 Carol Ann Mn Carolinas born m Huntington Huntington Carol was bom in HuntinCounty Indiana on 29 September 1944 gton Lynn Mn named Hart She married mamed Love Lynn mamed Lywas born m Brazil Clay County Indiana on 29 July 1956 nn bom

ummers at age 47 Minnesota innesota

V Winn Andrew Eliza Lemmons William William Kneeled was born m Hazed Lemons Wham Wilham Nellie inbom Isignia Indiana ndiana m July 1899 She mamed Ole E Bye m 1919 Kneeled died on 28 October 1946 m mNellie named MKneeled Nellie


Ole E Bye Ole was born m Norway m 1897 A census listed Ole as head of household m bom in St Louis Co MN on 4 April 1930 Living m the home with Ole E Bye 33 a chemISt in hemsthemwIth Aaron mme born m Norway are his wile Nell Bye 30 born Indiana landholder Robert bom in wIfe itch Aron and children RobBye 10 born Minnesota Milton Bye 8 bom Minnesota James Bye 6 born Minnesota AlICe born bom ert AliBye 5 bom Minnesota and Mary Jane Bye born born bom Minnesota Also m the home DdiIS in T isheartened sheartened Lawrence brother m law 20 bom Indiana wborn in The five children bonehead V Winn and Ole E Bye all bom m Minnesota are as follows born of Nellie Robert- Bye Robert w as born rn 1920 i bom m Robert 11 bom n Milton was boom in 1922 born in James Bye James was bom m 1924 in Ache Alice born in iv Alice Bye Ache was bom m 1925 Mary Jane Bye Mary was bom in 1926 v born m May





46 12

Mn Robert Milton


James A Winn Andrew Eliza Lemmons William William James was born m Ezra Lemons Wham WIlham inbom Isignia Indiana ndiana on 3 September 1905 He mamed Esther A census listed James as head of named household m Deluth St Louis County Minnesota on 14 April 1930 Living m the home windjwIth in Duluth in Anal ammers A Winn 26 a switch board operator for an electric power company born m Indiana are James bom in resMn elect hips wife Esther Winn 23 born Minnesota and son Ronald Winn J hIS born Minnesotabom Minne- w Mn bom Mn ames Duluth Saint James sota died on 7 Anal 1971 m Deluth Amt Louis County Minnesota at age 65


11 12

Esther Esther was born m Minnesota m 1902 Esther died on 26 January 1959 m bom nnin Minnesota ominees Minnesota ominees child of James A Winn and Esther The only was I Ronald Winn born Irony 1929 in Minnesota mamed Lii named Mn bom 10 May Emilio Stamen Emilia Stammen



49 John Ernest Winn Lawrence Mn Clay County Indiana on 21 May 1909 nlay lay

urtis at age a

I emmons Eliza Simmons William William John was born m WIlham bom Cdemons iHe named Kathryn Campbell daughter of Curt mamed Alien Campbell John died on 20 May 1973 m Purview Hospital Ft Wayne Allen County Indiana Parkview Indianded


Indo BRAZIL Ind Special Services for John Ernest Winn 63 formerly of Brazil who dIed diefinely at 4 p m Sunday at Fort Wayne will be at 2 p m Wednesday at the Miller and Son Funeral Sons d brumal m a LHome with brumal Summit Lawn Cemetery Friends may collate 4 p m Tuesday He was abunal in call after


Vigo OBIl VARY Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Hallie Star Circa OH UARY

21 Miry 1973 y






Luc dna uc Lodi R Lod

B own L gg gel

January 2005

Lemma Fame Iy II storLemmons The Lemmo F am ly H story Lemons 0

ywriter Denver for Greyhound Bus Lines and was a member of Brazil Masonic Lodge No Lames retTed retired


Denver Umon Greyhound Bus Drivers Union Surviving are the widow Mable a son John Butler wotwo Able Damsel daughters Mrs Dashel Fort Wayne and Mrs Frances Patterson Ohio and Ohm landodcutters mane grandchildren His body was interred on 23 May 1973 m Brazil Clay County Insomnia mitered mine mine Indiamitered te Shunt Lawn Cemetery s-


Paul Patterson


Kathryn Campbell Kathryn was born m Hansom Minnesota m 1910 kathryn died on 20 bom tealthy in Ohio December 1966 m Antwerp Ohm OBITUARY Vienna Family File Clay County Genealogical Society Center Pont PointInsomnia Clay County Indiana 20 December 1966 edly KATHRYN WINN DIES IN OHIO INN Mrs kathryn Mn 56 years old formerly of Brazil died Tuesday morning at her home m mommy Afinely woman suffered ntwerp Ohio Antwerp Ohm The wife of J Ernest Mn the deceased oman had shuttered an extended extenIllness Illness Wins have resided m Antwerp for 25 years She is a native Clay Contain and baseThe Winns washwas in room born at Poland a daughter often late Curtis Campbell Campbells of the Ind Daskel Ft Surviving a son John Winn Butler Indo tv-o daughters Mrs Manly Damsel Tis Mn wanged Ind and Mrs Frances Patterson Paulding Ohm and SIX grandchilWayne Indo Spalding Ohio SIK grandchildren Other Manon Lorene dren survivors are a brother Manson Campbell Detroit and three sisters Mrs Loren Sankey TerreH CrafMcKee and Mrs Helen Schmidt both of Terre H lute and Ms Zeta Sanely Englewood Calif CaliCalf Terre That The ph ted body will be returned to Brazil for final antes and mermen m Summit Lawn Cemetery interment in Services will be conducted at Miller and Sons Funeral Home at 2 p m Thursday w itch Reith Rev Samuel F Carlton officiating Visitation for fined will begum at 5 p m Wednesday Her boybegin body value was interred in Summit Lawn Cemetery Brazil Clay County IndiaIndiana ars mitered m The three children of John Homiest Winn and Kathryn Campbell are as follows Ernest 17 John Wynn Winn i 1 named ii 1 Manly Winn mamed rf Dashel Dash 19 Frances Winn numbed Patterson mamed in



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boomiGrace M James Lemmons Wilham William Grace was born bomLemons William WIlham borng m Clay County Indiana on 27 1900 w She mamed Otis Trout son of Charles Trout and in named Bolts n adMInnie Lawrence m Clay County Insomnia on 22 August 1925 w Grace died on 2 February Indiana in 1973 m Brazil Clay County Indiana at age 72 Indiana in OBITUARY Trout Family File Clay County Genealogical Society Center Pont PointClay County Indiana 2 February 1973 Insomnia edly

Mn Laura Winn Eliza Mn Ezra

Mn Mn


Trout age 72 of Route 4 Brazil passed away at 5 05 this morning at the mommy thStinkstone Clay County Hospital A patent at the Stinson Nursing mace September 5 1972 she had been eca patient benbeesince m failing health mace sauteing a stroke 3 years ago and had requITed hospitalization on evera required in since suffering md n ever


occasIOns occasIOns helloing A lifelong resident of the Brazil area Mrs Trout was born m Dick Johnson Township on mobom in H and norail 27 1900 1 daughter of the late George Hand Laura Winn James She attended local i schools graduating from Brazil High Schoolman began a career m teaching after receiving her School and afier hein degree from Indiana State Normal ColleSlate College ges taught m the Clay Community Schools until her manage to Bolts G Trout on June She Otis 24 1923 Being deeply devoted to her family she then left her leaching duties to raise eruBmg her

M fail
Brown L get


ers Grace M Mrs Grace







Luc dna er oda R Lu ct


January 2005

Fame The Lemmo s r am ly H ory Th Sumo F Iy II story

children after which she resumed her career and continued to teach for ten years nor to bercontused her eavement m 1961 retirement A member of the Frame City E CU Church she is survived by her husband OtIs 2 Pram EU B Oils daughters Mrs Weldon Norma Irene Cox of Richardson Texas and Mrs Ronald Mary Lou Toucans Vans of Sugar Creek Mo 7 sons Charles V of Harmony Wayne George H Elmer Ronald RonaGeorge all of the Brazil area James of Airmailed and Richard D aloof ld Tennessee Tennessee surviving are 4 sisters Mrs May Springer of Terre Haute Mrs Willard Alva Also Mary Sponger Millard lva Steffens of Leland Mulch Mrs Willard Gwendolyn Rigdon of Greenest and Mrs lIme Mich Stiffens Millard Argon Greencastle Honeywell Foulk of Wabasso Flab I brother George Berryman James Indianapolis 23 Ferryman Folk Abases Fla of grandchildren and several mecis and nephews She was preceded m death a brother Harry LLas Jmercies L in death of ames m 1969 James in Funeral services will be held at 2 00 p m Sunday at the Lawson McClain Funeral Home McClam HowIth me the Rev William Ponce officiating Interment will be m Cleome CemeWIlham Price in Cleave Cemetery Friends desiring to pay their respects are welcome to calla the funeral home after 4 00 call at Feds deskman mitered in Clearview P m Saturday Her body was interred m Clerihew Cemetery Clay County Indiana Cleave Cemetery Cemetery Bolts Trout Bolts was born m Brazil Clay County Insomnia on 9 March 1891 OtiS dIed on 30 Boisterous Otis bom in Indiana May 1980 m Clay County Insomnia at age 89 Indiana in OBITUARY Trout Family Files Clay County Genealogical Society Center Pont PointASCII Clay County Indiana 30 May 1980 edly OTIS G STROH BRAZIL Otis G Trout 89 Route 17 died his residence Findlay He was a veteran odied at Friday of Vand World driver xford War I iand former bus Denver for the Clay County School system Surviving are wotwo Schooldays daughters Norma Cox of Houston Texas and Mary Lou Evans of Sugar Creek Mo evensseven odcutters ongs Charles Bmg of Harmony Wayne Route 15 Brazil Elmer Route 13 Brazil Ronald sons IS RonFuhrman RapId City S D James Airmailed Richard of Megaspore Tenon four brothers Guy of loSD Kingsport Tenn Webster City Iowa Bill Brazil Virgil Route 14 Brazil Edgar Lafayette two sisters Edith Brazil and Derider of Brazilian Kathryn Sleigh Route 14 Brazil several grandchildren and great Sigh grandchIldren maces and nephews Services will be it 2 p m Tuesday at the Lawson Lact Slack nieces Funeral Home with the Rev Tom Sappy officiating Brumal will be in Clerihew Cemetery Stapp Bunal m Clearview Visitation is scheduled from 4 to 9 p m Monday and unalleviated Pitmen Tuesday His boyars unlit until service time body was mawmitered in Clearview Indiana stered m Clerihew Cemetery Brazil Clay County Insomnia IndiaThe nine Otis Theme children of Grace M James and Bolts Trout were as follows Norma Irena Trout married Weldon Cm Iren Irene Cox i mamed 11 82 I Mary Lou Trout married Ronald Evans n manned Charles V Trout III in Richard D Trout iv v George H Trout Elmer Trout vi James Trout married Janet mamed vii Wayne Trout born 5 April 1929 m Clay County Insomnia mamed VIII Indiana named bom Barbara Spelling Ronald Trout named JIll Ungentle mamed JiU Argentina Suggestiix Ungent-




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The Lemmons F am ly H tory Th Lo Lemons Fame Iy II story

Harry Leo James Laura Winn Eliza Lemmons William William Harry was boomiborn borMn Ezra Lemons Wilham Wilham Hany bomng m Clay County Indiana on 23 April 1903 w He married Mildred McGranahan daughter of Frmamed in n Anal Rudy eddy McGranahan and Hamet Chamberlain m Clay County Indiana on 21 March 1925 HHamlet Indiana in Marc arry died on 13 May 1969 m Brazil Clay County IndIana at age 66 Harry Indiana In OBITUARY James F timidly File Clay County Genealogical Society Center Pont imily PointSleety Clay County Insomnia 15 May 1969 edly Indiana CERVICES SET FOR HARRY LEO JAMES SERVICES Funeral services for Hany Leo James 66 years old of R R 1 Brazil widely known Harry nonreresident Friday the sident of Dick Johnson Township who died Tuesday will be held at 2 p m Findlay at teaspoon Chapel The Rev Lester L Knopfmeier pastor of the First Unmated Methodist ChurchLawson LesterL Knifelike frost United Lester Church ChurcWIll officiate and bungalow be m Clearview Cemetery with Masonic antics conducted at teIllegitimate brumal will will hIll bunal hill antes the in Clerihew graveside by Centennial Lodge No Members of the lodge will also serve as casket bearers rraces bearer desiring call at Feds deskman to pay their respects are welcome to calla the Lawson Funeral Home after 4 p m today His body was mitered 16 May 1969 m Brazil Clay County Indiana mitered interred on in Cemetery


of old




Mildred McGranahan Mildred was born m Brazil Clay County Indiana on 26 July 1904 bom in Mildred died on 12 Anal 1974 m Clay County Hospital Brazil Clay County Indiana at age 69 Bran in OBITUARY From the James Fall File Clay County Genealogical SocIety Family Poem Center Point Clay County Insomnia 12 April Indiana MILDRED JAMES 69 DIES AT HOSPITAL Mrs Mildred James 69 R R I Carbon died early Monday mooring the Clay County mooring morning at CoauHospItal where she had been under treatment for live dayrdays five daysbe pring in Brazils was a daughter comers Hamett Chamberlain McGranahan and the Lattoom m Brazil she Born Bom of Mrs Harriett late er-day McGranahan Dung her childhood the family moved to Dick Johnson Township wherRudy During where eas handsome resided she had mace residsince Mrs James was a member of the Fairview Christian Church but had been attending thConstant attend the First Church of the Nazarene BrattBrazil Brazeirs She was a member of the Brazil Chapter Order of Eastern Stardles Star om March I 1925 she was bunted m mam ge to Hany Leo James who preceded her dOn united in marn ige Harry unmated m ddecathlon May 12 1969 death eath on Harry The two children of Hany LeO James and Mildred McGranahan were as follows Betty MaC James married Fred 0 Smith Rev i mamed lath n WIlham bom CountI William C James born 13 June 1928 m Brazil Clay County ywide married Helen Walter IndIana mamed



al Hospital
thors ed ils



George Berryman James Laura Winn Eliza Lemmons William William George Ferryman Mn Ezra Lemons Wilham Wilham Georboom in Brazil Clay County Indiana on 8 February 1906 Georges occupation tanner bom banner inClay County Indiana He named Marcella H Silvers daughter of William Silvers and Arhe mamed Marcello lay Salvers Wilham StIvers CarAre II Straus m etaker in Clay County Indiana on 13 January 1932 He died on 11 September 2003 mC Inca Coal City Owen County Indiana at age 97 oal

ge washroom




Marcello Marcella was boom m Brazil bom Indiana on 29 March 1914 Marcello Marcella died on 13 August 1995 in Indianapolis Manon County Indiana at age 81 m Manson OBITUARY rile Indianapolis Star Indianapolis Marion County Indiana 15 The Mindanao Solar Indana August 1995

Marcello Silvers Marcel Stivers

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Luo dna R II Luc daR B own L



January 2005

The Sumo om Ily H s Cory 11 Commons Fain II ory

h hIndianapolis died Sunday She was ahomemaker he 10 a omemaker and a former scouting den mother Services will be at lOa m Thursday in Planner Flanner with Chang Buchanan Moms Street Mortuary witching from 4 to 8 p m Wednesday BUrial will be m ceiling Bunal inFformal J Ames Floral Park Cemetery Survivors husband George homes son Larry James brother Gerames Gerald loral ParI T Silvers two grandchildren three great grandchildren wldine The only child of George Berryman James nd Marcella H Silvers IS Ferryman Marcello SlIver I i Larry James Lany







boomiMary Edith James Laura Mn Hz Lemmons William William Mary was born bonibomLemons WIlham Wilham ng Clay County Indiana on 20 December 1907 She mamed Arthur Richard Springer son fanamed of In in fArthur H Springer and Louisa L WhItaker in Clay County Indiana on 18 May 1930 Mary m rther arther MadIed on 14 Anal 1992 in Hamson Township Virgo County Indiana at age 84 m Hanson Vigo rdi Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 15 AprIl Terre Circa


Hi Whit

EDIE EDI HI MARY Edith SPRINGER Mary Edith Springer 84 of Cherry St Spongier Tuesday April 14 1992 mM MAnal aher daughter residence at Paris hans She was a voter registration clerk for 15 years and had her daughters License dwork Geore James in bored doled at Indiana Allen e Bureau She was born Dec 20 1907 m Clay County to George Ampersand Laura Winn James Her husband Arthur R Springer diem January 1960 SurvIvors and died m in Mn SurviReba Fulk Pans-md Claude two daughters Rebar Ann Full of ParIs md Susan L Northwest of Lafayette one hoone brother George Berryman James of Ferryman stepson Arthur Springer Jr of Des Flames Planes nesties Indianapolis eight grandchildren and two step grandchildren She was a member of Maplewood Herman Constant Church Daughters of the Nile Kerman Caldron and Women s Republican Club CauCro tan Services are 2 p m Thursday m Thomas Cero s Funeral Home with Rev Stan Eastman in series officiating BUrialS m Highland Lawn Cemetery Visitation is to 4 to 8 p m today WIth Burial is Daughters of the Nile memorial services at 7 Her body was interred on 16 April 1992 m Terre mitered TheHaute Virgo County Indiana reat Vigo









Vigo Arthur Richard Springer Arthur was born m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 31 bom Virgo January 1894 Arthurs occupation foundry Business m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Arthur's Buses in IndiVirgo Arthur died on 28 January 1960 m Umon Hospital Terre Haute Vigo County Linda at age in Union

ana dido

Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Turbulent Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 29 January Tribune

DICK SPRINGER SERVICES MONDAY South First street Arthur R Dick Springer president of the Springer Foundry Inc steaArthurR ArthuR dIed might died at Union Hospital 10 45 o clock Thursday night 0 died Umon Hospital at kniWanda sa- a North Ninth Street He wigs a veteran of World War I anda resided at and Springer 65 resided Sponger ghting wis Nth Thermember of Terre Haute Masonic Lodge No 19 Scottish Rite Valley of Terre Haute Terre Erendmen ember eunto Chapter I11 Royal Arch Masons Terre Haute Council Royal and Select Masters Terre Chute EreHute mite TeZorah Haute Comm madders Norah Shrine Wittgenstein Post No American Legion and the local mite keenest EighEight VOlture of Forty and EIghVulture He MaryC two Marcy tH is survived by the widow Mary J one son Richard Jr of Chicago and woL and Reba daughters Misses Susan Land Rebar A bothof Terre HaHaute odcutters Andrea both of call after The cal ute body is at the Martin Tammany funeral Home where friends may calotte 10 o cloMart EtSunday mommy anywhere funeral services will be held 2 o clock Monday afternoon with Ththe held at 0 fireman morning and where

day day








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14 January 2005

Tho The Commons Fam Iy H lofty hm y II 01

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Rev Bunal will fty Ralph E Miller officiating Brumal WIn be m Highland Lawn Cemetery and Lodge 19 F Sin LAM will conduct I His body was interred on 1 February 1960 m Highland AM Welcomed graveside services mitered in HighlTerre Lawn Cemetery Terrace Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo The three children of Mary Edith James and Arthur Richard Springer are as follows l Sponger Arthur Richard Springer Jr i 11 Springer married n Susan L Sponger mamed Northwest Fulk Reba Full Rebar Springer named in Rebar A Sponger mamed


Siva Siva IvahMay C Niamey 25 Ivah May James Laura Winn ElIza Lemmons WillIam William Ivah was born mMn Ezra Lemons Wilham She mamed Phillip Knox son of George Knox Clay County Indiana on 16 February 1910 named Knlay She mamed Willard George ox and Anna Dierdorf m Clay County Indiana on 31 March 1928 named Millard GeoDerider in rgette Steffens son orchard Steffens and Minnie Mekong m Clay County Indiana on 24 March Stiffens of Richard Stiffens Muck at age 73 1934 Siva Ivah died m September 1983 m East Leland Michigan in masthead CenterOBITUARY Steffens Family File Clay County Genealogical Society Center EnterStiffens CenPoint Pont Clay County Indiana September 1983 tain ter

IV All MAE STEFFENS IVAH STIFFENS SIVA Mulch Mich Siva Mae Steffens died Tuesday evening at her home m East Leland MuIvah Mac Stiffens in ICBorn in Winn James Bom BM lch m Brazil she was the daughter of George and Laura Wynn Jamm She was first renamed to Philip MOX Brazil who preceded her in death in a coal intimmamed m Knot accIdent accidents She later named Willard G Steffens m Brazil They left here m 1937 to reside mStiffens in M mamed Walled in i-





es as

ndicia Michigan her parents and first husband she was preceded death by a daughter Besides preceded m in husbands
MIChigan IChigan

Virginia Ainm

James Knox AbeyClaude Survivors include the husband three daughters seven sons and a brother George Berry ances AdJames Indianapolis three sisters Kathryn Rigdon Knights Mary Springer Terre Haute and Sponger Argon Belle Fourier Crawfordsville elle Foulke Crawford Brumal Services are 2 p m Saturday at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Leland Bunal will be m East in WasLeland Cemetery Visitation i Thursday and Findlay at Ray and Robert Mart on Funeral Friday teland Matson FunAmmonia contributions may be made to the Immanuel Home Suttons Bay Mulch Mich Memorial continuations Sutton ImmaLife Lutheran Church Memorial Fund Leland Ammonal or the American Cancer SocIety m c Ife of herthe funeral eunder home or a family memmember

timacy mman and a son fancy





PhillIp nox PhillIp was born m Center Point Clay County Indiana on 19 Mulch Philip bom Pont PhIllIp s occupation Owner for the James Knox Mme m Clay County Mindanao Phillip died on MOX Mine 23 August 1933 in Clay County Indiana at age 29 at them Clay County Hospital m the in Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 23 August Haure




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tor Venom sday


SA FUMIO I TAL TO MINE OPERATOR FUMI PATEL Philip Knox of Brazil Overcome While Descending Ladder Into Pit Tuesday Descend



Indo Au BRAZIL Ind Aug 23 Philip Knox 30 one of the owners of the Junes Amoco knox CaliI 0 co mine Co s mme northwest 01 the city died at the Clay County Hospital about 1 o clock this monogot mooring mornram poisonous fumes which he inhaled when he went into the mme last evening to repair pp-from mo ing a mine hen pump ump



club lub

Luanda R S row L got B gel


January 2005

The Lemmons Fame II ory Th Lemons F am Ily H s Cory mon

searcher Poisonous fumes from the shots put off m the coal earlier m the evening handout cleared up had not hadnot euin phony Knox went down the ladder mo the mme about 9 o clock last might When within about 30 when into night 0 mine feet of the bottom he was overcome by fumes and fell into the water m the sump Clemons Lemons in Hopper who with his wife and Mrs Knox had accompanied Mrs Knox to the mme went down wall donmine ate ladder m an effort to rescue Knox but became affected by the poisonous fumes and almost the in collapsed collapsed He managed to call to those on top for assistance and a rope was let down which rehe fastened about his waist and in this manner was enabled to climb the ladder to safety In hemarmer m chem the James meantIme Mrs Hopper had run to the nearest telephone and summoned George Harry Almmatite trmanager often mme and others Because Kino was unconscious it was found impossible stKno Knox to of the mine ramose him out of the shaft with aipse orms foot halfwit the rope and fire had to be built under the boiler banand steam dstand generated to operate the cringe before he could be brought out of the mme He was taken to tcige mine ote Clay County Hospital where he died several hours later Dr P H Beachfront coroner IS the Veach county sEach Imacking mam an investigatmelioration imam investigation vem The been ion James Knox mme was sunk working the top vein form sometime Later it had deemine planned mk vem pened to sink to the lower block coal vem and the Mimosa vetcvein vein eitThe hes two children Sofia May James and Phillip Knox are as follows her flash I James Knox i 11 Virginia keno Knox n Knokno

off caller


lath Lemdem-





Millard Willard George Steffens Millard bom m Sutton Bay MI on 29 May 1907 WIllard Millard Millard Stiffens Willard was born in xville MillLeland ard on 9 September 1989 m Lake Leelanau County Michigan at age 82 lcd Millard There were no children Sofia May James and Willard George Steffens Stiffens ere flash

Gently Gently lliam Gently dido

Gwendolyn Kathryn James Liura Mn Ibiza Lemmons William WIlham Ezra Lemons WIlham William Lira Gwendolyn was born m Clay County Indiana on 28 December 1912 She mamed WIllard bom named Millard Millard Ridgon Juhe Ache Wilcox Wesley Argon son of Willard Ridging and Julie Alice WIlcox m Clay County Indiana on 5 RIgdon Gwendolyn died on 14 November 1990 Mlle ville Handpicks CountDecember 1936 in Stile vile ywide IndIana at age 77 OBITUARY Tile RepublIca Danville HendrIcks County Indiana 22 November The Republican Kendrick 1990 N ARGON GWENDOLN TrigonoGWENDOL RIGDON Services ere Catskill metric were November 17 at Wiggler Funeral Home Coatesville for Gwendolyn at Greencastle Katherine Rhone age 77 Greenest formerly of Coatesville who died November 14 bCatskill Brumal was m the NeIer Bunal Greencastle Sunset asinet Manor Nursing Home Greenest Rev Malcolm Niger officiated Bungalows in teStIlesvIlle CemetCemetery ery Dec 28 1912 m BrazIl she was a daughter of George Hams and Laura Mae Mn Born Boomed Brazils James James 1936 she mimed Willard Rigdon who preceded 1986 preceded m Millard Argon In in Inversely Nor worked as A 1932 graduate of Brazil High School she workdays a cook for DePauw University Portm to o that she worked in the Freeman Poultry Farm m Lewisville Church at Ridgon United Mrs Ridging was a member of the First Unmated Methodist Church Brazil Rigdon Survivors include Citrine sons John Argon of Colorado Clyde Argon of Clayton and Ray survivors Claude three Lye Rigdon oscillation Rasaand RIgdon Fishel Coatesville Argon of Coates VI lie three daughters Dixie Fished of Spencer Manly Gloss of Goss Catskill Barbara Childress of StIlesvIlle two step sons two step daughters two sisters a brother 12 ndbar Childless 0 grandchIldren I18 step grandchildren indiscoverable great grandchildren maces and nephews and several nephenieces



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January 2005

Fame Iy story Commons F am ly H ory The Lan


Headlocks bom in Wetland Wesley Argon Willard was born ID West Newton Handpicks County Indiana on Rigdon Wetland Willard ID Willard s occupation Employee m West Newton Handpicks County Millard 22 September 1903 CountIS ywide Millard Silk ywide for Real Sill Company Willard died on 15 October 1986 ID Coatesville Handpicks in Indiana County Indiana at age 83




The OBITUARY Tile Republican Danville HendrIcks Contending 23 October 1986 Kendrick County Indiana WILLARD TrigonoARGON MILLARD RIGDON Millard Radon RidgiWinger Services metric were October 18 at the Wriggler Funeral Home Coatesville for Willard Lodgiage ng 83 rural Coates He died October 15 at Methodist Hospital Indianapolis Rev Malcolm MalcNiger officiated Bungalows in the Stilesville CemetBrumal was ID Cemetery Bunal Neier olm ery ID Parker County on Sept 22 1903 he was a son Rowland and Julia Alice Wattle Millard Juha Ache of Willard Born in Parke Bom named Venally survives don In 1936 he was mamed to Gwendolyn James who survivrolled fanner fawnMr Ridgon es Ridging was as retired farmer farmer addition to his widow Gwendolyn he is survived by sons Mickey of Arizona Bobble of Anzona Bobbie ofIn Goss FFlonda Fonda John of Colorado Clyde of Coatesville and Ray at home daughters Manly Gloss of Lye fload both of Glena reestyle Barbara Childress of Stilesville Nancy Gander and Galena Listening bothof Greenville Reelsville Childless Stillest Cook Southport Fished Fishel hel a sister Ruth Cool of South port 27 grandchildren grandchildIndianapolis Dixie FI heel of ren indiscoverable great grandchildren His body v as interred ID Stilesville Cemetery Settles and several boyars in Indiana Phenols County IndiaRigdon Millard The na six children of Gwendolyn kathryn James and Willard Wesley Argon are as follows John- Rigdon i John Argon Joyriding don n Clyde Argon II Lye Rigdon Ray Rigdon Argon III in Fished Fishel Argon mamed Dixie Rigdon married iv Gloss Goss v Rigdon mamed Manly Argon named Childless Childress Rigdon mamed Barbara Argon named vi don



Gently Coates







bomborn booGertrude Jarbo Clara WINd Eliza Lemmons William William Gertrude was boriArbor Mn Ezra Lemons WIlham rrhosted m ID de Clay Count Indiana on 8 October 1907 3 She mamed Edgar BarrIck She was listed as a named India ma in resIdent in Indi esIdent ID the census report ID Clay County India 10 1930 She mamed 9 McCullough named esident in Gertrude dIed on 1 December 1990 ID Clay County Indiana at age 83 in ltd I Terrace Haute Virgo County Indiana 2 Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Terre Haule December 1990 GERTRUDE McCULLOUGH BRAZIL Gertrude McCullough 83 of Route 11 and formerly of Parma Ohio died at II I h10 50 a m Saturday Dec 1 1990 ID Clay County Hospital She was formerly a cashier m hID a in WIlham Jarboe hospItal bom ospItal cafeteria at Parma She was born June 27 1907 m Brazil to William Arbores and Clara ospital in BettyClaude Jarboe Etruscan BettMn Arbores Her husband Edgar Back dIed m 1929 Survivors include one daughter Betty y Smith of Brazil one J Smith Brazilian brother John Arbores of Brazil one Info brother Lester Wagner of Jarboe five three grandchildren and live great grandchildren Services are I pm Tuesday in Miller m pm Brumal is in Roselawn Ammonal Ammonal Chapel with Brother Steven England officiating Burials 10 Roseau AmmoBunal MemoParis ParI Visitation is 5 to 8 p m Monday Her body was interred on 2 December 1990 m Therial in Terre nal Roselawn Ammonal Park Haute Virgo County Indiana Ro lawn Memorial ParI ParRoseau reat Vigo



hospital ara






Edgar BarIc dgar BarrIc ked

B L E uc dna R u own L gigot L uch fa gds

u Tdied m Edgar dIem 1929 uArbor The only child of Gertrude Jarbo and Edgar BarrIck sloBaric is





January 2005


Betty J Blanton named Baton mamed Pantomimed


Smith Betty was born in Indiana 10 bom 10

ty Latinos Famy mo Fam y II

Fame F Foamy H s wy

There were no children of Gertrude Jarbo and Terri Gertrud Arbor


Lester M Wagner Clara Winn ElIza Lemmons William William Lester was Clam Mn baseLemons Lester born in Brazil Clay County Indiana on 12 March 1920 He mamed LOIs Webster daughter 10 daughtnamed mandolins er of Carl Webster and Maggie Sharer 10 Clay County Indiana on 12 April 1943 Lester dIed Lesler didin Manson on 6 July 1994 m Methodist Hospital Indianapolis Manon County Indiana at 74 10 OBITUARY Taken from the Wagner Family Flies Clay County GenealogIcal Files Genealogical Center Point Clay County Indiana Center Pont LESTER WAGNER Kessler M Lesler Lester Wagner 74 of Route 16 West Cent Avenue died July 6 1994 at MethodIst HospItal 10 Indianapolis in IndianapoHe had been critically injured on June 23 when an air conditioning unit he was servicing atconically juried at art condition mt lis thIs home exploexploded his Born March 12 1920 in Brazil he was the son of Max ind Clara Winn Wagner He adBom had wd Clam Mn ded schools attended apted local schooHe was a former clayware employee at Manson Neck Co He served in the U S Anny Manon fonner clay worker 10 Any ArmAnnII strong oying World Weir Irdung PhyllIs Oct He ish was preceded in death by his parents a daughter Physicist Joan Wagner who died O10 ct 1993 Wanda sister Margaret Rearm and a II anda near manned m Claude Survivors include his wife LOIs E Webster Wagner whom he married 10 April 1943 a sonner son LoisE LosE Wanner ant daughter 10 law Gene R and Marlene Moore Wagner of Co nouns burg Pa a half brother and Gender GeneR in Condones brotJohn Arbores of Brazil four grandchildren Gregory Jeffrey and Kirk Wagner and Susan Shale her Jarboe all of aloof Canons burg a great grandson Jeffrey Scott Wagner Jr at home a niece Betty Smith ofmece of Manson seemly several other relatives Terre Haute and stepmother relatfered I p m Ammonal Services are 1 pm Saturday at Miller Memorial Chapel wIth the Rev Greg Moore ofof Wiltshire Brumal will Terre fered Haute officiating Bungalow be m Summit Lawn Cemetery Friends may call from 4 to 8 10 Bunal Feds body was mitered pm touchy His boyars interred on 9 July 1994 10 Summit Lawn Cemetery Brazil Clay in mitered LaIndiana County Indiana-




AngeAngiana eles les odist







polis Webster Lois was born in Virgo County Indiana on 13 July 1924 She died on 26 Lois Louisa bom 10 Vigo Virgo January 1999 10 Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 74 in followsfollowThe two children of Lester M Wagner and Lois Webster were as follows molester




maUled Gene Wagner married Marlene Moore Physicist Joan Wahner PhyllIs was born m Clay County Indiana on PhyllIs bom 10 Wailer PhyllIs 30 May 1946 Physicist died on 11 October 1993 in IndianapolIs 10 IndianaII Manson Manon polis County Indiana it age 47 Solar IndianaNEWS CLIPPING Indianapolis Star IndIanapolIs Manson Manon County Indiana 12 October 1993 WOMAN SHOT TO DEATH OUTSIDE NORTHSIDE APARTMENT Apartment InterloWinter Writer By Enca frankly Star Staff WinteWritEnc Franklin



r I

LIK loc er R on g el ck dna R B caw L g el

14 January 2005 u


Lemmons Fam ly II lorry The Limo Fame Iy H tory Th Lommo Lemons to-

robbery attempt Monday morning after she adventured fraghad returned from mooring grocery shopping ponce sidpolice said rance Manson eman County sheriffs detectives found Phyllis 1 Wagner Manon 47 next to her car m her garage space at the Cariton Courts Calhon Cal in galage apartments near the block of Township Lame RoadLine Road neal Wagner an accountant for a downtown insurance company wasrunner was surface hout m her night side of her head said sheriffs spokesman Scott shot in right ConMinier Miner tainer Indemnifier MIllIer Minier said Wagner was confronted by her gunman after she hehad earned her groceries out of her Audi The attack occuAuld occurred ad caned between 7 45 a m when a neighbor last aw her Ave and 8 15 am saw alive lawmen ponce were called to the scene by another neighbneighbor when police Near police Neal ored her body ponce discovered a 22 caliber semiautocaber handgun believed to be the murder weapon and a stun gununpgun matic behaved powder believe Wagner was accosted and she then surpassed him mth olished Ponce behave withmath vas surprised al a stun gun There vas some md of confrontation and the assailawas kind assaIlant shot nigh of the head nts her on the night side often heaWagner dwater was an accounting manager for L J Underwent account UnderwAssociates Massachusetts A venue Urgent described hardCompany President Lydia Jurgen descended her a loyal haled hald working and novae person who would always remember coco private workers corkers birthdays ind buy balloons and streak ers on special md streamers speciaspeci-

eton rent

ry A

appaoman dung ApplNorthwest woman was shot to death during an apparent






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OCCasIOns lizations

hived who lived alone did not hive much sofa social life mh dive M of a ive ofa Urgent Indianapolis Jurgen said she Spent 60 hours a v eek at work endweel and devoted eavored her weekends to taking care of her elderly parents in Brazilm BrazIl CaJe other Indo Ind ian Urgent That man killed three people Jurgen said Her parents were wearisomely dependent on Phyllis for all their emotional support She did solely Ethel dittheir shopping and took them to the doctor They were both old handand her bill III and she vas content to devote her life to therewas them About about two to three weeks ago Wagner was the victim of unan attempted robbery She reported the Malden to neighbors and theincident the attested manager often apartment complex and gave a vague description atergoer of the descripEmmer said sandshoe She was frightened and angry Jurgen s lid She said he tined tannUrgent ud trienightie ed get mo her car sandshoe beat him with her purse He ran away untto but d into Cal and she hreatening to come back She circulated a description of him among threatened calculated monger neighbors and bought a stun gun her unknot long ago the suspect may have returned Jurgen sideNot Urgent saId Wagner was awakened by a Cal outside her apartment and saw a man car manwinder Mann it matching her assailant s description She ran outside and got Stem in hethe cense number phens numlices number That number which she left m her apartment m case assber in clain to police Urgent said ssroom happened 10 her has been helpful to ponce Jurgen sastomach

Occasions alizations Wagner





to attempted





Luc oda R Brown L dna 0



January 2005

The Lemons Fam Iy II story Lemmons Th Plano Fawn Ty H ory 35

inside Detectives located Wagner s purse with her wallet slide about beamed complex bulldog in yards from the slaying scene behind another building 10 the compslam hepinside when Emmer shard It had been searched and no money was slide henpsard lexities ponce retrieved Niecked renewed it itpicked were checking Wagner s car and the handgun for foPolice Ponce talic check fingerprints Monday he added refinger ponce car Residents of the complex also alerted police to a strange Carthage had parked 10 the complex for several days Emmer sard ponce several Lamer said pokesevera that polin were tracking information on the vehicle a brown Oldsmobile weed tackling Oldsmaddress Regency 98 which is registered to an lOner city addreinner






ice obile


File Taken from the Wagner Family FireCla ContiClay County Genealogy Center Center Point CIa County clay Con-

n dress


tinuum J WagPhyllis Wagner J Brazil Phys Indianapolis and formerly bner Phyllis Wagner 47 of finely of ner

was baseLemons William WIlham Dorothy Dorothy Cockcrow Ezra Lemmons WIlham William Dorothy washLacked room 10 Clay Count Indiana on 10 March 1911 She mamed Albert F HeilIger 10 1928 named born in Hillier in
listed bom in Albert F Heiliger Albert was born 10 Indiana 10 1906 A census hosted Albert as head of in Hillier 10 wiManon household in Indianapolis Manson County Indiana on 10 April 1930 Living m the home with Anal 10 wIfe bom in r Hillier Albert F Heiliger 24 a furniture manufacturer stock manager born 10 Indiana are his infeborn Indiana bom Indiabom 10 Dorothy E Heiliger 22 born in Indiana and daughter Betty J Heiliger Hillier riority Hillier Becker The only child of Dorothy Eckerd and Albert F Heiliger is Hillier bom in Indiana 10 I Betty Jean Heiliger Betty was born 10 IndIan in February 1930 i Hillier

ncelet Lenord Mn Lenora Winn

Brazil obtail died Monday Oct 11 1993 of gunshot wounds utTered II shuttsuffeBbom dung a robbery 10 her residence She was born May 30 1946 10 in ered Brazil to Lester M Wagner and Lois E Webster Wagner Survivors razil Survielude her parents one brother Gene Wagner and several other Ammonal Charelatives Services are 11 a m Thursday 10 Miller Memorial Chapel II in Valletta ttBurials in Summit Lawn Cemetery Visitation is 4 to 9 p m is 10 Summitt 4 10 body was mitered today oday s Her boyars interred on 14 October 1993 in Summit Lawn LaCemetery Clay County Indiana


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Willum Charles Illume CharCharles E Hallmark Florence Winn Eliza Lemmons William WIlh Mn Ezra Lemons WIlham Wail of mamed was born 10 Clay County Indiana on 6 June 1918 Jl He married Mignon A Nelson daughter Dles bom in didCharles died CharladiZelma Henry oherty Nelson and Zeima Rodgers 10 Clay County Indiana on 28 March 1942 in Clay County Indiana at age 69 on 5 March 1988 10 es in Mareb Unburned Std Vigo OBITUARY Tribune SUr Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 7 March 1988 Genealogical Pont Cloy CountFiles Hallm rk Family Flies Clay County Genealogies Society Center Point Chy County ywide 1987 Indiana HALLMARK CHARLES E HALLMArty HeartHaraStaunton STAUNTON Charles E Hallmark 69 of Stanton died at 8 25 a m Saturday at Harty STANTON and operator He was owner adulterator of Hallmark Garage He was born nguers Home in boNursing burning 10 wifewife 1918 10 June 6 19 8 in Clay County to Robert N Hallmark and Florence E Mn Hallmark His wif-



B own L get Bobtail


Luc dna R Blonder ly ehood



The L moo fo ly 11 s imoily Lemons Fame Th Lemmons Fam II my

LaMoorland Fla Mignon Claude 10 minent Nelson Hallmark died m 1981 Survivors include four sons Howell L of Orlando Flab Seed Leshe G mbent R of Sed on a Anz James E and Leslie G H of Brazil two sisters Grace M Smith poBrent Poseidon Az of Ivan and SaStaunton stulation and Iva Mae Gomes of Gary three grandchildren two step great Stanton two maces and nephews He was a veteran of World War II and a member of First Constant nto nieces Chris4 Church past master and treasurer of Brazil Centennial Masonic Lodge Ml Past Masters AssociatIOn of Achy County Council 40 Chapter 59 Commander 47 Scottish Rite Valley ofof Chy Terre Haute Brazil Chapter 80 Order of the Eastern Star ind Posey Township Volunteer FIre fered FrIL Pose



cat Ammonal Department Services are scheduled for 10 30 a m Wednesday 10 Miller Memorial Chapel abin errantly with Brother Steven England officiating Burials in Clearview Cemetery Visitation is 4 Brumal is 10 Clerihew Brazil Bunal attail body was His boyars to 9 p m Tuesday with Eastern Star antes 7 pm and Masonic antes at 8 pm pm tar won 9 March 1988 10 Clay County Indiana Clearview Cemetery Clerihew in

Brattle aiter


MIgnon A Nelson Mignon was born in Staunton Clay County Indiana on 21 December bom 10 Stanton Mignon 1918 Mignon died on 28 December 1981 10 St Vincent Hospital Indianapolis Marion County mSt Vicente Countywide at age 63 IndIana CenterFile Clay County Genealogical Society Center OBITUARY Hallmark EnterCenSolar Vigo CountPoint Pont Clay County Indiana 28 December 1981 Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo County tain ywide 29 December 1981 Indiana MIGNON A HALLMARK MIgnon A Hallmark 63 Stanton died early Monday 10 St Vincent Hospital 11 Staunton Hospit Mignon in Indianapolis She had been 10 poor health and was last hospitalized four weeweeks in sShe as married to Charles E Hallmark April 5 1942 She had earthier worked as smanned Hallmark on Anal earlier a washisecretary During ecretary for the Clay County Welfare Department Dung World War II while her husband was ng 10 military service she was employed 10 the same capacitate Astons 10 Indianapocapacity at in in Indianapolis Hemy She was born 10 Stanton on Dec 21 1918 Her parents were the late Henry and Elzada bom in Staunton Eliza Nelson Rodgers NelsoChristian She was a member of the First Constant Church of Staunton and Brazil Chapter No 80 Stanton Order of Eastern Star She was recently named Woman of the Year for 1981 by the Posey Vear Pose PosTownshIp Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary which she also was a membFife Deponent Auxiliary of memmember Besides er ldes her husband surviving are four sons Hoell Lee Charleston S C Brent Ray Be lades Howell SC GrFlagstaff Anz James E South Harmony Road and Leslie Gene at home three sisters NomNaomI Az Neely Nelly Indianapolis Josephine Thompson and Mogen Nobles both of Stanton two Staunton Imogene Joseph inee grandchIldren two step grandchildren and several aunts uncles maces nephews and commcosmos nieces cousins consiServices Ammonal issaries will be at 10 30 a m Thursday at Miller Memorial Chapel with Brother Doug stories CoBrumal officiating Bunal will be m Clearview Cemetery Visitation will be from 4 9 P Wm 10 Clerihew Wednesday at the chapel where memorial services will be conducted 7 30 p m Wednesday byat by ammonal ednesday byte Brazil Ch hipster OEMS No 80 OES the The four children of Charles E Hallmark and Mignon A Nelson were as follows I Howell Lee Hallmark Howell was born on 19 December 1946 bom Brent Ray Hallmark Brent n bom II Barents born on 18 November 1947 wigs bom James Everett Hallmark James w is born on 25 November 1950 in w Leslie Gene Hallmark Leslie was bom 10 Brazil Clay CountLeshe Leshe born in County iv ywide on 10 April 1962 Leslie died on 6 May 1989 10 Stanton Indiana Leshe in Staunton Anal StantClay County Indiana at age 27



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January OOS OS

Commons Lemma Fam Iy II story The Lemmo rom ly H to

OBITUARY Hallmark Family Fade Clay County Faddy File Outgneurological Society Celery Point Clay County Indiana 6 eneraling Omelet Center Poem May 1989 HALLMARK LESLIE GENE HALL fARK darkARK Staunton Leslie Gene Hallmark 27 Stanton was found deadly hIs Leshe dead at insal resIdence on Saturday May 6 connatural causes He had been uneartnatural of naturalness entience bein under hed care of his family physicfirmly physician the Brazil on Born m BrazIlon April 10 1962 he was the son of Charles Bom in Brazilian Anal ChaHallmark Evert Ever and Mignon Arlene Nelson Hallmarkrles He fonner of the Pose ed was the former fire chief often Posey Township Volunteer Volunteer Department Wanda 1980 graduate of Staunton High SchooFIre and a anda School Stanton led attended Indiana State University for three yeaHe Inversely years He Stanton rs was a member of Staunton First Christian ChurchConstant Church He involved 10 body ed was evolved in mechanical engineering operated Ibloodbloolegmen shop and enjoyed cars controlled casdshot adenoid radio controlled shot hed was He 10 in Hens hews preceded 10 death by his mother in 1981 and his hitheon March 5 1988 rto Claude Survivors include three brothers Jim Hallmark Route 15 Howell Lee Hallmark Plymouth Massachusetts and Brent Ray anHallmark Sedona Arizona aunts Josephine Thompson and Joseph Edna Anzona both of Stanton Imogene Hallmark SmMogen Nobles bothof Staunton Grace M Hillmark SmIth drogen Iva Holly Hill Health Care Facility and Ivan Mae Gomes ArFaculty Goms Gary Dl Services ere Home teries were held Tuesday at Moore Funeral Homer Steve England molester of Stanton First Chanting Rev minister Staunton Church officiofficiated Brumal Bunal in Cleome ated was 10 Clerihew Cemetery acediMembers of Posey Township Volunteer Fire Department acted Pose pallbearers as pallbearer

ked les









Forest Leland Lemmons Garrett Joshua George William Forest was born 10 bom inWham Lemons Jarrett eistedDecatur County Indiana on 16 November 1899 He married Ro a May Clem A census hosted Clam mamed Rosa stoddicator giest as head of household 10 Adams Township Decatur County Indiana on 8 Forest dfods in I LIVIng 10 the home with Forest Lemons lie 3 1 a laborer born 10 Indiana are his wife Rosa bom in m Ro1 F Lemons RubyJ Lemons 29 born in Indiana and children Betty FLemons 6 born Indiana Ruby J Lemons 3bom 10 Ruby Lemons bom born in Indiana Forest died on 16 bom 10 born Indiana and Vera F Lemons I1 bom Andover November 1960 in Decatur County Indiana at age 61 10


11 12



Rosa May Clem Rosa was born m Riley County Indiana on 13 May 1900 Rosa died on bom 10 Ripley Clam 26 March 1984 in Saint Paul Decatur County Indiana at age 83 10 Amt That six children of Forest Leland Lemmons and Rosa May Clem were as follows Clam The Lemons I Stanley Leroy Lemmons i Lemons Bullard Lemmons married Alice Ballard u Ache Irene Lemons mamed II born in Lemmons in Betty Fern Lemons Betty was bom 10 Decatur County Indiana 10 1924 Ruby Eileen Lemmons mamed 9 Beyers Ruby was born 10 Edeen Lemons married bom iv Beers 1926



Luc dna R B o n L g el



J anuary 2005

Fam II Y 23 23 The Lemma Fame ly 11 sty




Vera Frances Lemmons born 27 March 1929 m Decatur County Lemons bom in mamed Indiana married Edward Culms County Riley Irvin Lemmons born 18 November 1941 m Decatur CountLemons bom Insolvable ywide married Jeanette Lynn Owen Indiana mamed

nbom IInWIlham Lauren Laurena HewItt Sarah Lemmons Joshua George William Laurena was born m Lemons Lauren Cavity IndIana named S Shelby Hemmed Wilham dIana m 1874 She mamed William Hurst m helby County Indiana on 22 October 1892 diana

bom WIlham Wilham William Hurst William was born m Indiana m 1868 in WIlham bom in The four children of Laurena Hewitt and William Hurst all born m Indiana are as follows Lauren George W Hurst George was born m 1893 bom in i 11 Walter F Hurst born 1897 married Abeyance n bom mamed Beatrice bom m Myrtle W Hurst Myrtle was born in 1899 III in bom in BernIce S Hurst BernIce was born m 1900 Bemire Bemire iv WIlham Tuttle inSarah Lemmons Joshua George William Tilden was born m bom SLemons m Shelby County Shelby delibly named helby County Indiana on 24 August 1875 He mamed Sarah Countadaywide on 31 December 1898 He mamed Lillian Matchers daughter of Joseph Matchers and Indiana Mathers Mathers annamed ptive listed Tilden Cdante in 1916 A census hosted Tilde as head of household in Noble Twp Shelby Co Hate farmer bom are Indiana onidia on 17 April 1930 Living m the home with Till Hewitt 56 a fanner born in Indiana resAnal hips wife Lillian Hewitt 43 bom Indiana and children Wilma Hewitt 10 born in Indiana anand bom hIS born cillary Hewitt 6 bom Indiana Also m the home is his widowed mother m law HattIe born WIllard Millard Welded AntiMatchers at matters 71 bom in Indiana Tilden died on 2 December 1964 in Shelby County Indiana waborn Mathers helby Tuttle interred m age mitered in ttage 89 His body was mattered December 1964 m Ogden VanPelt Cemetery Shelby County Countin ywide IndIana Tilden Hewitt Tilde

Lila head

Steenbok Tearoom

Vane bro-


born in Sarah Steenbok Sarah was bom m Indiana m 1886 in There were no children of Tilden Hewlett and Sarah Stem brook Tilde Hewitt Steenbok born in Lillian Mathers Lillian was bom m Indiana on 2 December 1890 Lillian died on 4 June Matchers 1988 at age 97 Her boyars mattered June 1988 m Shelby County Indiana Ogden VanPelt mitered in body was interred m in Vane Cemetery Cemetery bom The two children of Tilde Hewitt and Lillian Matchers both born in Indiana are is follows Tilden Mathers bom Wilma Hewitt Wilma was boom in May 1919 i 11 Wetland Hewitt Willard was born in 1924 Willard n Millard bom Ethel Hewitt Sarah Lemmons Joshua George William Ethel w a born m IndIana bom IndianWilham Lemons an named Perkins In March 1883 She mamed Claude Perms m Shelby County Indiana on 12 July 1901




a listed bom in Claude Perkins Claude was born m Indiana m 1879 Claude was hosted as the head of ffPerms in oamily on the 1920 Census m Addison Township Shelby County Indiana Living in the home family m Addison Madison wIth and children me Claude Perkins 41 born Indiana are his wife Ethel Perkins 36 born bom Perms childborn Indiabom bom Indiana Perkins 17 born Indiana and Aversely I Perkins two The no children of Ethel Hewitt md Claude Perkins are as follows and Perms m Halide Perkins Hallie bom m i Hallie Perms Halide was born in Indiana in 1903






rown Luc da lu dna R B ow L gigot


January 2005

Th Lommon Fam ty 1 tummy The Limon Iy If story




Farrell Farrell Avarice Perkins A varell was born in Shelby County Indiana In varell Perms Amarelle varell bom inIMay nlay 1919 lay


Walter Tanner Freemont Ruth Lemmons George William Walter was born m Fremont WIlham Lemons inbom Isignia Indiana ndiana on 29 December 1899 He mamed Gladys E Pearson m Hancock County Indinamed in Indiana Gladys was born in Indiana m 1901 bom in The two children of Walter Tanner and Gladys E Pearson were as follows Luella MA Tanner Luella was born m Indiana in 1918 i bom in 11 Leroy Franklin Tanner born 24 December 1919 in Rush County bom ii Countywide named Kneeled E Crossly IndIana mamed Nellie Crossley
Gladys E Pearson ana


anner Tanner

Wilbur Tanner Freemont Ruth lemmons George William Earnest washI emmons Fremont WIlham was basedemons lemons room born in Indiana on 21 May 1903 He mamed Elizabeth hosted A census listed Earnest as head named heaof household m Jackson Twp Hancock Co Indiana on 23 April 1930 Living next door to in tofather Fremont Tamer aster Freemont Tanner is Wilbur Tanner 26 a general farm laborer born Indiana Also mTamer fann bom m Wilbur Tanner s home are his wife Elizabeth Tanner 22 born Indiana landholder Betty J inibus Rehabber bom and children
Beamiest Earnest


4 born Indiana and Chester L Tanner bom 1975 in Hancock County Indiana at age 71

12 22

born Indiana Beamiest dIem January bom Earnest died m in

Elizabeth Rehabber was born in Indiana in 1908 Elizabeth bom The two children of Earnest Wilbur Tanner and Elizabeth Rehabber are as follows femmes I i Betty J Tanner Betty was born m Indiana m 1926 Tamer In in 11 n Chester L Tanner Chester was born m 1927 bom In


Luc dna R Bro n L



January 2005

The Lan Lemons Fam ly II to y FTh Lemmons Fawn y 11 story

Fig Ig

Harry and Roberta Barnes Brown about 1957 Brow abbot

WillamWilliam Elhel Ethel Roberta Barnes Rebecca Washburn rehabber Lemmons George WIlham Barncs Ashbin Hilbert Lemons Bames Natbom Ethel was born on 22 September 1889 Ethel Roberta Barnes was the adopted daughter of Noah ette Amenand han Rebecca J Washburn Barnes According to Shelby County newspaper records Amanda Ashbin Bames Accord the Fuller dable a sixteen year old girl and daughter of Joseph Fuller accused Robert Smith of being heacc ed Kobeadjhimself in position father of her unborn child Robert Smith found himself an uncomfortable pollution as he had ather other recently named acently mamed another young lady coffle commuof the community communis Ethel s broth Adding to the rumors of Bethels berth m the fall of 1889 was her aunt Rebecca Fullers sUIcIde Ethels birth in Fuller suicidcating tated fam January 1890 Rebecca Fuller was distraught over her steer s condition and left the home of sisters night m nightgoanother sister Mrs Joe Martha Henderson sometime late In the might clad only m a nightgown Enders wn gossamer According to her note she left her clothes behind for Amanda use RebecRebecca Amandas and Accord to Mollte foulards ca notes to her sister Mrs Joe Henderson and her slat Mrs Mollie Richardson and a letter toleft sister leftmost Enders psider Amanda The essence often letters stated she wanted Amanda to have her clothes The SIster of the He story Daily Indana Shelby Dally Democrat Shelby County Indiana ran the sooty of Amanda Fuller accusing mamed Robert Smith as being the father of her unborn child January 22 1888 She named Harry Logan other Covington ind Lillian Brown son of Charles Sells Brown bind Irishman May Carter in Coving Kenton County CounGreenup StreKentucky trymen on 14 June 1913 They were mamed by Rev N H Carlisle named Green Street WIlham CovIngton Kentucky William R Gunning and Alma W Lyons were present at the ceremony ere Coving PROMINENT COUPLE I S WEDDED AT COVINGTON City Bames Harry L Brown and Miss Roberta Barnes Were Mamed in That CitInteNamed Mss Kepi Wedding Took Place More Than a Month Ago But Was Kept Secret From All But Principals rceding ywide Here Parents News of It Is Great Surprise HeSlurps Horsend whipping quietly away bind marry resuming home and continuing to live as though they Shipping ind marrying rectum Slipping continuum hesingle were marriage iving wer yet smuggle and with their many friends entirely ignorant of the fact of the manage h Image

e inter











L Lucida R Brown Uiege Lucinda

The Reno F am ly II tory 24 Commons Fame Iy lorry

haves wastaken place and then giving them all the greatest and most pleasant surprises of their lives was surpluses what Hany Brow did and anohout Harry L Brown and Miss Roberta Bames a prominent couple Goths county disdained now Banes grommet of this their arretther friends are wondering how it all happened without their even suspecting myth and arc suspect truth behave rying tery to make themselves believe the truThe edding Omar Brow and Mss Banes took place June 14 m Compton Ky treRedding the in Heeding of Mr Brown Miss Bames known minister ceremony bmg performed by Rev Coarse a widely know master of that city Remaining m Carlisle inncherman being Redman Ctheir compliant ompton for days the newly weds then returned to then homes here informed their parenCompton mooned theu parents distheu of ts this eventful happening and left their friends m the dark Mr Brown contused to have at hBrow continued live his happen in and one Bames own undone Iwo home and Noah Barnes who reside two sic andone only sic awkward phrase through throuhere that the secret finally leaked ouSIC the bandies telling some of her out gh other ters Brow is twenty three years old and is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Noah Barnes whMrs Brown Bames who and one undone half miles of aofa ores sic two andone Holmes northeast of this city She is beautiful and charming and sofa resale charm fakShe is former very companionable disposition Ashes a fanner student of the local high school and she enJoys ery enjoys possession of the warm friendship of many m this city with whom she became equated the in acquaifiendish whittle a student theorthere nted em Brow is thirty one ears old andIS a son Omar and Mrs Charles Brown Conner Mr Brown and is near of Mr anIS Brow of maand is ManIlla ManIla mmilla He is interested m farming and saw milling ands an energetic young man of strangmerest in fawning Stern success quashes which make for succsucceulates ssor many Theu m the county are pleased to wish them many years compared life betmarried blest of manned The in wIth all wixt aloof afford happiness wIthal of the happens that this world can affordSanford



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Fig ing

Brown abbot Harry and Roberts Barncs Drown welsh children Rebecca and Charles Drown about 1925 Diary Robert Darnes Brown with

Ethel died on 19 March 1965 m Shelby County Indiana at age 75 in

Handy Harry Logan Brown Harry was born m Shelby County Indiana on 30 Anal 1882 Hany Hany Anybom in Indana way hosted as the head sofa family on the 1920 Census m Umon Township Shelby County as listed of a ofa firmly in Union Coun-



Luc ty dna lu nd R

B own L gigot


January Ju 2005

Fhe Lemmons F am y H slimy rh Lan He Lemons Fame II tory Co-

wife rinthian Living m the home with Harry L Brown 37 a farmer born m Indiana are his fiftebom in Indiana Lolling in and children RebeccEthel R Brown 30 born Indiana landholder Charles N BrownS born Indiana and Rebecca Brown 5 bom bom enth a Manson Hany born Indiana Harry died on 10 February 1964 m Indianapolis Manon F Brown bom Moninterred m Bennett mitered County otony Indiana at age 81 His body was mattered Bennet Cemetery Shelby County IndIana Indiafollow The two children of Ethel Roberta Barnes and Harry Logan Brown were as follows Hany Charles Noah Brown born 31 May 1914 m Union Townsi in Umon Township Shelby County Indiana mamed Mary Ellen Wiener Wesner named JE Rebecca Lillian Brown bom 30 October 1916 m Shelby County born II in Countywide mamed William J Tucker IndIana named WIlham

38 12




Silos WIlham Lucy P J Lemmons George Silas George William P Lemons 1907 She died circa 1930

Lucy was bom in Lucy born m Kentucky m

Claude Children of Lucy P Lemons colludLemmons include e Dolores Lemmons Delores Lemons i
Silos WIlham Waylay wis bom iMac Lemons Mae Lemmons George Silas George William Twyla wigs born m Waylay WIlham South North in on orth Waynamed Kentucky 10 November 1908 She mamed Walter William Southport m 1925 Twyla died laid on 14 September 1984 m Alexandria Rapides County Louisiana at age 75 in Alexandra Rapidest


Waylay Twyla

bom Kentucky on Waller WIlham Southworth Walter William Southport Walter was born m Kentucky 20 March 1905 He appeared Ht appearFayette Kentucky on the census of 8 April 1930 m Lexington Layette County KentucAnal ed Twyla Mac Lemons The Waller WIlham Southport ky two children of Waylay Mae Lemmons and Walter William Southworth were as follows WIlham Southworth Walter William Southport III born 17 August 1926 bom i Ronald Earle Southworth Ronald was born on 23 October 1942 bom n II Earl


mCecil Anderson Lemmons George SIlas George William Cecil was born mWIlham bom m Lemons George- Silos elanoma Kenton County Kentucky on 18 March 1911 He mamed Golda Mae King HeHe Latoma illennia named Gold Atom Woodward mamed Rosemary Bush on 13 July 1946 Cecil died on 6 March 1978 m Versailles Woodford named mmed County Kentucky at age 66 His body was interred in March 1978 in Georgetown Cemetery mitered m m mattered Georgetown KentucKentucky





The ky only child of Cecil Anderson Lemmons and Golda Mae King is Gold Mg Lemons


Yvonne Lemmons mamed Gene Eliding Wagner Lemons named


Rosemary gner Bush 1923

Rosemary was born in Recourse Wayne County Michigan on 6 October bom m Ecorse

The three children of Cecil Anderson Lemmons and Rosemary Bush are as follows follow Lemons 4 Both Ann Lemmons mamed John Thomas White Beth i Lemons named George Earl Lemmons mamed Rooe Man i Turner ii Lemons named Roe Steven Anderson Lemons named Lisa AnnMann Lemmons mamed III in Mm Generation Silunciation Six

R Luc loc ica dna R

n Liege ow Ligget


14 4

January 2005

II tory Tho Lommon Fame The Lemmons F am Ily H lorry

Carl H Wonder George Nancy Rawlings Rachel Lemmons William William Lemons Wetland WilliRawlins was bom 10 January 1894 in Missouri He married Ethel mamed 10 1919 He was listed on the am born in Nilsson in 1920 census on 3 January 1920 10 Shelton Township Knox County Missouri He appeared on Nilsson Min onte census of 25 April 1930 10 Shelton Township Knox County Missouri the Nilsson Missoin



was born in 1887 in Iowa Ethel bom 10 wa only child of Carl H Wonder and Ethel 9 is The Carlene bom in i Arlene Wonder was born 10 December 1919 10 Missouri in Nilsson




Charles E Whitlock Sarah Ashby Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemons Wetland Ashy Lemmons Hillock Rawlins mamed Bulla 0 He was born m 1887 in ChlorinCalifornia William married Beulah a bom 10 Califor-



child of The ate only child Charles E Whitlock and Beulah a Hillock nia Bulla 0
I i

Whitlock bom in Elmer G Hillock was born 10 January 1910 in Oregon

9 09


Clara E Whitlock Sarah Ashby Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons WIlham Ashy Lemons William Hillock Rawlins William Wilham was born in 1889 in Oregon She married Raymond C Gleason bom 10 mamed 10 Lesson



Raymond C Gleason was born in 1888 10 Miscoubom 10 Lesson in Nilsson Missonted two children of Clara E Whitlock and Raymond C Gleason both born 10 Oregon are as The bom in Lesson Hillock uri follows I Gleason Hazel E Lesson was born in 1913 i bom 10 Gleason n II Minnie A Lesson was born 10 1915 bom in


Harriet Edith Whitlock Sarah Ashby Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons Wilham Hamet Ashy Lemons William Hillock Rawlins bom 10 Neal William WIlham was born in 1896 in Oregon She married Herbert M Anamamed



lphabet M Neal was born 10 1883 m Texas 10 TexHerbert bom in Neal is The only child ohmmeter Edith Whitlock and Herbert M Nealis of Harriet Hillock Meals Edna M bom EdnaM i EdaM Neal was boom m August 1918


Grace EdIth WhItlock Sarah Ashy Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons Wilham Ashby Lemons William Rawlins Hillock UnloHunt bom in William WIlham was born III 1896 in Oregon She mamed Loren W aliemarried III


I i




osen Loren III Oregnator W Hunt was born m 1888 in Oregon bom 10 The on two children of Grace Edith Whitlock and Loren W Hunt both born m Oregon are as Hillock lInt bom III

John A Hunt was born in 1912 bom III Dorothy L Hunt was born 10 1918 bom in

Mary Ashby Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons WIlham Ashy Lemons William Rawlins bom in She mamed William Wilham was born III March 1887 III California Hemmed Joseph E McKibben 10 1910 named in McCabe in


Mabel F a Whitlock Abel Hillock


hosted on listed Joseph E was born 10 1885 m Kansas He was hosted the 1920 census on 5 January 1920 10 Cottage Grove Lane County OregOregon in

Lu nd R B own L Luc on dna

gds gel


January 2005 5


Tho Lemmons Fam Iy I story Lemons W The mm rom ly HI tory tost-

ory bom 10 The McCabe Abel Hillock rte two children of Mabel F Whitlock and Joseph E McKibben both born in Oregon are as
i 11 ii


Ernest J McCabe was born 10 1911 McKibben bom in Velma G McKibben was born 10 1918 bom in Vela McCabe


Myrtle M hitlow Mary Ashby Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons Wilham Ashy Lemons William Hillock Rawlins W Whitlock bom in Godzilla Shermamed William Wilham was born 10 July 1890 in Oregon She married Warren 0 Asher son of Dillon Asher man M-uy A and in 1909


listed 10 Minnesota bom in Warren 0 Asher was born 10 1885 in Longest He was hosted on the 1920 census on 10 Oregon January 1920 10 Portland Melanoma County Oregin bom 10 The on two children of Myrtle M f Whitlock and Warren 0 Asher both born m Oregon are as M Hillock Cfollow astillo Glen M Asher was born 10 1914 bom in i Glenn 11 bom 10 n Donald A Asher was born in 1917 DonaldA Donald




washPearl L f Ashby John Eleanor Rawlings Rachel Lemmons William William baseL Ashy Lemons Wilham Wilham was Rawlins room in born 10 1897 10 Oregon She married Claire R Parks in 1924 mamed Cafe 10 in

Claire R Parks was born 10 1898 10 Oregon He appeared on the census of 8 April 1930 10 inbom in in Cafe Anal womDenver wheLivelong 10 Eugene Lane County Oregon Living in the home with Claire L Parks 32 a tractor driver who Clime digene altos roads born in Oregon are his wife Pearl L Parks 32 born Oregon and children Aldred bom 10 bom bats Alfred Alfreals alts Pals I underpaid Derald K Parks born Oregon and Derailed H Parks 1 bom born Oregon He died on 25 August bom d 1966 10 Lane County OregOregon in Clime The on two children of Pearl L Ashby and Claire R Parks both born 10 Oregon are as follows bom in Ashy Albert k Parks was born 10 1925 bom in i Derailed H Parks was born 10 1929 11 Derald bom in n

49 12


as Parks as Parks

Huron Doke Minnie Rawlings George Rachel Lemmons Wilham Doe Lemons William Rawlins William Clifford Wilham Chaffered was born 10 Springfield Greene County Missouri on 17 September 1894 Cofferdams bom in Mason renamed He married Elsie He was hosted on the 1920 census on 19 January 1920 10 Coffined Scofield listed Carbon County Utah He appeared the census of 15 April 1930 in North West Ponce Carbonappeared on Price Carbon 10 County aceous Utah lf He died 10 July 1962 10 Mason at age 67 m m Missouri
Chaffered Clifford



Iceman Lichen

Deist Richmond was born on 12 May 1898 10 New York She died 10 July 1981 10 ubom in in Longfellow Green County Missouri at age 83 nsparing Nilsson Clifford The two children of Chaffered Huron Doke and Elsie Richmond both born in Missouri are as bom 10 Mason Doe follows Fred Doe was bom 10 1918 Doke born in i 11 Clyde Doke was bom m 1925 n Lye Doe born 10 Cora Agnes Doke Minnie Rawlings George Rachel Lemmons William Wilham Lemons Wilham William Doe Rawlins WilliCora was born in Springfield Greene County Missouri on 29 May 1904 She mamed Ross bom 10 Nilsson named RosAllen Garrison on 20 October 1925 10 Missouri She died on 2 March 1929 10 Springfield in Nilsson in Springales reene Greene County Missouri at age 24 Mason


am alie field

Luc dna R Brown L R Own Lu



January 2005

Tho Limo Foam Iy II Lemmons The Lommo Fam Ty H story Lemons

Ross Allen Garrison was born on 13 August 1899 m Lawrence County Nilsson Alien bom in MissoNilssThc on only child of Cora Agnes Doke and Ross Allen Garrison is Alien Garmon uri Doe I i Alien Gullet Gaston Allen Hulett Gamson was born in January 1927 m Springfield bom m in SpringGreene County Missouri Nilsson field
boomibomFame Corder George John Sarah Lemmons William William Fannie was born Order borLemons WIlham WIlham Fame ng m Missouri on 16 October 1881 She married George Wallace McAfee son of Michael A AAmamed in n Nilsson Cafe

Cafe MA

I McAfee cademe and Mary E Bell on 29 September 1901 She died on 15 December 1968 at age 87

George Wall ice McAfee George was born m Missouri on 12 August 1882 He appeared bom Nilsson Georbe appeared on MCA Monte census of 6 May 1930 m Eminence Township Shannon County Missouri the in Demesne Nilsson He died on 8 May 1954 at age 71 Hoffmann Order The four children of Fame Corder and George Wallace McAfee are as follows MCA Mary Susan McAfee Mary was born on 4 December 1913 Hei bom She Semarried mamed miarid Geral Tint Carr m Eminence mmed Gerald TNT Can in Demesne Shannon County Missouri on Nilsson 19 April 1935 n II Walter McAfee was born m 1917 m Missouri bom in in Nilsson Goldie McAfee was born m 1921 m Missouri bom in Nilsson in Kenneth McAfee was born m 1925 m Nilsson Keneth bom iv in Missouri


Cafe Cafe Cafe

Ida Order Nettle Nellie L Gee Ida Corder John Sarah Lemmons William William Nettle was washLemons WIlham WIlham Nettie baseroom in Warren Wan born m Warrenton Warren County Missouri m February 1877 She married Charles Edward Nilsson mamed EdwaEdwMme Nettie died in 1916 in Jackson County Missouri Herod was interred in JackNilsson rdian Nettle County Nilsson Six Mile CemeCemetery Missouri

ard Nettled Jackson son Charles tery Edward Mick Charles was born m Iowa m 1867 bom in in Meek

hosted He was listed on the 1910 census on 4 May 1910 m Blue Township Jackson County MiscouMissouri in Nilsson Missonted five children confected L Gee and Charles Edward Mme all bom in Missouri are as The Nettle of Nettie uri Mick born m Nilsson follows I i Harry Merck was bom in 1899 born m n Daisy Neckwear bom in 1901 II Merck was born Robert Merck was born m 1903 bom in in 90 I Gladys Mick was bom m 1907 born in Merck iv v Edward Interclass born m April 1910 Merck Mine was bom in

Wilham William Robert Gee Ida Corder John Sarah Lemmons William WIlham Lemons WIlham William Order William WIlham was born m Atherton Jackson County Missouri on 8 January 1887 He married Daisy bom m Atherton mamed DaiThereto Nilsson matcher ryman m Carroll County Missouri m 1906 He appeared on the census of 2 January 1920 InManson in inNilsson in In Eugene stdigene Township Carroll County Nilsson He appeared the census of 11 April 1930 m appeared on Missouri II Anal iStanberry Teaberry rawberry Gentry County Nilsson William died on 9 November 1949 in Chula LIVIngston Missouri WIlham m LivingLivingnstable County Nilsson at age 62 Missouri




Daisy Manson Daisy was born m Missouri m 1886 bom in Nilsson in William The two children of Wilham Robert Gee and Daisy Manson both born m Missouri are as bom Nilsson follows Mary Belle Gee was born m 1910 i bom
Cu nd R B own L C Luc dna

gel ct

14 Janus January


Th Lemmons F am ly H lorry The Lemons Fame Iy



Dorothy M Gee was born 10 1913 DorothyM bom in Dorothy

Ida Order Lee H Gee Ida Corder John Sarah Lemmons William William Lee was born 10 bom inLemons tegration Atherton Jackson County Missouri m January 1890 He married Ethel L McGee in Jackson mamed Thereto 10 JackMason 10 County Mason on 31 December 1908 Lee died on 19 April 1914 in Sibley Jackson County Missouri 10 Smiley Nilsson at age 24

son unty



Ethel L McGee Ethel was born 10 Johnson County Missouri on 17 June 1891 bom in McGe Nilsson The two children of Lee H Gee and Ethel L McGee were as follows I Lee Gee Jr i BernIce n Bemire Irene Gee born 19 August 1910 10 Sibley Jackson County bom II in Smiley Coumarried Mason mamed Davis M Nash


unty ntess


Manson Ponce Ida Corder Manon Nc Gee Ida Order John Sarah Lemmons William William Manon Manson Lemons Manbom in was born 10 Jackson County Missouri 10 July 1896 He married Martha Boston Manon Bo Aston Manson mamed Nilsson in AnodidIed 10 1925 zed ml



Manson The only child of Manon Ponce Gee and Martha Bo Aston was Robert Manson Gee Robert was born 10 Kansas City JackManon bom in i Jackson County Mission on 15 Anal 1916 Robert died on 23 April Mason I 10 Kansas City Jackson County Mission at age 1 His body was maMason wmitered on 26 Anal 1917 in Independence Jackson County 10 stered CouCemented Mason Mt Washington Cemetery


aiter unty ntess


liam William age

ttage 91

Mable Mal Able mamed named

Becker Emma Strait Rachel King Elizabeth Lemmons WIllIam Mg Lemons Lillich at Lillie Annual Clinic She v as born on 16 July 1889 She died on 4 January 1981 wa-



The two children of Mable Mary Beeker and Becker Lillich are as follows female Able Lillie I i Kent Beauford Lillich was born on 5 March 1913 Knit Beaufort Lithe bom Nanny NaomI Pauline Lillich was born on 9 November 1914 bom ii Lillie


Rachel King Elizabeth Lemmons William WIllIam Lemons Williwas born on 30 August 1891 She mamed Elmo Year Batchman son of Franklin N Batchman married EImo am bom Bachman Bachman Bachmand an Lillie Belle Wanders on 24 Anal 1909 10 Great Bend Barton County Kansas w She diddIed in on 23 March 1911 at age 19

Malay Decker Emma Strait Matilda Becker

EImo Year Batchman was born on 23 September 1887 10 Kansas He mamed Esta Leona Elmo Vear Bachman bom named Etta Lemin Johanna Beaker Beeker daughter of Johann Joseph Becher and Imma Cornelia Strait on 21 January 1913 10 mma Beeker onade inImax grate Great Bend Barton County Kansas He was listed on the 1920 census m January 1920 10 10 liI Bakersfield Kern County California He died on 1 Anal 1957 10 San Bernard California wanebackers Kem at in age ttage 69 The only child of Matilda Beeker and Elmo Year Batchman was Attila Becker EImo Vear Bachman Kenneth Leo Batchman v as bom on 16 January 1911 10 Comanche i Kenneth Batcher w born Barton County khan as He mamed Grace Kramer 10 1936 10 La Kansas named kan m Flabnche in bergast dark d Vega Clark County Nevada He and Grace Kramer were divordivorced








ced ced

swam R nrown Luanda B

L gg1 gel

14 January 2005

The Limo Mn Iy II 0 Commons Th Lommo Fam ly 1 story


He married Lucille Marion Samuels on 20 October 1945 m Las mamed Manon Samuel in AsVegas dark County Nevada He died on 10 March 1990 m La segais Clark in Amerada Muada Mazda manda Los Angeles County California at age 79 Tahoma enchased m Kenny enchased the Unmated States Navy on the 18 January United enlisted in 1927 at Los Angeles California His pension aphelion papers application papTahoma dated March 21 1932 give us the following he was to serve for 4 follow years as Apprentice Seaman Occupation at time of enlistment lime Laborer He had blue eyes dark brown hater a Ruddy complexIOn hair complexiopandas 5 feet 7 meshes t III indwelled and was ned inches ill and weighed pounds Next okrwellhead was given as father Elmo V Bachman 1220 A St later changeEimo Batchman later changed to Sierra Way San Bernard California CalifoKenny went directly to the U S Naval Training Stallion m SanStation in San Diego tiago California and after just four months on 18 May 1927 was wapromoted to Fireman 3rd class On 11 July 1927 he was Honorably II rranted Discharged by reason of physical disability a pro enlistment pre condition femoral hernia A pension was denied on 19 July 1932 deed He was later treated for this condition with surgery performedt baatata the State Hospital San FrancHospital at Francisco confided m Kenny loved to fly He confided his brother Deny that hoDenny he used to ditch schoolman weak out to the Shannon Hills Airport fanschool and neak Support and Gould dango around dong whatever odd jobs they would allow him to dohang doing do doutflow SheldoAn And for a few years during the late forties endear fifties he hived and early dung livon Riverside Denver next door to the Morrow Airport that was ownDrive owned ed by friend byed his fined Maxwell He frequently satisfied his hunger to fly by behaved gong aloft w h gone aloft ith Maxwell It is believed that he didn't have his downdid not own dowspout s cense nplay license dot licensees of his occupations were driving for Mountain Auto Lame Some LeaInhDVM Mount ching Riverside Cement for Moran hauling cement for hung aling hung Cement Riverside Cement and Colton Cement and driving for DVM


ers as












oray Bayer


Oils Kenneth was an employee for Otis Elevator m Los Angeles for foin many yearman years rs his beginning years with them he installed Bowling marches In stalled Bowing throughout the Southern California area later installing or staling buildings standalone bulldogs in supervising the installation of elevators m high nse bulldorise buildings was married three times and hived San Bernard hived in He lived m mamed limes RIverside Colton and La Miranda California and m St John Mirada endmost JoKansas where he was named to his first wife mamed Kenny diem the Medical Center of La Miranda from Cardiac died m Mirada in Failure Arrest and Congestive Heart Feature at the age of seventy name years nine fearsdiac ome Montana twenty five dadays one month and Barbara J Dom August 2004








Esta Leona Decker Emma Strait Rachel Mg Elizabeth Lemmons Wilham Etta King Rehabber Lemons William Buckram William Wilham was born on 2 March 1896 m Kansas She named Elmo Vear Batchman son fbom mamed EImo Velar flof in





L u Brown gel luc dna R Dro L gg




The Reno F am Iy H story Commons Fame y II 0

Franklin N Batchman and Lisle Belle Wanders on 21 January 1913 m Great Bend BrowFrank Bachman Barton County Kansas She died on 21 September 1979 m San Bernardino California at age 83 Bernard


EImo Velar Bachman Elmo Vear Batchman was born on 23 September 1887 m Kansas He mamed MalIlda bom in named MallBecker daughter of Johanna Joseph Becker and Emma Cornelia Strait on 24 Anal 1969 m Johann eable Cometh 9 Gingrate Great Bend Barton County Kansas He was hosted the 1920 census m January 1920 m reat hosted listed on Kansas in BliBakersfield nebackers Cm akersfield Kern County California He died on 1 Anal 1957 m San Bernardino California waI wain at Bernard age ttage 69 The six children of Est a Leona Becker and Elmo Velar Batchman were as follows EImo Vear Bachman festal J Mildred Lucille Batchman was born on 6 September 1913 m Greati Bachman bom in Great Bend ened Barton County Kansas She married Glenn Brothers Heemamed HeShe eded on 17 August 1997 m San Bernardino San Bernard County dIed ded in Bernardino Bernard California at age 83 n II Bernard Elmo Bachman was born on 2 May 1915 m California HeEImo Batchman bom He in mamed named mmed Lucille Lucy Mane Morgan on 21 May 1949 m Las Vegas Clark County Nevada He died on 11 March 2001 m Joshua Tree II Trein San Bernard County California at age 85 Bernardino Elided III Batchman in Eldred Neal Bachman was born on 8 Anal 1916 m Riverside bom RiverCounty California He died on 22 May 1916 m Riverside County in California Ervil Batchman iv Orville Wendell Bachman bom m CBachman born on 9 December 1918 CCalifornia alifornia He died on 17 Anal 1935 m Pomona Los Angeles in AngCounty Tahoma at age 16 California v Leona Lee Ruth Bachman born 29 October 1922 m San Batchman bom Bernardino San Bernardino County California named Don Bernard mamed Gustavson Shirley Ann Bachman was born on 2 August 1929 m California vi Batchman bom in CaliforniCaliforans mamed Ronald Lester Norton on 8 November 1947 in Colton She named nia m ColtSan Bernardino on Bernard County California She died on 18 September 1982 m Yuba CIty Subtler County California at age 53 Sutter




side Outcall




eles abena





Elsie L Utter Oran Lemmons William Joshua William L-Utter Ora Lemons Wilham was born nm Nonmember November ovember 1888 m Kentucky She married Benjamin Martin on 21 December 1904 in Fayette mamed BenJamm in m Layette County IndiaIndiana
The na four children of Elsie L
I i


n III in


Floyd Martin was born m 1904 Mart Oran A Martin was born in 1906 Ora OraA Mart Cora bom m Virgil Martin was born m 1907 bom Mart Lillian Mart was born m 1909 Martin

Utter and Benjamin Martin all born m Indiana are as follows BenJamm in


as Marta

l l

Wilh Wail

Luc 0 na R B rown L gg d B gigot

14 January 2005

Lemon Lemn The Loren ons Fame y Th Lorn cons F am Iy H story


Margaret McKay Lemmons Gertrude Margaret Lemmons Kem Lark Lemmons Mucky Lemons Lemons hem Larkin Lemons

Gertrude Margaret Lemmons Larkin William Joshua William WIlham WIlham William Lemons Lark WIlham Gertrude was born m Indiana on 21 March 1901 She married Ralph Jennings Kern Sr son ofbom mamed Mare Kem of fstage H Kern and Vilnius Oran SW dell on 9 August 1925 Gertrude died on 16 September Samuel Swindell Cm Vilis Ora Swindle 1988 Muncie Delaware County Indiana at age 87 MuncIe The OBITUARY Tile Mundane Star Debarred County Indiana 16 September 1988 GERTRUDE M KEMP 87 KEM Gertrude M kern Lyn Mar Denver died Findlay morning m Ball Ammonal Kem Friday mooring MemHospItal after a short Illnillness illness kern was born m Ventricle handset her childhood m Wayne County graduatMrs Kem bom Centerville and spent Kellwood gradual gf rom Williamsburg High School In 1925 she beamed to Muncie where her husband from Williams ing came husband was Muncie and adverts manager for several years of the Mueller Evening Press Later the Kerns owned adoperated Indiana Popcorn Co before greeting in 1962 retiring verted Mrs Kern v as a member of First Presbyterian Church the Flower Mission of the churchKem w church man Order of Eastern Star and Kem Surviving are four sons Ralph Kern Jr and Don Kern bothof Muncie Paul Kern Kem both of KeDalevIlle Kem Danville and Roger kern Los Angeles Caftan seven grandchildren Calif and grandchildCalf ren husband Ralph kern Sr preceded her in diathKem Her death Brumal will Bunal m Services Meeks RIdge ermies will be at lOa m Tuesday in Meek Mortuary Chapel Bungalow be in Elm Trigonometry Cemetery Cemetery at the mortuary is 4 7 p rn Monday or before Calking Calling services Tuesday









l l l l


Ralph Jennings Kern Sr Ralph was born m Coeval ton Fountain County Indiana on 18 bom Compton Fontal alph Jenkins Cm August 1898 Ralph died on 13 April 1966 in Muncie Delaware County Indiana at age 67 Anal The OBITUARY Tile Muncie Star Muncie Delaware County Indiana 14 April 1966 RALPH KEMP KEM EMRETIRED POPCORN COMPANY OWNER DIES AT HOSPITAL Ralph J kern Sr 67 E McKesson St died Ball Hospital Wednesday He had been died at benbeem III lineal for some time but his death came unexpectedly He was born in Compton andand lIme bom in n ill health came to Muncie in 1925 Prior to coring here he and Mrs Kern hived in RichmoKem lived Richmond Nor coming ante

dido MUI

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The Lemmon Foam Ty Lemon Fam Iy


story 0 sto-

maand a member of First Presbyterian Church Delaware Lodge of Masons No 46 F and AM endoscopies Rite Valley of Fort Wayne and Misspeak Shane Mispah Scottish nicottis PaliSurviving besides his wife Gertrude are four sons Ralph kern Jr R R 7 Muncie Paul E EnrMiddlebrow Muncie monies Don Middletown and Roger Los Angeles Calif a brother Dr Charles EKern Esker Calf Kern Richmond and two grandchildren David Brian and Barry KerFerNan ichment Embeheld at Meeks Services osene will be held Meek Mortuary at 10 a m Saturday with Rev Lewis Weber Emcees neries Brumal will Cemetery Bunal Lasher llisher pastor of First Presbyterian Church officiating Bungalow be in Elm Ridge CemeFriday prior to Feds may call it the mortuary after 7 p m Thursday after 3 p m Findlay and nor observances Saturday services Findlay ammonal Delaware Lodge will conduct memorial services at the mortuary at 8 p m Fridays Lemmons The four children of Gertrude Margaret Lemons and Ralph Jenkins Kern Sr were as follows City bom Ralph Jennings Kern Jr born 12 November 1926 in Fountain Citi Jenkins ayne Wayne named ywide County Indiana mamed Gall Ann Lowe Loe maimed Annoyed pPaul Myron Kern born 27 January 1934 in Muncie Delaware Kem bom II it a mamed County ware Indiana married Dixie Craig itchout Don bom Vkern born 14 August 1939 in Muncie Delaware III in Godson Dodson DeodoCounty mamed ware Indiana married Sharon Kay Godsoincent Kem County IV bom Ln Roger Lee Kern Roger was born in Muncie Delaware Countrizer ywide on 23 January 1942 Indiana ivonia

wasrm Kern owned and operated Indiana Popcorn Co prior to his retirement in 1962 He was asMr ad nor adverted













04 Irvin and Eva Hudspeth Lemmons and Wiliam Franklin Lemmons and Neva Wilham Lemmon Hundredth Lemons Eva Iranian


Lemmon House Lemmons

Leo Irvin Lemmons Larkin William Joshua William William Leo was born In WIlham WIlham bom InWIlham Irma Lemons inCountervailed Layette manned Maxme Hundredth convertible Fayette County Indiana on 12 March 1905 He married Eva Maxine Hudspeth Iva daughter of Miles Fletcher Hudspeth and Ivan Fern Doner on 3 February 1928 Doer Hundredth


Luanda R

B own L gigot

14 January 2005


The Lemmons Fam Iy H Lommon rm y



Eva Maxine Maxone

liquids Lemmons and Revlon lemmons lemoThuds Lemons aud Irvin lemons

Wayne County Indiana Leo died on 18 June 1962 m MIlton in MilWayne County Indiana at age 57 OBITUARY Untellable Road Trailer Milton Wayne County Indiana 23 June 1962 Trembler National Connly


ns was employed m Milton lie in



Ikea Irma LIke Midtown 77 N Central St Milton died Friday night at his home Findlay might Limn Ike me was born m Connersville and lived m Milton for the last 43 years He was employed for He hived in bom in Countervailed 31 years at Aveo undeleted m 1970 He served on the Washington Township Advisory and related retired in badAve and related MIlton minton Town boards and received the Kiwanis Outstanding Older Citizen Award m 1974 Collate Kolas in He and his wife Eva were parade marshals for the Cambridge City Canal Days m 1981 ere in They celebrated their wedding anniversary m 1974 and were strumpet m organiinstrumental in in zing Meals on Wheels in estern Wayne County He was a volunteer for the Red Cross and a m western member Christian ChurchChurch ember of the Milton Consultant ChurchHe ed is survived by his wife a son Leo Lemmons Milton a sister Gertrude Kern Muncie gg-Kem Lemons a grandson Douglas Leo Lemmons Carlisle nieces and necesnephews Lemons randson Ike Services for Irvin L Ike Lemmons was Monday at the Milton Consultant Church with RecChristian Rev saries Irma L Ikea Lemons harges Afforded the Rev Jay Randolph Osborn officiating Buna was m Dale Cemetery m Afford Charles Alford and Suborn offbeat Bunal inCin buried convertible He was bunged on 16 June 1982 m Dale Cemetery Countervailed Fayette Connersville Layette in County IndiaIndiana

ons ns


LemLemmons Lemons



onner Conner

Eva was born m Waterloo Countervailed Indiana on 15 January bom in Connersville 1908 She was employed Milton Wayne County Indiana News Reporter Eva died on 24 employed m in November 1986 m Midtown Wayne County Indiana at age 78 in Milton Midtown OBITUARY National Road Traveler Milton Wayne Count Indiana 26 Coun Camber 1986 LV A M LEMMONS EVA LEMONS Lva Maxme Lemons Eva Maxim Lemmons 78 30 North Central Midtown died unexpectedly at her homMilton home Monday ebody Monday Born m Waterloo Indiana she hardheaded in Milton for 50 yeaBom in had resided m years She was finely employed at Balanced Lame and formerly Line Beck Casket Companies CompaniCompa-

Lva Eva Maxim Thuds na Maxme Hudspeth


No ns


rs as


es R Lu Lucinda B o 0

gel c get

14 January dummy


Th Loren rom ly H story The Lemmons Fam Iy If Lemons


ServicBrownsvIlle 0 E S Widowed Persons and the news reporter for the Widowed Persons Service ServBrowns emen and at the Semor Senor Citizens andante one time served on the board of directors She was a member of tenSc InternatIonal staff writer derization Twin Convention She had been a saltwater of the Milton News for the NatIOnal NatioRoad Traveler for several years She and her husband helped found the Meals on Wheels Wellwigs program She w is also a volunteer for Red Cross She was honored as Woman of Achievement Achievemew spring by Pi Iota Xi sorely Beta Pi chapter m Anal of 1986 sooty in April nt She was a graduate of the Indiana Business College Buses Lemmons Survivors include one son Leo Lemons Milton one grandson Douglas Lemons Lemmons Claude Plymouth her twin sister Neva Pauline Lemons of Knoxville TN and one great Eva Paine Lemmons granddaughter Ashley Eva Lemmons Plymouth IN She was preceded n death by her husband husbanLemons ding Irma who died m 1982 one sister and one brother dry in Funeral services will be Findlay 1 30 p m at the Milton Christian Church with RevereConstant Friday I Reverend Countervailed Connersville Bunal Sam Fusion officiating Brumal will be m Dale Cemetery Convertibnds Fuson a leness may call from 2 to 5 p m and to 9 p m Thursdayt the Fisher Waskom Mortuary Wako MortuaFeds ry will also church on m Cambridge City There Williamson be calling one hour nor to the services at the churchon Dchurch calm

ory was a member often Milton Christian Church and an active choir member Eva of the calve Chula

ices nal





n ther



Continuations Contributions may be made to Milton Christian Church or Widowed Persons ServicService Chula emen Article National Road Teller Milton Wane County Indiana 26 November News Wa ne Raad



A Tribute to EviEva ct s always difficult to accept the death sofa loved one Andersen more so when that death cts It and even Its of a ofa holiday occurs close to a chordholidThe ate empty chair This empty chair will be felt throughout the Traveler area during this dung Traveled beyond entire holiday season and beyoEva Lemmons was a vital part Goths community and her special talents will be missed of this Lemons antThey will be missed by those m the special services where she was a member by the Milton and in Ased Cambridge City area commutes and just by all the people that she called feincommunities fined echamber ndaman The Outed National Road Traveler will especially miss her as she was a part of our family Our sympathy goes out to her family A great lady will be missed Her body was interred coinmitered m tsmart Countervailed Faette County Indiana Dale CemetConnersvIlle Cemetery ette untervailed Fa Pete convertible ery only child of Leo Irma Lemmons and Eva Maxine Hudspeth was The Maxme Hundredth Lemons Leo Irma Lemmons born 30 November 1928 m Richmond Wayne i Lemons bom in County Indiana mamed Petunia Louise Winkle named Patricia




Fete child

Leo yne


boomibomWIlham William H Steele Hattie Lemmons William Joshua William William was born WIlham WIlham borHale Lemons WIlham ng He mamed Rebar m 1900 m Kentucky Hemmed Reba H Morgan daughter of William J Morgan 1925 named Morgan in in in n He appeared on the census of 15 April 1930 m Richmond Wayne County IndiIndiana


Rebar ana H Reba

Sh bom Morgan was born on 21 June 1905 m Indiana She died m January 1976 Rem in

Richmond nrichment ichmond Wayne County Indiana at age 70 WIlham Rebar The three children of William H Steele and Reba H Morgan are as follows Stele I Dale Steele i Janet R Steele was born m December 1926 m Indiana bom in ii in Robert G Steele was born m 1928 m Indiana bom in in Indi-

ana md

rown L got Luanda R B own Got ogel


January 2005

Th Common Fam ly H story The Commons Mn Iy II



Dons Ethel Lemmons William William Joshua William William marLemons Wilham Wilham Wilham Wilham marrIed Clarence Ray Fulton She was born m 1906 She died m 1945 bom in in


Clarence Ray Fulton was born in 1903 He diem 1988 died m bom m in The five children of Dons Ethel Lemmons and Clarence Ray Fulton were as follows Lemons I Nancy Lee Fulton mamed i WarrenWarrenamed Warren 11 n Malcolm Ray Fulton born 26 July 1925 m Abnegation Indibom Indiana in mamed Mary Jane Lingerer named May Fulton born 1926 m Indiana married Petunia May Armebom in mamed named immeNancy Macaqudiacy McQueen nian Macaque Thomas George Fulton married Manly Miller He was born on 10 IV Marilyn bom February 1928 m Indiana in Indianv a Nell E Fulton born 17 October 1932 in Indiana named Waneta Neil bom mamed Wane Rhubarb Hubbard Rhubar-




Wilham Frank Lemmons William Franklin LemonLemons Lemo-


s I

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Luc dna R Bro n L gigot get R Bm

l-l January 2005

The ultimo Fam Iy II Th Commons Foam ly H

stol Y


Neva Hudspeth Lemmings Eva Hundredth Lemons

Moua Mona Lee Lemmings and William Franklin Lemons 1935 Lemmons Lemon aud Wilham


bomWIlham Wilham born Wilham William Frank Lemmons William William Joshua William William was BornLemons WIlham Wilham boon eo 3 October 1908 m Indiana He married Neva Pauline Hudspeth daughter of Miles Fletcher mamed Eva Paine Hundredth in inJanes Hudspeth and Ivan Fern Doner He mamed MaDonna James He died m January 1978 m named din Hundredth Doer Housetrained Iva bunged Darken County Ohio at age 69 He was bunged m Greenville OhOhio Darke arken take



Fig io

Shopper Scope Eva Hodspeth Lemon Patty Commons Eva Hundredth Lemmons Pamela Kay Centers Sope Neva Hudspeth Lemmon Soper DemonLemon Handset Lemons Moua Lemmon Sope Superstration Soper Anodal Shopper Nichols Mona Lee Lemmons Soper Updegraff


bunged m Abnegation VNeva Pauline Hudspeth was boned Abington Wayne County Indiana She was born on IS boned in bom Eva fine Palmed Hundredth January isionary 1908 m Knoxville Tennessee She died on 6 June 1991 m Indiana at age 83 in William Frank Lemons The tv 0 children of WIlham Franklin Lemmons and Neva Pauline Hudspeth were as two Eva Palmed Hundredth follows Wanda Jean Lemmons was born on 24 December 1931 m Chiffon i bom Lemons in ChthClifUmon onian County Indiana She died on 24 December 1931 m Umon MonUnisMon in Mon ogyny Indiana County onous





January 2005

The Lemmons rm Iy II slur Lemons Fam ly

L mo

jj II

Mona Lee Lemmons born 30 November 1933 m Lemons bom in Shopper adored Eugene Indiana mamed Ronald Eugene Soper divorced Ronald Lugene named Shopper married Dicker Soper mamed Dickie Lee Updegraff




There were no children of William chidden Wilham

James Lemmons and MaDonna AngerJanes Lemons

Lemons all Lemons Orval Carlos Lemmons with children Marlene May Lemmons and Kathleen Fay Lemmons Oval Cartes Lemons bom Orval Carlos Lemons William William Joshua William William was born on Wham Wham Lemmons Wilham Wilham Oval mamed 21 July 1913 m Wayne County Indiana He named Elsie Mane Pope daughter of Clarence Clarein Ivan Wood ruth Lope dido nce and Iva Woolworth on 14 November 1935 m Wayne County Indiana He died on 5 May bunged Sponge 1984 m Wayne County Indiana at age 70 He was bunged m Spring Lawn Cemetery New Pans Pain
Fig ing rig


bom Pans Elsie MarIe Pope was bunged m Sponge Lawn Cemetery New Parts Ohio She was born on in Idle Mane m 21 December 1912 Matson Ohio She died on 28 June 2004 in Richmond Wayne County m Eaton Countywide at age 91 Indiana Seine Orval The three children of Oval Carlos Lemmons and EIMe Mane Pope were as follows Lemons flora bom Orval Lyie Lemmons i Oval Lyle Lemons was born on 19 July 1938 He died m 1944 bom Mariene Lemmons Marlene Lemons was born on 13 May 1939 ii bom Lemmons Kathleen Lemons was born on 13 May 1939 lit in h



bomborn Wilham Wilham boHattie Rebecca Lemmons William William Joshua William William was BornLemons Wham Wham LyellS echoed named on eo 16 July 1917 m Wayne County Indiana She mamed Harry Lyell Sherwood son of Harry Yell ChrYellS M ysler Sectored and Mary Ellen Schultz on 15 July She died on 12 January 2004 mElmer iRoseville Rushville Wayne County Indiana at age 86 arseille




Harry Lyell Selfhood was born on 25 December 1914 m Monroe Wisconsin He died on bom in Scions lIe HalT Yell October 1976 m Centerville Indiana at age 61 in Ventricle are as follows folloThe four children offsite Rebecca Lemmons and Harry Lyell chidden oH tIe Lemons Yet



mown Loo ws dna R Brown L edge Luc got


January 2005

The Lemmons Fam Iy H story hm


n I eI
III in ke iv

Ronald E m Connersville born 25 August 1937 in Countervailed bom Insomnia mamed Dorothy Fay Porsche Indiana renamed PorschDonald Wayne bom inm was born on 7 December 1939 coin Countervailed Connersville untervailed Indiana convertible Lee Mary Anna born bom 13 June 1941 married kenneth Ledmamed Remake erhosen RemaMalcolm Lyell born bom 10 October 1946 mamed Phalnamed Paula Yell Louise Duncan Duncan named Sara luses Dungan divorced Paula Louise Dungan mamed Paramagnet Dunbar Margaret Unbar

Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet

Eureka D Arnold Theocrat Kennedy Elizabeth King Hannah Lemmons WIlham Theora Rehabber Mg Lemons William William WIlham Eureka was born m Kentucky on 17 September 1910 Eureka dIem September died m bom in in 1985 m Derange Kenton County Kentucky melange




Children ucky of Eureka D


include Arnold elude these two Ralph A Arnold D Arnold Eureka DArnold Jr Arnold

n II

Herschel Thomas King Grover Silos Hannah Lemmons William WIlham Lemons WIlham William Mg Grovef Silas RHerschel was born in Gondola McLean County Illinois on 24 June 1909 He mamed Derma Rbom m CLean named Erma M Predilection appeared on in ankin Rank on 24 June 1928 He appeared the census of 21 April 1930 m Falmouth Pendleton County Kentucky He mamed Agnes McClanahan on 16 September 1950 Herschel died on named Meccano 22 May 1953 m Covington Kenton County Kentucky at age 43 in Coving OBITUARY Falmouthh Outlook Falmouth Pendleton County Kentucky From the Predilection Pentathlon ObItuary File Predation County Pub he Library Falmouth Kentucky Public HERSCHEL HERSHEL KING 43 CANDIDATE FOR CLERK DIES FRIDAY MAY 22 The people of Falmouth Predilection County were shocked Saturday morning when the Falmouth and Pendleton mooring Ihal announcement was made that one often best known and highly respected citizens Herschel respelled of their Herscaptest Rehabber night Covington Mg had passed away the previous might May 22 1953 at St Elizabeth Hospital Coving ConveAlthough still young in life only 43 Mr Mg had suffered withholders of the stomach for m King with ulcers fontional senous ursome having undergone a snouts operation several months ago While engaged thengaged m the sometime ham in Quaker State Oil business founded by his late father Grover King Herschel had decIded Mg buses recently on account of his health that he would seek the office of county court cleclerk Perhaps in Pendleton rklier he was one of the best known citizens m Predilection County md he was enthusIastically toward his comm campaign DeathS many tImes sudden and unexpected Death is and unexpected randlimes coming omly our Creator knows the answer to our destiny Mr Mg was one of our ferniest cItizens only density friendliest citizeKing soft spoken ando bood noncomplex A helloing Democrat he came from one of Tenderloin and of yond principle lifelong families County s pioneer famishes and was considered one flour soundest conservative of our s cItizens Herschel loss to a sic severe blow to his community where he will be sadly missmissed He mg bom of Mrs ed was the son comers Lee King and the late Grover king and was born at Nodule III Mg June 24 1909 He was united manage to Derma Rankin on June 24 1928 and to this union united m Erma Rank in ninLouisianan three children were born LOIs Ann Janet Lee and Kathleen who passed on in fancy He was m infancy ascere bom LoisAnn McClanahan acquainted manage this time to Agnes Meccano on Sept 16 1950 ertained m Mr King leavis his wife Agnes and daughters of whom he was so fondly proud MarMg leaves Mrs ianne Jump and Mrs Lois Ann Graham both of Cedar Rapids Iowa He also leaves his mother Janet motMrs king both of her Lee mg one sister Mrs Kenneth Taylor bothof this city two grandchildren James








passed as







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Lucinda gigot Luanda R Brown L get


January 2005

Fam Iy II ory Th Lorn Commons Frn ty H s Cory The Loren

egrates egrative relates

disintKing Clark dark Graham and Robert T Jump his step father Will Mg besides a number of dIstant

egrative relates Magmas a member of Onon Lodge No Onion Mr King was Mg

l Department eer fIre

Pendleton Junior stem ficiate Star the Predilection County Humor Chamber of Commerce and the Falmouth VoluntDepartment attendant Chanson Church and Herschel was a member of the Falmouth Christian Church was a regular attendConstant The ant funeral services were conducted from the Christian Church on Monday May 25 at 2 EartSerb o clock by his pastor Rev Claude Cummins assisted by Rev Carl Sear Newark Rev composed of The hen music was furnished by a male quartet composed Judge Wm J Newkirk Revorgan Bushman Frazer Norn Applegate Sears Watson Appellate and Frazier Nom with Mrs Alva Cushman at the orgisers Pallbearers were C A Taliaferro Donald Browning Harold Reynolds Walter Moore MoTahoe Brown Hamilton Daughterty health Fisher Wayne Daughterly Raymond McAtee and Henry Hamilthelth Mate almouth of the The on flower bearers were members often Tumor Chamber of Commerce and the Falmouth ere 1 ire Department Department A very impressive Eastern Star natural was conducted at the home Sunday evening at 8 with officers o clock Interoffice of the lodge m charge in Lennox Leno Lenox acct a cotonMasonic services were conductedt the graveside with Rev W M Lento as acting master easter Son Bungalows In Wesley Cemetery under the direction of John Woodshed SoBrumal was m Riverside Bunal

ofOrder of A M almouth fF Falmouth AMalmouth ChapterVolunteer







nora M Lorna

m bom R Inkling Enna was born in Ohio In inkin Erma Berman The three children of Herschel Thomas King and Derma M Rank were as follows Mg Erma Jump Janet King mimed i Mg named King Lois Ann Mg born 1929 m Kentucky mamed 7 Graham n II in was King Kathleen Mg Kathleen wa born m Kentucky m 1933 Kathleen Kathlin in III in een In 1940 dIed ml

Melanesian Mg There were no children of Herschel Thomas King and Agnes McClanahan ere
Irishman Lillian

Wham liam Glenmore m manned Lenora Mast in miarid eared

Lemons William Colher Mma Mg Dorothy Lea Tsai Collier Emma King Hannah Lemmons WIlham SeAnderson Shnamed Lillian was born 10 Kentucky on 16 August 1909 She mamed Carl Sanderson She Lila bom in


Anderson The only child of Lillian Dorothy Lea and Carl Sanderson is bom Jo Ellen Sanderson Jo was born on 29 January 1936 Anderson i
Glenmore Glenmore Misting Lenora died on 7 May Lenora Glenmore Austin of Lillian There were no children Bolivian Dorothy Lea and Tempore Mastin


Lemons WIlham William Colher Mma Mg Florence Lea Tsai Collier Mind King Hannah Lemmons William WIlham named bom m Pendleton Kentucky 4 florence was born in Tenderloin County Kentucky on 14 October 1914 She mamed Arthur Reynolds Florence died m June 1988 at age 73 in



Lucinda d R


Reynolds The only child of Florence Lea and Arthur Re molds is Patricia Lea Reynolds i Reyn-


Bro L gel Mi ct

14 January 2005

The Lemmons Fam Iy Th Loren Fawn ly II story Lemons

Mildred Bernice Arthur William Sidney Lemmons Francis William Wilham Wham William Lemons WillofMIldred was born m VI go County Indiana on 29 May 1910 She mamed Clyde Reeds son soVirgo bom in Vigo of named Lye Recd fa A B Reeds and Frankie Hogue m Vigo County Indiana on 17 June 1940 Mildred died on 25 in Virgo January 1966 in Charleston Coles County Illinois at age 55 m Cols OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 27 January Halite Vigo 1966 ILLNESS FATAL TO MRS MILDRED REEDS the held at m CST WEt FIELD III Special Funeral services will be held 2 p m CST Saturday at ChWheatfield Wheatfield Methodist Church for Mrs Mildred Arthur Reeds 55 who died Tuesday m the Westfield esterfield hHill Cemetery Charleston Bunal ectares Hospital Brumal will be m Maple HIlI CemetCemeterin ery was a commerce teacher at Wheatfield High School a member of the Order of Eastern She Westfield ies Eastern and the American Legion Auxiliary bathmat Wheatfield the Maplewood Christian Church Westfield both at Wheatfield and Star Marblewood Chanson Churclived nor mom Wheatfield Westfield at Terre Haute where she had hived prior to moving to Wheatfih She Arthur eld is survived by a daughter Miss Ann Reeds Decatur III the mother Mrs Dora Arthromeres Haute two sisters Mrs Paul Jones Silver Songs Md Mrs Raymond DavIs Springs Terre Letha Pennsauken N J a half sister Miss Lethal Cox Terre Haute Wanda brother Thomas Arthur Lakeand a Lake anda Kensuke N Charles La shores Lanterns magically after 4 p m CST Thursday at the Mark CST Markwell Funeral Chapel here Her HeMarkell Feds may call Chili body was interred on 29 January 1966 m Wheatfield Charka County Illinois Maple HIli in Westfield Clark rod mitered Cemetery








Clyde Reeds Clyde was born on 12 March 1896 Clyde died on 10 November 1964 m maLye Lye bom Lye illhouse at age 68 His body was interred m November 1964 m Westfield Clark County Illumes Illinois mitered in nilines in Wheatfield dark IllinMaple Hill CemetDl Cemetery ery only chided of Mldred BernIce Arthur and Clyde Reeds IS The child Mildred Lye Ann Reeds i


Gladys Roxie- Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William Dhahran Roxie Wilham Lemons Gladys was bom m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 26 December 1894 born in Vigo She mamed mannamed Remaking mone D Reining son of Christian Remaking and Ricka Maunce VigoNuance m Terre Haute Lego Reining Rica in Lagoon Indiana on 18 May 1920 Gladys died on 12 January 1982 Indianapolis Manon County rously in MonMindanao Manson County Indiana otony IndIana at age 87 OBITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 12 January Vigo Halite 1982 GLADYS T REINING Services for Gladys T Remaking 87 finitely of Terre H ume who died at Westminster H mate Reining foully WestmiVIllage Indianapolis at 11 45 a m Sunday will be held at Thomas Funeral Home at 11 am II II a Wnster Brumal Wednesday with Rev John Colonna officiating Bungalow be m Highland Lawn Cemetery Chironna ednesday Bunal will CemeterCemetemended ry was the widow of the late Maunce Remaking bandwidth him owned adverted the Orpheus Sh Nuance Reining and with and operated Orpheum ies Orpheand Swan theaters She was a member of the Central Presbyterian Church Surviving are stethe pdaughter m law Mrs Arthur Remaking Normandy Beach Flab a son Allen W Remaking and adaughter asFla Reining Ormand Alien a Reining step may call from 6 to 8 p m Tuesday stepson Nuance Reining tep son Maunce Remaking Huntington Park Cal Her body was mitered 13 January 1982 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Highland Lawn mitered interred on Vigo in Cemetery










Faso Feds

lu dna R Alcoa


Brown L gg1 Broon



Commons Th Lommo F am Ily II study The Limo Fame

Insomnia bom in Maunce D Reining Maurice was born m Terre Haute Labor County Indiana on 14 Nuance Relock Maunce Munched October 1891 Magnetron 17 March 1947 Sarasota Florida at age 55 Maunce died on Nuance in Sarasota Flonda OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terrace Haute Vigo County Indiana 17 March Terre Vgo Haule



THEATER OWN DIES IN FLORIDA Veteran Maurice D Chinking Succumbs To Heart Attack At Sarasota Was ExtraneMaunee ousness AnnMan Buses Anounce D Reining 2537 North Eighth Street owner and operator of the San and Idaho Maunce Nuance Munched nounced Relock Fla theaters here died suddenly Monday morning at Sarasota Flab where he had been resting mace resettling scremooring sinam 26 Cause of death was attributed to a heart attack He was 55 years old attenuated Jan beart ce odIdentified with local theater business for almost a quarter century Mr Remaking formerly Idealized Reining formbuses dment owned and operated Orpheus erly adverted the Orpheum and Little Virginia theaters m addition to the two in add-ons neighborhood motion picture houses III health formed him to dispose of his interests 10 the mohon merest in Tneighborhood Orpheum and Little Virginia theaters several years ago when he dissolved a partnership with Orpheus witVirgin horpe outfight Ross Graver fouling hers Garver and purchased the Swan and Idaho theaters outfigfouling Reining Mr ternate in Flonda Mond Aht Remaking and his wife were expected to terminate their sojourn m Florida Mond-iy and




return to Terre HauHaute ndre and educated in bom in He pubic of te was born m Terre Haute undedicated m the public schools here Alter completion oafish education he was employed by Hulman Human Company and later became associated thehis associated with the treachesupplies Terre Haute Auto Company dealers m automotive suppers In 1923 he entered the theater thesain re're rousness n uruses and was one of the early officers of the Terre Haute Theater Company whichever awhich operated buses number of downtown theatheaters umber JAlien J Besides the wife he is survived by three sons Allen at home Arthur 0 of Oakland Naand William of East Orange N J the mother Mrs Ricka Remaking of Terre Haute two brothbrothers Rica Reining NJ nd Wilham Jacob F of Winchester Mass and Arthur F Of Wells VI lie NY two sisters Mrs Marshall grandchildren Cayman and Miss Edith Remaking both of Terre Haute and two grandchildrReining en was a member often B P O Elks Lodge No 86 the Masonic Lodge and the herman He of the P 0 lie erre Grotto man The body will be brought to Tcare Haute





ters Fe




Virgo Insomnia OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 18 March


MAURICE D REINING DiaFuneral services for Maunce D Remaking 55 years old 2537 North Eighth Street who died Nuance Munched Monday at Sarasota Flab following a heart attack will be held at I 30 o clock Saturday afternoon afternooFla follow mond Wiat the Thomas Funeral Home Brumal will be made in Highland Lawn Cemetery The body will Bunal n



Alien ave in lliam m Terre Haute Thursday Surviving are the wife Gladys three sons Allen at home holate Arthur 0 of Oakland N J and William of East Orange N J the mother Mrs Ricka Reining NJ mer NJ Rica ReininJand WIlham And g late of Terre Haute two brothers Jacob F of Winchester Mass and Arthur F of Wells vII Ie NY bowels Inboth of two sisters Mrs Marshall Cayman and Miss Edith Remaking bothof Terre Haute and two both late to mitered IndIanVirgo grandchildren His body was interred on 22 March 1947 m Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana in lIs Indhighland Lawn Cemetery iana children of Gladys RoxIe Tidally and Maunce D Remaking were as follows Proxies Tindall Nuance The three Reining ere he Wilham died on I Wilham Nuance William Maunce Reining William dido 11 July 1983 m HHuntington Pk Chiffon untington Pirk California huming Cali-Haute Tribune Solar Terre OBITUARY Terre liable Hafornia 11 July 1983 Star late Vgo County Insomnia Indiana ute Go

a I


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eget L uc dna R Bm Brown L got L

14 January 2005


murmur Fam y II stol Foamy Famy Lemons Fame Iy

n II
III in

WILLIAM M REINING received of Word has been received the death Saturday m Huntington HuntingPark Calf WIlham Huntington Calif of William M Remaking 2614 Hope St Huntington UnrPark formerly of Terre Haute Survivors include his wife June Claude ton reRehabber and a brother Allan Indianapolis Arrangements are ealizable of brother pendIng in California penting m Jones Arthur 0 Reining born 1911 in Indiana named Sarah Jonesmamed m Relining bom Wilham Reining bom Allan William Remaking boom 1926 in Indiana named Patricia L mamed



WIlham William China Mane Cidna Mann Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William WIlham Lemons WillCaledonia was born m St Anthony Hospital Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 19 June 1900 Virgo iam bom in She mamed Charles Hawkins son of Charles Hawkins and Martha Marks m Terre Haute named in Hawks Hawks HaChina Cidna died on 9 February 1962 m St Anthony s Lego County Indiana on 29 August 1924 inset ute HospItal Vigo ospItal Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 61 Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vogel County Indiana 9 February Hallie Turbine




CHINA MRS CIDNA E HAWKINS cocMrs Coldness Hawkins 62 years old 2318 North Twelfth Street dIed at 7 15 o clock Hawks died Findlay morning at St Anthony Hospital She is survived by the husband Charles one daughter kney daughMicah Mrs Ritchey of Roseate Goldbter Barbara Ritchie Detroit MICh one son Bill Farr lI Rosedale two sisters Mrs Gladys Ritchie Nicholson She three Relining of Terre Haute and Mrs Grace Shelton of Houston Tex and thoracic grandchildren Schricking Methodist Church The body was taken to the Thomas was a member of the Maple talen Funeral Home Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 10 February Hallie Turbine

ns Cine

r Hawki-



T Bill



CHINA MRS CIDNA F HAWKINS Funeral services for Mrs Caledonia E Hawkins 61 sic years old of 2318 North Twelfth Hawks TwelStreet will be at 10 30 o clock Monday morning at the Thomas Funeral Home The Rev Chester ChesterChestfths er Mohan will officiate brumal will A Mahan Illegitimate and bungalow be m Roselawn Memorial Park Feds may collate 7 call after bunal in Roseau Ammonal o clock this evening Mrs Hawkins a member of the Maple A venue Methodist Church died died at Hawks 7 15 o clock yesterday morning St Anthony Hospital w Her body was mitered 12 February mitered interred on morning at 1962 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Roseau Memorial Park Vigo Roselawn Ammonal





Charles Hawkins Charles was born in Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 28 August Virgo bom Ten 1902 Charles died on 20 July 1968 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana it age 65 Indiana Vigo in OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 20 July 1968 Vigo Hallie Tern CHARLES HAWKINS Charles Hawkins 65 1225 1 Saturday Anthony Hospity member the Maple Avenue Methodist Churchman the Moose Lodge he is survived by onal A member of Church and one daughter Mich Ill MaWIlham slaught Mrs Barbara Ritchey Wayne Mulch one son William Alton III three sisters Mrs Ritchie Thelma rshland M Campbell and Mrs Lena Kemp both of Terre Haute and Mrs Areva Bledsoe Helm rshland Area Bedsore Enamel BesiGlendale Anz four grandchildren and four great grandchildren Services will be at the Thomas Az Brumal will Funeral Home at I 30 p m Tuesday Bungalow be m Roselawn Ammonal Park Feds magiBunal may in Roseau Memorial cally call China Mane Tonally The two children of Cidna Mann Modally and Charles Hawkins are as follows folloHawks


Chares ins


Anthony Anthon-

eged mas to ws daR ingot I

Luc rula R B own rule



January 2005

Th Sumo rom ty H story The Lemmons Fam Iy Lemons 0

u n


Hawkins bom Barbara Colleen Hawks born 12 January 1926 mamed Willnamed William Barba Darrell Ritchey divorced William Darrell RicheFarrell Ritchie Farrell Ritchey Ritchie Neese William Memo Hawkins born 11 March 1927 mamed Jerry Nemeses named Shawls bom II divorced Jerry Nemeses named Beverly Alexander Neese mamed


Grace Velma Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William William Lemons Vela WillGrace was born in Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 11 January 1907 She mamed Loy Virgo II named Cloy Loiam bom m gjams Shelton son of Elmer Carroll Shelton and Bertha Jane Menace m Terre Haute VIgo VigoVirgo James in County Indiana on 7 June 1925 Grace died on 14 July 1988 m Tulsa Tulsa County rously in Oklahoma at age 81 OBITUARY Tulsa Tulsa County OklahOklahoma reared in SHELTON Grace Modally 81 Tulsa died July 14 1988 Born endeared m Terre Haute Bom and reared HauIN Moved to Tulsa with her husband Cloy James Shelton m 1926 Charter member of Second Loy te Shelton Presbyterian Church Tulsa where she was active until she moved to Houston m 1956 Returned Returnein to Tulsa m 1966 and became an active member of KIF I of the Hills Unmated Presbyterian Church United Kirk ChuIF d until her death She is survived by 3 sons Robert L Nylen L and Jerry A all of Tulsa 9 RobertL Nylon panderer aloof Robert Nylon rch 11 a Ammonal II Illigirl children 17 great grandchildren Memorial service IIa m Monday Kirk of the Hills the Interment service 12 noon Monday Ross Hill Cemetery Friends may continue to Kirk of thHi Feds contribute Stanleys Her body was interred m Hills Memorial Fund m her name Stanley mitered in rills Ammonal in Oklahoma Cemetery Thule a Tulsa County OklahoTul Tulsa












IL on Loy s bom in was born m Elm River 1 wp Wayne Co ILon 4 May 1902 Cloy oIwo Wayne Ilion at Loy occupatIOn Comptroller Cloy died on 16 November 1967 m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma waccupatIOn age ttage 65 OBITUARY Tulsa Tulsa County OklahOklahoma East Loy Died early SHELTON Cloy James 65 Street Deerfly Saturday morning Survivmooring Survived by wife Grace Velma sons Robert L Nylen L and Jerry A of Tulsa 9 Grandchildren RobertL Nylon L and ed Robert Nylon panderer GrandchiVela Saba SakBrothers Carroll A Detroit Michigan Burt L Paradise California 32 Degree Mason Samba 10 am amoto Aldar Shane Member Second Presbyterian Church Services lOa m Tuesday Moore s MorasGrotto Alder HIli contribute heart may continue to the heartses East Lawn Chapel Interment Rose Hill In lieu of flowers ast 1155 His body was mattered Roseville Cemetery Tulsa mitered in interred m Rosehill s fund Moores Eastland burn Moore Westland Chapel TuOklahoma Tulsa County OklahoII bom m ma three children of Grace Velma Tind-ill and Cloy Jame Shelton ill born in Tulsa Tulsa Loy James The TuVela d ere County Oklahoma were as follows Loy Faye mamed 1927 named Roberta FaeRobert Cloy Shelton born 30 i roes Jones manned Nylon Nylen LeRoy Shelton born 2 May 1928 married Mary Ann Burton Ji bom bom named Jerry Arthur Shelton born 5 August 1931 mamed Elizabeth LaIII in Kraft nka
Cloy Loy ma James Shelton
Cloy Loy


omans ldren







Wilham William Arthur L Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William Wilham Lemons Airbag WillArthur was born m Virgo County Indiana on 24 October 1896 He mamed Mary Willey named bom in Vigo Wile Virgo daughter of Arnold G Willey and Julia Moss m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 27 Wile A October 1917 whosted as sofa listed Arthur was steeds the head ofa family on the 1920 Census residing at 1405 Buckeye of a rthur resold Buckeyes m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Living m the home with Arthur L Arbaugh 22 Vigo Street in Airbag in





Lu ud R Bro Luc dna Brown L gg gel

14 January 2005


The Lemmons F am ly H story storTh Lemons Fame Iy II my

Indiana Airbag IndIana are his wife Mary Arbaugh 19 born Indiana and children Mary Maxine Marabou bom born Indiana Arthur died on 26 Arbaugh I bom born Indiana and Arthur Arbaugh Jr Airbag bom Indiana Airbag November 1967 m Coma Los Angeles County California at age 71 In Coma OBITUARY Terre Haute Tallness Tern Haute Virgo County Indiana 28 No Vigo Halite Tribune Terr

12 12 iner 19 9

ybook born bom




are Arthur Arbaugh 76 formerly of Terre Haute died Sunday at Coving Calif Surviving arreCalf Airbag Mauna Hamsted widow Mary three sons and a daughter all of California four sisters Mrs Audna Hams the mers Buena Moats and Mrs Marlene Fluff all of Terre Haute and Mrs Mary Ball MichIgan Mrs Puff Meatball Michigbrumal BShine and an two brothers 0 T Shame and Wallace both of Terre Haute Services and bunal will be Thursday at Whittier Califorethesda Whither California
Mary was born m Clinton Vermillion Contending on 20 August 1899 bom in Colton Venison County Indiana The five children of Arthur L Arbaugh and Mary Willey were as follows Airbag Wile vere Maxme bom May Maxim Airbag i Armament Arbaugh Mary was boom in 1918 Arbaugh bom u n Arthur Airbag Jr Arthur was born in 1919 Arbaugh Virgo VigoBilly Bergman Airbag Billy was bom m Terre Haute Vigo born in III in Lagoon Indiana m May 1920 Billy diem October 1920 m Terre died m County rously Thein Vigo Haute Virgo County Indiana Tallness OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lego VisLagoon Indiana 24 October 1920 count Count BILLY B ARBAUGH AIRBAG Billy B Arbaugh 5 months old son Omar and Mrs Arbaugh of Mr Airbag Airbag Aboundied at the family residence 2141 North Sixteenth street at 11 treet Gallded so clock Saturday morning Besides the parents he is survived by sa sister Maxine a brother Arthur and his grandmother Mrs Ellen ister Arbaugh s Airbag The funeral will be held from the grandmothers home grandmother 2021 North Center Street at 2 o clock Monday afternoon Interment InternmeInterme0 His body was Interred 25 October 1920 Ininterred on m Highland Lawn innt In terred Haute Virgo County IndIana Highland Lawn Cemetery Terre Indiana Vigo Vigo County Jack Sidney Airbag Jack was born m Terre Haute Virgo Countbom in Arbaugh iv ywide in August 1922 Jack died on 2 January 1923 In TheIndIana m m Terre Virgo VIgo igo Haute V Igor County Indiana OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lego VigHalite Laorously County Indiana 2 January 1923 JACK SIDNEY ARBAUGH AIRBAG old son of Mr MaJack Sidney Arbaugh 16 months olson Omar and Mrs Airbag Arthur Airbag died at 2 o clock Tuesday morning at the residence 0 rathi Arbaugh Woodley 1532 Wooly Avenue Besides the parents he is survived by conone Arbaugh Anbrother verter and one sister his grandparents Mrs Airbag and Mr and ders Willeys The funeral will be held from the home at 2 o clock Mrs Wiles 0 Wednesday afternoon Interment will be m Woodland Cemetery in Woodlawn Cemetery body was interred on 3 January 1923 in Terre Haute Lego VigoHIs Lagoon Indiana Woodlawn CemetCounty rously Woodland Cemetery CemeMary Wile nian WIlley







reat diana goon




ery R B rown Light Luanda B tery Luand


14 January 2005 2

Fame Iy story Th Lemmons F am ly 11 my The

mon L

bom in Russell Wayne Arbaugh Russell was born m Indiana on 7 Airbag December 1923 Russell died on 7 September 1960 m San in 36 Bernard CA at age 36

iam as


Mauna Audna C Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William WIlham Lemons Wham William Airbag Mauna was bom m Virgo County Indiana on 20 February 1900 She mamed James A Harns HarrisHarms Audna born Vigo named HansVirgo son of Miles Harris and Rachel Miller m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 12 February Harns on in 1925


James A Horns Jame was born in Monroe County Indiana on 31 July 1900 bom m Darns Jaime Mauna The only child of Audna C Arbaugh and James A Harris was Harns Airbag I Jack Hams Jack died m 1946 m Germany i WIlham WIlham PaPaul B Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William William Paul Lemons Airbag Combers was bom m Virgo County Indiana on 24 October 1902 He mamed Ruby Combes daughter cofof named ula born in Vigo Virgo Countferdam Combers and Emma Windley Pu died on 16 July 1960 m Terre Haute Vigo County Paul Frank Combes Medley Piul ywide at age 57 OBITUARY Terre Haute ywide Halite IndIan Vgo Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana Circa 17 July 1960 PAUL B ARBAUGH AIRBAG Arbaugh Paul B Airbag 57 of 1900 Garfield avenue died Saturday morning at 6 0 clock at the Tmooring 6 a of home He Insurable by hIs wife Ruby a daughter Mrs Lenora McCullough Terre Haute ssRaSmith of stepson Calf tepson Donald Smith Terre Haute three brothers Arthur of Covina Calif and OrvIlle and Mauna Mich Wallace of Terre Haute four sisters Mrs Mary Ball of Garden City Mulch and Mrs Audna grandchIldren Hams Mrs Buena Moats and Mrs Maven Fluff all of Terre Haute and four grandchildPuff call after ren body was taken to the Thomas Funera Home where friends may callable noon Sunday Funeral afler The pm ServIces will be at the funeral home Monday at 3 pm with the Rev Ron Worriment officiating Camion officiaBungalow Brumal mitered interred on Bunal will be in Roselawn Memorial Park His body was mitered 18 July 1960 m Thein Terre Roseau Memo Roselawn Cemetery Vigo Haute Vgo County Indiana Roseau Cemet-




ting reat




Ruby wigs bom m Clay County Indiana on 23 April 1910 Ruby died m May in Anal wis born Vigo 1985 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 75 in Vigo Count OBITUARY Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo Count Indian 24 May Halite 1985 St Ruby Airbag 75 1524 S Lithest dIed at 9 d rn Thursday m Country Side Nursing Arbaugh in Nursbom kroger Home connatural causes She was a retired butcher at roger Co She was born April 23 1910 m of natural idied m Combes Combes Clay County to Frank Combers and Emma Medley Combers Her husband Paul dIem 1960 nlay include SurvIvors Claude one daughter Enora Craft Terre Haute 10 grandchildren and three great Nora Ken in bandleader Services are scheduled for lOa m Tuesday m Thomas Funeral Home with KeMM pm Buna in Roseau Memo Sharon officiating Bunal is m Roselawn Ammonal Park Cemetery Visitation is 4 to 9 pmnosha Monday onday

ery Combes Ruby Combers





Vigo mitered Roseau Her body was interred m Roselawn Ammonal Park Terre Haute Virgo County InfinCombers ere follow The two children of Paul B a Arbaugh and Ruby Combes were as follows Airbag ite he named Eleanor Arbaugh named Elenora Airbag mamed 7 McCullough She mamed 9 i Craft r Bergman Airbag bom Charles Burgman Arbaugh born 1938 mamed Lola A u named it
14 January 2005



noun Luc dna R B 0 un L gg o gel

Lemons Fam Iy lorry 24 The Lemmons ram ly H story

m L

Buena V Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons I ranCIS William Wilham Francis Lemons Francis WIlham William Airbag Willbom in Buena was born m Indiana m 1908 She married Opie Omar Moats Buena died on 3 August mamed Ople in 1976 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 3 August 1976 Vigo Hallie Star MRS BUENA V MOATS Arrangements are pending at the Thomas Funeral Home for Mrs Buena V Moats 69 1120 Beech St who died Monday mommy at her residence She was a member of the Barbour AvVemorning Arbor Ave Unmated Methodist Church Surviving are the husband Opie a daughter Mrs Phyllis Craven Mt MOple Eerted nted mcees Mulch three sons Don and Rick both of Terre Haute and Rome Mt ClemClemens Mich Andromeda Ml Clemens Mulch two brothers Shine and Wallace Airbag both fo Terre Haute three sisters Mrs Mauna Arbaugh ens Audna both of Terre Haute and Mrs Magdalene Ball Warren Hams and Mrs Marlene WarMulch mane grandchildren and two great grandchildren nine OBITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 4 August 1976 Vigo Hallie MRS BUENA V MastMOATS Services for Mrs Buena V Moats 69 1120 Beech St who died Monday morning at her mommy heI pm resIdence will be 1 pm Wednesday at the Thomis Funeral Home with the Rev Edward Thomas Brumal will Charcuterie officiating Bungalow be m Roselawn Memorial Park Feds may call Bunal body Her boyin Roseau Ammonal Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Roselawn Cemetery was interred on 4 August Vigo ars Roseau Cemet-










bom in Ople Opie was born m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 24 May 1908 Vigo Topple died on 2 March 1991 m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 82 OBITUARY Ople Virgo in Terre Haute Vigo Hallie Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 2 March 1991

ery Omar Moats Ople Opie


Thursday Feb 28 1991 liof 1120 Beech St Meadows Manor East He was the owner of Mates Bait and Tackle Shop He was born May 24 bom meades Mt 1908 in Terre Haute His first Wolfe Buena Mates died earlier Survivors include his wIfe wife Claude Donald and Rick of Mates three son Donald Rick Terre Haute and Ronald of Mt Pleasant PleasMulch one d mightier Phyllis Craven of Mount Clements Mich one sister Eileen Scott HMachine Citizens Mulch of ant overnighter Phyla







offman Pleasant name grandchildren Andersen great grandchildren Services are lOa m Monday Mount and seven 10 a nine MondaBrumal y Bunal is in Roseau Ammonal In Thomas Funeral Home Burials m Roselawn Memorial Park Visitation is 4 to 8 p m SSSunday with Masonic services at 7 by William Penn Lodge F AM unday wall WIlham Finn

The four children of Buena V Arbaugh and Opie Omar Moats are as follows Airbag Ople Donald Moats i Ronald Moats n II Rick Moats III in Phyllis Moats named 9 Craven mamed iv Martha Marlene Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis WIlham Airbag William Lemons William WIlham Martha was born m Indiana on 14 May 1915 She mamed George Fluff m MichIgan bom in named MichMartha died on 5 May 2000 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at abe 84 Her body was Vigo mawmitered on 7 May 2000 m Terre Haute Virgo County IndIana Highland Lawn CemetVigo Indiana Cemetery stered in mitered


igan aiter



ery only child Martha Marlene Arbaugh and George Fluff Ilchild of The Airbag Puff is

Luc uch lus dna lu

R Brown L


14 January 2005

Tho Lomm Lemmons rom y H story The Loom Foamy Famy Lemons Fam Iy II

I i

Danny J Puffs born 31 May 1936 m Terre Haute Vigo County Danny bom Virgo Countywide renamed Margaret Newman divorced Margaret Newman Indiana mamed dIvorced Sharon Nichols



Wallace Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William Wilham Airbag Wilham William Lemons Wallace was born m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 3 February 1917 He mamed Norma bom in Virgo named Heck Wallace died on 16 April 1992 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 75 Vigo in OBITUARY Terre Haute Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 18 AprIl Vgo





W Al LACE E AR AUGH ARBAUGH AIRBAG UGH E Arbaugh St died at 8 30 p m Thursday April 16 1992 m of 1011 mWilma Airbag 75 Moll S indied ammon Hospital He was a retired custodian with the Vigo County School Corporation He was urning Umon Virgo Mon baseborn reb 15 1917 m Terre Haute to Harvey Arbaugh and Ella Arthur Arbaugh SurvIVOrs in Airbag Airbag SurviClaude his wife Norma Heck Airbag two daughters Janet K Brown and Karen a Dreams ofArbaugh of Terre Malformed Puff fered Haute one sister Marlene Put of Terre Haute three grandchildren and two great grandchildren He was a U S Army An Force World War 11 veteran Services are I1 pm II Air p MPoMonday m DeBaun Idaho Street Chapel with the Rev Bill Grandi officiating Brumal is m onday mona in Debunk Grand Bunal inveigled Lawn Cemetery Visitation is from 4 to 8 pm today His body was interred on 20 pm mitered 1992 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Highland Lawn Cemetery in Vigo Cemet-






ery two children lowball Arbaugh and Norma Heck are as follows The of Wallace Airbag Dick I i Karen A Arbaugh mamed Robert R Dreams Airbag named n II Janet K Arbaugh mamed James A Brown Airbag named
Wilham William Frank Lemmons Clarence Wilham Francis William William Wilham Wilham Wilham William Willum Lemons WilliwWilliwas bom aws born m Terre Haute Lego County Indiana on 8 May 1910 Williams occupatIon am Vigorously s Wilham occupaRaIlroad worker m Kuttawa Kentucky He married Mildred Pauline Rothrock daughter Omamed tional Railroader in Cutaway Paine Rootstock of Coddle William Rootstock bind Mattie May Stewart m Lawrenceville Illinois on 7 May 1934 Cordle xford Wilham Rothrock ind Matie in Lawrence Mildred Pauline Rothrock Mildred was born m Puncheon Gibson County Indiana on 16 bom Paine Rootstock August 1915 The five children of William Fran Lemmons and Mildred Pauline Rothrock all born pWilham Palmed Rootstock bom m Lemons injunction Puncheon Gibson County Indiana are as follows uncheon I Betty Jean Lemmons born 17 August 1934 married Donald Rai Lemons bom 7 manned Ray
Muenster cketeer kuester



n II


e I

ria bara

Wilham William Grant Lemmons born 6 November 1937 mamed Dixie Lemmon bom named Kay RIsley xie RIley PhIllip Philip Moms Lemmons born 10 December 1940 mamed ArtLemons bom named Ruth Stems istes Joseph Michael Lemmons born 16 December 1948 mamed Gloria Lemons bom 6 named Glona GloJean Helices Hicks Jackie Don Lemmons born 14 September 1952 named Barbara Lemons bom mamed McKee McKe-



Carson E f Lemmons Clarence William Francis Welshman William mamed EdithE Lemons Wilham William Wilham named Edith EditL Parker Carson was born m Vigo County Indiana on I 1 August 1912 He mamed Therm1 bom in Virgo h Themanamed Thelma Helm
Luo Luc do wn gel tic al dna R B own L got
14 J anuary 2005 4

Th Um The Lemmons F am Iy H story Lemons Fame


ory Sounder Lawrenceville Illinois on 14 March 1934 Carson died on 20 July 1988 In Lucy Spotter in Lawrence Jul July Ininlcd junction Gibson County Indiana at age 75 Puncheon OBITUARY Tilted Percentile Dally Clarion Puncheon Gibson Coun Daily Promotionally Carlo Princeton Gbson Count Indiana 21 County July 1988 10 45 m CARSON E LEMMONS 75 died at 1045 a m Wednesday July 21 at Gibson General GeneaLEMONS Hospital logical Hospitable logical born He was bom August rat Terre Haute android m Puncheon and resIded resided retired coal emmer with Megs Mme He attended the First Church of God canvas a member Kings Mine etired and vas membminer Unmated Mme Workers of America and the VHF Fathers AWHarry No 1147 er Local United Mine of thc Auxiliary Mecca Preceding m death were his parents Clarence Lemmons and Alta Gunnels Lemons in catcher Surviving ire Surviving his wife Edith L Parker Lemmon three sons Jerry of Fort Brach Jim roof Lemon Fe Crossbill Tenon and Clarence opencast and three daughters Patty Johnson Carol RIcheson ckroses Tenn of Puncheon Riches Linda Deffendol Jerry md Lambda Defend all opencast two stepsons Jeny and Steve Parker and two of Puncheon stepdaughters Gerald Freehold and Diana Love all opencast four brothers Arthur of oof Puncheon Greenhorn f itten Colo a Bbitten Colon William of Henderson KY Grant of Fort Branch and Ed opencast and Ss-of Puncheon Arendts Sister Juana SIC Barents of Hayfield Minn 10 grandchildren name step grandchildren seven ister nine grandchIldren and 12 step great grandchildren grandchiFuneral S Mama SMam St Funeral Maintldren services will be at 2 p m Saturday at Kendall Fulcra Home enance Puncheon with Rev James E Walters officiating Brumal will be m White Church Cemetery Bunal in Puncheon may calla the funeral home after 4 p m Findlay WM call at Friday Mo-














Feds thered were no children of Carson E Lemmons and Edith L Parker There ere There're Lemons ParLucy County
on 4 1982

1912 70

Thelma bom in Sowder Helm Sawder Thelma Kentucky Barren Helm ker dido Septemberwas born m Glasgow Vanderburgh County Indiana Thelma died Helm Evansville Vanderbilt

on 8 August at age

OBITUARY Tilted Puncheon Daily Clarion Puncheon Gibson County Indiana 7 The Daryl Carlo Gbson Indiana September 1982 MRS THELMA L LEMMONS IRS HELM LEMONS Mrs Helm L Lemons 70 Thelm S Sonnet St Puncheon died 4 25 a m Saturday Lemmons died at a m Saturdays 4 1982 m St Mary Medical Center EvansviSept Evansville m St She Y Au bom in lle was born m Glasgow kY Aug 8 1912 and was a housewIfe Surviving are her husband Carson E Lemons three sons Jerry of Fort Branch andLemmons and Jaime and Cheney both opencast 10 grandchildren and two grat grandchildren a brother Jame ante of Puncheon Citroen great brothSam Shower ers Sowder of Tennessee and two sisters Mrs FannIe Wallace and Mrs Pearl Edwards both bothFame bo-

ns Then ewife




opencast of Puncheon th

Funeral services are 0 a m today at Kendall Funeral Home S Mam St Puncheon Main NineteeThe nth Rev Robert Watson will officiate Brumal will be m White Church Cemetery m Puncheon Bunal in tVISItation was Monday at the funeral home te eethe six children of Carson E s Lemmons and Thelm i Lucy Sowder were as follows The E Lemons Shower Helm Petunia Lemons born 22 December 1934 m Patoka Gibson Lemmons bom i Palooka County Indiana mamed Raymond Juel Johnson married Joel Jerry Mac Lemmons born 18 November 1936 mamed Peggy J ii Lemons bom married Cother lothier Other Oth-



er oda R B own L gigot Luc lu dna R gds


January 2005

Thud The Lemons Lemmons






iv h
v s

Gibson James J Lemmons bom 2 January 1938 m Puncheon GibLemons born in County Indiana married Becky Houchins m Patoka Gbson County Caroline Lemmons born 21 Anal 1940 in Palooka Gibson CountLemons bom ywide married Harold RicheIndiana mamed Richeson Riches Clarence Edgar Lemons born 29 September 1942 m GibLemmons bom in Gibson County Indiana named Clara Jean Hulfachor mamed Unlatch Lambda Kay Lemmons born 25 October 1947 m Gibson CountLinda County Lemons bom in ywide married Michael S Emendable Defendable Indiana mamed



Ouch Ouc-


Lemmons Clarence William Francis William William Grant was WIlham washGrant baseWham Wetland Lemons room in Vigo Cborn m Virgo County Indiana on 30 May 1915 He married Frances Kirk He mamed mamed chances A named m Princeton Gibson mamed Carnahan harabanc He married Wanda Parsonage He died on 30 Anal 2002 in Puncheon Gbson Canaan GibCounty Indiana at age 86




cogent The only child of Gr mt Melvin Lemmons and Frances Kirk IS France Lemons Lemmons Brenda Lemoi Lemons


ns A Carn han Lois was born on 23 October 1921 Lois died on 3 October 1980 m Cornishman bom GLo Cairn inLois Carnihan Gibbon Gibson General Hospital Puncheon Glib on County Indiana at age 58 cision ibson OBITUARY The Perceptually DUlly ClOT Permeation Gibson County Indiana 3 Puncheon Daily Puncheon Count October 1980 LOIS A LEMMONS LEMONS Friday Mrs Lois A Lemons 58 R R 2 Francisco died 10 25 a m Findlay Oct 3 at Gbson Gibson Lemmons General Hospital onon Kobe Surviving is her husband Grant daughter Mrs Adele Kolb R R Petersburg one wondrously erously Carnahan Fort Branch one sister Mrs Helen Lee Potter Bedford Indo 2 granddauInd Rusty Canaan granddaughters brumal F 10 a ghters are lOa m Monday at Kendall Funeral Home bunal will be m I10 0 FC-Services in emetery Puncheon Cemetery NineteThere ere Carnahan Melvin enth were no children of Grant Melvin I commons and LOIs A CanaaCanaan




ns son Hospitals





There ere There're no children of Grant Melvin 1 commons and Wanda Parsonage nite were Mel I
Earl- Lemons WIlham Wetland Edward Earl Lemmons Clarence William Francis William William EdwWham Persimmons was born m Indiana on 22 February 1917 He mamed Evelyn Sachems m Puncheon GIbson named Chills in Gibard bom in County Indiana on 10 November 1946 Edward died on 11 July 2004 m Puncheon Gibson II in GibCounty Indiana at age 87 Vigo Count Halite OBITUARY Terre Haute Tinsmith Terre Haute Virgo Count Indiana 13 Jingly Star 2004 EDWARD EARL LEMMONS Edward Earl Lemmons 86 opencast and formerly of Terre Haute died Sunday July 11 of Puncheon Lemons Hospital in police retired 2004 m Gibson General Ho petal m Puncheon He was a rebreeds Puncheon ponce officer segregin serum serving ate city for 26 years He was born Sept 20 1917 m Terre Haute to Clarence Lemons and Alta bom the in Ten inLemmons named Lemons His wife Evelyn Schmaltz Lemmons whom he mamed Nov 10 1946 m Chills Lemons junction Claude Puncheon survives Other survivors include two sons George Lemmons and John Lemmons LemonaLemons Lemons all of Puncheon and her husband George of and his wife JoAnn alt opencast a daughter Nancy de Wetland Lemmons grandchildren Haubstadt a brother William Lemons and wife Mildred of Alta Ky two grandchildrHabitat

ard Ed

son son


TT Star



Luc dna en nd R lue

gigot wn L gg



Fame Iy II The Sumo F am ly if story Commons F


HutchinRaleigh Matthew Lemmons and Brad Houchins two great grandchildren Kaleigh and Rachel ChurchLemons man numerous maces and nephews He was preceded death by his parents three brothers son preceded m and in nieces charteCarson Grand and Arthur and one sister Juanita He served m the U S Army He was a charter Junta and lifetime War Ordred flextime member of Veterans of Foreign Wart Post 1147 past member of the Fraternal Order er Police gopher and a member of American Legion Post 25 Services are I11I a m Wednesday m Doyle in DolefFuneral Bemie EtIene ulness Home m Puncheon with the Rev BernIe Reticence officiating Interment is m St Joseph in in Cemetery m Puncheon Visitations 4 to 8 p m today with prayer Spence at 7 30 p m m herVisitations in the i in service N 1st memorials firmly funeral eunder home The family suggest ammonal be made to Visiting Nurses Association Vilest Ave Puncheon IN



Ouch brotJos-


The three children

Sachems outward Earl Lemmons and Evelyn Schmidt are as follows Lemons
II it

III in

Nancy Lemmons mamed George Houchins Lemons named John Lemmons mamed JoAnn 9 Lemmon named George Lemons Lemmons


Wilham FrancS Wilham Wilham Wane Waneta Dorothy Lemmons Clarence William Francis William William Waneta AnneWane Dorothys Lemons Hammer Barents was born m Virgo County Indiana on 20 Anal 1920 She mamed Paul Hamer Arendts son of named als bom in Vigo I Undersign and Elizabeth Hammer in Ft Lewis Washington on 1 May 1943 She died Rehabber Hamer m Gunderson didon 7 March 2004 m ayfield Dodge County Minnesota at age 83 H Hayfield

Hammer Barents Hammer Paul Hamer Arendts Paul was born m Northwood Iowa on 2 September 1917 Paul Hamer Northward Undersign was adopted by the Arendts His birth mother was Elizabeth Hammer Paul oo-Gunderson Rehabber Hamer s Barents m occupatIon ccupatIon Bank President in Hayfield Dodge County Minnesota Paul died on 7 September ccupation 1975 m Puncheon Gibson County Indiana at age 58 in Puncheon OBITUARY Prill Becton Green County IndianRill ecton apolis BARENTS PAUL H ARENDTS Paul H Ardent 58 Ardents Minn night HLinn died Sunday might at Gibson General Hospital He had been visiting relatives in Puncheon when suddenly becoming 11 ilead m ill vilest PauWaneta Lemmons Arendts Survivors include Paul lustrious Claude his wife Wane Lemons Barents two sons Stephen Paul of St PulTenyson lman and Stanley Carl at home two daughters Mrs Roger Tennyson of Coon Rapids McLeLinn Linn line hon Minnan Mrs James Hoffman of Beijing Linn one grandson andone brother Carl S Undersign sand na Bemidji and one Gunderson of undone Tenon Oak Ridge TenTenn ofa WillaWIllon Barents will be taken to Cole Funeral Home m Hayfield where the funeral services WIll wilMr Arendts in ble Fondly at 2 p m Halls body was interred on 12 September 1975 in Fairview Cemetery let be His mitered m Hayfield Dodge County MinnesMinnesota Waneta The Hamer Barents born m ota four children of Wan eta DorothY Lemmons and Paul Hammer Arendts all bom HHWane Lemons Hayfield ayfield Dodge County Minnesota ire as follows Susan Kay Barents bom 18 January 1947 mamed Roger H Arendts born i named Tennyson TennysoManan Ann Barents Manan was bom on 12 May 1948 Shn HeShe Arendts Mann wa born Mann ii mamed named mmed eared James Hoffman son of Frances Hoffman and Florae 9 III Bend Minnesota on 18 December 1971 Beijing Stephen Paul Barents bom 8 July 1949 mamed Cynthia A Loran Arendts born III Jiran named in SStanley Carl Barents born 29 September 1951I mamed Holly SArendts bom J named iv



Nobel Mn





emen Semen

R 0 Linda

Brown Leggett Bmw gds

January 1411 2005


Tho Lemmons Fame Iy The Loren F am ly H story Lemons 0

ory vo children of Frances LOUIse Fields and Edgier Lee are as follows The I Bruce A Lee mamed Nan 9 i He mamed Nikkei named named Nikki Bruce Liegeman


bom 10 Elkhart Elkhorn was born in Elkhorn Elkhart Co Indiana on 28 August 1948 Lambda Sue Lee mamed Ken Barfell She mamed Pete Linda named Bare Shot named Lambda was born 10 Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 15 March Virgo bom in Tirre IS 1949


Bruce Bru-

Charles R Hodges Charles was born 10 Ohio on 5 November 1931 as bom in Charle Houdeshell There were no children of Frances LoUIse Fields and Charles R Houdeshell Louisa Felds Shoulder Freddy Doyle Fields Defied Lemmons Noble Francis Wham William Freddy William Wham FredEffie Lemons Nobler was born 10 Virgo County Indiana on 12 May 1934 He mamed Mary Virginia Memnamed InsulHines dy bom in Vigo Virgo Homes Mary was born m Virgo County IndIana on 16 November 1936 Indiana bom in Vigo The four children of Freddy Doyle Fields and Mary Virginia limes are as follows Felds Virgo Hines I Eddie James Fields mamed Tern McKillop Eddie was born 10 i bom innamed Mocked Lego County Indiana on 30 November 1952 digo I reddie n 1000 Freddie Lee Fields named Mary Jane Davis 1 riddle was born minmamed bom m set Anthonys St Anthony Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 30 s Vigo November 1952 Tomas Fields mamed John Wayne Lynch Tonia was born m Umon 1001 Toma UninhToma in bom in Mon named MonVigo HospItal Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 18 July 1957 abitable omial 1002 Teddies Gene Fields married Prenatal Zigzag Teddies was born mTeddie mamed Renatta Aziza Teddie iniv bom m ammon Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 12 July urning Umon Vigo Mon Ten
Mary Virgil ory Virginia Homes arly



Effie Lemons Shirley Ann Fields Defied Lemmons Noble Francis William William Shuley was Shuley Wham Wham Ashley baseborn 10 Terre Haute Vi o County Indiana on 18 November 1936 She mamed Paul R Shelin Schell named Shell




The chidden Shuley ter three children of Shirley Ann Fields and Paul R Schell are ab follows Shell ill 1 1003 Marsha Luann Schell Marsha was born in 1954 i bom 10 LAN Shell 11 1004 n euchred Richard Duane Schell Richard born m 1956 Shell Richard was bom in 1005 Petunia Shell Petunia was bom in in Patent Doreen Schell Pancake vas born 10 1957 Rosemary Jane Fields Defied Lemmons Noble Francis Wilham Wilham Effie Lemons William William Rosemary was born 10 Vigo County Indiana on 1 March 1939 She mamed Donald Salome bom in Virgo I named Loonier




nier as

Donald Salome His boyars interred in Vigo County IndIana Hull Cemetery Donald body was mitered 10 Virgo Loonier Indiana Donbom II ald born on 20 September 1938 Donald died on 11 March 1997 at ge 58 ige The Five children of Rosemary Jane Fields and Donald Loonier were as follows Salome ere i I 1006 Eugenia hay Loonier Eugenia was born in St Anthony HospItal Kay Salome bom 10 Anthonys Hospits Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 26 September 1958 HeVigo She able mamed Charles L Anderson named mmed 11 1007 n Robbie Rabble Salome Rabble was born m Terre Haute Virgo County Robbie bom Vigo Countywide on 19 December 1959 She named RIcky Pirate Robbed IndIana PIrtle Robmamed Lickspittle RobbIe dIed on 13 December 1996 at age 36 bed


dna R B own

l goal

14 January 2005 14


Unman Iy I story II my

1008 1009 1010

ve IV

v n

Loonier Karen Rose Shinier Karen was born in Forestations kalamazoo bom Kalamazoo MI on 23 November 1960 She married J lCk S Lot Co mamed ick LiVirgo Randall Joseph Shinier Randall was born in Terre Haute VigoLoonier Vigo bom County Johnsomamed rously Indiana on 22 November 1961 He married Lisa Johnson Jangle Lynn Loonier mamed Ray M Securest Jangle was born InJanelle bom inSecrest Janelle Shinier named in terred Haute Virgo County Indiana on 7 December 1963 Vigo Terre

Virginia May Fields Defied Lemmons Noble Francis William William Virginia Effie Lemons Wetland Wetland Virgimanned was born in Virgo County Indiana on 7 April 1942 She married Charles L Hartley son of nia bom Vigo Virgo m John Hartley and Hattie 9 In Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 10 November 1959 Vigo bom Charles L Hartley Charles was born in 1 erre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 20 July 1939 ere follows The three children of Virginia MaY Felds and Charles L kirtle are as folloFields 1011 bom inCynthia STOL Hartley mamed Jimmy Chancy Cynthia was born InChaney Stir ws i named lOll in terred Haute Virgo County Indiana on 23 September 1962 Terre Vigo in 11 1012 Gaye Lisa Gayle Hartley married Tom Overseer Lisa was born on 26 bom mamed n Veneer




in n

Anal 1964 bom Nicole Leigh Hartley Nicole was born in Stark County Indiana on
9 January 1967

Ben Lemon Lemons Floury III Phillip Lemmons Flory and nen Lemmon Wilham WillPhelps Lemons Flory Philip Lemmons Floury Benjamin Lemmons Noble Francis William Wetland Lemons after the Phil was adopted Phelps was born in 1938 Spillways adopt d by his maternal grandparents at berthed death isoerthe aerate death of hIs iam wa bom mother ttherm Benjamin went off to the military and the maternal grandparents felt this was a way to ent oTto



Phil protect Html Lemmons Floury Children of Philip Lemons Flory include these two Marcello Floury Marcella Flory 1014 i 11 Floury n 1015 Robert FlouFlory


ry d R Luc dna Lo

Brown L go Brow 0

14 January 2005

Fam Iy II Lorn The Loren Locations Fame ly H story


SIeve Lemmons Karen Lemons Couch and Steve Couch 2001


Karen and Steve Couch with children 1996

Luc oda R Brown L gds loe dna

14 14January 2005

Fam Iy toO Tho The Como s Fame ly If story

m Lo F


Karen and Karol Lemmon Karl Lemon


washbasefrancS Wilham WIlham Karen was 6 9 Karen Lee- Lemmons Benjamin Noble francis William William Lee Lemons BenJamm HeSeManson room in born m Methodist Hospital Indianapolis Manon County Indiana on 10 February 1954 She

m mamed Steven Mchael Couch son of named teven miarid mmed Steven Michael coffee Couch and Rita Hayes in Indianapolis County Indiana on 26 February 1972 otony

ey De


Manon born Steven Michael Couch Steven was bom m Indianapolis Manson County Indiana on 2 March 1951 follow Lee- Lemons The two children of Karen Lee Lemmons and Steven Michael Couch are as follows Fhe ReencJeremy MatheW Couch Jeremy was born m panelized Greene 1016 i County Nilsson on 23 June 1976 ounter Missouri bom in HarMelissa Leamie Couch Melissa was born m Houston HarrIs n II 1017 Mesa Mesa Leonie County Texas on 29 May 1979 rison


1 Luc od R B rown L Lor dna

got get

Tho Lemons Fam Iy II lory The Lemmons rom ly H story loon


Karol Lemmons Ireland Mike Trowel family 1980 Strife with famoly Karl Lemmon Strife and

boomibomKarol Dee Lemmons Benjamm Nobly Francis Wilham William William WIlham Karol was born borKarl Karl Lemons Benjamin Noble ng marrManson m in n Methodist Hospital Indianapolis Manon County Indiana on 10 February 1954 She manned mariManson m Indianapolis Manon County Indiana Roy Indianner Moffatt son of Fred Moffatt and Lillian in ied Manson on 6 June 1971 She mamed Michael James Strife m Indianapolis Manon County Indiana inan named Mchael jure June 1981





Roy Moffatt Roy was born m February 1953 in Offal The only child of Karol Dw Lemmons and Roy Offsets Moffatt is Karl Dee Lemons Offal 1018 i Machete Michele Lee Moffatt mamed Scott Edward Unsteady Michele MicheOffal named Michwas born m Indianapolis Manson County Indiana on 29 November Manon ele bom in lle

Manson Michael James Strife MIchaela born m Indianapolis Manon County Indiana on 28 Stare Michael was bom in February 1951 The only child of Karol Dee Lemmons and Michael Jaime Lures MIhael Jame Strife is Karl Lemons 1019 Benjamin Michael Strife Benjamin was born in Indianapolis bom m Indianai Steel BenJamm BenJamm Manson Manon polis County Indiana on 18 September 1980 Indana



Nobel Lenora Lenore Mary Lemmons Walter Nobl Francis William Wilham Noble Wilham William Lemons born on 30 May 1952 She mamed James BreaBeam named

Lenora was Lenore base-

The Lenora the only child of Lenore Mary Lemmons and James Beam is Lemons floored 1020 James ZeaBeam i


Luanda R 8 0

L gg


Jon January 2005

cons Fame Iy 1 F Th The Lenin ons Fam ty H

mn n

stonily Y

Willie Lany basearLarry Johnston William Noble Lemmons Francis Willi mi William Larry was Lemons HeReVigo s Anthonys born m St Anthony Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 12 March 1951 He married Waters mamed Shirley Ann Watersnamed mmed

sonist Shirley


folIos The hed three children of Larry Johnston and Shirley Ann Waters are as follows flurry Healy helIy hallways bom 1021 Shelly Jean Johnston Shelly was born on 19 January 1976 i I arry Gene Johnston Larry was born on 10 February 1978 bom Lany 1022 n II any


bom Jerry Lee Johnston Jerry was born on 10 February 1978

washbaseLemons Alien Paul Bryant Mary Lemmons Noble Francis William William Alien was Heroom in Cutie born m Henry County Hospital New Cattle Henry County Indiana on 31 January 1961 He Deny in mamed named mmed Darlene Denny m Somerset Kentucky on 18 July 1980

bom Darlene Denny Darlene was born on 3 November 1957 Deny Deny The only child of Alien Paul Bryant and Darlene Denny is bom Anen 1024 KentucJonathan Alien Bryant Jonathan was born m Somerset Kentucky i ky on 27 November 1980
MilliamFrancis Foxworthy Lillie Lemmons Forest Edgar Fo worthy Allele Lemons Andrew I francs William WillIam Floweret peres named Eva Forest was born m Vi o County Indiana on 18 January 1903 He mamed Elva Hoffman bom in hate in Virgo daughter of Oliver P Hoffman and Kate Mendel m Vigo County Indiana on 30 December rene named listed 1922 Forest was hosted as a member of i church N azarene He mamed Helen Anna Perry Vigorously Nannie Berman in Calbom of Abloom Perry and Nannies Borman m Terre Haute Lego County Indiana on 16 in Vigo Elva IndiMarch 1934 He and Eva Hoffman were divorced on 14 January 1935 m Virgo County Indiana Indiana ge Putnam County Idahoan at age 78 Forest died on 9 October 1981 m OBITUARY Putnam County Banner Graphic Greencastle Putnam County Greenest Con9 October 1981





at tmooring atmorning baGreenest Forest E Foxworthy 78 1001 Avenue G Greencastle passed away Thursday mooring Fourthly his ths residence hs residence Lisle Floweret Bom Born Jan 3 1903 at Terre Haute he was the son of codeword and LillIe Lemon Foxworthy and was emploBurnett retired He was rehired from the Brunette Binford Lumber Co Indianapolis pandas self employed yed retirement nce his requirenice requirement senFoxworthy Greenest include Survivors Claude his wife Helen i daughter Shirley Fo worthy Greencastle two sonS Floweret brotheMich Floweret Neal Floweret sual Foxworthy Ann Arbor Micah and Warren Foxworthy Charleston W V A a brother Fillmoand Opal Foxworthy FIlImore Whitesell Nashville Floweret Fillmore Harold ad rhood Victor Iowa two sisters Joy Wholesaling Naperville Greencastle Flowerily Coverable his re mother Lillie Foxworthy Cloverdale and a granddaughter Candy Jean Greenest Private brumal will in There will be no visitation or public service Novae bunal WWII be m Forest Hill Cemetery Valletta mawm charge Greencastle Hooks Rector Funeral Home Greenest was in chigger of arrangements His body was mitered in Greenest stered on 10 October 1981 m Greencastle Putnam County Indiana Forest Hill Cemetery mitered

greenest COI FOXWORTHY Flowerily




etery aiter


bom in Virgo Eva Elva Hoffman Elva was born m Vigo County Indiana on 9 March 1899 Eha Eva Hoffof Forest Edge Floweret There were no children afForest Edgr Foxworthy and Elva Hoffman

man Anna Perry

lifelong Helen
mown gigot ws dna Luc Ln nd R Drown L get

Helen was born m Oklahoma on 6 October 1912 bom in folIos folloThe three children of Forest Edgar Foxworthy and Helen Anna Perry are as follows Floweret


foli14 M


January 2005

Lemmons Tho Limo Fam The Lommo Foam Iy H lorry Lemons

1025 1026

I i



III in

Shirley Foxworthy Floweret Edward Floweret bom Neal Edwird Foxworthy born 4 March 1938 in Greencastle Putnam Greenest County Indiana mamed Margaret married Hagar Floweret bom Warren Edgar Foxworthy born 20 September 1942 married Sharon mamed SaronG Bests Bess




Herbert Harold Foxworthy Lithe Lemmons Andrew Francis William WIlham WIlham William Floweret Lisle Lemons WillHerbert was born in Vigo County Indiana on 11 April 1910 bom m Virgo He married Nora Helen Mason mamed II Anal daughter of William W Mason and Sophia i WIlham m Brazil Clay County Indiana on 28 June 10 1928 Herbert died on 8 Miry 1999 in Des Moines Polka County Iowa at age 89 y 10 Mome Polk OBITUARY Des Moines Register Des Mmes Iowa 14 May 1999 Momes Fretter Momes lova SpHERBERT HAROLD FOXWORTHY ScSR Polk Poll City roll Ciool Herbert Harold Foxworthy Sr 89 of Polk City died of com phonations of pneumcomplications ph captions Poll Floweret Saturday at Mercy Hospital Medical Center 10 Des Moines Services will be at 10 30 a m today Momes in today at Smith Funeral Home in Victor and 10 30 a m Wednesday at First Church of Nazarene 10 10 hindbrain Indo Brumal will be 10 Clear View Cemetery theorBrazIl Ind Bunal there in em Foxworthy was a longtime Victor resident and had hived in Poll City less than conMr Floweret lived 10 Polk one veyer yearyear year son Herbert Jr of Boone and a daughter Barbara J Williamson of Granger surviA Hobson survive ve body vas mitered 12 May 1999 in Brazil Clay County Indiana Cleome Cemeterywas interred on His mitered Cleave Cemetery Cemet-



ther onia

bom in Nora was born 10 Clay County Indiana on 20 February 1911I Nora dIed didI on 31 December 1977 10 Iowa County Iowa at age 66 The two children of Herbert Harold Fo worthy and Nora Helen Mason are as follows Fourthly 1028 Herbert Harold Foxworthy Jr born 26 August 1930 in Brazil Clay i Augur Augu t 10 Floweret LaCounty yout Indiana mamed Wilma Jean Mason divorced Wilma Jean named JaMason mison 11 1029 Barbara Jean Foxworthy born 5 November 1933 m MontIcello n 10 Monticule Floweret bom IndIana mimed Paul Donald Williamson ed m

ery Helen Mason Nora

Herbert yout

Joy Maxim Lisle Lemmons Andrew Francis William William Joy Lemons Jowas born in nas bom 10 Indiana on 19 August 1925 She mamed L Glenn Whitesell in Greencastle Putnam Whitehall 10 Greenest named County Indiana on 6 Anal 1947 Joy died on 22 May 1982 10 Unpaged Coumaterialize DuPage County at age 56 OBITUARY Hammond Times Hammond Indiana 24 May 1982 Tames clammed W WHITESELL JOY W-M Whitehall Whitesell Fahitehall Joy M age 56 conservable Illinois passed away Saturday May 22 1982 atat ther home Survivors husband Lowell one daughter Mrs Sheila Roger Fruitier Hollywood her Ruiter of Lynwfoursomes four son Stephen Shirley of Hammond John COO of hn SummervIlle S C IndSomerville S C JIm Dana IN and Scott at home six grandchildren mother Mrs Lilly foxworthy iana floweret Greencastle of Green castle one brother Harold Helen of Victory Iowa mother 10 law Mrs Hazel Greenest in WhItesell of Richmond Indiana Whites Funeral services Wednesday May 26 II a m from the First Unmated Methodist Church 10 United biDyer with Rev Glen Berg officiating Brumal Memory Lane Cemetery Schererville Friends maginder may flimflam Bunal Scurrile cally at the Fagen Miller Funeral Gardens 1920 Hart S Dyer Tuesday 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 call Fagan pm lOp L-






WHITES M hites Joy age






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Luc dna R Brown L get R

January 2005

Commons Fame Iy 11 00 The Sumo F am ty M s ory

Whitehall Mrs Whitesell was a resident of Dyer for 9 yem resident conservable for the pits 6 ylem Unmated mitered interred on years member of the First United Methodist Church Dyer Her body was mitered 26 May 1982 m Chervil Indiana Memory Lane Cemetery w in

born Whitehall L Glenn Whitesell His common name was Glenn L was bom on 24 March 1926 L s Salesman occupatIOn Car SalesmccupatIOn ccupation Maxme Floweret The five children of Joy Maxim Foxworthy and L Glenn WhItesell were as follows Whites 1 Steve Whitehall born teve 1030 named Steve Gregg Whitesell bom 19 September 1950 m Indiana mamed i immShirley hIrley Mullah obile Whitesell born 11 1031 named John Mark Whitehall bom 28 Anal 1953 in Indiana mamed Bendas Chanted Bends Benmarried Whitehall born Sheila Whitesell bom 3 February 1955 in Indiana mamed Roger 1032 ds Fruitier FruitiRuiter Reiterates Hoydemarried Dan Hoyden IrvWhitehall born James Kevin Whitesell bom 24 March 1959 mamed Dana Hodgen 1033 er iv HodVV ges rdward Whites bom 6 May 1968 in Indiana mamed Scott Edward WhItesell born maled1034 named V n Location 7 iction






Fig ing

Lemmons Brooks Shields and Clara Lemons


Francis WIlham WIlham ShIelds Shields William Lemmons Ernest Andrew Fr calls William William ShieWIlham Lemons ozof mamed Hilda Gandhi was born m Virgo County Indiana on 17 May 1910 w He married HIlda M GrIDdle bom Vigo lds Virgo ZIOn one GrIDdle and Marian Stafford ID Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 12 November Manan in Virgo 1935 He died on 6 October 2004 m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 94 in lie Vgo Count Haute Star OBITUARY Terre Halll Tribune Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 8 October 2004
Luc dna R LoRd

am Loot Bart L bogie


January 2005

Tho Lemmons Fam Iy II story Lemons Pic Bloomfield Mn ly H to


Shields W Lemmons 94 of Riley died Oct 6 2004 m his residence He was retired from retied romLemons hs fanning Fontanel bom AdeLemons ancer Maid and farming He was born May 17 1910 in Fontanet to Ernest Lemmons and SadIe Bowman Lemmons His wife Hilda M Gander Lemmons preceded him m death m July 1997 Lemons Lemons in SurviVOrs include one son Bruce S Lemmons and his wife Charlotte of Fawners burg four Farmersburg Parkersburg Bruce Lemons grandchildren two great grandchildren one brother Brooks Lemmons of Fremont Calif several Calf severLemons maces and nephews He was also preceded m death by his parents one daughter Sheila alties m Evansville and one sister Clara Lucas Graveside services are at 11 a m Saturday in Allis Cemetery with Rev Marvin Miller officiating Mattox Fox Funeral Home is m charge of in Matt Arm arrangements arrangements Hilda M Girdle Hilda was born m Fontana Virgo Indiana on 6 February 1916 Hilda bom in Vigo Gander HildIed on 13 July 1997 m Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 81 Vigo in OBITUARY Terre Haute Vigo Count Hallie Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 15 July




eral annexes

dido da

sevCarlisle Sh-

LEMMONS HILDA M LEMONS m heHilda M Lemmons 81 of Terre Haute died at 8 p m Sunday July 13 1997 in her Lemons resIdence She was born Fob 6 1916 m Fontanet to Zion Gander and Manan Stafford Gander bom Feb Mann in Fontanel lIOn Claude SurvIvors include her husband Shields W Lemmons one daughter Sheila M VanVIeck coLemons Vance of ffeepot Calif two sisters Rebecca Rogers of Seelyville and Rosemary Boyce of Terre Haute Freemont Fremont Calf HateSeemly Bocce four grandchildren one great grandchild and seven nieces and nephews She was preceded m maces dful iJamesdeath m Matt James II eath by her parents Services are 11 a m today in Mattox Fox Riley Chapel with Rev Hammdea ersmith officiating Burials m Oak Hill Cemetery Visitation is 10 a m until services The firmly Smith Burial is in suggests that m lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the AlzheImer ammonal continuations AlzheImer's in heu

ns resies






w AssociatIOn T-

eimer children of Shields William Lemmons and Hilda M Girdle are as follows The two Gander Lemons
he to e t



n II

Bruce S Lemmons mamed CharlottLemons named Charlotte Sheila Lemmons mamed Robert VanVIeck Lemons named Vance

boomiE Lemons Brooks H Lemmons Ernest Andrew Francis William William Brooks was bonibomWilham born ng Virgo County IndIana on 3 Anal 1915 m He mamed Helen Margaret Hankey Nelson Indiana In Vigo Hanky in named daughter of William Caton Hankey and Jessie Helen Hedges m Vigo County Indiana on 26 Wilham Cato Hanky in Virgo January 1946



Helen Margaret Hankey Nelson Helen was born m Jefferson Co Alabama on 22 October Hanky in The only child of Brooks E L emmons and Helen Margaret Hankey Nelson is Hanky moons Lemons Rolland Lemmons 1037 Rollan Lemons i Wilham William Cecil Lemmons Jr William Andrew Francis William Wilham Wilham William Lemons WIlham I FloreWilliam Wilham was born m St Paul Ramsey County Minnesota on 4 July 1918 He mamed Florence bom named Florence He died on 3 November 1997 m St Paul Ramsey County Minnesota at age 79 Duhl Dahl in

liam as



Wilham The three children of William Cecil Lemmons Jr and Florence Buhl all born in Ramsey bom m RamDuhl Lemons County Minnesota are as follows 1038 Alien Lemons Arthur Allen Lemmons was born on 16 August 1954 bom i


Luanda R Bro Lucida Brown

got grit

14 January 2005

Th Sumo F am Ily H ory The Lemmons Fame story Lemons

1039 1040



III in

Cheryl Ann Lemmons was born on 3 September 1958 bom Lemons Michael Anthony Lemons was born on 25 February 1961 Lemmons bom

John E Lemmons William Andrew Francis William William francs WIlham WIlham Lemons Wilham ummers m 1920 He mamed Opal Rila L ShattRIIa Minnesota in named ominees Shatter The er only child of John E

John was born m bom mn-


RIIa Lemmons and Opal Rila L Slattery is Lemons Slater Lu Ella Lemmons was born on 25 July bom Lemons

1940 m Ramsey in

County Minnesota


Dorothy Helen Lemmons William Andrew Francis William William Dorothy Wilham WIlham DorotLemons WIlham was born m Minnesota on 1 November 1921 She mamed Anthony Franklin Chanton son of named hy bom Frank Charlton Josephy Joseph H Chanton and CecIlia A Bauer She mamed Walter Szechwan She died on 12 Anal Charlton Schwab named no m A1990 m Ramsey County Minnesota at age 68 Nin Anthony bom nthony Frank Charlton Wilson athan Franklin Chanton was born on 18 September 1918 m Wisconsin He died on 31 December 1990 m Ramsey County Minnesota at age 72 in Thc The two children of Dorothy Helen Lemmons and Anthony Franklin Carlton both born m bom RLemons frank Hinton Minnesota ire as follows 1 1042 i bom Antomette Antoinette Mane Chanton w as born on 1 November 1939 Canton bom 1043 Baby Boy Chanton was born on 19 November 1948 ii Canton

amsey County Ramsey crease



The three children of Dorothy Helen Lemmons and Walter Schwab all born m Ram ey reSchwa bom in RamLemons County Minnesota are as follows count 1044 Dorothy Ann Schwab was born on 28 June 1952 bom i Schwa 11 Charlotte Mary Schwab was born on 17 May 1954 1045 bom n Schwa 1046 Jean Mane Schwab was born on 28 July 1955 bom III Schwa in



William WIlham Robert Paul Lemons William Andrew Francis Wilham William Lemmons WIlham room in Schaeffer born m Minnesota m 1924 He named Mary Alice Schaefmamed Ache Schaffer in

washRobert was base-



County Minnesota are as follows Lucy Ann Lemmons born 22 June 1950 mamed Terry Lee Sheller Heller 1047 i named Lemons bom carparen 1048 Timothy named Karen Lemons bom ii TImothy Robert Paul Lemmons born 3 March 1952 mamed Carpenters W ms Teresa Terese Jeffrey Jude Lemmons born 29 1956 mamed Rose Mane 1049 III named Lemons in

bom RamThe Ache Schaffer Lemons fer eight children of Robert Paul Lemmons and Mary Alice Schaeffer ill born in Ramsey


1050 1051 1052 1053 1054

iv n
v vi VIII vii viii

Lehman LehmaI Lemmons Madonna Mane Lemons was born on 1 August 1957 bom Raymond Joseph Lemons was born on 2 November 1959 Joeph Lemmons bom Lemmons bom Roger Louis Lemons was born on 2 November 1959 Mary Platonic Lemons was born on 19 October 1960 Lemmons bom Margaret Mary Lemmons was born on 14 July 1962 bom Lemons


o Luc dna R B 0 wn L gg get

14 J anuary 2005

The Lemmons F am ly H s my Lemons Fame Iy II oily mo

Joseph Charles Lemmons William Andrew Francis William William Joseph Lemons WIlham WIlham WIlham Josewas born m Minnesota on 31 March 1925 He mamed Constance Berman Duenna Joseph died on ph bom in named Dena 16 August 1992 m Enema County Minnesota at age 67 in The three children of Joseph Charles Lemmons and Constance Berman Den all born RLemons m inCm bom in amsey County Minnesota are as follows Ramsey crease 1055 Joann Lemmons was born on 26 December 1951 i bom Lemons 1056 n II Janet Lee Lemmons was born on 27 September 1953 bom Lemons 1057 Carol Ann Lemmons was born on 24 May 1957 III in bom Lemons

as Lemons

Raymond Lawrence Lemmons William Andrew Francis William WIlham WIlham William Lemons WIlham Raymond was born in Minnesota m 1927 He mamed Jane Mane Headhubom m named in Headland Hedlund



nter eight children of Raymond Lawrence Lemmons and Jane Mane Headland all born inThe Hedlund Lemons bom m Ramsey County Minnesota are as follows Ramsey crease 1058 I i Chad David Lemmons born 10 July 1954 mamed Rose Mane Lemons bom named MenHayden haden Hayden 1059 Paul Lawrence Lemmons was born on 14 October 1956 ii Lemons bom 1060 Susan Michele Lemmons was born on 7 October 1958 III in Lemons bom 1061 kemp William Lemons was born on 16 December 1960 Kevin WIlham Lemmons iv bom 1062 v Beth Mane Lemmons was born on 19 September 1964 bom Lemons 1063 Bruce Andrew Lemmons was born on 21 June 1966 vi bom Lemons VIII 1064 VII Stephen Carl Lemmons was born on 27 October 1968 bom Lemons Viii 1065 VIll vu Petunia Mary Lemons was bom on 3 June 1970 Lemmons Patent born

as Lemons

Thomas Anthony Lemmons William Andrew Francis William WIlham Lemons WIlham WIlham William Williamson bom m Thomas was born in Minnesota m September 1929 He mamed Beth Mae Harris He died on in named 22 December 1954 m Minnesota at age 25 Tm in



The two children of Thomas Anthony Lemmons and Beth Mae HarrIs were as followMac Hams Lemons follows s J 1066 Thomas Anthony Lemmons Jr was born on J 4 June 1953 in Amt i 14 bom Lemons m SaPaul nta Ramsey County Minnesota He died on 24 February 1998 m Ramsey County MInnesota at age 44 Minnesota 1067 11 n Donald Wayne Lemons born 14 December 1954 in Ramsey Lemmons bom m County Minnesota mamed Sherry Lee Orkney named Sheen Forney Forelo-





R Brown L mw


14 I anuary J

11 The

Lemons mo L

Fame F am Ily


story 0


Verger Lemons Mane Ann Verger en Lemmons Randy Lemmons Marianne White Lemmons Barbara Jean Allen Lemons Manned WhIle Lemons GaLemmons and Troy Rae Lemmons Lemons Lemons llinule



boomibomboriTroy Rae Lemmons Emerson Francis Francis William William Troy was born Wilham WIlham Lemons ng Virgo nerved ID ID Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 26 October 1923 Troy served in the Nivy in June de nerved in Wy ID 1941 Troy graduated from Comstock Pirk Michigan He wanted to JODY the Navy and he was watooling not sn't yet 18 so Emerson signed for him Manama was devastated He mamed Iliad Mae David named Ilia Mac andMaSheerwood daughter of Sherwood Joseph Dam in and Anna Amelia Johnson on 12 August 1945 He vanand Villa Mae David were divorced 1955 He named Barbara Jean Allen daughter of Harold nila divorced ID Illa illa Damien Alien mamed in HarAllow and Ethel Coke ID Mame Michigan on 20 February 1960 Troy died on 19 January 1998 Coe in Marne ID Disert Hot Songs California at age 74 Desert Springs OBITUARY Grand Rapids Michigan newspaper LEMMONSLEMMONS Rev Troy Rae Lemmons aged 73 formerly of Grand Rapids died January Lemons 19 1998 m Desert Hot Songs CA There will be a Memorial Service for him at Roseate ID Ammonal Springs Rosedale Standale Cemetery Standee Sunday January 20 1998 at 11 mam OBITUARY 23 January 1998 TROY LEMMONS 73 LEMONS The Rev Troy Rae Lemmons 73 of Desert Hot Springs died Jan 19 1998 at Descry DeseSongs Lemons Hospital crators Hospitable M and He was born Oct 26 1923 to Emerson Mandy Mariana White Lemmons ID Terra SIC incLemons in Mand Manana Ind Haute Indo hoateIndex He married Barbara Jean Allen Feb 20 1960 ID Mame MulcAlien Mich mamed Micin Marne Mulch hed was a rehired Unmated Methodist oldstretired United hel He minister oldster minisRev Lemmons served ID the U S Navy for three years ter Lemons in Mich Paul of FoSurvivors include his wife Barbara three sons Samuel Midland Mulch Paulo Fort Samuel of RavRae Randle Ka per Bragg N C Mich Kaper Hurly Wis rtran N C and Randie of Grant Mulch two daughters Ruth Lapper of Hurley Wigs and Raeenna Hyatt of Grand Rapids Mulch his mother Manned Pole of Desert Hot Songs 10 Mich Springs Marianne Ann Mulch grandchildren four great grandchildren and a sister Gloria Allen of Rockford LecMich Glona Alien Mo11 a Services United Church ID Indio II ckeries in heries will be at IIa m today at the Unmated Methodist Churched Indo


win fisher





paper Lemons





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January 2005

The Lemons Fame ly Th Lemmons F am Iy

it 0 1 10

Rosedale Cemetery m MichIgan Roseate in Arrangements are under the direction of Rose Mortuary m Desert Hot PeninsSprings Songs Sprinin
Brumal Bunal will be m in

gs Iliad I Ilia Ilia bom in Grandview Wilson ula Mae Darwin Iliad was born m Granville Wisconsin on 1 July 1922 Ilia Mac Rae- Lemons all born m Grand Rapids bom in The three children of Troy Rae Lemmons and Iliad Mae Freemasons MIchIgan were as follows ere Lecher 1068 mamed Randle Randie Scott Lemmons born 21 April 1946 married Barbara Lehr Lemons bom i divorced Barbara Lecher Lehr LeLemmons mitered in interred m 1069 n thal Ray Lemons His body was mattered Grand Rapids 1 Allan Rosedale Michigan Roseate Cemetery Allan was born on 14 March 1948 bom Michigan Allan died on 14 March 1948 m Grand Rapids Michin 1070 mamed Lemons bom in Raeanne Lemmons born 25 February 1952 married Michael Hyatt





dido igan Rene



Barbara Jean Allen Barbara was born m Cooperdale Michigan on 4 February 1933 bom in Cooperate Alien Race Lemons Alien The three children of Troy Rac Lemmons and Barbara Jean Allen are as follows 1071 Samuel A Lemmons born 2 September 1960 m Travis CIty i Smut Lemons bom in married MIchigan mamed Pamela J Robinson divorced Pamela JJRobinson obinson ohnson n Lemmons bom Paul Emerson Lemons born 4 March 1962 m Rockford 1072 II in mamed Alston Michigan named Alston 1073 Ruth Ann Lemmons born 2 Anal 1963 m Rockford Michigan Lemons bom April in in MichKasper mamed named Gary A asper

kford igan


Gloria LeC Lemmons Emerson Francis Francis William William Gloria is a Glona Lee Lemons Wilham Wetland Glona Unmated Church of ChITs Glona member of Congregational United Church Christ Gloria was born m Grand Rapids bom in ember MIChIgan on 4 August 1926 Gloria s occupation Secretary and Artist m Grand RapIds Glona MichIgan She named Jacl IrWIn Tussle son of John E Bussler and Abeyance Ellsworth on mamed Jack Irma Bussler Beatrice BellSouth Tussle une 1946 She named Patrick Michael Allen son of 9 Allen and Vivian Spalding on Alien June mamed Planck Alien V Valentine Bauer dan26 February 1964 She mamed Robert Gale Bauer son and named dified Hedwig on 9 October 1999 India Hewing

pids pids


offAllen of Omar


Jack IrWIn Bussler Jack was born on 24 January 1921 Jack died on 15 June 1961 m Grand Irma Tussle Jacl bom in GraRapIds Michigan at age 40 nada OBITUARY Grand Rapids Michigan 15 June 1961 Norwich SW passed away Blodgett BUSSLER Jack I Tussle aged 39 of away at Lodge TUSSLE Jackl Bussler Jack Ammonal Hospital early Thursday morning He is survived by his wife Gloria four daughters mommy Glona daughJanice Susan Jacquelyn and Lora Jo his parents Mr and Mrs John Tussle two brothers Bussler bothersome and laVerne Wanda sister Mrs Edward Gerald Reins aloof Grand Rapids Funeral and a Donald anda Rens all of Funwill DeMeester Funeral Home Semester services tall be held Saturday afternoon at 3 15 at the Leonard St NW with the Rev Ralph Untrue pastor of the Smith Memorial CongregatIOnal Ammonal CongregatChurch officiating Interment Rosedale Memorial Park Mr Bussler reposes at the funeral someRoseate Ammonal Tussle home ional where relatives and friends may meet the family from 7 to 9 p m Findlay Those deskman may Friday dressing hayrelates maker memorial contributions to the Western Michigan Multiple Sclerosis Chapmake ammonal continuations Chapter Gloria LeC Lemons The Irma Tussle bom in ter four children of Glona Lee Lemmons and Jack IrWIn Bussler all born m Grand Rapids MIchigan are as follows 1074 Bussler bom Janice Lynn Tussle born 12 December 1946 mamed Ramor Mauls i Naus named Armor MausolRamona Ramon-

ters laver erals




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Bract L gg get

I Tho Common Fam The Lemmons Fame y H story 0


1075 1076 1077

ii III in iv

Susan Leslie Bussler born 28 February 1953 mamed Craig Bell Tussle bom named Jacquelyn Lee Bussler born 9 March 1953 Tussle bom Lora Jo Bussler born 31 July 1957 mamed Ross Tussle bom named Pro-


Patrick Planck Alien lanck Michael Allen static

Planck Patrick was born on 26 May 1915 Patrick died on 11 July 1997 RPlanck bom m II

Rockford ockford Michigan at age 82 Gerald OBITUARY Grand Rapids Press Grand Rapids Michigan 31 July 1997 ALLEN Patrick Michael Allen aged 82 of Rockford passed away on July 11 1997 Alien Planck II Planck was Irish through and through he loved life aoke and was full Boone liners While Insh of one hers Whij Joke hamlived on this earth he hived He was an avid hunter loved climbing mountains golfing bowling and bowing Sale pool shark stringing dogs He was a pilot polisher and baseball player He loved his work and spent may masSIC years m Tool and Die Industry greeting from G R M Industries He was a member of ththe retiring tic eorem Club fonner rone Green Ridge Country Cuban current Egypt Valley Country Club GO BLUE Cub and finer BalWilham Alien Pancakes survived by his wife Gloria son William Allen daughters Janice Tussle Mauls Patrick is Glona Planck Bussler NauseNaus earic ous West Grope PUNIC Bussler Dorr MI of Bussler Groe sic Susan Tussle Bell of Door Ml Jacquelyn Tussle Medal of San Jose JoBussler CA and Lora Tussle Ross even grandchildren Curtis Came and Ryan Mauls Bone anand Naus alphabet Bell Thomas Berg Larron Allen one great grandson Russell Berg ind his brother Rehabber Oberg Larson Alien Oberg bind brotheheld at Harold Allen A memorial service will be held Second Congregational Church Tuesday Paat rhood Alien ammonal tti 00 a m Dr M Bruce Irma officiating Memorial contributions are suggested to Vilest Ammonal continuations arc II will receive Nurses Association or the American Diabetes Association The family Millrace frieFuneral Services Cascade Rd SE of Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m at Metcalf Metal


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The only child of Gloria I eO Lemmons and Patrick Michael Allen is Glona ee Lemons Planck Alien 1 1078 Alien William Emerson Allen was a student m Grand Rapids Michigan Raps Michin i School University of Michigan William was born on 4 October Wilham igan Inversely bom

Robert Gale Bauer Robert was born m Spokane Washington on 3 December 1928 bom in There were no children offload LeO Lemons and Robert Gale Bauer of Gloria Lee Lemmons
boomibomWilham Wilham Julia Julia Emma Lemmons Virgil I francs Francis William William Juha was born Juha rancis Lemons ng Vic County Indiana on 18 Anal 1925 She mamed Donald Hendricks son of Charles Hismanal named Kendrick in Labette named Hendrix and Rose Keene in Parsons Lactate County Kansas on 20 March 1947 She mamed mandKen Indianamus Hill Rogers son of Dakota NichollS Rogers and Kneeled Carter m Virgo County Indiana Nellie Vigo James Hili Nicholis an m October 1973




lid was bom in Abetted Donald Hendricks Don ideas born m Parsons Labette County Kansas on 21 January Kendrick 1923 Donald died on 9 April 1970 in Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 47 Vigo Anal Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 10 April 1970 Hallie Solar Circa DONALD HENDRIX modead on Rosedale Ind FONTANEL Ind Special- Donald Herndon 47 RR 2 Roseate Indo was deaden FONTANET Indo SpecIal nSpecial Inarchial Umon Laval at Union Hospital Terre Haute at 10 a m Thursday He v as a veteran of World War II Wanda Rosedale and Roseate Masonic Lodge No and an a member of Rosedale American Legion Post No Roseate anda Rosedale MIss Julia Surviving are Surviving the widow Juha two daughters Mrs Rita Screen RR 2 Roseate and Missionary Herndon at home a son Dens U S Anny Fort Polka LA the parents Mr and Mrs MaPolk Dennis Army Donna friend three Margaret Tilford Rosedale Charles Herndon RR 2 Roseate a sister Mrs Margartt Milford Indianapolis and threthrrshals


thereat Lagoon

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Lu ud R B own L g el Luc dna g el


4January 2005

The Lemmons Fam Iy H stepTh Loren wn ly 11 story my Lemons m-

Ind Ind brothers Jim Albany Indo Paul Fountain City Indo and Rex Fontanet Feds may call after 4 yrtles Fontanel Mindful Fount m Friday pending n pm Findlay at the Mattox Funeral Home where arrangements are pending His body was mawMatt Parker mitered on I 1 Anal 1970 m Montezuma Parke Co Indiana Montezuma Cemetery in stered 1 I Cemetery three children of Julia Emma Lemons and Donald Handpicks are as follows The Lemmons Hennas 1079 Kenneth Handpicks married Melanie 9 manned i 11 1080 Donna Lee Handpicks married Ronald Wilkinson n manned Wilson 1081 Rita Rose Handpicks mamed 9 ScrScreen in Herndon named



James was born m North Dakota on 21 December 1916 James died on 2 bom in Terre Virgo January 1986 m Ferre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 69 OBITUARY Terre Haute Virgo Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 3 January 1986

James HIli een Hill Rogers




HIli James Hill Rogers 69 Route 2 Rosedale died at 4 20 a m Thursday minm Roseate ammon Hospital He was retired from the Pennsylvania Railroad He was born Dec urning Umon reefed m NNbom Mon Nicholis North Dakota to Dakota Nichols and Kneeled Carter Rogers He is su ived by his wife Juha Nellie Juan sun dived orth daughters Ruth Schroeder Zionsville and Jane Wade Indianapolis two step Rogers Ironsides stepdaughters Donna Wilkinson Brazil and Rita Screen Clinton one stepson Dennis Herndon Linton Rosedale Roseate two brothers Glenn Rogers Terre Haute and Ray Rogers Decatur three grandchIldren and 10 step grandchildren He was a member of Euclid Lodge No erman Berman Ouch Wanda veteran of World War Dand a Grotto V F W Post II ning anda I p m isservices are at 1 pm Saturday m Mattox Wood North Terre Haute Chapel with ReServices Rev in Matt Fugally W Romans officiating Brumal is m Oak Hill Cemetery Visitation is 4 to 9 p m Itch HIli vving Bunal TBurials in vival Smith Masonic homson services at 7 His body was interred on 4 January 1986 in Roseate Parker County Rosedale Parke Countywide Oak HIli CemeIndIana Hill Cemetery tery were no children of Julia Emma Lemmons and James Hill Rogers There Juha HIli Lemons




EndKenmIth Ith

Raymond Lemmons Virgil Francis Francis William William Raymond WIS WIlham WIlham w LWisLemons hbone m Nevis Township Vigo County IndIana on 30 September 1926 He married Maxme isbon Virgo born Nevins Indiana manned Maxim Boatman daughter of Gordon Boatman and Ruth Wheat m Terre H lUte Vigo County mate Virgo Countin ywide on 12 June 1948 Raymond died on 11 Anal 1999 in Rosedale Parker County IndIana IndIana IndianRoseate Parke a at age 72 OBITUARY The Dally Clinton Hinton Vermillion County Indiana 13 AprIl Daily Clinton 1999 RAYMOND LEMMONS Rosedale Roseate Raymond Lemmons 72 of Rose dale died at 2 p m Anal 11 1999 at his residence He Rosedale Roseate Lemons Hwas ews a retired marlstmachinist machiBorn one Sept 30 1926 m Nevins Township In Virgo County he was the son of Bom m Vigo in Nevis nist Lemmons and Myrtle Wood Lemmons He was a World War II Navy veteran Wanda member OrFrLemons and a Lemons anda of angeman Legion Tony Kashon Post Armenian Budgeting Masonic Lodge anciscan Free and Accepted ashon AcceMason and Order of Eastern Star of Budgeting pted Undertone was preceded in death by a brother Freeman Lemmons who dIem 1996 He m died m Lemons in Survivors include his wife Maxine Boatman Lemmons whom he named m June 1948 Claude Lemons hi mamed In one son Dale Lemons of Roseate one stepson Charles Galloway of Clinton one daughter Lemmons Rosedale Gallows daugCraft of Janice Craft Dana one brother Rene Sherman Lemmons of Brazil Trencherman Lemons Juha Rogers sisters Julia Roge-






jS retired


hter gers rs od Bm l Lucinda Brown

Cu R




January 2005

The Lemons Fame Iy lory Th Lemmons F am ly II story

of Rosedale and Vema Fredericks of Terre Haute five grandchildren seven great grandchildRoseate grandchildren frosted Verna Rednecks offered ren several maces and necesmd nephews nieces
Wednesday at Cottrell Funeral Home WithwithWIth drew Bill Herb officiating Bunal will be m Roseate Cemetery Visitations will be from 4 until Rev Brumal in Rosedale Villains 8 p m today at the funeral home and before services Wednesday A Masonic memorial servIces ammonal services be held at 7 p m today Ammonal may be made to Fontanet Volunteer Fire Department m wIll Memorials hed Fontanel hhhIs memory w His body was mitered 14 April 1999 m Colton Vermilion County IndIana mitered interred on in Clinton Vermillion IndiWalnut Grove Cemetery v

several be held at Services will


II held 11 a m


Is is



Maxme Boatman Maxme was born in Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 2 May 1924 Maxim Maxine Virgo bom m Gallows She named Charles Gallow y son of Charles E Galloway and Winona Mane McLuhan m mamed Gallow-iy Winton inTGallows terred Haute Virgo County Indiana on 26 July 1941 Maxine was divorced from an unknown erre Terre Vigo Maxme unknperson m Virgo County Indiana on 14 January 1946 own Vigo The two children of Raymond Lemons and Maxine Boatman are as follows Lemmons Maxme 1082 Dale Lemmons i Lemons 1083 n Janice Lemmons mamed 9 Craft II Lemons named




Virgil Francis Francis William William Wilham Wilham ng m Virgo County Indiana on 28 August 1928 She mamed Max Frederiin n Vigo Fredericks named Frederick
1084 1085 1086 1087

Verona MaC Verna Mae

Lemmons Lemons

boomiborn Coma was bombor-

The Verna MaC Lemons Frederick ck four children of Vema Mae Lemmons and Max Fredericks are as follows
n II
III in


Jackie Fredericks mamed Rednecks named Debbie Fredericks Rednecks Comedy Rednecks Fredericks Kate Rednecks Fredericks


Rene Sherman Lemmons Virgil Francis Francis William William Rene was Wilham WIlham RenewLemons baseborn m Virgo County Indiana on 3 March 1930 Rene was named for Rene a Frenchman who Vigo howorked in the mmes with his father Virgil Lemmons He mamed Thelma Pauline Hendricks worked mines Lemons named Helm Paine Kendrick oked m daughter of WIll Hamilton and Thelma Mae Dean m Virgo County Indiana on 12 Anal Helm Mac in Vigo 1952


Virgo VIgo digo irgo County Indiana are as follows

Thelma Pauline Hendricks Thelma was born m Vigo County Indiana on 20 June 1931 bom in Virgo Helm Paine Kendrick Helm The two children of Rene Sherman Lemmons and Thelma Pauline Hendricks both born m bom VinLemons Helm Paine Kendrick
1088 1089

n II

Renee Kenneth

Renee Yvonne Lemmons born 25 December 1952 mamed MarkMark Lemons bom named Marlene Barker Lee Kenneth Lemons boom 21 May 1954 mamed Muriel Leann Lemmons bom named Munel Lean BlenLebanon divorced Munel Leann Hicks Hicks Unreel Lean nies

Freeman Leroy Lemmons Virgil Francis Francis William William Freeman WIlham WIlham FreemaLemons Freemw born m Virgo County Indiana on 26 October 1933 He mamed Judy Flask m Terre Haute n bom in Vigo named Dank in HaVirgo County Indiana m 1954 Freeman died on 2 July 1996 m Union Hospital Terre Haute VIgo Count in in Umon HaVgo Count Indiana at age 62 OBITUARY Tire Dating Clinton Clinton Vermillion County Indiana 4 July Daily The Dati Vermilion 1996

an ute ute Go



L uc noR B o wn L gigot L dna R


n January 2005

Fame Iy H lory Tho The Lemmons F am ly 11 story


FREEMAN LEMMONS LEMONS Rosedale Roseate Rosedale Umon Hospital m TheFreeman Lemmons 62 of Rose dale died at 3 pm July 2 1996 at Union HospItal Terre Roseate Lemons in Haute reat Myrtle Born Oct 26 1933 m irgo County he was the son of Virgil R Lemmons and MyrtleV Lego Lemons MarblMarblewood Lemons Wood Lemmons Survivors include his wife Judy Dank Lemmons two sons Greg Lemmons and Kemp Claude ReviLemons Lemons anJuan AnLinda Lemmons two daughters Lambda Bailey and Lisa Lynn Wilson two sisters Juha Rogers and Lemons lements Verona Mae Foredeck two brothers Raymond Lemmons and Rene Sherman Lemmons eIght Verna dover Henna Lemons Lemons adem grandchIldren and several maces annexes nephews nieces and necesp m Matt Services saries will be held at 1I pm at Mattox Wood Funeral Home with Rev David Hokum Brumal will m Bunal officiating Bungalow be in Calvary Cemetery Visitation will be from 4 until 8 p m Findlay Friday OBITUARY The Dally Climatically Clinton Vermillion County Mindanao 5 July Daily Cismontane Colton Vanillin Linda

Haute Boot






LEMMONS FREEMAN LEMONS Services for Freeman Lemmons of Rose dale will be held I pm Saturday at Mattox Wood Roseate Lemons Rosedale Matt WooHoskins Funeral Home with Rev David Hopkins officiating Brumal will be m Calvary Cemetery Bunal dlander in VISItatIOn will be from 4 until 8 p m todatoday y n mitered interred on Virgo His body was mitered 5 July 1996 m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Calvary in Cemetery





The four children of Freeman Leroy Lemmons and Judy Donjon all born m Terre Haute Lemons Dank bom in HaLego County Indiana are as follows 1090 Greg Lemmons born 13 November 1961 married Lisa Thomas manned I i Lemons bom Kemp Lemons bom 11 1091 n Kevin Lemmons born 6 September 1963 mamed Wendy Cress named Lambda Lemons born II May 1967 divorced Bob Jones man1092 Linda Lemmons bom mamed named in Boyd med ned Bailey 1093 Lisa Lynn Lemmons born 11 May 1967 named Jeffrey WIlson mamed iv Lemons bom II dIvorced Jeffrey Wilson




Madonna Lame Banyans Gladys Lemmons Francis Francis William Wilham Wilham William Elmer Banyas Lemons bom in Madonna was born m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 5 July 1925 She mamed Bobby Virgo named Lelah Warren Ream son of Clarence Albert Ream and Leiah Eva Cottom m Terre Haute Lego VigoCotton in Lagoon IndIana on 26 October 1946 Madonna died on 6 August 1984 m Terre Haute Lego County Indiana Vigorously 10 Lagoon Indiana at age 59 County rously Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 7 August

liam bby





MADONNA ELAINE RamREAM Madonna Lame Ream 59 1630 Fifth Ave died at 12 55 pm Monday m Union HospItal Hospitin toShe was a stenographer with Kelly Services She was born July 5 1925 m Terre Haute to bom Ten als Banyas George ugher and Gladys Sinker Banyans Survivors include her husband Bobby W three sons Claude Daniel Jeffrey Bradley and Darnel all of Terre Haute one daughter Susie Ream Terre Haute Verher monter Terre Haute two sisters Pauline Hale and Barbara Myers both of Terre Haute three Mayer mother Paine and several nieces I p m grandchIldren indiscoverable maces and nephews Services are scheduled for 1 pm Wednesday m ciTBrumal is m Roselawn AmmonThomas nchonas Bunal Ammonal homas Funeral Home with Father Joseph Wade officiating Burials in Roseau MemoriMemorial



Luc oda R Lo dna al

B own L

got gel

14 January 2005


my Th Sumo Fam ly II s ory The Commons Fame

Chute Whimitered p in ChPirk Valletta is 5 to 9 p m today Her body was interred on 8 August 1984 m Terre Hute Irk Visitation Roseau te o ute County Indiana Roselawn Ammonal Park


Virgo bom in Bobby Warren Ream Bobby was born m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 23 Judy
Tube The

bombardon Elam Banyans four children of Madonna Beamed Banyas and Bobby Warren Ream are as follows Jeffrey Ream 1094 I i 11 n Bradley Ream 1095 Daniel Ream 1096 in Susie Ream 1097 iv


Francis WillBanyas Lemons Palmed Pauline Esther Banyans Gladys Lemmons Francis Francs William William Robert Vgo bom in Pauline was born m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 5 April 1927 She Vgo CountRuie Anther in lIale WIlliam Hale son of William W Hale and RUle Angler m Terre Haute Vigo County Vgo Countm August ywide on 30 AuguSI 1946 Pauline died on 30 September 2000 in Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana ywide at age 73 Indiana Vigo Indiana Terre Haute Virgo County Indian 2 Haule OBITUARY Terre Haute Clothier 2000 HALF PAULINE E AlkOaks Roya Oas 2000 Sept ept Pauline aline E Hale 73 of Terre Haute died at 6 p m Saturday Sept 30 of the m Royal OAPoly former PolyS health Care J Rehabilitation Center She was a homemaker and co owner oi Terre interrbom She South Savoury mer Plastics and of Johannes South and Seabury Tavern Shi was born April 5 1927 m TheMar RobLemmons Banyas Haute to Georgy Banyans Jr and Gladys Lemons Banyans Her husband of 40 years Robert elate George Banyas AloDividA Divide Claude Hale died m erta dIem 1986 Survivors include one son and daughter m law Weld A and Cheryl Hale Banyas Mayer MayHautt yl of Terre Haute one daughter Diane Chandler of Terre Haute one sister Barbara Banyans Myers three thrMedusa Tender Nees Robbie Hale er Terre Haute tree grandchildren Tamara Knees Rabble Hae and Md ay Chandler and threathree of Corbel Banyans Jr and preceded m in breast dbare grandchildren She was also preceded death by her parents George Banyas 1 p m bBanyas Banyans Stance and one sister Madonna Banyans Ream Services are pm Tuesday at Banyas Snicker Banas Baas Burial is m DeBaun Debunk ateau Spangle Chapel with the Rev Larry Spear officiating Bundles in Odd Fellows dense If Depm Cemetery m Carlisle Visitation is 4 to 8 pm today m the funeral home Biffed desue in envelopes mat contributions ammonal continuation may be mad to Polycentric Kidney Foundation with envelops availabm the funeral home le




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India Vigo bom in Robert William Hale Robert was born m Terre Haute Virgo County Indi ma on 23 January Vgo Judy in 1925 Robert died on 8 July 1986 m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana It abe 61 Indian Solar Terre Haute Vigo County IndIan 8 July Circa Haule Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute 1986 W HALE AlterROBERT WHALE HospitaHospiam S Seventh St died at 10 15 a m Monday at Regional HospItal W Hale Robert WHale 61 and a alchemist anda ble was a machinist Wanda consultant for Poly Mar Industries and was former owner of Hale and He tal hanHaute bom in M Chime Shop He was born Jan 23 1925 m Terre Haut to William W Hale and ferguson OA Banyas Claude Paine dwrite Rule Banther dful Anther Hale Survivors include his wife Pauline Polly Banyans Hale one son David OHewDimne Inne of Dine af Terre Haute one daughter DI Inane Chandler of Terre Haute and three grandchildren He and haII a Navy veteran of World War 11 and a member of American Legion Neatens Post s Debunk in DeBaun Court World Racquetball Club Services are scheduled for 10 30 a m Wednesday m Debundout

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January 2005

8 The lommo Fam Tho Commons mn Ily H lorry



aBrumal Crandall Funeral Home with Rev Kent Crandell officiating Bunal is 10 Odd Fellows Cemetery cat Burials in graveside antes Visitations after 4 p m today Carlisle ctualize Visitations atarrhs with Post i children opaqueness Esther Banyas and Robert William Hale are as follows The WIlham Esther of Pauline Esthe Banyans 1098 i David A Hale mamed Cheryl named 11 1099 n DIanne Hale married Chandler mamed


Banyans Barbara Banyas Gladys Lemmons Francis Francis William William Barbara WIlham WIlham BarbLemons Virgo was born 10 Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana on 30 January 1934 She mamed Jay JackIe Indiana ara bom m named JacMayer Myers Barbara died on 22 October 2002 10 Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 68 Virgo in Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Haule Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 25 October 2000 BANYAS MAYER BARBARA ANN BANYANS MYERS 15 pm Sunday Oct 22 Banyas Mayer Barbara Ann Banyans Myers 66 of Terre Haute dIed Umon Hospital She retIred 1989 as a purchasing clerk after 15 years of service for the forecretired in m Mon former Corp bom T Endear Corp losure Film Products COp now known as Archdeaconry She was born Jan 30 1934 mBanyas erre Haute to George Banyans Jr and Gladys Lemmons Banyans Survivors include her husband Terre Claude Lemons Banyas husbaBurt Jay Jacke Myers two daughters Karen Ann Myers Lorey and her husband kurt E Lorey of Mayer Lore urt nd Jackie Mayer Lore Indianapolis and Jamey Jaye Myers of Manhattan New York two granddaughters Lame MalJaney Aye Mayer Mane Lorey and Rachel Leigh Lorey four nephews Davd Hale Jeffrey Ream Bradley Ream anDavid and lory Lore Lore DanIel Banyas dante Ream one mece Dianne Hale Chandler and two aunts Helen Banyans Turner of Terre niece TheHaute and Arlene Lemons Derv of Cambridge City She was preceded m death by her parereat Earlene Lemmons parents in I and nts two sisters Madonna Ream and Pauline Hale She Palmed a 1951 graduate of Technical High School and attended Indiana State Inversely She attended Maple Avenue Stale University AveUnmated Methodist Churches treasurer for four years of the Literature and Drama Department Church was Department and was of the Women s Department Club pandas a member of the Postal Clerks HarHer Hepm tebeests included merest clouded reading gardening and dancing Services are 1I pm today m Callahan Hgarden in ritors S Hughes St with the Rev J Stanley Howell officiating Brumal is mughes Funeral Home Bundles iBunal m Hoell Roselawn Memorial Park If friends should so desire memorial contributions may be made to the ammonal continuations Roseau Ammonal Polycentric Kidney Research Foundation Mam St Suite Main Kansas City MO 12 ansas Kansas 2634











as asa She

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Banyans The two children of Barbara Banyas and Jay Jackie Myers are as follows Mayer 1100 00 ay Mayer mamed KurtE Lore Karen Kay Myers married Kurt E Lorey i Kurt 1101 11 Jaye Mayer n Janet Aye Myers



Helena Mane Lemmons George William Thomas William William Helena was WIlham WIlham WIlham Lemons baseborn m Digger Sullivan County Indiana on 23 Anal 1921 She married WIlbur Wright Dugger mamed 1941 She and Wilbur Wright were divorced She mamed Jeremiah P Church Helena diced Night didnamed on 6 August 1986 m Buffalo Dallas County Missouri at age 65 Mason

Wilbur J

There were no children of Helena Mane Lemmons and Wilbur WrigNighttWright Lemons Night

The ime Mane Lemmons and P Merlin is Lemons Merck ht only child of Helena June Merlin marriedJeremiahAdair 1102 AdaMerck mamed


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14 January 2005


Th Sumo F am y H s ory The Commons Fame 11 00 F

Fig ing


Hazel Lemmons age 19 Laze Lemmon

Charleston Lemons Hazel Charlotte Lemmons George William Thomas William WIlham Wilham Wilham William Hazel Hawas bom m Limon Greene County Indiana on 20 August 1923 She roamed manned zel born III Halel was HeMcCormIck on 30 August 1946 Hallways divorced from Melvin McCormick in 1947 She III SeHall mamed named miarid mmed George Scott Olive Jr son of George Olive on 30 June 1951


She mamed Charles Minoan David Smith on 30 December 1983 named Minon

Charleston There were no children of Hazel Charlotte Commons and Melvin McCormIck acre George Scott mick c Inc Jr
His common name was Scott Sco-


Luc dna R Brown tt liner Mewing

L gigot


January 2005

Th Lemmons rom ly H story Fam Iy The




There were no children of Hazel Shrillest Lemons and George Scott Olive Jr Ohve Sharable Lemmons ere


Scholl Olin e Scott Oli

and Hazel Lemmons Olor Olive Lemons Color Oliad


The only child of Hazel Charlotte Lemmons and Charles Manson David Smith is Sharable Lemons Manon 1 1103 Marvey David Smith Marvey was born David is Charles gelHarvey Harvey bom great i nephew nameatine He was adopted by Charles and Hazel His common name tags David was
Esther Viola Lemmons George William Thomas William William Esther was Wilham Wilham WIlham washbaseLemons room in Limon born m Linton Greene County Indiana on 13 February 1928 She married George Wayne mamed WakeBorden in board m Greene County Indiana on 14 January 1950 She and George Wayne Borden were divorced She narrowed Denver Wilnumbed Wiley Wily The to follows Lemons let two children of Esther Viola Lemmons and George Wayne Borden are as follo-

I 1105
ws 04 1104



Bruce Rex Borden David bom Davd Wayne Borden David was born David was adopadopted

There Wily Lemons ted were no children of Esther Viola Lemmons and Denver Wiley Irma Anne Lemmons George William Thomas William William Inna boomiWilham Wilham Wilham Irma was born bomLemons borng m Clinton Greene County Indiana on 7 December 1935 She married Albert Frank I Lundy m in mamed n Linton undy inaptly 19 2 Albert Frank Lundy His common name was Frank FranThe three children firma Anne Lemmons and Albert Frank Lundy are as followkie follows Lemons flora 1106 06 Jeanette Anne Lundy i Lundy 107 I J 07 11 1 Lilac Mosque LunMonique Lundy n Lud-

s I


dy dma R a rown L mgt Lucida R B Lu lum


January 2005

Commons The Lommo F am y H tory 29 Limo Fame y story


III in

Lundy Joseph Edward Undyi-

ng Fig

Harvey and BUy Canard Harvey Betty Riddle Ranard

Harvey E Ranard Goldie Lemmons William Thomas William William Harvey WIlham Wilham HarvCanard Lemons Wham born in woo bom m Indiana on 19 September 1923 He mimed Betty Riddle m 1949 Harvey died on in 23 October 1998 in Bloomington Monroe County Indiana at age m Bloomington Indiana O RANARD SERVICES ON TUESDAY FOR HARVEY E GRANADA AGE 75 aFn day Harvey E Ranard 75 resident of Bloomington died Findlay October 23 1998 at Canard Hospital Bloomington HospHospitDamel Daniel and Born September 19 1923 m Owen County he was the son of Demeaned Goldie Lemons Bom able LemRSr Ward SHe was a U S Army Veteran of WWII and retted from Alphorns m Indianapolis retired Caissons lie was of Protestant faith Riddle Canard Survivors Claude his wife of 49 years Betty fuddle Ranard one daughter VIckI J Frazo include Vicki Franz San Chaplain U S Canard two sons Lt Camry Harvey Ed Ranard Jr Chaplin U S Navy of SanDorIs four sisters Dons Wells ohmmeter of DIego California Chins Alan Ranard Canard tiago Tahoma Canard and Spencer Wanda Snidely of Amnion West Virginia four brothers Harry Herbert Ranard anDanIel Canard dante Ranard Jr all of Spencer four grandchildren four step grandchildren and five great grandchildren grandchildren He was preceded m death by his parenparents in West PedIgo am Services a hid Pedathetic will be held at I11IIa m Tuesday October 27 1998 at Wet Amish Pending gogue Home Rev John Honey Rev Jerry Hart and Chaplin Granadilla officiate Chaplain Ranard will Canard Funeral County Interment will be held at Gross Cemetery m Owen Contiin nents may call from 4 8 p m Monday and 8 30 a m until service Tuesday at the funeral honehome eral ymoon contributions may be made to American Cancer Society or Earthnuts Foundation Arthritis Memorial continuations Memo L VHF and Military graveside services will be performed by the Spencer Fawned American Legion w-





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Luc uc dna Lund R Brown L aggie Lud Brow eI

H January 2005

Lemmons The Limo Fam II Th Lommo ram Iy H story Lemons

Canard mamed Vicki J Ranard roamed Canard Harvey Ed Ranard Jr Canard Chins Alan Ranard Franz Frazo

ory three children of Harvey H Ranard and Betty Riddle are as follows E Canard The
1109 11 10 1110 1111 IIII

III in

i n

as ur

Wilham Wilham Malone Lemons Wilham Arthur Jean Lewis Minnie Lemmons William Thomas William William born in Like County Indiana in 1933 He mamed Dee named bom Lyle

Arthur Arth-

The three children of Arthur Jean Lewis and Dee Arthur Lewis Jr 1112 i 1113 n Janet Lewis Greg Lewis 1114 III in

are as follows



Wilham Patricia Lenis Minnie Lemons William Thomas William William Panicle Lett is Malone Lemmons WIlham Let Indiana named bom cia born in Lake County Indiana in 1937 She mamed Edwin Paz The three children of Panic Lewis and Edwin Patricia s J I 1115 Edwin Paz Jr i 1116 Keith Paz ii 11 J 7 mamed karleen Paz named III II 17 Karen in

Panicle Patri-



follows Pit are as followHoarding Hardin


Brown L cal


January 2005

Lemmons Fam Iy II The burro Foam ly H Lemons



Family GIpson The Alden Young Famoly Back Mary Eloise Young Stuart Young Front Mary Cipson Young Start Cradlesong Aid CRTs Fong Alden Young

Clement Alden Young Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas William WIllIam Aider Lemons Clement was born in Mineral Springs Bany County Missouri on 4 January 1917 Clements bom 10 Numeral Songs Bandy Nilsson Nilsson named Manor in Monet occupation was a Superintendent for Armour to Monett Barry County Missouri He mamed Sallie Mary JulIne GIpson daughter of Ems Getups and AllIe Terry to Star City Missouri on 12 in Stark Catty Nilsson med JulIe Gibson July 1941 Clement died on 18 December 1964 in Monet Barry County Missouri it age 47 Nilsson 10 Monett Bany The Monet O LITURGY Tire Monett Tunes Monett Barry County Missouri 19 December 1964 Monet DIES VINCENTS HOSPITAL C A YOUNG Delis AT ST VINCENT DESPITE AL FRIDAY Armour Was Plant Superintendent for Manor s Monett al AnnouClement lement A Pete Young 47 of Route 1I Monet plant superintendent at Manor a short Vincents p m Friday Creaminess in Monett ncements 10 Monet died at 3 24 pm Findlay at St Vincent sic Hospital following shrilillness lness illness Young who hardheaded in Monett for the past 15 years was born January 4 1917 ihad resided to Monell bom Mr Ounce Julme Gibson mamed fonner nstilled He was named July 12 1941 to the former Mary Juhne Gipson at Merle mom moving Monell 10 10 Monet m 1949 from PudPursy Purdy gy YOU was a member of the Liberty Methodist Church and the Monet Lode CaLod AF Monett Lodi e Youn Mr Young Monett ftan AM and Chapter and of the Order of Eastern Star of Monet da Claude Survivors include two sons Kent Young of Verona and Curtis Young of the home dBec Young of Monett Beck daughter Mrs Eloise Beck of Republic his mother Dora Young Monet two brothers Gerald aughter Purdy and Pursy Young of Predawn Doyle Young offender California and one grandchild of Glendora Lenora

liam ments










Lund Lud




Fam Iy 94 Th Cannons Foam y II story Foamy The Famy sto-


nemason services will be held at 8 p m Sunday m the Mercer Funeral Home Rev Thomas HHMasonic H ansoms will officiate at the final rites assisted by Rev Fred Unhanding Bungalow be m the antes Brumal Moms atUnhand Bunal will commonest LIberty Church Cemetery northeast commonMonet of Monett Mon-



Barry County Missouri 22 December 1964 ABOBIO BOI RIGINAL RITES HELD FOR C A YOUNG LOCAL RESIDENT DIED FRIDAY INInhFINAL IN HOSPITABLE HOSPITAL ospitableness Hospital services for Clement A Pete Young 47 of Route I Monett plant superintendent Funeral superintendeMonet nt Manor at Armour Regimens here who died m St Vincent s Hospital following a short illness Findlay Vicente follow anafternoon were held at 2 p m Monday m the Mercer Funeral Home Rev Thomas H Moms andand
Tilted The

est Monett Tunes Monett et Monet Tames Monet

antes Rev Fred Cunningham officiated at the final endRe maLedl as Masonic antes were held at the Mercer Chapel at 8 00 p m Sunday with Clarence Ladles Led assacring acct worship scot worshipful master Music for the funeral services was furnished by a quartet composed of Rev Ted DavIs Mrs Lawrence Davis and Carl Stark accompanied by Mrs Burl D Thomas Selections were vis whI Beyond ereby the Sunset and 1 Know Who Holds Tomorrow Mayer Pallbearers were Caleb Myers William Myers Charles Gipson Steve Gipson Jim Mayer Gibson Gibson Holloway and Bill Edwards Dbl Hollow Bungalows m the Liberty Church Cemetery northeast of Monett under direction often commonest Brumal Bunal Monet of chards was in eerer Mercer Funeral Home mo of town friends and relatives attending the services clouded Mr and Mrs W COut included F attend Chorally and Mr and Mrs J W Chorally of Tulsa mla Mrs Roylie Wade of Republic Mr and horally Horrall Horrall AnRoylee ders Oscar Young of South est City Mrs Gary Ash and Charles Gipson of Springfield Mr and Mrs Southwest AnGibson ders Charles Leonard of Fairview Mrs Hazel Bunny of Aurora Mrs Alien Rogers fumbler Mrs Loeonard Bunn of MilMrs Emmett Gipson of Crane Mr and Mrs Truman Ryan Mrs Bennett Beckman Mrs BIrd Beck and Birler Emmet Gibson Beck all of Cassville Mr and Mrs Noel Gipson and faddy Mr and Mrs Ernest Ferguson on Rafamily Ferguson Mr Befall Castile Gibson ded and Afford Delmar Mayer all of Purdy Mand Mrs Alford Henderson and Mr and Mrs Elmer Myers aloof Pursy and Mr and Mrs oxford Arthur Womack of Miami OklahomOklahoma rathi ans body was interred on 21 December 1964 in Liberty Cemetery Monet Bany County His mitered Monett Barry mitered

emas maworshipful ster


ere Edw-




Enders Enders





Mary Juline Gipson Mary was born m Purdy Missouri on 6 March 1922 Mary died on 18 bom Pursy Nilsson Julie Gibson m Monet December 1970 in Monett Birry County Missouri at age 48 Her boyars interred m LIberty body was mitered in Nilsson Cemetery Lawrence County Missouri MiscounNilsson MissoThe ted three children of Clement Alden Young and Mary Juline Gipson are as follows uri Julie Gibson 1118 1943 Wichita Kansas married Stuart Kent Young i Sharon K Sanders Sharon 1119 Mary Eloise Young bom 26 September 1946 m Monett Barry born ii Monet Bany BayCounty Nilsson mamed Glenn Lyle Beck divorced Glenn Lyle Missouri named Lyie Linebacker named Alien Beck mamed Allen Thomas Good divorced Allen Thomas Good Alien 1120 born Monet in Curtis Rand Young bom 25 May 1956 m Monett Barry County Nilsson mamed Debra Kay Murray Gonzales named




dido Lib-




ryon onet yle


Junior Doyle Young Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas William William Humor WIlham Wham JuniLemons Barry County Missouri on 29 October 1927 Juniors occupatIOn was born m Junior's Mason m t in California Humor served the military m 1950 He served from 1950 1952 m EtJunior served m in in in the

or Mach ation ation


Luc daR B own L get hel odaR Bowler lu dna R

14 January 2005

Commons The Lemma Fame Iy 1 lorry Th Lemmo F am ly H tory

Army He mamed Ragtime Zambia Chenoweth daughter ofIra Chenoweth and Mme Anny Sofia named Hangmen Zenobia of Ira MinLuella Bickford m Eurika Springs Arkansas on 14 September 1950 Backfired Eureka Songs




Gangrene Zambia Angeline Zenobia Chenoweth Tangerine was born m Springfield Baca County Colorado on Angeles bom Baa 29 June 1930 Angeline s occupation Telephone OperaAngelina Operator Humor The Gangrene Zambia tor two children of Junior Doyle Young and Angeline Zenobia Chenoweth both born m bom impassable Addenda Los Angeles County California are as follows Padena 1121 Michael Doyle Young Michael was born on 20 September 1954 i bom MIchael served the military in 1973 He mamed Amanda Jayne served in m m named JaneJane JanRo iro daughter of Chive William Ross and Helen Margaret Hayes m WIlham eiro inllay Verne LaVerne Los Angeles County California on 13 August 1983 11 1122 Douglas LLe Young Douglass occupation Truck Denver Cs Douglas Lie il m inin California alIfornIa Douglas was born on 16 January 1957 Douglas serveserved caution m the U S Air Force in 1973 m d



Michael s

aver Laver


and Regma Diehl Kevin Antony The Gerald Young Family Back Row Regina Debbie Kemp and Tonya Front Row Phyla anTony nack gered Young Gerald

Gerald Devere Young Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas William Dhahran Lemons Deere WillmanGerald was bom m Mineral Springs Barry County Missouri on 17 August 1932 He manned born in Numeral Songs Nilsson Phyllis Sue Ryan daughter of Truman Ryn and Ethel VanDerpool m Eureka Songs Yin Elhel Banderols in Arkansas on 28 October 1950 Gerald s occupation Coaster Fabricator m Mineral Songs Springin Numeral SponBarry County Missouri Nilsson board



Gerald iam

ings ges




ouri 1932
Luke Lue

Missouri Phyllis Sue Ryan Phyllis was born m Mineral Songs Barry County Mount on 16 June bom in Numeral Springs

dna r Lucinda Bo

L gg

The Sumo mn ly H story Lemons Th Lemmons Fam Iy

y stall born in Monett Baybom Monet Barry

ryon Mission County Mason onet

1123 1124

ory four children of Gerald Devere Young and Phyllis Sue Ryan The Deere

1125 1126

are as follows Deborah Sue Young born 3 November 1952 married Jackie Rbom Riy mamed i Ry Riye divorced Jackie Ray Lee married Eddie Dwayne Ellis Lee mamed Wayne Elsa divorced caddie Wayne Delriddle Dwayne Ellis Elsa n hi II bom Regina Kay Young born 16 September 1954 mamed Bobby AllemAlien Allen Alienamed James nates andes Tonya manned Lyie bom Coones Cones in Tanya Lynn Young born 17 July 1959 married Lyle Davis Concessive Devere Kevin Deere Young born 12 July 1963 mamed Vemta Jean Rose bom iv named Vena divorced Vemta Jean Rose mimed Pamela Jean McIntyre divorced McIntIre Vena McIntIre Pamela Jean McIntyre





Sebum Verdayne Young Herbert Annette Lemmons Thomas William Wilham WIlham William Lemons WilliVerdant bom In Castile Sebum was born m Cassville Barry County Missouri on 3 He married WIlma manned WilNilsson ma hn in Springfield Greene County Mission about In 1952 He mamed Karia C Chat In Bon named Karla Mason ml Springfield Greene County Nilsson on 24 May 1961 Sebum died on 6 May 2000 NMission RIn Rochester Thurston ortheaster Turnstone County Washington at ge 66 ochester ige OBITUARY Tilted Olympia Rochester Turnstone Washington 9 May 2000 The Olympian Thurston SABRINA V YounSEBURN YOUNG gster V Young 66 a 10 year resident of Rochester died flung cancer Saturday My 6 Sebum of lung 2000 at home me was born Anal 3 1934 to Mary and Herbert Young in Cassville MoHe Castile Mo she named Karia C Chat on May 24 He mamed Karla Mr Young served in the army from December of 1958 until his retirement m February In 1985 His rank upon discharge was chief warrant bottlflickerbottler flicker He er enjoyed fishing hunting R V Ing sic and spending time with his famifamily ed R mg roHe ly is survived by his wife Karia Young of Rochester his son Slovene V Young Karla Steven Young of Landlocked two daughters Renee Young of Lacey and Michaela Mitchell Anz hIs wlock Az inbrother serter Cecil Young of Memphis Tenon his sisters Darlene Powers of Rochester five Tenn grandchildren and two great grandchilgrandchildren Online Tonne concorn com dren obituary details are available at www legacy commiseration will be from 3 to 8 p m Tuesday Miry 9 at Olympic Ammonal Funeral Home Visitation testation My Dumbwaiter A funeral service will begin at 10 a rn Wednesday May 10 at the Olympic Funeral Tumwater m FunHome Dumbwaiter Interment will follow at Olympic Ammonal Gardens Tumwater Arrangements are by Olympic Funeral Home Dumbwaiter 9 Tumwater









The only child of Sebum Verdayne Young and Wilma Bowline is Bowlin child Verdant 1127 I i Steven Overdone Young born 31 January 1954 m Kansas CIty Verdayne bom In CuBounJackson Mission mamed Lone Bond tbacks County Nilsson named Lonne Bandaries Karla Karia C Schaal Karia was born m West Germany on 24 December 1944 Chat Karla bom In The two children of Sebum Verdayne Young and Karia C Schaal are as follows Karla Verdant Chat 1128 I i MIchaela Young born 10 February 1962 In t bom We 1 ermany named Carl Mitchell Germany mamed 1129 n Renee Young born 13 J Binary 1965 in Orleans France mamed II bom lamebnamed Bryan Mesentery rain



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14 bonus January

Tb The

Lemons mo rom

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Cecil Clinton Young Herbert Annette Lemmons Thomas William WIlham WIlham William Lemons Cyclic was bom in Mineral Springs Barry County Mission on 18 February 1936 He mamed born MInerai Songs Bany marrNilsson named Juan Juha Beth Harper daughter of Samuel Harper and Vessa Reva Springer m Little Rock med Versa Eva In Cesarean County Arkansas on 11 February 1958 Cecil died on 12 June 2001 in MemphIS II Tennessee at age 65 OBITUARY Tile Commercial Appeal Memphis Tennessee 14 June 2001 The CECIL CliNTON YOUNG 65 of Memphis certified real estate appeaser landowner of and owner fCI INTON INTO AREA Real Estate and Appraisal Service died of respiratory failure Tuesday at MethodISt Friday Healthcare North Services will beat 10 am Findlay at Raleigh Church cochins where he was a be at of Chant brumal in member with bubaline Oakgrove Cemetery in Conway Ark Memorial Park Funeral Home habunal Ammonal has ember charge He was Korean War veteran Mr Young the husband Juha Harper Young for 43 husband of Julia chure YoungYoung years also leaves a daughter Debra aye Young Williams and two sons Cecil Clinton Y ouch Youn kaye er and Michael Harper Young aloof Memphis a sister Iliad Darlene Powers of Frazier Paall of Ilia Jr Park Thand a hechantey memorials anda Cafe Wanda granddaughter The family requests that ammonal be sent to a chanty of the eodora s donism Arkansas donors choice His body was interred on 15 June 2001 in Conway Arkan-






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Julia Beth Juha sas Both Harper

Pulsing Juha Julia was born in Little Rock Pulaski County Arkansas on 21 August bom

The four children of Cecil Clinton Young and Julia Beth Harper were as follows Juha Cecil Clinton Young Jr Cecil was born in Little Rock Pulsing Pulaski bom 1130 Hinton i County Arkansas on 14 February 1959 He mamed Brenda aye kaye named Gaffing daughter of Charles L Gaffing and Ella F Sutherland diCharle morphism MemphIS Tennessee on 30 August 1997 Pulaski bom 1131 Debra Kay Young born 9 October 1962 in Little Rock Pulsing n II County Arkansas named Randall Williams mamed 1132 bom Jason Andrew Young Jason was born in Memphis Tennessee on in 28 September 1976 Jason died on 11 January 1987 m MemphIS II Tennessee at age 10 dt 1133 Michael Harper Young Michael was born in Memphis Tennessee bom Tennessiv on 12 March 1979 ee




Darlene Young Herbert Annette Lemmons Thomas William William WillWham Wilham Lemons PPmanned was born in Mineral Springs Barry County Mission on 8 May 1938 She married Paul W Nilsson Songs iams bom owers in Springfield Greene County Nilsson on 2 July 1959 Mission Powers
Iliad Ilia


Paul W Powers Paul was born m Roanoke Virginia on 12 July bom Iliad bom SpringThe two children of Ilia Darlene Young and Paul W Powers both born in Springfield Greene County Nilsson are as follows Mission He bom 1134 I Paul Bryant Powers Paul was born on 10 February 1961 Hei ArtIe Meek mamed Patentees named Mere mmed Leah Meeks daughter of Artier Meeks and Babe 9 Smmed Santa Cruz Santa Cruz County California on 24 May 1997 anta Roberborn Angela Teresa Powers bom 14 August 1962 mamed Robert 1135 named Robertn II t i I Anthony DuboAntony DuBois


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14 January


The Lemons Fam Iy II Th Lemmons rom ly H story

Donna Bell Young Herbert Annette Lemmons Thomas William William Donna WIlham WIlham DonLemons bom in Mineral Songs Bany was born m Numeral Springs Barry County Missouri on 19 September 1940 She manned Nilsson mandamus Michael Gray son of John W Gray and Thelma LucIlle Duke m xnard Ventura Thematically James OOxnard Helm County California on 13 August 1966 Donna died on 30 April 1998 intonated Ventura Oxnard Anal County California at age 57 Chorus OBITUARY Tilted Oxnard Star Oxnard Ventura County California 3 May 1998 The GRAY DONNA B 57 Oxnard teacher died Thursday Arrangements by Conrad Carroll mitered in interred m Mortuary Her body was mattered Camarillo California Califo-



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James Michael Gray James was born m Fort Worth Tarrant County Texas on 15 February bom in Arrant rnia The only child of Donna Bell Young and James Michael Gray is 1136 I i Tama Tania Belle Gray Tangles occupation Travel Agent Tania was Tamas baseborn m Oxnard Ventura County California m December 1968 in She resided in San Diego San Diego California m 2003 m resIded




Parolee Paralee June Salt Came Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas William William WIlham WIlham Lemons Parolee Paralee was bom m Arkansas on 11 November 1911 She mamed Edward Clock Jr son feborn II neared of mmes Ernest Edward Clock and Ella Patrick in Sulphur Springs Benton County Arkansas on 20 m rniest Songs Winters Pat graduated from the University of Missouri School coMiss July 1935 Tina J cwrites Ma of Movers MIs so un Ba nfusing Nursing Bames oncurs and taught surgical technique at Banes Hospital Has been a nursing supervisor aLovers Nursing Home m Lange Missouri Paralee died on 22 June 1982 m Hinton lowers in Langen Nilsson Parolee Chinallover towns at age 70 Mason OBITUARY DUlly Democrat Clinton Missouri 2 June 1982 Daffy Democrat Hinton



DEATHS Deaths E Allen St a retired registered nurse died Tuesday at Golden Para Lee Clock 70 Alien GlenValley Ammonal Hospital dale Memorial Stickman Dunn pitals Dunning Funeral Home is m charge of arrangements which are peregpending CrematIOn is parmesan graveside services will be held m Geneva apillared la rination planned and in Surviving scribing are her husband Ernest Edward Clock Jr of the home two sons Ernest Edward EdwClock III and James L Clock both of Kansas City a daughter Lambda Ann Coleberd of Hinton Clabbered Linda ChinatClintown brothers on MarSalt and Harold Salt both of Southwest City Mo two sisters Mrs Salt Manson Wolfe of Southwest City and Mrs Charles Kellogg Spokane Wash and two Manon ksman Kello granddaughters Jill Leann Clabbered and Rebecca Jane Clabbered of ColtLearn Coleberd Coleberd Clinton Colton ClintMrs on Clock was a member of the Unmated Methodist Church Geneva la sic and steUnited Church at the famIly amily requests any memorial contributions go to that church M ammonal continuations




ard to



Edward Clock Jr Edward was dward m in Edward Edward bornage Hampton Iowa on 30 Anal October m Clinton Missouri at 80 Hinton Nilsson

OBITUARY DUlly Democrat Clinton Henry County hisser Daily Democrat Hinton CLOCK ERNEST EDWARD 1911 1991 Daily Dally Democrat Colton MO Ernest Edward Clock Jr 80 years son of Ernest Edward Clinton EdwClock and Ella Patrick Clockwise born Anal 30 1911 in Hampton Iowa and died October 21 Planck Clock was Clocked m 1991 at the Warsaw Health Care Center He attended pubic schools m Hampton Iowa He public Pein orceived a teachers certificate from Iowa State Inversely pandas a graduate of University of receIved teacher's University and was mission mission of Journalism m 1934 He was a member of SIgma Alpha Epsilon social fraternity HemHeMason He cosign




Edward died on 21




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14 January 1410 2005

The Commons Fam ly II Fame Iy Th loran



Le mamed Para Lee Salt of Sulphur Sponges Arkansas July 20 1935 She died in 1982 Survivors Springs named Heeded SurviInclude his three children Linda Clock Clabbered Clinton Ernest Edward Clock III Roeland Coleberd Hinton Roland RolaLyie Park Kansas and James Lyle Clock Kansas City two sisters Dons Smith Traer Iowa and Tracer caDorothy Lawrence Ft Scott Kansas four grandchildren JIll Leanne Coleberd and Rebecca Jane Leaned Clabbered BaClabbered of Clinton Obey Elizabeth Clock Kansas City and Jennifer Ann Chase Roeland Park Zoey Coleberd Arkndoleer Roland ParKhans ansas Kans IS He was employed in the advertising department of the St Louis Globe Democrat StSSt kas LouIs at the muttons plant Jefferson Barracks St LOllis dung WWII as a hardware Louis Louis during munitions toics salesman at Shapleigh Hardware Co Blears Iowa He was a hardware salesman from 1958 LeMars untIl his retirement at Speer Hardware Co of Ft Smith Arkansas He resided In GInger Bluemugger Blue Ark Peer near beard Noel Mo from 1948 to 1979 when he retired and moved to Clinton Rhea a member oHinton He of mission Holystone Society Smithsonian Institutes and Franklin County Iowa Historical Nilsson Historical HistoSociety He was very merest m genealogy and Civil War History He held copyrights on the interested thanyfolloWIng manuscripts Authorized historical articles on The That rhea Life and eologian caIowa Infantry rhe Marko Lame SwaWar time ndle of Francis Mark Cummins and Hezekiah Clocks Civil Waroperable Edward The three children of Para lee June Salt and Hdward Clock Jr are a follows the 1137 i I Linda Ann Clock born 24 July 1940 named James Coleberd Clabbered bom mamed n 1138 II Ernest Edward Clock III Ernest graduated m Kansas City in Wyandotte County Kansas Institution Kansas University Ernest Movers Ernwas born on 21 September 1946 est bom 1139 James Lyle Clock James was born on 21 September 1946 Lyie bom in


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Hea a

WIlham William Manan Edith- Salt Carrie Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas William WIlham Mann Edith Lemons ManhanNovember Manan bom mamed Wilbur Mann was born in Arkansas on 6 No ember 1912 She married WIlburn R Wolfe Manan Mann died dled on 23 November 1989 in South West City McDonald County Missouri at age 77 Nilsson
WIlburn R Wolfe WIlburn was born on 18 March 1906 WIlburn died in December 1964 Wilbur bom Wilbur Wilbur m Nilsson at age 58 Missouri waltz The four children of Man an Edith Salt and WIlburn R Wolfe are as follows Manan altz Mann Wilbur i I Charles Edward Wolfe born 29 June 1933 mamed Leiah Brown 1140 bom named Lelah Patricia Ann Wolfe born 4 Anal 1935 mamed Chester Stephenson 1141 n II named 1142 III Marilyn Lee Wolfe born 6 July 1943 mamed David Abercrombie bom named Manly in Aberrance Ronald Gene Wolfe bom 23 August 1945 married Jackie Keithly mamed 1143 born iv Keith
Pilate Came Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas William William sWilham Wilham Lemons teeling MelvIn was born in Arkansas on 5 May 1918 He mamed Mary Wilma Gann Melvin died on 9 bom named Ann February 1990 In McDonald Arkansas at age 71 McDonald
jennet jene



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Mary Wilma Gann Mary was born on 3 July 1921 bom Ann The two children of Melvin Gene Salt and Mary Wilma Gann are as follows Rommel Ann I Janice Salt born 16 December 1953 mamed Edwin Russell i 1144 bom named n Melissa Lynn Salt Melissa wa born on 24 March 1971 II 1145 Mesa Mesa bom William Womack Edith Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas WIlham Lemons Elena WilWilliam Missouri Wilham Elena was born in Southwest City McDonald County MI soun on 21 January sound liam
Lowery 1927 She mamed James Edward Lowry son Rowland Lowry and Blanche named of William Lowery Southwest Nilsson outhwest City McDonald County Missouri on 31 July 1947

m SS-


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January 2005 own

Lanmon Th Lennon F


James Edward Lowery James bom In Pottawatomie Co JJJames died LowryMay 1976was born m ShawneeOklahoma at age 51 OK on 10 August Ottawa 1924 on 26 in Miami Ottawa

The two children concede Louise Womack and James Edward Lowry both born In Lowery bom Iimam Ottawa Oklahoma are as follows MIamI Lowery bom 1146 I James Arthur Lowry born 10 August 1950 mamed Martha i named Womack n 1147 Richard Lynn Lowery born 23 November 1953 mamed Scottie Ann II Lowry bom Manamed ngrove Governor Gosvener



Mildred Arm Womack Edith Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas Wilham Ann William Lemons bom William Wilham Mildred was born in Southwest Calmly McDonald County Missouri on 3 May 1931 City Mason She named Eugene Vernon Benefield son of Virgil Benefield and Luella Locke in Eureka mamed Vemon Benne Lula Lock UnreaEnfield Beneficed soning Arkansas on 16 September 1950 Songs




Eugene Vernon Benefield Eugene was born in Beaty Benton County Arkansas on 11 Anal Vemon Beneficed bom Beat II 1931 Eugene dIed on 14 December 1980 in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma at age 49 The two children of Mildred Ann- Womack and Eugene Vernon Benefield are as follows Vemon Enfield Ann Ammoniac 1 1148 Beneficed Pamela Jean Benefield Pamela was born on 8 September 1954 bom i 1149 Alan Eugene Beneficed Alan was born on 22 December 1956 n II Benefield bom



Lawrence Redneck Lemmons Lester George Thomas William William WIlham Wilham Lemons Lawrence was born in Clayton Handpicks Co IndIana on 14 March 1919 Lawrences bom Indiana Hennas Lawrence occupatIOn Procedural Analyst Ohm Oil Company He mamed Rosa Lee Daniels daughter of Ohio Damels named Joseph Verbal Daniel and Amanda Jane White on 16 November 1940 Lawrence died on 28 Damel March 1965 in Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma at age 46 His body was Interred Interrinterron 29 March 1965 in Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma Chapel Hill CemetHIli Cemetery ed



ery Lee Damel Rosa Danish

Rosa was born m Sperry Oklahoma on 14 December 1921 bom In Penny Oklahoma The three children of Lawrence Redneck Lemmons and Rosa Lee Daniels are as follows Damels Lemons 1150 I i Jed Wesley Lemmons born 20 April Jewelry Lemons bom In Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma mamed Brenda Joyce Carr named Can 1151 Phillip Ray Lemmons born 10 December 1944 named Rosaii Rosalyn mamed Roslyn Lemons bom Anne Neck 1152 III James Enc Lemons born 27 February ny Lemmons bom in Tulsa Iry In Tulsa TuCounty Oklahoma named Brenda Kay Woods divorced Brenmamed Brenda Woodkay Woods




lsa da

today R Luanda R- B own L grit land RB t got


January 2005

Tho Lommo F am ly H lorry The Limo Fame Iy Commons 0


Maxme Imogene Lennon lightings Maxine Mogen Lemmons Pilgrims

Maxme Imogene- Lemmons Lester George Thomas William William Maxme Maxine Imogene Lemons Wilham Wilham Maxim MamMaxiwas born m Noel Missouri on 6 June 1920 She married Frederick Otis Higgins on 4 May Mason mamed Foredeck bas bom in Phlegm 1935 She mamed Archie Ponce named ProoPrice


Frederick Outselling Foredeck Foredeck bom in freader Otis Haggis Frederick was born m Springfield Greene County Missouri on 26 Mount March 1917 Foredeck died on 8 January 1973 in Lewisville Texas at age 55 His body was maHs wmitered stered m Lewisville Texas Flower Mound CemetCemetery ery three children of Maxine Mogen Lemmons and Foredeck Otis lightings are as follows The Maxme Imogene Lemons Haggis 1153 I i Jerry Lee Higgins born 9 September 1936 m Seminole OklahPhlegm bom Oklahoma in oman Carolyn Jean Kennedy mamed named 1154 Joyce Phlegm bom n Joye Higgins born 2 July 1939 m Seminole Oklahoma mamed named MacdDonald Mays divorced Donald Mays manned Jack Prater married onald Cunningham manned Lonnie McGuire married Lone 1155 Dennis Max Higgins born 31 August 1941 m Shawnee III Phlegm bom in in Pottawatomie County Oklahoma mamed Suzanne Ellen Doming Derange named Domi-

aiter Lewis


Joyce Joye


There Maxme Mogen Lemmons nate were no children of Maxine Imogene Lemons and Archie Price Ponce
Virgil Roy Lemmons Lester George Thomas William William boomibomLemons Wilham Wilham Vanillas born Virgil was borng m Loco Oklahoma on 9 April 1922 He mamed Louise Flemmons daughter of Coy in n named Anal Lemons Cotyledons and Ruby Moore on 28 May 1946 Virgil dildo 16 October 1996 m Fort Smith Flemmons died on Lemons lCd Mistin reating County Arkansas at age 74 His body was interred on 17 October 1996 m Ft SmIth Sebastian mitered in Crawford County Arkansas Ft Smith National Cemetery Ceme-



Cockrum Cocker rocker Concrete

tery Flemmons tery Lemons

LoUIs Louis

Louise was born m Arkansas on 28 June 1923 She mamed Virgil CCbom in C named

The only child of Virgil Roy Lemmons and Louise Flemmons sloLemons Lemons is

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ro January

m Tho Lemons Fam The Lemmons rom Ily

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Cathy Annette Lemmons born 14 July 1954 m Pauls Valley in Pals Lemons bom Oklahoma married James Douglas Hicks divorced James Douglas mamed HIcks glas






n Lemons 0 Lemmons Michael B Lemmons Lennon

and Georgia Epperson Lemons Lepers Lemmons

Michael Bruce Lemmons Lester George Thomas William William MIchael WIlham WIlham MichaMchael Lemons was bom m Shawnee Pottawatomie County Oklahoma on 23 March 1946 He married JanIce mamed Janela born in Moss Michael s occupation Dauphine Pilot Michael served the U S Air Force from 1968 to served m Airline Ar 1978 He mamed Rebar Mason daughter of Guy Robinson and Mary Robinson m Berhn named Breathings Hemmed Reba Berin Bern Germany on 29 June 1989





ImmThe two children of Michael Bruce Lemmons and Janice Moss both born m Tucson Pima bom in Lemons County Anzona anently Arizona are as follows boom 1157 Jennifer Micelle Lemmons Enumerator on 2 July 1974 She Hei Lemons Jennifer was bom mamed named Enc Lea m Jamaica m Anal 1999 mmed in in 1158 bom ii Lemons I Sam Alan Lemmons Sam was born on 22 March 1976 nd Rbi Then were no children of Michael Bruce Lemmons bind Reb Hinson Ther ere Lemons ind Re Mason


Robert Emerson Freeman Goldie Lemmons George Thomas William WIlham WIlham William Lemons Robert was bom m Newton Jasper County Iowa on 7 March 1928 He mamed Manson J born in named Hemmed Manon KIrby Ardis Lye Harp In Irby daughter of Clyde E Kirby and Addis Diane Tharp m Iowa City Johnson County CouLIowa on 11 September 1948 lw II



Lucinda ucinda Wa R

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14 J anuary 2005

Th Lommo F am Iy H story Lemmons The Limo Fame y II Lemons

Manson J Manon Manson

Manson Kirby Manon was born m Washington Missouri on 23 December 1928 bom in Mason

as Manna


Freeman Marion Kirby Freeman and Bob FreemManon

The an four children of Robert Emerson

Freeman and Marion J Kirby were as follofollows Manon

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Luc dna R Flooder

1912 Barry Freeman Summer 1972


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January 2005

Commons J The Lemmo Fam W Tk Lemma mn

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Iowa County Iowa on 24 July 1950 Barry died on 8 December 1972 m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa at age 22 NEWS ARTICLE IOWA City Press Citizen Iowa City Ion a 01 Jowa Johnson Johnon County Iowa 9 December 1972 VI DEAD MAN FOUND ON STRAFE WAS UI MEDICAL STUDENT STUDENT A young man found fatally muddling a street near injured along juried eartneFriday Inversely Hospital Findlay has been identified as a first year medIcal hmovers medstudent Barry Wham Freeman William icals Freeman 22 a native offload City was found lying along the mettle of Iowa Lyn theca on Newton Road Findlay mommy He was noticed by a passecurb Friday morning carbon passerby tuabout 9 15 a m and taken to the nearby emergency section aSeton at DInversely Hospital He died at 10 15 a m rnovers Dr T T Bozel Johnson County medical reamer Findlay Bozek examiner afternoon attenuated Freeman s death to multiple skull nocturnes attributed potheInversely offload Campus Security officials and Iowa City ponce of Iowa Scanty poliare conducting an investigation as the cause of the injuries They ce red conduct ventilation Junes Template completion often probe is not expected until sometime next medicate of the netgeek work eek Authorities Automates speculated that Freeman may have been hit by the Tboom ofa passim construction vehicle as he toddling the curcuof a stood along curb heo sofa passing The young man whose penname residence is in Des Moines hived m Momes hepermanent liveter at at blocks hospItal in d River Street m Iowa City several blocs north of the hospacross Highway 6 He was born m Iowa City July 24 1950 the son Omar Anbom in of Mr and Mrs ders Robert Emerson Freeman The family later moved m DeDes in Desmons Momes Moines Moines Funeral services will be at II a m Monday at the Cottage Grove WI Presbyterian Church m Des Moines The family requests no flower famil Momes flowers in flowers Barry Freeman memorial fund has been established at the UI A ammonal NVI College of MedIC me under Dean W W Moms for Medici studMedicine medical student loans loans Mr Freeman was a 1968 graduate of De Moines Limon HioDe Momes Lincoln High School He received a bachelor s degree at HI hast MVI list May Among survivors are two brothers John of Iowa City and Dan oof Des Momes a sister Becky of Des Moines his grandparents RaMoines Momes hs Mr and Admissibly allot Iowa CitaArdIs City nd Mrs R J Freeman Sr and Mrs Addis half all offload Ciand Tharp of Iowa City del a great grandfather Roy Harp offload Cit-


Bwy William Freeman Barry was born m Iowa City Johnson Bany bom in loa Wy Wham John-

CALS CALS rviest

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NEWS Silva Oty Collie rines ARTICLE Iowa City Press Citizen Iowa City Ciloamy Johnson County loway 13 December 1972 Iowa trons DEATH PROBE CONTINUING Containing Investigation into the death a University offload MedIcal mo death ufa Inversely of Iowa Medof fa student last Findlay near University Hospitals continuing tod y stodgtoday icals Movers Hospital is continuum toad

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Jan ZOOS ary Cary 2005

Th urn The Lemmons Mn Ily II my story Lemons Fam

Barry W Freeman 22 of Des Mome was found fatally juried Nome Demons injumuddskull kull fractalong Newton Road His death ruled from multiple skull fractures ling Today William L Binney Ul security director said the teures Wilham Money UI scanty decor shed nderization S pending results of laboratory ventilation is pedigrees collaborator test which may headlight on how the man was juried Authorities theorized freeman high injured Automates Freemfreemwigs may have been waiting along the curb and w is struck by a passim warm ws vehIcle There apparently were no witnesere witnesses ses investigation is being conducted by UI scanty Iowa CIty The ventilation bmg security Catponce and the Iowa Highway Patrol Results of the laboratory tests testholic late are said weel Binney sard ate expected tale this wiek Money sarsi-


an sing

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Johnson County Iowa 16 December 1972 NO LEADS TURN UP IN ElasticDEATH LATH City no Inversely of Iowa authorities ity and University Fiona automates say they still have notepads on the fatal injury last week of Barry Freeman 22 a Imleads UI Jury weel Bany ai-


news OHO NEWS ARTICLE dines ARTICLE 01 City Press Citizen

Iowa City Ci-

fatal medicals med stumedicable medIcal



student Freeman was found outside University Hospitals in a pool oxof Duvets matblood Dec 8 and died a short time leatlater University herwear BInney director of the Inversely of Iowa campus William Money decor erialism Wharf camsaid Friday puses department sard Findlay his office is still swarm laboratory scanty awaiting laboradName report tory from the Iowa Crime Commission concern Freeman dsconcerning death eath deathblow eathblow Local relatives of Freeman a n lave of Iowa CIty are trying to locate locKinney said anyone who may have witnessed the incident Last week Binney slithMalden there apparently were no witnesses to Freeman s injury ered NEWS ARTICLE Leona Celt Press Citizen Iowa City lona Sty CiJohnson County Iowa 20 December 1972 DEATH PROBE CONTINUES NO NEW LEADS University Investigation into the death of a Inversely of low medIcal medstudent Dec 8 is continuing today without any real leads contusing icals automates reperepreport ertory William Freeman 22 of Des MOInes desolately al er Barry Bany Wham Demons died shortly aftre was found Image along the side of Newton Road near Inversely er lying he UniversInverseity pall HO pistil His death v as ruled from multiple skull fractures of ly flull unning Casunknown cause There Wilham William L Binney UT director of scanty sard today Theretilian Kinney decor security said sesses have after been quite a few leads in the case but no real eyewitness sees eyewitneame been located He sold his office i still altIng final sses have slid std awaiting inflammatory death Laboratory reports on the dethrenonement was injured in mid momma at a busy intersection neon Freeman morning founKinney camps earplugs However Binney noted the area where Freeman v as found farious Also IS somewhat it screened by construction gong on m the area Lesods in going tho location is a hundred feet or more west of the usual croSSIng the crosstraffic pOInt for hospital pedestrian traffitraffing















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14 January


Tho Lemmons rom Jy H The Lan Lemons Fam Iy

ory stol Mome Polk His body was interred on 11 December 1972 in Des Nome Polka II County Iowa Rest Haven Cemetery John Robert Freeman born 23 May 1952 in Iowa City JohnJohnson bom County Iowa mamed Nancy Short named ShiDaniel m bom rttail James Freeman born 7 March 1954 in Cedar Rapids Iowa Falck Faick mamed named Janet Lee FalRebecca Jean Freeman born 23 August 1958 m Hinsdale Unpaged bom in Hillsdale DuPage County Illinois named Anthony Jerome Cheek Chesek mamed



1161 1162

ne in


IV k




Jim Freeman Family Sandy Chris Shelley Jim and Mike Freeman Feeman Chas Feeman

Ralph James Fr eman Jr Goldie Lemmons George Thomas William Wilham Thoma WIlham William man Lemons Newman Willspear Ralph was born m Newton Jasper County Iowa on 27 October 1932 He mamed Sandra Jean Alphas bom In named Jeaiam Beach daughter of Robert Beach and Myrtle Leader In Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on m 19 March 1960 He named Lane Horn in Iowa City Johnson County Iowa mamed Laune m




bom in Alron Sandra was born m Airon Wisconsin on 28 July The three children of Ralph James Freeman Jr and Sandra Jean Baseball born in Iowa CIty harden Beach all bom CiJohnson County an as follows ar 1163 Michelle Lea Freeman born 17 January 1961 married Bret DavId i bom mamed AvGeorge Georoider

wans Jean Beach Sandra


Io 63

ge dna R Cuo Luc

Brown Algeria Bmw gg

11 Tl

e Lommo Fame Iy II story Lemmons Lemons Limo Fam ly


n II

Christine Jane Freeman born Chanted bom

19 March 1963 mamed Calvin Roy married Calm

Johnson Michael James Freeman born 5 November 1965 mamed Tambom named Tammy my Pram Lynn Piram Pirand Launi Horn IS Laune

ate only child of Ralph James Freeman Jr

Tube The


Beth Freeman Freem-

FIg Jag an

Gary Freeman Family Gary Nancy Chad Scott Susan about 1970 Sent

Gary Lee Freeman Goldie Lemmons George Thomas William William Gary Oxide Lemons WIlham Wilham Arywas born m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 12 May 1941 He married Nancy Pae Gauper manned ans bom in he Gaper daughter of Ronald L Gauper and Gloria Faye Stockinet m Iowa City Johnson County IowCatty Iowa Gaper Jonah Fae Stemmed Fae Gaper on Mulch manned an 28 July 1962 He divorced Nancy Faye Gauper on 22 Smirch 1997 He married Cairn Klem aught token Lubben doughtier of Kemp Lubben and Velma Emma on 9 June 2003 Vela




Lu dna R B ro n L gigot Luc B



J I anuary 2005

F Fam The Cannons Fame ly H story Th



Corhn Lube Freeman Gary Freeman and Carlin Lubben FreeCary

Nancy Fae Gaper man Faye Gauper

Hennaing Nancy was born in Minneapolis Hennepin County Minnesota on 23 bom

May 1942 bom Legerdemain Fae Gaper LeeThe three children of Gary Lee Freeman and Nancy Faye Gauper all born m Iowa CIty CiJohnson County Iowa are as follows mamed bom 1167 Susan Vi Freeman born 25 January 1963 married Richard Leonard i mamed Andean divorced Richard Leonard Andean married Timothy Kenneth Fischer FiscBlock mamed born 11 1168 Scott Gary Freeman bom 31 July 1964 married Susan Kay Blockii mamed bom Chad 1169 head Lee Freeman born 12 April 1967 named Marsha Lemamed Teresa Lee named Fujiwara divorced Marsha galese Cleanse Calease Clea-


ried her


nse Lube

Carom bom Carom Carim Lubben Carim was born on 3 May 1962 Carline L e There were no children of Gary Lee Freeman and Carlin There're beholden

Lubben Lube

Lemons Patricia Ann Nicholson Elizabeth McLaughlin George Lemmons Thomas Wham Panicle Willnamenamed Pancake was born in Newton Jasper County Iowa on 27 July 1934 She mamed bom Patricia Iowa Ralph Franz Retrenches m Davenport Iowa on 28 December 1949 in drop


CU Luc

nd R D own L gg aggie dna


January 2005

The Limo Fam y Th Lommo ram Iy II story Commons 0

Jag Fig

P Lucia Principal Nicholson and Ralph


bom Ralph Franz Retrenches Ralph wa born m Dixon Iowa on 5 December 1928 lova Frederic Detent Cine four children optician Ann Nicholson and Ralph Franz Retrenches all born m bom DDAna Ine avenport Iowa are as follows Davenport married Debra 1170 bom Harold Ralph i Barograph Retrenches boom 21 April 1951 immoderacy 9 Anal 11 1171 Lex bom n Gregory Alex Retrenches Gregory was born on 19 November 1952 Randy Retrenches bom 1172 III Transferences Randy was born on 20 December 1953 mamed bom 1173 IV Delete Lyn Retrenches born 20 August 1956 named kelly Duane DiaDesiree RitchIe metric

Lemmons Rehabber Richard Ronald Nicholson Elizabeth McLaughlin George Lemons Thomas mamed bom WIlhm William Richard was born on 16 October 1939 He married Susan Jane Randolph Wilma Wetland of Wade Hampton Randolph Jr and Ruth Wilson Emerson m North Shore Church Chuft MIlwaukee Milwaukee County Wisconsin on 17 August 1963 w Richard died m January 1984 Scions Jt age 44

Subs m Sus Sums

mas olph tier



bom in Janc R Adolph Su Jane Randolph Su an was born m Milwaukee Milwaukee Wisconsin on 29 June Wilson

bom he three children of Richard Ronald Nicholson md Susan Jane Randolph all born In Milwaukee Milwaukee County Wisconsin are as follows folloWilson

ws da B Luc Ln dna R D own L gigot get


January 2005


glyph Iy H


1174 1175

i ii

Chaffered Shredder Clifford idoff Schrader

Rehabber Kant Elizabeth

Nicholson born Kneeholes bom

1 I

mamed David November 1964 married Dav14 October 1967

John Randolph Nicholson John was born on bom Joel Joel



and Alton Leslie Nicholson Kathr Kath n Lehe Nichols-


on tn

Kathryn Leslie Nicholson Kathryn was born on 21 July 1970 w Leshe bom

Plait Plit


LeWIS Lewis

Lemmon L Lemmons

Wagon Lemons Emma Eagon Lemmons McLaughlin Ray NICholson Elizabeth McLaughlin Rehabber Nicholson Child Barbara Nicholson Nichols-




Luc on dna R Linda

B own Leggy L grit

14 January 2005


Fam Iy H story Tho The Lommo rm ly 1 Oslo 3


Barbara Jean Nicholson Elizabeth McLaughlin George Lemmons Thomas Kneeholes Rehabber Georbe Lemons William WIlham WIlham William Barbara was born 10 Jasper County Iowa on 25 July 1943 She mamed bom in named mandatory Airlee Davenport m Ashland Ohio on 21 October 1961 Arthur Aulee med




Arthur Airlee Da deport Arthur was born m flimflam Effingham County Illinois on 3 Anlee Davenport bom in Offing Anal 1943 The four children of Birbara Jean Nicholson and Arthur Airlee Da deport are as follows Dav Bulbar Anee Dave contort 1177 I Kerry Ken Davenport born 21 April i bom Milwaukee Anal Milwaukee County SCOLD m named James Wesley Fain Wisconsin mamed Fam 1178 11 Angie n Angelic Lynn Davenport born 15 Anal 1963 divorced Richard DevaII 78 bom Dean stators renamed Richard Deign Adores Parlors married Sailors Dein Sailors I 179 1 Shawn Arthur Deport born 18 February 1965 married Kelly m Davenport bom mamed Enlargers divorced Kelly Rogers divorced Esther Rushing named Rogers mamed lamasery PIatt Sherry Sheryl Platt ried Comedy Jo Daenport born 21 August 1967 named C L GIlbert III 1180 Davenport mamed iv




Darren K Walden Paul fernando Lectern Lemmons William William Derren Lemons WIlham Wellhead Darren remand SereI wa bom m Beckley na born in Berkley California on 1 July 1965 He married Debra E Callback daughter Rmamed of Contra ommel Callback m Alamo Conrad Costa County California on 3 October 1998



Shellback Debra E Helbacka Debra was born m LIvermore California on 18 October 1969 bom Walden ne only chided of Derren K Winn and Debra E Helbacka is child offered Darren Shellback 1181 Kend ill Adelle Jacqueline Winn Kendall was born in Walnut i End Mn Kendal bom 10 WalKendall Creek California on 25 September 1999


Dorothea Teddy M Bergman Gladys Winn Fernando Lectern Lemmons Wham Dorthea Femando Giddy Lemons Dorothea William Wilham Dorthea was born m Los Angeles Los Angeles County California on 27 October bom in 1938 She mamed Nasal Commandant son of Mohammed Headman and unpaid Headland Cymatinamed Headland m Las Veggies Nevada on 12 August 1961 She and Nassib Commandant divorced m 1983 Nasal Consultant HIlI She mamed Donald Lewis Madison m Chapel Hill Orange County North Carolina on 21 named in

liam a Vps


December 1985

ere Carla



Lebanon are as follows 1182 i


bom m Altai l Nasal leaden Nassib was born in Altaic Iebanon on October 1925 Nasal The two children of Dorothea Teddy M Bergman and Nassib Commandant both born m Beirut Dorthea bom BeNasal Headland
He Ramsey T Headland Ramsey was born on 7 March 1962 Hebom mamed Shout named Hout Schedule on 4 September 1999 mmed Leila S Headland Leila was born on 12 December 1963 LelIa bom


Donald Lewis Madison Donald was born 10 Lincoln Nebraska on 4 September 1935 bom in Limon Dorothea There were no children of Dorthea Teddy M Bergman and Donald Lewis Madison



Robert T Bergman Gladys Winn Fernando Lectern Lemmons William Wilham Lemons Wham William Bergman WillMn Femando Robert born m Los Angeles Los Angeles County Clifton on 6 mamed Barbara 9 bom in named Chiffon Abele



Loo dna Brown aggie Luc nd R Drown L gg

14 January Ohm IHm 2005

Tho Lommon Family sorThe Lemmons rom Iy II lorry


The ted only child of Robert Ta Bergman and Barbara is 1184 Rebecca Bergman Rebecca was born m California m 1988 i bom in in Lawrence R Winn Jr Lawrence Fernando Lectern Lemmons William WillIam Femando Lemons Lawrence was born in Los Angeles Los Angeles County California on 28 December 1940 Hebom m ReHe renamed Janet E Foster daughter of Vernon W Foster and ElIzabeth C Steele m Burbank Los married Vermont nnaed oster Stele in OCounty California on 18 August 1963




Janet E Foster Janet was born m Quito Ecuador on 16 November 1942 bom in two The tv 0 children of Lawrence R s Winn Jr and Janet E Foster arc as follows 1185 I i Lon E Winn born 19 March 1967 in Lombard Califobom Lamina California Haggle mamed John E Hagele named 1186 n MIchelle D Winn born 25 September 1969 m Visalia TurgII bom Michele Visa Tare County mamed escent California named John E Freed

Mn Inn Macedon rnia fornia Inn



Richard A Winn Lawrence Fernando Lectern Lemmons William WillIam Femando Lemons RIchard was bom in San Pedro California on 22 May 1942 He mamed Terry L Sherman born m named Canny daughter of Ralph S Sherman and Charlotte Eaton m Deer Park California on 5 August RalphS Ralph He and Terry L Sherman v ere dIvorced 1996 m Henna w divorced in

iam man





Terry L Sherman Terry was born on 4 August 1942 bom The two children of Richard A Winn and Terry L Sherman are as follows Henna 1187 JulIe M Winn born 23 July 1968 m Palo Alto California mamed i named Julie Mn bom mandAnthony S RabiRam n 188 I 1 Jeffrey M Winn Jeffrey was born m Sunnydale California on I n II bom in Sunnyvale July uly 1970


Mn atory Inn


Steve R Winn Lawrence Fernando Lectern Lemmons William William teve Femando Steve Lemons Stewas born on 4 November 1950 He mamed Ellen Anderson daughter of Duane H Anderson bom named Duane Anderson Nonna J Maundy m Redlands California on 8 June 1979 and Nona Mundy Irelands





Ellen Anderson Ellen was born in Walla Walla Washington on 31 December 1951 bom m Wall Wall Walla Wall The two children of Steve R Winn and BIen Anderson are as followblend arc follows s 189 I 1 Aubrey E Winn Aubrey was born on 22 September 1987 i bom Linn 1190 Monterey C Winn Monterey was born on 22 November 1992 II it bom




Ronad- Walden James Andrew ElIza Lemmons William William Ronald wisRonad Mn Ezra Lemons born m Minnesota on 10 May 1929 He mamed Lilly Emilia Stammen He dido 23 June dom Emilio Stamen died on named
2003 in Carlton County Minnesota at age 74 m The five children of Ronald Winn and Lilly Emilia Stammen all born m RonadLouis County Roadman Lily Emilio Stamen bom in CounMinnesota are as follows termines 1191 David James Winn was born on 7 February 1953 i bom 1192 Ronald James Winn Jr born 5 October 1954 mamed Allice ii bom named Alice Alice Lorraine Laveau L orraine 1 Lava 1193 Carol Elizabeth Winn was bom on 26 October III born in




Mo as Mn Mn

Cu dna R- B rown L gigot Luc got RB

da Brown


J anuary 2005

Tho Lemmons The Lemons

mo L

r oamy o H story F

1194 1195


Virginal Virginia Joy Winn was born on 25 September 1959 w Mn bom Enc Karl Winn was born on 23 January 1964 w Mn bom


James Trout Grace James Laura Winn Eliza Lemmons William William mamed Mn Ezra Lemons WIlham WIlham andanamed

The two children of James Trout and Janet 9 are as follows 1196 Jeffery David Trout married Cynthia Lynn James daughter ofJeffry i mamed of Edward fender E James m Airmailed Indiana on 20 December 1981 in 1197 11 n Janet Trout mamed Tony Lee Smirching son of Chester named Select CheSighting and Margaret m in Airmailed Indiana on 4 August Select 1979




Wayne Trout Grace James Laura Winn Eliza Lemmons William WIlham Wayn Ezra Lemons WIlham William Wayne was bom m Clay County Indiana on 5 April 1929 He mamed Barbara Spielberg born named daughter of Ray Spielberg and Nina Handspike on 15 July 1950 Wayne died on 30 May 1995 Spacing Ma Hunsicker m Union Hospital Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana at age 66 Umon Vigo OBITUARY Trout Family File Clay County GenealogIcal Society Center Pont Genealogic PointClay edly County Indiana 1995




WAYNE TROUT Lynne Trout 66 of Route 15 dIed ferule in Umon TheP m May 30 1995 m Union Hospital Terre Haute reat Born Anal 5 1929 m Clay County he was the son of Otis and Grace James TryoOhms in Trout uts a young man he had taken up farming by working for Grand and Dean Watchband had As Retch and become a very successful farmer m Jackson Township in TownshHe ip was a member of the Zion Unmated Church cochins at Poland United of Chant Masonic MacroLodge Order of Eastern Star and Scottish Rite Valley of Terre Haute and Indianapolis codes offered Indianapoonic Scots He was a graduate of Brazil High School and served the Air Force dung the Korean lis served m during in ConflIct Conflict On July 15 1950 he was unmated manage to the late Barbara Spelling Roubunted m marriage united in Trout He te was preceded m death by his wife on May 21 1994 in Survivors include a daughter and son m law Jennifer and Sonny Zurich of BrazIl son Claude in Brazil a sonand ant daughter m law Douglas and Carolyn Trout of Brazil three granddaughters Holly Heather Heatand her Courtney Zurich of Brazil three grandsons Jordan Christopher and Matthew Trout boMathew of BrazIl six brothers Charles Trout of Harmony George Elmer and Ron Trout of Brazil Anoesbtail James Shannon trous of Airmailed and Richard Trout of Megaspore Term two sisters Norma Cox of Osceola Trout Tenn Osco Mo and Mary Vans of Sunset Beach Mo and several nieces and nephews another relatEvans Sunrise maces and other relatives Private graveside services were conducted Findlay at Union Cemetery south of Brazil heNovae Umon ThrRev James Reilly officiated The Lawson Slack Funeral Home was m charge of arrangeRely ive arrangements Ammonal continuations may be made to the Union Cemetery fund Memorial contributions unUmon ments


StoRoutly Winner utine


farm work










Barbara Spielberg Barbara was born m Clay County Indiana on 17 July 1930 Barbara bom in Spacing Barbara on 21 May 1994 m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana at age 63 dIed Virgo III O BITUARY Trout Family File Clay County Genealogical Society Center Pont PointClay County Indiana 1994 edly BARBARA R TROUT
Lucinda Iud R
Brown Leggett go



January 2005 ou


lanm lam

rom Iy


IS Umon Hospitat Union Hospital HospBarbara Trout 63 of Route 15 died at 6 45 P m May Barb R Bom Born able Maital July 17 1930 m Clay County she was the daughter of Ray Spelling and Ma Shunpike Spelling HunsIcker Spellinulstick gs was a homemaker and a mother She was a 1948 graduate of Brazil High School and She
held been employed Hulman employed at Human had


County Farm Bureau Co Mop oshe was a life member of the Zion Unmated Church cochins at Poland anda member of the Wanda She United and a of Christ OEMS Chapter No OES and the Daughters of the Nile Badoura Temple No 23 Andorra On July 15 1950 m Poland she was bunted in manage to Wayne Trout who surviunited m in survives operand ves surviving are her parents Ray and Nina Spelling of Poland a daughter and son m Also inMa lflow aw Jennifer and Sonny Zurich of Brazil a son and daughter m law Douglas and Carolyn law in CaroTrout Oxfam three granddaughters Holly Heather and Courtney Zurich aloof Brazil three all of Brazil of Barzil grandsons Jordan Christopher and Matthew Trout all cobra 1 a sister and brother m law of Brazil in Pol of Brazil Jostle and Don I Lucas cobra I two brothers James Spelling of Pool md and Dr Dan Spelling Spellinbrothe in brothers m Chicago Georgette cochlea eight brothel m law and sisters in law Charles and Georgetta Trout Mike and Nonna Cox of Osceola Mo George and Carol Trout of Brazil Elmer and Joy Trout Norma Co cobra 1 JamesD Ron and Mary Lou Evans offense Beach Mo OrJames Toucans of Sunset cobra James D Trout of RIchard and Margaret Trout of Megaspore Tenon and Ron and Jill Trout of Albuquerque N M Tenn FFchard five aunt one uncle severa maces nephews and other relatives several ive several nieces be at Services will beat 10 a m Wednesday at the Retched Slack Funeral Home in Center Centerm CenEnterReilly Point Bunal Pont with the Revs Keith Sealer and James Rely officiating Brumal will follow m Umon Mon tain coon Cemented south of Brazil Feds may call from 4 to 8 p m today and until service time oWednesday Wednesday ndensation In lieu of flowers the family has requested donations may be made to the Union Cemetery heu Umon Cemetery or the Huxley Cancer Center at Terre HaHux Fund Haute The ute two children of Wayne Trout and Barbara Spelling are as follows 1198 Jennifer Trout married Sonny Zurich manned i 11 1199 Douglas Trout married Carolyn n manned


Co at Terre Haute Jackson Township School and the Clay La-













Ronald Protracted James Laura Wynn Ezra Lemmons William Wilham Trout Grace Lemons Wilham William Mn Willmanned Jill Ungentle daughter of Herman Carl Ungentle and Joe Anna FuqArgentina Argentina Fuqua


Jill was born m Brazil Clay County Indiana on 2 November 1946 jelJolbom Braz1 Jill dIed lied on 12 June 1997 m U of Iowa Medical Center Iowa City Johnson County Iowa at age 50 mU OBITUARY Trout Family File Clay County Genealogical Society Clay County Countywide IndIana 1997

ua Ungentle Jill Argentina


Centermerity flow Medical Center Movers Ceeniest

TROUT Tro- of Brazil died at 8 40 Lt ut Col Jill Ungentle 1 rout 50



board Nov 2 1946 m Brazil she was the daughter of the late Herman Carl Gruffest and Born AnHerJoe Anna Fuqua Bums who survives herher do shey was the Air Force liaison officer at Rock Island Arsenal III at that time ol her deaShe halson 01 the death She ths is survived by her mother her husband Ronald Trout and her daughter Gina Trout Ma Totally bothof 1930 W Lake Ridge Wall both of N sic a half brother Aaron C Argentina Wanda half and a Ungentle anda halArgentina Venusiasister Leigh Ann Ungentle Seriously SnoutSnouts fwit n memorial service Igor the immediate family will be held at 2 p m June 21 A ammonal for

Bono nter
both s

L aggie

teP m June 12 1997 at the

Luc mia R own blundering


January 2005

Th Lemons F am ly 11 tory 3 f 5 The Lemmons Fame Iy story

mo L

If so desired memorial can be made to the American Cancer Society deed ammonal Society only child of Ronald Trout and Jill Roughcasting is The Ungentle 1200 I Wall i named Ma Trout mamed
Fred ered 0 dered
I Betty Mw James Harry 1 aura Winn Eliza Lemmons William William meanmeandnamed Mae Ehu Lemons Wilham Wilham mamed Smith Rex m Brazil Clay County Indiana on 24 March 1946 Re Rem


MaeThe three children of Betty Mae James and Fred 0 Smith Rev are as follows Mesdames 1201 Jeny Smith mimed Ann 7 i JelT 1202 Sherry Smith named Larry Shelly n mamed Lany 1203 Carolyn Smith named Charles Rowe mamed in

Wetland William C Jam s Harry Laura Wnm Quiz Lemmons William Wilham James Nm Ezra Lemons Wilham William Waltermanned Wetland was bom m Brazil Clay County Indiana on 13 June 1928 He renamed Helen Waller born in Wailer Walthindbrain Wilham er m 1946 William died on 18 December 1989 m Brazil Clay County Indiana It age 61



File CHy OBITUARY James Family Fettle Achy County Genealogical Society Center Pont PitASCII Virgo Achy County Indian 1989 Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Hallie Ratline Far Chy chy 20 December 1989 WILLIAM C JAMES I m the Wetland C James 61 Route 11J Brazil died Monday December 18 in that Clay County William CoauCoacancer Hospital from lung cancuthors Brazil on He er was born m Brazilon June 13 1928 the son of Harry Leo and Mildred bom in Brazil He attended Brazil High School through his junior yaJulio year He truck driver re had been a truc Denver for several compiles including the Wabash Valley Truck companies Truckafier suffering attack ing had retired retired in finn He chartered m 1968 after scuffing a heart attachHe United ed was a member of the First Unmated Methodist Church a 25 year member of the Brazil Lodi OES Lod e of Centennial Lode No FAM a member of Brazil OEMS No 80 Scottish Rite Valley ofFife Departoften Terre Haute and a charter member of the Dick Johnson Township Volunteer Fire Department fered Sheen Survivors named ments include his wife Helen Walter James whom he mamed m 1946 tuo sons Richard L James Monroe Louisiana and W Roderick James Durham North Carolina oveCarina one Betted Mac daughter Phyllis A Coombs Moslem rnighter Phyllis Combs Muskegon Michigan one sister Bette Mae Smith Route I nephews Carbon five grandchildren and several maces and necesnieces arbon RenRev Ammonal Services were held at 10 00 a m Thursday December 21 m Miller Memorial Chapel Revin saries held ames C Baker officiofficiated James Brazil Brumal Cemetery Bunal in ated was m Bee Ridge Cemented west of Braammonal Masonic memorial antes zilians remnants were conducted Wednesday following ante by the Dick Johnson Fife DepartmTownship Fire Department












Wilham The Waller ent three children of William C James and Helen Walter are as follows James 1204 i Richard I Janus W Roderick James n 1205 Trodden Coombs Phyllis A James mimed 1206 Combs Phyllis Jame M

Trodden med


Marlene Moralene Moore

ried Mo-

Opened Rene Oene

mamed named ene Wagner Lester Clara Winn Eliza Lemmons Williim William MagdMn Ezra Lemons Wilma Wilham mar-

el rel

I Lloyd R B own L Cecil Luc dna


January 2005


Theft mo Thet

Foam glyph

lorry sor-

The Gene ted four children of Gene- Wagner and Marlene Moore are as follows Endanger 1207 Gregory Wagner i Jeffrey Wagner 1208 n II 1209 kuk in Kirk Wagner 1210 Susan Wagner warned Shield mamed iv Shale
Vera Frances Lemmons Forest Jarrett Joshua George William Venn was born m Garrett loons WIlham Ven inLemons bom DOverbalances lons Decatur County Indiana on 27 March 1929 She married Edward ecatur mamed dicator on 3 April 1948 Anal Vera died on 22 November 2002 in Major Hospital Shelby County Indiana at age m 73 Newsy OBITUARY Greensburg Daily Ness Greensburg Decatur County Indiana 23 Greenberg DOIly Nes Greenberg November 2002 VERA F KULPINSKI 73 VERA UPLINKS Vera F Culms 73 Waldon died at 2 25 P M Findlay November 22 2002 at Major Weldon P M Friday Vera HospItal in m Bom Born March 27 1929 in Decatur County she was the daughter of Forest and Rosa Clem m Forrest Clam Cenmarried Lemmons termost She mamed Edward kulpinski on April 3 1948 md he preceded her m death coLemons kolinskies on Anal in decathlon njure 27 1992 June Wanda and a She was a homemaker anda member of Waldron Baptist Church CaldrCaldron Ballast Church m Caldron in Waldron ons is survived by one son Steve H Culms of Greens burg one daughter Jaclyn She E Greensburg Greenberg Jacalyn Tanner of Caldron two sisters Ruby Eyes of Monrovia and Alice Irene Ballard of Dogwood Waldron Beyers Ache Bullard Osgood brothers Stanley Lemons of Adams and Riley Lemmons of St Paul five grandchildren Lemmons Lemons grandchildren and seven great grandchigrandchildren Besides m ldren her parents and husband she was proceeded in death by one son Myron Funeral services will be at 10 30 a m Tuesday at Glenn E George Funeral Home III StSt in Spatula with the Rev Steve Holland officiating Brumal will follow III Star Cemetery m Caldron Paul Bunal in in Waldron VIsItatIOn will be from 4 8 P m Monday at the funeral honhome horoeymoon contributions may be made to the Caldron Baptist Church bulldog fund to Ammonal Memorial metrical Waldron Ballast building










Edward Edward died on 27 June 1992 in Waldron Shelby County IndIana III Caldron IndiaThe three children of Vera Frances Lemmons and Edward Frances- Lemons are as follows Edard 1211 Steve E i 1212 Jacalyn n Jaclyn Culms married II Tanner mamed 1213 Myron III in



Frances culms


Riley Irvin Lemmons Forest Jarrett Joshua George William Riley was born m Irma Lemons Garrett Wilham bom DDecatur County Indiana on 18 No ember 1941 He married Jeanette Lynn Owen daughter of Indiana November ecatur renamed No Joseph Lews Owen and Mildred Mae 9 y on 26 July 1963 Lewis


Jeanette Lynn Owen Jeanette was born m Decatur County Indiana on 23 May 1946 bom The three children of Riley Irma Lemmons and Jeanette Lynn Owen are as follows Lemons 1214 i Dawn Lynn Lemmons Lemons 1215 n II Nichol Renee Lemmons Nichole was born on 11 March 1973 bom Lemons Nicole II 1216 Wendy Ann Lemmons Wendy was born on 19 July 1976 III bom in Lemons




Luanda R- am L get R Brown Brown gds

14 J anuary 2005

Fame Foamy Tho The Linens Fam ly H story Famy

r y

William Lemmons Walter F Hurst Laurena Hewitt Sarah Lemons Joshua George WIlham Lauren Fl Willmamed Beatrice bom m Linda in Walter was horn in Indiana m 1897 He married Abeyance 9


bom in Beatrice was born m Indiana m 1901 in Dance The only child of Wilier F 6 Hurst and Beatrice Dance is bom June Hurst June was born m Indiana m 1925 1217 in i
Abeyance Beatrice

Beatricei Beatrice i

William Fremont Leroy Franklin Tanner Wilier Freemont Ruth Lemmons George Wilham Lemons mamed Nellie Crossly born ln Leroy was bom ip Rush County Indiana on 24 December 1919 He married Kneeled E Crossley Crosser Leroy doled on 16 August 1996 m Ingalls Madison County Indiana al age 76 6 eroy died Linda at in Ingrains collection Foam Icicle OBITUARY Fortville Indiana From the Orifice Library newspaper collectIOOrville

n 1 I



TANNER EKOY FRANKLIN StammEROY Ringm Ingalls Leroy Franklin Tanner 76 of CharlottesvIlle dIed Aug 16 1996 bilingFinals erer Frank Au Doran Dec 24 1919 m Rush County he was the son of Walter and Gladys Pearson Tanner Glady TannDorn in tails uals Deleo Rem m He er retired from Dele Remy in Anderson where he was a production worker He was a and U A W No Eden Lodge N member Knightstown American Legion Post No of ember Nightstand Armenian Division during World level lOn durum WoBattalion of the Anny He served with the U S Army Fifth Infantry Attaching often lie Bronze War II and was awarded the Drone Star rld Phillip LeClaude his Survivors include halls wife Nellie E Crossly Tanner of Charlottesville son Philip leroy Nehe Crossley and Daria Lee Hoffman oof Glona Aria Tanner of I orville daughters Gloria Lee Biesecker of Sleeker grandchildren Greenfield stepsister Louise Mg rowboat h eight grandchildren and 21 great grandchildrLose King of Aba ffended en was preceded m death by a brother a stepbrother 1 sister and a step sIster He in sisi Dutcher Service v ere hoed at Todd Funeral Home Butcher Chapel in wire held Brumal followed at Glen Cove Cemetery m Nightstand Legion services were conducted by Bunal followed in Knightstown Armenian Legion American Legimm-


roy of

ters ters

beholden Crossly The on three children of Leroy Frank Tanner and Nellie E Crossley are as follows Phillip 1218 I Philip Leroy Tanner l Berserker Biesecker manned 11 Gloria Lee Tanner married 1219 Glona n Hoffman mamed Daria Hoffm1220 Dara Lee Tanner married in

Lu ud R Brown L Luc dna Prowl



14 January 2005


Fam The Commons Fame ly H story


Brown Charles and Rebecca Branny

Charles Noah Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Elizabeth I emmons Bames Ashbin Rehabber demons George William Charles was born m Union Township Shelby County Indiana WIlham bom in May 1914 He married Mary Ellen Wesner daughter of Albert Tayler Wesner and Cora Helen mamed ElIen Wiener Tyler Wiener HellLethe m Shelby County Indiana on 4 January 1938 enic in


Motown Shelby


Brown Leggett Luc daR Brownlo Brown



January 2005

Fame Iy II story Th Commons Fam ty 11 ory The



Mien Wiener Mary f Olin Wesner Brown and Charles Brown 1938 lIn

Charles died on 9 February 2000 in Shelbyville Shelby County Indiana at age 85 m OBITUARY The Shelbyville News Shelby tulle Shelby County Mindanao 9 February Linda ShelbY 2000 Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming CHARLES N BROWN 85 Shelbyville died Shelbyville Bom Born May 31 1914 Union Township Umon Harty Harry Logan and Ethel Roberta Barnes Brown Elhel BounBroWiener mamed Mary Ellen Wesner Brown on Jan 4 1938 surviving named wnian Maty daries 1931 Grad sic Shelbyville High School employed as a manager at the Roger store m imager al Kroger lore CIne Cambridge City md night al Inambridge CIly ind a might superintendent at American Kitchen Design and Manufacturing Cine

Shelby Feral Shelby



o s

Shelby Shel-


50 year member often F 8 A M Snowshoe Lodge Falmouth a member of the Flutist of the Christian Church Shelbyville one of the founders of Shelby County farmers market sic 5 oafishly Counts fawners Survivors one son Michael Charles Brown Valparaiso two daughters Joyce Anne Alamo Cool and Col Springs Scotland Jung Rotation Welshman Colorado Songs Coland Helen Roberta Ljung Rootstown Ohio one silver Rebecca 1ucker Caldron 11 grandchildren and eight great grandchilluckier l Tucker Waldron greal grandchildren County Burial Bunal Cemented dren Bennett Cemetery Shelby Countr-




yman Ellen Wesner Maty was born m Macanese Knox County Indiana on 20 September Mary Wiener Meaty Mal 1916 Thc Irene The three children of Charles Noah Drown and Mary Ellen Wesner are as follows Brown Mal EHen Wiener 1221 Joyce Ann Brown born 24 December 1938 III Richmond Wayne bom i in married County Indiana mamed Richard Honey Weightman


Weight Weig-


Lu dna R B 0 wn L gg Luc o get

ht d


January 2005

Commons rom ly Fam Iy The urn


story ory

1222 1223




lby Rebecca Lillian Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Rehabber LemAshbin Elizabeth Lemons Brown born mBames County Indiana on 30 OctoberLemmons Lillian bom Shelby George WIlham 1916 HeShe ons William Rebecca was


Helen Roberta Brown born 14 October 1940 m Richmond Wayne bom in County Indiana mamed Arne Ljung named Ame Jung Shelby bom Michel Charles Brown born 5 July 1944 m Shelbyville Shein County Indiana mamed Nonna Jackson named Norma lackson



mamed WIlham J named mmed William 1 Tucker son of George W Tucker and Gertrude May Walton m Shelby in SheCounty Indiana on September 1936 lbyJones ARTICLE

asing parsonages

BecomiEvening and Mrs Harry Brown of east Shelbyville announce the manage other daugMr Hany of their daughter WIlham Rebecca to William Tucker son Omar and Mrs George Tucker north of this Ciof Mr city ciThe smuggle eng ceremony was read by Dr Charles A Bowler at 7 30 P m Saturday at tesingle the parsonage

ART- RITES READ AT PARSONAGE TUCKER ICLE BROWN Becomes Bride ofParsona- Saturday Becoming ge Rebecca Brown MIss WIlham William Tucker

hter ty


She died on 24 April 2000 m Waldron Shelby County Indiana at age 83 She was bunged m Caldron inFFindlay formers Forest Femalely Indiana orest Hill Cemetery Shelbyville Shelby County WinIndian-


apolis William Wham dflaw J

Wetland bom in Tucker William was born m Shelby County Indiana on 30 January 1913 died on Odeon ded mitered Fdedon I October 1970 m Shelby County Indiana at age 57 His body was interred m inin

formers Forest Hill Cemetery Shelby County Indiaorest Indiana Thc The four children of Rebecca Lillian Crown and William J Tucker all born m Shelby Allan Brown in SheCounty Indiana are as follows 1224 Rehabber Jean Tucker born 8 November 1938 mamed Jo eph bom i named Joseph Rehab ph Kennedy 1225 Carol Lynne Tucker bom 13 December 1944 mamed Michael born ii named Debugs DeBusk 1226 Barbara Joan Tucker bom 13 August 1949 mamed Roger Whiborn White named in 1227 born te Karen Rebecca Tucker bom 20 July 1951 mamed David Baiting named iv Balm






Walter Wetland Southworth II Waylay Lemmons George Silas George WIlham Southport Twyla Lemons Silos Southport William Walter born on 17 August 1926 Walter dud on 6 August 1972 m Indiaman Brevard bom Wlter in Beard County Lodi at age 45 Fond

as liam dout

Williamson Butyl




Children of Walter William Southport III include these two Southworth Claude 1228 Jeffrey Lane Southport Southworth i 11 1229 Shimon Southworth Shirron Southport ti Yvonne Lemmons Cecil George Silas George William mamed Gene Eliding Silos WIlham named Lemons

Wagner Wagner

doyenne Summons The three children of Yvonne Lemmons and Gene Eliding Wagner are as follows I 1230 i Timothy Gene Wagner Kansan Kay Wagn11 1211 i Wagner
Luanda R Lauder LudaR erian

14 January

1 Iy Th Lemma F-un ly I f story 3 I The Lemmo F Lemmons Lemons




Jill Ann Wagner mamed Joe Edwin Cunningham Edam named

Wilham mamed Gcorge Silos Beth Ann Lemmons Cecil George Silas George William married John Thomas Lemons Morgan mamed WhIte She married Richard Douglas Morg-



Titus an an Th Lemons Tattoo children of Beth Ann Lemmons and John Thomas White are as follows 1233 Anna Beth White mamed Jeffrey Lane Dutton named i Lan os oElizabeth n Amanda Rehabber White mamed Jason Paul Laos 1234 II named Loat-

tv o

Dougla There Ann Lemons There're Innermost ther her ere no children of Beth Ann- Lemmons and Richard Douglas Morgan
Manna Silos Wilham named MinLemmons George Earl Lemons Cecil George Silas George William mamed Rose Mana

Turner iature Turner iature

Manna 1 The two children of George Earl- Lemmons and Rose Mana 1 urner are as follows Earl Lemons Persimmons I i Michiel 1235 Lemons Michel Shane Lemmons Lemmons Jason Lemons 1236 n II



WIlham named DisarG orge Silos Jorge Anderson Lemons Steven Anderson- Lemmons Cecil G eorge Silas George William mamed Lisa



mament Menthe

The only child of Steven Anderson Lemmons and Lisa Minn is Lemons I i Andrew Lemmons 1237 Lemons


Generation Se en Seen General Sc

Lemmons WIlham Wilham Corder BernIce Irene Gee Lee Ida Order John Sarah Lemons William William Bemire Lw named DavNilsson bom Smiley BernIce was born m Sibley Jackson County Missouri on 19 August 1910 She mamed DavIs Bemire hansas Bemire M in Is Nish BernICe died on 3 January 1993 m Overland Park Johnson County Kansas at age 82 is Region OBITUARY Missouri Refi-


Sundnes former co owner of Nash Soundness died Jan 3 1993 Assuredness fonner II at Humana Hospital Overland Park Services will be at 11 a m Wednesday at the Human chapel Chapel brumal m Forest Hill Cemetery Friends may caH from 6 to 8 p m today at the chabunal in Feds call Nash owned pel Nash and her husband David M Fashioned the store m Kansas City for 25 years in hansas teasMrs AbArrelining m 1966 She was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Chant of Latter Day eling in floysms She was a volunteer at Human Hospital for eight years and did volunteer sewn oryans sewing for Humana Sats yean Sante dread rae wis drea hospitals She wigs vice president of the Sainte Fe Towers Association for two year deal m died in helloing arc rodent She was a lifelong arci resident Her husband diem 1979 Shuley OverlClaude Survivors include three daughters Shirley I Helena and Wilma B Stout of Overland TL Buckers Wagtail Severn Park and and Walt I Nibble Severna Park Md two brothers Lee Gee Buckner and Games TThacker Hacker Independence a sifter Leia Kimbrell Buckner 13 grandchildren and 28 great ster Lela Lumbar Buckers hicker grandchildren grandchildren dt m bom Davis M Nash DavIs was born on 31 January 1903 Davis died in October 1979 jt age 76

NAZI BERNICE NAI neriesNash 82IIOverland Park BernIce ibernia I Bemire


died Melba




Luc dna R B Indri nlown L


14 January 2005

Fame ly The Commons F am Iy H story Th st-

ory three children of BernIce Irene Gee and DavIs M Ashore as follows Nash are The Bemire
1238 1239
I i




Shirley L Nash married mamed Wilma B Nash mamed named Wilma Unashamed mamed Unashamed Anita1 Nash named

Halterman Alderman



Leona Lee Ruth Batchman Esta Becker Emma Stratton Richel king Rehabber Strait Riche Bachman Etta Lemmons William William was born on 29 October 1922 in San Bernardino San Bernarbom Lemons WIlham WIlham California Ashore 10 County Tahoma She mamed Don Gustavson She died on 27 July 2004 in Sparks Washoe named County Nevada at age 81




ElizBeard Beard


Gust Ralph Jenkins Kern Jr Gertrude Larkin William Keener Gertrude Lemmons Lark Wilham Lemons William Wilham Ralph was born m Fountain City Wayne County Indiana on bom Foul liam
10 Catty

Colonna The only child of Leona Lee Ruth Dutchman and Don Gustavson is Batchman 1241 J Dennis i Dens Gustavson
Joshua Wilham William 12 November 1926




Margaret Lemmons Kern Ralph Jennings Kern Je and Ralph Jenny em SloLemmon Kem nci Jenkins Jenkins kem Sr

Luc dna Byron uch oda R- Broin L R Brain

gigot u


January 2005

The Len moons Fame Th LOT mo F am Iy II slimy mons

l 0


Margaret and Larkin Lemmons with first grandchild Ralph Kern RKem Jr Lark Lemons S Navy He married mamed

Ann Lowe daughter of Grant E Lowe and Margaret A Beem in Muncie Delaware County Chem Countcoupe ywide on 9 October 1964 The couple was mandate the First Presbyterian Church by LeWIs Indiana married at mamed


Ralphs occupation Teacher Ralph reported for active duty to the U Ralph ural

Gal G-

ng Fig

37 Ralph Kemp Kem


Lo ve and Gall Ann Lowe Wedding 9 October 1964 Gail

Ralph died on 9 June 1994 in Muncie Delaware County Indiana at ge 67

Luc dna Lund Lud R
D B o wn L gg 14 January Januar


Fame ly H Commons F The Lam m Th Lanm fam 1111 lorry Y

Solar OBITUARY Tilted Mundane Star Muncie Dl ware County Indiana 11 June 1994 The KEM RALPH KEMP JR 67 Ralph J Kern Jr a music teacher m Muncie Community Schools for 27 years died in Thursday m Wilham burg Village He was 67 and had resided at 2601 W Skylark Denver William DrivDenver kem was born m Fountain City and graduated from Royerton High School PeMr kern bom in Fount He er Robertson unreceived m University rceived an undergraduate degree m music from Ball State Inversely and a master s degree min in Eastern UniversNorth estern University musical from Northwestern Inversely music InverseusIc ity kern WAS a naval veteran of World War 11 and was a member of the National GuardII Mr ly Kem Atonal Guard He ed taught music m the Muncie schools from 1959 until he retired m 1986 retted in He was active m Muncie Civic Theatre Masterworks Chorale and Muncie SympSymphony in Orchestra and ha played with several bands and orchestras in the Muncie arrm area ear Kern was a member of First Presbyterian Church the National fecundation Association Mr Kem abduction Association the Masonic lodge lodge I odge and Gail Claude Kem Survivors include his wife Gall Ann Lowe Kern two sons Barry Kern and Nice Kern andBany Kem Kem Wanand da daughter Penn Kern aloof Muncie three brothers Paul Kem Yorktown Don Kem Muncie a Enn kern kern MunBenne all of and maces kern cosmos cie Roger Kem Los Angeles three nieces a nephew and several cosmcousinship HIS parents Ralph J Sr and Gertrude Lemmons Kern are os Lemons Kem Brumal will pm Bunal tall cervices will be at 3 pm Sunday m First Presbyterian Church Bungalow be m Gardens ofof in in Memory north of Unsefertory North Muncie Calking will be 4 8 P m today at Meeks Mortuary mandate 2 p m Sunday at the churCalling and after church Meek aling Mammals may be made to the First Presbyterian Church music fund or to the AmeriAmerican Cancer cana Society wt His body was interred on 12 June 1994 in Garden of Mercy Cememitered Cemetery Muncie Indiana Munce Delaware County India-









Gail Gall was born in La Porte Indiana on 2 August 1943 Indiana bom m The three children of Ralph Jennings Kemp Jr and Gall Ann Lonc all born m MuncIe Kem Gail Loc bom in Daiwa County Indiana are as follows boom 1242 Barry Kern Barry was bom on 25 Anal 1965 Kem i 11 1243 I n Kem born Nice Kern Nice was bom on 1 October 1968 1244 Penn Kern Penn was bom on 21 September 1972 born Enn Kem Enn in

Gail Gall na Ann Lowe



Lucinda R Luanda R Brown L


14 4

January 2005

Cory The Lemmons F am Ty H s 0 ry Ramon Fame Iy II o


Kem Paul M ron Kern Roger Lee Kern baby Gertrude hi rou Keni

Legions Kem and Lemon em

Dou Don Phillip Kern Cm


WIlham William WIlham Lemmons Paul Myron Kern Gertrude Lemons Lark William Joshua William WIlham WilliCm Paul was bom in Muncie Delaware County Indiana on 27 January 1934 He mimed DIXIe am born 10 Bell Clog daughter of Sidney Craig and Flora Dell in Muncie Delaware County Indiana on 15 March 1969

Lemmons Gertrude



County Indiana are as follows ware Bailey manned I Beth Both R Kern born 10 January 1972 married Carter Barley Kem bom i 1245 11 named bom 1246 LeAnn n LeAn Kern born 25 November 1971 mamed Michael Turner bom Kem Jane 1247 ill Jane Kemp Janine was born on 25 November 1973

Ma Delaware County bom ug Dixieofwas born in Muncie and Dixie Craig all Indiana Muncie Delaware born bom Myron Kern The three children Cm Dixie CraIg Drle
on 3

Paul FPU

10 in






WIlham William UnhanDon Phillip Kern Gertrude Lemmons Larkin William Joshua William WIlham Kem Lemons Lark WIlham Don s occupding bom in Don was born 10 Muncie Delaware County Indiana on 14 August 1939 Dons occupation orK Godson Ky named Teacher 10 Muncie Debarred County Indiana He mamed Sharon K iy Dodson daughter of in Drown in in Godson chard Dodson and Margaret Brown 10 Muncie Delaware County Indiana 10 August 1962 Renata mamed In Noleen Lcm in He roamed Lon Noblemen Lo em 1972 He roamed Dons Prenatal Fox m 1988 mamed



Sharon Kay Dodson hay Godson


2 bom Sharon was born in Muncie Delaware County Indiana on J12 June

Kay Godson Thc The only child of Don Phillip Kern and Sharon hay Dodson is Cm J Kem bom named David Bryan Kern born 4 December 1964 mamed Laura Defiler 1248 i


Philip Noble Loe BlotThere were no children of Don Phillip Kem and Lon Nolan Lowe
FoxPrenatal Fox There were no children of Don Phillip Kern and Dons Renata Fochier Cm


Lucinda lender hound

Bro Bm

hogget Nigel

14 January 2005

Fame F Iy The Commons f am ly H story 26 Th Lan Y


0 Lemmon Lemon

Leo Irma Lemmons Leo Lark William Joshua William William WIlham WIlham WIlham Leo was washbaseLemons room born in Richmond Wayne County Indiana on 30 November 1928 He mamed Valencia LOUIse named Petunia Make daughter of David J Winkle and Dorothy Campbell m Milton Wayne County Campbell Countywide IndIana on 2 October 1958





Countervailed Petunia Louise Winkle Panicles born In ConnersvIlle Indiana on 30 December 1934 Panicle Petunia The only child of Leo Irma Lemmons and Petunia Louise Winkle is Lemons Make 1249 Douglas Lw Lemmons born 2 April 1956 m Newcastle Henry J LeO Lemons bom Anal i County Indiana mamed Debra Sue Jones named



Malcolm Ray Fulton Dons Lemmons William William Joshua WIlham William Lemons WIlham WIlham William WIlham was born on 26 July 1925 m Abnegation Indiana He mamed Mary Jane Sloganeer bom abnegation named daughter of Oakley Harley Sloganeer and Mavis Davis on 12 July 1947 cookery Arley Lingerer Ankle Avis



born Mary Jane Sloganeer was bom on 28 July 1928 m Randolph County IndIana Lingerer in Indiarhea na two children of Malcolm Ray Fulton and Mary Jane Sloganeer both born In rhe aud bom IinLingerer convertible Centerline Indiana were as follows ere ndenter I 1250 Gregory Malcolm Fulton was born on 25 September 1951 He didi bom died on 26 February 1972 in Centerville Indiana at age 20 Ventricle 1251 Teresa Jane Fulton born 3 January 1956 named Wayne Durra mamed ii bom Durr

Melvin Fulton Dons Lemmons William William Joshua WIlhm WIlham Wilma William Lemons WIlham WIlham Willdeedimamed Patricia May He mamed Nancy McQueen He was born m 1926 m Indiana He died Macaque named Panel bom in named diein

iam m 1976


Lumda R Luna

Brown L grid

14anuary 2005 J

The Limo Mn Jay Th Lommo Fam Iy JyH Commons


The vo hIldren of children

1252 1253

Panicle Fulton and Petunia May are as follows follow n


Melissa Fulton Mesa Fulton Melanie Ful-

hacek There Rommel ton were no children of MelvIn

Macaque Fulton and Nancy McQueen

Neil Nell E Fulton Dons Lemmons William William Joshua William WIlham WIlham William Lemons WIlham WIlham Willmamed Waneta Hubbard He was born on 17 October 1932 in Insomnia He died on 8 March Indiana bom named Wane Rhubarb 1994 1 abc 61



Waneta Hubbard died III 1988 Wane Rhubarb in Fhe two children of Ned E Fulton and Waneta Hubbard are as follows follow Wane Rhubarb he chidden O'Neill I 1254 i Johnson mamed Valeria Fulton married Valene 11 1255 Timothy Fultn Fulton

Fig on


Lemons Updegraff and Dick Updegraff Udder Old Udder



Mona Lemmons Shopper Lemons Soper

Lemons Malone Udder Madonna James Lemmons Ramona Lee Soper Nichols ndanna

oper Pamela tay Centers Shopper bakay Censers Soper and doper

Williamwas WIlham WIlham wasLe Lemons William WIlham Wilham Mona Lee Lemmons Wilham William William Joshua William William washroom son on 30 November 1933 in Centerville Insomnia hed married Ronald Eugene Soper son of Spoor flborn Ventricle Indiana She mamed
Luc dna Lund R Lud

D t B 0own L gg


January 2005

Fame Iy II Th The Commons r am ly H story F 01



ory Wagner Soper and Ethyl Brown on 24 December 1950 mbnegation Indiana She and Shopper Cecil a Abnegation adRonald Eugene Shopper were divorced m 1962 She mamed Dickie Lee Updegraff son of Elmer Soper ere in named Dicker renal ElmUdder


and Ann Louise Ayers on 14 June 1972 m Richmond Wayne County IndiaIndiana in
Ronald Eugene Shopper born 3 November 1951 m Richmond Lugene Soper bom in RichmIndiana mamed Pamela Kay Centers marn d Karen Mane Pence married named Marin Soper bom II Ramona Lee Shopper born 11 August 1954 in Richmond Wayne County Indiana mamed DeweyE Nichols mamed Ronald Dewey named Dewey E named Sherrod Herod

The to na two children of Mona Lee L emmons and Ronald Eugene Shopper are as follows moons Soper Lemons
I i


n II

ond yne

nald He-



rod Udder na

Dicker Dickie Lee Updegraff was born on 20 No ember 1938 in Richmond Indiana bom IndiaThe three children of Mona Lee Lemmons and Dickie Lee Updegraff are as follows Pomona Dicker Lemons 1258 Juhe Rene Julie Rene- Updegraff i 1259 Kathleen Eloise Updegraff n II

ember Creeper Udder Udder




Michael Fran 11 Updegraff Franklin



III in

Michael Franklin Updegraff Dung Michael s junior and semor Mchael Humor semiysenor senyear early in high school he participated in the Navy ROTC He was ashior named Hahn of his mt amed Chaplin oafs unit Michael participated m the Navy ROTC in Outtthroughout his four years of high school He continued with the hought contused thermo after high school for an additional four year He waROTC was Lieutenant promoted to First Lieuterranted Michael graduated from Grace Summary He was born on 23 Seminary bom May 1969




Ronald E Selfhood HattIe Lemmons William William Joshua Wilham Lemons Wilham Wham William William WIlham was Design Engineer He was born on 25 August bom m Anger Indiana HeHe mamed named mmed Dorothy Fay Porsche on 22 August 1959 in Countervailed Layette County Indiana Foretell m Connersville Fayette IndianIndi-



ana ad

Brown aggie Lu Luanda R nm L gg

am Tho Commons F Un Ily H story The Ramon Fame II 0

ywide Linda dante

I Dorothy Fay Foretell was born on 1 September 1937 m Connersville Fayette County bom Borsch in Countervailed Layette CountConfi-

The seven children of Ronald E Sectored and Dorothy Fay Foretell all born In Borsch bom Indianapolis Manson County Indiana are as follows Manon 1261 I born 26 August 1960 married Deabom i Teresa Ann mamed Dean Roundels Francis neries Level Lunge Mane Sherwood born 9 August 1961 mamed Ron11 1262 bom ii named Ronald Harry Tessa Hany Ezsak 1263 Rhonda Jean born 30 December 1963 mamed Thomas bom named in Jablonski Abalones Steven Abalonborn 19 July 1965 mamed Jill Cra1264 bom es IV John Joseph Tracy tv named Koncel Once cknel Onc1265 born 27 Anal 1967 mamed Thomas v Mary Helen e named Michael Fencl Fend 1266 Thomas Eugene was born on 4 January 1970 bom vi 1267 Daniel Paul born 12 February 1972 married Diavu bom manned Michelle McLaughlin noetic


Sweet Sweet

Sweet mas Sweet Sweet mas Sweet Sweet




William Mary Anna Hattie Lemmons William William Joshua WIlham Hale Lemons WIlham Wilham bom William WIlham was born on 13 June 1941 She mamed Kenneth Lee Proem named




bom Kenneth Lee Remake was born on 14 March 1933 enneth The five children of Mary Anna Sweetened and Kenneth Lee Rocked were as follows Remake I named 1268 RobertaBest Diane Roberta Remake born 18 July 1951 mamed Jeffrey L Estbom i mamed imated Enc Brown named 11 bom 1269 n Kevin Lee Remake born 13 May 1956 mamed Martha Meyer named bom 1270 Demse Rene Remake born 22 July 1957 married James Arthur Denise mamed in Lucas Lucbom 1271 as Laura Luella Remake born 14 May 1960 mamed James SmitSmith named iv 1272 bom Alien v h Scott Allen Remake was born on 30 Anal 1961 He died on 2 February 1962






William Malcolm Lyell Hattie Lemmons William William Joshua Wilham Hatte Lemons WIlham WIlham Yell William WIlham was born on 10 October 1946 He mamed Paula Louise Dungan on 31 August 1964 bom named Loue Duncan Margoret Unbar divorced in He and Paula 1 pulse Dungan were divorced 1977 He mamed Sara Margaret Dunbar on I named I ouise Duncan July 1978 uly





Paula Louise Dungan was born on 28 February 1948 bom Duncan and Paula Louise Dungan were as follows The four children of Malcolm Lyell Yell Duncan Ed1273 He Jr was born on 18 February 1965 leaMalcolm Lyell bom lie i Yell died ded on 18 February 1965 11 born 8 June 1966 mandatory bom 1274 mamed Anthony n named Mitchell born 21 April 1967 named Tanya 1275 bom Michael Dean mamed Tanyin TonI Entsminger Renee PensionPensioner
y a

Sweet Sweet dido Feral Stacey Sweet hony Sweet


Luo Luc dna er d R

Brown L gg gel


January 2005

Iy Tho Lemmo I am ly H story Tie Lemma Camions 0



Andrea Lynn Smith Smi-



born 25

1969 renamed Darren Dar-

bom Sara Unbar ths Margaret Dunbar was born on 11I Anal 1953 The only child of Malcolm Lyell S et od and Sara Margaret Dunbar is Unbar Yell


i I

Ryan Lyell Yell

as bom Sweet was born on

1I I1

August 1980

Silos King Janet Mg Herschel Grover Silas Hannah Lemons William William mimed Lemmons WIlham Wilham

Jump JupiMenThe Mg ter only child of Janet King and the

LOIs Ann Louisianan LoisAnn
I i

Jump is Robert T ump T-Jump J Jump

mamed named


King Herschel Grover Silas Haunch Lemmons William Wilham Grovel Silos Hannah Lemons Wilham William Mg WillGraham Lois was born in Kentucky m 1929 bom m in

child of The only child Lois Ann King and 9 Graham is Mg 1279 James dark Graham I i Clark


Patricia Lea Reynolds Florence Lea Tinsa Collier Emma mg Hannah Lemmons Panicle Reynold Lemons Tsai Colher Mma King William Wilham Wilham William



Reynolds Claude Children opencast Lea Rynold include of Patricia 1280 i I Mismanage Tsai bom m Tinsa Paige Tinsa was born in 1975 Tsai


Tidally Arthur 0 Remaking Gladys Tindall Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Racking Lemons Wilham bom in Jones named Wham William Arthur was born m Indiana m 1911 He mamed Sarah Jones daughter of Jone in H JosephH Jones and Mary Witting Arthur died on 31 March 1978 Atlanta Georgia JosepH Jone in Atlanta Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 31 March 1978 Halite ARTHUR 0 REINING Mormon Services for Arthur 0 Remaking 67 Tenon Road Ormond Beach Flab who died m Fla Reining Service AAAtlanta Ga will be 10 a m Saturday at Thomas Funeral Home with the Rev John Hanna tlanta tlanta officiating Brumal will bi- in Highland Lawn Cemetery Fined may collate 6 p m Findlay Bunal Friends call after bi bin Sarah S h Surviving are the wife S irah two daughters Diana Mule Banister Pa Manly Philips Marilyn Alien Decatur Ga the mother M E Remaking Terre Haute two brothers Allen of IndianaReining Maunce Nuance Bill Huntington Park Calif and four grandchildren v Calf





illips polis






Sarah Jones Sarah was born in Glouster Ohio on 5 November 1908 Sarah died on 30 bom m Glister arah December 1989 m Roswell GeorgI at age 81 Gorgon Vigo OBITUARY Terre Haute Terre Haute Vgo County Indiana 3 lilted January 1990



There'll Tribune

SARAH JONES SALLY FINKING Sarah Jones Sally Reining 81 of Roswell Ga and formerly of Terre Haute denmorose died bom Saturday at Roswell She was born Nov 5 1908 m Glouster Ohio to Joseph H Jones and Mary Saturday In Glister Maratured m rying Jones Her husband Arthur Reining died in 1978 Survivors include two daughters Etruscan WIth Manly Phillips of Alphabet Ga and Diana Mule of Whammies Pa sisters Mildred Mildhters






tosses Milto


Luanda Brown dred Bol daR Boil red



2 January 2005

Th Lemmons Fam ly H ory The Fm Iy 1 story

mon L

Wetlands of Terre Haute and Thelma Baker of West Terre Haute four grandchildren several Williams seveHelm great grandchildren and nieces and nephews She was a 1926 graduate of BIcknell High School ChlorNickel ststformer Ammonal oform registered nurse at Union Hospital life member of Memorial Hospital Auxiliary at ormbound Beach Flab and a member of Oceanside Country Club at Ormond Beach Services are Mormon Ormond Mormon Fla areHlOa Ola ill Thursday in Thomas Funeral Home with the Rev Alvin Prickles officiating Burials m Highland Lawn Cemetery Visitation is 4 to 8 p m today ighland ill The two children of Arthur 0 Remaking and Sarah Jones are as follows 1281 I DIanamanned i Diana Remaking married Mule 1282 u Reining married Manly Relining mamed 9 Phillips

ral registered

annexes fe


Allan William Ranking Gadys Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Wham Remaking Gladys Lemons Wetland Gallabom in Allan Wham William Allan was born m Indiana m 1926 He mamed Principal L named in Manson dIed nted on 1 March 1986 m St Vincent Hospital Indianapolis Manon County Indiana Vicente Vigo Insomnia Halite OBITUARY Terre Haute Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 3 March 1986 StAllan W Remaking 60 Indianapolis and formerly of Terre Haute died Saturday m Sin St ringent clupeiVicente Publishers Inc Survivors Claude tamen Hospital Indianapolis He was president incluAJ and his wife Patricia L Remaking one daughter Christy Brunette two sons Allan Jand Wetland AChesty Burnett Petunia de ds And William A civil legmen and four granddaughters He was a 1948 Civet engineering graduate of Purdue University and a Perdue nd member s Perdue Presidents Conc God ember of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Purdue President Council The Gold Coats St Andrew Gold Presbyterian Church Byron International Indiana Seniors Gold Association Pecan Bay GoldByro Pelican man County Club Daytona Beach Flab a 30 year member Indianapolis Country Cuban was AAClub and a Fla and 2 Navy Veteran Oxford Weir II Services are scheduled for 12 30 p m Tuesday m Peace Chapel of World in ChaCrown Hill Mausoleum Indianapolis Visitation is 4 to 7 p rn today m Planner and Buchanan m in Flanner BuchaDl Broad Ripple Mortuary Indianapolis








na pel nan

9 Wetland Remaking The three children of Allan William Reining and Patricia L Petunia 1283 Burnett Christy Remaking mimed 9 Brunette Relining i 1284 u Allan J n Allan Remaking 1285 Wilham William A Remaking Relining in

are as follows

Tind China Tined ll Cidna Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Lemons 2 bom William Wetland Wilham William Barbara was born on 12 January 1926 She mamed William Darrell named Wetland Farrell Ritchey on 17 August 1946 She and William Darrell Ritchey were divorced m September Wham Farrell Ritchie in Ritchie


9 4 Barbara Colleen



Wetland Farrell Ritchie The three children of Barbara Colleen Imitations and William Darrell RItchey are as follows Alaskans ArrI Helen Kay Ritchey born 4 May 1947 mamed Dennis Ray Carr 1286 Heen i named ArRitchie aimed Avianged manned Douglas Brown divorced Douglas Brown m lILted David mored Gnomes Gnomes divorced David Gnomedness aries 1287 u n Areola named s Darella Colleen Ritchey born 26 September 1949 mamed Frank Ritchie bom Wetland Vall William Vail 1288 Carolyn Jayne Ritchey born 5 December 1950 married Donald mamed in Jane Ritchie bom Waterman Sherman WatermI




Lu nd R Bro n L Luc daR Bm


get 01



The Lemmons Fame Iy II Th Ammonium Ty 1- story Lemons Fam 1

WIlham 955 William Hawkins Cidna Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIS Lemons Hawks Llama William WIlham WIlham WIlham William William was born on 11 March 1927 He roamed Jerry Nemeses m 1947 He bom Neese in mamed II Hand Jerry Nemeses were divorced m 1950 He mamed Beverly Alexander m 1952 Neese named in in




Wilham There were no children of William


Hawkins and Jerry Nemeses Hawks Jeny Neese

Beverly Alexander was born on 23 September 1928 She died m 1999 bom in WIlham The only child of William Hawkins and Beverly Alexander is Hawks Lender 1289 Allyson bom i Hawks Allison Ann Hawkins was born on 29 Anal 1964 Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Lemons Oklahoma William WIlham WIlham William Robert was born m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 30 Anal 1927 Hebom in He m mamed named inmmed Roberta Faye Jones on 12 September 1947 Robert died on 27 November 1998 mTulsa ulsa mitered in Rosehill ulls fuse Tulsa County Oklahoma at age 71 His body was interred m Roseville Cemetery Tulsa TuOklahoma Tulsa County Oklah-


Enc Allison Grace Loy Robert Cloy Shelton Grac Modally Modally Grace



Roberta was born on 30 March 1930 bom Loy helton The three children of Robert Cloy Shelton and Roberta Faye Jones all born m Tulsa Tulsa bom TuCounty Oklahoma are as follows 1290 Shelton born 17 September 1951 married Tommy Lee Linda bom Flei etwood divorced Tommy Lee Woods married Alan WoodwWoods Woodward 1291 n Vicki Lynne Shelton born 25 December 1954 Shellon bom II 1292 Shellon bom Debra Sue Shelton born 23 February 1956 mamed Leslie LeRoy III named Leshe in Johnson

Roberta oma Faye Jones




Shelton Grace Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIS Lemons William WIlham Nylen WIlham William Nylon was born m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 2 May 1928 Nylen bom in Tulsa Oklahoma Nylon Nylwas hosted as a member ofa church He mamed Mary Ann Burton daughter of Louis BenedIct sofa of a named on listed Benekalhleen Jennings Burton and Kathleen Jennings m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 26 June 1952 He was asulsa gradated m 1960 m 1ulls University Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma B S in Physics Nylen o-Nylon o m s in l Tulsa Inversely hamed in m Engineering occupation ccupation Design Legmen Manager in Broken Arrow Oklahoma m 1974 He was rolled retirerollein m 1993 m Braden Mach Company Broken Arrow OklahoWinch Oklahoma d High School Reunion Book for Nylon Shelton From Nylen ShelwithhNylon s military career slouched two branches of the banned forces A year long enlistment With Nylen Withtouched He armed eld He ies U S Navy boot camp and fireman school San Diego CA brought service abroad Hschool m md He thin USSR ST eses ess CI Miss hang He Storekeeper as a Scorekeeper 3rd Calls hung the west coast from San Francisco to SeattSeattle iss SeatI Nylen WA Before enthusing m the Air Force in 1951 Nylon completed J 14 credit hours blowhard a enlisting He m le toward tle Engineering had a driver for al Okla foLegmen degree at Okia A M and hada short career as a truck Denver forhad Codlings DIetz and Morns wholesale groceclosing Moms grocers relegs Nylon s Air Force career began welsh a beef assignment to Vance AB Enc OK and was Nylen Au Nylons with followed by basic training m the Aviation Cadet program at Connelly AB Wako TX wall Connolly Waco Connell wiNylon flying an AT 6 prop advent tramper After advanced flammable Vance AB Emd OK on Nylen Lyn Botrainer al training at End Mnnie A1 6 Nylon received his megs and a 2nd Lt Commission At a Jet transition course at Nylen ontreal He LI Awings Moody AB Valdosta GA he blew a T 33 jet Rammer and the F 80 Joel fighter At Nellis FibuHe lew trainer twood Chelsea Jel Ellis AB Las V iga NV Nylon attended gunnery school Lyn the F 80 pandas also the Assistant Base Nylen flying Baksand was las V ga GaVia heeshing spent in FairTactical Air Control Group seous Officer 1953 was spent Korea with the Air Hocus A-

ncis dict

N len Len LeRoy





ical icaJet
cers ers








w nd R yland L iruanda


Brown Leggett Mot

14 January 2005

Th Lemn ons Fam Ify 11 tory The Loren cons Fame H lory

force at

Withwithfighter bomber stones on those targets in clod strikes After two months WIth held direction the Rock ROk Division delectation close air support from the ground he was awarded the hDistinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal with 0 ik Leaf Cluster After post war service as aNylon Combat Instructor Pilot Nylen a 1st Lt was assigned to ascrobat AB San Angelo TX as recreate Nylon stwam Plans and Training Officer flying the AT 6 T 28 and B 25 aircraft Nylen returned to wing tMg Tram ockpiling Cleveland life in 1955 as a draftsman for Dowell Division of Dow Chemical Co attending might m Dwell dodo attend nigU school at T M-U V


Nylon ArB 4for combatHunching Koreaand markingflew 50 combat missions as an AT 6 7 Arab pilot locating Nylen targets with smoke rockets then K converted



eisting Fly


marl of ground troops clone support clo e cloe Geode


oll fe hts



nary ary Ann Burton Mary

Mary was born in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma bom Oklahoma four children of Nylen LeRoy Shelton and Mary Ann Burton are as follows Nylon The Steeplechase Sheehan born 9 November 1954 in San Angelo 1293 Steven Michael Shelton bom i John Green County Texas named Barbara Teas mamed 1294 Alan Edward Shelton born 5 March 1957 m Tulsa Tulsa County n bom II Oklahoma mamed Barbara Glean Dawson Gean named Kathleen Diane Shelton born 5 December 1959 in Tulsa Tuelton bom 1295 Tulsa in County Oklahoma mamed Jack Page Petcock named 1296 Paul Bradley Shelton Paul s occupation Programmer for American iv Amerbom in Alarms Saber System Paul was born m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 30 November 1960








Amdahl Jerry Arthur Shelton Grace Modally Mary Arthur Sidney L nmans FrancIs U moons bom William WIlham William Jerry was born m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 5 August 1931 Jerry Jeny graduated m WIH Rogers High School Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma He mamed Rehabber Will Olahoma named ElizabetShoo Ann Kraft on 1 November 1949 hAn



bom m Rehabber Elizabeth Ann Kant Elizabeth was born in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 2 Anal 1932 Her common name was BeBetty tty two children of Jerry Arthur Shelton and Elizabeth Ann Kraft are as follows Rehabber The 1297 I Arthur Lee- Shelton born 22 August 1950 m Tulsa Tulsa County Lee i in Fleshiest bom Oklahoma married Dma Dearman mamed Dina Derma mamed Cyntbom 1298 James Edward Shelton born 9 December 1952 named CynthIa n II Ann Deepest hia




Ella Bergman Airbag Charles Burgman Arbaugh Paul EHa Arthur Sidney Lemmons Francis Lemons y Charles died on 26 December bom m William Chiles WIlham Chirles was born in 1938 He mamed Lola A named 1975 meared Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo n Solar Circa Virgo OBITUARY Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 26 December 1975 CHARLES BURGMAN ARBAUGH HARMAN AIRBAG carnival at arrival Charles Burgman Arbaugh 37 1900 Garfield Ave was pronounced dead on carnival Bergman Airbag R10 30 a m Thursday at Mon Hospital He is survived by the widow Lola two sons Charles Jr Union Cindy molher Airbag Cloverland Cleveland and Chins at home a daughter Comedy at home the mother Mrs Ruby Arbaugh Cleveland and a Finora a sister Mrs Minorca McCullough Terre Haute Wanda half brother Donald SmIth anda RelRev Services wIll pm Airmailed III Emcees wilt be at 1 pm Saturday at the Thomas Funeral Home with the Reval-








ue do R Down Leggett Lu dna B own L gigot Luc

14 J anuary 2005

Th Lom Lemmons Fame Ty H lorry The Loom Lemons Fam Iy II


Brumal Dale Cotton yal Cottom officiating Bunal will be is sic Roselawn Ammonal Park Roseau Friday 4 p m Findlay

afier miry call daffier Feds my calamine

Bergman Airbag The three children of Charles Burgman Arbaugh and Lola A 1299 Charles Burgman Arbaugh Jr Bergman Airbag i 1300 Chins Arbaugh Coos Airbag ii 1301 Comedy Airbag Cindy Arbaugh III in

are as follows

Virgo William WIlham Danny was Horn in Wilham William Aryans bom m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 31 May 1936 undmamed He named Margaret Newman m Vigo County IndIana on 23 September 1955 He and Indiana in Virgo ergarment Newman were dIvorced 1965 m Vigo County Indiana He roamed Sharon NIchols Virgo Margaret Nicholsmamed m divorced in NIchoon Clark County Illinois on 18 June 1966 He and Sharon Nichols were divorced on 18 July m ls 1983 m Virgo County IndiIndiana in Vigo


Danny Puff Army J Fluff Sr Martha Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Airbag Lemons FraArthur



Margaret anan Newman

Margaret was born m Strawberry Plains TN bom in Plans TThe NT two children Oxfam J Fluff Sr and Margaret Newman were as follows of Danny Puff 1302 I Donna Fluff Donna was born on 16 April 1957 bom l Puff Anal 1303 J bom Danny Fluff Jr born 16 Anal 1957 m Terre Haute Vic Countii in ywide mamed Cindy Roads IndIana named Comedy Road-


ywide are as follows Indiana

1304 1305

Kneeholes both bom in Virgo Countster two children of Danny J Fluff Sr and Sharon Nichols booth born m Vigo County The Puff

n II

Fluff Jack

bom Jack Puff born 20 January 1968 mamed Kinsmen named Kingston Angela Fluff born 20 Anal 1971 mamed Jay Hamblen Shamble named Puff bom

Betty Jean Lemmons William Clarence William Francis William WIlham WIlham WIlham William Lemons WIlham Willaborn in Indiana Belly was bom m Puncheon Gibson County IndIana on 17 August 1934 She mamed Donald mette named DonRay Kettering son of Andrew B Muenster and Helen E Kapperman m LawrencevIlle Illinois Kuester Appertain Lawrence Illinoisald Kueter on 17 October 1952 an


Muenster Donald Ray Kuester Donald was born m Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana on 6 August bom in Vanderbilt 1934 Donald served the U S Navy m 1952 1954 during the Korean Warserved m War dung horseman SwaThe two children of Betty Jean Lemmons and Donald Ray Muenster are as follows the Kuester Lemons 1306 I Debra Ann Kuester bom i DebraAnn huester born 2 September 1954 m polar Gibson Pinto GibCounty Indiana named Michael Walker mamed 1307 Mark Alien Kuester bom U II Marl Allen huester born 4 June 1957 in Evansville Vanderburgh Vanderbilt County Indiana mamed Donna Jean Fowler named





WIlham William Grant Lemmons William Clarence William Francis William WIlham WIlham William Wilham Lemons WIlham William WIlham was born m Puncheon Gibson County Indiana on 6 November 1937 He mamed bom in immedinamed DIxIe Kay Risley acies hay Riley daughter of Charles L Risley and Helen Josephine Waddell GIbson Riley Joseph Waddell in GibCounty Indiana on 18 December 1959




Dixie Kay Risley Dixie was born in Van Wert County Ohio on Riley bom m Wet

1 I

January 1940

Lucida R Brown L got gel lucid R

H January 2005

The Common Fame Iy II Th London F am ly H story

The three children of William Grant Lemmons and Dixie Kay Risley all born m Puncheon Dulles WIlham Riley bom in Lemons Gibson County Indiana are as follows 1 1308 Teresa j Lemmons born 25 May 1960 mamed Mark A Parrott named i Lemons bom Parrot IE 1309 Kimberly Ann Lemons born 7 April 1963 mamed Cody Joe II Lemmons bom named JeBarrette Barrett anette 1310 Robert William Lemons Robert was born on 12 January 1969 WIlham Lemmons bom in Robert was adopted when 8 years old



Phil iam

Clarence William Francis William Wolfhound WIlham WIlham Willwas born m Puncheon Gibson County Indiana on 10 December 1940 He mamed Ruth bom renamed Orth-

Philharmonic Phil Moms

Lemmons WilliamLemons William


terns icons
Ruth Sterns mamed Ross Rosnamed The ter two children Ophelia Moms Lemmons and Ruth Sterns are as follows Lemons 1311 Phillip Philip Michel Lemmons Ross Phillip was born on 6 December i Highways bom Lemons 1965 After the divorce of Phillip Moms Lemmons and Ruth Sterns Lemons Lemmons Ruth mamed a Mr Ross who adopted Phillip Michiel named Lemons Michel Lemmons Lemons 1312 Christmas Lynn Lemons Ross Christmas was born on 21 August n II Christina Lemmons Christina bom 1968 After the divorce of Phillip Moms Lemmons and Ruth Stems Lemons Lemmons Ruth mamed a Mr Ross who adopted Christmas Lynn Christina named Lemons Lemmons Lemons






Lemmons WIlham Joseph Michael Lemons William Clarence William Francis William Wilham Wilham Wilham William WillJoseph was born in Puncheon Gibson County Indiana on 16 December 1948 He mamed bom m Pinkerton named Leona Glona Jean Hicks daughter of James Coleman and Phyllis Duncan m Henderson Kentucky med Enders KentucSue Warren daughter funned Warren and Dovie Sue on 13 December 1969 He mamed ky named Dovle Sewers m Henderson Kentucky on 4 December 1991 West in Enders


a E


Leona Leona bom in Enders Glona Jean Hicks Glona was born m Henderson Kentucky on 25 July 1948 child of The only child Joseph Michael Lemmons and Glona Jean Hicks Leona Hicks is Lemons 1313 i Alien Lemons Bart Allen Lemmons B lr was born in Louisville Jefferson Jeffeliras bom m County Kentucky on 15 May 1980


bom in Caraway Elva Warren Hiva was born m Calaway County Kentucky on 28 April Anal There were no children of Joseph Michael Lemmons and Elva Sue Warren Eva Lemons

Ivan Iva CIva Sue CIa


WilliamJackie Don Lemmons William Clarence William Francis William WIlham Wilham francs WIlham William WilliaLemons Wilham m ickier Jackie was born m Puncheon Gibson County Indiana on 14 September 1952 He mamed bom J named Barbara Mack daughter of Walter Eugene McKee and Florae A Eide m Worthington McKee Elde in WorthingMack OhIO on 30 ton

Barbara McKee Barbara was born m Columbus Ohio on 26 August 1956 bom The two children of Jackie Don Lemmons and Barbara McKee both born m Henderson bom in EndorsLemons Enders Kentucky ire as follows ement 1314 Matthew Grant Lemons Matthew was boom on 4 1980 Lemmons bom i

1980 Junt

L uc dna R Droun L get L ro Round mgt

January 2005

The Lemons Mn Iy II Th Lemmons Fam ly H story




Brett Wade Lemons Brett was boom on 20 July 1983 Lemmons bom

Panicle Lemons Carsons Petunia Lemmons Carson Clarence William Fennels William William Panicle Wilham Fancies Wham Wilham PancaArsons was born in Palooka Gibson County Indiana on 22 December 1934 She married Raymond Juel kes bom m Patoka Gbson manned Joel Johnson son offers Johnson and Eleanor Fair in Vanderburgh County Indiana on 25 of Rehash m Vanderbilt March 1955 Petunia died on 26 September 1988 puncheon Gibson County Indiana at age Panicle m Puncheon Gbson

OBITUARY The Puncheon DUlly Clarion Puncheon Gibson County Indiana 27 Daily Princeton Gbson September 1988 PATRICIA A JOHNSON 53 died at 6 35 am Monday Sept 26 at Hobson Geneaam Olson General died Genelogical m Hospital Puncheon ralship Puncheons was born Dec 22 1934 m Puncheon and resided m rural Puncheon Mrs Johnson assShe bom in was resIded android in employed embly at the Puncheon Telephone Company for 33 years She was a member of the Church oxof God ford GoProceeding in death were ldbricked m deathward her parents C IrSon E Lemons July 20 1988 and Helm L Proceed Thelma Iron Crone Lemmons Solder Lemons Soder Lemmons Sept 4 1982 mals Surviving are her husband Juel Johnson two daughters Cathy Ralston and Tammy Joel Prawns Mycenae both of Puncheon two sisters Carolyn Riches and Lambda Deffendol both of oRicheson Linda Defend pencast and three brothers Jerry Lemmons of Fort Branch Jim Lemons of Cross viii Tenon Puncheon Lemons Lemmons Crossbill Tenn EnnTermed and Clarence Lemons opencast and three grandchildren ead Lemmons of Puncheon grandchiFuneral 10 a S Main St ldren services will be at lOa m Wednesday at kendall Funeral Home Mam Spence with the Rev James Walters officiating Brumal wilt be m White Church Cemetery Puncheon Bunal WIll in call at Feds may calla the funeral home after 4 p m today


Raymond Juel Johnson Raymond was born in Casey County Kentucky on 25 July 1932 Joel bom m Raymond died on 15 September 1999 m Gibson County Indiana at age 67 The two children opencast Lemmons and Raymond Juel Johnson both born m of Petunia Lemons Joel nbom Iinterdependence Independence County Arkansas are as follows dependence 1316 Cathy Johnson born 28 November 1958 mamed Mark Ralston I i bom named Prawns divorced Mark Ralston 1317 11 n Tammy Johnson born 16 September 1962 mamed Mick bom named


Jerry Mac Lemmons Carson Clarence William Francis William William Jerry Wilham Lemons Wilham Wilham Jerwas born on 18 November 1936 He mamed Peggy J Cother daughter of Carl Cother anbom named Other Other and Irma m Gibson County IndIana on 24 May 1959 Jerry died on 2 March 2000 m Fort ima Indiana in Gbson FoBranch Gibson County Indiana at age 63 rtran OBITUARY Evansville Vanderburg County Indiana 4 March 2000 JERRY LEMMONS LEMONS FORT BRANCH Indo Ind Jerry M Lemons 63 died Thursday March 2 2000 at isLemmons hIs omer ofa heart attachhome sofa of a attack He corked for Puncheon City Waste and Watersed worked Water hed was a Baptist He Baptd Ballast BallasHe ted was a Marine Corps veteran Wanda member of Veterans of Foreign Wars 2714 Manne ist and a anda




ans Courser Pres



Luc dna R Brown L get Lu

14 Jimmy 2005 January 2

Tho Loren Fam lull 0 The Common rm Iy story

Peggy a son Brett of Fort Branch two sisters Lambda Defendable Linda Defendable of Deffendall fEvansville and Carolyn Richeson of Francisco a brother Clarence of Puncheon and two torRiches easible grandsons Brad and Jeff Lemmons Lemons eadors Services will be at 2 p m Sunday at Stodgy Funeral Home with brumal Durham brumal in Stodgily Settles tall bunal Cemetery with military antics inteFriends nsified may call from 3 to 8 p m today at the funeral home Feds

Surviving are his wife Stalling





Peggy J Cather Peggy was born on 26 Anal 1940 bom Other The only child of Jerry Mac Lemmons and Peggy J Cather IS Catcher Lemons Clothes 1318 Brett Allan Lemmons Brett was born on 15 October 1960 bom i Lemons


bom in was born 10 Puncheon Gibson County Indiana on 2 January 1938 He mamed Becky named James died on 19 March 1997 m Petersburg Pike County Indiana at be 59 10 Dasty Tasty The Purcell Deli Carlo Princeton OBITUARY Tile Puncheon DOli Clanon Puncheon Gibson County Indiana 20 1997 IAMES LEMMONS JAMeS J LEMONS JamesJ Lemmons JamesJ Lemons 59 died at 2 am Wednesday March 19 1997 at his residence 10 PPetersburg etersburg Petersburg born Jan He m cabwoman 2 1938 in Puncheon and resided 10 Petersburg for the past four years earthPrinceton Lemons wa retied moving Farther formerly imom from Puncheon Lemmons woo retired from Standard Oil and Fertilizer finely 10 Francisco nfamies Preceding 10 deathward his parents Carson and Thelma Lemons and a sister Panicle m death were Helm Lemmons Patrion Johnson Johnon cia constricting Surviving jre his wife Becky are Lemmons Petersburg a daughter Karen Batley Lemons Battle BattTenn Nikki of AntIOch Tenon three grandchildren Nikkei Mackenzie and Tyler Bailey two brothers Jerry le Tier Batley Lemmons of Fort Branch and Clarence Lemmons opencast two sisters Carolyn Richeson afLemons Lemons of Puncheon Riches of FrancIsco bind Linda Deffendall franchise ind Lambda Defendable of Beanstalk and several nieces and nephmaces nephews franchise Funeral services will be at 2 p m Saturday at Cool Funeral Home N Mama Stall Mam St Puncheon with the Rev Paul A Newton officiating Brumal will be m White Church CemeBunal Cemetery in mitered m Feds may call at the funeral home from 4 until 8 p 10 Findlay ft His body was interred WiWhIte Church Cemetery Gbson County IndiaGibson Indiana nvite hIte

es Hulls

J Lemons Carson William WIlham Jinxes Lemmons Carson Clarence William Francis Wetland William Wham

Carson Gbson

James Jam-

ns etersburg as ars







ews pence tery

several annexes

child of imes The na only child Junes J of dimes

13 I 9 1319

Karen Lemmons mamed Lemmon named

Lemmons and Becky Hoechst is Lemons Ouch


Bailey Badey

Caroline Lemmons Carson Clarence William Francis William WIlham Wetland Wetland William Lemons Caroline was born m Patoka Glib on County Indiana on 21 Anal 1940 She mamed Harold named in Palooka Gibson ot Willard Riches Ival m m Arches son 01 Wetland Richeson and Siva in Gibson County Indiana in 1961




Harold Richeson Harold was born 10 Gibson County Indiana on 2 March 1938 Harold bom in Gbson ParodRiches died on 1 July 2000 10 Puncheon Gibson County Indiana at 62 in Pinkerton Gbson ied I OBI unary fUARY Conner Press EvansvIlle Vanderburg County Indiana 3 PresS Allure PresSy July 2000 HAROLD RICHESON RICHES




L uc dna R Bro Brown L g 0 el L


I4 1

January 2

ry Fam ly The Lorn Th Loren Lennon Fame Iy H story


Gibson General FRANCISCO Harold L Richeson 62 died Saturday July 1 2000 at Gbson GeneaRiches cancer HospItal m Puncheon He advancer had canclogical in HospItal heAnny worked it Engel He er had worked the Emge Packing Co for 39 years and was an Army veteran of the VIetnam War aviest of Surviving are his wife of 39 years Carolyn Lemmons a daughter Robin Folsom afRom Lemons revolving Fla FrancIsco a sister Virginia Whiten of St Petersburg Flab a brother Virginal Whitten franchise a son Joey Jarred Riches Donald of La go Flab and four grandchildren Amber and Jarrod Richeson and Austin and Bryce Lago Faust Donald Lagos Fla Folsom brumal m bunal A Memon il Services 2 p m today at Lamb-Basham Memo 11 Chapel m Oakland City brumalin cervices p m Augusta Cemetery ugusta CemelIme Friends may call from noon to service time at the chapel Feds Carohne Lemons The two children of Caroline Lemmons and Harold Richeson are as follows Riches Folsom 1320 named i RoW Richeson born 12 March 1962 mamed Rom Riches bom 1321 n Joey Richeson bom II Riches Overarches born 23 July 1964


ther yce





WIlham WIlham William Clarence Edgar Lemmons Carson Clarence William Francis William WIlham Lemons Carsonmanned bom Clarence awns born m Gibson County Indiana on 29 September 1942 He married Clara Jean Hulfachor m Palooka Gibson County Indiana on J July 1967 Unlatch in Patoka




1J Clara Jean Hulfachor Clara was born m Gibson County Indiana on I 1 November 1946 bom in Unlatch Edgar Lemons child of The only child Clarence Hagar Lemmons and Clara Jean Hulfachor is Unlatch Comedy Demse Lemmons Comedy was born m Gibson County 1322 Cindy Dense Lemons bom i Countywide IndIana on 26 June 1968


Kay Lemmons Carson- Clarence William Francis William William WIlham WIlham WIlham Lemons Carson DLambda was bom in Gibson County IndIana on 25 October 1947 She mamed Michael DS Linda born m Indiana named Defendable Deffendall efendable son of Gilbert Deffendall and Margaret Farle on 16 June 1967 Fare Effendi


MIchael S Deffendall Michael was born m Ml Cannel Illinois on 14 August 1946 MichaelS Defendable vas bom in Mt Carmel Michael Defendable The three children Goldman Kay Unmans and Michael S Deffendall are as follows of Linda Lemons 1323 Kelly Deltoid Kelly was born on 25 September 1967 bom i 1324 n II Kern Defendable Kirn was born on 1 August 1971 bom Km Defendable 1325 Michael S Deffendall Jr Michael was born on 1 May 1976 bom III in



Nancy Lemmons Edward Clarence William Francis William William manWIlham WIlham WIlham manned Lemons Houchins George Touchli-

ager Ouch

nes only child of Nancy Lemmons and George Houchins is The Lemons 1326 Brad i




JoAnn edon

John Lemons Edward Clarence William Francis William William mamed WIlham WIlham WIlham named Lemmons Mac-

The only child of John Lemons and JoAnn Lemmons 1327 Matthew Lemmons i Lemons Lemo-




Luc dna R B own L lair Lu laR


J anuary 2005

Susan Kay Arendts Barents William Susan was born m Wilham bom 10 mamed named miarid mmed Roger H Tennyson son of Herman Tennyson and Anna geon Minnesota on 4 October 1973 County


mo tJ Wilham William Waneta Lemmons Clarence William Francis WIlham Wane Lemons WilHeHayfield Dodge County Minnesota on 18 January 1947 She
Th The

Mn Limon Fam

Iy ly H



10 in

Hayfield Dodge Dud-

Minnesota Roger H Tennyson Roger was born m Albert Lea Mme ota on 8 December 1941 bom in The only child Susan Kay Arendts and Roger H Tennyson is child of Barents I 1328 i Enk Ryan Tennyson Enk was born 10 Hayfield Dodge County CounEn bom in En MInnesota on 17 September 1973 termines

WIlham Stephen Paul Arendts Wane Lemmons Clarence William Francis Barents Waneta Lemons bom in William Stephen was born 10 Hayfield Dodge County Minnesota on 8 July 1949 Stephen Wilham Stepconfect mamed hens m the U S Army as a PC dung the Vietnam conflict He married Cynthia A Limn seed Minnesota Loran daughter of Howard Jiran and Bonnie 10 St Paul Ramsey County MinnesmSt



The Barents Jiran ota two children of Stephen Paul Arendts and Cynthia A Loran

both born m St Paul bom in


Ramsey County Minnesota are as follows ManO Barents Cheryl Many Arendts Cheryl was born on 21 July 1981 bom 1329 i Jennifer Barents 10 Jennifer Lynn Arendts Jennifer served m the Air Force Jenni1330 ii was born on 22 December 1983 fer bom



Stanley Carl Arendts Waneta Lemmons Clarence William Francis WIlham WIlham francS William Barents Wane Lemons confect Stanley served in the U S Army dung the Vietnam conflict Stanley s occupatIOn 10 Clinic bom 10 Extended Care Mayo Chime Stanley was born m Hayfield Dodge County Minnesota on 29 Seen em Sen ind September 1951 He roamed Holly J Semen daughter of Beaumont Semen bind Ruth mamed Johnson 10 Hayfield Dodge County Minnesota on 5 June 1982 in

liam ation



Holly J

Holly was bom 10 Semen Hallways born m Hayfield Dodge County Minnesota on 27 February

The only child of Stanley Carl Arendts and Holly J Sentient is Barents Semen child 1331 I i bom in Logan Push Arendts Logan was born 10 Rochester Minnesota on 7 Paul Barents May 1989

numbed Gibson County Indiana on 7 June 1950 He mamed Margaret Mane Roberts HeRe10 Roberts and Josephine Aragon m Boise Idaho on 14 September 1972 He of daughter married mamed Mana Teresa Tejada 10 Washington DC on 5 September 1998 named Manna mmed Stead in

iam Patoka born Palooka

WIlham Wilham Hinton Wayne Lemmons Arthur Clarence William Francis William Lemons

Colton s occupation U

Clinton baseS Environmental Protection Agency 10 Washington DC Hinton was in




Joseph Con


bom in Margaret Mane Roberts Margaret was born m Ft Smith Crawford County Arkansas on 31 May 1953 em moons mons Clinton The only child of ClIO ton Wayne I commons and Margaret Mane Roberts is I 1332 Danielle Limon boom Theresa DamellO Lemmons bom 19 August 1976 in Taylor Colorado named Christopher Taymamed

wood doo



EngleEngle voo-

Lo Lu

bom in Marla Maria Teresa Tejada Manna was born 10 Docudrama Bolivia on 27 January 1963 Tenfold Mana
Bro Leggett Oro



January 2005

10 Th

rter ere

There There're no children

glyph Iy


story 0

Wayne Lemons and Manna Teresa Tejada Lemmons Mana Stead

Wilham William Richard Arthur Lemmons Arthur Clarence William Francis William WIlham Wilham Lemons WillRichard was born 10 Patoka Gibson County Indiana on 18 June 1951 Richard s occupatIon Richard bom in Palooka EqUIpment Openwork m Westminister Colorado He mamed Susan P Mulch daughter of LaPentagram Westminster named Glenda Mulch and Glendale Montgomery on 4 September 1974 He and Susan P Mulch v hedIvorced He named Chanted L Sanborn daughter of Roger P Sanborn and Betty Wagner mamed Christine Sandbar Wagnerirbivore Sandbar an m Las Vegas Nevada on 13 October 2000 in

iam ation rry

busman usan busan


flan ere

Susan was born in Denver Colorado on 3 September 1952 bom m Mullein The two children of Richard Arthur Lemmons and Susan P Mullin both born m Denver bom in Lemons Colorado are as follows ArnIe Ruth Lemmons Amle 1333 Amie iaries Rutty Lemons Amie was born on 8 February 1977 bom i D1334 Betsy Aye Lemon- Betsy was bom on 26 August 1978 Lemmons Kaye Lemons born ii

san P

Mullein Mullin



Lem- ade

Christine L S inborn Christine Chanted Christies bom in born Chanted born m Denver Colorado on 4 June 1956 There ere no children of Richard Arthur Lemmons and Christine L Sanborn ere Chanted Sandbar Lemons
1026 Neal Edward Foxworth Forest Lillie Lemmons Andrew FM cols Wilham Fancies William Floweret Lemons William Wilham Neal was born m Greencastle Putnam County Indiana on 4 March 1938 Neal s bom in Greenest occupatIOn Legmen ccupatIOn Engineering Manager He mamed Margaret Clutching in San Diego San DIego 10 ccupation named married County California He mamed Mary C Dachtera daughter of Ambrose Architrave and Emily Yachter Emin San Diego San Diego County California on 30 March 1985



ego mily ily Arras

WilDiDeter Eoo-

Margaret Mulching Margaret was born in London England bom m EnglaOnega Edard Floweret The two children of Neal Edward Foxworthy and Margaret Hutchings are as follows nd 1335 Todd Warren Foxworthy born 28 January 1963 in Massachusetts i Fourthly bom 10 Massachmamed named Mary Wolfe usetts 1336 Mark A Foxworthy born 7 June 1965 named Mesh aA Dromen macrames A Dome II mamed Floweret bom



Mary dary C Dachtera Mary was born on 25 November 1942 bom Yachter There were no children of Neal Edward Foxworthy and Mary C Dachtera Yachter ere Floweret
1027 Warren Edgar Foxworthy Forest Allele Lemons Andrew Francis Wilham Lillie Lemmons William Floweret HeWilliam Wilham Warren was born on 20 September 1942 Warren s occupation Pastor 10 Texas He Rebom in Bests married Bests mamed named mmed Sharon G Bess daughter of Aaron G Bess and M Airy R Wilson in Louisville Jefferson Iry 10 County Kentucky on 17 March 1962

liam Wan





Bests Sharon G Bess Sharon was hosted as a member of a church Nazarene Sharon wa born inlisted w bom 10 Huntington WV on 24 February 1942 undation The three children of Warren Edgar Foxworthy md Sh Iron G ness are as follows Bess Floweret 1337 I Warren Edgar Foxworthy II born 7 January 1963 m Nashville i in Floweret bom Tennessee mamed Fennessee renamed Cheryl A Chandler 1338 S Floweret bom n TImothy Foxworthy born 2 May 1965 in Nashville Tennessee II Tennemamed Pamela L Prentinamed Prentice





Lu dna R B Luc


mn L gel gds


January 2005



Fame Fam


yH story


III in

bom m Brook H Foxworthy Brook was born in Nashville Tennessee on 3 Floweret m NashvIlle mamed May 1972 She married Timothy in on 20 October 2001 Tenne Tenet ville

ee ville


Lillie Lemons 1028 Herbert Harold Foxworthy Jr Herbert Allele Lemmons Andrew FrancIs Floweret HeRebom William William Wilham WIlham Herbert was born m Brazil Clay County Indiana on 26 August 1930 He m oone Iowa on 20 Adah married mamed Wilma Jean Mason daughter of I rank Mason and Amdahl named mmed B Boone divorced m mamed Bone LoMason June 1954 He and Wilma Jean Mison were dIvorced 1979 He married Bonnie Lou in Amanda daughter of Oren Ackland and Inez Peterson on 4 November 1979 afore Auckland Cine




usaka amed


bom in Wilma Jean Mason Wilma was born m Cambridge City Indiana on 28 June 1931 Halted Floweret The three children of Herbert Harold Foxworthy Jr and Wilma Jean Mason are as follows Bexar 1340 Dough Alan Foxworthy born 9 April 1955 m San Antonio BeaBear i Floweret bom County Texas married Ro emane Patterson mamed mane 1341 n karen Jean Foxworthy born 26 June 1958 in Ignominy Iowa II Floweret bom Salome Loh married Damon Loch mamed Loki January Conme Connie Je m Foxworthy born 2 January 1966 m Iowa City Johnson 1342 in in JohnFloweret County Iowa married Larry A Logeman mamed LaT Legman





born Auckland Lou Ackland Bonnie was bom on 31 March 1927 Auckland There were no children of Herbert Harold Foxworthy Jr and Bonnie Lou Ackland Floweret
Allele Lemmons William 1029 Barbara Jean Foxworthy Herbert Lillie Lemons Andrew Francis Wilham Floweret mamed Pabom in Oncology William Wilham Barbara nas born m Monticello Indiana on 5 November 1933 She married Paul Donald ulson Williamson on 5 September 1952





assbom Paul Donald Wall mon Paul was born m Hollandsburg Ohio on 27 June 1929 He was Willum on Illume Molester in Grabber employed as a MethodIst Minister m Grander Iowa Willie Olson wa eight children of Barbara Jean Foxworthy and Paul Donald Willi imson were a The Floweret follows bom Gary I Gary Dean Williamson Ga was born m Richmond Wayne 1343 i Gal County Indiana on 23 November 1953 m Molten born Bryon Craig Williamson bom 23 November 1953 in Moreno 1344 n II Bon low bom Rosales Williamson Paul Robert Wall mason Paul was boom m Oskaloosa Iowa on 25 1345 III in County July 1960 Paul died on 27 July 1960 m Jefferson Couin Alabama Alabamntable City born Sharon Rae Williamson bom 27 September 1964 m Iowa Ci1346 in iv Sturdily Johnson County Iowa mamed Thomas Studley Sturdillow named y Johnson born m Sherry Sheryl Lynn William on Sheryl was bom in Iowa City JohnWilliamson Shel 1347 v She Sherry County Iowa on 27 September 1964 Sheryl was adopted Hemamed named Ascertained Susan mmed Damn Alex Kramer son of James Kramer and SusAuckland In Ackland ammunition Iowa on 25 August 1995 Willie unison bom 15 February Willi unson born February 1969 in Chung Helen 1348 vi Korea named SmellKoria mamed James Smeller


Holland Io-











Luc er dna R Leotard

B o 0


L gel got

14 January 2005 Mummy

m Th Lemons Fame The Lemmons Fam ly History Many 10

1349 1350 50



Donna Jean Williamson Donna was born m Pus m Korea on 10 bom in March 1970 Donna was adopted Mary Williamson Mayas born m Korea on 22 Mary was bom in February Chasten Ferny 1973 Mary was adopted She mamed Timothy Chatten on named 5 September 1999



1030 Steve Gregg Whitesell Joy Foxworthy LiIlie Lemons Andrew FrancIs Whitehall Joy Fourthly Lillie Lemmons William WIlham Wilham William Steve s occupation Industrial Salesman Steve was born m Indiana on 19 bom Saleman September 1950 He mamed Shirley Molehill named Shrley



Shirley was born on 30 January 1950 Shuley bom child of The only child Steve Gregg WhItesell and Shirley Shrley is Whites 1351 Whitehall bom in i kellY Whitesell Kelly was born m Indiana on 2 March 1978

Shirley Shrley



Milan as

1031 John Mark Whitesell Joy Foxworthy Allele Lemmons Andrew Francis Wilham Whitehall Joy Fourthly Lillie Lemons William William WIlham John was born in Indiana on 28 April 1953 Served m the U S Navy for twenty bom m years as Chief Hospital Coreman He mamed Chanted Bendas daughter of Mike Bend hanForeman named Christine Bends and Mke addmaiden LaBuda m Cook County Illinois on 19 August 1972 John died on 27 October 1996 Kilos Aden Lambda at age 43

iam nty





and en Bath Designer Designer only child of John Mark Whitesell and Christine Bendas is The Whitehall Chanted Bends 1352 I Enc John Whitesell Enc was born m Great Lakes Naval HospItal i Whitehall bom in HospCook County Illinois on 30 March 1973

Christine Bendas Christine was born on Chanted Bends Chanted bom


August 1952 Christine s occupation KitchChanted KItchen


1032 Sheila Whitesell Joy Foxworthy Allele Lemmons Andrew Francis Wilham Whitehall Francs William Floweret Lisle Lemons William Wilham Sheila was born m Indiana on 3 February 1955 She mamed Roger Ruiter bom in Fruitier named Fruit-



Roger Fruitier bom erer Ruiter Roger was born on 3 November 1954 The four children of Sheila Whitesell and Roger Fruitier all born m Indiana were as follows Whitehall Ruiter bom in Toner Fruitier 1353 Stonecutter Tom was boom on 9 July 1975 Tom dIem 1989 m Ruiter i bom died m inin Isignia IndIana ndIana Indiana Joy Fruitier Kathleen was born on 7 August 1978 11 1354 n Kathleen Ruiter bom 1355 Lois Fruitier Lois was born on 6 September 1980 bom Ruiter in 1356 Timothy Fruitier Timothy was born on I April 1982 bom Ruiter iv Kemp Whitehall 1033 James Kevin Whitesell Joy Foxworthy Allele Lemmons Andrew Fronc Franc Floweret Lillie Lemons Wilham bom Wham William James was born on 24 March 1959 James s occupation Commercial CommeGlazer He mamed Dana Hodgen daughter software Hodgen and Edema F Martin on 18 Hoyden of Darrel Hoyden Edwina Dare rcial named August 1979




Dana Hodgen Dana was born on 9 September 1959 Hoyden bom The three children of James Kemp Whitesell nd Dana Hodgen are as follows Kevin Whitehall Hoyden 1357 Amanda Whitesell Amanda was born on 13 May 1985 Whitehall i bom 11 1358 i Tracy Whitehall Tracy Troy Whitesell Troy was born on 8 December 1986 bom
R Brown


14 14January 2005 2005

Fam ly If o Th Lemmons rom Iy 1 slimy The



III in

Whitehall Whitney Whitesell Whitney was born on 8 May 1992 bom

1034 Scott Edward Whitesell Joy Foxworthy Lillie Lemmons Andrew FrancIS Whitehall Floweret Lethe Lemons Wetland William Scott was born m Indiana on 6 May 1968 He married Victoria WIlham bom in mamed Leona Unpaged DuPage Count Illinois on 14 February 1987 Kilos





Location Her common name was IckiVictoria Vickie Vicki both born m Whitehall The bom est two children of Scott Edward Whitesell and Victoria Alcoa Unpaged County Illinois are as follows DuPage aro Whitehall Matthew Whitesell Matthew was born on 17 October 1987 1360 bom i 11 1361 Ryan Whitesell Ryan was born on 5 July 1990 Whitehall n bom

WIlham Wetland named 1035 Bruce S Lemmons Shields Ernest Andrew Francis William William mamed Lemons


The only child of Bruce S Lemmons and Charlotte Lemons 1362 Lisa Lemmons mamed i Lemons named


is Thomas

WIlham Wetland namedhella Lemons 1036 Sheila Lemmons Shields Ernest Andrew Francis William William mamed named nest ella ropper EvansvRobert Evansville The Toshiba Lemons ille two children of SheIla Lemmons and Robert Evansville are as follows
1363 1364
IE 11

Mark Marl Evansville Marilyn Manly Evansville

1 emmons moons Wetland Wetland WIlham was wash1047 Lucy Ann I em mons Robert William Andrew Francis William William basedemons room She mamed Terry Lee HeeSheller born on 22 June 1950 m Ramsey County Minnesota Heller named in

MInnesota are as follows termines

1365 1366 1367 1368

Sheller bom in The Lemons Counler four children of Lucy Ann Lemmons and Terry Lee Heller all born m Ramsey County ivalry Alice Heller was born on 6 July 1971 Mary Alices Sheller bom Sheller Penny Mane Heller was born on 24 January 1973 bom Jr Terry Lee Heller r was born on 17 May 1974 bom HellerJr Sheller Heeler Eddie Frey Sheller was born on 18 February 1976 Rey Heller bom

n m lit Riv


1048 TImothy Robert Paul Lemmons Robert William Andrew francis Wetland francs Wham Lemons He mamed Teresa March named William WIlham was born on 3 diarchy 1952 m Ramsey County Minnesota Hemmed Karen Terese bom Cerein

Williams bellums
inbom RTeresa The three children of Timothy Robert Paul Lemmons and Karen Terese Williams all born m Lemons amsey County Minnesota are as follows Ramsey crease Mesh Manco Lemons Meli sa Mane Lemmons was born on 5 MB 1978 Ma 1369 bom i 11 Teresa Lemons n 1370 Kathleen Terese Lemmons was born on 21 May 1980 bom bom Timothy Robert Paul Lemmons Jr was born on 18 March 1982 1371 lit Lemons in




Loomed Lucida R B o 0




January 2005

Th Crampons rom ty II story Fam Iy The

Jeffrey Jude Lemmons Roberts William Andrew Francis William William baseWilham WIlham was washLemons Robert Wilham Jetted room born on 29 April 1956 m Ramsey County Minnesota He named Rose Mane Lehmmamed Lehmann in Anal Lehman

l 19 10



County Minnesota are as follows 1372 Jeremy Jude Lemmons was born on 19 March 1980 bom i Lemons JE 1373 Angela Mane Lemmons was born on 20 Anal 1982 bom Lemons 1374 Joshua Jeffrey Lemmons was born on 14 August 1984 bom in Jetted Lemons 1375 Justin Lee Lemmons was born on 21 November 1989 iv Just Lemons bom v Joseph Michael Lemons was born on 21 November 1989 1376 bom Lemmons

The five an live children of Jeffrey Jude Lemmons and Rose Mane Lehmann all born m Ramsey Lemons Lehman bom in RamJetted


as as

1058 Chad David Lemmons Raymond William Andrew Francis William Wilham Wilham Wilham William Lemons Williwas bom on 10 July 1954 m Ramsey County Minnesota He mamed Rose Mane Hayd THaydn n am born named Haydn



County Minnesota are as follows 13 77 1377 Rosemary Jane Lemmons was born on 26 September 1996 bom i Lemons Reseal 11 1378 Lemmons n David Hayden Lemons was born on 19 December 2001 bom

The dn he two children of Chad David

Lemmons and Rose Mane Hayden both born m Ramsey bom in RamLemons

1067 Donald Wayne Lemmons Thomas William Andrew Francis William WilliWilham Lemons William WIlham bom am born on 14 December 1954 m Ramsey County Minnesota He mamed Sherry I ee ForefaForney Orkney named in Fornic-

ther only child of Donald Wayne Lemmons and Sherry Lee Orkney is The ate Ferny Lemons I 1379 Danielle Damelle Sue Lemmons was born on 15 September 1978 m Ramsey i bom Lemons in RamCounty Minnesota




1068 Randie Scott Lemmons Troy Emerson Francis Francis William WIlham Randle Wilham William Lemons Grande was born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 21 Anal 1946 Grande occupation ElectriciaRandle bom in s Randle Lecher in m Grand Rapids Michigan He mamed Barbara Lehr m Grand Rapids Michigan m 1966 He named Hin and Barbara Lecher were divorced m 1968 He mamed Andean Overtaken daughter of Robert Lehr named Robein rt F Overtaken and Charlotte Mane McDermott in Grand Rapids Michigan on 3 September m 1971


Lecher Barbara Lehr Barbara wai born m Clay County Georgia m December bom in in The only child of Randie Scott Lemmons and Barbara Lecher is Randle SLOt Lemons Lehr 1380 Dawn Christine Lemmons born 10 August 1967 m Grand RapIds i Chanted Lemons bom in MIchIgan mamed Regain Crenshaw named Gregory Scrimshaw



RapIds Michigan are as follows nada 1381 i Karen Kiren Diane Lemmons born 24 June 1972 mamed Mark Lemons bom named 11 1382 Linda Alien Lemons Linda n Lambda Allen Lemmons Lambda was born on 6 March 1975 Hebom She mamed Damel named mmed Daniel Mars m Grind Rapids Michigan on 20 May 2000 in Grimed

bom in Andean Overtaken Andean was born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 25 May 1950 The two children of Randie Scott Lemmons and Andean Overtaken both born in Grand Randle bom m GraLemons to



Luc dna R Brown L gg R Gucci Lu

14 January 2005

The Lorn nouns Fam II Th Lcm no Foam Ily H story

1070 Raeanne Lemmons Troy Emerson I francs Francis William William RenewLemons Francis WIlham was born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 25 February 1952 She married Michael Hyatt son frmamed als bom in of Raymond C Hyatt and Evelyn Turner m Grand Rapids Michigan on 18 August 1972 in



Michigan on 16 August 1953 Michael Kilowatt of Raeanne Lemmons and Mchael Hyatt all born m Grand RapIds bom Lemons Michigan are as follows 1 1383 Matthew Michael Hyalt Mathew was born on 24 August 1975 Hyall Matthew Mathew i bom He married Jessica D Shaken m Jamestown Michigan on 22 mamed in September 2001 11 1384 Joy hathleen Hyatt Joy was born on 15 December 1979 i Kathleen bom 1385 Jacob Christopher Hyatt Jacob was born on 19 September 1983 Hyalt bom in Hatt Halt

amed Michael Hyatt Michael was born m Orand Rapids rand bom in Rand Michael The three children




Samuel A Lemmons Troy Emerson Francis Francis William Wilham Lemons WIlham William WillSamuel was born m Travis City Michigan on 2 September 1960 He married Pamela RJmamed J iams bom in Robinson in Saginaw Michigan on 6 April 1984 He and Pamela J Robinson were divorced obinson Apol ohnson m divorced m 1989 He married Sus-m Renee L mage daughter of Gregory Lange and Margaret Bought m mamed mLang inge iagma Michigan on 8 February 1997 nsignia




Pamela J Robinson Pamela was born m New York on 19 January 1961 bom in Johnson The only child of Samuel A Lemmons and Pamela J Robinson is Lemons 1386 I Chad Adams Lemons Chad was born m Midland Michigan on Lemmons bom 4 March 1985


Susan Renee Lange Susan was born m Saginaw Michigan on 5 May 1966 bom in Lang The only child of Saudi A Lemmons and Susan Renee Lange is Oxfam Lemons 1387 Troy Gregory Lemmons Troy was born m Midland Michigan on i bom Lemons 27 October 1999



1072 Paul Emerson Lemmons Troy Emerson Francis Francis William WIlham Lemons WIlham William WilliPaul was born m Rockford Michigan on 4 March 1962 Paul served m the military on 2 Apol bom in Paltered in Aol 9 1986 Tuscany US Army FayettevIlle North Carolina on 31 December in Fayetteville 1989




The two children of Paul Emerson Lemmons and Allison arc are a follows Alston Lemons 1388 Spencer Cody Lemmons i Lemons JE 11 1389 Emerson Tyler Lemmons Emerson was born m Augsburg bom in Tier Lemons Germany on 20 January 1993
1073 Ruth Ann Lemmons Troy Emerson I rancis Francis William William Ruth Runners francs Lemons Wilham Wilham Ruborn was bom m Rockford Michigan on 2 Apol 1963 She married Guy A Kasper son of Alex mamed Casper AleAol Helen Kasper Casper konwood xander and lifelong Insurance m Ironwood Michigan on 4 May 1985


Gary A Kasper Gary wigs born m Ironwood Michigan on 15 February 1961 Casper wis bom The only child of Ruth Ann Lemmons and Gary A Kasper sloLemons Linesman Gaily Casper is

L E uc dna R Drown L L uch OW

14 January IH


Fam Iy II The Commons rom ly H story



Tara A Kasper Tiaras born in Hurley Wisconsin on 2 February Casper Tara was bom m Hurly Wilson


1074 Janice Lynn Bussler Glona Lemmons Emerson Francis Francis WIlham William Tussle Leona Lemons bom in William WIlham Janice was born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 12 December 1946 She macemamed named Ramor Armor Naus m rator Mauls in Grand Rapids Michigan on 2 May 1970

liam rior




Ramor Naus Rainor was born on 12 May 1941 Rainor occupation Records Analyst Ws Armor Mauls Ramor s bom inm Rancor Record Wilmington Delaware He resided m West Grove Pennsylvania m 2002 ilmington in in crimination The three children of Janice Lynn Bussler and Rainor Naus are as follows Ramor Mauls Tussle 1391 boom Curtis Hans Mauls Naus i Courtesans Curtis was bom on 19 June 1971 1392 Naus bom n II Came Lynn Mauls Came was born on 22 July 1973 1393 bom Wham Naus in Ryan William Mauls Ryan was born on 27 January 1976
Susan Leslie Bussler Glona Lemmons Emerson Francis Francis WIlham Leshe Tussle Gloria Lemons William William Susan was bom in WIlham Susanna born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 28 February 1953 She mamed Craig named CraBellm Grand Rapids Michigan on 18 September 1980 in

ig aig Bell





Craig Bell Craig was born on 12 October 1952 Craigs occupation Clarksdale Car Salesmbom Crags The two children of Susan Leslie Bussler and Craig Bellare as follows Leshe Tussle Bell are Blare 1394 BonnIe SUC Bell BonnIe was born on 11 February 1980 bom i II Bone Sue Bone 1395 Rehabber ji Elizabeth Jane Bell born 10 March 1981 mamed Enc Gibbs bom II named Gobs
1076 Jacquelyn Lee Bussler Gloria Lemmons Emerson Francis Francis WIlham William Jacquelyn Tussle Glona Lemons William WIlham Jacquelyn was born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 9 March 1953 bom in



Children of Jacquelyn Lee Tussle include Bussler Claude 1396 Oberg bom Thomas Berg born 15 July 1973 m San Jose CA i in
cons 1077 Lara Jo Bussler Gloria Lemmons Emerson Francis Francis William WIlham ons LoraJo Tussle Glona Lemons WIlham William WilliLara was born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 31 July 1957 She mamed 9 Rosam bom in Ross named


are a follows an

The LoraJo Tussle Soria bom in ter two children of Lara Jo Bussler and David Sona both born m Grand Rapids Lora
1397 1398


Lel Le

MIchIgan Michig-

Hellish Lorna Tussle Sana Hellish bom Shahs Lorena Bussler Sona Shahs was born on 23 February


Kelsi Alexander Sona Sana hels

Keels Kelsi was born on 23 June 1999 bom

The ithe only child fLora Jo Busload Ross is Tussle hid of Lora Bussler and 1399 Larson Allen Ross Larron was born m Ginned Rapids Michigan on Allegros Larson Larron Alien i bom in Grind 14 January 1991
1079 Kenneth Handpicks Julia Lemons Virgil Francis Francis William WIlham henneth Juha Lemmons WIlham William mamed MelanIe named



The three children of Kenneth Handpicks and Melanie

ws nd R Brown L Luc dna

follows are as follo14

January 2005


n The Lcm ons Fame 1 Th urn cons Fam Ify H story


1400 1401 1402

i n 1 in

Donald Handpicks Dustin Handpicks Dust Jennifer Handpicks Wilham Wilham Juan Lemmons VIrgil Francis Francis William William Juha Lemons Will-

1080 Donna I ee Hendricks l ee Kendrick Williamson Wilkinson mamed Ronald Williamnamed Wilkins-


son two children of Donna Lee Hendricks and Ronald Williamson are as follows The on Wilkinson Kendrick I 1403 Ryan Lee Williamson l Wilkinson 1404 n Yvonne Mickey Williamson NIckey Wilkinson 1



mamed named


Rita Rose Hendricks Julia Lemmons Virgil Francis Francis William Wilham WIlham William Kendrick Juha Lemons Will9

Screen Cren-

The ate two children of Rita Rose Hendricks and Kendrick 1405 Jason Screen i 1406 Keith Screen n 1
1083 Janice ConfCant

Screen are as follows


I emmons Raymond Virgil Francis Francis demons

WIlham WIlham mamed William William married

The late two children of Janice Lemons and Lemmons 1407 Freddys Freddy Craft i IE 1408 Rom Craft 1 Roberta

Craft are as follows

1088 Renee Yvonne Lemmons Rene Virgil Francis Francis William Wilham WIlham William Lemons mamed Mark Lee Barker son of Kenneth Barker and Helen Seeker Renee was born m innamed bom VLego digo olga County Indiana on 25 December 1952



Mark was Barker Markwas bom in Vigo County Indiana Mo children ofParkways born mLemmons and Mark The Renee Yvonne Lemons


1409 1410


on 3 November 1950 Lee Barker are as follows Barer Grammatical Barker born 15 July 1975 lD Virgo County Indiana Barler bom in Vigo Indimamed Ronald Harold named Nell Barker Mellows bom m Fremont County Wyoming on I Neil Nell was born in Freemont 1980 He married Kalla NIchol Hayes on 19 May 2001 mamed Kayla

Raman anan iana


Lagoon Ind-

1089 Kenneth Lemmons Rene Virgil Francis Francis William William Kenneth Wilham WIlham KennLemons Vigowas born in Vigo County Indiana on 21 May 1954 He married Muriel Leann Hicks in Lego mamed Munel Lean lD Laeth bom m Virgo goon Indiana on 19 May 1974 He and Munel Leann Hicks were divorced December County Unreel Lean divorced in rously lD He mamed Kathleen Sues AddIson in Nevis Township Virgo County Indiana on 27 98 married Kathellen Salesladies lD Vigo December 1987

The two children oftener Lemmons and Munel Leann Hicks both born m Vigo County Unreel Lean of Kenneth Lemons bom in Virgo Countywide are as follows 1411 Jeffrey Alden Lemmons Jeffrey was born on 13 June 1975 i Lemons 1412 Jeremiah Rene Lemons kremlins born on 22 October 1976 Lemmons Kremlin was bom Ji Jeremiah 1


Luc dna R Brown too Ando ROm L

t gel

14 January 2005

34 Th Lemmons Foam ly H story The Lemons Fam Iy




There were no children Johnnie Lemmons and Kathleen Sane Addison of Kenneth Lemmon hatchel Sues was William Wham Gewga1090 Greg Lemmons Freeman Virgil Francis Francis Wham William Greg baseLemons Thomas inVirgo 1 homas Tmamed born m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 13 November 1961 He married Lisa 1 horn as m in Vigo terred erre Haute Virgo County Indiana on 26 February 1983 Terre rebury
Vigobom m The three children of Greg Lemmons and Lisa Thomas all born in Terre Haute Lego Lemons Lagoon Indiana are 15 follows County rously is aries areis follow 1413 bom i Lemons Medusa Lemmons Medusa was born on 29 July 1983 boom 1414 n Lemons I Matthew Lemmons Matthew was bom on 2 December 1986 1415 Logan Lemmons Logan was born on 25 October 1995 bom III Lemons in


Kevin Lemmons Freeman Virgil Francis Francis William William hem Wham Wham henKevLard hem Lemons Virgo CressIndiana mamed was bom in nas born m Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana on 6 September 1963 He married Wendy Cress on m Brazil Clay County Indiana m September 1984 in in


The two children Bohemia Lemmons and Wendy Cress are as follows of Kevin Lemons 1416 bom in Travis Lemmons Travis was born m 1989 i Lemons 1417 bom in n Lemons I Megan Lemmons Megan was born m 1993


1092 Lambda Lemmons Freemans Viryl Francis Francis William Wham Lambda was washWham William Blinded baseLemons Freeman Vinyl room in Virgo Almaborn m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on 11 May 1967 She married Bob Jones Lambda mamed II Linnacs divorced from Bob Jones She mamed Boyd BradBailey Badey was named Bail-

da ey child of Linda ley only chided Goldman The


Lemmons and Bob Jones is Lemons bom in Jasmines Just was born m 1989

The only child on dma Lemons and Boyd Bailey is of Linda Lemmons 1419 Badey bom m Courtney Bailey Courtney was born in 1995 i


1093 Lisa Lynn Lemmons Freeman Virgil Francis Francis William William LIsa WIlham LiLemons Freeman- Lard I Virgo was bom m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana on I11 May 1967 She married Jeffrey Wesson born in mamed WilsWesson Lisa was divorced from Jeffrey Wilson She resides m Wheelersburg OhOhio Hitin Wheelers Ohm




The Wesson cluid child of her m only Clio Lisa Lynn Lemmons ind Jeffrey Wilson is Lemons wd
I i

DanIellO Wesson Danielle Damelle Wilson Damelle was born m 1987 bom in

1098 David A Hale Paulo Banyans Gladys Lemons Francis Francis WIlham Banyas Pauline-Banyas William Lemmons William named WIlham mamed Cheryl




The two children of David A Hale and Cheryl 1421 Tamara Hale married i mamed 1422 Robbie Hale ii I Rabble Ha-

are as follows Knees Nees

Lac dna R B uc gel le do R 8 ern L gg

Fam The Commons Fame ly 11 story mm


1099 DIanne Hale Paine Banyas Gladys Lemmons Francis Francis WIlham Banyans Lemons William William named Wilham mamed r ChandChandler



The of Dianne ler only child Rodney

I i

Hale and Chandler is Medusa Chandler

1100 Karen Kay Myers Barbara Banyans Gladys Lemons Francis Francis WIlham Mayer Banyas Lemmons William William mamed KurtE Lorcy WIlham married Kurt E FloKurt Lorey Loc-



The ate ret two children of-aren Kay of Karen

1424 1425


Mayer Myers and Kurt E Lorcy are as follows Lorey Elaine Mane Lorey Lame Lore Rachel I Leigh Lorey elgh Lore

1118 Stuart Kent Young Clement Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas WIlham William Lemons William Stuart was born m Wichita Kansas on 5 April 1943 He married Sharon K WIlham bom in Smanned Olen Wilkes enders daughter of Olsen 0 Sanders and Wilks m Verona Missouri on 24 Nilsson February 1962 Stuart s occupation Lame Supervisor m Verona Missouri Line in Mason





Sharon K Sanders Sharon was born in Verona Missouri on 2 February 1943 bom SharonSharon Salamanders Nilsson The three children of Stuart Kent Young and Sharon K Sanders all born m Monett Barry thre bom Monet BaCounty Mason were as follows Missouri 1426 David Kent Young born 12 September 1962 married Nucleate bom i mamed Nydean Coney divorced Lackluster Nydean Coney Nucleate Andean Oney Andean Oney 1427 aren Christine Young born 23 December 1964 named Jeffrey Karen Chanted bom ii mamed Jeffrey Franklin Lynn Frank






43 Dennis Denis

0 Young You-

ngling Lucinda Lund R Lud

Drop Dro

14 January 2005

The promo rom ly H tory Commons Fam Iy II story


11 ui

Dennis Olm Young Dims was born on 21 Anal 1970 DenDennis Dens Lm Dens bom died m Monet Nilsson nis on 24 January 1976 in Monett Barry County Missouri at age

NEWS ARTICLE TIle Monett TImes Monett Barry The Monet Tames Monet BarCounty Missouri 26 January 1976 PUDGY MONETT DU MONET CHILD PURDY MAN DIE IN MISHAPS struck a Tragedy struck double blow to the Monett area over the Monet thMonett wacked heeled with tuo persons a five year old Monet boy and a 73 year eland eaold rural Purdy man killed m separate traffic accidents whIch in older Pursy occurred less than 24 hours impart and two other persons injured part juried increpKilled at about 4 10 p m Saturday when he was struck by phen a dible Olen pIckup trucking Highway 37 was Dennis Olsen Young son Omar HoffIckup truck on ickup of Raman Mrs Kent Young and Circle Denver Monet and dead coDrive Monett fiof nd ommunes receIved a broadside crash on Route C one mile east of in neries Junes received m Pursy all Purdy at I 15 p m yesterday was Rudolph Anderson of Purdy Andersen Pursy xford Denver of one of the caricars Injured in Brett Udall Injured catured m the broadside canto ere Eudell Rolland Brott 23 Pursy drive Westlof Purdy Denver of the second car who received a fractured left awns and Ray More 33 of Monet a passenger m the car who receIved Morre Monett in StlaceratIOns about the face and throat Both were taken to St Sringent for treatment Vicente tamen s Hospital correlate treatmThe ent young child was struck by the out bound pickup advent by driven bPursy Amanda retrievarmaid Joanna Farms 19 of Purdy when he attempted to Renee anned Renea tm can he had kicked mo the boardwalk home from the Monet e road walking Monett into CIty Park with his brother and sister David 13 and Kinsmen II andantino net Monett Ponce Lombard who hoaccord to Monet Police Officer Gerald Lombard mesteaded the accident ventilated Officer Lombard stated that the accident which occurred aboabout two blocks from the youngsters home was unavoidyoungster's unavoidable Funeral services for the youth were held at 2 pm today at ere al p m BungalBuchanan Funeral Home with Rev Hubert Lames officiating Brumal Lines Bunal ows m Liberty Cemetery northeast of Monet as in Monett Born Anal 21 1970 m Monet he was a kindergarten student Monett net moderate studhere ent DraviSurviving m addition to his parents are the brother DavId dian sister Kinsmen both often home his maternal grandparents and grandpareof the adviser nts Mr and Mrs Olsen Sanders of Vernon his maternal great Olen Vemon isograndparents Mr and Mrs R E Sanders of Wheaton and hIS 6 Huspaternal great grandmother Mrs Dora Young of Exeter HIs Exeler thermal bandly was mattered Monet Barry County MI soun LIberty body mitered in interred m Monett Bany Missouri sound Cemetery






nether ch





accident Lombard ut able






1119 Mary ElOIse Young Clement Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas WIlham William Lemons Marvelous William WIlham Mary was born m Monett Barry County Missouri on 26 September 1946 She bom Monet Bany HeNilsson Lyie mamed named of ERs mmed Glenn Lyle Beck son offers Henry Beck and Thelma Chappel m Monett Barry Helm Chapel in Monet BaI County Nilsson on 1 November J1964 Thelma Beck mother of Glen Lyle Beck gave conseMissouri Lyie consent Helm



Lu Luc nt dna R Brown L

gds grit

14 14January 2005

Commons The Lemma Fam Iy Th Lemmo Fame ly


story 3

manage to the marriage They were mamed by the Methodist Minister Marshall Hill Church Monett Molester named NoneMonet Lyie omas Moms Tomas homas Nilsson by 1 Thomas H Gnomist She and Glenn Lyle Beck were divorced in August 1985 She m Hentities mamed Alien m Springs named ind Ballend Aliemmed Allen Thomas Good in Eureka Songs Arkansas m November 1987 She bind Allen in tomane Good were divorced m April 1994 Thomas nators in
Glenn Lyle Beck Glenn s occupation Inspector Glenn was born on 26 June 1946 Lyie bom The three children of Mary Eloise Young and Glenn Lyle Beck are as follows Lyie 1429 bom Rebecca Ann Beck born 23 July 1967 m Monett Barry County i in Monet Missouri named David Wayne Tolbert Colbert Nilsson mamed 1430 11 n Rachael Annette Beck born 6 October 1969 m Rogers Parkman asArkan as in Arkamamed named Damel hamed Daniel Ray Acuff Cuff 1431 Glen Alden Beck named Michele Gather Glen v as born Rmamed Gaither Glenas bom m inin in Glens ogers Arkansas on 19 October 1974 He named Came SmIth triguers Rogers mamed Smith m iClarksville Barry County Nilsson on 21 January 2000 ncases CassvIlle Missouri




womanly There were no children of Mary Eloise Young and Allen Thomas Good Alien

1120 CurtIS Rand Young Clement Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas WIlham William Lemons William WIlham Curtis was born m Monett Barry County Missouri on 25 May 1956 CurtIss bom in Monet CurtIs Crosm occupatIOn System Analyst in Rogers Arkansas He married Debra Kay Murray Gonzales scutting daughter oD G Murray and Betty m Rogers Arkansas on 14 February 1987 in




bom IS Debra ay Murray Gonzales Debra was born m Rogers Arkansas on 15 March 1955 kay Debrachildren of The three Rand Young and Debra Kay Murray Gonzales are as follows

occults Curtis
I i

Tony Manuel Constables Young Tony was born on 8 October 1977 Costales bom At the age Noelle years 1989 Tony was adopted by Curtis Rand Branof eleven Radoled




tail til

Steven Micahel Constables Young Steven was born on 24 January bom Michel Costales 1979 At the age often years 1989 Steven was adopted by CUrtIS of ten Rand Young Sarah Elizabeth Constables Young Sarah was born on 5 November Rehabber Costales Sarab bom I 1981 At the age of seven years 1989 Sarah was adopted by CurtIS Rand Young

dying ndy You





1123 Deborah Sue Young Gerald Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas WIlham William Lemmon HeWilliam WIlham Deborah was born in Monett Barry County Missouri on 3 November 1952 She bom m Monet Nilsson Virginal mamed named mmed Jackie Ray Lee son of Donald Lee and Virginia Cole m Exeter Barry County in kanVirginal mother Nilsson on 8 August 1969 Virginia Lee and Phyllis Sue Young mothers of the banded and s named groom give garoo gave consent to the manage ot their children The couple w as mamed by Lowell marriage 01 divorced on Thomas She and Jackie Ray Lee were divorced 5 April 1990 She named Eddie Dwayne mamed Wayne Daniand athryn Ken in Ashbin kathryn Ellis son of James Ellis mandatory Keene m Washburn Barry County Nilsson on 13 Anal Missouri elle Dwayne 1990 She and Eddie Wayne Ellis were divorced m 1998 in





ee Jackie Ray I cc Jackie was born in Cassville Barry County Missouri on 26 May 1949 bom m Castile Nilsson The only child of Deb arab Sue Young and Jackie Ray Lee SlDeborah Debar Cc is

oop dna R B 0 wn L gg o Loo Luc uch get

14 J anuary 2005

Fam II mm The Lcm ns Foam Iy It



bom TravIs Ray Lee born 29 December 1971 m Aurora Nilsson Missmamed Kelli Jo Lownamed Keel Lowe



Eddie Wayne Elsa ered Dwayne Ellis

Eddie was born m Bentonville Arkansas on 19 March 1959 in The only child of Deborah Sue Young and Eddie Dwayne Ellis is Wayne 1436 bom Sabena Dawn Heath Ellis Sabena was born on 16 September i 1989 Eddie Dele and Deborah Young Ellis adopted Sabena Elsa Sabena is Eddie s granddaughter through a previous manage marriage



Iii ena


1124 Regina kay Young Genid Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas WIlham William Regma Lemons Geld HeWilliam Wilham Regma was born in Monett Barry County Missouri on 16 September 1954 She bom m Monet Bany Regina Nilsson Alien Chanted Cantrell m Exemamed named mmed Bobby Allen James son of Bobby Hilton James and Eva Christine Chantries in Exeter Bandy JameAlien JamesMissouri Bany County Nilsson on 16 November 1973 Christine James mother of Bobby Allen James Chanted a moor gave consent for the manage The couple was mamed by Rev Glenn Lauderdale at s minor tnamed marriage Regma Ammonal Hospital Exeter Baptist Church Regina s occupation Assistant Manager for Memorial Hospeeter

iam ter



Bobby Allen James Bobby was born m Cassville Bany bom in Castile Bandy Alien Nilsson italoccupation Wager for Prime Source Compa- County Missouri Company Manager Bobby s

on 15 May 1954

ny three chIldren of Regina Kay The child Regma







Young and Bobby Allen James are as follows Alien Heathens Heither Dawn James Heathers occupation Registered Nurse Hether Heather was born m Springfield Greene County Missouri on 10 bom in Nilsson June 1975 She named Jonathon B Wrasse son of Jay mamed m Oliver Polka County Mason Masoin Boliver Polk Wrasse and Cheryl on 10 washKern Lynn James Kern s occupation Registered Nurse Kern was Kem baseroom in Osceola St Clair born m Osceola Sl Collator County Missouri on 3 November 1977 Nilsson Osco Ashley Kay James Ashley was born m Bolivar Polka County bom in Bihar Polk Nilsson on 15 July 1985




William Annette Lemmons Thomas Wilham Lemons William Tony WIlham Tonya was born m Monett Bany County Missouri on 17 July 1959 She mamed bom Monet Bandy namnamed Mount Lyle Bany Cones Cones Marietta Blithe m ely DavIs Coones son of Eugene D Coones and Mayetta Blythe in Exeter Barry County Tonya the Nilsson on 10 June 1977 Phyllis Young mother of Tanya Lynn Young gave consent for teamanage The couple was mamed by Rev RIck S Patterson pastor of First Baptist Church- v Church named RickS Paterson Church Rick mmate


1125 Tony i Lynn Young Gerald Alfred





woman s occupation Registrar SecretTonya Tony Secretary

ary DavIs Coones Lyle was born m Monett Bandy County Missouri on 18 August 1957 Lyle bom Monet Bany Cones Lyie Mason The two children of Ton a Lynn Young ind Lyle Davis Coones both born m Springbom in ofTon Lying wd Lyie Cones often Greene County Nilsson are as follows Missouri Ley Coones I 1440 i Enc Lee Coone Enc was born on 6 January 1981 bom 11 1441 Julia n Juha Ann Coones Julia was born on 11 February 1984 bom Cones Juha



1126 Kemp Devere Young Gerald Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas Wilham Kevin Deere William Lemons William Kevin Wilham Kemp was born in Monet Barry County Missouri on 12 July 1963 revamps bom m Monett Nilsson Eviscevis-

mamed Vemta occupation employed He married Venita Jean Rose daughter of Jerry Rose and Pat ceration eration m Ca Sallie Bany County Missouri on 21 July 1984 They were mamed by the Rev William Hey ere named Caviled WIlham Nilsson in Casville Bandy Willi-


Self Bayonet



am w B

Gucci l L gg


January 2005 JWU

The Lemmons rom Ily Lemons Fam

H Riddle pastor First Baptist Church Exeter Missouri He and Vemta Jean Rose were Nilsson Vena McIntyre divorced m 1987 He mamed Pamela Jean McIntyre daughter of A L McIntIre and Ann McIntIre named in m Eureka Songs Arkansas on 5 M 1989 He and Pamela Jean McIntyre were divorced m McIntIre in 1999


1 story Y



Vemta Jean Rose Venita was born m Rogers Arkansas on 16 June 1963 Vemta Vena Denver The only child of Kevin Devere Young and Vemta Jean Rose is Venita 1442 bom m RObers i Char Shawn Young Char was born in Rogers Arkansas on 26 December 1984

McIntyre bom Pamela Jean McIntIre Pane was born on 13 February 1960 There were no children of Kevin Devere Young and Pamela Jean McIntyre McIntIre Deere
Overdone ne 1127 Steven Verdane Young Sebum Herbert Annette Lemmons rhomas WIlham Lemons homas William HeWilliam Steven was bom m Kansas City Jackson County Missouri on 31 January 1954 He WIlham born in Nilsson m m Tiawana mamed Lone named mmed Lonne Bond in Taiwan Mexico about in 1971

1 I



bom in onne Bond Lonne was born m Oxnard Ventura County California m 1958 Lone one in bom in The two children of Steven Verdayne Young and Lonne Bond both born m Oxnard Ventura Lone offsite Overdone VenCounty California are as follows 1443 bom Lisa Lonne Young born 27 December 1973 i Lone 11 Verdayne Steven 1444 teven bom n Steven Overdone Young Steven wa born on 25 January 1977


WIlham William eburn 1128 Michaela Young Serbia Herbert Annette Lemmon Thomas William WIlham burn Lemon MIchaela was born in Landfill West Germany on 10 February 1962 She married Carbom m mamed Carl MItchell in michael m Rochester Washington on 23 July 1994



born The two children of Michaela Young and Carl Mitchell both bom m Stafford Arizona areAnzona are as follows 1445 Catalina Mitchell C Halma was born on 10 November 1998 Alma i 11 1446 bom m Logan MItchell Logan was born in September 2000 n Mitch WIlham William 1129 Renee Young Sebum Herbert Annette Lemmons Thomas William WIlham Lemons ORenee was born m Orleans France on 13 January 1965 Shot mamed Bryan Mesentery m Be named Brian im Olympia lympia Washington in 1998 gnobly

Tyrell Carll




Macs coccyx The two children of Renee Young and Bryan Mesentery are as follows I bom in Tempe Amona 1447 Chelsea Young Chelsea was born m Tempo Arizona on 25 i hurry 1992 11 bom m 1448 Connor Mesentery Connor was born in Olympia Washington on n 13 June 1999

mamed named

iam ArkansasWhams in 1962 on Ion County Arkansas 9 October

1131 Debra

CecIl Herbert Annette Lemmons Thomas WIlham William khy Lemons ky WillDebra Young Memphis Tennessee Debra was born m Little William WIlham Rock bom Randall Williams m

Roc Paula

no t Luc tu dna R B O wn L

14 Imbue January


mom The Lemmons rom Jy If story Lemons Fam ly 01


ory only child of Debra Kay Young and Randall Williams is The gofer 1449 i I Rachel was bom Rachel Williams Raceways born on 3 March 1994


1135 Angela Teresa Powers Illa Young Herbert Annette Lemmons Thomas WIlham ilia William Lemons William Wilham Angela was born m Springfield Greene County Missouri on 14 August 1962 She bom in HeNilsson Semamed Robert Anthony DuBois m Sequoia California on 24 July 1984 miarid named mmed in SeqUa



three The threat children of Angela Teresa Powers and Robert Anthony DuBois are as follows I 1450 i Clifton Daniel Chiffon DuBois Daniel was born m Oxnard Ventura bom in VenCounty California on 26 June 1980 Chiffon 1451 Dubois euchred u II bom in Richard Anthony DuBOIs Richard was born m Thousand Oaks I CalifornIa on 1 May 1986 1452 Christopher Robert DuBois Christopher was born m Thousand bom in Thousin Oaks California on 27 June 1989 and



1137 Lambda Ann Clock paralee Salt Came Young Lucian Lemmons Thomas Linda Parolee Paralee Clock parolee Salt Lectern Lennon William WIlham married Wilham William mamed James Coleberd Lambda was born on 24 July 1940 Clabbered Linda bom



The two children Goldman Ann Clock and James Coleberd are as follows of Linda Coccid 1453 Jill Leann Clabbered Jill was born on 6 November 1969 I i Lean Coleberd vas bom 1454 Coleberd Rebecca June Clabbered Rebecca was born on 13 May 1971 bom ii
1140 Charles Edward Wolfe Mann Salt Came Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas Wolf Manan Salt Lemons William Wilham named Lelah Wilham William mamed Leiah Brown He mamed Judy Chandler Charles was born on 29 vas bom named June 1933




Lelah Leiah Brown Leiah was born on 26 August 1937 bom Lelah The only child of Charles Edward Wolfe and Leiah Brown is Lelah Wolf 1455 Charles Edward Wolfe Charles was born on 30 August 1954 I i bom Judy Chandler Judy was born on 4 March 1941 bom The two children of Charles Edward Wolfe and Judy Chandler are as follows 1456 Enc Lyle Wolfe Enc was born on 22 December 1965 I i Lyie Ene bom 1457 u Mark Wolfe Parkways bomon 15 August 1972 II Mark was Markwas




Manan Salt Came Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas Mann Salt Lemons William WIlham named Wilham William mamed Chester Stephenson She mamed Paul Da idson Patricia was washbison Platonic basenamed room born on 4 April 1935 Anal



Patricia Ann Panicle Wolfe



There were no children of Patricia Ann Wolfe and Chester Stephenvere Stephenson
Paul was born on 22 July 1934 bom The two children optician Ann Wolfe and Paul Davidson are as follows Whole 1458 I Patrick i Panic Paul Davidson Panic was born on 28 May 1964 bom Patrick n Barry Neal Davidson Bany was born on 29 September 1972 1459 II Barry bom

son Davidson Paul


L Lucida R Lumbar Brown Loggia

14 January

ThudChromo s F am Iy 11 story The mo Fame ly II


1142 Manly Lee Wolfe Marian Marilyn Wolf Manan

WIlham Wham William

Lemons ThoSalt Came Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas married mamed David AbercrombIe Manly was born on 6 July 1943 bom Aberrance

Divid AbercrombIe Daiwa born on I June 1947 Weld Aberrance David was bom The two children of Manly Lee Wolfe and David AbercrombIe are as follows Wolf Aberrance 1460 Marcy Leann- Abercrombie Marcy was born on 29 September bom Leann Aberrance i

n II

Michael Hamson Abercrombie Michael was born on 2 April 1974 bom Hanson Aberrance

Ronald Gene Wolfe Marian Salt Came Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas Manan Lemons William WIlham named Jade Keithly Ronald was bom WIlham William mamed Jackie Skeletally Roadways born on 23 August 1945




Jackie KeIthly Jackie was born on 2 August 1944 bom The two children of Ronald Gene Wolfe and Jackie KeIthly are as follows Wolf Jade I 1462 i TrentRonald Trent Wolfe Ronald 15 born on 4 August 1969 bom Retooled 1463 bom n Nashua Dawn Wolfe Nashua was born on 10 June 1974 II


Ronald is


1144 Janice Smalltime Came Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas WIlham William Lemons William married WIlham mamed Edwin Russell Janice was born on 16 December 1953 bom



The two children of Janice Salt and Edwin Russell are as follows I EdwIn1464 i Michael Edwin Russell 1465 Jennifer Renee Russell Jennifer was born in November 1971 bom n II Womack Edith Young Lectern Lemmons Thomas Lemons Reboom 0 He WIlhm William James was bom in Miami Ottawa Oklahoma on 10 August 1950 HeWilma WIlham m Tupelo MISSISSIppI married Mississippimamed Martha Womack daughter of Clyde Womack and Opal named Lye mmed in an 18 May 1974


1146 James Arthur Lowry Lowery

Elena Elena


1 bom Martha Womack Martha was born in Jackson Gentry County Missouri on 1 1 March Mason Lowery The only child of James Arthur Lowry and Martha Worn Dick is ck ick Lowry 1466 Dan Lowery Dan was born m Nashville Tennessee on 3 1 May bom i


Lemmons Womack Edith Young Letting Lemons Thomas He William WIlham WIlham William Richard wigs born m Miami Ottawa Oklahoma on 23 November 1953 Hewis bom in Governor Governor mmed ScottIe Ann Gosvener mightier of Clarence Gosvener and Fern Chapman m MIamI Amm mamed Ottawa Oklahoma on 7 June 1974 He married Kens Wynn in 1975 anita


1147 Richard Lynn Lowry Lowery

Scottie Ann Gosvener Scottie was born In Muskogee Oklahoma on 7 January 1955 Governor Scuttle Governor Gosvener There were no children of Richard Lynn Lowery and Scottie Ann GoverLowry

Elena Edema



nor two children of Rich bird Lynn Low and Kens Wynn both born m Tulsa Tulsa County Lower ird bom The Lowr
December Lowry Kyle Lowery Kyle was born on 13 December 1983 bom Lowery Kan Kara Lowry Kahn was born on 7 April 1987 bom AP

Oklahoma are as follows 1467 i n 1468 II

lOO d Luc dna R Brown L


get 1

Fame ITie The Lemmons F am Iy H st fy


1150 Jed Wesley Lemmons Lawrence Lester George Thomas William William Lemons Lawrences Lesters Wham WIlham Esters 1943 Jed s occupation Petroleum Jed was Judas born in PetroleJedas bom 10 Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma m Tulsa Land Man 10 Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma He mamed Brenda Joyce Carr d aughter Caught of named Leant n offey F Carr and Wand Lantz 10 War Acres OK on 28 August 1964


ey De



The three children of Jed Wesley Lemmons and Brenda Joyce Carr are as follows Lemons 1469 Mark Wesley Lemmons born 26 July 1969 m Denver Colorado i Lemons bom mamed Chins Bauer named 11 1470 April Lemmons April was bom Heii II Anal Dana Lemons Apneas born on 11 Anal 1975 She Anal mamed named mmed 0 Roy Miller 10 June 2000 in 1471 HeLemons Enca was bom Enc in Enca Anne Lemmons Encase born on 1I September 1977 She Enc mamed Roy Ascender 10 1999 named mmed in



as as

1151 Phillip Ray Lemmons Lawrence Lester George Thomas William WIlham GeorgC Wilham William Lemons born Phillip was bom on 10 December 1944 Phillips occupation Editorial Director He s Phillip Rosalyn Anne Frick daughter of Roscoe H Frick and Mary E Cloches 10 Jaffrey New Roslyn Jeffrey Rick pinafore Roscoe Rick Hampshire on 3 May 1986






Roslyn bom m Greenberg Neck Rosalyn was born 10 Greensburg Pennsylvania on 14 March 1955 The two children R ay Lemmons and Roslyn Anne Rick are as follows Rosalyn y Lemons Frick 1472 I Matthew Lawrence Lemmons Matthew was born in Peterborough Mathew bom 10 Petrology Lemons Mathew
Rosalyn Anne Roslyn



New Hampshire on 28 September 1990 Rehabber Elizabeth Rose Lemmons Elizabeth was born 10 San FrancIsco bom in Lemons Rehabber California on 2 Anal 1994



1152 James Enc Lemmons Lawrence Lester Georges Thomas William Wilham WIlham William GeorgC Jams Ene Lemons Lawrences Delamibom in Tulsa James was born 10 Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 27 February 1947 James s occupatIOn nates Computer consultant He mamed Brenda Kay Woods daughter of Doyle Woods and Maxine 9 named Maxme 10 Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma on 17 September 1978 He and Brenda in Brenm hay Woods were divorced 10 1988


Brenda Kay Woods Brenda was born 10 Las Cruses New Mexico on 2 May 1952 hay Wood bom in The only child of J dimes Enc Lemmons and Brenda Kay Woods is imes Ene Lemons Brend I 1474 i Jed Austin Lemmons Jed was born in Oklahoma City Oklahoma bom 10 Faust Lemons OklahCounty Oklahoma on 15 May 1980

child of



3 Jerry Lee Higgins Maxine Lemmons Lester George Thomas William WIlham Maxme Lemons GeorgeWIlham William WilliJenny was born 10 Seminole Oklahoma on 9 September 1936 He mamed Carolyn Jean Jeny bom in Wenamed Kennedy Mac ennedy daughter of Hugh Arthur Kennedy and Came Mae Cross in Oklahoma CIty akened Oklahoma County Oklahoma on 19 February 1957




George Letterer

The three children of Jerry Lee Higgins and Carolyn Jean Kennedy as follows Jeny Phlegm Kennedy are 1475 Jenny Phlegm Jeny Lee Higgins Jr born 21 November 1957 in Kansas City i bom Wyandotte County Kansas mamed Donna Lynn Young named Donn Young K B rown Luc dna K-rown L gigot Lu B of


J I anuary 2005

Lemmons F The Limo Fame Iy Th Lommo r am ly If story Lemons 0


III in

Michelle Good

namebom MIchelle Phlegm born 28 July 1961 10 Dallas Texas renamed mamed Macdin Ronald drop GoodWIn divorced Ronald onald Christopher Paul HIggins Christopher was born in Oklahoma CIty bom 10 Oklahoma County Oklahoma on 14 May 1971 He mamed named Jennifer Luke m December 2000 Luker 10


Joyce 1154 Joye Higgins Maxme Lemmons Lester George Thomas William William Wetland Wetland Maxim Lemons Joyce was born in Seminole Oklahoma on 2 July 1939 She mamed Donald Mays on ItJoye bom 10 named II February inerary 1955 She and Donald Mays were divorced 10 1956 She mamed Jack Prater named in Cunningham on 26 March 1962 She mamed Lone McGuMcGUIre named



Joyce The ire only child of Joye


lignums Higgins and Donald Mays is Randall Wayne Mays born 18 August 1955 mamed Cynthia bom i named




Jack Prater Cunningham His body was interred 10 hody TX Old Hall Cemetery JacJack was bom 10 10 Parkals born in Denton Texas on 13 September 1934 Jack died on 18 March 1994 m Parker County Texas at age 59 Teas Joye The only child of Joyce Higgins and Jack Prater Cunningham is 1479 Dana Gray Cunningham born 11 October 1960 mamed Robert bom II i named RobScott Benson erts Ben-


ker only

Joyce There son were no children of Joye

lignums Higgins and Lone McGuire

1155 Dennis Max Higgins Maxme Lemmons Lester George Thomas Wetland Pigmy Maxim Lemons Lesler Count Oklahoma on 31 August 1941 Dennis was born in Shawnee bom 10 He mamed Suzanne Ellen Derning He mamed Peggy Jo Bites Derange named named Bit-




es to

Higgins The two children of Dennis Max lignums and Suzanne Ellen Deeming are as follows Deming 1480 Dennis Lance Higgins born 29 August 1960 in Houston Hams bom i Dens County Alam named nson Texas mamed Renee Alamo Nicholson 1481 Higgins bom in n Joseph Enc Phlegm Joseph was born 10 Irving Texas on 1 March II 1967 He named Elizabeth Ann Ledge 10 Napa Valley Ledebur in mamed Rehabber AlloFamily Law California Joseph occupation Attorney Featly LaJosephs s



The only child modems Mix Higgins and Peggy Jo Bates is of Dennis 1482 Kyle Roy Higgins born 30 June 1962 10 Dallas Texas manned marrI Phlegm i in Dalla ManStovall Laura Ann Stoically dela


1156 Cathy Annette Lemmons Virgil Lester George Thomas William Wetland Thoma Wetland WillCachinnate Lemons Cathy was born in Pauls VaHey Oklahoma on 14 July 1954 Cathy s occupation Paralegal She He10 Pals Valley Cheeks vere mamed named Doulas Leeks mmed James Douglas Hicks She and James Douglas Hicks were divorced 10 1994 mmed in

Cathy iam

beholden Cheeks The tv 0 children of Cathy Annette Lemmons and James Douglas Hicks are as follows Lemons 1483 Manses Louise Hicks Manses wigs born in Barkeep Arkansas i LoUis Arkanswis bom 10 on 23 January 1980 as
Luc dna Brown get lo od R B own L gigot


January Jm 2005



Fame Iy Ii F am ly H story



Connor Conor James Hicks Connor Conformances Connor born on 30 May 1984 Concordances Conor was bom

Fig 1441 he John Freeman Family

Bach Back Nathan Front John Judy Lauren Judicature

1160 John Robert Freeman Robert Goldie Lemmons George Thomas Wilham William Lemons William Wilham John was born in Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 23 May 1952 John was hosted bom 1 Iowa liste15 a member Presbyterian Church Johns occupation Architect of He mamed Nancy Short Shortnamed d daughter of Frank Short and Janet sighted Momes Polk in Des MOInes Polka County Iowa on 18 August 1972 He mamed Judy DeBrock in Estes Park Colorado on I11 August 1985 I named Defrock Esters



Nancy Short Nancy s ccupation Supervisor Hewlett Packard Nancy was born m De bom in Deooccupant mons Momes Polk County Iowa on 27 July 1952 Mmes Poll There were no children of John Robert Freeman and Nancy Short


Judy was born on 29 July 1949 The two children of John Robert Freeman and Judy DeBrock both born in Loveland bom 1 LoveDeBroe Colorado are as follows 1485 Dc Nathan DL Brock Freeman Nathan was born on 23 June 1987 i bom 11 1486 n Lauren Freeman Lauren was bom on 24 January 1989 born

0 land

Judy Derek ort DeBrock


Luanda R Bro n

Bang t


January 2005

T Commons rm Iy to nhe mo Fam ly H story


Frenchman Dan Janet and Jacob Freeman Jand


Damel Daniel James Freeman Robert Goldie Lemmons George Thomas Wilham William Roberta Lemons William Damel Wilham Daniel was born m Cedar Rapids Iowa on 7 March 1954 Damel s occupatIOn bom in Damels Daniels Dame occupatChemical Psychologist He mamed Janet Lee Falck daughter of Gerald Leonard Faick and married Flack Faick Falck aniFalk Isabelle Inabelle malcule Griffin m Stanley Polka County Iowa on 8 January 1977 Polk in

ional ation




Janet Lee Faick Janet was born m Manchester Delaware County Iowa on 24 November bom in Falck 1953 Janet died on 4 April 2001 m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa at age 47 in OBITUARY Independence Bulletin Journal Independence Iowa 7 April 2001 JANET L FREEMAN JANET REEMAN I November 24 1953 Anal 4 2001 INDEPENDENCE NDEPENDENCE Janet L Freeman 47 of Independence and formerly of Manchefinely Manchester dIed ster of an extended illness 2001 at University of Iowa Hoplite 1 and Chemic m Iowa IntrCity Hospital Inversely Hmm Janet anet was born November 24 1953 at Manchester to Gerald and Inabel Gaffing Falk bom Isabel Griffin AleFalck Flacremised and educated m She wa remised educated the Strawberry Pont and Stanley areraised Point cks area in She graduated from the Oelwein Community School 1972 Janet graduated from teSchool in the Elemi Inversely of Northern Iowa m Cedar Falls m 1977 Janet was bunted m manage to Daniel united in marriage in in 1977 at the Stanley Union Church Freeman on January 8 J Umon ChuThey social workaroworker pits in rch resided m Independence for the post four years Janet was a community dockworker und Empowerment Area Coordinator serum Buchanan Fayette and Delaware counties She heaand Layette has serving dmost recently served the Buchanan County Volunteer Co op Advisory Boor and Buchanan most served on Boord County United Church anan Interagency Council Janet was a member of First Unmated Methodist ChurcShe hes is survived by her husband Dan Freeman one son Jacob of Independence her parents Protegra and Inabel Faick of Deleing two brothers Steve Faick of Stanley and Richard Faick of Gerald Isabel Falck Oelwein Falck Falck badJodi Bob anand Borland Elemi one sister Odin Nan Muller of Manchester her father and mother m law Boband in M non Freeman of Esles Park Colorado a sister m law Becky Tony Chesek someday III Estes minton Cheek of Edema in and several maces and nephews nephenieces





ks as merity eniest






ws Luc dna tu nd R

B own L gg 0

t get l


January ju y


The Summon Fame Iy H lorry Commons Fam ly 1 sop-

histication will be from Visitation pm pm Sunday Anal 8 at Leonard Muller Funeral Home and AinCrematory m Manchester may also call after 9 a m Monday at the church Inin In terdependence unholy service time Independence until invutimlnerable services will be held Monday April 9 2001 at 11 a m at the First Unmated Funeral Fits II rn Anal Methodist Church in Independence with Rev Dennis Bailey officiating and music by Mary Dens Mlle Lemmon Innocent will be at a later date m Union Cemetery near Aurora Memorials may rebe Ammonal Lemon Internment in Umon op directed to Buchanan County Volunteer Co coplanar Muller Funeral Home of Manchester is m charge coffle arrangements Her boyLeonard body of the was mitered ars interred on 9 Anal 2001 m Independence Buchanan County Iowa in I Daniel The only child of Dame James Freeman and Janet Lee Alecks Falck Faick is 1 1487 Jacob Faick Freeman Jacob was bom m Cheyenne Wyoming on Falck born in i adopted 26 February 1992 Jacob was adopt-

ndrea elier Funerals

7 2 Feds





County as

Fig ed

Chesses Rebecca Freeman Chesses Tony Chese David Chesek and Emmer Chesek Chesek Chese Jennifer Cheek Cheek Check Cheek

1162 Rebecca Jean Freeman Robert Goldie Lemmons George Thomas Lemons Rebecca was born m Misdialed DuPage County Illinois on 23 August 1958 She Unpaged William WIlham bom HeUsername Anthony Jerome Chesel son of Frank J Chesses and Ollena Gra es m Des Momes renamed Chesek Chese Pollen Graf mmed Graces in Cheek Mmes Chisel MmPolka County Inward on 20 May 1989 Polk Iowa

iam es


INC to

dna R B own I biggest

14 14January

Lemma The Lemmo

Iy H


Rebecca Freeman and father Bob Freeman


Anthony bom Cheek man Jerome Chesek Anthony was born in Baton Rouge Louisiana on 4 March 1958 Anthony s Computer Tech He Joann Frances

mamed Bishop occupation named Bishop three children of Rebecca Jean Freeman and Anthony Jerome Chese are as follows Chesses The Chesek Cheek I 1488 i Jennifer Frances Chesek Jennifer was born in Oak Park Cook bom m CooCooCheek County Illinois on 15 January 1983 to Anthony Chen eland Che ek and advances Bishop Chese Frances Chesek 11 1489 Chesek Wilham bom m Estates Wilham n William Jerome Cheek William was born in Estates County Illinois on 4 March 1991 Coo 1490 David Anthony Cheek David was born m Hoffman Estates Cook Chesek bom in in Cookout Illinois on 17 October 1993



William 1163 Michelle Lea Freeman Ralph Goldie Lemmons George Thomas Wilham Lemons William as bom Wilham Michelle was born m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 17 January 1961 school MIchelle s occupation City High School Tennis Coach and manager of a Tennis Faculty Iowa chool Facility m Faculty in hosted CIty Iowa MIchelle was listed as a member of a church Methodist She mamed Bret DavId Avonamed wa George Georg son of March George and Beryl Bachar m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 17 Becharm S trembler 1983



oider ider




Loc dna Round get Luc od R Droun L gg

January005 2 2005

foam Iy II The Commons Fam ly 11 story loran Th lorn Y


Freemason Oret Michelle Bret George Molehill Shelley Freeman George and Lindsay George February 2003 Lloyds


Bret David George Bret was born in Johnson Co IA on 1 September 1960 Bret s occupatIOn I bom lA Horticulturist in Iowa City Johnson County Iowa Loawa The the only child of MIchelle Lea Freeman and Bret David George Fiis




fing Fig

Michelle Freeman George and Lloyds George Kleenex Lindsay


i I

Lindsay Mane George Lindsay was born in Iowa City Johnson bom JohnCounty Iowa on 29 September 1985



Luanda R Brown Logger

m l

g I


2005 January 20

Thor The

Lemmons rm Iy 1 story mm Fam ly 10 Lemons 0


Fig ISO Christine Freeman Johnson Calm Johnson with Alexis Lauren and Chelsea Johnson Calvin Christen

e 1164 Christine Jane Freeman Ralph Goldie Lemmons George Thomas WIlham William Lemons Calmly e HeWilliam Christine was born in Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 19 March 1963 She Wilham SeChant vas bom mamed named miarid lova mmed Calvin Roy Johnson in lona City Johnson County Iowa on 29 January 1988






Calvin Roy Johnson Calvin was born in 1960 Call bom Call The three children cochins e Jane Freeman and Calvin Roy Johnson are as follows of Christine Call 1 1492 Chelsea Jean Johnson Chelsea was born in Hl sdale DuPage Co bom Misdialed Unpaged Codale Unpaged i IL on 25 September 1989 11 1493 Alexis Celeste Johnson Alexis was born in Hortman Estates CoCook bom Hoffman Co ok IL on 8 October 1991 1494 Estates bom Lauren Freeman Johnson Lauren was born in Hoffman EstaCook Cool Co IL on 28 December 1993




L uc dna R B own L g L Brown


14 January 2005

The lanmon Fame ly II Th lampoon F am 11 H lorry


Fig Ig

5 Michael Freeman Tammy Piram Freeman Camden Freeman and Bruno e Freeman Brno Caden Brooke Pam

1165 Michael James Freeman Ralph Goldie Lemmons George Thomas WIlham Mchael William Lemons HeReWilliam WIlham Michael was born 10 Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 5 November 1965 He bom m married mamed Tammy Lynn Pram daughter of Richard Edward PI ram and Lois Eleanor Benson mnamed Olympian m mmed Piram Pram fiMaple Grove Enema Co MN on 6 February 1999 3



aple nale



Tammy Lynn Piram Tammy was born m St Cloud Stems Co MN on 12 November 1971 bom Slims Pram The children of Michael James Freeman and Tammy Lynn Pram are as folloMchael follows Piram

Fig ws
Luanda R go Lumda man R Brown L grit

2 Caden Camden

and Brood e Freeman Broo Brook


January 2005

The Commons Humorous

Fawn ly H Fam Idyll




n II

James Freem m Camden vas born on 2 November 2000 Cadenzas Cadenas bom Free In Caden Brooke Alta Freeman Brooke was born in June 2002 Aleta bom
Camden Caden


1167 Susan Vi Freem n Gary Goldie Lemmons George Thomas William WilliWilham Lemons Remain Susan was born in Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 25 January 1963 She married Richard bom mamed RichaLeonard son of Richard Joseph Wanderer and LouAnn Johnson m Iowa CIty In CiJohnson County Iowa on 18 May 1985 She and Richard Leonard were divorced vere divorcon 23 November 1992 in Iowa City Johnson County Iowa She married Timothy Kenneth Jowa mamed ed FIscher son of Kenneth Lloyd FIscher and Dora Jean m Monsoon Jefferson AcCo In celerando Colorado on 25 March 1995

ams rdson Andean





Loan Andean


Ingest Incan


Richard Leonard Richard was born m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 13 bom In May 1963 The only child of Susan Vi Freeman and Richard Leonard is 1497 Joel Richard Andean Joel was born in Iowa City Johnson bom i JohnCounty Iowa on 15 July 1988

Rancher Andean



born Timothy Kenneth FIscher timothy was bom in St Louis St Louis County Missouri on 16 Falmouth Nilsson May 1956 The only child of Susan Vi Freeman and Timothy Kenneth FIscher is I 1498 Bennett Timothy Fischer Bennett was born on 1 January 2000 i bom


Susan Bloc Freeman Clayton Freeman Scholl Freeman Taylor Freeman February 2003 Scott Block Claylon Talor Tailor

1168 Scott Gary Fred man Gary Goldie Lemmons George Thomas WIlham Fre Freeman Thoma William Lemons Scott was born in Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 31 July 1964 He mamed named vas bom Blabber Susan kay Block daughter of Gerry Block and Phyllis liberty on 16 May 1982 med Ray



L uc dna R Bro Brown L g cl L


January 2005

Th Lemmon F am ty H sorry The Lemon Fame Iy II Dio-

nysus Kay Block Susan was born m Bettendorf Iowa on 5 October 1961 Susan Blockbom Betted The two children of Scott Gary Freeman and Susan Kay Block both born m Iowa CIty bom in CiJohnson County Iowa are as follows 1 1499 Taylor Kay Freeman Taylor was born on 28 January 1990 bom i n 1500 Clayton Scott Freeman Clayton was born on 6 February 1992 II bom





Madison Freeman Hannah Stokes Teresa Caesars Freeman Chad Freeman C-ige Freeman Stoke Caesar blunter Stokes Stoke

1169 Chad Lee Freeman Gary GoldIe Lemmons George Thomas William Wetland Wetland WilliLemons GeorgC Chad was horn m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 12 April 1967 He mamed Marsha bom in named daughter of Fujiwara and Barbara Ann McGraw m Iowa CIty in CiJohnson County Iowa on 9 May 1992 He and Marsha Fujiwara were divorced He Hemamed Teresa Lee Calease daughter of Leland W Calease and Belle J Metz ID Dan Forth Cleanse named mmed Met in Leland Cleanse FoChapel Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 13 July 2002 Iowa

am trons



ige Free-



Marsha Fuji imagery Marsha was born ID Canada on 15 September 1964 bom in The only child of Chad Lee Freeman and Marsha Fujiwara is J 1501 Madison Akiko Freeman Madison was born in Iowa City Johnson i bom m Kilo JohnIowa County Iowa on 23 March 1994


Teresa Lee Calease Teresa was born ID Waverly Bremer County Iowa on 15 December Cleanse bom in Aviary Brenner IS 1968 She roamed mamed Stokes StokThe three children of Chad Lee Freeman and Teresa Lee Cleanse born ID Iowa CIty Cleanse Calease all bom in CiJohnson County Iowa ire as follows 1502 Hunter S Stokes Hunter was born on 10 May 1993 tooters i bom to Teresa Cleanse Calease Stokes and her first husband Mr Stokes Stoke1503 II s Hanna R Stokes Hanna was born on 4 December 1996 to Teresa bom Cleanse Calease Stokes and her first husband Mr Stokes Stok1504 es Gage Lee Freeman Gage was born on 12 June 2003 III bom



Hunters resa

TeTe14 J anuary 2005

Luanda R- B rown L gel RB Brown

Th urn The Lemmons F am Ty II s ory my Lemons Fame Iy



Harold and Joshua Retrenches

Rehabber Patricia 1170 Harold Ralph Rednecks Panicle Nicholson Elizabeth McLaughlin George Lemmon Thomas William William Harold was born m Davenport Iowa on 21 Anal bom in Tallinn Lemon 1951 He married Debra m Pleasanton Almeda County California in June 1974 mamed in Pleasant Alameda

orge orge



The only child of Harold Ralph researches and Debra is rednecks 1505 Joshua Retrenches Joshua was born in San Jose California on 13 bom i May 1978
1173 Desiree Lyn Frederic Platonic Nicholson Elizabeth McLaughlin George ubom DDemee Lemmon Thomas William William married Kelly Duane Ritchie Desiree was born m Tallinn mamed Lemon avenport Iowa on 20 August 1956 Davenport nderreport


orge orge



The only child of DesIree Lyn Frederic and Kelly Duane Ritchie is Retch 1506 Cash Duane Ritchie Cash was born on 3 July 1992 bom i


Luo dna Luc od R Brown L g 1 cl

14 January 2005


The Simoom F am Iy H my Cannons Fame ly II story


Sara Schrader KrIStin Nicholson Schrader and Levi Schrader Shredder Kantian Shredder Shredder

Kantian Elizabeth Nicholson RIchard Elizabeth McLaughlin George Lemmons George- Lemons Richards Thomas William William Kantian was born m Milwaukee Milwaukee County WisconsWIlham WIlham bom in WI common I November 1964 She mamed David Chaffered Schrader son of Robert Joseph Clifford Shredder named in



Kant Rehab






Junco 1993 Junc

and Pamela Jean Schrader m Appleton Outagamie County Wisconsin on 12 Shredder in Outage Wilson

Chaffered Shredder David Clifford Schrader David was born m Milwaukee Milwaukee County Wisconsin on bom in Wilson 11 June 1966 The two children of Kantian Elizabeth Nicholson and David Chaffered Schrader are tokenism Rehab Clifford Shredder follows 1507 Levi Jacob C - Schroeder Levi was born m Cambridge Songs i C ucrose bom in S Schroder Pennsylvania on 6 January 1997 1508 n II Sara Jane Schrader vas born on 6 June 2001 in Appleton Shredder was bom

1177 Kerry Tiepin Davenport Barbara Nicholson Elizabeth McLaughlin George Jezebel Lemmons WIlham WIlham Keny Lemons Thomas William William Kerry was born m Milwaukee Milwaukee County Kenyans bom in CounWilson on 21 April 1962 She mamed Andrew Frank Nicholson on 6 November 1987 She named HeShmanned James Wesley Dm m Chattanooga Tennessee on 19 October 2002 mmed eared Clobber in

orge tywide unty


Wilson leton





Luc dna R Brown L gigot

14 J


Th Lemmons ron y Tic Lemons Fam

mo L


NIcholson Family lAic Row Jason Ledford Krystal Fain Andrew Nicholson Front Row Zachary lIac Back Bedford Crystal ZachAuston Noisome Kerry Davenport Nicholson Jason Andrew Nicholson Aston Dashpot

ary Xhosa


Andrew Frank Nicholson Andrew was born on 16 October 1963 Clobber bom olson The two children of Kerry Ken Davenport and Andrew Frank Nicholson are as follows I 1509 Zachary Austin Nicholson was born on 26 July 1989 m i bom CFaust Chattanooga Tennessee hattanooga 1510 n Jacob Andrew Nicholson was born on 24 November 1992 m II bom Chattanooga TenneTennessee James ssee Wesley Fain Fam James w s born on 11 August 1959 w s bom The two children Doherty Ken Davenport and James Wesley Fain were as follows of Kerry Fam vere I 1511 South CaroliKrystal ken Fain Krystal was born m Charleston houth CharwomCrystal hen Fam Crystal bom in i hutch Carolina Carla on Bedford na an 10 November 1982 She married Jacob Ledford on 19 October manned Bedford m 2002 in Chattanooga Tennessee Tennesse15 I 2 1512 Fam Scan II bom in Outce Sean Mitchell Fain Sean was born m Myrtle Beach South ropping on 4 October 1985 Sean died on 6 March 1986 m MyCarolina Scan in Myrtle Carolina Beach South CaroCaroli-




Luc fda R na Ursula




January 2005

0 The


Sym Iy H story Sammy

y I my II


McLaughlin Elizabeth McLaughlin Nicholson and Angle Linn Da deport Davenport

1178 Angle Lynn Davenport Barbara Nicholson McLaughlin George WIlham Lemmons Thomas William William and Richard Dean Sailors were divorced Angle basewashLemons was room born on 15 April 1963 She mamed Richard Dean Sailors on 6 September 1989 named



Elizabeth Ge-

Richard Dean Sailors Richard was born on 8 De ember 1960 bom December The three children of Angle Lynn Davenport and Richard Dean Sailors are as follows Delaney 1513 Richard Delano Sailors Jr Richard was born in Powering bom Power I i CalifornIa on 13 February 1990

Delaney Sailors Fig 59 Emily Elizabeth Sailors Richard Delano Lords and Nc olla Arlene Sailros November 1999 Adores Nicholas Airlee Eros bomber ola

1514 1515




Rehabber Elizabeth Sailors Emily was born in Power Songs bom California on 6 February 1991 NIckolas Airlee Nicholas Arlene Sailors Nicholas was born in Chattanooga NIckolas bom Tennessee on 19 January 1999

omially Emily


ro S



1179 Shawn Arthur Davenport Barbara Nichol on Elizabeth McLaughlin George Nicholson WIlham WIlham Lemmons bom Lemons Thomas William William Shawn was born on 18 February 1965 He mamed named Kelly Rogers on 26 March 1986 He and Kelly Rogers were divorced in March J1989 He Elelly med




ro Luanda R Found

January 2005

Th lemmo lemma

story m m Iy 11 o m-

mamed named aimed

Esther Rushing on 21 October 1990 He and Esther Rushing were divorced m February Ruling Ruling in 1995 He mamed Sheryl Platt m Lambourn England on 21 February 1997 named Sherry in Tambour Kelly Rogers Kelly was born on 16 April 1966 helly bom Anal The only child of Shawn Arthur Davenport and Kelly Rogers is offhand

Ashley Lyon Davenport Ashley was born m Chattanooga Lynn bom in Tennessee on 21 December 1986



Esther Rushing Esther was born on 21 October 1968 bom Ruling The only child Shawn Arthur Davenport and Esther Rushing is child of Dashpot Ruling 1517 I i Chelsey Lydia Davenport Chelsey was born m Chattanooga bom in Chelsea Lynn Chelsea Tennessee on 6 March 1991



Sherry Plait Sherry Sheryl Platt Sheryl was born m Indiana on 26 July 1971 bom in 1 here were no children of Shawn Arthur Davenport and Sheryl HothSherry Http

Haddley eadedly Gilbert Addle


Gabby Gibby Gilbert


Jo Davenport Gilbert Shelby NICole Gilbert Glbert


1180 Comedy Jo Davenport Barbara Nicholson Elizabeth McLaughlin George Lemmons Rehabber Lemons WIlham WIlham Thomas William William Comedy was born on 21 August 1967 She mamed C L GIlbert bom named III m Chattanooga Tennessee on 21 June 1987



bom Gilbert III C was born m Chattanooga Tennessee on 21 October 1965 Comedy The four children of Cindy Jo Davenport and C L Gilbert III are as follows
1518 1519 1520
I i


III in


Shelby Nicole Gilbert Shelby was born in Chattanooga Tennessee bom m Tennesson 13 September 1990 ee Carson Tyler Gilbert Carson was born m Chattanooga Tennessee bom in TennessTier on 4 January 1995 ee Hadley Haley Gilbert was born on 2 April 2003 m Chattanooga bom in Anal Tennessee Hadley Gilbert born Haley Glbert was bom on 2 April 2003 m Chattanooga in Anal Tennessee


nooga nooga



1185 Lon E Lawrence Lawrence Fernando Lectern Lemmons WIlham Femando LonE Lemons William William WIlham Lon was born m Loaned California on 19 March 1967 She mamed John bom in named son of Andrew J Hagele and Beverly Johnson m Lusaka California on 23 June 1991 Haggle





John E Hagele John was born m Bakersfield California on 27 March 1965 John oHaggle bom s
occupatIOn ccupatIOn

The two children of Lon E Winn and John E Hagele both born m Redlands California areHaggle LonE are bom Irelands as follows I 1522 i Matthew L s Hagele Matthew was born on 4 December 1993 L Haggle bom 11 n Adam A Hagee Adam was born on 16 May 1996 Hagele bom



Luc dna R

Drove n L BroL g el Broil


January 2005

Lommo Th Lemons Fam If 1 The Lemmons rom ly H story Limo

1186 Michelle 0 Lawrence Lawrence Fernando Lectern Lemmons Wilham Michelle Femando Lemons William Michelle was born m Lusaka Tulare County California on 25 September 1969 Hebom in Tulane She mamed John E Freed son of Robert Freed and Carol Miller m Lusaka California on 27 named mmed March 1994








John E bom in JohnE Freed John was born m Loaned California on 31 August 1964 John The two children of Michelle D and John E Freed are as follows 1 1524 Christian 0B Freed Christian was born m Portland Constant D freed Chula bom in i County Oregon on 13 December 1992 11 1525 Spencer J Winn Spencer was born m Irelands San Bernard n bom in Redlands Mn I County California on 1 June 1996


Noah Mu



1187 Julie M Winn Richard Lawrence Remind Lectern Lemmons Juhe Lemons RWilliam Wilham Julie was born in Palo Alto California on 23 July 1968 She married Anthony RJuhe bom m mamed S RabID Growled m Palo Alto California on 6 August abID son of Gerrold F Rabin and Nancy Ram 1994

Mn abin conferred


ilove Seal

S AnthonyS RabID Anthony was bom in Anthony Rabin Anthony born m Los Angeles Los Angeles County California on 24

May 1967 Walden The two children of Juhe M Winn and Anthony S Rabin both born ID St Helena Juke RabID bom in California are as follows 1 1526 Max Nicolar Rabin ma was born on 29 May 1999 i Nicolai Ram Max bom 11 1527 n Samara Kate Rabin Samara was born on 5 June 2001 DraRam

James Andrew Eliza Lemmons Wilham Ezra Lemons William bom Saint Liam was born on 5 October 1954 m Amt Louis County Minnesota He mamed Ache named AcceLorraine Plateau eau leration La fea-


1192 Ronald James

man Mn Jr Ronald



ther two children of Ronald lames Winn Jr and Alice Lorries The James patIr Laramie bolh bom both born m amiamt LoUIs County Minnesota are as follows ulous tosis 1528 Mark Allen Linn was born on 17 September 1975 Aliening i 11 1529 n Andrew John Wynn was born on 4 May 1985 M Winn bom
1198 Jennifer Trout Wayne Grace James Laura Winn Eliza Lemons Lemmons Linn William named Wilham mamed Sonny Zurich


eau La




Wham Will-

The ch three children of Jennifer

11 1


n III in

Trout and Sonny Zurich are as follows Holly Zurich Heather Zurich
Courtney Zurich

1199 Douglas Trout Wayne Grace James Laura Winn Eliza Lemmons Wilham Linn ha Lemons William William named Wilham mamed Carolyn



The three children of Douglas Trout and Carolyn I 1533 i Jordan Trout Rou-

are as follows

lade mn

R Luanda R Brown L grit

I4 1

January 2005

Lemmon Fam y story Th L moue rom Iy fj tummy Lemon

1534 1535




Christopher Trout Matthew Trout

Joyce Ann Brown Charles Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Elizabeth Lemmons Bames Lemons Ashbin Joyee bom jeorge William Joyce was born m Richmond Wayne County Indiana on 24 December jorge 1938 She married John Lawrence Schubert m Rockville Montgomery County Maryland on mamed vile in Rock ville 23 August 1958 She married Reheard Honey WeIghtman son of Richard Hanson WeIghtman mamed Richard and Emma Jane Honey m Colorado Songs Colorado on 29 April 1982 Springs in





Weight Weig-

John Lawrence Schubert John was born m Brooklyn Kings County New Yorktown 29 York on bom in Megs December 1936 The four children of Joyce Ann Brown and John Lawrence Schubert are as follows 1536 bom i in Springfield Marathon Schubert born 20 March 1961 Springfield Jimmied Parboiled Hampden mamed Hempen County Massachusetts named Henry JimmIe Arboleda 11 1537 Jill Anne Schubert JiH was born m Springfield Hempen County JIll n Hampden bom in Massachusetts on 27 February 1962 Joanne Rose Schubert born 27 February 1962 in Springfield bom 1538 m in Hampden mamed Clearly Hempen County Massachusetts married David Joseph Cearley 1539 Jennifer Mickel Schubert born 19 September 1964 m Springfield Nickel bom iv in Hampden Hempen County Massachusetts named Gall Nuance mamed Gail Nance

gfield field



died on 8 July 2001 at age 84 ard There were no children of Joyce Ann Brown and Richard Honey WeIghtman

gfield gfield Richard Honey Weightman Richard was born m Washington bom in Weight


DC on 9 July 1916 RIchard Rich-


1222 Helen Roberta Brown Charles Ethel Bame Rebecca Washburn Elizabeth Barne Ashbin bom m Lemmons Lemons George William Helen was born in Richmond Wayne County Indiana on 14 Urban nd October 1940 She married Thomas Lee Urba son of LaVerne J Urbam bind Wilma LOUIse mamed Urbam wolverine Urbain ind Urban HouLouLaver Manson manned AnnSmith m Indianapolis Manon County Indiana on 12 September 1964 She married Arne Mesesit in Unmarking Unk LJung II ealing on Toronto L Ljung and Marian Annie Bunk m Akron Summit County Ohio on Hwling Jung Maran Jung indenberg 1988 November





Thomas Lee Urbam Thomas was born in Manon County Indiana on 20 November 1941 bom Manson Urbain Urbain The two children of Helen Roberta Brown and Thomas Lee Urbam are as follows 1 Ohio Lee Andrew Urbam born 18 August 1969 m Portage County Oh1540 Urban bom i mamed named Angela Darlene Smith boom 27 September 11 1541 Ravenna OhIO venna Ohn bom vena Patterson mamed Michael named Lethal Anthony Patter-

ioan ioan

AmeBanson Ljung Arne was born m Fords Amontillado County Sweden on 6 August 1933 Arne bom Fors Arne Jung Ame Ame nded dIed on 30 October 1991 in Ravenna Ohio at age 58 Arne died after surgery died m Ame surgAme I There were no children of Helen Roberta Brown and Arne 1 jung ere



Bames 1223 Mulch el Charles Bronn Charles Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Elizabeth Michel Ashbin Bron Indiana Michael was bom in Lemmons Lemons George William Michaela born m Shelbyville Shelby County Indiana on 5 July 1944 He mamed Norma Jackson in San Angelo Texas on 4 January 1969 He mamed ekson named Nanna meson m named maim-




Luc dna Lund R Bm L gg ed Lud BriAn gel

January 2005

Citric Lemons Fam Iy Fame 37 ITic Ammonium Ty It story

Margaret Peggy Herron daughter of Albert Leroy Heron and Irene Mann Harrod Elbert Manan Harrods Herron Heron 1983 Toledo Lucas County Ohm on 22 Ohio stalled The two children 1542



Nonna of Michael Charles Brown and Norma Jackson are as follows Ellen Louise Brown Ellen was born m San Angelo 1exas on 26 Etten i bom 10 Texas l exas leas

December 1970 Charles David Michael Brown Charier was born 10 MuncIe bom in Chare Delaware County Indiana on 15 February 1974



Margaret Peggy Herron Margaret was born 10 Toledo Lucas County Ohm on 8 March Ohio bom in Heron

The three children of Michael Charles Brown and Margaret Peggy Herron are as follows Heron 1544 Elizabeth Libby Mane Brown Elizabeth was born in Defiance bom 10 Defiai nce on 2 December 1984 Ohm 1545 n Christine Christy Diane Brown Christmas born in Defiance II Chanted Chrysty Christine Chanted was bom DefiaOhIO nce on 9 June 1988 1546 III bom Defiain Rebecca Becky Anne Brown Rebecca was born in Defiance OhIO nce on 9 June 1988


1224 Elizabeth Jean Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Bames Ashbin Elizabeth Lemmons George William Elizabethans born 10 Shelby County Indiana on 8 Elizabeth was bom in Lemons November 1938 She married Joseph Kennedy m Manon County Indiana m January 1965 mamed 10 Manson 10 She married Jessie Bronn 10 Manon County Indiana on 7 November 1981 Bro n mamed Bonn in Manson

The four children of Elizabeth Jean Tucker and Joseph Kennedy all born 10 Manon County bom in Manson Countywide are as follows IndIana 1547 I i Edmond Joseph Edmonds Kennedy born 9 February 1965 bom 1548 Nancy Elizabeth Kennedy born 18 October 1966 mamed Mark Eu EII bom D named Edwards dwards Edwardian Jangles William Kennedy born 12 November 1967 mamed Tracy 1549 James bom in named
McGUIre 1550
verside Jessie


McGuire Tem Tern Jean Kennedy Tern was born on 18 May 1972 Tem bom

Brown Jessie was born on 13 July 1922 Jessie died on 12 August 1995 at age 73 bom There were no children of Elizabeth Jean Tucker and Jessie Brown
1225 Carol Lynne

as Jessie

Lemmons George William Lemons abeth


Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Dames Rebecca Washburn Elizabeth James Ashbin

Debugs 10 She mamed Michael DeBusk in Shelby County Indiana on 24 January 1964 She named Hemamed Benjamin Applegate in Shelby County Indiana on 12 July 1969 named Appellate 10 mmed Debugs Michael Debug k Michael was born on DeBusk Mchael DeBu bom

ElizCarol was born Shelby County Indiana on 13 December bom Shelby

waSeptember 1943 He died on 20 January 1968 at

age ttage 24 The only child of Carol Lynne Tucker and Michael DeBusk is Debunk 1551 Lynne Michele- Debugs Lynne was born 10 Shelby County Michele DeBusk i bom in Countywide on 24 August 1964 Indiana


as Michelle Lynne

Luc dna R I lu no R Brown 1


Tho Lemons Fam The Lemmons rom Ily H sway

L l


Benjamin Applegate Benjamin was born m Shelby County Indiana on 27 March 1923 bom in BenJamm Applecart BenJamm Benjamin died on 25 February 1993 m reensburg Decatur County Indiana at age 69 G Greenberg BenJamm There were no children of Carol Lynne Tucker and Benjamin Applegate BenJamm Appellate
1226 Barbara Joan Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barney Rebecca Wishbone Rehabber Barne WIlham Lemmons George William Barbara was born m Shelby County Indiana on 13 August 1949 bom in Lemons She mamed Roger White m Shelby County Indiana on 10 September 1969 She mamed Tom married named in Skillman 10 Shelby County Indiana on 27 July 1974 in


onsil Skill


Roger White Roger was born on 10 September 1947 bom The two children of Barbara Joan Tucker and Roger White both born m Shelby County bom Countywide are as follows Indiana 1 Carol Rebecca White born 4 November 1970 mamed Billy Gene 1552 bom named i


Carole hellhole


n II

Richard William White Richard was born on 16 September 1972 WIlham bom

Tom Skillman Tom was born on 20 December 1939 bom The two children of Barbara Joan Tucker and Tom Skillman both born m Shelby County bom Countywide ire as follows Indiana 1 1554 Amanda Joan SKillman born 27 January 1975 mamed Joseph named i DeWayne EastEast Deanne Eas1555 Lon n born II ton Ann Skillman bom 18 August 1976 mamed Benjamin Oen named BenJamm Oren OwScott ens




Amanda Skill


1227 Karen Rebecca Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethyl Barnes Rebecca Washburn Rebeeca Ethel Bames Ashbin Rehabber Lemmons George William Karen was born in Shelby County Indiana on 20 July WIlham bom m Lemons 1951 She nonmed David Baiting m Shelby County Indiana on 1 June 1969 Balm in

David Baiting David was born m Shelby County Indiana on 19 January 1950 bom in Balm The three children of Karen Rebecca Tucker and David Baiting all born m Shelby County CountBalm bom in ywide are a s follows Indiana I 1556 i Alien Allen Michael Balm born 26 June 1969 mamed Kisha Michbom named Krishna Michelle Lynn Hodson Godson elle HosaAmy 1557 n II mamed nna Renee Baiting born 13 April 1975 named Jonathan Douglas Doulas Balm bom Anal DouConner Conner I Anal 1558 bom Andrea Michele Baiting Andrea was born on 1 April 1977 in Balm




Silos George WIlham William Wagner Yvonne Lemmons Cecil George Silas Geoff Lemons Willmamed Joe Edwin CunninghEdam Cunningham named


1232 Jill Ann JillAnn Jillian

am only child of Jill Ann Wagner and Joe Edwin Cunningham The Edam


Christopher Joe Cunningham Jw

Silos 1233 Anna Beth White Beth Lemmons Cecil George Silas George William named WIlham mamed AnnaBeth Wannabe Lemons Jeffrey Lane Dutton She mamed Anthony Christopher 0 Keeffe Keene named
Lu nd R Own L Luc dna Drown

gel I

14 J anuary


Tel Lemmons I am ly H slot Lemons slo-

The tted two children of Anna Beth White and Jeffrey Lane Dutton are as follows follow 1560 Storm Bryant Dutton Bryan i 1561 Tamara Dutton n Amara Brooke DuttII The child of on only child Anna Beth


White and Anthony Christopher Haley Michelle Kluges Hey Michelle- Kingsland


Keeled Keene is

Langos mamed Jason Paul Langonamed Lagos


1234 Amanda Elizabeth White Beth Lemmons Cecil George Silas George WIlham William Georg Silos Lemons


uste two children of Amanda Elizabeth White and Jason Paul Langos are as follows The Rehabber Lagos 1563 Morgan Damelle Langos i Danielle Lagos 1564 Abigail Rose Langos n II Lagos


Generation Eight

1245 Beth R hem Paul Gertrude Lemmons Larkin William Joshua WIlham Gertrud Lemons Lark WIlham William William Beth wa bom m WIlham Bertha born in Muncie Delaware County Indiana on 10 January 1972 She Hemamed named mmed Carter Bailey son of David Bailey and Mary m Daleville Delaware County in Danville Countywide on 2 January 1995 IndIana




Carter Bailey Carter was born on 14 June 1969 Badey bom The two children of Beth R Kern and Carter Bailey are as follows follos 1565 Hayden K Bailey Hayden was born 10 MuncIe Delaware County i Countywide ywide on 23 January 2001 IndIana 1566 GageR Badey n Gage R Bailey Gage was born m Yorktown Delaware County bom 10 II Gage Countywide on 24 March 2003 IndIana





1246 LeAn Kern Paul Gertrude Lemmons Larkin William Joshua WIlham LeAnn Gertrud Lemons Lark Wham William William LeAn WIlham LeAnn was bom 10 Muncie Delaware County Indiana on 25 November 1973 She born m Hemamed Michael Turner son of Sheldon Turner and Marcia named mmed Poseidon m Daleville City Delaware 10 Danville County Indiana on 6 June 1997





Michael Turner Michael was born on 20 March 1971 Mchael bom The only child of LeAnn Kern and Michael Turner is LeAn 1567 i Riley Turner Riley was born m Warsaw KOSCIUSko bom 10 County Indiana on 18 September 2002


MIChael Turner

1248 David Bryan Kern Don Gertrude Lemmons Larkin William Joshua WIlliam Kem Gertrud Lemons Lark WIlham WillWilliam WIlham David was born on 4 December 1964 He mamed Laura Defiler daughter of bom fanamed Dacca Thomas Defiler and Myers m Franklin Wayne County IndIan on 22 December 1990 thoms Affect Yen 10



Laura Defiler Laura was born 10 Indianapolis Manon County Indiana on 23 June 1964 Manson bom in Monotony
L dma bucida

Bart L grit gel


January 2005

mon HL n

The Lemmons F am Idyll s oily Fame ly H F

The two children of David Bryan Kern and Laura Defiler both born in Indianapolis Manon bom Manson Dacca Cm MonCounty otony Indiana are as follows i 1568 I Patrick Kern Patrick was born on 17 March 1999 Planck Pancake Planck bom 1569 Alex Kem Ale was born on 5 September 2001 bom n hem Alex II
1249 Douglas Leo Lemmons Leo Leo larkIn Wilham Joshua William Wilham Wilham William Lemons Lark William Douglas was born in Newcastle Henry County Indiana on 2 Anal 1956 He married Debra Subjbom Hemy Collin Sue SeJones oined on 22 November 1980 Douglass occupation Loss Prevention for Warrens m xtons Jone MMindanao narna Manon Indianapolis Manson County Bindle naInna-




thex of Leo Lemons The only child 01 Douglas Lw Lemmons and Debra Sue Jones is i I Ashley Eva I emmons Ashley was born m Plymouth Marshall 1570 bom in demons County Indiana on 22 August 1983




1251 Teresa Jane Fulton Malcolm Dons Lemmons William William Joshua Lemons Wilham Wilham born William Wilham Wilham William was bom on 3 January 1956 in Indiana She married Wayne mamed Durra on 8 November 1977 Durr

hua yne

Orville Centt


bom Wayne Durr was born on 12 October 1954 Durra of Teresa The two children coteries Jane Fulton and Wayne Durra are as follows Durr 1571 Corey Gregory Durra born on 8 August 1980 I was bom i Lacey Jane Durra was born on 19 March 1985 1572 bom Durr n II



Neil 1254 Valeria Fulton Nell Dons Lemmons William William Joshua Wilham William Valene Lemons Wilham WIlham Johnson William mamed Wilham married fy Johns-



Valence of Valene The on two children covalence Fulton and

Johnson are as follows

1573 1574

I i

n II

AmY Johnson Emily JohnsJohnson

Fig on

Olivia Ronald Eugene Shopper 11 and granddaughter OLIVIA Skye Korby OIVI Sky Kirby Soper II nd Ronld Kir-

Luc dna R by Lander

Brown L elee melee ee el

14 January 2005 1005

Fam ly 37 The Commons rom Iy II story 0


Shopper hua 1256 Ronald Eugene Soper Mona Lemmons William William William Jo hula Lemons WIlham WIlham WIlham boom William WIlham Wilham William was bom on 3 November 1951 m Richmond Indiana He mamed Pamela named Pamin hay Centers on 9 December 1972 He mamed Karen Mane Pence named haren ela

hua PeDecember 1948 was bom on Pamela nce Kay CentersRonald Eugene Soper and Pamela Kay Centers were as follows ere The two children of Operand





Soper Burke Aaron Shopper ur e Sco-

1575 1576

oper Aaron Soper was bom on 25 November Shopper boom Burke engaengaged bane Lykins were engageJane Yaks

1974 He and FleaLeah

ii d


Ashley Elizabeth Shopper boom 18 November 1976 Rehabber Soper bom

boom Karen Mane Pence was bom on 14 December 1960 haren The two children of Ronald Eugene Shopper and Karen Mane Pence are as follows Soper I i 1577 Holly Jean Shopper was boom on 26 February 1986 Soper bom 1578 n Soper II Laura Jean Shopper was born on 7 October 1987 bom

Luc nd R 8 rown Logg dna R B Log




Back Row Christy and Joshua NIChols Jennifer and Jay Giganti Middle Row Samna Nana Gigantic Meddle manna Lee Shopper Nichols Herald Justin Nichols Friend of Family Front Row Sophia Giganti Kemp Soper Gigantic Fined Benton Gantlet Bonn Nichols and Jacob Gigantic Jake Giganti



1257 Ramona Lee Shopper Mona Lemmons William William William Joshua Soper Lemons Wilham WIlham WIlham WIlham bom II Wham William was born on 11 August 1954 in Richmond Wayne County Indiana She ShSeerman Dovey E Nichols son of Dewey Nichols and Helen She married Ronald manned miarid Dewey

hua Mac


Herod nald


Children of Ramona Lee Shopper include LeC Soper Claude 1579 Rodney Kemp SpeeSoper Kevin Shopper i Dewey dway E


Nichols was born m Kansbom 10 Kansas The three children of Ramona Lee Shopper and Dewey E Nichols are as follows Soper 1580 I i Jennifer Eyebath Nichols born 1970 mamed Jay Russell Gigant bom named Giant 11 1581 Joshua Edward Nichols born 26 August 1971 mamed Clumsy u bom named Killough lough Ki I plough 1582 III Huang mamed in Just Eugene Nichols born 22 July 1974 named Maggie Hang Hau-


There Alec Soper nter were no children of Ramona LeC Shopper and Ronald Sherrod Scrod Teresa Ann Hattie Lemmons William Joshua Lemons WIlham William Wilham WIlham William was born on 26 August 1960 in Indianapolis Marion County Indiana She MarlOn Hebom 10 mamed Dein 10 Illinois named mmed Deign Francis Zwieback on 27 May 1989 in Johnsburg McHenry County Filmiest Cherry Illin-



Franco School Ronald

Will Jos-


Dean Francis Zwieback was Plant Supervisor Lace McHenry County IchnIllinois Cherry IllinThe ois ite Iwo children of Teresa Ann 1583 Andrea Christine i Calmest McHenry Cherry County 11 1584 n Tyler Joseph Tier Josoeph McHenry County Cherry


He was born on 7 July 1961 m McHenry bom in Cherry

rancis School and Dean rI francs Zee are a s follows wood

Rebel Zebel


Illinois was born on 4 June 1990 in McHenry bom Cherry Illinois

as born 10 29 oct 1991

McHenry Cherry

Mane 1262 Elaine Mane'S cephalopod Ronald HattIe Lemmons William William Joshua Lame ManeS beefwood Baltic Lemons WIlham WIlham Manson bom HeWham William was born on 9 August 1961 m Indianapolis Manon County Indiana She Wham Tessa mamed named mmed Ronald Harry Ezsak on 29 May 1983 m Elgin Kane County Illinois 10 Elm



School S



Ronald Harry Ezsak was born on 5 December 1956 in Chicago Cook County Jainism He bom Tessa Illinois HeCool 10 and managemwas Computer sales endangerment management ws chidden of Elaine The and Ronald Harry Ezsak are as follows ent four children feline Mane Tessa 1585 Jordan Alexander Ezsak was born on 16 July 1987 m ChIcago Tessa i bom in Chicago County Illinois Cook 11 1586 u Eden Elizabeth Tessa was born on 26 October 1993 m Park RIdge Rehabber Ezsak bom Ridgin Ridepole County Illinois Cool 1587 Noah Benjamin Ezsak was born on 8 January 1996 m ParI RIdge bom in BenJamm Tessa in Park RidgRidepole County Illinois Cool 1588 Maddened Calmar Ezsak was born on 9 September 1997 m ParI fudge Madeline Clair Tessa bom iv in Park RidfudCool County Illinois



ge ge ge

1263 Rhonda Jean Sherwood Ronald HatlIe Lemmons William William Joshua Hatlie-Lemmons Sn cephalopod Hattie Lemons WIlham Wham bom Manson Wham William was born on 30 December 1963 m Indianapolis Manon County IndIana IndianIndiaans mamed Thomas Steven Jablonski on 27 June 1987 in Johnsburg McHenry County Illinois She named Abalones m Cherry

hua na





Thomas Steven Jablonski was born on 13 July 1962 m McHenry McHenry County Illinbom Abalones In Cherry Cherry chidden The three children of Rhonda Jean and Thomas Steven Jablonski all born mois Abalones cbom m McHenry Cherry follows achinery McHenry County Illinois are as followCherry incher s1 I 89 March Frances Jablonski was born on 25 June 1992 Abalones i Marh bom I 90 I Samuel Thomas Jablonski was born on 1 July 1993 Abalones bom ii 1591 Jarrod Thomas Jablonski was born on 17 July 1997 Abalones Jarred bom in





as as

1264 John Joseph Sectored Ronald Hattie Lemmons William William Joshua Hattie- Lemons WIlham WIlham William Wham Wham was Sales engineer He was born on 19 July 1965 m Indianapolis Manon bom Manson in Monmgmt Prospect IllinCounty otony Indiana He mamed Jill Tracy on 20 March 1993 10 Mt Pro pct Illinois named







Jill ois Truly Kennel was born on 31 October Dl

The three chIldren of John Joseph ois Cool County Illinois are as follows 1592 Brent Alexander Sherwood was born on 5 January 1996 i bom Annual 1593 u Jason Aleander II Alexander was born on 5 January 1996 bom 1594 Hannah Jill was born on 13 Anal 1999 in bom


Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet

1965 m Chicago Cook County Illinin and Jill Tracy Koncel all born in Evanston Dl Once bom Evans-

1265 Mary Helen Ronald Haltie Lemmons William William Joshua Hattie Lemons Wham WIlham bom Wham William was born on 27 Anal 1967 m Indianapolis Manon County Indiana She Wham Manson in Hemamed Thorn Michael Fend on 9 May 1992 in Johnsburg McHenry County Illinois m named Thomis Fencl mmed Thomas Cherry






Thomas Michael Fend was Real Estate broker He was born on 9 August 1966 in ChIcago Mchael Fencl m Chicbom ago County Illinois Cook


The three children of Mary Helen and Thomas Michael Fend all born III Clair bom iFencl Chicago Cook County Illinois are as follows nching 1595 i Emma Rose Fencl was born on 23 February 1996 bom FCC 1596 n II Rehabber Fend was bom Grace Elizabeth Fenceless born on 19 August 2000 Fencl Irishman ClaITe Fend was born on 19 June 2003 1597 Lillian Claire Fencl III bom in


ois melious Illinois
Diane illies Michelle McLaughlin was born on 5 September bom The only child of Daniel Paul Screwed and Diane Michelle McLaughlin is 1598 ClaITe Ellen i Claire was born on 2 June 2003 III Troy bom in StoMichIgan maching

1267 Daniel Paul Sectored Ronald Hall Lemmons William William Joshua Push Lemons WIlham WIlham William WIlham WIlham William was born on 12 February 1972 in Indianapolis Manon County Indiana He bom III Manson HeShmamed Middies named Diane MIchelle McLaughlin on 30 August 1997 III Decatur Macon County Hillbmmed eared Illinois in Illin-



1974 III Decatur Macon County in Contu-

Sweet Sweet

Diane Roberta Rocked Mary Remake May HatlIe Lemons Wilham William Hattie Lemmons William WIlham Joshua William William was born on 18 July 1951 She married Jeffrey L Best on 13 WIlham Wilham bom mamed February 1971 She mamed Enc Brown III December 1985 named in




Jeffrey L Best was born on 9 November 1950 bom The three children of Diane Roberta Proem and Jeffrey L Best are as follows Lynda 1599 Jill Lynde Best was born on 11 May 1975 i bom II 1600 n Joel Lynn Best was born on 8 June 1977 II bom 1601 60 I Jayroe Jayme Lynn Best was born on 7 March 1980 III bom in

nc Brown was born on 27 October 1950 bom The two children of Diane Roberta Remake and Enc Brown are as follows iodine Rock

1602 1603

n II

Hannah Mane Brown was born on 20 January 1988 bom Spencer Franklin Brown was born on 23 July 1991 bom Frank

1269 Kemp Lee Rocked Mary Kevin Remake Haiti Lemmons William William Joshua Hattie Lemons Wilham WIlham William Wilham WIlham William was born on 13 May 1956 Hemmed Martha Meyer on 7 April 1979 bom He mamed named




McCarthy Martha Meyer was born on 29 January 1957 bom The two children of Kevin LeC Remake and Martha Meyer arc as follows Lw an Kahn Lynne Remake was born on 11 April 1980 1604 i Kan bom II Anal 1605 I n Brian Anthony Remake was born on 1 August 1980 II bom Nan




1270 Demse Rene Proem Mary Dense Halide Lemons Wilham Wilham Remake Hallie Lemmons William William Joshua William William was born on 22 July 1957 She mamed James Arthur Lucas on 13 WIlham WIlham bom named May 1978


Sweet Allele


James Arthur I Lucas was born on 10 August 1953 bom The four children modicums Rene Remake and James Arthur Lucas are as follows offense EnC Proem 1606 Rachel Sue Lucas was born on 3 June 1984 i bom

1607 1608 1609 1271

ii III in


bom Sarah Sirah Joy Lucas was boom on 28 February 1985 bom Damel Daniel James Lucas was boom on 13 August 1985 was bom Ann Mane Lucas vas boom on 25 July 1989

Hattie Lemmons William WIlham Laura Luella Proem Mary Lemons WIlham William WillJoshua William William was born on 14 May 1960 Hemmed James Smith in June 1993 She married III bom Wilham Wilham




James Smith was born on 16 September 1957 bom w The two children of Laura I Luella Remake and James Smith V ere as follows uella Rehabber 1610 bom i Ma Elzabeth Smith was born on 25 November 1990 Manna Isabella Smith was born on 30 November 2001 1611 n bom Mana II




William WIlham

1274 Stacey Lynn

Lemons WIlham WIlham JosStacey Sweet Malcolm Hattie Lemmons William William Joshua WIlham William was born on 8 June 1966 She mamed Anthony Mitchell on 20 June 1992 bom


Children of Stacey Lynn offstage

born Anthony Mitchell was bom on 8 January 1963 The three children of Stacey Lynn S Kenwood and Anthony Mitchell are as follows offstage 1613 Mitchell was born on 9 May 1989 Abigail bom i IE 1614 Jordyn Alexandra Mitchell born on 27 August 1993 II Jordan Alexandria Mitchell was bom Manna Guanidine Mtchell was born on 22 October 1994 1615 Mana Abele Mitchell bom III in

Sw Michael Dean Seedpod Malcolm Hattie Lemons William William Joshua Lemmons WIlham WIlham od William WIlham WIlham William was born on 21 Anal 1967 He mamed Tanya Renee Entsminger on 20 bom named Tonya Pensioner June 1987


I i

Todd Nine Sherwood was born on 23 January 1981 He mamed bom named Mangle on 19 August 2004 mone

Selfhood Sweden include






l l



Tonya Tanya Renee Entsminger was born on I1 October 1968 bom Pensioner The three children of Michael Dean Selfhood and Tonya Renee Entsminger are as Sweden Tony Pensioner follows 1616 Cameron Dean was born on 13 July 1991 bom i Citizen Lyle 1617 Cullen Lyie n was born on 19 September 1996 II bom 1618 Carson Wylie was born on 11 January 2002 III bom II When in

Sweet Sweet Sweet

Malcolm Hattie Lemmons William William Joshua Hale Lemons WIlham WIlham William WIlham Wilham William was born on 25 Anal 1969 She named Darren Smith on 20 October 1992 bom mamed


1276 Andrea Lynn

Selfhood Sweden


Darren Smith was born on 20 September 1965 bom The only child of Andrea Lynn Selfhood and Darren Smith is 1619 bom Reagan Smith was born on 12 March 1999 i



Helen Kay Ritchey Barbara Hawkins Cidna Tindall Mary Arthur Sidney China Tidally Ritchie bom Lemmons Fennels William William was born on 4 May 1947 She mamed Dennis Ray Carr CarriLemons Fancies WIlham WIlham Carrnamed on 1964 She mamed Douglas Brown in September 1971 She and Douglas Brown were III named in




divorced m 1981 She mimed David Grimes on 9 June 1985 She and David Gnomes were Grimes in divorced m 2000 The two children of Helen Kay RItchey and Dennis Ray Coir are as follows Dens Ritchie 1620 Askers bom named AestPatina Ann Carr born 23 June 1965 mamed Randy Akers i Hardwood divorced Randy Askers married Robert Harwood divorced Robert Akers mamed ivated Hardwood Harwood 11 1621 born 20 October 1967 divorced Donald Ramirez bom n Rami-

Carr berta

memoranda Ro-

rez only child of Helen Kay Riceland Douglas Brown is The Ritchey and Ritchie 1622 bom Stacie Lynn Brown born 27 June 1972 married David Ralsmamed Ralston i


Gnomes There Ritchie ton were no children of Helen Kay Ritchey and David Grimes

1287 Darella Colleen Ritchey Barbara Hawkins Cidna Tindall Mary Arthur SIdney Areola Hawks China Tidally Ritchie Wetland William Lemmons bom mamed Lemons Francis William Wetland was born on 26 September 1949 She married Frank Wetland Vail on 2 October 1965 All




The four children of Darella Colleen Ritchey and Frank Wetland William are as follows Areola Ritchie born 2 May 1966 I 1623 bom i 1624 11 bom n Lana Sue Vail born 19 September 1967 married Hal Jansen Jandivorced Hal Jansen married Scott Mecca mamed 1625 bom Matthew Vail was born on 10 September 1980 III in 1626 bom Lon Vail was born on 22 June 1982 iv

V il


1288 Carolyn Jayne Ritchey Barbara Hawkins Cidna Tidally Mary Arthur Sidney Hawks China Tindall Jane Ritchie as bom Wilham Wilham Lemmons mamed Lemons Francis William William was born on 5 December 1950 She married Donald Henna Waterman on 14 May 1977




Sherman The only child of Carolyn Jayne Ritchey and Donald Henna Waterman is Jane Ritchie Hope1627 Jennifer Hope Antenna born 28 December 1974 married Allen bom mamed Aliei Dalton Over nation Oliver Tidally 1290 Lambda Faye Shelton Robert Grace Tindall Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons Linda Lemons Formals William William Linda was bom in Tulsa Wetland Wilham Almanacs born Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 17 m married September 1951 She mamed Tommy Lee Woods in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 4 June 1970 She and Tommy Lee Woods were divorced 9 February 1985 She married Alan divorced on Woodward m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 11 October 1985 II in




bom Tommy Lee Woods Tommy was born on 2 November 1950 Fa Thc three children Goldman Faye Shacking and Tommy Lee Woods are as follows of Linda Fae Shelton 1628 Joe Don Woods Joe was born m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma Oklahombom Tuba i on 18 August 1971 an 11 1629 Brian n bom Nan Lee Woods born 28 March 1974 married Melissa Bleb Mesa
HObard HOard


III in

bom Cathenne Sarah Catherine Woods born 23 November 1982 renamed DavId Joseph BacchanBradshaw

vid Brads


Almanacs born on 7 September 1946 bom alian Woodward Alan Alan The only child Goldman Faye Shelton and Alan Woodward is of Linda Faye6 bom Steven Ray Woodward Steven was born on 16 Anal 1987 1631 Sleven 63 i

FrancIs William WIlham trance Wilham William December 1954

Shelton Vicki

Lemmons Tindall Mary Lemons VIckI Lynne Shelton Robert Grace Tidally May Arthur Sidney Remons-

GraceTulsa County Oklahoma on 25 bom Vicki was born m Tulsa


of Children 01 Vicki Lynne Shelton include bom I i 1632 Jamison Cloy Amt on Loy Shelton Jamison was born on

January 1973

Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Lemons 1292 Debra Sue Shelton Robert bom in WIllIam William Debra was born m Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 23 February 1956 She married Leslie LeRoy Johnson on 1 September 1972 mamed Leshe


Tindall Grace


bom Leshe Leslie LeRoy Johnson Leslie was born on 2 October The three children of Debra SUe Shelton and Leslie LeRoy Johnson are as follows Sw Shellon renamed mamed Anthony WIllIam I i Jennifer Lynn Johnson born 8 May 1633 Lyre WillJordan 11 bom Christi Christi Lee Johnson Chant was born on 23 November 1982 n 1634 bom Wesley Wayne Johnson Wesley was born on 9 August 1985 1635 III in


Tidally Lemmons Remons1293 Steven MIchael Shelton Nylen Grace Tindall Mary Arthur Sidney Lemons for ALLELE trance William William Steven s occupation Francs WIlham Wilham Reenbom in Intonation Services m Oklahoman City Oklahoma Steven was born m San Angelo John Green in Oklahoma Schoom m He County Texas counter 1 e as on 9 November 1954 Heads graduated in 1973 in Nathan Hale High School Heas DS lgirls Oklahoma Steven graduated m East Central Inversely Adam Oklahoma in 1976 B DUniversity Ada Oklahoma m Tulsa in 6 egree Mathematics He mamed Barbara m Tecumseh Oklahoma on 16 May 1976 married Degree in FIrst Presbyterian ChurcChurch




bom in Barbara was born m Shawnee Oklahoma on 23 March 1954 She was graduated m 1972 in Tecumseh High School Tecumseh Oklahoma She was graduated m Shoo in University Ada m East Central Inversely Adam Oklahoma B S Degree m Education She was graduated m in assEdmond 1989 m Inversely of Central Oklahoma Edmonds Oklahoma M S m Education She was University in m employed in 2001 in Moore Public Schools Moore Oklahoma High School counseShoo counselor embly m Sleven are as follows The three children of Steven Michael Shelton and Barbara lor born 1636 i Matthew James Shelton Matthew was bom m Tulsa Tulsa County m Fe Oklahoma on 25 July 1978 He was graduated in 1997 in Santa FrI m HIgh Edmond eight School Edmonds Oklahoma He was graduated m 2001 min fEdmond degreInversely ummers of Central Oklahoma Edmonds Oklahoma B S degree Inversely inniest m Management Information Systems He was employed m 2001 unin grounded Ground Water Protection Council Oklahoma City Oklahoma He

hyard Barbara




Tho Lanm The Lam Lemmons F am IJy H story Lemons Fame II


mamed Mary Kay Punition on 6 September 2004 III Hector New Pulley named NewNetin

n II


IU in

work York Joseph Michael Shelton Joseph was born III Tulsa Tulsa County in Oklahoma on 6 May 1980 He was graduated in 1998 in Santa FrIII Fe III HIgh eight School Edmonds Oklahoma He was principal in Oklahoma Edmond pencil III Oklahomans Inversely Tailgater Oklahoma III State University Stillwater John Steven Shelton John was born m Oklahoma City Oklahoma bom III Oklahoman on 28 October 1985




1294 Alan Edward Shelton Nylen Grace- Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons Nylon Grace RemonsLemons trance William William Alan was born in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 5 March bom III francs WIlham WIlham 1957 Alan graduated III Oklahoma State University Oklahoma B S Electronics Inversely in Technology Alan s occupation Division Sales Manager for Hewlett Packard in Austin Texas Hewett III Austill Texas mamed Barb Ira Glean Dawson m Austin Texas on 5 January 1985 He named Barbara Gean III Austill



Gean Barbara Glean Dawson Barbara was born on 6 November 1957 bom The only child of Alan Edward Shelton and Barbara Gean Dawson is Glean i I 1639 Shelby Anne Shelton Shelby was born m Austill Texas on 30 bom III Austin November J1985


1295 Kathleen Diencephalons Nylen Grace Medici Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons DianeDiane Shelton Nylon RemonsLemons FrancIs Wilham WIlham trance William William Kathleen was born III Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 5 bom in December 1959 She mamed Jack Page Petcock in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on J 7 May named 1 III 1980 Kathleen graduated B S III Education from Langston University and an As locate Degree Angstrom Inversely Associate Degrein III Computer Programming from Tulsa Jr College Computer Programming kathleen s Elementary occupatIOn ccupatIOn Teaches Science at Roosevelt Element-



Jack was born in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 29 September 1958 bom Jack graduated B S Construction Management Technology Jack s occupation Vice PresidePresident PresidSales ntial Smallest ential two children of Kathleen DIane Shelton and Jack Page Petcock both born III Tulsa Tulsa Diana The Dian bom in TuCounty Oklahoma are as follows i I 1640 Daniel Ryan Petcock Daniel was born on 6 February J 985 1 bom 1641 u Sizable n Elizabeth Ann Petcock Elizabeth was born on 17 March 1988 bom Rehabber

ary Page Petcock Jack


1297 Arthur Lee Shelton Jerry Grace Modally Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Lemons William Wilham Wilham William Arthur was born in Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma on 22 August 1950 bom Earning He mamed Dana Dearman on 23 December 1971 named



bom Dana Dearman Dana was born on 16 October 1953 Derma The only child of Arthur Lee Shelton and Dana Dearmin is Bryan Christopher Shelton Bryan was born on 25 May 1975 He 1 He1642 bom i Emottled Kimberly Ann Martin on 21 August 1999 ntitled mmed


Luc too dna R Bro


L get gigot


January 2005

Th Lemons Fam Iy II 3 6 The Lemmons Fame ly H story Plano F

1298 James Edward Shelton Jerry Grace India Mary Arthur Sidney Lemmons Shellon RemonsLemons FrancIs Wilham WIlham mamed trance William William married Cynthia Ann Deprives James was born on 9 December DePrIest bom 1952 He mamed Purina Macs on 3 June 1974 named Maes


Cynthia Ann Deprives Her body was mattered Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma DePrIest mattered m mated in Ammonal Cemented Cemetery Cynthia was born on 7 July 1953 Cynthia died on 12 May 1973 at age 19 bom There were no children of James Edward Shelton and Cynthia Ann Deprives ere DePrIest





Maes bom Purina Macs Purina was born on 23 April Anal


The two children of James Edward Shelton and Purina Macs are as follows Maes 1643 Aubrey Christiana Shelton Aubrey was born on 12 March 1976 i Christian bom She mamed Steven Enc 0 Been on 11 August 2001 named II 1644 11 Jeremy Anon Shelton born 14 August 1977 mamed Kelly Enceij Anson Shellon bom Demse named Dense

phala Opal

1303 Danny J Fluff Jr Danny Martha Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Puff Airbag Lemons William Wilham named Wilham William mamed Comedy Roads Danny was born m Terre Haute Vigo County bom in ferre Virgo Countywide on 16 Anal 1957 Danny died on I July 1997 m Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana wawaIndiana Virgo at in age ttage 40 OBITUARY Terre Haute Hallie Virgo Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 3 July 1997 DANNY JOE FLUFF JR PUFF Danny Joe Fluff Jr 40 of Terre Haute died Tuesday July 1 1997 m Columbia Terre I Puff TerreTerrin Eremate Hume Regional Hospital He was bom Anal 6 1957 in Terre Haute to Danny Puffs and born mite m Fluff Sr undergarment L Newman Fluff Survivors Claude one son Andrew Puff one daughter JennIfer Margaret include Puff JennPuff his father his mother Margaret L Mills one grandmother Marlene Fluff one Galifer half Puff brother braith Jack Fluff and one half sister Angle Shamble Novae services are Saturday m Puff Hamblen Private inHHIghland Ighland Lawn Cemented with Rev John Thomas officiating Bunal is m Highland Lanveigled Cemetery Jobo Brumal Lawn Burials in Cemented There is no visitation Thomas Funeral Home assisted with arrangements MT






celet ncelet The two children of Danny J Puff Jr he to Fluff

1645 1646 i



and Comedy Roads are as follows Jennifer Fluff Jennifer was born m 1983 Puff bom Andrew Fluff Andrew was bom in 1986 born m Puff

1304 Jack Puff Danny Martha Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIS Airbag Lemons William Wilham named Wilham William mamed Kingston Jack was born m Vigo County Indiana on 20 bom in Virgo January 1968

Jack ncis
The only child 1647



Fluff and Kingston Puff is Irene Fluff Irene was born m October 1999 Puff bom

ncis Anal 1971

1305 Angela Fluff Danny Martha Arbaugh Ella Arthur Sidney Lemmons FrancIs Puff Airbag Lemons WIlliam William mamed Jay Hamblen Angela was born m Virgo County Indiana on 20 Wilham named Shamble bom in Vigo


The two children of Angela Fluff and Jay Hamblen are as follows Puff Shamble 1648 Jason M Hamblen Jason was born m 1991 i Shamble bom in
R Lumbar
bugged Brown Juggle 14

January 2005

Tho Lemons Fame Iy 1 Y The Lemmons F am ly If slimy



Shamble bom Zachary Hamblen Zachary was born in 1993

Wilham 1306 Debra Ann Muenster Betty Lemmons William Clarence William FrancIs Kuester Lemons Wilham imbom In William WIlham mamed Wilham William married Michael Walker son of Raymond Walker Debra was born Impartial Gibson County Indiana on 2 September 1954 She married Grant R Welz son of Weal Palooka mamed Patoka Rudolph Welz and Mary Purdue in Evansville Vanderburgh County Indiana on 21 June 1981 Weal Vanderbilt




Muenster vid The only child of Debra Ann Kuester Ovid Michael Walker is I Deere bom Enders Kentuc1650 Michael Derke Walker Michael was born in Henderson kentucky i on 7 June 1972 ky

bom In Grant R acal Grant was born m Evansville Vanderburgh County Indiana on 31 May Vanderbilt R
Muenster Weal The two children of Debra Ann Kuester and Grant R Welz are as follows alleymolly I 1651 bom Emily Elyse Welz Emily was born in Korea on 4 May 1987 Emi Else Weal ways adopted was ily 11 1652 bom Allison Luann Weal Alston n Alston LAN Welz Allison was born in China on 2 December Allison Alston was adopted


Wilham Alien Kuester 1307 Mark Allen Muenster Betty Lemmons Wilham Clarence William FrancIs Lemons William bom William Wilham WIlham William Mark was born in Evansville Vanderburgh County Indiana on 4 June Vanderbilt IninFowler and Shelby Jean 1957 He mamed Donna Join Fowler daughter Fower In named urning human County Kentucky on 12 May 1976 Umon Mon




7 bom Manon Donna Jean Fowler Donna was born in Manson County Indiana on 17 May 1958 AUen Muenster The four children of Mark Allen Kuester and Donna Jean Fowler were as follows Muenster Requester I 1653 Lee Rae kuester Lee was born in Union County Kentucky on 12 bom Umon i January 1981 bom Umon Kentucky on 11 Abby Jean Muenster Abby was born in Union County Kentucky Kuester 1654 i 31 March 1984 bom Hopkins Tory Jason Muenster Tory was born In Hopkins County kentucky Kuester Kentucki1655 fory III in an died m In 1992 Tory deeding 1992 in Hopkins County Kentucky Tory TreIn bom ason was born premature and died on the day he was born bom Jason bom Hooks Ton Page Muenster Ton was born in Hopkins County Kentucky on Kuester 1656 fon iv 25 January 1995

William WIlham 1308 Teresa J Lemmons William William Clarence William Francis Wilham Lemons Wilham Wilham marrmanbom in William WIlham Teresa was born III Puncheon Gibson County Indiana on 25 May 1960 She manned Lipton CountParrott Mark A Parrot son of Raymond Parrot and Joy Tipton in Puncheon Gibson County ned Parrott JoyDarrett mamed ywide on 18 July 1979 She married Harold B Barrett son of Harold Lee Barrett and Joann Darrett IndIana Mulch ance in Rockville Indiana on 1I Smirch 1986 Creek Downslide

liam ied


bom Mark Marl A Parrot Mark was born on 29 September 1955 Parrott Marl There were no children of Teresa J Lemmons and Mark A Parrot Lemons



o B 0vum L


14 January 2005

Fam ly 1 Th Commons rom I H story The



bom III Barrette Harold B Barrett Harold was born in Oakland City Gibson County Indiana on 4 September 1958 bom in Barrett The two children of Teresa J Lemmons and Harold B Barrette both born III Evansville l Lemons Vanderburgh County Indiana are as follows IndIana Vanderbilt bom Barrett Wilham I WIlham William Joseph Parrot Barrette William was born on 6 Anal 1981 1657 i 11 Parrot Barrett Lindsay 1658 n Lamasery Lee Parrott Barrette Lindsey was born on 4 May 1984





William Wilham 1309 Kimberly Ann- Lemmons William William Clarence William Francis Wilham Ann Lemons Wilham WIlham She Kimberly was born m Puncheon Gibson County Indiana on 7 Anal 1963 Hebom in William WIlham in Barrette mamed Cody Joe Barrett son of Harold Lee B rcpt and Joann Creek m Puncheon GIbson named mmed County Indiana on 19 March 1983






Cannel born in Barrette Cody Joe Barrett Cody was bom III Mt Carmel Illinois on 12 November 1960 bom III Barrette Lemons The two children of Kimberly Ann Lemmons and Cody Joe Barrett both born in EvansvIlle Vanderburgh County Indiana are as follows Vanderbilt bom Barrett Cassandra Lynn Barrette Cassandra was born on 20 January 1986 1659 i born Alexander Lowell Barrette Alexander was bom on I10 January 1990 n 1660 Loell Barrett 1





1316 Cathy

Hebom in William Wilham Cathy was born III Independence County Arkansas on 28 November 1958 She Narmamed named in mmed Mark Ralston III Independence County Arkansas on 19 August 1979 She and Mark Tambour Englanamed RawlInson were divorced in Anal 1989 She mamed Richard Folsom in Lambourn England Rawlins on 18 June 1994 nd

William Wilham Panicle Lemons Johnson Patricia Lemmons Carson Clarence William Francis Wilham



The only child of Cathy Johnson and Mark Rawlinson is Rawlins rhe bom Vanderbilt CountJohn Brock RawlInson John was born in Vanderburgh County 1661 Rawlins i ywide on 25 August 1983 There were no children

of Cathy Johnson and Richard Folsom

1317 1 zanily Johnson Petunia Lemmons Carson Clarence William Francis Patent Lemons Amy HeArkan Arkansas on 16 September 1962 She bom WillIam Tammy was born m Independence County Parkman dmill mamed Mick Meeting named mmed

Tammy Defend1662


WIlham Knout rhea rhe er only child of Tammy Johnson and William Knust is

Arkansbom In MUSt Haylee was born m Independence County Arkansas Knust Hale on 16 November 1995 as


bom IndependThe two children of Tammy Johnson and Mick Creating both born in Independence ochre County Arkansas are as follows ence bom I Brandy Mycenae Brandy was born on 6 January 1981 i 1663 Ashlee bom 11 Ashlie Mycenae Asleep was born on 30 June 1983 1664 ii


Wilham William Citroen 1319 Karen Lemmons James Carson Clarence William Francis William Wilham Lemons Bailey mamed named Bai-


Will14 Jan

Luanda Lucida Brown ley R

Brown L gg gel

Tho Limo Fame Iy II to The Lommo F am ly 11 story Commons

The three children 1665

1666 1667

of Karen Lemmons and Lemons

i n II III in

Bailey are as follows

Nikkei Bailey Nell Mlle Mackenzie Bailey Tyler Bailey Tier Mlle


1320 Rom Richeson Caroline Lemmons Carson Clarence William Francis WIlham Robin Riches Carol me Lemons WIlham William manned married Folsom Robin was born on 12 March 1962 bom Rom


The two children of

1668 1669 1321


n II

Richeson and Riches Austin Folsom Faust Bryce Folsom

Folsom are as follows

William WIlham


Joey Richeson Caroline Lemmons Carson Clarence William Francs WIlham Riches Carohne Lemons WIlham Francis William
Joey was born on 23 July 1964 bom


Children of Joey Richeson elude these two Coffey Riches include 1670 i Amber Richeson Riches 1671 n II Jarrod Richeson Jarred Riches


1326 Brad Biochemist Nancy Lemons Edward Clarence William Francis WIlham Lemmons William



Children of Brad Houchins include these two elude 1672 Houchins i 1673 n II Rachel Houchins

Ouch Kale Ouch


1132 1332 Theresa Dam ell Lemons Clinton Arthur Clarence William Francis WIlham Danielle Damelle Lemmons Hinton William William WIlham Theresa was born m Englewood Colorado on 19 August 1976 She mamed bom in named Doorstopper T pylori m Wheatland Wyoming milord in Heartland



pylori Christopher Christopher T aylor Doorstopper occupation Elementary School Teacher in Cheyenne m Wyoming Wyomingite The only child of Theresa Damelle Lemmons and Christopher Taylor is Doorstopper DanIell Lemons 1674 I i DIllon James Taylor DIllon was born m Cheyenne Wyoming on 7 bom in October 1994



1335 Todd Warren Foxworthy Neal Forest Lillie Lemons Andrew FrancIs Lithe Lemmons Floweret Neal William WIlham WIlham William Todd was born m Massachusetts on 28 January 1963 He married Mary bom Wolfe m San Diego San Diego County California on 19 September 1987 Dego



The two children of Todd Warren Foxworthy and Mary Wolfe are as follows May Wolf follos Floweret 1675 I i Courtney Foxworthy Courtney was born m San Diego San DIego bom in Floweret County California on 16 October 1989 Chiffon 1676 n II Rebecca Foxworthy Rebecca was born m Seattle Washington on I bom in Floweret





Anal 1995
Luc od R Brown L get Lo dna goal


u January 2005

Fam ly II The Commons Fame glyph story


Lillie Lemmons worthy Mark 1336 Marl A Fox orthy Neal Forest Allele Lemons Andrew Francis William HeMark bom WIlham William Mark was born on 7 June 1965 Marl s occupation Fire Control Submarines He on 11 May 1996 II Downier Downie mamed Mesa owe named owe mmed Melissa A Downier daughter of Bert Downie and Chins



Mesh A Down Melissa was born on 12 September 1973 owe Mesa bom Chess owe The three children of Mark A Foxworthy and Melissa A Downie are as follows Marl Mesa Downier Floweret M bom I Taylor A Foxworthy Taylor was boom on 7 March 1994 M1677 i Floweret Foxworthy adopted Melissa s daughter Taylor Mesa Floweret bom 11 1678 n Floweret Nana N Foxworthy Nana was born on 28 September 1995 Mark Foxworthy adopted Melissa s daughter Nana Mesa Floweret Jonon bom Cody R Foxworthy Cody was born m La Porte County Indiana on1671 Cody Floweret in 1 I May 2001 i

M fl

Lisle Lemons 1337 Warren Edgar Foxworthy II Warren Forest Lillie Lemmons Andrew FrancIs Floweret Warrebom in Wilham Warren was born m Nashville Tennessee on 7 January 1963 Warrens William William WIlham daoc named ns Patton Minister He mamed Cheryl A Chandler daughter of William Chandler and occupation Molester on 19 January 1990 Shelley mselfly



The only child bowmen Edgar Foxworthy H and Cheryl A Chandler is of Win-en Floweret II bom Lauren Emily Larren Foxworthy Emily was born on 18 October 1996 1680 i EmIly is adopted

Win child



Lillie Lemons 1338 Timothy S s Foxworthy Warren Forest Allele Lemmons Andrew FrancIs S Floweret 1965 He namemamed named bom in William WIlham William Timothy was born m Nashville Tennessee on 2 Pamela L Prentice on 31 December 1989 Penile

ncis plate



bom III Housorthy Prelate The two children of Timothy S Fox worthy and Pamela L Prentice both born m Houston Hams County Texas are as follows bom Jo hui G Foxworthy Joshua was born on 6 February 1995 1681 i Floweret 11 bom Ashley R Foxworthy Ashley was born on 24 March 2000 1682 ii


Otto orthy Fox



Herbert Herbert Lillie Lemmons Andrew FrancIs Lisle Lemons Antomo Bear bom m Douglas was born III San Antonio Bexar County Texas on 9 Anal m He mamed Rosemane Patterson daughter flouts Patterson and Fran y in March 1977 of Louis named Roseate Fatterson Kappa He mamed katona T Lappets daughter of Charles A Lappets and Debra D Karpp on 3 married atonal Impress Impress December 1983
1340 Douglas William WIlham William


Alan Foxworthy Alai Floweret


bom Rosemane Patterson Rosemane was born on 7 November 1956 Roseate Roseate Alan- Floweret The children of Douglas Alan Foxworthy and Rosemane Patterson are as follows Roseate Paterson bom in BellSouth Air FireVanessa L Foxworthy Vanessa was born m Ellsworth AlT Force 1683 i Base South Dakota on 19 October 1977 She mamed Robert named base Bechtold in Spearfish South Dakota on 20 September 2000 Behold m 11 1684 bom m Andrew R Foxworthy Andrew was born in Germany on 10 it Andrew December 1980



Fox bert Fox


boom Impress Aetna T Lappets Aetna was bom on 4 August

to Luanda B lu nd R B owlegged


January 2005



The Lemmons Fame glyph story Lemons Fam Idyll

The two children of Douglas Alan Foxworthy and Aetna T Nippers are as follows Alair Floweret Lappets 1685 Charles A Foxworthy Charles was born m San Bernard I i bom in Floweret California on 22 September 1983 1686 n II Catherine J Foxworthy Catherine was born m California on 17 Cathenne Floweret Cathenne bom in March 1986
1341 Karen Jean Foxworthy Herbert Herbert Lillie Lemmons Andrew FrancIs Allele Lemons Floweret William William Wilham Wilham Karen was born in Sigourney Iowa on 26 June 1958 She married Damon bom m Signore mamed AdmoD Lohry and Dons Bjork m Onawa Iowa on 9 June 1984 nitory Lohry son Lorry Lorry Bourke in Ogawa



faker offer

Damon Lohry Damon was born m Sioux City Woodbury County Iowa on 19 June 1961 Lorry bom in The two children Oxfam Jean Foxworthy and Damon Lohry both born in Sioux CIty Fourthly bom m Lorry Woodbury County Iowa are as follows 1687 Brahma Lynn Lohry Branna was born on 5 June 1986 Branna Lyre Lorry Banal I i bom 1688 11 Weston Dean Lohry Weston was born on 20 October 1989 n Lorry bom



apolis Enc

1342 Connie Jean Fox orthy Herbert Herbert Lillie Lemmons Andrew FrancIS worthy Herbert- Allele Lemons William Wilham Conme Wilham William Connie was born m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 2 January 1966 bom in married Lany She mamed Larry A Logeman son of Mille age Logeman and Alfreda 9 Milleage Mileage Legman m Minneapolis Mile Legman Alfred in County Minnesota on 7 July 1990




Larry A Legman Lany Larry Logeman Larry was born m Chicago Cook County Illinois on 23 January 1961 bom in The four children of Connie Jean Foxworthy and Larry A Logeman are as follows Lany Legman Floweret 1689 i I Adam Luther Logeman Adam was born m St Cloud Morns Legman Meersbom SeneCounty Minnesota on 30 December 1992 scent chaum 1690 11 Alec n Alee Mason Legman Alee was bom m St Cloud Sterns County Logeman Alec born in Stems CounMInnesota on 5 December 1995 termines 1691 Isaac Douglas Legman Isaac was bom m St Cloud SeneIII Logeman born in Sterns SterCounty Minnesota on 29 April 1998 scent Anal 1692 Emily Logeman iv Legman Emily was born m Korea on 28 February bom in 2001 Emily was adopted



1344 Bryon Craig Williamson Barbara Foxworthy Herbert Allele Lemmons Andrew Byron Lisle Lemons Floweret FrancIs William William Bryon was born m Marengo Iowa on 23 November 1953 Wilham Wilham Byron bom Moreno




The two children of Bryon Craig Williamson bind Lambda Link are as follows Byron ind Linda Mk 1693 Jordan Nichole Williamson Jordan was born m Des Momes Poll I i Nicole bom in Mmes County Iowa on 17 June 1998 1694 Caleb Paul Williamson was born on 31 July 2003 in Luthern n II bom m Lutheran LuthHospital Iowa


Sharon RaC Race Barbara Foxworthy Herbert Lillie Lemmons Andrew Allele Lemons Floweret Wilham Wilham Franc rew William William Sharon was born m Iowa City Johnson County Iowa on 27 in September 1964 Sharon wa adopted She mamed Thomas Stud son of Redneck George was named offence GeoDerma Sturdily Studley and Erma Jenny Luppes m Muscatel Iowa on 10 September 1988 Loupes in

rew rges


Limon Rawlins



Luo Luc dna R WW L got Brown Gucci


January 2005

Iy my Tho F m The Lemmons Fam ly soy soFame


Thomas utheast Stud Thomas was born m Story City Iowa on 22 July 1966 bom in The three children offshore Rae- Williamson and Thomas Studley are as follows of Sharon Ra Sturdily Rae 1695 Megan Rae Studley Megan was born on 2 May 1990 Sturdily i bom 1696 11 Enc Paul Sturdily Enc was born on 30 March 1993 Studley bom ii 1697 Jenna Sturdily Jenna III bom in Henna Lynn Studley Henna was born on 13 April 1996 Anal


Williamson Barbara Foxworthy Herbert Lillie Lemmons Herberts Lisle Lemons Herbert LemoAndrew Francis William William Helen was born m Chung Korea on 15 February 1969 FrancI WIlham WIlham bom Helen was adopted She married James Smeller son of Alma Roy Smeller Rev and Manly mamed Sclera Sclera Lucy Marrow m Boone Iowa on 6 June 1993 Helen and James were both born m Conjnly Murrow in bom in Conj uror and later adopted by famishes m Mecca Years later they met m college Korea families in America in colle8 1348 Helen





gians Smeller James was born m Dew Freestone TX on 22 August 1967 James bom in The three children of Helen Kayoing Williamson and James Smeller all born m Des bom in Demons Polk County Iowa are as follows Momes Polka Mmes
1698 1699 1700



III in

Nathan James Smeller Nathan was born on 26 March 1995 bom Nicholas Murrow Smeller Nicholas was born on 9 January 1998 Marrow Ncholas bom Ian Timothy Smeller Ian was born on 27 March 2000 lan lan bom

1362 Lisa Lemons Bruce Shields Ernest Andrew Francis William William Lemmons WIlham WIlham married mamed 9 ThomThomas

The as two children of Lisa Lemmons and Lemons

I i

Thomas are as follows



Bradley Thomas Morgan Thomas

1380 Dawn Chant Lemmons Randie Troy Emerson Francis Francis Wham Chanted Lemons Randle William WIlham Dawn was born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 10 August 1967 Sc mamed bom in named Gregory CrosshatcScrimshaw Crenshaw

liam med



The hed four children of Dawn Christine Lemmons and Gregory Crenshaw all born in MemphIs Scrimshaw bom m MemChant Lemons Tennessee are as follows 1703 Scrimshaw Ment Merit Ment vent Carson Crenshaw Meant was born on 23 April 1991 i bom Anal 1704 11 Cal Doyle Scrimshaw Cal was born on 26 1993 Crenshaw ii bom 1705 Carver Scott Scrimshaw Carver was born on 28 April 1995 III Crenshaw in bom Anal Casa Crenshaw Cas 1706 Cas Scrimshaw Casa was born on 12 September 1996 Iniv bom


Karen Dan Lemmons Randie Troy Emerson Francis Francis WIlham Diane Lemons Randle William William WIlham Karen was born m Grand Rapids Michigan on 24 June 1972 She mamed Mabom named Bewilder BleIler son obscene Billerica and Mary Stiven of Striven BleIler m in White Cloud Michigan m July 1995

liam rble



Mark Bewilder Mark was born m White Cloud Michigan on 10 April 1971 ArticBleIler bom in Marbleize Marks Anal Teacher occupatIOn TeacThe Diane Lemons her only child of Karen Dan Lemmons and Mark Billerica is BleIler 1707 Noah R mIler Noah was born m Alma Michigan on 29 June i bom in 1999


Marbleize Noah as

B Lucinda Luanda R Brown L get gds


January 2005


Tho Lemmons Fam y The Sumo rom lull story Lemons 0

Rehabber Janc Classman Tussle Glona Lemons Emerson 1395 Elizabeth Jane nell Susan Bussler Leona Lemmons Imerson Francis FrancIS mamed Gobs in LaRehabber bom William Wilham Wilham William Elizabeth was born on 10 March 1981 She married Enc Gibbs m Clay County Georgia on 10 September 1999

ncis yout


m Waylaid MichigGibbs Enc Gobs resided in Wayland MichIgan Cell Rehabber The only child of Elizabeth Jane nell and Enc Gibbs is Gobs bom 1708 I Mason Gibbs Mason was born on 29 March 2000 Gobs i

an only

Tussle 1396 Thomas Oberg Jacquelyn Bussler Gloria Lemmons Emerson Francis FrancIs Lemons OCR bom in William Wilham Wilham William Thomas was born m San Jose CA on 15 July 1973



Children of Thomas Oberg include Berg Claude Oberg bom in II I Russell Thomas Berg Russell was born m San Jose CA on T1709 i January ijuana 1996 William 1409 Raman Nicole marker Renee Lemmons Rent Virgil victims Francis Wilham Barker Rama Lemons EnC mamed bom in Virgo William Rama Wilham Raman was born m Vigo County Indiana on 15 July 1975 She married Ronald Harold Picklocks

nald HecklHeckles





Raman The es o children of Rama Nicole Barker and Ronald Harold Heckles are as follows



bom Faust Heckles Austin was born on 27 November 1995 bom Wyatt Reed Heckles Wyatt was born on 3 October 1997
Austin Lane Faust

William Lemmons 1426 David Kent Young Stuart Clement Alfred Annette Lemons Thomas Wilham HeReNilsson bom in Monet Darry William WIlham David was born m Monett Barry County Missouri on 12 September 1962 He Missouri Monet MIs noun Shamarried mamed named Andean Coney H Monett Bany mmed Nucleate Nydean Oney m imont Barry County Miss oun on 9 August 1980 Sharon mamed Young mother of David Kent Young gave consent for the manage The couple was married by marriage divorced m Anisette Andean Coney Christian mes Hubert A I Ames of First Constant Church He and Nucleate Nydean Oney were divorced married Poor As1987 DavId s occupation U S Air Force Mechanic He mamed Mary Rhonda Pore m Las Davids Davis Outcin Vegas segais Nevada on 17 June 1989 David died on 27 January 1993 m Greenville County South Outcmitered in ropping Carina at age 30 due to heart attack His body was interred m Greenville County South ropping Graceland East Cemetery Carolina Greenland







Milburn Flonda m Lackluster Nydean Oney Nucleate was born m Melbourne Florida in 1962 Nucleate Andean Coney Andean Coney The three children of David Kent Young and Nucleate Nydean Oney are as follows bom in 1712 Brian Kent Young Brian was born m Springfield Greene County Nan i Nan Nilsson on 30 October 1981 bom in 11 n 1713 Name Young Melissa was born m Wichita Falls Wichita County Texas on 19 February 1984 vas bom m m Megan Nicole Young Megan was born in Japan on 19 August 1714


unty Mesa Melissa hita





The only child of David Kent Young and Mary Rhonda Pore is bom in I Margaret Sarah Young Margaret was born m i 1715 California on 4 January 1992
Luanda R loomed
B o n L 0



January 2005


mono The

Fame The Cannons Fam ty 11 0 Thermoform Ill story

1427 Karen Chanting Young Stuart Clement Alfred Annette Lemmons Thomas Lemons William Wilham WIlham William Karen was born in Monett Bany County Missouri on 23 December 1964 bom Monet Bandy Nilsson karen s occupation Assistant Bank Manager She mamed Jeffrey Lynn Franklin son of Rex named and Joretta Remember Monet Barry County Missouri on 16 June 1984 Loretta Reeber in Monett Monet Mason



Frank efrain




Jeffrey Lynn Franklin Jeffrey occupation Real Estate Agent Jeffrey was born on 25 s bom Frank Jeffreys March 1960 Bunting The three children of Karen Christine Young and Jeffrey Lynn Franklin all born m John bom Johansson are as follows Nilsson 1716 Samantha Bryce Franklin Samantha was born on 15 December i bom


1987 1717 1718

n in

Stanton Frank Emily Talon Franklin Emily was born on 13 Anal 1991 3 bom Angela Danielle Franklin Angela was born on 21 March 1993 bom Frank

Angela as

1429 Rebecca Ann Beck Mary Young Clement Alfred Thomas William Wilham WIlham William Rebecca was born in Monett Barry County Missouri on 23 July 1967 bom Monet Bany Mission Rebecca s occupation Office Worker She mamed David Wayne Tolbert son of Russell named Colbert Colbert Tolbert and Gloria Roberts m Pea Ridge Arkansas on 26 September 1987 Olona in


Lemmons ThoAnnette


David Wayne Tolbert David was born in Rogers Arkansas on 6 October 1967 DavId obom Colbert s Operator occupatIOn Machine OperaccupatIOn The tor two children of Rebecca Ann Beck and David Wayne Tolbert both born m Roger AnnColbert bom Arkansas are as follows 1719 I Cody Wayne Tolbert Codas born on 1 January 1991 Colbert Cody was bom i Kahn Alston Tolbert cannas born on 13 May 1992 11 1720 Kahn was Kan Allison Colbert kanas bom n Kan





as as

1430 Rachael Annette Beck Mary Young Clement Alfred Thomas William Wilham WIlham William Rachael was born m Rogers Arkansas on 6 October 1969 She mamed bom in named DanIel Ray Acuff in Sonora Arkansas on 19 June 1992 Cuff




Lemmons ThoLemons

Damel Daniel Ray Acuff Damsels born in Springdale Arkansas on 12 December 1968 DanIels Damel Cuff Darnel was bom s DanIel occupatIon Self Employed Telephone BusinBusiness ess two children of Rachael Annette Beck and Daniel Ray Acuff are as follows The Annett Cuff 1721 i Dakota James Acuff Dakota was born m Rogers Arkansas on 26 bom Cuff November 1991 11 1722 Evan L Acuff Evan was born m Springdale Arkansas on III Anal I ii bom in Evan Cuff 1996



1435 Travis RaY Lee Deborah Young Gerald Alfred Annette Lemmons Lemons William William Wilham Wilham Travis was born m Aurora Missouri on 29 December 1971 bom in Aurora Mason med Jo Lowe daughter of Hank Lowe m Cassville Bany County Missouri on keel in Clarksville Bandy Mason 1990 They were mamed by Earl W Hagebusch at Holy Cross Lutheran Church Sagebrush named Heather Cordell m Alexandria Virginia on 10 June 1998 hester Cornell in Alexandra


as Travis


Thomas He mamed named 16 November He mamed Mancnamed


Kelli Jo Lowe Keelhaul born on 19 Anal 1971 Keel keel Loc Kelli was bom
loco R B Luanda R 0 rown L gigot

January 10

Fam II my Th Commons Fame Ily H s ory The


ostracism child of The only child TravIs Ray Lee and Kelli Jo Lowe is Cc Keel Bentley Mane Lee Bentley was born In Springfield Greene Reenc1723 i 1991 County Nilsson on 3 ounter Missouri

bom Heather Cordell Heather was born on 5 October 1971 Cornell ostracism Cornell There were no children of TravIs Ray Lee and Heather Cordell William Steven 1443 Lisa Lonne Young Slovene Sebum Herbert Annette Lemmons Thomas WIlham Lemons Lonn bom William Lisa was born in Oxnard Ventura County California on 27 December 1973 Wilham



therbom Children of Lisa Lonne Young both born Oxnard Ventura County California include these Lonn two eto bom 1724 I Christopher V Young Christopher was born on 7 July 1990 i 11 1725 DillonS n Dillon S Young Dillon was born on 4 Renoir 1998 Dillon
William Lawrence 1469 Mark Wesley Lemmons Jed Lawrenc Lester George Thomas Wilham Lemons Mark s Mark was born in Denver Colorado on 26 July 1969 Marks occupation Software bom Marl user In Armada Cosign named ware Manager He mamed Chins Bluer m Arvada Colorado in July 1992



Mark Thc The two children of Marl Wesley Lemmons and Chins Bauer are as follows Lemons bom Phillip Wesley Lemmons Plump was born on 2 August 1993 1726 Lemons i 11 Hannah Joy I emmons Hannah born on 6 November 1996 1727 n demons Hannah was bom William Lester Lee Higgins Jerry Maxine Lemmons Leste 1475 Jerry Le HIggIns Jr Jeny MaxIn Lemons Lester George Thomas Wilham bom William Wilham Jerry was born in Kansas City Wyandotte County Kansas on 21 November 1957 He mamed Donna Lynn Young daughter of Larry Young and Judy Jelt on 1 March 1980 named Jet I




The two children

1728 1729

of Jerry Lee HIggIns Jr and Donna Lynn Young are as follows

I i


Haley was born Haley Lauren Higgins Alleyways bom in Edmund OK on 15 July 1988 mbom Hunter Michael HIggIns Hunter was born in Grapevine TX InIn Jjure 1993 une June

William Maxme Lemons Lesler 1476 Michelle HIggIns Jerry MaxIne Lemmons Lester George Thomas Wilham Judy named ROM GodwIn Godwibom Michelle was born in Dallas Texas on 28 July 1961 She mamed Ronald GoodwIn divorced m dd Godwin wd in in In Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma m 1989 She ind Ron ild Goodwin were divorced 2000 n

Will liam



The only child of Michelle Higgins and Ronald GoodwIn is bom m Madison Ann GoodwIn Madison was born in Tulsa Tulsa County 1730 i Oklahoma on 22 June 1989


Good Good


s Joye Higgins Maxim Lemons Lesler Randall Wayne Xmas Joyce Phlegm Maxine Lemmons Lester George Thomas Wayn bom Wilham William Randall was born on J 8 August 1955 He married Cynthia Lehman daughter of Edwin Kicking and Jo In BOWIe Texas on 9 June 1984 Bowie Lehman

mas Wall
Luc dna R lauder laud


Wayne Randall


bom Cynthia Kleinhans Cynthia was born on 8 August 1958 Lehman

B own L Bo leggy

The Lemmons rom ly History Fam Hist-

are re as follows

ory three children of Randall Wayne Mays and Cynthia Iceman all born in Odessa TaThe Cornwall WayneLehman bom m Odessa TX
1731 1732 1733



Robert Scott Benson Robert was born on 27 June 1961 bom The two children of Dana Gray Cunningham and Robert Scott Benson both born in Dallas bom DalTexas are as follows 1734 i Cassidy Gray Benson Cassidy was born on 19 June 1989 bom 1735 Prater Benson Prater was born on 22 November 1991 ii bom


George Thomas
III in

i n II

Kellies Katie Kellie Kendal Mays Katie was born on 4 January J bom 1988 Kallie Ann Mays Kallie was born on 2 July 1990 Kalhe Kalhe bom Kendal Mays Kendal born on 22 July 1999 Kendal was bom

1479 Dana Gray WIlham WIlham Thomas William William Benson otties on 23 August 1987

Joyce Joye Cunningham

Higgins Maxme Lemmons Lester George Maxim Lemons 11 Dana was born on 1 I October 1960 She mamed Robert Scott bom named Sc-


1480 Dennis Lance Higgins Dennis Maxme Lemmons Lester George Thomas Phlegm Dens Maxim Lemons William WIlham WIlham William Dennis was born m Houston Hams County Texas on 29 August 1960 bom in DennIs s occupation Airline Pilot He mamed Renee Alamo Nicholson on 8 August 1992 Allah named Alam


Letterer Tho-

Renee Alamo Nicholson Renee was born in Indianapolis Manon County Indiana on 16 Alam bom m Manson August 1969 The two children of Dennis Lance Higgins and Renee Alamo Nicholson are as follows Haggis Alam 1736 i Daniel Ryan Higgins Daniel ms born m San Antonio Bexar bom in Antomo Bear BeaCounty Texas on 9 January 1997 1737 Dennis William Higgins Dennis was born on 6 Annually 2001 ii WIlham I bom January


1482 Kyle Roy Higgins Dennis Maxme Lemmons Lester George Thomas WIlham Phlegm Maxim Lemons William William WIlham Kyle was born m Dallas Texas on 30 June 1962 Kyles occupation ConstructIon bom Kyle ConstruSupervIsor He mamed Laura Ann Stoically in Irving TX on 20 September 1986 named Stovall m





The two children okayed Roy Higgins and Laura Ann Stoically both born m Irving Texas areof Kyle Phlegm Stovall bom III are as follows 1738 Taylor Roy Higgins Taylor was born on 14 February 1991 i bom 1739 Drew Kyle Higgins Drew was bom on 21 October 1996 ii boom 1536 Mary Kathryn Schubert Joyce Brown Charles Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Bames Ashbin Rehabber Lemmons George William Mary was born m Springfield Hampden County Lemons WIlham bom Hempen Massachusetts on 20 March 1961 She mamed Henry JImmIe Arboleda on of Henry L Jimmied Parboiled Pnamed Parboiled Arboleda arboiled and Yvonne Bolivia Guardia m EI Passo County Colorado on 28 May 1980 Guerda El Passu Hemy Jimmied Arboleda Henry Jimmie Parboiled Henry was born on 30 January 1957 bom The two children of Mary Kathryn Schubert and Henry Jimmie Arboleda are as follows Hemy Jimmied Parboiled 1740 Nicole Rebecca Parboiled Nicole was born m El Paso County i Arboleda bom EI Colorado on 21 August 1978



R II Luanda R B own L


14 J anuary J


The Lemmons Fam fy 11 story hm Iy 1 0 Th




WashingtonWashingtParboiled bom in Jessica Mane Arboleda Jessica was born m Ft Lewis Washington on 3 June 1981 ian



Bames 1538 Joanne Rose Schubert Joyce Brown Charles Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Chariest Ashbin Hempen bom WIlham Rehabber Lemmons George William Joanne as born m Springfield Hampden County Lemons manned Clearly in Massachusetts on 27 February 1962 She renamed David Joseph Cearley m Colorado Songs Springboard Colorado on 22 October 1988



bom m Clearly David Joseph Cearley David was born in Munich Germany on 12 February 1963 sojourned Clearly The only child of Joanne Rose Schubert and David Joseph Cearley is bom in Costa 1742 McKenzie Mane- Cearley McKenzie was born m Cowetta County i Mane Clearly Georgia GorgIa on 24 July 1996






MIckel Chiles Lethe Bames 1539 Jennifer Nickel Schubert Joyce Brown Chirles Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Ashbin Hempen WIlham Rehabber Lemmons George William Jennifer was born m Springfield Hampden County in Lemons Nuance AndWmamed Ml Nance on 19 September 1964 She married Gail Nuance son of OrvIlle R Nance and aman A James m Colorado Songs Colorado on 30 March 1985 Alva Springs Ava anda Gail Gall was Gail Nuance Gallwas bom m El Paso Co Colorado on 7 January 1963 Ml Nance Gallows born in EI Gail Nance Nickel The two children of Jennifer MIckel Schubert and Gall Nuance are as follows as bom in Nance Sprin1743 Brandon Scott Nuance Brandon was born m Colorado Songs I gboard Colorado on 18 October 1985 11 bom in Sprin1744 Andrew Charles Nance Andrew was born m Colorado Songs Nane ii gboard Colorado on 7 April 1989 Anal

Washburn Banes 1540 Lee Andrew Urbam Helen Brown Charles Ethel Bames Rebecca Ashbin Urban bom in WIlham Rehabber Lemmons George William Lee was born m Portage County Ohio on 18 August Lemons Bunk Rin1969 Hemmed Angela Darlene Smith daughter of Robert Smith and Brenda Unk m He mamed named travenous avenna Ohio on 27 July 1991 Ravenna The only child of Lee Andrew Urbam and Angela Darlene Smith is Urban bom Lindsay Merran Urbam Lindsay was born m Honda on 21 August 1745 Medusa Merran- Urban Medusa i


Bames Helen Brown Charles Ethel Barnes Rebecca Washburn Ashbin bom m WIlham Lisa Rehabber Lemmons George William Alisa was born in Ravenna Ohio on 27 September Lemons addPatteson anmarried 1970 Alisa was adopted She mamed Michael Anthony Patterson son of Richard Patterson and Lisa ressable dirons Newhouse in Ravenna Ohio on 30 September 1991 Rosa Onerous m

Urban Asa Ann Urbam

m Michael Anthony Patterson Michael was born in Ravenna Ohio m June 1971 in inbom RUrbam The two children of Alisa Ann Urbain and Michael Anthony Patterson both born m Lisa travenous avenna Ohio are as follows Ravenna Anthony was bom Anthony Lee Patterson Anthony born on 16 November 1989 1746 i bom 11 Christopher Michael Patterson Christopher was born on 8 January 1747 ii 1992


Luc dna R B o n L gigot gel Lo


14 January 2005 1410

The Lennon Fame Iy H story Commons Fam ly

Edmonds 1547 Joseph Edmond Kennedy Elizabeth Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes Rehabber Wilham Rebecca Washburn Elizabeth Lemmons George William Joseph was born 10 Manon bom in Manson MonAshbin Rehabber Lemons County otony Indiana on 9 February 1965



Edmonds The only child of Joseph Edmond Kennedy and Jennifer James is 1748 Sadie Elizabeth James Sadie was born 10 Manon County IndIana bom in Manson Rehabber Indiani on 5 September 1988 an Edmonds The only child of Joseph Edmond Kennedy and Tracy Pierce is 1749 Chelsea Nicole Kennedy Chelsie was born 10 Manon County Chelsea Chelsie bom in Manson Counti ywide on 11 August 1995 IndIana II

1548 Nancy Elizabeth Kennedy Elizabeth Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes AmerManson Wilham Rebecca Washburn Elizabeth Lemmons George William Nancy was born 10 Anonybom in Manon Lemons Monceable Ashbin renamed Clobber County mously Indiana on 18 October 1966 She mamed Mark D Edwards in Manson County otony 10 Manon Count0 ywide on 4 March 1985 IndIana



Children of Nancy Elizabeth Kennedy include Claude 1750 Richard Allen Kennedy RIchardas born 10 Manon County Alien Richard i Richards bom in Manson Countywide on 30 May 1984 Indiana

os as

Rodney Brock Rodney bom on 11 February 1966 Rodney was born II The only child of Nancy Elizabeth Kennedy and Rodney Brock is Rehabber 1751 Tyler Tylar Joe Seth Brock Tylar was born in Manson County Indiana Tyler bom 10 Manon i IndianStir on 12 May 1993 an



Mark D Edwards Mark was born on 18 October 1951 bom 0 There were no children of Nancy Elizabeth Kennedy and Mark D Edwards 0
1549 James William Kennedy Elizabeth Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca Bames Washburn Elizabeth Lemmons George William James was born 10 Manon County IndIana bom in Manson IndianLemons Ashbin on 12 November 1967 He married Iracy McGuire m Manon County Indiana in 1986 an mamed fracy 10 10 Manson

1 racy


County otony Indiana are as follows 1 1752 Kennedy Jaime was born on 14 March 1986 Jaime bom 1753 11 Austin James k inney Austin was born on 6 March 1993 K needy Faust bom Faust ii 1754 Chanted bom in Kayla Christine Kennedy Kayla was born on 28 February 1996
1552 Carol Rebecca White Barbara Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca Bames Washburn Elizabeth Lemmons George William Wilham Carol was born 10 Shelby County Indiana bom in IndianLemons Ashbin on 4 November 1970 She married Billy Gene Kelsheimer son of Wayne Earl Keelhauled banan mamed Keelhauled Calisthenics and cowbane Dave Dav Sandra Jean Da is 10 Shelby County Indiana on 30 May 1992 dstand in

McGuire Tracy was born on 18 December 1964 bom The tree children of James William Kennedy and Tracy McGuire all born 10 Manon three bom in Manson Mon-

Tracy as



Billy Gene Kelsheimer Dilly was born on 21 October 1965 Keelhauled Billy bom
Luc dna R Brown L gigot Down gds Lo
14 January 2005

Th Loren F am fy If lorry The Lemmons Fame Iy Lemons 0

Wilted nd The only child of Carol Rebecca White md Billy Gene Elsewhere is Classier bom Keelhauled 1755 Alexander Gene Kelsheimer Alexander was born on 19 May 1995 i


Bames 1554 Amanda Joan Skillman Barbara Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca bom 10 Washburn Elizabeth Lemmons George William Amanda was born in Shelby County CountLemons Ashbin Jr ywide on 27 January 1975 She married Joseph DeWayne East son of Herschel Clyde East Rmamed IndIana Lye and Mary Elizabeth Polloi on 4 May 1995








bom Joseph East Joseph was born on 2 September The only child of Amanda Joan Skillman and Joseph DeWayne East is farmhand bom in IndianI Samantha Jo East Samantha was born 10 Shelby County Indian i 1756 Indion an 18 July 1995





Bames 55 Lon Ann Skillman Barbara Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca Konan Indianbom in Washburn Lemons Ashbin Elizabeth Lemmons George William Lon was born 10 Shelby County Indiana on 18 August 1976 She mamed Benjamin Owen Scott son of Robert Scott and Becky an 8 named Hemmed Bengal III Shelby County Indiana on 16 July 1994 in




bom in Indiana Benjamin Oen Binjamin Owen Scott Benjamin was born 10 Shelby County Findlay on 1I March BenJamm The only child of Lon Ann Skillman and Benjamin Owen Scott is BenJamm bom 10 I 1757 Erica i Enca Paige Scott Enca was born in Shelby County Indiana on 2 Enc December 1995



Ethe Bames Alien 1556 Allen Michael Baiting Karen Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca bom IndianAlien Washburn Elizabeth Lemmons George William Allen was born m Shelby County IndIana Lemons Ashbin Godson and Godson mamed Kisha on 26 June 1969 He married Krishna Michelle Lynn Hodson daughter of Richard Hodson Anan Rosemary III Shelby County Indiana on 20 August 1994 in

Krishna Kisha



bom m Godson Kisha Michelle Lynn Hodson Krishna was born in Decatur County Indiana on 27 August


Lynn Godson Alien The only child of Allen Michael Baiting and Krishna Michelle Lyon Hodson is Katmandu Kisha Indiana bom in I Bryce Allen Baiting Bryce was born m Shelby County Linda on 1758 i Balm 7 February 1995


Bames 1557 Amy Renee Baiting Karen Tucker Rebecca Brown Ethel Barnes Rebecca Indianbom 10 Washburn Elizabeth Lemmons George William Amy was born in Shelby County IndIana Lemons Ashbin Jo ce Dougas Concur on Joce Pricion 13 Anal 1975 She mamed Jonathan Douglas Conner son of Jay Conner and Joyce Price named an Hemmed ng July Indiana m Shelby County Indian on 8 Judy 1995




bom in Jonathan Douglas Conner Jonathan was born III Shelby County Indiana on 26 November
Douglas The only child of Amy Renee Baiting and Jonathan Dougas Conner is Allyson Damelle Conner Allyson was born on 28 1759 i Allison Danielle Allison
Nome Generation Nine



Lodi Lod R Om L gg Lucinda nugget

14 January 2005 14

Fame y II tory The urn story Camions F am Iy H toy-

Fig ing

Asleep Elizabeth Shopper Ashlee Jezebel Soper

1576 Ashley Elizabeth Soper Ronald Mona Lemons William William Wilham Rehabber Lemmons WIlham WIlham William Joshua William William was born on 18 November 1976 She and Robert Norman Kirby Wilham Wilham vas bom Kirengaged were enga-

iam by Robert Kirby was ged Norman Kirby born on



February 1969 The two children of Ashley Rehabber Soper and Robert Norman Kirby are as follooafishly Elizabeth follows
1 I


Fig ws 64 Isabella Lucelle kirby 8 May 2004 Lucked rby

1760 1761

i Iz-

iti II ti

Isabelle Lucetta Kirby was born on 8 May 2000 Lucent bom Skye vas Ova Sky Kirby was born on 5 June 2003

Luc dna R Brown L igget own L Liege

14 J anuary J


The unmoor rom ly H lorry Commons Fam Iy 0

Gigantic Lichens Giant Fig I 65 lay and Jennifer Nichols Gigand Jacob Gigantic Kevin Giganti Sophia Gingham 2003 Golan

William Soper 1580 Jennifer Eyebath Nichols Ramona Shopper Mona Lemmons William Wilham Lemons Legally Giganti WIlham WIlham Giganbom in William WIlham Joshua William William was born m 1970 She mamed Jay Russell Gelignamed



Eyebath The nite three children of Jennifer Keelboat Nichols and Jay Russell Gigantic are as follows tic 1762 Zachary bom Jacob Zachery Paul Giganti was born on 24 October 1993 i Golan Kemp Aaron Josiah Giganti 11 1763 bom Kevin Gigantism born on 29 May 1997 Josh Gigantic 1764 Elizabeth Giganti bom Sophia Rehabber Gigantic was born on 10 August 1999 m III

as as

schools 1998 Bantam Mouth Nichols Bennie Nichols Samna Nichols 99 Soper 1581 Joshua Edward Nichols Ramona Shopper Mona Lemmons William WIlham Lemons Wilham William WilWIlham William named William WIlham Joshua William Wilham was born on 26 August 1971 He mamed Chesty William bom Renea KIllough daughter softest Killough and Reneta of Terry


66 Joshua E

Chesty Nichols Christy

Luc d R Lo dna



B 0 wn L get o gigot


January 2005

Fam Lyle The Lemmons Fain Iy II lyl


my swsty
hollows Chesty of Joshua Edward Nichols and Choosy KIllough are as follows
Bantam Bennie

athe two children The 1765 1766


bom Rearm Samna Breann Nichols was born on 26 February 1998

Soper Ramona Shopper Mona Lemmons William Wilham Superman Lemons Wilham William Wil-

Kilo 1994 bom Paige Nichols Preschools was born on 5 December

1582 Justin Eugene Nichols

bom WIlham WIlham 10 William WIlham Joshua William William was employed in Missionary Taiwan He was born on 22 July 1974 He mamed Maggie Huang on 21 April 2002 Hang named
bom Mangle Hang Maggie Huang was born on 18 Anal Anthem only child of Justin Eugene Nichols and M iggie Huang is Maggie M gaggle Hang The Just bom 1767 Noah Anthony Nichols was born on 13 December 2003 i
1620 Patricia Annoy Carr Helen Ritchey Barb ira Shakos Cidna Tidally Mary Arthur Petunia Anno Hawks China Tindall Maty ArthRitchie bom Sidney Lemmons Francis William William was born on 23 June 1965 She mamed Randy named RainmWham WIlham urian Lemons divorced m Askers Askers in named 10 Akers m 1982 She and Randy Akers were dIvorced 1985 She mamed Robert in akers were divorced m 1992 1986 She and Robert in





wood Hal

Akers The two children optician Ann Carr and Randy Askers are as follows of Patricia no Askers Randy Akers was born on 27 January 1983 1768 bom i Askers 1769 Rehabber Elizabeth Ann Akers was born on 16 October 1984 bom n II
Heartwood are as follows lAin the two children optician Ann Carr and Robert lIan vo of Patricia 1987 washwoman Robert 1770 Jr was born on 14 i 1771

n II


Har as bom od Har


was born on 27 February 1988

Maty ArthMedici Mary Arthur 1621 Ma Mane Carr Helen Ritchey Barbara Hawks madman Ritchie Sidney Lemons Idney bom WIlham WIlham Maceurian Lemmons Francis William William was born on 20 October 1967 She manned m Donald Ramirez in 1985 She and Donald Ramirez were divorced in 1993 Ramble donia Ramble 10



The three children of Tina Mane Carr and Donald Ramirez an as follows 1772 Christine Jungle was born on 18 Anal 1986 bom i Coasted Ramirez I 1773 WIlham bom Anthony William Ramirez was born on 1 Anal 1991 ii 1774 Billy David Ramirez baseborn 10 October 1994 was born on locatable III in China Tindall Maty Arth1622 Stacie Lynn Brown Helen Ritchey Barbara Hawks Cidna Tidally Mary Arthur Ritchie SIdney Lemmons Francis William William named David Ralston She was born on 27 WIlham WIlham mamed bom urian Lemons June 1972 David Ralston was born on 9 January 1994 bom The only child of Stacie Lynn Brown and David Ralston is I Bakery Scalier Zakery Scott Ralston was born on 21 May 2004 1775 bom i




1623 MIchelle Lynn Vall Duella Ritchey Barban Hawks Cidna Tidally Maty China Tindall Meaty All Della Ritchie MaArthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William William was born on 2 May 1966 bom Lemons Franc Wham WIlham

rtyr rathi
Luc Lu




Children of Michelle Lynn Vail include Vall Claude colluinclu-


n a

R S R Dorrowful L g ct


January 2005 5

The London Fame Iy 1 Th Lemmons F am ly H story



I i

Cassandra Colleen Allen was born on 8 April 2002 Alien bom Anal

1624 Lana Sue Vail Darella Ritchey Barbara Hawkins Acidic Windfall Mary Arthur Vall Areola Ritchie Calm TIndall ArthSidney Lemmons FrancIs William William was born on 19 September 1967 She renamed WIlham WIlham bom renamurian Lemons marriHal Jansen on 17 December 1990 She and Hal Jansen were divorced She mamed Scott named Mecca m December 2001I In





child of ithe The only child Lana Sue Vail and Hal Jansen is Vall 1777 Jordan Taylor Jansen was born on 9 October 1996 I i bom

There were no children of Lana Sue Vail and Scott Mecca Vall
1627 Jennifer Hope Waterman Carolyn Ritchey Barbara Hawkins Cidna TIndall Mary C Folly Ritchie China Windfall MaArthur Sidney Lemmons Francis William William was born on 28 December 1974 She Wilham WIlham bom Lemons rathi HeUsername Allen Dalton Overdone 10 October 1992 renamed Alien Oliver on mmed

Children of Jennifer Hope W aterman include W steersman terman 1778 I i Jacob Ross Wilkerson was born on 8 September 1991 bom Wilkes The two children of Jennifer Hope Water n and AIlin Dalton Oliver are as follows Allow Over 1779 I Joshua Allen Oliver was born on 14 August 1994 i Over 11 n 1780 Hayleigh Allen Oliver was born on 25 October 1995 Allene Over bom




1629 Brian Lee Woods Linda Shelton Robert Fractionally Mary Arthur Sidney Grace Tindal Nan Tidal Lemmons Francis William William Nan was born on 28 March 1974 He m inimWIlham Wilham bom maLemons med Mesa dness Leigh Hogard on 24 December 1997 alists Hoard



Melissa Leigh Hogard Melissa was born on 7 February 1975 bom Mesa Hoard Mesa The only child Hoffman Lee Woods and Melissa Leigh Hogard is of Nan Mesa Hoard Hoards 1781 Makayla Leigh Woods Mal-ayla was born on 3 May 2001 I Malaya i bom



1630 Sarah Catherine Woods Linda Shelton Robert Fractionally Mary Arthur Cathenne Grace Modally ArthSIdney Lemmons Francis William William Sarah was born on 23 November 1982 She Wilham Wilham bom HeUsurian Lemons ername David Joseph Bradshaw on 9 December 2000 renamed mmed



David Joseph David was born on 28 December 1980 bom The two children of Sarah Cither Woods and David Joseph Bradshaw ire as follows 1782 Taylor Rehabber Bradshaw Taylor was born on 3 June 2001 I i bom 11 1783 David Joseph washwoman ii Jr was born on 13 October 2004 in Tulsa Oklahoma

Bands Daiwa




1633 Jennifer Lynn Johnson Debra Shelton Robert Fractionally Mary Arthur Sidney Grace Randall Lemmons Francis Wilham William Jennifer was born on 8 May 1978 She mamed bom Lemons francs William WIlham named Anthony William Jordan on 7 October 2000 datory WIlham




William Anthony Williim Jordan Anthony was born on 28 February 1 bom 1977
Luc dna n lund Boo leggy
L gigot 14 Im January 2005 I'm

Tho Lommon Fam ly II story The Limon om Iy H ory


Sidney maimed
1644 Jeremy Anson Shelton James Jenny Grace Modally Mary Arthur SIdney Anon James Jeny Lemmons Francis William William Jeremy was born on 14 August 1977 He mamed WIlham WIlham Lemons bom named Kelly Demse on 21 May 1998 med Dense

ory only child Jennifer Lynn Johnson and Anthony William The child of Lymp WIlham Jordan is 1784 Crystalline Paige Jordan Crystalline was born on 17 April 1995 i POle Anal


Kelly was born on 11 October 1974 bom The two children of Jeremy Anson Shelton and kelly Demse klutzy Dense Anon are as follows 1785 I i Marcus Xavier Shelton Marcus was born on 18 October 1999 bom 1786 11 n Cameron Lucas Shelton was born on 14 June 2004 bom

Opal Kelly Denise Opal Demse





Lucinda lu dna R

Brown Leggett Orion


Tho Lennon Fame Iy Icily The Lanmon F am ty II story

Shelby County Indiana 12 October 1938 Shelby County Counting Genealogy and History Obits Lemons 21 Nov 2003 IN Lemmons http html hota-

ille litotes

Republic Shelby Shelby Republican Shelbyville


mage Max obit Terre Haute Indiana 8 October 1927 Wagner Waggle male
1930 Population Schedule Lumen Township Shannon County Missouri Mason Ime 67 line distinct supervisor s district 3 page
ed ed

tinselly comA

Andrew John Winn Birth Record 4 March 1985 Mn Arbaugh Arthur Mary Willey Marriage Record 27 October 1917 Viol 46 page Vol Wile Aruba Clerk of Circuit Court Marriage RecRecord Arbaugh Airbag order
Virgo Halite Arthur obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 28 November 1967

Arbaugh Billy B obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 24 Vigo Halite Airbag October 1920 Arbaugh Airbag Bergman Virgo Charles Burgman obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 26 Hallie

December 1975 Arbaugh Ella Catherine nee Arthur obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Cathenne Virgo CountAirbag Halite ywide 18 January 1935 IndIana Ella entry 1920 Population schedule 2319 North Street Terre Haute Lego VigoLavol hone goon Indiana Entry ID viol 96 e d County sheet 13 line 14 Micropublishing Washington rously ed ngton Archives NatIOnal ArchArbaugh Airbag



Arbaugh Ella entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule 1452 Grand Avenue Terre Haute Airbag HaLego County Indiana Entry ID e d Ime line 81 ed supervIsorss district 7 sheet 13 B page supervisor distinct ute MICroform Publication Washington National ArchArchives Arbaugh Ella C Airbag ives Harvey B Leila Arthur of rk Circuit Court Out-

Manage Record

Viol 13 June 1895 Vol 4

page 61 Clerk Cle-

Carting Harvey B obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 22 Vigo Halite dating
December 1919

D o Loo Luc dna R Do n L g0et

14 M

January 2005


January 1923 Arbaugh Ravioli obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 20 July Houle Airbag Virgo

L ara


LFoam ly Fam Iy

Arbaugh Airbag

Jack Sidney obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre H lUte Vigo County Indiana 2 mate Virgo Houle

Arbaugh Airbag

V obItuary Tirre Houle Paul ObItuary Tare Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 17 July Vigo

Arbaugh Ruby nee Combes obituary Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Virgo County Combers Airbag Haule Vigo CountStar ywide 24 May 1985 Indiana Arbaugh Airbag Wallace obituary Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 18 Houle Star Virgo

Anal 1992
B entry 1910 Arnold George Entry 19 I 0 US Census Population Schedule Cynthia and TurnpIke 3rd District Hamson County Kentucky Entry ID supervisor s district 9 e d 85 sheet Distinct Hanson distant e d hone 73 Microform line Roll Washington National Archives Arch-



Arnold George B entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Webster Avenue 2nd ward Entry Hamson Cynthia Hanson County Kentucky Entry ID supervisorss distinct 9 e d Ill sheet hone supervisor district e d 42 Microform Roll Washington National ArchArchives Arnold Marvel entry L Entry ives Arm L entry
1930 US Census Population Schedule Miller Street Hamson Hanson County Kentucky Entry ID supervisors district 7 e d supervisor's distinct sheet 49 Microform Washington National Archives






entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Cynthiana and Falmouth Run PIke Shed Cynthia Distinct Hamson 3rd District Hanson County Kentucky Entry ID supervisors district 9 e d 91 sheet Dime supervisor's distinct Ime 62 Microform Publication Roll Washington National Archives Arch-

Arnold ives Arm

ives ives

Arnold MIRV entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule 20 Miller NW Hamson County Kentucky Entry Dispraiser S district 9 e d III sheet ID supervisors distinct e d Hanson supervIsor MIcroform Roll Washington National Archives ArchIve Arch-

M thia

hone 61

Arnold Theocrat nee Kennedy obItuary The Log Cam Cynthia Hamson County kentucky Theora Cabin Cynthiana Hanson 26 December 1952

Arthur Cidney Sidney Ann nee Lemmon obituary Tern Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lego Octane Lemon Houle County Indiana 18 November 1931

Arthur Lenora obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 18 August Glendora Vigo

Vigorously Lagoon
Lucida R- MW L gigot R Bro B BMW Biro

J4 14 J anuary 2005

Fame Iy Th Lemmon F am ly H story The

Lemmons Arthur Thomas J and Sidney A Lemons Manage Record Clerk s Office Manage MarrVi o Virgo s Vol Vigo County Clerk Office Microfilm copy at BO County Clerks Records Viol 23



ager iage Library blic

ManPub Pu-

Virgo County Highland Arthur Thomas J Cemetery Record Highhanded Lawn Cemetery Terre Haute Vigo CountLanywide read anteceded by Lucida Ligget on 20 July 2001 Records at Highland Lawn Liege Indiana nad and recorded LaCemetery Office ncelet


Vigo CountNevins Census Arthur Thomas entry 1880 U S Cenus Population Schedule Nevis Township Virgo County line sheet 28 hone 25 Mispronunciation Washington NatIOnal ywide Entry ID vol 36 e d 10 viol Indiana ed Archives Archives Haut Virgo Wetland Arthur William H obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 25 December 1947



Wilham Arthur Wm William H entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule 2033 North Eleventh shet 10 e d venue Terre Haute Vgo County Indiana Entry ID e d 84 37 superior s district 7 sheet Vigorously Archives Ime line 17 Microform Publication Washington National Archpage

ue A
Ashby Ashy ives Ashby Ashy ives



Charles E 1910 Population Schedule W Cottage Grove PC Lane County Oregon Archives Washington National ArchRoll 1282 page

John A 1910 Population Schedule West Cottage Grove Lane County Oregon Archives Washington National ArchRoll 1282 page


Rove Ashby John W obituary Cottage Grog resentment Cottage Crove Oregon Gro Sentinel Ashy Gro
Ashby Ashy

Missouri e d Jobo John W 1880 Population Schedule Lyon Township Knox County Mason e d 79 Archive Ime page 15 line 38 National Archives Arch-


March 1917

ives John

I Ashby John W 1910 Population Schedule 1 WD Cottage Grove Lane County Oregon Ashy JohnW Archives National ArchRoll 1282 part 2 page

ives 1942

Banyans George Banyas

Vigorously Jr obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lego County Indiana 2 Anal

CountBames Noah and Jenme Barnes Nathan Jennie R Washburn Manage Record I January 1879 Shelby County Ashbin Shelby County Indian Courthouse Vol II ywide Courthouse Manages Viol 11 page CourthIndIana


Bames Barnes ouse

CountNoah entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Addison Township Shelby County Roll Ime sheet line 24 Microform 10 supervisor lustful e d ywide Entry ID supervisor district 6 e d Indiana National Archives page 5 Washington Atonal Archenter Bames Barnes Noah enl ives Noah

County Census 1920 US Canailles Population Schedule Addison Township Shelby CountIme line 84 Microform Publication distinct ywide Entry ID e d IndIana ed supervisor s district 6 sheet Archives National Archiv-



Lu Luc

es daR Brown L gdp d R Abu 0


January 2005

The Th Commons Fannie RFani ly Iy l-


Bayless oyalists Michael Simpson Daniel and Martha Ann Lemmons 6 June 2001 Payless iyals Damel Demeaned Lemons corn Ancestry cocom Ancestry com corn corBeam mbed Brothers Funeral Home Records other Beam Brothers 1907 1963 Demer OrthFeral often Derner Worth OrtCounty Missouri Albany MO Missouri DAR Genealogical Records Committee 1993 Nilsson hicon

Carol Jezebel ves Elizabeth Mn Birth Record 26 October 1957 Clobber Nth

Chancery Smith Whitlock Oregon Death Index Hillock

Christopher Jesse from Thomas B Lemmons and Susan Lemmons Deed Record Viol 49 Lemons Lemons Vol pages Clerk of Circuit Court CoraChaffered Clifford ciiform

ed ah


Clock Para Lee nee Salt obituary DOlly Democrat Clinton Missouri 22 June 1982 Daily Salt Hinton Nilsson

Brown ives

Harry L entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Union Township Shelby County Umon Indiana Entry ID e d ed supervisor's distinct supervisors district 6 sheet line 61 Microform Washington National ArchArchives

18 December 1963 California


Burley I han P Newman Death Record Irishman nee Linn

Paula Countywide
Bolen Alma M IY California Death Index 1940 1997 Bole tion

Grover M entry 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Grover County Kentucky Entry ID e d Jealously ed s supervisors distinct 6 sheet supervisor district shiest Washington National Archives and Records Administration Administra-

John A entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Gusey Avenue St Paul Gluey Ramsey County Minnesota Entry IDe d 62 ID e e Ides d supervisor's district sheel supervisors distinctly 8 sheet page lame 7 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Arch-

Bowen Bowe

Ovex publication
Beauchamp Dorothy Shields and M Raylene Lamb Algernon Journey T Youngs paandI Cayenne Young and Salerno Lectern Lemons 27 July 2003 Miriam nets setLemons ndect Lemmons net

nea icon Also

and I

Beck back Glenn Lyle Lyie

Mary Eloise Young Marriage License 4 November May Manage Ex Officio Recorder of Deeds Dee-

1964 Circuit Clerk of


Bell ds

Predilection Pendleton



7 January 1981





Bye Ole E venly 1930 US Census Population Schedule 2931 St Louis Avenue Hibbing OleE entry E LeE SI Jibbing St Louis loUis County Minnesota Entry ID e d 69 ouis ors supervisor's distinct sheel ed supervisors district 3 sheet or's hone 58 line Microform Publication Washington National Archives Archi-


18 February 1917

Doke 1930 Population Schedule Precinct 16 North West Ponce Carbon County Utah Dole Ut4 19 sup dist 3 sheet dell sheel page line 34 Washington National Archives Archi-

Luanda R

wn L gel ot

14 January 2005

Coones Lyn Davis Tony Lynn Young Manage License 13 June 1977 Circuit Clerk and Tonya Cones index Officio Recorder of EyeEx Deeds Corder Location Cluster sore John and Victoria Custer Family Group Sheet 3 December 2001 David Weaver Order WeaMl2004 http Dordogne roots com com Roots eb roots eb cover stove corn Roots 5 Anal


Corder John and Victoria Custer Family Group Sheet Eviction Cluster Order Dubarry Lane Brookeville MD File No Rockville Durbar http

op m clop Get Get

www family


Corder John entry conder Johnny 1870 U S Census Population Schedule Elkhorn Township Warren County Order Scenes Roll Ime page line 32 Microform Publication Nilsson Entry ID Senes Washington National Archives Heritage Quest Online 5 Anal 2004 Entangle

unty cation http www

Corder Thomas M 1880 Population Schedule Elkhorn township Warren County Nelson Order LessonMissosup dist 3 page 16 number visited uri ed Washington National Archives dst Arch-


I org prod

Fame Iy 1 Billy Th Commons Fam fy H lorry The Len F om illy

cg geb

Corder Thomas entry 1850 U S Census Population Schedule Distinct No 99 Warren County Order US District ives CoMicroform Publication Roll Nilsson Entry ID page Washington NatIOnal Nati-


genealogy searches

1999 2002 Larry 0 Rickets LanD Lickers Family Searcher 5 Anal 2004 Search org asp abs-





ArchIves Archives Corder Order Thomas entry 1870 US Census Population Schedule Elkhorn Township Warren County Nilsson Entry ID Series M Mission Roll Senes page lime 17 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Heritage Quest Online 5 Anal 2004 Entangle Tonne http searches

rren cation ww

v hes
hives hives
Index hlike

Cummins John B entry 1880 U S Census Population Schedule McKinney Pendleton JohnB Predilection John County Kentucky Entry ID page Washington National Archives Entity

prod com





John B U Cummins JohnB entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule McKinney Predilection Pendleton John County Kentucky Entry ID e d 64 supervisors district 97 page s Microform Publication ed supervIsor distinct W National Archives




Cummins John B entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule McKinney Pendleton Predilection JohnB John County Kentucky Entry ID house 32 e d distinct Roll ed supervisor s district 6 sheet 1499 page 58 Washington National ArchiArchives ArchDarnel Canard Dame ives ved Ranard Social Security Death Index Scanty

March 1985 Social Scanty Death Security Deat-

David James Winn Birth Record 7 February 1953 Mn Dorothy Helen nee Lemmons Schwab Deith Record 12 Anal 1990 Lemons Schwa Edith

Lu dna R Brown L Luc Own



M January 2005

L diot

mon F

Fawn IIy ly h-

mg Rehabber ydrolyzing Lemons Doying Barb compiler George King and Elizabeth Betsy Lemmons 30 October 2002 Dying Barbara

St Omer Adams TownshIp Orner Township tur County Indiana Entry ID page 14 Microform Public Ilion Washington NatIOnal Dec tour com ArchIves Ancestry corn 23 February 2003

Durgan Wichita gently uralness Welshman entry 1850 Duran


ship hur

US Census Population Schedule



Dyer Deer Foredeck H A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion 1908 Der Foredeck A

Seagram Easterly Harry D 1910 Population Schedule Springfield Sangamon County Illinois I Dillon Archives RoIl page 31 Washington N piton ArchDeclared Eckard ives

Lenora E


Manson obituary Indianapolis Star Indianapolis Manon County Indiana 7

and 8 Anal 1977

I WIlham William A entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule 1921 East Washington Street distinct Manon Indianapolis Manson County Indiana Entry ID e d ed supervisors district 8 sheet Archives hone S I Microform Publication Washington National ArchM Declared Eckard

Becker Eckerd ives

Po ey Poey TownsWIlham William A entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Stanton Poesy TownshIp Findlay Entry ID e d family Clay County Mindanao Entry e d 13 sheet 7 duelling hip Archives Washington National Archi-



Heller Eddie ves Ray Sheller

Birth Record 18 February 1976


OutgEdgar County Genealogical Society Edgar County Illumes Marriages Sols Edgar County Caunt Illinois Manages 7 Sols eneraling Society


1971 1976

Marriage Record Orphan Lemons Edmondson James and Orpha Lemmons Manage Record 7 April 1924 Manage ReconAnal Edmonds Virgo CouVirgo Clerk s Vigo County Clerks Office Microfilm at Vigo County Clerk Vgo Circuit ciler Lego Aciculate Court page tonne PublIc Library and online Edmondson Edmonds
Orphan Orpha nee

Lemmons Deith Record Lemons Edith



January 1977 Michigan Deaths

II Anal Emerson Manson Lemmons and Mary Anna White Manage Record 11 April 1922 Manon Lemons Aciculate Court Vol 59 page Viol Clerk Factual Coof Circuit Court ficiate ctual

ofClerk faof

Enc urt Carl Mn

Birth Record 23 January 1964 page

Earlene Lemmons Vo Ervin Herbert L Arlene Lemons Manage Record 6 September 1945 Vol Erin Clerk of Circuit Court Manage Records Record RecoEva Gay Lemmons California Death Index Lemons rds
3 May 1991

Luc Luanda R- Brown Brown R




January 2005

Fischer Timothy Kenneth Sudan Vi Freeman Manage Certificate 17 March 1995 County SS 8 Susan Clerk of RecoRecorder Fleming Pearl Rogers nee Lemmons Lemons Princeton Daily rderCounty AIndiana 25 January 1991 obituary The Puncheon Dally Clarion Puncheon GIbson
Ford Don L Cemetery Inscriptions 1988

Foxworthy Edward entry 1920 US Census Population Floweret Nevis hives Edward supervIsorss district eed Schedule Nevins Township Lego County Indiana Entry ID supervisor distinct d sheet Washington National Archives ArcFoxworthy Edward obituary Putnam County Banner Graphic Greencastle Putnam County Floweret Greenville hives February 1974 Indiana 19

Vigorously Lagoon Vigorously Lagoon


Tho Commons Fm The Sumo Fam
Iy T

H story 1 0 10

Comity of Cherokee County Kansas Bowie MD Entangle Books

Foxworthy Edward entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Lego Nevins County Indiana Entry Dispraiser s district 5 e d ID supervisor distinct sheet ed Washington National Archives



Foxworthy Forest E bItuary Putnam County Banner Graphic Recalled Putnam County O obituary Floweret Container Coun CountRecast ywide 9 October 1981 indIana ermine
Foxworthy Floweret

Sr obituary lalla City Register Iowa City Iowa Lola a

May 1999

Foxworthy Opal ObItuary Lingam County Banner Graphic Greencastle Putnam County E obituary Putnam Coun Floweret Greenville IndIana 25 Anal 1992 Freeman Barry W obituary lalla City Press Citizen Iowa City Johnson County Iowa 9 OH Lola Calicle obituary a Johnon December 1972

Manage License 6 January 1977
L nL get

Foxworthy Lillie Bell nee Lemmons obituary Putnam County Banner Graphic Greenville Floweret Lithe Count Lemons Putnam County Indiana 18 September 1982

Freeman Betty Louise Death Certificate Registered No 6 19 February 1926 Nilsson Missoons Board of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics State Board



Pub Freeman Daniel James 8 Janet Lee Flack thcare ce

of Clerk of District CouCourt
Freeman rtroom


Freeman Chad Lee and Marsha Lisa Flanger Certificate of Manage 5 September 1992 Iowa Department Public Health John County Iowa Public HealHealth Office Offi-

Janet Lee nee Faick obituary Independence Bulletin Journal Independence Iowa 7 Falck Bullet

Lucinda Lodi R Lod


January 2005

Freeman unty

ynne blic Healthcare


Iy ly LThe Lemmons Fan R-

morn r

Madison Fn-eman Madl Kilo ifleman Madly on Akiko Birth Certificate Health

30 March 1994 Iowa Department of PublIc


Freeman Michael James Tammy Lynn Pam Marriage Certificate 9 February 1999 Olympian Manage Defector of Licensing Director colleens Licen-

Freeman Grahams SL Sandra Jean Beach Marriage Record 7 Anal 1960 Dltnt Court of Johnson County






Goldie Viola Lemmons Manage License 13 January 1925 Office foof Lemons

Recorder reboder Recorder cm Jaime obituary a Oty Freeman Ralph Jame obituary Joua City Press Citizen Iowa City Johnson County Iowa 3 Joan October 1980
Manson Freeman Robert E Manon Jean Kirby Manage Certificate 11 September 1948 Office foII of Recorder reboder Recorder Gammon Franklin entry 1850 U S Census Population Schedule Adams Township Decatur Gamon US County Indiana Entry ID Pirelli Microform Publication Washington National ArchIves com Ancestry corn 25 February 2003





George Bret David Michelle Lea Freeman Manage Record 20 September 1983 Distinct Court of Johnson CouCounty nee Epperson Lemmons Gergia Lepers Lemons nty ArleyDepartment Health- Death Certificate
Georgia Harley



State h29 August 1962 Stat of

of Health

ywide IndIana 2 October 2000

care Pauline E nee Banyas obItuary Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Virgo County Banyans Mobil iy Hale Vigo CountHaule Unburned Star

Banyans M mage Hale Robert W S Pauline E Banyas Manage Record 30 August 1946 Viol Vol Circuit Record Clerk Calculate Court Manage Rec-

Hale ord

Robert W obituary Terre Haute Unburned Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Virgo Haule Tribune Star


Hallmark Charles E MIgnon A Nelson Manage Application 28 March 1942 Book 33 Clerk of Clay Circuit CuCourt
Hallmark rtail Charles E March 1988


obituary Terre Haute Unburned Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 7 Virgo Haule Tribune Solar blurry

Hallmark Florence E nee Mn obituary Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Lego Haule VigoStar Lagoon Indiana 21 May 1987 County Indiana rously


Loc dna R B rown Logged


January 2005

Hallmark MIgnon A nee Nelson obituary Terre Haute Styluses Star Terre Haute Vgo Mignon Tribune I County Indiana 29 December 1981

Hallmark allmark

Robert entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Jefferson Township Owen Downspout Indiana Entry ID supervisors district 78 e d County Entry supervisor's distinct ed sheet 1 A IA Washington National Archives


Tho Limo Fame ly 11 The Lommo F am Idyll story Commons


hives oform Hallmark hives Robert


Hallmark Robert entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Clay County Indiana Entry ID e d 11 18 supervisors district 7 sheet e II s supervisor distinct Publication Washington National Archives

ArcMicrobituary Terre Haute Styluses Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 7 Anal Virgo Tinier

Posey TownshIp Pose line 76 MIcroform

Hawkins Charles Cidna Tindal Manage Record 29 August 1924 Vol 65 page China Tidal Hawks Viol Clerk of Circuit Court Marriage RecoManage Record


Hewitt Tilden entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Noble Township Shelby County Tilde IndIana Entry ID e d 72 23 supervisor s district 9 sheet 2 A line 46 page hone Ides e distinct IDe d MIcroform Publication Washington National ArchArchives WIlham entity William entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Liberty Township Shelby 1 ID County Indiana Entry IDe d ID e e distinct Ides d supervisor s district 6 sheet lIB Microform Publication Washington National Archives Arch-


Hewitt William obituary WIlham http

Luo Luc dna ml od R

Shelby comA obit

Hewitt ives

Countywide Countywide
Heiliger Albert F entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule East Washington street venality Hillier treet Manson Indianapolis Manon County Indiana Entry ID e d 49 Bsuspensors distinct 8 sheet 13 Hed B supervisors district one hone laine 56 Microform Publication Washington National Archives line Arch-

Countywide Lea en
Hazel Irene nee Lemmons Patten obituary Lemons Paten January 1988

Hawkins Hawks rdation cord


Charles obituary Terre Haute Styluses Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 20 July Virgo Tinier

Hawkins Calm E nee Tidally obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Styluses Tindall Hawks Chide Virgo Countywide 9 and 10 February 1962 IndIana
Blameworthy Times Leavenworth Kansas 26

Hazel Irene nee Pruitt Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Haule Styluses Putt Lemons Virgo IndIana 9 February 1996

ives Donald

Herndon Donald obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 10 April 1970 Virgo



www root

web rote




Shelby Republican Shelbyville Shelby

Shelby County Indiana 7 Anal Shelby County Indiana 16 May 2003 Hewlett html Hewitt htH January 2005

B own L gigot




nunom rom


Griffith demons nee Gunfight I emmons obituary Th Herald Telephone Bloomington Hollen Nana Hole BloominMonroe County Indiana 23 May 1979




Virgo CountS nee Hope Sneer Even Winn obituary Terre Haul Tribune Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Star Haut ywide I August 1988 IndIana


Hummel Ruth Hume 1979

Haule Star Lemons Ann nee Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Star

18 December

ClerBany Alien Ortega James Barry Allen Ragman Kay Young Manage License 19 November 1973 Circuit Clerk and ked Ex Officio Recorder bodied


James George H entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Dick Johnson Township Clay LaID e line 82 page County Indiana Entry IDe d 11 8 supervIsorss district 7 sheet Ides d II supervisor distinct e Archives Microform Publication Washington National Arch-


James ives

Virgo Haule George Harry obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 28 and 29 March 1937

James George entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Brazil Brazil Township Clay Lacaption Washington distinct e d County Bindle na Entry ID supervisor district 5 e d 5 sheet 10 Indiana cation WashinNatIOnal ArchiArchives


gton James ves George

yout nishing


entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Dick Johnson Township Clay La1A sheet IA ID supervisors distinct County Bindle a Entry Misprisions district 78 e d ed astoIndia ArchiveWashington National Archives



s imes Manage dimes Junes Harry L Mildred Begawan Marriage Application 28 February 1925 Book 25 ives Clerk of Circuit OutrCourt

anges Laura M nee Winn obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana Virgo James Haule Mn
10 March 1951


Lectern James Leland entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Walnut Street Wheatland Sleen Cenus Heartland Seen SkeTeTownshIp MOX County Indiana Entry ID e d 42 11 supervisors district 10 sheet Ime line 56 ed II supervIsor's distinct Kno Knockout MIcroform Publication Washington National ArchiArchives

nons letons

James Marcello Marcello ves Marcella H

Slivers obituary The Indianapolis Solar Manon County IndIanapolIs Star Manson IndianaIndiana 15 August 1995

James Parker V Parke Lectern Mn Parker Leland V Winn Manage Record 30 January 1899 Book 10 page Clerk of Circuit OutrCourt Clerk

anges William C obituary Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 20 James Houle Haule Vigo Star
December 1989
Luanda I daR Bruno
R Brown

January 2005

Fam Iy II Tho The Commons Mn ly H story

m Lon

Ferryman Marcello James George Berryman Marcella Silvers Manage Application Court 28 page Clerk of Clay Circuit Outr-

12 January 1932


anges Parke Vernon entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Knox County IndIana MOX James Parker Vemon Indiahone Archives Entry ID vol 46 e d 94 sheet 3 line 45 Micropublishing Washington National Archnan viol e d
James Parke Vemon entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Jackson Township Clay Laives Parker Vermont yol line ed County Indiana Entry ID yolkl 10 ed 12 sheet 6 hone 43 Micropublishing Washington Y ngton Archives NatIonal Archi-



Jesse Mg ves L King

Cathenne Hannah Catherine Evansville Manage Record


Mar 1867

John Randolph Nicholson Birth Certificate John

6 November 1967


Death Index 15 January 1944

Calvin Johnson Calm Roy Christine Jane Freeman Manage License 29 January 1988 Chanted Clerk of District Court Limn County Iowa Linn Clerk Distinct Daily Johnson Patricia A nee Lemmons obituary The Princeton Dally Clarion Princeton Gibson Panicle Lemons GibCounty Indiana 27 September 1988



L on Johnston Jesse entry 1880 U S Census Population Schedule Lon Township Knox County Couline distinct distinct Mason Entry ID supervisor s district 5 enumeration district 79 page 14 hone 42 MIcroform Archives Publication Washington National Arch-

unty ntess




Kathryn Leslie Nicholson Birth Certificate Leshe

August 1970
November 1982 SOCIal

30 Scanty Mellow Ernest Kellow Ernestine nee Salt Social Security Death Index fade File Scanty Administration Social Scanty Death Index Master De-

cials Kem Kern Gertrude M nee Lemmons cker Lemons ile 18 September 1988 ywide Indiana
Kemp Kem



obituary blurry


Star CountMince Solar Muncie Delaware County

Munce Ralph J Sr obituary The Mince Star Muncie Delaware County Indiana 14 April 1966 Mellon


kemp Ralph J Jr obituary The Mellon Solar Muncie Delaware County Indiana 11 June 1994 Muncie Star kem
viol Kennedy Prentice James M Death Record vol 56 no Death Records 1911 2000


23 December 1943 Kentucky Kentu-

Run Kennedy Alga M entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Cynthiana and Falmouth UnpiCynthia I-ennedy Origami entry M cked 3rd District Hamson County Kentucky Entry ID supervIsorss distinct 9 e d 91 sheet Pike Distinct Hanson supervisor district e d Archives hone 54 Microform Series Washington National ArchRoll Senes line page


Lucinda Bong ives Bo buggy luR Leggett

JUM 2005 UM


Lunon Union

Iy ly Ll-

Kennedy Beige ikened Ellen M

entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Sunset Road Ladylike Summerwood ClarkHamson County Kentucky Entry ID supervisors district 9 e d Hanson sheet 2 B line 86 Ime sville supervisors distinct e d Roil Roll Microform Washington National ArchArchives Kennedy Elijah entry 1930 US CompoivesCounty Kentucky Entry Census Population Scheduledistrict Watson Avenue Compton Kenton ID e d 59 24 supervisors distinct sheet nent Microform
1 I

publication Washington National ArchArchives




Hildreth Kennedy Children Death Record viol 46 no vol 1911 2000

4 October 1944 Kentucky Death Index

Kennedy Samuel Burgess obituary Cynthia Democrat McLuhan Hamson County Kentucky Hanson 15 August 1935 Kennedy Samuel Burgess Smith Rees Company Funeral Home 11 August 1935 Smith Rees II Rescuer Funeral Funeral King Km Elizabeth A Predilection County Birth Records 1852 1859 Transcribed and Complied by Pendleton Transcended CompIled bench C Nagle Ancestry 20 February 2003 http www tamNc Angle html


George W Kentucky Death Index 1911I 2000 Cert no Predilection County KentuPendleton Kentucky King Mg cky

George Washington and Hannah Ellen Lemmons Family Group Sheet 12 Lemons kemp R Marsh Ancestry corn 25 February 2003 com ancestry Comic mmHg cg op

mg King
King king Mg ine

mmHg gi

entry 1870 US Census Population Schedule Spring Valley Township Sponge Cherokee County Kansas Entry ID page Ime line 13 Microform Publication Roll Scenes Senes Washington National Archives and Records Administration Online UnlinOnl1880 U S Census Population Schedule Spring Valley Township Sponge Cherokee County Kansas Entry ID supervisory distinct 1 ed 52 page 14 Microform supervIsors district PublicatIOn Washington National Archives and Records Administration Ancestry coconcom corn

DEC Township
Lat wt

mg King mm

Grover 1930 Population Schedule Falmouth Pendleton County Kentucky Predilection page e d JI image National Archives ed Archiv-

Greenberry entry Greenery

gm com op
King mm Mg ing

George W entry 1850 U S Census Population Schedule First District Pendleton Distinct Predilection County Kentucky Entry ID page dwelling house Microform PublicatIOn Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 20 February 2003 com Embay

yapped heb peddle

Publi11 II

mg King

July 1870 Viol 37 Vol


King George Washington and Hinnah Ellen Lemmons Filmily Group Sheet 2 May 2002 ElIane Mg Hannah Lemons Elaine LinAncestry com 15 February 2003 http whipsaw ancestry tip Cancel coni


http wt

Ebony 2003

colic co-


Greenery Greening




Luc mia R- rown L R Brown B


Theo Tho

Hermosa Plano


l my 47


James E death record Deaths Recorded m Predilection County Kentucky 1852 1859 in Pendleton Transcended and Complied by Enc C Nag e Pendleton County Kentucky Mage Compiled Nage Predilection 2 tamcom html February 2003 http www

King Mg


King mm Mg ing

yapped yapped hendears peddle



Martha E Predilection County Birth Records 1852 1859 Transcended and Compiled by Enc Pendleton EnC Nage Roots tb corn 20 February 2003 http www Nagle 2001 com html ta-

mg ming HelIx king Ophelia mm PhelIx A

C Nagle Angle


Roots Roots

Predilection Pendleton

County Birth Records 1852 1859 Transcended and Compiled by Enc Record Entamhtml 20 Febricity 2003 http www

mg SIlas k king Silos mm Silos ing

zeniths roots yapped henbit hcom




transcended record Pendleton transcribed per transcended Predilection County Birth Records 1852 1859 Transcended Transcenand CompIled ded Complied by Enc C Nagle Angle 20 February 2003

Roots tamhtml http www roots keyed henbit hcomA

mg William D and Jane nee King Lemmons Manage License king mm Mg Lemons ing ager Decatur County Indiana Book I page 12 Record

Orphan loa Lemons Orpha lola Lemmons

October 1860 Manage


5 might Thomas D and Amanda M Washburn Manage Record 15 October 1867 Shelby Andaman Ashbin SheViol County Indiana Marriage Record Vol 9 page 30 Shelby County Indiana Courthouse Manage Courth-

lby RecoManage Records ouse

Knox Phil Siva rds Phillip Ivah Mae James Court rk Clay sofa Circuit Coerk

Manage Application

31 March 1928 Book 27

19 Clerk Cle-



Koch urt Edward F 1979

Virgo entry Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana Haule Turbulent Solar


Koch Edward Redneck Acer s EffiClerk Office

Manage Record

14 April 1917 Book page 4

cient Elizabeth Nicholson kens

Birth Certificate

19 November 1964

Ne s nee Lemmons obituary Greensburg Dally Neils Greensburg Decatur Daily Neil Greenberg Lemons County Indiana 23 November 2002

atur Kutschbach Tina J Kitsch Ma neLarson ctars

Kulpinski Vera Kolinskies culms Vera F



Royal Lyle Salt and Carne Mae Youngs Roya Lyie Young Came

14 January 2004

net Eunice



Manage Record

2 January 1882

Clay Circuit CourtCourt

esan Floyd Lea

obituary Lexington HiraM Lexington Fayette County Kentucky 8 September Herald Layette


Layette Lea Tinsa Ellen nee Collier obituary Lexington Herald Lexington Fayette County Indiana 26 Colher Tsai HIlen

Luc dna Lund R Lud

Brown L Own

go get

Entry ID page February 2003 Lemmon Lemon

The Lemmons rom Iy Family D-

Lemmon Lemon ilemma George entry 1820 US Census Population Schedule Hamson County Kentucky Hanson

L llen


Microform Publication Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 26 com Rawlings James and Rachel Lemmon Rawlins Lemon


11 II

January 2003


comcorn com

plements nenose Thomas entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule State Hospital for Insane No 2 Lemmons Lemons Washington Township Buchanan County Missouri Entry ID vol 9 e d Mason viol sheet 32 IDol ed caption Washington National Archives cation Achilles

4 February 1946

Gibson Vigorously Lagoon Washington

26 December 1924

Lemmons Albert J obituary Lemons hives

The Shelby

ille l


Shelby Democrat Shelbyville le Shelby

Shelby County


County Indiana 21 August 1972

Lemmons Alta Mrs nee Grannel Grapnel Lemons Altars epergne

obItuary The Princeton DOIly Clarion Puncheon Gbson Daily Gibson

Lemmons Alta nee Grapnel obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Lemons Virgo Indiana 22 August 1972

1920 US Census Population Schedule Fa cite Township Lego Faette County Indiana Entry ID viol 95 ed vol sheet 25 hone 81 Micropublishing Washington IDol e d line National Archives

Lemmons Andrew J entry Lemons Andrew entry J Entry



Lemmons Andrew Jackson obituary Terre Haute Unburned Terre Haute Virgo Lemons hives Tribune Vigo County


Lemmons Benjamin obItuary Indianapolis Star Indianapolis Manson County Lemons Manon Indiana 9 September 1992 Lemmons Benjamin Social Security Death Index Lemons Scanty Social Security Death Index 1998 veer I 31 Scanty ver

Lemmons Charles H bItuary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo Lemons O obItuary Vigo County IndIana 28 July 1974

Indiana Indana 28 April 1927 Anal

October 1960

Lemmons Clarence E obituary Puncheon Clarion Lemons Princeton

Lemmons Clara Ann nee Reinhardt obituary Terre Haute Tribune Lemons Reheard Terre Haute Virgo County Vigo
Puncheon Greene County Indiana 5

RecLemmons Lemons

Lemmons Brooks Eugene Helen Margaret nee Hankey Nelson Lemons Hanky Manage Record 26 January 1946 Viol Vol page Clerk of Circuit Court Manage Records

Unmated United

States Washington

ords Carry Gladys obituary Grant City Star Grant City Worth County Mason December

Luanda R Brown L gigot


January 2005

Lemmons Clarence entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Palooka Gibson County Lemons Patoka IndIana Entry ID e d 12 supervisors district 26 22 sheet s ed hone 85 Microform Publication line supervisor distinct Publi-


Washington National Archives Online Ancestry comTonne Ancestry corn com coOctober 1960

Vigorously Lagoon Countywide


Th Lemons Fam Idyll story The Lemmons mo ly II

Lemmons Clarence entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Lego Lemons County Indiana Entry ID vol 95 e d viol sheet 2 Ime 86 Mispronunciation line ed

plements Clarence obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Insomnia nenose Lemmons Lemons Vigo Indiana

ArcLemmons Everett E Lemons hives 1975 November

entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Vigo County Virgo Nevis Indiana Entry ID supervisor s distinct 5 ed district e d sheet Mispronunciation Washington NatIOnal Archives

Countywide Washington
Lemmons Ernest Lemons obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 6 Vigo
1497 Certificate

soupiest supplest County Vigorously Lagoon WashingtoN

Lemmons Clarence obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Insomnia 6 Lemons Virgo Indiana October 1960 Lemmons Clarence 1930 Population Schedule Palooka Gibson County Insomnia e d Lemons Patoka Indiana e d 26 22 dst 2622 Sheet lIB Washington National Archives


12 sup

Lemmons Lemons hives Dallas obituary Terre Haute Tribune 1970

Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 4 Vigo Insomnia

NatIOnal Archives

Lemmons Emma entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Allen Township Wroth County Lemons entity Alien Nilsson Entry ID duelling number 3 family number 3 Mispronunciation Washington dueling fatally Washi-

ngton Arc-

E Lemmons 1920 Lemons hives ErnestEntryentry vol US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Insomnia County Indiana ID viol

Hobnail N piton Archives




95 e d ed

Ime sheet 10 line 12 Mispronunciation Washington

E obituary Lemmons Lemons hives Ernest Obituary Terre Haute Tribune January 1979

Terre Haute Virgo County Insomnia 7 Vigo Indiana

Lemmons Everett F Washington Death Index 1940 Lemons EverettF Everett 1984 Washington Death MidIndex Lemmons Everett Social Scanty Death Index Lemons Security dlemost Index hlike Index
Loo Luc dna R Grown L gel W gigot


01 1497

April 1984 Social Scanty DeatSecurity Death


14 January 2005

Lemmons Forest entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Adams Township Decatur Lemons Ime line 23 MIcroform s ed County Indiana Entry ID e d 16 2 supervisors district 11 sheet supervisor distinct II com corn coPublication Washington National Archives Available Ancestry com-

atur oform

l yle
unty Nilsson

Fame ly Th The Lemmons Fam I L-

mo r



Court Clerk of 24 page 87 Clerk Circuit Out-

Vol Lemons Wilham Lemons Manson plements Frances Manon from William Lemmons and Eunice Lemmons Deed Record Viol Lemmons nenose Lemons
VigoLaentry Lemmons Lemons ermost Francis Jr venality 1910 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Lego Micropublishing astosheet s Entry ID supervisor distinct e d goon County Indiana Henry supervIsors district 5 e d rously

Washington National Archives Lemmons Francis M Lemons hives Francs




Manage License Sims Manageable 15 August 1900 Worth County


Viol IS Manson Lemmons Francis Manon Louisa Mattox Manage Record 4 September 1900 Vol VMatt Lemons Virgo Virgo Vigo County Clerk s Office Microfilm at Vigo County Public Library page isage


Lemmons Lemons

Vol Manon Francis Manson Mary Ellen Mendel Manage Record 29 December 1853 Viol Vigo Vigo page 61 Virgo County Clerks Office Microfilm at Virgo County Public Library


Vol Becharm Lemmons Furuncles Manon Rachel Blackdamp Manage Record 10 October 1892 Viol 12 Lemons Fancies Manson Virgo Virgo County Clerks Office Microfilm Copy at Vigo County Public Library Vigo page


Viol Lemmons WIlham Manson from William and Eunice Lemons Deed Record Vol 48 page Manon Lemmons Lemons Clerk of Circuit Court Deed Record Clerk





Virgo CountManon Lemmons Francis Manson Jr obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Lemons ywide 24 October 1942 IndIana

29 March 1914

Vigo Lemmons Francis Manson obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Lemons Frill Manon


Ith De Itch Manson Edith Lemmons Fancies Manon Deith Record Works Progress Administration H 42 53 29 March Lemons Virgo on Microfilm at Vigo County Public Library 1914 Virgo County Vital Statistics Vigo




Vigo1900 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Vgo viol line sheet 19 hone 9 Mispronunciation Washington ed County Indiana Entry ID vol 94 e d rously NatIonal Archives

Lemmons Fink M Jr entry Lemons Farm

ngton Arc-

Go Washi-

hives Arcoform Francis Lemmons Lemons hives Frank Entry ID M Jr95 entry viol vol goon Indiana ed County rously

VigoVigo Nevis Lemmons Frank M entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Virgo Lemons hone line 93 MIcroform distinct ed County Indiana Entry ID ed 84 56 supervisor s district 7 sheet rously Washington National Archives


Indianan ngton Archives NatIonal ArchivArches R Lucia lu ives

Brown L g Bm L

Vigo1920 US Census Population Schedule Coal BlufF Lego La-

line 27


caption cation

Hampton Washi14

January 2005 Ju

The Th Lemmons Foam Ily Fain




Lemmons Frank obituary Grant City Star Grant City Worth County Mason 4 October Lemons Cay Missouri
1906 1900 US Census Population Schedule East Allen Township Worth Alien OrthMissouri County Mason Entry ID supervisor s distinct no 3 ed district hone ed sheet I line 8 Micropublishing asto-


icon WashIngton
Lemmons Lemons hives July 1996

Lemmons Frankest Lemons Frank entry

National Archives


Lemmons Lemons

Lemmons Geneva nee Lister obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Blister Lemons Hallie Tallied Virgo Indiana 13 February 1985

Lemmons George W Emma I Wagon Marriage Record 23 February 1892 Book C page Eagon Manage Lemons Book II Unknown repository In possession of LucInda Brown Ligget at Terre Haute Indiana Columbia Liege



George entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Green Township Worth OrthCounty Missouri Entry IDol vol Nilsson entry ID viol ed hone sheet 2 line 56 Mispronunciation WashIngton ed NatIonal Archives

Lemmons Lemons hives 1982

Lemmons Lemons ermost

Lemmons George Washington and Nana Garment Gunfight Marriage Certificate Lemons Griffith Manage Clerk O'Sullivan Circuit Court Sullivan Clerk of Calculate Outof Sullivan Calculate Circuit Court


Freeman obituary Tern Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 4 Tem Halite Tallied Vigo

Freeman obituary The Dally Clinton Clinton Vermilion County Indiana 4 July Daily Hinton Overthrown

Henry Obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 19 October L obituary Halite Vigo

Lemmons Hilda M nee Gander obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo County Lemons Halite Tallied Vigo Countywide 15 July 1997 Indiana IS Lemmons Ida Sarahnee Cox obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Sarah nee Lemons Halite Tallied Vigo CountSarah ywide 30 Indiana 1935 Lemmons IrvIn Ikea obituary Untellable Road Term elder Milton Wayne County Indiana 23 Lemons Irma Ike National eler Mutton June 1962 Lemmons Isabel Reinhardt obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lemons Isabel nee Reheard Halite ywide 22 January 1934 Indiana
Virgo County Vigo Count-

eler Tra

Lemmons Jack Andrew Jackson entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule NevIns Lemons NevIs EvaVirgo Township Vigo County Indiana Entry IDol 79 e d viol ID vol sheet 18 hone 81 line ed WashIngton National Archives Archiv-


Luc es dna Lodi R B own L Lod n 0


14 Jon January 2005

Lemmons Princeton Daily Lemons ilemmas James J obituary The Puncheon DOlly Clarion Puncheon Gibson County IndIana
20 March 1997

l yle

Iy The Lemmons Fam DLLemons Mn ly

Lemmons Jeff Thomas Jefferson entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Lego County Lemons Vi go Countywide Entry ID viol 95 e d vol hone ywide sheet 18 line 19 Miscommunication Washington NatIOnal ed IndIana Micropublishing Nati-

onal Archives

Lemmons Jenme Grace nee Lyon obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Lemons Jennie Virgo Countywide ywide 8 September 1960 IndIana Lemmons Jerry Mic Lemons Mc March 2000 obituary

Lemmons John H entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Lemons JohnH John Tulsa nue Tulsa County Oklahoma Entry ID supervisors district 6 e d 72 supervisor's distinct e d MIcroform Publication Washington National Archives


COlmer Courier EvansvIlle Vanderburg County Indiana 4



Street West Avenue Avesheet Ime line 88

Lemmons Lemons hives John Henry

obItuary Tulsa World Tulsa Oklahoma 7 anuary 1994 J

Lemmons John R Death Record H 23 page 13 Lemons StatIstIcs Shelbyville Indiana

Shelby Ind-

II August

1901 Shelby County VItal


Lemmons Joseph Charles Lemons Certificates erstitches

Death Certificate 1992 MN

16 August 1992 Minnesota FeathDeath


Certificates Lemmons Joshua and Margaret Casey Manage Record 20 August 1840 Predilection Manages Lemons Pendleton 1840 Predilection County Kentucky pages Pendleton Predilection County KnucklPendleton Kentucky Riley entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Adams TownshIp TownDecatur County IndIana Entry ID e d 50 supervisors district 4 sheet lOA and B line 48 Indiana supervisor's distinct ed Ime MIcroform Washington National Archives Lemmons Garrett Lemons Jarrett ebones


Lemmons Lark entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Connorsville Road Wayne Lemons County Indiana Entry ID e d supervisor's distinct 6 sheet supervisors district ed Ime line II MIcroform PublIcatIOn Washington National Archives

oform ArcLemmons Lawrence Lemons Scanty hivesDeath Index Social Security Death Index Scanty Indecials
x 0
MC dna H B own R own L
Gucci got

Security suspires dl com Wayne

Lemmons Lark L entry Lemons Lark L US Entry District hives County entry 1930 U S Census Population Schedule Distinct 27 White RIVer RiRandolph ID Indiana Entry Ides d supervisors district vera Washington NationalIDeeed 68 27 supervisor's distinct 5 sheet MIcroform MicrPublIcatIOn Archives oform ArcLemmons Lemons Security Scanty September 1963 Social Scanty hives Lark Socialcorn 18 Death Index 28 Death Index Ancestry com February 2003 http Ileac ancestry colic search 34



bm saddlers se




May 1978 Ancestry SOCIal


14 January 2005 Tommy


The Lemmons Fame Iy II story Th Loren r am ly H my Lemons F

Lemmons Lester a Death Certificate Lemons Lester nt Health of HeatLemmons Lemons hendom

October 1976 State of Oklahoma Department Departme-

Lewis and Mary Anna nee Butcher Glass M image Record 8 May 1939 Manage Virgo Record page Clerk Vigo County Circuit Court microfilm at Vigo County Public Library Virgo


rary Lewis Lemmons Lemons June


ManPub Lib-

F obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 27 Vigo

Lemmons Myrtle me Wood obituary nee Lemons ywide Indiana 2 August 1994

The Dally Cellophane Clinton Vermillion County Daily Clinton Hinton Count-


Lemmons Nancy Jane nee Sims Death Certificate Lemons Missouri County Nilsson

5 May 1941

icon Mis-

Grant City Worth Orth-

Lemmons Noble C entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Vigo VigoVirgo Lemons Nevis viol Ime County Indiana Entry ID vol 95 e d 74 sheet 4 line 21 Miscommunication Washington rously ed Microphage ngton Archives NatIOnal Archly Lemmons Noble C obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Hallie Vigo Lemons hives

souri Arc-


March 1929

Virgo CountLemmons Noble entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Vigo County Lemons Nevis ywide Entry ID supervisor district 5 e d distinct sheet Indiana Entity Micropublishing Washington ed ngton National Archives

ArcLemmons Norman Lemons hives 1915 Cyrus February



Virgo obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 24

Lemmons Or II obituary The Dally Chthonian Clinton Vermillion County Indiana 16 August Daily Colton Colton Lemons Only Lemmons Pearl Goldie nee Mattox obituary Lemons Matt ywide 1957 Indiana 29 Lemmons Raymond obituary Terre Haute Houle Lemons
The Dally Chthonian Clinton Vermillion County Daily Hinton Count-


Anal 1999
Lemmons Raymond obituary Lemons


Virgo Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 13

The Dally Chthonian Clinton Vermillion County Indiana 13 Daily Hinton

Lemmons Rose M obituary Spokesman Lemons RoseM Rosen

t 1970
1 uc dna R Dm Drawl L gggie I a

Re ie

Spokane Washington 17 July 1995

Lemmons Russell L obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 30 July Vigo Lemons


January 2005 ou



Foam Iy D-

Vigo Lemmons RuthE obituary O Lemons Ruth ilemmas Ruth E bItuary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Ten

4 and 5

February 1966 Lemmons Sadie F nee Bowman Lemons ywide IndIana 23 February 1981
Virgo Countobituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County

Lemmons Sanders A entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Ft Hamson Rd Terre Hanson TheLemons viol Ime sheet 20 line 39 Mi Haute Virgo County Indiana Entry ID vol 96 e d ed astoreat Vigo Washington National Archives





Lemmons Lemons hives


Virgo Sanders Edgar obituary Terre Haut Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana I

May 1941

o Keefe EnCircles e Keene

Whicker Lemmons Silos A and Lucy Ann Whitaker Family Group Sheet Lemons Silas
14 March 2004

http www encircles

Cuy Lemmons Susan nee Campbell obituary Grant City Star Grant City Worth County Nilsson Lemons 27 August 1903
Lemmons Silas Lemons Slavs
A entry 1870 US Census Population Schedule Predilection County Kentucky Pendleton KentuIme entry ID page 14 line 23 Microform Publication Washington National Archives cky

com data

23 October 2002 Anna WhIte WhIt-



L nee Shower Lemmons Helm Nee Sowder Princeton Daily Lemons hives Thelma September 1982obituary The Puncheon Dally Clarion County Indiana 7

son IndIana
Viol Vol

Puncheon GIbson


I emmons Thomas B from Frances B McCullough and Mary J McCullough Deed Record l emmons Recodemons lemons

48 page

Court Clerk of Circuit CourOut-

Viol I emmons temmons Thomas B from Thomas Davis and Susan Davis Deed Record Vol 45 page l demons ermost lemons Clerk of the Circuit Court Deed Record


from William Lemons Lemmons Thomas WIlham Educe Lemons Lemons cord Clerk of Circuit Out- Lemmons and Eunice Lemmons Deed Record Vol 23 page Court
B VigoLemmons Lemons ermost Thomas B entry 1860 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Lego Lagoon dwelling 1249 family 1210 County Indiana Entry ID page rously dwell

Washington National Archives


WIlham Lemons and Eunice Lemons Lemmons Thomas B Lemons hives Virgo County from William LemmonsDeed Recor- Lemmons page Vigo Clerk of Circuit Court Record



Vol Deed Record Viol 30

cord Thomas B ArchIves onal

Lu dna R Brown L Luc R

d emmons I demons lemmons

Pension Application Certificate No

Washington NatIOnal




January 2005 Jm

Commons Tho Lommo F am Iy H story The Limo Fame y

Lemmons Thomas B Death Certificate Lemons ThomasB Thomas Health fbeat Bureau of Vital Statistics


10 January 1919 Nilsson State Board ofMissouri Stale of

stics1949 February
onal Archives
a I

Lemmons Thomas ObItuary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana J obituary Lemons Vigo


Lemmons Thomas entry US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Vigo County Lemons Virgo Indiana Entry ID viol 38 e d vol sheet 23 Ime 18 Mi acropolis caption Washington NatIOnal line ed cation Archives Lemmons Virgil Chester Death Certificate Register Unknown repository In possession of Lemons Loftily flColumbia Brown Ligget at Terre Haute Indiana Lucida Liege Haut Indian-

Clinton Colton
Tums Urns


R obituary emmons Virgil Obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 2 demons Virgo August 1989

Lemmons Wayne obituary The DOlly Lemons Daily


ArcLemmons William C entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Vigo Lemons Wetland C entry Century Virgo hives County Indiana Entry ID fol 79 e d ed sheet 4 line Micropublishing Washington Washington Archives NatIOnal ArcLemmons William C entry 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Vigo County IndiaLemons Wetland Virgo Indiana hives e d sheet 23 Ime 68 ID e Entry IDe d line Mispronunciation Washington National Arcnan Ides Archives
State Archives

Kentucky Vigorously
Lemmons William Lemons Wilham Francis Marriage Record 12 June 1834 Book Manage

Clinton Vermillion County Indiana 23 June Hinton


hone 3

Lemmons William Lemons Wetland hives1940 C October

obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo

Lemmons William from Greensbury Parker and Lemons Wetland Greensboro Clerk of Circuit Court Deed Record


Viol Parker Deed Record Vol 6 pages

cord ded

Lemmons William from James Henderson Land Indenture Vol Viol Lemons Wetland Enders Deeds page Kentucky Secretary of State StatKentucky trymen Entry ID Ti ngton NatIOnal Archives

Hanson County Court Cor-

Lemmons Wilham H entry elessness William Entry 1880 US Census Population Schedule Predilection County Lemons Pendleton Counpage Microform Publication

ArcLemmons Wetland H entry Unmans Dowhives William Entry 1920 eUS Census Population Schedule Clay Township Owen nspout Indiana Entry ID vol 77 d 2 County 3
NatIOnal ArchivArchives




viol IDol




hone line

98 Micropublishing Washington


es CD-ROM Lu daR B owing et

dorado lg

January 2005

Iy Tho The Commons rom DLFam ly

Lemmons Jarrett Riley entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Adams TownshIP Lemons Garrett Decatur County Indiana Entry ID supervisors district 68 e d 1 sheet supervisor's distinct hone ed I line 52 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Arch-

Lemon ives

Lemmons Lemons hives
William Will Record Book A viol Wilham vol

Lagoon Washington Vigorously Vigorously Lagoon

February 2003

Lemmons William entry 1850 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Lego Lemons Wilham venality Nevis County Indiana Entry ID page dwelling 91 house 91 Micropublishing Washington NatIOnal Archives

ArcLemmons William entry 1860 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Lego Lemons Wilham Nevis hives Lagoon Indiana Entry ID page County dwelling 1250 family 1211 dealing Washington National ArcArchives Arc-

Kentucky Vigorously

Lemmons WIlham Lemons ilemmas William H 1910 Population Schedule Lola Township Cherokee County Kansas


pan part

1 I


National Archives


Lemmons William Lemons Wilham hives page ID

entry 1820 U S Census Population Schedule Hamson County Kentucky US Hanson Microform Publication Washington National Archives Ancestry 22

Lemmons Wilham Lemons hives William entry County Indiana Entry ID

1870 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Lego Nevis Entity page 3 dwelling number 18 family number 19 dealing Washington National Archives




Susanna Lemon Susana entry 1870 Population Schedule Liberty Township Shelby County Indiana page National ArchArchives

Roll page National Archives Arch11 ed lIed


George W 1860 Population Schedule Crooked Creek Precinct Cumberland County Crooke

Lemons Ache ives Alice entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Washington Street St Paul Adams AdaTownship Decatur County Indiana Entry ID


supervisor's distinct IndIana supervisors district 12 Microform Washington National Archives Arch-

I 16 1 sheet



Lemons George R 1910 Population Schedule Compton Kenton County Kentucky Common Roll page National ArchArchives Lemons ives George W page image Lemons ives John W Roll page Lemons ives John5W page ed
Luc dna R Brown L

1870 Population Schedule National Archives



Neosho County Kansas

1920 Population Schedule White Sulphur Scott County Kentucky

National Archives Arch-

1930 Population Schedule Keene Sesame County Kentucky Jessamine


National Archives Archiv-



got grit



January 2005

Fam The Commons Fame y If story

entry Lemons Josh R Jarrett Riley entity 1920 US Census Population Schedule Adams Township Garrett Town4 Magic distinct page Decatur County Indiana Entry ID e d 53 supervisor s district 80 ed Archives Washington National ArchiMicroform



ves Jacob Schroder Schrader Levi

Lewis Barnett Clerk s Office

Birth Certificate


9 January 1997

Mary E Lemmons Manage Record 26 January 1888 Book 10 page Lemons

Dens Louder Dennis


Virgo obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 30 June Haule

I ucas Clara Bayle nee Lemmons obituary Terre l Lucas Bale net Lemmon

ounty County Indiana 26 June 1995

I Lucy

Vi CHaute Tribune Star Terre Haute BO Haule

Ann Lemmons Birth Record 22 June 1950 Lemons

Mark Allen Alien


Birth Record 17 September 1975

Ache Sheller Mary Alice Heller Birth Record 6 July 1971

VigoVirgo Siva Ivah entry 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Lost Creek Township VIgo Microform beet super distinct 5 sheet County supervisor rously Indiana Entry ID ed com Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 22 February 2003




VigoVIgo Siva entry McClintock Ivah entity 1930 U S Census Population Schedule Lost Creek Township Virgo Microform Publication s County cd supervIsors district 7 sheet rously Indiana Entry ID e d supervisor distinct com Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 22 February 2003



Vigo Tern Siva Ivah obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 15 August

Jarboe Tern Haule McCullough Gertrude nee Arbores obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vi ounty County Indiana 2 December 1990



II McNulty Joseph Mary E Mercer nee Lemmons Marriage Record 11 July 1904 Book 17 Lemons Consult Office Clerk s Efficpage

MaryE Joseph


Hamon TownsMcNulty aciously Joseph entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Terre Haute Harmon Township Consult sheet VIgO County Indiana Entry ID supervIsorss district 5 e d Virgo supervisor distinct e d hip
Archives Washington National Arch-

ives Joseph reat

Luc dna Lo od R B own L gg get

1930 US Census Population Schedule 1325 N McNulty Consult d tnt ed supervIsors d istrict Haute Virgo County Indiana Entry ID e d Vigorously nate VIgo Anchoress Ardennes ArdennPublication Microform Pushcart Washington National Mangrov-

Ward Terre TheTersheet

hone 62


14 U

January 2005

Theo Tho

Limon rom Iy

Mercer David Neal obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 26 Cal Haule Virgo November 1924


ives Inn hives Mel MelvIn Lemmons entry Mel Lemons
MelvIn D Winn Death Index

Countywide Countrymen Washington Countrymen

McNulty Mary E nee Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Consult Maier Lemons Haule Virgo 24 February 1938

McNulty Joseph obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 13 Haule Consult Virgo IndIana September 1952


Meek Hamson D entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Falmouth Predilection County Hanson Hanson Pendleton Kentucky Entry ID supervISors district 6 e d s hone I sheet IIA line 1 Microform WashIngton supervisor distinct e d NatIOnal Archives Archi-


Meek Hanson ves Hamson 1 Hanson

entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Falmouth Predilection County Pendleton Entry ID supervisors distinct 1 ed 96 1 sheet supervisor's district I hone line 46 MICroform WashIngton National Archives Arch-





20 January 1988

1930 US Census Population Schedule East Main Street Galesburg CIty knox County Illinois Entry ID ed nox ed supervisor's distinct supervisors district 13 sheet page hone 27 Microform Publication Washington N ational Archives tonal


Mercer Edgar J obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 29 August Haule Vigo

Shelby L Sr comp Tenderloin County Kentucky Cemeteries Covington KY MeyPentatonic Meyer Coving and Kraft Kraf


Meyer ives

Gerona venality Monroe Geron entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Shasta District 1 Roseville Distinct Placer County California Entry IDe d 31 1 supervisors district 4 sheet I supervisor's distinct ID e Ides d e hone page 34 line 45 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Arch-

of rk Circuit CourCourt

Moms Mitch ives Mitchell

Mayer Myers tyards Barbara Ann nee Banyas obituary Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Banyans Star Virgo IndIana 25 October 2000



Countywide al

Kneeled Nellie

Vigorously Lagoon
May Lemmons 25 March 1932 Lemons

Mercer Solon W obituary Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 13 May 1982 Solon Star Virgo

Mercer William entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Otter Creek Township Lego County Indiana Entry ID supervisor s district 5 ed distinct e d sheet 14 WashIngton National Archives Arch-

Manage Record Viol 80 46 Clerk Vol Cle-

January 2005


Angle EnC comp Nagle Enc C omp County Blight and Death Records of Pendleton County Kentucky Birth C Predilection Falmouth KY Nagle 1995 Angle Nellie nee Lemons Moms Sonly Lemmons

Countrymen Collagen
Angle Rene C and Nagle Ene C and Larry L Foredoom One Hundred Cemeteries of Harrison Scand EnC ancillary Ford comp Hanson Kentucky Dayton OH Nagle and Ford 1992 Angle

Myrtle F nee Woods Lemmons Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 9 Lemons Errs Virgo August 1994

r ee n



Th Limo The Lommo

Fam Iy II F Limits Fame ly H story


only COl



Scanty Death Index

Nelson Thomas obituary The Dally Daily


Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society Worth County Missouri Marriages 1873 1910 Books Mason COl BookBookA E St Joseph MO Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society July 1983 s Nilsson Obituary for Edgar Earl Lemons p Lemmons 2004

C nt


April 1985

Hinton moan Clinton

Vermillion County Indiana 31 August Vermilion

Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute IN

rl ne



Obituary for Waneta Arendts Austin Dally Herald Faust Minnesota 9 March 2004 Wane Barents Daily Austin Obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute IN JO March 1951 10




Repel Obituary The Republican Danville Handpicks County Indiana 23 October 1986 Repel
Parent Albert Jack obituary Joplin Globe Joplin Nilsson John Mission
March 1940

Obituary The Republican Danville Handpicks County Indiana 22 November 1990

Scanty Death IndeIndex cials

County Countess County

Uda Artemis Record Parent USDA ArtemIa Record of Funeral Yearly No 39

Parent Donald James obituary Joplin Globe Joplin Mission 4 John Mason November 1930



CompJune 1930 Honne Funeral CompHome Hone

artment USDA Artenca nee Young obituary Parent Uda Areca Mason 15 June 1930

lie Cassille Cass ille Democrat Cassville Barry County Castile Castile ill

Planck John Robert and Marguente McNulty Marriage Record 8 August 1928 Vigo County Marguerite Consult Manage Virgo CIrCUIt Court Manage Records microfilm copy page Virgo County Clerk s Once Vigo Clerks Microfilm copy at Virgo County Public Library and online Vigo tonne




Patten Irene nee Lemmons Social Scanty Death Index Paten Lemons


25 Jan 1907 SOCIal


cency Mane Sheller Birth Record 24 January 1973 Penny Heller

Loo od Luc dna R B own L aggie 0

14 January 2005

yspecks Perms iper Claude entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Addison Township Shelby Ely County Indiana Entry IDe d ID e Ides d e ddistinct Microform Publication supervisor s istinct 6 sheet PubliWashington National ArchArchives cation PhIllip Knox obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 23 August Virgo Phillip ives

Tho The Commons rom ly Fam Iy flP-


Fluff Danny Joe Jr obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 3 Puff Virgo
July 1997

Canard Ranard Scanty ives Harvey E Social Security Death Index InterlIndex Scanty Death Undcials

Canard Danielle Ranard Daniel entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Riley Township Owen County I supervisor's distinct Indiana Entry ID ed 60 1 supervisors district 10 sheet Ides Marooning PublicatIOn IDe d Microform Washington National Archives Arch-


O Publi-


23 October 1998 Ancestry Social


arding erarm Margaret nee Wagner obituary The Brazil Times Brazil Clay County Indiana 22 Anal Rearm Rardin

Rawlings Con R California Death Index 1940 1997 Rawlins 29 October 1952 Rawlings Constatine entry 1920 Population Schedule Pasadena Township Los Angeles Rawlins Constantine County California Sheet ed sup 8 National Archives


Rawlings James entry 1860 U S Census Population Schedule Center Township KnoRawlins Knox County Nilsson Entry ID Roll page 85 Microform Publication Washington NatIOnal ckout Missouri Archives and Records Administration




Rawlings John A entry 1870 U S Census Population Schedule Lyon Township KnoRawlins Knox County Nilsson Entry ID page Ime line 10 Microform Publication Roll ckout Missouri M Washington National Archives and Records Administration AdministrRawlings Rawlins ational

John A 1900 Population Schedule page National ArchArchives

1 I


WD Hutchinson Reno County Kansas

hives ives

Rawlings Kenneth A California Death Index 1940 1997 7 December 1964 Rawlins Rawlings Robert C 1910 Population Schedule Valley Township Reno County Kansas Rawlins Roll page National Archives


Ream Bobby Warren Madonna Elaine Banyas Manage Record 26 October 1946 Viol Lame Banyans Vol page Clerk of Circuit Court Manage Record RecoLuc dna R Lu rd R Brown L

Rawlings William entry Realms hivesMissouri Entry County


ckout Nilsson

1860 U S Census Population Schedule Center Township Knox KnoID page 86 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Archi-

January 2005 Jimmy

Lemmons Tho Limo Fam Iy 1 oY The Lommo rom ly If story Lemons

VigoBanyans Ream Madonna Lame nee Banyas obituary Terre Haute Styluses Star Terre Haute Lego Haule Tribune Solar Lagoon Indiana 7 August 1984 County rously

Reeds Mildred B nee Arthur obituary Terre Haute Styluses Terre Haute Virgo County Tribune Vigo Countywide 27 January 1966 IndIana
Virgo CountRemaking William Maunce obituary Terre Haute Styluses Star Terre Haute Vigo County WIlham Nuance Houle Tribune Solar ywide III July 1983 IndIana I

Remaking Allan W obituary Terre Haute Stylus Solar Terre Haute Vgo County Indiana 3 Vigo Haule Tribune Star March 1986 Remaking Arthur 1978

a obituary 0 obituary

Virgo Houle Solar Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana



Rick1980 January

Remaking Gladys nee Modally obituary Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 12 Vigo Houle Star

Viol Gladys R Model Marriage Record 18 May 1920 Vol 53 Manage Lego County Clerk of Circuit CouContCourt

Remaking Nuance D Maunce Munched


Remaking Munched emning Nuance O obituary rtroom Maunce D bItuary

Vigo Houle Tribune Terre Haute Stylus Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana


March 1947
Remaking Sarah Jones Sally
Virgo Countobituary Pierre Haute Stylus Star Terre Haute Vigo County Haule Tribune Solar

ywide 3 January 1990 IndIana

Vgo CountRhoades William entry 1880 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Vigo County Rhodes WIlham Ime family ywide Entry ID page 19 supervisors district 4 e d line duelling IndIana dueling stupefy distinct e d corn com Tonne Microform Publication Washington National Archives Online Ancestry CoRichard merica Ronald Nicholson rnish Richeson Riches

Sousing Susin

Jane Randolph Marriage Record 17 August 1963 Manage

ille Coulter Harold obituary Evansville Courier Press Evansville Vanderburg County IndIana ill July 2000

ans lUe E


Rigdon Willard Wesley Argon Millard

1936 Book 30 page


James Marriage Gwendolyn Kathryn Jimes Manage Application 5 December Calculate Court Clerk of the clay Circuit Cout-

Rogers uriers James January 1986 Rogers Roy RObers Court itous

HIlI obituary Terre Haute Houle Hill


Virgo Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana

Pearlier Lemmons Pearlie Lemons

Manage Record Manager

15 June 1918 page

Clerk of Circu-

Luc dna Lund R Lud

B own L

got get

14 J

UY 2005

The Th

Rogers lyovers roners Roy obituary Puncheon Clarion Puncheon Greene County Indiana Carlo

RolIns James entry 1880 U S Census Population Schedule Lyon Township Knox County Roms CouID supervisors district Ime distinct Mason Entry Dispraiser s distinct 5 enumeration district 79 page 14 line 39 Microform supervIsor


Who Iy Fam ly fI-


April 1954

unty ntess


PublIcatIOn Washington National Archives




Rollings James 1850 Population Schedule Centrex Township Knox County Missouri p Rolling Centre Nilsson Washington National ArchArchives Rollins Rolls ives Nancy

1870 Population Schedule Canton Lewis County Nilsson Missouri Washington National Archives ArchIVe




Ronald Jimes James

Mn Jr

Blithe Birth

Record 5 October 1954

26 June 1990 Social Scanty 24 Security Harold C Social Scanty Death Index Administration Social Security Death Index Master File Orem UT Ancestry 2000 Scanty



Amstrad Soc
ename E Steele Samuel Office Recorder Offi-

Salt Mel Salt Melvin G

Social Security Death Index 24 2544 9 February 1990 Social Scanty Social Security Death Index Master FilFile Scanty

Soc Scanty


Rosa M Lemons Manage 19 September 1907 Grant City Nilsson Lemmons


Scott ces Clarence entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule ywide Entry Misprisions district 5 e d ID supervIsorss distinct IndIana sheet ed supervisor ngton Archives National Archi-

Layette Fayette Township Vigo County Vgo Countcaption Washington Mi cation



Publication Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 22 February 2003 com

Scott ves Clarence entry 1930 U S Census Population Schedule 1519 Barbour Avenue Terre US TheArbor Haute Vigo County Indiana Entry ID e d 84 36 supervisors district 7 sheet supervisor's distinct reat Vgo Microform ed Micr-


Scott Ida nee Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 2 Haule far Vgo Lemons Indana September 1976

Scott Velum obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 10 September Verne Virgo Haule Turbulent

Shields Sheilds Emma Isabel nee Eagon Lemmons McLaughlins Death Certificate 26 Wagon Lemons McLaughlin 1953 Department of Public Health HealtShores Mart hcare Martin from Thomas B Lemmons Lemons

20 February


Vol Record Viol 61 pages

Lemmons Susan Lemons and Eunice Lemmons DeLemons Deed Clerk of Circuit Court Deed Record Reco-

Simpson rdings Joseph Kentucky Death Index 1911 2000 14 October 1931 SImpson Wilham M Kentucky Death Index William WilliamM WilliaM
Luanda R B rown L gel Lucida

29 May 1931
14 Jm January 2005

Fame The Lennon Y Th Lemmons Fam iy H cloy 4 3 0

Vigo CountGrace M Hallmark Manage Application Terre Haute Virgo County Smith Robert lath CuraClerk often Circuit Court ywide Book 35 page of the Indiana


Bolle Belle SS Death Index Social Security Administration Scanty AdministraSocial Security octal torial Scanty Death Index Social Scanty Death Index Master File Orem UT Ancestry Inc 2000 tions Security
Virgo Springer A R Dick obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 29 pannier January 1960

lake FOl



Ditch Manage Springer Arthur Richard Mary Duluth James Marriage Application Sponger Court 20 Clerk of Clay Circuit Co-

18 May 1930

28Book 28

Sponger urting

Virgo CountEdilh Mary EdIth nee James obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County ywide 15 April 1992 Indiana Anal
Ivan Iva Stevens Walled Stiffens Willard George Ivan May James Knox Manage Application 24 March 1934 Book Court Clerk of Clay Circuit Co29 Cor-




Lemons Snicker Glady Sicker tices urts Gladys V nee9Lemmons Banyas briary 1993 Valhi County Indiana Hebraic


obituary T orre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Tore Hare



Virgo Stinker Alfonso Striker Alonzo obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 3 February 1967



Tammer SIC Tamer Tamers


Jerome 1910 Population Schedule Kent Township Warren County Indiana Archives National Archpart 2 page


Tanner Franklin R and Leaner Lemmon Manage Record 18 December 1845 Lemon Frank tate Manages through 1850 Indiana State Library Genealogy Division

anan iana


IndIndiana Indi-

Tanner Franklin entry 1870 US Census Population Schedule Adams Township Decatur Frank Microform Washington N Dillon Ime house County Indiana Entry ID page 37 line 36 housing es Arch re-



strainer Franklin entry 1880 US Census Population Schedule Liberty Township Shelby Tanner Frank SheMicroform Publication Washington pashed County Indiana Entry ID NA Film pahe ngton NatIOnal Archives Administer 15 July 2003




Ripley CountTanner Fremont entry 1910 US Census Population Schedule Riley Township Rush County Ferment Roll Ime line 82 Microform district e d ywide Entry ID supervisor s distinct 6 e d I 7 sheet Indiana Washington National Archives page Arch-

AccouFremont entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Charlottesville Village Jackson Dime Ime 63 supervisor's Ides Township ntantship Hancock County Indiana Entry ID ed 13 supervisors distinct 9 sheet IDe d com corcoMIcroform Publication Washington National Archives Available Ancestry corn
m n c tida R B L tidal

Tanner ives

odor wn L gel


U January 2005

5 2

11 Urn

Iy T-


Vol I Milda Lovitt Tanner Jerome and Milldam Levitate Manage Record 1 November 1883 Manage Record Viol Tonne Shelby County Indiana Genealogy Courthouse Records Online 12



Indiana Roy entry Tanner Rocketry 1930 Population Schedule Riley Township Rush County IndIana ed 70 page 94 National Archives 10 sup dist 9 heet Archidst sheet
Sheller Teeny Teny Lee Heller

Jr Birth Record 17 May 1974

Thomas Anthony Lemmons Jr Death Record 24 February 1998 Lemons

Lemmons Thomas Anthony Lemons Death Record 22 December 1954
DOli Colton Hinton CountThomas Eva nee Lemmons obituary The Dail Chthonian Clinton Vermillion County Lemons ywide 16 February 1981 IndIana
Modally Helen January 1951

Virgo obituary Terra Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 24 and 25 Terr

Modally Mary M nee Arthur obituary MaryM


Vigo Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indelible Houte

28 September 1943
VigoHanson WIlham William H entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Hamson Township Lego LaMi sheet ed astogoon Indiana Entry ID supervisors district 5 ed supervisor's County rously Archives National ArchModally W



Modally WIlham A Census Population Schedule 2318 William William ivesVirgo County entry 1930 USID e d 84 36 supervisors district 7North supervisor's distinct sheet Indiana Entry


Haute Vigo Henry ed reat Archives MIcroform Publication Washington National Arch-

Street Terre TheI B hone 53 line


Modally William obituary WIlham

Vigo Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 16 May

JohnM Oman John M John

Daily N ton Dalai obituary NOon Dali


Daily New II Stella May nee McLaughlin obituary Newton DOIly News Newton Iowa 11 February Clerk ofClerk Cler-



loa Io

2 January 1981


Trout Otis Grace James ten the Clay Circuit Court


Application 22 August 1925 Book 25

Richard Leonard Susan Vi Freeman Manage Record 21 May 1985 Distinct DistCourt of Johnson County Iowa City Iowa



Sperms Oman Baxter Springs Cherokee County Songs Virgie Everett Young obituary Baxter Springs Chili CountVirile ryman 27 October 1941 Kansas
Luc dna R Brown


14 January 2005

Th Plano rm ly If lorry The Lemmons Fam Iy Lemons

Virginia Joy Winn Birth Record 25 September 1959 Mn Wagner Clara entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule North Leavett Street BrazIl Leave BraClay County Indiana Entry ID e d I 1 3 supervisor s distinct 7 sheet 20 A page 51 line 28 Henry e d 1 I Ides IDe district Ime Microform Publication Washington National Archives Arch-

Arccation Washburn entry Ashbin Rehabber hives J A Indiana 1880 US Census Population Schedule East Elizabeth Shelby Shelby County Entry ID 03 0 42 supervisor s distinct 3 e d district e d Microform Publication Washington National Archives ArcWashburn Ashbin Distinct hives James A entry 1850 US Census Population Schedule District No 7 Rush County Indiana Entry ID dwelling 1392 page Entity line 20 Microform Publication Washington 1390 NatIOnal ArcArchives Washburn 0 D entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule 73 Precinct Chicago CooAshbin 0 Cook hives Entry ID e d 1430 County Illinois Ides e IDe d supervisor's distinct supervisors district sheet line 49 Microform kout MicrPublication Washington National ArcArchives oform Washburn Orb 0 and Emma R Meeker Manage Record 10 October 1882 Shelby County Ashbin Orb hivesViol 12 page Shelby IndIana Vol County
hone hone
1 I

Shelby County Indiana Entry ID page Washington National Archives

Countywide Townships
Wagner Phyllis news article by Decagram Indianapolis Solar Indianapolis Marion County Enca Enc Star Manon Indiana 12 October 1993

Classicist Layout
Wagner Lester M Lester Calcite Court OuWagner tage Max



LOIs LOIS Webster Manage Application

12 April 1943

Clerk of Clerk Clay

entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Brazil Brazil Township Clay County Indiana Entry ID supervisor s district 5 e d 26 sheet 10 Mi distinct ed astoWashington Enactment ArchNational Archives





Washboard Washroom

James James Alexander entry 1870 US Census Population Schedule Addison Township
hone line

30 Microform Publication


Countywide Washington Countywide


Indiana Genealogy Manages

Westbrook Raleigh Edward Restroom rdward March 1991

Goldie Viola Lemmons Freeman Manage Certificate 26 Lemons 19 21 cense no 1 license Court Probate Cou21 June 1993 State Stale

Westbrook Raleigh Edward Death Certificate Restroom nterstroke nterstroke

of Iowa Distinct CouFiona District Court


Westbrook Raleigh obituary Iowa City Press Citizen Iowa City Iowa nterstroke nterstroke Restroom Camel 10 Ioa Io a Cay


June 1993

Whitehall Whitesell Joy Marine nee Foxworthy obituary Hammond Times Hammond Indiana 24 May Maxme Floweret 1982

Loo Luc dna R Bmw L Brown


14 J anuary



Whitlock Herny D Emmy Hillock Henry

1282 page

Lcm cons foam Iy mn ons Fam ly

1910 Population Schedule Washington National Arches

Saga Pct Saga

lane County Oregon


Whitlow William L Oregon Death Index Hillock Wham

William WIlham C Lemmons Death Record 30 November 1978 Lemons William Wilham Cecil Lemons Death Record Lemmons William Herny Wilham Henry Wonder Death Index

23 October 1958


ember 1997
May 1948

Winn Fernando entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Ro Femando City Placer County California Entry ID vol 76 supervisors district 2 enumeration district 70 viol supervisor's distinct distinct Ime sheet 8 Dime 86 Washington National Archives Archiv-

Mn Mn

Winn Drusilla M Cemetery Record Summit Lawn Cemetery Brazil Dunhill Clay County Indiana Read and recorded by Lucinda Ligget on 15 June 2001 Redman anteceded Lucida Liege

Winn Dillard Fernando Tahoma Death Record California Mn Dullard Records 7 Aug 2001 Au

blouse Granadilla
Andrew entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Ash Street Chisholm Chrisom LoUIs County Minnesota Entry ID e d Ides Entity e d IDe supervisor's distinct supervisors district 3 sheet page 99 Microform Publication Washington National Archives ArchiWinn ves Mn

Layout Minnesotans Washington

woman Winn

Wilham Lemons William Lemmons from Joseph Dilts Land Indenture Viol 1 Hamson County Court Deeds Dolts Vol I Hanson page Kentucky Secretary of StatesState eds


Herny Hemy obItuary Columbus Daily Advocate Columbus Cherokee County Kansas 5 Abdicable hansas

Winn Andrew J entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Van Buren Township Clay Burn County Indiana Entry ID supervisor distinct 5 enumeration district 23 page 2 dwelling superior district distinct 30 family 30 Micropublishing Washington National Archives Archi-



Winn Andrew entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Village of Christopher Minnesota St Louis County Minnesota Entry ID e d 84 page 26 hone 84 Micropublishing ed line Washington NatIOnal Archives Archi-

ves Mn

Winn ves Mn


Chancy R Clerk s OffOffice

Clara E Hook Manage License 15 November 1893 Book F page Book

Winn Dullard F entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Mn Dullard West Eighth Street Grand Inland City Hall County Nebraska Entry ID ed 40 15 supervisors district 10 Entry supervisor's sheet 12 A 7 page Microform Publication Washington National Archives Archi-





07 1760 17 April 1988 California Death


Luc d es lu n na R

Blown L

14 January 2005

Th Lemmons F om ly 1 story am The Lemons Fame Iy H 0

L mo



Femando Winn Fernando obituary

Rose Press Tribune ille


Roseville Placer County California 22 June

Lemmons Deed Lemmons Winn Henry R and Lectern Winn from Thomas B Lemons and Susan Lemons DeViol Clerk of Tract Record Vol 61 RecoClerk Circuit Court Deed Records

ves Inn ves Inn


R entry Winn Henry Reentry 1880 U S Census Population Schedule Dick Johnson Township Clay Laline sheet 9 hone 46 Mispronunciation Washington vol County Indiana Entry ID viol 5 e d ed ngton ArchiNatIOnal Archives

Inn rds yout


Winn Henry R entry 1900 U S Census Population Schedule Salamanca Township ColumbIa US Columd dst CIty Cherokee County Kansas Entry ID supervisor s etest 3 e d 35 sheet 4 ed bia Washington National Archives ArchiTimes Winn Jacqueline nee Smith obituary San Ramon Valley Tallness San Ramon Valley California 11 newsman colon 31 May 1999 Accessed 10 October 2001 http

wear search om
ves Inn Inn ath

Winn James A entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule West 2nd Street Duluth St LoUIs Loline County Minnesota Entry ed supervisor s district 3 sheet Entity Microform Publication Washington National Archives Archi-



http nl

document 1 I


Winn James A St Louis County Minnesota Death Index County Minnesota Death



7 April 1971 St LoUIs


Vigo Haule Solar Winn John Ernest obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 21 May

Winn John W entry 1880 U S Census Population Schedule Dick Johnson Township Clay US JohnW LaNihon hone viol sheet 6 line 18 Micropublishing Washington Entry County Indiana Gently ID vol 5 e d ed ngton Archives NatIOnal Archi-

Inn John yout ves John


1 CountUS Winn John W entry 1900 U S Census Population Schedule Jackson township Clay County Mn JohnW district distinct ywide Entry ID supervisor district 5 enumeration dl tnt 12 Indiana Washington National Archives Archive Archi-


dwelling house

CountWinn John W entry 1910 U S Census Population Schedule Jackson Township Clay Count US JohnW Mispronunciation Washington National ywide Entity supervisor sadist IndIana Entry supervisors 5 ed 14 sheet Archives

ves Inn John



Inn John

CountJohnW Winn John W entry 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Jackson Township Clay County US Micropublishing Washington NatIOnal ywide Entry ID supervisors 5 ed 7 sheet Indiana nitride supervisors dist Archives



Vigo Haule Winn John W obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 24

o Cu dna R D 0 ven C get Luc gigot

H January 2005 2005

3 Th

Iy Y-

Nance entry 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Belgrade Nuance County Ime vol sheet 7 line 54 Micropublishing caption Washington NatIOnal cation ed Nilsson Entry ID viol 32 e d ArchIves Archives Virgo Winn Lawrence A Dr obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 20 September 1922


awn John IF Winn JohnF Mn John


Mn gical gical


Clay County GenealogIcal Winn Lawrence A Miller Son Funeral Home Record GenealoSociety Society Bishop Winn Lena nee Bischoff obituary Dixon Tribune Dixon California 23 January 1959

Lillie Mae nee Night Miller GenealogIcal Society eneraling Soci-

Inn Winn Mn

Son Funeral Home Record 27

Clay County Outg-

ety Mn

Virgo Lilly Mae nee Night obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana 8 November 1963

Manage Mammal ReconMoms and Helen Bullpen Marriage Record 17 October 1937 Manage Record RecVirgo County Clerks Office Microfilm it Vigo County t Virgo CouVigo Clerk Vigo ciler Virgo Circuit Court page pat Public Library and online




Butte anole ole

Solar Virgo Ferre Winn Moms E obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 30 August Moms 1980

WWII Mrs John W nee Ezra K Lemons Lemmons JohnW ywide 18 February 1924 Indiana


John Nee

Virgo CountTerre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County

Winn Orlando obituary Bloomfield News Bloomfield Greene County Indiana 18 July 1946 Mn
Virgo Terra Orlando obituary Tem Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 16 July 1946 Terr



Costa Paul P iul Fayette obituary ontra Cost ga Times Contra Costa California 8 October 1989 P ul Layette Contra Costa


SummItt A J and N Winn Cemetery Record Summit Lawn Cemetery Brazil Clay Winn Raymond LaMn Mn and recorded County Indiana Read anteceded by Lucida Ligget on 15 June 2001 Liege IS


o s


I os Winn Regma nee Confluent obituary IOUs Angel TImes Los Angeles California Ios Angeles Zamias Regal


Winn Regma entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Sparks City Sparks TownshIp TownMn Regina hone 54 Microform supervisor's district Washoe ed Ashore Nevada Entry ID e d 16 19 supervisors distinctly1 sheet Archives PublicatIOn Washington National Archi-

ship oform
Luanda Lucida ves


R Brown Leggett


January om 2005

Thermo family HLmo

Gamy Winn Sadie nee Gamey Miller Mn GenealogIcal Society eneraling Soci-

Son Funeral Home Record page 24 Clay County Outg-

ety Mn

Vergal A Verbal License No

towed Mary Algal Stowe Affidavit for Manage License 23 March Abigail Stow towe Court Clerk of the County CoCou-


rting Verbal Harlow Winn Mn urt Vergal Arlow Terence obituary Sidney Ideograph Sidney Nebraska 6 August Terra Chiffon 6 Wham O obituary Mn William H bituary Dixon Tribune Dixon California 16 December 1941
California Team CalifoWinn William H entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Tehama County CaliforMn Wilham Ime sheet 10 line 10 entry ID supervisors district 3 enumeration district supervIsors distinct nian Archives Washington National Archi-


Solana SomnWinn William H entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Second Street Dixon Solano Mn Wetland Ime viol sheet 3 line 16 Bounty California Entry ID vol 27 enumeration district olently Archives Washington National ArchiWinn ves Inn
Chen Census Wetland 11 William H entry 1930 US Cen us Population Schedule Second Street Dixon CIty ed Solana Township Solano County California Entry ID e d 48 12 supervisor s district Ime Archiline 77 Microform Publication Washington National Archives page sheet

Winn ves Mn

Virgo Hante Wetland L obituary William Obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 16 January

Winn William entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Washington Township Putnam Mn Wetland ArchiCounty Indian Entry ID e d 86 Micropublishing Washington National Archives

nam ves William Mn Wilham



Brazil Countentry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Drat Township Clay County ywide Entry ID supervisor s district 5 e d 1I sheet SA Micropublishing Washington IndIana Dispraiser distinct ed ngton ArchiNatIOnal Archives


Winn William obituary The Daily Rees Ree Mn Wetland

Re Iv lieu

Hayward California 21 October 1975 Tahoma


South Lambert Street Winn Withes E entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Mn WWII e d II supervisor distinct heet Drat Township Clay County Indiana Entry ID ed 11 5 supervIsorss district 7 sheet Archives line page 84 hone 35 Microform Publication Washington National Archi-


Winn WillisE Funeral Home Record 24 Willie Mn Wills E


Son Funeral Home Records Reco-

07 1481 December 1964 Social Wolfe Wilbur Social Security Death Index Scanty Talcum File FirSocial Security Death Index Master Fettle Adam Scanty



30 2026 23 May 1995 Social Scanty ewoman Betty J Social Security Death Index Scanty Womack FloFiCIA Social Scanty Death Index Master File


Luc dna R B o n L gel Lucinda B o under

14 January 2005

Commons Fam Iy laThe Lampoons rom ly

ywoman Edith E nee Young Social Scanty Death Index Womack Security Administration Social Scanty Mammal Ralston Social Scanty Death Index Master FlIndex File Security Inde



December 1994

Wonder ooder County

William Wilham W entry 1860 U S Census Population Schedule Center Township Knox KnoRoll Senes Mission line page 86 hone 2 National ArchIves ckout Nilsson Entry ID Series Washington National Archives




Windily Wilham W 1870 U Wonder hives WilliamEntry entrySeries M County Nilsson ID Senes Mission

Wood ves

Washington National Archives


S Census Population Schedule Lyon Township Knox knohone 8 National Archives Roll page line


Wonder William W entry hives Wilham

National Archives Washington National ArchiArchives

Rehire Effie

1880 U S Census Population Schedule Shelton Township KnoKino Kno County Nilsson Entry ID supervisors distinct 5 enumeration distinct 78 page 6 hone 43 supervisor's line ckout Mission


entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Feudally Inn Chestnut Street Terre TheHaute Hamson County Indiana Entry ID e d 84 26 supervisor's distinct 7 sheet MHanson supervisors ed Microform Publication Washington National Archiicroform Archives


Wood ves

Defied Leone Lenne and Effie May Lemmons Manage Record 10 November 1928 Clerk of CircuLemons Court Manage Record Viol 74 page Vol itous Virgo Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana

jectors Records 1880 1920 Works Progress Administration Administr-

Works ana Progress Administration

Vol Demister



Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indulging InterIndiana Villa


Works Progress Admin triathlon Works Progress Administration Indexes finding County InteAdministration ation VItal of Indiana rjectors Putnam County Indignant Works Progress DemonstrRecords Administration Demonstration Count Indiana AdministrWorks Demonstration ation Progress Administration

rjectors Clay Works Progress DemonstrRecords Administration Demonstration Administr-

Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County InteVItal

Works ation Progress Administration Works Progress Administration jectors rjectors Works Progress Administration Records Administr-

Young Alfred C entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Mineral Township Barry MineraI ation Baryon Mission Entry ID supervisors distinct 18 enumeration district 16 sheet 2 line 70 SUpervISOr'S County Mason distinct heet hone Washington National ArchArchives
Young ives Home eral

eral Alfred Young inure Cass

Indexes to Indiana County InterVItal Inte-

Alfred deceased Funeral Record Yearly No 87 14 July 1960 Culvers Chapel Funeral Culver's Funblue obituary CasslUe Republican Cassville B ury County Nilsson 14 July 1960 Castile B my Mission

Young Annette nee Lemmons obituary Cans le Democrat Cassville Barry County Nilsson Annelle cc Lemons Castile 11 May 1943

Cass ille


R Brown Luanda Ram

get un



January 2005

Th Lomm The Loom

F lyl my Lemons Ir 1 story


Young Annette nee Lemmons Funeral Home Record page Lemons

7 March 1943

Young Clement Alden obituary The Monett Times Monett Barry County Mason 19 Monell Missouri Monet Cement December 1964

Young Dennis Olm obituary Monett Times Monett Barry County Missouri 26 January 1976 Ohn Monell Monet Nilsson Young Dora Application for Rapscallion Probate Court 23 June 1976 Testamentary of Administration with Will Annexed wIn



Hezekiah Young H M Hezehiah Morton Application for Letters Testamentary or of AdmInIstratIOn AdministrProbate Court 19 July 1948 ation Young Hezehiah M Hezekiah Annette Lemmons Marriage License 27 January 1889 RecoRecorder Lemons Manage Apple Glen TownshIp Town-

US Census Population Schedule Young Hezekiah rder Hezehiah M entry 1900ID viol 2 e d 2 sheet 13 line 71 vol Ime Benton County Arkansas Entry ed ship

Archives Washington National ArchYoung ives

Hezekiah MissouAssonHezekiah entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Barry County Mason Entry ID viol 5 e d 16 sheet 5 hone 21 Mispronunciation Washington National ArchArchives line rian vol e d


Microform Publication Washington National Archives Archive ArchYoung Hezekiah obituary orbital December 1946

Young Hezekiah ives Hezekiah M entry ryon Mason County Missouri Entry ID onet

1930 US Census Population Schedule Mineral Township Barry MInerai Bays e d 5 14 supervIsors district 15 sheet Ime page line 28 ed supervisor distinct



Hezekiah Cass Republican ille

Cassville Castile

Barry County Mason 12 Missouri

Young Journey entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Greene Township Worth County Coucool sheet 7 line 44 Mispronunciation Washington NatIOnal ed Micropublishing ed Mason Entry ID col ArchIves Archives IYoung Orville Homer Funeral Home Record 25 February 1953 Unknown repository In Indiana Liege mposers of LucInda Brown Ligget at Terre Haute IndipossessIOn Columbia

unty ntess




Young ana Orville obituary

Castile Nilsson ass e Republican Cassville Missouri

ass ille

5 March 1953

B entry Young Oscar Entry 1920 US Census Population Schedule Sulphur Springs TownshIp Songs Townline 9 Microform district Benton County Arkansas Entry ID e d 33 supervisor s distinct 3 sheet ed PublIcatIOn Archives 54 Image Washington National Arch-

Young ives



century Oscar L entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule County Road Grove Township 1A 21 17 Entry ID County Oklahoma Entry ed 2117 supervisor s district 3 sheet IA Paige lIne 12 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Archiv-

nship Clayware
noun B oun L

Luc nil es nila Lund Lud R

get sot


January 2005 moor


March 1980 Social Scanty 03 Scanty Young Oscar Social Security Death Index FilScanty AdmInIstrators Social Security Death Index Master File
Young leting Sebum obituary The Olympian

L yon

mon Fam

Fame ly Iy L-

Tahoma Zelma D Lancaster California Death Index 1940 Selma

9 May 2000 10 January 1996

Luc dna R B rown L fa B


4 January 2005

Th Lemons Mn The Lemmons Fam y Sumo

ory Cory

Viol Joseph Dolts WIlham Lemmons William Lemons from Josiph DIlts Land Indenture Vol Kentucky Secretary of State page age eds

1 I

1 I

Hamson County Court Deeds Hanson dosDe-


Viol I Hanson CorLemons 2 William from James Henderson Lemmons Land Indenture Vol 1 Hamson County Court Wham Kentucky Secretary of State Decades page



vol WIlham Lemmons William Lemons Will Record Book A viol




Hanson KentuLemmons US 4 William entry Lemons 1820 U S Census Population Schedule Hamson County Kentucky Wham com Ancestry corn Microform Publication Washington National Archives Ancestry 22 Entry ID page cky February 2003
18 4 Manage William Lemmons 8 Urns Francis Marriage Record 12 June 1814 Book Wham Lemons Tums cky Archives State

kentucky Kentu-

Viol Rehabber Lemons William Greensboro 6 Wham from Greensbury Parker and Elizabeth Parker Lemmons Deed Record Vol 6 pages

Clerk of Circuit Court Deed Record

goon ngton Archives National


VigoNevis Lemmons 7 William entry Lemons 1850 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Lego Wham weighing dwelling 91 house 91 Mispronunciation Washington County Indiana Entry ID page rously



Viol Lemons Wilham Lemons Thorn B from William Lemmons and Eunice Lemmons Deed Record Vol 23 page Thomas Clerk of Circuit Court

9 William entry Lemmons 1860 US Census Population Schedule Lemons Wham faddy dwelling 1250 family 1211 goon Indiana Entry ID page Entity County rously


VigoNevis Township Lego La-

Washington National Archives

Vol Walsh Lemons Wilma Wilhm Lemons Marlon 10 Frances Marion from Wilh un Lemmons and Eunice Lemmons Record Viol 24 page 87


Court Clerk of Circuit CourVigoNevis LaWilliam entry Lemmons 1870 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Lego Lemons Wham firmly goon Indiana Entry ID page 3 dwelling number 18 family number 19 County rously Washington National Archives
I I t1 1

Vol Vo Lemmons Wham Manson Francis Manon from William and Eunice Lemons Deed Record Viol 48 page Recoof Circuit Court Deed Record rk

Clerk Cle-

gigot L L uc dna R Brown L get



4 jJanuary

Lemmons Fam Iy Tho Loom The Lom n Foam ly H lorry Lemons

entry ID page
February 2003
14 Wilham D William


13 George entry Lemmon 1820 US Census Population Schedule Lemon

com Microform Publication Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 26

Hamson County Kentucky Hanson Kent-

mg Lemons Mg and Jane nee king Lemmons King Manage License 15 October 1860 Manage Record Decatur County Indiana Book I page
James and Rachel Lemmon Rawlings Lemon Rawlins
11 January 2003 II


Lemmon 15 Kenneth Lemon

corn com

Centre Rollings 16 James Rolling 1850 Population Schedule Centrex Township Knox County 91 Washington National Archives Ancestry 23 June 2004


browse Vicente roll Misstating ered ions

http www ancestry

com Grayscale Abbrev

Kno17 James entry Rawlings 1860 U S Census Population Schedule Center Township Knox Rawlins page 85 Microform Publication Washington NatIOnal County Missouri Entry ID Roll ckout Nilsson

aspic Instate Insouciantly Notions


ArchIves and Records Administration

18 James century Rohns 1880 U S Census Population Schedule Lyon Township Knox County entry Roms line distinct supervisor's distinct Nilsson Entry ID supervisors district 5 enumeration district 79 page 14 hone 39 MIcroform


Publication Washington National Archives

1 e
Lassoing p Miscount



District 19 Thomas entry Order 1850 U S Census Population Schedule Distinct No 99 Warren Corder Washington Microform Publication Roll County Missouri Entry ID page Nilsson NatIOnal Archives
20 Barbara compiler Doying Dying


George King and Elizabeth Betsy Lemmons 30 October 2002 Lemons Mg Rehabber

Predilection Joshua and Margaret Casey Lemmons Manage Record 20 August 1840 Pendleton Lemons Predilection County Predilection County Kentucky pages Pendleton CounPendleton Manages 1840 CounKentucky trymen 21


Payless 22 Michael Bayless Daniel and Martha Ann Lemmons Simpson Lemons corn Ancestry corn com com
23 William Simpson Kentucky Death Index 1911 2000 Ancestry corn 21 May 2004 com

bm se m ell

dells skive

blat acio

Featly 24 George Washington and Hannah Ellen Lemmons King Family Group Sheet 2 May 2002 Lemons com Ethane Kumis Ancestry corn 15 February 2003 http hotplate ancestry

om Descend
cca dna R B cwi Lingcod Luc do Hugo UK

cg cg op

6 June 2001

search http Hanson Hanson skew

itch 29 May 1931 Kentucky De ith ancestry Sl si 0



mg Lemons wt





January 2

The Lemmons Fam Th Sumo Fame Lemons

Iy T

H story


25 George W entry King 1850 U S Census Population Schedule First District Peculation Distinct County Kentucky Entry ID page dwelling house Microform Publication Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 20 February 2003 com




26 George Washington and Hannah Ellen Lemmons King Family Group Sheet 12 February Lemons 2003 Kemp R Marsh Ancestry corn 25 February 2003 http awl ancestry Kevin com Lat

clop DEC CIO ESC Sled


gcolic co-

27 James E death record King Deaths Recorded Pendleton County Kentucky 1852 1859 Recorded m Predilection in Transcended and Compiled by Enc C Nagle Pendleton County Kentucky 21 Nc Angle Predilection com February 2003 http www html him


28 Heehaw King Predilection County Birth Records 1852 1859 Transcribed and Compiled beTranscended Hex A Mg Pendleton by Enc Angle 20 February 2003 http www nch C Nagle him enchants html

yapped yapped endears endears



29 Francis Manon Lemmons Mary Ellen Mendel Marriage Record 29 December 1853 Viol VioliVolfrancs Manson Lemons Manage Vol n I page 61 Vigo County Clerks Office Microfilm at Virgo County Public Library Virgo Vigo

roots yapped henbit comA


30 Francis Manson Lemmons Rachel Blackdamp Marriage Record 10 October 1892 Viol 12 Manon Lemons Vol Becharm Manage Virgo County Clerks Office Microfilm Copy at Vigo County Public Library Vigo page Virgo


Manson Lemons Francis Manon Lemmons LoUIs Matto Manage Record 4 September 1900 Viol 15 Louisi Matt Vol Louis Mattox Matt Virgo County Clerks Office Microfilm at Vigo County Public Library Vigo page Virgo


32 Lemmons Francis Manson obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Manon Lemons Virgo Countywide Indiana 29 March 1914
33 Francis Manon Lemmons Death Record Works Progress Administration H 42 53 29 Manson Lemons Virgo March 1914 Vigo County Vital Statistics Virgo on Microfilm at Vigo County Public Library



34 Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InterIndexes Windward VIal jectors Records 1880 1920 Works Progress Administration Vigo County Indiana Death Records H Virgo 42 45




35 Thomas B Lemmons Pension Application Certificate No Asphalting Lemons

Washington NatIOnal


36 Thomas B ntry Lemmons 1860 US Census Population Schedule Mecums Township VigoLego E entry Lemons Nevis Lagoon Indiana Entry ID page County dwelling 1249 family 1210 rously Paige Washington National Archives
A 37 Frederick H Dyer A Compendium of the War oft fie Rebellion Foredeck other


38 Thomas B from William Lemmons and Eunice Lemmons Lemons Deed Record Vol 30 Viol WIlham Lemons Lemons Lemmons Virgo Vigo County Clerk of Circuit Court Deed Record page RecoRec-


Luc dna R rd Inure ord

L get P own Leggy


January 2005


Vol Lemons Davis and Susan Davis Lemmons Deed Record Viol 45 page 39 Thomas B from Thomas CIerI of the Circuit Court Deed Record Cirri

moo Fam ly H story Y

foam Iy

40 Thom Thorns Viol 48 page Vol

Record Lemmons Deed RecoB from Frances B McCullough and Mary J McCullough Lemons Clerk of Circuit Court CIerI


Vol Lemons B Lemmons and Susan Lemmons Christopher Deed Record Viol 49 Lemons 41 Jesse from Thomas pages Clerk of Circuit Court CIerI

Vigo CountNevis entry Lemmons U Census Population Schedule NevIns Township Virgo County Lemons US 42 Thomas Ime d sheet 23 hue 18 Miscommunication Washington NatIOnal viol vol 38 e d e ywide Entry ID IndIana



Lemons Mn DeLemmons and Lectern Winn from Thomas B Trombones and Susan Lemmons Worm Deed 43 Henry R and R Clerk of Circuit Court Deed Records CIerI Vol Record Viol 61 pages



Deed Lemons Shores DeLemons Lemons 44 Martin from Thomas B Lemmons Susan Lemmons and Eunice Lemmons Mart Clerk of Circuit Court Deed Record Viol 6 Record Vol 61 pages


Stator Insaentry Lemmons 1900 US Census Population Schedule State Hospital for Insane Lemons 45 Thomas sheet 32 viol ed Nilsson Washington Township Buchanan County Missouri Entry ID vol 9 e d ne 2 No Washington National Archives

Unknowns 46 Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1318

47 Thomas B Lemmons Death Certificate Lemons Bure Heath Burke u of Vital Statistics fbeat Breslau
ofMissouri 10 January 1919 Nilsson State Board of

Gront Crt 48 Lemmon Susan nee Campbell obituary Grant City Star Grant City Worth County Lemon Nilsson 27 August 1903



the I City Lemmons Susan nee Campbell obituary Grant Cry Star page 1 Abstracted by he49 Lemmon Nilsson Northwest Nilsson notheistic Missouri Genealogical Society St Joseph Missouri

storks 50 Works Progress Administration corks Progress Administration Work Vigo rjectors Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Manage Records 2

Villa Indexes Indiana Inte-


OnstCount liana Borne Don L Ford Cemetery Inscriptions of Cherokee County Kansas Bowie MD Onstage DonL Don Books 1988



52 Henry R entry Winn 1880 U S Census Population Schedule DIck Johnson sh et 9 line 46 Micropublishing Washington vol ed Clay County Indiana Entry ID viol 5 ed NatIOnal Archives Archi-

ngton Arch-




ves Lunar LuaR ives

Luanda R Brown L grit

2005 January 20

Tho Commons Fam Iy II The Sumo Foam ly H story

US Census Population Schedule Salamanca TownshIp TowColumbia City Cherokee County Kansas Entry ID supervisors dist 3 c d 35 sheet 4 s nship supervIsor dst ed
53 Henry R entry entity 1900


Washington National Archives

54 Winn Henry obituary Columbus Daily Advocate Columbus Cherokee County Kansas Darly Hereditary


55 Pettier Larson Petr

8 Eunice Winn Mn

Marriage Record 2 January Manage

1882 Clay Circuit Court

56 Chancy R Clacks Clerk s Office

Mn Clara E Winnie

Hook Manage License 15 November 1893 Book F page

57 Winn Orlando obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Vgo Tinier Tene

Mn Mn

58 Winn Orlando obituary Bloomfield Neus Bloomfield Greene County Indiana Greece Nes

16 July


18 July

59 Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana Vital Indexes for Interjectors rjector 1880 1920 Lego County Indiana Manage Records 5 33 Vi go Record 60 Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteIndexes for Vital rjectors rjectors 1880 1920 2 Records
61 Winn Mrs John W nee

County Indiana 18 rously


Nee Ezra J February


Lemmons Terre Haut Tribune Terre Haute Vgo Haute VigoLemons Go

62 Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana CouDildo County nty Records Clay Works Progress Administration 5 33 Villa 63 JohnW entry Winn 1880 US Census Population Schedule Dick Johnson Township Clay John W entry W LaCounty Indiana Entry ID viol 5 e d sheet 6 hone 18 Mispronunciation Washington line Nitride vol e d ngton NatIonal Archives


Entry Mn John yout John yout

Mn entity


64 John W entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule Jackson Township Clay JohnW Jacobin LaCounty Indiana Entry ID supervisor district 5 enumeration distinct 12 district Washington National Archives


duelling house

65 John W entry Winn 1910 U S Census Population Schedule Jackson Township Clay JohnW entry W US LaCounty Indiana Entry ID supervisors dist 5 e d 14 sheet supervisor's dst Micropublishing Washington ed NatIonal Archives


Entry Mn John yout John yout



66 John W entry Winn 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Jackson Township Clay JohnW US LaCounty Indiana Entailed supervisors dist 5 ed 7 sheet Entry ID dst e d Micropublishing Washington ngton Archives NatIonal Archiv-


Luc es dna laud R lud

B own L Mol gigot


January 2005

Fame Iy II HW Commons Fam ly H story



Vigo 67 Winn John W obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana October 1923


Index Indexes Indoor CouWorks 68 Works Progress Administration Invokes Progress Administration Inde s to Indiana County nty Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records H 2 14 Vital

Works Cou69 Works Progress Administration Invokes Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County Indiana nty Records Clay Clay County Findlay Birth Records H 3 4 VItal
Susanna 70 Susana entry Lemon 1870 Population Schedule Liberty Township Shelby County IndIana National Archives page

prod stage d stage 2 2


genealogy S genealogy tage 72 genealogy Id offset vault 1 Id lOl 81 tab

ur er
County Illinois http www sur name slur ur

Cumberland Crooke George W Lemon 1860 Population Schedule Crooked Creek Precinct Cumberpage National Archives


Icon hit count

senes series

72 George W Lemons 1870 Population Schedule

page image http html content ancestry complexes Hotpoint

Orner 73 WIlliam entry Durgin 1850 US Census Population Schedule St Omer Adams TownshIp Wilham Durian Microform Publication Washington NatIOnal Decatur County Indiana Entry ID page

exec com candid

Shelby Lemmons

Neosho County Kansas com National Archives Ancestry corn 21 May 2004



May 2004 Image Imagimagtiff






com ArchIves Ancestry corn 23 February 2003

II 74 John R Lemmons Death Record H 23 page 13 11 August 1901 Shelby County VItal JohnR Lemons John ShelbyvIlle Indiana

Stalls Shelby

75 Lemmons Albert J obituary The Lemons

ywide 26 December 1924 IndIana

Shelby die Democrat Shelbyville Shelby Dreamboat Shelby hellhole

Shelby County Count-

12 She76 Shelbyville R epublican Shelbyville Shelby County Indi-ma 12 October 1938 Shelby Shelby R publican 21 Nov 2003 County IN Genealogy and History html http


Eleanor Lemon 77 Franklin R and Eleaner Lemmon Tanner Manage Record 18 December 1845 Stale Manages through 1850 Indiana State Library Genealogy Division



com comi



Gammon 78 Franklin entry Gamon 1850 US Census Population Schedule Adams Township Decatur Microform Publication Washington National Washmen County Indiana Entry ID page com Ancestry corn 25 February 2003



gigot R Brown L gds Luc dna R am Lu

January 2005

Th Lommo Fame ly H lorry The Limo Fam Iy II Commons

79 Franklin entry Tanner 1870 US Census Population Schedule Adams Township Decatur Frank Ime County Indiana Entry ID page 37 line 36 house Microform Washington National Archives




80 frankly entry Tanner 1880 US Census Population Schedule Liberty Township Francine County Indiana Entry ID NA FIlm page Microform Publication Washington NatIOnal Archives 15 July 2003

lby ngton


entry Washburn 1850 US Census Population Schedule Distinct No 7 Rush District Ashbin County Indiana Entry ID dwelling Ime 20 Microform Publication page line Washington National Archives
81 James A


1390 1392


82 James Alex ender entry Wa born 1870 US Census Population Schedule Addison James Alexander Wa hone Township Shelby County Indiana Entry ID page Roll line 30 Microform Entity Publication Washington National Archives

ison oform
Shelby abeth



83 J A entry Washburn 1880 US Census Population Schedule Ashbin

East Rehabber

ShelbyvIlle Shelby County Indiana Entry ID 3 ed Microform Publication Washington National Archives



supervisors supervisors

84 Thomas D and Amanda M Washburn might Manage Record 15 October 1867 Shelby Ashbin knight Vol County Indiana Marriage Record Viol 9 page 30 Shelby County Indiana Courthouse Manage

lby Records Manage ouse lby





and Emma R Meeker Washburn Manage Record 10 October 1882 Shelby Ashbin SheViol Shelby County Indiana Genealogy Marriages County Indiana Vol 12 page Manages
86 0 D entry Washburn 1920 US Census Population Schedule 73 Precinct Chicago Cook CooAshbin I County Illinois Entry ID ed 1430 supervisor s district 1 sheet Microform

Orb D Orb



Publication Washington National Archives



87 Silas A and Lucy Ann Whitaker Lemmons Family Group Sheet 23 October 2002 NonSlavs Whicker Lemons Anna While Pokeweed White O Keene EnCircles white 0 Keefe Genocides 14 March 2004

www encircles

S Elias 88 Slavs A entry Lemons 1870 US Census Population Schedule Predilection County lias Lemmons Pendleton Counline Kentucky trymen Entry ID page 14 hone 23 Microform Publication Washington National Archives

users data

89 William entry Drawings 1860 U S Census Population Schedule Center Township Knox WIlham KnoRealms Washington County Missouri Entry ID page 86 Microform Publication Wamegaton National Archives ckout Matson

90 William Wentry Wonder 1860 U S Census Population Schedule Center Township WIlham W entry TownsKnox County Missouri Entry ID Series Roll tine Ron Senes page 86 line 2 National Archives Mason Washington National Archives






nL ives Broil

Lucinda Lunar



January 2005

Th Lemmons rom ly H The Lommon Fam Iy 1


hives Census Population Schedule Shelton Township 92 William W entry Wonder 1880 TownsIme district distinct Mission supervisor s district hip ox County Missouri Entry IDNational Archives enumeration distinct 78 page 6 line NatIOnal Archives Washington
Washington National Archives

Kno1870 U S Census Population Schedule Lyon Township Knox Ime LIon il line 8 Notion 11 ArchIves page Roll Senes County Missouri Entry ID Series M Mission ckout
91 Wilham W entry William


30 93 William Henry Wonder Death Index Mishear December 2004 http search ancestry Cong-

olese seed bm se bbl skew scot rend cot


page http

www countcount

db Id Id S x prod fset View genealogy prod Slav e CO genealogy stagenb id II prod stage vault tb
v I

henrys sdbwonder States

cadet States

Mission Rollins 94 Nancy Rohm 1870 Population Schedule Canton Lewis County Missouri
Washington National Archives

county county teout

Nilsson e d 95 John W Ashby 1880 Population Schedule Lyon Township Knox County Missouri e d 79 JohnW Ashy hone com page 15 line 38 National Archives Ancestry corn 22 May 2004 content http Nilpotent ancestry Hotpoint


I 96 John W Ashby 1910 Population Schedule 1 WD Cottage Grove Lane County Oregon JohnW Ashy John com National Archives Ancestry corn 22 May 2004 Roll 1282 part 2 page offset http www id id id 1737 count name ashby ashy


y lf tx



17 May 1948 Ancestry corn 29 com


yea gosling Otiyear yeawonders Oti


Otis Otis Sl Bogs si BogRos-

Whigenealogy offset HIt ofname rolls

20 June 2004

97 Ashy JohnW obituary Collage Ashby

Gro Sentinel

Kno98 John A entry Realms 1870 U S Census Population Schedule Lyon Township Knox hone 10 Microform Publication Roll M line County Missouri Entry ID page ckout Mission Washington National Archives and Records Administration
I Kansas 99 John A Realms 1900 Population Schedule 1 WD Hutchinson Reno County ansas com Roll page National Archives Ancestry corn 22 May 2004 current Image http www Imagimagfilename er url hit sur nami slur name Rawlins county Nimiety scenes state id senes id

genealogy genealogy image miest Image gif ate et

R Lucinda Brown Licit leggy

L on Jesse entry Johnston 1880 U S Census Population Schedule Lon Township knodistinct line distinct County Mission Entry ID supervisors district 5 enumeration district 79 page 14 hone 42 ckout Missouri Microform Publication Washington National Archives Arch-


Cottage Grove Oregon

I 1

March 1917

slicount offset Lustroffs-

lf OI

January 2005

Location Custer Corder John and Victoria Cluster Order Family Group Sheet 1999 2002 Larry D Rickets LanD Lickers Family Searcher 5 Anal Search org File No Dubarry Dubany Lane Brookeville MD Rockville detail asp 2004 http www


John entry Corder 1870 U S Census Population Schedule Elkhorn Township Warren Order Ime 32 Microform PublicatIon line Roll page Senes County Missouri Entry ID Series Nilsson Entangle Washington National Archives Heritage Quest Online 5 April 2004 Anal http www searches





John and Location Custer Order John Victoria Cluster Corder Family Group Sheet 3 December 2001 David Weaver 5 April 2004 http Dordogne corn com

gi op clop



org AF prod

mo HL

Fame Idyll story 4 Fam fy H 0 The Lemmons



roots colic co-


Thomas entry Corder 1870 US Census Population Schedule Elkhorn Township Warren Order lime 17 Microform PublicatIon page Roll Senes County Nilsson Entry ID Series M Missouri Entangle Washington National Archives Heritage Quest Online 5 April 2004 Anal source searches http www


CouThomas M Corder 1880 Population Schedule Elkhorn Township Warren Count Order Washington National ArchIves sup dist 3 page 16 number visited dst ed Nilsson e d Archcom Ancestry corn 19 September 2004 Other TowMissouri Warren OctahedNilsson asp bid Botherahttp Nilpotent ancestry html content Hotpoint avert vert unships nships rons tions


Sponge mg Greenberry entry King 1870 U S Census Population Schedule Spring Valley Township US Greenery Scenes lame Senes Cherokee County Kansas Entry ID page 44 line 13 Microform Publication Roll hansas Online Washington National Archives and Records Administration

nship nship


view lent Dint


prod com



Other How



Spring 1880 U S Census Population Schedule Sponge Valley Township distinct Cherokee County Kansas Entry ID supervisor s district 1 ed 52 page 14 MICroform hansas com PublicatIon Washington National Archives and Records Administration Ancestry corn

mg Greenberry entry King Greenery



unty Nilsson

Jesse 1 Km Jessel Mc Jesse

Hannah Catherine VanSycle Manage Record Cathenne


KnoK Mar 1867 Knox County


Pendleton CounWilliam H entry Lemmons 1880 US Census Population Schedule Predilection County Lemons Washington Microform Publication page Kentucky entry ID Ti trymen fictile ngton Archives NatIOnal Archive


Joseph Simpson Kentucky Death Index 1911 2000 14 October 1931

I Ford comp Angle Enc III Eric C and Larry 1 Foredoom Nagle One Angle trymen Dayton OH Nagle and Ford 1992

Hundred Cemeteries Johansson County Hanson ofHamson Coun-

John B entry Cummins 1880 US Census Population Schedule Washington National Archives ArchivPredilection County Kentucky Wintry ID page Entry


es Ld

Luc dna ROw R Brown L gg get

14 January 2005




John B entry Cummins 1900 US Census Population Schedule Predilection County Kentucky Entry ID e d 64 supervisor s distinct 97 page I I Pendleton JD e d district I Publication Washington National Archives Malone



Kenney Microform


14 John B entry Cummins 1910 US Census Population Schedule JohnB Predilection County Kentucky Entry JD house 32 e d 59 supervisor s distinct 6 sheet Pendleton ID ed district

E John ntry

Content Roll 1499 page Washington National Archives ArchIve


Kentucky Compiled com Countrymen

Enc C comp Nagle County Blurt and Death Records of Pendleton County Kentucky Angle Birth Predilection Calmly Falmouth KY Nagle 1995 83 Nage
Angle Nagle One Hundred Cemeteries h J sic Cummins
I 7

Shelby L br comp Meyer Pendleton County Kentucky Cemeteries Compton KY Predilection Shelby r Meyer handrail and kraal

Hanson Count ofHamson County

Kentucky daughter of J Band Sarah B and Sara-


Angle Nagle County Blurt and Death Records of Pendleton County Kentucky Birth Predilection Count

Elizabeth A King Pendleton County Birth Records 1852 1859 Transcended Compiled Kebab Mg Predilection Transcended Transcribed and by Enc C Nagle Ancestry 20 February 2003 Angle http www html

roots rote


Kennedy Samuel Burgess obituary Kentucky 15 August 1935 page 4 5


Cynthia Democrat Cynthiana Harrison County Cynthia Hanson Con1 11

Samuel Samuel Burgess Kennedy Smith Rees Company Funeral Home amuel Funera Rees Funeral hies

August 1935 SmIth Smit-

http www

22 Silas K per transcended record king Pendleton County Birth Records 1852 1859 SIas transcribed Predilection Transcended and Compiled by Enc C Nage Transcended Nagle 20 February 2003

transcended mg record


Martha E mg Predilection County Birth Records 1852 1859 Transcribed and Compiled by King Pendleton ErIC C Nage Nagle corn 20 February 2003 com http www html

Hamson D entry Meek 1910 US Census Population Schedule Falmouth Predilection Hanson Leek Hanson Pendleton County Kentucky Entry ID supervisor's district 6 e d JD supervisors sheet IIA line 1 Microform ed IA Ime I Washington National Archives ArchivArchi-

Bernice bench
George W King Kentucky Death Index 1911 2000 Cert no GeorgeW George Mg Predilection County Kentucky Pendleton
11 II



Viol July 1870 Va 37 Vol

Eng Roots Roots roots



es ves

luau Luanda R-rown L Gucci lua R Brown gg B

14 January 2005


Fame Iy The Th Lemmons F am ly H s ory




Thomas J and Sidney A Lemmons Arthur Manage Record Clear s Office Marriage Cler Lemons Clerks MarrVirgo Records Viol 23 Vol Clerk Vigo County Clear s Office Microfilm copycat Vigo County PubCler copy at Virgo LIbrary



Kidney Arthur Cidney Sidney Ann nee Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lemons Tinier HaLego County Indiana 18 November 1931 2 ute

Thomas entry Arthur 1880 U S Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Lego VigoNevis Lagoon Bindle ma Entry IDol 36 e d viol ID vol County Mindanao Ime sheet 28 line 25 Micropublishing Washington rously ed ngton NatIOnal Archives


Thomas J Arthur Cemetery Record Highland Lawn Cemetery Terre Haute Virgo County Vigo CountI Records at Highland Lawn ywide read anteceded by Lucida LIgget on 20 July Leggett Indiana and recorded LaCemetery Office


Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteIndexes for VIal rjectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Manage Records 7
C entry William Centry Lemmons 1900 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Lego Vigoentity Wham Century Lemons Nevis Lafool goon Indiana Entry ID fol 79 e d County line sheet 4 hone 3 Micropublishing Washington rously ed ngton NatIOnal Archives


Virgo CountWilliam C entry Lemmons 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Vigo County Wham Lemons ywide Entry IDe d ID e Indiana sheet 23 Ime 68 Micropublishing Washington National Archives lint e Ides d

a October 1940 I

Lemmons William C obituary Terre Lemons Wham


Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Virgo Indian-

Lemmons Isabel nee Lemons Findlay ywide 22 January 1934 hurry

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indenters Indiana InteIndexes for VIal rjectors Berth Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 3 2 Words Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteVItal Indexes for rjectors 1880 1920 7 Records
VigoWilliam entry Rhoades 1880 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township Lego Wham Rhodes Nevis Lagoon Indiana Entry ID page 19 supervisors district 4 e d tine f molly line family County s rously supervIsor distinct e d vellum Microform Publication Washington National Archives Online Ancestry corn com Tonne



Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lego County Veto Count-



11 corks Works Progress Administration Hors Progress Administration Indexed Indiana InteVital Indexes for rjectors Records 1880 1920 Lego County Indiana Manage Records 16 Veto


Words Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indenters Indiana InterIndexes for VIal jectors Vigo Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Manage Records 24


B own Luc nd R Bown L dna Bowen


14 14January 2005 2005

1 mm
45 The
I 40

foam Iy Fain ly

H story

VigoNevis Township Lego La-

Noble entry Lemmons 1910 US Census Population Schedule Lemons sheet district e d goon Indiana Entry ID supervisor distinct 5 e d County rously Nitride Washington National Archives

VigoNoble C entry Lemmons 1920 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Lego Towns LaLemons Ime Miscommunication Washington viol goon Indiana Entry ID vol 95 e d 74 sheet 4 lini ed County rously ngton NatIOnal Archives


Lemmons Lemons March 1929


obituary Terre Haut Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Thereat Virgo

Virgo Lemmons Ruth E obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Lemons RuthE Ruth and 5 February 1966

Tf Thereat Tf

Lemmons Lemons October 1982

Haule Virgo Houle Star Henry L obituary Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana


Indexes for Windward Vital Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteVirgo rjectors Manage Record Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Marriage Records 9

Lemons Jack Andrew Jackson entry Lemmons 1900 US Census Population Schedule hone viol sheet 18 line 81 ed Vigo clownish Virgo County Indiana Entry ID vol 79 e d Washington National Archives


VigoLayette Lemons Andrew J entry Lemmons 1920 US Census Population Schedule Fayette Township Lego LaWashington viol sheet 25 hone 81 goon Indiana Entry ID vol 95 e d County ed rously ngton NatIOnal Archives


Vi o Lemmons Andrew Jackson obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute VhO County Thereat HO CountLemons ywide 4 February 1946 IndIana
VigoTerre Houle Hole Lemmons Clara Ann nee Reinhardt obituary Thereat bun Terre Haute Lego Reheard LaLemons goon Indiana 28 April 1927 County rously Anal



Indiana Villa c corks Works Progress Administration Horks Progress Administration Indexes for Windward InterBirth Record Indi Virgo jectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County India ma Berth Records H 6 77
Barnett Lewis Clerk s Office Once


Lemmons Mary E Lemons Manage Record 26 January 1888 Book 10 page Boo

II ne Lemons Joseph McNulty Mary E Mercer neck Lemmons Manage Record 11 July 1904 Book Consult 17 page Clerk s Once Clerks Office Off-


R wn Juggle Luanda R Brown Lgot

1005 14 January 2005


The Commons Helmsman mon

Fame glyph F am Idyll


McNulty Mary E nee Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Lego VigoHaule LaLemons Consult MaryE MarE goon Indiana 24 February 1938 County rously
VigoWIlham William entry Mercer 1900 US Census Population Schedule Otter Creek Township Lego Lagoon Indiana Entry ID supervIsors distinct 5 e d sheet 14 s County rously supervisor district e d Washington National Archives


Schedule Joseph entry McNulty 1920 US Census Hanson AdmoConsult JosephCounty Indiana Entry ID Populationdistrict 5 e Terre Haute Hamson d distinct sheet Vigo TownshIp Virgo


supervisors Washington National Archives


Manfully Joseph entry McNulty 1930 US Census Population Schedule 1325 N ID e Virgo suspensors district Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Entry IDe d Ides d e supervisors distinct rder 62 Microform Publication Washington National Archives


McNulty Joseph obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haut Vigo County Indiana 13 Haute Virgo Hallie Consult September 1952
VigoMarguente Consult Planck Marriage John Robert and Marguerite McNulty Patrick Manage Record 8 August 1928 Lego Lagoon Circuit Court Manage Records microfilm copy page Virgo County Clerks Clerk Vigo County rously Cletonne Vigo Office Microfilm copy at Virgo County Public Library and online ffice Pub


Jr corks Jurors Vital Works Progress Administration Turks Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana Interjectors rcourse 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Marriage Records 10 Virgo Manage Records
inteInteIndexes for Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Induces Indiana Initial rjectors rjectors 1880 1920 Vigo County Indian Manage Records 15 23 Virgo Records


NevUS TownsFrank M Jr entry Lemmons 1900 US Census Population Schedule NevIUS TownshIp Jr Lemons Washington sheet 19 line 9 Entry ID viol Vigorously Indiana Entry vol 94 ed hip County ngton NatIOnal Archives




Francis Jr entry Lemmons 1910 U S Census Population Schedule Lemons sheet 58 goon Indiana Entry ID supervisor s district 5 e d distinct e d County rously Washington National Archives

VigoNevis Township Lego La-


BlufFrank Francis M Jr entry Lemmons 1920 US Census Population Schedule Coal Bluff rank entity Lemons sheet Entry ID viol fing County Indiana Entry vol 95 ed Washington National Archives

VigoFrank M FrankM entry Lemmons 1930 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Lego Lemons LaFrank line S goon Indiana Entry ID e d 84 56 supervisors district 7 sheet 58 hone 93 MIcroform County ed rously supervIsor distinct


Washington National Archives Archiv-


Luc tu d R- rown L aggie es dna R Bm t ot B Brown

l Uy

The Lemmons Fame ly H Lemons Fam Iy 11



Lemmons Francis Manon Jr obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Manson Lemons Vgo Countywide IndIana 24 October 1942 Lemmons Ida Sarah nee Cox obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Lemons Virgo

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes lor Indiana InteVilla for rjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 6 26 Virgo Clerk of Clerk Circuit Court Manage Records Herbert L Erin Arlene Lemons Manage Record Herbert Ervin Earlene Lemmons Manager Permanence
6 September 1945 Viol Vol



NatIOnal Archives

Jeff Thomas Jefferson entry Lemmons 1920 US Census Population Schedule Lego Lemons VigoLagoon IndIana Entry ID vol 95 e d viol County Indiana rously sheet 18 line 19 ed Miscommunication Washington WashiLemmons Lemons Thomas J obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana Virgo

February 1949

Lemmons Pearl Goldie nee Mattox obituary The Dally Chthonian Clinton VermIllIon Lemons Daily Colton Matt VermiCounty Indiana 29 Anal 1957 llion



Lemmons Everett E obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo Contending Lemons Virgo County Indiana November 1975
Ibid Lewis and Mary Anna nee Butcher Glass Lemmons Manage Record 8 May 1939 Lemons Manage Record page Clerk Lego County Circuit Court microfilm at Vigo County Veto Virgo PublIc L ibrary L briary


Lemmons Lemons

Lemmons Lewis F obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana Lemons Virgo June 1971
Oral obituary The Dally Chthonian Clinton VermIllIon County Indiana 16 Daily

August 1962


Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InterIndexes for Villa jectors Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Manage Records 16 Vigo
A Sanders entry Lemmons 1920 Lemons Hanson ll SandersCounty Indiana Entry ID US Census Population Schedule39Ft Hamson Rd Hanson Haute Vigo vol 96 ed reat sheet 20 line

Terre The-


Washington National Archives

Luanda R Broun Braun

L egg


January 2005

Lemmons Fam Iy II Tl e Lemons Fame ly H story


Lemmons Sanders Edgar obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Lemons Vigo Countorbital I ywide 1 May 1941 Indelible I Lemmons Lemons June 1988
Wayne obituary The Dally Cismontane Clinton Vermont County Indiana 23 Daily Hinton Vermillion orbital



Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InterIndexes for Vaal VaVal jectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Marriage Records Book 7 Manage


Northwest Mason Genealogical Society Worth Collin Missouri Marriages 1873 1910 County Northeast Missouri Manages Books A E St Joseph MO Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society July 1983 Book C page Judy Nilsson Book
87 Wilham H Lemmons 1910 Population Schedule Lola Township Cherokee County William William Lemons Countryman Roll Kansas part I page part National Archives Heritage Quest 23 May 2004 parti

http www www http count

county Simmons name

88 William H entry Lemons 1920 US Census Population Schedule Clay Township Oren Lemmons Wilham CUy DowOen nspout County Indiana Entry ID viol 77 e d vol sheet 3 hone 98 Micropublishing Washington line ed NatIOnal Archives




enl Enl IDol Enl

prod il

genealogy offset halt Id



Hazel Irene nee Lemmons Patten obituary Lemons Paten

Annual 1988

orth Lea

Times Newsworthy Kansas Liverwort


Irene nee Lemmons Patten Social Scanty Death Index Security Lemons Paten Scanty Death Index


25 Jan 1907 SOCIal



Frank Lemmons entry 1900 US Census Population Schedule East Allen Township Worth Alien OrthLemons district County Mason Entry ID supervisor s distinctly no 3 e d 14 sheet 1 hone 8 Missouri line ed Washington National Archives



unty Mason

Francis Lemmons Francs M Lemons

Nancy J Sims Manage License Sms


August 1900 Worth County


Lemmons Frank obituary Grant City Star Grant City Worth County Missouri Nilsson Lemons rank Gall Cay
94 Nancy Jane nee Sims Lemons Death Certificate Lemmons County Missouri Nilsson

4 October


5 May 1941 Grant City OrthWorth


Young Annette me Lemmons obituary nee Lemons orbital Nilsson 13 May 1943

er d
Luc dna R loo

lisle Cass lile Democrat Cassville Castile Pilate Cass

Barry County


Hezekiah HezehIah M Young Hezekiah

D B own L eget sect

Lemmons Annette Lemons Manage License 27 January 1889 Recorder RecordAnnual


January 2005

Farm Iy II The Lan Th Condiments F arn ly H story

Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society Worth County Missouri Marriages 1873 Nilsson Count A Books A E Lemmons Annette nee Lemons Young Funeral Home Record page
7 March 1943


Hezekiah M entry Young 1900 US Census Population Schedule Apple Glen TownshIp Hezekiah Townviol Ime Entity Benton County Arkansas Entry ID vol 2 e d 2 sheet 13 line 71 Microtubule astoed National Washington Atonal Archives

ship nishing

etymon Amenity

Bandy M entry Hezekiah Monty Young 1920 US Census Population Schedule Bany County MissouNilsson MalcoHezekiah entity Entry ID vol 5 e d 16 sheet 5 hone 21 Micropublishing Washington National Archives line ntent rian viol e d Numeral Bandy Hezekiah M entry Young 1930 US Census Population Schedule Mineral Township Bany M entity BayHezekiah entry Missouri distinct Ime County Nilsson Entry ID e d 5 14 supervisors district 15 sheet line 2 page ed Microform Publication Washington National Archives Atonal



Clarksville Young Hezekiah obituary Ashley Republican Cassville Barry County Nilsson 12 Missouri Castile Bany December 1946

H M Adam


Hezekiah Hezehiah Morton Young Application for Letters Testamentary or faProbate Court 19 July 1948

OrvIlle Homer Young Funeral Home Record 25 February 1953 Unknown repository repository Imposers Liege possessIOn Columbia Brown Ligget at Terre Haute Indiana


Young Orville obituary Cass ille Republican Cassville Missouri Cassille Castile Nilsson Castile ill

5 March 1953

paCayenne Dorothy Shields and M Raylene Lamb Beauchamp Algernon Journey T Youngs and Young anSalerno Leetana Lemons 27 July 2003 Miriam notions net ndect Lemons nets Fleet P Lemmons



Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society Worth County Missouri Marriages 1873 Nilsson Manages A Books A E Book C page 49 Book


Journey entry Young 1900 US Census Population Schedule Greene Township Worth Orthcool County Missouri Entry ID col sheet 7 line 44 Micropublishing Hampton ed Mason ed heet hone ngton NatIOnal Archives



14 14January 2005

Beam Brothers Funeral Home Records of the BMW Brothers 1907 1963 Demer OrthWall Deer WolfCounty Missouri Albany MO Missouri DAR Genealogical Records Committee 1993 Nilsson hound

icon Also

Wagon Emma I Eagon Manage Record 23 February 1892 Book C page Book pagII Unknown repository In possession of Lucida Brown Ligget at Terre Haute Indiana Liege Indi-

W George V Lemmons GeorgeV Lemons George



coda oda L Brown Cingcod Luanda R Bu

Th Commons Mn IIy H story The to Fam

George entry Lemmons 1900 US Census Population Schedule Green Township Worth Lemons Orthhone vol County Mason Entry ID viol ed Missouri sheet 2 line 56 Micropublishing Washington ed ngton NatIOnal Archives



Abstracted by the Northwest Mason Genealogical Society St Joseph Missouri Missouri Mason
venality Lemons Mann entry Lemmons 1910 US Census Population Schedule Allen Township Wroth Alien WrCounty Missouri Entry ID dwelling number 3 family number 3 Nilsson

oth National Archives Washington


Wagon Lemons Emma Isabel nee Eagon Lemmons McLaughlin Sheilds Death Certificate 26 Shields February 1953 Department of Public Health


Lemmons Cany Gladys obituary Grant City Star Grant City Worth County Nilsson Lemons Canny balmy December 1918




Virgil Chester Lemmons Death Certificate Register Unknown repository In possession CLemons flof olumbia Liege Lucida Brown Ligget at Terre Haute Indiana


Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society U North Count Missouri Marriages 1873 orth County Nilsson Books A E Book C page 20 WIlham H entry William Entry Mn 1900 US Census Population Schedule Tehama County California CaliforTeam distinct Entry Dispraiser s istinct 3 enumeration district line sheet 10 hone 10 nian ID supervisor d Washington National Archives William WIlham H entry Mn 1920 US Census Population Schedule Second Street DIxon William Dionysian County Chiffon Entry ID viol 27 enumeration district Plano vol olano Ime California sheet 3 line 16 dells Washington National Archives WIlham H entry William Entry Mn 1930 US Census Population Schedule Second Street Dixon CIty Don Solana Township Solano County California Entry ID e d 48 12 supervIsorss distinct 5 ed supervisor district Ime 77 Microform Publication Washington National Archives sheet line page William William Mn WIlham H obituary Dixon Unburned Dixon California 16 December 1941 Tribune


Mn Winn Mn

Bishop Dixon Lcm nee Bischoff obituary Dlon Tribune Dixon California 23 January 1959 Leni
Dalai Daily WIlham William obituary The Dali

Reel Re


Hayward California 21 October 1975 24 Chiffon

John F entry Winn 1920 U b Census Population Schedule Belgrade Nuance County Nance CouMn ID viol line vol sheet 7 Ime 54 Micropublishing Washington NatIOnal ed Mason Entry IDol 32 e d

unty ntess





Vergal A Winn Mary Abigail Stowe Affidavit for Manage Allen e 23 March 1951 Licence Verbal Stoe Verbal LIcense No Clerk of the County Court Cour10 nd R B own L ghettos Luc tly dna Brown 1 OS



4 14

January Indo Ino 2005



Winn Vergal Arlow Terence obituary Sidney Telegraph Sidney Nebraska Verbal Harlow

Y moos Family H story Y

6 August

LakeFemando Fernando entry Winn 1920 US Census Population Schedule Roseville City Placer Mn distinct viol distinct California Entry ID vol 76 supervisor s district 2 enumeration district 70 sheet 8 County Abhor front hone 86 Micropublishing Washington National Archives


Distinct entry Monroe 1930 US Census Population Schedule I J 6 Shasta District I supervIsor district s Placer County California Entry ID e d 31 1 supervisors distinct 4 sheet ed Lakefront 34 lIne 45 Microform Publication Washington National Archives hue
Gerona Geron



Femando Winn Fernando obItuary June 1949

Rose Press Tribune ille

Roseville Placer County C alifornia Lakefront for

la 22

Regma entry Mn 1930 US Census Population Schedule Sparks City Sparks TownshIp Regina senility Townhone 54 Microform line supervisor's distinct I Washoe ed Ashore Nevada Entry ID e d 16 19 supervisors district 1 sheet PublIcatIOn Washington National Archives

ship oform


Angele Regma Winn Regina nee Confluent obituary Los Angeles Times Los Angeles California October ctober J1977


Works Pro Dieses Adam Stratton narks Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County CouProcess Administration corks nty Records Clay Clay County Indiana Manage Records 9 VItal
Winn WIlham William entry Walden 1900 US Census Population Schedule Washington township ID e e Putnam County Indiana Entry IDe d 86 Micropublishing Washington National Archives Ides d



Chen Census WIlham William entry Walden 1920 US Cen us Population Schedule Brazil Township Clay County Winn CountWashington ywide entry ID supervisors distinct 5 e d 1I sheet SA Indiana century supervisor's district e d ngton NatIOnal Archives


January 1956


Vigo WIlham William L obItuary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indian


Lillie GenealogIcal eneraling Society

Walden Winn

Walden Miller Lisle Mae nee Night Winn Meddler LillieMae

Funera Son Funeral Home Record 27

Clay County Outg-

ywide Indiana

Lilly Mae nee Night obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vi o County CountNovember 1963


Englishwoman Burn Andrew J entry Walden 1900 US Census Population Schedule Van Buren Township Clay Ladistinct distinct County Indiana Entry ID supervisor district 5 enumeration district 23 page 2 dwelling 30 Archives faddy 30 Micropublishing Washington National ArchiveArchi-


L s uanda R B own L gigot L

daR ves


January 2005

The Lemons Fam 1 0 Th Lemmons mn Ify H story



Andrew entry Winn 1920 US Census Population Schedule Village of Mn Minnesota St Louis County Minnesota Entry ID e d 84 page 26 line 84 Gently Ime Washington National Archives



Andrew entry Winn 1930 US Census Population Schedule Ash Street Chisholm StSt Chrisom SMn LoUIs County Minnesota Entry ID e d 69 22 supervisors district 3 sheet 12 B page Louis toics Dime supervisor's ed Ime 99 Microform Publication Washington National Archives

year yea scot States kw


Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County Hilda County Records Clad Villa Clay Cla

Raymond A J and N Winn Winn Cemetery Record Summitt Lawn Cemetery BraZIl Summit Mn Mn BraClay County Indiana Read and recorded by Lucida Ligget on 15 June 2001 Luanda Liege

o s

Mimed Inn Mel D Winn Death Index http Mishear ancestry com search seedpod Il Sled cadet I db bm

se d bin

scot y


20 January 1988 Ancestry 2 January 2005 Ancestry corn com

Rank Oti Oti Sl Ross Oh Oh si

yearendyearenyearend gs

Works Progress Administration Works Prioress Administration Indexes to Dillydally County Progress Administrator Indiana County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Manage Records 11 71 Villa II Lawrence A Winn Miller Mn SocIety gical
Son Funeral Home Record

Clay County GenealogIcal Genealo-


Winn Lawrence A Dr blurry Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana obituary Virgo September 1922

Sadie nee Gamey Winn Miller Gamy GenealogICal Society eneraling



Son Funeral Home Record page 24 Clay OutgCounty

Cemetery Record Summitt Lawn Cemetery Braze Clay County Summit Braz Brazil Countywide Redman recorded by Lucida Ligget on 15 June 2001 IndIana Read and Liege Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Windfall County Administrator Indiana County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Manage Records 10 Villa Cia Obituary Terre Haute Turbulent Terre Haute IN Tribune

Drusla M Winn Dorsa Mn

10 March 1951

James Laura M nee Winn obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Virgo CountHalite Mn ywide 10 March 1951 Indiana
Jaime George entry Jame 1900 US Census Population Schedule Braze Brazil Township Clay Brazil Braz LaCounty Indiana Entry ID supervisor district 5 e d 5 sheet 10 Mispronunciation e ngton ArchivNational Archives



Luc es dna Lodi Lod R

Bro n L


14 January 2005

Commons om Iy II The Lampoons Fam ly H


George entry James 1920 US Census Population Schedule Dick Johnson Township Clay Ely LaCounty Indiana Entry ID supervisors district 78 ed sheet 1 A Micropublishing astosupervisor's IA Washington National Archives

nshipPublication Washington 11 Archives 8 Microform National


yout Indianan nishing H entry George Entry James

1930 US Census Population Schedule Dick Johnson Township TownsClay County Indiana Entry ID e d hone 82 s hip line page ed supervisors district 7 sheet supervIsor distinct


Hany James George Harry obItuary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana Virgo Ten and 29 March 1937

gi bm bin digs glen sadistic folks db y


Social Security Death Index Foulke Belle SS Death Index Social Security AdministraFourier Scanty Scanty SOCIal Scanty Death Index Master File Orem UT Ancestry Inc 2000 Ancestry corn 28 com tions Security May 2004 http search ancestry concissearchable eness fn Otis OtI SI Ross

Clara entry Wagner 1930 US Census Population Schedule North Leavett Stone Leave StaBrazIl Clay County Indiana Henry ID e d 11 3 supervisor s distinct 7 sheet 20 A page 51 Dime district Ime Ides rrier IDe nitride e d II 28 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1175 2 2 June 1951

glen If


montgomery 6


Loudermilk Dennis obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 30 Vigo Dens

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records CH 2 48 Vaal Val ClO



Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records CH 4 24 Vaal Val CIO

Mix entry Wagner 1920 US Census Population Schedule Brazil Brazil Township Clay LaCounty Indiana Entry ID supervisor's distinct 5 e d 26 sheet 10 yout supervisors district e d
Washington National Archives

agner Wagner

Max obit Terre Haute Indiana oba


8 October 1927

Progress s Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County Indexer County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records CH 5 76 Vital

C a

Rardin Margaret nee Wagner obituary The Brazil Times Brazil Clay County Indiana 22 Rearm


Luanda loa R

Brown loU Liege

14 J anuary


nouns Fame y Tho The tern no F am Iy H story

Parker Parke V James Parker

Clerk of Circuit Court

Lectern V Winn Mamae Record 30 January 1899 Book Mama e Mn Mama



Jaime Lectern entry Jame 1930 US Census Population Schedule Walnut Street Wheatland Heartland Heartla1 I supervisor s Steen Township Knox County Indiana Entry ID e d 42 I 1 supervisors district 10 sheet ed nds Neuronal line 56 Microform Publication Washington National Archives
Parker Parke

caption Ime vol Clay County Indiana Entry ID viol 10 e d 12 sheet 6 hone 43 Micropublishing Washington vo Mi ed cation hip ngton Archives Neuronal

Vernon entry James 1900 US Census Population Schedule Jackson TownshIp Vemon Towns-



Kino Parker Vernon Parke Vemon entry James 1920 US Census Population Schedule Kno County IndIana Knox Indiaviol Ime Entry ID vol 46 e d 94 sheet 3 line 45 Micropublishing Washington Nation Archives ed


Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Jinxes to Indiana CountrIndexes County County r Hal Records Cia Clay County Indian 1 Birth Records 6 52 Clay lIal i

Works Progress Administration H corks Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana COUI County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records 2 43 Villa

Words Induces Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana CouCOUI nty Records Clay Clay County Indian Birth Records 11 Villa II Cia

ty ty

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records 4 30 Villa Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County CountrCountCouny vital Records Clay Clay County Indiana Manage Records 13 r ital



Lenora E Winn obituary Indianapolis Star Indian hippos Marion County IndIana LenoraE Mn Polls MarlOn Lenora and 8 AprIl 1977
Declared Eckard


Becker William A entry Eckerd 1920 US Census Population Schedule Stanton Posey TownshIp Pose Townssentience ID e Clay e Ides d hip County Indiana Entry IDe d 13 sheet 7 dwelling dwell family 61 Washmen National Archives
Declared William A entry Eckard 1930 US Census Population Schedule 1921 East Washington Washington Indianapolis MarIon County Indiana Entry ID e d Street Manon ed supervIsorss district 8 sheet supervisor lame 51 Microform Publication Washington National Archives

Indexes Progress Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indenters to Indiana County Cou3 nty Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records H 13 12 Vital Cia


Works Progress Administration Harks Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana COUI CouAdministrator Indenters Hors Vital Cia ncil Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records H 4 27
Lu dna R B 0 wn L gdp o Luc oct

14 January 2005


Lit Camino om 64 Th Munoz Fam ly 11 story Y

Lego Star Houle Hallmark Florence E nee Winn obItuary Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute VigoLaMn goon Indiana 21 May 1987 County rously

DowRobert entry Hallmark 1920 US Census Population Schedule Jefferson Township Owen entity sheet lA nspout Indiana Entry ID super ors distinct 78 e d ed County supervisors district Archives Washington National ArchIve
Robert entry Hallmark 1930 US Census Population Schedule Rumored Posey entity Pose Posline 76 s ed TownshIp Clay County Indiana Entry ID e d 11 18 supervisor district 7 sheet supervisors distinct Microform Publication Washington National Archives


I dI

Vigo Hallmark Robert obituary Terre Houle Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Hole



to Works Progress Administration tt corks Progress Administration Indexes 10 Indiana County arks County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Buth Records H 13 21 Mho Vital
Virgo CountMarriage Robert E Smith Grace M Hallmark Manage Application Terre Haute Vigo County Aciculate ywide I Book 35 page ywide Clerk of the Circuit Court Indian

Garrett Jarrett Riley entry Lemmons 1900 US Census Population Schedule Adams TownshIp Lemons Towned line supervisor's district Decatur County Indiana Entry ID ed 50 supervisors distinct 4 sheet lOA and B Ime 48 Microform Washington National Archives


Lemons Garrett Jarrett Riley entry Lemmons 1910 US Census Population Schedule Adams TownshIp Town52 Microform supervisor's distinct Decatur County Indiana Entry ID supervisors district 68 e d Sheet e d 1I sheet Washington National Archives Publication

ship oform



Garrett Jarrett Josh R Jarrett Riley entry Lemons 1920 US Census Population Schedule Adams Garrett Adasupervisor's distinct ID e TownshIp Decatur County Indiana Entry IDe d 53 supervisors district 80 hn 4 image Ides Washington National Archives Microform page

Paul Ache Alice entry Lemons 1930 US Census Population Schedule Washington Street St Palsupervisor's district heet Adams ladian Township Decatur County Indiana Entry ID supervisors distinct 11 ed 16 I sheet IndIana Ime line 12 Microform Washington National Archives


WIlham William entry HeWItt 1900 US Census Population Schedule Liberty Township Shelby SheTycoon supervisor's distinct County Indiana Entry ID e d supervisors super Ors district 6 sheet lIB Microform Publication Or's ed Washington National Archives




WIlham Hewitt William obituary

www roots



ille Shelby

Shelby Republican Shelbyville Shelby


Shelby County Indiana Shelby County Indiana 16 May 2003

B nL Lucida R B onn L gigot

14 January 2005 10

The Commons Fam Idyll story Thud mm Fm ly H 1465

Jerome and Milda Levitate Tanner Manage Record 1 November 1883 Manage Record I Mla Lovitt RecoViol 12 Vol Shelby County Indiana Genealogy Courthouse Records Online


Jerome Tammer sic 1910 Population Schedule Kent Township Warren County Indiana Tamer Roll part 2 page National Archives Ancestry corn 31 May 2004 com http www offset Holt count county id id state id name tamer tammer


Fremont entry Tanner 1910 US Census Population Schedule Ripley Township Rush Bremen Riley Entry ID County Indiana Entry supervisors district 6 ed distinct sheet line 82 Microform Roll page Washington National Archives

venality Roy entry Tanner 1930 Population Schedule Riley Township Rush County Indiana ed 70 10 sup dist 9 sheet page 94 National Archives dst

MicrGeorge R Lemons 1910 Population Schedule Compton kenton County Kentucky Roll page National Archives Heritage Quest 31 May 2004 Entangle http www l offset ld id name lemons lemon




Fremont entry Tanner 1930 US Census Population Schedule Charlottesville Village lie Charlottes Jackson Township Hancock County Indiana Henry e d 13 supervisors district 9 sheet Entry ID e d Ides IDe distinct Dime 63 Microform Publication Washington National Archives A vailable Ime moldable Ancestry corn com

Noah and Jenme R Washburn Barnes Manage Record 1 January 1879 Shelby County I Jennie Ashbin Bames Countywide Courthouse Marriages Viol 11 page Indiana Manages Vol II Shelby County Indiana Courthouse

Bames Noah entry Barnes 1910 US Census Population Schedule Addison Township Shelby SheCounty Indiana Entry Dispraiser s district 6 e d ID supervisor distinct e d sheet Ime line 24 Microform Roll page 5 Washington National Archives

Noah lby

Noah lby

Noah entry Bames 1920 US Census Population Schedule Addison Township Shelby Banes SheCounty Indiana Entry ID ed ed distinct Ime 84 Microform line supervisor s district 6 sheet PublIcatIOn Washington National Archives

John W Lemons 1920 Population Schedule White Sulphur Scott County Kentucky JohnW Roll page National Archives Heritage Quest 31 May 2004 Entangle http www Essences id given name closurname lemons

genealogy offset lOur count navId id genealogy offset lOur Johanna count glen Id id

ing John W JohnW John


Lemons 1930 Population Schedule keene Jessamine County Kentucky Sesame page ed National Archives Ancestry corn 31 May 2004 pageS e d 5 image com http search ancestry

prod prod


laud lud



January 2005

bm Oli se dc nt ky

Eva Gay Lemmons California Death Index Lemons madden name- is steeds Cole name listed names hosted as


nsellsx ih Johns n bin 5 i si sl I underplayJohnson bin Johnjohn ylffps O I IdII d 1fl prod

conically 0 Lennon f ly 11 story

Zeugma Lancaster California Death Index 1940 Zelma D Selma

hosted steeds Lemons Mme name listed is Lemmons

bm scot se s skew scot

com John Wonder Death Index 15 January 1944 Ancestry corn 29 December 2004 http search ancestry Cong-


KentucIdentically Kentucky I

madden Mother s maiden name is Cole


10 January 1996



gi db

cadet I

States States Mink States basal

Sols es ld Id

hiteout count order rder

name easterly

on Harry D Easterly 1910 Population Schedule Springfield Sanguine County illinOIs Entangle Roll page 3 1 Washington National Archives Heritage Quest 20 June 2004 offset Holt http www

States Scot genealogy

Pct Saga Pet

yearendyearend Otis si Bogs Oti RosOtIS


Chancery Smith Whitlock Oregon Death Index 1903 Hillock Chancy

WIlham Hillock William L Whitlock Oregon Death Index 1903 98

February 1917

October 1958 lane County Oregon

Henry D Whitlock 1910 Population Schedule Hillock Roll 1282 page Washington National Archives

HiltoffsHilt genealogy offset et county id

www tp www 04 http on
count ashby name ashy

3 II Charles E Ashby 1910 Population Schedule W Cottage Grove PC Lane County Oregon Ashy Entangle Washington National Archives Heritage Quest 22 June 2004 Roll 1282 page

prod county com count prod Id Id Id

county id
1737 Savvied

Ashby John A Ashy 1910 Population Schedule West Cottage Grove Lane County Oregon Entangle Washington National Archives Heritage Quest 22 June 2004 Roll 1282 page 20-


senes S-senes


ashby name ashy

www hUp can



county id




Constrained entry Railings 1920 Population Schedule Pasadena Township Los Angeles Constant sup 8 National Archives County California Sheet ed


CoRn Rawlins ConR Rawlings California Death Index 1940

29 October

Bolen Alma May Bole California Death Index 1940

Luna Luanda R B rown L gigot Lua first

7 January 1981

January 2005

Commons Lemma Nm H story The Lemmo Fam Iy U cry

Kenneth A KennethA Kenneth

Robert C Drawings 1910 Population Schedule Valley Township Reno County kansas Realms Neuronal Archives Ancestry corn 22 May 2004 com National Roll page surhelp sur slur html www outset 11 offset state hit count name Rawlins county id type- physical scenes type senes

Connersville entry Lemmons 1910 US Census Population Schedule Countervailed Road Wayne Lemons Ime 11 line II district County Indiana Entry ID e d ed supervisor s distinct 6 sheet Publication Washington National Archives



prod 31 com next id


Index California Death Inde 1940 1997 7 December 1964 Index


ll outset



Croon Micr-


Distinct US Lark L entry Lemmons 1930 U S Census Population Schedule District 27 White RIver Lemons Lark distinct Randolph County Indiana Entry ID e d 68 27 supervisor s district 5 sheet ed Publication Washington National Archives

bm se m


RiCroon MicrScanty Secu-

28 Security September 1963 Social Lark Lemmons Social Scanty Death Index Lemons Index com 1 Death Index Ancestry corn I 8 February 2003 help Mishear ancestry Inde tip search

e 34



colic co-


Egan M entry Kennedy 1910 US Census Population Schedule Cynthiana and Falmouth Cynthia FalmoEgan s Distinct Hanson Run Pike 3rd District Hamson County Kentucky Entry ID supervIsors distinct 9 e d 91 supervisor district e d uth Washington National Archives Roll Ime Altoona line 54 Microform Series page Sends sect
Huge M entry Kennedy 1920 US Census Population Schedule Sunrise Road Sunset M Beige entry Ime distinct e d sheet 2 B tine 86 Hamson County Kentucky Entry ID supervisor s district 9 e d Hanson Roll Washington National Archives Microform




Watson Avenue 1930 US Census Population Schedule distinct ed Compton Kenton County Kentucky Entry ID e d 59 24 supervisor s district 1I sheet Microform publication Washington National Archives


Elijah entry Rehash Exhalent Kennedy


viol Record vol Prentice homes M Kennedy Death Record 56 no Jinxes Kentucky Death Records 1911 2000

23 December 1943

vol Record viol Children Jennedy Hildreth Kennedy Death Record 46 no Index Inde 1911 2000 hlike like

DeathDeat4 October 1944 Kentucky Death

Arnold Theocrat nee Kennedy obituary The Log Cabin Cynthiana Hamson County Cynthia Hanson CounTheora Kentucky trymen 26 December 1952 2nd sec page 4 Cynthiana George B entry Arnold 1910 US Census Population Schedule Cynthia and supervisor's district e d Distinct Hanson TurnpIke 3rd District Hamson County Kentucky Entry ID supervisors distinct 9 e d 85 sheet ArchiveRoll Washington National Archives Ime 73 Microform line


L oda R s c Rda R- Brown L

Brown get Mud


January 2005

Fam Iy The Lemmons rom fy 11 stogy

moo L

I II 0

George B entry Arnold 1920 US Census Population Schedule Webster Avenue 2nd distinct e d Cynthia Hanson ward Cynthia Hamson County Kentucky Entry ID supervisor district 9 ed HI sheet Washington National Archives Roll hone 42 Microform line
UnpiUnpCynthia entry Arnold 1910 US Census Population Schedule Cynthiana and Falmouth Run ed d supervisor icked Distinct Hanson cked 3rd District Hamson County Kentucky Entry ID supervIsors istant 9 ed 91 sheet PIke Washington NatIOnal Archives Roll hone 62 Microform Publication


Miller Marino entry Arnold 1920 US Census Population Schedule 20 Meddler NW Cynthia hone line 61 supervisors distinct e d Hamson Hanson County Kentucky Entry ID SUpervISOr'S district 9 ed III sheet Washington National Archives Roll Microform




L entry Arnold 1930 US Census Population Schedule Miller Street Cynthia hone page sheet supervisor's distinct County Kentucky Entry ID supervisors district 7 e d Hamson Hanson 49 Microform Washington National Archives



Predilection Grover Mg 1930 Population Schedule Falmouth Pendleton County Kentucky Groveling com National Archives Ancestry corn 22 May 2004 ed page 8 A ed 1 linage content http Nilpotent ancestry Hotpoint

Hamson K entry Meek 1930 US Census Population Schedule Falmouth Hanson

s supervisors distinct County Kentucky Entry ID supervISor district Washington National Archives

exec com tx commie


e d 96


hone 46 line



Layette CountLexington Lea TIOsa Lien nee Collier obItuary England Herald Lexington Fayette County Tsai Ellen ywide 26 April 1977 sec C page 6 IndIana Anal Layette H railed obituary Iry Lea Floyd cobalt Airy Lexington Herald Lexington Fayette County Kentucky 1967 page 2


8 September

Predilection Pendleton Grog er M entry Bell 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Grover Groer Gro Grover supervisor's distinct supervisors district 6 sheet SA Microform publication Entry ed County Kentucky Penury ID e d

Washington National Archives and Records Administration Works Progress Administration jectors Records 1880 1920 23



Villa Progress AdminIstratIOn Indexes for Indiana InterIndexes

01 Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InteVirgo County Indiana Manage Records 23 rjectors Vigo Records 1880 J
Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1286 North Wm William H entry Arthur 1930 US Census Population schedule 2033 NorWham ed Hute Virgo Eleventh therly Avenue Terre Chute Vigo County Indiana Entry ID e d 84 37 supervisors distinct Archives hone Archiline 17 Microform Publication Washington National ArchIvpage 7 sheet



Lucinda R Brown mgt es dna R m L un ves L

14 January 2005

Th Lemon I am Iy H tory The Lemmon y II story

Virgo Coot WIlham H obituary Arthur William ObItuary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 25 December 1947

Vgo Arthur Glendora obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 18 Lenora August 1967 6
Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1324 page 6 Unman
Villa Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes lor Indiana Intefor rjectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indian Birth Records H 13 17


Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes lor Indiana Intefor Windfall Villa rjectors Vigo Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Birth Records CM 26 Record CH
VItal Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes lor Indiana Intefor rjectors rjectors 1880 1920 Vic County Indiana Birth Records CH 28 Records


Edgar County Genealogical Society Edgar County Illinois Marriages Manages COUll County Genealogical Society


7 Sols


Modally Mary M nee MaryM

ywide IndIana


Arthur obituary

Tim Haute Tribune Tan

Virgo CountTerre Haute Vigo County

28 September 1943

WIlham Hanson TownsW William H entry Modally 1920 US Census Population Schedule Hamson TownshIp sheet s Lego County Indiana Entry ID supervIsors district 5 e d supervisor distinct e d hip Washington National Archives
Street StretWIlham William A entry Modally 1930 US Census Population Schedule 2318 North line Vigo Terre ed supervisor distinct cher Haute Virgo County Indiana Entry ID e d 84 36 supervIsorss district 7 sheet IB hone 53 MIcroform Publication Washington National Archives
Modally William obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo WIlham


May 1940
Modally Helen obituary

Vigo Tern Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 24 and

25 January 1951

2 Vol Ella C Arthur Marriage Record 13 June 1895 Viol 4


Harvey B Arbaugh Airbag Clerk of Calculate Court Circuit

Vigostreet treet Street Terre Haute Lego Ella Lila entry Arbaugh 1920 Population Schedule 2319 North Airbag Laviol line sheet 13 hone 14 Mispronunciation Washington goon Indiana Entry ID vol 96 e d County ed rously ngton Archives NatIonal ArchivArch-


es d R Bm Liege Lu Lucinda Brown Gigot


4 January 2005

Condiments Fame ly H story Fam The Landform glyph tory

Ella entry Arbaugh 1930 US Census Population Schedule 1452 Grand Avenue Terre Airbag TheVigo Haute Virgo County IndIana Entry ID e d Indiana s ed supervisors district 7 sheet 13 B page supervisor distinct lIne 81 Microform Publication Washington National Archives



Arbaugh Ella Catherine nee Arthur obituary Tern Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo Cathenne Airbag VigoVirgo County Indiana 18 January 1935 rously Arbaugh Airbag December 1919 Harvey B obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 22 Vigo

July 1988

Carthage Orville Arbaugh Orvill obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo Count Indiana 20 Vgo Count

Works Progress Admin triathlon Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InteAdministration VItal Adulteration rjectors 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 3 20 Virgo Records Works Progress Mammal triathlon Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteAdministration Villa Indexes for rjectors Virgo Records 1880 Vigo County Indiana Marriage Records 27 Manage Clarence entry Lemmons 1920 US Census Population Schedule Lemons viol County rously Indiana Entry ID vol 95 e d Ime sheet 2 Dime 86 ed

Nevis Township

VigoVirgo Vigo

Clarence Lemmons 1930 Population Schedule Patoka Gibson County Indiana e d 12 Palooka Lemons ed dist sup dst 2622 Sheet lIB Washington National Archives Clarence entry Lemmons 1930 US Census Population Schedule Patoka Gibson County Palooka Lemons Countdistancing 26 22 ywide ID e ywide Entry IDe d 12 supervIsors distinct 2622 sheet Indiana e Unreformed Ides d Ime line 85 Microform PublIcatIOn supervisor Washington National Archives Online Ancestry corn com



Lemmons Clair nce E obituary Princeton Clarion Puncheon Greene County Indiana 5 Clarence Lemons Clar nice October 1960
Clair nice Lemmons Carmel obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 5 Lemons Clar nce Tene Virgo October 1960

Lemmons Clarence obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Howe Virgo County Indiana Lemons H ute Vigo October 1960

Grapnel Lemmons Alta nee Grannell obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Virgo County Lemons Vigo Countywide Indiana 22 August 1972
Lemmons Alta Mrs nee Grapnel obituary The Puncheon DOlly Clarion Puncheon Gibson Grannel Lemons Altars epergne Fie Princeton Daily GibCounty Indiana 21 August 1972


Roy Rogers CIrcUIt OutCourficiate Court

L I t uanda R 8 rown L grit land R B I got

Pearce Lemons Peare Lemmons Prevarications

Manage Record


June 1918 page

ofClerk of

14 January 2005 Y

Thu The Lemmons F ain Iy II

moo L


Fleming Pearl A Rogers nee Lemmons obituary The Princeton Dally Clarion Puncheon Puncheon Daily Lemons GIbson County Indiana 25 January 1991 Rogers Roy obituary Princeton Clarion Puncheon Greene County Indiana 14 Anal


Words Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Windward InteIndiana Villa rjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 12 Virgo Works Progress Administration W corks Progress Administration Indexes for Windward InteII arks Indexes Indiana Villa rjectors Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Birth Records H 11 Vigo II Leone Lenne and Defied May Lemmons Wood Marriage Record 10 November 1928 Clear ofEffie Manage Lemons Clerk of Cler CIrcUIt Viol ficiate Court Marriage Record Vol 74 page Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Virgo
entry Wood 1930 US Census Population Schedule Friendly Inn Chestnut StretFeudally Street Terre Haute Hamson County Indiana Entry ID e d cher Hanson distinct ed supervisors district 7 sheet Microform Publication Washington National Archives icroform
Defter Effie


Lemmons Benjamin obituary Indianapolis Star Indianapolis Manon County Indiana Lemons Benjamm Manson September 1992 Benjamm Lemons Benjamin Lemmons Social Security Death Index Social Scanty Death Index 1998 ver I 31 Security veer
Unmated United

Words Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Windward InterIndiana Vital Intejectors rjectors 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Birth Records H 12 82 Records Vigo Hummel Hume Ruth

Ann nee Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Star 18 Lemons

States Washington

December 1979

Words Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Windward InteIndiana Villa rjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Marriage Records 16 Virgo Manage

Edward entry Floweret Edward Foxworthy goon Indiana Entry ID County

Washington National Archives Archly Archiv-

Vigorously Lagoon Vigorously

Foxworthy Lethe Bell nee Lemmons obituary Plutonian County Banner Graphic Putnam Coun Lemons Floweret Container Greencastle Greenest Putnam County Indiana 18 September 1982


Edward entry Foxworthy 1910 US Census Population Schedule Nevis Township Lego Floweret County Indiana Entry ID supervisor s distinct 5 e d district e d Micropublishing astosheet Washington National Archives


1920 US Census Population Schedule s sheet supervIsors district 5 e d supervisor distinct e d

Nevis Township Lego La-

Luc es dna laud R lud

Brown Bm

gg get


January 2005


Edward Fox orthy Ed orthy EdW obituary Fox rd County Indiana February


Fame Iy II merino F am ly H story

Putnam County Banner Grop c Cowry Grope Graphic Grope





Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InteVilla rjectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Berth Records H 11 Birth II
Opal E orthy OpalE Fox PalE Findlay County Indiana


25 Anal 1992

obituary Putnam County Banner Graphic Greenest Putnam Greencastle


Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InterIndexes for Villa jectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Marriage Records 24 Manage Lemmons Norman Cyrus obItuary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Lemons Nona Virgo IndIana 24 February 1915

Works Progress Adam Stratton Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InteAdministration Villa rjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 11 26 Virgo Recons II Mitchell Moms Kneeled May Lemmons 25 March 1932 Manage Record Mtchell Nellie Lemons Clerk of Circuit Court
Kneeled Nellie

nee Lemmons Moms Social Scanty Death Index Lemons Security

Viol Vol 80 46


Anal 1985

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InterVilla jectors Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Birth Records H 11 63 Vigo Berth II

Works Progress Adam Stratton tt corks Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteAdministration larks Indexes for Villa rjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 11 Virgo Berth Record II
Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InteVilla rjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Berth Records H 11 Virgo Birth II


Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InterVilla jectors Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Birth Records H 11 Vigo II Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InterVItal Intejectors rjectors 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Manage Records 25 Records Virgo Emest Ernest entry Lemmons 1910 US Census Population Schedule Lemons County Indiana Entry ID supervisor s distinct 5 e d district e d sheet Washington National Archives Arch-

Vigorously Lagoon
Nevis Township

cal and ives Brown L WI

R Lucinda

14 January 2005 14

Vigorously Washington
The Lemmons Fame glyph Th Sumo F am Iy story Lemons

Ernest E entry Lemmons 1920 US Census Population Schedule Nevins Township VIgo Lemons Virgo Nevis County Indiana Entry ID viol 95 e d vol Ime sheet 10 line 12 Mispronunciation Washington ed NatIonal Archives Lemmons Ernest E obituary Terre Lemons
Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Virgo

Lemmons Sadie F nee Bowman obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute VIgo Lennon Virgo County Indiana 23 February 1981

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InterVItal InteIndexes rjectors 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 12 59 jectors Records Virgo
Lucas Clara Bayle nee Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute VIgo Lemons Bale Virgo County Indiana 26 June 1995

Works Progress Administration II corks Progress Administration arks Villa Indexes Indiana Interjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 2 14 Virgo Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteIndexes for VItal rjectors 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Mama ge Records 31 Records Virgo Mam Mammies

MicrSiva Ivah entry McCormick Bivalent McClIntock

January 1979

McCormick Siva blurry McClIntock Ivah obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 15 Halite Tented Vigo August 1960 Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteIndexes for Villa rjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigorously Indiana Birth Records H 11 Virgo Vigo County II Works Progress Administration H arks Progress Administration II corks Liars rjectors rjectors 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Birth Records H II Records Vigo
VItal Indexes Indiana Inte-

Township Township
Siva Ivah entry McClIntock 1920 U S Census Population Schedule Lost Creek TownshIp McCormick Virgo VIgo County Indiana Entry ID e d ed supervIsors district 5 sheet 14 B Microform supervisors distinct PublIcatIOn Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 22 February 2003 com


1930 U S Census Population Schedule Lost Creek TownshIp Lego County Indiana Entry ID e d 84 53 supervisors district 7 sheet distinct ed Microform PublIcatIon Washington National Archives Ancestry com 22 February 2003 corn



Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteIndexes for Villa rjectors Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Berth Records H 6 19 Virgo Birth John Entry Bowe 1930 US Census Population Schedule A entry Bowen Gusey Avenue St Paul Gluey Ramsey County Minnesota Entry ID ed 62 Entry page supervisors district 8 sheet Dime 7 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Ime Archiv-

Luc es dna laud R lud



B own L gg 0 get


January JU 2005

e t ll

Lemmons Fam Iy fJ Lennon Foam ly


WIlham William C Lemmons Death Record 30 November 1978 Minnesota Department cohabit Lemons of HealMInnesota Death Index 1908 2002 database online tonne UT Ancestry corn I January 2005 com thiness

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InteVilla rjectors Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Manage Records 33 Vigo
Scott Ida nee Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Lemons Vigo September 1976




Clarence entry Scott 1920 US Census Population Schedule Fayette Township VIgo Layette VigoVirgo Micropublishing astoCounty rously Indiana Entry ID supervisors district 5 e d supervisor's distinct e d sheet WashIngton National Archives


Clarence entry Scott 1930 U S Census Population Schedule 1519 Broadened Terre Baron Avenue TheHaute Virgo County Indiana Entry ID e d 84 36 supervIsors ed Microform distinct 7 sheet I reat Vigo beet supervisor Publication Washington National Archives Ancestry corn 22 February 2003 com Ancestry




Unburned Scott Verne obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana Vigo September 1921

4 I 8 Melvin Lemmons entry 1930 US Census Population Schedule Lemons

East Main Street Mam StreeGalesburg City Knox County Illinois Entry ID e d 48 20 supervisors district 13 sheet 7 Psupervisor's distinct ed A twalkers hone page line 27 Microform Publication Washington National Archives hage
4 I 9 Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana InteVilla rjectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 8 92

Lemmons Charles H obituary Terre Haute Lemons ywide 28 July 1974 Indiana



Terre Haute Vigo County Virgo Count-

Blister Lemmons Geneva nee Lister obituary Terre Haute Unburned Star Terre Haute VIgo Lemons Tribune VigoVirgo Tene County rously Indiana 13 February 1985

Mercer Edgar J obituary Terre Haute Unburned Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 29 Houle Tribune Virgo Edgar August 1929 Mercer David Neal obituary Terre Haute Unburned Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 26 Tribune Virgo November 1924 Mercer Solon W bituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 13 May Virgo O obituary
Orphan Orpha


Edward dward Edward Redneck Koch page Clerk s MyceClerks Office Once plate Off-


lola Lemmons Manage Record 14 April 1917 Book BookLemons

Luanda R Brown Lucida lium R am L grit ice


January 2005 Jony

Iy story moons mo The Len mons Fam ly H my

Orpha Lemons Edmonds Manage James and Orphan Lemmons Edmondson Marriage Record 7 Anal 1924 Manage MarrVirgo VIgo Virgo Vigo County Clerk s Office Microfilm at VigoVirgo Uncut Record Clerk Vigo Circuit Court page Library and County rously Public Librarian online

ager iage


Orphan Orpha

nee Lemmons Edmondson Death Record 3 85 Lemons Edmonds

Deaths ander 1971 1976


MichigJanuary 1977 MIchIgan

Virgo Tenure Koch Edward F century Terre Haute Turbulent Star Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana Edward cloy December 1979



Emerson Manson Lemmons and Mary Anna White Manage Record Manon Lemons Mama Clerk of Circuit Court Vol of rk Circuit Court Viol 59 page

CleAnal 1922 Clerk

Forks Administration Works for Hilda Villa Works Progress Administration Progress Administration Indexes Jar Indiana Interjectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 8 69
Lemmons Virgil R obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Lemons ywide IndIana 2 August 1989
Virgo County Vigo Count-

Virgo CountMyrtle F nee Woods I emmons Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County demons Nee ywide 9 August 1994 IndIana

Lemmons Myrtle nee Wood Lemons ywide 2 August 1994 IndIana

binary balmy

The DOll Dail

Clinton Colton

Clinton Vermillion County Count-

Villa Indexes for ort s Works Progress Administration Harks Progress Administration Indenters Indiana Interjectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 9 85

Sneaker Snicker Gladys V nee Lemmons Banyans obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Shuttnet Lemons Banyas ering Lego County Indiana 9 February 1993
Banyans Banyas

Virgo Halite George Jr obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 2


Anal 1942
Virgo Tirre Houle Stinker Alonzo Striker Alton obituary Tare Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana
I February


Vigo Halite Turbine obituary Iry Lemmons Russell L cobalt Airy Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County IndIana Lemons 30 July 1970
VigoVIgo Treble Pruitt Lemons Hazel Irene nee Putt Lemmons obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo County rously Indiana February 1996

Vgo Tirre Halite Lemmons Dallas obituary Tare Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 4 Lemons

luc daR Tudor

gg Brown Leggett

u 14 January 00

47 Th Lorn Pico Loren Lemmons Fannie ly Pic Lemons F ani Iy H lorry

Lemmons Jennie Grace nee Lyon obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vgo Lemons VigoCounty Indiana 8 September 1960 rously

Nelson Thomas obItuary The DUlly Colton Clinton Vermillion County Indiana 31 Daily Clinton Hinton Vermilion August 1970 John H entry Lemmons 1930 US Census Population Schedule JohnH Lemons Street West John EsteAvenue Tulsa Tulsa County Oklahoma Entry ID supervisors district 6 e d 72 emed supervisor's distinct e d sheet hone 88 Microform Publication Washington National Archives line

Lemmons John Henry obituary Tulsa World Tulsa Oklahoma 7 January 1994 page Lemons
01 1497 April 1984 Social


Thomas Eva nee Lemmons obituary The DUlly Clinton Clinton Vermilion County Lemons Daily Colton Hinton IndIana 16 February 1981

Everett Lemons Social Security Death Index Lemmons Solo Scanty Death Index

Everett F Lemmons Washington Death Index 1940 Lemons 8 April 1984 Washington Death Index Lemmons Rose M obituary Lemons RoseM Rosen page
Lawrence Scanty Death Spokesman




Re ie

Spokane Washington

17 July 1995


I emmons Social Scanty Death Index Security demons

May 1978 Ancestry SocIal



Hollen Nana Griffith Lemons nee Gunfight Lemmons obituary The Herald Telephone Hole Fie Bloomington Monroe County Indiana 23 May 1979

Daniel Ranard Social Scanty Death Index Canard Solo Security Death Index

Daniel entry Ranard 1930 US Census Population Schedule Riley Township DowDame Canard Owen nspout Indiana Entry Ides d 60 1 supervisors distinct 10 sheet County I supervisor's district ID e e IDe d Microform Publication


Washington National Archives

County Security

Gunfight Lemmons Montage Certificate 5 George Washington and Nina Griffith Lemons Manage Anal 1919 Clerk O'Sullivan Circuit Court Sullivan Clerk of Circuit Court of Sullivan Calculate

Ma Amt

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Windward County Adulteration Indiana Villa Records Works Progress Administration Manage Records 38 32


March 1985 Sophia Social



Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1417 Unknot w

Luanda R Lunar Leggy LuaR B own L gigot

14 January 2005

The Lemons Fam Iy 1 lorry Th Plano Fame ly If to Lemmons

Alfred C entry Young 1920 US Census Population Schedule Mineral Township Barry Numeral BayBaryon Nilsson Entry ID supervisorss district 18 enumeration distinct 16 sheet 2 line 70 County Missouri district Ime supervIsor distinct Micropublishing Washington National Archives


Young Alfred obituary Cassville Republican Cassville Barry County Missouri Castile Mason


Alfred deceased Young Funeral Record Yearly No 87 14 July 1960 Culver s Chapel Funeral Home

14 July



Dora Young Application for Letters Testamentary of Administration with Will Annexed Probate Court 23 June 1976 exed

Virgie Everett Young obituary Baxter Springs Citizen Baxter Songs Cherokee County Sperms Pollen Springs Virile Countryman 27 October 1941 Kansas Uda Areca lIle Parent USDA Artenca nee Young obituary Cass lisle Democrat Cassville Barry County Castile Nilsson 15 June 1930



inure Cass


Uda Artemia Percent Record of Funeral Yearly No 39 15 June 1930 Hone Funeral Arterial Parent Honne FunUSDA

Parent Albert Jack obituary Joplin Globe JoplIn Missouri 21 March 1940 John Mason Parent Donald James obituary Joplin Globe JoplIn Missouri Nilsson

4 November 1930
14 January 2004

TaJ kitsch

TIna J kutschbach Royal Lyle Lyie net

Came Mac Young Salt and Carne Mae Youngs

Mellow Sacral Scanty Ernestine nee Salt Kellow Social Security Death Index 30 Ernest Sacral Scanty Administration Social Security Death Index Master File Sacral Scanty Security

November 1982

Harold C Salt Social Security Death Index Sacral Scanty 24 Sacral 26 June 1990 Social Scanty AdministratIOn Social Security Death Index Master File Orem UT Ancestry 2000 Sacral Scanty
B entry Oscar Entry Young 1920 US Census Population Schedule Sulphur Springs Township Songs TownID e Benton County Arkansas Entry IDe d 33 supervisor s district 3 sheet distinct line 9 MIcroform Ides d e PublIcatIOn Image Washington National Archives




Oscar L entry Young 1930 US Census Population Schedule County Road Grove Gove1 PTownshIp Entry ID IA rnorship Delaware County Oklahoma Entry ed 21 17 supervisor s district 3 sheet Apline 12 Microform Publication Washington National Archives page ogee hage
03 Sacral Scanty Oscar Young Social Security Death Index FloSecurity Adulterators Sonly Scanty Death Index Master File

March 1980 Social


Lucinda Lund R 8 0 L gg Lud Brewage under

14 14January 2005

Fame The F 47 Th Commons ram Ily H story


Edith E nee Young Womack Social Scanty Death Index Deal camel 1994 Social Scanty Administration Social Scanty Death Index Master File

Soc Soc



Betty J Womack Social Scanty Death Index 30 2026 23 May 1995 Social Administration Social Scanty Death Index Master File



Soc Scanty

Samuel E Steele Recorders Office

Rosa M Lemons Steelier Lemmons Manage

19 September 1907 Grant City

Northwest Mission Genealogical Society Worth County Missouri Marriages 1873 1910 Mason E Books A E Book D page 26



Lemons Lester Lemmons

Death Certificate

5 October 1976 State

of Oklahoma

Department of Health


Lemons Georgia Germ Carey nee Poppers Lemmons Death Certificate Oklahoma Department of Health ookah
Ralph Freeman Recorder reboder GoldIe Lemons Goldie Viola Lemmons Manage License

29 August 1962 State of h-

13 January 1925 Office foof

Raleigh Edward Westbrook Restroom March 1991 19 21 license no I


Goldie Viola Lemmons Freeman Manage Certificate 26 Lemons Probate Court

Freeman Ralph James obituary City Press Citizen Iowa City Johnson County Iowa African obituary w a October 1980

Betty Louise Freeman Death Certificate Registered No 6 19 February 1926 Nilsson State Board of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics


Raleigh Edward Westbrook Death Certificate 21 June 1993 State offload Distinct Court Restroom of Iowa

Westbrook Raleigh obituary OH a Cloy Press Client Iowa City Iowa 13 June 1993 Restroom Citizen obituary City




Stella May nee McLaughlin obituary Nekton Dally Mends Newton Iowa 1 1 Neulon Daily 2000 page 7A

Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1227 source


JohnM Oman John M John

obituary Nekton Dally News Newton Iowa Newlon Daily


2 January 1981 page 6


enl Mn Grand Inland City Hall

eet A line
L s

Dullard Dillard F entry Diehard

hone 7


1930 US Census Population Schedule West Eighth Street County Nebraska Entry IDe d 40 15 supervisors district 10 sheet 12 ID e distinct e Ides d

Microform Publication Washington National Archives Archive-


c dna R Brown uiege Bmw L

14 14January

Lillian Nee Mn Burley Death Record P nee Deaths 1940 1997

Allocation rc
om Arc
search doc
Winn Jacqueline nee Smith obituary San Ramon Valley Times San Ramon Valley Jinn 31 May 1999 Accessed 10 October 2001 newsman coccid n l unknown detail

California California
mo L
Dullard Femando DIllard Fernando Death Records



California Death Record 7 Aug 2001 Au


Winn Paul Fayette obituary Contra Costa Times Contra Costa California Layette Mn


hly dna R Dron L gigot Luc B Drone Lund

Street Countywide sheet Reconciler County StLoUIs Stoics StLouis Stoics

Wilson Winn Funeral Home Record 24 Tells E Mn
Miller Son Funeral Home Records
WIllis E entry WillisH eentry R 1930 US Census Population Schedule 55 South Lambert Street Willis Brazil Brazil Township Clay County Indiana Entry ID e d 11 5 supervisors district 7 e d II supervisor's distinct sheet IIA page 84 line 35 Microform Publication Washington National Archives Ime IA


Works Progress Administration Works Pro ress Administration Indexes cress Progress of Indiana County Villa Records Putnam County Indiana Works Progress Administration Collin


Hope S neer Evens Winn obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo County HopeS nee S HaUle Mn tar Vigo IndIana I August 1988

Clerk Vigo Aciculate Court page Virgo Circuit Public Library and online

Helicon Butterbean Mn Morns and Helen Butterman Winn Manage Record 17 October 1937 Manage Record Moms

anole ole


Winn Moms E bItuary Terre HallIe Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana O Haute Star Mn Moms obituary Virgo 30 August

Ole E entry Bye 1930 US Census Population Schedule 2931 St Louis Avenue OleE LeE LoU St LoUl County Minnesota Entry ID e d 69 Louis Ides d e IDe distinct supervisor s district 3 sheet line 58 Microform Publication Washington National Archives

07 1760

Th Lemmons F am Iy II lorry The Lemons Fame 0



December 1963 California

8 October


Virgo Vigo County Clerk s Office Microfilm cit Vigo County dt Virgo

James A entry Winn 1930 U S Census Population Schedule West 2nd Street Duluth St Mn LoUIs County Minnesota Entry IDe d 69 69 supervisor s istinct 3 sheet 17A page ID e Ides d e ddistinct line 35 Microform Publication Washington National Archives 09
7 Anal St

James A Mn St Louis County Minnesota Death Index t LoUIS County Minnesota Death Deat-

I-I Imbue January 2005

The Lemons Fam 80 Th Lemmons Fame ly H story Boom Oom Y

Winn John Froest obItUary Terre Haute Houle Frost Mn


Virgo Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 21 May

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana CountrCountCount Coun 0 y r ilal Records Clay Chy County Indiana Birth Records H 5 22 Achy



Otis Trout Grace James Manage Application 22 August 1925 Book 25 ten Clay Circuit Court the

ofClerk of

to Administration Works Progress Adam Stratton Works Progress Administration Indexes 10 Indiana County County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records 7 30 Villa


Harry I James Mildred McGranahan Manage Application 28 February 1925 Book 25 Clerk of Circuit Court Marcello Marcella George Berryman James Marcello Silvers Manage Application 12 January 1932 Ferryman Marcella Clerk of Clay Circuit Court Book 28 page
Marcello James Marcella H Silvers obituary The Indianapolis Solar Manson County Indianapolis Marcello Mindanao Star Manon IndianaIndIana polis 15 August 1995 Ditch Arthur Richard Springer 8 Mary Edith James Manage Application 18 May 1930 Book Sponger Calculate 28 20 Clerk of Clay Circuit Court
VigoHautt Sponger Springer Mary Edith nee James obituary Terre Haul Tribune Solar Terre Haute Lego Star Lagoon Indiana 15 April 1992 County rously Anal Virgo Dick obituary Houle Springer A R Discomfiture Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County IndIan Sponger Indian 29 January 1960


Indexed to Administration Works Progress Adam Stratton Works Progress Administration Indexes 10 Indiana County County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records H 11 54 Villa II


of rk Clay Circuit Court


Siva Phillip Ivah Mac James Manage Application

Clerk March 1928 Book 27 19 Cle-

Willard George Steffens 8 Iva May James Knox Manage Application 24 March 1934 Wizard Stiffens Ivan Clerk of Book 29 Clerk Clay Circuit Court
Virgo Phillip knox obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 23 August Houle



Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes 10 Indiana County lo County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records H III 42 Villa


Luanda R a Luc


14 January

Th Lcm urn Fame ly 11 story The lorn nouns Fam Iy II

Willard Wesley RIgdon Gwendolyn Kathryn James Manage Application 5 December Millard Argon 1936 Book 30 page Clerk of the clay Circuit Court obituary The Republican Danville Handpicks County Indiana 22 November 1990 obituary The Republican Danville Handpicks County Indiana 23 October 1986 Unknown source northbound Unknown Source 1533 page 8 not found Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1534 Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana County County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records CH 4 51 Vital Buth
Arbores McCullough Gertrude nee Jarboe obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute VigoLego Lagoon Indiana 2 December 1990 County rously



Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana Count County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records CH 6 7 Vital Lester M Wagner Lester Calculate Court ssicist
LOIs LOIS Webster Mama Application 12 April 1943 Clerk


of Clay Cla-

Wagner Phyllis news article by Enca Finking Indianapolis Star Indianapolis Manon Manson Enc MonCounty otony Indiana 12 October 1993
K corks II Works Progress Administration Idiots Progress Administration Indexes to Windward County Indiana County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Berth Records H 13 5 Vital Birth


entry Hillier 19 0 Albert F venality Heiliger 1910 US Census Population Schedule East Washington Street BIndianapolis Marion County Indiana Entry Ides d 49 ID e Marton distinct e B IDe d supervisor s district 8 sheet 13 Hone hone 56 Microform Publication Washington National Archives laine line

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes to Indiana Count County Records Clay Clay County Indiana Birth Records H 13 25 Vital Charles E Hallmark Mignon A Nelson Manage Application 28 March 1942 Book 33 Clerk of Clay Calculate Court Circuit
Virgo CountHallmark Charles Obituary Terre Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Vigo County E obituary Hallie Star ywide 7 March 1988 IndIana

53 I Hallmark MIgnon A nee Nelson obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Lego VigoMignon La-

goon County rously

Indiana 29 December 1981

Luc dna R B own L gg Lo d gel


January 2005

The Th

Forest entry Lemmons 1930 US Census Population Schedule Adams Township Decatur Lemons hone 23 MIcroform line supervisor's distinct County Indian 1 Entry ID e d 16 2 supervisors district I I sheet cd i com Publication Washington National Archives Available Ancestry corn

mo rn III 10
Iy Fam ly II story

atur oform



Nohle Township SheTilden entry Hewitt 1930 US Census Population Schedule Noble Town help Shelby Tilde County IndIan Entry ID e d 72 23 supervisor s istinct 9 sheet 2 A hone 46 page line ddistinct ed MIcroform Publication Washington National Archives

lby lby lby

Claude entry Perkins 1920 US Census Population Schedule Addison Township Shelby Perms Shedistinct shet Microform Publication County Indiana Entry ID e d ed supervisor s district 6 shot Washington National Archives



Harry Lentry Brown 1920 US Census Population Schedule Union Township Shelby L entry Umon Entry Shehone supervisor's distinct supervisors district 6 sheet line 61 MIcroform County Indiana Entry ID e d ed Publication Washington National Archives



Population Schedule Precinct 16 North West Ponce Carbon County Couhone 34 Washington National Archives nty e d 4 19 sup dst 3 sheet page dist line Utah e d
Chaffered Dole 1930 Clifford Doke

1930 Population Schedule Eminence Township Shannon County Mason Ancestry com Demesne Missouri hone 67 2 January 2005 e d 12 supervisor's distinct 3 page supervisors district line ed
Solar Kem Kern Gertrude M nee Lemmons obituary The Muncie Star Muncie Delaware County Lemons Countywide IndIana 18 September 1988

Nee needle

Kem Kern Ralph J Sr obituary The Muncie Solar Muncie Delaware County Indiana Star 1966 page 8

14 Anal

23 June 1962

Lemmons Irma Ikea obituary National Road Trader Milton Lemons Ike Roadster page 14


Wayne County IndIana

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InterIndexes for Villa jectors Virgo Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records CH 26 Reeds Mildred B nee Arthur obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Houle Virgo Countywide 27 January 1966 page 3 IndIana
Viol Gladys R Model Manage Record 18 May 1920 Vol 53 Virgo VIgo County Clerk Circuit Court Clerk of Calculate





ywide IndIana

Remaking Gladys nee Modally obituary Terre Haute Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Virgo CountStar

12 January 1980

Remaking Nuance Maunce Virgo Houle Tribune Munched obituary Terre Haute Unburned Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana

17 March 1947
Luanda R own Light Oscar B own

00 January 2005

Iy II Tho Lemmons The Sumo Fam ly H lorry Lemons


ywide 11 July 1983 Indiana II

Remaking William Maurice obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Virgo County Vigo CountReining Wilham Maunce

Vol Chartes Hawks China Charles Shawls 8 Cidna Modally Manage Record 29 August 1924 Viol 65 page Clerk of Circuit Court Marriage Record Clerk


Hawkins Caledonia E nee 1 mall obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Shawls Cine Nereid ywide 9 and 10 February 1962 Indiana July 1968

Virgo CountVigo County

Virgo obituary Hawkins Charles cobalt Iffy Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 20 Shawls

Vol page Arthur Arbaugh Mary Willey Manage Record 27 October 1917 Viol 46 pac Airbag Wile Manage Clerk of Circuit Court MarrIage Record Clerk Calc

Arbaugh Airbag

Virgo Arthur obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 28

November 1967 Arbaugh Airbag October 1920

Vigo obituary Airy Billy B cobalt Iry Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Virgo County Indiana 24


Virgo Arbaugh Jack Sidney obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 2 Airbag January 1923

Arbaugh Airbag July 1960

Virgo Paul V obituary Terre Haute Tribune Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 17 Paul

Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1441

VigoCombers Ruby nee Combes obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Lego Lagoon Indiana 24 May 1985 County rously

Arbaugh Airbag

Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1370 Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1371 Arbaugh Airbag
Virgo Wallace obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County IndIana Ten

Anal 18 April 1992

corks Works Progress Administration Forks Progress Berth rjectors Virgo II Records 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 11 76


Indexes for Indiana Inte-

VI al

Princeton Daily 56 I Lemmons Helm Lynne Sowder obituary The Puncheon Dally Clarion Puncheon ThelmaL ne Thermal net L Lemons Thelma L ne Shower Gibson Indiana Gbson County Insomnia September 1982 heon


Luc dna R Luella luelaR

B o TI L get Do leggy


January 2005

ITT Lan Lemons Family 11 Lemmons rom H story

Harl Lemons Obituary for Edgar Earl Lemmons

Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute IN 13

July 2004
Waneta Barents Austill Daily Obituary for Wane Arendts Austin DOlly Herald Faust Minnesota Austin
County Banner Foxworthy Forest E obituary Putnam Container Graphic Floweret Coun County Indiana October 1981


9 March 2004 Recast Putnam Put-

VItal InteWorks Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes for Indiana Interrjectors 1880 1920 Vigo County Indiana Birth Records H 11 75 jectors Virgo Records II



OH Ionia Foxworthy Herbert Harold Sr obituary Iona Calmly Register Iowa City Iowa 14 May obituary a City
Whitehall Whitesell Joy Maxme nee I Maxim

obituary Hammond Times Hammond Indiana 24

May 1982
Villa Indexes for Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana Inte1I rjectors Vigo Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Birth Records H 1 1 77

Lemmons Hilda M nee Gander obituary Terre Haute Lemons goon Indiana 15 July 1997 County rously



VigoH ute LaTerre H aute Lego

Villa Indexes for Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana Inter1I jectors Vigo Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Birth Records H I 1 23

Brooks Eugene Lemmons Lemons Viol January 1946 Vol page

Hankey Helen Margaret nee Hanky Nelson Manage Record 26 Clerk factual Court Manage Records of Circuit

ofWilham William Cecil Lemmons Death Record 3 November 1997 Minnesota Department of Lemons com Health Minnesota Death Index 1908 2002 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 1 fbeat January 2005

Dorothy Helen nee Lemmons Schwab Deith Record 12 April 1990 Minnesota Department DepartmeLemons Schwa Edith tonne com nt of Health Minnesota Death Index 1908 2002 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 1 January 2005 Joseph Charles Lemmons Death Certificate 1992 MN Lemons Death sota Certificates

August 1992 Minnesota Minne-

Thomas Anthony Lemmons Death Record 22 December 1954 Mme ota Department ofMinnesota of Lemons Health Minnesota Death Index 1908 2002 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 1 com fbeat January 2005

Luanda Mn get lu dma R Brown L gg1

14 Jan Joo

Tho Lemmons Mn Iy The Lemons Fam ly H lorry

Lemmons Thomas Anthony Lemons Jr Death Record 24 February 1998 Minnesota Department ofof com Health Minnesota Death Index 1908 2002 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn I fbeat hurry inary 2005



Virgo Herndon Donald obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana



10 Anjou

Virgo Rogers James Hill obituary Terre Haute Tribune tar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana lar January 1986


Daily Colton Hinton Venison Lemmons Raymond obituary The Dally Clinton Clinton Vermilion County Indiana Lemons April 1999

Virgo CountLemmons Raymond obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Lemons ywide 13 April 1999 Indiana Anal


Villa Indexes foci Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana Intefoi I rjectors Vigo Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Manacle Records 1 61 Mamae

Daily Lemmons Freeman obituary The DOlly Lemons July 1996

Clinton Colton

Clinton Vermillion County Indiana 4 Hinton Vermilion

Virgo Vigo

4 July 1996

Lemmons Freeman obituary Terre Haute tribune Terre Haute Lemons


County Indiana

Viol Bobby Warren Ream Madwoman Lame Banyans Marriage Record 26 October 1946 Vol Madonn Beamed Banyas Manage Clerk of Circuit Court Manage Record page pac

Banyans Ream Madonna Lame nee Banyas obituary Terre Haute goon Indiana Augur t 1984 Augu August County rously

VigoStar Terre Haute Lego La-

Viol Banyas W Hale Palmed Robert WHale Pauline E Banyans Manage Record 30 August 1946 Vol Manage Clerk of Circuit Court Marriage Record Clout


Lego Banyas Hale Pauline E nee Banyans obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute VigoTinier Paine Lagoon Indiana 2 October 2000 County rously
Virgo Halite Hale Robert W obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana 8

July 1986 Lego Banyas Mayer Myers Barbara Ann nee Banyans obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute VigoLagoon Indiana 25 October 2000 County rously
Ward ard Security Harvey E R-inard Social Scanty Death Index larvae VineSocial Security Death IndeScanty Deal Index

x uanda L L


23 October 1998 Ancestry


nLo land R Btowince dR ono


January 2005 Q

Fame Iy If slimy The Commons F am ly H lory Th Lon


Monet Monell Young Clement Alden obituary The Monett Times Monett Barry County Nilsson December 1964
Young Sebum obituary The Olympian

9 May 2000


Daily waltz Colton Nilsson Clock Para Lee nee Salt obituary Dally Democrat Clinton Missouri Cloe altz

22 June 1982

07 1481 December 1964 Social Security Wolfe Social Scanty Death Index Index Inde Administration Social Security Death Index Master File Scanty

Soc MelvinG Salt Soc Scanty Melvin Mel G Salt Social Security Death Index Scanty Administration Social Security Death Index Soc Scanty cials
Robert E Freeman ce Recorder of

Soc Scanty

February 1990 24 Master File

Soc So1948 Office Offi-

Manson Manon II Manson Jean Kirby Manage Certificate 11 September Manon

Gouda ou a oua obituary City Press Citizen

W obituary Freeman Barry ObItuary December 1972


Iowa City Johnson County Iowa

Manage Jamie Jame Jr Freeman Sandra Je-ui Beach Marriage Record 7 April 1960 Anal Distinct Court of Johnson County
Richard Ronald Nicholson


Susan Jane Randolph Manage Record 17 August 1963

John Randolph Nicholson Birth Certificate Kathryn Leslie Nicholson Birth Certificate Unknown source not found Unknown Source 1406

November 1967 August 1970

David James Winn Birth Record 7 February 1953 Minnesota Department of Health HealMn Index com Ancestry corn Minnesota Birth Inde 1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry 2 January 2005 Index thiness


Health Carol Elizabeth Winn Birth Record 26 October 1957 Minnesota Department of Helth HealAncestry corn 2 January 2005 com Minnesota Birth Index 1935 2005 database online Provo thiness



Virginia Joy Winn Birth Record 25 September 1959 Minnesota Department of Health HealMn com Minnesota Birth Index 1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 2 January 2005 thiness Birth Record 23 January 1964 Minnesota Department of Health Healcom Ancestry corn Minnesota Birth Index 1935 2005 database online Provo U Ancestry 2 January 2005 thiness

Nc Carl Mn Becalm



Virgo C obituary Theft Haule James William Obituary Theft re Haute Tribune Solar Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Star December 1989

Lu dna R Brown L gg Luanda Brow Flirt

I4 1

January 2005

The Lemmons Fame Lemons Fam

HL n Ill mo


County Indiana

Kulpinski Vera F nee Lemmons obituary Greenberg Dally News Greenberg Decatur Kolinskies Vera Greensburg Daily Lemons Greensburg

23 November 2002


Kern Ralph J Jr obituary The Muncie Star Muncie Delaware County Indiana 11 June 1994 page


3 March 1986
Arbaugh Airbag

Vigorously Lagoon
March 1978

Remaking Arthur 0 obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Lego County Indiana ArthurO ArturO Vigorously 31


Remaking Sarah Jones Sally

County Indiana 3 January 1990

obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Lego Thereat

Remaking Allan W obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Lego County IndIana Vigorously


26 December 1975

Charles Burgman obituary Terre Haute Star Terre Haute Lego County Indiana Bergman Houle Thereat Vigorously

Harold Indiana 3 July 2000

Richeson Riches

Works Progress Administration Works Progress Administration Indexes Indiana InteIndexes for Villa rjectors Records 1880 1920 Virgo County Indiana Marriage Records 5 Vigo Manage Lucy Ann Lemmons Birth Record 22 June 1950 Minnesota Department of HealLemons Minnesota Birth Index 1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 1 January 2005 tonne thiness com I

E Countywide ille E Countywide

Lemmons Lemons Jerry Mac obituary

Johnson Patricia A nee Lemmons obituary Few Princeton Udall Clarion Puncheon Panicle Lemons Daily Dall Gibson County Indiana 27 September 1988

4 March 2000


Conner Evansville Vanderburg County Indiana Collier


Lemmons James J obituary Lie Puncheon Doll Clarion Puncheon Gibson County Lemons Princeton Daily IndIana 20 March 1997

Harold balmy Elands llie Courier Press Evansville Vanderburg County obituary lie COlmer



Mary Alice Heller Birth Record 6 July 1971 Minnesota Department of Health MinnesAche Sheller Berth Minnesota Index 1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 1 January 2005 Ancestry I


Penny Mane Heller Birth Record 24 January 1973 Minnesota Department of HealSheller Minnesota Birth Index 1935 2005 database tonne Provo UT Ancestry corn 1 January 2005 online thiness com I
Berth thiness Birth Index

Jr Terry Lee Heller Birth Record 17 May 1974 Minnesota Department of HealSheller
1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn com

January 2005

Loo Luc dna R Brown L gg R- Oman get Brown

14 J anuary J


88 The Commons Fame Iy H story F Th Plano Fam y 0


Sheller Eddie Ray Heller Birth Record 18 February 1976 Minnesota Department of Health HealMinnesota Birth Index 1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 1 January 2005 com tonne thiness

Young Dennis Ohn obItUary Monett Times Monett Barry County Nilsson Monell Monet Bany Mission Dens John

26 January

Lyie Glenn Lyle Beck 8 Mary Eloise Young Manage License 4 November 1964 Circuit Clerk Cleof Chichi rk Ex OfficIO Recorder of Deeds Barry Allen James Regma Kay Young Manage License 19 November 1973 CirCUIt Alien Regal CircClerk and Ex Officio Recorder of Deeds Clerked uital


Lyn Davis Coones Tony Lynn Young Manage License 13 June 1977 Circuit Clerk Cones Tonya Clerand ked Ex Officio Recorder of Deeds

Records H hroots

Linn Regma Indiana BirtOen Mn Regina nee Confluent obItuary Los Angeles Times Owen County Findlay BIrth
11 1I

page 18 Office Offi-

Dame James Freeman 8 Janet Lee Flack Manage License 6 January 1977 ce Clerk of District Court Distinct of


Frenchman Freeman

Iowa nce

7 Anal

Janet Lee nee Faick obituary Independence Bulletin Journal IndependeFalck Independence


Bret David George Michelle Lea Freeman Manage Record 20 September 1983 Distinct Court of Johnson County Calvin Roy Johnson Christine Jane Freeman Manage License 29 January 1988 Chanted Calm Clerk of District Court Linn County Iowa


Michael James Freeman 8 Tammy Lynn Pram M mage Certificate 9 February 1999 Mchael Firm Director of Licensing


SL Richard Leonard Andean 8 Susan Vi Freeman Manage Record 21 May 1985 Distinct Court of Johnson County Iowa City Iowa

Timothy Kenneth Fischer 8 Susan V i Freeman Manage Certificate 17 March 1995 V County Clerk Recorder Clerk of
Chad Lee and Marsha Lisa Fujiwara Freeman Certificate Hoffman 5 September 1992 of Manage Iowa Department Public Health John County Iowa Public Health



Madison Akiko Freeman Birth Certificate Kilo Health

blic ent

30 March 1994 Iowa Department of

19 November 1964

Department DepartmPu-

Kant Elizabeth NIcholson

Lucerne Brown Lingcod Lucinda sandbagged

Birth Certificate

14 January 2005

The lemon Th lommon foam Iy If story Commensally 1

Shredder Levi Jacob Schrader Birth Certificate


9 January 1997

Ronald James Mn Jr Birth Record 5 October 1954 Minnesota Department of Health HealJame Ancestry thiness Birth Index 1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 2 January 2005


Mark Alien HealMarl Allen Mn Birth Record 17 September 1975 Minnesota Department of Health tonne com Minnesota Birth Index 1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 2 January 2005 thiness
Health Andrew John Mn Birth Record 4 March 1985 Minnesota Department of Healcom thiness Birth Index 1935 2005 database online Provo UT Ancestry corn 2 January 2005


Vgo Fluff Danny Joe Jr obituary Terre Haute Tribune Star Terre Haute Vigo County Indiana Puff July 1997

Lu ud R Bro Luc dna Bm


L gigot



January 2005

Fam Iy The Commons ram ly H story


Index lode
JoAnn J osephine 1904 Joseph

Amdahl Adah

Alfreda Alfred 33 Allee Alice 1861 Allison Ann 11 42 Ann 1857 II Anna Babe Barbara Beatrice 1901 Becky Belle E 1901 1995 81 Betty Betly Beulah 0 Bulla Blanche Bonnie Carolyn Catherine 1885 Cathenne 42


Charlotte Carroll

Chins Coos

Lena M 1895 LenaM Lena Lillian Tizzies 1884 Lizzie Lola A Lorraine Florae Mae 42 Marcia Margaret Marguente Marguerite Martha 1858 Mary Mary A Mary Ann 41 Matilda Attila Maxme Maxine May Hazel Melanie Mildred Mae
Emma Mma

73 43

11 II


Debra Dee Edith 9 40 1 2 I Elizabeth 1766 Elizabeth 1908 III Elizabeth K 1910 1993 Elizabeth R 5 Ellen F 1870 33 E sther 1902 1959 97 Ethel 62 Ethel 1887 Fran
Little Homier

Minnie A 1880 36 Nan Nancy 1859 37 Nikkei Nikki Mollie Ollie

Opil Oil

Opal Pearl Pat


Inna Inn
Vain Ival

Helen lola Irene M 1903


Janet Jean Jennie Jennie 1866 Jo


Panicle Petunia L Payne 10 I Rebecca ebecca 4 Rennet Reneta 40 I Rose ose M 1906 1995 RoseM Rosen Rosemary Sallie 8 Sarah 9 39 Ann Seaman Shelby Jean Shelley Sophia Thelma 42 Helm ThelmaO 1909 USDA 1886 Uda




B T Luc dna R Brown Lagging


January 2005

Tho Lemmons F The Lemons F an Iy

mo L

Location Victoria

Wanted 1908
WWII B 1888
VICkIe VICkI AbercrombIe Aberrance David 1947 Marcy Lean 1972 Leann Michael Harrison 1974 Hamson Auckland Ackland Auckland BooneI ou 1927 Bone Oren



Josephine Joseph Arbaugh Airbag Arthur Jr 1919 Arthur L 1896 1967 Mauna Audna C 1900 Mauna Billy Bergman 1920 1920 Buena V 1908 1976 BuenaV Buena 8 Bergman Charles Burgman 1938 1975 Bergman Charles Burgman Jr Chris


Acuff Cuff
Dakota James 1991 Damel Daniel Ray 1968 Evan L 1996 Evan Adair

Judith 45 AddIson Addison Sues Kathellen Kathleen Askers Akers Elizabeth Ann 1984 habit Randy Randy 1983 Alexander Alexander Beverly 1928 1999 Allen Barbara Jean 1933 Cassandra Colleen 2002 Rehabber Elizabeth 13 7 Harold Patrick Michael 1915 1997 Planck WIlham William Emerson 1964 Anderson Anderson Charles I



Ellen 1951 Applegate Appellate Benjamin 1923 1993 Buena Beverly Watson 1890 Mildred B 1918 Aragon on Araon
Loo Luc dna R Grown L Broo


Eleanor Elenora Harvey B 1867 1919 51 Jack Sidney 1922 1923 Janet K Janet Karen A Malverne Martha Marlene 1915 2000 Mary Madame 1918 Mary Maxme 1918 Maxim OrvIlle 1909 1988 Paul B 1902 1960 PaulB Paul Perry Russell Wayne 1923 1960 Wallace 1917 1992 Parboiled Arboleda ParboiledJimmied Henry Jimmie 1957 Henry L Jessica Mane 1981 NIcole Rebecca 1978 Archer Archer Julia Juha Arendts Barents Barents Marie 1981 Cheryl Mane Jennifer Lynn 1983 Logan Paul 1989 Manan Mann Ann 1948 Paul 1975 Stanley Carl 1951 Stephen Paul 1949 Susan kay 1947 Arnold Arnold D 1910 1985 Eureka Eureka D Jr Everett 1908 1957 Delia Francis Della
14 January 2005 0

get gds

The Commons rom Jy H sorry mm Fam Iy II

1904 1984 George B George 1883 1962 44 Georgia 1920 Helen L 1919 Man L 1883 1950 45 MaryL 1916 AryL Nancy Lee 1881 1944 44

Gannett Gamett

Bachar Bach Backhander


Beryl Bailey BaileyBailey Boyd

Ralph A WIlham William Arthur Bradford 50 Ella Catherine 1878 1935 51 Cathenne Gyneth 1922 1983 Gannet Lavern Laver 13 8 Mary Magdeline 1876 1943 51 Madeline


Carter 1969 Courtney 1995 David Gage R 2003 Hayden K 2001 Hayden Mackenzie Nikkei Nikki Tyler Tier Baker

Wilma 1918 Ashby Ashy

J Annanda Canada

Mildred BernIce 1910 1966 Bemire 1910 Thomas J 1849 1911 13 50 51 Thomas L 1912 WIlham William H 1872 1947 51

Balm Blamable



Rehabber Elizabeth Ann 1861 1903 35 Immense 1859 33 Hazel R 1898 John Albert 1870 1945 35 John Washington 1832 1917 7 34 35 Martha 1855 33 Mary 1867 1916 35 Pearl L 1897 11 7 Rebecca Josephine 1860 1920 35 Joseph Ruby L 1900 1989 RubyL Ruby Sarah 1866 1912 35 Asher Shrilling Dillon Donald A 1917 Glen M 1914 Glenn I 17 Warren 0 1885 Ayers Ayers Ann Louise


Benjamin 7 33 BenJamm Charles Edward 1873 1943 35

Alien Allen Michael 1969 Amy Renee 1975 Rene Andrea MIchele 1977 Bryce Allen 1995 Alien David 1950
RUle Ruie

Anther Banterer
Banyans Banyas

EdnaM 1896


Barbara 1934 2002 George George Jr 1897 1942 Madonna Lame 1925 1984

Pauline Esther 1927 2000 Paine Barbell Barfell Barbell Ken Barker Barker Kenneth Mark Marl Lee 1950 Neil Nell 1980 Raman Nicole 1975 Rama Bames Banes Balmiest Ethel Roberta 1889 1965


Prenatal Renatta

John W 1827 JohnW Noah 1854 1923 30

14 January 2005


Luc dna Brow L gigot lu oda R B gds


The Lemons Fame Iy Th Lemmons Fam ly H slimy moo F

Barrette Barrett

Alexander Lowell 1990 Cassandra Lynn 1986 Linn Cody Joe 1960 Harold B 1958 Harold Lee Lamasery Lee Parrot 1984 Parrott 1984 William Wilham Joseph Parrot 1981 Parrott BaTTle Barracked Battened Edgar 1929 Batchman Bachman Antechamber Bachman Bernard Elmo 1915 2001 Eimo Elided Eldred Neal 1916 1916 Elmo Year 1887 1957 Emil Wendell 1918 1935 Frank N Kenneth Leo 1911 1990 Leona Lee Ruth 1922 2004 Mildred Lucille 1913 1997 Shelley Ann 1929 1982 Bates Bates Jo Peggy Bauer Bauer A CeciliaA CeciliA Cecil

Becker Becker Leo Albert 1893 1971 Edna Mae 1898 1985 Esta Etta Leona 1896 1979
Johanna Joseph Johann


39 12

Mart V
Robert Gale 1928 Bayless Payless Balefire Israel Perry 45 srael Mary Elizabeth 1856 1897 12 45 46 Rehabber Beach Beachcomber Robert Sandra Jean 1939 Beam Brahmans James Beard Beards J Sarah 64 Bechtold Behold Beholder Robert 1977 Beck Becker Erstin Henry ERs Glen Alden 1974 AIden Glenn Lyle 1946 1 Rachael Annette 1969 3 I Rebecca Ann 1967
Cu dna R Brown L gigot Luc Bowen C


Joseph Frederick 1884 1951 Foredeck Lewis Lowell 1894 1973 Mable Able Mary 1889 1981 12 MatIlda 1891 1911 Attila Nannies 1887 1962 Nannie WIlham William 1887 Bed elell ectively Hope Randell 1913 Ethelyn Randall Ethel Beem Been Margaret A Belo beer Bel ber Augustine Augustive Betty Jean 1930 1994 Bell Ballooned Bone Sue 1980 Craig 1952 Rehabber Elizabeth Jane 1981 Evelyn 1926 Flora Grover M 1892 1976 48 Grover Mary E MaryE MarE Ruby L 1915 RubyL Ruby WIlham William 1919 Bendas Bends Christine Chanted 1952 Mike Beneficed Benefield Beneficed Alan Eugene 1956 Eugene Vernon 1931 1980 Vemon 1931 Pamela Jean 1954 Volatility Virgil Benson Benson Gray 1989 Cassidy Lois Eleanor Prater 1991 Robert Scott 1961 Bergman Bergman Charles Dorothea Teddy M 1938 Dorthea





Th Fam Idyll The Lennon rom ly H sorry


Rebecca 1988 32 Robert T RobertT 1942 RoberT Russell Theodore 1904 1999 96 Rusty 1904 1999 Samantha Bests Bess Cesarean Aaron G Sharon G 1942 SaronG Best Bestiary Jayme Lynn 1980 James Jeffrey L 1950 38 JIll Lynde 1975 Lynda Joel Lynn 1977

Boatman Boatman Gordon Bolen Bole Colton Bolton

Ma etta Maetta Mata



Mary 70 Bond Condone Lonne 1958 Lone Borden Borden Bruce Rex David Wayne George Wayne Bonnan Bona Nannies Nannie


Beyers Beers


Rachel 1838
Haddock 13 Backfired Bickford

5 13 14

Bo A Odeon John

Minnie Luella 1894 Berserker BIesecker

Briggs BIggs

Lucy 1894 1957 61 Ween Broomball ndell 98 Bell

en Bo


Frances J Bishop BIschoff Lena R LenaR 1876 1959 21 92 LeaR BIshop Bishop Joann Frances Bjork Bourke Bourdons Dons Blackly Blakely Blanton Baton Latrobe J Betty 1926
Mueller meller

smeller Mark 1971 Noah R 1999 Noah Steven

meth met BlethBleth

Block mock Blockage mockery Gerry Geny Susan Kay 1961 Blythe Blithe


Wilma Bowman Bowman 39 John Henry 1868 Sadie Florence 1892 1981 61 J William Boydston Boynton Martha Bradley Bradley Harvey 1888 Maude 1891 Neva 1892 Eva Walter William 1905 WIlham 21 WIlham William W 39 Bradshaw David Joseph 1980 David Joseph Jr 2004 Taylor Elizabeth 2001 Rehabber Brandon Branson Brandon A 63 Elva 63 Eva P 1890 Freddie F 1893 63 Nellie A 1887 63 13 63 WIlham William H 1860





L grit Luc odaR B rown Cogged dna R daR

14 Jimmy 2005 January

Tho summon Fm Iy II The Lemmons Fam ly H lorry

Brattain Britain

Bryum Brume 30

Actual Acton
Margaret Brees Rees Besoms Amos 90 Geraldine May 1913 2002 90
Bandages Budgetary

Bought Margaret Bushel Buhl Ebullience Florence Bullard Ballard

Burley Burnett Barnett Burton Burton Louis Benedict Mary Ann Bush Rosemary 1923 Bussler Tussle Jack Irma 1921 1961 Irwin Jacquelyn Lee 1953 Janice Lynn 1946 John E JohnE John Lara Jo 1957 Leslie Susan Leshe 1953 Butcher Butcher Aaron 67 67 Mary Anna 1902

Mary Stephens 76 Brock Rockrose Rodney 1966 Tyler Tylar Joe Seth 1993 Brothers Brothers Glenn Brown Bronchia Charles Chares David Michael 1974 Charles Noah 1914 2000 Charles Sells 1858 1923 Christine Douglas Rehabber Elizabeth Ellen Louise 1970 Enc 1950 Ethyl Lva Cornelia Eva Cometh Hannah Mane 1988 Harry Logan 1882 1964 Helen Roberta 1940 James A Jessie 1922 1995 Joyce Ann 1938 Lelah 1937 Leah Margaret Michael Charles 1944 Rebecca Rebecca Irishman 1916 2000 Lillian Spencer Franklin 1991 Frank Stacie Lynn 1972 Browning Browning Harriett Ann 49 Harnett Bryant Bryant Alien Allen Paul 1961 Jonathan Allen 1980 Alien Paul Granville 1927 1995 59 Peggy Arlene 1951 Ariene
y L


Butte Charles

Helen 1919 Bye Belie 1925 Alice


homes 1924 Mary Jane 1926 Milton 1922 97 Ole E 1897 OleE LeE

Robert 1920 Cleanse Calease Cleanse W Leland Leland Teresa Lee 1968 Campbell Campbell Curtis Dorothy Kathryn 1910 1966 98 Susan 1836 1903 5 14 19 Canady Candy Cand14 J anuary 2005



Tho The

ychnine 3 5 Hannah Centrally Cantrell Chanterelle Eva Christine e Carnahan Canaan



rom ly II ory Fain Iy H story str-


LoisA 1921 1980 LisA

Carr Carbondale Brenda Joyce Dennis Ray Dens Dewey F t 1912 Petunia Ann 1965 Panicle Tina Tl a Mane 1967 Carter Lillian May 1861 1893 Nellie Casey Malinda Molina 47 Margaret 1822 1897 5 9 10 William H 1796 9 Cearley Clearly Caroled David Joseph 1963 McKenzie Mane 1996 Centers Centers Kay Pamela 1948 Chamberlain Harriet Hamet Chandler


Timothy nation eth Cheno Beth Chen enAngelIne Zenobia 1930 Angelina Zambia tangling Ira 1884 Cherry Benjamin F 1873 32 Chesek Cheek Chelsea Jerome 1958 8 Anthony David Anthony 1993 Frank J Jennifer Frances 1983 William Jerome 1991 Childless Childress


Chastener Chastener K Cheney

Clam Clem Ceros May Rosa 1900 1984 Clock Clocked Edward Jr Ernest Edward Ernest Edward III 1946 James Lyle 1946 Lyie Linda Ann 1940 Ll da Clohessey Cloches Cloches Mary E Claw Lawrence Frances A Julia Lucida 1877 1941 35 Luc da 1877 Cobble Cobble D Harry HanDy 1902 1971 Harry D Jr 1923 S Belle 1928 Cockrum Cocker Virgil C Cape Cae Cartwheel Ethel Cole Cleanlier Alice 1877 32 Virginia Virgil Clabbered Coleberd Clabbered James Jill Leann 1969 Lean Rebecca June 1971 Coleman Coleman James

1911 1991

Cheryl A Judy 1941 Lindsay Ll say William Chantey Chaney Chantey Jimmy Chapman Chapman Fern



19 70 73

Robert 70 Chappel Chapel Chapel Thelma Helm Thelma Helm Chanton Canton Chatoyant Anthony Franklin 1918 1990 Frank Antoinette Santo ette Antol Pete Mane 1939 Baby Boy 1948 Josephy Joseph H Joseph Chasten Chatten CateLucinda B gds lu m R 0 rown L grit

14 January 2005 J 5

Fame Th Lemons F am Ily II story The mm 00

Colher Collier Cohere Collier M 1888 Bertha 48 Hamilton C 1857 1949 12 47 James W 47 Martha W 1896 1980 48 48 T M 1888 Tsai Ellen 1892 1975 48 48 Wetland L 1890 William

Maud 1876
Nathan 1843 1866 8 8 Paul 1845 8 Sarah 1832 Sarah 1878 38 Thomas 1806 4 8 Thomas 1854 37 Thomas M 1848 1904 8 37 38 38 Victor H 1879 8 Location 1854 Victoria 8 William 1836 Wilham William T 1855 Wilham 37 Cother Other Cathedral Carl Peggy Piggy J 1940 Cottom Cotton Cotton Lt-lah Eva Couch Couched Dewey Jeremy Mathew 1976 Leaned Mesa Leanne 1979 Steven 1951 Cox Coda 64 David Ida Sarah 1872 1935 14 64 65 Mary Ann 1872 1959 39 Weldon Craft

Calms Calms M ItlIe Istle Mattie

Combers Combes Combers


Frank Ruby 1910 1985 Conner Coveralls Damelle Allyson Danielle 1996 Allison Jay Jonathan Douglas 1968 Gonzales Convalesce Kay Debra hay Murray 1955 Coombs Combs Cooms Coons Comma Matilda Attila Coones Cones Condescended Ene Enc Lee 1981 Eugene D Juha Julia Ann 1984 Lyle DavIs 1957 Cornell Cordell Cordillera Heather 1971 Corder Order Corcoran Anna 1879


AnneE 1851 Anne

8 Caroline 1849 8 Catherine 1849 Cathenne 38 Catherine 1869 38 Cora 1866 8 Rehabber Elizabeth 1838

Freddy Robin CraIg Craig Dixie 1944 Sidney Crammer Cramer Alma 73 Craven Creek Creek Joann Scrimshaw Crenshaw Scrimshaw Cal Doyle 1993 Carver Scott 1995

Fame 1881 1968

George A 1858 1939 37 Ida Belle 1862 1914 37 8 James 1847 8 37 John 1829 6 37 Laura 37 Lee H 1866 Leech LeeH 38 Louella 1871 Luella

Gregory Merit Carson 1991 Ment

L dna Brown l uc nd R Bro n L gel I

January JonO

The Lommon Fam Iy Th Lemmons rom ty H s my oily


Caressed Wendy Crocker Cross


mcees Cress oices

Angle port Lynn 1963

Came Mae

Crossley Crossly Crossly

Nellie E Betty Jo Beadles 1927 Belly Charles H

Crone Croe

George M 1875 1880 43 John B 1848 1935 11 43 JohnB II John John C 1910 JohnC John Martha T 43 Thomas Jackson 1880 43

Arthur Arlene 1943 Airlee Ashley Lynn 1986 Chelsey Lynn 1991 Chelsea Comedy Jo 1967 Clara Ellen Mogen Lemons 1924 Imogene Lemmons 59 Kerry Ken 1962 Shawn Arthur 1965 DavIdson Davidson Barry Neal 1972 Patrick Paul 1964 Planck
Paul 1934 DavIes Davies


Christopher Joe Dana Gray 1960 Jack Prater 1934 1994 Jack Jac Edwin Joe Edam Curry Currants Nancy 7 Agness Agnes Cluster Custer Clustered George Washington Chessman 37 Location 1837 Victoria 8 37 Dachtera Yachter Ambrose Mary C 1942 MaryC Marcy Defiler Laura 1964 Thomas Damel Dame Dandelions Joseph Verbal Damsels Damels Damsels John John D JohnD 1861 44 John Nettie Nettle 1874 24 97 Rosa Lee 1921 Darwin Definition Iliad Mae 1922 Ilia Sheerwood Sherwood Joseph Damsel Dashel

DavIs Davis Jane Mary Mavis 1888 1951 Avis Raymond Sandra Jean Dawson Dawson Glean Barbara Gean 1957


Dreams Robert R Dean Exanthema Thelma Mae Helmsmen Helm Dearman Derma Dreamland Dana 1953 DeBrock Defrock Defrock Judy 1949 DeBus Deus Lynne MIchele 1964 Michael 1943 1968 Defendable Deffendall Gilbert Kelly 1967 Kern 1971 MIchael S Michaels 1946 Michael Michael MichaelS Mchael S Jr 1976 Michael
Etta Ella Duenna Dena Deacons Berman Constance Denny Deny Demandable Darlene 1957

f Davenport DavenLuc dna R Brown L got gigot



January 2005

Fam ly The Lemmons Fame Iy H lorry

Cynthia Ann 1953 1973

Suzanne Ellen Duvall Devall Declinational Indiana 1827
6 26


Bertha May 1880 1913 Godson Dodson Richard Sharon kay 1941 Doke Doe Clifford Huron 1894 1962 Clyde 1925 Lye Cora Agnes 1904 1929 Fred 1918


Doner Doer
Fern Donovan
Downward Downard
Ivan Iva

Paula Louise 1948 Dunlop Dunlap 69 Surrey Durey Unrecalled 26 Charles A 1845 6 26 WIlham William 1823 Durra Durr Directory Corey Gregory 1980 Lacey Jane 1985 Wayne 1954 Dutton Dutton Brooke Tamara Amara Jeffrey Lane Storm Bryant Wagon Eagon Emma Isabel 1875 1953 82 83 86 87 George 1848 82 Earle Earl Arlene 32 Eh Mae 1871 John R 1870 1931 44 JohnR John East Easters CIde Jr Herschel Chide Joseph DeWayne 1964 Deanne 1964



Samantha 1995

Georgia Lee Mildred Urethra Duenna Retha Downier Downie Downier Bert MelIssa A 1973 MelissA


Easterly Easterly Harry D 1859 Infant 1889


Opercula Perceivable 1891

Christopher Robert 1989 Daniel Clifton 1980 Richard Anthony 1986 Robert Anthony Duke Thelma Helm Lucille Dunbar Unbar Unbars SMa Margaret 1953 Sara Duncan Duncan Phyllis Dungan Duncan
C geet Coo Luc dna R B own L get ct

Eaton Charlotte Becker Eckerd Dorothy 1911 Edv-mW Edam W 1915 1970 John W JohnW Mary 1913 WIlham William A 1884 1967 24 Informed Winifred 1912 Edmonton Edmonson Demonolatries 65 James 1897 Ares

mW John

Max 1923 ards Ed bards

Arm 1927

Marl D 1951 Mark

WIlham William D Ides Ide



00 Th The

Lorraine A Florae Ellis Elise Wayne 1959 Eddie Dwayne James Sabena Dawn Heath 1989 DaMl BellSouth Ellsworth Abeyance Beatrice Emerson Emerson Ruth Wilson Genes Ennes Denned Dora 1894 1976 78 Terry Miles Teny 1859 1932

Legions Foam Iy I story mm Fam ly HI tory

Fencl Fend

Enema Rose Emma


1996 Grace Elizabeth 2000 Rehabber


Epperson Lepers Depersonalize A B Harley 1902 Georgia Arley 1902 1962

Tonya Renee 1968 Tony

Lillian Claire 2003 Thomas Michael 1966 Field Rehabber Elizabeth 62 Fields Clarence Otto 1890 1949 Eddie James 1952 Frances Louise 1931 Freddie Lee 1952 Freddy Doyle 1934 Jacob Rosemary Jane 1939 Shirley Ann 1936 Teddies Gene 1962 Teddie


Derv Permutes

Virginal Virginia May 1942 Fischer Fischer Timothy 2000 Bennett Fred 1896 1970 Kenneth Lloyd Timothy henneth 1956 Kenneth Fished Fishel Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Mary Jenny 65 Flanders Flemmons Lemons Lemons Coy Louise 1923 Floury Flory Marcella Marcia Philip Lemmons 1938 27 Lemons Robert Roland Foland Flanger S George 1855 1947 93 GeorgeS Hametta Hamlet Frances 1880 1939 21 93 Fools Fools Richard Glen 1926 Israel H Folsom Austin Faust
14 JM January 2

Curtis 65 65 Herbert L 1916 Evans Evanston Ronald livens Hope S 1904 1988 97 HopeS James


Eden Elizabeth 1993 Rehabber Jordan Alexander 1987 Maddened Clair Madeline Noah Benjamin 1996 BenJamm Ronald Harry 1956 Hoity

fame fam


James Wesley 1959 krystal crystal Ken 1982 Sean MItchell 1985 1986 Fair Airliner Eleanor Falck Falk Flickertail Gerald Leonard Janet Lee 1953 2001 Falls Farley Fairly Margaret
U d luc dna R
Lingcod Brown loU

Tho Lemmons Fame Ity H story The Lo Lemons Fam II 0 boom


Bryce Richard Orkney Forney Foreseen Sherry Lee Sheen Fort Foredeck Dick Foster Fosterage Janet E 1942 Vernon W Vermont Fouled Foulke Homer 1890 1984 Fowler Fowled Jean Donna 1958 Elmer Fox Oxon Prenatal Dons Renata

Warren Edgar 1942 Wan 11 Warren Edgar II 1963 Wan FrancIs Franchise Eunice 1806 3 5 Mary A 63 Angela Damelle 1993 Danielle Emily Talon 1991 Jeffrey Lynn 1960 1960 Rex Samantha Bryce 1987 Franz Frazo
Retrenches DesIree Lyn 1956 Gregory Alex 1952 Lex

Frank Ranchman

foxworthy floweret Andrew R 1980 Ashley R 2000 AshIeR Barbara Jean 1933


1995 1972 Catherine J 1986 Cathenne Charles A 1983 Cody R 2001 Cody Conme Connie Jean 1966 Courtney 1989 Douglas Alan 1955 Edward 1878 1974 61 Emily Larren 1996 Lauren Forest Edgar 1903 1981 54 Herbert Harold 1910 1999 54 Herbert Harold Jr 1930 Joshua G 1995 Joy Maxme 1925 1982 Maxim Karen Jean 1958 Mark A 1965 Neal Edward 1938 8 Opal Ethel 1914 1992 Rebecca 1995
Shirley Taylor A 1994 Taylor Thomas Zebedee Ebbed

Nana Brook H

Harold Ralph 1951 Joshua 1978 Ralph Franz 1928 Randy 1953

Rednecks Foredeck Comedy

Debbie JackIe Kate Max Freed Handstand Constant D 1992 John E JohnE 1964 John Robert


freeman freemanWilliam Barry WIlham

1950 1972

S TImothy 1965

Todd Warren 1063 Vanessa L 1977 Vanessa

L uc dna R Brown I- igel L m N gel

Beth Detty Betty Louise 1926 1926 Brooke Alta 2002 Aleta Camden James 2000 Caden Chad Lee 1967 Chanted Jane 1963 Clayton Scott 1992 Daniel James 1954 Gage Lee 2003 Gary Lee 1941 Jacob Faick 1992 Falck John Robert 1952 Lauren 1989 Madison Akiko 1994 Kilo 1994
14 J

I ot



Michael James 1965 Michelle Lea 1961 Nathan De Brock 1987

Sarah J 1884 1926 24 98 Gamo Gao Gambols Elsie

RJ 1901 1980 Ralph James 1901 1980

Ralph James Jr 1932 Rebecca Jean 1958 Robert Emerson 1928 Roscoe DWIght 1875 1941 Scott Gary 1964 Susan V i 1963 Taylor Kay 1990 Neck Roscoe H Rosalyn Anne 1955 Roslyn Fence

Michele Galloway Gallows Charles 1921 Charles E Gann Ann Grammar Mary Wilma 1921 Garas Gars Greased Emily Emdy Alien Gullet Allen Hulett 1927 Laura Ross Allen 1899 Alien Gauper Gaper Gaper Faye 1942 Nancy Fae Ronald L Gee Greenbrier BernIce Bemire Irene 1910 1993 Dorothy M 1913 Florence Ida 1884 1912 George Warren 1892 1947 John H JohnH 1881 John Lee H Leech LeeH 1914 Lee Jr Leer Manson Ponce 1896 1925 Manon Mary Belle 1910 Nettle Nettie L 1877 1916 Robert Manson 1916 1917 Manon Robert Montgomery 1860 1931 WIlham William Robert 1887 1949

GOIter Geothermic

Arson Arsenal

1172 Fryer

Fryer 1898 Mildred Mldred

Marsha 1964

1968 48

7 1

Fuller Fullerton John 74

Avian Man
Fulton Clarence Ray 1903 1988 Gregory Malcolm 1951 1972 Malcolm Ray 1925 Melanie Melissa Mesa



1926 1976
Nancy Lee Ned E 1932 1994 Nixie Teresa Jane 1956 Thomas George 1928 Timothy Valence Valene Fuqua Fuqua Joe Anna Gamey Gamy Gamely Frank 98
Lu dna R Brown L gg Luanda n grid

Velma Vela George George Bret David 1960 Medusa Mane 1985 Marlin March GIbbs Gobs Gibson Enc Mason 2000 GIbson Gibson Elizabeth 94 Lovica Rehabber Lola

Zachary Jacob Zachery Paul 1993

Tho Limon Fain ly H story SO The Lommon r Iy II


Jay Russell Kemp Aaron Josiah 1997 Kevin Sophia Elizabeth 1999 Rehabber GIlbert C L 1995 Carson Tyler 1995 Hadley Haley 2003 Shelby NIcole 1990

Tama Tania Belle 1968 Gregory Gregor Gregorian Frank


Brenda Kaye 1959 Aye Charles L



Dora Jean GIpson Gibson Dipsomania Dennis Ennis Mary Julme 1922 1970 Juhne 1922 Gorton GIrton Mahwah 96 Mahalia Gleason Lesson Lesson Hazel 1 1913 HazelE Hazel MInnIe A 1915 Raymond C 1888 Ramond Godard Gouda Sherman Leslie 1892 1991 Henna Leshe Gomes Goms

1979 73
Gnomes David Gander Hilda M 1916 1997 Zion Guardia Guerda Yvonne Bolivia Undersign Gunderson


Good Boodle Alien Allen Thomas Madison Ann 1989 Ronald Gore Gordon John 1851 1899 38 Gloss Goss Governor Gosvener Clarence Scottie Ann 1955 Scathe Graham James dark Clark Grapnel Grannell Franklin Frank Graves Gravestone Ollena Pollen Gray Grahams James Michael 1939 John W JohnW


Gustavson Dennis Don Haggle Hagele Haggled Adam A 1996 Andrew J 37 John E 1965 JohnE John Matthew L 1993 Hahn Rehabber Elizabeth 30 Hale Haled A David Dianne Robbed Robbie Robert William 1925 1986 WIlham Tamara William WIlham W Hall Fallacy Nancy Elizabeth 1836 1919 9 38 Rehabber
SqUIre 1822 miscHall smirk mirk


1972 53




reant Ray 1947 Brent Charles E 1918 1988 1 Dorothy Jean 1928 1930 Grace Mane 1916 1997

LoRd ao


Limy Imy 2005

Lee 1946 Ivan May 1921 Iva James Everett 1950 1 James T Leshe Leslie Gene 1962 1989 Loretta LOIs Robert H 1878 1943 24 Halterman Alderman Halterman Alderman

L ory Ho ell

mon Fam y II story st1

Fame Iy F


John 27 Tsar Gaye 1964 Lisa Gayle 1964 Nicole Leigh 1967 Hardwood Harwood Hardwood Andrew 1988 Robert Robert Jr 1987
Roy Hawkins Hawkins Ann Allyson Allison 1964 Barbara Colleen 1926 Charles Charles 1902 1968 William Wilham 1927 Hay Aryan Jane 58 Hayden Hayden Rose Mane Hayes Hayes Helen Margaret Mla Nichol Rita RIta Head Headachy Nancy E Heck Norma Nonna

Hamblen Shamble Shamble Jason M 1991 Jay Zachary 1993 Hammer Hamer Hammerhead Rehabber Elizabeth
HamIlton Hamilton WIlham William Hanes Hane Handcar 52 Carohne Caroline Hankey Hanky WIlham Cato William Caton Hoarding Hardin



Harley Matilda 98 Attila Harper Harper Juha Julia Beth 1940 Samuel



Anna Belle 98 Beth Mae Bertha Jack Jack 1946 James A 1900 Mlles Miles Sarah E 1855 1933 93 Harrods Harrod Aerodrome Irene Mann Manan Hart
Charter Harter

Hams Hashanah

Austin Lane 1995 Ronald Harold Wyatt Reed 1997 Hedges Edgeless Jessie Helen Headland Hedlund Redundant Jane Mane


Albert F 1906 Betty Jean 1930 Shellback Helbacka Shellback Debra E 1969 DebraE Debra Melvin Sheller Heller Hollered Eddie Frey 1976 Rey 1976 Mary Alice 1971 Ache Penny Mane 1973 Terry Lee

Frances Augusta 1903 1977 94 Joe 29 Hartley Hartley Charles L 1939 Cynthia Star 1962
Luc dna R B own L




Th Plano F am ly H ory The Lemmons Fame Iy 1 story Lemons

Terry Lee Jr 1974 Hemstitcher Helmstetter Cora 66 Helmsman Hammed Armada

Headland Healable Leila S LeIlaS 1963 LeIla


Nasal 1925

lend Donald

Ramsey 1962


Donald 1923 1970 Donna Lee Dustin Dust Jennifer Kenneth henneth Rita Rose Thelma Pauline 1931 Helm

Charles George H 62 Helen Nuance 1902 Maunce 1902 Handsaw Henshaw George W 1839 25 James P 1844 25 25 Louisa 1840 Martha J 25 Nancy E 1846 25 25 Philip 1850 25 Roma 1840 6 25 William 1818 Herron Heron Chronicler Albert Elbert Leroy Deliberate Margaret Hewitt Hewitt Ethel 1883 John Laurena Lauren 1874

James Douglas John Kylie 1847 1915 35 Wylie Manses Louise 1980 Unreel Lean Munel Leann Phlegm Christopher Paul 1971 Daniel Ryan 1997 1997 Dennis Lance 1960 Dennis Max Denims 1941 Dennis William 2001 Dens Drew Kyle 1996 Frederick Fredenc Otis 1917 1973 Haley Lauren 1988 Hunter Mchael 1993 Michael Jerry Jeny Lee 1936 Jerry Lee Jr 1957 Joseph Enc 1967 nc 1967 Joyce 1939 Joye Kyle Roy 1962 Michelle 1961 Taylor Roy 1993 Hilbert Hilbert Phyllis



Homes Memory

Mary Virginia 1936 Mason Masonries Rebar Reba


Elizabeth Rosanna 37 Hosanna Hobbs Hobson Anna Scott Hoyden Hodgen Hogged Dana 1959 Darrel Dare Godson Hodson halls MIChelle Lynn 1974 Richard Hoffman Elva 1899 Eva Frances James Oliver P Hogard Hoard Haggardness Melissa Leigh 1975 Hague Hogue

64 Wi WIllard 1924 Millard



William 1851 1913 25 WIlma 1919


Connor Conor James

Gloria Jean 1948 Glona

Luc dna clod R lod
Oreo Oro Broun Braun


L gg gds

Lemmons F am ly H story The Lomm Th Loom Lemons Fame Iy II

Frankie Hollen Hole Hollander Ervin Erin George Orville 1925 1960 1925 Hillman Holman Alfred Holmes Holmes Luther 48 Opal Honey Moneyman Emma Jane Hook Hook E Clara 1875 21 Horn Hornblende Laune Lane Choral Horral Chorale Ezra May Hosier Hoosier Fred 6
Becky Brad George Raleigh Kaleigh Rachel Houdeshell Hodges Charles R 1931 Houston Houston Louise E 1890 49 Huang Hang Hangtag Maggie Rhubarb Hubbard Waneta Wane 1988 Huddle Huddle 24 Alfonso Alonzo Hudspeth Hundredth Eva Maxim 1908 1986 Maxme

Hummel Hume Chummily

Layman Leo Lyman Cleo



Sam Thomas 1949 Shunpike HunsIcker Nina Ma Hunt Hundredth Dorothy L 1918 John A 1912




Miles Fletcher FIetcher Neva Pauline 1908 1991 Eva Paine Hughbanks Hunchbacks Hulfachor Unlatch


Hull L

Clara Jean 1946 Hull 42

Luanda R Brown L mgt

Margaret Hyatt Hyatt Jacob Christopher 1983 Joy Kathleen 1979 Matthew Mchael 1975 Michael Michael 1953 Raymond C Irwin Irwin Bill JablonskI Abalones Jarrod Thomas 1997 Jarred Marla Frances Maria Fences 1992 Samuel Thomas 1993 Thomas Steven 1962 1962 Jackson Jackson Norma James Jamestown JamesSon Son 1909 Parma M 1904 Arma AnnaM Anna Ashley kay 1985 Alva A Ava AaA Berryman 98 Ferryman Betty Mae Bobby Allen 1954 Alien Bobby Hilton Cynthia Lynn Edward E Ezra Belle 1898 1991


Hurst Furtherance BernIce S 1900 Bemires George W 1893 June 1925 Myrtle W 1899 Walter F 1897 WalterF Walter WIlham William 1868



14 January 2005

y 1 story Th lommon F ain Iy H tory The


S Fredericks 1913 Fredenc George 1917

Jett Jell Jetted Judy


Ferryman George Berryman 1906 2003

George Harry 1871 1937 24 98 99

Cynthia A Howard Johnson

GraceM Grace M 1900 1973 Grace 1912 Gwendolyn Kathryn 1912 1990


Harold V 1908 Harry Leo 1903 1969 Heather Dawn 1975 hah May 1910 1983 James Jamesf 1918 James Jennifer John B 1899 JohnB John Josephine L 1913 Joseph Kern Lynn 1977 Larry

PhyllisA Phyllis

Alexis Celeste 1991 Amy Anna Amelia Ameba Beverly Calvin Calm Roy 1960 Cathy 1958 Chelsea Jean 1989 Christi Lee 1982 Chant Massy Daisy

Margate 0 1910 Margate Mary Edith 1907 1992

Vemon Park Vernon 1875 1922 24 Richard L Robert L 1906 S dle Elizabeth 1988 idie W Trodden Roderick Walter K 1905 William C 1928 1989 Wilham Wilham William J 1902


hones M adonna onna Donna M nate

Jansen Jansen Jordan Taylor 1996 Arbor Jarbo Gertrude John W 1909 1995 JohnW Arbores Jarboe Wilham William Wilham William 1878 1929 24

Jonathan Wilham William D 1906 Kathleen

1907 1990


Luc dna Bron gel too nd R Brown L goal

Emily Jennifer Lynn 1978 Lauren Freeman 1993 Leslie LeRoy 1954 Leshe Lisa LouAnn Joel Raymond Juel 1932 1999 Ruth Tammy 1962 Wesley Wayne 1985 Johnston Johnston 37 Elmore 1876 Elmo 37 George W 1872 37 James W 1873 Jerry Lee 1978 Jesse 1850 1902 7 36 37 Larry 1951 Larry Gene 1978 LUIs R 1879 37 LUIS 37 Rachel M 1877 Shelly Jean 1976 Wilham Clinton Lemmons William Colton Lemons 1926 1998 59 Wilham William Lee 1962 Jones T 4 1790 40 Milldam Jane 1880 Amilda Bob 40 Clyde Lye Edmund 1884



January 2005

Tho Lemons Tarn ly The Lemmons rom Iy H sixty Plano

Debra Sue 8 Dora May 40 comma Myrtle 1892 mma 92 40 Everett Francis 1894 94 40 eorge George William 1880 George WIlham 40 Joseph H




Just 1989

Katherine L 1886 Katherine Mary Etta 1875 Oscar

40 40

PaulO 1920 1999

Roberta Faye 1930 1930 Sarah 1908 1989 Wayne WIlham William Perry 9 40
L Zola

Charles Keelhauled Alexander Gene 1995 Billy Gene 1965 Wayne Earl Kern Kernel Alex 2001 Barry 1965 Beth R 1972 Beth

hellow hello hollowware

Rose Keithly Keith Jacket 1944

1917 1993

Nice 1968

1884 1964

Jordan Jordanian William Anthony WIlham 1977

Crystalline Paige Mage

Jane 1973

David Bryan 1964 Don Phillip 1939 Penn 1972 Enn


Jordan Briggs Biggs Briggs L 1874 Mary MaryL AryL


J ordains ordains

LeAnn 1973 LeAn Patrick 1999 Panic1999 Paul Myron 1934 Ralph Jenkins Jr 1926 1994


Judah Judah Edith Jump Robert T Juarez Jurek Jerkin Jim

Ralph Jennings Sr 1898 1966

Roger Lee 1942 Samuel H Kennedy hennedy hennaed Austin Faust James 1993 Carolyn Jean Chefs Nicole 1995 Elijah Moore 1874 1955 44 Rehabber Elizabeth P 1888 1985 45 Ella P 1879 44 Ella George W 1890 45 Children 1920 1944 HIldreth Hugh Arthur Ida Hamilton 1881 1946 44 Mme Anne 1986 James William 1967 WIlham Jewel R 1911 Joseph Joseph Edmonds 1965 Edmond 1965 Kayla Chanted 1996 Christine Lawrence D 1893 45


appertain appearance
Helen E

orge WIlham George William 1835


12 43


harpp harp happier

Debra D

hamster Amsterdam

Damn Alex 1970 James gasper hasper shapeable

Alex Gary A GaryA 1961 Gary Tara A 1994 Tara Kathryn
R Lucida R Brown Lingcod

Helene heene



14 January 2005

The Commons Fam Iy story Th Sumo rom fy II tory 09

Mary A 1846 1931 8 37 38 Nancy Elizabeth 1966 Rehabber Prentice M Richard Allen 1984 Alien Rosa L 1874 44 Rosalie 1914 Rosa Samuel Burgess 1884 1935 45 Tern Jean 1972 Theocrat 1876 1952 44 Theora

Herschel Thomas 1909 1953 James A 1877 39 James E 1851 1856 12 homes W 1871 38 Jane 1800 2 5 6 Janet Jesse 1788 1845 8 Jesse E 1879 39 Jesse L 1838 9 39 John F 1874 39 Joshua Thomas 3 5 kathleen 1933 1940 LIly A 1874 39 LOIs Ann 1929 Lucinda 1879 39 Mandy 1850 1915 12 Margaret C 1850 1915 12 Martha Ellen 1858 1919 12 1247 Mary Ann 3 4 Mary Elizabeth 1868 Rehabber 39 MatIlda Cornelia 38 Attila Cometh 1880 1919 47 Mckinney E 1901 1972 49 Mla Florence 1863 1944 12 47 Nancy 1791 9 Nancy 1846 9 Newton N 1944 46 Paul E 1847 9 39

Kilo Chesty


kiln E filenames James

Mg Kumar



11 AnnaE 1847 1848 VAnnE II Braxton 1841 ibration 9 39 Raton

Abram 1858 9 40 Ache Alice Jane 12 49 America 1849 9 40 Mecca Andrew Jackson 1855

9 40

Carrie Irene 1891 Carne 40 Chester Oliver 1902 47 Over Clara E 1885 40 Cora 1877 39 Edward M 1886 40 Rehabber Elizabeth 1886 40 Rehabber Cashbook Elizabeth Ashbrook 1854 1918 12 43 44 Rehabber Elizabeth G

1903 1977 49 Ferment Jane 1870 Enema 39 Eva Gertrude 1881 1962 46 George 1808 1899 4 8 9 George 1843 1864 9 George R 1872 39 George Thomas 1874 38 George Washington 1820 1909 5 11 III George William 1865 1952 12 48 WIlham George William 1882 1970 47 WIlham



1854 1855 12 1783 1836 4 Rachel 1837 1902 9 38 39 Ralph 1887 40

Robert 2 Robert 1755 2 Rolla 38 Olla L 1866 Sarah 1785 1816 2 3 4 Sarah Elizabeth 1848 1898 9 40 Rehabber Sarah Louise 1848 1917 11 43 II MSilos SIlas Mercer 1793 II islays Richard 1856 1922 12 45 46 47 Silos SIlas Thomas 1844 9 WIlbur Francis 1898 1943 48 William WIlham D 6 Kingsland Kingston Haley Michelle

Hex A


Golda Mae Gold

1833 1905 9 38 Grover 1886 1949 47 Grover Lee Grover 1928 Barnett C 1850 1851 12 Gamete
L uc dna R Bro L Brown L gg get

B Greenberry Greenery

14 January



kIrk airframes

Kirby nkier Kirby E Clyde Lye Isabella Lueetta Isabelle Lucetta 2000 Louis Manson J 1928 Manon Manson Olivia Sky 2003 Ova Skye Robert Norman 1969 Nona Frances


ram Iy slimy lull sli-

Muenster Kuester Muenster

Abby Jean 1984 Andrew B Debra Ann 1954 Donald Ray 1934 Lee Rae 1981 Mark Allen 1957 Alien Ton Page 1995 Tory Jason 1992 1992

Nancy 1835 1916 Kenyans Kleinhans Cynthia 1958 Edwin

Horne Horne A J might

Thorn is D 30 Knox nox George James

Edward Jacalyn Jaclyn Myron Steve E Lambda LaBuda Laudableness Adeline Aden Lacey Lackeys Isabella sabella




Haylee 1995 Hale Wilham William Koch Cochlear Edward Frederick 1892 1979 65 Foredeck

Rehabber Elizabeth Ann 1833 Lambert Lambert 1881 1967 51 Glendora Lenora Theodore Lancaster LancasterLancaster Lang Lange Ethel Lange Clanger Gregory Susan Renee 1966 Langos Lagos Abigail Rose Jason Paul 32 Morgan Damelle Danielle Leant Lantz Lanthanide Wanda Larson Barometer Peter 20 Laveau Lava Allice Lorraine Alice Lawrence Lawrence Malone Minnie Lay Clysters Esther A 1850 82 Lea Leavened Ene Enc



George W Koncel Once Jill Tracy 1965 Koogle Poole Koogle 42 22 Kraft Kraft 1932 Betty I habit Ann 1932 Sizable Kramer Kramer Grace 1909 Krause Krause Lou Betty Harry Hany 74 Harry Corky Jr Shirley

Reels Robert Joseph

R Luanda R Brown L gg get

January Jo 2005

Florence 1914 1988 Floyd 1967 Forest Shelby 1911 1917 Jack 1888 1964 John 1964 48 Lillian Dorothy 1909 Pete 1914 1967 Leckbee Locke Elizabeth Jane 9 40 Ledge Ledebur Elizabeth Ann 1922 Bedford Ledford Bedford J acob Cob Lee Clemently Bentley Mane 1991 Bruce A 1948 Bruce Donald Edgar 1995 hackle Jackie Ray 1949 Lambda Sue 1949 Linda Gravis Ray 1971 ravels I Lehman ehmann Lehman Rose Mane Lecher Lehr Barbara 1945

III lorry


Mane 42 Lemmons Lemons Lemons Female 1889 1893 Female 1890 53 Albert J 1875 1924 27 75 Alfred 1904 Alice Irene Allan Ray 1948 1948 AI vIe Alive Alvie Alma ArnIe Ruth 1977 Amie Andrew Andrew J 1910 1910 62 Andrew Jackson 1826 1872 5 Andrew Jackson 1864 1946 13 60 Angela Mane 1982 19 76 Annette 1867 1943 1976 78 42 Annie Filose Anne Fosse 1870 April Dana 1973 Anal Arthur Albis 1925 2000 Alls
L ucinda L nd R I Bowl
c 0S


Arthur Allen 1954 Alien Ashley Eva 1983 Bart Allen 1980 Ban Alien Benjamin 1912 1992 57 Bethany Beth Ann BethAnn Beth Mane 1964 Betsy 1811 1888 8 Betsy Kaye 1978 Aye 1978 Betty Fern 1924 Betty J 1924 Betty Jean 1934 Beverly Brenda Brett Allan 1960 Brett Wade 1983 Brooks E BrooksE 1915 Brooke Bruce Andrew 1966 Bruce S Bruce 42 CammIe 1891 Commie Carol Ann 1957 Caroline 1940 Carry Gladys 1904 1918 89 Carson E 1912 1988 Cathy Annette 1954 Cecil Anderson 1911 1978 14 1911 Chad Adams 1985 Chide David 1954 Charles H 1904 1974 62 Charlie 1866 26 Charlotte Cheryl Ann 1958 Comedy Dense 1968 Demse Clara Bayl 1916 1995 Bal Clarence 1918 Clarence Edgar 1892 1960 53 Clarence Edgar 1942 Clinton Wayne 1950 Dale Dallas 1915 1970 65 Danielle Damelle Sue 1978 David 1926 I David Hayden 2001 1967 awn Chanted 1967 Dawn Dawn Lynn Deplores Delores Don




m L

Donald Wayne 1954 Dons B 1915 Dons Dons Ethel 1906 1945 Dorothy Helen 1921 1990 Douglas Leo 1956 Earlene Arlene 1923 65 Edward Edard Earl 1917 2004 Defied Mae 1911 1970 57 Effie

Ezra 1869

13 63

Elizabeth 6 29 30 Rehabber Elizabeth 1781 2 ElIzabeth 18 J I 1888 4 8 9 Rehabber Elizabeth Lu Ella 1940 Elizabeth Rose 1994



5 23 24

George 1790 1845 2 5 6 George 1820 5 George Earl Gcorge George Edward 1948 1 George I 1885 1938 27 George M 1848 25 George Riley 1868 1868 32 George W 1825 6 26 George W 1849 26 George W 1871 1909 19 81 82 87 Gcorge George Washington 1897 1965 73 Georgia Ellouise 1925 Eloise Gertrude Margaret 1901 1988 Gladys V 1906 1993 65 Leona Glona Lee 1926

1985 73 Elmer R ElmerR 1885 1961 Elmer Emerson 1900 61 Emerson Manon 1901 1960 Manson
Emerson Tyler 1993 Tier A EmmaA 1860 19 Emma Enca Enc Anne 1977 Ernest Eugene 1888 1979 61 Viola 1928 EU lace 1861 19 69 Eva Gay 1909 1991

Gold 1899 1943

Goldie Viola 1908 91 Grant MelvIn 1915 2002 Greg 1961 Hannah 1842 10 Hannah Ann 1818 6 25 Hannah Ellen 1830 1896 5 IrII Hannah ishman Joy 1996


EvaL 1915 1981 Eva Everett E 1904 1975 66 Everett Franklin 1893 1984 73 Frank
Female 1917 Fletcher 42 Florence 1907 65 Forest Leland 1899 1960 1899 FrancIs M 19 74 75 Francis Manson 1835 1914 5 12 13 14 Manon FrancIs Manson Jr 1872 1942 14 64 65 Manon FrancIs N 1905 55 Frank 1835 1914 12 Frank 1872 1942 64 Frank Jr 1872 1942 14 64 65 Freeman Leroy 1933 1996

Haze Sharpest 1923 Charlotte Helen Irene 1907 1988 74 Helena Mane 1921 1986 L Henry 1919 1982 58 Hetty Mane 1923 Hefty
Ida Ida M 1893 1976 61 IdaM DaM Irene 1907 1988 Ins Rose 1931 1975 Anne 1935 IrvIn 42 Isaac 1922 1924 58 JackIe Don 1952 James 1838 6 James 1909 James Enc 1947 James J 1938 1997 Janet Lee 1953

Hale Rebecca 1917 2004

1994 74 Hale Belle 1875 42

Luc dna Louda R Loud Brown L gigot own


Lg 1



The Th

mo r Limos

Fame Iy Fam ly

H story 5 13 II 0

Janice 6 Jarrard 1837 Jarred Garrett RIley Jarrett Jason Jed Austin 1980 Faust Jed Wesley 1943 Jeffrey Alden 1975 Jeffrey Jude 1956 Jennifer Michele 1974 Jeremiah Rene 1976 1976 Jeremy Jude 1980 Jerry Mac 1936 2000 Joann 1951
John John 1794 John 1825 A JohnA 1857 John

1923 1847


LaVon AVon Lawrence 1978 73 Lawrence Redneck 1919 1965

19 1907 5 1920 Lectern Paralee 1869 1956 19 79 80 Parolee 81

Lenora Lenore Mary 1952 Leo Irma 1905 1962 Leo vm 1928 h-vm Leshe Lese T 1885 32 Lester OrvIlle 1895 1976 87

Lewis 1899 1968 88 LewIs Franklin 1907 1971 67 frank Lithe Bell 1884 1982 61
Lambda Lambda Linda


John E 1920 John H Jr 1938 1994 John Henry 1891 73 John Richard 1825 1901 6 26 27 John Wesley 1873 1943 32 Joseph Michael 1948 Joseph Michael 1989 Joshua 1819 1842 5 9 10


Alien Allen 1975 Kay 1947 Lou 1941 1944 Medusa 1983

Mme M 1895

1892 1932 Joshua Jeffrey 1984 Joshua K 1816 1866 6 24 Joseph Jospeh Charles 1925 1992 JudIth Irene 1944 Juan Juha Emma 1925 Just Lee 1989
Karen Karen Diane 1972 1972 Karen Jaren Lee 1954 Karol Dee 1954 Karl Kathleen 1939 Kathleen Terese 1980 Teresa

Lisa Lynn 1967 Logan 1995 LOUIse Eunice 1860 1910 13 53 54

4 Lucida 1814 Lucy Ann 1950 Lucy 1907 1930 Madonna Mane 1957 MaggIe 1882 32


Mansel 1901 Manse 75 Margaret 1822 6 Margaret Miry 1962 42 Mark Wesley 1969 Marlene 1939 8 Mama Louise 1938 1938 Martha 1862 26 Martha Ann 1828 1916 5 10 II Impair Ann 1877 Mary 42 Mary Dorothy 1929 59 Mary E 1867 1938 13 62 63 Mary Ida 1926 Mary Lee 1960

Jenneth 1911 Jennet

Kenneth 1954

1960 Kimberly Ann 1963 32 Lam 1888

Leander Lark Oleander 1872

Jemmy 1963 Jemmy William WIlham

1963 42

L uc dna R Bro n L gigot L

January 2005


Mary M MaryM 1856 26 Mary Mary Myrtle 1912 1994 74 Mary Panicle 1960 Patricia Matthew Matthew 1986 Matthew Grant 1980 Matthew Lawrence 1990 Maxme Imogene Maxim Mogen 1920 Megan 1993 MelIssa Mane 1978 1900 1967 62 MIchael Anthony 1961 MIchael Bruce 1946 MIchael Shane 32 I Mummer 1850 25 immer 1897 1902 87 A Eunice 1885 53 Mme Florence 1910 1999 74

litary ma

glyph Binary Iy H slimy





Mona Lee 1933 Nancy Nancy 1825 6 26 Nancy Jane 1946 NellIe May 1908 1985 3I6 Nichol Renee Noble 1912 Noble Cunningham 1862 1929 13 54 1862 55 57 Norman Cyrus 1886 61 Norman Cyrus Oran Ora Oran AlIce Ora 42 Oral Sylvester 1910 1962 67 Orphan 1884 Orpha 42 Orphan lola 1899 1977 65 61 62 Orpha Orval Oval C 1880 1911 42 Orval Oval Carlos 1913 1984 Orval Oval Lyle 1938 1944 Park 42 Patricia 1934 1988 Panicle Panic Mary 1970 Paul Emerson 1962 Paul Lawrence 1956 Pearl E 1899 1991 53 45 PhillIp Moms 1940 Phillip Ray 1944

1914 1915

Phillip Wesley 1993 Polly 1818 4 Rachel 1808 4 7 ume Rae Hume 1952 Randle Randie Scott 1946 Raymond 1926 1999 Raymond Joseph 1959 Raymond Lawrence 1927 Rene Sherman 1930 Renee Yvonne 1952 Richard Arthur 1951 Riley Irma 1941 Robert Robert Alan 1947 Robert Paul 1924 Robert William 1969 WIlham Roger Louis 1959 Rolland Rollan Ronald Rosa M 1893 1961 87 RosaM RoaM Rosemary Jane 1996 Roy 1902 1949 Ruby Eileen 1926 Russell Lee 1909 1970 Ruth 1899 65 Ruth Ann 1963 Ruth Anna 1917 1979 58 Ruth Eleaner 1828 Eleanor 6 28 Sadie 1892 32 Sam Alan 1976 Samuel A 1960 Sanders Edgar 1878 1941 14 67 68 Sarah 4 8 Sarah 1873 19 91 Sarah Jane 1852 1885 25 Sarah Jane 1858 26 Sheila Sherry Sheryl Ann 1957 Shields William 1910 2004 56

Sidney A 1854 1931 13 50 51 Silos SIlas A 1835 1903 6 32 Silos Silas A 1854 26 SImeon Peter 1833 SImon 6 Spencer Cody SqUIre 42
14 J

Ln dna R Brown L Gucci Ra

Tho Reno Fame F The Commons Fam Iy II

Stanley Leroy Stephen Carl 1968 Steven Anderson Susan 6 Susan Ellen 1956 Susan Michele 1958 Absinth 25 Tabitha 1855 42 Medici 1890 Teresa J 1960 Terry Ann

Theresa Danielle 1976 Thomas Anthony 1929 1954 Thomas Anthony Jr 1953 1998 Thomas B 1837 1918 5 14 15 16 17
18 19


ThelmaB 1911

WIlham William Hamilton 1841 10 41 William WIlham Henry 1862 1939 19 70 71 73 WIlham William Jr 1788 1875 2 3 4 5 William WIlham Lewis 1954 William WIlham Sr 1765 1818 1 2 William WIlham Thomas 1879 1957 42 Yvonne Zachary T 1847 26 Selma Zelma D 1907 1996 Leonard

James Ellsworth BellSouth LewIs Arthur Jean 1933 Arthur Jr 13 62 Barnett 1869 Greg Hiram 1908 1957 74 Janet Jonathan 62

Thomas Elmer Llmer Thomas Jefferson 1874 1949 14 66 Horns TImothy Robert Paul 1952 Timothy Robert Paul Jr 1982 TravIs 1989 Troy Gregory 1999 Troy Rae 1923 1998 Waylay Mae 1908 1984 Twyla Velma 1905 1906 74 Vela Vera Frances 1929 2002 Vema Vena Mae 1928 VIrgIl Chester 1906 1980 90 91 VIrgil R 1903 1989 65 VIrgIl Roy 1922 1996 Walter Gangues 1914 1974 57 1914

1 4

Norma 1935 Patricia 1937 Panicle

Naomi Pauline 1914 Palmed


Wanda Jean Andaman Waneta Wane Dorothy 1920 2004 Warren Isaac 1852 26 Wayne 1913 1988 68 Wendy Ann 1976 WIlla Mae 1918 WIll 4 William WIlham 1817 William WIlham Cecil 1892 1978 61 William WIlham Cecil Jr 1918 1997 William Clinton Wilham Colton 1857 1940 13 52 53 William WIlham Frank 1910 William WIlham frank 1908 1978 William rant 1917 WIlham Grant 1937
Loo nd R Bm Luc dna Brown L


Lambda Linda

Geneva 1905 1985 62 Lemuel Lemur LJung Jung Jungian Arne 1933 1991 Otto L Otto


Blister Lister

Beaufort kermit Beauford 1913


Loch Luella Lula

Logeman Legman


Adim Luther 1992 Dim Alec Alee Mason 1995 Emily 2001 Isaac Douglas 1998 Larry A 1963 LanyA LanA



moO rom Iy

James Arthur 1953 Orville C Orville Rachel Sue 1984 Sarah Joy 1985

Milleage Mileage Lohry Lorry Branna Lynn 1986 Banal Damon 1961 Weston Dean 1989 Lot Outback Jack S JackS

Kermit knelt D

Mfr E 1915 1988 Mfr Luker Luke

Jennifer Lundy Laudable Albert Frank Frank Jeanette Anne Joseph Edward Monique Lilac Mosque Loupes Luppes Loupes Henna Jenny Enna

Oakley Arley 1888 1973 Ankle Harley Lorey Lore Elaine Lame Mane Kurt E KurtE Kurt Rachel Rache Leigh

Miry Jinnee 1928 MII Jine 1928

Calvin Calm Love
Levitate LovItt


Armilda 29 Armada


10 Charles H 1903 Dennis 0 1874 1951 24 Dens

LeaP 1901 1978

Lowe Lowe Ann Garl Gail 1943 Grant E Hank

keel Jo 1971
1 I

Noleen on Noblemen

Lowery Lowry Lowery

Dan 1981 James Arthur 1950 James Edward 1924 1976 Kara 1987

Leah Jane 1978 Lynch Lynch John Wayne Lyon Loneness Jenme Jennie Grace 1929 1960 65 Robert Maars Mars Marshals Charles 1872 28 James W 1847 Wilham William 1875 Madden 40 1884 1884 9 40 Joshua 1854 MadIson Madison Donald Lewis 1935 Maces Maes Measured Pullman 1952
MarIO MarI

kyle 1983
Richard Lynn 1953 Wilham William Lubben Lube

Cairn 1962
Kemp Klem

Lucas Lucas Ann Mane 1989 Daniel James 1985 Dora

Lisa Manson Manson Daisy 1886 Marks Marksman Martha Mars Marisa Damel Daniel Marsh Marsha James Alice Sarah Ache 1864 1940 25

Mart Armenian

Benjamin BenJamm


Luanda R B

Bin L aggie

Tho Lemmons rom ly H lorry The Lommon Fam Iy II 0

Edwina dwIna F Edwina

Floyd 1904 Kimberly Ann 1974 Lillian 1909 Oran A 1906 Ora Oman OmA Virgil 1907 Mason Mason Frank Nora Helen 1911 1977 William W Wilma Jean 1931 MastIn Austin

Acclimated McIntosh

1883 1960 James D 1920

John k D 1912 Opal Letha 1915 Lethal McCormack MalInda 42 Molina



MelvIn Maim McCullough

Glenmore Lenora
Matchers Mathers



Joseph Lillian 1890 1988 Matron Matton Atomists Miss 4 Mattox Matt Antitoxin Anna M AnnaM 1879 1904 13 54 55 Anna Clara Bell 54 Elijah 13 John 54 Louisa 1855 1910 5 13 14 Louise Pearl Goldie 1886 1957 14 66 May Mayan Patricia Petunia Mays Macdonald Donald Kallie Ann 1990 Kali Katie Kellies Kendal 1988 Kellie Kendal 1999 Randall Wayne 1955 McAfee Categories George Wallace 1882 1954 Goldie 1921 Kenneth 1925 Keneth Mary Susan 1913 Michael A Walter 1917


Delbert Earl 1894 Dilbert Dewey Francis 1899 Devey Edna Mae 1901 John Howard 39 Myrtle Elizabeth 1890 Sadie Leona 1888 McCurdy McClure Kathleen R 1920 96 McDonald Charlotte Mine


1983 Brandy 1981


Mick McGee McGee Ethel L 1891 McGInnIs Machinist Machinists Sarah 28 McGranahan Mildred 1904 1974 Rudy McGraw McGraw Barbara Ann
McGUIgan Michigan 9 62 McGUIre McGuire Lonnie 30 I Lone Tracy 1964

Agnes McCleaster easNuclease easier Anna Ellen 42


A L Pamela Jean 1960 McKay Mucky

14 J January

Winona Mane Winton McIntyre McintIre McIntyre

Luc dna R B noun L g el oun 0 do


SIB Th The

Lanmon Fam Lennon foam

Iy H ly II


Margaret 1876 42 Samuel amuel McKean McKee Muckiness Jessie McKee Barbara 1956 Walter Eugene McKesson McKesson Leon 1924 59 McKIbben McCabe

Meeker Meeker Meeker 1863 Emma R EmmaR Emma Meeks Meek Messmate Artier Artie Leah Messed Meese Mercenary Mary


Jeremiah P June

Vela McKIllop

Tempest 1911 J Ernest Joseph E 1885

Mendel Mendel Kate

Mary 1839 1895 5 Mary Ellen 1834 1891 5 12 13 Noble Cunningham 12 Mercer Merced David Neal 1924 1924 Edgar James 1898 1929 62 Henry A 62 Larry Mary Norma Nonna Nona Solon William 1900 1982 62 WIlham WIlham William A 1866 62 42 Mendel Enfeeble Bertha Jane Metz Met Meatball Belle J Billie Meyer Meyer Martha 1957 MIdkIff Midriff Rebecca A 1 12 MIller 42 Carol


Tem Tern McKinley McKinley Sarah Ann 9 39 McKinney McKinney L T 49 Sarah Catherine Cathenne 1949 12 48 McLaughlin McLaughlin Diane MIchelle 1974 Rehabber Myrtle 1914 Elizabeth Floyd Emerson 1872 1949 86 Robert 1830 1922 86 Stella May 1916 2000 91 McNulty Consult Joseph H 62 63 Marguente Marguerite 1905 63 Patrick 62 Planck Macaque McQueen McLennan Nancy


1952 1866

Mc venue Kenney KenBryan Connor 1999 Meadows Meadows Juliana 1899 Juana 73 Mecca Mecca Scott Meek Weeklies Elaine S LameS 1916 Hudson DavIs 1855 1915 12 47 Hamson King 1892 1963 47 Hanson James R 1925 John D 1819 1870 47 JohnD


Malone Loretta 1874 1953 35 Minnie o Roy 0 Rachel Sarah Jane 1845 7 35 36 Malone neck peccaries Charles Edward 1867 Daisy 1901 Edward 1910
14 J anuary 2005

Moshe Mohe

Brown L gigot own


Luc dna R lu nd R

Th Lemmons F am Idyll story The Lemons Fame ly H mon

Gladys 1907 Gladys Harry 1899 Robert 1903

len Mitchell

Mucking 1989 1989

Janice Julia Juha Mote Rehabber Elizabeth Jane 1836 1899 86 6 Minnie Mme


Mitchell Abigail Algal

Anthony 1963 Carl


Catalan 1998 Jordyn Alexandria 1993 Jordan Alexandra

Logan 2000
Manna Mana

Larry Susan P 1952

Moats Macdonald Donald

Abele 1994

Phyllis Rick Ronald Modrell Model Robert Moffatt Offal Fred Machelle Michelle Lee 1971 Roy 1953

Shirley 1950 Maundy Mundy Maundy NormaJ Nonna Norma Nona J Murray Murray

Marrow Murrow Marilyn Lucy Manly Murray Murry Rehabber Elizabeth Mayer Myers Janet Jaye Aye Jay Jackie Kayaked Karen Kay Nuance Nance Andrew Charles 1989 Charle Brandon Scott 1985


Monroe Monroe George

Rosa 1984 61 Montgomery Montgomery Glendale Glenda Moore Motorcar E Clarence Marlene Marshall Ruby 30 I organ Morgan Morgan Lucille Lucy Mane 1908 Rebar H Reba RebaH 1905 1976 Reach Richard Douglas William Wilham J Morns Monogamies James A Mitchell 1908

Ml 1963

OrvIlle R Fondler Nash Nash M 1903 1979 DavIs Davis Shirley L Shirley

Wilma B Wilma Mauls Naus Lausanne Carne Came Lynn 1973 CurtiS Hans 1971 Ramor 1941 Armor Ryan William 1976 Wilham Neal

Wagtail Walt

Eagled EdnaM EdaM


ly alMorosely Morosely veolar Viola


Herbert 1883

Lu Ando R B Luc dna
L get only gigot

Near A Julia Juha

January 2005

The Lemmons Foam ly It lorry Th Lemons Fam Iy


Caroline Knees Nees
Nemeses Neese


NIeder Lieder

Charles A Jerry Nelson Nelson Margaret Hankey Helen Hanky 1906 Henry MIgnon A 1918 1981 Mignon Minnie Mme Defined Hedwig Hewing Newhouse Onerous Rosalie Newman Newman Margaret Newton Newton Isaac Thelma 1911 1993 Helm Nichols Nichols Branny Samna Breann 1998 Bantam Paige 1994
E 1970 Jennifer Eyebath 1970 Joshua Edward 1971 Ju tm Eugene 1974 Noah Anthony 2003 Sharon Nicholson Nicholson Andrew Frank 1963 Barbara Jean 1943 Jacob Andrew 1992 John Randolph 1967 Kathryn Leslie 1970 Kant Elizabeth 1964 Ann 1934 Renee Alamo 1969 Alam RIchard Ronald 1939 1984 Walter Walter Raymond 1914 1977 91 Zachary Faust 1989 Austin Nichols
Lucinda Luanda
R Brown L gigot


Aetna T 1962 Aetna

Norton Orthogonal Ronald Lester 1927 1927 Oberg Berg Beerhouse Russell Thomas 1996 Thomas 1973

o Bernstein Been

Steven Enc 1970 Keene Anthony Christopher 3 75

ey De ey De

Ron Olive Livermore George George Scott Jr Scott Oliver Oliver Dalton Alien Allen Hayleigh Allen Daylight Allene 1995 Joshua Allen 1994 Alien Coney Oney Honeysuckle Nucleate Indicant 1962

Elmer Romero

Kelly Demse 1974 Dense Porsche Dorothy Fay 1937 Ostrander Stander Standers Sarah 62

Opal Palatably

Veneer Veneer Tom

Overstretch Overstreet

SusIe E 1861 1941 37 SusieE Susie Owen Jeanette Lynn 1946 Joseph Lewis Paige



Tsai 1975
14 41January 2005


The Lemmons Fam Iy Th Sumo om ly H lorry Lemons

Pame Fame Caroline Parker Parker L Edith Frances Marshall PII ipers Parks Parks K 1925 Albert CaIre CaireR Career Care R 1898 1966 Derailed H 1929 Derald Defraud

Amarelle Avarell

1919 Claude 1879

Halide HallIe Penny Peny

Calborn Calbom Helen Anna 1912 Peters

Peterson Peterson Cine Inez Nora Ellen PhillIps
PhIpps Hips Frances 67 Pearce Perce Percent Tracy

Parental Albert Jack 1888 1965 78 Albert Jack 1930 1940 Donald James 1930 1930 William Lillian Parrott Parrot Parrot A Mark 1955 Raymond Parsonage Parsonage Wanda Planck Patchoulis El bias Elias 63 Ella John R 1905 1971 63 JohnR John Patten Paten Patternmaker Alberta Dorothea Ellen Dorthea lien Frank 1904 1997 74 Patterson
Anthony Lee 1989 Christopher Michael 1992 Louis Michael Anthony 1971 Rosemane Roseate 1956 Patterson Patteson Patterson Richard


Richard Edward Tammy Lynn 1971 Pirate PIrtle Prattler Ricky

Petcock Petcock Darnel Damel Ryan 1985 1985 Elizabeth Ann 1988

Pram Upanishad

Jack Page 1958 Platt Sherry 1971 Sheryl


Puffed 1986 Andrew

Angela 1971
J Danny Jr 1957 1997 Danny J Sr 1936 Danny


Paz wm Edwin
Edwin Jr Edam Karleen arleen Keith Pearson Pearson E I Gladys 1901 Pence Endearment Karen Mane 1160

Donna 1957 George Irene 1999 Jack 1968 Jennifer 1983

Pouch Proclaims Louisa



Pole Polemically Politically




PoloElizabeth PolloiRehabber Mary

Lue dna Luc nd R Bown L 0 el B own Bowen


January 2005

The Lemmons Faroy Th Lemons Faro 1 Faro

n toSummon y 11 stogy

Mary Rhonda Pope Popular Clarence Elsie Mane 1912 2004 Powers Powers Terre 1962 Teresa Angela Tere 1961 Paul Bryant 1961 Paul W 1939 PaulW Prather Rather

rpor Pore Proprietary




PrentIce Prentice L Pamela Preston Preston C F 95


Archie Gertrude 63 Joyce Province Province Dele Elbe 6 PruItt Putt Calvin Hazel Irene 1913 1996 Rose Pugh Ugh Rosannah Hosanna 45

Pulley Plenary

Mary Kay 1979 hay Purdue Perdue Perdue M ry Miry Questa Quest

3 5

Rabbinate S AnthonyS Anthony 1967 Growled Gerrold F Growled Mix Nicolai 1999 LX Nicola 1999 Samara Kate 2001 ate
Ralston Ralston David 1994 33 Bakery Zakery Scott 2004 Ramirez Ramirez William 1991 Anthony Wilham Billy David 1994 Christine 1986 Donald 33
R Lucinda Brown

Canard Ranard Benjamin Betty 80 Chins Alan Canaan Daniel 1894 1985 73 10 Damel Daniel Jr 10 Dons 1 1926 DonsI Dons Edith M 1928 Harry A 1919 Harvey Harvey E 1923 1998 Herbert E 1921 HerbertE 10 Herbert V Dick J VIck icki dialogue Wada Lou Randall Randell Randall Samuel Randolph Randolph Susan 13 Susan Jane 1940 Wade Hampton Jr RankIn Rankin Henna Berman Enna M 1911 Radian RardIn Eradicate Cylde Cycle Aitchbone Rathbone Frances R 96 Drawings Alma May 1902 1981 33 AlmIra 1865 Elmira Alfonso E 1859 19 Alonzo AlonzoE Alfonso 1898 34 76 36 Charles 1876 R Constrainer ConstatIne 1875 1952 36 35 Eleanor 1837 1911 Ezekiel 7 EzekIel 1869 6 36 Ezekiel 1868 Frank 1864 1870 34 36 George Martin 1872 George Washington 1843 Ida VIOla 1861 1870 34 James 1807 1883 4 7 33 58 James Y 1858 Ashbury John Ashtray 1840 1911 7 35 36 36 John Paul 1880 34 Jonah Application 1863 19 Sapient Joseph H 1856 1922 34



1 January

Th Sumo F am Iy The Lemmons Fame Lemons


Katharine Loraine 1868 1916 34 Florae Kenneth A 1901 1964 36 Laura Josephine 1866 Joseph 36 Lavina Latvia Agnes 1871 33 Malma Alma 1854 33 Malay MaryE MalY E 1859 MarE 36 Emmy Ellen 1878 Mary 36 Mary Pauline 1867 Paine MatlIe Mattie Belle 1873 36 36 Minnie Mme Mae 1874 7 33 Nancy 1830 Rachel A 1849 1922 7 36 37 36 Clinton Robert Colton 1877 Roy M 1909 RoM 36 Sarah Estelle 1888 Stele 36 Susanne 1870 Thelma H 1905 ThelmaH Helm 33 Theodora 1856 Vesta A 1906 Vest William 1828 1870 7 32 33 Liam 36 Manila 1866 R Hanson Hanson John Brock 1983 Mark Marl Raynor Rancor Mayoral J 9 Abigail 1810 1893 19 23 Abel Ream Rambo Warren 1925 Bobby Bradley Clarence Albert Damel Daniel Jeffrey Susie

Arthur 0 ArthurO 1911 1978 ArturO

Chandelling Christian

Chantey Chatty


Maurice D 1891 1947 Maunce Irishman A William Welshman Maunce William Nuance 1983
Reynolds Reynolds Arthur Patricia Petunia Lea

Clara Ann 1866 1927 13 60 61 Cyrus 60

Isabella Isabell


1862 1934

13 52 53

Rhoades Rhodes Broadest 54 ThIrza 1879 Hiram Welshman 1851 13 53 54 William Rhodes Rhodesian Morgan Amanda Ella virgin 1880 Charley 1902 1970 69 Juan Elua 69 19 69 John 1852 Lisle 69 Mabel Abel 69 Wilham William H 69

16 36


John 20 Thomas J Remember Reeber Joretta Jorella Reeds Reeds A B Ann Clyde 1896 1964 Lye
Remaking Allan J Allan

Elsie 1898 1981 RIcheson Riches Riches Ambler Amber Harold 1938 2000 Jarrod Jarred Joey 1964 Robin Rom 1962 WIllard Wiled RIchIe RIche Riches Sallie Sale RIddle Riddle Betty Belly

WIllard Wiled RIgdon Argon Barbara Clyde Lye

Allan William 1926 1986 WIlham

Loo od ROm Luc dna R Brown L gg get

January Jano Jan 2005


Th Lemmons rom ly The Lemons Fam Iy




ory Dixie
John Marilyn Manly Ray Willard Wesley 1903 1986 Millard Wesle

Laura Luella 1960 Alien Scott Allen 1961 1962 Rogers Rogers Bruce Dakota Nicholis NIchollS HIli James Hill 1916 1986

RIsley RIley

Anita Ann Amman

kelly 1966

1897 1954 Cine Ruth Inez 1919

Rose Rosemary Jerry Vemta Jean 1963 Vena Ross



Charles L Dixie Kay 1940 Ritchey Ritchie Arithmetically Carolyn Jayne 1950 Jane Darella Areola Colleen 1949 Helen Kay 1947 Sally Jane WIlham Darrell William Dairell RItchie Ritchie 1992 Cash Duane 1992 Kelly Duane Roads Roadside Cindy RobbIns Robbins S 4 Francis 1803 John Sampson 4 Robert


Amanda Jayne 1960 Jane Christina Lynn Lemmons 1968 Lemons Clive WIlham Live William Larson Alien Larron Allen 1991 Phillip Michael Lemons 1965 Lemmons Rootstock Rothrock Cordle WIlham Cordie William Mildred Pauline 1915 Paine Rowe Charles



Argentina Argentinean
JiU JIll

Herman Carl Hennan

1946 1997

Leona Glona Margaret Mane 1953 Robertson Robertson Laura RobInson Robinson Guy Mary Pamela J 1961 Rodgers Rodgers James 67 14 67 68 Stella 1882 Zelma Zeima Remake Bremen Nan Anthony 1980 Demse Dense Rene 1957 Diane Roberta 1951 Kahn Lynne 1980 Kan Kenneth Lee 1933 Kevin Lee 1956

Rushing Rhymester Esther 1968

Fruitier RUIter

Kathleen Joy 1978

1980 Roger 1954 Timothy 1982 19 82 Tom 1975 1989


Russell Russell Edwin Jennifer Renee 1971 Michael Edwin Ryan Granary Mary Molly M Phyllis Sue 1932 Truman

Sages Sages L 1919 Phelps Philip



Brown 1 gel Luanda R Bro L gg


2 January 2005

Th Sumo rom 11 H story The Lemmons Fam ly II Lemons


Emily Elizabeth 1991 NIckolas Nicholas An-lee 1999 Richard Dean 1960 Delano Richard Delaney Jr 1990


Ricka Rica

Evelyn Shredder Schrader Shaded Clifford David 1966 Levi Jacob C 1997 Pamela Jean Sara Jane 2001 Schubert Schubert Mickel Jennifer Nickel 1964 Jill Anne 1962 Joanne Rose 1962 John Lawrence 1936 Mary kathryn 1961 Schultz Schultz Mary Ellen Schwab Schwa Charlotte Mary 1954 Dorothy Ann 1952 Jean Mane 1955 Walter Schwartz Schwartz Rose Scott Benjamin Owen 1973 BenJamm Clarence Otto 1886 1974 61


Manson Fennels Manon 20 I Harold arold Charles 1916 1990 Janice 1953 Marian Edith Manan Edth 1912 1989 Melissa Lynn 1971 Gene 1918 1990 Mildred Ernestine 1914 1982 Ernest Parolee Paralee June 1911 1982 Royal Lyle 1888 1942 81 Lyie Samuels Samuel Samuel Manon Lucille Marion 1920 Sandbar Sanborn



Roger P Roger Sanders Sanders Olsen 0 Olen OlenO OleO Sharon K 1943 Sharon Sanderson Anderson Anderson Barbara Carl Jo Ellen 1936

ChristineI 1956 Chaste


Chat Schemata


Enca Enc

Pale 1995


karla C 1944 kara Kara

Shaken Cheapness Jessica D Schaeffer Schaffer Schaeffer Mary Alice Schoolbag

John Woodward Nellie 1892 1980 47 Neva Isabelle 90 Inevasible Eva Robert

1916 1921 WandaJ 1919 Wanda


Chen Schemas

Marsha Luann 1954 LAN Patricia Doreen 1957 Panicle Paul R PaIR Richard Duane 1956


Shutout Shout Hout

1943 34

Jason Keith Escalope Nancy Securest Secrest Secretary Ray M RayM RaM


Suchlike Chelsea Anna k Amuck


Beaumont Holly J 1953

Lucinda ROw get Blood R Brown L gg


January 2005

Fame Iy II stigThe Th Lemmons F am ly 11 stonily

Maggie matize Shelly

Shipment Shipman

Shelly Lanky Lany

Shelton Shelton codeword Alan Edward 1957 Arthur Lee 1950 Christiana Aubrey Christian 1976 Blanc Blan Christopher 1975 Cameron Lucas 2004 Debra Sue 1956 Elmer Carroll James Edward 1952 JamIson Lay 1973 Jeremy Anson 1977 Anon Jerry Arthur 1931 John Steven 1985 Michail Joseph Mulched 1980 kathleen Diane 1959 Lambda Faye 1951 Lay James 1902 1967 1999 Marcus Xavier 1999 Marcu Matthew James 1978 Nylon Nylen LeRoy 1928 Bradley 1960 Paul Bradey 1960 Loy Robert Cloy 1927 1998 Shelby Anne 1985 Steven Michael 1954 VICI Lynne 1954 Sherman Sherman Ralph S RalphS Ralph

Short Shirtfront Frank Nancy 1952



Chester Tony Lee Salvers Silvers Silverware Marcello Marcella H 1914 1995 Marcello William SImpson Simpson 42 Ann 1879 Dantel Daniel 1827 1879 5 10 11 11 42 JJ Daniel 1859 I I 42 11 Joseph Katie kahe 11 JJ Laura B 1863 11 JJ Louisa C 1855 Mercy 1879 42 Merty Molly 1867 III mposes 10 Moses Mohave 1879 42 Ohve 11 JJ Sarah A 1850 William M 1857 1931 JJ SIms

1931 1861


Simi Revlon firm



E Malodor Malden

Nancy Jane 1867 1941 19 James M 98 Mary Frances 1904 1998 SkIllman Amanda Joan 1975 Lon Ann 1976 Tom 1939

TerryL 1942 Terry

Sherrod Herod Herod Ronald Shield Shale



Shields Shields J 1920 Rehabber Elizabeth 50 37 Grace L 1893 Hamett C 1888 49 Hamlet James H 1924 Jaime Henry 1858 1938 12 49 Jame John William 49 1 37 lester 1885 1941 49 Marjone C 1917 Marooned E MalE MIldred 1898 50



Slate Opal La L Partial


Slammer Donald 1938 1997 1918 Eugenia Kay 1958 Jangle Lynn 1963 Janelle Karen Rose 1960 Randall Joseph 1961 Radii
2 14 January 2005

Cu n na R Brown L gigot Luc d

aro m

Iy story Th Lemmons F ain ly H ory The Lommon

Robbed Robbie SmIth

1959 1996

Ames Angela Darlene Carolyn

Ronald Eugene 1951 Sonia Sona Bondmaid David keels kelsi Alexander 1999 Lorena Bussler Shahs Lorna Tussle 1998

Manson Charles Manon David Darren 1965 David Fred 0 Rev FredO RedO Gina Elizabeth 1990 Ma Rehabber Jack Nellie Jacqueline Kneeled 1932 1999



Ella Ella Southport Southworth Jeffrey Lane Ronald Earl 1942 Earle Sharron Sharon Walter Wham 1905 William Walter William III 1926 1972 Wilham Shower Sowder Thelma Lucy 1912 1982 Helm

Sutherland Sutherland F

Jerry Julia 6 Juha Mahala Mahak Maria Isabella 2001 Mana Marvey David Harvey Reagan 1999 Robert Robert E 1916 1989 Sherry Wilma Louise


Barbara 1930 1994 Ray Spanner Spinneret Arthur H Arthur Richard 1894 1960 Arthur Richard Jr Kneeled May Nellie Rebar A Reba Rebar Susan L Versa Vessa Stafford Man an Stammen Stamen Stamen Lilly Emilia Emilio Stanton Stationed 19 91 Frederick redneck Ida Allele M 1890 91 LillieM Lillie Steele Steeled Dale Rehabber Elizabeth C Helen 1912 1939 Janet R 1926 Martin A MartA 1907 42 Martin D 1868 Mart Raymond Robert G 1928

Seeker Seeker Helen


Smeller Alma Roy Rev Ian lan Timothy 2000 James 1967 Nathan James 1995 Marrow Nicholas Murrow 1998


Knotgrass Snodgrass Emily A 47 Shopper Soper Operable Rehabber Ashley Elizabeth 1976 Burke Aaron 1974 Cecil Wagner I Holly lolly Jean 1986 Laura Jean 1987 Inbound Lee 1954 Rodney Kemp Kevin Ronald Eugene
Luc dna R B 0 wn L gel o gj el






January 2005

The Lemmons Fam ly H my Iy lorry Lemmon


Samuel 1882 87 Solomon Wilham William H 1900 Steffens Stiffens Stiffens Richard Willard George 1907 1989 Wizard

Emma Cornelia 1867 1920 Cometh

Fay 1905 George Richard 1875 1961 39 Greenberry Greenery King 1869 39


Steenbok Steenboks Sarah 1886

SteInmetz Steiner Gloria Fae Glona Faye Stephenson Stephenson Chester Stems Stems Ruth Stewart Stewart Rehabber Elizabeth F 67 Mary Ann 50 Malte Matie May Minnie 1874 Sidney 12

James Albert 1873 39 James S 1826 9 38 39 Nancy Mesa 1866 1928 39 Opal May 1905

Straus Transferred
Arlie Arhe

Steel Strafe Ben mun Michael 1980 Benj Imm Ben

Michael James 1951 Snicker Snicker Alfonso 1888 1967 65 Alonzo Strode Stroud



Trough Trough Laverne Roberta Laver 1926 1998 57

William Wilham Sturdily Studley Sturdily Enc Paul 1993 Redneck George Henna Lynn 1996 Jenna Megan Rae 1990 Thomas 1966 SturgIs Sturgis Jane 1827 28 Sturtevant Stream Mary

Stammered Frederick C Redden Gertrude Samantha

1899 1933 87

Gregory F


Hanna R 1996 HannaR Hanna Hunter S 1993 HunterS Stout Stout

vailS tovall vaitovail Somali I aura Ann l Stowe Stow Towson John P 94 JohnP John Mary Abigail 1911 1993 94 StraIt Armada Minnie 1870 Annum 39 Elegies Weldon 1900 Elgie Eldon Rehabber Perthena Lizzie Elizabeth Earthen Tizzies 1877

Set Elizabeth

13 I

L Stoically

Sweet weet Andrea Lynn

Leonard Mart I eonard Martin Sr


1969 Brent Alexander 1996 Cameron Dean 1991 Carson Wylie 2002 When Claire Ellen 2003 Cullen Lyle 1996


Daniel Paul 1972 Donald Wayne 1939 Lame Mane 1961 Hannah Jill 1999
14 January 2005 WilY

Lucinda oomed R B own L gel loomed

Fame y Tho The Lemmons F am ty H story F 01

moo L

Harry Elmer Hany Handy Lyell 1914 1976 Hany Yell Jason Alexander 1996 John Joseph 1965 Malcolm Lyell 1946 Yell Malcolm Lyell Jr 1965 1965 Yell Mary Anna 1941 Mary Helen 1967 Michael Dean 1967 Rhonda Jean 1963 Ronald E 1937 Ryan Lyell 1980 Yell Stacey Lynn 1966 Teresa Ann 1960 Thomas Eugene 1970 Todd Nine 1981 SWindell Swindle Sidewalls Vilnius Oran Vilis Ora

Laune 1899 Lane LuellaM 1918 Luella M Cora 1896 Zora Missouri 1851 Nilsson

Leroy Franklin 1919 1996 Frank Lorene Loren 1913 III



Parasol Parts L 1893

Phillip Leroy Riffle RIme 1897 III Roy A 1900 III Ruth Ellen 1888 III Shannon 1869 1891 29 Stella 0 1905 III Theta 1908 III Torence 1911 Terence III Walter 1899 III 29 III Webster 1867 Tate Tate 2 Jane Taylor Taylor Bill Christopher Dillon James 1994 Ellie 6 Elli Hazel 1909 1985 Indies 1864 32 E IdiE 45 47 Ida E Adams 1864 IdEa IdaE Tejada Stead Maria Teresa 1963 Mana Tennyson Tennyson Enk Ryan 1973 En Herman Hennan Roger H 1941 RogerH Roger There'll Terrell 6 26 27 Artemis Yardarms 1850 Adams


Tabard Abandoned

Tanner Andrew J 1902 Bessie 1906 III Betty J 1926 Belly Charles 1865 29 Chester L 1927 Daria Aria Lee Arable Densely 1915 Denzel III Earnest Wilbur 1903 1975 Edward 28 28 Edwin 1849 29 Frank 1863 rank Franklin RIme 1822 1894 6 28 Riffle 29 III Freemont Fremont 1861 George 1847 28 Gloria Lee Glendale Golda 1895 Gold III

Teeny Teny Penalize

III 1910 James 1874 29 29 Jerome 1858 John 1857 1908 28 A 28 Juana 1855 Kenneth 1902 keneth III

AllIe AIlie Thacker Hacker Hacker Earl Tharp Harp Starboards Addis Ardis Diane Parisian Thomas Bradley Lynne Lee 1888 1972 47 Mme
January 2005 14 Jon

l ic dna lu nO R

Blown L 0 rt own

Fame Iy II Tho The Commons F am ly 11

L mo


stonily 0

Shafer Hafer Modally Medalled

olies Lisa Morgan Nelson 1902 1970 Stephen P 1869 V Irma Virginia WIlma L 1905 Wilma Thompson Thompson

Douglas Elmer George H



Mane 1900


Dorothy May 1912 14 Gladys Proxies 1894 1982 Roxie Grace Velma 1907 1988 Vela Gnat Ruble Helen Gold 1904 1951 John G JohnG John WIlham William Andrew 1859 1940
TIpton Lipton Triton Joy May Colbert Tolbert Tolerated Cody Wayne 1991 David Wayne 1967 1967
Kahn Kan

James Janet Cardiff Jeffery David Jeffry Jennifer Jordan MaryLou Mary Lou Matthew Nonna Irene Nona

Ma Ma



1891 1980 Richard D Arched


Ronald Wayne 1929 1995 Trusty Tucker Tucker Ann Manah Manna Amman Barbara Joan 1949 1944 Carol Lynne 1944 8 Rehabber Elizabeth Jean 1938 George W Karen Rebecca 1951

Alston 1992 1981



Julienne Jolene

JohnM John

J WIlhm 1913 1970 WWII Turner Turner Evelyn

Michael Townsend Townsend BernIce Bemire W J 36


Michael 1971 Riley Michiel 2002 Michel Rose Manna Mana Sheldon

R N 94 Treatise James C Margaret A Tenable

Golda V 1903 1950 Gold Gold


Pete Unsteady Mastheads Scott Edward 1968

Bunk Unk

Unbend Brenda
Marian Maran Annie

1915 1987

Trout Touchable Charles Charles V Christopher

Updegraff Dicker Dickie Lee 1938 Elmer Ivan JulieRene Juke Juhe Rene Kathleen Eloise Michael Franklin 1969 Frank Urbam Urban




R Brown L g et g

H January 2005

Tho Lemmons Fame y The Reno F am Iy Lemons


my lorry

Asa Ann 1970

J laVerne

laver 1969 Lee Andrew

Merriam Middy Merran 1993

Thomas Lee 1941 Utter Clarence A 1891 Dorothy J 42 Dorothy Doroty Elsie I 1888 Elsiel Elsie Jamey Jaime Jame U 1899

Gregory Jeffrey JIll Ann Tallinn Kirk Kansan Kay Kentucky

3 6


1920 1994 Margaret 1918 1980 1864 1927 Phyllis Joan 1946 1993
Susan Timothy Gene Walker Alchemical Michael Michael Derke 1972 Deere Raymond Wall



Wilham Frank William Lana Sue 1967 Lon 1982 Matthew 1980 Michelle Lynn 1966


earer Richard Joseph

Joel Richard 1988 Richard Leonard 1963


VanDerpool Banderols Vanderbilt Ethel VanSycle Evanesce Hannah Cathenne 1848 Catherine Evansville Marilyn Manly Mark Robert Overtaken

Walter Waterhole Helen Walton Walton May Gertrude Wanders Wanders Lisle Belle Warren

9 39

Elva Sue 1941 Eva

June Une Washburn Ashbin Amanda M 1850 1926 30 Amanda 30 George W 1851 James Alexander 1828 1914 6 29 30 Nora Catty 1874 1924 32 Orb D 1860 1923 30 Rebecca J 1854 1924 30 Stephen 29 Stephen B 1856 1911 30 6 24 25 Susanna 1823

Andean 1950
Robert F Cora Helen Vogel Togetherness Theresa 1877 1932 39
V confluent

Lethe Vie



Regma 1884 1977 Regal

21 95 96

Waddell Waddell Helen Josephine Joseph Wade Wadena


Mane Wagner Wagner


Betty Gene Gene Eliding

Jay Jonathon B 1975 Jonathon Waterman Antenna Waterman Donald Henna 33 Jennifer Hope 1974 Waters Waterish Ann Shelley Webster Webst14 Jon January 2005

Lu dna R Brown L get Luc gigot


Cannons Fam Iy 1 lom The mon rom ly II lorry Y

yal Carl


1924 1999

Whitehall Whitesell Amonda Amanda 1985



Enc John 1973 Ancon Glenn 1926

Emerge Emerge J T

Richard Hanson Honson Richard Honey 1916


Ruby Helene 1907 1929 Elener Wells

Isaac Nelson 54 Ruth Ellen 1890 1966 Weal Welz Alston Unarm 1999 Emily Elyse 1987 Else Gront Grant R 1956 Rudolph Wesner Wiener Tayler Albert Tyler Mary Ellen MaryEllen 1916 Marseille West WestWest 32 54 Dovle Dovie Sue Westbrook Restroom Awestricken Ben Raleigh Edward 1908 1993 Wheat Wheat Ruth WhItaker Whicker Whiskerless Lees BLes VII Louisa illous ilious L Lucy 1848 6 32 Patty II WhIte Whitewood Amonda Rehabber Amanda Elizabeth Jone Amanda Jones Anna Beth AnnaBeth Wannabe Carol Rebecca 1970 John Thomas 65 WIlham Richard William 1972 Roger 1947 Susan Francs Orlando 1854 1927 Francis Worland 1854 Wagon Campbell Walton

James Kemp 1959 Kevin John Mark 1953 1996 Kelly 1978 L Glenn 1926 Matthew 1987 Rayon 1990 Ryon Scott Edward 1968 Sheda Shed 1955 Steve Gregg 1950 Tracy 1986 WhItney 1992 WhItlock Hillock

Hillock Amdahl AdaL

1893 Arthur M ArthurM 1885 Arthur Evangel 1905

AvonSmith Chancery

1917 35

Charles E 1887 Clara E 1889 Elmer G 1910 Grace Edith 1896 Harold 1904 Harriet Edith 1896 Harnet Helbert Hilbert W 1897 Hilbert Henry Daniel 1858 Herbert 1910 Herbert J 1900 Mabel F 1887 Abel Myrtle M 1890 WIlham William L 1899 1958 WIlcox Wilcox Juhe Ache Julie Alice WIley WIly Willed Denver Demer WIlke WIle WIlkerson Wilkes Wilkes 1991 Jacob Ross 1991 Wilkinson Ronald Rayon Ryon Lee Yankee NIckey Yvonne Mickey







Luanda R Lu

Brown lo Liege


January 2

Th Lommo F am ly H story The Limo Fame Iy 1 0 Lemmons Lemons


Wilkes Wilks

Lena Lenna Willey Wile

Wilkes en Lenna


Amadeus Arnold G

Mary 1899 Williams

Williams fletcher 41 Ritchie Frankie A 1885 1906 Frankie

Karen Terese Teresa

Cecil B 1926 Chancy R 1867 1903 21 2 Clara A ClaraA 1878 1962 Clara David James 1953 Detent K 1965 Derek Dullard Fernando 1902 1988 94 Dillard
Don E 1930 DonE Donna M DrusIlla Dunhill M 1903 1905 98 Bessel G 1938 Edsel Enc Karl 1964 Eunice 1861 20 Fernando N 1875 1949 21 95 96 Florence E 1894 1987 24 Frances Aitchbone Francis Rathbone 1945 Gladys D 1909 96 Helen J 1924 Henry R 1836 1919 5 19 20 Isabella K 1884 Isabell 24 Jackie Lee 1929 James A 1905 1971 97 Jeffrey M 1970 John John Ernest 1909 1973 98 John F 1872 1924 21 93 John W 1847 1923 5 23 24 Julie M 1968 vengeance 1962 Keith von Enc 1962 Kendall Addle Jacqueline 1999 Adelle 31 Laura M 1875 1951 24 98 Lawrence 1910 97 Lawrence A Dr 1873 1922 24 98 Lawrence A Dr 1873 1922 24 98 Lawrence R Jr 1940 Lawrence Ray 1911 96 Lectern V 1882 24 1977 24

Randall Rene Ursula J 1852 10 41 Williamson Williamson Byron Bryon Craig 1953 Caleb Paul 2003 Donna Jean 1970 Gary Dean 1953 Helen younger 1969 Kayoing 1969

WIlloughby Illegibly Nulls A 52 Wilson Wilson 1987 Danielle Florence Belle Jeffrey Mary R MaryR Mary levy ley Medley laMedley yman Emma

Nichol 1998 Mary Yang 1973 1973 July Donald 1929 Dual Paul Robert 1960 1960 Sharon Rae 1964 Sherry Sheryl Lynn 1964




Mn Monday

David J Patricia Petunia Louise 1934 20 23 97

Jenme Jennie 1863 1904 Andrew 1806 1885 19 Andrew J 1871 24 Andrew John 1985 Orlando Arlando 1875 1946 21 Aubrey E 1987 Carol Ann 1944 Carol Jezebel 1957 Rehabber
own get Bang

Abby Aby

Lewis 1870



Lillian Patricia 1929 1963 Petunia Lon E 1967 LoUIs G 1906 1966 95 Lynn 1956 Male 1890 24


Luc dna R LodoR OdoR

January 2005

Tho Fam y II story The Commons rom Iy H ory

orm Alien Mar Allen 1975 Mark 24 Mary E 1892 1903 1988 97 MIchelle D 1969 95 Mildred 1914 Monterey C 1992 Moms Edison 1915 1980 97



Manly Lee 1943

Mark Mar 1972 Mary Valencia Ann 1935 Patricia Ronald Gene 1945 Ronald Trent 1969 Roy Nashua Dawn 1974 Wilburn R 1906 1964 Wilbur Wilbur



Layette Paul Fayette 1907 1989 96 Paul Faette Jr 1945 better Raymond 1901 1908 97 Richard A 1942 97 Robert E 1898 Hemy 1929 Robert Henry 1929 Ronald 2003 Ronald James Jr 1954 Ronald L 1942 Sadat 1892 24 Sada Samuel 1901 1904 97 amuel


Womack Womac

Spencer 1996 Sieve R 1950

Tyrone Tryone Alexander 1964

Arthur Denman 1904 1998 81 Demand Betty Jo 1928 1995 Clyde Lye Edward Benjamin BenJamm Martha 1952 Mildred Ann 1931 Elena Louise 1927

Wonder Wonderland
Addax Adda

1984 93
94 Virginia Joy 1959 William Wilham Henry 1865 1941 William Wilham Jr 1918 1975 William Wilham L 1870 1956 24 96 97 Wills Epperson 1898 1954 Lepers

Wisdom Wisdom Warren Willing WIllIg Willing Witting Mary



WIX Wifelier

Flora Wolfe Wholesales Charles 36 Charles Edward 1933 Edward dward Charles Edward 1954 Chester
Chiffon Enc Lyle

34 1872 BerthaO 1884 Bertha Capri Carl H 1890 Carl 1894 Carlene 1919 Arlene Cleome M 1892 Clemens Cleme Edith E 1899 Elsie L 1890 George Ashby 1859 33 Ashy 1859 Firm 1896 JohnM John M 1864 1944 33 John Julia 1869 34 Juha Lucy 1846 Lyle 1892 Lien MaryM 33 Mary M 1861 Mary Pearl F 1887

Thelma Helm

1903 WalterC 1888 Walter

WIlham William 1828 33 WIlham William Henry 1866 1948 34 Wood Whosoever Evert Even Fred Myrtle F 1906 1994 65 WGoodrich Ivan Iva
14 January Ion 2005


Eugene Irene

JuanIta Junta
Juggle Luc od R B own gigot Lo dna

The urn Fain Th Entwines rom I II story 1

Woods Woodshed Brenda Kay 1952 Nan Lee 1974 Doyle James Dale 1929 Joe Don 1971 Leone Lenne 1895 Makayla Malaya Leigh 2001 Sarah Catherine 1982 Cathenne Tommy Lee 1950 Woodward Woodward Alan 1946 Steven Ray 1987 Worland Orlando Thomas

Benjamin 96 BenJamm LIllIe Mac 1879 1963 24 96 97 WIlbur Wyatt Watermill EmIly Parmesan 10 Wynn


Wynn Yonkers

Young Young Alfred Clement 1890 1960 78

Algernon Theodore 19 79 80 81 Salerno BasIl Pious 1897 1898 78 Nan Kent 1981 Came Mae 1891 1974 81 Mac CecIl Colton 1936 2001 Clinton I CecIl Hinton Jr 1959 Clinton Char Shawn 1984 Chelsea 1992 Chemotherapy V 1990 Claude 1889 Claud 81 Clement Alden 1917 1964 1917 Curtis Rand 1956
DaIsy 1890 78 DavId Kent 1962 1993 Deborah Sue 1952

MIchael Doyle 1954 MIchael Harper 1979 MIchaela Ogle 1896 OrvIlle Homer 1905 1953 78 Oscar 1894 1980 81 Reigned Kay 1954 Renee 1965 33 3 RIchard Eugene Wisdom 1928 1965

MeSh Name 1984

Donna Lynn Douglas Lee 1957 Edith Esther 1906 1994 81 Estella Grace 1895 1987 81 Stella Eva 1888 George George 1850 1925 35 16 Georbe H Gerald Devere 1932 Deere 1932 Herbert Cecil 1895 1941 78 Hezekiah Morton 1940 19 76 77 78 Iliad Darlene 1938 Ilia 99 Jason Andrew 1976 1987 Doyle 1927 karen Chanted 1964 Christine kemp Devere 1963 Deere Larry Lisa Lone 1973 Lonne 1973 Lon 76 Margaret Sarah 1992 Mary Eloise 1946 Megan NIcole 1986

Debra Kay 1962 DennIs Olm 1970 1976 Lm DIllon S 1998 Donna Bell 1940 1998
L Brown I gigot l uc dna R Bro Biggest

Stuart Kent 1943 Thelma 0 1926 Helm Theodore 1886 81 Tony Manuel Constables 1977 Costales Tonya Tony Lynn 1959 1930 78

Steen Verdayne 1977 Overdone

1964 57 48 Sanford Fermer 1908 1908 79 Farmer Sarah Elizabeth Costales 1981 Constables Sebum Verdayne 1934 2000 Overdone Steven Micahel Constables 1979 Michel Costales Steven Verdayne 1954 Overdone

Jolla Rita Elizabeth


January 2005

Tho The Camions om ly H story Faro Iy 1

mon L


Rebel Zebel

Virgil Everett 1892 1941 78

Wanda B 1923 Wanda
Burberry Zurich

Barb 1954

Andrea Christine Andrca Bandsmen Dean Francs 1961 Francis Tyler Joseph 1990 Josoeph

Courtney Heather Holly Sonny

Luanda R Luand

Brown L gigot gds


January 2005

annI jf Annie


cotes otes Motes


flannel Bootleg


Child s N Child ame

Father s Name Name

date Birth attePlace of birth

mpter Mother

s Name


Child s Name

Father Father's Fathers Name

atteBirth date

mpter s Name Mother

Place of birth

Place of Marriage



Place of Marriage Hoffman



Date of Death

Place of Death

Deceased Age Date of Death Place of Death

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