Newport Parish Council July 11

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Newport Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Maxine Yule 297367 or 559119 Email: Website: Full contact details for our councillors can be found on the website

At the Annual meeting held on the 9th of May I was re elected as Chairman, also I am very pleased that Cllr Mary Craven was elected Vice Chair. At this months meeting there was a verbal report from the Safer Neighbourhoods Team. PC Finch said that most people who attended the festival were very well behaved with few arrests. Some members were concerned about the lack of Police and PCSOs within the town during the weekend and this will be reported back to Senior officers. It was decided to make a donation of 200 to the Newport Youth Cafe Indoor Skate Project. This is ongoing to help make the club successful. Disappointment was expressed again with the IOW Council decision to remove the slide from Medina Leisure Centre Swimming Pool and it was decided to ask Cllr George Brown or John Metcalf to come to a meeting to explain why this cannot be replaced after the Island Games. We will be holding a post 2011 IW festival wash up meeting at County Hall on 4th July at 6pm to discuss the concerns raised by the residents. Many people are concerned with pedestrian safety in the town centre. The Parish Council will be meeting shortly with Cllr Edward Giles and Highways to discuss this and other items in more detail. Peter Whiteman - Chairman Newport Parish Council


The next Full Council meeting will be on 11th July at Carisbrooke Castle Museum, starting at 6.45pm. The Planning and Licensing Committee meet every fortnight at the Riverside Centre starting at 6.30pm. The meetings in July will be on 7th and 21st. All members of the public are very welcome.

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