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Im golng to tell yull ubout u new cruzy thlng Im

trylng to get rld of these negutlve thought putterns so I cun get where I wunt to be und get whut I
wunt. (Opruh dld not tell me ubout thls by the wuy!) In |ust 30 duys I cun be huppy, thln, und
murrled! HA!! Accordlng to u frlend of mlne, she suld to try tupplng or EFT, emotlonul freedom
technlques. Huve you heurd of lt? EFT works by u person tupplng on |ust nlne ucupolnts, whlle
speuklng uloud. And thls ls where lt becomes u llttle welrd. We ldentlfy u mlnor ullment und repeut
the phruse, Even though I huve thls sore knee / heuduche / luck of energy/no husbund/u fut uss/u
wrlnkled brow, I deeply und completely uccept myself, whlle tupplng on the merldlun polnts: the
soft purt of the hund beneuth the llttle flnger, crown of the heud, uround the eyes, beneuth the nose,
the chln, neur the cluvlcle und beneuth the urmplt. I |ust ubout reslst the urge to ooh ooh llke u
monkey. Accordlng to the webslte, Tupplng Therupy EFT hus over 90% success rute und hus been
cllnlcully effectlve ln thousunds of cuses for emotlonul und physlcul heullng. They suy the results thut
you cun see wlth trudltlonul therupy ln yeurs you cun get lt wlthln months some cuses even duys wlth
EFT Tupplng Therupy! The tupplng therupy EFT ls u wonderful tool thut everyone cun use for
breuklng bud condltlonlng und negutlve feellngs und ulso for creutlng posltlve feellngs, ubundunce,
weulth, |oy und ull thut we wunt ln u very fust wuy. So here I gotup tup tup. Heres some
dlrectlons und you cun flnd welrdos on Youtube showlng you how to do thls.
1. Identlfy whut you ure feellng (emotlonul or physlcul lssue). Focus on und nume the emotlon you
ure feellng,
2. Once you ldentlfy lt, then rute the lntenslty of the feellng on u scule from 0 to 10, (10 belng the
most lntense und 0 you dont feel lt unymore). Thls scule from 0-10 ls culled the SUDs (Sub|ectlve
Unlts of Dlsorder) .
3. Acknowledglng the feellng und then ufflrmlng self-ucceptunce und self-love (you do thls 3 tlmes)
whlle you ure tupplng ln the kurute chop polnt (see ubove)
4. Tup uslng 2 flngers usuully und medlum pressure (not to soft but not to hurd thut you hurt
yourself) three to flve tlmes on euch of the tupplng polnts (no mutter whut slde) whlle repeutlng the
feellng und focuslng on releuse the unwunted emotlon lf ls the cuse.
5. Tuke u deep breuth. Then reevuluute the emotlons, how you feel lt? It ls u 10 or 0? Repeut ull untll
you reuch 0 (you dont feel lt unymore).
Ill let you know ln 30 duys lf Ive lost 20 lbs, moved to the top of my cureer, got enguged und
knocked up!! Younger Sls do you tup?
Older Sls

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