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1. All funds-held in any and all accounts at WASHINGTON name of the settlor, except the following:


(1) accounts held in joint tenancy between the settlor

and any other person or persons; (2) accounts that designate a beneficiary or pay-on-death payee; and (3) tax deferred savings plans. including, without limitation, IRA, 401 (k), pension, profit-sharing, Keogh and qualified and non-qualified annuities.

2. All funds held-in any and all accounts 'at BANK OF AMERICA in the name of the
settlor, except the following: (1) accounts held in joint tenancy between the settlor and any other

person or persons; (2) accounts that designate a beneficiary or pay-on-death payee; and (3) tax deferred savings plans, including, without limitation, IRA, 401 (k), pension, profit-sharing, Keogh and qualified and non-qualified annuities. 3. Real property commonly known as 15122, 15124 and 15126 Minnesota Avenue, Paramount, California, having the following legal description: Lot 3, in Block 2, of CLEARWATER, AS PER MAP recorded in Book 19, Pages S1-54, Inclusive of Maps,

Recorded-in the Office of the County Recorder of said County .

.4. Real property commonly known as -15147 Minnesota Avenue, Paramount, California,
having the following legal description: Lot 5, in Block 1, Map in Book 19, Page 41-4 of Miscellaneous Maps, Recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. 5. Real property commonly known as 15309-Illinois Avenue, Paramount, California, having the following legal description: The South one-halfofLot 12, in Block 23, of Clearwater

Map 'in Book 19, Page 51 of Miscellaneous MapaRecorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said County.


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