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Damanti Santoso : 2007110386 : Pengaruh Tayangan Kuis Terhadap Pengetahuan Umum Remaja (Studi Korelasional Tayangan Kuis Ranking Satu di Trans TV terhadap Pengetahuan Umum Siswa kelas X SMA Budi Mulia Tangerang ) Number of pages : 109 Halaman, 46 Lampiran Reference : 22 books, 2 internet websites, 2 journals Name NIM Thesis Title

With the advance development of both information and technology, they have made the society to become much easier to both access and explore their needs of knowledge. Watching televisions quiz can be one way amongst any options available that can be implemented to those w ho are willing to gain as well as to explore more knowledge th rough this way. There is actually one educational quiz program on television amidst such programs from other televisions station like Ranking Satu quiz that broadcasts on Trans TV. The core objective from this quiz is to educate and to entertain its audience. These two things have been applied to the society in consideration to their needs regarding to mass media usage (television). This research focus is to find out whether there have particular influences towards teenagers knowledge in common , affected from this quiz. The grand theory used in this research is the theory of effect. This theory unleashes an effect that derives from peoples attitude alteration after being exposed by mass media. The attitudes alteration can be seen through several perspectives such as cognitive, affective, and co native. This research gained an end result only from cognitive stage. The supporting theories used in this research are stimulus -organism-response and social learning theory. This research used survey method with quantitative as its research basic character that involved the students grade x from SMA Budi Mulia Tangerang as the respondents in questionnaires filling in order to get qualified data that then to get them formulated. In accordance to the conducted research, it can be concluded that the influence of quiz program towards teenagers general knowledge was marked good. It is shown through the information upraising gained by the respondents after they watched Ranking Satu quiz program as well as the fulfillment of respondents need to be entertained through Ranking Satu quiz.

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