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Stability & Root Locus Techniques(20)

Consider a unity feed back system having open loop transfer function G(s)= 1
Draw root locus for k and state the following

1(a) State how many root loci are there?


1(b) How many poles moves along asymotes?


1(c) What is the value of centroid and angle of asymtotes?

1(d) Where is break away point ?

1(e) For what value of K ,

the root locus cross the imaginary axis

Match List I with List II in respect of the open loop transfer function G(s)=
List-I (Nature of loci) (A) (B) (C) (D) Separate Loci Loci on the real axis Asymptotes Breakaway points

and select the correct answer using the codes

List-II (Numbers) 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four B 4 4 3 3

Codes (a) (b) (c) (d)

A 3 3 4 4

C 2 1 1 2

D 1 2 2 1

Consider the open transfer function In the root locus diagram ,the centroid will be located at

(a) (c)

-4 -2

(b) (d)

-1 -3

The open loop transfer function of a closed loop system is given by The angle of departure of the root locus at s=-1+j is

(a) (c)

0o -900

(b) (d)

900 -180 0

The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is given by (S +5s +(K+6)s+K=0 ; In the root loci diagram ,the centroid of asymptotes lies at

(a) (c)

(2,0) (-2,0)

(b) (d)

(-1,0) (-3,0)

How many roots of characteristic equation q(s)= s +s +2s +2s +3s+15=0 lies in the left half of the splane?

(a) (c)

1 3

(b) (d)

2 5

The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is The closed loop system will be stable if the maximum value of K is

(a) (c)

2 4

(b) (d)

3 4

The root locus of a unity feedback system is shown in the figure .

The open loop transfer function of the system is

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

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