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Jinghpaw Wunpawng Amyu Sha Hpung

Kachin National Organization

Email:, Website:

19th June 2011

Dear Ethnic brethren and our fellow Burmese people, According to New Light of Myanmar, the Burmese Tatmadaw becomes the protector of Chinese interests in South East Asia. New Light of Myanmar headlines read Tatmadaw counterattacks on KIA just to protect its members, nations important hydropower project. The fighting was due to their aggressive offensive but lied in New Light of Myanmar. What reason Thein Sein government will give for wars in Shan, Karen and other States? Thein Sein government is illegally still holding the political prisoners in prisons under old constitution, shown his new government is far from legitimacy and democracy. The new Thein Sein government does not care about suffering of the ordinary Burmese people; have no commitment of democracy and national reconciliation. This is the true intention and effort of ex-general U Thein Sein lead new government. We are calling the people of Burma for prompt democratic change by mass movement in other part of Burma whilst ethnic armies intensifying defensive wars in other part of country. Please also show your solidarity and support the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and other ethnic armies fighting in the front lines by joining World-wide Kachin Political Rally protest worldwide on 24th June 2011.

In solidarity,

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