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Importance Of Training And Development

y Training and Development is a framework for helping employees to develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge and abilities. y The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing the most superior workforce so that the organizational and individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers. y All employees want to be valuable and remain competitive in the labour market at all times. This can only be achieved through employee training and development.

Types Of Trainings
Internal Training
y In It training is organized in-

External Training
y It is normally arranged

house by the Human Resource Department or training department either a senior staff or any talented staff in the particular department as a resource person.

outside the firm and is mostly organized by training institutes or consultants.

Reasons For Employee Training and Development

y Because of the dynamic nature of the business world. y Because of the changing technologies day by day. y As part of professional development plan. y To imbibe and inculate a new technology in the


Topics Treated In Employee Training

y Communications y Computer Skills y Customer Service y Diversity y Ethics y Human Relations y Quality Management y Safety

Importance Of Training And Development

y Increases employee motivation y Increases efficiencies in processes, resulting in improved financial gain y Enhances company image y Increases productivity y Better interpersonal relationship and customer satisfaction y Reduced employee turnover y Healthy work environment y Health and safety y Development of skills of employees y Improves organizational climate

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