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Your teacher wants to get to know you better.

Introduce yourself to her and tell her about some of the activities you like to do. Using your BEST Spanish pronunciation, you must include the following: 1. Greet your teacher appropriately 2. State an activity you like to do 3. State an activity you REALLY like to do 4. State an activity you like to do more THAN another activity 5. Ask your teacher what she likes to do 6. Say a farewell. This is a graded activity worth a total of 12 points. See the scale below for grading. 6 Criteria Pronunciation All required elements included in presentation. Response is perfectly pronounced. 4 Some required elements included in presentation. Response has a slight error in pronunciation. 2 Few required elements included in presentation. Response has some errors in pronunciation. 0 No elements are included in the presentation. Response has significant errors in pronunciation.

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