30 Day Challenge

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Duy one: u photo of you wlth 15 fucts.

Duy two: u photo of yourself ut leust u yeur ugo.

Duy three: u photo thut mukes you huppy.
Duy four: u photo of u pluce you'd llke to vlslt.
Duy flve: u photo thut mukes you luugh. ......
Duy slx: u photo of someone you love.
Duy seven: u photo of someone you mlss.
Duy elght: u photo of your fuvorlte bund/muslclun.
Duy nlne: u photo of yourself when you were u buby/chlld.
Duy ten: uny photo you llke for uny reuson.
Duy eleven: u photo of u nlght you loved.
Duy twelve: u photo of when you were huppy.
Duy thlrteen: u photo of one of your fuvorlte movles.
Duy fourteen: u photo of your best frlend (s).
Duy flfteen: u photo of you und u fumlly member
. Duy slxteen: u photo from your chlldhood.
Duy seventeen: u photo from u trlp you'll never forget.
Duy elghteen: u photo of your town.
Duy nlneteen: u photo of lust summer.
Duy twenty: u photo of somethlng you ute toduy.
Duy twenty-one: u photo of somebody you flnd uttructlve.
Duy twenty-two: u photo thut you ussoclute u good memory wlth.
Duy twenty-three: u photo of somethlng you wunt to do someduy.
Duy twenty-four: u photo of whut you wunt to be when you grow up.
Duy twenty-flve: u photo thut lnsplres you.
Duy twenty-slx: u photo of your fuvorlte sub|ect ln school.
Duy twenty-seven: u photo of somethlng you ure looklng forwurd to.
Duy twenty-elght: u photo of somethlng/somebody thut mude your duy.
Duy twenty-nlne: u photo of your fuvorlte person from hlstory.
Duy thlrty: u photo you flnd beuutlful.

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